9ailp titgrapil. NOTICE TO Airli r ailLTlSEiti3.—All Ad. vertisements, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, &c., to secure insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu lar Evening Edition are inserted In the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Hat unlit) Afternoon, November I, 1882. MILITARY BUSINESS, Of all • kinds attended to. EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney at-Law. Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [0271y A Sumo MEWING of the Friendship Fire Company will be held in their Hall, on Mon- day evening, at seven o'clock. I=l SLCOND LUTHERAN CHUROH.—There will be no divine service in the Lutheran Chapel, corner of State and Fourth streets, to morrow. REV. JAMES COLDER will preach in the house of the First Baptist Church to-morrow morning. There will be no service In the evening. -..- RECOVERIOD.—The body of Miss Annie A. Christopher, who was recently drowned in the Susquehanna, at Havre-de-grace, was recovered last Thursday, and taken to her friends in Philadelphia Wimrsa Qcsargas,—We understand that the several regiments of cavalry, now stationed at Camp Curtin, are to be encamped on the oppo site side of the river during the winter, where a very suitable and convenient place has been selected. =1 FATAL ACOIDENT.-kr. John Berry, of this city, was accidentally killed on the Pennsylva nia railroad last night. Mr. Berry was flags man, and it appears was stationed on the rear car of the train, and the sudden stopping of the locomotive threw him off the car, breaking his neck. His remains were brought to this' city to day. Sinowat LUCK.— Mr. Samuel C. Hartle, of Butler township, Schuylkill county, was enrol led twice in that township, and once in Colum bia county. It scents that his residence as well as office are on the boundary line of the two counties, and the marbbals of both claimed him. The most singular act remains to be told. He was not only enrolled three times, but hes name war down three times on the day of the draft—once in Columbia and twice in Schuylkill. A wonderful freak of the blind goddess,! ARREST OF A PioxPoomarr.—A detachment of the Provost Guard, under command of Coporal Gratz, while at the depot yesterday, detected one of the light-fingered gentry in the act of picking the pocket of one of the men standing near them, and had him in charge before he had scarcely removed his hand with a well stocked wallet. • The gentleman in 4uestion was gallanted to the " jug," where be will probably take up his resting place until the neat court. ......1.11....-... Loox Our sou Tussi.—The large number of females who visit Washington city in the search of their sick and wounded relatives, suffer greatly by the extortion of large sums of money from them by the back-drivers, and other "sharks" who lounge around, awaiting every favorable opportunity to pounce upon a victim. The Nalimit Republican, speaking of this matter, says :—"A large number of women are con stantly arriving from the north, who come hers fur the purpose of looking after their hus bands or other relatives who may be sick in the various hospitals. And there are a set of sharpen in the shape of hack drivers, who stand at the depot, ready to extort enormous sums from these unhappy women, simply be cause they are strangers and unprotected. A case has Just been reported to us where one of these villains charged a woman thus situated the enormous sum of $8 to take her to the medical director's office. We hope the police will have an 03 e on these scamps." SWORD PRININTATION.—Yesterday we had the pleasure of seeing at Brady's Jewelry Store, one of the most splendid swords our eyes have feasted upon for a long time, which is intended as a present to Col. Cake, of the 96th regiment Penn'a Volunteers. The sword was gotten np by the contributions of the officers and members of the regiment immediately after the severe battles in front of Richmond, in which the gallant 96th performed its part with the great est valor, and crowned itself with " well-earned laurels." The sword is a most elegant piece of mechanism, and cost $6OO. The blade is of the finest Damascus steel, and is valued at $6O. The hilt, which is richly chased, is surmounted by an eagle, and bears in its centre the letters " Ti. 5.," set in diamonds and partly encircled by a laurel wreath. On the sheath is repre sented the battle of South Mountain, in which Col. Cake, with the 96th, participated, and proved himself a gallant and worthy soldier. It also contains the Pennsylvania coat of arms, and is of a rich &stud work. The scabbard, also, bears the initials of the Colonel, "H. L. C.," set in diamonds, and the following inscrip tion : " Presented to Col Henry L. Cake, by the officers and soldiers ( f the 96th regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, as a token of respect for their commanding officer, and a testimonial of admiration for his gallantry on the battle fields of West Point, May 7th, Gaines' Rill, June 27th, Charles City Cross Roads, June Stith, and also for his universal kindness, and care of the regiment, in providing for them upon all occasions when in the field or on the march." Altogether it excels anything of the kind we have seen, and refii- cis credit upon the gallant donors, and speaks well for the intended re cipient. The Colonel has been very fortunate in this respect, having been presented, on a previous occasion by the men of his command with a beautiful horse. The time of the pre sentation has not yet been decided upon, 4 but we should like to be on band when it place. It will be a gala day for the "bo .10., the 96th." Postoploania Mailv elegraph, Bcalia:lp 'Afternoon November 1, 1862 Suctes PROM CRINA.-A large boat load of sugar was yesterday discharged from a vessel at the Delaware avenue refinery Philadelphia. It was from China. It is very black, and is done up in mattings. A WARNIG TO LAGER BEER DRINKERS-A cask of lager was pieced in the Express office at Mauch Chunk, on Thursday morning. Be coming heated from the stove, it suddenly exploded with a terrific noise, throwing its contents over the entire premises. Lager beer drinkers take warning, and never go near the fire, or you may meet with a similar fate. CAMP HAIRBY. —The camp near the Cotton Factory, occupied by the companies of Captains James and Jones, has tken named after Mrs. Haley of this city. Mrs. H. has been very liberal to the soldiers, and. has allowed no op portunity to pass by where she could minister to the wants of the sick or wounded. The officers and men of Camp Haley have conferred a just compliment upon a worthy lady. I=l A SINGULAR Qum ow SUICIDE occurred in Pitt township, Allegheny county, Pa. It would seem that a man named Winters, re siding near the copper works, got into a diffi culty with one of his neighbors on Friday, and his wife, fearing that it might terminate in something serious, hurried to the spot where the parties stood, and begged her husband to quit quarreling and accompany her into the house. He refused, stating that he would go in when he was ready, or words to that effect, whereupon she left, and returning to the house, seized a bottle of laudanum, and swal lowing its contents, was soon afterwards seized with a stupor, which on Saturday evening, terminated in her death. ..-.....4.41k.r.,. Praxes AND hiSLODlONS.—Notwithstanding nearly every merchantable article has advanced from thirty to forty per cent., Pianos and Melo deons can still be had at the old figures ; but how long this may last is uncertain, as the price of labor and material must, in the ordinary course of human events, go up. Every person should take advantage of the low prices and plethoric money market now ruling and buy . Remember, "procrastination, is the thief of time," and the Plano which you can get to-day for $3OO may cost you $4OO next winter. W. Knoche, No. 93 Market street, has always on hand instruments from the best makers, as well as music and musical merchandise ; and all de siring to purchase anything of the kind, will find it greatly to their advantage to give him a call. Tan PANE or NiiVElPAPßES.—Printing materi als of all kinds have very materially advanced since the commencement of the war. On some articles of prime necessity to the printer, the advance is fully equal to thirty per cent. In addition to this, the government taxes them three per cent, on the paper they use, three per cent. upon their advertisements, and three per cent. upon their income, if they are fortunate enough to have any. In view of these facts we notice that some of our northern cotempo rules are about to raise the price of their issues. The Brockport (N. Y.) Republic, of a late date, says : , Most of the large daily papers in Western New York have advanced the price of their is sues. An editor of a leading New York daily informed us last week that the publishers in that city would soon follow suit. Many of the country journals are also published at increased prices. The advance is caused mainly by the advance in printing stock. I=== SORRY' COVILT.—The Supreme Court, now in session in Pittsburg, has rendered the fol lowing decisions, viz : By Lowrie, C. J.—Ream's Appeal ; Snyder county. Dismissed at costs of appellant. Snyder vs. Snyder ; Snyder county. Affirmed. Harman vs. Cummings ; Snyder county. Reversed, and new trial awarded. Bubb vs. Tompkins; Lycoming county. Al% firmed. Rex ye. Foreman ; Lycoming county. Af firmed. Gould vs. Langdon ; Lyafining county. Re versed and new trial awarded. Buehler's heirs vs. Buffington et al.; Dauphin county. Reversed, and new trial awarded. Johnston vs. litehaffy ; Lycoming county. Affirmed. . By Woodward, I.—Tiley vs. Moyers ; Cam bria. Affirmed. Judge Reed dissents. Dunne vs. Degan &Groves ; Sullivan county Decree reversed. Jordan township.vs. Mount Pleasant town ship ; Lycoming county. Affirmed. Dewart's Appeal ; Snyder county. Dismissed at costs of appellant. flapper & White vs. Childs & Parker ; Ly coming county. Affirmed. Feaster vs. Love & Powell. Reversed, and new trial awarded. Lewis School District vs. Cascade School Dis trict ; Lyooming county. Reversid, and new trial awarded. . . By Strong, J. —Cummings and wife vs. Miller Snyder county. Reversed, and new tria awarded. Miller vs. Castleberry ; Lycoming. Affirmed. M'Gargie vs. Arthur; Lycoming. Affirmed Franklin Fire Insurance Co. vs. Updegraff, Lycoming. Affirmed. Beddow vs. Dewitt; Montour. Affirmed. Garrett vs. Dewart ; Northumberland. Affirm ed for $624 18, and interest from Nov. 4th, 1861. Dewart vs. Wainwright ; Northumberland. Reversed, and procedendo awarded. By Reed, I.—Kollenstine vs. Anten : Mon tour. Reversed, sad new trial awarded. Male° and wife vs. Lackawanna and Blooms burg Railroad Company ; Lycoming. Alarmed. Keeckner vs. Sark, Fields . Co. ; Snyder. Orders directing the issue set aside, and the issues and all subsequent proceedings under them set aside. Arguments were continued as follows : Russell vs. Bell. Submitted. Thompson for plaintiff in error. Bell, contra. Irwin vs. Pittsburg and Connellsville Rail road'Co. Argued by Hellos for plaintiff in error; and by Sewell contra. Goff vs. Natal & Kirkpatrick. Argued by Hasbrouck for plaintiff in error, and by Jones contra. James B. Hill vs. Robert Hill, and Robert Hill vs. James B. Hill. Argued together by Loomis for J. B. Hill, and Shires for Robert Hill. M'Murray's Administrator vs. Hopper. Ar gued by Mellon for plaintiff ID error, and by Negley contra. Nelson Heny vs. Miline et al. Argued by Mellon for plaintiff in error, and by Reed con • tra. Bacon vs. Chisholm. Non pros. )!Comb's & Howden's Appeal. Submitted by Otoctran for appellants, and Kirkpatrick & Mellon contra. THAT THE AMERICAN people are appreciative of any substantial service rendered them, is seen in the result of Dr. Ayer's enterprise Is was something of a venture for a chemist of hie splendid reputation among the literati of the world, to risk it in the production of Cough Drops and Pills. But he boldly threw himself into the gap where his talents could best sub serve the public weal, and it is now easy to see that he did not misjudge the temper of his countrymen. Throughout this nation and some foreign lands, his name is foremost at the bedside of sickness—while in the good he scat. ters, he is second to no living man's. He wins the brightest laurels man can wear, and enjoys in untold measure the luxury of doing good.— Observer, Dubuque, lowa. HEAVY FORERUN IN PENNBYLVANIA.-4 series of the heaviest forgeries that have occurred in the Northern part of Pennsylvania for many years, were recently perpetrated at Jersey Shore, in Lycoming county, Lock Haven in Clinton county, and at Bellefonte, Centre county, and were so skilfully performed that up to this time no clue whatever has been discovered of the It appears that about the 6th of last month a well-dressed and gentlemanly looking man presented himself at the counter of the Jersey Shore Bank, and representing himself to be L. 0 King, of the firm of Seth L. King & Sons, of 888 Broadway, New York, and 864 Lake street, Chicago, dealers in furs, skins, &c., stating tbat in consequence of "the Indian troubles in the West this description of mer chandise had greatly enhanced in price, and he had come np into that portion of Pennsylvania to see if he could not purchase there. He seemed to be perfectly posted in the trade, and and wound up by presenting a draft of the State Bank of Indiana for $8,400 on the Park Bank of New York, which was cashed. He then went to Lock Haven, and telling an equally plausible story, succeeded in "doing" the bank located there out of $B,OOO. He appeared to be in no hurry whatever, hut in a day or two after took the stage for Bellefonte. At this point he pre sented to Humes, McCollister, Hale & Co., pri vate bankers, a similar draft for $l,lOO ; also, one to W. F. Reynolds & Co., for $9OO, both of which were cashed. ALL ABOUT A SOLDIER'S OTIMOOAT,—We adore an honest man, and are justified in doing so, because an honest man is the noblest work of God. Will the reader please accept this adora tion as the foundation for a story in relation to a soldier's overcoat. some few days since, one of those miserable creatures, who have poor supports in their professed friends, and no de fenders but God, "a nigger," brought to this office a soldier's overcoat, which he declared he had found. He desired that it be advertised in the TELEcinam, so that by the medium of our wide circulation, the owner of the coat might be discovered. We consented to advertise the coat, and requested the colored man to keep it until an owner was found- "No, Koster, de coat am not mine, and dis nigger ony want his own. ,e-If dey would let me put a Boger coat on an fight, golly, massy, I would wade in blood up to my chin for massy Lincoln and de Union. But de coat arn't mine—an I don't want him. Pat him in de paper, and den give him to de Boger when he come. Dat's all I want." We did, as the old darkey directed. An evening or two afterwards a certain police officer called and demanded the coat, declaring that he knew to whom it belonged. We declined, offering, however, to deliver the coat to the soldier, who could as easily call for his garment as the police officer could deliver it. Officer then in sisted that the negro had stolen the coat troth under the head of a drunken soldier while lying in Tanner's alley ; that he had been seen doing so by certain prostitutes living in the neigh borhood, and that the prostitutes bad so in- formed himself. We still declined to give up the coat, when our peace guardain swore "he'd be damned if he would not arrest the nager," and left the office evidently disappointed.— Since then, we have heard nothing of the "nager," neither has the soldier, whom this offi cer knew so well, called for the coat. Why has not the officer brought the soldier forward to identify and secure his coat ? Echo answers why? Why did the negro bring the coat to this office to advertise it, that. its owner might be discovered ? because the darkey is an hon est man. And such is our story about the sol dier's overcoat, and we leave the reader to draw his own inferences, if any are to be drawn. --- , 10..-- LADIES' UNION lIKLISS ASSOOIATION. — The -la dies named will send to the reception room by 107 o'cicick, On Monday Nev. Bd—Home made bread and butter . with baked• apples. Mrs. Hamilton Alricks, Mrs. Fanny Awl, " S. A. Aldred, " Mary Ball, " T. Adams, " Boyer, " Peter Atticks, " Theo. Boyer, " M. L. Bigler, " Lavinia Brown, " B. Buck, " John Boyd, " E. Breniser, " Dr. Bailey " E. Bowman, " Joseph Black, " Frances Bernheisel, " Geo. Buehler, " Bush, " E. Barringer, TO VISIT TIM HOSPITALS. Monday and lueaday. Mrs. Harriet Patterson, Mrs. J. J. Shoemaker, Mrs. Buffington. TO BARU AT TH3 &SORPTION ROOM. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Bella Hays, Miss Thompson, TO saava AT nom, (flumes a smtatitina,) TO az- eavz AND arm our DIRIn6tTIONB Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday- Miss Shut, Dries A. W'allace. Ladies' who cook onions, can get them at Mrs. Dr. Bailey's. Mrs. E. H. COBNYN, Sec'y. Com. Ar. We nsva received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 76c. up to $2 60. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col lars and sleeves, at all prices. White cambric*, jacconetts, nantucks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle ' men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock lugs, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. SentiOky jeans, sattinetts andcasaknares for men boy's wear. We received &Airmen surgasaiera, at all prices. 60 dozen cotton bandkercNeb t with borders ; and a great many other Wens and small wear. B. Law:. :Gem ibiltrtisments LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE HARRISBURG POST OFFICE, SATURDAY, NOV. 1,1882. OFE.CIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION LADIXS' LIST. Jont s, A E Jones, M B Jones, R Jones, E Jones K Jackson, A Jackson, B Rem S 3 Kennedy, J Kemble, E litler, S Kreyer, 2 Kenedy, M C Kemp, S Linen, M A Legan, C Leitsel, M Lane, M Lilly, J Luke, B Longabaugh, H M McLimans, A E 2 McWilliams, J McLane, A McLimans, A McClintock, C Mara, K Maur er, S Miller, E C Mars, M Meily, C E Miller, H Masoner, E Miller, A Morrow, A Morris, C. H O'Hare, M Painter, M A Parsons, M A 2 Peummer, A H Pope, M Potter, A 0 Putt, Price, M. A Pyne, A Raymond, M C Eagle, A Reiter, Real, Reimers, A Ranuels, M Bow, L Boyel, M W Oausser, S A Sala,M Shaffer, A Sheesely, A E Sharon, .11 J Sheffer, E Seely, M E Slump, E F Slack, A L Smith, A Snider, C B Snyder, S Small, M Sleeper, C Straucb, A Sutton, L Stabler, A Stutemen, J Stevenson, $ Thomas, M A Taylor, K Taylor, J W Unger, Unger, E timberger, J W Updegrove, A Waller, M Ward, A Walsh, L Walker, A E Wegener, R Warner, C Wellevy, L Weaver, M Weaver, C S Wenrich, E Wells, M A 2 Weaver, C E Williams, E Winand, E Winerd, E Yeager, 0 GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Austin, C Doges, J S Andrew, J B Danvy, C Adams, W Davis, H T Appleton, T L Davis, L Auldt, H Dirges; J Armstrong, E T Dixon. S C Avers, H , -Ditleing, J Aldrich, J . Doan, J Anderson, Lt J Q Dolbey, J Ackerman, J Donoher, K Looks, G W Donde, M H Bombaugh, J D Duffield, H Boyle, M Dougherty, J Bolton, D Doane, E Boirman, II Donbert, J serriger, J Ernshaw, W Baird, Capt JW . • , Ermentrout, Capt W C Barnes, W Esnnimger, W H Bayer, J Billet, A &Mist, E Erins, H Beard, B Fender, J Berris, E Fessler, J M 2 Beaty, J Piss, Lt W Beinhaner P Foster, J Atkinson, H W Atkins, H Anderson, E Aster, A L Allender, H Bassett, A Backenstoes, Battes, Basehore, H A Behrn, X M Beruhart, B Beaver, , T Becker, S Bender, A Bernett, Sirs Black, H Billmier, E Bigger, M J Boon, A Bowers, E Brennan, E Brady, C Brooks, J A Breckenridge, E Brown, N Brightbill, S Bush, E Burdett, E C Case, S Camp, S E Carybaugh, Cane, B Chubb, S Charlton, A Cassel, S Clement, E 0 Cliff, J Collins, C Colder, Crabb, C Orally, A Id Crum, 8 DeCoursey, C Ditmar, Dinkel, C Minkel, H Dunkin, H Doivns, Derr, H Earnest, 111 Ebersole, S Eato, Hiss Etter, E Effinger, H Estabrook, E Entreting, B Fensim, H Fisher, J W Ford, V Frank, L Gamer, It George, J Gensler, S Gillet, George, L V Gramm, L Graham, A R Griffy, E Greimmer, C Harper, H E is, E Hardy, A R 2 Harris, Hayes, J Hatton, E Hawser, E Heffelfinger, H A Heim, X J Hebeliwn, E Hep'ord, Heim, K Hughs, C Huffman, E Houston, C G HoBPer, E He'll/vire; L Houston, G F Houck, S Irvin, B Irvin, Zont s, J J Jones, S Jones, C Berry, J Forster, J E Bergstresser, P S Flanigan, L Bigler, J Foster, W M Bitner, J .', Fordyce, 3H. Bleat, J B Foreman, G Bidler, ,11 K Frankling, Mr Birrim, L Freese, J Bryant, J B Fridgens, S Posi4el, D Stingier, 8 P Brown, J Garverich, W Brubaker, G Garrett, W H Bruce, S Gardner, J A By*Oki„ B Gaines, J H Brim, L Gipe, F Byers, E P Gall, J BuffingtoryW II Gruber, B Italian', J N Good, G Buck, S - Godshalk, J & W Campbell, W Gosseline, B W 2 Cassidy, F Gross, D Derv, P Greene, P. • Captain of Dr James'Gleason, J Volunteer Co Gray, J Calvin, AJ Graffith, la' Caldwell, S B Haas, H Cable, W Hall, W M Callb*, J Hand„ H Carl, W Hackett, G E Cassel, D B Hawk, D Oa 01, 0 Heffner, J Clark, J, . _ . Redden, Serg NB ;2 elYmaris,li W' • - Henry, J CoVer, J B Herrick, H Calt, Sergeant C L Hegmann, G Calvin, J Herman, H Coolbaugh, .3 B Hembold, J K - Conrad, G B , Henry, J F Cooper, J Hill, W Cooper, J D Hinkle, 0 Gi ' ()mai, J . Hine, J Clark ILleut 0 B Hisson, B -Culla, T M -Horton, DE ,th„, 7l „ , s • Hoilmeirer,"L li 'Chilly, Col F J .., Helier J , i Ally, P, Lt F J '' 'J. ,•• •• . R f Ha i;ga n,Jai 4'J ' - in Cupples, A E Hofinann, P Nt in 2 bstrtistmette. Hoover, W A Hock, ()do J M Howard, W H Hoover, J Rouser. Lt W R Hornbeck, H J Holsinger, J Jones, Jll Jack, S S Johnson, H M Jam, D F Jones, L J Johnson, P C srr,FTd Keen, J Kessler, Lt H C Karchner, H Keeler, G A Ketcham, W W Keane, F Kettering, Lt M J Kepperling, J Beech, J Karr, W Kebhard, J Kerr, M F King, G Knecht, J Krimer, D W Payne, G Peters, A Parker, T Pillow, W , Plats, C Pierce, col 2 Potter, B D Pub. State Sentinel 2 Preston, R H Quaid, S Raper, F Reed, W Ream, A M Reichert, H Reel, J Reel, B Rees, W BaPP, W Raff, U Rider, J Richardson, J W Riddle, P Ridgebay, J Richards, C Ronark, W H Robinson, ki H Roisen, S Russell, B - S Robinson, S W Rumll, L 11 Schoch, B J Saucer, Ai C Sauer, M Scheel, J F Scott, W Schmidt, 3 Sayford, S M Scott, Major Seiber, J Shultz, .3 . Sbeck, J M Sbuier, J W Seeger, 0 Seymour, J Kneiss, F Kirby, H Kreps, J Krons, G Keeney, M E Kunkle, P W Kibler, J Koeble, L Killhafer, Knipe, J W Belchline, E G Linn, Capt J M Lewis, Capt J Lego, T P Schafer, P Spitz, X Sharon, W W Seamone, J Shoemaker, G L Shertzer, C Lane, R Laws, S Lee, 61 Laud", D Lehman, S Laverell, W Sheeley, M Seaton, A Searfanes, Shoemaker, J J Sitman, J P Larkins, C Lagor, A Lavan, D S Lombard, T G Laurie, J M Smith, C B Snyder, S Smith, It H Smith, H Spar, J Long, J Lutz, L Lyon, G A Lowry, S Lord, L L Spencer, N J Stewart, W &anew, C Swartz, G Lucas, C E Lonelon, J McAfee, C McHenry, Lieut 8 St ck, Capt J B Stutzman, J Stephen, W Sullivan, J Steward, G Strong, W M Sterrett, A W Stewart, J Stark, H A 8 Stouffer, Stombaugb, E Stull, J B Stouffer, S Swartz, A Btrons, J Biter, H Taylor, S 8 2 Thpaipson, 3 F Tomei, J Thomas, General Taylor, J E Titcomb, 3 G 2 Thrall, L H Unger, B Vissiner, P Walter, J Walters, S H Wagner, W Wassen, N Wells, J E Waggoner, 8 Wells, J Weller, F Whitley, W Wells, 0 AI Wells, N Whittam, Wiler, P Widdllield, Corp T B J Winters, A Wood, G Wolf, G Wolf, J S e. Wright, W Wright, C E Wright, G Wright, C Young, J P Yetter, J Zericell Zimmerman, J McWaid, 0 McClintock, L J McAtee, W A McNeight, N A McAllister ' li McHenry, Berg' t S McCullough, A McWilliams, J L McAllister, Col J B McCabe, J D McKee, W Mager, J Messner, J Manley, S Idahony, C Maguire, T A Mahan, J Martin, P Martin, W E Matran, L Meekin, W Maeurer, J Malin, J L Miller, W Miller, C Milligan, J D Miller, J Miller, & Bro Morgan, Z Masser, J N Moore, T F Myers, B F Myerk S Murray, C Myers, J Mumma, S Musser, Maj J D Myers, E Naugle, W D A Neidig, J Neff, Dr Oliver, A M ,Opp, Capt M Opdyke, Lient O'Neill, C Owens, H P O'Neil N Oswan, C Page, J Pevercask, M Page & Morley, Pinkerton, C L Patterson, G ISILLITS.R.V LIST Adams, H P Coats, W S Allen, E F Clark, W Avery, E Davis, A Armstrong, L Davis, J E Aiken, 8 K Dexter, E L Alexander, 0 W Devore, Et Adams, J - . Detrick, N Baldwin, 0 A Darr, L L Barlovi, G W 6 Drummond, A B Barnes, F D Deshong, I D Baily, B Dinger, A Beatable, P Ditmer, 0 Bassett, C - Dooley, J Beeson, H if Edwards, A G Bowser, A Edgecemb, W Bock, G • Ear; H. C Blois, C Emission, F A Bean, E A 2 Edinger, J N Beck, M .. Wideman, H _Bennett, W G EWA, T T Bowen, 0 N Early, T Bander, A T Eidrid, L H Bowman, T C Bated, I Bowker, T P Everarel, J Boyd, P C Erwin, J Bixier, S Feigtit, ,J Beaver, 8 E Ferree, J Id Burt, HL 2 Pallet, W H Brindle, J P Faclkenthall, J C Bakrith, S (Wither, E Bishilne, P Gorton, G F Bixier, F F Gallagher, P J Bice, J . , Gray, 8 Brook, T W Gross D Bruce, 0 W `• .. 614, I. Bretclinger, 8 - Gourley, B Brown, E - man, ts c Byrne, 0 '• . ' ' • , e l i k er Broombau,gh,* '. S tdinett, J-14r,- ---- - -- : , itairkii i -B--Rf -B raA E.., ••. I • •_. I ..„: ighbat i r 01 04 1 0.irkii441 - boa, W e ulp ibunock"W 0-- Iftnehley, E p, 0' - • ''` • 'Book* T - J Cole, _P J - Auden, OF Cox, 0 W 'Horton, A, j Clark, J 2 Alnhion, EF Clark, T Johnston, B P Collier H A 4 Kieba, 4 Cliageto'n, S Elko; 0 E Cy' Kern, W H Clark ' J H - KW* , H Crouse, D B Eeggi L Cameron, 7 1 Koepplor, W Curly, J •- • EiszoB, E .. Compton, -A- -- --' ErunlinieL S Cooper, J W ' -...' ' Icsithekly, W P 04:ging, B • Kieinginnsid, A L Covert, J Ketrer B Craved, D Kline, 'M Ntn) 2titntrtiiiments. Longhrey, D Robison, J K Longhridge, J A Russell, L H Lower, B Rockwell, J Leader, H Rodgers, J Lonck, A Rodgers, F F Leester, P S 2 Reesman, J . Lendenmnth, E Boss, L B Lents, L H Ryan, F P Matthews, J W Robertson, D S Mills, L F 7 Robbins, 0 Marsh, C E Robbins, C H Maine, F D Sherman, 3 Masson, N M blear], D B Mines, J Shaw, J Morison, J Shelton, C W 4 Miller, J Shelton, A F Miller, H Smith, GD Moorhad, T E Snyder, a W Molkoil, J Silos, J Neearhoff, J Snyder, A Newton, C Smiih,L Nicholson T W Smith, J A Newton, C W Smith, J Newlin, E P Smith, W Nelson, G W 2 Stine, T Nnnamaker, H H Sumne, H Eldon, J Storn, J Parkeon, J T Stowell, A E Peters, J Stewart, J P Paison, J Stone, SL Philips, D M Stout, T Patinester, B Stokes, E Pierson, S U Spain, W & Lahr, D B Philips, A D Stewart, J Pinkington, J Strohm, S W Pollock, J W 2 Sweet, J W Reynolds, W H 2 Sullenberger, L Reese, J L 2 Stewart, S Reese, Capt Spayd, C W Rimes, D Stalsh, E Rheeme, B Stine, A K 2 Barrage, E B Toaney, W A Rhames, P Thompson, E Reed, W H Varner, W S Richards. r Welsh, W Reimer, J Whiteny, 0 W Ramsey, G W Wellinger, J Ressler, H C Walter, H A Bhoael, P Walton, 0 C Relgle, J F Wood, W D Reigley, N Willson , R F B Base, G 7 Williams, A Ross, G W Wolf, A Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say they are advertised. One cent due on each. It GEO. BERGNRR, P. I. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., N 1 7 : 1 EW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BM r MANUFACTURED INSTRU MENTS, FROM $45 to 8100. guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Bali*, Tambourines, Violin mid Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET / music. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. klusie sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD Suitable for looking glaesei, and all kinds of pictures always on hind: A fine assortment of beat plated LOOK/SG GLASSE E prom smallest to largest awe. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. febl9-wksl) PENNSYLVANIA SS to the Name awl by the Authority OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CURTIN, GOVERNOR OF THE hID ChNONWEALTI. • ~.►~ . Williams, It is a good thing to render thanks unto God for all Hie mercy and loving kind nede : Therefore, I, ANDRIW G. Cussu, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do re commend that THURSDAY, THE 27th DAY OF NOVEMBER NEM, be set apart by the people of this Commonwealth, as a day of solemn Prayer and Thanksgiving to the Almighty.:—Giving Him humble thanks that He has been gracious ly pleased to protect our free institutions and Government, and to keep us from sickness and pestilence—and to cause the earth to bring forth her increase, so that our garners are choked with the :harvest--and kWh 'Oliver ably on the toll of His children, that industry has thriven among as and labor hid its reward; and also that He has delivered us from the hands of air modes—sad filled our officers and men in the fiehl with a loyal and intrepid spirit, and given them victory—and that He has poured oueupon us (albeit unworthy) other great and manifold blessings Beseeching Him to help and govern usin His steadfast tear and love, and to pat into our minds good desires, so that by His continual help we may.have a right judgment in all And eilvailit-Prayingiffierto give to Chris tian churches grat hate,the, thing which is evil, and io utter .the teachings of truth and lightlekelusee, oPeoly, the whole counsel of God And must heartily entreating Him to bestow upon our civil rams, wisdom and earnestness in council, and upon our military leaders, meal and vigor in action' , that the fires of rebellion may be quenched—that we, being armed with ilis.difinwe r may be preserved hem all rile, and that hereafter our people; living , 4* and validness, may, from generation esa. tion, reap the abundant fruits of mercy, and with joy and thankfalnexa praise and mag nify His holy name. - Given under ray hand and the.greatviiiipf We State, et Hareillinrg, this Twentieth day of October, in.the year Of our Lord one ithoumid elg t hp hundred and slity-two, and7et` the O.M.lMaliairealth the eighty-seventh. A..G..•CURIVL ELT. SUM, . _Barf#R7 Of the . `l. , ,8 . . • Br rim Cfor,ams. FAORAB. WISATROIR FOR idling out gtrawberiy Pi n& i s now iwni• The, seeps is Jost * _ one.— Pants set out now will be Itelf. &t e a' en d grow oOriddorobk *Ore Win*, and will produce - a tolerablecoWnterteer*er. • AA boor *Wittig, itfirr likes, at Itili_ sto n• Ntuoery. . JACOB 11Lfga Oa. lit, 186g.' pgrigEMS SOAP something better than Hagebocnes Houmbold 1010 b BO Tre s iund Mk by 111101 Omer Frost sad Mario* DEALER 111 FRAMES, WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street.