Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 03, 1862, Image 3
aiig iftlegrapq. NOI ICE TO ADVF.IiTISIERS.—AII Ad vertisements, Business Notices, Mar sieges, Deaths, dio.• to secure insertion in the TELISORAPII, must Invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered In the regu. lair Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Mondm Afternoon, November 3, 1862. MILITARY BIISIPESS, Of all kinds attended to. EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at-Law. Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [0271y Samna" RouK, said to be Iron Northumber land county, Pa., was arrested in Washington city on Saturday last, for the murder of a man named James McKinney. These men were en gaged as teamsters in the army, and the affray, during which the murder was committed, grew out of a dispute concerning a dog. ..........,.......... As Tim TORS sympathisers of Pottsville are about to present Frank Hughes with a service of silver, it is suggested that it consist of thirty pieces. It would be a good thing, if Hughes had the courage of the first Iscariot, and after this presentation, emulate the example of Judas. But that is impossible, and therefore hemp will not be needed in the transaction. ATTSNTION, BALMILY C , ROBBILTS members of this company are hereby ordered to report at Camp Curtin before Wednesday, November btb, at 2 P. M., or will be consider ed deserters and treated as such. GEO. K. BOWEN, Captain Battery C, Roberts Artillery. uov6-maesd Mas. Varmints acknowledges the receipt of a box for the sick and wounded soldiers from the ladies of Eldred townpehtp, McKean county, containing the following articles : 1 bag of flour, 1 bag cakes, 60 lbs. butter, 2 cans honey, 2 bus. dried apples, currants, blackberries and rasp berries, 8 cheese, 1 can preserved currants, and 8 lbs. coffee. MURMUR CAUGHT.- Among the paroled rebel prisoners who were on the eve of depar ture for Vicksburg from Louisville, on Monday evening, was a man who was recognised as the perpetrator of a murder in Lexington, about three years ago. He was arrest. d by officer Gilchrist and lodged in jail. The accused will be sent to Lexington for trial. Mtramitx Otani AGENCY. —We direct the at tention of the public to the advertisement of Sullivan S. Child, in another column. The ex perience which he has had in the Military De partments of the United States in this city, has qualified him to discharge any duty which the officers or men of the army may assign him, and from what we know of his business qualifica tions, we have no hesitation in recommending him to those having military claims, back pay, pensions, &o.„ to collect. ON His MARCH TO BAIITINORS.—Oapt. B. I. Dodge, who established and put into operation the recruiting system In this state, has been assigned for duty in Baltimore, for which post he took up his line of march this morning. He is to be chief mustering and disbursing officer for the State of Maryland. Few officers on duty in this city, since the war commenced, have won so high 'a reputation, and few men possess such great qualifications for business as Capt. Dodge. His being removed from duty in this city, was the rourca of great regret among those having business with his department, and at his departure to-day, he carried with him the kind wishes and good opinion of most of our people. San AOOIDINT AT CAIIP CURTTN.—On Satur day eve while private Scott was stooping to pick up something from the ground, his pistol acci dently fell out of his pocket, and discharged the contents in Private Firman's right leg above the knee. He was taken to the Hospital, and had his wound dressed. He is now doing as well as can be expected. Both men belong to Roberta' Battery. Aucernme ACCIDINT.--Sometime during Sat urday night a man named Strawbridge, fell from the top of the west corner of the water works, striking the back part of his head on the rocks below, the distance being about sixty feet. He was taken to his residence in State street where he lies in a critical condition. —Since the above was written, we learn that Mr. Strawbridge has died. His death took place late last night. A New Clummoi.-250 Orderly of Small Notes by the City Ned is. —On Saturday evening, at a meeting of the City Councils, the petition of a large number of the people of the city of Harrisburg was received, asking that Councils provide, by some legislation, for the issu ing of small notes. The proposition was fully discussed, and after the fairest canvass, it was decided that the city should Issue small notes of the denomination of 5, 10, 26 and 60 cent notes, to be reds etnable in the current notes of any of the Harrisburg Banks, when presented in sums o' one dollar and upwards. A corn mitteevf Councils was appointed to carry this proposition into effect by preparing for the issue of the new currency immediately. There is no doubt that the necessities of the business community demand some accommoda tion and relief of this description, and there is still less doubt of this being a great benefit to the mass of the community, who are compelled to make disbursements of small sums of money. All that is nakil to render the proposition en tirely sue that financial and zealous care which Is essential to the success of any business. Care must be taken that the errors which attended the old borough issues, do not creep into the issue now proposed ; that the number of notes issued be correctly preserved, that the accounts attending the whole operation of the business be properly and fairly kept, and then we have no doubt that the issue of small notes by the city authorities, will be a benefit and a macaw A arsTim Minernco of the Friendship Fire Company will be held in their Hall, this even ing, at seven o'clock. I=l A Nina Quenon FOR LiWY2llB.—One of the drafted men now in camp at West Philadelphia lacked seven days of being forty-five when his name was enrolled. When a draft was m ,de, he was one month over forty-five. Can a man be compelled to terve under such circumst +noel? I=7= A. SAILOR COT 33 Two u A ROPR —A seaman on board a schooner whi'e on its passage from Buffalo to Cleaveland, was killed by the parting of the main sheet. He got caught in the coil in some manner, and his body was cut com pletely in two, falling into the lake. The re mains were hot recovered. Day GOODS AT Tin OLD PRIORL—The present very high pr of all kinds of Dry Goods, in duce the publE to look out for any establish ment which offers the same goods at reduced or rather at the old prices, that ruled the market a year ago. J. A. Boger, in an adver tisement which appears in another column, of fers to sell goods at these reduced prices. We direct the attention of the public to his estab lishment. .4411••,... %MIMI STABIPS.—The impression has gone abroad that the law, with reference to the In ternal Revenue Stamps, will not be enforced until the first of January. This is a mistake. All penalties for non use of these stamps are now in force, and they will be rigidly enforced as fast as the various stamps are issued . The office is now ready with the stamps for telegraphic messages, and the penaltiesfor their non use will be prosecuted after a few days. Homan as ANNAPOLIB.—An unfortunate cue of homicide occurred at Annapolis, Md., on Tuesday night. It is said that Lieutenant Tucker, of the 67th Pennsylvania regiment, at about eleven o'clock at night proceeded to a hotel in that city, and attempted to enter through a window. Through some mistake, however, he hoisted the window of the chamber of Dr. Goodwin, who on being aroused by the noise, drew a pistol and fired, the ball entering the forehead of Lieutenant Tucker, causing his death a short time afterwards. I=l UNDIR ma NATIONAL TAX LAW, millers must take license as dealers. The tax must be paid upon the whole amount, where the annual product of any manufacturer exceeds $660. The duty to be assessed ad valorem, excepting in ttse few instances given on page 72.. Billiard tables kept for use, and taxed as such, do not require a license, and being licensed for public use, are not subject to the $lO tax. An indi vidual, or a firm, having taken out a license as wholesale or retail dealers, may sell anything, excepting liquors, upon the same premises. NU/IBM of SUM IN A BltaßEL.—Timothy seed numbers 41,828,800 grains to the bushel, and if sown on an acre of ground, as recom mended by some, would give about six and one half to the square inch. Would not one be better than six 4 Clover, of medium size, what we here call Eastern clover, numbers about 17,400,990 to the bushel, and gives about two and three-fourths to the square inch on an acre. Rio Grande wheat, fair and plump, numbers about 858,288 to the bushel, and gives about twelve and three-fourths to the square foot. Rye numbers 898,880, and gives about twenty and one-half to the foot. A Goon Aprourrworr.—We understand that Capt. Hand, late of the Lochiel Cavalry, has been appointed to the. Majorehip 'of the 3rd Artillery, (152 d Beg. P. V.,) to be stationed at Fort Delaware. This appointment was made on the recommendation of the ?resident of the United States, who, in this case, suspended the order of the War Department against the re-appointment of officers who had resigned position in the army. The recommendations of Capt. Hand were of a character to justify the President in thus suspending a stringent order, and of course with this advantage added to his good qualities as a man and an officer, Gov. Curtin has promptly ordered the commissioning of Capt. Hand as the Major of the 3d Artillery, as soon as the preliminaries of organization and mustering have been complied with. We con gratulate the Captain on his deserved success, and the service on the re-acquisition of sogood a soldier. He will not disappoint his friends, and certainly distinguish the regiment to which he is to be attached when battle surrounds its banner. CoNscaawrious Soatnems.—The following is the form of the oath administered and the questions propounded, when exemption from military duty is claimed on the plea of con scientious scruples. We have nothing to say on the hardness of the oath thus made necessary, or the humiliation of the questions that must be answered. It is a bitter dose to swallow, and the man who could rest easy over such swear ing, would be able to sleep on a bed of sabre bayonets : emu 07 PIZReTLPANIA,_ Before me, Commissioner to Superintend Drafting for said county, - personally ap peared - who being duly - did de pose and say, that he had conscientious scruples to beer arms, believes it unlawful to do so, whether in self-defence or in defence of his Country, or otherwise howsoever ; that the scruples and belief above stated, have not been formed lightly but carefully, deliberately and vonscdentiously, and are now declared and pro fessed not for the purpose of evading the mili tary service of his country in the present exi gency, but because he solemnly and religiously holds and maintains them, and in his conscience believes that it is his bounden duty to act in accordance with them on all occassions, and under all circumstances. • 'Would you hike up arms in defence of your own life or the lives of your wife and children?' Answer, 'No.' Would you stand by an 3 see your wife and children murdered without taking up arms to defend them?' Answer, 'Yes.' `Would you stand by and see your father 1 and mother murdered without taking up arms to defend them, if in so doing you could pre ; vent it ?' Answer, 'Yes.' `Would you allow your property to be taken from you if you could prevent it, and if in so doing you could prevent it without imperilling your life mid limb 4' Answer, 'Yen.' jpennopluania 064 telegraph, inotthav Itfternoon, November 3, 1862 DUD AT CAMP DAUPHIN.-Dr. C. L. Forrer, of company C, (Capt. Henderson,) 127th regi ment, died on Saturday morning, of Typhoid fever, at Camp Dauphin, near Washington. Dr. Forrer was a citizen of Hummelstown, and previous to his enlistment was connected with the Hummelstown Female Seminary Big body was embalmed and sent to his friends in Hum melstown. We understand that several members of Capt. Awl's company, of this city, are also prostrated by the effects • f the same disease. A GOOD DUD. —A. worthy, industrious, but poor wan, having a sick wife (not out of bed for three months) and five helpless children, the oldest only nine years of age, was among the militia recently drafted in Chester county. Three days he made fruitless efforts to obtain a substitute, offering his alf—a cow, two pigs and a lot of chickens. But substitutes rated higher. A good neighbor becoming acquainted with these facts, made known the case and four friends procured him a substitute for the sum of three hundred dollars. This is a deed worthy of record. Wemight mention many such which the draft has brought out. TUB RECEIPTS or LIVE STOCK at the EtaTlll3- burg Drove Yard during the week are 2,072 beef cattle, 4,480 hogs, 800 sheep and 1,469 horses, making total receipts during the week of all kinds of stock 8,769 head. The particu lars of the sales this week are : J Warner sold 384 head beef cattle at from $a 20 to $4 60 per 100115 gross. J. Zear sold 91 head beef cattle at from $3 80 to $4 per 100 lb gross. Philip Carper sold 130 head beef cattle averaging $4 20 per 1001 b gross. Thomas Glass sold 60 head beef cattle at $4 60 per 100th gross. A. Guttenberg sold 84 head beef cattle at $4 00 per 1001 gross. S. Douglass sold 47 head beef cattle at $4 00 per 100th gross. J. Crossland sold 22 head beef cattle at from $3 80 to $4 80 per 1001 b gross. A. P. Moore sold 40 head beef cattle at $25 per bead on foot. J. McCurdy sold 12 head beef cattle at $8 60 per 100 lb per gross. Making total sales during the week of 760 head beef cattle. The market was well sup plied with beef cattle and holm this week, and many drovers were compelled to ship their stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore markets. Eastern buyers should remember that Harris burg is the place now to purchase their beef cattle and hogs, as all drovers stop here to sell, knowing it to be the only convenient place for changing the destination of their stock in case of not effecting a sale. Hogs at higher figures than last week. 630 bead sold at $4 80 to 86 00 per 100 lb gross. The followirif droves of beef cattle were in market this week : G. Wilson 70 S. Chambers G. Drisbach.. 28 F. French... J. Crossland 22 C. Tresdell.. W. Sucher 17 IL Murry.... J. Douglass . . 47 P. Case A. Guttenberg.... 34 H. Thompson.. . 50 H. Drying 18 J. Linsey 48 - J. McCurdy 12 Thos. Glass 50 0. Ryser 54 W. Richards 48 (leo. Wolf. 69 A. P. Moore - 68 S. Hasslet 4O D. McFadden 100 S. Yingling 64 Phil. Carper 180 Cook & Ivory 262 3. Clayton 96 R. Turner...., ... 89 J. Warner.. ' 884 J. Cungbenbaugh. 86 J. Zear Thos. Snyder 17 LADIES' UNION BZLIU ASSOCIATION.—The la dies named will send to the reception room by 10,1 o'clock, On Tuesday—Chicken Soup. Mrs. J. D. Boas, Mrs. Jacob Buehler, " W. Brady, " Jcia. Curzon, • " J. C. Bomgardner, " Mary Colder, " Andrew Black, " Wm. Colder, " Eliza Hellman, " Cattail, " Lazarus Bernard, " W. B. DeWitt, " Jeronie Barnitz, " Christ. Ebrman, " Emma Bolton, Miss Mary Epply, " C. A. Boat, Mrs. Daniel Epply, " Geo. Barmts, " G. W. Bailey. TO VISIT TWO HOSPITALS. Monday and Zuesday. Mrs, Harriet Patterson, Mrs. J. J. Shoemaker Mrs. C. Bann, Mrs. Henry Gilbert, Mrs. Dr. Book. TO SERVE AT TIM RECEPTION ROOM. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Bella Hays, Miss Thompson, TO SERVE AT ROOM, (mini= & KELLINGER„) TO RE- County, SS Hmtaustrao, Nov. 1, 1862 RIAD Mrs. Buffington. Thursday, Friday and Saturday esrvz AND BILL OUT .RNQInAMONS Monday, Tuesday, Wedruaday mid Thursday Miss Shut, Mies A. Wallace. Ladies' who cook onions, can get them at Mrs. Dr. Bailey's. Mrs. B. H. COBNYN, Sec t y. Corn. Ar. Tag mom AIM 'PILLOW Lust, the falling of the leaves from the trees, and their withered and brown appearance, remind us that stern winter is fast approaching. Soon the biting cold and pierceing wind will compel us to pro tect our frail bodies from its inkind blasts:— In this connection we respectfully call your at tention to the large stock of winter goods just arriving at the cheap dry goods house of tfrich & Bowman. To the Afflicted The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Weethoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also : on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. Referenca3 can be furnished as to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no ap prehension in regard to my competency to ad-, minister it, as I have had it on hind for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (aulB-dlm) MRS. I,.'s BALL. PELLADEPSIA, Nov. 8, 1862. Mrs. Ban ffel no hesitancy in acknow ledging the virtue of your medicine, its sooth ing influence and healing power. For several years 1 was afflicted with dyspepaia, and during my stay in Harrisburg you cured me in the short space of one montb, of that annoying and distressing disease, and at the same time also cured me of a running scrofula ' which had existed for over one year without ceasing.— During my years of affliction, I applied fre quently to doctors of medicine, but they proved incffectual. I have the utmost confidence and belief in the power of your medicine, and would say to those afflicted, who wish to enjoy life in its natural element, %kith a system renewed to vigorous nature, to try your medicine as I. did. Yours, truly, Glib. J. hicCBEHURN 64 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Gem 2bvtrtismituts. ri 'HE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY I AND MILITAY INSTITUTE, AT WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA, will commence the winter term of five calendar mouths on tee lit of November next. The coma, of icstruction is thorough sod extensive deslnged end arranged to prepare boy+ a. d young men rpr business or college. Th • principal, who dovotessil him lime t, the ntorcats or his sell( 01 and its pupils, is assisted by eight gett'emen o' ability sod experience. Toe Ger non, French 6.d Spanish laugua.. en ;LI . • tapgil b• native 1t03 , 120 nt t a h ••a, an aqvanage which will be readily appretia.ed by the patrons or the Institution. The Military DeJartwent is midst the charge of Major G. ICire , dorn, of Phil dolphie whose qualifications for .be position are known. Its an requlr..menta uo not, to any way inierfere wish ihe 'henry departments, while enrolm n tho cadet eoree is optional. For catolouge itc„, apple to se ptg kvsi, WYII at, M., Principal. HARRIS MANSION FOR SALE. I I EIB handsome property recently cocc -1 pied by the PE ►I.hANIA /RAMC C •LLS(#g Is offered for sale. It is well suited either fbr a private Residence or a B Ardln s :'eh ioi, being suppled with gas, water, bath rooms, heater, tango, etc. The grounds contain-valuable Fruit Trees and ebrubbery. 'The plsee will be solo low Wad possession given within reasonable time. For terms, &e., at ply Vt. 11118. S. S. WAUGH, or DR Wl4. H. RUE Executors of saga, of Km R. R. Waugh, dec'd. e24-deodtl 'IIRE CALIFORNIA WINER FOR MEDICAL 'USK CALIFORNIA HOOK WINE, CALIFORNIA PORT WINE, CALIFORNIA ANGELICA. WINE, CALIFORNIA MUSCATEL -WINE, CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY. The attention of Invalids is partioniney called to these wince. They are equal to the best of European wines and guaranteed pure i'or aa'e at oct9B KaLLER'S D&tIG Brod. , 91 Market ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration were this day taken out of the kegistet's office of Dauphin county, on the estate of Jeremiah Holly, deed., of City of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, by the undersigned. All creditors to said estate will .prebent their claims proper', authenticated, and those knowing themselves to he indebted will make im m. late payment to the uadernigne eat?-6w-dtate* CHAK6Iii KdLLY, Adaer, NOTWE 'TO DEALEkS IN GUNPOW DER.—Mr. James M. Wheeler having withdrawn from the agency for the sale of our Gunpowder in Harrisburg, we have appointed Major David M'Cormick our agent, who will be prepared to furnish all Mr. Wheeler'e cus tomers as usual. E. I. DUPONT DE NEMOUR & CO. octlB-d2m PRIVATE SALE I 11 subscriber offers at private sale his EARN, situated on the public road leading from lierriebu,g to Linglastown, about one mite from the latter place. The improvements re a large TWO STORY WEATHER BOARDED HOUSE, Large BANK BARN, with all pe-e:e try outbuildings, a Good Young Greta - d , with first ate riming water near the bulidin,s. The land is well fe ced and In a high state of can't anon. Tel ma neasonAge. OkIaISTIAN LION. P‘raous waatin4 information, can cal on David siumma, Jr., Harrisburg se29-BtdByr RIAD. .. 18 ..18 18 ..112 .. 18 NOTICE 1 VHERE , ..Ain lettera of administration to . Ake .-tie or Joan Lenta, Sr., late or Upper Paxton towisihip, Dauphin onnty, have been granted to -the subscriber, ail persons indebted to the said estate are requital to make immediate payment, and those baying claims or demanca against said estate will make known he same without - delay to JOHN LEN" Z, Administrator, Upper Paxton Township, near Millersburg P. 0., Dan phln County. octia-oawew POSTAGE CURRENCY. WE have received an assortment of Wal lets adapted for carrying safely and con veniently the New Currency, with lot of LEATHER GOODS GENERALLY. Ladies' Satchels, Ladies' Companions,Purses Portmonnaies, Seger Cases, Card Ca ses, Wri ting and Sewing Cases, Portfolios. KELLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market St. NO TICE 10 EXCISE TAX PAYERS. IHAT in accordance with an act approved July Ist, 1862, entitled 'An act to support the Goirernment and to pay interest on the public debt," every person, associated partner ship or corporation, desiring a to en gage in any trade or occupation named in the 64th section of said act, must register an ap plication with the Asoistant Assessor of the assessment division in which such trade or oc cupation shall be carried on. Manufacturers liable under said act to pay any duty or tax, are required to furnish to the Assistant Assessor a statement, subscribed and sworn to, in the form prescribed by the 68th section of said act. Blanks and information may be obtained from the Assistant Asaessors in their respective divisions. Division No. 1, of 14th District Pa., Comprising Ist, 2d, 3d, sth and 6th Wards of Harrisburg, and the following Boroughs and Townships of Dauphin county: Middletown Borough, East, West and M uth Hanover, Lower Patton, 'Upper and L - ower Swatara, Derry, Conewago and Londonderry townships. BENJ. F. KENDIG, Assistant Assessor. West Corner Market Square. Office hours from 9 to 10 A. M., and 5 to 6 P. M., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Division No. 2, of 14th Distrid Pa., Comprising 4th Ward City of Harrisburg and the followlng boroughs and townships of Dauphin county : Gratz and Millersburg bor oughs, Susquehanna, Middle Paxton, Reed, Halifax, Jefferson Jackson, Rush, Upper Paz tan, Mifflin, Washington, Lykeru3 and Wico nisco townships. WM. CASLOW 2d St., 4 doors E. of State. Office bouts from Bto 11 A. M., and 2 to 5 P M., Mondays and Saturdays. Communications may be addressed to me a Middletown, Dauphin Co., Pa. DANIEL KENDIG, Assessor 14th Assessment District, Pa. oct2B-dtf JUST RECRIVED. LARGE ASSORTAtkii. I' of Family 40L - Malia et different style; of Moiling, at 90c, $1 26 $1 50, $2. 63, $4, $6 andslo. Pockot Bibles of dit Ter.nt and prices at 30tIEFFE6 , 8 Bookstore. reols-y E. ,Updegrove Look Property, Uaoal grsmery and Rockville House, enlisted five miles above Harrk,bur., is cow offered for sale. /See adver tisement M Weekly or apply to attlB-SigisulstlB63 , W. P. HMV. uperior brands of extra family flour IJ which we warrant to give sallafaction for eale by maims a, 80th(AN, anal Cotner Front and Market street• .EMONIS, raisons, cocoanuts &c., just .R. 4 received and for sale by WORMS & BOWMAN, • I vie Cor. Wont and Market streets, LOCUST TREES, QEVERAL Hundred, from six to twelve fee N high, for sale cheap, at the Keystone Nur !erY• novl-dtf ÜBRIOATING Oil for all kinds of ma &way, In convenient packages, lor sale very low N1C1101.2 EioWhin.N, j 111.9 Cantor Front and Market street. SUGAR cared hams, jest resolved an hr.'s'', by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, .. -o p Oce. Front and Market street. Jall sites, pattern and prices, just I•eseived aid for sale by DOOR, Jr,& CO BiglMM= New l ')Uwertistments. SILLS WARD, AGENT PON STEINWAY'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS, Princes Melodeons &c., VIOLINS, GUITARS, FLUTES, FIFES, AC CORDEONS, DRUMS AND MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE Of every kind. HOW EN SEWING MACHINES, PORTRAIT FRAMES, Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors, Photograph Frames and Albania. at the New Music Store of SILAS WARD, anvil dip N 0.12, North Third Street. above Market PENNSYLVANIA SS In the Name and by the Authority OF THE _ OMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CURTIN, GOVERNOR OF TILE SAID COMMONWEALTH. A PROCLAMATION WHERBAS, It is a good thing to render thanks unto God for all His mercy and loving kind ness : Therefore, I, ANDREW G. Cuarra, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do re commend that THURSDAY, THE 27 thDAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, be set apart by the people of this Commonwealth, as a day of solemn ?raper and Thanksgiving to the Almighty :—Giving Him humble thanks that He has been gracious ly pleased to protect our free institutions and Government, and to keep us from sickness and pestilence—and to cause the earth to bring forth her increase, so that our garners are choked with the arvest—and to look so favor ably on the toil o' His children, that industry has thriven among us and labor bad its reward; and also that He has delivered us from ,the hands of our enemies—and filled our officers and men in the field with a loyal and intrepid spirit, and given them victory—and that He has poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) other great and manifold blessings : Beseeching Him to help and govern us in His steadfast tear and love, and to put into our minds good desires, so that by His continual help we may have a right judgment in all things : And especially praying Him to give to Chris- tian churches grace to hate the thing which is evil, and to utter the teachings of truth and righteousness, declaring openly the whole counsel of God : And mast heartily entreating Him to bestow upon our civil raters, wisdom and earnestness in council, and upon our military leaders, zeal and vigor in action, that the fires of rebellion May be quenched—that we, being armed with His defence,'may be preserved from all perils, and that hereafter our people, living in peace and quietness, may, from generation to genera tion, reap the abundant fruits of His mercy, and with joy and thankfulness praise and mag nify His holy name. Given under my hand 'and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this Twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. A. G. CURTIN. By ma GOVIMMOR, ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Cnewntontimalth. oot2l-iltwtd REMOVAL. SILAS WARD has removed his Music and Frame Store from Market Square to No. 12, N. Third St., a few doors above Market, Ftore re cently occupied by Mr. Duncan, where he will be happy to see his friends and the public gener ally. For sale—Steinway's celebrated Pianos, Melodeons and every article of musical mer chandise at city prices. oct27 dtf UTALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADE'S Henry C. Shaffer has a large lot o Wall Paper and Window Shades on hand which will be sold very low. Call and examine Paper banging personally attended to. oct27 No. 12 Market St., near the Bridge. AN DE SON CAVALRY. 'FETE office for recruits for this organization A has been re-opened at .the old place, Col der's Stage Office, Market square, Any persons of good character who may desire to enlist, or obtain information as to the duties of the Troop will please call on or address WILL. C. KELLER, oct2B—dlw lance Corporal. FOR THE SOLDIERS. A N a ' C A R I Z: o s r (t r r eo t u o ini n g e of d WRITING CASE J. Expressly =insist tared for the soldiers PORT FOLIOS, POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EVIiiRY VARIETY, SOLD AT REDUCED RATES, A RARE CHANCE FOR A BUSINESS MAN. THE canal grocery store and Rockville Hoose,•known as -the Hpdegrove Lock Property, situated five miles above Harrisburg, fronting east on the PE nnsylvania Canal and west on Ihe Sturquehan ea river road, will be sold if applies' fur soon. The grocery store, if not the very bast stand on the tine of the cheat; is only equaled by one other. A large new barn aM'etable has recently been built, so that each boatyteam can be loosed up separately. Also plenty of sheds, hty houses corn crib , two store honseit for grain, ice house, bay s cales, and indeed every convenience that is necessary for carrying on the business. The place is within three hundred yards of the Rockville depot,, on the Pennsylvania railroad, and Dauphin and Schuylkill railroad also. Persons swishing to purchase, please apply on the premises, to aule-wtjanlstlBBB W. P. HENRY._ UNION VILLAGE. VINES of this Monster among Native American Hardy Grape, for sale at the Keystone Nursery. The clusters frequently weigh a pound and a half, and the berries are larger than the Celebrated Black Hamburgh. The quality is also good equal, at least, to the well known Isabella. • J. mysa l novl=dtf COAL COAL COAL *THE subseritier is prepared to deliver to the citizens of Harrisburg, pure LUKENS VALLEY AND WILKESBARBE Coals, either by the oar, boat load, or single too, at the lowest Market prices going. Orders left at my otlice, 4th and Market, will be punctually attended to. DAVID McCORMICH. Harrisburg; Sept. 80,1664. seBo46w BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. A SMALL lot of extra, just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. oct23-dtf PEACH TAKES OF se l e ct kinds, strong, stocky and vigorous, two years old, at Keystone Nursery, Har risburg. Oct. 18, 1862. Nzu) 211Arrtistmtnts Alyer's Cathartic Pills. THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have bet n taro their utomet to produce this best, * l ost per lect purgative which Is kttO n tonna. Innum erable proofs are si.ow that these Puts have virtues widdh Burping in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win cup e. - edenteety up to the esteem of WI, men. They are sate and pleasant to take, but powerful to Aire. I heir penetrating properties stimuhe e the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blue, end expel di_ease. They purge out the foul Mamoru Which breed and grow distemper, stimulate elugglah r d serderedorgaus in.o their natural action, and =per, healthy tour wth strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure tee every day complaints of every body, but al-o formidabl and den_ gems diseares that h baled the beat of human skill. 'While they protein° powerful effects, they are at the same time, in diminished doses, the safest and beat physic that can be employed for chorea. Being sugar coved, the are peas int to take; and being purely vag etable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not substan tiated by men of such exalted position atid,Ohisseter as - to forbid the suspicion of uetroth Many eminent cler gymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability f our rem: dies, while others have eget me the aewirance (.1 their conviction that our Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellew-men. The agents below named are pleased to urnish gratis our American' Almanac, containing directions for the use and certificates of their cures, of the following com plaints : Coslivness, Bilious Complaints, heumatiem, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from a foul stomach, Han ts-a, Indigestion, morbid inaction of the Bowel sad Pain arias* therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of awaits, all bis• eases which require an ei.artant medicine. They also, by purifying the blood anti stimulating the Eyes in, cure many complaihts which it would Da be supi osed they wtuld react•, such as Pe .fuess, Partial Blindness, Neu ralgia and Netvoes Irtitabtlity, Derangements of the iver ana Hidnei a, Gout, awl other Shifted complaints arising from a law state of the body or obstruetioa at its thud ens. Do not be put off by unprincipud dealers with some other pill they wake m ire pront ou. Ask for ATaa's Plies, and take nothing ebie. filo other they eau give 3 on compares with this in its intrinsic, value or curative powers. The Eta want the hm t aid there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. and sold by Druggists everywhere. Price 25 cents per Box. or 5 boxei for $l. Fold by O. A. Ban , vart, D. W. Gross & Co., C. R. K ei• ler, J. B. Lutz, Dr. Riley, F. Wyeth and dealersatevery. where. PROCLAMATION. (iv HEREAS, the Honorable JOHN J. PLAR3ON, Preardeut of the Court of Common Ptetio in the Twelfth JogiCial District, consisting of the erighties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Hon. SAND 111,1LADDzs and Hon. Mom E. Timm. AsBoChtte Judges in Dauphin county, having issued t ueir precept, bearing date the 6th day of October, 1862 to me directed, for holdings Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, for the county of Daucuin, and to commence oN TOR In MONDAY MI NoTEMB¢R NA= being the ,7111 DAT OF N.:t wangs. 1862 ,and to continue two weeks. Notice ro therefore hereby given to the Coronor, Jus tices of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constable. , of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and them in their proper persons, at lo o'clock in the torenoon of said day, With tneir reerds, inquiertioas, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are boned in recognixances to prosecute againstrthe prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin coun ty, he then and there to prosecute against th m as shall bejtlet. °lvan under my band, at Harrisburg, the bta day of Octob,r, In the year of our Lord, 1882, and in the eightp•sisth year of the independence fis the 'United States. J. D. BOAS, Sheriff. Semis% Omen Harrisburg, Oct. 5, 1862. .1 144 RUBIA MILLS. 1 44 144 Greene Street, New York City. GOVERNMENT COFFLE Put up in tln foil Pound , papers, 48 in a box, and in bulk. 'Jur prices ra. ge from Bto 30 cents. We put up the in 'Wog kinds: JAVA, MARACAIBO, BIT. RIO, RIO AND SIIPERIOR COFFER. We bel eve our Coffee to be better than any ground Corse now in use. Alt orders addressed to us, or to our agents, Messrs. Puce & Yotrato, 182 Chambers Street, cor. Washington Street, New York City, and Messrs. ?burin) & DOAN; 181 and 101 South Water Street, Chicago, 111., will receive prompt attention. TABU& PLACE. • septl4.d3ro JOHN WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Harrisburg, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LEMOMS; PINE APPLIO, BANANNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, And vegetables of all kinds, brought direct from lb e Eastern Markets, twice a week, awe purchased timelier my personal supervision, thus eusolidg me to sell a better and cheaper article than any in the market. Mir Orders from a distance attended to . Rromptly. and goods delivered to any part of the city freepf. Oar Fe. CANNED FRUIT.; constantly on nand Give me a call. [je26] JOHN WISE. CAUTION. A LL persons are hereby warned against de predating or in any manner trespassing on the Farm of Mrs. C. Mish, adjoining the city, and under the management of the sub scriber. • W" I have arrested several of these petty thieves and nuisances, and made them pay pretty well for their sport. Hereafter I shall not only punish to the extent of the lam, bid will paha in the Telegraph and other papers the names of all offenders. Oct. 18, 1882 REFINED OIL F_OR SEWING MACHINES. Just received, an in-voice of PORPOISE OIL, for sewing machines. For sale by W. 0. FLIOKOIC, Ageat for Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Ma chines, Eagle Works. oct2B-dlen PLUM TREES, I N variety, at Keyetone Nursery, Harrisburg Oct. 18,.1862, 'ENGLISH WALNUT TRKEfif j , AT Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city Oct. 18,4802 POTATOES. r u r zthof n Su i erioriva" t;3oo , .tr...- edadfosalelCw,t ott2B4f, vor CHEEBE. A FEYF . BoIea good Cheese, the balance _as- as *kW consignment, are otked at an unusually tow rate to olossout die lot. retell *Were there wil be an hill ammed, offered. Math box sold still be guar anteed eiropiesented. WK. Dock, CO. tyla •r„, oc2o-dicwtxt JACOB MISH