Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 08, 1862, Image 3
3paiip Qi`titgrapq, Nu, It TIO AtiVicitTlSKßA.—Ati Ad vertisements, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, dc., to secure insertion n the TBLEGILAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CAIIII. Advertisements ordered in the regu !sr Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Ed tion Without extra charge. ARRISBURGi, PA Saturday Afternoon, November 8, 1802 MILITARY BIISINEsS, Of all kinds attended to. EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at-Law. Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [02713, TEE JOURNSYNNN SHoKIitAKIRS of Chambers burg are on a strike for higher wages. _...--..._. Tae FARMERS OF DAITPHIN COUNTY have mostly finished husking their corn, and pronounce the crop one of the best they have ever gathered. CAM. W. H. BLAIR, of Centre county, whom we noticed some time since as being compelled to retire for a while from the service on account of optical afflictions, has fully recovered and is once more in the field at the head of his com pany. We rejoice at this fact, because he is a brave man and e good soldier. PROMOTED.—COI. Joshua Owen, of the Sixty ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, has been ap pointed to succeed General Burns in the com mand of his popular fighting brigade, General Burns Laving been assigned to a division in WilcwCs corps DON'T FORGET THE FAMILIES OF THE DRAFTED Man —Winter is here in earnest; and we would therefore urge the citizens of the different town ships of the county to take steps at once to secure the families of those who have gone from their midst to aid in crushing the wicked rebel lion, against want. Many poor persons have volunteered, and many have been drafted, whos2 sates we commend to the consideration of the benevolent and patriotic. The wives and chil dren of such men should not be permitted to suffer, but all their necessities, in the way either of food or clothing, be constantly supplied.— This is a duly devolved upon those who remain at home. Let it he faithfully performtd. Our granaries are stocked full of the fruits of a rich harvest. Plenty blessed the labor of the farmer. Abundance smiled hem every quarter, and now before want seizes and pinches the fami lies of the soldiers, we trust that our friends in the county will organize and make arrangements for doing that which covereth not only a mul titude of sins, but exalteth a man and enno• bleth a patriot. = = Tae Ptrrsuusa Pomo' are engaged in a lauda ble work, and if they succeed, the smoky city will be relieved of a great nuisance. We allude to their efforts to rid that city of those dens of cyprlana where they Weave the wioding sheet of souls, .A.nd lay them in the urn of eternal death. Large numbers of these degraded creatures are nightly captured and imorisorted, and the per sistency with which the police go about their work, admits of no doubt of their determination to accomplish a good riddance of tide bad rub bage. The Gazette relates an affecting interview between one of those thus arrested, and her father, who had been in quest of his erring and fallen daughter for months, but who could not obtain any tracts of his sinning child. Seeing her name among those announced as arrested and committed, he visited the prison and found her. She is twenty-ono years of age, and rather fair looking. They spoke in Welsh, a language not understood by those present, but their ac tions told plainly their feelings, and conveyed an idea of the nature of their conversation. The conduct of the daughter was respectful, and she seemed completely overcome, whilst the father appeared to keenly appreciate his posi tion. —A small share of vigilance of the police in the State Capital, on the same crime, might prevent the ruin of many who would otherwise become useful to hemselves and society. AN IMPORTANT ORDER.-It will be seen by an order which we print below, that the officers ' who were lately in this city, for the purpose of receiving detachments of the drafted men to fill up the old regiments now in the field, have been ordered back to their different posts, which is of COMM tantamount to the rescinding of the first order on the sui ject of taking the men in question for the old regiments. In view of these facts, we infer that it is the intention of the War Depart ment to submit the matter of the organization of companies and regiments of the drafted sol diers, to the men themselves. In fact we have reason to believe that a full understanding has been had between the State Government and the War Department, and that the matter at issue has been satisfactorily arranged, and that the drafted men are conceded the right of con trolling their own organization. This of course obviates all difficulty. The right which the state administration has insisted upon is thus acknowledged, and all cause for dissatisfaction removed. It now becomes the drafted men to be careful how they select inexperienced or in capacitated officers to lead them into battle, and 48 much of the late trouble in relation to the men going into the old regiments, can be traced to those who were fearful that, by such a movement, they would lose positions of com mand, let the men themselves now speak on the subject. Since it is no longer a subject of force to compel them to go into the old regiments, let all who are convinced they cannot find com petent men to lead them among those drafted, make it a matter of choice, and at once offer to enter the old regiments voluntarily. The man who wants to do good service, and at the same time become useful to himself, will not refuse, under all the circumstances, at once to enter an old company or regiment. The following is the order to which we refer: SPECIAL ORDER. EiAller,Bl3lol, Pa., Nov. 8, 1862. The officers of Pennsylvania Volunteers, with their non-commissioned officers, are relieved from the duties assigned them in the Special Order of the sth instant, and will immediately join their respective regiments. 1 -6 - THOMAS, Adjutant Gen. PitmovinatOci c Matta lititgiaph, Oaturbav 'Afternoon November 8, 1862 COL. M. S. QUAY, of Beaver county, is in the State Capital, partially recovered from the se vere attack which prostrated him almost from the time he took command of his regiment iu the field. We have a high regard for Colonel Quay, and trust that he may soon fully recover either to take command of his regiment once more, or assume some other duty where his fine abilities and true integrity might be de voted to the interests' and service of the country. FINE GROCERIES. —Messra. Dock & Co., deal ers in fine Groceries, Market Street, opposite the Court House, have constantly in store all the choicest in season pertaining to that depart ment of trade. Persons desiring the finest quality of Groceries, both fancy and those of a more staple character, can always here be ac commodated. All goods purchased at his store are delivered to any part of the city, or care fully packed and sent to any of the railroad depots, free of charge TUB CIIRRENCY-SOAROITY OF SMALL CHANGH. The scarcity of email change is seriously felt by the business men and others in this community. The business man loses many a sale which he might otherwise make, if he could change a dollar note, and the mechanic and laborer would save many pennies if the usual quantity of small change was still afloat, as he is often compelled to buy more and unnecessary articles in order to enable him to procure that which he actually needs. This state of facts is almost unendurable in a city with a regular and floating population:of upwards of thirty thousand souls, and many expedients are now being tried to remedy the evil. Numerous checks for Five, Ten, and Twenty-five cents are in circulation, printed in a most unworkmanlike manner, purporting to be payable at the York Bank, city of Wilmington, Reading, &c., signed by various names, which of a necessity have a large circulation, and yet the receiver of this miserable printed paper is not aware whether the signer of the check is actually in existence or whether he is worth a single farthing to re deem the slip of paper circulating as money.— Others have adopted a plan of cutting a one dollar note into two pieces, and circulating them for fifty cents. All this kind of paper money ought to be discarded by the community, and we advise every business man to keep his goods rather than aid in circulating worthless paper, assist dishonest men to defraud the honest la borer and mechanic, and who will be compelled tokeep this worthless trash eventually on hand. By the kindness of the President of the City Council, W. 0. Hickok, Esq., we have been permitted to examine the various designs in tended for the new issuesof small note currency about to be adopted by our city, and it gives us pleasure to announce to the public that they are to be gotten up in a most beautiful manner. But the action of Council lest night, unless it is re-considered, will frustrate the design of thus facilitating business and accommodating those who have already suffered so much from the inconvenience and the dearth of change. The cost of the engraving and printing of these notes would be a small item in compari son to the economy which the plan is designed to produce. An hour's experience in our pub. lic markets is sufficient to sustain the claim— and if this would not suffice, the testimony of every man in the city would at once establish the fact that the present scarcity of change is one of the greatest burdens which the people are compelled to carry. We trust that the matter will not be suffered to go by default. The banks give us nothing but relief notes, the silver and gold currency is in the hands of brokers and speculators, the post age currency is gobbled up and held by the same cormorants. What then are the people to do ? Either suffer themselves to become the vio tims of the speculator, or devise means for their own protection. It is the duty of every cons inanity to do so —and the Council representing this city must not fail in this city. I=l Ins ORGANIZATION or TIM Drumm MTN.— This is a subject of such great importance, that we are willing all should be heard in its discus sion, who can bring a word of truth or argu ment to the support of any of the propositions relating to it, now before the public. The fol lowing communication, relating to the matter, is clear, lucid and candid, so far as it goes, and was written by a gentleman who has had great experience among the men now in service. We submit his views to those most interested, the privates who are now numbered among the drafted Editor of the Alegraph:— At this time there is much difficulty in organ- . icing the regiments of drafted men at Camp Curtin. The Governor, the Adjutant General, the Quartermaster General, the Commissary General, and the Surgeon General, are doing all they possibly can for the good of the service, and the comfort and safety of the drafted sol diers of Pennsylvania. I believe no one doubts the sincerity of those officers. They have a Ref culean task on their hands. A task which I think is made heavier by the apparent want of patriotism in many of the officers who accom. pany the drafted men to the capital. I have listened to those officers in the public houses of this city, and I could come to no other conclu -Ision than that they are not well qualified to lead troops into the field of battle. They speak freely, as if they thought the success of our cause I depended on entire organisations of new troops, with green o ffi cers. Make them officers, and all will be subordination, and the troops safe: Relieve them and insubordination will be the order of the day ; ut least so say these officers. I would appeal to the men's patriotism. We are in war—active war. Can you conscien tiously take charge of the lives of the wise who are called to serve their country in the battle field f Can you lead them into a fierce engagement and guard them froth the surprised and flank movements of veteran opponents No one doubts your courage ; ; but you have no experience ; and courage without science and, experience is of little avail in battle. I for One believe that the brave ' men in Camp Curtin would be much more safe in the old regiments, or at least officered by experienced men from those regiments. Let me give you an instance : The Governor of this State, in his usual kind attention to the suffering soldiers in the late battles in Mary land, had a list of all the sick and wounded taken and a return made to the Surgeon Gen eral. That list shows the fact, that one unfor tunate new regiment of brave men were cat to pieces. The casualties in that regiment by wounding, were more than happened in three ' old regiments accompanying them. They,wers brave, and bravely officered ; but thny hadlittin experience, and they Were an easy prey to the enemy. is " - SPECTATOR. Barnes Cnvacu.—Rev. W. S. Wood, pastor, having returned to this city, will preach to morrow morning at the usual hour. . Bev. James Colder will preach in the evening• Tim errr COUNCILS of Erie have ism.' $30,000 in notes, of a denomination under a dollar, de signed as an accommodation fur change to the people of that city. STRAYBD FROM AN ARMY HOSPITAL.- Bare, an imbecile soldier, from the Sixteenth and Filbert Streets Hospital, in Philadelphia, eluded the guard on Thursday afternoon, and has not yet returned. He is wh ay unable to take care of himself, and has never before been allowed to leave the Hospital without a friend accompanying him. He is about five feet six inches high, has short red hair and a freckled face. Any one returning him to the Hospital above mentioned, do the patient an act of charity, and will confer a favor on the Medical Officers, who are very solicitous on his account. He was last heard of at Paoli, on the Pennsylva nia Railroad. 1=:=1 ARRIVAL OP TUB ANDIIIRSOF OAVAIRT.—The Anderson Cavalry arrived in this city last eve- Ding, in a special train from Carlisle, and de parted almost immediately for the west. In consequence of the inclement state of the weather, but few people, beyond the personal friends of some of the troopers from this city, were present, and yet the reception was made remarkable by the storm which prevailed. The boys were in excellent spirits. They seemed to enjoy the excitement and the dangers of the ride over the rails, and left the city, marry of them expressing their hopes of returning once more, to enjoy the fruits of peace and the credit of having done their duty to the coun try in the hour of its danger. God grant that their hopes in this respect may be realised. A PANIC AMONG TM/ SWIMS AT CAMP CITP.TIN. An order has been recently issued, to the ef fect, that the sutlers at Camp-Curtin be here after restrained from condubting their business iu that Camp. This order applies indiscrimi nately to all who have been in any manner huckstering in that ` vicinity, and has created considerable disappointment and loos to many who were dependent upon the little business they conducted in Camp Curtin for their liv ing. There were many worthy women who by the sale of fruit and cakes made what support ed their families, while we heard of a soldier, severely wounded in battle, and who is unfitted for any labor, who was among the number notified to leave, and thus of course deprived of his business and his support. We are not aware of the object of this order, nor the pur- pose that is to be effected. It is vaguely hint ed the monoply of the Camp is to be awarded to a single individual If, this is really so, we will inform our readers of the fact—but of course that information will have no effect in putting a stop to such a monopoly. Dreraccriva Frau IN Yosx Boactron.—Car Works and Machine Shops Destroyed—Loss, $40,- 000.—We learn from our York exchanges, that early on Friday morning, a destructive fire broke out in the engine room of Messrs. 'igen fritz at White's car works, in that borough. A strong wind prevailed, which seriously increased the fury of the flames, and baffled the efforts of the firemen. In quick succession the seve ral frame buildings owned by this firm, together with the agricultural and machine works of the Messrs. Dingee, were in full blase. The first named firm lost all their valuable machinery and material, large in quantity, as they were engaged in filling a few heavy contracts. A magnificent new passenger car, built by this firm for the Reading and Columbia railroad, stood en .a side ttack, and was totally consumed. The car was nearly finished, at a cost of two thousand dollars. Their aggregate loss is, per haps,, thirty.thousand dollars. They are insu red for aboUi $2,500 in each of the two York companies ; and they have some foreign insu rance. • But their loss over all insurance is severe. The Messrs. Dingee, too, are completely burt out. The loss .they have sustained may count seven or eight thousand dollars—possibly more. Of this, they have an insurance of about $2,500 in the York County Mutual, to gether with protection in some other compa nies. The insurance will hardly cover more than five thousand dollars. The fire swept across Beaver street, consuming the coal office of George A. Barnita, together with shedding. All the contents of the office, except two iron safes, were removed. The contents in the safes were either burnt or scorched, but they con tained nothing of much value. This does net speak well for safes, as the volume of heat from a small frame office is comparatively trifling. The machine shop of Messrs. Small & Smy ser stands hard by the ruins. But it is a large brick structure, with a slate roof and iron shut ters—a fire proof building. It escaped almost unharmed. &LIMB= Fawn TM DRAM on the ground of alieoage have been allowed in the following cases Name. Where drafted. Anthony Munally Luzern co., Penn'a Florian Ritz 41 14 Richard Barrett ~ ~ Anthony Gillespi 0 IL Henry Campbell i' lot Thomas Tucker 46 George Kraemer Montgomery " Philip Mails ° 6, 41 John F. Lutz ~ 4/ John Good 1, Ai Edward Hays 4, 66 •Mike Hogan 61 66 Willard Pesch Erie, 66 Conrad Berngert , 61 66 Wenderlin Strohmeyer.. " 14 Jacob Vogel if di John George Aschele.... Lancaster, 46 Henry Meisenbach 44 41 George Keiser. 61 46 Patrick Lynch SI IS John Johnston IS Edward Bentall 4, William Quarry CI • 41 Thomas Linton 41 46 William A. Lee Wyoming, 41 Patrick Donohoe Northampton, " Timothy Mooney ,i, IS Francis Woathy Delaware, SS If AA Peter Bice Petri& Hanley Susquehanna, John I John Hall Berke, • I, Thomas Fallen Bu cks , [oommuivioeTzn.) Ma EDITOR :—Your remarks in regard to the late order prohibiting the sale of articles in thecamps, contained in this morning's Tram °Raft, are appropriate. Many ui our citizens who are contributing liberally to the comforts of the sick and wounded among ns, will look for some good reason why the poor women and children of this city, seeking to earn honest living by selling eatables, are forbidden to sell tfi . 'eir articles in the camps. Many.Ailkis also know the disabled soldier wounded-.NIIIIp-crtn her at Drainesville, now bearing upon his body unhealed wounds, and who, after having per mission grant, d, opened a place to sell his small wares, is now ordered to close his place of business. This soldier is still upon hi, crutches. But that matters not, his place is wanted—by whom, we shall see I A CITIZEN. -John SPECIAL NOTICES ~.Fassn Venom Liam( in glass capillary tubes, tilt received at Bannvart's Drug Store. it* A Mom Entsrasnmarrr —Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which wp can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the • ` light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part oi our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock ch gee competion.— Without going into detaMre may safely say that the firm keep' on hand ;verything usually kept in a'groorry store, (liquore excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no gromnstanoes what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public( to visit the new building and exam lee the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. To the Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Contnmption of Liver and Kidney, Voughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that She is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished ai to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be oo ap prehension in r%-fid to my competency to ad minister it, as I have had it on hand for the pastel,' years. As they ate now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (aul3-dlm) MRS. L. BALL. PHIL&DBIRECIA, Nov. 3, 1862 1&s. Ball :—I feel no hesitancy in acknow ledging the virtue of your medicine, its sooth ing influence and healing power. For several years I was afflicted with dyspepsia, and during my stay in Harrisburg you cured me in the short space of one month, of that annoying and distressing disease, and at the same time also cured me of a running scrofula, which had existed for over one year without ceasing.— During my years of affliction, I applied fre quently to doctors of medicine, but they proved ineffectual. I have the utmost confidence and belief in the power of tour medicine, and would say to those afflicted, who wish to enjoy life in its natural element, with a system renewed to vigorous nature, to try your medicine as I did. Yours, truly, GEO. J. McCREERY, 64 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. S--T-4860--X. BRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They Purify, strengthen and inAlgorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an a , •tidete to change of water and diet. They ov , reoue elects of dissipation aid late hours. They strengthen the syient and enliven the mind. hey pretreat miasmatic and Intermittent levers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They curs Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure diarrhea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Comp lairt and Nervous Headache. They are the best bitters in he world. They make the weak man strong , and are exhausted nntern's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rem the celebrated (Unsay& Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with tt•e pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Pirticularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. gold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. P. H. Drake C0.,202 ttroedway, New York. Dote no more unpleasant and unsafe Medicines Nor unpleasant and dangerous diseases, use HELMI3OLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Which has received the endorsement of the most PROMINENT PHYSICLANS IN THE U. 8. Is now onered to afflicted he vanity as a certain cure for the following diseases and symptoms °thrusting from diseases and abase of the Urinary or Serum 04ans. General Debility, mental end Thysical Depression, • Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Bead, Confused Ideas, Hysteria General Irritability Restlessness and Sleeplessness at Night, Mame of Muscular Efficiency, Lees of Appetite, Dyspe els, ameuiciation, Low Spirits, Disorganisation or Paralysis of the Organs of Veneration, Palpitation of the Rout, And, in tact , all the concomitants of a Nervous and Debilitated state of the system. it, insure the genuine, cut thus out. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NODULE& CURES GUARANTEED. See advertisement in another column. Fun I Fuss 11—We have received from New York a splendid assortment of Fara at all prices. Black Cloaks, ready made and made to order. 500 Hoop Skirts, all styles from 76c. up. 60 pieces of white, red and yellow flannel. 26 dozen of white and grey Undershirts and Drawers. 26 pieces of new De!sines and other Drees Goode. 80 pair of splendid white (all wool) Blankets. 200 splendid Cambric Bands, beet French needle work. A very large assortment of holies, gentlemen and children's Stockings, (wool and cotton,) all prices. 10 doien of Nubian, Woolen Hoods, Sontags, and Mende Scarfs. 50 pieces of Casstnetts and Kentucky Jeans, for men and boys' wear. 10 pieces of Merinos, (all colors,) Alapaccas, andParamattae. Our stock now is large, and bought before the rise in goods, and those wishing to buy we would invite to call. S. LEWY. Ser.-18 6 0-2 CI 'HE language of nature and experience de -1 monstrates, that whoever would enjoy the pleasut tle of food—the beauties of landscapes the joys of companionship—the richness of lit erature—or the honors of station and renown— must preserve their health • The stomach is the receptacle of all nourish ment, and the fountain from which all parts of the body, derive sustenance. The effect of foul injurious food entering the stomach, is to de range the digestive organs, and produce headache, loss of appetite, unrefreshed sleep, foetid brea/h, low spirits, feverish burning', constipation, incapacity to perform any mental or physical duty, iSrc , and are the symptoms of that horrid disease DYSPEPSIA, Which assumes a thousand shapes, and points towards a miserable , life and premature decay. The Medical Faculty has labored for generations to discover reliable appetisers and the proper means of overcoming stomachic derangements. Certain ineredients have' been long known as partially effective. Among these were CALISAYA BARK & Sr. CROIX RUM An invalid physician, sojourning in the tro pical island of St. Croix, observing the habits of the natives, gathered the recipe for the final accomplishment of this most important end. The article was first us,d as a private medicine, when its salutary effects becoming known, it was brought out under the name of DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS They act with unerring power, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage. They perform most wonderful cares in stubborn cases of Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Intermittent Fevers, Diar rhcei, Sour Stomach Headache,. Fever and Augue, Weakness, Mental Despondency, &c. As a morning appetizer and after dinner tonic, they should be in every family. .They are a delightful. exhilarating stimulant, without any subsequent stamfy ing reaction. Messrs. P. H. Daats.—Gentlemen have suffered terribly with Dyspepsia for three or four years, and tried many remedies without effect. I had to abandon my profession, and suffered greatly from everything I ate. I have now tried the Plantation Bitters—they helped me—l continued their use, and am now nearly a well man. I know of several similar cases.' Intelligent persons and physicians can judge of the efficacy of the Plantation Bitters from the following partial formula. Wan known and used in Germany for Dyspep sia, Chronic Diarrhoea, Cholic, Dysentery, and, diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, as early as 1690. For Inflammations of the Loins and Spleen in Dropsical Affections and Biliary Secretions, or Obstructions of the Abdominal Viscera. CALISAYA, OR KING'S BARK, Was unknown to civilization until the middle of the 17th century. Humboldt makes favora ble mention of the febrifuge qualities of this article as an Antido:e to Fever and Ague, In termittent and Relations Fevers, in his exten sive South Ameticen travels. The Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, having experienced the beneficial effects of this Bark, sent it to Europe in 1640. It was sold by the Jesuitkfor the enormous sum of its own weight in silver, and was--thus called JZSIIITie Pownaa. In 1668, Sir John Talbot employed it with great success in France, in the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Weakness and Debility, Palpitation of the Heart, Diarrhoea, &c., under the name of Eng lish Powders ; and in 1679,'he sold the secret of its origin to Louis XIV, by whom it was di vulged. It is now a standard remedy iu all Pharmacopcsia, and is employed in preparing the Plantation Bitters. Chamomille Flowers, for enfeebled digestion ; Winter-green, valuable for Scrofula,Rheumatism, and Nefratic Affections ; Lavender Flowers, aro matic, stimulant and tonic, highly invigorating in Nervous Debility ; Anise, an aromatic car minative, creating flesh, muscle and milk. Much used in nursing. Another ingredient of remarkable and won derful virtue used in the preparation of these Bitters, is a native of Brazil, and 88:yet un known to the commerce of the world. A Span ish writer says 0 n" administered with St. Croix Bum, never fails to relieve nervous tre mor, wakefulness, disturbed sleep, &c., and that it is used with great effect by the Brazilians, Spanish and Peruvian Ladies to heighten their color and beauty. It , imparts. cheerfulness to the disposition, vigor to the appetite, and bril liancy to the complexion." We withhold its name from the public for the present. To the above are added Clove Buds, Orange, Carraway, Coriander, Snake Boot, &c., all pre served in perfectly pure nov4 wed &sat 6mciew The tonic properties of Bt. Croix Rum, and its powerful invigorating effects, have been long known to the physicians of the world. Bilious, Intermittent and Chill Fevers, en gendered by the change of water and diet of travelers, particularly upon western rivers, are prevented and cured by the Plantation Bitters Thy are also reliable to prevent sea sickness. PEULADIELIWA, If3t month, 16th diiy, 1862 " &matzo Fauno.—Wilt thou send me another dozen of thy .Bitters? Nothing has proven so beneficial to my invalid wife or my self, as the Plantation Bitters. Thy friend, luso Howxarro." N. B.—The secret of the immense sale of the Plantation Bitters, is their guaranteed purity. The St. Croix. Rum, and every article used, is warranted perfectly pure, and the money will be returned if not as represented. The Plantation Bitters are put up in unique quart bottles, and sold by all respectable D,ug gists, Grocers,Hotels and Restaurants through out the worl. Be particular that every bottle bears the few- simile of the Proprietor's signature. P. H. DRAKE & CO nov4-dawlm-eodaeow] 202 Broadway, N. Y. ryIHE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY I AND MILITAY INSTITUTE, AT WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA, will commence the winter term of five calendar months on the let of Novembernelt. The course of instruction is thorough and extensive, desinged end arranged to prepare boys and young men for business or college. The principal, who devotes all him time ti the ild3rests of his school and its Mils, is assisted by eight gentlemen or ability and experience. Toe German, Preach and Amiable languages are taught by native resident teechers ' an advantage which will be readily appreciated by the patrons of the institution. The Military Department is under the charge of Major G. EeXendorff, of Philadelphia, whose qualifications for the position are extensively known. Its duties and requirements do not, in any way interfere with the literary departments, while enrolment among the cadet corps is left optional. For eatolouge Inc.,apply to eeptl3-vmodtra VI M. F. WYMRS, s, if., Principal. nove WHEREAS letters of administration to the ast de of John Lents, Sr., late of Upper Paxton towwhip, Dauphin county, have been granted to the subscriber, ad persons indebted to i estate are requ est,' to make Immediate payment, e nda those Oaring dahlia or demands against said esate will make known the same without delay to • J OHN LENTZ, Jr., Administrator, Upper Paxton Township, near Ilillersburg .P. 0., Dam phial County. octlB-oast6W N to) 7timertistmtnts IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE "Recmorsa, December 28th, 1861 Respectfully yours, Rey. J. S CATHORN." S. T.-1860—X. CABOARILLA BARK DANDELION, 8. T.-1860-X ST. CROIX BUM WHAT OTHERS SAY NOTICE Arm 2bnatitentents SILAS WARD, AGOIT FOR STEINWAY'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS, Princes Melodeons &0,, VIOLINS, GUI rams, FLUTES, FIFES, AC CORDEONS, DRUMS AND MUSI- CAL MERCHANDISE Of every kind HOWE'S SEWING MACHINES, PORTRAIT FRAMES, Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Photograph Framea and Album. at the New Music Store of SIMS WAND, au.l4 dly N 0.12, - .orth Third Street above Market. • WM. KNOCHE, ~ 93 Market street, Harrisbury, Pa., DIALER IN PIANO. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU MENTS, FROM $46 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Panjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mall to any part or the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND LOSEWOUD FRAMES, Suitable tilt looking glasses, and all kaate of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of bust plated 1.0013.1NG GLASSE 8 From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of trams wade to order at the ti shortest no ce. Whl. KNOCHE, 93 Market BLreet... febl9- wisl) HARRIS MANSION FOR SALE. ' I AE.1.8 inincleeine property recently Gwen— pied by the Pit sj=lti.... ANI a ighiaLlS C , LLBGE I uttered for Fah.. Il is well euitei eitner for a private Residence or a B arclin4 :-oh Mot, bolos supplted with gas, water, bath rooms, heater, tang., etc lbe grounds con valuable F rud Trees and shrubbery toe place w.O be s.e.i low ~ad pees! salon elvrn withdi reasoßable time F , w temp, &o ,al ply t . . . TARS. S. rt. W 1 . 013, or D!t.IW if 81.41.11 kaecutor. .Eatat,e of Hey R. R. Waugh,. dec,:i. WOODCHOPPERB WANTED. 'HE undersigned will give immediate em ployment to Twenty woodchoppers, at fair prices. None but sober, industrious men need apply. RUDOLPH F. BILKER, No. 6, S. Front St. HENRY A. KELRER, Cor. Market Square. nov 6deod lw* PROCLAMATION. HEREAS, the Honorable JOHN J. PRARsON, President of the *bunt of common Ptees m the Twelfth Ju..icial District, consisting of tho counties of Lebanon and Dauph, o, foal toe Hoe: Dana at LANDIS and Hon. Morin R YoIDIG. essoclate'dndges in Dauphin county, having r-sued t neir precept, bearing date the 6th day of October, 1862, to me directed,. for nation; a Cour, of Oyer and Termio , r and General 2ail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Ponce at tiarrisbitg, hir the county of Dauphin, and to comm. see as tni '6D MoenaY us NoVntßilit salt being the .7Te DAY or No- Vinitnits. 1802 and to continue two weeks. Notice therefore hereby given to the Colmar, Ma ness of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constable. of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then, and Diet In their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon 01 said day, with Weir reuoids, inquisato..e, esaminati:ns, and their own rememb antes, to do those thugs which to their office appertains to he .ione, and those who are boned to reCOgnizaoce, to prosecute against the prisoners that are ur shall us in the Jail of Dauphin coun ty, be then and there to prosecute against th in as shall bepp.t. . . Given under my hand, at Eiarriebnrg, the oth day of Oeteb r, in ihe year of our Lord, 1862, and in the eighty .slith year of the independence of the United Staten J D. BOAS, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Harrisburg, Oct. b, 1862, A LECTURE FUR YOUNG MEN. pabli= bed,. ptjou 6 cents, a new 0 edition of the late Dr. CULVER WELL'S ChLE MATED ECTUktia. on the abu,e of the Reproductive ppw era, inducin; Debdi y, 'e kOUsi eye , Conaursption, apli e ,*y, Dental and Phvnica I Incapacity, e The rad ice, mode Ament, wilhont medicine, la fully ex plained, BO as to suable every one to be his own physi cian at the lea,t pootiblee xpeuse. A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt or six cents; or two postage stamps. Addt ess the pub.isbeis, Ch. J• C• KLINE, & CO.. 127 Bowery,New York Post Office, box, 4.510. rov3.3md&v A RARE CHANCE FOR A BUSINESS MAN. frIER canal grobery store and Rockville House,•known as the lJpdegrovo Lock Property, situated live MUGS above Harrisburg, 'touting east on the Pennsylvania Canal and west on the tinalineben.oi river road, will be sold if applier' t r soon. " The grocery store, If not tee very vest stand oh the line of the %nal; I. only equaled ny one other. d largo new barn aWatable has nanny been built, so that each bOatwteBl3o. can bo loclied up separately. Also plenty of sheds, hay houses, corn crib, two store houses for grain, ice house, hay takes, and indeed every convenience that is necessary for carrying on the busmess. The place is within, three hundred yards of tits, Bockville depot ,on the Pennsylvania railroad, and Dauphin . and Schuylkill railroad also. Persons wishing to Purease, please apply on the premises, to qq2.B—wtjanistlB6B VILLAGE. ATMES of this Monster " among Native V American Hardy Grape, for sale at the Keystone Nursery. The clusters frequently weigh a pound and a half, and the berries are larger than the Celebrated Black Hamburgh. The quality is also good—equal, at least, to the well known lsabella. J MISH, novl-dtf REIWOVALL. SILAS WARD has removed his Music and Frame Store from Market Square to No. 12, N. Third St., a few doors above Market, etoreke cently occupied by Mr. Duncae, where he will be happy to see his Mends and the public gener ally. For sale—Steinway's celebrated Pianos, Melodeons and every article of musical mer chandise at city prices. oct27 dtf tirALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. V T Henry C. Shaffer has a large lot of Wall Paper and Window Shades on hand, - which will be sold very low. Call and examine. Paper hanging personally attended to. 00t27 No. 12 Market St., near the Bridge. THE Ppdegrove Lock Property,'Ogad 1. grocery and Rockville "Cause, situated give 'ig en above Harrisburg, Is now offered for sale. Bee *dyer - Inemeet in Weekly or apply to aolB-delanlet.lBB3 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR., ASMALL lot of extra, just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, Tr., & CO. oct23-dtf Quperior braude of (atm family flour which we warrant to give jiatiedkotion kir rale ,by NICHOLS a arimem Corner-Front and Market *Arne mill e24-deodtt oc'M-dawtd W. P. HENRY , k . P. HENRY.