THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER. TERIIB.-SINGLE EMORIPTION The DAILY littaciatsu is served to subscribers in the City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be cbsrgod $4 00 in advance. Wltittair ♦tdD Eltal WiItELY TYLlCutspe. The •ritiGRAPEI Is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers al the following cash rates, T übscribers per year 60 Ten 44 14 ..1.2 00 Twenty ~ 44 St " .. 22 00 Ingle subscribers, Weekly Mt Lig OP IiaWSPAPKBB. It subs:Mors order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until arrearagea are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newer'. pers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. filiattlantaus NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -IEL vCO M.B, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. Li ESP ttCTIVELY invite the attention I.llu of the public' to their large and well selected stucK of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO• NESTIC FRUITS. we now offer for sale' Stewarts, Loverings Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, Green and Black Teas, Coffee, Spices and Flavoring [Extracts. AL&K), FLOUR ASH, SALT, • LARD, HAMS, &c., &o. We invite an examination of our superior NON-EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, Unequalled in every respect by any in the market, to gether with ail kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, &c., &c We have the largest resortment of GLASSWARE & QUEENSWARE in the pity alto, all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. Can and examine at our old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, seat t 2 Corner Front and Market streets. egb►GLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ILMUFACITIRBR 01 BOOK-BINDERS' RULING-lIIACIIINESIAB PENS STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MADHINta POR GRINDING CUTTING•MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass C AST INGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL I'M BRANORA'N SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, EIV., L. Any Pelachine of Wood, Iron or Braes made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS. sir Cub paid far Copper, Brass, Spelt er,, &o. STEAM BOILERS, &C. PENNS YL VAN IA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Of various patterns, both stationary and swingthg. dash Weights and various other building castings, for sale very cheap at the tiny24-Iy] ROMS! WORKS. BOOKS FOR FARMERS, , ILE attention of agriculturists is directed to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the expert mente of others to their experience !STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best way to perform them. Price.... 3 50 WLEMAN'6 AGRICULTURE and Uhl Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en.... THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buel .. LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and mai venial handbook, with 400 ewra,vings..2 60 Alf EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEM, by Weeks Poe Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dad 1 00 LE1BI(' AG LtIC LI LTURAL CHEMISTRY 76 MILCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 1 60 GRASSER AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Horse the cow, the,pig, fowls, &a., &c.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prac- tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner... ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 26 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE 1 26 HIND'S FARRIERY and BTUD 800K....1 00 HOESEAL9.IISI.ILP and the Breaking and Training of Horses 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at BERGNEIt's UIIEAP BOOK STORE. LIFE INSURANCE II The Girard Lite Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. 0171C1.170. 408 CLISSINU7 0.9.7.R.8EZ (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ASBinS $1,543,388 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN F. JAMBS, actuate, lco NTIN U E to make INSURANCE ON LIVEI on the most reedit,. able terms. ey aet as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under Wu Wills. and as Receivers add Amp:lees. The capital being paid up and Invested, together with a large and constantly incre Aging reserved hand, were a perfect securdy to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or (mar. torly, aue company add a BONUS PoriodidellY to the, Jun. ranee' for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in De. camber, 1844, the SECOND BONUS in December, 1819 , the THIhD BONUS in December, 1854, and the FOURTH BONDS in 1889. These additions are made without re. regally increase n the premiums to be pa id to the pany. The following are a few example; from the Register Amount. of Policy and Burn I Bonus or I bones to be increased In addoion by totem, additions. No. 80 $2500 Ibo 88,887 60 o 7.50 1000 o 135 1,050 00 400 i 0 4,060 00 4400 00 li au woo 3,11T5 00 6,875 00 Aiwa L $ 887 it rirtsburg and Ilathi y, IVELLEAX BUEHLER' eio.ay litnitgiba VOL XVIIII. ifitimecr DR. JOHNSON 3BALLITINECOR..IEI LOCK HOSPITAL! Li" AS discovered the most certain, speedy aud eifetcual remedy in tho world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. BMW IN NIX TO TI MM ROM. No Mercury or Noxious DM% A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. weakness of the Back or,Limbs, Stricture., Affeetions 01 the h Idneye and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Int. potency, General Debility, Nervousness Dyspepsy, Lan guor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of sight or Giddi ness, Di seam of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, affec tions of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those kiIIORNT and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of :.yreits to the Maritime of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, ho.-, impossible. Young :Men &specially, who have become the victims of Solitary bleu, that dreadful and deetructive bent which annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, wbo might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Marriage. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debili ty, deformities, &0., speedily cured. tie who places himself under the care of. Dr. J. may relgiouely confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing Allectionwhich renders Life misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. young persons are too apt to commit excesses from sot being aware of the dreadtul consequences'that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner try those falling Into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy offlapring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervious Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Conetiudloul 1 Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. Moe, No• 7 South Frederick Street. Lett hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door. Item the corner. Fall not to observe Demo and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. lbe Doc. Goes Diplomas hang In his office. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury or Nauseous Drays, Dr. Johnson, • Member of the Royal College of surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United Slates, and the greater part or whose hle has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some or the most astonishing cures that were over Known • many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind ware oared immediately. Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. addresses all those wholistve injured themselves by improper indulge -at and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad and meiancholly effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Buck and Limbs, Palos in the Head, Dimness Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dye yam Nervous Irratibility, Derangement of the Digestive Functiode, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Diarreem.v.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas , De premien of Spirits, Evil Forbin:huge, aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of holitude, Timidity, ac., are some of the evils produced. THOCIaIMe of persons of all ages can now Judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of SOnsUmptiOn. Young lien Who have isourtxt theinselus by a certain practice In chased In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the admits of. which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the i hopeof hie coun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospecta and enjoyments of lint, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging In a certain secret habit. Such persons Kunz, before contem plating e/44 redact Witt a sound mindM annial d body are the most neces sary requisites to promote connubial' happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melancholly reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. iOO 76 Dismal) of Imprudence. When the misguided and itnpradent votary of pleasure Ands that he has imbibed the seeds, of due Malin .die ease, it too often badman that en ill-limed sense of sbame or dread ef detcovery t Intern him from applying to thole , who, from eiucation and respectability,. Can alone be friend him, delaying tin the constitutional symptoms on this ,err d (Mew make their rimailunnee, such an at oersted sore throaty 'Sneezed nose, nocturnal pains In the heed and limbs, Onuses of sight, destines, nodes on the shin bones end arms, blotches on. the head, face end extremities, preprinting withfrightful rapidity till at last the palatm'ot the mouth or the bonen of the none fall in, and the victim of this awful diorama beeomet a horrid object of commiseration, till Mattis pule a piriod to his dreadfu 1 sufferings, by sending bum to " that Undesoov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." Ii in a rsiskswaway Mt that thousands fall v ictims to this terrible disease, owing to the imakilftilinese of ' igno rant pretenders, who by the: use of that Deadly Poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue o life miserable. 1 60 76 Strangers. Trust not your lives, or health, to the oars of the many Unlearned and Waddle's Pretenders, destitute of know ledge name or characler, Who Copy Dr. Johnson's adver veraements, or style themselves In the newspapere, regularly Educated PbYelabuts Incapable of Oaring, they keep you trilling month after month taking their filthy and poisosonaneas compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in dupe*, leave yen with ruin ed health to nigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson is the only Physician advertising. llia credential or . 'diplomas always hangs in his , office. His remedies or treatment are Unknown to all others, prepared Mont a life spent in the great hospitals or Eu rope, the &at in the country and a more extensive Pri vate Practice than any other Physiman In the world. Indcireement of the Press. , The many thousands cured at this institutton year af beryear, and the numerous *merlon& Surgical Opera tions performed by Dr. Johnion, witnessed by the re• porters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many other pa.. pars, notices of widen have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of Character and responsibility, is a suilletent guarrantee lathe afflicted. skin Dinoaates Speedily Cured. Persons writing should be particular in directing their etters to his Inehtntion, in the Rol.lowing manner : JOHN X. JOHNSON, M. D. Of the Baltimore Look Hospital, Baltimore, Mu COAL Olt Lamp Shades, Wicks, Chim neys, for gale low by . . NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 0.33 Corner Front and Market streets. OUR newly replenished stock of Toilet and Featly Goods is unsurpas se d in • thi s c ity, and r eeling confident of rendering satisfaction, we would res p invite a call. Bet UR. 91 Market street, two doors east oryonrth street, sena ti,alol3. FISH. every Tuesday and ieriday at JOHN Wlttra Mora, earner of Third and Wel; a saYIY "INDEPENDENT IN ALL TB HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 18, 1862 HMRD & HOPE SHORT & QUICK ROUTE NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 71 P. H., by the Fast Through Elxprees Train, arriving In Harrisburg at 8 L. H. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked via ROPE EXPRESS CO., General Moe. 162 Broadway, New York For anther information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agent. klamussuaa, Aug. 1861.-dtf STEAM BOILERS, HA V ING made efficient and permanent arrangements for the purpose, we are now pre ps•ep to make SCRAM BOILBR3 of every ktnd, prompt ly and at reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by Bailey 4 Brother, the reputation of which is second to none In the market. None but the best Wide employed. Repairing prompt ly attended to. Address RA WORKS, mylntly Harrisburg, Pe. NO -HEMEL'S I—Niohola & Bowman respectfully Inform their elastomers an I the pub. 110 generally, that t low store will not be closed he rest ter In the afternoon, as has base the else last week. We invite all to call and purchase as heretofore, as we have packed up none of our liiOllOLS & BOWMAN, =rout and Market St. PRESERVE JARS AND JELLY GLASSES, XTENSIVE assortment of Glassware, including Jay itiseses, Preserve Dishes, Globlets, rumblers, 4t0., &0., or ail styles, just received and for sale low by NIOMULS & BOWMAN, jyr Oorner Front & Market streets CAMP WRITING CARER, OONTAINLEO PAPER, ENVELOPES, PENS AND PENCILS. Just the thing to oarry to tip knapsack. Prior coin plate, only 98 u.nts. for sale at BBRONER'S CHEAP BOOS STORE. EVERGREEN TREES AND SHRUBS. A "planted by some experienced garde mew In August; doptembor and October, 111 pro Wince to soy other season, and with great mimeos. A doe assortment at the Ae., Mono Nuraory , Harris burg. auso-dtf PRESERVING jars and fruit cans of all kinds and sizes, for sale by altaiOLS & BOWMAN auzl.3of UM', brunt ni7U . JO Ar KOL OBACOO, vendimh, Cougreaa and ..1„ Twist, for sale low tty likkir i'liNd in the world, for 750, fl. 25 et 641, 12, IS, and $4, for sale as atel 6- 7 iIiOHJSIFIEWn Bookstore. TIANDELION, Rio and other prepara tions of Coffee, for sale by , NICHOLS & BOWMAN, septa Corner Brunt and Market streets. BLAOKINO 1 IVI ABON'd luvoo Grose, assorted eic wide& teest ved, and to; wro at Wiluiessie devil WM., UOUK,Jr. 24 Ou. WHITE IJUANDY FOR PRESERVING P UR } OdICB. A VARY superior article, (pure,) just received cad for sale by jeza WK. DOM, Jx. & CO. CiLehl froth the 'celebrated Hamburg Caries, a melt coasigurneas AM received and tor, srao by sepc/2 VANILLA • wE. are offering for salt ;A splendid Tr (malty of Vanilla Bean at low prime, by the pound, ouuoe or uingly. . KELL:NMI DKIN 91 Market Meet. EDAR. 10138, BASKETII, BROOM: C apd ye:v.lllns 111 the liae, Just received in large Duaut!l;i, sad for vale very tow by 1110, Dandelion and other preparations Or codes, freehand pure, fur afile km by bikaOlie & BOWMAN, au29 Corner Fro .a and Marta streets. SU GAB' 1 BBLS. Sugar (Refined aid Raw,) v of aLL grease and Muds just marred and wal ee sold &t the lowest market prises ie2o Whl DJOK., JR., & OJ. DANOELION COFFEE I—A Fresh and large aapply of Ud e Celebrated Wee) net received ov fica) WM. DOOM Jr., &' `9. BREAKFAST BACON! AVery choice lot, equal to the celebra ted (imported) Yorkshire. Je&received. V-8 WM. LOCI, ICO. rAIL and examine those new jars for sruit,ta, beat, obeapestanda , mpleat In in market, for Bole by NICHOLS k BOWMAN, jel9 Corner Front ona Market street. "M'EWBOLD HAMS.---A small lot of AN these at lefirited Hamm just reeeived. s t 9 WM. DOCK, Jr., 2 CO. yr BIJ,EIIII DRUG STORE is the place tckbar)Pated Ilettaims. Illistrllansous FREIGHT REDUCED! EXPRESS CO.'S TO AND FROM BIRLBAS & BOWMAN, Boner rot and Market streets Sal NIOLtioLI3 & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Norio& create Iritoaph. N4 1 ,UT11,4).1N 'VONE." COt Ettegrap4. Terrible Condition of the Southern Army. A correspondent of the Savannah Republican writing from Winchester, Virginia, on the 28th September, gives the following account of the condition of the rebel army. The letter is copied by the Richmond Whig, which bases on it an urgent appeal for contributions to miti gate the sufferings so vividly described : My condition is such as to render it impossi ble for me to rejoin the army for the present. I was not prepared for hardships, exposures and feelings the army has encountered since it left the Rappahannock, and, like many a seasoned campaigner, had to "fall out by the way." in deed, I can recall no parallel instance in his tory, except Napoleon's disastrous retreat from Moscow, where an army has ever done more marching and fighting, under such great disad vantages, than General Lee's has done since it left the banks of James river. This army proceeded directly to the line of the Rappahannock, and, moving out from that river, it fought its way to the Potomac, crossed the stream, and moved on to Frederick and Hagerstown, hada heavy engagement at Boons boro' Gap and another at Crampton Gap below, fought the greatest pitched battle of the war at Sharpsburg, and then redwood the Potomac into Virginia. During all this time, covering the full space of a month, the troops rested but four days. And let it always be remembered to their honor, that of the men who performed this wonderful feat, one-fifth of them were barefooted, one-half of them in rags, and the whole of them half famished. The country from the Rappahannock to the Potomac had been visited by the enemy with fire and sword, and our transportation was insufficient to keep the army suppplied from so distant a base ae Gordonsville; and, when provision trains would overtake the army, so pressing were the exi gencies of their position, the men seldom had time to cook. Their difficulties were increased by the fact that cooking utensils in many cases had been left behind, as well as everything else that would impede their movements. It was not unusual to see a company of starving men have a barrel of flour distributed to them, which it was utterly impossible for them to 'convert into bread with the means and the time allowed to them. They could not pro cure even a piece of plank or a corn or flour sack upon which to work up their dough. But great as have been the trials to which the army has been subjected, they are hardly worthy to be named in comparison with the sufferings in store for it this winter, unless the people of the Confederate States, everywhere and in whatever circumstances, come to its im mediate relief. The men must have clothing and shoes this winter. They must have some thing to cover themselves when sleeping,. and to Protect themselves from the driving sleet and snow storms when on duty. This =pat be done, though our friends at home should have to wear cotton and it by the fire. •lint whatever may be done by the people, should be done Immediately. Not one moment can be lost that will not be marked, as by the second-hand of a watch, with the pangs of a sufferer. Already the hills and valleys in this high latitude have been visited by frost, and the nights are uncomfortably cool to the man who sleeps upon the ground. c- 6 0 If ran army of Virginia could march through the South just as it is—ragged and almost bare footed and hatless; many of the men limping along, and not quite well'of their wounds and sickness, yet cheerful, and not willing to aban don their places in the ranks ; their clothes riddled with balls, and their banners covered with the smoke and dust of battle, and shot Into tatters, many of them inscribed with "Wil liamsburg," "Seven Pines," "Gaines' Mill," "Garnett's Farm," "Front Royal," "Mc- Dowel," "Cedar Run," and other victorious fields—if this army of veterans, thus clad and shod, with tattered uniforms and banners, could march from Richmond to the Mississippi, it would produce a sensation that has no parallel in history since Peter the Hermit led his swelling hosts across Europe to the rescue of the Holy Sepulchre. Disowns= rx Jexusaism.—An account of Sig. Fierottrs discoveries in the subterranean topography of Jerusalem 'has been published.— Employed by the Pasha as an engineer, he has discovered that the modem city of Jerusalem stands on several layers of ruined masonry, the undermost of which, composed of deeply bevelled and enormous stones, he attribute, to the age of Solomon, next to that of Zorobabel, the next to that of Herod, the next to that of Justinian, and so till the times of the Saracens and Crusaders. He has traced a series of con duita and !towers leading from the "doom of the rook," a mosque standing on the very site of the altar of sacrifice in the temple, to the Valley of _Johoehaphat, by means of which the priests were enabled to flush the whole 'temp is area with water, and thus to carry off the blood and offal of the sacrifices to the brook of Kedron.— The manner of this exploration was very inter tweeting. He got an Arab to walk up through these immense sewers, ringing a bell and blow ing a trumpet, while he himself, by following the sound, was able to trace the exact course they toek. About two years ago be accidental ly discovered a fountain at the pool of Beth esda, anoron his opening it a copious stream of water immediately began to flow, and has flow ed ever since. No one knows from whence it comes, or whither it goes. This caused the greatest excitement among the Jews, who flock ed in crowds to think and bathe themselves in it. They fancied it was one of the signs Of Messiah's coming, and portended the speedy restoration of their commonwealth. This foun tain, which has a peculiar taste, like that of milk and water, is identified by Signor lierotti with the fountain which Hasekieb built, and which is described by Josephus. The measure ment and position of most of these remaitur ac cord exactly with the Jewish historian's descrip tions. Some of the Signor's conclusions are disputed, but no one has succeeded hi so disin terring the relics of the Holy City. Samosa NAT'L—A lad named John Cham berlin, aged thirteen years, and employee at a rolling mill at Youngstown, Ohio, met with a shocking death last week. He was lying, dur ing a temporary stoppage of the machinery, on a belt attached to a large cog wheel c o n nec t ed with the naiiplate sheers. The engine was suddenly started, and he was quickly carried, feet foremost, into the jaws of the wheel; which in its revolutions crushed his body into a shape leas mass before the engine could be stopped. Wild cry as be lioasheing drawn between the wheels, and a few convulsive gasps after being taken out, and an was over. BY TELEGRAPH. from our Morning Edition From Washington. Attack on the Maratanza Off Cape Fear River. SEVERAL OFFICERS KILLED. WANGTON, Oct. 17 A dispatch to the Navy Department from Commander Scott, of the gunboat Maratanzs, dated off Cape Fear river on the 11th inst., says, "that on the morning of that day the enemy opened on him with two Armstrong guns from the battery they constructed during the night On the beach. The second shell fired struck over the porn quarter and exploded, killing master'sdinati Edward K. Flowers, Gl3O. Blake, quartermaster, besides wounding Joseph Brink, captain of the after guard, and Sullivan Bruce, Geo. W. Rexford, Charles Donavan and David Mitchell. The ship was not materially damaged. The vessel immediately got under weigh and stood Out, the shells passing over it at a distance of four and a half miles, proving it was no longer safe to lie within two miles and a half. From Gen.McClellan'sArmy. Partioulars of the advance of the Army HEAD QUARTERS, ARMY OF POTOMAO, Friday evening, Oct. 17. Yesterday morning, when General Hancock advanced his division to Charlestown, General Woodbury's division crossed the Potomac at Shepherdatown ford, taking the road leading to Smithfield, a small village half way between Charlestown and Banker Hill. Gen. Woodbury encamped last night between Leetown and Kunlywriile, about seven miles from Smithfield. His troops met with but slight resistance during the day from the ene my's mounted pickets. This morning he advanced his cavalry to. wards Smithfield, six miles from Bunker Hill, where he met the cavalry belonging to Han cock's division. Before reaching this point the enemy were found to be in very large force. The reconnoissance here ended, its object being to ascertain where the main body of the rebel army lay. There is no doubt but the re bel generals intend to give battle at or near their prevent location. The Indications are that they will not have to wait Jong ',before again meeting the army of the Potomac. THE STATE ELECTION. LANCASTER COUNTY The following is the official vote of Lancaster county. Majority for Cochran, 4,989, Ross, 4,968. Hon. B. Campneya Union war demo crat, received a larger vote than any other on the assembly ticket. John P. Livingston, Dis trict Attorney, received 6,262. Congressional vote 9th District Lancaster county, Thaddeus Stevens, Rep., 4,684 majority. CUMBERLAND COUNTY The following is the official vote in Cumber land county : Auditor General, Slenker (Dem) 3,515 ; Cochran (U.) 2,67.1. Surveyor General, Barr (Dem.) 8,618 ; Rosa (U.) 2,669. Legislature, Senate, Bucher (Dem.) 8,646 ; Haines (Rep) 2,669. House, Rhoads (Dem .) 8,491 ; Snyder (Rep.) 2,891. MONTGOMERY COUNTY NOR. ISTOWN, PA., Oct. 17 The following is the offioial vote for this coun ty :—For Auditor General, Isaac Blanker, Dem., 6,766 ; Thomas E. Cochran, Union, 5,118 ; Surveyor General, James P. Barr, Dem„ 6,762; Wm.'B. Boss, Union, 6,117. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY Northampton county official Damooratic ma jority 2,464. CARBON COUNTY. Carbon county offioial Democratic majority on State ticket ie 700. BUCKS COUNTY. Bricks county official Democratic majority on the State ticket 702. BEMIS COUNTY l3erka County official Democratic majority on State ticket, 6,914. LEHIGH COUNTX. Lehigh, county official Democratic majority on the state ticket, 1,849. THE 14TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Cumberland county, Joseph Bailey regular Democrat, 4,164 ; A. J. Glorebrenner, bolting Democrat, 1,988. 6TH CONGRINIONAL DISTRICT. Montgomery county, J. D. Stiles, Dent., 6,640; David Krause, Uni for Democcat, 6,288. THE OHIO ELECTION Nix You, Oct. 17. A special dispatch from Cincinnati to the Press, In Ohio thirteen Democrats are certainly elected to Congress out of the nineteen repre sentatives. The Democratic State ticket is elected by from 10,000 to 15 000 majority. THE DRAFT IN LANOALETEH The draft is progreesing quietly under the Wipe:Onto:Wynne of Jamen K. Reynolds, Commis sioner. A spirit of general satisfaction prevails. The quota for the county is 2,000. ham tinting iliars. Raring procured Steam Power Prestos, we are relit ed to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every deecriptlon, cheaper than It can be done at any abet eatabllahment In the country. RATES OF ADVIIRTISING. /or Four tines or lees constitute ene hall square. Right hoes or more than four oonstitute a square. Hag tquare, one dig 00 20 a one wt., 126 64 sue worth " three months 4 00 six months 6 00 6 6 one yin , . ..... ............ .......10 00 Oneequate, one day ... .. . ........ .... ...... 60 one week 2 00 46 one month 6 00 64 three months . 10 AI Cl. six months. 16 00 e, one year 20 00 Sag- Business notices inserted in the Localor befbre lianiagee and Deaths, MIGHT OENTS PESInNEC for each insertion. W Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. NO 43. FROM FORTRESS MONROE- The mail steamer Louisiana from Baltimore, this morning, brought down 112 rebel prison ers from Fort kcHenrv—mostly sick and wounded. They leave this evening per steam er Commodore for Aiken's Lauding. The garrison of the Fortress have to-day been exercising their guns on the water battrry. We have reports of a skirmish beyond Suf folk on Tuesday last, between our troops and the rebels at Blackwater river. A Lieutenant and three privates belon2lug to the Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry were killed. No further particulars received. The olerk of the Norfolk market bas beau re moved for his disloyalty, and a Union citizen appointed in his piece. A special dispatch to the Express says, In Indiana the Democratic State ticket is elected by from 10,000 to 16,000 majority, with a large Democratic majority in the Legislature—five of the Democratic candidates for Congress are cer tainly elected with equal chances for three more. In the 7th District Daniel W. Voorhees, Dem , is re-elected by 2,500 maprity. GLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST ! I ! CALL AND EXAMINE. 10 0 WM DOCK. Jr. &OO AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOLD PENS ! rittE beet and largest assortment of Gold Pens bas just been opened at BERGNER,'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. These Pens are manufactured by C. F. Newton & Co., of New York, and warranted to give full satisfaction. 4 trial will satisfy any one. Examine the prices below : ' Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 75. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 76. Gold Pea and Silver Holder for $4 26. Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $6 00. Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00. Learatszn, Out. 17 POST OFFICE NOTICE On and after May sth, 1882, the mails at this office will be closed as follows : NOMMEN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH. WAY M*m—For all °MILIEU, Oct. 17 places between Harris burg, Lock Haven and Elmira, N. Y., at 12.00 71 SOUTH. WAY Men—For all LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD EAST. WAx lieu—For all pya and New York, at 9,00 P. M. WEST. WAY MAIL-FOT all place. between Harris bargandChambereburg, at .12.80 P. M. SCIIITYLIKILL AND SIISQUEHANNA. RAIL- Lay:mania, Oct. 17 , berry, on Saturday.. _LOD P. IC grOffice Roure—From 6.80 A. M. to 8 P. N., Sauday from 7 to 81 A. M., and from Bto 4 P. M. GEORGE NER, Poatmaator. FORTIO:88 MONSON, Oct. II THE INDIANA ELEOTION Nsw Yosa - , Oct. 17 New '2lZittertistmente places between Harris burg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. 0., at 12.00 M For York, Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. 0., at 900 P. 011. places between Harris burg and_ Reading, Pottsville, Easton mad Philadelphia, at ...... .7.00 A. Al. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WAY Mau,—For all places between Harris. burg and Philadelphia, .6.80 A. M For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at ..... For Bainbridge, lidariet- ta, Columbia, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at 816 P. M For Lancister, places between Hanle- burg and Altoona, at 1100 M For Johnstown and Pittsburg, Pa., Cincin- nati, Columbus and Cleveland, 0., at 245 P. M. For Lewistown, Hun tingdon, Tyrone, Al toona, Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg, 900 P. M CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Car lisle, Shippensburg, Cbambersburg, Pa., and Hagerstown Md., at.. 7.00 A. M. WAY HALL--For all ROAD For Ellwood, Enegrove, Summit St'ation, Au burn and Pottsville, at 12.80 P. I, STAGE ROUTES For Linglestown, Manacle Hill, West Han. over, Ono and Jones town, on Monday, Wed. neediT and Frida.y , For Lisburn and level& .7. A. M