THE • TELE'GRATII LS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER 11CRMS.—Sisais Strusoarrnon Toe DAILY Ilan /RAF% is served to subscribers In thi City at 8 cents per week. Yearly StMSCribers will br charged Se 00 in advance. Wassir AND 81[111 WiltaLT TILLIGBAPH. The ' also published twice a week durlm the session ol the Legislature, Midi Weekly during tot remainder 01 the year and furnished to subscriber.. toe following cash rates, viz: ai le übscrtbers per year Semi-Weekly-11 00 Ten 4 , 44 44 II ,12 00 Twenty , t. t. ..22 00 single subscribers, Weekly.. ......... 1 00 mul L&W OF NIMPAPIRS: It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until arrearages are paid. 1r Subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa- pers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them disflontinlied. Itiimettantons NICHOLS' & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Gir EL fla CJ IEI EL SS Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. ESPFCTIVELY invite the attention lA, of the public to their large and well Elected atom< of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS. We now offer for eels' Stewarts, Loverings Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, Green and Black Teas, . Coffee, Spices mad Flavoring [Extracts. ALSO, FLOUR, FISH, SALT, LARD, HAMS, We invite an examination of our superior NON•IMPLOSIVE COAL OIL, Unequalled In every respect by any in the 'market, to gather with all 'dada of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, We have the largest assortment or GLASSWARE & QUEENSWARE to sheeny; also, au loads of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. 901 and examine at our old stands NICHOLS & BOWMAN , septlit Corner Front and Market streets. ,S/AGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Piminagliania. RANIIINACTIVILInt Or BOOK-EINDERS' RULING-111110ENES AND PENS, STANDING' PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND WAOI3IND3 FOR GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mille and Fodder Cutters, / SCHOOL FURNITURE, general Machine Work. and Iron and Brass C AST IIVGS, WOOD lIINNJNO IN ALL INS DEANOMAs, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, EN., MC. Or Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Bras node to order. (leer and Screw Cutting, &o. HICKOK'S PATENT WUODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS 117• Cub paid far . Id Copier, Brass, Spelt er, dre. s'l'EAm BOILERS, &C. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ABOVE SLATE MEET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Ot vartput patterns, both Stationtry end twinging. down Weighie and various other building mantas, for este ray cheap at the 1nay24.1.7] Mans woms. BOOKS FOR FARMERS. HE attention of agriculturists hi directed , to the following 'kirks, which will enable them to increase the quantity and • value of their, crops by adding science atid 7 the experi ments of others to their experienie STEPHEN'S BOOK' OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the beet way to perform them. Price.... 3 50 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real , Economy LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by Allen... THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buei • LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRIOIJL PURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni- vernal handbook, with 400, engravingk..2 50 AN EMT METHOD OF ItiANAgINII BEES, by Weeks the Nature and l'reatuient of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd 1 00 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 75 MILCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 1 60 0/MISSES AND FORAGE PLANTS; by Lynch • 1 60 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Hone, the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., &c..l' 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Pl'llC *kcal Fanner, by Dr. Gardner 160 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 76 THE FIELD BOOR OF MANURES, or Amadeu' Muck Book 126 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 youAlMoN THE HORSE 1 26 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Taming of Homes • 75 Standard Books, School Books, aril hvery thing In, the stationery line, at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S 'till RAP BOOK STORE. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Lite, Insurame, Annuity and Trust Comoiny of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 CILBSTITU7 STREET. (CHASTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ASSETS . ........ ..... $1648,8811 THOMAS RIDGWiY, President. JOHN F. JAMBS, Actuary, ctiONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIM oh the most reason able terms, ey sat as Eacchtors, Trustees and Guardism noder last WILL and as Receivers sad assigneee. The capital being paid up and invested, together with alone and constantly Were using reserved hind, offers • perfect security to th insured. Th e -p re mium maybe paid yearly, half yearly or quar. testy. The company add a BONUS periodically to the, Luso meet for lite. The FISST BONUS appropriated in De cember 1844, the SECOND BONUS in December, 184 8, the THIRD BONUS in DecemiluS,lBB4, mid the FOURTH BONUS in 1860. These additions are made without re qUiring Ally increase n the premiums to be pa id to the Com Th pany. e Mewing are • few example from the Register : rum Bono or Insured 1 addliQ4 „i.e.... 1 . 087 00 I *VAT 60 0000 1080 tO 4,0(p0 oo II in 1000 400 00 1,400 00 la. 0000 1,575 00 8 816 00 Ag iw a t, urg and Tiomity, WILLIAJIL .1,0-d1 _ . . . , .. : . , . • . • ' 1' ..." * '-'-' 0 ~, , ,,i „ w / 1 , . Clllll4, . • . . '---..._ '' ''Z's *WIT /7' o* - "::": ". :' -i.l • ' . ID . • . , - • . . . le ill le . . : ,: -: . . . , -........____ • :.. • t"-. ti :': ~ f. n ,: ...:. .., ~... ~ : • • 4 ue Vi, .„--, i ~_,,,, ..„, -, , ,...--_ --- --....y... f, ', ....... .. • . , :: ,:::,,„.., .• , ..., .. • . l ..7 , f 1 • . . - ! VOL XVI.III. DR. JOHNSON Mg 43.LIVIBILICIoNtEl LOCI HOSPITAL! Ab discovered the most certain speedy j_ and effetcual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE IN DIX TO TWILYN DODBIL NO Mercury or Noxious Drugs, A Cure Warrantedi 'to Charge r In from one to Two Days. • Weakness of the 'kick or,Limbs, Stricturag AlkeLloph of the bidneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervousnees, Dyspepsy, Lan g uor, Low Spirits, Confusion of ideas ? Palpitation of the Wart. Timidity, Trembling., Ditinsesil of Sight or Giddi ness, Di sense of the HeadeThrind, Noes or , Skin, stilec dons of • the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—t hose ter-, able disorders arising from the Solitary Sabha of Youth •-thiselsfoluer and solitary , practices more fatal to their vietimathan . the song of Vitallß td the liarinere of Olys flee, blighting their most •brilliant hopes or - anticipations, rendering marriage, •Ihs., impossible. • Young `Yen ,iiispecielly, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which anneal. l sweeps to an . untimely grave, thousands of Young Men of the most exalted 'talents had who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates - with the Aninders of eloquenm or waked to ecstasy the WWI full Conlidonce. &c. jitani r Married Persons, er tows en contemplating mar riage, being aware of physind weakness, organic debili ty, deformities, Do., speedily curet. He Wile pleneehimself Miller the Care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his boner Si a gentleman, and con• adently rely Ulna his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness pm inediatily.Gaired„ and fall Tiger Restored. This distressing affection-4MM' renders I tie misera ble and marriage impossible—la 'the penalty paid by the victim' of Improper milnlgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses Irdna not being aware of the, dreaded donseq, elites thaebisiy ensue. New, who that understansterfteutpict will pretend to oeny that the pow er of proerLation le lost sooner uy _ tnose falling Into im proper habits thau by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy ofhpring, the most ea. nous and destructive symptoms to both body and mind' arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Fanclibna Weakened, Lose of Procreative Power, Nemo= Irralibility, Dyspepsia, PalpitatiOn of the Heart, lactigenion, Goastitutions 1 Debility,,' & Wasting of the Frame, Clough, Communphon, Decay and Death. Office, No. 7 south Frederick Street. Lett hand side going from Baltimore street, a taw door. irom the corner. Pail not to observe came and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc tor's Diplomas hang in his oMce. Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Moran or Nauseous Drum, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from ose of the most aminentOolleges in the United Setae', red the greater part of whose Me has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphisi and else - 01 here, has eillowsi nine of the meet astonishing curio that were ever known -'many troubled with ringing In the bead ant ears when tame& great nervousness, being alarmed staudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing. attended sometimes with derangement of naiad were cured Take Particular Notice.' Ur. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulge ce and solitary habits, when ruin both uody and mind, unntting them for either banes& study, society or marrusges these are some of the sad and melancholly effecta pro taco' by early habits of youth, vie : Weakens of the Book and Limbs, Paine in the Head, Dimness f Loss of muscular Power, Palpitation of the bean, DLL popsy, Nervous ireatibility, Derangement of thelhgeside% Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Conaumptiony ka itajoraux.—The tearful effects on the mind are' much to be droaded—Loes of Newry, Confualon of Ideas , De pression of Spirits, EMI Forbodlags, aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of bolitnde, Timidity, in., are soma of the evils produce& Taurisoicas of persons of all ages can now judge what la the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervoua and contented, hiving a e m igu l ar a ppearance about the eya&cough and symptoms of consumption. Young Men Who hustle Mimed themeabets by a certain practice in seised in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the (Meets of which ,are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured redder. marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. _ What a pity that a young man, the 'Nose of his Coun try, the darling of his parents, should be muddied horn all PfusPecta end alnoYeents of life, by the, consequence of demoting from tin path of nature amd indulging in a certain secret habit. Duch perteme larlar, before contem plating arriage, reflect theta wand mind M end bißy areitbis most nacos aery requisites to promote connubial lumpiness. indeed, without these the journey through litc Mammas a weary pilgrimage ; the proupect sourly dashan to the view ; lbw Mud becomes shadowed with &Opal:ant ailed with the maimulholty reflection that the happitteas Of another Woken bilighted•Widi oily own Disease of Imprudence. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed Gib meds of this painful de ems, it too often bapens that ea mums of shame or dread of discovery, and him from applying to those Who, fr om &neaten and reelutlibibillt.Ti can alone be friend hiin, delaying till the donsattutional symptoms on this herr d disease make their appositions& inch is al °meted eon Dung, Mseased nose, nocturnal pasts In the head and ju n bo o thnnees of sigh!, deadness, nodes on the shin nines ins arms, blotches on the load, fsee and extremities, progressing with hightail sapidity; 1111 et , beet the panto of the month or the bones of die owe hid is, and ; the TWA= Cr Ws snail disease,beciane. altorrld ObjeCk Of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadthl suffering& by sending him to " that Undinun , vend Count/Whom whence no tnivellir returns." It is a useleacholly fact that thoessada fall victims to MIS torilhle dieeese, . uwing to the lanikilfelinepe of Igoe. rant pretenders, who by the - use of DJ* really Poison, Mercury, ruin Um constitution and make the residue o dwerub l c.i , ; /.. . • Trust not your Ma k er nes^ to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthiest Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or character, who copy . [Jr. John _ edver vcrtisemenls, or style themesivee in the newspapers, regularly Educated Eturdeleas incapable ol Oaring, they keep you trifling month atler month ter.lmg Sbelr filthy and pouumbusross COL V OUndIi, IN as long sa.thili smallest he can be obtained, and In deelwar, leave' yea with rain ed health to sigh over yam , gadding diaappoinithent. Dr, Ao p u eou to Moony Physician advertising. His credented or diplornms always heap In bp i o o ze . His remedies or trartment are aukiiowu to all , others, prepared from a Mimeos Mike gr eat hiumitale of pi•• rope, the first iu the countrrind a MOM'extensive rip rale Practice than asp Wier ,rayelohm in the world. Indorsement of the Press. - The many thousands Cured at Ws Institution year af ter year, and the numerous inimertant Surgical Opera tions pc:Prenatal by Dr. Johnisoil, wines:used by the re porters of the "Sun," eClipper," Mid many other Pa pers, notices, of which have appeared again and again b e fore the public, beddet his standing as a gentlemen of character and responsibility, is a aufncient guefractee tone anion& DiSeasee apeecbly ' Cured. Persona writing should be particular in directing their suers to Ma Dislataben, In the hillawing manner : J0H14,111.. JOHNSON, M. D. Oithe Baltimore Loek Hoepital l Bidiunore, Md. 400 1 00 7'6 COAL Oil Lamp . 'Sim 488 . ; Wicko, Chink neys,, for sale low by wawa & t u muli, oota corner Front and 11ftwketitreets. Amount of Polley and Lonna. to be increased by, Intim additions. . QUIt newly . replenished stook of, Toilet - sun Fancy 'Joel* ii! _eneurpeseed in i thie eny,„ fpni ' l ee Ogg 6onThient Or render i ng Bath:AMOR, we leald peCtrully unite a rill. - ' ' ' Al 'Market 'street, t n otneorweent cokleurtn strew , sough 4 ,1 e. i i.. , ~ : L, CELL FISH dvety•ttaajidaYlind Friday JOHN WJEVEI Eltins; ognier Third and Ital. C'l I !L 011717 OEM "INDEPENDENT 1N Al,l Til I v: HARRISBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 29, 1862 # rl4!. tilfOltT4l4 l FREIGHT REDUCED 1 HOWARD & ROPE EXPRESS CO.'S MORT L QUU TO AND FROM N.,vi Vir Voitifk. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 71 P. M,, by the Fast Through a:9nm Train, arriving in Narriabuqi at 8 A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OAIIB. Order Goods marked • Via HOPS BIXPILBEIS CO., General Office, .162 Broadway, New York. For bulkier Information engtdre,of Illiont kliuumuse, Aug. 1861.-dtf Iliiiingete Patent Beef Teas Al3PLlD:Conepnvated .Yartzactt of :.geet and' Vegatablei, notwortibli innaralbstoly lan a nourishing and dailoiona soup or Beef Tea. aigbly opproved by a mums ot.our. Physiondwaiho usellttxin , Out Wagtails' Sat Ina austeninue for our *witted. DOLSOTIONS YOB up onellitb part of a cakecd thwedtraet, 'peer on 'boiling water, about, a pint, mori,or kw awarding to the eiresph degred. In, a few mhtniesit ;OW be entirety diseetvatl. This admirable artlolo coadensee - hit) a compact, ferny all the substantial and nutritive k)topetilimi of large bulk of ineatiang vegetables. Tll4l readiness` with which it eheolvasinto a rich and palatable scuts or tear rx , .....srdy native varieties (and ij they WI the only close worth plantingl In the open air,) hit ga le at the Keystone Nursery, adjoiph!g he city . 1 i of 4 ' . Among them are some the newer varied s, such as Delaware, Dints, Rebexe, Concord, Maas- dine,lkftfgrdifPlia o , 6Old iat very high prices for mall and weak vinee.-- , Strong, well ripened and thrifty vines ?re new offered at reasonable prices. ' Oct. 18, 1862. JACOB KWH. • • STEAM BOILERS A V IN 11 'nada .eflicient and permainen arranyourma tor' the Duryea', we are herr Pro' pa top to mare ei II BOLGIBI4 td every dud, prompt ly and At reaeouaokl rates. tice.abaß twOrea made by Bailey h Brother, the m 1.411.140" of whril la second to ache In • None but the beat nude employee. Itapeirtug prompt traheudertto. Address MAGMA WOBBB, merrily esirtibing; Pm. CAMP WRITING OASES,' ounsisimi • ' PAPER, EN VEDOPES, PENS AND PENCILS , • , Just like thing W carry to the kaapatida. Price catu plate, only 88 G. ala. NOr We at . kfigIIGNER'SCHELP BOWL @TORE. 8 G li,l 100 o r iaL lAd v a ea tit itlittd , aid ti: t hw el l wul be.licold it the lofted ther,het prices. • WM ' WM DAM JR, a OJ. PECAN NUT Tam A T Keystone Nursery. Oct. 13,1862 FIANDELIOI4 tIOFFES I—A Fresh and A./ keg° Ripply. et ttite Oulebmaxi mire% usi receiv44 bl . 1021 . . WI/L.990r. , &._o. :. BRFANTIBT BACON AVorfohoide lot, equal to ttio oolobra tea (imported) Yoritolike, otel rereired. .19 28 wx DOOM, .111.,6 CO. Lti and examine those' noare or j • s beat, cheopos& and simplest in in marke t , for Bala by NICHOLS k 40)VA444,, - isl 9 • Viva% Ind /Wiest btrek. sEtat-oixi aeries, a mat cekidgodieiCjdi, received and fur sale by _ al. BOWMAN, septl2 Verna Freat, sack Margot Meets. VANILLA -BUNS, W . E are offering for sale splendid qualit ut Vanilla Bean at kow plow, Dj the found, ounce or aingly. - ' HALLIta'S DRUG .IVORS, i tleiket Street.. CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS, BROOkls :apd everything in tile lbolvjud received • large beautifies and for Lek very low by •• W'4Jr., • Dandelion and otherpreparations jijk• of coffee, fresh and pare Ibr sale lolr, by ' I slams a sowsum, sae Comer Froi4 sod Martel ,ekeeeie. 140BACCO, , Twist, fur sale law by NICHDLS Ai BOWMAN;" L au2l (brow Front and Market Weds. D . ANDELION, Rio and whorl' . prepara tionanf Coffee, for isle by nalmoul & ieptl2 Corner Front end Market street* BLACKING 1 its ASelv '8 • • O.ILALLINGIA BL,A.CIKING.,1 1 iyijoo or we, *snorted sirosoost received, 11 14 tol &lie at Wholesale price!, doll ILTZWISOLD HAMEL—A. animal lot' of AN wee oqabrii,ld Ham pit madly& ring. Nom, Jr., 140: 1;10EST PENS in the world, kirls4, $1 25 *1 14,0613, ii,tora r t uvs . 6- t 016-yHoeYiro~w :; USE DALLEY'S M&QICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. E ONLY TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR IN _TRE)WORWI DALLAT'S PAINIZZIPRAMOR will cure wOuude U Ddillltln arrEdlgNiAT.B.ll4o/2 will eatiloue ell exter itil lotkinitaon. DILLEEVOPAIN" EXTRACTOR will prevent end dee- . troyliorifiticati • DALLRE'SPAIN AILIT &lOWA will ours tiaras of ill ktin VALLEY'S PAIN EETEACTOB heals Blain MA of pan or mark, • • DALIEns PAIN JEKTBACTOR.nentraltvs ellPolsoui infused by Animals, Insects of Replies. BALLETS PAIN E.rra,toraa will cure broken Ries-ts; Bore tilieles, Piles, &c: .rmizzny PAIN RX212102'011 will cure Bait Rheum. 04 no Ocald Mad. • DALLEF'd PAIN 11,XTRAC2UR w W cure Chapped. &lads, Chili ' DALLErBP4IN ALTTRACTOR will chi* Corus, Oar ' tomia, Ulcers, Warta, 60110, ito • . No Hoolookeener ohould ever be without a' box handy for use The timely ono of a tingM box may prove or'atore talkie than 100 Slam ita Coot. yon Nevelt son In the Army, send him Box of Dallere rain Nxttsotor. It may be the means of paving his life, or the ipe of a comrade for it will cure wounds of all kinds without pain. Try the ex ... tint ; if 'he does not use it, it will cost you but Bletete !--It you have a dear Brother to the Army. send him a Box of all Pale Infector ; for it: will dare *Moods Of 'all kinds, and it may be means dinning our tirether's life. ' Daughters I.Mave you a loved one in the Army, pito le wirer to you than life itself? Bend him a ' Box Sr Dallejoe Pain Extractor. It, will care Wollecie of ail 'haft, and prevent kinematic's, and may bathe means of solo( his life. Bader I—lf you have a friend in the Army, send 1, Box of Relley's Pain =rector I It may be the masse of saying a life. Jr you. hive no convenience for betiding it, Knd it by Mad. It wil cost you but 9 cents postage for 8,26 et Box ; and in like proportion for 90 et. WV. 09 Box. The large boxes contain !pellet the money than the 26 et. Boxes. Nosete.—That DALLitY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRAC TOR wit do ill and even more than we claim it wiß, we .refer ton Dr. VALISTINE lIOTP, and hundreds of other entMent Physicians and Burgeons, besides millions of people pll over the land, who ,have used the extr ac tor with sever Ming success fOr the past 20 years. Per sale by all Druggists, end by HALL As RUCifirEL Agents. • • And Wholesale Druggists ran Greenwich Street, New York, Who will toed a biz of either size, Postage paid, to / any address in the United States, on receipt, In money or In Postage Straps, of 22 eta. for the small size, or Weak and $1.20,f0r the medium anklarge size, ; For wk. at G. W.' Belly's , . Dreg, Store, Dlarket edam Hairliburg. POST OFFICE NOTICE On and after May 6th, 1862, the mailsl at this office will be closed as follows: NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH. WAY Man—For all } lases • between Harris , ""barg, took Afaien and Eapilra,'N. Y., at 12.00 SOUTH. WAY ' Mam—For all , places between Harris burg and Baltimore, Md. and Washington, D. at 12.00 'M. For York, Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. O. at 900 P. E. LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST. WAY itrum--For all places , between Harris burg and . Pottsville, Easton and Philadelphia, at .7.00 A. M PENNBYLVANIAHAILBOAD. 1 WAY Mau--For places between Harris- • burg and Philadelphia, at .6.80 A. H. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at ...12.00 M. For Bainbridge, Narita- 1 , Oolumbia t tancrater, :Philadelphia and New York, at -8.16 P. id For Lancaster, Philadel phia and New York, at 9.00 P. WEST. WAY • Mart—For all toons, Hollidaysburg aud.Pitteburg, 900 P. M CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Car lisle Shippenaburg, Ctielztbereburg, Pa., and • liageretown, Md., at,..7.00 A. M SCHUYLKILL AND 131J8QUEHANRA itAltr berry,;; op Saturday.. ...2.00 P. X. OFVflice Homy From 8.80 A. M. to; BP. M. Sup* from 1i to 8i A. 11., tuul from 8 to 4 I'. IL GEORGE REJIG-NEM, Posimmta. FOR BALE. B . OOOE4HEW prune Yellow Corn 6Orbitetiels barley nialt;tirst quality. Mabel.; rye. 54 barrels v; Welty, first quality. Enquire of 51011ABD 1104EIAND, Waelaugtoit Aiwa= , Harrisburg. OF various kinds, at the Ic.eystone Nursery, atdiebting the WY- jgr - Trees *wed and warranted to grow, or, if failing, to be replaced, on reasonable *4!. JACOB MM. Oct. 18, 1862. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. 'OW is the time to have your Houses AA Papered:: Q to Neal7 B, elndleris, No. 12 Market street, sear the bridge, WPeper sari Wb3dow Phade atom. flaw Maim ywaooWy attesowt to. all wort *imitated. ott64ltr. WK.; D004,1r. & Cu APPLE,TExm . ..,r I F choice verieths, ut Keystone Nursery, Hatrisburg. I; Oct. I:8;41162. 44' CT 'PRA goNE " New 2butrtisemmts Owe between Harrio- burg and .Altoona, at 12.00 For . Johnstown and Fa." Columbus and. n*ti Cleveland, 0., at 246 P. ar, For Lewistown, Hun tingdon, Apollo, JUrL---For places between Hants btag and Chambers burg, at. ..12.80P. 4 ROAD For Ellwood, Pin.' egrove, • Sunitelt ttetioe, AR- • burn 'stud Pottsville, ist 12.80 I'. 11. - §T -op. Fin - Lingleetown wmawi: over, Ono and Jonas- tali on Yon ay, W ed-, needo:T 'and Frid l ity ' 7 A. R•iLieburn and -.TAW& SHADE TRESS, EttegraA. Tns following letter s as reatived some weeks ago, by the President of the Ladie's Union Re- lief Association, and was followed a few days later by a check for three hundred and seventy five dollars and fifty cents, which is now in the hands of the Treasurer of the Association. 11.uuumsnla; Oct. 13, 1862. Mss. M. B. BEA.= :--Prcsident " Union Re lief Association," HarrisbUrg : You will please ttocept from the men of the Firstßrigade, Penna. (consisting of the Ist . regiment, Lieut. Col. Lumberton ; lid regiment Col. Davies, and 4th regiment, Col. Litzeogen,) reliantly tetUrnt. ed from our State border, some commiapary stores, now in warehouse. You may make whatever disposition of them may in your opin ion most effectually contribute to the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers now lying in the various hospitals within your reach. Respectfully Yours, HENRY ACCORMICK, Late Col. Comd'g Ist Brigade, P. M. lAMB' UNION RUM ANSOCIIATION.—The reg- Jar monthly meeting of the Ladies' Union Be lief Association was held tiaturday afternoon, October 25th, at 3 o'clock, in the school house on the corner of Walnut street and River alley. The minutes of the previous meeting ware read and approved. Mrs. Charles Bally read the re port of the Secretary of the Executive Commit tee, also the report of the Treasury, litoth officers being absent. The Treasurer's report showed that since the organization of the Association the receipts have been $585 01, - 'and the expen ditures $7l 51, leaving ir balance in her bands of $468 60. The' President read a letter ad dressed to Mrs. Governor Chitin from the Sec retary of the Pennsylvania Belief Asso elation in the city'of New York, asking for aid from this AsSociathin, - in behalf of the Penn syltania soldiers tinder its charge ; she also read a letter 'from Col. M'ClormiCk, which Will appear in the daily papers. The President stated that the kitchen recently erected by this Association, at Camp Curtin, would be accessible at all times to members of this Association de siring to prepare food , for the sick and wounded soldiers. On motion, the names of the mem bers present willing to assist in the kitchen were then enrolled. On motion, it was ag4ed that this Association purchase Adams Co. roCk ing chairs for the hospitals in this city, and Bawn and Bruer appointed to ascertain how many could be placed in each hospital.— Mrs. Mathews moved that hereafter rice-pud ding be dispensed with, and soup served instead, which was agreed to. Bins. C. Bailey moved that the thanks of this Association be tendered to the Ladles of Altoona, for * box of clothing, and for a box of lint and bandages to Mrs. Glass of Philadelphia, fur a box of lint and bandages; to the ladies of Grump/twine, Lu zern county, for a barrel Of apple-butter;'to the ladies' Aid Society of Mount Joy, for fifty three crutches ; to the Ladies' Belief Association of Turtle Creek, Allegheny county, for a box of sundries ; and to Mr.: Slant; carpenter, for erecting a kitchen free of charge, for the use of the Association at Camp Curtin ; also to. Messrs. Fager & Moyer, for allowing the utie of a stove and utensils for the same. On motion of Mrs. Bawn, the Secretary was directed to have the proceedings of this meeting published iu the daily papers. Meeting adjourned. • • at. B. BEATTY, President. E. A. ROMP, Secretary. • RAILIWAD AZOIDINT—BACKAAOII MAIITSB Bale Lan.—Mr. Joaeph Burgess, a baggage master in the employ'of the Cleveland and Pittsburg railroad, was killed at the depot of that road at Cleveland, on Friday evening last. We take the following details of this sad occur rence from the Herald, of Saturday: After the arrival °PAW, train at 6:30 P. M., of which the unfortunate deceased was bag gage master, while standing on the forward end of a freight car, engaged in switching tile train, the•engine being on the other track, it it supposed that while in dthe act of throwing the, rope off by which the train was being hauled into the depot, be missed his footing and fell between the cars. The whole train of five cars passed over his body, dragging it some twenty or thirty, feet along the track„ completely tearing off his left leg, disembow eling him, gouging his left eye out, and other wise fdezfully mangling him. His death mutt have. been instantaneous. The deceased was a fine, healthy and robust man, height six feat, and 38 years of age. tie bad been in the employ of the Pittsburg and Cleveland railroad between six and seven years. He had tdways proved himself an effi cient and industrious man, and In this cams- Umpire they have lost a faithful and melons servant. He leaves a widow and two young children in tide city to' thine early mourn his untimely loss, and 'an aged mother, of whom he _watt het favorite and,pet BOIL Ilisrgeas was a man of many good qualities was thought much of by all who knew him; and eepecisily by his 'fellow railroad men. A. general feeling of gloom pervaded the depot after the 86d occurrence. Elie remains were removed at nine o'clock, and an inquest held Chia morning: The sat Discoveries of Michigan. In consequence of the supply of salt from Southern salt fields being cut off by the rebel and the increased duties on'the imported article, the price has reached a figure never known before. The range of price must, to a great extent, be controlled by the quantity manufactured at Saginaw. These works have, been in operation only about two years, yet the productions of these regions have been l widely felt, and must materially affect the market. The extent of these fields is almost unlimit ed, and the supply 'inexhaustible. They are between forty , and fifty miss in length, stretching from the ba y westward to, where the Chippewa river pours into the Ilttebewassee, and-even ten miles beyond, and in breadth ex tending for:more than thirty miles, the whole country thus bounded forming an enormous basin that is full and constantly filling with 8E092 per cent. brine. Bore a o ny where ill this hnmenstrfield, to the depth f eight 'tun dra' feet, and the brine le found in exhaustible Dim is no longer either any question 41,1 to the quality of the brine ;, it ,contains hn- Otitis% but it is believed DO more and none different from those found in Kanawha and Onondaga brines , . With this vast: extent of *misery, continuing to YielC inch immense q uantities of brio', there can be 310 doubt , that ti s , math will oventuilly be bountifully sup plied from this Illgion Ono,. .rtin conaquencue of the :importance of thbi gttam 'tinting Offirt. Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepar ed to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper Orin It ran be done at RaY other establishment In the coucti.9. RLTt OF 'ADVERTISING. gag- Four lines or Jess constitute sue-half - square. Eight lines or more than four constitute a square. Malt Square, one day • $0 26 41 .•„ Otte wee 126 (1 00 0 [Mr kill. ....... .............. 2 60 a three niOCIEtIS6 00 tt six mouths •6 00 . one yr a-.. ....le 00 One Square, one daY ...... ...... ....... ...... bo one Week 2 00 II one motgh 6 00 a three math,.... 10 01 all mutate , . 16 00 one year. 20 00 sir Business notices inserted in the Local Colony+ or before Marriages and Deaths , EIGHT GENTS PER LINE for each insertion. • NO 52. sir Marriages And Deader-to be ebarged se regular advertisements . comparatively new country, as a great lumber and salt manufacturing region, it, is being rap idly opened up by the enterprise of; capitalists. Saginaw, which in 1834 had not a White inhab itant, has now a population of 8,000; and 14 a thriving commercial town. Salt docks now alternate with lumber yards for Awenty-five miles on the riverbanks. For the manufacture of fine salt, there are nineteen blocks that boil day and night—Sun day not excepted—an average of sixty kettles each. About twenty more blocks are nearly completed, which will soon be at work —and will be run to their utmost capacity (taring the winter. At present the best blocks turn out an average of forty barrels per day. Daring the year, Saginaw has produced about 600,000 bar rels. The importance and extent of the salt inter est in Michigan has occasioned improvements in the art of manufacturing it, and the old kettles and furnaces are gradually giving, way to the new process of evapuratin4 by steam in large vats, which produces a better quality of salt, and at a reduced cost—Detroit Free Press. BY TELEG ' 1 From oar Nornlog &litho!! FROM WASHINGTON. Five new regiments, each nearly one thous and strong, arrived here yesterday. A number of recruits for old regiments have also arrived. The following army appointments are an nounced : Brig. Gen. Thomas A. Morris to be Major General ; John M. Austin to be-Assistant Paymaster; James B. Sheridan to be Addi tional Paymaster. Commander Edward T. Niel:Lois has been or dered to the command'of the Alabama ; Adting Master F. Josselyn has been ordered to the steamer Commodore Hall ; Acting Assistant Surgeon J. IS. Cohen hoe been ordered to the steamer Stettin ; Acting Assistant Surgeon H. W. Mitchell has been ordered to the steamer Commodore . Hall ; Acting Assistant Surgeon AL H. Henry has been ordered to the steamer Commodore Morris; Acting Assistant bulge= 0. W. Gibson has been ordered to the steamer Commodore McDonough. A Rebel General Abandoning the Correspondence of the Onaciunati Gazdis.l ST. Lotus, Oct. 23 The Republican of yesterday Morning contains a brief anncuucement that Brig. Gen. Edwin Price, eon of Major Gen. Sterling Pike, has re aigued his Commission in the Contederate ser vice. He was at the headquarters of Gen. Cur tis night before last, and stated that he con sidered the cause of the rebels hopeless, and the speedy crushing of the insurrection a cer tainty. Lie said that his father went into the war reluctantly, but was now enlisted heart end soul to fight until the independence of the Confederacy was acknowledged, and its successes achieved. The young man resigned his com mission, and entrusted it to Gen. Curtis to send through the lines, to be forwarded to Richmond. He announces his intention to go to hie home in Chariton, Mo., and take no further part in the war. With an appearance of full sincerity, he took the oath of allegiance tO the- United States in its strongest form. Those who best kdow him are confident that he will respect and observe it. Like his father, he is said to possess many high qualities of head and heart, and to hold inviolate his solemn pledge. He assures us that we are greatly under-esti mating the strength of the rebels in Arkansas. He feels certain that there are not less' than 60,000 enrolled west of the Mississippi, half of whom are eupplied with arms and munition. A considerable quantity of French and English muskets have recently run the blockade, and many of them have been sent west to Hinduism and Holmes. Of the large force in Arkansas, the main strength is under Hindman and Holmes, and is stationed at Duvall's Bled and Little, and between these points, as I informed you in my letter several days ago. As I pre viously stated, Monroe rarsous is moving in the direction ofSalem ' with from eight to twelve thousand men. How this force is to be subsisted in Arkansas is no less a perste to the ex-rebel than it is to all of us who have been studying the situation in the Southwest. That it must make a dash into Missouri, or starve and fall to pieces whore it is, is a fact that can not be doubted. FROM FORTRESS MONHOE• FONDUES MONNOB, Oct. 27. A severe storm has been raging here for the last thirty holm, but has abated this after noon. The lief of truce boat Express, from Aiken's Landing, due yesterday afternoon, has not yet arrived. A rebel officer is said to have recently in formed one of oar federal officers that the ob structions formerly in the James river at Fort Darling had all been removed. The regular Baltimore steamer due at Fortress Monroe at 7 o'clock this morning did not arrive till 7 o'clock this everting, having been detained in Baltimore by the seism. The Richmond Enquirer, of October 24, sap that the yellow fever has made its appearance in several town in Texas. At Sabine BM at the latest accounts there had been twenty-Ave deaths from it, and the most of the people had fled from the place. THANKSGIVING IN MARYLAND. Rua' max, Oct. 28 Governor Bradford has appointed Thursday, November 27th, as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer in this State. One passage in his pro clamation reads as follows: . I "More especially should we in Maryland thank Him that the attempt so recently made to invade our State, and transfer to its wit the scene of the conflict, has been so success fully resisted by our defenders, and so bnpreg:: sively rebuked by our citizens ; and that whilst war, in its most appalling aspects ; has for the past eighteen months raged within eight of our borders, our own people, with the exception of one memorable week, have all' practically eu joyed moat of the advantages of peace_ SWUM ?Oki ,Tilt LIE "290." - • - • . Boirk" Oct. P- a. . , The tr. S. gunboat Tuocesoro left Etri4.9 lo . the Bth and the Kareag,efoi On the Elth. lort„.oit Illierch of the pirate WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. Cause. _...•~.-