Imo rAbvtrtiamtnis AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF . GOLD' PENS ! THE best, nd ltugect assortment of Gold Pens Just' been opened at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. This's 'Peril are manufactured by C. F. Newton & Co., of New York, and warranted to give full satisfaction. A trial will satisfy any one. Examine the prices below : Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 50. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 25. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4 26. Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $6 00. Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00. THE NEW EDITION PU.RDON's DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISHED, PRICE *5 00. AN ENTIRE new edition of this well known Law Book has just been issued. It is now distinguished by the following superadded features : The laws contained in the various annual Digests published since the date of the eighth edition (1858) have been incorporated In the body of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited ; the report of the revisory of the Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of Congress for the Authentication of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyances, with full and elaborate notes of the decisions explanatory of them. The work has been prepared by the learned editor, Mr. Biutounar, and its freshness and permanent value will be presorted by the continuation of the annual Digests, which have given so much satisfaction. For sale at je2B BEBGNER'S BOOKSTORE. HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT. F"the safety of o )osumera, we have established a Oil helot at the writer of Free ant Market streets. all our oils are tested and we posi tively sell none except am% as prove to be non•explostve, Maar sad free from odor as far as praotteable. We offei at present the following justly celebrated bi ands. Mag nolia Ro'hition, Nabrona and Lucuer, lower than can be eurolutoe : elsewhere in this place, either wholesale or retail, also an extensive assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shades, Oleos Cones, Burners, dtc. We will also change fluid or carnyhene lamps, so as to be used soli oat. Cali and Haile- yourselves, at NIcHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market street aprll M"‘L. ia Ma OF- NO a. ' KEYSTONE NURSERY, HARRISBURG. IT should not be forgotten that this establishment is sWI in suocecalul operoation, and CO employ FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER ADS, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE. BERRIES, CURRANTS, BLACK RLES, Bto., &0., &0., &C. of as good qualities and varieVes, and at as reasonable prices as they are sold at distant winterise. THE LOCATION of We nursery—adjoining the oily—gives it advantages for transportation to parts of the country, possessed by but gm others. W All articles, when desired, deliver ed tree of charge, in any part of the city. atillett JACOB 6119 H. VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WANT LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING CASES, ' POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the littlest assortment at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. OHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. UNKXOELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRAND S OFF BRED IN PENNSYLVANIA I 17 15 MADE 01 - (111010 K 11B3801M1 WHITS WHEAT. ser Delivered any plale la the city, free of charge TRIM, Cash on de li very. WU. DOOM, Jr., &00, POCKET A FULL assortment of Pocket Bibles A lied Testaments for the soldfere, Just . re ceived at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE, POMADE HONGROISE FOR FIXING TEN MOUSTAC3HEN, KiLLER% RIIGSTORX FvedTRA family flour, a superior brand, which we warrant to give defactint, just re add Ibr mile by N 101309 & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market streets ►MEIN general variety of goods for ad. *ohne the • TOILET,, to be Mead a Slhell, IS unsurpassed Jn t6ie city. / 96 91 Market street SUPERIOR Green and Black Lead, for vale by NICHOLS & HOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Areas. FRESH invoice of Lemons, Prunes, Pei Nut s &a., for male low by NICHOIa d BOWMAN, Itmout atm' Martel streets. E 2313 600 WALNUT TREES, /THRIFTY and straight, from 5 to & feet high, A,at. $2 per dozen ; $lO per 100. Keystone Nursery, Oct. 13, 1862. FOLIOS—WRITING DESKS. AWeak. new assortment of these Ueda' as *um i ti ‘Vi ed at NEWS Mean ROB. Busintse (garbs. Dan.. A. IitIIENOH. AGENT. F the Old Walbwer tine - iespeat i fully informs the pubub that this Old Daily Vraneporta don I.ine, (the only. Wallower Line now In exiat.nce ID tbis City,)) i 4 in in successful operation, and prepared to carry freight as low as any other individual lino t,etwe ee Philadelphia, Harriebtirg, Sunbury, • Lewisburg, Wil - llamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven end all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Wil liamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. IltifiNCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. • Goods;sent to the Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, Zell & dinohman, Nos 808 and 810 Market street shove llighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, v. w., will arrive al • Harritibtrg, ready for delivery next morning. aprBo.rdmyl . B e J. BARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARINI 8711.EL1, HARRISBURG. LIAS always on hand a full assortanen of Tin and Japanned ware, Oooking and Railer StoVes Or the best mamilliottiries, Gude , Spouting, Sail ing and Galvanised Iron corns's, manufactured and Pe t up at reasonable rates. • Repaiging promptly attended to. apr3o-dly REMOVED: JOHN B. SMITH. aAS removed hie . Boot and Shoe Store 1..1. from the corner of &amid and Walnut streets to No. .108 &LARIET STREET, Next door to lilayne's Agriculture More, where he intends to !meal! kinds of 8000 rd, Shoes, Gaiters, hc., and' a large stook of Mob, 'and everything in Id line of be /5111M ; and will be thankful to . receive thi.patronage of his old customers and the pubilo tu, general at his new place of business. ' kinds of WOrk. mitde to orddrio the best style and by superior workmen. Repairing dime a' short notice. „[apt24ll) . JOHN I+l t. ti A. C.EMITS,. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD BTREETi mylOy) NEAR HAMM THEO. F. OCHEFFER, BOOR AND JOB PIiIINTEO, NO. 18, MARKET STREET, • HARRI BURG. Sir Particular aUeution paid to Printing; Ruling.. elle Mailing of Railroad [Danko, Rainiest% i'inicies,Ottecka, Drafts, Rm. 'Cam printed sl, $3, $4, and $6 per bousand in elegant sty le. 120 ADOLPH V. ¶I PSER. OULD retipeugully . iutorm hits olu patrons and the public generally, hat ie wiit continuo to give instructions on the Plnici. ovitlE, NE. LORI ON VIOLIN 'and ante in the science of BAM. winv'th Measure wait upon pupils ai their homes at any hour desired, or mesons - will be oveo his residence, in Third tine few doors h ioa ti German Relermed Church. deolc-d I Mist tumusuus, INSURANCE, Marine, Fire aid Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the • INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,200 000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A4Srown, Sroinel I. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Nell Richard D. WOOd, Willitm Walsh, W ihiam O. Bowen, James N. Dickson; S, mbrris Wale, John Amen, George la Harrison, Frahm R, Cope, Edward H. 'Wolter, Edward S. Clarke. - ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Presidera CHARLES PLATT' Seerstary. As eemral agent . Ibr suave name company, the undersbpied• is prepared to take lire risks in any part of theffiate 01 Pennsylvania, either annually or purpet ually, on the most tavorab le terms. Office Third maggot between • Walnut and Strawberry alley, Ba ke's row. • WILLIAM BUEHLER, )elO dly /florieburg, Pa.- TO CONSUMPTIVES, 11HE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple reins dy, after having suffered saveral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption = Is anxious to make !mown to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. • To all who desire it, he will Bend a 'copy of the pet acription used (free of charge,) with the directions fqr preparing and using the same, which they will find sore cure for Otwunintptlon, Asthma, Bionchitia The only object of the advertiser in sending the Per scription is to benefit the atilioted, and spread infor mo tion which he 00121301•43 to be invaluable, and he hopes eve t u n s f ulferer will try his remedy, as it will coat them no and may prove a blessing. Peri ea wiabing the perierlption Will please address REV. HOWARD B. W 1.1.2014; • Williamsburgh, Hinge County, New York sept2o &twain ritEs/IBUT. ER AT MARKET PRICE.; WE, HAVING fitted up a large .Retrig orator, and having made oordiacts with some of our moat reliable farmers to furnish us with fresh and met butter regular!,,, will be eushied to supply oar warmness with sweet fresh toe weld. [mem* rt all tie! es. KTBA DOCK, Jr. tlt CO. POCKET BOOKS, BUCK/3=K PURSES / PORT MONAXEB, And a general variety of Leather Goods, jtit, received at BERGNER'S BOOK STOBE. FAMILY FLOUR. WE INVITE the attention of fainiliee who BAKE THEIR OWN, BHEAD,' to our stook of Flour. We have just received SEVENTY-FIVE BARRELS of the Choicest (White, Wheat) dt. Louis Flour that the Western Martel &For& We 'ictuirinitee every barrel o 1 big we sell to be strict ly superior. (jets] W. DOME, JR., & CO. RUBBER GOODS I -- Habil* Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber - Rattles, • Rubber. Toys generally at BEEIGNRWM (MAP BOOBSTOIOT EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, a choice idt at Satre Family Floor, all warranted by bbl., of aar,k,i oat received andfor sale low by sicnota & BOWMAN, ettO Corner titan and Market streets BOLOGNA. A SMALL, but very superior lot q ßologna sausage just received, b y n 55029 WIC DOCK, Jr &110. i SUGAES, white and brown of all grad& •tx mile Low, by MOH9LB & BOWMAN, septl2 Corner Front snd Market streets .CALL and Examine our Superior Non nplafive Coal Ai, for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, with Corner Front and Market streets WARD ELL & LEVINEBB, Pickles an e s i mpt ror Waist JOHN W ml ' v 1 UUARB for preserving; call and exami Ine al corner ill izon ag°lj3 t and 111:17keMtAaNalkls, CRAB ClDER.Oonstantly On ham, ci very emperlor article of mac oars own. WV. DOOR. la. 0 rtkLINEI Lemons , and -Raiiinns, just re ocived sad forby • WICrWILB & BOWMAN, lea 4 Corn& Trent it'd liairket ptreeta. . FMB, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, ~and • • kinds of Nate, at 3011 N Wisihi Store Want. • myl 13ennoilttlittitti;.i *gip - ttlittiaph, *lkfteittoott, November 8 1:862. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD BUMMER TIME TABLE. F 1 TfiAINS. DAILY TO AND Tha Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania itagru,d Company will depart from and, Write at Harrisburg and Philadelphia u follows THROUGH EXPRE TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 116 a. m,, and arrives at West Philabislphla at 6.10 s. ID. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, - (except Monday.) At 6 lb o a. m., and arrlsitik 'et West rbliadelpliia at 9.46 a.m. PAST HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except, &delay) at 1.20 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.26 p. m. AILI.I.IIIIODATION TRAIN, via Mown Joy, , eaves flarrieburg at 7.00 a. m., and arriveit at West Pieta delphia at 12.26 p. M. HARRISBURG ACIYJIIOIODATION TRAIN, via Cohan{ ta, leaves Harrisburg at 430 i.. nee arrives at Ww• hiladelphia at 9.26 p. m. THROUGH RXPREB6I TRAIN loges Philadelphia st .0.35 p. in., Harrisburg alB.OO a. in., Altoona 8.10, a. nd arrives at Pittsburg at 12.85 p. m. NAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 a. in.; and ar rives at Harrisburg at 12,80 p. in.; leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. In., Altoona, 7,00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg 12.16 a. in. 15.d1 WNI leaveigrdladelptlitt at 11.30 a. m., Hauls. burg 3.45 p. in., Altoona at 8.20.. m., and arriving at 'Pittsburg at 12.46 a. m. HARRISBURG ACOOMMoDATION TRAIN leaven Ph delphla at 2.80 p. m., And arrival' at Harrisburg At 8.00 P. In. MOUNT JOY AOOOI4MODATION via Mount Joy loaves I.suoastor at 10.60 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 12,40 n. SAMUEL tl. YOUNG, Supt. Vast, thy. Palma. Railroad, Harrisburg, May 2, UM —dtr BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. NIIM AM UNE ROUTE. TIDED TRAINS DAILY TO NSW 'loaf, AND P'HILADI<'L:PH I A QN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, rtiv r 1882, the Paagenger i a will leave the Ma de Wm and Reading Railroad at Harrittierr„ for New York AO l'hiladelplds, as fo owe. vie • , . ILIPREO LINN 'leaves HarriSbukat L 2 a. m., On ay. rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Skpreas Train front the West, nrriving in New 'York at 8.10 a. AI., and at Phila. delptriwat 9.00 a. in. A aksiPlolf Oar is attached to the trald through from Pitts but*" tvithOut change. MAIL TRAIN !eaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., arming in Now York at 630 pi mood 'Philadelphia at 1.26 p. in. FAST LINE leaven Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mall, arriving In Now: York at 9.40 p. m., and Philadelphia at' 6.40 p. m FAST LINE leaves New ysnit at 6 4.111,, end Philadel• phis at Ba. to arriving, fa uaffiaburg at 1 p. as: VAIL TRAIN Itsavee New York at 11.00 node, and Phil. adisiptila at p. in., arriving at 'HitirMarg at 8.10 p m. EXPRESS leaves New York at 8 seri !log Harriebutg L at 3.Q0 a. an., and connecting with the ~e reetylvadla txorese Trails for Pittsburg. Ael eeplag ear is also attached to this rain ' • Connection are made at Harrisburg! with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and. Cumberland Valle , RailrOade, and at Reading for PhllaAlphia,Putisville, Wlikedbaire, Allentown, Fannon, act" - Baggage , chocked through. Fare butwen New York mud; rialturg, $6 00 ; between • Harrisburg and Pbilii ioluble, b In No. I care, and Sd 7u to No. 2, For ballet' or OM, . r inc , r tnal ;41 all-sly to mya.dif 1862• sirmiEß 1862.6 ARRANGEMENT! CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLI 013 AIME OF lEWITRS. - T4;tn and site Monday, May 6th, Passenger Trains will daily, u Mors, (Sundays Excepted For Chopbersbura",ald Harrisburg ' A. M. - 'r. LeaveXagerstowii 700 • 2 " „Ore . :NM:Vile .... .... .. .............. 787 ~8 I Arrive . at 817 , 4 I leave at 880 ' - 'l2 " • litilimenisburg .. .... .... .... 9: 4* :1 , " Newville. ..... ........... 9 82 • :2. " Carlisle 10 10 2 " Ifeebantesburg 10 42 "3 Arrive at Harrisburg 11 la . B'4o# • • For 'Chinnborsbnrg and ilageratOini:ll, ,A, 111. P. II Leave darrsburg ..... ....8 06 110 6, • itechaniceberg • 847 2 1 ' . Carlisle - • • • 927 • 2 " Newville 10 02 11•. " Shippensburg - 10 88 . 4 " • Chamliersbiut • ..A'rrive.ll 6b ' " 4 " Chambereburg - • Leave.: 11 10 , "4 " Greemeastle...... .... : . ...... • 11 lib .4 Arrive Tat Hagerstown...—. ... .. . .12 83 8 O.N. LEILI., 4/eip't. R. R. 0816), Chambereburg, May 1,18e2.-ay s 1 Chambersburg, ERSEY HA.11.1. - Tea tierces of thee tt justly celebratskiougir cared hains, , reablvbd ,, ima orpteiP Loge or emallAwintltips. WM.:DOOR. an. M CD. Nan 'ADver,tistmtnts FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND Anal MONDAY MAY.5th, 1862 EASTWARD. WESTWARD. EASTWARD WESTWARD 3 CI i DE, (4eneral Agent. liarlsburg RAIL ROADS filtbiLat HELMBOLD'S 'GENUINE PREPARATION "HK IS CONCENTRA nun" OOMPI UND FLUID RETRACT EUCLID, 'A Positive and Spoolith ithethdy For Me/Mee Of the, bLADD4R, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPgICAL AWELiAtis' this ifedielneinereasee the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS bite healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALOAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGIIIMNTE are reduced, aa well as PAIN ANDLIIFIAMAWN, and le good tor . "MEN, WOMEN OR CH I LDREN. HAINDOLIPS, IiXTRACT RUCH% For Weaknesses A dosing front li:ntentes,:Habks of Dissipation, Early discretion or Abuse, AITRNDED WITH THB itoubWING SYMPTOMS Indispoidnon to gsertion, Loss of Power Lose _... sln 'memory, - Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, -, Trembling, . Horror of Disease, Wakohainess, Dimness Cif Talon, - Pain In the Beek Universal lassitude of the IlusOuliur ibibini,. Hot 'Hands, Flushing of tile Body Dryness of the Elkin, Eruptions on the lice PALLID COUNTENANCE, Thate dytripthms,4 allowtid to go on, which this med loino:inuartably ramose, soon Mows IMPOTBNOT, FATUITY EPILEPTIC PITS . • IN ONB OP WHICH THE PA'T'IENT MAT EXP IRE. Who can say . thattherere net frequently followed by those "Mira DE3BAB6B" "INSANITY AND ' CONSUMPTION.* Many are aware of theenuee of their suffering, BUT NONE - WILL OONYLVI. THE BagoitosorniuuNsANE ASYLUMS; /ad iheMetanchely Deaths by thslin oo oo l 4, au' silks Istit' =a TO Pas impels 'OP yam anewerwer. THE WIXOM:MON CONON AFINOTID WITH 'ORGANIC WHAHNBII, &Owes theild4r malloble to ttrengthea and • , Ittvtgarste the System, which Harsoitos 'EXTRACT [MHO . frairiably doe A Tim. wnl °Gonna ISM KM INCIPTIM: FEY.,UIM••• LO OR YOUR% MGM MARRIED, OR OONTIMPLA UNGI hiARRIAOR, IN TARRY •ADFROTIONS' PEOU'fIAH TO 112NALE, tho Ritraet Buchu is unequalled by any other. remedy, as in Chlorins or Roieniktn,lrregularity,lPrinfuLoesn, or Supprassio nof Custoulat7 Braeuations, IReerated or Scirrhous state of the Moron, Lamellae* Whiten, Merit ity, and Thrall complaints incident to the sea, whether arising fr nn Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the OROLIRR OR MANOR co Lox. . •MR MOTO= 'ARM NO FAMILY SHOULD RI WITHOUT IT I Lox No mon Etweim, Slsoun, OR inemmunrillani OINZ 10/14116.11113/247 . 11/41) DANZREIM Dil1&81118. fIELMBOLLMIEZIRACT BUCHU SW OMB EET - DiffEASZEI. In all their Stages, • At Mlle Ilrixotse ; Little or no change In Diet • No inconvenience; nor'lltgiostore. II oausee a rtrquetll , _oolllr and eves slaringth to Urinate, thereby rerioving Obstructions. • Prettentiog end Oarihtegtrhiteria of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Intlinmmailon, so frequent In the slats OI blattaitia, and expelling itflPoisonotst, Dtseasof uniaLwonrort Matter.. , HA THOUSAND. UPON Tlionamme *NJ RAFE BIEN THE TIOTIMS of QUACKS, &IA who have paid , 1111&57 MS. to be cured in .a abort time, have found they were deeeived, and that the " POI itION" has, by therms br Aorwratann. aermiondre," beet dried up in the system, to bree l it out In an aggravated form: and ' • PERIWAP.7 An= MARRIAGE. Usei EtsubolVe Itmutt &Rob for all affeettons and diseases of the , MOANS, whether:exhaling to• FEIIIALE, Trete Weatevir Moue oriottaMtttg and no matter r HOW. LON 0, WPM/ iDIUM. . . Diseases of these Original require the old or DIU RR I 0 MILMBOLD'a EXTRACT BOOED' Id TIIERREAT DIORBIIII , And is Certain le hove the desired ideal in all Musses FOR 'WHICH IT IS RBOOXIIZNDED. Evidence of GU most reliable and reggae& character accompauylke'Medfoee. •••• OEITWICIATES OEI MUM. /roue to 2) yearu standee*, Wren Nuns mare TO AND . "LAM Price $1 00 per bottle , ' S. six for $5 00. Delivered to any ?ddibik, securely peeked from oboes ,• . ' " DISOMBB aWhiPTOMSIId ALL 00111111DTWATIONS. • Cares Guaratiteiiirt Adeline Gratis I: AFFIDAVIT. Personally, appeared before me, an alderman of Zino ellydrPtlt H. T. • Hatmeota, who being duly •sworn, Both My; blnpreparatlons contain no narerdie, no mercury, or other lejurious drugs, but are purely yogi, H. T.: , m Sworn and subscribed before e, thief 985 day of No vembore 186 k • I Wll. P. .1119,9 UN Ninth4l. above =la. Addreis lettbrs for infortiiition In oorifkbmce to - IL T. HICIABOLA: ()hamlet, Dem, 106 Soutb Tenth 81.,, bal. khestnut. Philo, BRWAttid" dir COUNIV.IIOErrs AND UNPRINCIPLED-MILERS, Who endeavor to dispose "or TB= OWN" and "organ" swim/Voir vtinitmirration avian= if Nedfabold's CienulakftoParlalon • I-strum Bacilli Improved Rose Wash. 'Sold by 0. 'Seller, Ir. W, Ofods, J. Wyeth, 0 L ilannyart. , • 'AND ALL DfirIGILSTI ATERYWHERg , ASK TORIERIMOOLD'a • TARN NO 1:111111t. Cat 0111 the stlvertintheht mut nut t q ra vEms. AND AVOID DIFINNIIO2I AND Aar • • • FIRE INSURANCE . • THE DELAWARE MUTUAL, SANITY INSURANCE, COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1886. Capital, and Amato $889,128 37 DIRECTOR& Wm. hiartic„Rtimund A. Souder,'Dteophilos Paulding, Jim B. Penrose; Jrio. o..Davidias. Impair, , Wm. lyre Jr James o..Hiutd, William,C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr, B.Y. Huston, George Leiper , Hugh Cuing, Charlet Kelly,. Samue l etokes, J. R. Penniston• Henry clean; "Award Darlington j Janes Brook; Sp e ncer "MUM% Thomas C. Band,'lttmerr Burton, Jacob P. Jones, Minket B. 61'Yariand, Joshua P.: lyre,Johe B. Semple. -Plitsl burg, D. T. HorganPittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg.. •'wu.IJAM MARTIN,-Prealdeut. TNOM4B O. HAND, nor Pasidest. HENRY LYLBURN, BtoVdaay. The undersigned as agent for the above named am pasy , continues to take Fire Risks in Harrisburg sad • WILL AX BUEHLER. 10104 U POET FOL/08 yRITING DESKS, VV TiIAVALIAT9 4 12 4 8 . MIRK PORTMONAISE, • And a genetakaasortment of FANCY GOOD 6 have teat been received : at BERGNEB'S CHEAP ACKHOHORE. s IIGAR CURED . HAD DRIED BEEF, SHOULDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. IA large and tree supply just received by eb26 WM. DOCK Jr.. & Co ReCLINTOCIPS PECTORAL SYRUP. `HIS I S INVALUABLE SYRUP, WHICH S 1. entirely its composition, 1* been employed with wonderful saccade fed many years in the cure of diseases for the MII PASSAGESand LUNGS. . For any form of the disease such as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFI4 CULT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE, and HECTIC FEVERS, its use w be attended with the happiest results. It one of the best and safest medicines for forms of BRONCHITIS and CONSUMPTIOW No lowborn or preparation of Opium in any shops: is this syrup. PRICE $lOO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK? STORE. CHEESE. - FEW Boxes good Cheese, the balanqe of a large consignment, are offered at an unimpOi low rate to closeout the lot. To retail dealers there wO be au .od seemed offered. • fah box sold will be ipar; anteed asrepresented. WIIi..DOCK, JR. ,at 00. 1 jylB F all sizes, patterns and juices, jaat U receivoll'ind for sale by el 3 WM. DOCK, Jr., ir-00 goOLD . PENt I—The largest and. bee , frookiwtplstra i mmv oi . auk ID. (: , roos SP so., ) W. GROSS Al CO., WHOLES ALA; AND /NEVA IL DRU GGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PE! N' A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully cltdi, your atention to the largest and beet selested stock in tins city, of DRUGS OHEMWALB di PAINTS Oil., vareid►M and alums, Dye-Staffs, Glsist and Putty, Artist Colon iiftd Toots, Pars tirosad. Opuses Burning Plaid and Alcohol, Lard, Sporukand Pins. His, acittlea, Vials and Lamp Globes, Caudle Saar, Sponges and Cora., so., me., disc., die., &c., &c With a general, variety of FEETWNERY TOW? ARTICLES, selected from the beet oranufacturere and Pe omen) of Europe and this country. Behtg very tett # dealer! In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEEf )IL,.VA.I3NISEIES, • WINDOW. GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'b BRUSHES IN ALL THEM VARIETIES, 001/31iN AND BBONZIS OF ALL KINDP. reepecttritiy invite a call, feeling, coutl dentlhat wa .ess _supply :the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH I TEETH II JON E'S AND WEITPEN't3 PORCELAIN TEETH; PATENT MEDICINES .ANI) 11 A.IR RESTORATIVES Of all Mods, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Oonoentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for claponifier, which ; we eel as low as it can be purchased In the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL. FLITID EXTILACTI3 ODAL OLLI CARBON MI Being large pureirasera In these (Mb, we can offer Inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds ot lamp changed to burn Coal 011. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who lutve not given our HORSE AHD OA.TTLE POWDERS a trial know no their sripesiorlty, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and In g. )od condition. Thousande can testify to the profit they have derived from- the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, heeides improving the 'general health, and ap. pearance of their Cattle. Our -long experience in the business gives us the ad i traptaga of ethoiongh ko, owled,ge of .the trade, and , our anangemente In the .cities ate Ouch that we can in a very, short time furnish anything appertaintng to our business, on the -best of name. . ' Thankful for the liberel patronage bestow° on our house, we hope by strict attention to Madness, careful selection of 10- B D_RIT 4:113 attfair.prieei3; and , the desire to , please all, to merit a opnthnuuMe of the favor 0 s disorim. hutting• public. aplB-41, 'WINE Cheese from New York DMnoti just received and for isk)loir , by ...NICHOLS & BOWMAN, jylB corner Irtizs suctiteript streets. V :4 900 ''')""S Omad .'. l reverTna.rtiss; Or by WIC DOOR JR., & 00 fraiE largest and most extensive assort molt uremia the city, just received, end 'for aleverydow„ by NIOHOLS , & nOWMAN, mud Oemer - Froni and Marlos streets. SPICES of all kinds, whole and ground, warranted fresh and pore for male low by 1410HOLEI & SOWMAN, Man Corner Front and liannetstree_ NEW mackerel, in halves, quar tera or kith inet received, and for sale low, by NI ums t flowlitAN, $029 Mower Front and Market streets A BULL lot of choice Dried Fruit, at Niortote 11; BOArluN, 4 12 Corner hoot end 'Marko& street. ViIiefEIZRYING . jam, fruit caw of all kinAy lbir sale low, by NICHOLS t BOWMAN, 1 r 29 . (kornerTrout andMatket st sots. :11 - AVII, Levi* and Bio Coffee; choice arti 11.1, cies just received, by , NICHOLS ik BOWMAN, nova Corner Front and Mukalla. garbital. ELIXIR PROPYLA MIN E, THAI NEW &eIMOY alkß lit Er E tr rd A T I Elbl ; & NSW RIMEDY, i & GRIMM REMEDY, j "I ACME RHEIIMATIBM, CHRONIC RHEUINATIBN, RRINTMAILTM OE EVIL6.I" lUND; HOW STITHRoRN No NMI = ji HoW LONG STAiIDING, PROPYLAMIN WHAT IT HAS DONE, "MI , DO AGAIN. rats BEST TBSTIMOKY, Ban KKDIOAL AIITHORff Y PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. Thor OnKw ItoaerzAt Etkposra.j &Lev 19, 1880,—Ellen S., set. 28, single, never was very grong. Two years ago the had an attack of acute rheu®a tiem,trom which she wax confined to her bed for two webs and subseqently from &relapse fer four more. She has been well since then till Satur day, while engaged In home cleaning, she took cold, had pain in her back, felt cold, hot had so decided ebffl. Two days later her ankles be. gao to swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has east dull pale in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful; both hands are affected, but the right Is most so. This, thee, te a case of acute rheumatism, or, as It le new fashionably called, rheumatic fever. hie a W well remarked typical case e will carefully watch the case, and from time to time call your attention to the vari ous symptoms which present themselves. My chief object In bringing her before you now, is to call attention to remedy which has recently been recommended M lie treatment of rinpanatbm. I mean propylantine. Dr Awenarim, of St. Petersburg, recommends It in the highest terms, having derived great benefit from its use in 250 cases which came under his care. Various com mendatory testimonials respecting It have appeared lo our journal, and I propose therefore to give it another trial. I must connote lam always incredulous as to it, worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as specific, , but this comes to 1211 recommended SO highly, that we are bound to give II a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LAIEE MAT 2S, 1860.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient fit whom I prescribed Propylmnlne, and Wa t thou labor. lug under an attack ol acute rheumatism. She has steadily taken it in doses of three grains every two boors (intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, I ;amid her much more comfortable, better than she es. pouted to he fora week or more, judging from her other .111ault. (The patient now walked Into the room mprovement bee steadily progressed, and you cannot a towage a marked change In the. appearance of he , nate, whieb are new nearly all of their natural silo.— nue ter our experiment would have seemed Eery sue eseSul ; but, gentlemen, we must wait a little while be re we CAM give a decided opinion u to what os to be he result. Here is another patient who WWI placed on the use 0 , same medicine on Sunday last ; she has long been 'offering from a tannic rheumatism, and I found her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her chronic affection. The wrists and knuckles were mudi swollen and tense. She took the chloride ol Propyht mine in three grain dome every two hours, and you sin pereeive that the swelling of the joints has much dimie. THREE DAYS LATER I I Mar 26, 11360 . —This is the case of acute rbeurnati.itu euted with propylamine, the first of Metros to winch i ailed your attention at our last clinic She is still very comfortable, and is now taking three grains thrice• daily. In this case it has seemed to be followed by very sat lefactnry melts. The second case to which your Wen gee was Naiad at, our last lecture, has also continued to do weir 1 will now bring before you a very character istic case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be set factory, I think, as good jurymen, wv snail justly render our verdict in favor of propylaWn He Ma seaman, tot. 24, who was admitted &few days ego, tiles had ocaaalonal rheumatic pains, but not so as to keep his bed, until eight days ego. The pains began in his right knee, subsequently affected the left knee, and later, the Joints of the upper extremities. rheas Joints are all swollen, tense and tender. His tongue is furren ; his skin, at present dry, though there bon been numb sweating. Eta pulse is fall and strtmg, and about 90. He ham now used propylamine Air twenty-four hours. This gentleman is what may be called a strictly typical ease of acute rheumatism. There was expoiure to cold and wet, and this exposure is followed by s haling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as It uaualiy does, in ihe lower joints. There is fever and the profuse sweating, eo generally atitendant on acute rheumatism "did net bring this patient before you with the I num. lion of giVingyini a lecture en all the points consented With rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the new remedy we are feeling, and to exhibit to you this typical Ca" as I have called it, than which there to Oa not be s fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of all other medicines, even anodynes, that there may be no miegivinge as to which Was the efficient remedy. Ton Wall see the ease et a future tunic. TER RESULT A FAVORABLE VERDRYI Juee6,lB6o,—The next of our convaleacents is the case of Route rheumatism before you at our clinic of May 86th, which I then called a typical case, and which it wait remarked Was a fair opportunity for testing the worth 01 our new remedy, It was therefore steadily tren ln three grata doom every IWO hours for four days. The patient , has got along very nicely, and is now able to walk about, as you see. Ido not hesitate to say that I have neves seen as Severe a case of acute rheumatism so seen restored to health as this man has been, and without being prepared to decide positive by as to the val tie of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to state that in the eases in which we have tried the Chloride o ttopytaudoe, the patienikaave regained their health mu ch earlier Oita under Me treatment ordinarily pur sued. I Isiah gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results. For a full report of which the above is a minimised extract, See the Philadelphia Medina! and &medal &- porter. It le the report alter a fair trial by the best med. cal authority In this oonntry, sod makes it unnecessary to give numerous certificates then astoniahed doctor, and rejoicing patients. A SPEEDY kIY4III 7.4ituttlyi:4 ISS SANDI RmAILIT WHAT IT HAS DONE, ..chock Al Crenshaw, a Arm well known to most mail. oil men, by whom the latirir Prom.lamina bas been In. troduced, have wild to us the exclusive right to manors& titre It wording to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements of snob magnitude as to enable as to matter it broadcast amongst sudering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTOR& U yon prefer to. nee the come emedy in anotherifOrm we Invite your attention to the Pinta ORINALUED MELONS/I Psomazoire, Pori PZOTTIAMMI Lump, Pan Minium Oosommunio, Pim lop= Psorminan, Hof which we are the Bole man ufliciarani. Wa-We claim no other virtue for the Elixir Propylamina ban 11 contained in Pere Crystalised chloride of Prom =Me. THE EILECCII lii AND MAY B T,111Q4.1, LOCORDTNG TO DIRECTIONS, BY ANY BY BV&ItM, WHO HABAHMUMATIBM OF A.lOl KIND. Bold In Rarriobnig by LT Tb am. • barna Orders may be addressed to PROPYLAYINE NAND:P.4OI77IIINQ 00,, Office, Boom No. 4, S. W. Cor fourth end Obeanat streets, PIAUIPI* . eltLio a t h e Morels? Rpu}mar A gents 8131,1,001 & OBENOHLLW, TIMM, &IMMO; & 01 4 JOHN M. 1.14108 c 9., GEO. W ”:TIWRN,L, &co , pETER T. WILMOT & 00., 'zciakiut as slam ntragN Miter & ginunstsins WILL CONQIIIMIT, WILL CM* IT, DOCTORS READ, DOCTORS ISAYINE DOCTORS TRY IT. DOCTORS KNOW IT, PATIRNTS BRIARVg IT TRIED AND TRUK. IN AVERY GARR, WEINNIIVRR TRW, WHEW/RR TRIED. IT WILL DO AGAIN MORE OONV I' MEN; AND ALWAYH READY TDR INNEDIATI