THE TELEG API' IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE RERGNER. TER6IB.--SINGLE .FUSOCRIFrtoar. The itAux istsaitepu is served to subscribers In the cly at 0 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be ctsr E ud $4 00 in advance. WEIKLIT AHD Finn WSSIELT TELIORAPH. The TyLIGRAPH is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder el the year, and furnished to Subscribers al the foltowing cash rates, viz: Meeks .übscribers per year fletni-Webkiy..o. 60 Ten 44 u .12 DO Twenty '• a " ..22 00 single subscribers, Weekly nil LAW OP NaWSPAPERS. II subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisbor may continue to send them until all srresrages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their nowspa• pers from the office to which they are directed, they are rcqousible until they have settled the bills and ordered t Dem discontinued. MisLttlantous NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CA- 3EL 0 C.) MI Mt es , Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. RESPECTIVELY invite the attention or the pubhc to their large and well selected alio , of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS, We now offer for sale' Stewart, Loverings Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, Green and Black Teas, Coffee, Spices and Flavoring [Extracts. ALt3O, FLOUR, FISH, SALT, LARD, HAMS, We Invite an examination 01 our superior NON-EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, Unequalled In every respect try any in the market, to gather all khnia of LAMPS, SHADES, BIJENERS, We have the largest easortment of GLASSWARE & QUEENSWARE In the city ; also, all k. ode of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. Dell and examine at our old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market streets. bOPUL ii4iGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. lIIANIIYAOTURZE or BOOK-BINDERS' RIJUN6-111ACHINESIIND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND KAOHII4 TOR GRINDING OUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder. Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, Braeral Machine Work and Iron and Brass C AST INGS,' WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCI/Kt.a. SCROLL SAWING, rzatiyntra, 12C. Vir Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Bram made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, BLe. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS sir Cub paid far Id CaPler, grass, Spelt. or, &I, &STEAM BOILERS, &O. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GYRATES, Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging. Saab Weights and various other building caiitinge,for sale very cheap at the Luay24-Iy] BARU WORKS. BOOKS FOR FARMERS, g HE attention of agriculturists is directed to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the expert mente of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best way to perform them. Price....B 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by Allen_ .1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buel.. 76 LECTUBI23 ON PRACTICAL AGRIOUL- " TUBE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 engravings.. 2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEES, by Weeks 20 The Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd 1 00 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 76 MILOH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter,: cheese, by Flint ' 1 60 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., stc..l 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prise tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner 1 60 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 26 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOIIATT ON THE HORSE 126 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Training of Horses. 76 Standard Books, School Boos, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at REBORES' S Cll KAP BOOK STORE. LIFE INSUBANCIE. The Girard Lite Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. 071101, NO. 408 CIiES7N737 SMART. (CHARTER PERPETUAL) CAPITAL AND ABUTS THOMAS RIDG WAY, President. JOHN V. JAMES, Actuary, ONTINU E to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reason able term ,. ttey art es Executors, Trustee. and Guardians under last Wills. and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved land, offers a perfect securty to lb Insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or guar. t o meme company add a BONUS periodically to the, Insu. mimes for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in Dr eemberlB44, the 131:COND BONUS in December,lB4 9, the THIRD BONUS in December, 1854, and the lURTH BONUS in 1859. These additions are made without re eninng any increase n the premiums to be pa id to the Cotapany, The foliewhig are a few example 3 from the Register : Sum Bonus or Policy. flawed addition No. 89 82500 9 887 60 90,887 $0 ' I 182 8000 1,050 (0 {,060 00 ~ 199 1000 900 00 '1,400 00 ~ 888 5000 1,575 50 8,875 90 Apo 1 $ burg and viiini , WILLIAM BOBBIN& e 56437 DR. JOHNSON LOCI HOSPITAL! la AS discovered the most certain; speedy 11. and eirehmal remedy in the world tor A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, ht from one to Two Days. Weakness of the &Mk or,Limbs, Strictures, Affection 'Atha i idneya and Bladder, Involudaryrlkehargee, Im potency, General Debility, Nervotumor Dyspepay, Lan guor, Low Spirits, - ,Oonfusion al ideas, ThfillsitaGen Of the Heart, Timidity, Tramblinga,`Dinmeas of Might or Giddi ness, Di asses 01 the Bead, Tbrella. Wale or Grin, Airco dons of the Liver, Wiwi, Stomach or Bowels—shale tor. rible disorders arising from the Solitary Rebus of Youth —those 8101111' and solitary primness more fatal to their victims than the song of z•yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, bbghting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, lef., ' Young lien Magee%lly, who Mt% beconte the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which summi t/ sweePe to an untimely `rave thousands of Young Yell or the most exalted talents and brilliant intelleut, who might Mbendise have entranced lintening Seeable with the thunderi of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with MI oonlidence. 8 0.1 &c., Bgc Married Persons, or Young: Meat contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weapons, Organic debili ty, deformities,./kc., speedily cured. He who Mims himself under the are of 'Dr. J. maj religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physiohni. CHIMNEYS, &c., Br.c., &c immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing atifectionwhich renders i ile misera ble and marriage tinpossibie—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. k oung persons are too apt to commit exceeses irom not being aware of the dreadful emusequenoes that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow sr of procreation is lad sooner ay those falling into im proper habitat than by the pendent Besides being de prival the pleaeares of healthy odkpring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind miss. The system Women deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss, of Procreative Paler, Mervious Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Oonettutlona 1 Debility; a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. Office, No. 7 Sottli•Froderiok Street. Lett hand side going fraoLllaltimore street, a law door. tram the corner. Fall not to observe nom and number. Letters must be paid and confabs a stamp. The Deo. tor's Diplomas hang in his oak*. A Cure Warranted in. Two Days. No Mercury or Nauseous Drew, Dr. Johnson, • Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Crad uate from ode of the most eminent College' in the United States, sad the greater part of whose life has been spent In the bOspittils of London, Parks, Philadelphia and else - where, has effected some of the mast astonishing mires that were ever known • many troubled with ringing In die head and ems when anisen, great nutrimental, being alarmed at Seddon Bromide, baahfulneig, with frequent toluattirm, atteuded sometimes WNW dalkittwww B 4 of mind were cured immediMely. Dr. J. addressee ail those who have injured themselves by improper indulge ce and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting awn for either basiaess, study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad and melancholly effects , pro • duelist by early habits' of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimneas f Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dye pepsy Nervous Irratibiley, Derangement of the Digestive F'unctions, General Debility, Symptom. of Consumption, Da atieveur.—The fearful Weds on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loam of Memory, Confusion of Ideas , De pression of Startle, Evil PeirbodLsgs, Aversion to Idociety, Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, to., aro some of the evils produced. Tnotemena of peritonea all ages can now judge what is the cause either declining health, losing their vigor, bereming weak, pale, nervous and emanated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough Ind symptoms of eonsionsion. , • Young Mien • Who have injured them:nix/0 by a certain practice in dniged la when Monts a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at School, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured render" marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, shOuld apply linnianifolY• What a pity that a yOuhg man, the hope of his coati= try, the darling of his pewits, should be snatched Irom au, prospects and eajoyments of 111 b, by the consequence of deviating from the whet settee and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons Derr, before °outset plating reflect that a mound mind tiu rr Waretithe most near. as requisites the promote connubial_ happiness. Indeed, without these, jour neythro ugh life becomes a weary . pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly dark= to the view ; the' mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholig ruffs that the happiness of an ther becomes blighted with our own. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has Imbibed the seeds of this painful dis ease, It too often Wass that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from e Ind respectability, can alone be friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on this horr d disease make their appearance, such as al oersted sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the 'head and limbs, dimness or sight, deafness, nodes on theehin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate cattle month hr the bpoitt of th e nose fon la, find the victim of this awful a base become, a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadfd 1 sufferings, by sending him to " that Undifieci , vend Country from whence fin firsveler returns." It is a iffelorishall ftd. tbal the emus fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfuliness of igno- rant pretenders, who by the. wee of that Deadly Poison, Mercury, rain theconatitutfon and Make the residue o lire miserable: Strangles, Trust not your lives„ or booth, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or charsolre, who copy Dr. Johnson's &deer yenieemente, or style themeslVer in the newspapers, regularly Nducated Phynicisaus incapable or Curing; they keep you trifling month after month taking Moir .111Ihy and poimmotuinctui cok ipoundk, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtahied, and in despair, leave you with ruin. ed health to sigh over.your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson is the only Physician advertising. • file credential or diploma& always hangs In hie office. Die remedies or treatment are Magnolia to all 'Others, prepared:from I life spent In the gr rat Mephitis Of Sc rape, the first in the country and a mere e=t/mire PM. rate Practice thin any Other Physician in the worid. Indorsement of the Prem. $1,648,888 The many thousands this buititutton year of year, and the numerous important Surgical Opera done performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the re porters of the "Sun,. "Clipper," and many other pa pers, notices of which have appeared: _again and again before the pub li c, besides hil standing es a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sulikdent warrantee lothe afflicted. skin Diseases speedily,- Cured. Perseus Writing should be pfirtieular in directing their ettors to his Inatitutien, in tile following manner : OHN 111. - JOHNEION,II. D. 01 the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. COAL Oil Lamp Shades, Wicks, Chim— neys, for Bale low by NICHOLS* BOWMAN. octB Corner Jront and Market streets. Amount of Policy and bonus to be Increased by Mare additions. OUR newly replenished stook of Toilet and Fano, Goods le wauuloweed in tide . oily. and J confident-of tendentot setislootion, we would res. p @Melly inette oell. MUM; 91 Market street, two down awl ofiolUrth street, myetb *lc F = : every Monday and Yr Klay ai JOHN MBIIPB ion, maw at Thirdand ;Wal. 114111 "INDEPIMDENT 1N ALL Ili! \." VOL XVIII": €fltitiiu DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE itsiam to six To Timm noun. No mercury or Noxious NMI. = Organic Wealmes* Take Particular - Notice. Disease of Imprudence. HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 31, 1862 ffiisullantous FREIGHT REDUCED.! HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO.'S SHORT & UK ROUTE TO AND FROM NEWYORK, Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night • Leave New York at 71 P. IL, by the Feet Trough 11 4r 1168 Tr!" , 111:11Ving !!I Henjebntg at t • • • • WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO.. General Office, 182 Broadway, New York For further information enquire of GEO. RERGEER, Agent. klananunato, Aug. 1861.4i1 . itturnig . eie Patent Beef Tea. 4SOLID Concentrated Extract of Beef and Vegetables, convertible innuedlately into a unuishing and dedolous soup or-Baif Tea. Highly approved by a unmoor of our Physlolacui who use it in our boaPlUds for the sustenance for our wounded. Ducanmaa cos um.—Out up °w ant part of • cake of the (*rant, pour on boiling water, about a plat, moruorlen, acaordins to the strength desired. In a few minutes it will oe entirely illasolvad. Thin admirable article Waldenses into a compact form, all the substantial and nuultive properties of a hip bulk of meat and vegetables. Tim readiness with which it dissolves into a rich and palatable soap or tea which would require 'boors of prepatadon, aniordliti tolbensual method i , la as adirantake is many sitluitio of' le to obvious to need urging. Of sale . •••: - WM. DOCK„..7r;., irtli • GRAPE VIM OF all desirable 'hardy 'native varieitleci, (and they are the only class worth planting ,in the open air,) for sale it 'the Keystone! bhusery, adjoining the city. Among them are some of the newer varieties, snbh de Delmar*, Diana, Rebecca, Gene d, Kum die, Hartford . , Probjk 10., which hive sold at very high pnces for small and weak vines.— Strong, well ripened and thrifty vines are now offered at reasonable prices. Oct. 18, 1061 JACOB MIMI. STEAM BOILERS, ANINLI made efficient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we are now pre ps pto maaeerßaf ti lunums of every kind, prompt ty swd rewitaiiibri rates. We snail use iron made by Ber n ey t Brother, the reputation.of which is second to noes In the market. None but the boat hands employed. Repairing prompt ly Atiendod to. 'Addrees " SAGLJI WORKS, •iny2itly Harrisburg, Ps. 1 CAMP WAITING OASES, 001MUNING WEE, ENVELOPES, • PENS AND PENCILS. Just the Mud to carry in the knapsack. Price com plete, only 88 nte.For I ea e H SER'S CHEAP BOOK STOWS. B.UGARI. !f i at gra . l wa rd (Refined 10 ale walla) 9 d at the loatauttmarket prices. jl 2O WM DUCA, JR., g Ou. PECAN Ntrr =mg A T Keystone Nursery. Oct . . 18, 1862 DANDBLION COFFEE 1--A Fresh and eippljr of thin CelebraWd Cali* u 4, received 0 7 i ' LW) • DOW • Jr*, & ‘• so. BREAKFAST BAVON A Very choice tot, Equal to the gelebre A (inPolted) rortit&lN Just received. iY WK DOOR, JR., & CO. CALL mid examine thooe now jars for Breit,‘ bed ; oheapeat anclo'mpleat In In market, for oar by paosOia it BOWMAN, 1910 Comer Vont ape ,Merket etreet: CBEEBE from the oelebrated Hamburg decals, a small conAgonten brit received and for sale by NlOHvLd a BOWMAN, reptl2 Corner Front laud Mari; et atingle. VANILLA BEANS, WE are offering for sale a splendid qualit d, Vanilla Bean at low prices. by the pound, ounce or singly. • HALLER'S DRUG STORM, 91 Market Areal. CEIAR TUBS, BASKETS,. BROOMS and everything In the line, jut "received in large oneniniee and for ..I very 'W 150 m,., RIO, Dandelion and other preparations of co ff ee, fresh and pure Iw salelOw, by ACHOLI a BOIVIAN, an 29 Corner Froet and Motet streets. TOBACCO, Cavendish, Congress and Twist, for sale low by NICROIS & BOWMAN, atat Corner Front and Market streets. DANDELION, Rio and othir prninkrik bons of Coffee, for W. by N/OHOLBB BOWMAN, Corner froAt, mid Narkes strata• MEI BLACKING. MAWN '8 "OLIALLENGE BLACKINtha 100 Gross, snorted sises,jusi resolved, aid tot IWO Id Wholesale prim, SIM GOOK,Jr. & Cu NEWBOLD, HAMS.—A mull lot of Owe odebrated Raps just rimaived. ip-T94 WY. DOM Jr CX). EST PENS in the world, f0r159, 11 2 $l , 14 $2 , $2, aod• Si, formals gram 111167 USE DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. TEM ONLY TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR IN DALLEY'S PAD' .EXTRALIOR will cure wounds o 'all kinds' DALLEY'S PAIN ArTRAOTOR will subdue all. ester- . . nal intlamatton. < DALLBr SPAIN EXTRACTOR will prevent and-des troy Mortiflcatl dk. DALLErSPAIPTEZTRACTOR will cure urea of all DALLEY'S PAIN =num R Lade Blisters free of .Imin or mark. DALLAT'S PAIN EXTRACTOR neutralizes allPalsons Infused by Animals, Impecto of &piths. D4L4r.zra rem EZTRAGTOR will cure brokon Breasts, Bore Nipples, Piles, he. DALLED.V PAIN EZTRAOTOB win Pure Salt Rheum Borefehi, Etald Head. DIMLY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure Chapped Heeds, Chill Blaine, we. DALLETW PAIS EXTRACTOR will cure Corns, Car EINE • uvulas, Veers, Warts, Bolls, en No Housekeeper should ever be without • box handy As nee. The timely UM of a single box may prove of more value than 100 times lie cost. Parente yon have a eon in the Army, send him a Box- of Dailey% Pain bedenctor. It may be the means of saving his life, or the be of a comrade: for -it will ears wounds of 411 kinds without pain. Try the ex perimept ; if he dose not use it, It will coat you but Sisterot—lf you have a dear Brother to the Army. send him a Box of Dalley's Pain Extractor ; for it will cure Wolklitts ?I' Eli kinds, and it may be meana of saying your brother Sire. Dasightera I=Have you a loved one in the Army, who is clearer to you than life itself 1 Bend him a Box of Da/lorirPain Extractor. It will cure wounds of all kinds, and prevent inliamation, and may bathe means of saving hls life. Header I—lf you have a friend In the Army, send him a Box of Dalley's Pain Extractor I It may be the means of saving a life.. If yon have no convenience for sending it, sand it by mail. It wil coat you but 9 cents postage for a 26 ct Box ; and in like proportion for 60 M. and $1 00 Box.. The large boxes contain more for the Money than toe 26 et. Boxes. Nothoe.—That DAILEY'S. MAGICAL PAIN ELTRAC fOR wil do all and even more than we claim it will, We refer to Dr. VALENTINE MOTI, and hundreds of other eminent Physielans and Burgeons, besides millions of people ell over the land, who have used tike Extractor with never dialog success for the past 20 years. For sale by all Druggists, and by HALL & RUCK.F.L, Agents. And Wholesale Druggists US Greenwich Street, NSW York, Who will send a Box of either size. Fostallepabl, to any address in the Dotted States, on receipt, In money or in Blimps, of 22 cts. for the small size, or 60.cts. and $l.OO for the medium and large size. For sale at EL' W. Belly's Drug More, Market :oar°, Harrisburg.. jayl6 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 'STAYING lowed the Coal Yard, foot of North Arai; lately oceapled by O. D. Feet% atiblediOApkilieeieblle with COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ' OF THE u'rFirEßENr VARI Al'Y ARD S A IZES OF OtanAjt' .F L WEIGHT . ALWAYS. GUARANTEED. Orders respectfully sollaited—whlch, V left at the office, loot of North steak or at the office of Wm. Da*, Jr. A Co., willreoehre Ilimealft attention. DILLARD DOCK. 0293m0 PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE ! BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA. Look Haven, Jeibey Shore, Williamsport, Mun ch Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Hank', Dauphin. AND HARRISBURG. The. PbPadelphia Depot being centrally located, the DraYage. will beat the Lowed Rates. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the sate de- Livery ideal goode Intrusted to the line. Goode deliver ed tithe Depot of Freed, Ward & Freed - , 811 Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'olook, At., will be delivered In Harrisburg the next morning. freight Always u Low as by Any Other Line. • JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oetli-dtt Foo: of Market Street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE.' 3.00 0""Elis prime Yellow Corn. - 600 bushels barley malt, first quality. 200 4464 ryi ' 60 barrels tvbi4y Bret quality. Enquire or RICHARD HOULAND, Ben of Washington Avenue, Harriab Ovarious kinds, at the Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city. or Trees planted and warranted to grow, or, if failing, to be replaced on reasonable terms. ' JACOB MISH. Oct. 18, 1862. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. ivoW is the time to have your Houses LI Papered. 04 to Henry G. &tatteris, No. 12 Mattel street, near the bridge,' Wall Paper Sad Window Phalle dtore. Paper hanging personally attended to. All work warranted. eidttder. APPLE TREES, F choice varieties, at Keystone Nursery, O B arrisburg. Oct. 18, 1862. F all desirable varieties, at the Keystone 0 Nurseries. gir The weather and season are favorable, and they should be planted as soon as possible. OA. 18, 1862. J. KISH. STANDARD PEAR at Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city of Hesrhiburg. Oot. 18, 1862. ciOLD PENS I—The largest and best stook from 81.00 to SOo..warranted-4 SHE'S= 8 EIOOBBTORII. York Nines VIDIRIMS Ch4343B,froiamellierm,_ E. pus received and forincHo4,lllanral'eets, jy.ig owner rood anu POUNDS Extra Primo 'Blow 64.90C1 cued autabroisifear whom* w by - • 111 It 00; I, INT NI 4 N Slim[lantana THE WORLD I ! CC:II3,3La SHADE TREES, EVIGICIUM n=, titgrapt. Stonewall Jackson Administers the Sacrament Ou toe morning of a recent battle near Harper's Ferry, after a. sermon by one of his chaplains, Stonewall Jackson, who, by the way, is an elder in the Presbyterian church, admin istered the sacrament to the church members in his army. He, invited all Christians to par ticipate in this ceremony. A Baptist, the Straightest of his sect, thoroughly imbued with the idea of close communion, was seen to hesi tate ; but the occasion, and the man who pre sided, overcame his scruples, and thus it has happened that the prospect of a fight and the eloquence of Jackson made a Baptist forget that baptism is the door into the church. In all Jackson's army an oath is rarely uttered. A religious enthusiasm pervades it which makes every man a hero. Conscious of the justice of our cause, and imbued with the strongest con viction of patriotism, his men are irresistable. In this incident we have an explanation of Gen. Jackson's Invincibility , and we are thus enabled to understand why his men are all heroes, and why they endure without a mariner the severest hardships to which any troops have been sub jected during the war. When peace is restored it•will be honor enough for any man to say, "I belonged to'the army of Stonewall Jackson." RECAPTURE or TEN MIIRDIDLER SHENTS—Tan Jartex IXPLIOATED IN HIS ESCAPE. —A few days since ive noticed the escape from Beaver jail of a prisoner named Sheets, awaiting exe cution for an atrocious murder committed some months ago in that county. It was sus pected at the time that he had received assis tance in getting away, and circumstances aris ing which went to indicate that the jailor knew more than he ought to know about the.matter. he was arrested on suspicion of being accessory to the escape of the prisoner. Sheriff Roberts had him placed in a cell where, after reflection he con sented to divulge Sheets' hiding place, provi ed that he was himself released from custody. The conditions were excepted by the Sheriff, whereupon the jailor took the officers to the house of a highly respectable lady named Bar ker, residing near the jail, where the fugitive was concealed. His astonishment at his be trayal was intense, but he saw that it was all up with him, and, surrendering himself with out resistance, he was returned to his old quar ters. He will be 6 closely watched now, until such time as justice in his case has taken its course, and the unfortunate wretch has paid the penalty of the law he has so wantonly outraged. WONIN AND NON-CONBATANTS.—There are certain persons in every State who are - exempt from the direct openttinsiLd war. Feeble-old men, 'wb - men and children, and sick persons, come under the general deicription Of enemies, and we have certain rights over them as mem bers of the community with which we are at war,; but, as they are enemies who make no resistance, we have no right-to maltreat their persons or to use any violence toward them, much less to take their lives. Bat this exemption of the enemy's persons from the extreme rights of war is strictly con fined to non-combatants, or such as refrain from all acts of hostility. If the peasantry and common people of a country use force, or com mit acts in violation of the milder rules of modern warfare, they subject themselves to the common fate of military men, and sometimes to a still harsher treatment: And if ministers of religion and females so far forget their pro fession and sex, as to take up arms, or incite others to do so, they are no longer exempted from the rights of war. And even if a portion of the non-combatant inhabitants of a particu lar place, become active participants in hostile operations, the entire oommunity are sometimes subjected to the more rigid rules of war.—Hal leek's International Law,p. 427,128. CIVIL WAR TESSATIND ix ILLINOIS. The Knights of the Golden Circle are at work in several parts of Illinois, circulating documents of an incendiary character. Copies of one of these have been forwarded to the Chicago Tri bune and published. It is headed, "lissurrarlas '1 TO I YRANTS IS OBILITSNOS TO GOD," and address ed f'to all patriotic men in the United States." The document concludes as follows : As a last resort we will raise the flag of our fathers, and call all congenial spirits in the United States, and elsewhere upon the broad earth to come to the rescue of individual right, and plant them upon the firm basis designed by the Father of his Country and his compatriots of '76. DEMOCRATIC ME BONG AT MAPLETOWN. Davie Lustily Cheered,—On Saturday, the 11th inst., a Democratic meeting , was held at Maple town, Greene county. The meeting was quite large, and, in a certain sense, enthusiastic, and was addressed by Judge Gilmore, David Craw ford, Esq., and others, who recited the anti nigger and antj-war homilies, cooked up to snit the people. A delegation from Dunkard township, whilst in procession, on the way to the meeting, cheer ed loudly for Jeff. Davis, and threatened vio lence to any one who should utter a syllable in favor of the Government, and actually halted to chastise a woman who had the courage and patziotiam to express her preference for Abraham Lincoln. They decorated themselves with paw paw bushes, in imitation of the Southern Pal metto. Susumu. rx llimsrasoma.—The Indian mas sacres in Minnesota have produced great dis tress among the settlers all along the frontier counties. Appeals for contributions to aid them are being made in the principal cities. The Governor of Minnesota states that at least thirty thousand miserable men, heart-broken women and abject children are wandering, lionieless, naked and starving. Certainly our country affords no parallel of suffering such as this. Clothing is greatly needed by the suf fering, for" the rigors of winter are close at hand. ATTEMPT TO Enz.—About a week since an attempt was made to assinateßrigadier General Spear, commanding the Third brigade of Gen. Horgan's East Tennessee army. The would•be mamba was a member of his awn command. He thought Gen. Spear had betrayed his com rades from East Tennessee, and had sold the clothing that was for their benefit, and appro priated their pay to his own use. It is needless to say that the charges were all false, and the accuser was under the influence of liquor when he attempted to commit the deed. He was quickly disarmed by Gen. S., and placed under guard. Jona G • Wourrnta, "the Quaker Poet," has been nominated, by the Ilepubliquis of the 4th Senatorial District in Ifassachusetts for State Senitor• gbaut tinting gfitrt. Having procured Steam Power Pres Fee, we are proper ed to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper than It tan be done at any other establishment in the country. RATES OF ADVERTISING. • sir Four lines or lam constitute ene-halt: square. Sight lines or more than four constitute a square. Half square, one thy $0 25 " One WPC. 125 (4 one mo 2 60 ...... .... three months 4 00 " six mouths 00 one year. .............. _ _lO 00 One Square, one day.. .., Et one week... one month " three mouth six mouthA one year _ . - sir Business notices inserted in the Local a wan or before Marriages and Deaths, NIGHT cENre PER dNs for each insertion. NO 64. sa- Marriages and Deaths to -be 'charged as muter advertisements BY THEM From our Morning Edition FROM FOiTRESS MONtiOE. NEWS OONOERNING THE MER RIMAC NO, 2. An Escaped Prisoner's Aooonnt of Her• A man who says he was taken prisoner by the rebels several months ago and who finally suc ceeded in obtaining his release, publishes the following account of the rebel steamer Merri mac No. 2. "I have been at Richmond for some time. During my stay I went on board the Merrimac No. 2. She is thoroughly and heavily clad with iron, and in every way a tough customer. She has yet but one gun on board, but the other guns were ready when I left, and the rebels were about placing them on board "They intended to have them all mounted in three weeks. Her machinery works well, and she can easily make eight miles an hour. The rebels have every confidence in her capa bility, and are certain the she will prove a ede mas. "When the people of the North hear,that the Merrimac No. 2is a failure, and that the rebels declare her to be so, then they may ex pect her out to do all the damage she can. Their intention is to delude and deceive as much as possible so as to take us napping. " For this reason a rebel officer made the remark that the obstructions on the James River at Fort Darling, had been removed, in tending, Evidently, to convey the idea that the obstructions had been removed to let the Mer rimac out." Mysterious Burning of a Ship. FORUMS Mosaos, Oct. 29. The Baltimore boat Georgians, Capt. Pearson, arrived here at 8 o clock this morning. Capt. Pearson reports that about 2 o'clock this morning, he saw the light of a burn ing ship which was about twenty-five miles distant ;at four o'clock Captain Pearson sent a boat to the burning ship. Just before it reached her the mizzen mast fell and the ship w to. much burned that her name could not be made out. Her life boats were all gone and she was on anchor, with her two quarter boats on deck, bottom up. There was no one on board and no one within hailing distance. The ship being at anchor, leads to the conclu sion that she had been fired and deserted. There are a variety of rumors afloat here re specting the ship. Some facts make it appear as if there had been a mutiny on board, while some persons think that the rebels had corn witted the act. The steamer Metamora left Fortress Monroe at noon for Aikens Landing. She only took up four Chaplains and three Doctors for ex change. The Maple Leaf arrived here this afternoon, but did not bring the two hundred rebel pris oners, as was expected, from Fort McHenry. The last lot of rebel prisoners sent to Aiken's Landing was not responded to by the Confede rate government, and that may be the reason for the detention of the prisoners at Fort Mc- Henry. The gunboat Miami arrived at Fort Monroe this afternoon, and, now lies at the government wharf, taking on board heavier guns than she has heretofore carried. THE WINDER HABEAS CORPUS CASE BOSTON, Oct. 80. Deputy Sheriff Bayley proceeded to Fort Warren to-day in a sloop, failing to get a pass on a regular steamer to serve the writ of Ha beas Corpus in the cue of Mr. Winder. The Deputy Sheriff was not allowed to land and consequently returned to the city. He report ed to the Court that his attempt to serve the writ was unsuccessful. The Judge remarked that he had no means with which to enforce the writ, and ordered the papers to be placed on file. This probably ends the case for the present. GEN. ROSENCRANS AND GEN. BUELL LOITLIVILE, Oct. *O. Gen. Rosencrans and staff have arrived here and takes charge of Gen. Basil's Department. Gen. Buell goes to Annapolis, Md. Gen. Dumont has also arrived here en route for his command. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Cotton firm--1,100 bales sold at 601®81c. Flour lower-14,000 bbls. sold. Wheat active —270,000 bus. sold ; white $146®1 80. Cora firm, except unsound, which is heavy-126,000 bus. sold. Pork steady; mess $l3, prime $l2 ®l2 12. lard heavy at 10}®,10i. Whisky firm at 87(2,871c. Sugar rmonanged—sales at 91®12i. Collett quiet. Freights heavy. New York Money Market• Sterling exchange firm at 45 ; Demand notes 27429/ ; stocks lower —Q. R. I. 82k; Illinois Central R R. 81e; do. bobdssl ; Michigan s ou th ern ggi ; Beading 78 ; Milwaukee and Mississippi 74-1; Missouri 6s 52i; Tennessee's 691; Treasury notes $1 05* ; COonports 1881 $1 081; Registered $1 08i; gold heavy at 803 80e. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family 11 Bibles of different styles of binding, at 900, *1 26 $1 60, sd, $3, $4, $6 and $lO, Also Pocket Bibles of dit% !erent styles and prices at SOBILTIBIP6 Bookstore febl6-y Qppertor brands of extra family flour ij which we warrant to give :satisfaction, for male by NICHOLS & ElmemaN t Corner Front and Market strew, MI EMONEI. raisons, cocoanuts &u., just reosived sod tor Bale by NIOEEOLS & BOWMAN, Om Wont amt. Market street,. 11E3 1Z - SLUR'S DBIJG STORti is the•pkiee Mh:lo.lmOstant. Medkins, FORTED33 MONROE, Oct. 28 LATER I=l Nzw YORK, Oat. 80. NEW Yogic, Oct. 110. JUST RECEIVED. 2 00 6 00 10 04 16 00 23 00