Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 13, 1862, Image 2

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    pailg Ettegrap4
Thursday Afternoon, November 18, 1862
We protest, in advance, against all fulsome
praises, all personal laudations of Gen. Ambrose
E. Burnside. He is a soldier, and therefore
does not ask , for honors until he has fairly ren
dered himself worthy of their glory. He is a
man, and must therefore be trusted until be is
fairly tried. He is loyal, truthful, ardent and
devoted, and therefore we must confide in his
valor until time and opportunity have afforded
him the testa to establish his claim to our con
fidence and his title to our applause. Fulsome
laudation has ruined . some of the best men
that I ave been thrown upon the surface of the
It has destroyed more men, good sol
diers, than have fallen by the fire of the foe—it
has not only bankrupted the leaders, but it has
fiatikred the followers of our flag, until in the
prestige of the cause we represent, and not in
the use of the arms we possess, we had vainly
imagined we were destined to achieve goatees.
While our leaders have been brave, intelligent
and ardent, they have in many instances been
flattered into fools. Men who never stood in the
flash of battle, have been bedizzened with more
ribbons than ever decked the bosoms of some of
Napoleon's beta Mar' hale. Our armies, though
well equipped, and superior in numbers, were
este.oned as invincible before their nerves were
tested by the shuck of battle. We were con
stantly planning, not our own perfection, but
some grand schetue by which we might expose
the imperfection of our toes, wittabeir humil
iation in an anaconda like capture and out
crushing contraction of grand circles. While
this was going on, the fame of men began to
eclipse the cause of the country. While our
armies were being flattered into vain glorious
feelingeof superiority, hordes of ragged rebels
were battering their flanks and assailing their
centers until division after division found
itself within the fortifications around the dome
of the capitol, from which they had so shortly
before marched to conquer rebellion. This is
all played out. The country will no longer be
:deceived by such strategy. The - army .must
fight. Our cause needs fight to render it suc
cessful. Aud this fighting must be done with
the sabre, with the bayonet in the field, by as
sault and by pursuit. Depreciation of our ene
mies will not answer as corroboration of the
feasibility of our military plans. Gen. Burn
side understands this, and theref re has not
started out with the promise that there shall be
Uo more. retreats or defeats. He makes no
covenant with the government which he is to
serve, except the oath which binds his loyalty
to his patriotism. He offers no pledges to the
army which he is to lead, but those which con
stitute him their leader. H., has no words of
oily tI dtery for the people, but such as are ne
cessary to induce a ram k understanding of the'
important issues in which the nation is involv
ed, and which are necessary to good under
standing between the' citizen and the soldier.
Let us, then, trust in Burnside. 'Hie respon
sibility is incalculable—hie duty great, his
labor immense. He does not need praise or
applause. He must have encouragement and
support. If he wine us victory the nation will
adore him. But, if he is defeated, by whatever
cause or circumstance, God help Major General
The probabilities are that we will have a
winter campaign, not one such as was witless.
oi when the army lay in the vicinity of Wash
ington, with the officers engaged in the revelries
of the Federal metropolis, and the men com
pelled to toil with the pick and the shovel. The
country demands a winter campaign, and what
is more imperative than even this, our cause
absolutely requires prompt, vigorous and deci
sive movements. We cannot suffer another
winter such as the last. Our forces in the field,
inexhaustible as our resources may seem to be,
would exhaust all these, if suffered to remain
idle another winter. Of course, the weather
may interfere with active operations, but when
the season is propitious, the army should and
must move, or the government will and must
suffer. It has been our delay s, not our want of
power or opportunity, which have prevented
the administratbm from Crushing out rebellion.
When Oen. Lander made some of his wonder.'
ful dashes at the enemy during perhaps the
worst weather we had in any of the campaigns,
he proved what could be done even though the
elements conspired to frustrate man's efforts, 1
and he was complimented for his vigor. It
must be a winter campaign, then, in which all
our energies can be brought to heir on the
enemy. It must , be a winter campaign before
the mud blockade sets in, or it will be a winter
of waste and demoralization, which will end in
a spring of destruction more fetal to our cause
than were the swamps of the Chickahominy to
the lives of the brave men under McClellan.
Gas. CAMERON'S suggestion in regard to the
defences of New York harbor is creating the
liveliest feeling in that locality. Great activity
is being displayed by the authorities of the
city to place the harbor in a complete state of
defence. The feeling in Europe, as it wall
probed and tested by Gen. Cameron, plainly in
dicates that we have nothing to expect from
that quarter, however diplomats may con
tinue to assure us of the neutrality of Euro
pean governments. This neutrality only
means postponement until opportunity is affor
ded ler intervention, and while there is proba
bly no imminent danger toapprehend, it should
be remembered that these are the days of Mid
den surprises and dashing feats, and a necessity
for energetic actiOn may arise when we least
expect it.
We have waited patiently to hear some ob
jection urged against Gen. Schenck, as the
successor of Gen Wool, In the command of the
Middle Militiary MATlet. " We supposed that
as Gen, Wool did not pennit the people of Bal
timore to petition the President for his remo
val, he would also refuse to acknowledge his
successor. But as neither has been the case,
we dare now refer to Gen. Schenck in fitting
terms as the commander of the Middle District ,•
without incurring the displeasure of Gen.
Wool. Gen. Schenck has seen much service,
and is even now unfitted to assume the imme
diate command of his new post, by wounds and
sickness received and contracted while in active
service. For the present, -therefore; the Mid
dle District is temporarily in charge of another,
but we hope that Gen. Schenck soon will be, if
he is not already, fully recovered to assume the
important duties of his position.
Added to his other qualifications, General
Schenck is a man peculiarly fitted for a posi
tion such as the one to which he has just been
called. He is sufficient ,•f the soldier fearlessly
to do his duty, while his gentlemanly charac
4ristics will never lead - him to transcend his
power so as to assume the authority and bear
ing of a tyrant. His administrative qualities
are of the highest order ; his zeal and integrity
'undoubted, and his loyalty partakts of that en
thultiasm and firmness which it will be hard
for the secesh aristocracy of Bahimure to cor
rupt or flatter. He is, in fact, the man for the
Since the removal of Buell from command,
we notice that the operation of our forces in
the southwest, are beginning to bring their
proper returns of victory. After months of
procrastination and delay, after the most
shameful waste of . the material of war, Buell
was absolutely discovered to have been play
ing into the hands of the rebels He seemed
to be determined to weary not only the
endurance and devotion of his army, but to
dishearten and discourage the loyalty and pa
tience of. the Union men among whom he had
been sent for purposes of support and encour
agement. Now, however, the accounts from
that region indicate a great change. General
Bosacrans, who succeeded Buell, has already
made several movements. He has revived
the faith of the Union men of Tennessee.
The people rally to his approach, and the loyal
feeling, which was fearful of demonstration
while Buell was vascillating and Coquet lug with
treason, now finds vent in the success with
which Bosecrans is gilding our banners with
glory. With hie headquarters at Nashville,
and with communication by railroad open be
tween that city and Louisville, we shall soon
hear of the delivery of an effective blow by
Itosecrans. Treason in Tennessee and Ken
tucky must soon stand up and fight a fair bat
tle It must do this, or succumb to the vigor
ous opposition and operations of the federal
WS DO NOT HISITATI to declare our belief,
that the ill-fortune of the Republican party in
the late elections in New York, Pennsylvania,
New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, (for
Republican party, in fact, it was,) is attribute
ble more to the apparent abandonment of their
distinctive antislavery position, and their
efforts to secure accessions from the Democratic
party, upon the grounds that they were,
"Union" men, and in favor of the prosecution
of the war alone, than any other Circumstance.
Had they stood up before the world boldly as
Republicans—that is, as anti-slavery men—and
supported the policy of the President, because
he AN a a a Republican, and his policy and anti
slavery policy, they would have succeeded infi
nitely better. They would then have had an
independent principle around which they could
call upon all cf its friends to rally, and their
call would have been heeded. Their voice
would then have possessed the sameinspiration
which the principle was calculated to create.
And nothing . under the 'heavens is so well calculated
to reach the hearts of men, crreidly in this battle
hour between Freedom and Slavery, as an appeal to
their love of liberty—their hatred of slavery, and,
particularly, slavery in rebellion against the govern
ment they love. Never had a party a more favor
able opportunity to call into being an unbound
ed enthusiasm in behalf Pa measure which
was rightfully its own. The President had
given the opportunity of making such appeal
by setting an example of boldness in his pro
clamation of freedom. The party had simply
to follow his example. It had only to declare
itself the party of Emancipation—the anti
slavery party of the country, and the.principle
seen to be involved would have reached the
hearts of the people, and brought the required
support. Bat the golden opportunity was lost,
and the day of conflict ended in defeat.
CONGItISS.—On next Monday three weeks the
third session of the Thirty-seventh Congress
will commence in the Capitol. We note the
indications in almost every sphere of life. The
President is employed day and night in the pre
paration of his important and anxiously looked
for menage. Cabinet ministers, with their
clerks, in addition to current duties, devote
many hours to their annual reports. Our citi
zens, too, are keenly alive to the importance of
the occasion. The corporation is looking for
ward for aid from Congress in making many
improvements, some of which are really indis
peusable. Merchants are laying in large stocks
of everything needful for the "inner man."
Tradesmen display their varieties and avowed
determination to compete nobly with other
cities in reasonable prices. Hotels have been
enlarged and renovated ; private boarding
houses are making ample arrangements for sim
ilar accommodations, and in this respect many
of our experienced lady proprietors cannot be ex
celled ; whilst those who have "furnished rooms
to let" vie with each other in extending the
greatest facilities. We now have promi eof a
gay season, arrangements being in progress for
the permanent residence of a number of sena
tors, members of the House, and .other distin
guished gentlemen with their families, who
were not present during the previous winter of
the session.—Daily Morning Chronicle.
If (and we write if becime we doubt the
rumor) Owen Lovejoy has been defeated before
the people in one of the Congressional districts
in Illinois, then have the cotundis of the nation
kat one of the purest and moat men
that ever served a people or a government. ,
pennovtuanto tflutip 4IL ettqtapn Chun:stir:lv afternoon, TO bixember 13, 1862
The English people are determined to do all
in their power to destroy the American Union,
it having been a success which they could never
imitate, and hence they envy and hate its
whole structure, object and purposes. In or
der to show how they are determined to effect
their plans of assisting in our destruction, we
qu. , te from the London correspondent of the
Boston Commercial Bulletin, writing under date of
October 18th-:
It is well you are just about completing a
fleet of " Monitors." You are likely to need
them before long. Workmen are engaged night
and day on the Merely, on the ayde, and elsewhere,
in building some twenty iron•dads, which are to see
service in American waters. They are intended to
convoy vessels into /Southern ports. Ihis Iknoro to be
a fact. My informations direct from thcke in
confidence with the promoters. I can see
one way of preventing a good deal of mischief.
Every port for which they are designed ought
to be in power of the American government be
fore these ugly monsters can (roes the Atlantic.
Then you might 'welcome them as effective aids
in future operations. To disarm suspicion it is
popularly given out that this iron fleet is being
built for the Chinese government ; but I need
hardly tell you that Mr. Mason and his friends
form one of the chief contracting parties.
The above is one of the effects of delay. If
the rebellion had been crushed out as it should
and could have been, this sort of "foreign in
teifereace" would never have had a pretext for
operation, but as our delays have increased for
eign impatience, we must necessarily look for
just such interference as is threatened by this
fleet of " Monitors." And if the pirate Ala
bama, now the terror of the sea, has been able
to commit so many depredations, without be
ing captured, what will this fleet be able to
accomplish T . This is a question for the Navy
Of course the British government will oot
attempt to interfere with the departure of this
fleet from its ports. That would be an inter
ruption of British trade and commerce to which
the freedom loving Englishmen would not sub
mit, and in attempting which Queen Victoria
might endanger the heritage of her sou Albert.
In view of these facts, would it not be well for
our governmmt to be on the look. out lor the
new.. Monitors
lowing is the estimate of the New York Post
in regard to the next Senate. The Post indi
cates the probable politics of the successors of
the present incumbents. The final result giv
ing a majority to the Administraton cannot be
changed ; but any conjectures made at this
time must be very doubtful:
States. Present Incum. Politics. Successors .
California. M. W. Latham, D., . Union.
Conn Jas. Dixon...o ~.J. Dixon, U.
Delaware.. J. A. Bayard.D., ..Democrat.
Indiana... J. A. Wright .U.,.. Democrat.
Maine ....L. M. Morrill.U„ ..Union
Maryland . A. Kennedy..U.,.. Doubtful.
Mass Chas. Sumner.U.,..Union
Michigan.. Z. Chandler ..U., ..Union.
Minnesota.H. M. Rice ...D.,..Union.
Missouri ..J. R.Hend'son.U., ..Union.
.New J....J. 11. Thomson D., ..Democrat.
New York, Preston King .U.,..Union.
Ohio B F. Wade... U., .. Union.
Penn'a....D. Wilmot. .U.,..Doubtful.
Rhode G. Arnold.. U., .. Wm. Sprague,U
Tennessee .A. Johnson.. . U., . No successor.
Vermont..S. Foot If., ..S. Foot, U.
Virginia .. W. T. Willey..U., . . Union.
Wiscooain.J. R. Doolittle.U.„ .Union.
Reverdy Johnson has been elected Senator
from Maryland.
The number of Administration men going out
is 14 ; Opposition, 5. Of those to enter on their
terms in March from those States will be-13
Administration, 2 doubtful, and 3 Opposition.
Tennessee will not choose a Senator.
The complexion of the next Senate will there
fore, probably, be as follows : Administration,
38 ; Opposition, 10.
The Secretary of the Treasury and
The Washington correspondent of the New
York Evening Post, writing under date of the
12th inst , says that the Idea has got abroad
that Mr. Chase intends to make war upon the
banks. Nothing could be further from the
truth. He is in intimate relation with a large
number of the banks, and these institutions
are aiding the government in many ways. Mr.
Chase is so managing the affairs of his depart
ment as to enable him to cease issuing paper
currercy at an early date, if this shall be possi
ble. He is now getting clear of his remainders.
When the seven-thirties new put up aril sold,
the only remaining • original stock will be the
five-twenty six per cents. This is to be made
the great popular Government Loan. It is be
lieved that Mr. Chase will not ask for authority
to issue any more seven-thirties, or twenty
year six per cents Under these circumstances
the few millions of seven-thirties soon to be sold
will command current rates. It Is all of this
kind of stock the public will get from the Trea
sury Department.
The revenue of the government during 1863,
it is expected, will be not far from $270,000,-
000—5200,000,000 from taxes, $60,000,000
from duties, and $lO 000.000 from postoffice
revenues. It is said that Mr. Chase does not
estimate the revenues from taxes higher than
$160,000,000, but nearly all the financial men
connected with the department put it at or
above $200,000,000
The national debt, with an income of $270,-
000,000, will not, one year from now, be one
thousand millions, and some able financiers put
the figures as low as eight hundred millions.
It will not cost more to support an army of one
million in 1863, than it did to support an army
of 600,000 in 1862, for the reason that the
most of tip muskets and clothing and muni
tions of voli and vessels are provided.
ders, of the 24th Indiana, enlisted in his com
pany on Friday of last werk three men who
had hired as substitutes at $126 each, and on
Saturday they made themselves scarce in Camp
Sullivan, escaping through a hole in the fence.
Learning that they had gone to Cincinnati,
Capt. S. followed them. Calling upon the
chief of police there, he found the pictures of
all three of the scamp 'gracing the walls of
the rouses' gallery, and he wee thus enabled
to identify and trace them. They had been
spending their ill-gotten money quite freely,
had donned new snits of clothing, and were
living " gay and festive lives." Two of
them unable to resist their old habits of ads-
chief, were already in jail, and the third was
arrested while visiting his friends. All three
were brought back by Captain Saunders and
now await their punishment, which ought to
be speedy and severe. The sooner examples
are made of such rascals the better. We learn
that they belong to a regularly organised as
sociation of substitute and bounty swindlers
existing in Ohio and .Indiana.—builanapolia
Tana has been considerable resistance to the
draft in Wisconsin, and the result is it has been
postponed for the present.
the Banks.
Archbishop Hughes on the War and
the Feeling in Europe•
Archbishop Hugl, es has addressed a lett( r to
Secretary Seward, in which he says :
"It has, no doubt, escaped your memory
that, during the fourteen or fifteen hours which
I spent in Washington, I declined the accept
ance of what would be to persons not of my
rank a great honor. I*l not absolutely re
fuse before deciding, but I wished to consult
one or two p moos very near and dear to me in
New York. Finally, and at the very last hour,
there was a word 'uttered to me, not by any
special member of the Cabinet to which you be
long, but by the authority which it possesses,
to the effect that my acting as had been sug
gested was a personal request, and would be
considered as a personal favor. In three min
utes I decided' that, without consulting any
body, I shouldembark as a volunteer to ac
complErh what might be possible on the other
side of the. Atlantic in favor of the country to
which I belong.
" What occurred on the other side I think it
would be, at present, improper (or me to make
public. lam not cm tain that any word, or act
or influence of mine has had the slightest effect
in preventing either England or France from
plunging into the unhappy divisions that have
threatened the tArion of these once prosperous
States. On the other band, I may say that no
day—'io hour even— was spent in Europe in
which I did not, according , to opportunity, la
bor for peace between Europe and America.
So far that peace has not been disturbed. But
let America be prepared. There is no love for
the United States on the other side of the wa
ter. Generally speaking, on the other side of
the Atlantic the United States are ignored, if
not despised ; treated in conversation in the
same contemptuous language as we might em
ploy towards the inhabitants of the Sandwich
Islands, or Washington territory, or Vancou
ver's Island, or the settlements of the Bed Riv
er, or of the Hudson's Bay territory.
"This may be considered very unpolished,
almost unchristian language proceeding from
the peu of a Catholic archbishop. But, my
dear Governor, it is unquestionably true, and
lam sorry that it is so If you, in Washing
ton, are not able to defend yourselves in case of
need, I do not see where, or from whet sonrce,
you can expect friendship or protec ion. Since
my return I made a kind of familiar address to
my people, but not for them exclusively; in
St. Patrick's Cathedral. Some have called it
not a sermon, but a discourse, and even a war
blast, in favor. of blood spilling. Nothing of
that kind could be warranted by a knowledge
of my natural temperament or of my ecclesias
tical training. From the slight correspondence
between us, you can bear me witness that I
pleaded in every direction for the preservation
of peace, so long as the slightest hope of its
preservation remained. When all hope of this
kind passed away Iwas for a vigorous prosecution
of our melancholy war, so that one side or the other
should find itself in the ascendencye."
'I as CHIVALRY.—Here is a specimen of one
of the "born patricians" of the South : An old
wretch 041110 within the Union lines at New
bern a fow days ago looking for an escaped slave,
a handsome, girl of sixteen years. Finding
that a master's claim was not recognized, the
pitiful old wretch insisted upon claiming her
by right of being her father? Oh ! the chiv
Tama is a plant in the island of Sumatra,
the circumference 'of whose fully expanded
flower famine feet ; its nectarium is calculated
to hold nine pints.; the pistils are as large as
cows' horns, and the Whole weight 6f the tiles-
Isom is computed to be fifteen pounds.
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The Siege of Nashville
Rebels' Negroes Used for Fatigue Duty
Breckinridge sent a flag of truce from Mur
freesboro' late last night, asking an exchange
of 19 prisoners.
The main rebel force is falling back to the
South, under Polk and Buckner.
Bragg has resumed command, Gen. Joe.
Johnston's health being too much impaired for
field service.
The railroad bridge across the Hapeth, at
Franklin, Tenn., was destroyed by the rebels a
day or two ago.
Gen. Roeecrans has ordered the impressing of
rebels' negroes for fatigue duty ; also, the
organization of, negro pioneer corps on hie
Corinth plan.
Capt. James St. C. Morton of the 11. S. Engi
neer Corps has been appointed Chief Engineer
of the department.
Col. Garesche, Chief of Staff, will enter upon
duty to-morrow. Heavy supply trains are ar
riving from Mitchelleville. The weather is
She is in Favor of President Lincoln's
Immediate Legislation upon the
Subjeop Demanded.
It has been ascertained that our Legislative
ticket (emancipation according to the Presi
dent's proclamation) has succeeded beyond our
expectations. There will be majority of ten
members in favor of emancipation on a joint
ballot in our new Legislature. The people
here demand immediate action in the matter,
and we are all proud that Misiouri is the ban
ner State, being the first Border State in line.
_The Congressional delegation will stand as
follows : 1, F. P. Blair ; 2, H. T. Blow ; 8, J.
G. Scott; 4, S. H. Boyd; 6, J. W. McClung;
6, A. A. King ; 7, Gen. Ben. L an ; 8, W. A
Hall ; 9, J. S. Rollins.
NEW YORK. Nov. 13.
The steamer Champion, from Aspinwall has
arrived with $717 . 000 in treasure,
The steamer St. Louis brought down, in ad.
dition to her San Francisco cargo, $650,000 in
Mexican treasure and 66 bales of cotton.
Autroquia, the great stronghold of Arboledas'
party, has submitted quietly to .Mosquera, and
this it is thought will end the war in New
The 11. S. frigate Sarenao has sailed for the
Mexican, ports.
The Ti. S. steamer. Lancaster and the sloop
of war st. Mary, were still at Pensma.
Nsw YORE, Nov. 13.
The prize steamer Scotia has arrived from
Port Royal.
Neosvaue, Nov. 12
SFIALFD„PROPOSALS Will be received at my
office in Harrisburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock,
noon, on TUESDAY, tus,2sth day of NOVEM
BER, 1862, for supplying the Camp of Rendes
vous of Drafted Militia, at Camp Simmons, with
Uncooked Rations. Bids will state the price at
which each Ration will be furnished.
The Ration is as follows:
Three-quarters of a pound of Pork or Bacon, or
One and one-fourth pounds of Beef; and
Twenty-one ounces of Bread or Flour ; or
One pound of Hard Bread ; or
One and one-fourth pounds of Corn Mel'.
And at the rate per hundred Rations of eight
quarts of Beans end ten pounds of Rice or
Hominy ; ten pounds of Coffee or one and a
half pounds of Tea ; fifteen pounds of Sugar
four quarts of Vinegar ; one and one-fourth
pound Adamantine Candies ; four pounds of
Soap and two quarts of Salt.
In addition to the abode the Contractor will
furnish twice a week one gallon of Molasses
per hundred Rations, and three times a week
one pound of Potatoes per Ration.
Good and approved security for the faithful
performance of the Contract will be required,
and the names and places of residence of the
proposed sureties, (two in ;number) must be
stated in the bids. The lowest responsible bid
will be accepted, but the right to reject all bids,
should they be deemed too high, is reserved to
the Government. Bidders.are requested to be
present at the opening of the bids.
ST. Louis, Nov. 12
thoroughly understands the business can
nol3-d3t* Market Street near Third.
.1.7 Third Street, next door to Bradly's Barber
ATAWBA GRAPES, cheap, wholesale and re
J UST received and for sale by
Wl4. DOCK, Jr., & CO
ALARGE supply of these delicious crackers
just received and for sale by
WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO
;CHECK N 0.134, dated Harrisburg , Nov 11,
A_) on Assistnt Treasurer S., Philadelp hia , i
for $143 55, drawn to order of Lieut.
Capt. 15th II: S. 1.,11. C.
.Banks and bankers are cautioned against
paying same. nol2
Thereis more demand for flour— confined to
extra faintly grade, of which 2,000 barrels sold at
$7 50®7 75. Becxlipts and stocks light. No
change in rye fib r or corn meal. Wheat is
dull and lower-5,000 bushels Pennsylvania,
and western red sold at $1 4501 47. Rye
steady at 90cts. for Delaware, and 95®98cts
for Pennsylvania. Corn is in good request
and 30,000 bushels of yellow sold at 74cts.
Oats in better request and 5,000 bushels
sold at 41®4208. for new, and 62cts. for old.
Clover seed is active and 2,000 bushels sold at
$6 25®6 40. No change in timothy or flax
seed. Whisky firm at 40cts.
NEW YORK, Nov. 13
Cotton firm ; sales 500 bales at 64c. Flour
advanced 5c ; 15,000 bbls. sold at $5 8045 90
for State ; $5
. 85®5 95 for Ohio ; and $5 60
as 90 for Southern. Wheat steady ; sales
75,000.bu5. at $1 18@1 25 for Chicago Spring;
$1 2441 32 for Milwankie Club ; $1 4041 43
for Red. Corn advanced is ; sales of 50,000
bush. at 72c472i for Western ; 66c®69 for
Eastern ; and 59c®65 for unsound. Pork firm
at 13c413f for mess ; and $ll 50 tor prime.
Lard heavy at stasint. Whisky dull at 87c.
Flour dull, Ohio extra $7 371. Wheat quiet,
red k. lower. Corn dull, white 74@75c ; yel
low 72®73c. Whiskey steady at 41fc. Coffee
firm. Lard firm, sales of western at 10c.
New York Money Market.
New Yosx, Nov. 18
Gold is quoted at 31*(432 per cent. premium;
demand notes 25i per cent. premium; sterling
exchange 464,@„47 per cent. Stocks irregular;
Chicago and Rock Island 79*; Cumberland Coal
12; Virginia 6s 65; Missouri Cis 52*; Illinois
Coupons 1862101 k; Treasury 7 3-108 105; Cou
pons 1861 103*. Sugar has advanced * cent.
To the Reverend Clergy of the State
GEsermumor : The Educational State Conven
tion, which was in session in Harrisburg left
August, unanimously adopted 'a resclution,
"That ministers of the Gospel throughout the
State be requested to preach, on the first Sunday
in Decemlh r, 1862, a sermon on popul it edu
As the Convent inn id..pted no means to make
its wishes on the -obi t kuown to yuu, other
than the publica oi the minutes of its pro
ceeding., I have taken the liberty, in this
manner, to invite ynur allention to it.
At all limes the due training of the young is
of great importance, and the relation to it of
the Christian ministers is plain and intimate.
In the present unhappy juncture of our national
affairs, rsgarding the future through the uncer
tain light of toe present, this importan e is
vastly increased, and the relations of your body
to it seems to become iu the same proportion
The wishes of the Convention are therefore
cordially commended to your 'favorable cousid
oration, with the hope that you will simulta.
nrously add your prayers to the Father of Light
that He will at this time especially bless the
cause of general education,
and so guide the
efforts ot all tritrusted.with its care, that the
youths of the land may become Christian citi
zens ot a united and prosperous Republic.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Supt. anr. Schools.
llarriaburg. Nov. 11, 1863.
fir Editors in the State are requested to in
sert the foregoing, and County Superintendents
will take measures to bring it to the attention
of ministers of all denominations in their re
sprclive couutita nol'l.•d3t
aittlell? 13 till tilts
ripWo First Class Journeymen tailors wanted
1 Best prices paid. Apply at
No. 26, North Second St
nola 3t*
LOST last evening at Frisch's Hall, a part of
a Cameo Ear Ring, a man's head and fila
gree band around it. A reward of one dollar
will be given if left at this office. [nol3-It*
Capt. 3d Cavalry, Chief Mustering Officer
listaussuna, Nov. 13, 1862.-dtd
I MIMS, Tuba, Brushes of all kinds, for
Tov6 Cor. Front and Market Sta.
Prices of Admission 50 and 25 Ots.
Walnut Street,below State Capital Hotel.
Best Regulated and Cheapest Place of Amuse
ment in the World. Never has
more been
such a knight array of
in any Establishment of the kind, either in
Determined to keep up the GREAT REPU
TATION already acquired for this
Mammouth Place of Amusement,
we feel a just pride in announcing for this
week, commencing November 10th,
First Week of the World Renowned
the Eminent Etheopian Comedian and Great
Tamborinist ; and
the Champion Jig Dancer of America and Ec
centric Comedian ; in connection with the
ou the American Stage,
and the American Nightingales
ADM15510N.......... . '2O cents
Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 73.
808 EDWARD9,SoIe,LeFsee and Manager•
UNOLE TO MY. toe of the Bucktalls, Superintendent
Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay
and War Claims.
Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls, and Re
cruiting Accounts Made Out.
undersigned, having been in the em
1_ ployment of the United States during the
last eighteen months, as Clerk in the Muster
ing and Disbursing Office and Office of Super
intendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylva
nia, respectfully informs the public that he has
.opened an office in the DAILY TALICGRAPH
Building for the purpose of collecting Pen
sions, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims ;
also, making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster
Rolls and Recruiting Accounts.
All orders by mail attended to promptly.
or Blanks of all kinds furnished at this
office. novl-dtf
rrHE undersigned will sell at public vendue,
1. on the premises, his Hotel Property, in
West King street, in the city of Lancaster,
known as the
in the first square of the city.
This Hotel is one of the best in the city
of Lancaster for regular business, having always
had its full share of custom, and for the several
last years has been increasing largely. its
proximity to Fulton Hall, (being the nearest
Hotel,) gives it advantages over any other in
the city. Possession and an indisputable title
will be given on the first of April next.
Sale will commence at 6 o'clock in the even
ing of the said day
IvyAS lost, mislaid or stolen on the 25th of
of October, a $lOO note, of the Bank of
Delaware County. The above reward will be
paid for its recovery.
If any person not likely to own such a sized
note has been seen with one, such information
may lead to its recovery. Apply to
nolo dlw At the Eagle Works.
111 HE subscriber is prepared to deliver to
A. the citizens of Harrisburg, pure
Coals, eitla,r by the car, boat load, single ton, at the
lowcst market prices going. Orders left at my aloe, 4th
ann Market, will be punctually attended to,
Harrisburg, Sept. 30, 1862
DER.—Mr. James M. Wheeler having
withdrawn from the agency for the sale of our
Gunpowder in Harrisburg, we have appointed
Major David M'Cormick our agent, who will
be prepared to furnish all Mr. Wheeler's cus
tomers as usual.
NY Person wanting a good Family Mare
.711. for her "good" keeping, can be accommo
dated, by applying to J. Midi, through the
ALSO, A fine pair of mules will be hired on
reasonable terms. "" J. MISH.
back building, situated 0.. Cumberland street, near
Fennsylvawa Avenue
Also, oue on Peuueylvania Ave]) above Cumberland
street. pply t) Dr. AA. RUTHERYOND,
oct27-d2w Front street.
FSALE.—A House and Piece of Ground,
12 in the First Ward of this city. For fur
ther particulars inquire of W. BARR,
nolo-dlwo Auctioneer.
The Wonder of the Age
To conclude every eveulug with the great
em ~Uvrrtistments