Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 13, 1862, Image 4
tui 2bnectisitunts AN ENTIRE NE I W STOCK OF 1, GOLOJTPNS ! O . ring blot and largestasaortment of Gold Pens bas just bfierLopened at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. Theo Pena are niantifactrued by 0. F`: Newton ft 00.,- of New York, and warranted to give hilfilatidaetion. Alt* one. liktiunine the pectin below : - Gold Pen and Sliver Holder for $1 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holdei for . $1 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 26. Gold Pen and' Silver bolder for $2: 60 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76. Gold Pon and Silver Bolder for ES Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4, 26. Gold Peu and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $6OO. Gold Pen and Pencil with Robber golden-, $7; 00. THE NEW EDIT.IOI Pli _LIDO DIGEST HAS JEST BEEN PUBLISPLED, PR/CE *6 00. A N ITEM new volition , of, this well knowa ZIL Law Book' has juet been Wined. It le now distinguished by the following supentdded Wine : the laws contained in thevirt u e ennui 1 Digests published since the date of he eighth edition (1853) have been incorporated in the t.udy of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited; the „report, of , the revisors of the Penal Dodo lips been embodied in the 'notes to tiie !snow stations of it, and the, appendix contains for the first ti t me,.. Use Acts of &ingrate for the Authentication ! of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent , con veyances, with full and elaborate notes.of the decisions exultuuttory of them. The work has been' prepared by the learned editor„ BRIGHTLY, and its freshness and ,permanent value will be preserved by the continuation; of the mutual Digests, which have given so much 'addiction. For sale at it.2B BERGNER' b BOOKSTORE, HAKRISBURO' COAL OiL t)hlPol`. FQR tile solely of ''.uogiuets, we have eitiablisned '"‘l dirOeiret the ‘:ern , ..r of Oren iw it market arsine. all our oils are iosted peel % LLialy 0.0 lions except i.uch,es pros, to, be non-exploelac, Mai and friot from odor as far la mactteable. We .oller in the follberiiig Jingly Mebretel br ands. Mie n• ha, fto ousen, :fiubroua and Lucifer, lower than use be purchase elsewhere fu this, OMNI, either whoiesale or retail. Also an lOt'ollllWo assortment of Lampe, ()him neye, Yhrde., dews Cones, Om uiers,. Sta W.) will also Mamie Ind or Anupheole Intel*, so MI to be used tor cost 0 1. Cali aml sadist )otarsei at of BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market street. 1211 FALL OF- &LIMNS amus,suau. TT should ,not forgotten that this establithmeat is still to swiSenitu I opersation, and esf! PPPPIY Ir a ! P-114/4PE-IVP/ pvE. }ctitgeNs, ' ÜBBEEtY, aitipiyucp, *ASPBER- ItIES, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE- BERRIES, CURRANTS, RLACE RIES, &0., &0., &c., &o. of as good griatitios and varlet es, and at ~s reasonable pricy se they are sold at distant nurseries. ' • , TRH 1 1 .0QATIKtN. . i• :11 .• ; f; of the nuriery--emoloing the city—gives it advantages ltir transportation to parts of the . country, poseessad ban ont few others. /Mr All articles, when :desired, deliver ed free of ,charge, le any part of the city. outlet!' VOLUNT,EERS, IF YOU' ,IN' A LATER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING CASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every deaciiptlon and quality, you will find the largeet astorianent at BEN/NEW:3i BOOKSTORE, OItAiIT,EI OAK FAMILY, FX,OUrt. UNEXCELLED BY ANY THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY 'ANCY BRAND OFF , EREL , IN PENNSYLVANIA 12 18 NADA' OF moles issousi *RITZ WIILIT. low Delivered any pis re in . th e city, trip of await DONS, Cash on delivery. WM. DOOK, Jr. • diCo, POCKET BIBLES. LL , i)ifirnent of ..Pocket litibto4 calved at BAZltifiggThom*.... doMIAVE SON GRCil'Bl POR num TEI M.OUSTA.O H Es. 4§XTRA family, flour, aianiperior brand, width we warrant to glyn ,uoinctt.. I nt, left re vet and for saletti• ' Nlooolrt & BOWMAN, no 6 Corner Front and Anion streets. SHE general -variety of goods" for ad. *Wee the TOILET, IN belMaii,l k ell .r.e, eimarioaM94:hlllll9 09 • 91 Market street . SUPERIOR Green and Black Lead, for sae by • NICHOIS a . T coa Au • Owner front and Meng et sweet*. "PRIER invoice of Lemons, Prunes, Pea Nuts lw., for sole low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, press &Ad Norsot irtrodo. vigont 600 WALNUT TRW, and straight, from 6 to 8 feet high, L!at-112 per dozen ; $lO per 100. ~F r!ogie Mowry, Oct. 18, 1862. NM youps--wRmNo lAMB. A 14 aotlro How mesortment of these useful sr jt, Voles ht.i= '8 Oben' tionalsiors. B0(48 ,FOR FARMERS. HE attention of agriculturists is directed j to the following „works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the expel. mente of others to their . experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the beet way toperform them. Price....B 601 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by Allen. • ..1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buel.. 75 LEYMURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 engravings.,.2. 60' EASY METHOD OF MANAGING . BEM, by Weeks 2A) The Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle by Dadd 100 LEIBIG 8 AGRICULTIIRALCHEMSSTRY' 75 6111. CH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter,' cheese, by Mitt 1 50 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 1 60 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOX;contidning the , Horse, the new, the pig, fowls, &c., ac..l 00 THE FARMER% DICTIONARY and Prao- Meal Farmer, by Dr. Gardner 1.60 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF. MANUItES, or; American Muck Book: ..1'25 THE -HORSE' AND HIS DISEASF.S„ by Jenniugs . 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE • ..1 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD BOOK.. .1 ,00 11011,SEAIANSHIP and the Breaking and „ Training of Homes • , 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the-stationery line, at lowest prices,; at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE • FOR THE = 'SOLDIERS. sEttit newAss i oriment just °petted iontra OBKAP BOOK Tilts. cunisstlus . WRITING CAW,. lixpreealy maziefe( tend 'for the soldiers. PORTI FOLIOS, POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EVERY V A.RIE'PY,' BOLD AT REDUCED EATER. PURE OALIFORN/A. WIN ES , .FOR MEDICAL USE. CALIFORNIA HOCK WINE; CALIFORNIA PORT WINO, -CALIFORNIAIFOENLL ..4;NEARUOA O MUSCATEL WINE. CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY. Ttul attention , lusalfJs is pontoon'' , gated 7 f to then whin. They an tot equoi to the hest of Senoen wines and guaranteed pont, for sale at • 00t26 lESLLER'd Dtgill aro t., 91 Anna ti • •J.I.N 8 11: R. .kNcE. brine,: Flit and Inland , Transportation.' • Central Agency atltarrlabusF, Pa., of tht hysulamica corium OF .NORTH &KERMA or PHILADELPHIA. • :• ' bicormatedl794--Charter perpetual. Capital and Maets. . - $1,200 000' Arthur G likesnuel W. Jones, John A. Drown, swami R, duilth, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Aen, tdchard D. Wood, William Welsh, W Whim E. E. Bowen, I lantes N. Dickson, Si. Norris Wain, JOhn amen, George L. Harrison, Fr.ineut R. Cope, Rd Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR Pt Ciffrki.; Prerickaf ORARLES PLATT, Storstitrif. ' central whit for th - me mine company, the undaralsoeir is prilpared to Oahe Piro !talcs in any part of ate dlate of Ponnsylvtina, either annually or pertait unity, on the most favorable terms. . i Office 1 10(4.14ePt.hiftliocn Walnut land Strawberry . cloy, Bu.kow row. • WITALAILBUE2I4II4 • 01044 • nwnieburg, Pa Nes la I.H.F. Advertiser, having been . restored to health tO, a few weeks, bye very simile taupe dyiefter having suffered eaveral years vritO a eevqe ahotioa, sal that Ikea! Theme, iklueum ptiouj— le =Wolin to, make'ireowu Ms reDOWlnffereisi ire wane of cure. , . - : Jew(' masa To eli who ihmOrWit, he will send a 'copy of. the pin.- scriptionw'ofofohacharge,)&wid wish the ens stir (free preparing es d. using the sane r which they will 5n w acre cure ter ConsuMPl4ono Mithms, Bionchlin to. Tho oboist of toe advertiser' in sending the par, se' Olken is tp benehttee.allioted, and small infer Ma. Lion will& he conceives to of invaluable, cud he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will emit them nothing and may prom. a blessing. Pardee wishing the persotipMn tiddrohi Ithf,-itZDWPRI) 8. , WILSON, Wllliamsbooki, Kings County, New York.; octet= avian .F. R,E,AIR .BUTTER AT • MARKET . PHI WEi SAVING- fitted6fY a large•iteitig orator, and having pada contracts wittupme aka 'mutt ..liable firdnerd to' furnish us w li h fresh aol weet butter Vegulorl:, arta be etutbietl' to itel.pur ay. ustorddlrit with snreetrradh alma at ail timed. my2a WY. , BOOK, Jr. at Qt) t POGSRT BOOKS, BIICELEIKIN PITABRa I 1 , PORT MONAIBEi And a general vatty, 44 Leather Goode, jui received at 13ERGI B'S BOOK STORE. -; • FAMILY FLOUR. UTE thi,,atterition of familie V V who . BAKE THEIR OWN WREAD,I to our stook pr mar.. We have Juin rassived BE l FragiTT4rirE BARRELS of the Choicest (White ,Wheat) Bt. Look Flour the t the Western liarsei affords. h. We gementee wary barrel or bag we I. .... strict ly superior. [jest] WA. 1)01, 3 K. , &CO LEA'S RIISSTORL eritoraph, Slittiabap 'Afternoon ISTovent_ber 13, 1862 !Hist citutuguus TO: CONSUMPIAVAS, 41.11: - GooDs ! R uobn Rubber Watches. Rikbber 'Rattles, Rubber Toys gutturally at BERGNER'S ERICA P Bt/OKS'ltzitrt eafax,4l.4Auft, a choice to .E 4 011kirairatailv Plow, ail warranted by bbl., of 13410k,i net received andfbr ade low by MEWLS & BOWMN, clurnar tread and Maitat streets 680 r - BOLOGNA, ASMALL, but very superior lot 01 yakogollk ',Age Nat re,iyed- by rely 29 W DOCK, Jr Ar SUGARS; white aird , btown of all gradei sir *de Lae,. eJ NICH:4B & BOWNAV, septa — Clutter Front sod m.reee A re ", CULL and Examine our Superior Non szpionive COW ...14 he NVO l tf i l b LBOWNIAN, GOO Corner Front end market streets (IT ARDELL 81" iiEViN WS, Pickles and tr V Co!taupli, fnr a4i** . Ao • • svivseA: mat LiG44B So_ r 4 pie:eery - lug; call and exam tee at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Y 7 • - Coll#,POIO And NIMIONANNAIe (ARAB .01DER.—fioni . * ittjr 1 ,im fit!'* of omit chum - •wY. DOCK, JiACID. - Nom Wltitrtistments. PENNSYLVANIA 11_,AD MEE SUMMER TIME TABLE. RIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PR ILADELPIII A. 011 AND AIM MONDAY MAY 6th 1862 Thu pumagar Trains of . the PenuestiTiata Railroad . Oompauy 'divan, oath and arrirt. at Harrisburg and Pisiiiidelpkilik Nit . EAST.W Altll. THROUGH 01:PRWVILital lesiv,, Harrisburg SailY . 411.15 ♦. uty and 'Tetras at .Wesi Philadelphia al b.lO . pAgr WIN l'eaves liarrtsbnig dolly, (except Monday.) :at sM's-tin., and arrives at Went lidlintetphts at. 9.0 TART ALM TRAIN leaves :Barrtaburg daily &seep& gooday,),„at 1.20 p. nq., and arrives at Watt Tindadembla M 5.25 p. , m. AftISSIISO 4 DATION TRAIN, via Mount 1%, , coves g a mes t , at 1.05 a. m. and srpt yea al Watt Philo 1141PY!‘!L p,25, R. P. RARRIRRURO 6000115510.tiA11t..N fin CoMmt .4, _Wiwi Hirriftburg at 4.1 n = ans ~...rtvis n :cow. tdlsdi3lnhtlat 9 25'p. m. Nff,,iesTwA,ap , =MUGU . ..MREAIa .TRAIN haves fluleeeiptea at 10.86 p. Ilkilikbarg t<t 3:00 a, m., Altoona 8.10, a. to. mi.arrives at Plitiburil igab2l36 p. m. . MAIL TRAINMaves PloladelpAla m 7.1 b a. m., and at mwokat Harrisliart atl2.Bop. y)..; leaves Elerrlsbtlia at 't.oo iv. , AllMmit; 7,00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at1.2.16.a. m. • . ; ma Mass PlMadelpaiiii 11.80 a. m' ; Barns bun 8.46 p. Mama at 8.28 m., and arriving • Malatya at 62.45 a. p. lIARRUMBAI A000141101.14T10N MAIN 101IVIIII Phil.. 4 4 4 14 I .t 2 1 0 P. M., and artlyea at Elarr!abort at 0.00 .P to ..10001PPJOY Aoookialo[l4Tlo74 via Mount Joy leave!! LlM*later atlo,llo m., 'arrives at Efa 4 riabary at:12,40 P ' ttAlitilEl.ll, YOUNG, duo Vast, lily " , itt , 4 “tilreant ilarrisborg v May. 2, 1262 •••••,11ti ' BUMMER iI#ANG.iI : OIENT. • i : : AlitTlNE, , .. , e ,z llot EI tifrierC ••• '• - • .• : Ma wipt,ispira ; :Atijel, NO_ NSW TOSS - , •., ~.•, -; , ;'ztaiv - k • • - P H I .c.-4 _ 1 Q N AND AnEit MONDAY., rto AY btb, on, the liieetager Train" 'Ol erive Or riiila d his and *Whit Itatlriiid ilopoi s at' Ticorfaburp, rnr liinr, York oad•Pliiiidelptria, oatorlovio. *ls . . EAST,AtRB UPRISE LINE 'aim; itirileburg at 7.211 on ar rival of Psalmlauds Railroad. Aspires' Tritio• from the West, arriving la Nest York at iltl6 i.en., aud at Phila. delphia at 9.00 a. at.• *sepias qtr. k otiobo to 'the trate - through trete Pittsburg without, Awe. ;IL IN isavetalairisbarg il,Sda's:m., armlina to ',slaw ,yark 6„: 4 ; t rad Philadelphia at 1.26 in. LINE Burg at 1.40 „Ja i on Arrival ri,Peanolvardia. Eget arriving in New iforlt M I . }pp ; 5t;6.40 p , WESTWARD FAST - LINE tor k ea. m ~aud Platade 1. plea at 8a t 4. atrivintit Flatriatitea at I'p. m. TRAM/Wilma Haw. York .at 12.00 altos, Oita Philadelp* a{ 8. . 16 p. m., animal at illiaraislaurg at Vplo pm • IMPRESS:LINN !eaves arewl Yo}r 4t B p. m. arrl .'tngaaiarriabnra,at 3.00 a. 111., end oeetkeettng with the Peepeyhreola Exprees Train ,fer. Mt/bum A steeple& ear' to also attached to thia,!ra Oantatattoas arb .t At.' thirriAtkiri WWI trains oa the And tembes.. - ' Vamp break; Norilleri) Central 2121 d 4111Mbetlilind VlMay £loltrade, end. at Roadie* for•Philneelpials, Pottrwillo, ; 4 1 11lleeberro, Allentown, lleeton; , Higgs& cbeeltoil ttirongii. ,Fare bet wiwu NOW: York end flerriebuti, 35 . Ott, hofween` fraitbibilti and l'nlle it4phic ala to %..:'t•tet-!•, Ind V 2 TO te•llo 2 • Ter tineot att... • itif!•rntotiot• end ly AO. avl-dtt Northern Ventral -Railway •, - - ... •• CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. . . . SUMMER A.,I4I4O42fIriBEENT. , . aim owes DAIIT• MO AND nab • • A'T....rl l 'l'M 0 R . El. Otos° !Connection • maids at Harrisburg TO .AND SLEEPING CARS. RUN ON AU. !NIGHT TRAINS. tarAND AFTER MONDAY, MAY' Sib, k . 1882, the Passenger Train of Us'e' Northers Oeittral way will arrive at and depart from Marrlsburg and Baltimore as follows, viz ; :GOING SOUTH. HAIL TRAIN arrives at Harrisburg 1.00 P. 11. sad leaves " 116 P. M. 11X.PBE98 ". arrives at " t5.,1111 A. IL • And leavei " 1.16 A. K. GOILO WORTH. 11A11. AIM, leaves Baltimore at 8204. B. arid arrkres at Harriaburg.....l2.46 P. Si. 'and hallo North at:. 1.16 P. H. 62IPRES3 THAW leaves Ballimbre at.... 9.80 P. g . sad arrives at Harrisburg .... 2.46 A. 61. sad leaves North at a* A. /41 lIARBIBBURG, ACCOMMODATION TRAI:N. eaves Harrisburg for Baltimore at —.7.80 A. H. gettruitig—lesves Baltimore at .. . . . ... axe P. if, The only WiiiitlearbigHirristisAllguMpy. will bi the' thirrisbureitedo n 240 A. H. Per farther isibridathin apply at e 9fl6s iia Peassyk roma Balirrad Hetet. Harrisburg, May 8,,1882.1y 1862. ,tibtit al 1862 CUMBERLAND ,VALLEY AND FRANK RANGE OF .HOURS.—On sod aftell moi,d i y,,b, l 4 o ,llo k Pawner Tritipw will nisi dally, as toilette, ortuidAri :Lwow , For - chaniberibnnt and llarrisbnrg a. rt. e. Leaveillagerailown 700 2 417 " ..... ..... 27 8 81ii Arrive at. 017 404 1 Leave at 880 sei i. illeippeas. lieerville burg.... ....... ........99 02 00 . 9 'O9 27 3 , • Carilale .. .. . .... 10 10 940 • 10.42 814 Arrive at flarriebswg • nl6 840 For thisiberabnrg and Ragerotolnut Chamber Aura, Leave Liao - ourg 6, Pieellsnicreburg 847 916 46 • Carlisle 0 •:7 12 55 " Navvyllle ....10 02 890 . " Shlppensburt ....10 88 400 " Chambersburg Aritire.l2 00 4'Bo ;": 086181 , 08borg ' Leave..ll 10 ,4 40 .” 611XACestle ...1.11:,66 .11180 . 6. 1 T1.3 6 441 116geraknrn...... ..... ........, :12 86 . 6.10 _ , ' Co l N. lIIM, Biget. R. . , yi t 1882.-403 it obi cbac b r ibeis u - g, V 6 er, . TER/At HAM I—Tim tierd(4' , of theei EP Pall-readbratedougar oared ;rah received an Cif aft oijaosikpuolitis • • ' WY. D 0011.412, A 00.- hiELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION otlia LY CONCENTRA TRIP (XIMPt •ILTNY) FLUID EXTRACT DUCHU, A Positive and :Veda Moniedy TOT OVeaseit of 143 bitiAILDXS, sugmytc. ORAVK t , and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS , Chin Medicine increases: the power or terredlora and excites the A RSORRENTS int nealtity action, by oshinh the`WATERY ORe'ALOAREIMIE• deposition*, and all UN NATURAL; ENLARGE SURNISI are reduced, 4.e• well as PAIN AND INFO:NATION, and is good for YEN, WOHNE - OR CHILDREN. ... . . . . - . For Weaknesses Arising from Expersee, Habits of Dissipation, Early In. discretion o Minim, ATTENDED WITH,THE FOLLOWINO SYMPTOM : Indisposition to Exertion, Lose of Power Loss of Memory, Dißiculty of Breathing, Weak„Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, W,aliefulhoss, Dimuties id Thdon , ' Pain iii the Bach Univ.ersal Astaltude of the ilusoular.Byetemi , _ hot Sandi ,' Flushing ot tile Body DrYaron.oi. the Ain, ', ‘ iirsptione ° l ithe Esea PALLID atiThITENANOE, mere iiyitiptoinaV if silltwed 'to go on, which this med Wino inriably roinoves, soon *llOl6ll I POTRICY, tATIIITY, KRUM 0 ill% IN 0 ;I or wittcH TEM PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that limy alp hot freiquei. tly. followed by shoes 4 ' Mara DHlWit'l 0n,,. ! , 'INSANITIP AND SIONMEPTION." . Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, ' ' Or NONE Will. CONIINB. ' . nth. RECOI4I9 OF THEI;i SANE ASYLUMS, ' And Vie Mdarteholy Deaths by CbllNUlophan, ;MIX mow rrrestriorO ml milt or far amoottiow, THY CONSTITUTION ONCE ihyri.mto WITH ORGANIC WEAKNIES, Eoquirett the aud °NOM - clue to ou P,ua i, zr, T _! 2 t the tlAtain Which' 61112LICIOLIA iNTRAUT BUCHU firma:ably doe • rata will otntrioe VII MOST sormati. .1, ()LA DS, o ‘ ,6.rat Agent •HarrthuTi2.: MEI irtibitat lIELMBOLWS IMAM BOCHU, F6litdlJk'4,Fa6d'4l:&3-ItsmAulB, 1.0 Ult YOUN6,.AII#I.4I,?iiiRIICD, OR OON rz P Let lINIr MARRIAGE, IN MANY ATPHOTIONI PUJULIAR TO ITHMALE, the Hairant Hutto is unequalled rii by any other roedy, e in Llbloroeiabi Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppregaiii n or duetoidary lvanuatione, Erloeratod or Soirrhouw ,, otto of the Uterus, lenteorhina Whites, ~teni ity, and a.. Jai aompistrite incident to We Sea, whether arising Or.w indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the LaRCYJNIC OD I HHH O F R A LIFE. • • in iiritOrobe atom NO FAMIIIX SHOULD BI WITHOUT IT I lasi Ito moo Swum, MICIORT, or ,OPIPLIIMIAIrqifsa rnxs rniewinims&iir Juni ih:isiniubtre HELBIBOLD'S Idd IRA Or 8110 EM scouT DIStASES.. In all their Stages, i.ittle or ao change in Diet , 2betrate litgoture. It causes a &fling:ol6*e utug giblet strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. 'PreVesting and Caring Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Nib end Imtlittnabitlon, air litiluent In the eleeeeipt ezpolling eU, reisounts, Duettkd mid worn-out Matter. • trivet Teotiwine t *HO WAVE BANN 711 E VICTIMS OF QOACJIL'a, +tad tee hove geld awry roe to be eared lb o abort time, hare found Ibey were deaoved, sod Wet the POI SON" bee, bylb9 Ule 0rd ,4 14111,W0L ,Astimovne, " seen dried 'up isitheitiptem, to bite:. 'out It an cw.grtvelliei form, and • • 0.8.811.4,8 AFTiat NARMAGA ' Uao Iluteiiia , s tor all %fiectionE an Litenanettil 'Ow • ' . . .: . I , r.lNAlit V AMEOLIANS, . , wbether cAistniii ill .!, , , *IA ors tr.Kpim.k., Vette whatittiet'aittss brigieftituo aid io matter I . ~. • moVir LoNo .• s I'AMDING. py :0 1 illeille Owns reanire4he aid of DION@ 10 _- : . .!119/411'.8 11 1 1- 4721t U FAT DIURETIC. ; And is certain to hers tile 'desired once in all finesses FOli WIUGELIT IS , 1120ofiDioarbED. graoril of* pest *lark caul reermeible eharrotet wit itcoompley Om medicos. ~. ONBTIrCATIOI OF 01111F13, ; :. . '. ',;•• .f '. Irene Oicio yearn roi,s,fiviift, ~Wreg klatimapollN TO: .. :) . I:: , . • • , iteIIIFACR 41,Nr! F4lOl. ; . -MOO s i l . 00 perbottle,. or six. - $6 00. Doliv•ied IC :Ay iokaiese, seco . roly packed frog! 0 r D11:8011181 tilleMPTo.ll2 IN-A LL 0011110NlearION cum. Guaranteed i • ' 'Advice' kiraitta 1 , AFFIDAVIT. -, Personally appearen.berore meg en Alderman or, airy Philedeiplaie,,a .n T. klawate.n, who being duly e woin,'iregh 'ant, binc Orepeignone yoraitia no narcotics, no mercury, oVetber injerfotie drab, pat ire purely vase table ; . • .• H. T. MIDIEBOLD. Sworn 1 4d Pubttartbmi. before me i Rae 234 day of No vember; 1234. WI, P.,IIIBSERD, Alderman, • Nisei St. above Race, MOM, Ambles imitate tor information In confidence to • , • • H. T.-RELMBOLDAThionist, Depot, le4 Sottibltatil St., bet. Cheetnut, Phil, BEWAILS ifir" CoUNP AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Nho enoeavor to dispose "OP TB= OWII" end ' 011111i' AMIN'S OS IRS RSPOTATIOS ATTAINS!) IT tienntrid% Amium&Pregiervpione w ,:,, • " " lternapardia, , Improved Ilene Wish. &to •by C. it. 1:1! W. Crete, 3. Wrath, C ; maramart, .• • ,• • ANA 41144,0411QM2tItSYNRY.Wilaillf log. POD DELNDOLD'S. TARN NO QTHER. I..ut oat the advblrfiremeat mill send Mr it, • AND AVOID DiPt3ENTION AND IEEPOSURE,. ; E 8 11 11 it rol 0 THE TIELAWARE MUTUAL INKVILA.NON CONPANI. It OORPORATBD 1831 Cipitsl.and Asoim . $ 869,1211.37 DIRECTORS. Wui Marto, Edmund A. poucter,Thaoptifiva Paulding, 'Jim PeurOse;Jno. C. Dav is Jas. Crimp/air, Wm. Byre, jr James C. Hand, Ludwig i Joseph ' EL Seal, Dr R- 111 . tulturt Meurte G Aalper, Hugh Craig, Marie?' Kelly, glut , restaston Henry Amu, Ildwgipitartilkn, H. Janes Brooke, Spencer Thomas a d, Hobert Burton, Jacob F. Jonas, Jamie M'Firland; dobloia ayre,John B. Bempie. Mid berg, D. T. llorgau, Pltiaburg, a. B. Burger, Piltaburgq WILLIAM 11AUTIN, Ptentdent. THOMAS C. HAND, Vice Praddera. HOMY LYLBURN,Begstary. Th e undersigned as agent for the above named cam , pony, cbotinues io WM•Are Rieke in Harrisbitrg - sad • uAg i jelO•dli ' a wit ' ' BUEHLER " PORT PO4lOB WrltgaNCl DISK% ITRAVELENG BAGS ; MUM,' TORTMQN . 1 4 72 4 And a general ainoitinent cd FANCY GOODS nave just beekt*Snived at REROVEE'S CHEAP BOOKsTOUE .4 B DGAR CURET; M HAMS. 1 DRIED REEF, SHODLDERO, DopRA SAUSAGE. A large and fresh aupplijkutt rbeeivad by . 3 - 26 WM. DOCK Jr. &Co . salliTocit PICT - 011/1 SYRUP. ~ RIB INVALUABLE , SYRUP, WHICH Id t• , entirely yegetablein I t s. composition, hal been misplayed with , -wonderful, success fo many yeari4l the bll*of .diteises for the MK PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of thil disease such as COUGH, TICKLING of th ' THROAT, SPITTING , OF BIA9p, DIFFI CULT. Ti4EATIIING,BRaIows, Loss o VOlCE,shelf-WM FPVERS, its use le be attended With thehappiOst_ results. , It WI OM or the beet *Ad palest luta/due& for all forius iif 'BRONCMTIS 'and. ijONSUMPTIQN.I No laudnints or preperia iiis if Opium in any ihote in this wit, , . ' MOE $lOO PER BOTTLE. ' . For sale at BERGNEWS . CHEAP BOOK- 7 STOILE. :• - . • ' OHNESN. vir • ph Boxeso64 C heese , ' the balenge et of a large coludghment; are Offered at an nnuromilly low rate to closeout the lot., To retail dealers theta we be an led moment ,olfered. • Esela tor sold will be kilar =teed a arepremented. WM. illacK, JR., di CO. 0113, , , • -- • ' ' " "' F all sizes , patteine and 141 . 00 U t Veceived and for Hale' by - • S i .• DOOR; h. WOO' )41 - 034.1.. bp d boas : ick'velays-LooSirlinte ..c. , ~a , .f+ , -. ID W. Oros' Se W. GROSS 'St CO., ) R U -61 G t 8 'l' S k_ 9 IVI ArtKET STII - EF T HARRISBURG, PEAN'A OH 11GO iS'I'S, PH !SIC LANS, STORE KEEPERS • AND OuNSUMERS, We ere daily adding to our abaortment of (Oa all each : ; art icles as are desirable, and would respectfully' your atention to the /lag* epd Wet aeleeted stock in tine city, of •ORtras ,VILEMIOAIIIis PAINTS t lily, varnishes and lass, Oire.tit. Wills, Wass and Putty etr).tirt vulorf Fiqd ',rota", ~.13 1 4uns Groutaid.ptakta durniog *gold and Alcohol, • Lord, 41.iw1 and ! Bottisf. Viols and Lau" p Olobobs Pi RFumERY & * roixsr AIeTICLES, aelecte:l from the beet übinufactusera and Pe moors of Europe and this country 13ain,g vary 1.. littlo llispenoo No Gootivenit%imo PAINTS, WTI VA RNISHFA WIN lie ALAS'S A lITIsT' MUMS, PA i.N . I AN II LETutiT'S. BRURVI Fsy TN ALL THEIR VARTETMS, • . We reepesctfaili'intote a call, leelleg, rood dent that we can aiiipply the walla of all OD . . . tame to their eat:ll4l4oWe, JON V.'s AND WRITES'S POIAOW.L&IN LIM LI PNTENT VIVIDIOINKS ANII tia IR Of all:idnda, direct. iront the.Proprietnia Saponifier and Oolloentrated Lye whoomit,.ik,iniiis'foi-Kijurnitier, wide!. we tle • tie low GS it eau 1 . 3 t, pure4ased the citiee fit .4 V ElVi 4181)11aL . fe i tIJID EXTRAOM Being large ,peratiestre in these Oils, we can , otter treincernente to close bnyere. Coal go Lampe of the most - improved patterue, very cheap. AD- ot' leOlpe Oheuged to burn Coal Oil. FARM ERB A.14/0. GRAZ 1E ft Those of you who have' nor Wen obi. 'HOBSIG &NDO&tf g 00WD1118 a trial know . no their superiority, and , the /nitwits& they are iu keeping . , Horses and Cattle healthy and in od condition. , rhousande can testify , to the profit they have '4erlyed from the tea) of our Cattle Powders by tbe ivereseing i tiretatity .aucl . quality of milk ,b,bides improvingrthe getieral health and ep. peacanee of their (;tittle. • ' Ow long experience' in the business givee the ntbnyongb knowledge of thi: OM; 11114 onr ttryolugeukenta in.tiae cities stit gm& that, we car in aorery short Owe furnish anything appertaining to our business, on th, bait Of twins. ' Tha4lrl?l ter ithe libcuel palitotiage bestows 9,ur Wt) kope by strict attention to btuibiess, a cateiuliselection ot .V5O B DRUGS It fair priceekaad the 'deafre to please all, to omit a eolititivauce of the favor of a dieerim4 ina ~. V 46-09 RIME ChoeitO from We* Yiiik iurA Deol, P-jaskreceired iumi for isle , tow by ?WHO'S 4 BOWMAN, , • Axton' Front and Market streets. MD a Ann . POUNDS tatia . P rime Sugar e.O chirw man* for rile very tow' wtia alt , Or retail by ; .N*4: l ) f ;411 f r uw largest and. moat , exteasive assort . .• meat of slims in the city, Ant 'monied sud I or Ste yery law, SIOHOLS VW 4 N, sue Oorner Front and. Market. streets. I,Cs NUYS .of all kinds, whole and ground, winvtact troll Wd Pre pt itt lli ts a 0 for e l reV o MAN. — tt and Market str.etß. I= NEW sziaokeroi, - in halves, iitior tern or kit% inn re:swell, arid for sale low, by - NICHOLS k BOWMAN, sail • • 'joiner ?rent zed Market streets SMALL lot of etigioe Dried Fruit, at li fogOLS'ai2o'•• MAN, letikront gad Market street. jara,,. fruit cane of all L. wads. lbr Pak k naCSOIs * BOWMAN, 29 . coma nolo andilarket et mote .VA, Indira, and Rio Coffee, choice art:. - Obi,Swit Xeceiveo.• .1 3 Y / 411 94 014 & I nova CkirtierTrontiind 4 /iantot Sta. BM= NO. 19 Do not be put olf by unprincipted dealers with sem . other pill they make m ire pront on. As: for AYER'iI NUN and take nothing else. No other they eau give i nu compares with this in its iotrinato value or curative powers. The sick want the Oast aid thi-re is for than, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. L. &YID( & CO., Lowell, Mays. oaf sold by Druggists everywhere. .. 43 ,. „1,,,,, , d“... „ i s 41, ,e. . , ,,,t e, Am PriestPh cents per Boa, or 51 . )mi! for $l. Ciasittic %amp, *pongies and Corks, WAA,a,freiteod variety of 41014)1V4 AND BIIONZEr, ',FALL KIND', TEETH I TEETH II RESTORA TTV ES aUdL 0114 0,41t1101E 'OIL I • Gomez 140111 °Orly fliistellantont. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. r 11HE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their ut coot to produce Oh. beat, moat per teat purgative which Is known to map, innum erable proofs are shown Ulu. these Pats have v mates which surpass in excellence the ordinary =divines, and that they win unprecedentedly up m th 3 esteem of ail men. ' They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful maitre. %heir penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the abstractions of Its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the font humors which br ' and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or iPeordered organs Into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure toe every day complaints of every body, but also formtdabl, and den gerous diseases that hove bellied the best of Mutsu skill. 'While they prnince powerful effects, they are at the same time, in diminished doses, the ealeet and best physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar hotted, they are pleasant to take; and being purely veg etable, are free hem any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not substan tiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent cler gymen and physicians have lent their names to e•diti) to the public' the reliability t f our remedies, while othershave soot me the assurance 61 Limit convictuu that oar Preparations contribute Immensely to tie rebel of my, afthoted, suffering fellow-men. The agents below named are to turned" gratis our American Almanac, containing directions for we nso and oertili, atea of their cures, of the billowing coca- Valuta : Cantonese, 131lious Oemplaints, ..beumstism, Dcupsy, Heartburn, Headache arising fro a a foul stomach, Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbid inacton of theßowels and Pain arbing therefrom, Flatulency, Loss 01 appetite, all Llis eases which require an eClWllfalt medicine. They al. by purifying the blood and stimulating the systom, cure many complaints which it would tut be supkosed ihey would resole, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neu. ralgia and Nervo,s Irritabt6ty, Derungements of thy Ives and Kidue) a, Gout, and other sindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstructiou of its tanetlolllll. SEAId by 0. A. )1..n ,vert, D. W. Grose er Co., C. E.. he' ler,J. M. Lutz, Dr. ttley, F. Wyetb and desh•ra ',Very 'there ÜBE DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. THE ONLY TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR IN THE WORLD 1 ! DALLEY'S PAIN ESTE...AMOR will core %yenned o all kinds PALLWY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will subdue all exter nal intlamation. DALL.ErEPAIN EXTRACTOR will prevent and des troy Mortiticatl ,n. DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure Burns of au kinds. DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTO R heals falters free of or, mark. DA.u.Erj PAIN EXTRACTOR neutralism all Poisons infused by Animals, bisects of Rep tles. PALLET'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure broliou Breaas, Sore Nipples, Plies, ttc. DA LLEY 7 B PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure unit Rheum. Scrofula, Scald Head. PALLET'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure Chapped Heads, Chill Blaine, etc. PALLET'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will aura Corns, 1.11 - „ cles, Ulcers, Wart; Boils, lie No Housekeeper should ever be without a box bendy for use. The timely use of a single box may prove of more value than 100 times its cost. Parents f—lf you have a son is the Army, :end Lim a Box of Dailey's rain list/actor. It may be the meaus of s living his life, or the dle of a comrade : for it will cure wounds of all MINIS without pain. Try the ex periment ; if he does not use it, it will cost yua but Atte. Slaters I—lf you have a dear Brother to the Army. scndlalm a Boa of Dailey's Pint Extractor ; for It will aura wounds of all kinds, and It may be means of saving your brother's life. Daughter. I—Have you a loved one in the Army, who is uearer to you than life itself? Mead him a Box of Dalley's Paiu Extractor. I 1 will cute wounds of all kinds, and prevent ieflamatioo, and may be the means of saving his life Reader 2—lf you have a friend In the Army ; send him a Box of Dalley's Pain Extractor I It may be the means of saving a life. If you hove no convenience for sending it, &aid it by mad. It wil cost you but 9 cents postage for a 26 et Box ' and in like proportion for 60 ct. and $l. 00 Box. The large lama contain more for the money than the 25 ct. Boxes. Notice.—That DALLItY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRAC DOR wll do all and even more than we claim it will, we refer to Dr. VAIANTINE BPTI', and hundreds of other eminent Physicians and Surgeons, besides millions of people all over the land, who have used the hstraetor with never failing success for the past 20 years. For sale by all Druggists, and by HALL & BUCKEL, Agents. And Wholesale Druggists ALB Greenwich Street, New York, Who will send a Boa of either size, Postage paid, to any add ran la the United States, on receipt, in money or in )POE4. ge Stamps, of 22 cts. for the small size, or 50 eta and 01.00 for the medium and large size. For sale at D. W. Itelly's Drug Store, Market :quare, Efariisburg. JOHN WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit store, THIRD STREET, NEAP. WALNUT, lianisburg, F. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LEMOMS, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, MASH AND SALT MR, And vegetables of all kinds, brought direct from th e •FastevnMarketa, twice a week, and purchased uu.,er my peraonai supervision, thus entolidg me to salt d better and cheaper article than any to the market. Aar Orders from a distance attended to promptly , and soda delivered to any part of the city fro:A of charge. FREoll CANNED FRUITS adman tly on uand Give me a call. pea] JOELN WISE, A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN. TII,ST published, price 6 cents, a new edition of the late Er. COLVERWELINi CELE itRATED LECTURE. on the abuse of the Reproductive posers, inducing DebilLy, tiervousue-s, Consumption, Epilepsy, Mental and Phi steal Incapacity, k o The rad. ical mode of trettment, without medicine, is fully ex plained, so as to enable every one to be big own Oust 'clan at the least possiblee xpeuse. A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers. Bent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, poet paid, on receipt of Macon's, or twoi postage stamps. Address the publahers, Ch. J. C. KLINE, & CO.. 127 Bowery, New York Post Moo, box, 4586. mooluidam LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard the Insurance, Annuity and Trust Comuanv of Philadelphia. MICE NO. 408 cIaSINU7 SZBEET. (CHARTER PERFNIWAL.) .$1,643,366 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN F. JAIdaS, Actuary, CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVRI on the most resin, able terms. They e .t.a Executors, Trustees and Guardians under last Wills. and as Receivers mid Assignees. The capital being paid uti and Invested, together with a large and constantly increming reserved fund, offers • perfect seettrity to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, bait yearly or quar terly. .The company add a BONIN periodically to the Inn- Maw for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in De cember, 1846, the SECOND BONUS in December, 191 9, the THUD BONUS In December, 1854, and the FOURT H BONUS in 1869. These addiu ins are made without re *tiring any increase n the premiums to be pa id to the DAPIIAL AND ASSETS Renvany. The following al e a fewszainple from the Register I Amount of Policy and I Bum I Bonus or bonus to be Increased Policy: lowed addL•[ob by !stare additions. No.llo 62600 $ 687 5. 1121 8000 1,060 0 NO 1000 0o 6 932 , 6600 I 1,87 0 6 0 00 1 *mut at Harrisburg sad 'vie 01 er..017 B~L"S Cocoa and Sweet Chot, colat, ibr ale at 401111 WISPS, Third Walnu myl jaylb $3,0 07 60 4,050 00 1,400 00 4,875 00 Y, L. BU EL