THE TELEGRAr 18 PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER. TERI4B.-73moza. knixowmcs The DAILY TZLIONAPH is served to subscribers in the City at 6 cents per weok. ?early eubscribere will be charged 04 00 02 110V10200,. WIINLI AID 81X1 WICHLY3iLNORAPIL The Tsthoutara. Is also published • twin a week ;during the session of the' Legislagare, andimaklyi ditrkoi .; the remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following cult mw, viz: Single othauribere per year $0 Ten ..12 00 Twenty " " ..92 00 Single subscribers, Weekly 1 00 531 LAW OP 213WEPAPI3OL If subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until arrearagee are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa pin from the Mike to which they are directed, they are responsible until they bare settled the bills .and ordered t hem discontinued. lilisullantous 'NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL G• Xrl. OCIEI It , Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. RESPECTIVELY invite the attention of the public to their large and well selected stow( of - GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS. We now offer for sale' Stewarte, Loveringe Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, Green and Black Teas, Coffee, Spices and Flavoring [Extract& ALSO, FLOUR, FISH, SALT, LARD, HAMS, < &o. We invite an examination of our superior NON-EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, Unequalled In every respect by any in the market, to gether with all kitida of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, itc., Ste We have the largest assortment of GLASSWARE & QUERNSWARE In the city; also, aq lo ads of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. Call and examine at our old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMA N 12 Corner Fleet and Market streets. leatGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 1111.4N1TPACTUAIR op 8001-11110ERS' RULING-INICENESAD PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MAOHINWS NOR GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNOW. Portable Cider Mlle and Fodder Cutters, sullOOL FURNITURE, general Machine Work and Iron and Brass IC ANT 'NOS, WOOD ILIRNIND IN ALL ITS BRANOREA, BOR,OLL $4 WING, PLANING, ETV., E7O. ire Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brace made to order. Gear and Sqes!. Cutting, itc. PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS Cash paid for Id Copier, Brass, Speller, AIR. SMAM 49ILERS, &O. PENNS YL YIN IA RAILROAD, ABOVE SPATE STREET. , GELLAR WINDOW GRATES , Of various patterns, both stationlry and swinging. Sash Wedelns and various other budding eastingei for sale very cheap at the [my24-1y) aGL]. WORKS. BOOKS FOR FAIIMERS, rirtHE attention of agriculturiets is directed to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of othela to their experience STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best way to pert I'm them. Price....B 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICUI/TURE and Real Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buel .. 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 engravings.. 2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEM, by Weeks 20 Rho Nature and Treatment of Disearies of cattle, by DAN ' A 1 00 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 76 MUCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 1 60 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, lle-r THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Pm- , Meal Farmer, by Dr. Gardner .... .. .I 60 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 76 TEE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 26 ME HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE 1 26 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Training of Horses 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S CHEAP HOOK STORE LIEF` INSURANCE. The Girnrd Lila Insur ice, Annuity and Trust Comoanv of Philadelphia,. 017101RO. 408 GBINTATU7 ABEE (CHART= PERPETUAL.) CASUAL AND ADMITS ia,1149,811111 THOMAS RIDG WAY, President. JOHI v. G JANIS, Actuary,- i rTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reamu able berme. art as Rsecutons, Trustee. anti Guardians Under last bills. and as Receivers sad Maidoeeta The capital being paid Ile and invested, together with a kip an d constantly hicreiein reserved Mud ca m • re ac t neeurty to do Insured. , taThe premiums MAY be Paid banyearly or quer. b.. m a add a DORM perk:slimily tol nn - fames ler The FIRST BONUS appropriated the I n D e . oteatier, Ms SECOND BONUS December, 1.84 the mem Bt>DTUS id December, UM, and the swam DONOR in IRAA. These additions are made without re. loom any increase a the premiums to be pa id to me UDTao EVIZIY. Mewing are a lbw =ample , hem the Register p olio ,. I, = , 1 ruTur I mmo N: ?.:2 8000 02000 vra 1?: SIC : " /fa 1000 40CI 00 1,400 00 " alla 5000 1,876,0 Q 6,871":00 hilma It bum Mg 140 , lIIPTIr V 1r l • Zr *Ai =1 'l*w* VOL XVIIIL DR. JOHNSON p = IFIN irlo 1 / 2 116 , Y , (4.) =tap a . , • ,11.4 S discovered the most certain, speedy LI. and &Kowa remedy in the World tor DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE arch Iti six TO TIVICIMI BOUM No Mercury or Non= Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or,Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im poteno,y, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspsy, Lan guor,Low Spirits, Contagion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Hoa Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddi ness, Di MIN 01 the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, direc tions of the Liver Lungs. Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those 1110BIEr and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of :yr.= to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their must brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ito., impassible. Young Nen lispecially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit wbioh annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full 00eildonce. illaniago. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debili ty, deformities, Mo., speedily cured. tie who places himself under the care of Dr. .1. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. thintediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing affection—which renders Life misers. ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit manses from not being aware .of the dreadful consertilenees that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow. er of procreation is lost soeuer by those. falling Into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy cawing, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervious Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the HOLM, Indigestion, Constindlont I Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Oonsumption, Decay And Death. Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street. Left band side going:from Baltimore street, a few door. tram the corner. Fall not observe time and number. Lettere must be pedd lied contain a comp. The Doc tor's Diplomas bang In his office. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury or Nauseous Dregs, 'Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate prom one of the mast eminent Colleges in the United Stelaesad the greater part of whoes life has been spout In the 'boepltale of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has &limbed some of the most astonishing enroll that were ever known • many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfidness with frequent blushing, attended eomethnee with dera n gement of mind were cured immediately. Dr. J. addressee all those who havoiniured =easels= by Improper indulge. ce and solitary Wants, which ruin both body and =lnd, unfitting them for either business, 'tatty, society or marriage. These are some of the mid and melaecholly effects pro. darted by early Willits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Beau end Limbs, Pains in the Bead, Dimness ,f Sight, Lou of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dye popsy, Nervous Irratibility, Derangement of the Digestive runtime, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, 11 0: - Mormis.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Lou of Memory, Confusion of Ideas , De premien of Spirits, STA Forbodings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, tc., aro some of the agile produced. Tnowatime of persons of all ages can now judge whit is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having • singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of eonsumption. Young lon Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dolged to when alone, a habit frequently learned froth evil companions, or at wheel, the effects of which are sightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cored renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, thedtope of his coon. try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched ho w a ll prospects and enloymente of Illb, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging In a certain secret habit. Such persons =sr, before contem plating liarrfrop, • .• reflect that a sound mind and beery arelthe most neces sary, =wishes - to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage o,lo3.preePeot hourly darks= to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melaneholly reflteition that the happiness of another beeomes blighted with our own. Disease of Imprudence. when We mlegulded and Imprudent votary of pleasure ends that be has imbibed the needs of this painful die. ous, it too often hope= that an tiltlmed sense of shame or creed of Afar:Amery, deters him from applying to those who, fyom &Mouton and reepeotability, Can alone be friend him, delaying till this constitutional symptoms on this hurt d disease maketheir apparatus, such as ul coratediscre throat, diseased nose, nocturnal-pains ill the head and limbs, dimmers of night, deafness; nodes as the awn bones and arms, blotches on the head, face azid extremities,' progressing with frightful rapidity, , at Jut the paiate of the mouth or the bones of the nose td/1 la, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid obj e ct, of commiseration, till death puts a period to hid dreadful suniwings, by seeding him to " that Undianov vered Oodntry from whence no traveler returns." • IS is a inekeMbokflost that thousands hill victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unakilfulluem of iglW rant tootonitaro, who by the. WM of that Aridly Poison, *Mat, ruin Um cimstitntion and make the residue o life miserable. Trust not your lives, Stranger or n esse; s. to the we of the man, Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know-, ledge, name or chancier, who copy Dr. Johnson's * d y er= veresemonts, or style themselves in the newspapers, regularly Iducated Phylichum incapable or Curing, they helm you trilling month alter month taking their filthy and poisoconsw! es cot /pounds, or ass long as the smallest fee can be 'obbiinet and in despatr, leave you with ruin ed-beidth to sigh over your galling disaPPuilltmonk Dr. Johnson is the only Physician 4dvertishog. His credential or diplomas always hangs in his office. BM remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared trout * life spent In the gr wit hospitals of Eu rope, the drat in the amnia and a mare extensive Pri vate Practice than any other physician . ht the world. Indorsement of the Prem. The many thesseade cured at this institution year at year, and the cameras haportant Surgical Opera tions peritonea by Dr. "boon, animated by the re porter. of the 'quo," octlyper,P o sad many ether pa pers, Ilotices of which bare appeared again and again beibre the public, besides the standlag as a gentleman of oharacter and reeponelbUfgr, is a suMt gsarrasisa lathe afilland. .;kin Diseases bloodily Cured. Person writing should be pertienw in whetting their ogengolge Institutlm, in the fallowingm ug= : s • - JOHN ILJOHNSON.II. D. Of thit Baltilikore Look Hospital, Baltimoze, Md. COAL Oil 1,000 Shades, Wicks, Chim ney; for mile My bY was= BOWMAN "la Caner Front 1111 d Market mate/Pa. Anoint of Poitay and boons to be boorooood by Mary oddAtiouo. latill newly replenished ate* of Toilet end Pinny goose el iniumemped in tide eV, and I confident tit' rendering iWidectien, we would res secula r Invite a eau. KILLER, stamens WNW, Wee doper snit ar,Nourikate,l o o l t 4 , l augm iixe, passer nor, Tueedmmililla : l iraa k *, .:',1!) • , PAY ME 'INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINi,44,-- *lento! Organic Weakness Take Particular Notice HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 20, 1862 ftliscrilcmtous FREIGHT REDUCED HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO.'S MORT a QUICK ROUTE TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 74 P. M., by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg atitiL M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF CAE& Order Goode marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 182 Broadway, New York. For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agent. limuutunnul, Aug. 1861.-dtf ST : M BOILERS. lijAV LNG made efficient and perniamenl IA arrangements for the purpose, we are now pre, pa•ep to make STBAM BOlLittB of every ldnd, promptl ly and at reasonable rates. We shall use Iron made by Bailey & Brother, the reputation bT Which is second to nous in the market. None bat the best bands employed. Repairing prompt iy attended to. Address KAGLII WORMS, mynly Frarelebarg. Pc NO REBELS 1--NioholB 86 BOWIIIIIEI respectfully infbrut their =ottoman *Ad the pub Ito generally, Butt rr store will not be dogrel boreal ter In the afternoon, as has been the etse last week; We invite all to call and purchase as heretofore, an WI have packed up none of our goods. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Oar. front and Market ,Bt. PRESERVE JARS &MD JELi LY JL, tzi.B 1%.1 , 'tkrrigei.V.E gas' ort' &eat of I,llalaw' `aie`i AL:4 Including Jolly glasses, Preserve Dishes, Goblets, Tumblers, &0., &o , el Ripka,. Just resolved sad for Bale low by • ' NIIITGOLS - jy7 Denier. Front, & Market strews CAMP WRITING CASES, OONTAINESTO PAPER, ENVELOPE 43, PENS AND PENCILS. Just the thing to , carry : in the , knapsack. peon coos plate, only 38 o nts. For sale at niutatows CHEAP BOON STORE. WHITE`BRANDI FOR PRESNWVItiIik P-URVOSES. VERY superior article, (pure,) just A rl. received and for silo by WM. DOCK, AL, & CO. SUGAR! BBL 6. Sugar (Refined aad Raw,) dell grsues and Kind, just received and lettt i at the lo ffeat wake& prices. jetV WY DAIL, Jtt., di DANpELION WYRKE I—A Frdah and large supply ut this Colebtsold Goffew ua reoeiveo fla 3 l WM. Ir.. 0. BREAKFAST BACON AVery ohoioe lot, equal to the celebre! 14.1 (Imported) 'Yorkshire, Just reGeiTed. ; U 0 a 'I. CALL and examine those new jars for Frait;' i : beat, ebeapatt autermpleet in In market, MI sale by . . NICHOLS & 110WRArt, tale t °roar .14014 . 11,11 d MaTket street. 1 CHEEfig from the celebrated fiambi46 . dams, a emit oonaigamantjaat reoaland and • fur alUe by ailOauLd ag BOWMAN, sept.l2 ,9ornar ffont aug aka... agnate. 4 VANILLA BEANS, • Iv's,' are offering . 'Or sale a splen did 7 Quo of Vieille Bean at low prim, •by WI pound, ounce or singly. EIILL,II6I DIiU MEL 91 Market axon. CEDAR TII132; BASKETS, BROOMP3 : and everywng in JusC received In !up! cleanable' and Ibr isle very Low by. . wee. ouqi. jr., ^ - - 43 - ' Vp ICI, Dandelion and other preptratitme I,lli of collier, freehand pare, ter dale low, 'by NICHOL 3 e BOWMAN, • sae • Corner Frea and hiareet streets, 1 .. EVERGREEN TREES AND REIREGIR ARE plauted by some exparienoud.gard L mesa iLI alagust, September awl October, us 'pre ance co auy Gana' mason, and witn great I4101)d Ili. - A line assortment at the no, Moue ."lursisy , Harris burg. aulKI-dtf DREBERVING jars and fruit cans of all .1. kinds and Biwa, for sale by 241‘110LS & Bunco! call . 04f WV, riout Rua Jildnort-mu...eit.. r BAT, lay: r adish; Congress arid DANDELION, Rio and other prepare tome of Coil" for rate by N/OHOla & BOWId&N • oeptl2 Corner Front and Mark* itrtlobi BLACKING ! AWN'' "CHALLENAIN BLACKINO. 411/ 00 Grow, as s orted *whine; received, and for mwsut Wholemailb prices, • deli WM. 00014.Tr.1100 ? NEWBOLD HAME3.--1 small lot of Skew e 'anted Hamer Jut received. • i% • VF4I, POI*, Jr., .A CO, BESTPENS in the woild,'for 75c, $1 25 01 60, $2,:14 . 11, sad 64, fuz late et [OO4 - - ISCRIMINS Hodastare. guott DRIAABTOR,II is Um OA* to biktiiiiat Hakim", . _ BOWILIL Corner Front Me Market atrepla =ZEE Zirtotal* NTFAL IN NON Fi ..:c.ot: 'Ctiltgta,po.. THE STATE ELECTION. LANCASTER COUNTY OFFICIAL. Cochran 11,471 Slenker 6 632 Roes - 11,482 I Barr. 6,629 CONGRESS. .11,184 I Steinman samentr. Champneye....ll,6lBPeters... Lehman 11 , 666 , Worley.. Mayer 11,444 Martin... Bowman 11,427 1 Caldwell. Stevens. 10):11101:1161$10Zi1lie)41:01)1,101 Cochran Rosa.... .7,224 I Blanker .7,228 Barr,.. OONGRISEL —7,187 1 M'Call.. 4,975 11.981118 LY. —7,246 M'Clure, —7,207 Evans —7,258 Hayes Broomall Windt% Smith... M'Clellatt CAMBRLi COUNTY—OFFICIAL. Fassamma, Oct. 18. The official vote of Cambria county is as fol lows : Auditor Gourd—Blanker, 2,784 ; Cochran, 1,585. 81enker's majority, 1,199. Surveyor General—Barr, 2,741 ; Bose, 1,617. Barr's majority, 1,224. Congress—McAllister, 2,855 ; Blair, 1,418. IttbAllister's majority, 1,437. &nate—Wallace, 2,680; Hale, 1,601. Wal lace's majority, 1,079. The entire Democratic county ticket is elected by a majority averaging 1,000. The vote polled is large-865 over last fall's aggregate. Btewart's Horse Stealing Expedition. Row the Rebels view their Reputation. 'IIOW 01111 GKNERAL'S NEGLECT THEIR DUTY, The following extract from a letter printed by the New York Tribuirs, on Saturday last, was written at Hagerstown, Md., October Ih. It gives a vivid description of the inactivity of our General's, and calls loudly for notice from those who have the power to apply the corrections : Stewart crossed the Potomac at M.'Craig's Ferry on Friday morning at day light. It wits 'well known at headquarters, in Hagerstown; 14 miles distant, three hours after. If a regi ment had been sent to Chambersburg the after- Fridas,lltewaikeouldnot possibly have crossed the Cumberland Valley Railroad. But the regiment, or rather regiments were not sent uutil Satuida'y night, Slateenhohniafter Stewart had left Chamberaburg and was half way on his return to Virginia. At noon on Saturday General Pleasanton came dashing into the city, and all thought something was going to be done. He dashed through it—went three or four miles on the road to Chambersburg—then returned—halted two or three hours and then started of in the direction of Gettysburg. This last movement looked as if somebody with brains had directed it if it had only been made the day before. But the order having been given on Saturday instead of Friday, led nu all to predict, who saw the cavalry start, that it would about as soon reach the North Star as Stewart's thieves. And our predictions were fulfilled. Stuart might have been captured with ease if our generals had acted upon Infor mation in their posassion on Friday morning. As upon many other occasions during this war, a loyal black was the first person to bring the intelligence of Stewart's arrival at Mercersburg to headquarters. His story was told in front.of the Washington House, and Majors and Briga dier Generate, as well as a crown of civilians heard it. The civilians believed it, and damned some pasons high in authority for not acting upon it instantly. Every word the negro told has since been proved to be true. A few hours delay on our part enabled Stuart to reach Chaos bershurg, destroy an immense amount of prop. arty, clothe andleedide men from our ware houses, and take 600 horses. , In giving these facts, lam not laying the blame at the feet of any particular General. I have simply demonstrated that Stewart might lave been caught with ease, if anything like _celerity of movement had been made in the dis position of our troops. It will be an outrage upon the loyal _people of Pennsylvania and Maryland if some Prominent General 18 not shorn of his shoulder•atraps for this failure to crush the, rebel General who has so frequently c0n4 , 0 11 4 to hang our bea4ll Shan* And mortification before the whole world. N. P. BU Vileartio.--In his ' 4 Five Lay Ser niorui," Dr. Brown thas talks of 'the masculine prerogative:-" I am for hear& out: and out, because I think the !flatter of the beard was and is. This is reason 'enough'; but there are many others. The misery orshaviug, its expense, its consumption of timt&-a very corporation.ekist ing for no other purpose but to shave mankind. Campbell, the poet, who had always a bad ra sor, I suppose, and was late of rlslbg, said he believed the man of civilisation who find to be sixty, had suffered more pain in little' every (tat in ihaving; thin a woman with a large family had from her children. " This would be hard to prove ; bat it Is a process that never gets pleasanter by practice ; and then the waste of time and temper, the ug limes of being ill or unshaven. Now we can easily see' advantages In it ; the masculine gen der is intended to be more out of doors, and more in all weathers than the smooth-chinned ones, and this protects him and his Adam's ap ple from harm. It acts as the twat of all re spirators to the mason and the east wind. Be sides, it is a glory; and it must be delightful to have and stroke a natural beard, not like bean stalks or bottle-brunh, but such a beard as Abraham's or Abd•el-Hader's. "It is the beginning ever to cut, that makes all the difference. hasund a theory that no hair of the head or beard should ever be cut, or needs any more than the eyebrows or eye !Babes. The finest head of hair I hmow is one which was never cut. It is not too long, and. *edit and thick. The secret where to star) growing is In theend &lb* native untouched hair. if out it off, the poor hair does not know when to stormed If our eyebrows were so cut they might homed' to /mug over out eV*, mei.* wrought Into a veil. • "BesideOlitik of the waste of substance oi the bodsrin hewing may so lunch hair alai inornthg,anti entouraeng an' sndleim reifiddioi = of crops. Well, then, , I go in for the beards of the next generation, the,noshom beings whose beards will be wagging when we are away ; but of course they must le clean. But how are we to sup our porridge and kail ? Try it when young, when there is just a shadowy down on the upper lip, and no rears but they will do all this elekantly" even. Nature is slow and gentle in her teaching, even (he accomplish- meat ea the spoon." Deferred Correspondence 6,660 The following, letter was received a day or two before the election, but, mislaid, in looking over a file of unanswered letters we discovered it and lay it before our readers: PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 11, 1862. 6,568 ..6,497 ..6,522 ..6,348 Dams Sut:—Every other sound at this mo ment, in Philadelphia, is overwhelmed by the clash of politicil couflict. The indications are that, by an immense majoiity, the cohortirof disunion will be routed and the patriotism and ability of the government receive the recogni tion that it merits, in the election of the entire National Union ticket, and the discomfiture and dispersion of its enemies. Meanwhile, business is at a stand still. The promenades are resplendent with beauty and fashion, but the essential—Parpen't----remains In its plea of concealment, and is expended even by the wealthy with sparing hands. The wheels of retail business are impeded still more by the entire absence of small money, those of wholesale business at present are stopped by the uncertainties of the price of goods. A pound of cotton now costs the foimer price of a pound of wool. A sheep was once an animal of moderate pretensions. His average fleece Was worth to the farmer from eighty-five cents to a dollar. To day the sheep is of some im portance, and his fleece is of equal value with tds carcass. Cotton costs fifty cents a pound in bulk. It loses fifteen per cent. in preparation for manufacture, and fifteen per cent. more must be paid by the buyer for the gold that he gives for it. This is a pretty state of things, and instead of improving they are growing worse. What were once shilling calicoes now sell by wholesale at fifteen cents, and an ordi nary piece of shirting muslin now brings twenty five to thirty cents per yard. Man made toe town, God made the country. Let every one enjoying the latter be thankful for it. Life in the metropolis at this moment consists principally is making disbursements. The prices of every article, whether of food or wear, have enormously risen. In the markets you are benevolently fleeced at every turn with out the possibility of a remedy, and all this with business, -except that of supplying the government with stores, at the very lowest possible point of uuproductiveness. This is the beatitude or metropolitan life at this moment. The Baptists are just dosing the labors of the annual session of their State Association. They adopted sterling patriotic resolutions. The Baptista of Pennsylvania are loyal to the very marrow. By strange contrasts throughout the South' they are of all secessionists the most ranoerous and malignant. By the. State Asso ciation their southern co-believers.are suttsian tinily ignored. Tue Methodists, in the annual covention, and the Episcopalians also passed Union resolutions: As was said at a public meeting here the other night, •all Democrats may not be secessionists, but of a verity, all secessionists are Deutocrats." This cannot be got over. It is a fact as substantial as the pyramids, and as indelible as the crimson with whicu the Almighty paints the cheeks of court try lasses. 4,870 4,889 _4,871 ...4.880 ...4,821 And talking of Union men, and the rewards tendered by the great heart of the people to those who win their respect and confidence by answering patriotism and integrity, Philadet phia is about to select froin her many noble sons a candidate for the next ' Governor of tne Commonwealth. She will claim the right to the nomination and the election of a citizen who has already done rue State no ordinary service and who by long continued ability and zeal has shown his exceeding fitness for the exalted position. I refer to no otherlentleman than the present postmaster of Pioladelphia, Cor nelius A. Walborn Esq. Mr. Walborn entered the postoffice of this city with the hostility of a great political patty,, the Democrats. He has literally "killed wits kindness" even the ram pant politicians who opposed him, and has drawn to his support the wealth and the Intel ligence of the entire community. 'Ads is the gentleman whom Philadelpida will propose as her candidate for Governor, and Cali upon the Union men of the State to ratify her choice.— When in the Legislature, Mr. Walborn devoted to the development of the i ternsl resources of the State his entire abilities ; among these were the coubury & Erie railroad and the Pennsyl vania Central railroad, two enterprises that will ever owe to him, a. large share of their signal esuccees. To Mr. Walborn scarce a foot of the Commonwealth is. unknown. Re wag reared in Old Dauphin, slid einee the age of tee years has been the architect of his personal fortunes. His greatness is self made. The honors that have clusteredjipon him have been moat richly merited. Thiletautp of men, alter all, are the men who impaft gte.,tness to the country. MISCRI4LANNOUS ADVANT/LOS OF A WOODan Liro.—A wooden legged amateur happnied to be with a skir mishing Party lately, when a shell burst near him, smashing his artificial limb to bits, and bending a piece 'of iron through the cal( of a soldier near him. The 'soldier "grinned and bore it" like a man, while the amateur was loud and emphatic iu his lamentations. Being rebuked by the wounded soldier, he replied; "Oh, yea ; it's all well enough for you to bear it. Your leg did not cost anything, and will heal up ; but,i paid $2OO cash for,mme." Kraal) ON THE Esimuhtn.---George Barks scar repairer on the Cleveland and Pitt, liailroad, was killed at the Wheeling de Tuesday last. He was working- bets couple of cars atanding on the track, al glecting to display a red flag at the end trolly a rule observed ha the yard by rej a locomotive backed the car on which at *oily' notching his neck between the Pbum pert." He crawled:bit the track and inameo diately expired. His death was caused by his own aimlessness. He leaves a wife and two children. JACKSON QNOI SUNROONDIED.—An army COMA pendent tells the following incident that occur red in Maryland, between Stonewall Jackson and the ladies : They surrounded the old game cock (he eate—oLadies, this is the fast time I ever was surrounded,) and cut every button oft, his coat, and, they say, commenced ois hie p ag a n , and at one time it was feared he would be in the umlaut' of a Gauen Ail except a shirt mate sad spare Why I= F=ZI NO 44. ME i la grititt tistillit - . Having procured Steam Power Preecas, we are prepar ed In execute JOH and BOOK PRINTING Of army _ deacripdon, cheaper than It can be done at any (*or establishment in thn country. Rolos OF aDFXRT MOM • e "Four lines or tests constitutesnet4r e *mire. Right lines or Hors th an four oonbtitute a aq t . Half square, one day one week ens month three months six mouths " one y ar. Otsfdquare, One day ......... ...... tt one week 2 09 to{ One month 5 4* three menthe 10 01 41 sin month. 1600 01111 year. 70 00 'sir Bugloss notices inserted to the Local or before Marriages and Deaths, BIGHT 02NTS FM LIN for each insertion. Si- Marriages and Deaths to be charged, as regular advertisements. BY TELEGRAM From oar Morning Kditlon Capture of Jacksonville,Fla. Capture of a Rebel Steamer, Glum Ammunition, &o. A letter from Jacksonville, Florida, states that on the arrival there of General Brannan on the Bth inst., the town was found nearly deserted, and it was occupied by the 7th Con necticut regiment The rebel steamer, Gov.• Milton,was captured by the expedition that had been sent up the river. Ti--- guns and ammu nition captured at the taking - er' lb° river ha* teries and also a large number of confaimlie whe fled to our lines, had been sent to Hil Head. Gen. Brannan and his force bad returned. The gu.iboate beiug depended on to keep possession of the river. FROM NEWBERN, N. 0 NEw Your., Oct. 19 The steamers G. C. Colliers and Ellen S. Lerry from Newbem, N. C , has arrived with dates to the 14th. Gen. Stanley arrived at Newbern on the 11th inst. The gun-boat Seymour, has been raised from the river, and put in order for service. NEW YORK POLITICS Ngw Yogs, Oct. 19 The new organization styled the Federal Union party, met last dvening and nominated Gen. John A. Dix for Governor, and issued en address to the electors of the State without dis tinction of party, to form Federal Union clubs and send Delegates to a Convention on the 28th inst., to be held at the Cooper Institute, in this city, in order to ratify the nomination of Grn. ANOTHER REBEL STEAMER AFLOAT. The British schooner Minerva reports that, on the 15th inst., in Lat. 28.56 Long. 57.10, she spoke a rebel steamer from Wilmington, N. C., far- Nassau, with a cargo of cotton. She was 200 tons burthen; painted green anti schooner rigged. FUNERAL OF COMMODORE HUDSON Nsw Tome, Oct. 19. - Commodore Hudson was burled yesterday afternoon with appropriate honors. Kett) 2bvertisentents CLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEET AND CHEAPEST ! I I CALL AND EXAMINk, WSf DOCK, Ja. &CO 600 WALNUT TREES, THRIFTY and straight, from 6 to 8 feet kilo, at 52 per dozen ; $lO per 100. Keystone Nursery, Oct. 18, 1882. POST OFFICE NOTICE Ott and after May 6th, 1862, the mails at this office will be closed as follows : NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. _ _ NORTH. War Ham—For all places between Harris burg, Lock Haven and mira, N. Y., at 12.00 Al El SOUTH. WAY MAIL—For all • places between Harris burg and Baltimore, Md.,and Washington, D. ~ at 12.00 M. For York, Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. 0., at 900 P. M LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST. WAY Metz—For ail places between Harris burg and Reading, Pottsville, Easton and Philadelphia, at 7 00 A. M PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WAY M A.ll.—For all places between Harris burg and Philadelphia, at .6.30 A. M. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at .12.00 M. For Bainbridge, Mariet ta, Columbia, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at -E.16 P. M. For tancaster, Philadel phia and New Yoik, at 9.00 P. II WEST. WAY Main—For all places between Harris burg and Altoona, at 1/00 H. _ _ Johnstown For Pittsburg, Pa., Cincin nati, Columbus and Cleveland, 0., at 246 P. M. For Lewistown ' Hun tingdon, Tyrone, Al toona, Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg, 9 00 P. 31 CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Car- Shippensburg, '-erg, Pa., and - Md., at..T.00 —For all . ;en Harris rin.beraburg, .... :12.80 P.'lL SIISQIIRSANNA. RAIL ROAD. • For Ellwood, Pinegrove, • Summit Station Au burn and Pottsville, at 12.30 P. it STAGE &RITES. For Linglestown, Monads Hill, West Han- over, Ono and Jroneo towp, on Monday, We - .. need 4 _ A: It For Lisburn and -Lewiw- berry, on hatiliday 2.00 P. M frOf3ce Hours—FL:oin 5.80 M. to BP. , Sandell' from t9_ A. 1.. and from 3 kit P. M. '- GIEWMIT3CR , Postamise -SO 16 1 26 4 00 6 0 ..10 09 Nicw YoRK, Oct. 19. Nsw .Yoas, Oct. 19 and
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers