Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 11, 1862, Image 3

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    aitp tiograp.
verttsements, Business 'Mottoes, Mar
riages, Deaths, ems., to secure insertion
n the TELEGRAPH, mast invariably
be accompanied with the VASIL
Advertisements ordered in the rega
-1 ar Evening Edition are inserted in the
morning Edition without extra charge.
Tuesda) Afternoon, November 11, 1862
Of all kinds attended to.
Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [0271y
BUOR.WHEAT FLOOR.—An extra fine lot just
received at Dock 8 Co.'e Grocery.
WE ARE HAPPY to learn that Lieut. Colons
klammerely, of Allentown, is gradually recov
eting from his wound.
To•DAY was all that could be desired, for
runsbine, health, vigor, and, where the mind
permitted the enjoyment, happiness.
Tats BOROUGH Or EASTON, by its Council, has
authorized the issue of small idler notes. They
are to be put in circulation about the Ist of
'1448 REGULAR MONTHLY Minna of the Young
Men's Christian Association will be bald at
their room this evening at 7i o'clock, and a
tali attendkuce is expected as important busi
ness will be transacted.
SAD AOlrDlENT.—Yaßteiday, a SOO of Dr. Call.
low, living at Slatarnoras, this county, while
out gunning, accidently shut himself in the
baud, lacerating the limb in a frightful manner.
The wound was dress-d by Dr. Bachus, and the
boy Is doing well.
son of Mr. T. Jefferson Black, a fine lad of six or
seven years of age was run over by the omnibus
at the corner of Second and State Ste. The boy
was carried into the house of his parents and
expired in a few minutc
IF THE LADY who plains because she was
compelled to leave Camp Curtin, and forbade
to continue lin business as a vender of eatables
within its limits, will authorize us to print her
communication with her proper name, it shall
appear to-morrow. The story she relates is a
hard one, but it would lose its effects if it ap
peared anonymously.
is reported that the commission appointed to
decide where the great navy yard for the con
struction of iron-clad steamers is to be built ate
divided between New London, Connecticut, and
League Island, Pbiladelpiria ; and that the Ron.
A. Dallas Bache, Superintendent of the Coast
Survey, has prepared a powerful paper in favor
of the latter, which, it will be recollected, was
offered as a free gilt to the Government by the
loyal metropolis of the Keystone State.
Lusfr CHAPLALNEL—But few men in any po
sition in the army have better opportunities for
doing good than the army and hospital chap
lains. Borne of our chaplains are all that can
be desired. They feel the solemn responsibility
attached to their position as a true Christian
minister should. Yet w. cannot disguise the
fact that many, alas 1 too many of the chap
lains are not only inefficient and inattentive to
dudes, but some are wolves in sheep's clothing.
The greatest care should be taken in the selec
tion of so important an officer.
GENSBAL McCmaday's removal, or what is a
softer mode of expressing a disagreeable fact,
relief from service, has already ceased to be a
subject of discussion. A few of the officers in
this city, who have never been in any other
battle except the dirty battles of the party
which they uphold, profess to be very indignant,
and assert their intention of resigning. Such a
result would be a greater benefit to the country
than the cause of it is expected to confer, and
we trust that such officers, in all cases, will be
compelled to retire. Among the fighting men
of the city, the soldiers who are ardent for battle
because they are anilines for peace, the retire
ment of McClellan is accepted as a great ; mili
tary necessity, which should have been accom
plished immediately after the esu.po of the
rebels from Manassas.
PIRSONAL.-00i. F. S. Stambaugh, of the
77th Regiment, P. V., is in town, on sick
leave. Col. S. is one of the very best soldiers
who went forward from this State, bearing the
banner of the Republic in triumph over the
soil of treason. His recovery is essential to
the success of his regiment.
Major 5.14. Bradford, of the same regiment,
is also in town. The Major is a prisoner of
war, having been captured at Perryville, Ken
tucky. He is as corpulent as ever, and is ready
to meet the "Gray Backs" again, as soon as he
is exchanged.
Capt. John J. Ball, Co. G, 127th Regiment,
P. V., is in town on furlough. The Captain
was severely wounded in the foot, by an axe,
while engaged in cutting wood. He reports ,
the health of the regiment as good, there be
ing but very few men in the hospitals. The
regiment is called the Flower of Virginia, and
Gen. Abercrombie has honored it with a posi
tion on the right of his division. (Jul. Jen
nings is acting Brigadier General, and makes an
excellent officer. The command of the regi
ment now devolves upon Lieut. Colonel Alle
man, who is an active and efficient officer, and
will lead the "Dauphin County Boys" to face
the enemy whenever opportunity offers. We
expect to hear a good account of him.
Lieut. Waltman, of the 9th cavalry, (now at
Bowling Green, Ky.) arrived in this city this
morning, having been detailed for recruiting
service. He reports the men of his regiment
in good health. To this we may except Capt.
J. K. Waltman, whose hearing is still im
paired, though the surgeon has given it as hid
opinion, that, with eare, he will fully reeoVet.
lialnoVlDania Daily edegrapt, eutobati 'Afternoon Noriemba 11, i 1362
Oat of sixteen hundred men who should have '
reported at Camp Curtin as drafted men from
Lancaster county, it is found that there are not
sufficient present to form a regiment. This has
c%used great consternation among those who
had fUrnished substitutes, as many if not nearly
all of such as substituted for others, have failed
to report. In consequence of this state of facts,
a great many persons are here from Lancaster,
looking after their substitutes. It appears that
large numbers of strangers had offered to serve
in this capacity, for the Lancaster county men,
and these now having their bounty and the
sum which they received from the persons
originally drafted, have absented themselves
for the purpose of fraud and shirking the ser
We are not able to explain whether, after
the government has accepted a substitute, it
absolves the person originally drafted, from
service, or whether, In case the substitute thus
escapes, the original party can be seised as a
deserter. It involves a nice point of law. If
the party originally drafted must supply the
place of a substitute who deserts, it inflicts a
great hardship. As the case now stands, it
must soon be tested, because the number of
substitutes who have deserted Is said to be
A Sounsa Fatar.—A camp has just been es•
tablished on the farms of Messrs. Haldeman
and Oyster, which is to accommodate 4,600
cavalry, and occupies an area of slaty acres. A
large number of troops took possession of this
camp yesterday, and immediately commenced
operations by foraging on the farmers in the
vicinity. Apples that were buried in the
ground for winter preservation, were un
earthed and carried to camp—cabbage in the
same state of preservation was subjected to
the same process—spring houses filled with
butter, were relieved with as much skill as
pick pockets relieve unwary travelers who stop
at our depots for a meal, of their purses—hen
roosts were disposessed of their occupants, and
barns left perfectly desolate. Such were the
defiant depredations committed on the farmers
within the vicinity, that alarm and even fear
of the loss of life prevailed through the entire
vicinity of this camp. Last night, one of the
farmers close to the camp, resisted these depre
dations, by shooting a soldier whom he caught
in the act of carrying off two bee hives, with
the honey included. The man was not dan
gerously wounded, and was carried to the camp
by the farmer who shot him, for the purpose
of proving to the officers in command, that he
was determined to protect his property at all
hazards. Of course a scene of great exalt
meat occurred at the camp. The soldiers
feigned to be very indignant at the fate of
their thieving comrade, and threatened to
lynch the farmer, but his determined bearing
and resolute declarations to defend not only his
property, but his life, induced the men in camp
to desist.
It is certainly a great evil, that our farmers
should be thus annoyed. The Commissary
Department supplies the men in camp with
' ample provisions. The necessity of foraging
on the defenceless farmer .does not exist, and
when a soldier meets the fate of the man who
was shot on Monday evening, while in the act of
stealing, though it is a hard one, he deserves
all the punishment he suffers.
DIMLY Taken:sus' Intraxgrz.—On the 4th
inst., in compliance with a resolution passed at
a former meeting, the teachers of Derry town
ship assembled in Hummelstown, for the pur
pose of organizing a District Teachers' Institute.
The meeting was called to order by the Presi
dent, when a prayer was offered by A. Zimmer
After reading the minutes of the last meet
ing, the Institute proceeded to the election of
Mr. Eby conducted a class in reading. He
was followed by Mr. Ebrecht in arithmetic.
Mr. Barked moved that a regular series of
text hooks be adopted, which motion was dis
cussed at length and finally adopted.
A committee was appointed to select such
books as they deemed necessary and suitable
for use in the schools a the district.
On motion, the thanks of the Institute were
tendered to Dr. J. Shafer, Fox and 'Balsbaugh,
for their kind and hospital entertainment.
Adjourned, to meet in two weeks from the
day of the present meeting, in the Palmyra
school house.
We understand that a great interest has been
awakened among the school teachers and di
rectors of this county, and that these auxiliary
institutions are being organized in every town
ship. The movement is highly commendable,
as well as creditable. It will awaken the in
terest of the parent, and as such as these en
courage the teachers by their co-operation, the
teacher will be stimulated to exertion and im
provement. The position of a teacher in the
great system of education in Pennsylvania, is
second to no other in the state, in point of
importance. His duties are respectable and re
sponsible. He has in charge the material out
of which are to be formed the future statesmen,
soldiers, merchants, mechanics and citizens of
the Republic. It well becomes such as these,
then, to seek a self-improvement, that they
may be the better qualified to discharge the
great duty of improving those committed to
their charge. To attain these ends, these dis
trict institutes can contribute much of impor
tance. We are in favor of their encouragenitnt.
Our columns are always open to those who thus
labor, and we deem it one of our own great du
ties to encourage and promote, by every means
in our power, the cause of education among the
.Artuo EIPLORLTION.—The Attic exploration
of Dr. E. K. Kane and his worthy companions
has received the grateful thanks of Lady Frank
lin, for the special object it had in view, and
has been substantially acknowledged by oar
government for the valuable information it has
conferred upon the civilized world. The care
ful reader will not fail to see in the history of
the expedition, as published by Dr. EK. ane,
the invaluable use of Furs for clothing, as a
protection against the intense cold of that
climate, and though the winter in our own
country is not characterized by that intense
cold, still it has been found necessary to adopt
some garment combining beauty with comfort,
as a protection from the cold of the changing
season. And now Fars are generally insvogrie;
and can be purchased at reasonable Bowman at the
cheap dry goods house of Mich & .
IT HMI been estimated that the income from
check stamps hi New York city, will amount,
on an average, to about ten thousand dollars a
day—over three millions a year. The receipts
from the came source in this city are, of
course, not so large as in New York, and will
not, consequently, equal the eam•> itftgregatt ,
in a year.
Ir mama le, among the wounded men in any
of the soldier hospitals, a watchmaker, he can
find employment by calling A 74 Market
nolo fit
A Morin Eirresuunistrr —Among the many
improvements lately made in our city, to which
we can point with pride as an evidence of pros
perity and as a determination on the part= of
our business men, no longer to remain behind
the ' light house," Is the completion of Eby
Kunkle's large brick building at the corner
of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike
creditable to the owners and ornamental to that
part ot our city.
The building is not only one of the largest,
devoted to the grocery business, outside of New
York, but the stock ch 411enges competion.—
Without going into detail, we may safely say
that the firm keep on baud everything usually
kept in a grocesitstore, (liquors excepted,) and
'that they sell at very small profits. Their
- clerks are civil and accommodating, and have
strict instructions under no circumstances what
ever to misrepresent or take advantage ot any
customer. A general invitation is extended to
the public to visit the new building and exam
ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase
OT not .
To the Afflicted.
The undersigned would respectfully inform
those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Ds s
pepsia Consumption of Liver and Kidney,
Coughs, Fevera, and all diseases arising from
impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to
furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable
Medicines at very moderate rates. I have Moo
on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves . for
Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. ,References
can be furnished al to their wonderful efficacy,
whenever called upon. There need he ap
prehension in regard to my competency to ad
minister it, as I have had it on hand for the
past six years. As they are now sold at reduced
prices, no family should be without them over
night. They can be had at any time at my
'residence, is Pine street, between Second and
Front. (aulB-dlm) MRS. L. BALL.
PHILADVILPHIA, Nov. 3, 1862.
Mrs. Ball :—I feel no hesitancy in acknow
ledging the virtue of your medicine, its 'sooth
ing influence and healing- power. For several
years I was afflicted with dyspepsia, and during
my stay in Harrisburg you cured me in the
short awe of one month, of that annoying
and distressing disease, and at the same time
also cured me of a running scrofula, which had
existed for over one year without ceasing.—
During my years _of affliction, I applied fre
quently to doctors of medicine, but they proved
ineffectual. I have the utmost eonfidence and
belief in the power of your medicine, and would
say to those afflicted, who wish to enjoy life in
its natural element, with a system renewed to
vigorous nature, to try your medicine as I did.
Tours truly,
Glib. J. IicCEEERY,
64 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.
But restores gray hair to its original color, by sup
plying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance,
impaired by age or disease. Au instsntaneous dyes ar.
composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality anal
beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing.
Heimstreet's lnimilele Coloring not only restores hair
to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the
hair a
Luxuriant Beauty,
promotes its growth, prevesto its galling off eradiestei
dandruff, and imparts health end pleasantness to the
head. It has stood the test of time, being the original
flair Col,, and is constantly Increasing' in favor.
Bud by both gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all
respectable d Mere ,or can be premed by them of the
commercial agent, D b. Barnes, 202 Broadway, . Y.
Two sizes, 60 cats and $1
21/Ira no more unykoad and =safe Medicines.
For unpleasant and dangerous diseases, use
Which has received the endorsement of the most
is now aired to afflicted humardly es a certain core for
the following diseases and rymptotss originating from
else wee and abuse of the Urinary or &MUM Orono.
General Debility,
M owlet bysical Depreialon,
Determination of Blood to the Head,
Confused ideas, .
Hysteri G eneral Irruablilty
Radians's, and Sleepier seem at Night,
Absents of Muscular Ettleieuey,
Loss of Appetite,
Low Spir its,
Disorganization or Paralysis of the
Organs of Generation,
Palpitation of the Hegira,
And, In tact, all the coneemitants of a Nervms and
Debilitated state of the system.
n insure the genuine, cut thtia out:
Bee adverUeement IA another column.
novB 88:w2in
Fuss ! Fuss I IN--We have received from New
York a vie odid assortment of Furs at all prices.
Black Cloaks, ready made and made to order.
500 Hoop Skirts, all styles from 76c. up.
50 pieces of white, red and yellow flannel.
25 dozen of white and grey Undershirts and
26 pieces of new Detainee and other Dress
30 pair of splendid white (all wool) Blankets.
200 splendid Cambric Bands, best French
needle work.
Avery large assortment of ladies, gentlemen
and children's Stockings, (wool and cotton,) all
10 dozen of WOW, Woolen Etoods,Sontags,
and Chenile Scarfs.
50 pieces of Caesinetts and Kentucky Jeans,
for men and boys' wear.
10 pieces of Merinos, (all colors,) Alapacces,
and Feramattas.
Our stock now is large, and bought before
the rise in goods, and those wishing to buy_we
would invite to call. ' S. LEW.
r HE undersigned will give immediate em-
J pioyment to Twenty woodehoppers, at lair
paws. None but i•ouer, industrious men , need
NO. 5, S. Front St.
nov 6deod l.w. CQr. Market Square.
S-.. T.-1.8 6 0-X
rrtElE language of nature and experience de
l. monstratas, that whoever would enjoy the
pleasures of food—the beauties of landscapes,—
the joys of companionship—the richness of lit
erature—or the lionot a of station and lenown—
must preserve their health
The stomach is the receptacle of all nourish- ,
ment, and the fountain from which all parts of
the body, derive i-ustenance. The effect of foul
injurious food entering the stomach, is to de
range the digestive organs, and produce headache,
loss of appdite, unrefreshed sleep, Mid breath, low
syMite, feverish buntings, constipation, irszpreity to
perform any mental or physical duty, See., and are .
the symptoms=of that horri4 disease
Which assumes a thousand stapes, and points
towards a miserable life and premature decay. The
Medical Faculty has laboreci for generations to
discover reliable' appetizers and We proper
means of overcoming stomachic derangements.
Certain ingredients have been long known as
partially affective. Among these were
Au invalid physician, sojourning in the tro
pical island of St. Croix, observing the habits
of the natives, gathered the recipe for the final
accomplishment of this most important end.
The article wait first used as a priVate medicine,
when its salutary effects becoming known, It
was brought 'out under the name of
They act with unerring power, and are taken
with the pleasure of a beverage. They perform
most wonderful cures in stubborn cases of Dys
pepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Affections,
Loss of Appetite, Intermittent Fevers, Diar
rbre t, Sour Stomach Headache ' Fever and
Augue, Weakness, Mental Despondency, &c.
As a morning appetizer and after dinner tonic, they
should be in every family They are a delighgul,
exhaerating stimulant, without any subsequent stupefy
ing reaction.
Heger& P. H. DEMElll.—Genaensin: -- I have
suffered terribly with Dyspepsia for three or
four years, and tried; many remedies without
effect. I had to abandon my profession, and
suffered greatly from everything I ate. I have
now tried the Plantation Bitterer-they helped
me—l continued their use, and am now nearly
a well man. ' I know of several similar cease.
Respectbllly yours, Rev. J. CAmontr."
Intelligent persons and physicians can judge
of toe tfficacy of the .Plantation Bitters from
the following partial formula.
Was known and used in Germany for Dyspep
sia, Chronic Diarrboa, Cholic, Dysentery, and
diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, as early as
. _
For Inflammation of the Loins and Spleen in
Dropsical Affections and Biliary Secretions, or
Obstructions of the Abdominal Viscera.
Was unknown to civilization until the middle
of the 17th century. Humboldt makes favora
ble mention of the febrifuge qualities of this
article as an Antidote to Fever and Agne, In
termittent and &hilarious Fevers, in his eaten.
sive South American travels. The Countess,
wife of the Viceroy of Peru, having experienced
the beneficial effects of this Bark, sent it to
Europe in 1640. It was sold by the Jesuits for
the enormous sum of its own weight in silver, and
was thus called Jzsurrs' Pownsz. In 1668, Sir
John Talbot employed it with great success in
Fiance, in the treatment of Fever and Ague,
Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite,
Weakness and Debility, Palpitation of the
Heart, Diarrhoea, B:c., under the name of Eng
lish Powders ; and iti 1679, he sold the secret
of its origin to Louis XIV, by whom it was di
vulged. It is now a standard remedy in all
Pharmaeopcels., and is employed in preparing
the Plantation Bitters. ,
Chamomille Flowers, for enfeebled digestion ;
Winter green, valuable for Scrofula, Rheumatism,
and Nefratic Affections • Lavender Flowers, aro
matic, stimulant and tonic, highly invigorating
in Savona Debility ; Anise, an aromatic ear
Loin..tive, creating flesh, muscle and milk.
Much used in nursing.
Another ingredient of remarkable and won
derful virtue used in the preparation of these
Bitters, is a native of Brazil, and as yet
known to the commerce of the world. A Span
ish writer says :
0 0 0 " administered with St.
Croix item, never fails to relieve nervous tre
mor, wakefulness, disturbed sleep, &c., and that
it is used with great effect by the Brazilians,
Spanish and Peruvian Ladies to heighten their
color and beauty. It imparts cheerfulness to
the disposition, vigor to the appetite, and bril
liancy to the complexion."
We withhold its name from the public for the
To the above are added Clove Buds, Orange,
Carmway, Coriander, Snake Boot, &0., all pre
served in perfectly pure
nov4 Tuee&Fri 13md% w
The•tonic properties of St. Croix Rum, and
its powerful invigorating effects, have been long
known to the physicians of the world.
Bilious, Intermittent and Chill Fevers; en
gendered:by the change of water and diet of
travelers, particularly upon western rivers, are
prevented and cured by the'Plantation Bitters.
They are also reliable to prevent sea sickness.
PILILADILIZIA, Ist month, 16th day, 1862.
" Emma) Prussn.-IVilt thou send me
another dozen of thy Bitters? Nothing has
proven so beneficial to my invalid wife or my
self, as the Plantation Bitters.
Thy friend, lasec HOWLAND."
N. 8.-The secret of the immense sale of the
Plantation Bitters, 'is their guaranteed reify.
The St. Croix Rum, and every article used, is
warranted perfectly pure, and the money will
be returned if not as represented.
The Plantation Bitters are put up in unique
quart bottles, and sold by all respectable
gists, Grocers ' Hotels and Besteurants through
out the world . Be particular that every bottle
bears the fize simile of the Proprietor's signature.
P. H. DRAKE & CO •
novt-dawlm-eodaeow] 202 Broadway, N. Y.
the winter term of live calendar months on the Ist of
Novembk next. The course of instruction is thorough
and extensive desinged end arranged to prepare boys
and young men for business or college. The principal,
who devotee all him time to the interests of hie mime&
and ita pupils, is assisted by eight gentlemen of ability
and experience. The German, French and Spanish
languages are taught by native resident teachers, an
advantage which will be readily appreciated by the
patrons of the institution:
The Military Department is wider the oluirge of Mejor
G. Eckentiorff, of Philadelphia, whose qualifications for
the position are extensively known. Its duties and
requirements"do not, In any way interfere with the
literary dem Monts, while enrolment among the cadet
corns is tort optioned.
For calolouge de; apply to
eeptB-weodtna WM. F. WYSE'S, A, M., Principal.
!el rir /botrtistmtlits
"Recmgcria, December 28th i-1.861
S. T.-1860-X
S. T.-lEiro-X.
Nivp!_flft FAS letters of administration to
Che edge of tohn Lents, Sr., late of Upper
Paxton township, Dauphin calmly, have been granted to
she subscriber ail 'WHOLIS indebted to the said estate are
requested, to Make immediate payment, and those navhig
claims - or demands against wild estate will make known
he same without delay to Joan Lams, Jr. ,liduitnistrattr,
Upper Paxton Township, near Millersburg P. o.,Dais
phi" County— . oetl3-eaw6w
Ntm elbvtritilmunts.
MUST 701
Primes Melodeons dm.,
Of every kind.
Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors,
Photograph Frames and Albums.
at the New Music Shire of 51L48 WAOD,
41y N 0.12, North Third Street, above Market.
Itt the Name and by the Authority
Wassass, It is a' ood thing to render thanks
unto God for all His mercy and loving kind
Therefore, I, Armarow G. Cuzrze, Governor
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do re:
commend that THURSDAY, THE 27th DAY OF
NOVEMBER NEXT, be set apart by the people
of this Commonwealth, as a day of solemn Prayer
and Thanksgiving to the Almighty :—Giving
Him humble:thanks that He has been gracious
ly pleased to protect our free institutions and
Government, rtyl to keep us from sickness and
'pestilence , —and io cause the' earth to bring
forth her increase, so that our garners are
choked with the harvest—and to look so favor-'
ably on the toil of His children, that industry'
has thriven among us and labor bad its reward;
and also that He has delivered us from the
hands of one enemies—and filled our officers
and men in the field with a loyal and intrepid"
spirit, and Omen them victory—arid that He
has poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) other
great and manifold .blessings :
Beseeching Him to help and govern us in His
;steadfast tear and love, and to put into our
minds good desires, so that by His continual
help we may have a right judgment in all
And especially praying - Him to give to Chris
tian churches grace to hate the thing which is
evil, and tit'utter the teachings of truth and
;righteousness, declaring openly the whole
.counsel of God
And m Ist heartily entreating. Him to bestow
upon our civil', "rulers,, wisdom and earnestness
in council, and upon. our. military leaders, zeal
and vigei in aotion,•thai'the fires of rebellion
may be quenched—that we, being armed with
His defence, may be presented from all perils,
and that hereafter our peorde, ling in peace
and quietness, may, from genera ion to genera- 1
I tion,, reap the abundant fruits of His mercy,
and with joy and thankfulness praise and mag
nify His holy name.
Given under my hand and the great seal of the,
State, at Harrisburg, this Twentieth day of
October, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the
Commonwealth the eighty-seventh.
BY TES Govsaustos
Steretary qf the Oommontoteshh
Once of JAY COOKE,
At JAY COOKE & CO,, Bankers,
Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1862
The undersigned, having been appointed
SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by the Secertary, of
the Treasriry, is now prepared to furnish, at
once, the
New Twenty Year 6 per et. Bonds,
of the United States, designated as "Five-
Twenties," redeemable at the pleasure of the
Government, After five years, and authorized
by Act of Congress, approved February 25,
The COUPON BONDS are is siall in sums of
$5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO. Ill Orr
TheRBGISTER BONDS in sums of $6O, $lOO,
$5OO, $lOOO and $6OOO.
Interest at Six per cent. per annum will
commence from date of purchase, and is
Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the present
premium on gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT.
Fanners, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists,
and all who have any money tovest abould
in ,
know and remember that these bonds are, in
effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Rail
roads, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and
the immense products of all the Manufac
tures, Ac., Ac., in the country ; and that the
full and ample provision made for the payment
of the interest and liquidation of principal,
by Customs Duties, Excise Stamps and Internal
Revenue, serves to make these bonds the
Best, Most Available and Most Popular
Investment la the Market.
Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal
Tender Notes, or notes and checks of banks at
par, in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will
receive prompt attention, and every facility
and explanation. will be afforded on application
at this office.
A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand
for immediate delivery.
JAY COWIE, Subscription Agent.
144 RUBIA MILLS. 144
144 Greene Street, New York City.
Put up in tin foil Pound papers, 48 in a box, and
balk. Our prices rigor) from 8 ki3o cents. We pat up
the following kinds:
We bel eve our Coffee to be better than soy ground
Coffee now in use. All orders addressed to us, or to
our agents, Messrs. PLACA & YOtrial, 182 Chambers
Street, cur. liVaabbigton Street, New York Oily, and
ears. POLLARD & DOUR, 181 and 101 South Water
street, Chicago, 111., will receive prompt attention.
11HE Updegrove Look Property, Usual
groceTy and Rockville House, situated are nines
above Harriabur., now offered for sale. See adver
lasment is Weekly or apply to
A SMALL lot of extra, jest received and for
..141L. sale by WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO.
SI iwerior brands of extra family flour
which we warrant to give satisfaction, for rale by
Corner 'root and Market streets
go basaiiscan , Wediobi.
Bank 2ipplitationo.
Tol'lrE is hereby given that t e BANK
Olf OBES bill COi NTY, inteudi t I apply to the
haure or Fel s ) 'viola at their-next session for a
renewal or cis cot Owl.. Said Bank is loced^d in the
borough of West Obeht.,e, with au authorized capital or
Two Hundred so" Twenty fiva Thousand Dollars, a re.
tome of which will be asked for wdh the usual banking
rivileges. By order of the Board,
WM. W. J,Friimut,
FAINSIta' BANK OF bog Coutart,}
N B6IIIIIIOL, PA., June 24;1862. --
oTicE is hereby giyen,lthst an appli- .
cation will be made to time Legislature of Peousyt
yenta at their next riewion, for wreuewaift, the c4apter
of the g .rillatfAm' BANK of Bucks county. The VIII
Bunk being located in the borough of Brhrot regulasi
twill', with an authorized capital of Two }an d rt d MAU
san I dollars, with the usual harming tirivile_es.
4er ottha Scra', . H. O. I BEASTY,
je26-111t-wein Cashier.
t . ..LIE President, Direc - ors a: d Company
A of the BANK OF DELAWARE COUN Y, :nteud ,to
nuke Application to the next Legislature of We Chin
monwralth, for the re.enal of their Charter bank
ing and discounting privileges as heretofore, ender the
same name or title, at the present location n with the
same capital, two la,ndred thousand collar:, with the .
right to Increase it to three huteire, thousand dam's.
T • YL , R, C shier.
t.)`11.08 la hereby given that the Presi
.lN d e , t lucid Lireotors of the LEBANON BANKJacated
n t o borough of Lobel. on, Lebanon county, Intend to
make application to the Laglehture of Penosylvain. at
their next sessloo, -or a recewal of the charter an an
extenton of the privileges of the said bans,now enjoyed,
with the same name, th.e, loraiieu and cannel r f Uob
-000. By order k. A UHLER,
Ca Men
r HL MINOR':; of Fottsville, ins
1. the county of Pchuy ber by give notice that
they inteed to apply to the Legislator.: of Pounasimanta
at their nett session, for a renewal of trelo eluirter.
eall Bank is located in the bo ough of Pottsville ' in the
county of Sohn) iki.l. with an :onnorize capital of hive
Hundred Th usand Dj bus a real, wai of which will he
asked without any extol ioa of privileges. By order of
the Board. Wel-Ert,
j , 14 dlt wlim. Cashier.,
. Basal or " atmeartaimae,
June Itth, 1861. f
O'llt.T. is hereby given of the intend,
ed application at the matt meeting of the Le&tar
tore fir a renewal of iho cba ter of the B tNH.JF
G, with the present name and style, location
and sprcific Owe , with pnvil ge to incase the .aaratai
mock Irom .11266,8 i c , 8
‘ara to C. 60,000. B order of the
board G. B. bilfcaßradfdlTH,
el4.dit-w6m Cashier.
NuTicE is hereby given that the Prem..
dent and Director. of the L 0 , 4/A . : FICK COliktir
nA\li inteed to make application to the lature of the
Commouweath of Pentoyivania at their next session, for
a reuewel ol the charter, and an • monition of the privilege/
of the mad Bank, wills all the rights and priv,iegea now
enjoyed, Gr a term of twouty years from the e.piration
of the p es,llt charter, with ttn, sane name, title, kica•
Lion and capital of $lOO,OOO. By order
jel3-3 ilea/int Cashier Y i alma. er County Bank.
- MOTICE is hereby given that applicati , n
_oh will be mode at the Mat 11. mint mt omit of the
Legt-lature of Penne)l , ania for a r , n• wa• of the charter
of the BICOBANOtt BANK Op CITT:BIinG, with its
present name, location, pdvfleg s and twits' of One
Million dollars. By order of the Be.rd of threctors,
jyl•dlt-wi3M Cashier.
APYLICatTION will be made to the neld
Legislate e, (session of 18630 for au ACM 0 incor
porate a Bans of trine, Aul.olut, diennut and. other gen
eral banking tx vtlegee, with a capital of Two Jinn tred
Thousand Do la a and authort y to increase the came to
pour Hundred and Flit, 'Thousand Dollar ; to be bated
in Foranton, Interne county, to be robed the OMAN-
W. W. w .2 , 110 N,
NuTICE is hereby given, that an appli
cat on Nl.l be ms dy for the charter of a bane to
be called the C. A., ON Bt - E OF Ei if COUNTY, capt
tat 6100,600 with right w go Into op ration when 540,-
000 bar be. I) at. je3o , tlt w6m.
NOTICE is hereby g iven , that the un
dersigutd citizens of ' ies , avaula have formed
an association and prepared reltkate for the purpose
of establishing a Bank of issue, aiscount and deposit, un
der the provisions of the act, entitled a 'supplement to
an so to esiablah a system of fr• e banking in • ennill
vania, and to secure the public against loss Bon
banka" approved the first day of Has, A. D. 1864
the said bank to be called BL AIR COUNTY' BANK, to
be located in the borough of Hollidaysburg and county
of Blair, is consist of a capital stock of Fifty Thousand
Dollars le shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privi
leges of increasing the ame to any amount not exsecd
lug n all Two Hundred Thousand dollars.
yi 5.411 what R. B. RYAN.
NOTICk: is hereby given that "TEE
tend to apply to the i egislature of Pennsylvan a at their
Lea sessioo for are ewe: of their charter d Bank
le located in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized
capital of One Million of Dolto e a renewal of which will
be asked for, with the usual banking privileges. By or
er of the board, S., 0. PALmEit,
- je23.doawim Colder.
18 HEREBY given, that application will
I be made at the next annual session of the Legisla
tor eof POTIMUIVEdda t for a reuew.l I toe charter of
the itsaltlattlfte BANK, with Its resent name and
at de, location, privileges and capital of Three Hundred
Thousand Dolls:a. By order of the -Roard
Wof Ith
IR anon,
J. . WH,
NOTICE is hereby given that the W,y,
on Bank at Wilkes- Barre will apply to tho
Legislature or the Mate of Pentsyl , ania, at its next ses
sion, for an eateni.lon of the charter of Said Bank and
alto for authority to increase the capital s aid
om one hundred and fifty thousand dollars tottinhon
dred thousand dollars. The name and style, the loca
tion, and the rowers and privileges o said hank to ro•
main the nose as at present, liming and excepting (say
the nicrease of the oapit aforesaid.
G.ll. BOLLIBACH, President.
hDWABD B. LOOP, Cashier.. . m9llO-dit.wem
pi'ONOTICE is hereby given that THE
minim , AND miLateraos , BANK OF EAS
, a Bank of discount and deposit locat-d in the bor
ough or Easton, Northampton county, PenneyWawa, hav
ing a capital of Your Hundred honsand Dollars, will ap
ply so the next logmbture or Pennsylvania for a renewal
of Its charter for Iliteen years from the expiration of its
precast charter, with its present capital stook, powers
and priviteges, and without any alteration in or increase
of the same. J. STEWAR 0, Prea't.
N. FORMAN, Cashier. Iv-at-weal
NOTICE is hereby given, that an alum
oiatiou has been formed and a certittcate prepared
for the purpose of establishing abank of discount, deposit
and circulation under the provisions of the act, entitled,
"an act to establish a system of free banking in Perinsil
vania, and to secure the public against la s from insol
vent bankr approved arch 1080861. Said bank ttr
be called "VENANGO BANK," Pr be located at the bor
ough of Franklin in the county of Venango, with acs
into two thousand shares of fifty dollars each, and
contemplated to increase the tame to three blind
thousand dollars, or to six thousand shares of Shy AM•
lars each. mar2ll.wBla
W. P. la, RY
NOTICE is hereby that the
BANS OF DANV.LLE, a Beni of issue, discount
and deposit, located the borough of Itsairdlo, Ilesrear
county, with a capital of Two Ilondied Thousand 'DO
lard, intends making application at the neat molar Goa
sion 01 the Legielattire of Pennsylvania, for a renewed of
ita charter and extension of--its , present ptivileges,.4w.a
term of sweaty years tror. the 'warm of its pretest
charter, with the s.xne name, title, location and capital.
Hy order of ebe Board of Directors.
Cmatiler: "