Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 11, 1862, Image 1

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TERlll3.—SntOut Susscaremon.
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z • i.errauccowtm:
1 . 1 b' diseovered the moot certain, speedy
‘,..l.lfetoual ictnedy In the world for
No Mercury or Noxious Drugs.
A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, la from one
to Two Dkirs.
WeilkllllPie rd the Back er Limbs, Strictures, Anginas
01 1,00 jdu..p. dud Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im
potency, General oebility, Nervousness, Dyepepey, Lan
guor, Low Splrde, t 9 Ideas, Palmtstaenof the
Htart Timidity, Tram bun g s, tnytusen or Sight or wadi_
nom, IC EMMY in the Goad, Throat, Nose or Skin, Airee•
tient of the Liver, i cogs. Stomach or BOWala—lhosa ter=
rible unorders arising from the Solitary 'Habits or Youth
•••••altet and solitary pract.cali more latal to their
viettrua than the song ot yreua to the Mariners of Ulys.
it , a, bliitotog their most brilliant hopes or anticipations,
ri ntlerins mar riege, Sc., impossible.
Young Men
have become the victims of Solitary
Viee, drettlial mai destructive hish,t which annual.
ly sarel.o 10 kW audinely grave thousands of Young
'must inuthed talenis and brilliant intellect,
wt. o.. b u: otherwiBe have entrant:ad listening Senates
with the .1.1111/110111 of 0101/114.10Ce or waked to ecstasy the
ltvihg lyre, way call win) lull confidence •
Marriott rernme, or Young Men contemplating mar
nap, toinig aware o; physical weakness, organic debili
ty, oeformitiee, dic,upeedlAy„cured.
lie Who wax. him:mull' under the rare fa Dr. J. may
rale r ouusly manila in bia liptiOr WI a gelato:lA N m ud coo "
[Weepy rely upon ttB a Play ,
Organic Weakneia
iiuwedial•iy Cured, and full vigor Restored.
This distressing Allection—mhion renders lie misera
ble and marriage trupessible—is the penalty paid by the
victims of improper indulgences. lour% persons are too
apt to commit oxen sue from not being aware of the
dreadful eousenl mines that may ensue, New, who that
understauds the subject wilt pretend to .say that he pour
er of proor atm, is lost sooner y I .ose 11sUing into im
proper ..inits than by Ws pro out Besides being do
te . 64 t..e pleasure, of otatpring, the most se
riousrt.d destructive syino-lue to both body and mind
arise The system becomes ~r anged, the Physical and
Mental h'iiiietioos Weis eat '....Lea of Procreative Power,
Nervous Irraubthty, "ysp,,sia, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, CIL ustuutiou I oebillity, a Wasting of the
Frame, uough, lousumpthal, Decay mud Death.
OiLee, .di o . 7 south Frederick Street.
Lett hone side going t ont Baltimore eared, a ten door
[rem the cornet Fail not to observe tattoo and number
Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc,
tor's Diplomas hung in his office.
A Care Warranted in Two Days.
No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs,
Dr. Johnson,
siemiuer of tho Ho, al College km burgeons, Loudon, Grad
uate from othi of the most eminent OeUeges in the United
Stales, and the greater part of whose lite has been spent
in the hmipitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else
where, bas eileclett come of Ike most astonishing dares
that wers.euer known • mut; troubled with. ringing In
the neatlianceara whou u4eop, great nervoutmoes, being
alarmed at suddeu moods, bashfUltuus, with frequent
Ithielung staemioil etronies with derengement, uf,mlng
wore uktrild leirectilate4 , • "
lake Particular Notice.
Ih. J. addresses au Mose who have injured themselves
by Improper 'lndulge cc and solitary habits, which ruin
both body and mind, emitting them for. either business,
study, society or. morn +se. -
These are some of tieu sod ,eid melauehu uy effeeta pro -
Muted by early babii.4 of y nth, via: Weakness of the
Hach and Limbs, Pains In the Hood, Dimness of Sight,
Dose of thisculer Power Palpitation or the heart, Dye
popsy, Nervous, irr4tibt? ty, , Derangement of the Digestive
Functions, Henorai Debility, symptoms of Consumption,
ilsnvativ.—The iearlul Oleos on tho mind art) much
W be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Conithlloll of ideas , Der
Veatch of Sptrits, ior quaint', Avers ortfo sanity,
Self Distrust, Love of un
ridity, AO., are some Of
the e 11, produce d.
Vionsasins of persons of ail ages Can now Judge What
IS the cause albeit detiniimei rwahh, Wing their vigor,
becoming wean, tale, ourveue and emaciated, having a
singular appearance ai , out the eyes, cough and symptoms
Young Men
Who halm injured themselves by a certain practice In
dniged in when alone, a imon tioquently learned from
awn. i..uult)gukolls, oral. mchoOL, the-effects of whir& are
nightly fed, even who., asleep, tut it not cured renders
MarrMge impossible, atm destroys both mind and body,
should apply inonealately.
What a pity that ayoliug wan, the
_hope of be coun
try, the darling 01 um parents . , about pe so ft wood Irom
all pr -peas enjoyments of life by the contendence
of deviating iron] tbs pain of nature and nutu 'gun in a
certain deoroi baba. Such persons KIM; before contem
redact that a 604111 d m,ud sod holly are the most peace
tory reeporites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed,
without Lhasa, the yuui ney through lit.: becomes a weary
pilgrimage ; the prospect uuurly ear-kens to the ,view ;
the mind become& shadowed with despair and Idled with
the meioncholly reth ctiou that the happiness of outgrow
become, blighted with oar own.
Disease of Imprudence.
Whet, the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure
findii that he has minim • the seeds of this' paintui die.
ease, Aso', aunt Memos that au ill-timed souse of shame
or dreaa of discover, , Octets himirom applying to those
who, irom elocution and respectability, can atone be
friend him, delayies, till the constitutional symptoms on
this bored disease make their appearance, se di
opined Sore throat, diseased nose, nocturndt
the hese' ui.d limbs, dullness of eight , deal uses, oodea on
the shin bones and aru.a, blotches ou the b au, wee and
extremities, progress us, vi Lb trightlul rapidity , till at
last the palate el the mouth or tile bones of the uses
in, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid
object of ornandseration, till death puts a period to his
dreadful sufferings, by minding him to " that I:lndia:ov-
Veretl Conntry from waeutu no traveler relerTlN:"
It is a taclancholly fact that thousands fall vii time to
this terrible ditenine, owin to the auk iliblioces of igno
rant pretenders, who by the use 01 that Deadly Poison,
Nevus% ruin tne,..ustitutioe and make the residue o
life miserable.
Trust mot your lives, or ocean, to the care of the many
Unlearned and Wm tillers Pretenders, destitute of know
ledge, mane or characler, who oupy . Johnson's adver
vertaementa, or style ineni9eives lm the newspapers,
regularly ilducated Ph t , siCiau incapable of Curing, they
keep you ['Wilily, Meth latex mouth titling their filthy
and . pneatiqnsw, S 8 COL.ipplthd6 or as long as thseamilest
tierkolbe t btained, and in despair, leave you with' ruin
ed health to sigh over your galling dkappothament.
lir. Jo await is th , only Ph eictan uvertising.
His credential ur tholontua .iwaye hangs in hie erfic,,,
ills reartediee or ~,atMcut are unknown to all others,
prepared irom a We spent in . thr e eat hospitals of
rope, the thin lu the country a 5..., more exteoetVe Pri
vate Practice than any other eh , le,:tart „the world.
Indorsement of the Prds.
nprmany tbousandc cured et thia .instautton year af.
per year, and the nuitieroim unourtant Surgical Opera
lions performed by Dr. Johnsou, wdoessced by the re•
petters of Lb(' "Sue," "Clipper," and many other pa
pen, notices 01 which have appeared again sod again
before the public, besides his standiug as a gen tl e men 01
character ;nil responsibility, is a &Akio,/ gaarran w e
tithe &Misted.
Skin Diseases speedily . Cured.
Persona writing cuonid be particular in &menug thou
otters to his luctituticri, us tee lapwing manner
Of the Hal[ammo 'mak Hoepttal, Baltimore, Md
Oil I snip shades, Wicks, Chim
nos, for sole low by
Nlab_l,9 a EIoWNIAN,
octB Corner Front and Market eqeets.
y V ( .
UR uewly replenished .itock 01 Toilet
lima Fancy uticod is unsurpasted d a tali cur, and
lig confident of modeling satisfaction ,we Would res
psi:Arany invite a call. KULA;
gl Market street, two doors east of fourth street, Sentp
RESH Ftzgl every Tuesday and Frida)
at JOllll WM'S. Store. corner of Third and Wei,
_ . .
,AI 7 . s.
R. V i
s ' s - ''A % I F/C/41,.."'
e ..\
\\\\ ggiffff". irt
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tunsDltiaitt 7:6i-::,---,,------3.4),-? la .
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. . .
The Complexion of the next Con-
Ftom sources at once impartial and reliable
we gather the following figures, exhibiting the
result of the Congressional contest in the dif
ferent states of the Union that have thus far
held elections. In every one of these states,
the issue was fair and plain, so • that whatever
we have a right to expect from those who were
elected on the asserted purpose of giving an
unequivocal support to the Administration, we
have no righ to expect either sympathy or sup
port for the war or theAdrninistration from those
who were triumphant on platforms antagonis
tic to both. We submit the figures:
New Hampshire, not elected
Maseachusette •
Rhode Island, I not elected.
New York
New Jersey.
Maryland, I not elected.
Tennessee, not elected.
This calculation omits New Hampshire,
which 1185 not yet elected, includes Mr. Sleeper,
of Massachusetts, in the Union column, on his
own declaration that he will stand by the Ad
ministration, and gives the Opposition one in
Michigan, and three in Missouri. Our friends
in New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island,
California, Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland and
Tennessee, can easily fill .out the column to
complete a real practical majority for the Ad
ministration in the House. i f they do not, we
shall be grievously mistaken.
The Agricultural Department of the
Correspondence of the Telegraph.]
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 18032
It has been my privilege, for I cannot say a
pleasure under the circumstances, to spend a
few weeks in the Capital of the Nation.
After visiting the Smithsonian Institute for
the first time, a place at once instructive to the
novice, as it must always be interesting to the
naturalist and the man of science, I repaired to
the Patent Office building for perhaps the twenti
eth time ; where my inclination led me to the
department of Agriculture, now being organized
under a late act of Congress, with Isaac New
ton, Esq., of Delaware county, Pa., as Commis
To have a department of the kind, and in a
measure independent of the Patent Office pro
per, I have been an humble advocate for more
tha fifteen years. Congress having finally
taken what I have ever conceived to be the
correct view of the subject, in making it a dis
tinct department, dependent on its own merits
for usefulness, is the object in addressing my
countrymen.througn the columns of your pa
The inventive genius and mechanical skill of
the country, and their united achievements, I
most cheerfully Admit ; and whilst it is true
that the interests of the agriculturist and the
diligent and ingenious inventor and mechanic
are reciprocal, it is equally true that the eArliest
history known gives to the husbandman the
post of honor.
Agriculture is the foundation of manufac
tures ; since the productions of nature are the
materials of art. FApecially in this favored
country, the natural granary of the world,
should the Government, or those in authority,
take a deep interest in and have a fostering care
for the advancement and promotion of agricul
tural science.
The mere politicians may think otherwise, or
perhaps not think at all upon the subject ; but
the statesman will take his view from a different
stand point of the subject. He will legislate for
the future, and, if possible, -for all time to come.
If asked the question as to where the highest
state of morals is to be found, the involuntary
answer would be, "in the rural districts among
the agriculturists." Again, if asked where the
greatest amount of real comfort and happiness
is enjoyed, the answer will be the same ; as the
former necessarily begets the latter.
It is not the farmer alone, who is in posses
sion of his broad sores with their thrifty crops,
and dotted over with ids flocks and herds, that
is benefitted by a proper, practical and scientific
culture of the soil, as well as proper attention
to, and the kind of stock to be raised. But
every one, whatever his calling, whatever re
lation he may bear to the great human family,
is equally interested in his success. It is upon
the successful culture of the soil that empires
must depend. It is the only true source of
wealth. Where agriculture is permitted to lan
guish, there will be found poverty and misery.
Notwithstanding our diversified soil and cli
mate, adapted to the growth of every article
necessary to our comfort and happiness as a
people, added to that, the skill and genius of
our artisans, manufacturers and mechanics,
still, highly favored es we are in this respect,
I regret to acknowledge that we are paying
tribute annually to the amount of millions of
dollars to foreign nations, for articles vulgarly
mated luxuries, and too frequently used as such.
Need I ask how this annual balance against us
is paid? Certainly not with the coal and iron
with which our hills and mountain* abound;
certainly not with the products of our cotton
and woolen mills—but, with the surplus pro
ducts of our cultivated lands.
It these premises be correct, is it not then the
duty of every representative in the councils of
the fitates, or in the Congress of the United
Ptates, to give every oncoWegemeat to the
Union. Opposition
4 1
. 2 0
. 10 0
13 18
1 3
12 12
1 0
6 14
4 7
6 9
4 2
6 1
1 1
1 0
5 1
6 3
1 0
further development of pre:etical and ,cientific
agriculture ?
We have already in our country (hardly out
of I.? Pr teens) tetra of thousands of WWI of land
literally impoverished, either. from an almost
criminal' neglect, or else a stirriid Agrininhce of
the requirements of nature arid a 'proper System
and the use of the kind of fertilizers best adap
ted to the 1.6 m aware that this neglect
is in a measure chargeable in seine.of the States
to their social systern, but other, and 14 I be.
lieye, more favored Staters in that respect, are
by no means exempt from the inattention re
ferred to.
There is not, in my opinion, any calling so
honorable and dignifying, as that of a practical
and intelligent farmer.
The Creittor himself gave the precept, there
fore none should feel himself shove its require
Itis t be hoped the time is not far distant.,
when our sabres will be turned into pruning
hooks, and the material, now being' menden.
tared into rifled caianon; be converted into
"ploughshares." Then, and not•till then, will
Agriculture, the foster-mother of a prosperous
nation, maintain her modest and unpretending
away. L. W.
Surrender of garper's'Ferry
Report of the Investigating Com•
The Comrniesion, consisting of Major Gen.
D. Hunter,
U. S. A. of Vole., Pres.; Major
Gen. Geo. Cadwalader, 11. S.A. of Vole ; Brig,
Gen 0. C. Auger, 11. S. A.` of Vols.; Major
Donn Platt, A. A. Gen. of Tole.; Captain F.
Ball, A. D. C. of Vols.; Cola G. Holt, Judge
Advocate General, called by the Government
to inveetigate the conduct of certain officers
connected with, and the circumstances attend
ing the abandonment of Maryland Heights and
the surrender of Harper's Ferry, have the hon
or to report the following:
On the 3d of September, General White en
tered Harper's Ferry with his force from Win
chester. The neat day he•was ordered to Mar
tinsburg, to take command of the forces there.
On the 12th of September he again returned to
Harper's Ferry, where •he remained until the
surrender without assumingith, oleo and.
On the 7th of Septembe r; caellan,
the most of his forces having preceded him,
left Washington tinderlorders Mated some days
previously, to drive the enemy from Mary
land. That night he established his head
quarters at Rockville, -
- from'place, on
the 11th of September,lhe telegraphed to Gen.
HaHeck to have Colonel Miles ordered to join
him, at once.
On the sth of September, Col. Thomas H.
Ford, Thirty-second Ohio, took command of
the forces on Maryland Leights. Forces were
placed at Solomon's Gap and At ,Sandy - Hook.
Those at Sandy Hook, under Col. biauleby, re
tired by col. Miles' order to the eastern slope
of Maryland. Heights two or three days previous
to their evacuation by GA. Ford. On the 11th
of September the force at Solomon's Gap were
driven in by the enemy. Col. Ford called
upon CoL Miles for reinforcements. The One
Hundred and Twenty-sixth New York and the
Thirty-ninth New York (Garibaldi Guards)
were sent him on Friday the 12th of Septem
ber, and on the morning of the 13th he was
further reinforced by the thie quadred and
Fifteenth New York and a portion of a Mary
land regiment under Lieut. Colonel Downey.
Colonel Ford made requisithin for axes' and
spades, to enable him to construct defences on
the Heights, but obtained , none, with-ten axes
bAonging to some Maryland. troops, hiring all
that could be obtained, a slight breastwork of
trees was constructed on the 12th near the crest
of the Heights, and a slashing of timber made
for a short distance in front of the breast work.
The forces under Colonel Ford were stationed
at various points on the Maryland Heights,
the principal force being on' the - crest of the
hill near toe breast work and look out. Skir
mishiug commenced on Friday the 12th, on
the crest of the hill.
Early on the morning of the 18th, the enemy
made an attack on the crest of the hill, and
after some time, the troops retired in some con-
fusion to the breastwork, where they were
rallied. About nine o'clock, a second attack
was made, which the troops behind the breast
work resisted for a short time, and until . Col.
Sherill, of the One hundred and twenty sixth
New York was wounded, and carried off the
field, when the entire One hundred and twenty
sixth regiment, as some witnesses testify, all ,
but two companies, Major Hewitt states, broke
and fled in utter confusion. Men and most of
the offieers all . fled together, no effort being
made to rally the regiment, except by Colonel
Ford, Lieut. Barras, Acting Adjutant, and some
officers of other regiments, directed by Colonel
Miles, then on the Heights.
Soon after, the remaining forces at the breast
work fell back, under a supposed order from
Major Hewitt, who himeelf, says that he gave
no such order ; merely sent instructions to the .
Captains of his owe regiment that, if they were ,
compelled to retire to do, so in good order.
Orders were given by Col. Ford for the troops
to return to their position. They advanced
some distance up the Heights, but did not re
, gain the breastwork.
That evening Colonel Miles was on Maryland
Heights for some hours, consulting with Col.
Ford. He left between u. and 12 o'clock,
without directly ordering Col, Ford to evacuate
the Heights, but instructing him, in case he
was compelled to do so, to spike his guns, and
throw the heavy Beige guns down the mountain.
About 2 o'clock, perhaps a little later, by the
order of Col, Ford, the Heights were abandon
ed, the guns being spiked according to instruc
On Saturday, Col. D'lltasay sent over to the .
Maryland Heights four companies under Major
Wood, who brought off, without opposition,
four brass 12-pounders, two of which were im
perfectly spiked, and a wagon load of ammu
Gen. White, on his return to Harper's Ferry
on the 12th of September, suggested to Col.
Miles the propriety of contracting his lines ou
Bolivar Heights so as to make a better defence,
but Col. Miles adhered to his original line of
defence, stating that he was determined to make
his stand on Bolivar Heights. Gen. White also
urged the importance of holding Maryland
Heights, even should it require taking the en
tire force over there from Hatper's Ferry. Col.
Miles, under his ordtsrato hold Harper's Ferry
to the last extremity, while admitting the im
portance Of Maryland Heights, seemed to re
gard them as applying to the town of
. 11axper's
Ferry, and held that to leave Harper's Ferry
even to, go on Maryland Heights, would be dis
obeying his instructions.
Gene's). McClellan established MB. headquar
ters at Frederick City, on the, morning of the
18th of September. Oe the night of ; the 'lBth,
- •;:urttAi
after the evacuation of Maryland Heights, Col.
Miles directed , Ciptain (now Major) Rumen, of
the Maryland cavalry, to take with him a few
meet and endeavor to get through the enemy's
lines and reach some of our forces—General
MeClelltat if possible—and to report the condi
tion of Harper's Ferry, -that it could not hold
out more than forty-eight hours unless rein
forced, and to urge the sending of reinforce
r'nents. Captain Raised! reached General Mc-
Clellan's headquarters, at Frederick, at '9 A. M.,
on Sunday, the 14th of September, and reported
as directed by Colonel Miles. immediately
upon his arrival, General M.cClellan sent off a
messenger, as Captain Russell understood, to
General Franklin.
At 10A.. M.. Captain Russell left for General
Franklin's ,command, . with a communication
to General Fianklin from General McClellan.
He reached General Franklin about 3 o'clock
that afternoon; and found him engaged with
the enemy at Crampton's Gap. The enemy
were driven from the Gap, and the next morn,
ing, the 15th, General Franklin palmed through
the Gap, advancing about a mile, and finding
the enemy drawn up in line of battle in his
front, drew. his own forces up in line or battle.
While thus situated,, the cannonading in the
diiection of Harper's Ferry, which had Wei
heard verydistinctly all the morning—Harper's
Ferry being about seven miles distant—sudden
ly ceased, whereupon Gen. Franklin sent word
to Gen. McClellan of the probable surrender of
Harper's Ferry by Col Miles, and did, not deem.
it necessary to -proceed 'further In that dime
The battle of South . Mountain was-fought on
Sunday, the 14th.
On the same day, Sunday, during the after
noon, the enemy at Harper's - Perry attacked
the extreme left of the line on Bolivar Heights,
bat atter some time Were rePubled by the troops
under'commind of Gen. White.
Sunday night the cavalry al.Harper's' Ferry
made their eacape under Col. 'Davis, of the
Twelfth Illinois cavalry; by permission of Col.
Miles, and reached - Greencastle, Pa., the nett
morn ug,capturing an ammunition train belong
ingto Gen. Longstieet, consisting of some 60
or 60 wagons. The Ctmimissicin regard this es
cape of the cavalry ? &c."
Several of the infantry officers desired per
mission to cut their. .Way oat, of the same time
the cavalry made4lietr escape, • bat 'Col: Miles
rehised upon • the ground that he had never
been ordered to hold Hatlper's Ferry to the last
,extremity. •
On the morning- - of the 16th, the enemy
'opened . their batteries` from several points—
:seven to nine its estimated by different wit
'nessesdirecting their attack principally upon
our batteries on the left of Bolivar Heights.
iThe attack' commenced at daybreak. About
!7 o'clock, Col.• Miles represented to Gen. White
'tbatit would be necessary to surrender.
• Gen. White suggested that the brigade com
mit:dere be called together, which was done.
.I.' Miles stated that the ammunition for the
batteries :was exhausted , ' and he had about
made up • his mind to surrender. That was
agreed to by all present, and Gen. White was
!sent by Col. Miles to arrange terms. The white
'flag was raised by order of Colonel Miles, but
the enemy did not cease fire for some half or
three-quarters of an hour after. Col. Miles
;was mortally wounded after the white flog was
!raised.' The surrender was agreed upon about
8 a. M. on Monday, the 16th of September.
The following was tke testimony respectively
lof the officers commanding batteries: At the
!time of the surrender,. Capt. Van Bohlen had
!some ammunition, could not tell what amount,
;but mostly shrapnel ; had lost about 100
!rounds on Saturday, the 18th, by the explo.-
leion of a limber caused by one of the enemy's
shells. Capt. Rigby had expended, during the
!siege ,Harper's Ferry, about 800 rounds with
!the exception of canister ; had nothing but
!canister left. Capt. Potts had expended about
11,000 rounds ' with the exception of canister ;
ihad nothing but canister left. Capt. Graham
!had but two guns of his battery under his im
!mediate command on the morning of the sur
!render; had probably 100 rounds of all kinds,
!bet no long-time fuses. Capt. Phillips had ex
!painted all his ammunition, except some forty
'rounds of canister and some long range shell
too large ter his guns. Capt. McGrath's, bat
tery bad been spiked and left on Maryland
'Heights on Saturday.
It appears that during the seige and shortly
previous, Col. Miles paroled several Confede
rate prisoners, permitting them to pass through
ottr. lines. During the week previous to the
evacuation of Maryland Heights, a Lieutenant
ißouse of the 12th Virginia Cavalry, who had
ibeen engaged in a raid upon Harper's Ferry to
Winchester "a short time before, was captured
and brought into Harper's Ferry. He escaped
Mhile on the way to the hospital to have his
iwounds dressed, but was retaken. He was
iparoleci, but returned in command of some re
ibel cavalry on the morning of the surrender.
The attention of Gen. A. P. Hill was called
to the fact that.Lient. 1101:1130 was a paroled pri
'sorter, but no attention was' paid to it. Lieut.
!ItOuse himself, on being spoken to about it,
laughed at the . idea of observing his parole.
On Saturday; 'tile day of ' the. attack upon and
evacuation of Maryland' Heights, Col. Miles
directed that sixteen confederate prisoners be
permitted to pass through our lines to rejoin
the rebel army at Winchester. Other cases
ere testified to, but thoek are the most impor
tant. .
Of the subordinate officers referred to in this
case, the commission finds, with the exception
of Colonel Thomas H. Ford, nothing in their
conduct that calls for censure. General Julius
White merits its approbation. He appears,
from the evidence, to have acted with decided
cabability and courage
In this connection the commission calls at
tention to the disgraceful behavior of the One
Hundred and Twenty-Sixth New York Regi
ment Infantry, and recommends that Major
Baird'should, for his bad conductis shown by,
this evidence, be dismissed the service. Some
of the officers, after the wounding of the gal
hitt Colonel, such as Lieutenant Barns, and
others not known to the commission, behaved
with galltuttry, and should be commended.
In the case of Col. Ford, charged with im
proper Conduct in abandoning the Maryland
Heights, the Commission, after a careful hear
ing of the evidence produced by the Govern
ment and that relied on by the defence, and a
due consideration of the arguments offered by
counsel, find :
That on the 6th of September, Colonel Ford
was placed in command of Maryland Heights
by Colonel Miles. That Colonel Ford, finding
the position unprepared by fortifications, earn
estly urged Colonel Miles to furnish him MUM
by which the Heights could be made tenable
for the small force under his command, should
a heavy one be brought against him. That
these reasonable demands were, from some
datum unknown to the Commission not respond
ed to 'by the o ffi cer in comman d of Harper's(
Fetry. That subsecjuently, when the enemy
appeared in heavy force, COL Ford frequently
g , 0,V,g. -
and earnestly called ucioti Col. Miles for more
;troops,' representing that hotould not hold the
Heights unless reinforced That these demands,
®ere feebly, or not- at all ,eomplied with, That,
is late as the morning of the 13th, Col. Ford
sent tivoitilitten demands to Col. Miles for re
linforcernents,:and saying that with the troops
/then under his command he,could,not hold the
Heights, and unless relieved,or otherwhe order
ed, he would have to atiandori them. That as
late as eleven o'clock, it.,'otr tne 13th, a
few hours-previous to the abandonment of this
position, Col, Miles. said to Col, Ford that he
(Col. Ford) could not have another map, and
must do the best he could, and if unable to
fend the place , -he' mast spike the girlie; throw
them down the hill, and withdraw to , Harper's
Ferry in good order. . . •
This Court is then satisfied.that Colonel Ford
way &lien a discietioilarylkiier to abandon the
Heights as his better judgment might dictate
and it is believed from the evidence, circum
stantial ego. direct, ilitt the result did not, to
any great extent surprise or in any way die
plea..e the ()Wei in`comniand at Harper's Fer
But this conclusion, so much relied upon by
.the defence, forces the commission to a con-
sideration of the fact—did Col., under the
disc,retientiry power thus Vested . in him, make
a proper defence of the Heights; and hold them,
as he should have ,done, until driven of by the
enemy 4
'The evidende showe concliunvely thai the
ferde upon the Heighta was not well managed;
that the points most pressed was weakly deten
ded as to numbersomd, after the wounding .of
the Colonel cif the Due Hundred and Twenty
sixth regiment;Hew York Infantry, it was left
without a competent officer id command, Col.
Ford not himself appearing, nor designating
any:one who might have restored order and
encouraged the men.; that the abandonment
of the Heights was premature %clearly proved
,Out forces were not driven from the bill, as full
time. was given to spike the guns and throw
the heavier onea down , the, and retreat in
good order to Harper's Ferry. The next day a
:force retmming to the Heights found tliem un
occupied, and brought away unmolested four
abandoned onsand &quantity of ammunition.
• In so grave a, case as thia i with such disgrace-
Ica consequences, the court cannot permit an
'officer to shield himself behind the fact that he'
did as well as he could, if in doing so he exhib
its a lack of military capacity. It is clear to
the Commission that Col. Ford sh,,uld not have
been placed in command of - Maryland Heights ;
,that he'conducted the detence without ability,
and übandoned his position without sufficient
cause.; and has shown throughout such a lack
of military capacity as to disqualify him in the
opinion of the Commission, for a command in
the service.
The Commission has approached ,a considera
tion of this officer's conduct in connection with
the surrender of Harpei's Ferry with extreme
reluctance. An officer who cannot appear be
fore an earthly tribunal to answer or ex
plain charges gravely affecting his character,
, who hat met deatii at the hands of the
t enemy, even upon the spot lie disgracefully sur
renders, is entitled to the tenderest care and
most careful investigation,. This the Commis
Edon has accorded Col. Miles, and in givirtg a
.decision only repeats what runs through our
.900 pages of testimony, strangely unanimously
upon the fact that Col. Miles' incapacity,
amounting to almost imbecility, led to the
shameful surrender of this important post.
Early on the 16th of August he disobeys the
orders of Major General Wool to fortify Mary
land Heights. When it is surrounded and at
by the enemy, its naturally strong posi
tions are; unimproved, and from this criminal
neglect, to use the mildest_torna, the large force
of the enemy is almoit upon an equality with
the small force under his command.
He meatus to have understood, and admitted
to his officers, that Maryland Heights is the
key to the poeition, and yet he places Colonel
Ford in command, with a feeble‘orce—makes
no effort to strengthen them by fortifications,
although between the sth and the 14th of Sep
tember there was ample time to do so—and to '
Col. Ford's repeated demands for means to in
trench and additional reinforcements he makes
either an inadequate return, or uo response at
all. He gives Colonel Ford a discretionary
power as to when be shall abandon the heights
—theject of abandonment ; having, it seems,
been concluded on in hiseown mind. For,
when this unhappy event really occurs; his
only exclamation was , to the effect that he
!nixed Col. Ford had given up too soon—al
though he must have known that the aban
donment of Maryland Heights was the warren
der of ,Harper's Ferry. This leaving the key of
,the position to the keeping•of Col. Ford, with
discretionary power, after the arrival of that
capable and courageous officer who had waived
his rank to serve wherever ordered, is one of
the more striking facto illustrating the incapa
city of Col. Miles.
Immediately previous to, and pending the
siege of Harper 'a Ferry, he paroles rebel prig•
oners and permits, indeed sends, them to the
enemy's headquarters. This, too, when he
should haie known that the lack of ammuni
tion, the bad conduct of some of our troops,
the entire absence of fortifications, and the
abandonment of, Maryland Height*, were im
portant facts they , could, and undoubtedly did,
communicate to the enemy. Sixteen of these
prisoners were paroled on the 13th, and a pan
given therein the hand writing of Col. Miles,
while a rebel officer py the name of Rouse, af
ter an escape, is retaken, and sukeequently has
a private interview with Col. Miles, is paroled,
and after the surrender appears at the head of
his men among the first to enter Harper's
It is not necessary to accumulate evidence
from the mans that throughout scarcely affords
one fact in contradiction to what each one es
tablishes, that Col.. Miles was incapable of con
ducting a defence so Important as was this of
Harper's Ferry. The commission would not
have dwelt upon this painful subject were it
not for the fact that the officer who placed this
incapable in command should share the re
sponsibility, and in the opinion of the Comis
lion Major General Wool is guilty to this ex
tent of a grave disaster and should be censured
for his conduct.
The Commission has remarked freely on Col.
Miles, an old officer who has been killed in the
service of hie country, and it cannot, from any
motives of delicacy, refrain from censuring
those in high command, when it thinks such
censure deserved. The General-in-Chef has
testified that General McClellan, after having
received orders to repel the enemy invading the
State of Maryland, marched only six mdse par
day, on an average, when pursuing this invad
ing ene my. The General-in-Chief also testifies,
that in his opinion General McClellan could and
should have relieved and protected Harper's
Ferry, and in this .opinion the Commission
fully concur.
The evidence thus introduced confirms the
Conualagon in the *Lion that Harper's Ferry,
grunt ltrinting flrt.
Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepar
ed to execute JOB and BOOS PRINTING et every
description, cheaper than h can be done at any other
establishment In the country.
it* . fge, OF ADVIIRTIBING.; '
or Four linen or-,"1552 0005515 m eno-holf wiIIIII* -
Eight lines or morn-than four constitute &square.
Hall . dquare, one (Iv $0 xa
one wee, i 26
• .. one mu iii ........ ......... ..... . 2 60
" three months • 4
il six mouths 0 00
1, one pa-
....I0 00
o:m 4 lqm°, one der ..... . ..... ..... ........ 60
one week 2 00
" one month 0 00
• le three menthe .... ...... ........ _lO 00
six monihA ... 15 OD
one year. 'IA 00
i sir Business notice* inserted in theoLoccil Colima% or
before Marriages and Deaths, BIGHT 0I? FEB LINE
for each insertion.
NO. 63.
: Jar Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular
ad verti..mentF.
as well as Maryland Heights; was prematurely
surrendered The Wilsokebppl4 ,have: *I"
satisfied.' that relief, however long delayed,
would come at last, and that a thousand men
Milted in Harper's Ferry would heist made ,
email loss had the post been saved,'and-proba
ply saved two thousand. et Antietam. How inv.
! portant was this defence we can now appf,eciaW.
Of 97,000 men composing at .h at time,
;the whole of Lee's army, more than Orie'itilid
. were attacking Harper's Ferry. And ciU Wit
'the main body was in Virginia., By reference
:to the evidence, it will be seen that at the refry ;
mcinent Col. Ford abandoned Maryland Heights ,
;.his little army was in reality relieved by Getie
Irals Franklin and Summer's corps, at °ramp
ton's Gap, within seven miles of his position; ;
and that after the surrender of Harper's Ferry ,
no tithe Was given to parole prisoners before
20,000 troops were hurried from Virginia, and
the entire force went off on the double quick to
relieve Lee, who was being attacked at Antie
tam. Had the garrison been slower to rtgreo
der,' or the army of the Potomac swifter to march
the enemy would have been forced to raise the
.seige on would have been.taken in detail, with
:the Potomac dividing his forces.
From our Morning Edition
The excitement caused by the removal rxid
General McClellan from his command is sub
Yesterday two new regiments arriied ;
the Eighty - second Illinois aud the One himdred
and forty-third Pennsylvania.
Fears are entertained of the -capture, by,' the.
rebels, of the two companies of, the Second
District of Columbia volunteers, whO left this
city last week, ir4chafge of a large numb, r of
convalescents. Their destination was M.'Clel
lan's headquarters in the field ; and it seems to
be pretty certain thdt some Of the couvalesceets
were captured by Stuart's tsvalry. '
MuwAinuts, No%. 10
The draft in this State commenced to-day. In
some localities it parsed off quietly and in order.
In Osakee county the lists were seized by a mub,
destroyed and the Commissioner severely haii
dled and fled to this city. In MilWatikeis city,
there were strong indications of trouble, com
plaints being made that injustice had been done
in some of the wards in not giving proper credit
for volunteers. A crowd of Ninth warders
assembled and marched through the city, to the
number of three or four hundred in proceadou.
The result of the matter was, the draft was
postponed for the present.
The Bank statement for the week ending on
Saturday, shows a decrease of loans of 1147,076.
An increase of specie of $814,532 A. de
crease of circulation of $114,407. A decrease of
deposits of $1,476,513.
Belden's gin distillery, at Strasburg, war
burnt to-day. The loss amounted to $25,000,
on which there was no insurance.
Returns from the upper peninsula, place
the election of John F. Driggs (Rep.) to Con
gress from the Sixth District beyond a doubt.
NEW Yoaz, Nov, 10.
It is now stated that the draft in this oity
will take place between now and the 20th inst.
New Voltz, Nov. 10.
The steamer Vanderbilt goes to sea to-night
In search of the Alabama.
Nzw Yonw, Nov. 10.
The United States gunboat Sumter arrived
to-day from Port Royal.
At Litiz, Lancaster Co., Pa.
Affords superior advantages for thorough and
accomplished female education. For circulars
and information, apply to
OF various kinds, at the Keystone Nursery,
adjoining the city.
IF Trees planted and warranted to grow,
or, if failing, to be replaced, on reasonable
terms. • JACOB 11118 H.
Oct. 18, 1862.
TREES, at Keystone Nursery, adjoining the
1. city of Harrisburg.
Oct. 18, 1862-
COAL Oil Lamps perfected, "Cahoon's At,
tacbment" fitted to any lamp, prevents
the breaking of cbimnies. For sale by
Cur. Front and Market Ste.
DANDELION, Rio, and other preparations
of Coffee, warranted pure, for sale by
Corner Front and Market Ste.
811401 i ED HALIBUT.
AVERY choice erticlejust received, stud for
sale by WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO.
lii,TOTIO' , " , S.-44nite a variety, :t usetel
. ,
IORNSB Lemons and Raistuis, just rt..
I: cattrad sad far sale IoW by -
tiu - ne . A.s & sowhittN, •
!eta CO"' - From[ 111.4 J Market stree'f•
S, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, and ali
of Nuts , at JOHN HRH's Store Third and
Nsw Yong, Nov. 10
HARTFORD, Conn., Nov. 10
DiTROITe.. Nov. 10
NtlP 'Abner tuuments