Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 21, 1862, Image 2

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pailp Etlegrao.
Tuesday /fternoon, October 21, 1862.
We have received the first number of the
Army and Navy Gazette, a military publication
just originated in New York.. It abounds in
able articles on military subjects, from which
we quote certain suggestions in relation to re
form in the army. As the war for the Union
and Constitution progresses, many gratifying
changes and improvements are apparent in the
temper and habits of the Union troops. The
army, as well as the Nation at large, are get
ting used to the war. Panics, which were
common at the commencement of the contest,
are now almost unknown, and raw regiments
fight with almost as much steady bravery as
veterans. Soldiers realize the stern character
of their duties. Officers are less disposed to
loiter on furloughs. Indeed, furloughs for
any cause other than disease or confessed in
efficiency are now hard to be obtained. The
rules of army discipline are being fully enforc
ed, and Generals hesitate no longer to make
mow lea of offenders. A year and a half of
active, practical experience has disseminated a
general knowledge of taaics. Generals han
dle brigades and divisions with greater skill
and daring.
The advantages of thorough military train
ing naturally gave West Point graduates es
pedal prominence at the commencement of
the war. Since then, the casualties of war
have greatly diminished their number. - At
first, eff ,rts were made to keep up a distinction
between the regular army and volunteers. But
in the cause for which the army is fighting,
such a distinction was not only useless, but
often pernicious. It created jealousies and
heartburnings. If West Point graduates pos
sessed superior knowledge of the art of war,
the volunteers ought to enjoy the benefit of it,
in being placed under the command and in
struction of regular army officers. If officers
of volunteers display conspicious bravery and
capacity they should be recognized by promo
General Halleck has seen the force of these
considerations. He is inaugurating an admi
rable system of promotion in the regular and
volunteer armies of the United States. He is
making them in fact one great army, and is
breaking down the distinction by an inter
change of officers. His first step was to permit
junior officers of the regular arm to accept col
onelcies in the volunteer force. Since then there
has been a rapid interchange of officers between
the regular and volunteer forces ; privates and
sergeants of the regulars are made first and
second lieutenants of tht volunteer regiments,
while brave and competent privates and ser
geants of the volunteers are given commis
sions in the regular force. There cannot be
much lees than a thousand non-commissioned
officers who have thus been promoted, and it
is understood that General Halleck if , urging
the appointment of many more such upon the
Northern Governors.
If this needful reform is allowed to go on,
the distinction between the volunteers and
and regulars will soon exist only in name, and
our whole army will be officered by brave, disci
plined and competent men.
In a very few days, the mud blockade will
be fairly established in the valleys, the plains,
and most of the miserable roads of Virginia.
Both armies will be "stuck" in their camps.
Flesh and blood will be incapable of contending
with mire and mud, and. therefore both armies
will be compelled to go into winter quarters.
This will be the case with our army ; which, at
the least calculation, will be forced to remain
inactive until January, when we have
reason to suppose, the frosts will have prepared
the roads for transit and military operations,
and when, too, it will require once more, a long
time and immense preparation to fit the army
for an early spring campaign.
The difference between the armies of the Gov
ernment and the rebel mobs is, that our armies
are supplied with trains and baggage to such im
mense extents, that their movements are neces
sarily slow and wearisome, while the rebel*
being almost deficient in both, are. able to move
without embarrassment or calculation as to loss
of either baggage or stores. The brilliant and
irresistible dashes of Stonewall Jackson can
all be attributed to these facts. Stewart's cav
alry raids are all made without baggage, and it
is not asserting an exaggeration to claim that
the main body of the rebel army moves in the
same manner. Thus, then, while our army will
soon be seated in mud in the valleys and plains
of Virginia, the rebel hordes will have a good
time in dashing into Pennsylva...ia, visiting
Franklin and Adams county, and perhaps
causing precipitate-adjournments of the
haute during this winter. Added to these
facts, the brokers will have a good ti• In
speculating in gold and silver ; and the
price of coin goes up, the Democre -4111
have an equally good time in charging the
fact as an illustration of the depreciation of
Treasury notes. Altogether, then, the pros
pect of the army going into winter quarters is
encouragiug. The policy, too, which dictates
loth in our operations, until the season pre.
vents everything like a movement,is admirable.
But, let us wait for developments.
TSB Richmond Dispatch of the 16th says that
an attempt will soon be made to force iron clad
vessels past Fort Darling, and says forewarned
let us be forearmed.
The Cincinnati Jimea professes to have dis
covered "a disloyal sentiment in the north,"
and we must freely admit . ' that there is such a
sentiment among certain men in every loyal
state, who are continually harping on the good
that would result from conceded secession, in
comparison to the evils +which are certain to
flow from a forcible Union. For instance, this
sentiment occasionally attempts suggestions
as follows, which it claims are practical:
The north-western should be joined with
the south-western, the eastern with the middle,
and the Atlantic, Cotton and Gulf states, thus
forming three Unions as it were, to be indepen
dent of each other so far as their government
and institutions are concerned, but to be. bound
to mutual support and defence from foreign in
vasion or attack. The difficulty in the way of
such an alliance, would be to provide against
the danger which would be created in the dif
ferences certain to be engendered by the jealous
ies of such Unions. Another class, loyal b t
too timid for the stern realities of war, advocate
peace by submitting to the demand of the trai
tors, believing that the south itself would, in a
short time, be willing to re-unite under the
old government. However plausible these and
similar schemes may appear, they are imprac
ticable, so far as a free government on the con
tinent of America is concerned.
,The Government of the United States, under
the Constitution, is the best ever devised by
man. It gives to the people, without distinc
tion, the largest liberty consistent with law
and good order, and is so admirably arranged
that the people have the administration of the
government within their control. Our state
and local elections are annual, and every four
years there can be a complete change of the
National Administration. Politically, all citi
zens are equal, each exercising the same pow
er at the polls. The freedom of opinion is
complete, trade untrammeled, and the whole
system is such as to guarantee national free
dom and prosperity to a virtuous and indus
trious people.
If this government cannot be sustained, no
free government can upon the continent of
America. A dissolution of the Union would be
followed speedily by the dissolution of the
Confedercies formed ont.of the parts of the old
Union. Should 1862 witness two republics or
ganized out of the grand republic of the United
States, 1872 would witness as many republics
as there are now states in the Federal Union.
With a dissolution of the glorious old Union,
the people could have no confidence in the per
manency of any other. Society would become
at once unsettled. Revolutions and counter
revolutions, too, would also become the order
of the day, and the United States degenerate
into a semi-civilized condition, like that wit
nessed in Mexico.
Under the federal government, the peculiar
interests of each state or each section bind it to
the Union. The north-west, for instance wants
the south as a market for her grain, and, at the
same time, requires for her own prosperity, the
products of the south which she receives in re
turn. Under the present government, these
products are exchanged without hindrance, one
section equally contributing to the prosperity
of the other. Under separate Governments,
the wants of each would be made the cause of
imposition; speedily resulting in war.
So with the Pacific States. They are far sep:
arated from the seat of government. Geo
graphically they are remote from the main body
of the population of which they are a part.—
Their communication with their sister states of
the Atlantic coast is limited, circuitous and
time-consuming. Between them and the near
est interior state are vast expanses of mountain
and desert, over which a railway track is yet
rather a matter of hope and speculation than of
solid promise.
So far, however, those states as situated are
with us heartily, but they are bound to us by,
the bonds of the present Union.. The idea of
union with the Great Republic, the proud posi
tion of being part of that powerful empire
which commands respect in every corner of the
earth, has until now leveled the Cordilleras,
has bridged over the desert and boned them
fast to the Union as it was. With their vast
territory, with their fertile soil, with their un
equalled climate, with their fast growing popu
lation, with their exhaustless wealth, will they
consent to remain in a position of disadvantage,
a subordinate part of a nation so shorn of its
There is but one security for the liberties of
the people—theljnion must be preserved one
and indissoluble. There must be but one
Country, one Government, one Constitution,
one Flag I To permit a division of the Union,
is certain destruction to the whole. The only
safety of the people, however terrible the bur
dens and devastation of civil war, is in . the pre
servation of the Union, complete and unim
paired. He who advocates aught else is no
friend of the people, and we invoke all, in pas
sing through the trials, hardships and disasters
of these dark and gloomy days, to tolerate no
idea that tends to the dissolution of the Union.
Civil war is a terrible thing, but this glorious
Union is worth the sacrifices of years of war.
Let the sentiment of all be—" The Federal
Union—it must and shall be maintained."
&NATO& Swum, of Mass., has discovered by
this time, that it means something to be a
statesman -and in that meaning he beholds the
hate, malevolence and opposition of a most des
perate class of inveterate haters of everything
connected with free institutions. The war
which is waged against Senator Slimier is
something like that which Oliver Crom
well was compelled to encounter when he
proposed to humiliate the British aristocracy.
Cromwell waa hated and feared because he was
brave and pure. Sumner is opposed and de
nounced because he is pure, unselfish, patriotic
and determined. He is among the men of the
north, for whose sacrifice the northern-sympa
thisers with treason have entered into bonds
with their southern allies and friends. "If you
slay, hang and quarter Ithe freedom loving fa
natic, Sumner," demand the traitors in arms,
"we will believe in your sympathy and sincer
ity." ‘! We will., if falsehood and detraction
serve their devilish purposes," declare the sym
pathisers, and thus the bargain was effected.
Vermovivarrio Malty dlttegrap4., Citiestrav lfiernoon. (October 21, 1862.
—We hope that Senator Sumner will be re
turned to the United States Senate at the end
of his present term, on the 4th of March mali
gning. He is not our beau ideal of a statesman,
because we regard as such only those who have
a kno.yledge of and sympathise with the great
practical developments or the times. But Senator
Sumner fairly represents the great ideas of the
age, so far as they are connected with freedom.
He may be in the advance of the education in
free institutions, but be is not in advance of
the capabilities (so to term them) of free
dom, because every state in the Union is just as
well prepared for freedom at this day, as ever
they can become hereafter. The defeat of such a
man would ensure the advocates of slavery that
freedom has lost its prestige in the free
states. On the other hand, his triumph would
be a victory which could be used to advantage by
the friends of freedom throughout the civilized
world. For these reasons we sincerely pray for
the success of Senator Sumner.
The friends of freedom have nothing to de
plore when contemplating the result of the late
election in this state. Wherever they have
been defeated in a Congressional dieted, it
has been the means of calling out the real
sentiments of our opponents, who rejoice like
demons that they were able to strike down the
friends of freedom. The very fact that this
disposition has been - thus called out, proves all
that we have ever asserted on the subject of
northern sympathy with treason—because the
victory which our opponents sing, is claimed
in every instance as a victory against the gov.
ernment, as a triumph over the administration,
and thus of course as a blow for the aid and
benefit of rebel traitors. If it is not for this, it
is a result barren of all other influeaces and
effects ; because the issue clearly presented to
the people was for or against the government.
Whether the acts of the President, as he repre
sents that government, were entitled to support
—whether the laws passed by Congress should
be enforced—or whether both Congress and the
President must be repudiated. The Mobocracy
stand upon the issue of repudiation. They hold
to the revolutionary or rebellious doctrines
which give force and vitality to the slave hold
ers' treason, and the party in Pennsylvania
which Frank Hughes led into political battle,
would force Abraham Lincoln from the Presi
dency, or Andrew G. Curtin from the Guberna
torial chair, if they thought they had the phy
sical force to accomplish such an act. And
from this party, the friends of freedom may
ever expect the harshest and most unreasonable
opposition. Like the guerrillas of Mexico, the
Mobocracy of the free states are determined
hereafter to array themselves on the side of
oppreSsion and slavery, against law and order,
th.t, the spirit of discord and faction may pre
veil here as it now rages among our ill-fated
neighbors, Mexico. With the Mobocracy it is
a heresy to render labor free ; to place it on an
equality with capital. Whether that effort is
made by the restriction of slavery or the pro
tection of white labor from the competition of
the paupers of Europe, it is still a heresy and a
wrong ; a fanaticism and a crime.
—But in the face of all this, the friends of
freedom have no reason to despair or d. spond.
ki battling for our principles, we have no re
venges to gratify or resentments to serve. The
case is different with our opponents. When they
fail, their aims of personal ambition are prostrat
ed—their prospects of self-aggrandizement fail—
their anger and passions are aroused ,and of course
their phrensy and hate are stimulated to excess.
Men of principle gather courage from def. at.—
Men of passion accumulate bitterness from
triumph. This is just the case between the
friends end the enemies of freedom. We have
no time for resentment or revenge. Oar coun
try is still in danger. Let this engage our earn •
est labors—let this stimulate our exertion, and
let this inspire us with courage for the present
and hope for the future. Freedom is worth
suffering for.
it appears that he is not to be indulged with the
hearing of any speech which in the least degree
attempts to show him the causes of the rebel
lion or the means which will assist in its sup
pression. This was illustrated last evening in
the case of Rev. Isaac R. Grates, a plain, unso
phisticated, yet sincere and ardent promulgator
of the truths of religion. l3ecause he told the
soldiers of Camp Simmons that slavery was the
cause of this war—that slavery gave it force
and violence—that slavery supported the rebel
army, afforded itmeans of subsistence—gave it
numbers and labor—he was arrested, detained
and only released when he shoWed Capt. Tar
button's permit and Governor Curtin's order
for his passage into the Camp. Rev. Gates has
written us a Img card on this subject, giving
Wiese facts. He states, in addition in his card,
(which is too long for pUblication) he also de
clared that one of the causes which cast ob
stacles in the way of our triumph over treason,
was the sympathy which treason received in
the north. Rev. Gates is a Arnthful Wan,
and we believe all that he has written If there
fore, the influence of slavery is to gag the
clergy of the worth as it has those of the south,
the sooner it is known the stronger it will be
resisted. If a man dare not assert the true
causes of this rebellion, there is no use for men
to, risk their lives in its suppression.' God help
theland when the influence which gagged Rev.
Gates has gathered sufficient force to contend
against a free speech.
PENNSYLVANIA occupies the post of honorjuat
now in the column of national, loyal, Union
toying States. The most tinprecedented efforts
were made to carry a majority of her Congres
sional districts against the national administra
tion, and an organization effected for that par
poSe which is without parallei for perfection.
But the old Keystone stood firm, and goes into
Congress with a decided.majority of Republican
Congressmen. We observe that some of the
Democratic newspapers are counting Pennsyl
vania as Democratic in casethe next Preaidency
should be thrown into the Rouse. It is time
to stop it. Pennsylvania, in any such case
votes for the Republican candidatO.
uE •
From Washington.
General Scott's Papers Written Prior
to the Rebellion.
WASHINGTON, October 21
Early in 1861, when the civil war seemed
pending, but had not actually broken out, Gen.
Scott wrote two papers containing his views,
professional and political, on the crisis and the
rights and duties which devolved on the move
ments of the government.
At this momentous juncture, one of them
has recently been published without the writer's
consent. The second appears to day having
been furnished to the press by himself.
It establishes in the first place the patriotic
anxiety of the General-in Chief to prepare for
the coming storm, and his earnest and repeated
efforts to prevail on the Government to garri
son the southern forts against every possible
attack, and disclose, in the second place, the
causes of hie failure, which it is now evident
resulted from the indecision of President Buch
anan, misled, doubtless by treachery in the
Secretary of War, if not in other members of
the Cabinet in whom the head of the Govern
ment reposed a misplaced and abused confi
PraLammas, Oct. 21.
The Philadelphia Bulletin foots up the returns
of the recent State election, as follows :
A few more official returns of the late elec
tion have reached us, and they include now
most of the heavy voting counties. We sum
up the vote for Auditor General in these coun
ties, and compare it with the vote for Governor
two years ago, as follows :
Seventeen counties official for Governor in
1860: Curtin, 11., 129,957 ; Foster, D., 122,-
277 ; Cuttin'a majority, 7,685. Auditor Gene
ral, 1862: Cochran, 11., 108,399 ; Slenker, D.,
110,261; Slenker's majority, I,B62—Democratic
gain 9,647. The remaining counties voted in
1860 as follows : for Curtin, 11., 132,392 ; for
Foster, D., 107,986 ; Curtin's majority 24,407.
The seventeen counties already heard from offi
cially comprise more than half the voting pop
ulation of the State. If the Democrats gain in
the remaining countie,k at the same rate as they
have in these 17 they will lose the State by some
16,000. We apprehend, however, that the ma
jority against them will not be more than 8 or
10,000, as the unofficial returns from many
counties point to such a result.
The Schooner Admiral Blake.
John A. Andrew hae written a letter accept'
lug the nomination of the Republicans for re'
election as Governor.
It is stated that Brigadier General Devins
will accept of the People's Union nomination
for Governor.
Schooner Admiral Blake, reported as among
the vessels burned by the pirate Semmes, has
arrived safe at Seppican. She did not see any
thing of the pirate.
The Internal Revenue Tax
Important Deoision by the Oom
The following decisions have been made by
the Commissioner of. Internal Revenue :
The phrase " Kept for use," employed in re
ference to silver plate, is construed to except
silver plate or ware kept for sale, and also that
which is in the possession of a family or its
members as souvenirs or keepsakes. The plate
property taxable is that which has been pur
chased for the nee of the family, or has been
presented to the family as part of the household
furniture, and as such, is kept for use, whether
for ornament or actual service. In the excel"
tion of the law, assessors are directed to allow
owners of silverware to have the same weighed
and to make report thereof.
Stamps will be required upon every certificate
which has or may have a legal value in any
court of law or equity.
S.) . lol:lo):;9l.lA4.4:3 l lM.iCar+ViolY.%hol ,111
=When a manufacturer has goods on hand at
the place of manufacture, but has not taken out
a license, nor kept his mill in operation since
September 1, such goods are subject to tax
whenever sold or removed from the place of
In stamping promissory notes or other in
struments requiring stamps under the provi
sions of the excise law, stamps of a smaller
amount in numbers, sufficient to amount to
the sum of the stamp required, can be used.
Provided, they are of the kind denominated for
the particular instrument drawn.
The following decision concerns the liability
of iron castings to taxation.
lira, All castings which are so well and
generally known as to have a commercial value
must be taxed as manufactures when sold or
removed from the manufactory.
Second, Other castings made upon special or
der of a machinist, but which are not known to
the trade as manufactures in themselves, and
are designed for articles subject to taxation in
an advanced state, are exempt, not being manu
factures in the contemplation of the law. It
may be difficult to draw the line, but the judg
ment of the assessor will be required. As an
example, car wheels belong to the first class.
The following regulations have been issued
in regard to the tax upon manufactures pro.
diked since August 31, and delivered under
contracts of sale made prior to the Ist of July
last :
Arse, The manufacturer will pay the duty
upon such goods, without regard to the fact of
such contracts.
Second, The manufacturer will be authorized
to collect of the purchaser the amount of the
taxes so paid, whenever satisfactory proof shall
be furnished to the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue that the contract wee made prior to
the let day of July last, and in good faith be
tween the parties and towards the Government,
and that the taxes properly assessed upon such
goods or manufactures have been actually paid
by the seller.
NEW Tom, Oot. 21
The boiler in the flour mill No. 68 Green
wich -street, exploded this morning, &Jilin
four and seriously scalding some half a dozen
persons. Three or four are also said to be mill
dog in the ruins.
In the recent rebel raid upon Lexington,
killed from five to ten rebels and wounded fif
teen, among whom - was Major Samuel Morgan
of Nashville, a cousin of the notorious John.
The Major was shot through the neck, and
will die from the effects of the wound.
We also captured and paroled one hundred
and eighty rebels.
John Morgan left Lawrenceburg yesterday
morning, with about 1,200 men, closely pursu
ed by Gen. Dumont's forces, which captured
from fifty to one hundred of them.
At three o'clock this morning, three or four
hundnd of Morgan's men, at Cox's Creek, sti
miles this side of Bardstown, captured and
burned a Federal train of eighty-one wagons,
fifty-one of which were loaded.
They carried off the wagons and those having
charge of the train, except Lieutenant Barr, of
the Twenty-fourth Ohio, who was in command,
and escaped. The wagons belonged to Wood's
thirty being empty and looming to
wards Louisville, Morgan then went towards
Bardstown, and at about daylight captured
another federal train (the number of the wag-
I one is not known) two miles from Bardstown.
Thence Morgan went to Boston, with the sup
' posed intention to burn the railroad bridge at
that place. .
The rebels shot Thomas Marlow, of Nelson
county, after capturing him.
Gen. Dumont was near Lawrenceburg yester
day afternoon, in pursuit of these rebels, and
I only forty minutes travel in their rear.
Nothing has been heard from Buell's or
Bragg's forces.
SHIPPEN t Oct. 17.
The Republican county ticket is elected en
The Republican State ticket is about fifty
On Tuesday, October 14, by Rev. Charles A.
Smith, D. D., Capt. Join F. Thiaros, of Har
risburg, to Miss MARY E. STARRY, of the same
[lt is often the vocation of the printer to re
joke with those just fresh from the altar of
Hymen ; but it no instance has it been allot
ed to no to congratulate a bride or a groom
whom we could wish greater joy or more un
alloyed happiness, than those whose union.we
record above. That they may be blest in per
son and prospects, we most earnestly implore
Heaven ; and that as the goddess of fortune
multiplies their blessings, may those other
multiplication incident to connubial good-un
derstanding, increase their hopes, brighten
their bonds, and honor the family escutcheon.
Of course the reception of a sumptous bridal
cake has nothing to do with our sentiments,
prayer or congratulations in this connection.]
This morning, Oct. 21, 1862, at 8 o'clock,
Mrs. CATHARINE MONTOOMMIY, relict of the late
James Montgomery, in the 75th year of her
BosioN, Oct. 21
Years ago, before what we now call the new
and dazzling order of social 'organization and
changes had asserted their sway, the deceased
was known among those in Harrisburg, who
made charity a virtue, and virtue the adornment
of all their acts. As a wife and a mother, her
influence and example extended wherever the
refined and pure-hearted sought the emulation
of real womanly graces—and we write no exag
geration of praise or panegyric, when we claim
for the memory of Mrs. Catharine Montgomery,
a place among the beloved arid venerated
mothers of the land. In her affluence, the poor
ever had a friend ; in her recollection, the needy
were never forgotten ; and until she had retired
as it were from the world and society, and was
stricken by the hand of disease, her efforts were
active for peace, love and charity ; and when
she failed of effort in her retirement, she in
creased in fervent prayer, for the good which
ever follows such an influence.
Long years of suffering made her watchful
and anxious for death. She sought relief in
that, because she knew that it would also bring
her the reward which faith had taught was
reserved for her in Heaven. In that abode she
is relieved of suffering. There, where she had
her hopes, she will also have her joy and her
peace. X. X.
desire to purchase about four thousand
I eight hundred horses for the purpose of
mounting three regiments of Cavalry now or
ganizing at Harrisburg, Pa., and one regiment
of Cavalry now organizing at Carlisle, Pa.—all
Pennsylvania regiments. Said horses to be
furnished immediately.
The horses to be sound—not less than five, nor
more than eight years old —not less than fifteen
bands high, of dark colors, and adapted to
Cavalry Service.
None will be received until they are impeded
by an authorized agent of the government.
By order of the Department.
oet2l-d3t Capt., Act. Qrm., 11. S. A
Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport,
cy, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton,
Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun- .
bury, Treverton, Georgetown,
Lykenstown, Millersburg,
Halifax, Dauphin
The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, tite
Drayage vial be at the Lowest Rates. The .Conductor
goes through with each train to attend to the safe *s
livery of all ;cods introsied to the line. Goods deliver
ed at the Depot of
Freed, Ward & Freed 811 Market street, Philadelphia,
by 5 o'clock, P. M., will be delivered in Harrisburg the
next morning.
Freight Always as Low as by Any Other
Philadelphia and Readlug pep"
oet2l-dtt Foot of Market Street, Harrisburg.
prime Yellow Corm
81. 500 0. b o ush olU e S y 11: 41 14:
first quality.
200 bushels rye.
60 barrels whisky, first grua)
Enquire of
WWI' Zi a
Avows, Harrisburg.
Lotrisvium, Oct. 20
Nun 12thertistments.
Harrisburg, Pa
Walnut Street,below State Capital Hotel,
Beat Regulated and Cheapest Place of Amuse
ment in the World. Never has
more been
such a bright array of
in any Establishment of the kind, either in
Determined to keep up the GREAT REPU
TATION already acquired for this
Mammoth Place of Amusement,
we feel a just pride in announcing for this
week, commencing October 20th,
the Eminent Etheopian Comedian and Great
Tamboriniet ; and
the Champion Jig Dancer of America and Ec
centric Comedian ; in connection with the
on the Americas' Stage,
and the American Nightingales
To conclude every evening with the great
Deere open et 7 Ife7ook Commence et
808 BDWARD9 t ßole Lessee sod Manager •
UNCLE TOMMY, V tug of the Backtaile, Superintendent
IN nu abottlistments
In the Name aad by the Authority
WICIERIMI, It il3 a good thing to render thanks
unto God for all His mercy and loving kind-
Therefore, I, ANDRBW G. Cams, Governor
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do re
commend that THURSDAY, THE 27th DAY OF
NOVEMBER NEXT, be set apart by the people
of this Commonwealth, as a day of solemn Prayer
and Thanksgiving to the Almighty :—Giving
Him humble thanks that He has been gracious
ly pleased to protect our free institutions and
Government, and to keep us from sickness and
pestilence—and to sense the earth to bring
forth her increase, so that our garners are
choked with the harvest—and to look so favor
ably on the toil of His children, that industry
has thriven among us and labor had its reward;
and also that He has delivered us from the
hands of our enemies—and filled our officers
and men in the field with a loyal and intrepid
spirit, and given them victory—and that He
has poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) other
great and manifold blessings :
Beseeching Him to help and govern ue in His
steadfast tear and love, and to put into our
minds good desires, so that by His continual
help we, may have a right judgment in all
things :
And especially praying Hies to give to Chris
tian churches grace to hate the thing which is
evil, 'and to utter the teachings of truth and
righteousness, declaring openly the whole
counsel of God :
And mast heavtily entreating Him to bestow
upon our civil rulers, wisdom and earnestness
in council, and upon our military leaders, seal
and vigor in action, that the fires of rebellion
may be quenched—that we, being armed with
His defence, may be preserved from all perils,
and that hereafter our people, living in peace
and quietness, may, from generation to genera
tion, reap the abundant fruits of His mercy,
and with joy and thankfulness praise and mag
nify His holy name.
Given under my hand and the great seal of the
State, at Harrisburg, this Twentieth day of
October, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and shay-two, and of the
Commonwealth the eighty-seventh.
&metary of the Commonwealth
$2OO WILL be paid for a substi
tute to serve for nine months,
unless sooner discharged. Apply at
WANTED—Two Good Blacksmiths to go
to Skidmore & Co., Parkesburg,
Work per year. For reference apply at
0ct18.40 11. 8. HOTEL.
At Litis, Lancaster Co., Pa.
Affords superior advantages for thorough and
accomplished female education. For circulars
and information, apply to
octlB•d3m Principal.
DEIL—Mr. James M. Wheeler having
withdrawn from the agency for the sale of our
Gunpowder in Harrisburg, we have appointed
Major David M'Cormick our agent, who will
be prepared to furnish all Mr. Wheeler's Cus
tomers as usual.
CIDER Vinegar, warranted pure, for
i llis low, by rumors a so - wmail,
wormer Treat and Mae; street*.