THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 13y GEORGE BERGNER Tsk6~S. rats Sumarrnos The Dam' TIIIIGILAPH is served to subscribers in the City at ti Ceuta per wedc. Yearly subscribers will is hbargod $4 00 In advance. Watal:r Axe ligmfßlM TlOLllptfra. . The Tarelate hale° publlf h edl.tWieq It Week durial the Hessian or the Leiferature, and wietry 'oloi ll ll tW rPmaiu.ler the year, and furnished to eueeerlbertt al the 10hoerilig heel rates, viz: • Smogto übseribere per year SOW Weal-111 60 Tee a . tr , .12 00 Tweuty it t, ..22 00 ;tingle atibecrittere, Weekly 100 IBM 14W 07 airiVSPAPERS. _ If subscribers order the discontinuance of their sews. papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa• pen; from the office to which they are directs t, that , are responsible until they have scaled the bills and ordered t bent discontinued. 11USITIV38 (garbs. W hl. T„ BISHOP, ATTORNEY OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO WYETH'S HALL, OPPOSITE THE COURT-HOUSE. Consultations in German and English. nov3 dlm A. C SMITH, TORN EY - AT - L .11W , OFFICE THIRD STREET. mYIOY) NEAR MARKET. JONESII 0 CORNER OP MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. JOSEPH F. MoCLELL&N, PROPRIETOR. (1010ENTLY ompuoTio BY waus covms.) Th - e le a First Claes Hotel, and located to the central part u the city. it is kept in the best manner, and I ~. patrohe w.ll find every accommodation to 14e met with' hoE the beet honey in the eountry. eO3O-dty.t. THEO F. ICHEFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINT Oh 4' NO. 18, MARKET STREET, EIARRISBURG. *it-Particular attention paid to Printing, Runny, and Hinging of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Pennies, Ohecka, Drafts, gut cattos printed at $2, $3, $4, and $5 per honsanti to elegant style. i2U B. J. EL AERIE', Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Mannta,eturer NO. 112 MARKE7 ,87REE7, HAIMISBURG. HAS always on hand a lull assortment of iln and Ivanneti Wire, Clooiing and Parlor Stoves i.i the beet inanition. u Spouting, Roof ing amt Galvanised Iron t.onosh, manufactured mid pit up at reasonable rates • air Repairing promptb DAN'L. A. NIEENOR, AGENT, Lie Old Wallower Liue respectfully isforma Me public that this Old Dail, Frammenti thin Line, (the only Wallow Line uow in exist. , uois. in this Lity,) is is In successful operation, and prepared to carry freight as low as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewieburg, , Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore,Lock Efav , in and all other points on the Northern Centra, Philadelphia and Erie and WO liamwort and Elmira tissiroads. DANL. A. MIIIINCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa hoods sent to the Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, Zeit & Inehinan, Non SOB and sp Market street so eve Monk Plaine) phia ~ by 4 WolGolc i IL; will arrive in flarrisburg; ready for delivery next morning. aprBo-rdmyl ,REMOVED. JOAN B. SMITH removed hie Boot and Shoe Store tl from the corner of eeimod and Walnut Weida to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Hayns's Agriculture btere, where tie Intends to keep all kinds of Boom te.J Shoes, Gititwrs, ho., and a large stock of Trunks, and everything In his line of be. illness ; and will be thankful to Neel% the patronage 01 his old customers and the pun& in general at his new plane of beehive. All kinds of work made to order in the beat style and by superior workmen. ttepairing done at short notice. [apr2dtl} JOHN B. BMITH. FEINER'S DAILY LINE ! BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Haven, ! luny Shore, Williamsport, NMl cy, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin A.IND HARRISBURG. The Plidiadelphta Depot being centrally located, the Drayage will beat the Lowest Rates. Toe Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe de livery of all geode intrusied to the line. Goods deliver ed atthe Depot of Freed, Ward k Freed, 811 Market street, Philadelphia, by b o'clock, P. M., will b.) delivered in Harrisburg the nest morning. freight Always as Low as by Any . Other Line. JOSHPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oct2l-dtf Foot of Aunt Street, tfarriaburg. 11+I I. ADOLPH !, TE.CPsER. 't i ILTOI9LD respeutfully intorid . 11113 old patrons end the 'public generally, that he •11,111 Oontieue to give ltistruotionson the PIANO •YORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and SIIID it the Weave of TRONOUGIB MARI lie will tetb pleasure watt opm. - .pits at ,their tromels at any hour desired, or 161MOUll t ,IN au a his residence, to Third atreat tea doors nelow th Berman Wormed Chtiroh. - •do • ; snd JUistellautons. POSTAGE CURRENCY. WE have received en assortment of Val lets adapted for carrying safely and con veniently the New Currency, with lot of LEATHER GOODS GENE RALLY. Ladies' Satchels, Ladies' Companions, Purses, POrtMolll2BleB, &gar, Cases, Card Cases, Wri ting and Sewing Cases, Portfolios, }KELLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market St. STANDARD PEAR TREES, at Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city of Harrisburg. Oct. 18, 1862. COAL Oil Lamps perfected, "Cahoop i e At tachment" fated to any lamp, prevent; the breaking of chiranies. For sate by - NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market kite. nov6 DANDELION, Rio, and other preparations of Coffee, warranted pure, for s a le by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Ste. novB SMOKED HALIBUT. VERY choice article just received, and for A sale by WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. VOTIONB.--Quite a variety of useful I an , l nitertalmtle -52 f, , Mie.'ww.R 2 . 4 ,, • • ,I. . , . FREsFRESHLetnons and Raisins just re . calved sod for oalo low by - NICHOL& & BOWMAN, )014 Corner Pront and Market streets. IGIS, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, and all " , 1 swam of Nuts, at JIIHWLSE'zt Store Third and Eat. myl CHOICE lot of Tobacco, for, sale at reawna , Vide prices, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, novB Corner Front and Market Sts. • ::\ 'ki 1 / • -., - • - - " . i . .-. .• .• .a . lx.f. • . ;, ; ij i, -, tk, 1 , e 1 ' S, - pk. em b ,,,, , .. . . .. te • i 8 ~..,n i „ i. _,..._ -0 „ _..--____- - . L• I 111 -: • IN .. , , , '. l 'l. : . , ... ... _ . • , P". 1 1;: '.' • • , --,--- , . •,_ • 2 "..) . .... . •a. .. m N 4 ,i• ;; , - - , A , • --,-.„--.0 t I , ; is :› :, -2- , -- -- -- ,, •• VOL DR. ,JOHNSQN ZI44%.XIMIDECOELIE€I LOCK HOSPITAL! LAS discovered the moat certain speedy uod effetcual remedy in the world for DigEASES OF IMPRUDENCE . , A inli e: .i. 't , i , :i i , , .. No Mercury or Noxious Druck • A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Meatuses of the Sul or, Limbs, Strictures, Alleatious of the his:inert and Bladder Involttulary discharges, Im. potency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspephy, Lan. gum, Low Spirits, 01:11thIldOrk qt ideas, Pai r liatien of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Bight hr Giddi. nesse, Di demo of the Head, Throat , Nose o Skin, &Deo dons of , the Liver, Lungs, Ammon or Bowels—those ter rible disorders mishit from the Solitary Habits of Youth —these swam and solitary practocas more fatal lo their victims titan the song of . nom to the Mariners of lays sea blight* their most bighead home or anticipations, Mideritof marriage, ilms7 l6: Young en ~ 1 4 , 1-. ' • '- • who have 'NOMA- klithQatiatims 01 Ranter'' , dreadful and d ' -if Amaieilirhich annual •,„- -- .01 10 'an undmely-trai WORM of Young 0.004 # L the_most exalted M, Militant UMW , t, .' :. . ~ Aritierwise have . ` ' . 1 - *toning Senates OW, She thunders of el Or ited to ecstasy she MMus lyre, may call withtatt've,o Max i m . • F. - , ~iainsa Tinian., or Ifutinklibitt , lbolitesitidiMing Mar inane;bean aware of physiost WhisioisalWardo ~ debtll- - ty, deformities, ho., speedily cured. He who planes himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as argentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill ea a Physician. ' Organic Weakness . i mmediately Cured, and full vigor Restored: This distressing asieutionwhich render* 1 lie mixers- Me and marriage impossible-1a the penalty paid , by the victims of improper indulgences i oung persona are too apt to comma •excents from not being aware ;of the dreadful consequence' that may ensue. Now, who that understands the sublect will pretend to deny th at the pow er of procreation Is last sooner by those falling see im proper habits than' by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy Arming, the Most se rious and destructive symptoms to both - body. and . mind arise The system becomes deranged, the Physteal sod Mental Functions Weakened, Lose of Procreative ?cower, tgerrious Instability, Dyspepsia Palpitation of the Heart, indigestion • Denteltitiona 1 Debility, a Wasting !of, the reattle,.oollo l , .0314seteptiOn, Deasy and Death'... Office, No. 7 South 'Frederick Street. Lax liana side vansßein Baltimore : street , a love Men. irons the corner. fall dot to observe name and number Letters must be paid add contain a stamp. :The Doc tor's Dipietaaa hang in his oMce. ,___ , . . .. , A Cure . warranted in Tw o Days. apr3o-dly No Mercury Or Natiosow Drugs, Dr. Johnson, Member Utile Roy al Cellose of unrgeone, London, G rio t nate from eide of the most ensinetillOollegeit in the United Suttee, end the greater part of whose lite hag beets spent in the hospitals of London, Pans, Philadelphia and 'Me w here, kiss effected some of the most astonishing 'dares that were ever known • many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness; being Ousted at sudden sounds, beiddideess, with trequent blushing, *Wended courethues with derangement of mind were cured tuditedlately. Take Partioular Notice. Dr. J. addreeees all those Who have ingeredthembelves by improper indulge co and sehtary. habits, which ruin both body and mild, entittini,them for either business study, sodety or marriage, These are some of the sad and melancholly effillins pro ducted by early White of youth, via Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness ,f Bight, Loge of muscular Power, Palpitation of, the heart,Bye pepey, Nervous Irratibildy, Derangement of theDigeetiye puncebins, General Debility, Mymptoms of Consumption, tro ldssrauV.—The Merfuleffects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Lose of Memory, Confusion of ideas, De pression of Spirda, htiil Forbodings, Avers:on to tkinety, Self Dettrueld Love of bolitude, TiMidity, kn., are some of the, nails Produced. Timitamms of persons of all ages 06111 now judge wpm, is the cause , of their declining health, losing their trigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a Unpins appeanume spout the ed as, cough and syinmonis of eonsumption. Young hten Wile have netted thentoilw by a certain prole in Bulged in when alone, a halt frequently Warmed from tree companionsi or at imbed, the effects of Me are 'sightly evew whonasieep, and it not cured renders marriage impoieible, and destroys both mind . and body, should apply intMediatel,T. What a pity that arming man, the,hope of his oouaN try, the darling of hill parent% ehoetheo nestobeg I r ma all pr apnea a nil enjoyments of life, by the eonstmienes of deviating from the path of nature and indulging :in a certain secret habit. !soh poisons num, before comem- OMR% Karriage, - redact that a toned mind and beby aretitim most' news. airy requisites to promote menneat beppinees. w ithout, these, the Janney through life Wage" a weary pligrimagee prospect'hourly (Cottons to the view .q the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled {wish the melaneholly reflection that the Witham of another becomes blighted with our own. Disease of Imprudence. When the misguided and imprudent votary of *inn) finds that he has imbibed the Needs of than painful lose, it too often livens that an th-timed mauve et 'Came or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those Who, from elucation and resPer,tability, can done be friend him, delaying till the ormatitntional symptomb on Litt horr d dianaite Make their itimuleennati such ad ui oersted sore throat, diseased ;nose nocturnal ,p In' In the head add limbs, dilemma of eight; delimits, nod s on the shin weekend arms, blotches on the bad, fac etand extremities, progressing with! frightful rapidity, till at last the paste of the month [lithe banes of the nose Dill in, and the victim of this awful disease become= a horrid object of commiseration, till death pats a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to " . shit Ondbetwv voted Gonatry from whence no traveler relearns." 5 It is a Tralarheily feet thee thousand' f a ll etemem to this t o mtit. dueess, owing to the untledfullness of • Mao raht pretenders,' who by the OHO of that Dewily Poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution and =he the residue o life miserable. Strangers, Trust not your livm, or health, tp Utesare of the niany Unlearned and . Worthlssa Pretenders, destitute of know ledge,name or charm*, Who copy Dr. Johnson's ad;Yer verdeemeriti, or style themselves in the newspailers, regularly liducatettphysiclines incapable ot Curing, they keep you trilling month after mouth nth* their filthy and poisenopsnems oot mounds, or se long as the smallest fee can be obtained; and in deigoir, leave yes with Alin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson is the only Physician Advertislitm. — jmenredesteMor diplomas elWaYll tange Wills office. His remedies or treatment are mamma to all , others, proposed from a life spent , in the great hospitals of itin rope, the f rom in country:end a more extensive Pri vate Practice then any •other Physician in the Worid. Indorsement of the Press. The many thoneands cured et this institetten ye 4 af tor, year, and theynumerous •inipertssit Buzau a- Bum rrlormaid by Dr. Johnsen, whammed by the re- Pcktlet of Me .usuri,” ."Clipper,e and many other ipa. pen, tices of which have appeared again - and again before the public, besides his Wending as a gentlemen of character and responsibility, is a. sulticient mudraetee loth* eftlieraed. . Skin I li eeae ee cpcodily Cured. Pirates writing should be particular In chrectiug their "Iterate Me Inatitnilicsi, in Abe : following molter ; 100 N 11..101114110N, D. i Of the Baltimore Lock Hospital, ('DUAL Oh Lamp Shades W mks, Chap:L— C Heys, for solo lowby • MAMBA HOWILiN,t • Corner Front and Market Wee • lig pflowly replenitilidd r iltook - ot - `l ` o;iot Uand fancy Gloode tinsurpaesed in this city, o.nd .eesug confident .11 rendering satilisetioa, we:Woild rex . peettully invite a can. .• • • KkaS4 91 Idarset street, two doors east of,Fourtli attest,-01 to i std.. • ravioli FISH every Tuesday and Fridt y at JOHN WlErn Ware, soma of Third, and yak Linfir "INDEPENTIEN9 tN AI 1 rf' HARRISBURG. FA-, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER 14, 1862 coital. qiistitlauttous FREIGHT REITCED I HOWARD ROPE EXPRESS CO.'S SHORT & QUICK ROUTE TO AND FROM NE WYORik Goods _Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 7* P. M., by the Fast Through Express TraAn, arriving in ilarriaburg at, 8 A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. Order Ciixoda marked , . via HOP." Sil l /IMBB CO., General Office. 162 Pkoadway, New York For further infonnatlon enquire of ONO,. BEIICIN.IIII, Agent klananutuaa, Aug. 1861.-dti .. .tiinringer's Patent ;Beef Tea, j' il It SOLID Concentrated Extract of 'Bee sact VniseSshlps- , oonvertiblo Audnediatoly 1,.til a. no - him atidleduidue soup 'alveolar Tea'. Highly approved by.. a number of our Physicians who nee it in our hospitals for the sustenance for oar Wounded. Dmacriess Pea Oat—Out up ouellith part of a cake of the extract, pour ou: shelling water, about a pint, nibre.or leek accerding to the strength dent nal In a few minutes it Ail tienutirely. &mired. .. TU. admirable argyle condenses into, a comps o t ham, all thehubetantill and. nutritive propertlea of * large balk of meat end vegetables: The rea Adam with which. it olasokrosinto a rich and palatable aottO w tea, which would require hours of prepatation, ace to usual method, is an advantaghin minty adroati.ita of life to obvious to need viral rr_,, .Far sate by WM. -0001t,'Jr., gr. Co GRAPE VINES Qall desirable hardy native.varietles (and they are the only. class worth planting in the open air,) for sale at the Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city. . Among them .are some of the newer varieties, such as Delaware, Diana, Robaxa, Omcord, Num dine, Hartford, rivlific, 10., which have sold at very high prices- Icor small and weak vines.- Strong, tipmed i and thritty_vines are now offered at reasonable, prices; - Oct. 18, _186,2:,_ 7 I STEAM BOILERS, LA A VIM} made efficient and permement arranipeuents for the purpoee, we are now' pre p% .ep to MeiroS MAN BLULEttS Of etoeiy kind ,. primp': ly.nntt at reasonable rates. We ehaUque won elude by 13010 & Brother, the repataiwn ef winch is second .to none In the martet: None Wattle beet minds employed. Bertlag prOmm y antaded to. Address MAW. WORN'S, myZIOLy tlatrisburg, Ps. OAP WRITING OASES, OONTAXIIIRO PAPER, ENVELOPES, PENS AND PENCILS Just the thing to carry WAN, knapansk. Price corn plate, only 38 c nta Yoe gale at •Ageortrows OREAP BOOK STORE. . PEC - NUT TREES A T Keystone Amery. h Oct. 13,1862. F.ESE from the celebrated Hambarg N dariaas lb ISMItli oocodigazooznjusi roookvad and for odollulel BPVIIIA.N; solOl2 corner Frail. and Yarcec Me*, VANILLA BEANS; • jir 8 are ' offering sale a splencod y panty of Vanilla balm at low pleas by the poond,qatnee or alkey: likiLLMß.ii DRUG , STORE , . 91 Market stmt. • JuST 13. tic t ilaysts . 41 LARGE . AsßoßtariNT ot Faintly Ewes et different @tyke of knit*, st 90c, $.l. kb sa, sc, $6 ktslo. Akk Pocket Bibles ot tonna, styles end prices £t 80116111/W8 Bookstore. teblo-y RDandelion and other preparations Jur of coffee, frewb sod pure, fix sole low, by , . NICHOLS &110W.NAN; Fro t sod Market atreete. au7S TOBACOO, • (At vendit)Ha, Crou b -reiss and Twist, for sale low by biIUEDLIS & Corner Froat.ani Market stree t s. au2l TIANDELION, Rio and other prepara jj tons or Loire*, for title by . NIONOIM BOWMAN,. .112 . Corner Front,and Market streets', GAIN& Assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, shades, 1.7 Chimneys, for sale very low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAIT I Corner Front arid Market bts. novB SPANISH 01:1118TNIIT TBEVS A T Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city Oct. 18, 1862 PEACH TEEM F select kinds, strong, stocky and vigorous O two years old, at Se) stone Nursery, liar risburg. ,Oct. 18, 1862 LtrI3ItICATING Oil for all, ki4ds of may . &limy convenient positages, 10r 0010 We)", OW - 11/0001413 A BOWMAN, . Come 'Front and *lake% street. by go QUO /08U14 & E rt'oree dive,.. 4 ham:, just rer m ive . d an r 4, selt ibr car:ritnt and Make BEs'PENS in the world, for 750, ;2€l 60, $2, O,llPd $4 tar sale nt INTEPNB ketore feblb-i SCA . , A PPI ES, Oranges and Lemons, at. 1 0 13. 34 WlS6'll.. . , INS 4:4e Etitgrapl. The Ladies' Union Relief Associa tion of Harrisburg. EDITOR TELZGBAPH :—Having been led to I believe, by a recent communication M one of the town papers, that our friends abroad were not fully satisfied as' to the proper distribution of the generous supplies of hospital stores sent to Harrisburg, we are induced to offer a, simple statement of facts, which we hope will have the effect of satisfying the minds of the" people at home and abroad that we are doing all in Our power to minister to the comfort and alle viate the sufferings of the sick and wounded in our Midst ? , , • 'Afts4i the late severe battled, 'when the Wound ed were brought, to our i city in large mimbers, bospiteLrittiPplieli licit:wed into Harrisburg in such quantittea t that it was impossible far them ' to be immediately attended to. Quartermaster Hale, being severely taxed with other weighty cases, fi nding that the Ladies' Union Relief Association were ready and willing to co-ope-, rate with him, summoned them to his aid in opening beret; ascertaining their contents, and bringing order out of confusion. All of which was speedily done, and everything put into the place whence it could most readily be applied to the use of the soldiers. Nothing Of any consequence was injured but some bread, which, here, we would suggest, it is net ad visable to send from any distance, as circum stances may delay its receipt, and it, must inevitably become mouldy. Since then,lGene rat Hale finding the ladies so effective, lias put the hospital stores entirely under their Charge, subjebt to the requieitions of the surgeons of the different hospitals. Now, if any one has doubts about the stores reaching , thnee for whom they are intended, we would like! them to come and see for theuiselvee. The Subject will bear investigation, the more lightthat is thrown upon it, the More satisfactory, will the whole system of arrangements appear. We can assure tb01313 who , have friends in the hoepitals in and around Harrisberg,-that every thing is [fiW .. . ii4o Mem bi $llO 444 Rend others, . _ that can be done, and the only reward we ask, Is, to know that our labors are appreciated, and •not . misiindeletood. We see for ourselitn, the result in the kindling eye, and the returning health of our bravebut differing countrYmen, and we are satisfied. There always will be grumblers in the world, those who never are content, who are still wanting some imaginary good, but that must be attributed to the difference:hi natural , temperament and must be borne with patiently. In connection with the foregoing aubject, we will state to those ainnad that there hair lately been erected at pamp Curtin, a "kitchen," in which the men:tilers of ;.the Lathe'sßklief, attend every day to prepare such articles of food as the delicate appetites of the sick require i and tub:Minster it themsblves. AS the weatherbecomee cold, those pew* who wish to aid us in our labor of love, can mild us boxes of cleaned chickens which are always needed for the sit*, apples are, also desirable, and its , they are higher priced in Harr' than elsewhere, the Relief Association will rate fully received any tlmt may be sent. They can be simply directe to " The Ladies Union Re ief Association," Harrisburg. JACOB MISH CAMP OURITN, Nov. 10th, 1852. Mu.,florrom noticing the different icorn panies in Oamri Otiitin,'uuder cornroimd of Col. Bierer, I was pleased to see so many of them commanded by old , soldiers. It at once shows the disposition of 'the militia to do good to their country. Many of: them have left 'their homes and firesides to battle for their country and their country's rights ; many of thernltiave made great sacrifices, and seem iniiout to.have leaders who have experience. One splendid company from Lycoming county, under 'com mand of Clapt. Knox, lately from the Fifth Reserves, we noticed in particular, many of them are young men of intelligence and refine ment, who felt it their duty to relinquish an education which was almost completed. s We trust that our young friend Knox may win Wadi for himself and be an honin topoiterity. S. D. SPAIIEK Paovgass.—Spain has always been famous, for her proverbs, which are applied by allclesees of, nobles, and peasantry to the occur rences of ,uvery, day life. We print a list Of fif teen, as a fair specimen of what exists by thou sands in Spain. For, proverbs—:"ladies, Well I wean,are not to be discarded "— nor, are they to be taren in quantities, like bread and butter and new dresses t , but are to be taken with the ,des sert or evening iossip - , 1.. Don't speak ill of the year 'till it is over. 2. Water that has run by will turn no mill. 3. Rising early does not make daylight come sooner. , 4. Let an idle man buy a ship or edit a paper. 6. Marriage was designed by God to be. the happiest mode of living. 6. The swallow is fled, the opportunitlg is 7i He who would live long must grow old way. 8. Men are as , grateful for kind deeds as , the sea - iaivrhea• you fliuginfolt a dip of water. 9. Sinning wishttu-, 7 what God does not wish. 10. A man iu debt is stoned every year. 11. A leap over a ditch is better than another man's-prayer. 12. Your rising early does not make the'sun rise. 13. Poverty is often a brand of knavery. 14. Memory rune from a man like a (Missouri) slave from a master. lb. He who builds turns gold to dust; but he who buys land, (especially at this period,) turns dust to gold. A Lucia Fancen.—T= Detroit Alveyfirer says that some workmen, in digging ri ditch in the city a few days since, turned up a quard,ity of silver half dollars, black with age. A oFn tleman present accounted for them by . saying that on that epot of ground about twenty years ago stood the ware house of the American Fur 'Compaq, known at that time as the largest warehouse in the west. A clerk in the employ of the company was arrested, tried and con victed of some species of robbery, but he had subsequently managed to conceal about fifty dollars in silver, which, if found, would hav been a further evidence of his guilt, in the rear of this building. After be had.been impriem ed in the perdtentiarY for some Months, hein formed some one Where be had concealed the money, but all search for it proved =veiling. As it was, however, it turned up just in good time, as silver will never probably be worth more than it is MA% • ft A LOOMOMOATICD.I LOO/IMUNIOATZD4 lAI 'N N g .' :-. 1. , 11 It From our lorolog Edition SOUTHER .\ NEWS. Our Operations in North Carolina• We have late Richmond papers received via Fortress Monroe. The news we find in them relates chiefly to the operations ot the Union forces in North Carolina. [Prom the Richmond Dispatch.] TH2 =MY IN RABTERN NORTH CAROLINA- There is no longer any doubt that the ene my's forces in Eastern North Carolina are mov ing on Weldon, with s, •view of • tapping the railroad at that point. We _published some days ago au account of a fight which took place between three companies of the 26th_ North Carolina regiment and the advance guard of the enemy, on Sunday last. In this engagement the enemy was repulsed, our less being ten killed and - twenty-nine wounded. Later intelligence furnishes us with some fuller particulars of the advance, from which iti appears that the enemy landed large forces at Washington on Su.iday, and advanced towards Hamilton and took possession of that town. It is reported that they destroyed nearly the entire place. Their force at Hamilton is rep resented to be about 10,000 infantry with forty pieces of artillery, and a considerable force of cavalry. They are' also reported to have landed a large force at Palmyra, Halifat county, some twenty-five or thirty miles from Weldon. Gen. Pettigrew commands the confederate forces at Weldon. The Yankees are said to be com manded by G-en. Foster.. There was a report is circulation on Saturday that an engagement occurred in the vicinity of Tarboro', Edgecombe county, on Thursday last, between some sii *talents of North Carolina State troops, under the command of Governor Vance and General Martin,and about 10,000 of the enemy, The Raleigh Journal, of. Saturday, says that , this rep.,rt was incorrect, and that nothing of the kind hid taken 'place sinew the fight of Sunday evening. Tho impression prevails;. that the enemy is concentrating his forces in the neighborhOod of Williarnston, Martin county, with the intention of attacking sotne point' on the line of the _Wil mington and Weldon railroad. • A despatch from Goldsboro'; dated 10 e!olock Friday night, states that. there had been no fighting, and that the enemy had retreated in the direction Of 'Weldon. We, do .not eiactly undeistand how they could have retreated to wards Weldon, since that is the point_toiwards which they were supposed to 26 1212 A. letter in the Petersburg Aryirut, front Tar boro', dated the sth, says the Yankee army is marching upon that town with 12,000 troops. The information is' derived -from a Yankee de serter. They are represented to be :-within 16 miles of the town, and within 4 miles of the Confederate . troops. tirrout the Petersburg Express.] , FROM POUTS osluazsre. We 'havecontlicting rumors from Eastern Carolina. Oae report says that our forces. were forced to abruaion.s. atrong fortification several miles below Tarboro' on Thursday, after a heavy bombardnient of several hours from the enemy's guns. It to also repotted that the Yankees brought seventy _field-pieces into the action. Whether the first of theft? reports has any foundation in fact or not we are unable to say, , but we may say, in 'regard to to the latter; that we do not believe the enemy brought- the half of seventy guns,te bear on our forces. Another rumor is that the enet9 , are rapidly retiring to Washington where they will be under the pro tection of their gunboats. These rumors were current on our streets yesterday, and we; give them only as rumors, and for what they are worth. If they have been officially oonfirmed we have yet to ascertain thelaot. [The Goldsboro Tribme df Thursday fast, sap 1 We have information that the enemy We in possession of Williemiston and - - Hamilton, in Martin county, and that a large force is gradu ally marching upon Tarboro'. Our small force engaged them at Williamston, on the night of the 2d hist, but the overwhelming numbers 01 the enemy forced 'our men to fall back. Our lose, we understand, is 12 killed and wounded, and that of themicruy over 100. Much daMage wap done by shelling to the buildings in . Wil liftmen and Hamilton. We learn that cars have been ordered to Tarboro' to move Govern ment stores. . We also learn that the programme of the enemy was to make demonstrations up the Roanoke riVer and upon Tarboro' to draw all our forces from Kinston, and themmarch up on the south side of the Neuse river from Newborn and take Kinston "without firing a gun." Our authorities, however, got information to that effect, and on Tuesday . night the available forces around Kinston received marching orders to go as near Newborn as they could get. Con sequently, we may expect stirring news in a short time from, that direction.. Be all this wit may, we am All of the be lief that Weldon is the point the enemy wishes to reach. vangisa nt sionamo The statement that a considerable Yankee force is in Highland county, about forty miles from Staunton, proves to be correct. These troops are under the command of General Om., and bave been heretoforeoperating in the Val ley of the Hanawha. T 8& !MB. IP WELKINGTON. There were sevens deaths in Wilmington, North Carolina, of fever on the Bth, and three new oases. The Journal says: We have the authority of the best doctors, those longest familiar with the fever, for say• ing that persons cannot return here with safety until after the occurrence of black frOstsuch frost as will form ice, and the acttutl formation of ice within the limits of town will be the only satisfactory and conclusive test., Whenever such II state of things is present wesheAl promptly notify the _public and our absent citi zens, and leartily 'lnvite them back ; but as things now stand we earnestly request them to stay away yet a few weeks longer. They can not return with safety. '1 hie popular winter not was sold at the First Market on Haturdar for $24 per bushel. Where's the led ten years old ill our commu nity who has not purchased them at 12 cents per quart at $2 per bushel ? Like chinquapins (do we spell the word correctly ?) chesuuts are scarce, and the price has "fik _ DAM 02 YAWS= 06V,ALRY as 110;14111010111tWa. FESDIEWICIMG, Nov. 9.--Sq . enty-five Xlin kees came fore to-day. Their said tiat Steuart made a daring raid into Maryland on Teeiday tam tinting pus. prOcared Power PreeFoir, we are prepay ed 110 flatmate' d BODE - PAtlrTippli or ovary desoriptioni thew' er. It§l4 #k_t Omit any other eatabllehment in the , ifOtLetr • W Four lines or tees constitute ene-halt square. Night knee or more than ibur constitute *square. Mall Square, one day ...... SO 26 0110 Weep 1 26 one mt• ........ .... • ... .... 960 three months six months 6 00 • id one par 10 00 One Square, one dal, , 60 one week 2 00 " one month 6 00 " three mciathl 10 00 " slx mouth--.,.. 16 00 .one year .... 20 00 oir Business notices inserted in the Leant Clokean, or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT OE.NTS 'RR LINM k.r each insertica,— - - NO 66. .. . . siir.Marrialer olnd: 1.04114: to be ; charged as regular advertteemeate capturing one hundred and fifty prisoners, that the Democrats have. swept the North, that England and France have ; recognized the Southern Confederacy, and thai Lord Lyra is so instructed. The raid was most bold and daring. Amours Nov. 7.—A collision occurred on the Columbia Branch of the South Carolina Railroad yesterday, near Orangeburg. Lieut. Maroney, of the Palmetto Guards, was killed. C01..P. Phillips and family arrived at Mobile on the 4th, from New Orleans. [Mrs. Phillips is the lady who was imprisoned by Butler, for laughing while the funeral of De Kay, a federal officer, was palming her bolos She suffered much before her release from Ship Island.] FROM FORUM MOM Sylvester Buel, formerly of Albany, New York, was found drowned in the moat of the Fort yesterday. He had been in the guard house for some days for desertion, and attemp ted to make his escape by jumping through the embankment into the moat, and being unable to land was drowned. General Corcoran and Staff arrived here this morning. Major General Dix went to Suflok today to review the troops at that place. The Petersburg Express, of November 10, has the following: The ghost of recognition of the Southern Confederacy by France and : En g land, after hav ing been solemnly evoked for the tenth time, has again been dismissed to the shades below, where we hope it will remain for the balance of the war. We are tired of this freakish re-ap pearance of this phantom, and we wish never to see it again paraded before the public eye. EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. OK•BINDEES' BULINC•MACHINES AND , PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SA WING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND NAOBEDIBB YOB GRINDING OUTTING-MACIEEENE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cotters, SOIL 901. K.IJ General ENURE Work and Iron and Brass C AST INGS, wow TURNINO IN ALI BRANcirEe, ,SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, Ella, RIC. tr Any Machine of Wood, Iron, or Bram made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting. &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS far Casa paid for Id CopJer, Brag, Speller, PE NN YL ABOVE STATE STREET. .. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Qt various patterns, both station iry and swiusiag. tgash Wei. hle and verion3 oth,r sa4tings, Tor sale vary whrao a; the [ln) 24-Iyl woßgs. NICHOLS SL, BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 431 r CO CD 3E3 VI, ait Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PRNN'A. DESPFCTIVELY invite the attention 1.1 0 of the public to their large and well selected &toe of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIRE AND D 0• • MASTIC FRUITS. We now offer tar sale , Stewarta, Loverings Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, Green and Blaok Teas, Online, Spices and Flavoring [Attracts. FLOUR SALT, HAMS, We inyite asiexaminatiise 'rif our superior NON-EXPLOSIVB WA OIL, thequtaled In every reepeot by any In the .treirket, to nether with all kinds of SHADES, BURNERS, We have the lageataatiortment of GLASSWARE & QUEENSWABE In-the sift ; ls°, all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. Call and examine at our old stand, NICHOLS k BOW.ida ,N Corner Front and Market strata,. ftptl.2 FAVORABLE WEATHER E4OR setting out Strawberry Plants is how F here. The season is just the right one.— Plants set out now will be well rooted and grow consideralo . _before winter, and- will produce a tolerable crop neat sunnier. The best varieties, at fair prices, at SeYetone Nursery. JACOB MISH. Oct. 18,1862 SUGAR! BBLS. Stigir(Reftneq, Raw,) loQ cl of all grades - WA kindi hut received "in be 80 at the lo ww4 t prices. 1 .020 WM DOCK JR /100 SHADE TRUE, - _ F various kiads r at. the,Keystone Nursery, O adjoinbrg the .city; <: or Trees planted and warranted bkgrow, or, if tailing, to be 'replaced, ,ort reasonable terms. • "' JACOB Oct. 18, 1862... . ; fitrutm, of all kinds, at old prkes Call 1111/11 43, 01,134119, at NICHOLS & iioWit4lir:;:: nov6 Cor. Front and Market Bta. Regs of ADVERTISING. RAILROAD AOOIDRAT FORTRESS MONROE, Nov. 12 THAI EXCOGNA'ION HIMIBUG: New "Abotrtistments. ILIMUFAOFORER Of STEA VI BOILERS, &C. ALSO, &c., &c &C., &C. &C