Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 29, 1862, Image 2

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    pailp Etlegrafil'
Wednesday Afternoon, October 20, 1802.
We have already announced that the Rev. Dr.
Charles A. Hay, minister of the First Lutheran
Church in this city, bad been illegally taken from
his home on Tuesday morning, on the strength
of a telegraphic dispatch from Gen. Wool to Gen.
Wilson, asking the Provost Marshal to secure
Dr. Hay and bring him at once under guard to
his headquarters in Baltimore. In obedience
to this dispatch, Marshal Kleckner arrested
Dr. Hay on Monday evening, placing a guard
inside of his residence, and also one on the
outer door. The Rev. Dr. had been engaged
to perform the funeral services of one of
our oldest and moat respectable ladies, Mrs.
Judge Hummel, on Tuesday morning, but
be managed to send word to Mr. William
IL Kerr, president of the Harrisburg Bank, and
son in-law of the deceased, that he would be
unable to attecid,and that he was held a prisoner.
Mr. Kerr, who is well known to every man
in this city as one of the moirt, upright and
loyal men in the country, made an attempt to
have an interview with Dr. Bay, but he was
not permitted to see him, nor would the guard
accompany him so that be might hear all the
eonversation. Dr. Hay was treated worse than
a criminal guilty of a high offence.
Toe writer of this article saw Dr. Hay but a
few minutes before the cars started, and upon
examination of the paper on which the arrest
was made, it was discovered at once that the
whole proceeding was illegal, since by an ex- 1
press order of the War Department, it has been
ordered that no person should be arrested unless'
by authority from the War Department direct,
or tie Judge Advocate, General Turner.—
Dr. Hay, however, perfectly conscious that no
offence had been commuted, and acting as a loyal
citizen, who would suffer any privation for the
sake of supporting the government, submitted
to this tyrannical proceeding and accompanied
the guard to Baltimore.
Before, however, we give the proceeding bad
before Gen. Wool, we will narrate the offence
which Dr. Hay committed, in the judgment of
the General, and for which he was summoned
hence to answer.
During a late visit to Baltimore he met with
the wife of one of the leading merchants •in
that city, who boastingly told him how those
who openly sympathise with secessionists in Bal
timore were permitted to take sick.rebel prisoners
captured in battle, to their homes, and quarter
them among their friends, and that quite a'
rivalry existed among them to honor the
rebel sick and wounded This, of course, mor
tified Dr. Hay most extremely. It was almost
too much fur a man wbo had devoted day and
night to tee care of the sick Union soldiers,
to hear ; and knowing the lady intimately as
truthful, be left that city with a sad heart,
deploring that it could be possible that seem
Gimlets of Baltimore can nurse the sick rebels
while our own Union soldiers are left to the
tender care of hospital nurses.
Dr. Hay found upon reaching home that, Rev.
Dr. LochmanA highly respectable and loyal cler
gyman of York, had made several applications
to the Surgeon General, asking for the trans
fer of a loyal sick soldier from Camp Curtin
Hospital to the hospital at York, so that his
Mends and relatives might minister to the tick
soldier at home. This reasonable request had
been denied to a loyal man who had been
fighting and bleeding for his country. Feeling
indignant at this contrast between the treat
ment of rebel and loyal soldiers, he wrote the
following card :
EDITOR or TR) TELPORAPH :—I have just re
turned from Baltimore. Whilst there I fell in
with a lady of well-known secession proclivi
ties, who boasted of having brought array from
Fort McHenry, by permission of General Wool,
four of the wounded prisoners lately transferred
from Frederick. I inquired if they were in any
of the Baltimore hospitals. "No;
they are in
the hoods of one FRONDS. A dozen ladies scram
bled for them, but I had already promised them
to others, and they are well cared. for."
Now I wish to call public attention to this
fact, which speaks for itself. Would the same
General allow similar privileges to loyal ladies
in behalf of loyal soldiers f
HARRISBURG, October 24, 1862.
Dr. Hay arrived at Baltimore at one o'clock;
and was ushered at once into the Headquar
ters of. General Wool, After waiting some
thi), the General appeired, seemingly very
Much excited, end after examining several
papers lying on his !able, he accused Dr. Val
with being the writer of different articles pub
'Bribed in the Baltimore American, remarking at
the same time that " they were all a pack of
Dr. Hay replied coolly that he had never
written anything for that paper.
Gen. Wool then remarked that an article bad
been published over his own signature, at the
same time still hunting in great excitement
over his papers, but unable to find the article
in question.
Dr. Hay then stated that be had published
an article in the Harrisburg paper, at the
same time handing him the article cut from the
Gen. Wool took the slip, read it, pacing up
and down the room, and stating that "it was
a pack of lies."
Dr. Hay answered cooly that he was not in
the habit of telling lies.
After this conversation Dr. Hay gave a full
history of the transactions at, Camp Cur
tin, and of his visit to Baltimore, giving the au
thor of the fact that aecersion prisoners had been
taker& from the'fort and quartered among the
sscondonists of Baltizeore.
' Cle *fool stated that he had an (Acid ac• :
count of the transactions at Fort McHenry be
fore him, but insisted that Dr. Hay had been
wrong in stating that 110 bid given per Mission,
to take these secession prhOnere from the Forte
at the sometime not denying that this battbeeil
done by the commander.: of the ;.Fort. Oea'
Wool read from the official report of Gen. Mor
ris concerning the disturbances there, which
corrobcrated,many of the etatements of pr . ,
Hay's informant, and satisfied him that the
General to whom the lady referred was not
General Wool.
Dr. Hay saw after this explanation that the
'deed had not been directly committed by Gen:
Wool, yet it was done under his command, and
be was responsible for it. He told the General
at once that he had no hesitation in saying pub
licly that he had been in error in regard to the
person gninting such permiesion.
This seemed to satisfy the General, who , bad
no doubt heard of some in connection with
he affair; and he thereupon discharged Dr.
Hay without condition.
Ibis illegal arrest and examination has ended
in failing to disprove the fact that some one
under the control of Gen. Wool, had permitted four
secession prisoners to be taken from the fort
and quartered among secessionists in Baltimore,
which privilege has been denied to Union sol
diers. We are therefore glad that an opportunity
has been given to investigate this matter, ! and
we have no doubt, that the illegal arrest nil Dr.
Hay will bring about the discharge of incompe
tent officers (to nee the mildest term,) 'and
arrest abuses in the department of Gen. Wool,
which have grown almost insufferable to lOyal
men. •
The Baltimore papers here not been quieton
this subject, and it seems strange indeed, that
Genl. Wool should find it necessary to arrest
innocent men in the country, when be could
find persons nearer home. The following
extract on the Military management, in Balti
more, we copy from the American of Monday
last :
The Union men of this city know that they are
a power, able, withotd the aid of a bayonet from a
neighboring Slate, to protect themselves and to*put
treason at a discount ; and may not much longer
tolerate the growth of evils so dangerous to
their peace, as the poisonous Upas tree to whose
root the axe should be laid, and to destroy
which the war is beiny waged., . .
It is time, then, that the Government and the
country should know that the, loyal men of this
city will not much longer patiently bear those
grievances, and that they desire and demand such
an adminiatration of affairs here as will, give
them confidence in the discretion and patriotism of
those having military authority in this depai t
Gov. Curtin telegraphed at once, when! he
ascertained the arrest of Dr. Hay, to the War
Department, asking his immediate release.—
Secretary Stanton answered promptly that no
authority bad been given for
.such arrest, and
desired to know by whom it was ordered.—
This shows clearly that the whole responsibility
rests upon Gen. Wool, and that he will have to
sumer for his conduct• to a higher power.
The Administration is not in the least to blame,
as it was done without its knowledge. The
whole matter will be laid before the War De
partment, and somebody discover that,
however they may act the tyrant over a sick
soldier and discharge rebel prisoners, they will
not be permitted to drag loyal and butter men
from their homes with impunity.
A wrong never looks so hideous. ae when the
excitement of its perpetration is over, and'then
among those most appalled at its contempla
tion are its perpetrators. When the victim of
the murderer is cold and stark, the murderer
himself shrieks loudest for its removal from his
vision. In the seine spirit, moved by the same
cowardly fear and stinging conscience, the Patriot
declares that it wilrbilire no more to do with
discussion of ' the wrong by which , the ,horelve
i defenders of the government have bLen ds
franchised, seeking by very poor wit and a weak
attempt at sarcasm, to bury the whole subject
in oblivion. 'But the effort must prove a fail
ure. The tory symplithisers, of whom the
Patriot is the organ, must b ar the responsibility
of the whole business. They disfranchisei the
soldier. They have threatened to make that
disfranchisement effectual, at the risk of steel
and bullets. These were the words. Rather
than the soldier should vote—rather than men
who defend the government at the risk of their
lives—the community are to be invited to ,a
banquet of blood, at which the editors and pro
prietors of the Patriot are to preside. Let every
soldier, the volunteer and the drafted , man, as
he passes along Third street, bear in mind, that
hie disfranchisement and hie denial of a vote'for
State or Congressional officers, is die to the
efforts of the Patriot and Union. Berm weigh
these facts, and look upon that organ as the
author of his political ehame'and
And however the Patriot may attempt tries:a*
the odium of this transaction, it will stick to it
as did the bloody shirt to Name: Let it be forl,
ever known, too, that the issue of the Demo-
erotic party at the last election Wan for the dd
fence of slavery and the disfranchisement .44
the soldier.
We learn from the I.necaster Union that . tho
0. P. F., Buchanan, is engaged in other work,
besides arranging his autobiography, and ',heti
true to his old instincte,he is beginning to clutch
among his old friends for means once more to
get position and power. It appears a cartons of
Breekintidge tories was lately held at Wheat 7
land, at which it was resolved that Tomei
Buchanan ahould be salt togs United States Berate?:
provided there was power among the secession sympa;
thizers cleated to the Legislature, to (feet the object:
The caucus to which the Union alludes, was
composed of J. Glancy Jones, Ancona, William
B. Reed, and others of like ilk. It will be seen;
from this, that the programme is at once - grand
and complete, and we can now understand why,
it is that the Patriot protests so strongly and
WO incessantly in opposition to the soldier's vote:
It explains too, its valorous invitations t o it 9e i
and lead. The entire plan and purpose will of
course meet with int appropriate end and dlegracci
The idea'of Jamas Buchanan aspiring to the
United 'States Senate ! As well 'might Jetf.!
Davis or Humphrey Marshall indulge the,same!
aspirationt,' !Tlds irroposixt effort to send James'
Buchanan the ljnitedlikattis'Seitate l p**
regarded as the last in tilt which Mite sepeiuden!
sympathises. could possibly affect° loyal min.;
FennoVivant° rnait IttegraP4, tUttintobap 7tfternoon, Ottobtr 29, 1862
There has heat obvious to us for some time
past growing restlessness in the publiC mindl
at the apparent inaction of our armies in the
vicinity of the capital ; and we confess tolluiv
ingAtnitl in-tionie degree in the genitrallitel 7 ,
big of impatience. But, insufficiently Wimp:
ed as to facts important to a correct jtifighient
on so delicate a subject, or of the opinions of
those to whom-alit the eircoinstaticee bearing '
on the case must be officially known, we could
not attempt to express an opinion for ourselves
or to elucidate the matter for our readers. It
is certainly not unnatural that our loyal coun
trymen who ere not fully informed oe all that
relates-tee' military matters, but who may be
impressed with the opinion that everything_ is
in troartiplfita" state of "prepa r ation 'for arifitre
operations, should experience disappointment
at the long pause which has taken place in
those operations; therefore,,we have thought
ft our day to our readers lei seek from such
well advised sources as we could,, sufficient In
formation to authorize us . to hazard a few ob
servations on the subject,
It seems to be undoubted that the Eebel army
under General Lee is holding a position near
Winchester, apparently; aiting the advance, of
the army of the Potomap under Gen. McClellan.
Gee. Lee's command embraces nearly all the
ablest Generals and the oldest reginiente of the
Confederate army. The Southern authorities
have not proved intangible to the importance of
omitting nothing which could place their army'
in a condition to resist successfully the army of
General McClellan, to.which end it has been
supplied with their best men and abundance of
the materials of war - Heretofore, when these
two ermine have met, the result , has proved
desperate and bloody, and no easy victory has
ever been, or can be expected to be, obtain , '
over Lee's army by the . army. of ,the Potomac;
or any other of equal number. It mould seem
to us bordering on 'folly, after the tarperienee of
the seven days fighting ori the Pehineulti, and
after the terrible bat't lee le Maryla,ed i toatte t epe
to make our people believe that the-rebels do
not fight well, while it must be apparent to all
that troops never fought better: At the san
guinary tattle of Antietam the valor, discipline
aud.prowess of the army of the Potomac were
taxed to the utmost extent, and it war only by
the masterly handling of the : reserves inwards
the close of the battle that our Generalwas able
to win the day. With an army confronting
him, which has shown itself so nearly equal to
his on on many fields '
we Teel qUite sure that
those having at heart the real interest of the
country will not desire that. General McClellan
should in autiously and without due prepara
tion advance to meet en' powerful an enemy,
when a few days' delay will enable him-to move
foYward in the confidence of victory.'
A battle like that at. Antietam: coriht not re
sult in 'anything but 'heavy lures, which must
be supplied to tender our army at effective as
before. We have learnt that . the' anti)? which
was suffieleotly clad for a sumznet's eampaign
on the Peninsula, was not prepared for an
autumn. and winter minttc-in Vitgififs , and that
many were sadly deficient in proper winter
clothing and ?Awes. These deficiencies, not
withstanding the enormous demands for the
new levies, have, by the great exertions of the
proper bureaus, been sppplied within a few
days. Other requisites:.equally important are
being furnished with all possible despatch, and
soon our army will be not only -Comfortably
clad for a campaign, but thoroughly equipped
—circumstances no .less agreeable. to the army,
ever restless in inaction, and the country
at large, than 'adapted to the attainment 01
what all desire.
If men would for a moment contemplate the
ditastrolis consequences of a sigma defeat to our
arms at the present juncture, we feel sure that
no considerate person would risk suety' centAn
gency, when in the opinion of those well—if
not best-qualified to judge, a few , days' at
farthest will, all we are angered, witness the
pn paration of our army fora akceasful advance.
If we rilect upon the time that has been re
quired to supply the Imes of the late battles,
and consider the difficulty of raising an army
sufficient to resist a rebel force, unfortunately
for us proving superior to that we have
the field, from reaching Washington - , Baltimore
and Philadelphia, we must concede the proprie
ty of the fullest preparation on the part of the
Government before requiring an advanCe,
which, when commenced, must know no pante.
We feel justified in assuring our readers that
the Government Is using every effort, and that
successfully, to place our army in a conditionto
prosecute:the campaign triumphantly, and we
think the public may rest satisfied that when
these arrangements are perfected, there will be
no dilatoriness on the part of the Government
or the Generals in the field, and that when our
forces move, it will. be for a.campaign to end
only in the, suppression of armed rebellion. We
believe that there,existss perfectly hannonions
co-operation between the civil and military de
partments of service, and the country may con
fidently expect that each, in its proper sphole,
will exert every energy to prosecute the war to
an early and succeestul termination.
Tim South Bend Register, (Indiana) whose
editor, the. Hon. Schuyler Colfax, is barely re
elected to Congress, says :
"If the 11,000 volunteers fur this district
were at home instead of on the battle-field, we
should have elected three more niembers of the
Legislature in the Dith District alone, and the
90,000 from the State would have elected the
Union State ticket, overwhelmingly."
A careful return has been made of the vulub
teem from Mr. Colfses &trig', and the totals
are as follows
. .
Whole number of men enlisted 11,064
Of whom there were voters 8,110
Of these mere Republicans 6,126
Of these were-Democrats , 1,986
• Bepublicans net lout 4,140
The Chicago Tribune thus comments
"This loss wipes out the former Republicah
majority of the district, and leaves in its plebe
a Democratic majority of 738. But a portiob
of the War'Dernecrats remainingat home voted
for' Colfax, and prevented his defeat. This
shows the effect'cif the citizens who
have gone to the army, of their votes in the
elections. If the soldierS in Colfax's distriot
were allowed to vote, they ' would give him
from 6,000 to 7,000 majority:'
"In the district east of Colfax's, Mitcbelli
who was elected two years igo• by 2,000 majou
'ity; in now defeated by I,ooB'votee. Memnon
is simply the absence of 7,000 Union voters in
the army, 6,000 of which would vote . fOr him if
allowed to exercise the elective franchise. - Beiv;
end other districts are lost in the same way.- 4 .
The ardent, bold, and patriotic Union men vol
unteered to fight for their couetry, eAbi
tones, sneaks and cowards all efaid l et - tinta4
vote down the friends of the soldiers ' find
akd the
supporters of the government. We submit for
the grave consideration of the public, whether
the voice of the volunteer should be smothered
this fall at the ballotrtfox I' Wisconsin, low 4
and Minnesota,. allow their soldiers to vote.
But Ohio, Tedious, Illinois, Michigan - I.Depouri
and /Kansas do not. These States ini've id the
field 860,000 voters, and not less than 8024000
of whom would vote the straight Union ticket
if not deprived of their franchise. Their voted
would elect an almost solid Union delegation td
Congress from all the States named. "
The Gale' 'aly, Keokuk, 'lowa, of the 18th;
gives the following as the vote of the soldieni
of that Ettilite at the several camps, from which
it has returns: • • •
• Rep: an.
8&1 Regiment, Oakaloose. 866 . -
Camp Strong, guaisitinat 689 luck.
getup Pope, 852) i 1 116 ,
Aggregate 4807
The Position
(From theNatiOnill Inge ligenrer
So far as heard from, every camp gives a Re
publican majority.
Such is the vote _which has carried over
whelmingty for the lint 911- War tickets, which
orberZtates that voted on the genie: day, and
are qdlte asS Strongly for 'the, administration,
iota] very dig neatly. -
honi south Carolina.
The Attack on the Charleston
News from Union. Sources
New Yortx, October 29.
Thesteamer Bria ssan, from Port Royal, brings
til e e wi neinteneoca' of recent operations
finei4icinitYkif rleirini and Saiannah :
Our forces under Generals Brannan and Terry,
the ,former in mornmand 4 landed at Mackey's
point, and martihed seven wiles before meeting
the enemy. They drove them from from their
priaPien in the woods and followed f them up
ratalii „;itnd again-4re them froze their position
two miles beyond. `After a hot fight here they
were pursued to Pucoteligo bridge, which the
rebels destroyed. Their further progress being
impossible, our forces retreated to the gunboat.
The fight lasted five hours. Gen. Brannan
thinks thei:=enemy'i forte' ~eilizalirial ours, and
or'fiVe pie( &more Our
form was 15 killed, 106 wounded and 2 missing.
While these events were in progress, Col.
Barton, of the 48th New York regiment, with
860 men, wept up the Coesawatchie river, and
actually commenced destroying the railroad,
but were unable , to turn* the bridge before a
treirrfilli d vidtb troopearriVafrOin Savannah
The, telegraphic wire was also cut, and a sue
cessful 'retreat made to - the boats, only one man
being wounded. The rebels left 16 or 20 dead
on the field.
In the former fight two caissons full of ammu
nition were captured and used by our forces.
Although the main object of the expedition
failed of success, yet we made a thorough recon•
noise nce of the heretofore broad river and its
-triewarles. • -
[aecon preen:in.]
The loss to the Union troops is larger than
above stated, the figures given being only, the
loss of Urn. Terry's brigade. Gem Brannan's
command lost. 81 killeo, 178 wounded and 8
From - the Army of the Potomac,
HVANTJANTIUS &Ziff or rar Form&Ate,
Tuesday evening, Oct. 28
The advance, under General Pleasanton, yes
terday eneountered. the enemy, with cavalry
and artillery, at Snicker's. Gap. He lost one
man and five horses by the explosion of a shell.
To-day his ecouts'were pushed out in the direc
tion of Aldie and Aliddlebik He reports Gen
Hill's rebel cowhand* rville.
A long train of wagons seen to-day be
tween Bunker Hill and Winchester, which is
good evidence that the rebels still remain there.
Wdj3IIINGTON, Oct 29.
The following dispatch has been received at
the headquarters of the army :
HIADQIIANIUS, St. Louis, Oct. 28, 1862.
.2b Xaj Get. laleel, General in -Chief:
Colonel Boyd reports a further success in Gen.
Davidson's south east district. Col. E. Lewis
commanding the ,2V witk, :attachment&
from his own and the let, 24th and 25th ills
sour!, with a section of Stanger's battery, at
tacked fifteen hundred rebels at Putnam's Per
ry, on the 27th lust., killing several and taking
over forty prisoners. Our troops behaved well.
8. IL CIDITLS, Maj. Gen
JACKSON, Tenn., Oct. 28 —General Huzzox.,
following despatch is
just received from Brigadier General Davis at
Columbus, Kentucky :
The expedition to Clarkson, Mo., thirty-four
miles from New Madrid, under command of
Capt. Rogers, Company K, Second Illinois Ar
tillery, has been entirely successful, dispersing
the Guerillas, killing' ten, and mortally wound
ing two, capturing Col. Clarke in command,
with a Captain, three Lieutenants, three Sur
geons, thirty-seven men, seventy stand of arms,
forty-two horses, thirteen mules, two wagons
and a large quantity of ammunition, burning
their berracks and magazines, and entirely
breaking :up the *We f'aintern, .11iTo loss on
our side,
A Committee of Loyal Citizens Arrested
while love:4101ln; Charges Against
the litiftiry. •
Beta:moss, Oct. 28—Midnight
A committee of loyal Citizens was appointed
by the Union Town Meeting, held , some time
since, for the purpose of taking testimony to
lay before the President of the United States;
as. to the alleged charges made against the
military authorities of this oily. While they
were in session. at Temperance Temple to-night;
the members were seised, with all their papers;
by the Provost Guard, by order of Gen. Wool,
and milled to headquarters.
iduch excitement was occasioned by this act.
The parties arrested were Alfred Evans, Thomas
.Orrirdner, Coinnel T. R. Rich and Thomas
tewall, Jr. The guard also demanded the
pennonsof Streckdale, John Woods and William
Wissiam, members of the committee, who were
not present at the meeting this evening. Some
citizens who denounced the arrest were also
threatened by the oftice's of the guard.
The four members of the committee arristed
are locked up io the police station, and a band
of music has proceeded thither to serenade
(mom) DISPATCH.]
BALTDioas, Oct, 29.—The citisens who were
I arrested last night at TeMperance Temple, by
order of Gen. Wool, were detained at the port
station-all-night, and this morning sent to • Fort
McHenry, surrounded by a squad of eavalii.
Much indignation was expressed`by the people.,
Tbitvrawdat.ti estation-house cheered- the
priwgers arid gave groanesfor: General Wool,H
Theyalso groaned ea hhey passed Gen. Wriotsi
headquarters. -- •
Col. Stewart, with a detachment of the 66th
Illinois, made a reconnoissance of the country
back of Memphis, a few days since, and broke
up a-camp of guerillas, who retreated across
Wolf river, burning the bridge behind them.
Stewart crossed, however, killing two of the
gnerillis, captured &number, and also destroyed
ten plantations of secession sympathisers in that
Colonel Morrison's cavalry had also made •
very successful raid into the adjoining country,
breaking up five or six guerilla camps.
It is stated that Ballantine's rebel cavalry,
some five days ago, left Holly Springs and came
as far north as Hatchie river. This fact has
given rise to the reported approach of Price to
The pretended intercepted letter from a
nephew of Secretary Seward, published in the
Richmond Dispatch, is a forgery fabricated by
the rebels The. Secretary. of State has no such
kinsman or friend as the spurious letter nam es.
There is a moderate shipping demand for
flour and 2 000 , bbls. disposed of at $6 26®6 60
for superfine, $6 76®7 for extras and $7 60 for
extra family; receipts and stock very small ;
rye flour selling in lots at $6 ; corn meal firm
at $8 25; more activity in wheat and prima ad
vanced sc—sales of 8,000 bus. red at $1 44®
1 48 and white at $1 6041 66; rye sells at 86c;
corn firmer—small sales - of yellow at 73®76c;
oats dull at 40042 c; coffee advanced and 800
bags of Laguaita sold at 28c; sugars and mo
lasses quiet; whisky firm at 40c.
Naw Youx, Oct. 29.
Cotton firm sales of 6,000 bales at 59(4591c.
Flour advanced 104316 c. sales of 16,600 bbla at
$5.90-6 for state ; $6.96@7.10 for Ohia ; and
$6.60®7 for southern. Wheat active and 1®
2c higher, sales 160,000 bus. at $1.10®,1.27
for Chicago spring ; $1 'Mal Bl for Milwaukie
club : $1.88®1.41 fur ted and $1.60 for white
Kentucky. Guru tocin, sales of 75,000
bus. at 70®71+; pork quier at sl3@lBl for
mess and $12412.25 for prime ; lard quiet ;
whisky dull at 87e.
Sterling exchange quiet at 45 per cent. pre
mium. • Guld quiet at 31fig3lf per cent. pre
-83 mium. Stocks lower, Chicago and Rock Island; Cumberland coal 18.1 ; Illinois Central
Railroad 83 ; ditto bonds 106 f ; Michigan
Southern 841 ; Few York Central 106 k; Penn
sylvania coal 109 ; Treasury 7 3-10, 106 ; Cou
pons 1881, 103(; Registered 103} ; Coupons
1874, 98.
'VIER lands of Henry Wagner and wife, deo'd.,
1 situated near the State Lunatic Hospital,
will positively be sold on ISaturday next, the
first day of November, at the Court House, in
Harrisburg, at 1 o'oloCk P. M.
Trustee to sell.
oct29 42t
"public are hereby cautioned not to
receive or negotiate a note for $4OO,
drawn -by David Hartley and endorsed by
John Kapp, dated about the 21st of October,
1862; and payable at the State Capital Bank
thirty days after date, the same having been
stolen. oet29 (ISt*
NOTTOE is hereby given to whom it may
concern, that Henry Lautermilch and Sam
uel Peck, of East Hanover, have given their
promissory note to Jacob darpman, dated Oct.
21, A. D., 1862, for the payment of three hun
dred dollars. They hereby caution all persons
of buying said note, as they refuse paying the
same, net having received value for said note.
oct29 dBto
HARRISBURG, Oct 28, 1862,
No. 88.
I. Men enlisted as volunteers we will not be
received as substitutes for drafted men.
IL Officers of volunteer regiments or corn
paniee, who have, or will hereafter furnish men
from their commands to be taken in lieu of
drafted men, will not be commissioned.
By order of A. G. CURTIN,
Governor and Commander-in-Ohief.
A. L. llnssium, Adjutant General Pennsylvania.
HAlLaTestrao, Oct. 28th, 1862.
No. 89.
Captain E. Spencer Miller's battery is reliev
ed from further service at present, the emer
gency on account of which it was called for
having passed.
The Commander-in-Chief deems it proper to
express to Captain Miller and his officers and
men, hie sense of the promptness and seal
which they have evinced on this and former
occasions in the service of the State. By order
of A. G. CURTIN,
Governor and
A. L. Brissma,
ildg't. General Pennsylvania. 0ct29481
Major General
Dipaarastrr or Comma &moors,
Harstuastrao, 0ct..29, 1862.
Dana Bra:—The Governor has received au
thority from the Secretary of War, to discharge
County Superintendents awl teachers from the
draft, when it is proper so to do ; and has
authorized me to say that if any have been
drafted in your county, whose withdrawal
from the schools will be injurious to the cause
of education, they will be discharged - on for
warding, to this Department, a certificate
signed by the President and Secretary, or by a
majority of the members of the proper Beard
of Directors, stating,
let. That they are teachers either in actual
*barge of schools, or appointed to take charge
of schools at the commencement of the neat
ensuing term of teaching in the district.
2d. That they are holders of valid cer
tificates from the proper . County Superintend
3d. That their withdrawal from their schools
at the present time would be injurious to the
cause of education.
Upon receipt of this certificate, which
should give the names of the teachers desired
to be discharged, of the districts in which
they are teaching, or are about to teach, and
their Past Office address, the necessary order
will be issued.
County Bupetintendente who may have been
drafted, will state the fact to this Departuient,
and will at once be discharged.
Tours very truly,
Supielntendent Common Schools.
To —, Esq., County Superintendent.
0429 di3t
Guerilla Calms Broken Up.
New York Money Market.
New Toes, Oct. 29
Ai en) itdinritarnunts
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters
of Sdisinistrallon on the estate of Ann I. Poole, hats
of City of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, deceased, have
been granted to the subscriber. AU persons having
claims against the estate are requested to make known
the same without delay ;and persons knowing themselves
indebted, are requested to make immediate payment.
oct2B. lt Wow MARTIN PERRY, Admitietrator.
CAIRO, Oct. 28
I HE second and final account of A. 0.
heater and C. F. 11..tincb, Assignees of
John Wallower, has been filed in the Court of
of Common Pleas of Dauphin county and will
be confirmed on the Second day of December
next, unless cause be shown to the contrary.
J. C. YOUNG, Prothonotary.
oct2B d2t wit
WWILL be sold in front of the Court House,
Saturday next, November Ist, at 2 o'clock, P. M.,
The property of John Ford, deceased ; consist
ing of Two Brick Houses. The one is located
on the South Corner of Front and Locust
streets, and the other on Locust street and
joins the first. The above property is pleasantl •
located and deserves attention.
SILAS WARD has removed his Music and
Frame Store from Market square to No. 12,
N. Third St. a few doors above Market, More re
cently occupied by Mr. Duncan, where he will be
happy to see his friends and the public gener
ally. For sale—Steinway's celebrated Pianos,
Melodeone and every article of musical mer.
chandise at city prices. oct27 dtf
Henry C. Shaffer has a large lot of
Wall Paper and Window Shades on hand,
which will be sold very low. Call and examine.
Paper hanging personally attended to.
oct27 No. 12 Market St., near the Bridge.
THE office for recruits for this organization
has been re-opened at the old place, Col
der's Stage Office, Market square, Any persons
of good character who may desire to ,nlist, or
obtain information as to the duties of the Troop
will please call on or address
Lance Corporal.
,11,. back building, si nated on Cumberland street, near
Pennsylvanns Avenue
Also, one on Pennsylvania Aven enve Cumber/and
street. Apply t) Dr. AD. RUTHERPOID,
oct27 diw Front street.
1 HAT in accordance with an act approved
July Ist, 1862, entitled 'an act to support
the Government aed to pay interest on the
public debt," every person, associated partner
ship or corporation, desiring a license to en
gage in any trade or occupation named in the
64th section of said act, must register an ap
plication with the Assistant Assessor of the
assessment division in which such trade or oc
cupation shall be carried on.
Manufacturers liable under said act to pay
any duty or tax, are required to furnish to the
Assistant Assessor a statement, subscribed and
sworn to, in the form prescribed by the 68th
section of said act. . 4 •
Blanks and information may be obtained
from the Assistant Assessors in their respective
Division No. 1, of 14A District Pa.,
Comprising let, 2d, Sd, 6th and 6th Wards
of Harrisburg, and the following Boroughs and
Townships of Dauphin county: Middletown
Borough, East, West and South Hanover,
Lower Paxton, Upper and Lower Bwatara,
Deny, Oonewago and Londonderry townships.
BENJ. F. KENDIG, Assistant Assessor.
West Corner Market Square.
Office hours from 9 to 10 A. M., and 5 to 6 P.
M., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Division No. 2, of 14th District Pa.,
Comprising 4th Ward City of Harrisburg
and the following boroughs and townships of
Dauphin county : Grata and Millersburg bor
oughs, Susquehanna, Middle Paxton, Reed,
Halifax, Jefferson, Jackson, Rush, Upper Paz
tan, Mifflin, Washington, Lykens and Wico
nisco townships.
WM. CASLOW, 2d St., 4 doors R. of State.
Office hours from Btoll A. M., and 2 to 5 P.
M., Mondays and Saturdays.
Communications may be addressed to me at
Middletown, Dauphin Co., Pa.
Assessor 14th Assessment District, Pa.
DEB.—Mr. James M. Wheeler having
withdrawn from the agency for the sale of our
Gunpowder, in Harrisburg, we have appointed
Major David M'Cormick our agent, who will
be prepared to furnish all Mr. Wheeler's cus
tomers as usual.
JEWELRY, put up in Union Variety Ca
ses, and in Variety Envelopes, the stock re
maining of the late firm of Coleman & Co. It
is a first rate chance for any person wishing to
retail them, as they will be sold at a great bar
gain. They will sell very readily about the
camps, and in fact are really cheap and desire
able for any persons at the prices they will be
sold at. I will sell part, or all together. Any
further information will be given upon appli
oct2s-dlw. No. 286, Franklin St., Phila.
$5O REWARD will be paid by the un
dersigned for the arrest and convic
tion of the first Pick Pocket caught "plying
his vocation" at the Pennsylvania Railroad
oct23-nlw Sup't. Eastern Div. P. R. R
This is a Fire! Clans Hotel, and located in the central
part of the city. It is kept in the hest manner, and its
patrons will find every secommoitation to be met with in
the best houses in the country. ne3o-4111
At Mix, Lanpaster Co., Pa.
Affords superior advantages for thorough and
accomplished female education. For circulars
and information, apply to
oetlB-d3m Principal.
OF select kinds, strong, stocky and vigorous,
two years old, at Key stone Nursery, Har
Oct. 18, 1862.
tw abvtrtisements
GROSE WELKER, Administrator.