titgrapp. NO WV 'L' DV St ittibb:itd.—All Ad vertisements, Noisiness Notices, Mar riages, Deaths t ,dz.c.,, to secure insertion n the TELEGRAPH, mast invariably be accompanied With the OASIS. - - Advertisements ordered in the regn.. lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRIBBIIR4, PA Thursday afternoon, November 13, 1882 MILITARY BUSINEt,S, Of all kinds attended to. EUGENE SNYDER, AUorneyat-Law. Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. t0271y LOST.—A DIAMOND SET of a BREAST PIN was lost to•day. A liberal reward will be paid for its recovery. 3. H. ZEIGLER, November 12 —data 78 Market St. THOMAS FORSYTH, prothonotary of Delaware county, died at his residence in Media, on Sat urday last. Tun IRON Worms of Montour are reported to be turning out irnmen , e supplies of railroad iron. WE ABE INDEBTED to our friend John &null, for pamphlet containing the names of the membila elect to the next Legislature. I===l HkNRY E. ROTHROOK, a drafted soldier from Londonderry township, in this county, came to the city on Tuesday of this week, and left his carpet bag at some store, which he has forgot ten. Any person having it will please leave word at this office, and oblige a soldier. As Tag -BRAWN demands the influence of fire for the promotion of in-door comford,we begin to hear of some dreadful accidents by careless ness and ignorance. A little girl only eight years old, the daughter of a Mrs Shannon, was burned to death in Pittsburg, on Monday, by passing too near an open grate. The ac count of her suffering is horrible. Let this be a warning to all our large and little friends WHAT THR WAR Dose FOR NEWSPAPRIMI puts three per cent. upon all white paper, and equal for the TRIXGRAPH per annum t 0... $ 500 It taxes all its advertisements three per coot., equal to It puts up the gross cwt of white paper, twenty per cent., *vial per annum on the TILKORAPH Total annual debt tax I=l RIITIJUD TO COMMIT A BAWD 808 DRONMXNMMAS. —Officer Fleck yesterday arrested Sarah Jane Slew for drunkenness, and took her before Al derman Seeder, who refused to commit her. Why is it, that when arrests, such as these are made by our police that Aldermen refuse to commit the parties? What right have they to discriminate Letween the poorly clad and the richly di eased ? Have vice and lewdness more license than any other crimes? IMPROVING.—The Dauphin Journal of to-day says that Lieut. George F. Roes, who was so severely wounded at the battle of Corinth, is doing very well, and he will perhaps, be able to be about again in a week or so. His wounds were of a most dangerous character, and the physicians on the field of battle, had no hopes for his recovery. In fact—being shot through the bowels, as we stated at the time—they pro nounced his wounds fatal =l= Tae MB?? IN CHARON AND THE PATIRNTS of the Cotton Factory Hospital, desire to express their heart-felt thanks and gratitude to the ladies of Harrisburg, who so kindly and bountifully supplied WI with a delicious dessert at dinner on Wednesday, the 12th. This is but one of the numerous, ants of kindness we have received at their hands, since we came here in the snow storm on Friday last. We cannot reward them, but we will ask God to bless them. As EVIDENCE OF THE BENEFITS to be derived from advertising in the TELEGRAPH Is contained in a fict relating to the advertisement of a firm for a book-keeper, a b ich recently appeared in our columns. The applications for the posi tion were so numerous, that the difficulty seemed to be, not to get a person to fill the position, but to get rid of the great rush of applicants. This is all owing to the popularity and circulation of the Tnuons.m. Business men will please take notice, and place their Interest accordingly before the public. I=l Two GOVXIOI7II4NT COMMIBMON bickers have been arrested in New York city by order of the War Department and sent to Fort Lafayette, for buying up claims against the government at an usurious discount. This is a move in the right din ction. The sharks who have been speculating on the necessities and ignorance of the people in these matters deserve a severer punishment than mere arrest and confinement in Fort Lafayette. They should have their cheeks branded and their ears cropped as a mark of their meanness for all their lives. There are similar opt-r tli01:113 going on in this city, to which it would ba well for the govern ment of f icers to turn, their attention. RAPP'S MANUAL OF PENSIONS, BOUNTY AND PAY.: We have been furnished with a copy of the above valuable work. It will be formdto be an' exceedingly useful book to those desirous of ob taining Pensions or Bounty for themselves or, others, and to Pension Agents particularly It will be indispensable. The peculiar advantages of this work are : 1. It is a convenient size for use. 2. It contalos no superfluous matter. 3. While aiming at brevity, it is comprehen sive—omitting nothing relating to the subjects treated of that might be useful to those con sulting its pages. 4. The arrangement is so simple that the law, forms, instructions, deci sions, etc , can be readily found. In respect of size, arrangement and price, it is believed it will be found preferable to any book of a like character published in this country. Robert Clark & Co., 65 West 4th St., Cincinnati, 0., are the publishers, who will for ward a copy of the work on receipt of $2. It can also be obtained at Bergoer's cheap book store, at publishers rates. , PROPOSALS TOR 7-30 BONDS 'IN EXORANOR FOR LICIAM - TIRDKR NOTOR. - Proposals for about thirteen millions , and a half of 7-30 bonds in exchange for legal-tender notes will be opened on Monday, the 17th inst., at the Treasury De partment, at noon, up to which time they will bejeceived. The bonds offered are those yet undisposed of, of the date of October 1, 1861, the interest will run from the dates of deposit, unless the successful bidders prate' to pay the accrued interest from October 1, 1862, on the current coupons in coin, to be reimbursed at its maturity. Bidders mutt deposit with some Assistant Treasurer 10 per cent. of the amount offered, and forward with their bids the certifi cates of such deposits. CADIIIII or TEILPEPANOS. —The followiug otfi care have been duly installed in State Capital Section, No. 21, Cadets of Temperance, to serve the present term : W. P., G. Washington Penn, of Co. A, 127th Regiment, P. V.; 2d P., William T. Bishop, Jr.; W. A., C. Warren Rowan ; V. A., Charles W. Maurer ; T., J. Samuel Detweiler ; A. 7., D. Truman Boyd; S., J. Verbeke Fenn ; A. S., William L. !tither ; G., Rewey E. Smith ; Thomas Kline; W., George L. Kepner; A. W., William L. Cooper ; P. W. A., Andrew J. Mc- Reynolds. GOOD TEMPLLIO.—At the last stated meeting of Washington Lodge No. 1, Independent Order of Good Tampion, the following officers were installed to serve the ensuing terra: W. C. T., G. Washington Fenn, of Co. A,127 Eh Reg., P. V. W. V. T., Miss Jennie Umberger • W. , Sokomon H. Brenner ;W. A. 8., Mist; Annie McAleer ; W. T., William T. Bishop ; W. F. 8 , Miss Eliza A. Bishop ; W. M., John W. Young ; W. D. M., Miss Ellen M. Gross ; W. C., Bev. John B. Kessler ; W. I. G., Miss Eliza Potts ; W. 0. G., Robert K. Sipps ; W. B. H. 8., Miss Amelia J. Major ; W. L. EL 8., Miss Annie E. Roberts ; P. W. C. T., Milton G. Potts. Pre understand that the order in this city is in a flourishing condition. Jr Has HAD Ise EINEM .—The order of the War Department, summoning all absent offi cers to their posts in the army, has had a hap py effect in ridding the State Capital of a large number of men who were here idling time for which they were paid by the government to be devoted to its service. Any frequenter of the reading or bar rooms of our hotels must have observed that the number of officers has been considerably lessened, and that the few who remain still cling, however, to the old habit of the bottle. 1,000 "Absent ee rl n crulting service" is therefore "played out." — Officers who are fivorites with Colonels, will not be able to get leave for so journ at home, for the purpose of attending to private to the neglect of public business. There has been too much of this. Too much time has been frittered away, and it is time that every man should be compelled to do his duty. 3,000 $4,600 DZATII or A VOLIOMIIR. —The funeral of David Hooker, a volunteer in the army of Ke tucky, took place on Saturday morning from the residence of his lather, Mr. George Hooker, and was attended by a large concourse of rela tives. Mr. Hooker was born and raised in this county, and resided for a while in this city in the capacity of a clerk in Mr. Espy's store. About a year ago he removed to Illinois, where he purchased a farm with the intention of loca ting there. About six months ago he enlisted as a volunteer in one of the Illinois regiments, and served in the army of Kentucky, when be was taken sick of typhoid fever, and brought to Indiana, where he died on the 4th inst. MI. Hooker was an estimable young man, talented, well educated, industrious and sober, and high ly esteemed by all who knew him. Hia sudden death was a painful stroke to his aged parents, and a source of deep regret to a large circle of relatives and friends. FOND or MATRIMONY. —A Amnia/ Card in Piarburg.---James M. Campbell, engineer, was eurested in Pittsburg on Monday evening, and taken before the Mayor of that city, charged with having three wives, all of whom are now living. The allegations are that Campbell was first married in the State of Delaware, where he left his lawful wife, and coming to this city passed himself as a single man, and began to " spark " among the ladies. • Among those whom he visited wakMargaret Ann Fife, a re spectable widow of Allegheny, whose husbarid bad the misfortune to be badly injured by the blowing up of a cotton mill, and who was sub sequently drowned in the West. She accepted from Campbell a proposal of marriage, and one evening in March, 1869, she accompanied hirn to this city, for the purpose of being married. He escorted her to a house, ushered her into the parlor, and they were soon after married— the ceremony being performed by a genteel looking man, but she never could learn his name, nor ascertain whether he was a minister or a magistrate. She did not like the cere• . mony very well, and her first anxiety was to get a marriage certificate, which Campbell promised to have on the following day.— The certificate was not forthcoming, and the matter was put off from day to day until she insisted upon his getting it. He started off to see the man who had married them, and on returning told her that he had left the city. However, the marriage relation continued be ! tween them, and time brought its cares and "responsibilities." When a couple of years had passed, Campbell began to grow indifferent, and finally abandoned bis partner. His further alleged that in March, 1862, he married a third wife, with whom he is now living. The infor mation was made by " his second," who is de termined to stop his marrying career. On the hearing before the Mayor, Campbell' denied ever having married Mrs. Fife, but she , gave in evidence facts and papers which go 'to prove that he at least acknowledged her as such. Among other things, 'she had executed a poiver of attorney to him, as her husband, to collect rents, etc., and alleges that she can offer abun dant proof that they lived as man and wife, and that he acknowledged her as such. He repudi ates her altogether, and claims that the woman with whom he is now living is hie only legal wife, and that he never had any other. The Mayor deemed the, evidence sufficient u) him for trial, and in default of bail Was col& milted to jail to answer at Court. Ipen*igluarttct Wally etlegrop4, fonp3-60 Afternoon November 13, slBb2 =I I===l TAX LAW DROISION —Th, Cemmissii aver of Internal Revenue decides that the scrip of a city will require a stamp to be attached ; arid like wise county, township, railroad, and othrr cor poration scrip. 11=C=1 SANFORD'S Oens eve,dng is set aprrt for the benefit of that talented and beautiful young lady, Miss Nellie Germon, whose modest manner and clever impersona tions upon the stage in the difficult and amusing characters she has been called upon to perform during her sojourn amongst us, has won the admiration of all who have visited the above place. Let her efforts be rewarded by a full house to-night. I=l DRIADFIR, DRATH. —A small child of Mr. Freeborn, residing on State street, came to its loath in a very singular and sorrowful manner last evening. The child was about three years of age, and had been regaling itself with pea nuts Some of the shells of these lodged in its throat, and before relief could he afforded, it was actually choked to death. Its suffering was of coarse intense, while the sorrow created by so horrible a death, was equal in all re spects. 'Parente cannot be too careful with their little ones. SPECIAL NOTICES EVERY DAY BRINGS SIMERTHING Nsw.—The heading of this article at no time in our brief life, has been capable of so strong an applica tion as at the present time: Changes occur now daily, and are scarcely noticed, that would have under a settled state of the country startled the entire nation The national afflic tion which some two years since assumtd only to the mind's eye a feverish condition, has since through the unskillful treatment of physicians, grown into an epidemic. But we are now told that there Is a balm in Gilleadi and with the new physician at the bead of the army, all will soon be well. In our kcal troubles growing out of the war, we mean the high price of dry goods, there is no better antidote than the cheap dry goods house of Uaica & 13owitsn. novl3 d2t. To the Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished aa to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no ap prehension in regard to my competency to ad minister it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (aul3-dlm) MRS. L. BALL. PIUIADELPNIA, Nov. 8, 1862 Mrs. At,ll:—l feel no hesitancy in acknow ledging the virtue of your medicine, its sooth ing influence and healing power. For several years I was afflicted with dyspepsia, and during my stay in Harrisburg you cured me in the short space of one month. At . a n d distressiegAisease, "MU' ,e same t ' m - also cured me of a running scrofula, which had existed for over one year without ceasing.— During my years of affliction, I applied fre quentiy to doctors of medicine, but they proved ineffectual. I have the utmost eonfidenoe and belief in the power of your medicine, and would say to those afflicted, who wish to enjoy life in its natural element, with a system renewed to vigorous nature, to try your medicine as I did. Yours, truly, GEO. J. McCEEERY, 64 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. LYON'S ICATHAIRON. Tbia delightful article for preserving and beentrying the human hair is again put up by the original proprie tor, and is now made withtheaameakill, eareand atten tion, which first ere - ted its immense and unprecedented sales of over one 'Millen bottles annually. It is still sold at 25 cents In large bottles. Two millions bottles can emit yhe told Ins year when it is again known that the Kathe.tron is not only the most delightful bale dr easing In the world, but Oat it cleanses the scalp of scurf and dandruff, gives the hair a lively, rich, luxuriant growth, and pronouts it front turning , gray. These are considerations worth knowing. The Katlialron has been testeo for over twelve years, and is warranted as described. Any lady who'valoes a beautiful heed of hair will use the liathairon.' It is finely perfumed, cheep, and valuable. It us sold by all respectable dealers throughout the world. D. 8. BARNES & CO., New York. tov6 mon&thare d&W6m Take no more unideasaa and unsafe Medicines For unpleasant and dangerous diseases, use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHI3, Which has received the endersementoi the most PROMINENT PHYSICIANS IN THE 11. is. Is now Mitred to afflicted hue unity as a certain cure for the following diseases and rymploms originating from deserves and abnae of the Urinary or Sexual Organs. General Debility, if eb tal and'ybysical Depression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to tile Bead, Confused Ideas, 13 Yeforia,1 General Irri' ability Restlessness and Sleepleseoess at Night, absentee of lifw , cular Efficiency, Loss of Appetite, DIPPePois, Bmanciation, Low Spirits, Disorganisation or Paralysis of the • Organs of Generallon, Palpitation of the Heart, and, to tact, all the concomitants of a Nervous and Debilitated a ate of the system. ' To insure the genuine, cut thtis ASK FOR RELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. CURES GUARANTEED. Bee advertisement in another column. PUBS Fuas 11—We have received from New York a splendid assortment of Fare stall prices. Black Cloaks, ready made and made to order. 600 Hoop Skirts, all styles from 76c. up. 60 pieces of white, red and yellow flannel. 26 dozen of white and gray Undershirts and Drawers. 25 pieces of new Delaines and other Dress Goode. 80 pair of splendid white (all wool) Blankets. 200 splendid Cambric Bands, best French needle work. . . A very large assortment of ladies, gentlemen and children's Stockings, (wool and cotton,) all prices. 10 dozen of Kalb's, Woolen Hoods, Sontags, and Chenile Scarfs. 60 pieces of Cassinetts and Kentucky Jeans, for tneu and boys' wear. 10 pieces of Merinos, (all colors,) Alapaccas, and Pararnattaa Our stork now is large, and bought before the rise in goods, and those wishing to buy wp would invite to tall. B. LEWY. FS.M.-18 - 0 - W.A4 1 JIM language of nature and experience do tnonstrates, that whoever would enjoy the pleasures of food—the beauties of landscapes— the joys of rompanionship—tbe tichness of lit erature—or the honois of station and enown— must preserve their health the stomach is the receptacle of all nourish ment, and the fountain from which all parts of the body, derive sustenance. The effect of foul injurious food entering the stomach, is to de range the digestive organs, and prod uce headache, loss of appetite, unrefreshed sleep, foetid breath, low spirits, feverish burnmga, constipation, incapacity to perform any mental or physical duty, 8:c , and are the symptoms of that horrid disease DYSPEPSIA, Which assumes a thousand shapes, and paints towards a miserable life and premature decay. The Medical Faculty hag labored for generations to discover 'tillable appetizers and the proper means of overcoming stomachic derangements. Certain ineredients have been long known as partially t ffective. Among these were CALISAYA BARK & ST. CROIX BUM Au invalid physician, sojourning in the ' tro pical island of St. Croix, observing the habits of the natives, gathered the recipe for the final accomplishment of this most important end. The article was first used as a private medicine, milieu Its Salutary effects becoming known, it was brought out under the name of DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Thefact with unerring power, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage. They perform most wonderful cures in stubborn cares of Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Affections, LOEB of Appetite, Intermittent Fevers, Dlar rbcea, Sour Stomach Headache, Fever and Augue, Weakness, Mental Despondency, &c. As a morning appetizer and after dinner tank, they should be in every family They are a delightful, ezhileralinq stimulant, without any subsequent stupefy ing reaction. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE. "Ilocummt, December 28th, 1861 Messrs. P. H. DRARN.—Gentlemen:—l have suffered terribly with Dyspepsia for three or four years, and tried many, remedies without effect. I had to abandon my profession, and suffered greatly from everything I ate. I have now tried the Plantation Bitters—they helped me—l continued their use, and am now nearly a well man. I know of several similar cases. Respectfully yours, Rev. J.. S CATHORN." Intelligent persons and physicians can judge of the dricacy of the Plantation Bitters from the following partial formula. CASCARILLA BARK VirttA known and used in Germany for Dyspep sia, Chronic Diarrhoea, Cholic Dysentery, and diseases of the Stomach and Vowels, as early as 1690. For Inflammations of the Loins and Spleen in Dropsical Affections and Biliury Secretions, or Obstructions of the Abdominal Viscera. CALISAYA, OR KING'S BARK, Was'unknown to civilization until the middle of the 17th century. Humboldt makes favora ble mention of the febrifuge qualities of this article as an Antklo , e to Fever and Ague, In termittent and Malariona Fevers, in his exten sive South American travels. The Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Perri, having experienced r a 4 r meficial effects of this Bark, sent it to ill 1640. It was sold by the Jesuits for the' enormous sans of its own weight in 'Aver, and was thus called JESUITS' POWDBIL In 1658, Sir John Talbot employed it with great success in France, In the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Weakness and Debility, Palpitation of the Heart, Diarrhcea, &c., under the name of Eng lish Powders ;'and itt 1679, he sold the secret of its origin to Louis XIV, by whom it was di vulged. It is now a standard remedy in all Pharmacopeia, and is employed in preparing the Plantation Bitters. Chamornille Flowers, for enfeebled digestion ; Winter-green, valuable for Scrofula, Etheumatisin, and Nefratic Affections ; Lavender Flowers, aro matic, stimulant and tonic, highly invigorating in Nervous Debility ; Anise, an aromatic car minative creating flesh, muscle and milk. Mitch used in nursing. Another ingredient of remarkable and won derful virtue used in the preparation of these Bitters, is a native of Brazil, and as yet un known to the commerce of the world. A Span ish writer says : o c 0 0 ss " administered with St. Croix Bum, never fails to relieve nervous tre mor, wakefulness, disturbed sleep, &c., and that it is used with great effect by the Brazilians, Spanish and Peruvian Indies to heighten their color and beauty. It imparts cheerfulness to the disposition, vigor to the appetite, and bril liancy to the cumplexion." . We withhold its name from the public for the present. To the above are added Clove Buds, Orange, Carraway, Coriander, Snake Boot, &c., all pre served in perfectly pure The tonic properties of St. Croix Bum, and its powerful invigorating effects, have been long known to the physicians of the world. Bilious, Intermittent and Chill Fevers, en gendered by the change of water and diet of travelers, particularly upon western rivers, are preventvd and cured by the Plantation Bitters. They are also reliable to prevent sea sickness. WHAT OTHERS SAY. PHILADELPHIA, Ist month, 16th day, 1862. " Evasion Farratn.—Wilt thou send me another dozen of thy Bitters Nothing has proven so beneficial to my invalid wife or my ? self, as the Plantation Bitters. Thy friend, latee HOWLAND." N. B.—The secret of the immense sale of the Plantation Bitters,. is their guaranteed purity. The St. Croix Rum, and every article used, is warranted perfectly pure, and the money will be.returned if not as represented. The Plantation Bitters are put up in unique quart bottles, and sold by all respectable Drug gists, Grocers, Hotels and Restaurants through out the world. Be particular that every bottle bears the fere simile of the Proprietor's signature. P. H. DRAKE & CO. nov4•d&wlm-esdaeow] 202 Broadway, N. Y. r 1 R E WEST CHESTER ACADEMY -L AND MILITA.Y INSTITUTE, AT WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA, will commence the winter term of live calendar months on the let of November next. The course of icstroctlon is thorough and extensive , desinged end arranged to prepare boys and young men for husineas or college. The principal, who devotes ail him time to tee interests of Ms school and its pupils, is assisted by eight gentlemen of ablOty and experience. rile German, French and Spanish languages are taught by native resident teachers, an advantage which will be readily appreciated by toe patrons of the institution: nove 'd&w2m The Military Department Is under the charge of Major 0. Eckendorff, of Philadelphia, whose qualifications for the position are extensively known.. its duties and requirements do not, in any way interfere with the literary departments, while enrolment among the cadet' corns is ict optional. Per eakdouge to, appiv to eeptB-weod2rn Wit. F. WYBAS, A, IL, PrincipaL WriERKAB letters of administration to the saute of John Lents, Sr., late of Upper Paxton township, Dauphin county, have been granted to the enbecriber, ail rams indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those baying claims or demands against sald estate will make known the BUBO without delay to JOHN LENTZ; Jr., Administrator. Upper Paxton Townsldp, near . Nillersherg P. 0.„ phin poppy. oetl3-oewilw New 21ivntrtatments S. T.-1860-X DANDELION, S. T.-1860-X ST. MOTS RUM NOTICE 1 NM) abllerititMtnt, PROCLAMATION. HkREAS, 'tbe Honorable Jolts J. Platteos, Presideut of the Court of Common Woos lb the Twelfth du icial District, consisting of ,tior countiev of Lebanon and [Unpin n , and the Hon. &t`tio at Lucca mid Hon. Mona It. Yuma. associate Judges in Dauphin county, bevies issued tneir precept, bearing date the litti day 01 October, 1862, to die directed, for noliling it Coup of Oyer and Teronuer and General Jail Deliver, and Quarter fJesbione of tho Peace at Harrisburg, ;or the eounty'Of Diniusin., and to balbrachOO. ON SHI av /donut , or NONNINMIR NEM being the 17re Day on Ne iman-4.. 1842 and to.oatinue two weeks. Notice fl therefore hereby given to the Deronor, Tes ti:es of the Peace, Aldermen, and Coninable.i of the said , ounty of Dauphin, that they be Ahem and ttierc in their ~ iwer persons, A'lo &clue, in the forenoon of said day, with tueir records, inquisuicitot, Afl their own remerobiancms, to do those things which to their etDeo appertains to be tione, mud those who are bixind in recognisances to prommuto against the prisoners that are ur still be In the Jailof Dauphin coun ty, be then and there to prosecute against th m as shall beyuet, . Given under my heed, at Harrisburg, the oth day oi Octobtr, in the year of our Lord, 1882, and in the eighty -sixth year of the Independence of the United States. • • .J. D. BOAS, Sheriff. seraia's Ormuz t Harrisburg, Oct. b, 1862. I 00204/livrtil A RARE CHANCE FOR A BUSINES S' 1111 E canal grocery Store and Rockvi lie j_ .Bous,..kuown as :the Updegrt.ve' cos Property, sheeted fire miles above Harrisburg, fronting. east an the P, nosy Ivarda 0141111 anu .West, on .be Samuel:lan -.a river road, Wili be sio:d if applio seen. The grocery store, If nottbe very heat stand on the line of themai; 1- only equaled by one other. A large new barn tir‘f stable has , errantly been built, so that each boatrteam can be' looted up separately . Also plenty of sheds, h ry houses, ecru crib, tiro store bowies for grain, ice house, bay scales, ann indeed r very convenience that I' necessary for carrying. on the braes. ' The place Is within throe hundred yards of tit • lionsviiie depot .on the Pennsylvania railioad, end Dauphin and Schuylkill railroad also. t'rraous %Wilzig to purchase, pleme apply On the Keortees, to adiB-wtjaolstiBB3 W. P. BE siftY LID DEN Het L , MORAVA-A* FE fkt .I. l lkl 84MINARY, At Lithi, LanowAer Co., Pa. HVIINDED 1794. Affords superioradvaritakes for thorough and accomplished female education. For circulars and information, apply to , REV. WIT.T.TAM REICHEL, oct.lB-dBm . Principal. CAUTION, LL persenmi are hereby warned against de predating r or in any manner trespassing on the Farm of Mrs. C. Midis, adjoining the city, and under the Management of the sub scriber. Or I hsve arrested i•ev,ereJ of these petty thieves and nuisances, and Ina& thew pay pretty, well for their sport. Hereafter I shall not only punish to the Went of the law, but will pubhah in . the relefraph and. other pipers the names of all offenders. Oct. 1.3, 1862. • ALMANACS- FOR, 1863. T HE well known ' ' BEAR'S ALMANAC FOR 1863 1 In English and German, can be had by the dozen and single copies at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. P. it it•N,EIA RD'S HOT EL. JOINER of Fourtlk & Walnut Streets. Thank ful for put patronage I have enlarged my Immo anilattached• ab - Oyster Saloon, which will be opened to morrow. I will be pleased to see all my friendii no6dlw o LAZARUS BERNHARD, ATTENT lON I 1 HE Draft will not interfere with the filling of orders for Trees, ho., from the Keystone Nursery, in the absence of Jacob With. H. A. Mish, who established the Nursery, and who has had an experience of ten years in the business, will promptly attend to all orders and inquiries, deliver trees, and plant when desired, in the city or immediate neighbor hood. novl-dtf UNION VILLAGE, "[TINES of this Blonster among Native V Azierican Hardy . Grape, for sale at the Keystone Nursery. The clusters frequently weigh a pound and a half, and the berries are larger than the Celebrated Black Hamburgh. The quality is also good—equal, at least, to the Well known Isabella. J MISH, novl-dtf BERMETICALLY SEALED. PEACHES, TOMATOES, PINE APPLE, SALMON, OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTbRS, LOBSTER, SARDINES, Fur sale by WM. DOCK, Jr. & CO. HAMS, . DRIED BEEF, BOIAGNA SAUSAGES, TONGUES, &c Fur sale low, by WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. REFINED OIL FOR SEWING MACHINES, Just received, an invoice of PORPOISE OIL, for sewing machines. Forsale by W. 0. HICKOK, Agf•ot for Wheeler Br, Wilson's Sewing. Ma chines, Eagle Works. oct2B-dlm 111.10KWILEAT FLQUR ! ! tixTra. TINE just received. WM. DOCK, jr , & CO SWEET CIDER!!! VERY SUPERFINE ARTICLE, just re ceived. WM. DOCK, Jr., Limo. WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. Henry C. Shaffer has a large lot of Wall Paper and Window Shades on hand, which will be sold very low. - Call and examine. Paper hanging personally attended to. oct27 No. 12 Market, St., near the Bridge. GRAPES ! GRAPES ! ALOT of Fine Sweet Grapes, just received, and for sale low, at WISE'S FRUIT STORE, nov6 Cor. Third and Walnut Sts. MINCE MEAT. ASUPERIOR, article just received, and for sale by Witt. DOCK, Jr., & CO. `ALT, Astoria, Dairy, and Ground Alum, for 0 sale low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, nov6 Cur. Front and Market Ste. DIARIES FOR 1863. HE largest assertmeat of Diaries for 1863 T just received, at BERGNER'S 13001 C STORE. EVERGREEN TREES, OF all desirable varieties, at the Keystone kJ Nurseilea ar The weather and season ate favorable, and they should be planted as soon as possible. Oct. 13, 1862. J. MISH. Cgi i NBERRIERS, Lemon's, Cocoanuts, just received and for sale, by 11 1 01CHOL8 & BOWMAN, nova Corner Front and Market Ste. ISABELLA AND CATAWBA GRAPE VINES, strong and thrifty, two years old, at reduced prices, at Keystone Nursery. - novl-dtf SILAS WARD.. AGENT NOR T!.l WAY'S 111181VALIXDPLia08, Princes Melodeons &c., VIOLINS, GUITAms, FLUTES, FILMS, AC CORDEONS, DsUms AND MUSI- CAL MERCHANDISE 'Of every kind. HOWE'S; SEWING MACHINES, PORTRAIT FRAMES, Large Pier and Muntle . Mirrers, Photograph Frames anti #llmuna. at the New Music Store of FILAS WARD, au,l4 illy N 0.12, Norih Third Street, above- Market. PENNSYLVANIA SS: In the Name and by the ilathority OF THE 'COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDRir.IW G. CIIRTAN, GOVERNOR OF THE SAID COINIGONIVEALTK, WHIREAB, It is a good thing to render thanks unto God for all His mercy and loving kind- EKES : Therefore, I, ANDREW G. Comm, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do re commend that THURSDAY, THE 27th DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, be set apart by the people of this COMinonweal th, as a day of solemn Prayer and Thanksgiving to the Almighty :—Giving Him humble thanks that He has been gracious ly pleased to ptotect our free institutions and Government, and to keep us from sickness and pestilence—and to cause the earth to bring forth her increase, so that our garners are choked with the harvest—and to look so favor ably on the toil o His children, that industry has thriven among us and labor had its reward; and also that He has delivered us from the hands of our enemies—and filled our officers and men in the field with a loyal and intrepid . spirit, and raven them victory—and that He has poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) other great and manifold blessings : Beseeching Him to help and govern usin His steadfast Isar and love, and to put into our minds good desires, so that by His continual help we may have a right judgment in all things : And especially praying Him to give to 0 tie": tian churches grace to hate the thing whic'h is evil, and to utter the teachings of truth' and righteousness, declaring ownly the whole counsel of God : And-nt at heartily entreating Him to bestow upon our civil rulers, wisdom and earnestness in council, and upon our military leaders, zeal and vigor in action, that the fires of rebellion may be quenched—that we, being armed with His defence, may be preserved from all perils, and that here:frier our people, living in peace and quietness, may, from generation to genera tion, reap the abundant fruits of His mercy, and with joy and thankfulness praise and mag nify His holy name. JACOB MISR Given under my hand and the great Will of the State, at Harrisburg, tbis Twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-twt, and of, the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. A. G CURTIN. BY THII Govassoa oct2l-diwtd Office of JAI COOK SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, The undersigned, having been appointed SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by ihe Seeertary of the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish', at once, the New Twenty Year 6 per et. Bonds, of the United States, designated as "Five- Twenties," redeemable at the pleasure .61 the Government, after five years, and authorised by Act of Congress, approved February 25, 1862. . The COUPON BONDS are lashed . in sums of $5O, $lOO. $6OO, $lOOO. The REGISTER BONDS in sums Of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO and $5OOO. Interest at Six per cent. per annum will commence from date of purchase ; and is PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Arinnally, which is equal, at the present premium on gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT. PER it NNllid. Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money to invest, should know and remember that these bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Rail roads, Canals, Bank Stooks and Securities, and the immense products of all ,the Manufac tures, &c., Stc., in the country ; and that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Customs Ditties, Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves to make these bonds the Best, Meat Available and Most Popular Subscriptions received at PAR in ,Legal Tender rioter, or notes and checks of banks at par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every "dray and explanation will be afforded on application at this office. A full supply of Bonds will be kept on 'hand for immediate delivery. 144 RUBIA MILLS. 144 144 Greene Street) New York City. GOVERNMENT • COFFtiE Put up in On foil Pound papers, 48 in a box, and in bulk. Our prices range from 8 toBo cents. We put up the following kinds: JAVA, AtiRACAIRO, 811 JP. RIO, RIO AND SUPERIOR COMB- • We bel eve our Coffee to be better than any ground ode* now in use. All orders addressed to us, or to ou r agents, Messrs. PIACIS & Youxti , 182, Chambers Street, cor. Washington Street, New York City, and Mews. Pollan° & Doane, 181 and 101 South Water :street, Chicago, 111., will receive prompt attention. TABER & septleldBm f rillE Updegrove Lock Property, hnitati graeery and Rockville Rouse, situated aye miles above Harrisburg, is pow offered for sale., 50.... isement In Weekly or apply to . , S ' -aulBAMaullstlB63 W. P. Riffi.llY.l BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.- - A SMALL lot of extio, just realved and for Bale by WM. DOGS., Yr:, la CO.' • • • oct2B-dtt • kauperior brands of extr a 'f a mily . .fte ur which we warrant IA gilts litatiefifflAcion, for bale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner front sad Illarlicet stresta. anti fr ELLER'S DRUG STORE is the . 13 6 tonneau:at YeOblma• NEW .ttruertisnituts. A PROCLAMATION ELI SLIFER: &creksry of the Conmotavedat 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET; Philndelphia, Nov. 1, 1862 Investment in the Market. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent. nov4d&w3m