Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 28, 1862, Image 3

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,14 i To ADyi ~.TISURS.—AII
vertisements, Business Notices, Mar
riages, Deaths, &e., to secure insertion
In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably
be accompanied With the CASE.
Advertisement■ ordered in the reign.
ler Evening Edition are inserted in the
morning Edition without extra charge.
Tuesdai Afternoon, October 28, 1862
Of all kinds attended to.
Attorney-at Law.
Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [oWly
Bomar FUND Communes. --The Comtuittee
of the Bounty Fund of Dauphin county, will
meet at the house of the Secretary, No. 28
North Second str et, on Tuesday evening the
28th inst., at half past six o'clock, to audit and
settle the at count of the Treasurer for publica
tion. Members of the Committee will please
be punctual. Gao. J. SHOEMAKER,
oct•27-d2t Secretary.
CATMR.-Mr. Edward J. Evan S, of York, Pa.,
advertises in an other column, a sale o
Thorough Bred Durham Cattle, on Friday next
on Um Fair Grounds of the York County Ag
ricultural Society, embracing animals of both
sexes fi om three months to four years of age,
and all of the beat blood. Akm opportunity
is thua afforded the public to purchase.
SINGULAR SUICIDR —A singular case of suicide
occurred in Pitt township, Allegheny county,
on Saturday. It would spew that a man nam
ed Winters, residing near the Copper Works,
got into a difficulty with one of his neighbots
on Friday, and his wife fearing that it might
termiu ite in someihing serious, harried to the
spot where the parties stood, and begged her
husband to quit quarreling and accompany her
into the house. He refused, stating that he
would not go in until he was ready, or words
to that effect, whereupon she left, and return
ing to the house, seized a bottle of laudanum,
and swallowing its contents, was soon after
wards seized with a stupor, which on Saint day
evening terminated in er death.
ON HOSPITAL TREAT:III:NT. —WO are always wil
ling to hear both sides of a question, and ready
to offer those who are charged with wrong,the op
portunity of self defence. In this spirit we
cheerfully give place to the following commu
nication, written by an official in one of the
hospitals of this city :
Editor of the Telegraph:—.l was much pleased
to r, ad to last evening's TELIGNAPII, a short,
but well written and truthful card concerning
hospital treatment, and believing it to be our
duty to ahk peimiesion t. present to your read
ers what we know concerning a case to which
we suppose some of your articles referred, name
ly : the uuniehment of a patient for disobe
We all know that theta exists a wide spread,
deeply cherished, jmt and commendable gym-
Lathy for the poor soldiers, who are lying bick
in our hospitals. We know alto that there is a
disposition upon the part. of some persons to
credit without inquiry any and every assertion,
that some di contented ones may make concern
ing their condition and treatment therein; and
further, that their so wpathy for the'sick soldier
leads them to excuse ?hoir disobedience, and
shield them, if possible, from or over-rate their
punishment; but this, instead of having a ben
eficial tendency, end being a favor, is an injury,
an injury to them, an injury to their compan
ions and au injury to the service ; for however
much we may dislike to talk about or enforce
"discipline" and "regulations," yet we never
theles• mentally (at least) assent to the axiom
that " law is the foundation of order," and
consequently the medium of comfort, and without
which all would be "confusion worse confound
ed," and in corroboration of this truth, let us
now refer to the cilia in point. Here is a young
man, a patient in a hospital, who, regardless
of and tudifferet.t to the kindly advice of his
officers and to the "Rules arid Regulations"
of the hospital, which are only " wise, just,
and good," absents himself from roll call
and et,i)s out lifter bed hours without a
"pass," thus setting a bad example to his
fellows. Mtn bdcause he is justly punished
by confinement in a guard-house for twenty-four
hours, endeavors to retaliate by bringing the
fruit of his own ill doings upon those win are
responsible for the order and propriety of the
hospital—either by a relation of the distorted
truth to the ever listening ears of the soldier's
truest friends, the ladies, or seeking to insert
in the press a gross misrepresentatson of the
whole twitter.
'story" of "tyranny, opp.ession and out
rage," said to be practised upon "poor soldiers,
helpless from wounds and insensible from suf
fe ing," thus endeavoring to solicit he aid of the
puttee to shield them from just punishment,
and grant to them and others, more opportuni
ties for iusubordinat language and c, , udnet.
But let all concerned be assured of this one
thing, which is this, we shall by no means clear the
guilty or shrink from a faithful discharge of our daty,
no matter what may be the misrepresentations
of the patients—or the reflections of the press.
We might add just here, that the assertion
made by a surgeon concerning complaints was
not that death was the penalty for complaining' of
wrongs actually sufferred, but for publishing
that which was totally false. This certainly any
man of common judgno nt might understand.
We believe that we h tVfl given to the subject
in the above till the attention it deserves,
Before we lay down our pen we feel it due to
ourselves to say,that although we highly appre
ciate the kindness of the ladies who have so
faithfully supplied our sick patients from day
to day with various delicacies, yet we must re
serve the right to say which of the sick should
partake of them and who should not, as we are
responsible tur their early recovery. To this Nxe
know that no candid person will object and we
hope that our friends will continue to furnish us
with their kind attentions.
The writer's statement of what he calla facts,
in the above communication, is of course worthy
of respectful dbneideration, but we venture gent
ly to remind him that his defiance of public
opinion and the power of the press, savors at
once of an indiscretion which needs counsel and
direction. Public opinion, in this land of the
free, is always potent ; and those in higher po
sitions than the subordinate of a hospital, bave
discovered this fact, with sorrow and regret.
We trust, now, that this agitation of what has
been to us a painful subject, will cease ; and we
believe that a better understanding has been
the result, among all concemed,of what discue
sion there has already been had in reference to
the circumstances involved.
.1••• •=01••••••••=e,
VI ai 41,tfrEgrapt, tutobap ernoliti October 28, 1862
ple of Harrisburg were startled last evening by
the announcement that Rev. Charles A. Hay, the
belovitd and 'respected pastor of the Lutheran
Church in this city, had been arrested by order
of General Wool. The questions passes from
lip to lip, What did Mr. Hay do ? What is the
charge prefered ? But of cobra.) the interroga
tions could not be answered, and the eutte
Community, or that part of it who were ap
prised of this arrest, went to bed overwhelmed
with grief, and satiated that a great outrage
had been committed, we hope and belief, by the
misapprehension of those by whose authority
this arrest was made The following is the
form of the warrant en which Rev. Hay was
taken into custody. It was telegraphed over
the Northern Central Railway telegraph line :
Baltimore, Oct. 27, 1862.
7b Captain Wilson, A. Q. If:
Will you do me the favor to call on the Pro
vost Harebell at Harrisburg, Pa., and desire
him, by my order, to arrest Charles A. Hay,
and send him under guard to these headquar
ters without delay. JOHN E WOOL,
Major General.
On Saturday we print( d the following card,
written by Rev. Hay, and yesterday this card
was reprinted in the Baltimore American From
that fact we infer the arrest of Rev. Hay, and
in order that the public may s.e how little
ground there was for such a movement, we pub
lish the card of Rev. Hay again this afternoon:
EDITOR or no TRU:GRAPH :—I have just re
turned from Baltimore. Whilst there I fell in
with a lady of welUnown secession plod' vi
nes, who boasted of having brought away from
Fort McHenry, by permission of General Wool,
four of the ivounded prisoners lately transferred
from Frederick. llnquired if they were in any
of the Baltimore hospitals, "No;
they are in
the hands of ma rarcrum. A dozen ladies scram
bled for them, but -I had alreadY promised them
to others, and they are well cared for."
Now I wish to call public attention to this
fact, which speaks for itself. Would the same
General allow similar privileges to loyal ladies
in behalf of loyal soldiers?
HARRISBURG, October 24., 1862.
This card merely mentions , a fact which is
known all over the country, as if for the pur
pose ot corroborating its truthfulness. It makes
nq attack on the government. It places no
obstacle in the way of loyal success. It affords
no important information to the common ene
my. It merely deplores the fact that the secession
women of Baltimore should be allowed privileges in
contributing to the comforts of rebel prisoners, which
were denied to loyal men and women in the same city,
emulous to secure the comfort and the health of loyal
soldiers who were inmates of the hospitals of Baltimore.
Can it be possible, Since 'this card is only a re
flection on the she emrssionists of Baltimore,
that such as these sere instrumental in the ar
rest of a loyal divine, who had the temerity to
refer to these secession beldame and their daugh
ters ? We . can scarcely admit the inference,
however horrible the suspicion which presses
on our convictions. We will not repeat the
stories which are common in Baltimore of offi
cial association with notorious secessionists in
that city—but will declare, boldly and fearless
ly, to the Government, that while we believe
this arrest was made without the authority or
knowledge of any member of the administra
tion, it should arouse the Government to a
knowledge of the vipers it is nursing, and
nerve it to strike those from feeding on its vitals
whose thoughts, hopes and aspirations float in
an atmosphere pregnant whit treason to the
Union. Let us deal candidly with the whole
subject, and openly claim that Rev. Hay Is the
victim of the she secessionists of Baltimore,
whose treasonable delicacy be thus outraged by
protesting that they should have superior rights
to loyal women, and that rebel cut throats
should be treated as heroes, chivalrous
gentlemen, if not saints. If Gen. Wool is so
anxious to defend the dignity and the authority
of the service, why has he not since the election
ordered the arrest of those .who control and
contribute to the Patriot, because there has not
been an issue of that paper since then, which
has not teemed with libels on the government
and attacks on the loyal cause ! Echo answers,
Why I
In order to show the public how thing's are
managed in Baltimore, we publish the following
letter copied from the New York Tribune, of Tues
day, Oct. 21. It speaks for itself ; and we will ,
merely remark, that up to date Gen. Wool has
not deemed it advisable to have the author of
the letter attested. Bead it carefully
From our own Correspondent.
BALTIMORE, Monday, Oct. 20, 1862.
There has been somewhat of a lively time at
Fort McHenry. On Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday last, a number of pririon
erg had arrived from the hospitals at Frederick
and elsewhere.
The charming rebel ladies of Baltimore sym
pathised with thrir 'friends in distress. They
furnished them with good things to eat and
drink, with blankets and other comforting ne
cessaries. This was all well enough. EVerY
thing that went into Fort McHenry went under
passes from Gen. Wool, and of course it seemed
all right.
But on Thursday and Friday other things
began to appear—canteens, haversacks C S.
A. officers' uniforms—all under permission of
Gen. Wool. Then the men rebelled. There
were some veterans of the Peninsula there—
men who had fought and bled for the Stars and
Stripes—and they revolted against such trial
torona aid and comfort to the enemy.
They` attacked - certain carriages, on Friday
evening, owned by Baltimore r ladies, and filled
with these contraband goods.„ I They destroyeo
the pods, 'and damaged Mid' ladled tick the
carriages. -
In consequence of these proceedings, Gefferal
Morris, :commanding at , Foit.McHenry, has
sued an order forbidding any carriage to, come
within' the fort, and ordering ,a strict inspeetion
of all articles Nought by any parties to the
rebel prisoners.
The mOst'energetic destroyers of contraband
goods of Friday were men who had been pris
oners at Richmond, and who realised the differ
ence batween . the . treatment of prisoners of war
here and there.
A short time since, a man calling himself
" Capt James Preston of. the Confederate Army'
arrived in this city, claiming to be a southen
soldier seeking aid and comfort in " Maryland,
my Maryland." He c o llected $l5O in cash and
a quantity of valuable articles of valiOna sorts.
He might have made quite a fortune ; but he
was suddenly discovered to be oti C. S. officer
at all, but aifimpostbr. i3o the) cluarmingrebel
ladies "let hiut elide.?' lit
We predict that'Rev. Bay will be discharged
with honor, as having written or done nothing
to warrant his arrest.
—Shioithe above was written, we learetast
the arrest of Rev. Hay was made without the
knowledge or authority of the War Depart
went., ,
Thus it would seem that he suspicion
in which we indulged in one of the preceediog
paragraphs, is almost verifies; that the arrest
was made to satisfy the secession women of
Baltimore, and that a mere Division Command
er, without consulting the War Department,
had caused the arrest of one of the most loyal,
pure and patriotic men in Pennsylvania, be
cause he noticed and denounced the outrageous
distinctions which were made in the treatment
of rebel and loyal prisoners in the hospitals of
Baltimore. Tbie case will excite the indigna
tion of the whole country, when all the facts
and circumstances are fairly made public.
Tea Tama is always deserving of vindication,
and therefore we , vouchsafe a word-in explana
tion of the falsehood which the slave driver's
organ essays this morning, in regard to the
stabbing affair at the railroad yesterday No
one expected that the facts wettld be fairly
stated in that sheet, and of course no one was
astonished by its perversion this morning. The
negro who was stabbed, was 1.04 armed with a' sabre,
neither did he flourish a sabre. He carried a case
containing a sabre which belonged to his master, which
it was impasstVe for him to use, and which he could
not flourish in its then unwieldy package This is
the truth, well att, sted by those who were pre
sent, and by the employer of the man so brutally .
assailed. The slave-driver's organ however,
could not let the opportunity t-lip of making
capital fOr its masters, and bunco the falsehood
and misrepresentation.
We are authorised to state that the facts iu
commelion with this stabbing affair, as they
appeared in the TILIEGRAPIE yesterday, were
substantially correct, and that the circum
stances, as they are put forth in the Patriot o f
this morning, are incorrectly stated. The con
ductor of the train had ordered the negro to
take a seat in the end of the smoking, next to
the baggage, car, (which is never occupied by
ladies) which older the negro obeyed; and
while.quietly seated in the place assigned him,
the man in question was thus brutally assaulted
and stabbed. His only offence was in not giv
ing up his seat, and on this refusal the murder
ous assault was made. These facts are obtained
from an e 3 e witness. This of course spoils one
of the Patriot's " nigger" sensation stories.
DR. CHARLTON, of this city, who has recently
spent several weeks among the military hospi
tals of Western Maryland, writes as follows :
ilsositsrown, Oct. 23, 1862.
EDITOR Taumanra ;--71, have seen and con
versed with - nearly all the sick and wounded
Pennsylvanians (a large proportion of the whole
number) lying in the region of the late battles.
There were originally, upon and near the ground
of Antietam, over fifty field hospitals—houses,
barns, sheds, &c.—filled with thousands of
wounded, loyal and rebel, in every stage of suf
fering. Those able to be moved, have from
time to time been taken to Frederick, Cham
beisburg, Hagerstown, Harrisburg, &c. A great
number, however, still remain, most of whom
have undergone critical operations, and are now
lying at Shat psburg and in the adjacent great
general field hospital at Smoketowo, in rear of
the right wing, under charge of Drs. Vander
keift and Donnelly, both able and earnest men,
devoted to the work. The sanitary condition
of these hospitals is as good as could be under
the circumbtances, and the mortality unexpect
edly small, after such a number of great opera
tions. But there is a great want here. The
town hospitals have.been everywhere abundant
ly supplied, yet these men, lying alone in the
silent woods, have scarcely seen a sympathising
face, or even heard of the multiplied charities
of the people. They are in want. The regular
army rations are not suitable for men exhausted
by fever and suppuration—the weakened sto
mach rejects them. They need proper subsis
tence—good, plain, eub , tautial food. They do
not ask for jellies, eserves or wines. They
do not need them. The first and last request of
both surgeons and patients was, tell the people
to send us barrels of good, sweet bread and
butter, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, turnips, and
ale, beer or porter, for those failing and weak
ened by continued drains upon the system
Such mate:l c mparatively cheap and in pro
fusiun around we • e urgently needed and stiould
be seu without, 0e , ..y. The approaching Cool
weather Makes suet, supplies still more neces
sary, lying, as these poor fellows do, in the
open air.
Anything directed via Hagerstown, to Drs.
Venderkeift or Donnelly, Smoketown Hospital,
or to Mrs. Dr. John Harris, Secretary Ladies'
Aid Society, Sharpsberg, Md., will reach its
destination. '
Tan Bruns or DSOIMSIM SOLDIne. —Numerous
cases have come to light lately where the heirs
of deceased soidiers . have been cruelly defraud
ed by parties acting as agents for the coliection
of beck pay and bounties. In some instances
the claim-sharks exact from the widow or other
heir 'half or' even more of the amounts due, a
priportion atrociously in emcees of the value of
the services rendered. In vierw of these prac
tices, it is better for claimants, as a general
thing, to correspond directly with the govern
ment. A circular has been 'prepared, contain
ing all the necessary information and forms,
and all postages on communications in regard
to these matters are paid by the Department.
Any claimant, therefore, can send to the Sec
ond Auditor's office, without expense, and
obtain such information as will enable him or
her to prepare and transmit thi, necessary pa
pers, and secure the payment direct of the
amount due as soon as it can legally be made.
In this way they Services of" these sh'arks may
be dispensed with altogether, and those enti
tled to it receive the full . amoui2t of their
tAil4ogge UM9 I I !Mum AosooisuoN.—The la
dies named will sand - to the reception room
(Dr. Bailers) by 10 o'clock,
On Thuregay . Ociober 80--Sewed chicken.
Mrs. A. G. Curtin, Mrs. W. M. Kerr,
" Levi Wolfinger, , 6 ' B. O. Williams,
" W. Hummel, 6 ' David Mumma,
Reuben Hale, " BlisaMcCormkk
" B. F. Kelker, " A. Bombaugh,
" kiartba Boumfort. "L M. Keiker,
" J. C. Kunkel.
Thursday ; Friday and Saturday
Mrs. Dr. Fager,
ifie. Ragalton Alricks
828.173 AT MUTTON BLOOX AT 9# o'clock A. X
Thursday, Friday and Soy. -
Mies Aonie Miley, Min Mary Boyer.
2b serve at room
. (BanniellCillenyer) to magma
fill out rqUisitsons. Rom 10i to 12 deka
A. N. and front 1 to 8 o'clock P. M.;
W e duesdily and Thursday—Mrs. 3. F. Sella.
Friday and Saturday—Mho Martha Elder.
A Box kept in Indepetidence Hall, Philadel
phi4, for the reception of contributions to the
Washington Monument, was opened and rob
bed on Sunday or MoLday, by some daring and
desperate villain Measures have been 'taken
to secure the thief,
Tu Executive or Business Committee of the
Lilies' 'Onion Belief Association hold their
meetings every Wednesday afternoon, at the
residence a Dr. Baily, where persons wishing
to derive information, or who have anything
to communicate are respectfully invited to to
hizerso.or Dearrsu MEN.— A meeting of the
drafted men of the townships of Swatara, tower
Swatara, Susquehanna, Lower Paxton and Der
ry, was held at Hummelstown yesterday for
the purpcite of organizing a company. c . Col.
Hummel was called to the chair, and J. B.
Elder appointed to act as Secretary of the meet
Immediately after the organization of the
meeting, an election for officas was held' with
the following result :
Captain--John F. Peck.
.Fast Lieutenant—Jacob Mich.
Second Lieutenant—Solomon BAlsbach.
The Company will march to Camp Curtin to
morrow. As a number of men from wijoluing
townships have expressed a desire to join this
company, they are requested to meet the com
pany al the public house of Joseph Stone, op
pt site the Letanon Valley Depot iu this city,
at one o'clock to-morrow, at which time they
will march for camp,
lowingare the resolutions passed by this body, at
Its meeting in Pittsburg on Friday last :
1, Resolved, That the President of the United
States be requested to appoint the first Thurs
dayin November, or some other suitable day,
as a day of National humiliation and confession
of bin, and a season of rattle t prayer to God,
that His auger toward ua may cease ; that He
will spare the nation, and that He will direct
our counsels, and will bless our arms, to the
suppression of:thietiatingrebellion, and to the
restoration of law, order and peace throughout
the land, to thii glory of His name and the hap
pinessof the whole people.
2. Resolved, That this Synod cordially ap
proves of the action of the last General Assem
bly on the state of the country. .
S. Resolved, That it is the duty of Christians
to sustain the Government in the present time
of trial—to pay their taxes honestly and prompt
ly, to give their personal services cheerfully,
and to pray daily for their rulers and for their
country's armies.
4. Resolved, ihat it is also iho duty of Chris
tians to pray for the enemies of the country,
that God would grant them repentance, and
forgiveness, and a peaceful spirit.
5. Resolved, That this Synod deeply deplores
the situation of the oppressed in our land, and
especially that of the four millions of the African
race who are held by State laws under a cruel
and degrading bondage. That people we recog
nize as a portion of the human family, entitled
to the rights of men and Christians ; especially
to family rights, religious rights, the right of
mental improvement, and a right to an ade
quate compensation in r, turn for honest indus
try ; and that we tr o pe for the speedy coming
f the day when they shall be enlightened, free
and happy, to the common benefit of themselves
and our whole country.
6. Raolime', That the Stated Clerk be direc
ted to forward to Prqident Lincoln, a copy of
the first resolution of this series.
7. Resolval,That iu case no day of humiliation
and prayer shall be appointed by the President,
then this Synod appoints the day above named,
for the purpose specified.
A :31114T0R Br ON& WSW Moms --This morn
ing, just as the day was breaking, might have
been seen one of the members of the First City
Zonavers;.(w ho are encamped 011 Hummel' s Hill,
()pp. - site thiS city,) wrapped in his blanket, paw
ing to and fro on hie watch, while several of his
companions were standing around shivering
from the effects of the rain and cold of the pre
vious night. How is it, Harry, !hat you are so
merry and cheerful, and as warm as toast, you
say, while we are cold and shivering ?
Moral.—Harry had purchased one of those
large wa er proof blankets at Urich & Bowman's,
south east corner of Front and Market streets.
The undersigned would respectfully inform
those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys
pepsia, Consumption of Liver. and Kidney,
Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from
impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to
furnish Mrs. Weathoven's German Vegetable
Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also
on band a quantity of invaluable Salves for
Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and • Piles, References
can be furnished al to their wonderful efficacy,
whenever called upon. There need be no ap
prehension in regard to my competency to ad
minister it, as I have had it on hand for the
past six years As they are now sold at reduced
prices, uo family should be without them over
night. They can, be had at, any time at my
residence, in Pine street, between Secmd and
Front. (anl3 dlm) MRS, L. BALL.
MRS. BALL happy to inform you that
your medicine has been a complete &mums in
curiae me of Dyspepsia. Before taking it, my
appetite was gone,
and. I could eat nothing
without much distress. My health generally
was bad, and at times .1 suffered much from
shortnee.s of bieath. Now, I feel like another
man. My appetite is , good—l eat heart) , three
times a day without the least pain, and have
gained four pounds in three mouths. I take
pleasure in =recommending it to all my friends,
as I am certain it is a sure cure.
Mount Joy, Pa., Oct. la, 1862.''
We runt received a large assortment of hoop
skirts, from 75c. up to $2 60. A large assort
ment of linen; and needlework collars, and col
lars and sleeves, at ail prices. White cambrics,
jacconetta, nantucks, brilliants, and plain and
figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest
lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever
brought to Harrisburg--of • infant's waists we
keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle
men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock
ings gentlemen's one half hose, and children's
stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty
pieces of carpet to be sold cheap, Kentucky
jeans, sattinutte and caseimeres for men and
boy's wear. We received 60 dozen suspenders,
at all prices. 50' dozen cotton handkerchiefs;
with borders, and a great many other notions
end email wear. S. larwir.
, rEIB tawieome property reoettly °con—
iv offered for ettle, . It is well ended titter fora private
Residence nr a B .arsine Sehtol, nehld suppled with gas,
water, bath rooms., heater, range, etc. the grounds
contain vaioabie Fruit Treee and ahrnbberY The place
will po k e. anion given within. reasonable
"For tome, Do:, kW I
Moo. B. S. WAUGH, or
• . • DR WD. R. DOLE
Mentors Oh &tits orßev. B. B. Wangle, deed.
Atty. A. H. Bigler,
To the Ailnoted
New 2bvertistutents.
New 2thertistmcnts.
144 RUBIA MILLS. 144
144 Greene Street, New York City.
Put up in Un foil Pound papers, 48 in a box, and in
bulk. Our prices rarge from 8 teal:Points. Ile put up
the fo os ibg kinds:
We bel eve onkofree to be better than any greeeki
coke now init.(); AT Orders addressed to us, or to
our agents, Messrs. PLO k Yoram, 182 Chambers
,street, car . itAthington Btreen,::NeW York City, and
Messrs. POLLARD & DOANE, 181 and 101 South Ws; er
tt est, Chicago, 111, wilt prompt sr enton.
PURE cAtakoarue. WINES
The attention of Dwane's is partieuisey called to
these wince. They'are 'equal to the beat of Europe a n
Wines and guaranteed pure. for We at
c00t26 lifiLLhß'S DRUG DTOktr, 91 Market 1..
WE will oiler at public sale, at 1 o'clock,
P. M.,
On the Fair Grounds of the York County Ag
ricultural Society, York, Pa., a large and select
lot of
Embracing animals of Both Sexes, frow three
months to four years age, and
all of the best blood.
Full information and Pedigree will be given
on application, or can he obtained on the
grounds, at time of sale.
EDW'D. J. EVANS, York, Pa.
A N a t " ITE 1 12:4 e ilv a aen n
ir- nt p7 s L o sEtZ e 1 0 1 1
Nipressly- manufactured for the soldiers.
E'V 'V
Princes Melodeons &0.,
Of every kind.
Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors,
Photograph Frames and Albums.
at the New Mud° Store of SILAS WARD,
au 14 dly N 0.12, Nonh Third Street, above Market.
rill E canal grocery' 4 8toi e and Rockville
Hollsa..kuown as the Look Proper LY,
situated five miles aim e Hirt isburg, treating east en
the Pi nasylvaola °Anal and west On 'he tnaqueban ha
river road, will be 50 d if appltar t. r sewn.
The grocery store, if not the very reel WOOLS on toe
line of the, anal i.- only equaled by one other. A large
sew ha , o aWstable has .ecently been built, so that each
boateteam Van he lro ed up separately. also plenty of
sheds, boures Corn crib, two store houses for grain,
ice house, bay Bikes, and indeed i very convenience
that is. necessary , for carrying' on the business. The
plive Is within three hundred yards of the Roeicviiie
depot ,on the Pennsylvania railroad, and haUptrri and
,ci.uylkili railroad also. Persons wishing to purchase,
invane apply on the eremites, 10
ante—wiJanirtlBl33 W. P. It
ii E subscriber is prtpareii to deliver to
l the taizenit of Harrisburg, pure
Coals, either by the car, bolt load, or single ton, at the
lowest market price: king. Orders left at my *Mee, 4th.
and Market, will . re puuctuelly attended to..
DAVID HcCodukuji
Harrisburg, Sept, 80, 1E032. -- 8030-dow
lock Haven, •'Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Mutt
ey, Uniontown, Walsontitin, Milton,
Lewisharg, Northumberland, Sun
bury, Treverton, GeOrgetown,
Lykenetown, Millersburg,
flanks, Dauphin
AN D: 'Et AR ItZS 817 R
The phrad alphia Depot being centrally located, the
Drayage will be at the Lowest Rates. Pb. Conductor
goes through with each train to attend to the safe de
livery of all goods intruded to the line. Goods deliver
.fid at the Depot of
Freed, Ward k Rimed, 811 Martel street, Philadelphia,
by b o'clock, P. 11., tielivered in Harrisburg the
next morning.
freight Always as Low as by Any Other
Philadelphia and Readlng Depot,
Oent-tAI Kota ur Market tAreet, ilarrislarTe.
,§ IRS. 66184.
For sale in small or large gaantlties by
oet23-dlw 312 Chestnut St., Phila.
WE lave received an assortment of Wal
lets adapted for carrying safely and con
veniently the Now Currency, with lot of
Ladles' Satchel% Ladles' Companions, Purses,
Portmonnates, Mew Cases, Card Cases, Wri
ting and Sewing Cases, Portfolios.
KELLER'S DRUG . STORE, 91 Market St.
LUBRICATING Oil for all kinda of ma...
b °winery, in convenient pncesave, t or wi t, very imr
iM9 Ckonor Front and Market otrort.
extra, just received and for
Airt. A SMALL lot of
sale by iirM. DOCK, Jr., Sc CO.
NflU abl)trtiStilitilt*.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
/PEE sciences of Chemistry andMAdicine
have hero tare's their Utmost to prixiirimihia best,
t per mil purgative which is kuonn to man. Inmate
arable proofs are ow that these Pima have virtues
which stupors In exe.llence the ordinary medicines, and
that they wilt mime, edenteoly up in the esteem of all
men. They are mil.• and pleasant to take, but powerful
tOt ure. 'heir penetrating properties stimulate the vital
activities of the body, remove the obstructions of Its
organs, purify the hit. 0, and expel di , ouse. They purge
out the foul humor- .t.ich breve and grow distemper,
stimulate sluggish r d s irdered organs i n .o their natural
action, and impar healthy tone with sirimgth to the
Fygtan Not only do they cure t•ie avery day
complarnts of every body, but also lormidabis and dan
gerous diseases that have baffled the beat of human
skill. While they prolate powerful effects, they are at
the same time, in diminished dozes, the safest and best
physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar
cemsd, the. are nieaseut to take; and being purely veg
etable, are free from- any risk of balm, Cures have
been made which surpass belief were they not sub.ian_
Mated by men of nub exalted position and obstructer as
to forbid the suspicion of untruth. ManY mitten ler
gymen and physicians have lent their name, to certify
to the public— the reliability f our renivtliee, while
others have mat tee the Res 4renee ii their conviction
that our Preparations contribute immensely to the relief
of my affi c ed, suds' ing
The agents below named are pleasvci to , urnitth gratis
our emerwan Almanac containing direction- for the has
and cerlifhates of their auras, of the fohoeing coin
plaints :
Costivness, Bilious C mpialms , beamati,at, Dropsy,
Heartburn, Headache arising from a foul.loniaeh, Nun
era, Indigastum, Morbid :nuetbu of Ibe Bowel; 41 d Pain
aritiug therefrom, Fla Wendy, Lees o 1 epp - the, all ids
easco ohick regime en . at; , .401 medicine. They also,
ay Purfying ih, blood and Whitt &unions ,3136,n, cure
many ilomplattita which it would not be cop, oseu they
Would react, mob as be bless, Psrtial Blinunees, Neu
ralgia and Hely°, Irritainitty, Derangememe of the
fiver Shine, y Gout, awl other kindred coinraints
arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of
funat oos.
Do Eel be put oil by I/uprise pled dealers with some
other All theymake m .re probi on. Ask for ATM'S
Pius, and take nothing else. No other they can give
3 ea compares with tins in its intriami+, value or curative
powers. The ask want the hest Aid there is for there,
and they should have it.
Prepared by Dr. J. C AYLq & CO., Lowell, Mass. and
sold by Druggists everywtere.
trice 26 cents per Box or 6 boxes for $l.
t'eld by D. A. Ban .vart, D. W. Gross 6.• Co., C. K. Hel
ler, J. 11. Lutz, Dr Kiley, F. Wyeth and dealers every
where. •
HEREAS, the Honorable JoHN J.
V V names, President of the Court of Compton
Plena in the Twelfth Jo. icial District, consisting of Hi
enmities of Lebanon and . flauphi • and the Hon. Seam
xe and Hon. Moats It. Youso. Associate Judges in
Dauphin county, having issued t..eir precept, bearing
date the 6th day of October, 1862 to me directed, for
hohting a Court of Oyer and TermiLer and General Jail
Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the I•eace al Harrisburg,
for the county of Dationin, and to conim. , oce ox THI 3D
velise I. 1.862 ,and to continue two weeks.
Notice .a inerefore hereby given t.. the Co, onor , Jus
tices of the Peace, aldermen, and C.,usiablel of the sad
county 01 Dauphin, that they be theu a, d ther w their
proper persons, it 16 o'clock in the lorenoon,ol sad
day, with toeir reenr,is, ioqui , no 8, examitiati os,
and their own remerub.ancfs, to do those tb— es
to their officio appertains to be ~ and those
who are hound in recognizauces to prose. Ott against the
prisoners that are or snail oe in the Sail of Dauphin coun
ty, be then and there to prosecute against th m. As shall
he je-t.
Given under ruy band, at Harrisburg, the nl4 (lay t i
Octobtr, to the year or out Load, 186.:, and in the
eighty sixth year °rule indep endente et the United States.
J D. BOAS, Sheriff.
Harrisburg, Oct. b. 1862.
Just received, an invoice of PORPOISE OIL,
for sewing machines For sale by
Agent fur Wheeler & Wilsou's sewing Ma
chines, Eagle Works. oct23-dlm
Confectionery & Fruit Store,
Harrisburg, Pa.
And as. etables of all kinds, brought direct trent itt e
Eastern Markets, twice a weekonit purettaesii melee my
r- tat' supervision, thus el:111411dg ma to sett a better
and cheaper article than any to the market,
air Orders from a Manioc, attended to promptly, and
'rode delivered to anq part of the city free of charge.
F1tE:11 °ANNE'k FRUIT 4. amstantly en hand Give
me it call. DOA] JOHN WIGS.
'III3E Proprietors, of the 'PARISIAN
GINE" have determined regardless of exyanse, to issue
free, (for the benefit in suneruig humanity) FOI•G of
their most Instructive and I,turesting Lectures on Mar
rrageand its Disqualifications, *: - ,ervous Deldoty, Pfeil:m.-
14ft Deellne 01 Manhood, Indigestion W.esiknore or De
ssion, Loss or energy and Vu.dPowera, the Great So
cud Evils, sapt those Hal , dies whica result from youth
ful follies, Excess's of Maturity, or Ignorance of Physi
ology awl Nature's Law. These. invaluable Lectures
have been the means of enlightning and saving thou
sands, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four
stamps, by addressing ; 4 ELIKErAr4 Panne" Gunny or
ANATOMY AND iItDIOLVI, 563 Broadway, New yen"
. •
AIL persons are hereby warned against de
predating or in any manner trespassing
on the Term of lire. C. Mish, adjoining the
city, and under the management of the sub
al- I have arrested several of these petty
thieves and nuisances, and made them pay
pretty well for their sport. Hereafter I shall
not only punish to the extent of the law, but will
publish in the Tele6rroph and other papers the
names of all offenders. _ _ . •
Oot. 18, 1862
I N variety, at Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg.
Oct. 13, 1862
AT Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city.
• :1_ _
Oct. 18, 1862
AT Keystone Nursery, adjoining the cites
Oct. 13, 1862
300 JLITFEEI rece iv ed of a id 1 . 1 t o rZ e r rli b tl
oct23-tf WM. Wog, j r „ &
A FEW Boxes goo 4 Cheese, the balance
of 6 large consigninent, are offered at an nnuacally
low rate Co closeout the iot. To retail detain there wit
be an ind ucement offered. Each box sold wht be guar
anteed aereprosentdd. wm, DOCK, JR., at 00.