Nur), Wvertismtnts. AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOLD PENS ! rbeet and been openedlargeett o so assortment of Gold Pups h s as BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. Theee Pens are manufactured by C. F. Newton & Co., of New York, and warranted to give full satisfaction. A trial will satisfy any one. Examine the prices below Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 25. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for 11 75. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 50. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 25. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4 26. Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $6 00. Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00. THE NEW EDITION PLI.RDO N'`+ DIGEST . HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISHED, PRICE $5 00. AN EN rpm new edition of this well known Law Book has just been issued. It is now distinguished by the following superadded features : The laws contained in the various annual Digests published since the date of the eighth edition (1853) have been incorporated in the ttody of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited ; the report of the revisors the Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of Congress for the Authentication of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyances, with full and elaborate notes of the decisions explanatory of them. The work has been prepared by the learned editor, Mr. BRIGHTLY d its freshness and permanent value will be preserved by the continuation of the annual Digests, which have given so much satisfaction. For sale at jr2B BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. HARBISBURU COAL OIL DEPOT. VOR the auto:) , of 0 losumers, we have r established a I Oil tiepin al ifie corner of tern Ka Market streets. All our ads are k-clad and we post lively sell uons except -hob as prove to be non-explosive, clear and free from odor ag far as practicable. We offer at present the lollowing justly celebrated b ands. liag n-lia. Nabrooa and Leciier, lower then can be u, ohaeb elsewhere this place, either wholesale or retail. Also an intionaivia assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shade., Ghee Cones, Berner., go. W. will also change fluid or cauipbene Lamps, so u to be le-ed coal oil. Call and datisf. yoursel,ee, NICUOLS at /30a - MAN, Corner of Front and Market street ME ~FBLL4:=3O 3E - 'SS aItIMONS NtinSaltl, rshould not be forgotten that this establishment is still in successful °placation, and supply FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER RIES, STRAWBERRI.FH, GOOS E BERRIEs, CURRANTS, BLACK RLES, &0., &c., &c., &c.' Of as good qualities and varietos, and AL 3,a reasonable . Woos, they are sold at distant nurseries. THE LOCATION of the nursery—adjoining the city—gfves itadvantages for transportation to parte of the. coaatry:, posse-end by bat lbw others. All edictal, when desired, delivered free o charge, in aay part of the city auSOtf VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WANT LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WETTING CASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will Slid the largest assortment at— corwetaitit'S BOOKSTORE. CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. HNIXOELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRAND S OFF BRED IN PENNSYLVANIA 11 15 MADE OF CHOICE MISSOURI WHITE WHEAT. sr Delivered any pin* In the city, free of charge* TERMS, Cash on delivery. bBO WM. DOME, Jr., &Co, POCKET BIBLES ` MA, assortment of Pocket Bibles jilLogid Testaments for the soldiers, just re ,•tved at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. POMADE HONGROISE 'NOR FIXING TEM MOUSTACHES, r%IRA. family flour, a superior brand, wbteh we warrant to give ' a nefacti in, Net re vad and ler ode bk NICHOLS k BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market street/4_ B!!!1 T"general variety of goods 'for- ad jusqng the TOILET, to by Mint a. eh^r's, is ensurpassedln this city. te 6 91 Market street QUPERIOR Green and Blank Lead , for 17 sale by N 101101.84 BOWMAN, jal2 Oorner Front and Market street". . F • EBB invoice of Lemons, Prunes, - Pea mat. to., for Ws low by NICHOLS k BOWMAN, Oor. treat iOld Market streets. I=B3 500 WALKIMIREES,- - ' • • - • andeiraight, from 5 to Died high; tit $2 per dozen ; $lO-per 100. - - 'Keystone 'Nursery, Oot: 18, 1862. port FOLI O B—WRITINQ BMW. Pilithiuleir assortment of flow =IN eat 1049, prdkup9ripld at "111114ITICirt , CheaD 1300113t010. DAVI6 ; A..IWENOi, +GENT.: riAL - • e a ower me r epee n y F Informs the public Qat title Old Daily Transports , lion Line, (the only Wallow'r Line now In exist- nce lii this City,) kle In anccessful operation, and prepared to carry freight as birealny Other hidtilduitifiee oetweei ! Philadelphia, Harrielnarg, „Sunbury,. Leiristhirg, Wil• Ilameport, Jersey Shore, Look Haven and all other point. on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Wil liamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. inNiNON, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. Roods sent to.the Ware House of Masers. Peacoek, Zell & dinchman, Nos' 808 and 810 Market street above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. IL, will arrive al Harrisbdrg,Vendy, for delivery next mooing. aprBo.adroyl• • B, J. H A R I Tin and Sheet Iran Ware Manufacturer' . NO. 112 /121/oa7 . STREEI, • HAB always on land a „ full assortment of Tie end Japanfida Ware, 'Odokilig and Parlo Stoves of the best manufarturiee, Guile- Spouting, Root; lug and Ogivaultedfton Cornish, manufactured up at m 36111016 Pates. 4 - • sir Repairing promptly attended to. aprSO-dly HAS removed hie Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 `:MARKET STREET, • Next door to Hayne's Agriculture Store, where he intends to keepall kinds of Boobs fod Shoes, Gaiters, &e., and a large stock of Trunka, and everything in his line of bu siness • and wilt be thanicint to receive the patronage of bin old customers and the pnblie in general at his new place of buelnrsa. All kinds of work made to order In the best style and by superior workmen. Repairing done at Short notice. raprgdtf] , JOHN Shinn. A. C. BM,ITE,L, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW; OFFICE THIRD STREET. inylOy) NEAR MARKET. THBO. F. OCHEFFER, ROOK AND JOB MINTER, —Particular *Mention paid ,to Printing, Ruling and eluding of Raiiroadrillanks, klasitfests, ''allolos, Cheeks, Drafts, Stu. Game printed at $2, sa, 34, and Seper housand In elegant style. • . . Ilia. ADOLPH I)B•Eii.. l wouLD reopeetililly tutorui his oIU patrons And the public goheralti- that ho wBl matinee to give instructionr on the PLLNO Funk, N.E. LODEON, VIOLIN and alto In the eoletter .TatittiOClP BASS He wilt Veth pleasure wait upon pupils at then hoole4 At au, mthr desired, or teneolle win be rtreill his rat:Mance, 16 Third EtFise , reet dome botow th German Reformed Chord!. dee IS-d si.tuutormus INSURANCE. Marine, Fire and Inland. Tranaportatioa, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Amts. :81,200 WO • I3D7.IICitORS. Arthur Q Collin, Samuel W. Jones, Jobe A..;Brosin, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose` - John E. Nell, Richard D.. Wood, Wdlism Welsh, W iliiakn E. &swan; Jellies N. Dickson, 8: sterile Waln, Jakm Amen, George L. Harrison Franca IL Cope, Ed ward R. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. 0081.L.1, Freda/MI cHARLIR3 PLATT, Bwiretery. . As oantral agent for Ms above name company,Ake undersigned' is prepared to take Firs risks in any pail of he mate or Pennsylvania, either annually or pewit oily, on the most favorable terms. ince. ThirdatroeVbetween: Walnut, and :Strawberiy alley, .13u , ke's row. WILLIAM BUEHLER, • lelo-dly Harrisburg, Pa.; lIHE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple mine dy, after having suffered swami years with a seveie lung affection, and that dread 'linen, Coast= ptlon•L Is milkmen) make known to his fellear-suiferers the means or cure, To all whodestre it, he will send a loopy of the, p - scription used (free of charged wish the directions .r preparing and using the same, which they will Sadie sv,re cure, lor Consumption, Asthma, lhonchitlis . sc. 55 The only object of the advertiser in sending the ' sc , lption is to benefit the afilioted,. and spread Infor ... Lion which ho conceives to be invaluable, and he ho every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost Stein nothing said may prove a blessing. Ponies wishing the persoription will please address . REV; EDWARD B. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York sept2o daciant ' i JACOB 8188 FRESH BUT,TPR • AT MARKET,I ) IIIO-P,, VITE, HAVING fitted 'up ,a large y orator; And bavitiVntode Contractswlantil .out most rollsolo &mum to Ilirronlim- 1 7 000 ply 0 weet butter 4 replied.- w i LOl,l 0 ouute. tall times women with fivovo w Wit DOCK, Jr. & Co. POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORT NIONALIER And a general variety of Leather Goode, jilat received at BERGNER'S ROOK STORE. FAMILY FLOUR. NATE INVITE the attention of families BAKE THEIR OWN. BREAD, I to our stook of &lour. We have Just received SEVENTY-FIVE BARRELS of the Choicest (White Wheat) et, Louis , Flour 014 the Western Market /Words .We guarantee every barrel or big we sell to be ettlati ly superior. ljewil WK. 0004, JK., $ 00. RUBBER GOODS I üblau Balla, .n, Rubber Watches, • Rubber Battles, aubbetToye geuctelly at BBRONBB'S CRRfrP 13008;STOtif.. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR,. a choice lot 01 Extra Family Flour, all warranted by bbi, pd suMr,l Mit received miter male low by NICHOLS &BOWiiN, nBO Corner f• rent and Marital' arena HILLER'S LRUGSTORm Busintoa (garbs. - -.REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH NO. 18, MARKET STREET, IUdUIISBOEG TO CONSUMPTIVES, BOLOGNA, . . A SMALL, but very, superior lot o Bologna ealiaage bier received, by nar29 WY. DOCH, Jr Akc SUGARS, white and broln - of all iradee Ibr• Bele oy NICEEMA & BOWMAN, septlLß ' Corner Front&nd Market 'treats • CALL .and Examine our Superior Non ki =plash% Ceel for ocuelow by NEC:HOU & BOWMAN, net 3 Corner Front and Market streets VAT ARD ELL& 'LEVIN ESk Pickles and: VW Catsup& tor sigh, at. JOHN wisio- mi, QUGA.RB fd Preserving; 411 and exam in° at '}1101101.2 a BOWMAN, . Center YrOnt add Martel strcata ORAB CIDER.--Constantly on bann 1,„.0 1 very supiniatiutiele of emu ones MM. . ocvm h. VRESH Lemons and Raisins, just re estved and tot we low by ARAM & BOWMAN, laid Omer gran; and Markel Antra., I E • l i Ga r - Dates, PnAnes? %Writs 'sad d -ktogio of Nuts, as RAIN WI E's &ore Third. and Din pennouliatita taila ettivro,4iiiiiiittap 'Afternoon October 30, 1862 New 21ZinertiAtmenti' PENNSYLVANIA RAIL SUMMER TIME TABLE, FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. The Ptuteenger Trains of the Paean , lvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH =PRIM TRAIN leaves HasHabarig dally at 1.100 ii., sad arrives at Veit Pandaslphla a t a. al . FAST LINE leaves Havriabnift daily, (except Nonday,) 6.130 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9A6 a. m. FAST li,Aft, TRA,III l lsaias flairisbaig clay (ezeePt Stindatrallk.2otp..:lm . r sod iserl4crial Wee& 'Philadelphia aL 5 . 2 640 E 1 AMIQIIMODATION TRAIN. via Meant Joy, leaves' Harriebtirs, at 7.00 *, 02., and arrives at Wad Phila delphia at 12.26'p. • in. • 11Altitf801 - 11 . 01 210 000261 leaves tlarristinin at 4,10 r- • auk arrives at Was hOadolehia at 9 26 p. tn. W. 8 T.-W A RD, THROUGH KXPREB TRAIN leaver Philadelphia at 10.85 p. m., Harrisburg at .2.00 a. in., Altoona 8.10, a, M. lid arrives at Pittsburg at 12.85 p.- m. HAIL TRAIN leave/ Philadelphia at 7.15 a. in., and ar rives at Harrisburg at 12.80 p. leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 7,00 p.. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.15 a. m. FAST LINE leaves:Philadelphia au 11.80 a. in., Harris. burg 8.48 p. m. Altoona at 8,20 , . in., and arriving at Pittsbprig at 12.48'5. m. neivirataAa eoommimmhON TRAIN leavas delphis at 220 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg MAO P m. MOUNT JOY AC(*).IiMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lanostiter at !OA a. m., arrives at Hafrtaborg at 12.40 ID 8-411 WEI, u,. XOUNM, pita:Biel" Mtv. Picots. Railroad Marriliairg, May 2; 11282'-.Alt SUMMER AVRILANGEDIENT. VBN.,UIt LINIt ROUTE TIM TIMM ULM TO NEW YOU, AIM .1 PI-111.,ADF I, PH I A ic)N AND AFTER MONDAY, - MAY sth, 1862, She ?meager , Wants will .feano she Phila. de phi& and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, ',follows, via SIPRIIBtI LIRE leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. In., on ar-. rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express. Train from the Want, arriving in New York %at 8.16 a. in., and at Phils. delphia at 9.00 a. M. A allsoPiPt, ear in attached to the train through from Pittsburg . without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. in., arriving in Now York at 5.80 p. Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAST LINE Jarrell Ranisbprg at 1.40 p : in., on arrival Ponnsviranll larriving to New VIITU at 9.60 p, in., andpbilad d elphl6 at 5.40 p. m WEBTWARD Atin. hnik leiMmitgasileorit t at hha phis at,BarriviataoOliKlArg 144. p. m. HAM TH/MileateeirNeWi r erktg.l2.AHeocu, and I edelykia at 8. 1f0.y..m„, arriving at Harriaburg at 8.10 P Bt. " ' • . EXPRBSOLTOM leavisibletil Ve it p.. m., arri ving at EkrviaberigatAMlni rm s i, and connecting WILII Abe peamayieanta Bapeetika Wide ter Pi ttebnrg A sleeping ear to also attached to this tristn,) • • Connections are made at Harristiorg with trains on tke deemberiand . Valley tlaWill""44P6hei(311"111 1 1 6l 'P Railroads, and at Re ad ing for lade pa. 0 Willcanbar.reiAtiaaßoNli, Baggage checked through. rare between New York oold•flitliburg, 06 00; I ' O W. H.KVOllri and Pstia R'+ le in v 1 tare, an teNn gat ni:koB or ~ti,. su • • • • • - t " k DU, General Agmtt, iitatr'eburg myti-dtf Northern tientral Kitilway CHANGE - OF' , SCHEDULE. SIINDIL!iI `4,2,114.21G1RMENT.,, taan 'ITAVIRO lO.SOLT TO AND ITKIN 'l3 A. I_l T i''M Close connection made Harrisimig TO 'AND FROM NEW YORK'. SLEEPING , CARS RUN_ ON Ail _ - TRAINS. %N AND AFTIR I,O - I ArIAY, MAY Bth, y 1862, tlitryv=iii p! the Northern Oentral from narrtobzurg and 0 4 4 1 1 , 1 4 Tie MAIL TRAIN mins st Haniabarg .and leaves . 4 IKSPYMIAIi " arrives at and Mayes " HAIL TBAD I 'eines 218000 re at 8.20 r lf andiarrives it' Harrisburg Is.d6 P. gad 1 0airell North at., LAis P. 14 TBLI# lava 8 0 1118 re 0.80 P. N. • 2.45 s. sr,. 'and imiveillArth at ittim • HARRISBURG AUXIMMODATION TRAIN: eaves H o rrtaburg for Bollimure T.g4;;lli Itet.urniog—leavos Balpoure tni, . . '- The only train leaving Harrliburg ob mew the Raerlabarg Aroonnoollathii Train, BoetntatT,lo For further dinhip apply et the Mee, in Pennell venie.Retiroia Depot. $ llavviaborg, War 3;18621y 1862. . string k R R R AA M E N T 1 CUMBERLAND - VALLEY AND FRANKLii COIANILig OF 11017118.---On and , afteri •ILd monaiy,may 6th, 1.86%: - PasinigerTranuhrill :dally, an follows; (Bandar Bzeeptad For Choinbersburg and Herndon*: Leavejlagerstown., ' , 700 • • 240 " ,Greemaalle.••••• ....... •. .. . ......7,87. 8 .0 f5 f - Arthre . st . 817 . ; 4j lo :1 Lexie at.......s so 1f .66 --- . iillilppenstarg .. ......9 00 1 /IT i ~ .New51i1e,...... ... -•.• • • ~ 084 2do ! 1 ‘" `Carlisle • 10 10 i 240 ' Ilerbselesburg 10' 42 812 I arrive al Elarriebriirti; , ... • ' ' li 16 840 FiifC rh*biaiiiirl Bad Umiak.. wn '. • Itl i i C • ,i. LI, J!. ].ear's . riiirns art ..... ..... ...VW. • 1 861 " Mechanicsburg 847 2 16 1 , " Carlisle i - - 9 1 2 66; '". 1 . 44 M7 511 4. .. .• • • . 1 0 051 8 201 • ~4!, L.111004Ndbird.....,.... . J.:. .. ... ....10 a ."'4=oo . . Chamberabisrg .. .. .......... hre.ll 00 440 " Ohambsiiburyg......;; .1 A1144../1 10 4 40 1 Greaficastle 11 66 6NI , /7,st 1111wIrsitimi: ... .••••?•••• ••V'• • 12 81/. - 4410 • 1 ' " ' -'' 'Cr. N. Ltal,-4,74 - , ""- qmsaber4balulilY. 4 1862, 411, - . I hamboitburg, 1313 OBOE% & BLACKWELL% Celebrated N- 1 21 •1 3 A 'PliglaVlP, A aw l atkpoltpitiheueve, airy . Odom far miler ili•BookiatPrOr"- Afi , ON AND AMR MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. EASTWARD 1214110 SCIII-TR. GOING .NORTH. RAIL R9AI tal HELMBOLO'S GENUINE PREPARATION 41110 - LY outtonNTßA MD" . , OOMN .UND FLUID RETRACT MOH U . , A Patine° and SpeciSo Remedy Tor Diseases of • tbe• BLADDER, KIDNEYS, - V HAVEL, ,ued DROPSICAL SWELLINEat • This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS Intl healthy action, by which the WATERY OR OALOAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL EgiLARGIIMBNTIV are reduced, as' well PAIN AND INELAMATION le good ler MEN, wohnuiOß CHILDREN. AUI HELMBOLIPS EXTRACT BUCRU, Tor Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In. dilloToooll or Abuse. ATTENDFD WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : indisposition to Exertion, Loam of Power Lou of Memory, Difficulty of Breathlag, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, , Wakefulness, Dimness M Vision, Pais in the Rs& Universal [Amanda of the Muscular *lie* Hot Hands, Meshing of tfie Body Dryness of the Ski3Un, NTENANOE, Eruptions on the Vase P 0 These symptoms, if allowed to go on, whieb this med Mine ineariably _remotes,. soon Ibliowu IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC JITS • IN ONE OF - WHICH THE petterr MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that they are not Prequel-0y followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," - • AGEBANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of War suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, Amd the Melancholy Deßtlis by COSSiniefTion, MB SWIM MUMS TO TEIVATITO OP TNT AHSINTION. THE CONSITIUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and In rata the System, WatrA FA4ur °W insariobiy doe • TIII•i. WILL 00i1VioN Till id= sKIITICIAL. Fcvir —FHMALH3--FEMALES, LD OR YONNG, SINGUI, MARRIED, OR OONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTION:A PEEFULIAR TO FEMALES the Matron Beebe te,nnequaßed by any other remedy, all in Ohloroans or Eetontion, Irregularity, Painfelness, or Suppreasio nof Onstontary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scilrhone state of theifterue; Lettcorhos Whites, Steel ity, and for 411 complaints incident to the sex, whetbec edging Probe Indleceetipe; Hittite of Diseipation, or in the DEVLIN'? orealitANG4 1.)1 LIPS. +Mu atrial's Allen t No FAMILY SHOULD BM WITHOUT. IT I TA6/1 NO moan Hiram', Miami, os (in POY umialust AND DANNINOID3 HELMBOLD'S KrIRACT BOOM awe SECRET DISgASES. In all theft Stages, Little Or no change le Diet ; And ne Noparure It nausea a frequent desirmand gives ratengthrto Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of tee - grading, allaying Pain and ImdaMmatibt4 so frefment In tna alaas of Manses, and expelling di Paisonals, Diseeseill arid morn-oaf Allaner. . _ THOOPIANDe UPON' THounmaxi Alit; HAVE IMAM IHE VICTIMS 01 QUACILB, aka who have paid- }nevi Mum to"bit'Oarod fa a' theft time, have found they were deceived, and that the 4, 1 3 1 f. itION" has, by thew of grommets!. memeamarts, ii4een dried up in the system, to breat out in an aggravated form, end P4UUL4P3 AMR MAMR,I4GB. Use flamoslbirep RFlanailuano for all affeatkinn and Cowmen or tpie _ - INIXENARY °ROARS, whether existing . in ' _ t.g,'o . / tt leg•piluAc.; From Istudever cane ortginithat and ne matter t HOW LONG .SNANDING. Diseases es time Organs ritgairo the aid or MORN IO EUILNBOLIFS RXIILSCI BUONO MIZE GREAT TRURNTIO, And la certain. tu bum the desired Minot in all Diseases FOR 4V11.1013 FR.IRIRRGQ/OIENIDF.D. Reekmei of Mimosa rdiable ait4 riipatuall6 shares:sr anisszkpanjt the thedkses. CERTIFICIANBS OF OUREB, • ; ; Pram 8 1024year:a standing, . WITENATTTO DOWN TO SCIgNOBAND FAME. • Price $1 00 per bottle, or idx for $5 00. Drama ai any'addrele, 'securely peeked from Omer Iri tr l SClaltt SIi'MPTOIIB IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS Cures Guaranteed i ' : Advice' Oran, I Person Mir aptred. before me, au . Alderman of Etho city or Pktilatielph pe ily'lL T. Einiamul; who being duly sworn.ydoth 'say; big' preparations confab' ne narcotic{ no a ke mary, or ether injurious dram but are purely voge table H11.111301.D. • 3wora andadtaperibed before ineiothis 113 d doy of No rember,lB64. • WM. P. HIBSEBN Aideneon, Ninth fit. 'boys:Race, Phil . , tddreea der Information in etaxedance to • H. 11/. MaiMBIOLD, UhethiSt, t Depot, 104 doattuTeath - 81.` bel. Chastain, Palls, 40-4... OF VOUAITIRONEVES ' 2 .DTNiiitINCIPLED DBALECRS, Wboelidia id impose "or nom owa" and -"ones" Amami dtl Tadiemeanort Ar t a® or liebobo‘d'e tie aline Preparatiola e, %;" onract 13n6hu, . t.; .s i i nia s par ibi • - ,Improved Rose dal •eller, D. W, Groat, 7. Wyeth, C et Bahnvore AND ALL DRUGFISTJ JITNEY : WI:IEIM AyK no t .visupowia. WA NO OTHER. Oaf out the advertiremeut and Beiid for at. ANIPAVOIDDIKINNION AND NOlNtiriat. sOTW/ 1 7 ;I i F181 . _. - 4-_ - .s - B RA'N 0 t• I MILJ L AWARE DUAL - . okygIy_IIIII4IICANCL , OOIIPAN • AZiegoßi a (Oß A T EID 183 i! " Capital and , Ails* ' $889,128' i.:(ltatFroits. . • ' Wni iirlirtill;Ad.iniaiia' A. Soillei,Theoptuloo PaniOjoie. Jno R. PenrOni,!Juio. C. DavlnJas. Vraqualr:WlL Byte, jr James C. Baud, WilliamAL , Ludwig, Joseph K. Beal, Dr Hustosi, George G. Leipar,,liggh :Craig,. _Charlet 'Holly; Sinned S. aoken, Po M , lien!? P- 1 0 110 4 gdward Darlington, H . .f ke, Spain .vittuass.C. Hied, Hebert Buton, Jacob P. Jones, Jinni B. ,Wirarlandi Joanna P. Byre, John: 13..8emp1e.• Pitt a burg, VT. Ifot:gipt6Piusburg a. B. Berger, Pittsburg.. • • WU.LiaIIkIRTEN, Pretidera. • • 3 PBOIdikI3 C. 'HOD, Vise "Wang. • HENRY LYLBURIC arougary. • - r.Pderollll.4 as agent Ifor!ths" above named om- CalitelM,ll66. W ta k e ; 9.!* " 4 , l s 6 riO u rg end;BUliarMMER. I LOO P. M. . 1.15 .12.56 6. 11. 1.16 A.IL 00110.1totwibe BITING DESKS, , TBAiVIZING BAGS, I I POBTAIONAIBB, ' And a general annortabeitt of FANCY GOODS have OA been received at IdiaGNBBIWOHMAP ()WORK . St UGAR C i '' FI T r.... MB. • DRIED BEEF SHOULDiES, : • : .1 ' - A , • BOLONA' SAUSAGE. tibirge slid fresh supply just re:hived by : islltill . , , :0r:. ... i ,:.Wli. MK. Jr. &.ou. SeCLUITOCWS PMAL SYRUP . , . itaps-DIVALITABLE WHIN, WHICH inititibe vegetable in its - composition, has been employed With wonderful success for many , years in the cure of dirmakes for AM -PASSAGES LUNGS. For any fora i 'of the dieeilee )inzeir , se COUGH, - TICKLING of - the THEW:4 SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFEL ! CULT LBBEATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSSDE VOICE, - .Artd• HECTIC Fvviats, its nee 1/01 1)61/Mended with the happiest Termite. It is one of the best and safest medidoes for all , forms ofIBKONCHITIS and ICONSDMPTION4 No riaidion Orpnparation of Opirs pe any this ,yelpi ;PRICE Ina PEi•FICITI%E. sale at 1 15KOIGNEWS CHIA? BOOK.; :STORK: . 3 . : TEM:I.YR' absottment of • gpoisiroxe Me Ito recsi.,*d, and for sithi Toni by # • • ; =fpl lo . o Bows/ ELEI • emay A ;Nrge,smpply of dreih 13 rd Oil, hO aaisirgT_ sada cuse.t brantul - , he Omit or NO - 10001 ,0110103R8 by. A • lebuilvedax4, IPOr o~~3aceoloLut. j# • Qorrr wow sad *mut sees.. IntDicat At little lilipense No inopnvenieuoil; Ar. .ooriter:Prlviifiiiiil Mary stAosia. obross gla., W. GROSS & CO., fastioDzsALlA AND utc.crin D R U 1 S T S , NO. 19 MARKET ST R - I ET LIARRJSBURG, PEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We • are daily adding to 'our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS OREM:COALS & PAINTS Oils, varnishes anti Wass Ilya-Staffs, Glass and Patty, MAW. Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spice* tiorolog Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, .dpirm and Vine Oils ; • Bottles, Vials and Lamp eloinss, CastifcSuip, 3punga and Cor‘it ese„ . aie„, die, ace , die,, dies die , v.rlettl:of• PERFUME/RI It TOILET ARTICLES, 3:= 44Jleeted from the bost manufacturere and Pe mere of Varope and this country tieing very lei • i dealers to FAINTS, ITE , I D, LINSEED kw.: VARNIigES, 07:IN DO W gq.A2B, Alaritir MILOBS, PAINT AND MILMIIII6 IN &LL TIMM tABIETLIS, OOLylit , AND BONZE OF ALL ILINDe, We respectfully Invite a call, feeling, conll dent that we ` can_ supply the want of all on tertna to thid: aatfefaction. . TEETH 11 ON E'B AND WHITIDe 8 PORCELAIN TEEM!, P A T PIT • Aismottmo 11 AIR BSTORATIVEb Of •tdi kindii, direct from the Proprietors Septirdei ~'and Omicientrated Lye Whoicaak Agents for t3apcinifier, which we se as low as it can, be .perchased in the cities. MAY ER'S' DICAL MORD EXTRACTS tiortti albt I CARBON OIL I Being large purciuksers in these Oita, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil 'Lamps of the malt: itaOrtivol 'patterns, very fhTP . - /4 . °hanged to bum Cool Oit.. . FAILNIERB AND GRAZIEIO.4, Thbse of you 'who - Wive not given our HOME 4rm6krruit Potkroctig a trial know no their superiority, and ,the advantage they are hi keeping Horses_ and Clattle healthy ,and in g. )(id 'axaditton. Thousands' can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Oattle Powdars by the increasing quantity and quality of milk; besides improving-the general health and ali.- pOaranceOf their Cattle. Our long "verbs:we in the burliness eves , tw the advantageof , a thorough knowledge of the trade, and-our •rwrangemente in the cities aro each that we cis hi a *ety short time tarnish anything, appertaining to - our business, on the bast o turps, Thankful for the liberal patronage bestow, on our hone, we horie. by _strict attention t 4 bud mist ca aelectlo n - ,PUELII DRII GS st fair rim, and the desire to planet, all, tO .-. • • roan a oonthilianco of the 'favor of a 0 . 36414 epld-dly ma*na:PPPlic• , . ---,-- . ' OIDICR !I ! VINE AR 11 1 1 limit:MS eider vinegar, , _ , ented for sale I.ka &BO MAt4, i JI- /°wl7 avatar ' Wl F7ctq lla° t and Market streets. J 725, - ' " . 01./E1 WINE ! IT hare - 0106itig-out ai9CRY SIIPERIOIi LOf at larrthrtia,c o si DOCK. Jr.. t CO 1 . . muoA.L .ou lotil • coal oil lgapa of •laideitilai mat ; kw' sais, ;NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Oalmer Moat and Market streets. sag foUBS - 11Yeati brtOtuid and Whole bince, I pa p *, A b ip i ce og ui t s ant . eigitad'll46 at ; ‘' in comer Front nott . ,Marketr -steot. _ . P. & W. O.- TAYLO,R!B N.LW BOAS; fi liCsiiinanticill alid h ig h ly deterithre. B oon4 :Isann no/WNW and whits. It is warranted •not to injure the binds. It will tiniest an sgresabte odor; is rattilble - be' ovary - .urpcide. Poi . DOC Akills. 4496:5111141 _Mttensive assortment •o 4,ll4l ll4 : 7thing st Twri l t a r o = 10 1: Imam! , • 36 , - , D.Nrmit int VIM .t • G AuAß ty nwi."-dgup l i.r . Sitbital. ELIXIR PROPS , LAMIN E, VMS NSW USIIISLY R RHEUMATISM, NEW REMEDY, CERTAIN BERNDT, I I°l AOUTK RH FUMATIBM., CHRONIC RERTIMATIPM, SH/10114 2 / 8 /1 OE intier HOW STUBBORN No swim HOW LONG PROP PLC HMI _ WHAT Pr HAB DONK, WILL DO AGAIN. ME BEST TESTIMONY, /NWT MEDICAL AUTHORITY. DOCroliS KNOW IT, PATIENTS RELIEVE IT TED AND TRUE. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL (nom Oviaam. Hoterr.u. am/nitre.] Mar 19, 1860,—Ellee S., set. 28, single, never was very strong. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rhenina liam,trom winch she was confined to her bed for two weeks and subsergenty from a relapse for four more. She has been well since then till last Saturday, while engaged in home Meaning, she took cold had pain In bar back, felt cold, hot had so decided chill. Two days later her ankles be gan so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now duli min In her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both hands are affected, but the right is most so. This, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or, as ft is now fashionably called, rhsomage fever. It is a well remarked typical ease We will carefully watch the case, and front time to time call your attention to the vari mu symptoms which present themselves. My chief object in bringing her before you now, Is to call attention to remedy which has recently been recommended in Me treatment of rheumatism. I mean propylamine. Dr &wenarius, of St. Petersburg, recommends it in the Wettest terms, having derived great benefit from iis use n 9 101 cases which name under hie care. Various co !e -mendatory testimonials respecting it have appeared in our journate, and I propose therefore to give it &nether trial. I must confess lam always incredulous as 1, t o = worth of new remedies, which are vaunted its specifier. , out this COMM to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER 1 Her 25,1860.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient 1 r whom I prescribed Propylaadne, and was then labor , ng under an attack of acute rheumatism. kilo has steadily taken it in doses of three grains every two hour; finterMitting it at night.) The day after you raw her, i found her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, judging from her other dtack. (The Mtlent now walked into the room.) The mprovement has steadily progressed, and you cermet iI tohotAce a marked change in the appearance of her Hite, which are new nearly all of thinr newel else nue far our experiment would have seemed very auc essful ; but, gentlemen, we must watt a little while be xe we eau give a decided opinion as to what is to be he result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use of same medicine on Sunday last ; she has long been ,tuffering from 0 bromic rheumatism, andl found her at that time with an. acute attack supervening upon her °Moak aft/ration. The wrists and knuckles were much iwollen and tense. She took the chloride of Sropyla - mine in three grain doses every two hours, and you will Perceive that the swelling of the Joints has much dimtn• lobed THREE DAYS LATER I I Mat 86, 1860.—This is the case of acute rheumatism eaten with propylamine, the first of those to which I ailed your attention eA our last clinic. he Is still very comfortable, and is now taking three grainn thrict. dairy . In decease It has seemed to be followed by very et. isfactory results. The second case to winch your atten tion was called at our last lecture, has akin captioned to do weir . I will now bring before you a very character istic case of acute rheumatism, and If the result be sat factory, I think, as good jurymen, w snail justly render our verdict in favor of propylamin Re is a Seaman, mt. 26 who was admitted a few days ago, Has 0101 octagonal rheumatio pains, but not so as to keep ins bed, until eight days ago. The pains began M his right hoes, subsequently affected the left knee, and later, the Joints of the. upper extremities Chase joints are all swollen, tense and tender. His tongue is furred ; Ids AU, at present dry, though there has been much tweeting. Ms pulse isfall and strong, and about Re has now used propylamine for twenty-four hours. This gentleman is what may be called a stp*j y typical use of acute rheumatism. There was ex bto cold and wet, and this exposure Is followed by a Sight's of oddness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, In the lower joints. There is fever and the proftele sweating, so generally attiendant on acute rheumatism did net bring this patient before you with the I titan. doe of giving you a lecture en all the points connected with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical case, as I have called it, than which there co old sot bee kiirer opportunity for testing the . medicine in question. We are, therefore, avoiding the one of all other medicines, even anodynes, Mu then- may be no misgivings as to which was the efficient remedy. Yoe Mail see the case 01 a Mere Mote. SHE RESULT A FAVORABLE VEBDIOT Jogs% 1860.—The next of our eonvatesomoe to two case of acute rheumatism before you at oar clinic of may 96th, whleb I then Caned atypical case, and which was remarked was a fair opportunity far testing the worth of our new remedy, It was therefore steadily girible three grain dome every two hours for four days. The patient haa got along very nicely, and Ia now able to walk about, as you see. Ido not hesitate to s.y that I have urea sow as severe kease of acute rheumatism so Boon restored to health as this man has been, and withered being prepared to decide positive by as to the val. eo of the remedy we have 1120(4 i feel bound to state that to the oases in which we have tried the Chloride Proprandne, the patients have regained their hea lth much earlier than under the treatment ordinarily per med. I wish 'gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results. For a full report of whkat the above is a madonna extract, see the Philadelphia Medical and Surgical /1,- varier. It is the report after a fair trial by the beamed. oat authority In this country, nod makes It tinueeestary to give numerous oertidcatee from woreished doctors and rejoicing Patbinta. A WIMPY CURE, AN EIFFBOTVAL OWE MEBANE ItSULT WHAT IT HAB DONE, dnHook is Crenshaw, a firm well known to most melt• oat men, by whom the lialzir Propylamlne has been tn• troduced, bays sold to us the ezolualve right to maniac. Aare it sueording to the original recipe, and we have mods arrangements of such magnitude as to enable ma to scatter it broadcast amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTOR& Ii you prefer to use the same emedy in snothergera We Write your Mention to the Pun 0173TALIMID Olanimm Pkorrumain Peen Pioryaiwai Loam, PeoriwanOOtrawriLiT io, Puti Immo poomumil, of which we are We sole mactufitclurern. • • sirWe claim no other virtue for the Elixir Prosylands* hip is contained in Pare Crystalised Chloride of Propy amine TER EILUB AND NAY BN, TAKEN_ &000RDING TO DIRECTIONB, HY ANT ONH, BY JIMMY ON! WHO BAHHHEIINATISM OF ANY HIND. Bold to Harrisburg by a 76 on. A Berra. Orders may be addressed to iIitiPTLAMINN MANUPACTUKING 00., Mee, Boom No_ 4, S. W. Oor fourth und Chaunut streets Palls& rto tither the iOIIOWII4 WboLegale suukieki & CRENSHAW, TRENCH, RICHARDS & 00. JOHNJd.HAWSkOD GEO. D. WHIWIMLL & OR„ PETER T. WONT & ?MOM 1 , swarm mac' & • • Pamwarzu, WILL CIiINQUIIIRIIT, WILL CURIE IT, DOCT ,, RS !DUD, DOCTORS MARINE DOCTORS TRY IT. IN IVERY GAEL WURNIOVER TRIED, WILDNCEER TRIED. IT WILL DO AGATN MORE OONV MEN; AND ALW AYS READY !'OR MEDIATE DO,
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