Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 22, 1862, Image 3
~azijj cTe~egx~~~. NO- !cal TO Ad vertimements, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, &c., to secure Insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. HARRISBURG, PA liednesdaj Afternoon, October 22, 1862 WANTED IMMEDIATELT-A white girl to do Ken-ral housework in a small family. Apply at this office. Rim. Da. GURLEY, of Washington, will lecture this evening at the Pre byterian Church, Mar ket -qudre at 7 ,o'clock. TIIS FIRST InTHERAN CHURCH —The Rev. R. C. Galbraith, a no tuber of the Synod of Balti more, now in session to this city, will lecture in the Lutheran Church, on Fourth street, this evening at 7 o'clock. =MEI SELLING LIQUOR. ON SUNDAY.—Vincent Or singer, proprietor of this Sixth Ward House, was arrested yesterday by Officer Fleck, on the charge of selling liquor to soldiers on Sunday. Be was bound over in the sum of $5OO to an swer at next court. RELIGIOUS MeaTlEG.—The Presbyterian Synod now in session, will hol a meeting in the church this evetAug for devotional exercises, con, hacing at 7 o'clock. Short addresses upon subjects of interest will be delivered by several members of Synod, and the public are cordially invited to be present. -..,_.. ADVANCE LODGE, Good Tel:opium, bold a a meeting at their hall, this (Wednesday) even iug at 73. o'clock ; Nnd the punctual attendance of all members is urgently rt quested, as busi ness of great importance to them will be trans acted. The members of sister lodges are also invited to be present Rsidovsn.--The Grocery, Tobacco and Segar Store of the undersigned, has been removed from No. 12, North Third street to the corner of Third and Walnut streets, where a supply of the above goods are constantly kept on hand and sold at reasonable rates. OCt2l-(l3t WILLIAM DUNCAN. Tat LEGITIMATE DRAMA. —The opera gives way to the drama, and to-bight Sanford's Opera House will be occupied with a company who propose to give a series of dramatic entertain ments of a high order. We must wait until we have seen and beard these actors, before we venture an opinion of their merits. The bill they present is very attractive. We bespeak for them a welcome this evening, which it will be for the actors to decide whether it shall be a permanent acknowledgement and patronage of their abilities and efforts to please. CCM= MEETING OF SYNOD —The Synod of Baltimore met in the Old School Presbyterian church of this city last evening at half past seven o'clock. Rev. Dr. Dickson being unwell, the opening sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Gurley of Washington city. The synod was then organ ized by the election of Rev. W. W. Eels, of the Presbytery of Carlisle, as Moderator, after which it adjourned until this morning at 9 o'clock. In consequence of the disturbed state of the country, the attendance at this meeting is much smaller than usual. One entire Presbytery, that of Winchester, is abcent, and of the four others included in the Synod, only ottehas any thing like a full r,prese.ntation. The session will probably continue until Thursday or Fri day. FRANK C. GRATZ, of this city, drummer boy of Co. E, 107th Regiment P V , sends us the follow if,g card of thanks for publication : CAMP REAR MEROERVILLE, MD October 20, 1862. I MR. EDITOR OF DAILY TELEGRAPH : Allow me to return, through your valuable columns, my sincere thanks to toy friends in Harrisburg, for the splendid drum they saw proper to present me with. I appreciate the gift very highly, and will ever hold the donors in remembrance for thinking we worthy lo In the recipient of such a present. The di um was safely delivered, and presented to me by my Lieutenant J. A. Carman , in a very neat little speech, on behalf of the donors " My friends of Rarriaburg," Yours truly, PRANK C. GRATZ, Drummer, Co. E, 107th Peg P. Y. = Ties dents HOSPITAL. —Complaint is common to mankind. Alen are prone to dissatisfaction, and it is often the turbulent result of judicious rule and regulation. But complaint, when it comes in a reasonable, plausible and deferen tial manner, demands our respectful and rea enable attention in return. In this manner we were appealed to reaterday afternoon, by two soldiers, who sought an interview with us, to the end of securing the insertion in the TZLZOILLPH of a well written communication, setting forth the grievances and imposition to which the wounded and sick soldier in the hospital is subjected by nurses, ward masters and stewards. The man who could relate a story such as is conveyed in the communica tion referred to, ha a right to he heard—and the petty officers who are the authors of the tyranny, imposition and outrage thus depicted, deserve to be placed as targets in the hos pital which they disgrace, at which wounded soldiers could shoot in order to keep in practice 4:or killing better men when they recovers, once more to contend with the rebels. In one sense it would be a waste of powder and ball ; but at the Berne time, it would be affording the sick soldier some satisfaction thus to enliven his weary hours by punishing Cravens and cow ards, who presume to make positions which they were selected to fill in order to serve and comfort the soldier, the means of oppressing, insulting and degrading him while helpless with wounds or insensible from suffering. It is oar determination, if the wrongs to which this communication refers, are per sisted in, to give it publicity. Such outrages, as are shown to be daily perpetrated in our hospitals, if beyond the correction of those in power, and whose highest aim it should be to elm' the sick from imposition,.. are not beyond the reach of public indignation. It is to this we shall appeal, if the wrong is contin ued, by the publication of the communication to which we refer. Tun L&UNDRESS of the Fifty-fifth Pennsylva nia Regiment, who has been with the regiment since its departure from this city, has returned home to recruit her health. She requests us to return her thanks to Dr. C. L. Bailey for his kindness in sending her one ton of coal. How many blessings would be the result of each charity, if bestowed upon the needy families of our volunteers by our coal and wood mer chants. Our columns are always open to re cord all similar donations. How To Live.— Wild it be Possible at Present Prices of Victuals and Gotha f—This is the ab sorbing question. It begins to interest every man who has a family to support ; while the financial impossibilities which daily stare men in the face, are of a character which at once convince the laboring portion of the commu nity that they cannot be surmounted. There are financial, as well as physical Impossibilities. A man would not attempt to _make blood com pete with steim. It would be foolish to essay the construction of an iron-clad vessel alone with a jack-plane and hand-adz. And in the same View of the case, it begins to be an im possibility for the workingman and mechanic to stem the current of life, to feed and clothe his family, and keep his finances in a healthy con dition. Everything has gone up but wages. Flour has raised considerably in price within a short time ; coal is very high ; domestic goods have increased enormously in price, in conse quence of the scarcity of cotton ; while the cost of all imported goods has advanced in conse quence of the dearness of gold, and the high rates of exchange on Europe. The wages paid a mechanic today are the same he received one, two or three years ago. He is even expected to toil harder, for the same pay; and while this is so, the producer of every article of food and clothing is taking advantage of the working portion of the community, and is actually forcing such as these to bear all the burden of the great crisis and struggle in which we are involved. The manufacturer, the merchant and the farmer are throwing their taxes on the shoulders of the consumer. The poor man, the mechanic and the laborer, is really supporting the government, while in thousands of cases the rich are becoming richer. This cannot last. It is bound to explode in revolution of some kind ; and when it does come, those who are now speculating in the necessaries of life, will cry to the indignant masses for the mercy which they will neither deserve or receive. The peo ple will neither be starved or ridden to death. Their patience will some day be worn out, and then let those suffer who have invoked the in dignation. This rise in the price of the necessaries of life is most largely made in the ordinary products exposed for sale in our semi-weekly markets. The farmer is asking the most exor bitant prices. There seems to be a regular com bination among this class to compel the mechanic and laborer to pay any price the farmer may fix for his produce, and therefore combination should be met by combination.— The laboring men and mechanics of the city should organize and act on this subject for their own defence, and resist the exorbitant prices by denying themselves the use of certain articles for a certain time. Let the farmer keep his butter, his eggs, his poultry, his vegetables, and his entire stock, and let these decay on his hands ; rather than thus submit to Imposition. It will do us good to abstain from luxuries and partially from the necessaries for a little while. The farmers cannot all afford to hold their pro ducts until they receive their greatly exorbitant prices. The majority of them are just as anx ious to get rid of their produce as the people are to purchase, so that if there be an under standing had among the consumers, the price of every article can be brought within the range of decency and just remuneration to those offer ing each articles for sale. Something of this kind will become necessa ry, if the prices of the articles of living continue to rise. The people who work by the day can not pay the prices that are now asked. These prices are exorbitant and unjust. They are not made because there is a scarcity of the ne cessaries of life in the market, but rather because there seems to be a disposition and a com bination both to shirk the burdens of gov ernment, to sneak from and escape the par ment of what is due the government, and to force the defenceless "hewer of wood and drawer of water" into the support of the whole crisis. Before it is too late, we ad vise those who are thus engaged, to beware of the necessities on which they are specula ting. The people may submit to the imposi tion for a little while, but if they are goaded thus to resentment and resistance, the re-action on their part may be of a character which will forever make those mourn who are now guilty of these impositions. The simple demand is that the price of provisions, coal and domestic goods must come down, or starvation and riots must be the result. It is a financial impossi bility for the mass of the people to pay these prices, and speculators may be certain that the mass of men and their families will neither starve or freeze in a land which God has blesse with plenty. Reduced to this, it is not hard to tell the remit if the prices of the means of life continue to rise. A Morin Etnenurenuarr.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock challenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructious under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation to extended to theyablic to , visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether They purchase or not. Pennsylvania 'Daily telegraph, Meontsbay 'Afternoon October 22, 1862 NEW COUNTERFEIT.- A counterfeit $2 b• 11 on the Farmers' Bank of Bucks County, was in circulation yesterday, in Philadelphia. THE REGULAR Kum& of the Union Relief Association will be held on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the school house on the corner of Walnut street and Biveralley. Punctual at tendance is requested. A SNEAKING EIIBINEBB.- The Reading Times learns that there is, a " crowd " of loungers at Harrisburg, aspirants for military honors, who sieze upon every military captain as he arrives, to the number of six, whom they "treat," and make much of until the election of field officers takes place, when they get the votes of the said captains for the offices of Col onel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major ; in effect depriving others entitled to such offices from any chance whatever. We are persuaded that this is the case, and is about as strong an argu ment in favor of organizing regiments fairly and squarely in their own counties as can be offered We only want everybody to be treated alike. All this is to be credited to the Times aforesaid ; but it occurs to us that perhaps the editor of our Reading cotemporary has fob him self slighted at not being taken for a militia captain, and treated accordingly, while visiting Harrisburg. 11ow is it ? LADIES' UNION ItSLISF ANOOIAT/ON --The ladies named will send to the reception room, (Dr. Bailey's,) by 101. o'clock, On Thursday, Oct. 23d—Stewed chickens. Mrs. J. D. Camt-ron, Mrs. Wm. Kirby, "J. H. Berrybill, " jos. Kahnweiler, " Rachel Burnside, " Philip Dougherty, " Mary Berghans, " David Fleming, John H. Briggs, "L. M. Ten Eyck, " Michael Burke, " Wells Coverly. On Friday, Oct. 2414—Soup. Mrs. Londe Crinkle, Mrs. Margaretta Elder, Elizabeth Cook, " David Eyster, " John Cox, `` Dr. Fager, " Charles Carson, " Henry Felix, " Margaret Dieter, " S. Frankum, " Dr. Dock, " Mont. Forster. On Saturday, Oct. 25th—Butter, 1 dozen ens, peck sweet potatoes. Mrs. Wm. Colder, Mrs. Wm. Shaffer. " Wm. Dock, " Dr. Jas. Fleming, " Gillard Dock, " J. M. Glover, " Geo. Forster, Miss Annie Gross, " Frayer, cur. 2d Mrs. Sarah Hummel, and Mulbery st. " Jacob Hoffman, " H. A. Wier, Miss Kate Kunkel. TO VISIT TES HOSPITALS. Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Mrs. David Unger, Mrs. Gilliard Dock, Miss Kate Franer, "• Martha Orth, Mrs. James Colder. " John H. Briggs. Miss Simons, Miss Maria Zollinger, " Holman. " Becky Till. TO snays AT ROOM, (HUMMEL & KILLINGER,) TO RE From 10i to 12 o'clock A. If., and 1 to 3 o'clock Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Mrs. nab Unger. Mies AnnieWiestling, Wednesday has been omitted for the present. Those ladies who cannot serve when appointed must find a substitute. CANCELING LEM STANP.9.—To prevent. the cancelling ink marks upon letter stamps being obliterated, for the purpose of defrauding the Government, it is proposed that the Govern ment reverses its rule, and use weak paper and strong gum. Any process of steaming, which lessons the tenacity of the paste, will also act in the same way to diminish the cohesive fibre of the paper. It can easily thus be made phy sically impossible to remove a letter stamp once attached, otherwise than in fragments. THE crop of cranberries in the Cape Cod Dis trict, always large, is this year unusually_ ab.un dant. In the town of Harwhich, alone, nearly a thousand persons—men, women and hildren —have been engaged in picking, and the Cape Cod Republican notices one field in which more than one hundred were at work. A SECOND, though very faint comet, is now in the vicinity of the orbit of Mars. It is 70,- 000,000 of leagues from the earth, and 63,- 000,000 from the sun. Arms are selling in Western New York at fifty cents a barrel, and potatoes at one dollar a barrel, including package. FAST TIME .—A heavy train on the New York Central Railroad, on Saturday, ran sixty-nine miles in eighty minutes. The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need he i)o ap prehension in regard to my competency to ad minister it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over , night. They-can be had at may time at my esidence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (aul34llm) MRS. L. BALL. Nhis. BALL :-I am happy to inform you that your mediciue has been a complete success in curing me of Dyspepsia. Before taking it, my akietite was gone, and I could eat nothing wit bout much distress. My health generally was bad, and at times I suffered much from shortness of breath. Now, I feel like another man. My appetite is good—l eat hearty three times a day without the least pain, and have gained four pounds in three months. I take pleasure in recommending it to all my friends, as I am certain it is a sure cure. BEY. 0. W. LANDBETH, Mount Joy, Pa., Oct. 13, 1862 We nevi received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 75c. up to $2 50. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col hue and sleeves, at all prices. White canibrics, jacconetts,- nantucks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg-I—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twerity pieces of carpet to b' 'sold cheap. Kentucky jeans, aattinette mid cashmeres for men and boy'S wear. 'We received 60 dozen suspendere at all prices. 50 dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and small wear. 8. Lam. M. S. BEATTY, Pres E. A. BITHOP, Sect'y I=l TO SERVE AT THE RECEPTION ROOM. • At si o'clock A. M. Mon. Tues. WA Thurs. Fri. Sat OMB AND FLU OUT REQUISITIONS IMI " Sally Stewart Mrs. E. H. CORNYN, Sec'y. Om. Ar To the Afflicted. Bank 2pplitatians. IVOTIO ie hereby given that "TIM comsn• - no, AL BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA" fa med to apply to the I egialature of Penusylvana at their nez Engle!. for a i a ewal of their charter d sank la located in the city of Philadelphia, with au authorised capital of One minion of "aims, a renewal of which will be asked fur, with the usual banking privileges. By or. er of the board, d. 0. PAL +EK, je23 doawtim Cashier. NOTICE APPLACATIO \ will be made to the next Lewalatu e, (acael m of 1883,) for as Act o incor porate a BONA of I sue, d peal, &swum au other gen adl banking or vilegea, with a capital of Tay. Hun .red Thousand Doll& a and authori yto snore-a. tee same t. , Four liundredbd Fifty Thousand Dollar ; to th located in Feirlitltoll, i uzerna county. to be laded the Kahn -N BANK. GEO SANDERSON . , W. W. WIN lON ie26ailt-wfa , n BUtTON KIN:BURRY, BANK OF CHESTER 'COUNT v . NOTICE is hereby given that t* e BANK OP mamma yourcrY, intends to apply to Ike Legislaiure of Pennsylvania at their mit session for a renewal of .its charter. :Said Bank im locat-d lu the borough of West Mester, with an auttiortsed capital of Two Hundred and Twenty-Sys Thottoand Dollars, a re bowel of which will be asked for With the natal banking rivileges. By order of the Board, je2s.dlt-w6m WK. W. Jr.fFZEII4, Gambier. BANK NOTICE Kintigh' BANK or BUCKS COUSTY.,} Baum, Ps., June 24,1882. NOTICE le hereby given, that an appli cation will he made to the Legislature of Penney!. rani! at their emu senho, for a renewal of the charter the It • plie.e.P BANK of Bucks county. The sal Bank being located in the borough of Bristol, Penney! , vaunt, with an authorized capital of Two hundred Thou. tiOgato with the usual ban, log privilees. By or der of the Board, R. 0. BRATrr, cashier. NOTICE. h President, Diree. ors at: d Company J . of the HANK OF DELAWARE MIN VY, intend to make application to the next Legislature of tuts Com. own wealth, for the renewal of their Charter with bank ing and discounting privileges as heretofore, nndi r the sumo name or title, at the present location and with the same capital, two hundred ihonsand dollare, with the right lo Increase it to three hundred thousand doLars. je2ii-w6m. W. T AYL it , C.shier. BANK NOTICE. - NOTICE is hereby given that the Presi de t and hirsetors of the LEBANON BANK located m i e borough of Lebanon, Lebanon county, intend to make application to ilia legislature of Penr sylvacii iAt their neat session, ior a renewal of the charter an an extension of the privileges of the said Bank now ezOlyed, wilh the sate name, titre, location and capital r f $2OO - By order it. L. UHLER, jel9-alt-wfim Os bier. NOTIOE. T HE MINOR'6 BANK of Pottsville, in L the county of Schuylkill, hereby give notice that they lutaau to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania attheir nest session, for a renewal of their charter. :ail Bank is located in tue bo ough of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkl.l, with an authorized capital of Five Hundred Th 'mend Dalian; a renewal of which will be eked without any extensiba of privileges. By order of the Board. till IKLBS LOSsEII, jel4 dlt w6m. Cashier. NOTIOE. BANS OF ussunounine, June 12th, 1802. • STOTICE is hereby given of the intend ed application at the fort meetiog of the Leglsht lure for a renewal of the ohm ter of the B tNK OF Cond. BititSßUt G, with the present name and style, location and specific obiem, with prmibge to increase the capital stock from $230,838 30 to 3%80,000. By order of the board 4. R. itilSBgisSMITH, e14.411t.w6r0 Cashier. BANK NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Presi dent and Directors of ine L tt.WASTIId. tXtuNTY ttAnH Inteed to make application to the Leg Wel Ore of the Omottionweallt of Panarylraula of their neit seeeloa tor a renewal or the charter, and as rzienaten of the privil eges of the Said hank, with all the rights and privileges now enjoyed, for a term of twenty years from the ex Oration of ttieesihtcharter, with the sane name, title, loca tion and t iwital of 11300,000. By order W. L. PKIPAR, jel3-till,w6m Cashier of Lancaster (bunty Bank NOTICE. AOTICE is hereby given that applicatit,n will be etude at the next ablaut meeting of the Logi -Litu• e Pennsylvania for a renews , of the charter of the ItXOHANDB BANK Ut PITT:QUAD, with its present name. location, privileges and capital of Our Million dollars. By order orthe &wird of Directors, IL hi.,AY jyl.4lit-weut ambler. NOTICE. 8 HEREBY given, t L at aiplication will I_ be undo at the %maw:dtal sessuu of tbo Legisla lure of 1 131 , 1.15)191i1/114 for a reuew.l the charter of the Rut: BUBO BANK, with Its z reseut name and et de, locatiort, piivlleges and capital of Three Hundred 'thousand Douses, by order of the board of Di 0010113, .1. W. WRit , je'llf-dlt a6tn NOTICE: NOTICE is hereby given that the Wy omiug Bank at Wakes- Barre will apply the Legislature of the :sta• uor Pennsylvania, at its next see. slop, for an extea,lun of the charter of said Ehnic, and *la) fur authority to iumasti the capital of said Bank f. om oue hundred a .t 1 fifty thousand dollars to two ono. tired thousand dollars. The name and style, the lee*. thou, and the powers and privii gee of said Bask to re r main the same as present, ming and excepting only the increase of the wail aforesaid. 0. if. HOLLIDACK, President. S.DWA HD B. LOOP, Cashier. my3o•dlt•wem BANK NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that an ease:. elation ban beau formed and a certificate prepared for the purposeof establishing %bank of discount, depoalt and oirculatiou under the provisions of the act, entitled; obit act to establish a system of tree banking In Pennsyir vents, and to secure the ;albite against lo a from Muni. vent bauke," approval .•.arch 81st, 1861. Said b. skk td be called "YEN aNOO BANK," to be lei ated at the bar/ ough of Franklin Ir to, wunt,} of Venango, with a capita! of LINt kIUNOREO THOUSAND lIOLLAILii to be divided into two thousand shares of fifty dollars each, and It fa contempLueo to increase the same to three hundred thousand dollars, or to ail thousand shares of fifty deli lam each. msr2B wem BANK NOTICE. NoncE is hereby given, that an appli cat:ou aria be made for the charter or a be called the C. Alt ON B tNH OF BLS COUNIY, card ; tat $lOO,OOO with right to go ton) r,p ration when $40.1 000 shall have been paid in, ]ego -dlt !Kim. . BANK NOTICE. NOTICE ie hereby given, that the BANK Or DANVILLE, a bank of lama, discount and deposit, located in the borough of Danville, Montour, county, with a capital of Two Hundred Thousand Holz' tars, intends making application at the next regular coal' sion 01 the Legislature of Yemutylvania, for a renewal of lie charter and axiom:Jon of Its pommel privileges, for a corm of itaerdp years trom the expiration of its present: charter, wiih the mime asme, title, location and capital." By order of the Board of Directors. jell- dit-wem EXTENSION OF CHARTER. ,NOTICE is hereby given that THE FARMERS , AND MECHANICS' BANK OF NAB , a Bank of discount and deposit located in the bor ough. of hasten, Northampton county, Pennsylvania, hay. ing a capital of Four Hundred 'thousand Dollars, will ap ply so tne next Legislature or Pennsylvania for a renewal of ba charter Jot diteen years from the expiration of its present charter, with its present capital stook, Powers and privileges, and without any alteration in or increase of the same. J. STRWARE, Pres't. M. E. FORMAN, Cashier. jy2-riltw6m BANK NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the un• AeteignEd citizens of Pennsylvania have formed an aseociation and prepared a certificate for the purpose of establishing a Bank of issue, discount and deposit, un der the pr.:miaow of the act, entitled a "supplement to an act to establish a system of free banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against loss from howl -vent banks" approved the first day of M ay n., 1881, the said bank to be called BLS COUNTY BANK, to be loeated in the borough of Hollalaysbarg and county of Blair, to consist of a capitol stock of Fifty Thowmul Hofialltinitharea am/ Dollars each, with the Privi legeapf worming the tame to any ,amount not thepak mg is all Two Hundred Thousand Wilms. aSTUNDRIC. JOH/ 4 113T0N, JOHN 010. JANffi gn omuatitp, imaiteeezi R. RYAN. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Just received, at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, a full supply of PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Embracing all the new Styles and Sizes. ALBUMS FOB 12 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOB 20 PHOTOGRAPHS Prices from Seventy-Owe Cents BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH CLASP BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO, WITH CLASP. BOUND IN TURKEY 110E0000, WITH TWO CLASPS. BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH BOUND IN VELVET, WITH CLASPS-MIT RICH. BOUND IN MOROCCO, %vim HEAVY MOUNTINGS AND OLASPS. PICTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED MEN. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGIIIHSED WOMEN. COPIES OF RARE ENGRAVINGS. COPIES OF CHOICE PAINTINGS. Any Oxrte de Viritie published in the country will be furnished to order . PHOTOGRAPHIC 'ALBUMS, Of any size not in the standard styles will be made to order. BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore. FOR THE SOLDIERS. A N .: 'B i ll:: i.' , 7.7ll"ETßrutte WRITING CASEb. Bipresaly manufactured for the soldier.. POR L' FOLIOS, POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EVLRY VARIETY, SOLD AT REDUCED RATES, JONES_ HOTS Eri OORN ER OF MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG. PA. • NcOLICIA raormizrom. (uheENTLY 00EDVOTILhe RI.WZLLI 4;10V106LY.) The is a MAOC:tem Hotelea 4 located M She oentral part ot the sky. It is kept IQ the beet manner., aed ite Name w II hod eqety . aotomuto Alien to be met *ebb ID the beet Iluusk .030-60 FOIL A BUSINESS. jaR canal grocery store and Rockville Howse -known se the Updegrf4e /bolt mroperty, situated ere miles above Harrisburg, (routing east On the P , nuaylvainis Canal alio west on .he f.tiftqltehan ea river reed, will be so if, 'totals,. f r soept, 'the grocery store, h not the very l'est eland on toe doe of the %eat fusty equaled by ode - cittier. iarge sew bein a*stable has , erientte, been built, so that each boat tea t s - can be 'blued up 'lletierately. Also Penty of sheds, h lionises corn orlb ; tWOatote bowies for rata; Ice house, hay a ches; 'en Indeed i very 000tardenee that necessary for carryink on ltie basi n eee. ; The plate is within three hundred lards Hhof.sill‘f de t ,on the Pennsylvania raThoisii, iinj Detiph.6 and eesuylkiif railroad also: e.rseue wklang to purchase; phase apply on Ho breathes, - aultl-widaolet 1863 W. ISHE subscriber is prepared to deliver to the citizen, arßarrisburg,tpura • . . LIKENS VALLEY .AND , WJIE L FSBAKEE Coale, eith••r by toe car, boat- laid, teeloile•tou,fet the lowest market prize, efog. .0 - duraleft'ataly olnett, 4th, and Market, will ba ieloatuatty attautted• te. - Harrisburg, rept. 30,186,2 rßocrimiklirioN %AI 11 . Ofilitatie Joint J. Ptuuntokirl'reedent,Of, the Court of Common s. e; ID the twealth leatriet, consisting of tbU L , entitles of .Lobanon and Daupto.yand. the HOD. &VD= kt, LOMB and Hou. MOdlie R. YellSO, data:lsle Judges In Dauphin county; having Weed' their preCept, bearing date the eth day ot Ochtber, -- 1862, to me clirehted, foe holding a Odors of Oyer and Tenni uer and General Jail Delivery and Quat4r*Seatione e l/the Peace at Harrisburg.' for the county of Dauphin, and to commence on TeX 3D MONDA*‘III-NOVIDUIIII WRIT being the l'flu nay on No- ViABICA. pew. ,and to continue two weeks. boned... 'therefore hereby giien mitre Ceronor, Jus tices of teb Peace, aldermen, and Constables of the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and then in their. proper persOns, at 1.0 Wawa in the torenoon of said day, with trteir • records, in4ois too ie enaminatima, and their own remembr &noes, to do thews things which to their office appertaiuc, to be ',done, and those who are bound th-Tenugfunnunesrift,proaecute against the prisoners that are or snail vein thri Jail of Dauphin coun ty, be then and there te.prosecute against thrm as shall be Just. Given under my hand ' , at • Harriabnig, the Bth day of Octotkr, the year of our Lord, 1862, and in the eighty .sisth year of the independence of the United States. J. D. BOAS, Sherif. Samurr's Onion I Harrisburg. Oct. 0, 1862. f oo26.datwid FAVORABLE WEATHER FOB setting out Strawberry Plants it now here. fine season is just the-right one.#-• Plante set out now will be -well rooted and grow considerably before winter, and will produce a tolerable crop-next summer. The best varieties, at fair piices, at Keystone Nursery. JACOB IdISH. Oct. 13,1862: D.tirlD CLARK, Cashier TEACH TREES . (IF select Ikidds,.stiong; stoir c ky .94d vigorous, Xj two years old, at Key stone Nursery, Har risburg. Oct. 13, 186. - ERBEY. tierces of these ep inertly celebrated sugar cured hams, received and or 1131 etri large or snail quantities 1 , 14 41 , - a • • PRIME -Cheese from New York Dairies • just received and for stale low by . , NILHOLS t BOWMAN, fyla Ooruer Front awl Mart , es streets. L 131 3 RICATING Oil for all kinds of ma& o bin er v, in convenient weak* for side very 104 Dy NICIIOI.B ik BOWAIAN e „ - • ‘ C,Oroor fel ODD. Oisoi Cirackerß ~, eds4dTcy,4ll;na-Ad & BO MEAN, CAW ad Market, wadi' Nei) . ilbetrtistnitztte ALBUMS FOB 24 PHOTOURAPHS ALBUMS FOR 80 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 40 PHOTOGBA.PHS ALBUMS FOB 60 PHOTOGRAPHS To Twenty-ave Dollars PANELLED BIDES A RARE .CHANCE COAL I COAL ! coeL! DAVID McCkiliblllOK mAk..delt Nth) ltrotrtistments. Ay er's Cathartic Pills.' THE sciencee of Chemistry and Medicine have been tare • their utmost to produce this Moat, moat Tarr feet pargatite which la kno • toils% huitims erable proofs are show.. that these Pula have virtues which surpms in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win unprecedeutealy up to the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the ',Ma` o;andexpel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish d t Bordered orgasm nro their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whol.. system. Not only do they cure toe every day complaints of every body, but also forme:lab! • and dan• gerous diseases that h .ve bathed the beat of human skill. While they pro luco powerful effects, they are at the same time, is diminished dams, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. Being augur cost* di, the. are peas int to take; and being purely Tog stable, are free from any risk of harm. tut es have been made which surpass belief were they not sobetim hated by men of such exalted palatal and chowder as to forbid the suspicion Of uatrutti Many eminent der. eyelet' and physicians have lent their carnet lb Certify to the public the reliability r our rem dice, while others have sect me the assurance "t.l thee , conviction that our Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The meats below named arc pleased to inenieh gratis our American Almanac, containing directions fur toe use and certificates of their ears., of the following com plaints : Donavan's, Bilious Clumptaints, Rheumatism Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising Iron a foul.tumitch, Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbid inaction of the Dowels and Pain therefrom, Flatulency, L 0,5 of appetite, all Dia &Wei which require an et accent me ticine. They also, by purifying the blood and Etimalattng the ...tatAte, cure Many compLalutS which it would nut be sow osed they would reach, such as deduces, Partial Blindness, Neu. rale" and Nervoa Irritability, Derangements of thu leer and Kidneys, Gout, and other upland tom:estate arising from a low slate of the body or obstruction of its tuna ow. be rot be put off by onpriuc yell dealers with some other pill they make to , re protit on a. for AYES'S Pita, and take nothing else. so other they two give you compares with ttaii la its iutriuslc value or curative powers. The sick want the beit aid th ro is for them, and they should have ft. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYMH & 00., Lowril, Mass. bud sold by Druggists everywhere. Price 26 cents per Box or 6 boxes Dr pl. Sold by C. A. Ban 'Fart, U. W Dross & Co., 0. K. Bel ler, J. M. Los, Dr ithey, F. Wyatt' uud dealers every. whore JOHN WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Hornsburg, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LUCILE', PINE APPLEB, BANANNAS, FRESIE AND SALT FISH, And ve elaWee of all kinJa, broaalis direct fr o m :41 • gantern Markets, tie a week; ..u.* „Utah% aal [la tur'my fsoulti aUpeevatiou, ;hue au t gtdg in, Cu all a better mid cheaper aikido tba.. any to. the market. Orders from a lbstatioe attended a promptly, and ade delivered 14 an, part et the city tree o: charge . FRE , H ()ANNE - FRUIT 4 coasia%tly on baud we fr! a mall. De2b) JORN Wle r . SAPPINESS OIL MISERY? T.H A T S THE QIJ E.S T 1.0 N E Proptiel ore 01 the PAHL:HAN uP WONallitti, tat? ind MN.D.I - Uare d..tormit.ed re4ardlesti of alto• use, to issue fru , (re- the .beneillt et suffering huoniolt-)' PO' a of their mist instructive aid i teresine Lc :tures on - Mar rime seetits tnequaniltuttions, 4 orvous Deafly, Prema ture Decline 01 lienhood, ludigt-stiou Weskoess or De. pr stoop, Loa of 41.:orgy red Vu , LPewers..lhn Great So cial Evils, au.: those *AI hies wile reguot from youth ful PI lee, Kzetwetw ol Maturity. or Ignor owe, of Pb °logy aLEt Nature's • Law, Tttese" tuvalutthie ' , enteral; hay been the meaus of enlightnleg so+ living thou and will b• forwarded free On the receipt of four oomopo, oy ed.treseing - liettgra. Y PADI-lAN Omit or ONAirola AND MeDiCaND, :83 Broadway, Vew Tor , — Jel9-oily • ' CAUTION. ALL persons are here by warned against de predating or in any manner trespassing on the Farm of Mrs. C. Mieh , adjoining the city, and under the management of the sub scriber. or I have arrested several of these petty thieves and nuisances, and • Made them pay pretty well for their sport. ' Hereafter I shall not only punish to the extent of the taw, but milt publvsh in- the -Telegraph and other papers the names of all offenders. Oct. 18, 1862. JACOB MLSH. • PLUM TREES, I N variety, at Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg Oct. 18, 1862 ENGLISH WALNUT TREES T Keystone Nursery, adjoining the city A Oct. 18, 1862 SPANISH OkIESTNIIT TREE.; A T 4.eyatone NuraerT, adjoining the city Oct. 13, 1862 BROWN sugars of all gradee, for sale low, by ' sIGHOIc3 k tab - Corner Front and SIIGAR cared bank just receive/di add Or Bab, by NlOilule3 & BOWMAN, sap 17 Cot. Front and Market street . . rprHE Liflegrove. LOA . Yrpperty, Canal A. grocery and RiiCkville Holum, situated five mile. above Harrisburg., is bow offered f,r sale.. bee adyer fissment in Weekly or apply to avg,i4tflailietlB63 rjallEi largest and most extensive assort ment of gliat in the city, just receivei, sod for ale Very law, by N/0110L2 s ' Clorncr rn . c, and 4farketi f,treets. JUST REOIiaVED 41. LARGE ASBOII,TMENI' of Family Bibles of different styles of binding, at 90e, 31 kb Sk, 88, Itb, 10 sable also Pooket Bibles of erect styles and prices at SOBEFASIIT Boolratore.t. febln-y EVERGREEN TREES, OFalldesirable varieties, at the Kiiiktane Nurseries. Fr The weather and season are favorable, and they should be planted as soon as possible. Oct. 12, 1862. J. 161811. XTEW mackerel, in halves, quar.ti3re ;Or kits, just recedved, and for sale low, by • NIGHOIA OrfitAN corner Wont and Markel. firsoloc._ MCI 6.000 , POUNDS Extra Vriaia. Oared Hamster sale very low wholtimile or retail by %111. 1) , Ch. IR. /OW . OF all sizes,. riatteStia, .said'!•titices, just received and for sa,l, a by , ('I OLD PENS I—The , latgest and best iur.akek, ote spi-P - Pvg A BOOIII37TMi LEMONS ; taistizie; tocoannts &a. ji!! received and for sale lIKKOLS - lk 80111IdN. Ow. Front and Market streets. EIM CID