~ail eltgrttpg. NO: ItTO ADV k.OTINERS.—AII Ad vertisements, Business notices, Mar sieges, Deaths, &v 4, to secure insertion in the TIMEDRAPTI, must invariably be accompanied with the CAM. Advertisements ordered In the regu. jar Evening Edition are inserted In the. morning Edition without extra charge. HABRISBURG}, PA. nisi oda) Afternoon, October 23, 1862 TWO SUBSTITUTES, already examined and found "sound," may be had by application at the "Franklin House." Price $6OO each. 2t POSTAGE CURRENCY. —We would call atten tion to the fine assortment of wallets, adapted for carrying safely and conveniently the new currency, for sale at Keller,ls drug store, A WARNiNG TO 13 , ,v5. —A lad named Dwire, while attempting to get on a wagon heavily loaded with lumber, this morning, fell and injured his foot in a very severe manner. He was taken to his home in Tanner's Alley, where his injuries were relieved. 111310VMD The Grocery, Tobacco and Seger Store of the undersigned, has been removed from No. 12, North Third street to the corner of Third and Walnut streets, where a supply of the above goods are constantly kept on hand and sold at reasonable rates. mt2l-d3t WILLUM Duman. Tits 'REGULAR MESTIZO of the Union Relief Associati,n will be held on Saturday afternoon at 8 &clock In the school house on the corner of Walnut street and Riveralley. Punctual at tendance is requested. M S. BEATTY, Pres. 0022 -at E. A. Dianor, Stct'y GUM'S LADY'S BooK.—Godey for November is out, giving the ladies ample time, after stn. dying the subject in all the light of these colored plates and plain (but still most intricate) dia grams, to make such preparation as may be needfjl to pay their devoirs at the shrine of Fashion in due season. Call for copies at Berguer's bookstore. Price 20 cents. A FRIGHTFUL FALL—Donaldson, the rope walker, whose feats on Market street were wit neek,td dbout a year ago by thousands of our citizens, Was severely injured last week, while performing at the Stu h County Fair, in Ohio. He had a rope stretched between the tops of two trees, lorty feat above the ground, and while performing thereon, one of his feet came in contact with a guy rope, and be fell to the ground, breaking hie right arm in two places, the bone protruding several inches. -.-.....•....... THE DWARF, Commodore Nutt, who was on exhibition in this city during the summer, last week paid a vl-it to the White House, and saw the President and Secretaries. Mr. Welles claimed jurisdiction over him as a lord of the sea. Mr. Chase promised to recommend him as his succesaor, in consideration of his faculty of making money; but he thought he could not make it so feet as Kr. Stanton could apeud it. Mr. Liucoln expressed the opinion that if he were shipwrecked he would hardly wade ashore ; and the Commodore thought Mr. Lin coln's legs were better adapted than his to that business. THE DEANA AT THE OPERA flows. —The d, but of the Dramatic ° company that has taken pus se-sion of Sanford's Opera liouse,_ was a bril liant success, and notwithstanding the actors who compose this company came among us un heralded, they have succeeded in a very short time, in winning great Savor from the people. The pieces which are nightly presented are of a character to please as well as Improve, and therefore the public have not had an opportu nity within a long time, of passing an evening more pleasantly and profitably than is ail uded by the entertainments at the Opera House. The bill for this evening is a splendid combina tion of interest and attraction. SAD ACOLDZNT.—One of those sad accidents which so frequently occur from handling fire arms, took place in Derry townehip, Mifflin county, on Tuesday of last week, which result ed in the death of a promising boy named Wil liam Learns, son of Thomas, deceased. So far as we can gather from the various reports afloat, it appears that the gun was in the hands of a boy named Halsey, and that while gath ering chestnuts it was discharged, the contents lo3giug in the side of young Kearns, who dit d from the wound on Wednesday. It is alleged by some that he had threatened to shoot the other—that an alteroation had taken place— but it is quite as likely that it was an uninten tional act, and until shown ought to be so re garded. Lamas' Crime Ratner AssOmAriorr.—The ladies named will send to the reception room, (Dr. Bailey's,) by 14 o'clock, On Friday, Oct. 24411-3oup. Mrs. Lonsia Cunkle, Mrs. Margaretta Elder, " Elizabeth Cook, " David Eystar, " John Cox, " Dr. Fsger, " Charles Carson, " Henry Felix, " Margaret Dieter, " K. Frankum, " Dr. Dock, " Mont. Forster. On Saturday, Oct. 26th—Butler, 1 &men eggs, i peck aweetpotalota. Mrs. Wm. Colder, Mis. Wm. Shaffer. . " Will. Dock, " D.. Jas. Fleming, " Gillard Dock, " J. M. Glover, " Gen. Forster, Mips Annie Grose, " Frayer, cor. 2d Mrs. Sarah Hummel, sod Mulbery st. " Jacob Hoffman, g. A. Wier, Miss Bate Kunkel. TO VISIT THE HOOP/TALL Aim. Asa. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Mrs. David Unger, Mrs. GiWard Dock, Miss Nate Franer, " Martha Orth, Mrs. James Colder. " John H. Briggs. TO NetIVN AT THE i/KNOPT/ON BOOM, At 91 o'clock A. M. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Rut. Miss Simons, Miss Maria Zollinger, " Holman. " Becky Till. To MVO AT ZOOM, (H MOIL & ISIALTDONEL,) TO EN OLIVE AND TILL OUT ENQDDIMO/S• From 10i to 12 o'clock A. K., and 1 to 8 o'clock EI3 ii°n• Tut'. IPal. Thum Fri. B . MI6. Mho Unger. Miss Annie Wiestling, " Sally Stewart. Mrs. E. H. CORNYN, Sen'y. Com. Ar. pamovilittitio .. ..inh,w7 - 1;40. - fiot; - ::_pi4iiticiii - Iffetncion . , tottolier - 28 - , -1962, Tun roving rebel bands in Missouri have come to the conch:don that the climate is unhealthy, and they are leaving the state sa feet as possi ble. OIDUND TO MM.—Acting Ensign Isaac J. McKinley, of this oily, has been ordered to the iron clad steamer Montauk. Ike Is a good sailor, and we hope to bear good accounts from him. Our best wishes attend him. DR. James Moos, of Philadelphia, was mils toted Into service to-day, an Assistant Surgeon to the 17th Pennsylvania cavalry, (162 d regi ment P. V.) The Doctor has seen service, and was a captain in Virginia during the preterit struggle. He will make an efficient surgeon. Tarr Daansn Mms from counties adjacent to the.. capital are steadily pouring into Camp Curtin. Yesterday and to day, we noticed sev eral large trains steam into the city, all carry lug freight of this description. In a very few weeks the Government will h tve an army, we hope, sufficiently large to justify a forward movement—one, too, for which the "radicals" will not be held responsible. MAJOR JORDAN.—The Waehihgton Star of last evening learns by a refugee from Richmond, by the name of James Gurbrick , a few items of in terest. He was a teamster in our army, and fell into the rebel's hands at the first battle of Bull Run. A portion of his tim a while in cap tivity was spent in the employ of the rebel Medical Department, and when Gen. McClellan advanced upon Manassas last spring, he tried to escape, but hunger compelled him to give himself up, and he was sent to Richmond and confined in prison, whence he was released a few days ago. Gnrbrick says that he saw the Merrimac No. 2 lying near Rocketts as he passed down, and thinks she is nearly ready for service. She has had all the iron plates placed on her, and look; as if she would be an ugly customer to deal with. He heard persons say, who saw the old Merrimac, that this one is similar in con struction and plan, though not so large, and will be much more easily handled. Major Jordan, 9th Pennsylvania cavalry, and Captain Arnold Harris, ware confined in the same room with Gurbrick, and were retained for trial and punishment for depredations said to have been committed by their troops. Four of the First Maryland cavalry (Union) are con fined, to be tried on the charge of murder.— What the facts are he could not learn. .---...-..-.. CONNUNIOATID TO THII PUlPLlo.—Curiosity, In experience and Prudence 'darted out one day iv shopping. Curiosity insisted upon visiting all. the different places of business to see what was to be seen. Inexperience, with all the noble impulses of young life, was pleased and delight ed with the gay colors and sightly goods, and disposed to pnrchase every thing that looked handsome. The old lady, Mrs. Prudence, said my inquisitive &end Cariosity, I think there is nothing to be gained from the mere looking around ; and now my impetuous but docile ac quaintance Inexperience, while I cinnot help but feel kind towards you for your artless and i t kind i tentions, you will please let me give you ad ce in making your dry goodtpurchases for win . At this taste-wikett- i;eilt-r- at11:10r11) Lion of goods are far above the usual price, it is to your interest to go where good goods can be had for the least money—that place is Cavan & Bowlike's, southea-t corner of Front and Mar ket streets. 2t. A Monra BEIT&BLIEIBMINT.—Among the many improvements lately made in ow city, to which we can point with pride ad an evidence of pros perity and as a determination ou the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby 84 Hankie's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock oh illenges competion.— Without going ihto detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. To the Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Weethoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable. Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished a. 4 to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be u o ap prehension in regard to my competency to ad minister it, u I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (an18•dlm) MRS. L. BALL. Mu. Bur, :—I am happy to inform yon that your medicine has been a complete success in curing me of Dyspepsia. Before taking it, my appetite was , gone, and . I could eat nothing without mug% distress. My health generally was bad, and at times I suffered much from shortness of breath. Now, I feel like another man. My appetite is good—l eat hetarty three times a day without the least pain and have gained four pounds in three mo nths. I take pleasure in recommending itlo 0 my friends, as I am certain it is a sure cure. REV. 0. W. LANDRETH, Haunt Joy, Pa., Oct. 18, 1882 .......111,,,..-,--... Ws nava received a huge assortment of hoop skirts, from 76c. up . to $2 50. A largo assort ment of linen and neaten:wk. collars, and col lars and sleeves, at all prices: White cambric; ificconetts, mattocks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swim muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of iambic:Mend - French cambric) brands ever brought to Harriaburg—Of 'infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and feriae men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings.of all deicriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of carpet.to be scold cheap. Sentackt jeans, sattinetts and **men* for men and boy's wear. We received 50 dozen suspenders, et all pricer). 50 dozen ► cotton handkerchiefs, with-bewienyand a great many other notions swill wear. • s. MISCELLANEOUS PRAY= Or A Ponrrunatt.—The Delftware County Arnerfean i of the,22d inst., gives the .werld ti e following incident in the life of a politician : A well-known Breckenridger in Our midst, who is said to be "wonderfully gifted in prayer," (we are informed by a fellow member of the same church, who happened to overhear it) late ly delivered the tullowing sabring if not very appropriate appeal, and who, whilst his prac tices strangely belie his principles (T) most ve hemently and persistently protests against "mixing up polities with religion." Whether the apparent earnestness of the petition will atone for its manifest blasphemy when the subject of in vocation is considered, Is somewhat question able, but if so, then the devil himself may as pire to the position of class•leader, and we shall not despair that his inflammatory realm may not even yet become the scene of a genuine and ge.leral revival. We are all aware that when the "foul fiend" was "under the weather," he became reflective and repentant, for, as the old song says, "When the devil was sick—the devil a monk would be, But when the devil got well—the devil a monk was he I . ' and it may be that the petition below was ex torted from the soul of our "pious brother" under circurnstances somewhat similar, and was wrung from him of late by the shadows of those "conning events" of which we now have the substance : "0, Lord," said he, "uphold the Democratic party, which has received thy support ever since the great Jeffersordan struggle. Continue to bless that party which has, (ruder thy protec tion and providence, brought great blessings upon the Republic. If it be thy pleasure, and I believe it will be, oh, carry that party through this struggle to a complete triumph. Thou knoweet I hate the opponents of the Democracy, personally, therefore utterly destroy their fanati cal and injurious schemes if it be thy will to do so, as I verily believe it is. Be on the side of Democracy, 0 Lord, as thou halt been in their peaceful pursuits, instead of warring wickedly, man against brother. And, oh, I beseech thee especially to free the Christian Churches from the politicalsti ifeand bitterness which are rend ing them maunder, destroying their useful ness and turning, them unhappily into mere political associations. Let us hear something of thy word and mercy on the Sabbath. We have already been plied to fulness with political fanaticism, and our minister has become a stump orator against the good old party which thou, in thy wisdom, bath upheld so long, and so re , peatedly guided to victory, and sustained in the establishment of sound measures Oh, turn his mind from these things, and direct his at tentio to hie legitimate religious duties, or turn him over directly into the hands of the Abolition party and let them take care of him, and provide us a true minister of the gospel. At any rate, the present state of things cannot last. If politics are to rule, I shall claim one half of the time iti behalf of the Democratic party. STONEWALL JAOKEION.—This &melba rebel gen eral, we have heard it many times, asserted, was formerly stationed in the city of Pittsburg, as mustering officer for the regular army, and a very clever gentleman he is said to have been. Gthers dispute this, and say that it was another Jackson. It is not of much consequence whether this dispute is ever settled or not ; but there is another, in reference to his birth-place, which appears to be settled in the following note, addressed to the Wheeling Intelligencer, by an old citizen of Clarksburg, Va.: I notice in your paper, of the 16th instant, that yob. express a doubt as to the place where Stonewall (Thomas J.) Jackson was born. I suppose it is of little consequence where he was horn, but the fact is he was born inClarksburg, Va. I knew liitrr,yrelLitt.)lBlB„ when he was a sums four 07 nve - yeara ot age, He is the son of Jonathan Jackson, who died in this place about 187. He had a brother, Thomas, now dead, and a sister, Laura, now Mrs. Arnold, of Beverly, Randolph county His mother married B. B. Woodson about 1880 or '3l. I was at the wedding. Upon the formation of Fayette county, Capt. Woodson was appointed clerk of the circuit court of that county, and shortly after moving there to enter upon the duties of his osie his wife died. By her be had one son, named Win, who now lives in one of the western states. Stonewall Jackson was taken in charge by soma of his relatives in Lewis county, when quite young, and afterwards, through the in fluence of Samuel L. Hari, then representative in Congress of this district, he obtained a situ ation in the military academy at West Point, where be received his education. SAD CASUALTY—MAN DROWNED. —A young man named James . Adams, about 26 years of age, was drowned last night under the follow ing circumstances; lie bad been employed on a boat belonging to Mr. James Donnelly, and had started for Newark, N. J., with's Ittad of iron from the Glendon Furnace. He brought his boat as far down as Easton, yesterday after noon, and finding out that it leaked, he ran it over to the foot of Hilliard & Sigman's wharf, where the leak was repaired. He was working at the boat 11 o'clock last night, engag ed in pumping out the water ; when Mr. Don nelly left the boat he laid down in the cabin to sleep. f3oznetinie during, the night:the boat sunk and he with It. Efforts were made all the morning to get him out but without avail, and this morning an attempt will be made to raise the boat, by Mr. Thos. Bishop. A coat and portions.of clothing were hooked up out of the cabin. It will be a day or two before the boat c-in be raised, as it is heavily loaded with iron, and the waterlb of considerable depth at the wharf. A mom little' financial speculation has just been performed at San Francisco. The State Treasurer it seems has paid the United States Assistant Treasurer, on account of the direct tax levied in California for national purposes, sixty-three thousand dollars 'in legal tender notes. The money was Paid into the State Treasury in gold, and muciriudigustitef isman ilested against the Treasurer' for changing the gold for notes before settling with. the United States Treasurer. ' The giver...nent formally protests against the State speculating at the expense of the lilattormi Government, and the public is apparently in his savor. It is thought the Legh.lature will disapprove of such linen ceering ano compel the Treasurer to hand over, for the benefit tdthe, general Government, -whatever profit the State realize& ' SIIOOIOIXO Dsauf..--41. lad named John Cham berlin, aged thirteen , fears, and employed at a roiling mill at YoUlligtown, Ohio, met with a shocking deathlast week. tie was lying, dating a temporary. stOppoge of the machinery, on a belt attached to a . large . cog wheel connected with the, naikplete shears. The engine, was suddenly started, and he was quickly carried, feet foremost, into the jaws of the wheel, which iu its revolutions crushed his body into a Sheri:p leas Inass before the engine could be. stopped. A wild cry as he was being drawn between the wheels, and a few convulsive gasps after being taken out, and ail was over. Smarr:so liirransa is Nawsss.-On Saturday evening. last, a woman named Ryder, residing at No. 118 Bergen street, Newark, met with a violent death, through thebrutal mal-treatment of her husband: The husband came home about 6 o'clock, and finding that his sapper was not rftatty, commenced quarreling with hie wife, and er many bard expressions, knocked her down, and kicked her so violently that death ensued in a very short tine. An inquest was held, find a verdiot returned , that deceased came to ter death from the severe blows, inflicted ; by, er husband. Ryder, was arrested and cOnkmiV i Red to answer. IV rip 3.imertlitinvlt. • _ PENNSYLVANIA SS : In the Name and by the Authority _ OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA; ANDREW G. CURTIN, GOVERNOR OF THE aka COMIONWRILTL A PROCLAMATION WEEMS, It is a good thing to render thanks unto God for all His mercy and loving kind- CZ] Therefore, I, ANDREW G. enemy, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do TD commend that THURSDAY, THE 27 thDAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, be set apart by the people of this Commonweal t)-, as a day of solemn Prayer and. Thanksgiving to the Almighty:—Giving Him humble thanks that He has been gracious ly pleast d to ptotect our free institutions and Government, and to keep us from sickness and pestilence—and to cause the earth to bring forth her increase, so that cur garners are choked with the harvest—sod to look so favor ably on the toil of His children, that industry has thriven among us and labor had its reward; and also that He has delivered us from the hands of our enemies—and filled our officers and men in the field with a loyal and intrepid spirit, and nlven them victory—and that He has poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) other great and manifold blessings : Beseeching Him to help and govern nein Hie steadfast tear and love, and to put into our minds good desires, so that by His continual help we may have a right judgment in all things : And espeaelly praying Him to give to Chris tian churches grace to hate the thing which is evil, and to utter the teachings of truth and righteousness, declaring openly the whole counsel of God : And most heartily entreating Him to bestow upon our civil rulers, wisdom and earnestnee* in council,- and upon our military leaders, seal and vigor in action, that the fires of rebelliorl May be titienched—that we, being awaked with His defence, may be preserved from all perils; and that hereafter our people, living in peace and quietness, may, from generation to genera tion, reap the abundant fruits of Hie mercy, and with joy and thankfulness praise and mag nify His holy name. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this Twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand . eight hundred and twa, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. A. G. CURTIN.. Br APRs Gowstion ELI SLIFER, Sloretary cif the oct2l -dkwtd PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE 1 BET WEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Rank Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Mon ey, Uniontown, Wationtown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millenburg, Halifta, Dauphin AND EARR/SBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the Drayage hDlbe at the I °wait Rates. The Conductor goes through with each tram to attend to the safe ds tipsy of all pods Intruded to aio line. Goods deliver ed at the Depot or Freed, Vira-d& Freed, 811 Merkel street, Philadelphia, by 5 o'cieok, P. if., wit b • aelivered In Harrisburg the next morn ng. freight Always as Low as by Lay Other Lige. .10911 PH MONTOOKRDT, Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oct2t-ott Foo of Market Street, hlarriaburg. SUBSTITUTES FURNISHED AT NO. 130 MARKET ST.; Earritiburg, oct2oll2t HE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITAY INSTITUTE, AT WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA, will CODlERelide the winter term of live calendar months on the let of November neat. The course of tzstruntion is thorough and extensive, deninged end arranged to prepare boys sod young men for business or college. The principal, who depot , * ell Mm dme tl tat interests of his sobiol and its pupils, is assisted by eight gentlemen of &Witty and experience. rtie Ger nan, French and Spanish laugnages are taught by native resident teachers, an etiVan age which will be readily appreciated by the patrons of the institution. The Military Departnsent is ander the chore of MAIO G. itelteador of Phil whose qualifications for the position are, eatonsively known. Its duties and ,requlr.ments do nok in any way interfere with the literary oepartmente, while enrolment among the cadet corns is !el. optioned. For eatolottge an., apply , to • ' I sentli-wentSm W el. a WT.8114, A, M, Principal. HOBBES WANTED• Idesire to pirehase stint four thousand eight hnudierhoiiner :for the purpose of mounting three reVnerits of Cavalry now or ganizing at Harrisburg, Pa., and ire regiment of Cavalry now organizing at Carlisle, ra.—letk Pennsylvania regiments. Said horses to be furnished immediately. :The horses to besoned—not leas than five, nor more than eight years old —not less than Sam hands high, of dark colors, and adapted to Cavalry Service. None will be received until they are inspected by. an authorized agent of the government. By order of the Department. E. C. WII.BON, oct2l•d3t 'Capt., Net. i. A LINDEN SALL, MORATIAN FEMALE SEMINARY, At Utz Lancaster Co g Fa. FOUNDED 1794. hionie =patio advantages for thorough and felnak education. For circulars . aill*onnation, - apply to , ' Itkv. WZl,ae* WORM, XlB dam_ baiotieL, N . leP Wrertitianftde' PHOTOGRAPHIC AIMS. , Just rixxil'vad, at BERlatat'S BOOK STOBlet, a full supply of PEOTOGRAPHIO ALBUMS, Ewbracing all the new Styles and Sleet ALBUMS FOR 12 FILOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOE 20 PIIOTOGBAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 24 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 30 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS MB 40 PEI.OIb4IRAPHEI F9RAIIROTOGBAITEI. Prices from 'Seventy4 Coati To Twenty-ave Molitor§ BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH: CLASP. BOUND IN ' iiiiN6El - 141080000 . , WITI CLASP. 4 it • BOUND IN .ntrßr•Bi WITH Two CLASPS,' ; • . BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH PANELLED SIDES. • " ! BOUND IN VELVET, WITH c4or3--vERY RICE. BOUND IN KOROCCo, Wit H HEAVY MOUNTINGS AND PICTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC = ALBUMS: PORTRAITS OF DIM:MIMED MEN. PORTRATA OF DISTINGUIHSEb WOMEN COPIES OF RABE ENGRAVINGS: COPIES OF CHOICE PAINTINGS. Any Osrte de Vieille published in the country will be furnished to order PHOTOGRAPHIC' ALBUMS, Of any size nzit in the standard styles will be made to order. = szitarttiwis Cheap Bookstore.. FOR THE SOLDIERS. A N . : , assortme nt just op ccmiuzeici WRITING CASEb. EX•Pc ,II = I Y ailinuta , tured for }ha doldlere. Nit; C0.4108,.1 POCKET IN-X STANDS' 1 3 .10 4 1tAlei, libirsts - 11/ ItITING MATERIaLS E V Y A tt E '1? SOLD AT azDuQED RAZES, JON is HOU3E CORNDI OF . MARKET 8T AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. JOSEPH P. McCLELLtN, reoegizroa. (aaoitemi GONDI7OI'I9 Br WWII& COVdtar.) la a Vt'dt.C/40641. OW, 41 d locitod itsc cootral patt os the city. ft Wk.:pito tfth hem Manna', and he patrol.' w.ll find every onimomoon to NO mot with le the'best honors in the eon •n y. re3o-dtt A - HARE "MANCE F R a BU 8 1 Isl. E - S ;A A N fliti Ff. canal grocery store and Rockville -anownias the Elpdegre.ve Lees Property, mutated Are =bee atio:e Harrisburg, iroating east on the P. nosy trowel. Canal saw west on be :e.oisqrsetlinaa river rued, will be so dif *whew f r soon. .'she grocery More, if nottlia Very lett' nab/ on the duvet the,geod ;• b only roomed by one other. A. tarp saw &tor do tt stable has • eeentirAssen. bully 110 that each bOat sitlissies up separately. also plenty of eh e t6, 4..y.fluuags, cern or.h.,twO store house' for pall, lea.. hawse,tar , males, and Indeed every boaseadenee Petals/a l 'Y for carrying on the business. The Is. within three hundred .yards. of the Roeirvine dapoi ,en the Pennsylvania rails owd, and.littripoin. and radresul also. .errooo4 wibbing to purchase, imiks a pply on the preadres, to anle-wHaoletiB6B . . is. P. Ha ...RIF COAL COAL ! COAL ! IltiE enbeoriber io•prepareci to - deliver to the daunt, of Banisher& pare LT EEKS ,VALIFY 'AND, WIT KRABARItE Cosh!, either by the oar, boat ,100,d, or single toe, at the lowest tuarket . pr ice/ kint . 9(441.146, zwy oin*iito and Market , ba puuci,,luiY.llB4% romiutick Eiaribiburg, kilt-SO, 1862. ello-etiw , PROOIAMATION.. EIk.REAS, th e "honorable Joax J. 1' V filisawil.iitisident...otthit -Cotirt;of Common the twelfth Jauicial tAstrict, consisting of the qumtitsit of. liebakaii. 0, and the HOD. dt,Laams slid Hon. MOu U. Yuan°, Associate Judges in Dauphin - - comity -teemed t neir precept, - bee ring date Abe Bth Am of October 1862 . to me-directed, am holdings Center bf- , Yyor hittelltititead. Elitneral. Jail Deaver - , n( the Peace at Harrisburg, for the county, e( *Stein, mid le tottintence ow TIM 3D lionialt us...Novi:wean an= being the tTm oar or No- TWA& :ifilit.,and to coatiouotare weeks. Isofii .< iherel'ore Hereby given to the Coronor, Jus tams of tab Peace , Aldermen, and Constable, of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then aud thei'elit their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the Loretto= of said day, with their records, inquisaiois, examined - Lim, and their ova: rimpiimbia,n4M . do.'thive things widelitetheir office appertains to be none, and those Who are bound in recognisanneir to prosecute &goblet the 'prbuniers that are or mall be in the Jail of Dauphin coast , 'tLy., burliest cud there to prosecute - against shim as- sball I he Just- I Dunn underlay band, at, - 11e9hobtuAr t _the oth day of [ (Mob ohe,. 28orrott4000.100, 4802, and in the !eighty-sixth yeti Of theindependene• of the United States. J. D. Bois, Elherig Sessones Ossias Harrisburg. Oct. 0, 1802. 0020.ditwtil FAVORABLE - WEATHER VOA , setting out Strawberry Plants is now i: bare. The season is loat the right ow-- Plants bet ont nblir will be well rooted. aita grow considerabli befOre *data, and wi lt produce a tolerable crop next summer. The best varietissiat fair prices. at Keystone Nursery. J , ,:4A.C08 KISH. Oct. 18, 1862. , , - CH TIMES' F select kinds, - strong, stocky - tad vigiacius, kl- , 4Wo° au, 'iivirzey etbdi Narstay, R - 18,-1111.62, tieleme. . of thaw. E, Pi* .01111411rOtediglipikieitred beam received inc sa IMPS gribilifif quantities WrisilLOClL ; 11 r, lU - Mt Cheese frcire' ew York Dairies yestreceivedeatler obi few by - - ; , tifeno44 [tomtits, „ • ArniffiifiloviEurl rfarvet stgel{l,o.r Oil fat _Janda -at ni ILA eiliFulair GoiM'aVrilt i rtra r ill 7- M e n CoidOriolriird Zees. 10 PA. Biscaik,i, • .-Ckaoloarepjust, ad cud for ft:4 by, I.4oatliaids . 3 A lklalltirkaat•-ala Market Med& 7 . Fir." ,:z• m:rei. Nan 2bsatistaunts. • Ayer'a cathartic pule..., Tsciences of Chemistry and Medicine JL Wive been tate their utmost to produde this best, istMot purgative which hi 4n to man tom ern y r9sfe are about that Pl4ll :have, , Tr w qhhiellerlea meet litime thi darritAlaill , d h , that they win unp:enetenteily up m thi esteem of all men, They are sate mid pleasant to tate, out -powerful to eurts their penetrating properties Minute , e the vital activities of the both., remove the obatcactions of ha organs, purify the blo .1, end expel disease. They parse out the foul. !imam , which breed and grow distemper, •itinimistishiieheNd ithidereerorgana Iwo thew natural action, and import healthy tone with 13 , reNstil to the wool.. ilMe.m got only, do they cure tae every , day coinpleintel of ofieil t botir, *lt'll* formidabl and can gerons dvrearas that Pt ve *Anti the Join of human skill. While iihey prelate pilisOrtureft&s, they are at the same time, in diminished dome, the safest and best •pkyutc that can be timpitlyodfor chiles's. Baena &stir cosh d, the i are pleas.rat to take ; cod being purely veg etable, are free from vinyl** at Itantb; t)Mphililra been made which eurpass belief wire they norithetan. hated by men of eumb exalted posulln and tin iir so to forbid the eheribidell of uatruth. Min a elk laymen and phystmalut have mot their names to certify to the. puldlo the *liability . 4 f our ramc-dios. While others, have fiat me the lielliffshee 0 their eonvicSon that our Preparations contribute =menage to rep relief of my lac ed, sulibrifig felltiw-mut. The agents below named are pleased to tarnish gratis our American Almanac, souteinmg direction 4 dm the use and certificates of their sures, of the fulluwing com piatnts Costivness, Bilious 0 mmpialule, Rheumatism Dropsf, Heartburn, Headache iflghli fro n afoulttomien,;lian sea, Indigestion, Vorbid'inacron of the Bowels ,i, 4 Pain are-lag therefrom, Blaindency, Los o; Await., en the aim which mime, ale a. secant ins *Moe. They alto, by purifying the blood and stimulating the Tit to, cure many complaints which It would net be imp mad they would react, such as Deafness, Partial Blintinem, lieu. rialfilfi and Nervous Initabdity,, DerallgeeVille of the i iver and Kidneya,tiorit, and other tittered cotorainte arising from a low state of the body or obetructioo of lit fauctona. ' Do Lot be put off by unprino pod dealers with some other pilling' make m , re wont on ' r. for Anreil Pate, and tate nothing else. No othcr they can l eis% OU oomperee with Qua in 49 iatriFinur. vat qe °Cenral re powers. The sdok wain' the be.t eiddat rale for them, and they should Inme u. Prepared by Dr J. C. AYNi- t CO., Lowell, Mare. and cold by Draggle% everywtere. • - Price 26 dembreer Bo:. or 6 bolsi tor SI.. 'Add by 0. A.. Ben vest, u. W. uroeeh Oa, 0. B.,Kel by, J. Y. Lots, Dr • htiey, Wyetb Owen every where „ • • JOHN IMPIBES Confectionery& Fruit Store , THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, • Harrisburg, CON FECTIONEEY OF ALL KINDS, OKANDES AND LEROXIS, • PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FAH AND SALT FISH, Add •e esabtes of all lauds, oroutht mreot tram the Eastern Markets, bsoou ell week, mo purchsie,l sa•tar my I. [Admit estpurvukuu , thus au, .tidg tat, to tell a better and °beeper article %hal any to the - Market.. *a- Or.•stu trots a atetssitut attended :u promptly, and , Nals deNtred to an part er-the (My ernerot ettarge. FRE. H HAHNE: FRIIT e‘mist vitil on nand Glee m,• a . JOHN WHIN4 HAPPINESS OR MISERY? THAT I T,HH QUESTION% E eropiieiona tll the 'PARWAN '•AB'NBttip WOISDiIIO3, AN4IOMY and iihDl OINK' have deiermlued imor4ielP Ot arp aaa,aft liana fee , (roY the tbeuelit of ushering atimaalt) POt B of eheir En et Mattis:duo and i tereaung:urea o mar. doge and its Dieguaiiileatioue • ervons Debthey, Pres*. lure Drolme 01 Wahlsed, iniugestion Weakness or Do er LOW, eAegy , 011 VP I Power= the Great So. oial Rods, as those %14 dies whit rased trom yontb fbi iae u.aseitsPS of Maturity , or .Utai of P 119111• otos, en liaturis law. These I ncaluabie Lectures bee been the moans of ertlightnitug se s.ving thou s•eds, and will be forwarded free on Or recelpi of four diatoPe, i,y ad Ironing .4:Cfc.E, A Y esISIT/AN culla= OF ANAlrola LAD 510 Broadway, New yard jel9-ot CAUTION. ALL persona are hereby warned against de predating or in any' mannqr Amessainli on the Farm of Mrs: C. Mish, adjoining the city, and under the management of the sub scriber. , , or I have arrested several of these petty thieves and nuisances, and Matte them pity pretty well for their sport. Hereafter I shall not only punish to the cetera of the law, but will intbltat in the Teispr , aph and other pspers the named of all offenders. . Oct. 18,1862. JACOB HISH. PLUM TREEB, IN variety, at Keystone litusery, Harrisbnig Oct. 18, 1862 ENGLLSH WALNUT THEES Eqiiitoite Nursery, adjoin 4 die city. Oct. 18, 1882 SPANISH CdESTNUT TRICKS A T Keystone Nutmery, adjoining the city Oct. 13; 1862 .BROVIirg kalgara of all grades, fot taitei low, by hICHOIei & , OWKAN, 026 Corner From, and Matta streets. SSUGAReared hams, just received 'imtd Miss% by MOIWIA rep 17 Cor r . Front anillifaxtet WA. Updegrotie Lock Property, Will grocery atta k kottippie liter ~-attreopt rya miles above Harriptelig,Oginaw eilmkt-reek*iial See adver ,tisemeot in Weekly or apply to lariestl4d. *wit , assor t : Tat' itions thilik 'ft& :41*.; ses' rftehred, tor veY 1 411 1 , ,. NI - wow B Ai AN„ atl 6 • Cornet , Front mind Marget streetil- JUST REOItIiIRD LARGE ASSORTIW KlirT cif.' Family .. A Was of differeat styka or btaelaP, at 90e, $1 kb :91 90,02, 98,0, $6 andslo Also Pocket SWlea utdiL crept styles and prices at SOIIKEITER'S Bookstore: tem& y Driv