tirk"''''tELEGRAPII IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER TERMS.—Butffin Sunticantes. The. DAILY TILIOBArt servos*, to subseribers In tin City at 0 oents per Woilgt4, Yearly subeoribere M. shined St 00144udeinekE Witslar AND Sur, WRZILLY TimaffitArn. The Talcutoll a titille published Wipe a week during the session of the Legilllatnre, and weekly during the remainder of the year, and furnished, to subscribers al the following cash rites, via: • elugle Fubsorlbers per year Smal it lireek4y..tl 110 Ten 44 14 ft 00 Twenty 44 44 4, .4 ..n Oa single subscribers, Weekly 1 00 TIM LAW 07 If subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may °mitten, to send them until arresrages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refute to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. flistellantous NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Gt. Xra. CO 0 Ma 13, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. ESP FCTIVELY invite the attention Lis of the public to their large and wall selected stoe,: of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS, We now offer for sale' Stewarte, Loveringe Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, Green and Blaok Teas, Coffee, Spices and Flavoring [Extracts. ALI3O, FLOUR, FlBll, BALT, LARD, HAM, Bco., ara, We invite an examination of our evertor NON-EXPLOSIVE 00.6,1 OIL, Unequalled in every respect by any to the market, to. gather with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, oneurgirs, &0., Bac., Bu 3 We have the largest assortment of GLASSWARE & QUEENSWARE in the city ; also, all kl lids of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. Osill and examine at our old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market street'. sipptl9 EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, WAND/ACM= Of BOOK-BINDER RULING-LICHNES:AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MA.ORINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND NACEINDIS FOR GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mille and Fodder Cotten, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass C AST INGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL HS BLINGILK SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, MU., EZC. ge Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTER/. TOOLS air cash paid for (.14 Copper, Weis, jelier, &o. STEAM BOILERS, N. PENNAS'YIiVAIVIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Of various patterns, both stationary and swinging. Sash Weights cue various other building 0/1111tings, for sale Very cheap at the [iny24.ly] WORMS. BOOKS FOB F.ABMERS. IHE attention of agriculturists is directed . to the following works, which will d enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops 'by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience , : grEpaiars BOOK, OF THE FARM, de- • tailing all the labors of husbandry _ 'and and the best way toped' urn them. Price... .8 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buel.. 76 LEOTURE'S ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 eingrarings..2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEES, by Weeks 20 rho Nature and Treatment of Meow of Cattle, by Dadd ..1 00 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 76' MILOH COWS AND DAIRY 'FARMING, and the production of mAk; butter, cheese, by Flint 160 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 160 SAXTON'S HANDBOOK, containing, the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., &c.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prac ticed Fanner, by Dr. Gard es ...1 60 ALLEN'S DOMESTIO ANIMALS— : . 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES,. or American Muck Book ' ' 126 THE HORSE AND H.IS DISILISME, by Jennings " 100 YOUATT ON THE HORSE 126 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking aud.: Training of Horses 76 Standard Books, &hoot &Oka, and every thing in the stationery Hue at lowest prices. at BIDIGNEIVIS OFFEAP 13001 C: STOME. LIFE INBURANOE. The Girard Lite Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Pldhuielphia. OppioA NO. 408 CaRB724V7 BURET (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND 1135STS $1,648,355 TRONA.% REDG WAY, President. JOHN r. JAWS; Actuary, QhONTINUE to make . TNSIRANOE ON UVBS an the moat reason able terms. ey art as Executors, Trustees and Guarding under last Willa, and as Receivers sad assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with large and constantly increasing reserved hold, AG= a perfect sesur , ty to the insured. The premiums maybe paid Year l 3',balt yearly Of quer. tedy. In a ooropeny add a BONUS periwigs/iv to th e In n . reusestar lam . The FIRST BONUS appropriated In D. onather,lll44, the BEGOND BMUS in DOCOMber, IA 9 the ?MD emus 111 Damamber, 1564, and the young NONIJS 1569. These additions are made without re. p 4llmi:wasp increase n the premiums to be pit td to the any. Tn - n wining are a few example; from the Register I Amount of Poi* and Bonin or bonus to be increased 'Melon by tutors additions. I . 1811 . 1 n Poloy. Insured ..—......... WA? 60 1 11 4 3 . 1 9 8 1 42600 f lo ra it 4,060 00 n IKM low 9 * Oa bug end T 4 8,686 00 , e 1407 . , , -. , , . . • / . . • tht9), !ami m i . i • -',_ llir,o'-__:,----- ' _ --: . • ' -. ', ' " 1 ~.,..!---.- -i treA-', . ._, . - - . - . .• - . , _ ..,, 4 --- -4,:---,- ,„„..- -.-- f_.: L. _ 4 i I . In , ~. ,, ~,,,, . ..... ~...4„ . .._ , ...._ . . DR. JOHNSON .LOCI HOSPITAL ! H 413 discovered the most certain. speedy and efrotonal remedy In the world for A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, In front one to Two Days. Weakness. of the Back okLimbs, Strictures, Affestions of the It idneys and Bladder, Involuntary discruirges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepty, Heart, law Spirits, Oonfirsion of ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling', Dimness of eight or Giddi ness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affec tions of the Liver, Lungs. Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habtta of Youth —those MOUS and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of r pens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or satioipattons, rendering marriage, 80., impossible. Young Men illspecially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweep' to an untimely grave thousands of 'Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening ,Senates With the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may oall.with (UN confidence, Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, Esping debili ty, deformities, fito., speedily cured, He who places himself under the care of Dr..l. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Immediately Cured, Ind full vigor Begtored. This distressing elhiction...whlch renders Life misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgence' Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of: the dreadful consevencee that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lot sooner by those falling into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Lose of Procreative Power, Nervious Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Dtdigestion, Clonshiutioni 1 Debility, a Wasting of the Franke, Clough, Consumption, Decay and Death. woe, No. 7 South Frederick Street Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door. - trem the corner. Pail not, to observe acme and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. 'the Doc. tor's Diplomas hang in his office. A Core Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury or Nauseous Mugs, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College of burgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United Slates, aid the greater part of whose life has been spent In the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and; else where, has effected mine of the moat astonishing antes that were ever known • many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bealifeinew, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. Dr. J. addressee all those who have injured themselves by improper hidalgos -oe and sollUu7 habits, which rnin both body and mind, unfitting them fer either business, sandy, society or marriage. These are some of the sad and melancholly abets pro • dueled by early habits of youth, via ; Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Mead, Dimness Sight, Ems of efuerelar Power Palpitation of the heart, Dys popsy, Nervosa Irratibility, Derangement of theDigesdve Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, Vii. The feign' effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideal,, De pression of Spirit), Evil Forbodinp, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of holitude, Timidity, /to., are some of the evils produced. Twosome of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of eonsumption. Young Mon Who have *lured themselins by a certain practice In dulged In when alone, a h as frequently learned from evil companions, out school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not oared renders marri ag apply ime Impossimealble and destroys' both mind and body, should Y• What a pity that a young man, thehope of his coon. try, the darling of his parents, should' le snatched troth all prospects and enjoyments of 1" by the consequence of devialieg from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons nos; before contem plating l[strisge, refiect.that a sound mind and y are the most necea eery r equisites to promote connubiel happiness. Indeed, without these, the through life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view,; the usad,becomes shadowed with despair and tiled with the uselanoholl,y reflection that the happiness of moth" bemuses blightod.with our . own. 'Diet's of. Imprudence. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure ends that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful ewe, It too often herons that an til-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who„ from education and reepaitabUity, can alone be. Mead hint, delaying tall the Constitutional symptoms on this herr d disease make their appearance, such as ul waled awe throat, diseased ogee, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, destines, nodes on the _shin bonesand acme, blotches on, the head, face and extremities, progressing With frightful rapidity , till at last the palate or the Muth or the benes of the nose fall is, and the victiroor this awful disease become. a horrid object or commiseration, UU death puts a period to his dreadfal sufferings, by sending him to " that Undiscov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." It its a taelawthaliy fatt. that th ousands all ,1714thoe to: this terrible disease, owing to the onikllfallithas or igno-I rant pretenders, who hy themse of that Deadly Poisons Ifesroury, ruin tiumonstitution and mate the residue o life miserable. ers. to Trust. ot your lives or,liStrang erith, the gars of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretendere, Minute of know ledge, tram or character, who copy Dr. Johnson's adver vertisereenter or.style therneelves in the newspapers, regularly Poingated Phystolens incapable or Curing, they - p you trilling month after;mouth taking their Why and pottosionsness coi.,poinids, or as long as the smallest dett gen be obtained, and in despair, leave yeti with ruin ed health to eigh over your galling .dikappointment. Dr. Johirarai is the only Milo= dAivrhong-_ Ilia credential of diplonnut always hangs in ma ,onlce. Ws remedies or treatment are unknown to ,all others, prepared from a life spent In the gr eat hospital" 'MI Eti rope' the drat 111 the country and a more extensive Pd.. vatePraense, titan any other Physiolan in the world. letheeinnent ..of the ,Press. 'he thallY.thouratada cured aktime ouguelmen year at. Ithr ”atio4l ll6 l,"Mer" lt . figritteiti; Opera, pertistMett bp Dr. Johnson, witriemed 'by the in-, POslots 0104-KaPtl," .ftOPPer,"'inti - many. other Pa-. Per%PPtioell whlah hark appeared again and again before W e hia standing at a ganateman of abaniiniirand reliontability, antholent . gramma"! , 'BAMseaaectipsettilfOd.. • ebonbil be *kneeler in diriaing tbeir ellen to Ms 444104102, in folleedug minim : • ' CO n A y. ',Wicks, ()him— NICHOIS BOWMAN, yea Corner Front skid rket, streets. gitrit newly replenished stook of Toilet . sno runty Goods is unsurpaisisd in this city, and confident of rendering satisfaction, Ws would reit pectfully Mite s call. 91 Marketstrost, two doors east of.Yourth street, wth Ovary - imiday7and r day Lk JOHN NUM Blom canker iitthifd and Wia. NOY lAX BUZZ= "INDEPENDENT IN:ALL T i iI I ATTRA L IN NONE VOL XVITEL *1 one 334sLzerizzcimutzs DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. BALLOT IN SIX TO TAXON ROM. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. Marriage. Organic Weakness Take Particular Notice. JOHN AL J011ii15034 111.. 01 tke Baltimore look flosplia4 . liiltanior6, lid HARRISBURG. PA., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 17, 1 . 862 fftisullantotts FREIGHT REDUCED 1 HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO.'S SHORT & NICK ROUTH TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Ek•oda Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at P. IL, by the Past Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. hi. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OAIIEL Order ow& narked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., Getters]. .otliceiEl44 fkautway, - New - Fork. For further lEformitlon enquire of cap. BERGNER, Agent. IitIMISIII7IIh, Aug. 186i.-df STEAM BOILERS, HAVING made efficient and pertnameut arrampsnente for the rupees, we era opw pro prop to mare S swam of evert kind, prompt. ly and at reasonable ream. We shall use Iron made.. by Salley Brother, the reprtation of. which ls second to mine In the market. None but the beat Anode employed. Repairing prompi l y attended to; Addreoi BAOI.IO WORKS, anpaly ilanislnun, Pa. NBeitheiLß !—Niohola & Bowman AA respectfully Inform thek edatomers and the pub; nc aeneraliy, thatt :irr store wilt not be closet he rela ter In the afternoon, -as has been toe IMO last week.' We Invite all to eau and , purchase an heretofore, as we have packed nir none of Our golds.. NIOLtOLS & BOWMAN, taw. Front and Market St. 41.111 D A 13.3 E E. .iIENBIVB assortment of Glassware, including Jelly guiii4* . Preserve Lashes, Gobless, :summon, *a y aus.,eltisqlee,3Just, received and Inc Bale low .By ... A IQUuLa a mow/11,1LN, jy7. • • • IJOnleV irront a . Market streets OAJ&P WRITING OASES) ooze PAPER, ENVELOPE 9, PENS AND PENCILS. Juin, the ,thing to awry in the inkspesok. Price cm plate, my as hor solo at . tsiallailth'S CHEAP BOCK STORE. EVERGREEN TRIMS AND SHRUBS. A"plantedVenom experienced gard mere iu august, ratideutber and October, pre !ovum season, and witu great eilPeegg. a line aasurtmeat at the ,o, Mae Nursery, Harris burg. auBo-dir 111011RaiSRVING jars and fruit cane of all .1. kind& and slaeo l / 2 for said by MUiOLi m IsoWliali WNW, Front %aLL ....rim ,ir.et..' ripcBACCO, cavendish, Congress and Twbit, for lode low tg .u 2► .131'b4 kENSin. the world, for 750, $1 25 00, ez, 00, sod $4, for solo itg, acHlo7llWri Bookagore. IrIANRELION, Rio vied other 'preparo tions of COMA, for eale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, septa Cor4ox /runt and .Marluit drestr. BLACKING t , AsuN'B "CILIILLOGX BLACI4Nu. alum) Grows, astsurtea sized,Asi ream veil, Witt to; ea. Whoiessla vitas, • dell VOUIL,Jr.•& Oti. WHITE FOR PREBERVING PURYOsIII3. A v.e.ay superior twitch), (pure,) just ZIL received cad tbr ode by ittit o WM. I ' Cu, umb' from the .aolebratat Hamburg 11 . 111 pal {loll4olllAucjuissouved end fur sato by 1110fLuLit A BOWMAN, septl2 Corner Frost Aug Marast streets. VANILLA BEANS. vvF. are offering tor Bale a splendid quality or. Vaal* Be a n drious, by Ow pouud, ounoo or stasis , . ntion "Ton, Dt Market street. DA.II CUBS BASKETEI BROOMS C aztd eVb. YU the bee, JWIL received le large toodmitcr end for sale very tow by .w r . RIU, Dandelion and other preparations of cons, fresh and pare, fur sale km, by Alias a BOWAAR, au* Corner Front and Marmot watts. SUGAR' 1:00 o IRL6. sugar (Refined wad Raw,) i t o u = itua received and I►W Da OOld a& market pricer. Dom, JR., W WU. DA'""' WFFEE 'Freed I—A 'Fre and large supply of Uge Oelebrivad °Meta get received 0 7 Dal WY. DOOM a O. . BREAKFAST BACON! AVery choice lot, equal to the oelobra tea Yorkshire, just raceivoci. .1Y 2a aCO. ICIALL and examine _`those, new jars for A.,/ Frith, cI , bed, obeepeetandlempleim in in market, ,fo. sale by Drumm& & sowims, Corner Prom sad Market street. :NEWBOLD $A .—a : small lot of - • thoe'oderneted Ham just reeelrad. • orr2 4 WM. DOCA. Jr. *CO. ~,r444avaDAUlk*Okli the place f i. WAYOda I . -aft. wunAhs & BOWelele, Corner Front and Market Areal& Eke Ettegrapt. The Draft in Dauphin County Yesterday, (Thursday) was the time fixed for the draft, but it did not seem to elicit much interest, or perhaps it was the interest felt by the masses in the result of the election, which made them forget the occasion of the draft. Commissioner Briggs was present and conduc ted the operation with his usual dignity and business like dispatch. Ex-Prothonotary Mitch ell, acted as the assistant of the Commisgioner, and blind-folded, drew the names out of the box. The number to be dratted in this county, for the nine months service, amounts to some six hundred. OONEWAGO TOWIMILY. Wm. Raley, Benjamin Kaley, Benj. Brandt, Samuel Tennis, Henry Tshudy, Henry Kaylor, Henry Hornberger, Jacob B. Grubb, John Brill, John K. Grubb, John Geesaman, Isaac Shelly, Jacob B Lehman, Christian Lehman, Jacob B. Shenk, Reuben Fiehburn, David Clark, Enoch K. Hollinger, John E. Boozer, Samuel Kauffman, Peter Gruber, Samuel Boyer, Daniel Gebhard, David K. Brandt, John Lape, John M. Hoffer, Abraham Witmer, Henry Halsey, Daniel Conrad, Joseph Brandt, Michael Grubb, Jacob M. Brandt, Jonas Martin, John Tsbudy, Jacob Goes, Samuel Brandt, Samuel Raley, William kl.. Bowman, Daniel Schenk, David Brandt. LOWER EIWATARL. Uriah P. Banks, William Fisher, Auraham Stryle, Martin N. Mumma, Solomon Balsbaoh, David Oockley, Abraham Witmor, Adam Cover, Samuel Neibling, Samuel Dangler, Samuel Hover, John Boyer Peter Mathias, Daniel Shier, SIMIQUXUNNA. Samuel S. Seim, Eli Books, John H. Saul, Elias Stouffer, - H...W,Shearer Samuel Hatton, William Whit moyer, -William Stewart, Jacob Smith, Simon Isenhower, Daniel Fisher, George Harman, John Sheffer, David Peck, Franklin Mahan, Solomon Shadow, David Garverich William Warner, George C. Livingston, Ell Foltz. UPPER EWATARA . . Samuel Alleman, Hugh Griffin, John M'Cord Jacob Hufford, Benjamin W. Unger, John F. Peck, Christian Hess, John Trulllnger, Jacob Solders, Jacob Ober, Joshua R. Elder, Jacob Web, Adam Hoffman, Christian 0. Good, C. M. Bishoff, John Moyer, Christian Beitzell, Thomas /feroperly, Moses Lyter, William B. Reed, George Keifer, Abram E. Kinportz, H. Shemerbrook, John N. Gray, Frederick Rom, Adam Reed, George Cassel, Philip M'Neal. LONDONDERRY. Henry Metzgar, Peter R. Lehman, Martin Bppler, Abram Gaul, F. R. Waguer, Wills Termer, Jacob Books, A. Beard, Solomon N. Strickler, Daniel Gingrich, Felix Henry, Andrew J Laird, John Murphy, James Dougherty, Barny Feunigan, Samuel Shoop; Abram N. Butt, John Sheely, H. B. Boderuck, John Bankus, Adam Metzgar, John Smith, Andrew Miller, Michael Butt, Cyrus Books, David Huasperger, --- Ash, John C. Books, Christian L. Gerver, John D. Sweeney, Jacob Dindeman, Reuben K. Id:Nein Christian Boop, John Gingrich, Abram Hamilton, ' Jacob Ungat, Henry Walker Augustus lister. Christian Weirich, LOWER PAXTON. David Kreps, Joseph Mumma, Franklin George, ' David Whitmoyer, Bauben Conrad, Isaac Baker, Jacob J. Tittle, George Lash., John Wallmer, A. W. Millisen, Augustus Reason, Alfred Potteiger, Geo. W. Baker, George Hain, `Samuel Crum; Jacob Stauffer, Elias Goodman, John Elier, W. H. Brownsberger, Jacob F. Falieuower, Henry Walimer, John Brown, George H. Balthaaser, John H. Zartman, Geo. A. Millleen, Benjamin Crum, Daniel Hoover, Bawl M'Elhany, John Noaker, Peter H. Fox, Jonas Crum, E. Albright. Joseph Zimmerman, SOUTH HAXOTIM. Daniel Zimmerman, Samuel Smith, Henry Bnrgholder, John El, Ebersole, William Miller, John M. Hershey, John Pancake, Henry Shertzer, David Click, Peter Rambler, John Martin, Cyrus Serder, Martin Carol, Joseph Homer, Jacob Heckart, Henry Balsbach, Jacob Fackler, Philip Roder, Joseph Earley, John Wallin er, Martin ShaEner, Lawson Caroll, Lewis Eishburn, Levi Houck, Samuel Howard, Charles Miller, Abraham Mader, Elias Roads, Martin Hershey, John Weltmer. Samuel Landis, WIRT HAMNER. John H. Bauch, John Fmetzer, Elias Page, Elias Cassel, William Beaver, Abram Shellenhammer John. H. Backeostoss, Jonathan Fox, Amos Zimmerman, Jaoob Pease, Conrad Lents, Joshua Shaffer, Henry Strome, William Hileman, Levi Walters, Thomas Foamy, John J. Hicks, Adam Lime, Daniel Bolton, John Langut, Daniel Shoop, Daniel Hover, John:Shemiley, Peter Patrick, EMU IStoudt, James Allen, Lewis Wade , Daniel Spancake, lam Lwow& William Pattiok, Jacob Lingle, lldwara Mine, Jacob Albert, William Bordner, David Seibert, John Olemens, Ism" nought John Rambler, Benjamin Shiley, Augustus Poorman, Levi Tittle, Nathan Posey, Andrew Lingle, Amos Henry, Jacob Beaver, Alfred Gross, Wm. Ohnmacht, Daniel Riegl, Jacob Monts; Henry Lingle, Alex Seitisinger, Benjamin Hess, Wm. Houser, Jackson Trump, Levi Killinger, Benjamin Gingrich, Daniel Garverioh, Samuel Peck, James Jones, Aaron Yeager, John Beighart, Abraham Boland, Henry Londermikh, William S. Hedrick, Geo. W. Hoover, John Hedrich, Jacob Early, Philip Felty, Eden Stoner. Henry Poorman, DAM 'Lowman.. Sam'l. Eiger, Jacob Bollinger, John H. Blessing, Sam% E. Henry, Peter Frantz, _ David Singer, Jacob Spring, Peter Snyder, Jonas Houser, Valentine Painter, Sol. M. Hummel, Henry Schrove, Jacob B. Heitrty, F. H. Balsbach, Michael Plenkert, Jacob Blessing, M. IL Henry, Peter Lehman, Sam'l. Frants, Jceeph Landis, Jacob Berry, John Dunkle, Jeremiah Balsbach, Henry Moyer, John W. Bockafellow, Adam Shuey, Wm. Saul, Jacob Detweiler, John Winters, Cornelius Gerhart, Jacob Honker, Sam'l. Brecht, John C. Tittle, Adam Alleman, John Effinger, Win. Shutter. George Grim, Jacob Zimmerman, Henry Bowman, John Rouch, George W. Bower, Daniel C. Miller, David Ulmer, Peter Minnich, John Moyer, Samuel Marsh, Joseph B. Markley, John H. Jury, Henry Brnbarker, Jacob Hoffman, Michael Bunk, Samuel Shepley, Nathaniel Noblit, Jacob Rudey, Samuel Griner, Wm. Pieta, John C. Alterman, Jacob H. Tyson, Jacob Bowman, Joseph B. Landis, Abram Etting, Israel Z -iders, Jacob Bowman, Henry Fleager, John H. Bickel,. Gideon Straw, Isaiah S. Henipmg, James Ferguson, John G. Sarni:net, Charles Spyer. lIMITLIZI TOWNSHIP. Geo. Bumberge r, _ Edward H. Snyder, Sebastian Saman, Michael Welker, Michael Metz, Jacob Ireist, Samuel Klinger, George Bartholamew, D. Frank Swingle, Wm. Baker, Win. Klinger, Elias Shaffner, John Lehman, Bally H. Wambaugh, John Klinger, Alfred Hoover, John H. Wert, " Wm. Fitting, F. K. Haines, John Brna, Geo. Deibler, George Host. Jonathan Reigel, John M. Deibler, Geo. Chubb, Jacob Bitzman, Benj. Bordner, Peter S. Bergstresaer, Jonas Buinberger, Jonathan Tobias, Josiah Weaver, Win. Bhertzer, Daniel Carl, John Bingamin, Mina Koppenheffer, John W. Haak, Win. Swabb, Henry Bordner. 3171111 TOWNSHIP. Isaac Shiley, George Yeager, George Ackerman, Elise Goodman. Henry Heightlinger, LIMOS TOWNSHIP. Charles Coleman, Ruben Acker, Simon Wolf, Hillary B. Schriner, Simon Hartman, Jacob B. Hoffman, John Orndorf, John B. Bomberger, Wm. Sheib, Benjamin J. Evetz, David Brown, Daniel Koperhaver, Jonas WiMord, John Hoffman, Wm. Weaver, Jacob Dits, Moses Hartman, Jacob Coleman, Henry Umbras, John W. Fowler, Samuel Straub, Charles Drumm, George Chopp, Daniel Umholtz, Jeremiah Maher, Amos Shoffatall, Henry H. Weaver, John Risainger, Henry Kiebaugh, Daniel Millard, Wm. Daniel, John B. Weaver, Joseph Diets, Peter Kissinger, Peter Klinger, Philip Klinger, Joshua Sheib, Martin Lupold, John A. Scatter, Laurence Boyer, John Landauslager, Anthony Betz, Henry Setrer, Joseph B. Geis., David Daniel, J. T. Adam, Joseph Lebo, Wm. Keedy, John J. Umholtz. Henry Londenalager, Martin P. Schaffuer, John Belton. Beneville Danuel , IMMIX PAXTON TOWNSHIP. I Solomon Fertig, Samuel Hummel, David Crossly, Jacob Garman, Benjamin F. Garman, Sampson Bogner, James M. Bell, Jacob W. Gennis, James greiner, John Grove, Jos. H. Poffenberger, Samuel Bell, Thomas J. Gildea,Elias Prete, Christian J. Bohn, John Hover, Andrew Selman, John Hover, Jacob Behm, James Martin, Cyrus Shepley, John H. Boyer, Edward Bayard, Phillip H. Shaffner, Peter Hetrich, Samuel Straw, Elias Straw, Isaac Bell, Elias Stance, Henry Stant, Levi Wanbangh, Abraham Stance. JAMESON TOWNSHIP. Nathaniel Miller, Samuel Bechtle, Levi Fisher, James Martz, Cyrus Minnick, David Gensinger, Henry Wilvert, David Snyder, Nicholee Snyder, Joseph Miller, John F. Helte, Philip Witman, Samuel Krider, Christian Traywits, Daniel Tobias, Isaac Hoffman, Christian Sellers, Anthony Shoop, John H. Lyter, Connie Paul, John C. Zimmerman, Amos Garvick, John R. Miller, Eli Paul, Samuel V. Enders, Samuel Bowman, William Miller, Samuel Eberly, Daniel (loader, George Wilvert, .Abraham Lantz, Jacob Zimmerman, 'Wail F. Enders. wroomzco TOMMY. Thomas Bemis, George Bedel, Samuel Miller, Anthony Gill, William Trout, W. W. Foster, Ernest Shindler, Daniel Bellows, John Dolen, George Wagner, George Myers, Cabel rarferd, David &Klestil, Enock Sternal, David Smink, Daniel Thomas, Lorene Clocksick, Henry Grim, Henry Hegans, John Moses, John Cavanaugh, Daniel 'oriel, Joseph Barret, Jacob Bomberger, Thomas Thomas, Reuben Smink, J am m ar ti n , William Zimmerman, Daniel Bitterman, noel* Woodside,, I Biclima Night, BMW Broder, O. A. garPori Ammo Shemler, grtsas tintinff gi Haling procured Steam Power Presses, we are proper ed to execute JOB and. BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper than It can be done at any other establishment in the country. R Avraq OF AOVRRTISING. Aar Four lines or teas constitute one-half square Right lines or more than four constitute a square. Half Square, one day . ... $0 26 one week ... 1 16 f i one month 2 So .• three months 4 (4) ,4 • six months 600 i, on d ycar ..... . ........... .......10 00 cluelli3quire, onay ..... ... 41 one week .... 2 " one month 0 00 06 It three months ........... 10 04 " Ila 1110til h- lioo one year 20 00 sir Business notices inserted in the Local Cohaeire, or before Mortgagee and Deaths, EIGHT %NTS PKR LINE for each hilertion. NO 42. Xi, Marriages and Deaths to he charge as regular advertisements. Isaiah Brown, Daniel Shamler, John Row, kilobit ~ 1 Donagen, Even Evens, Adam Cora, Henry. Shingler, Josiah Bowman, Robert Bainbridge, Samuel Klinger, David Hawk, Joseph Louden, Henry Bordner, Timothy Mooney, Riley Brasier, Thomas O'Conell, A. F. Engelberg, Stephen Front, Jacob Sayler, Cornelious Row, Morris Fitzgerald, Daniel Batdorff. Jacob Hain, Frederick Mitchell, George W. Cockley, William A. Bell, C. D. Shattock, Hanson Brombanch, Jacob IL. Wolf, Wilson Glover, Philip M. Kline, Charles H. Rhoads, William Cupples, Peter Wyngardaer, Jesse McCarty. Jonas Bubb, Henry Whitmer, WASEEINGTON TOWNIE MP. John P. Hoffman, Johnatban Bender, Jonathan Hoke, John Gonderman, Simon Shoop, Geo. Longback, Lewis Neiffer, Andrew Pontius, George Hawk, Cyrus Snyder, John P. Mesmer, John Herman, John F. Quigley, Charles Longeback, William Bomberger, John A. Herman, William Hoke, William Corl, Joel Matter, Emanuel T. Matter, Beneville Boyer, Charles Klinger, Moses Nutt, Josiah Kocher, Joseph Enterline, Daniel A. Good. Lewis Matter, Christian Hoy, David Lebo, Daniel Hoy, J. W. Frazer, Henry Carpenter, Benjamin Jurry, Samuel Jurry, Jeremiah Matter, Eau Zafing, Jacob Gonder, , Geo. D. Divler, Geo. Fight, • Henry Strickler, Samuel Miller, George Troutman, Jonas Deibler, Daniel Spots, Anthony Ball, Simon Wert, Wm. Rumberger, Josiah Zeal, Aaron Snyder, D. Oberholtzer, Henry Kissinger, John Smiler, W. Wirt, Philip Kiper, Henry Mayer, Isaac Osman, Aaron Bachi/ler, Thomas Betohel, Daniel Wirt, Uriah Frantz, John Lantz, jr. John S. Musser, Jeremiah Miller, Philip Miller, Daniel Weaver, Henry Paul, Wm. L. Paul, Flenry Ervits, Win. Lenkart, Isaac Moyer, Amos Rudy, Geo. Smeltz‘tr, Wm. Bingerman, Jonas Noel, 0. J. Relgal. Moses Smiler, JESTERSON TOWNSIECP. Samuel S. Horning, Daniel Bressler, John Hoffman, Samuel Novinger, Elias Shreffier, Jacob Fa wber, Jacob Bechtel, Edna Ebtweiler, Wesley Eltinger, Jonathan Shoop, Josiah Bresler, John Henninger, Jacob Miller, Washington Stricker, Peter Faders, Peter Enders, Michael Etsweiler, Henry Zerbey, A.ctam Bressler, Levi Paul, Samuel Zimmerman, George Sheers, Levi Bowerman, Enock Smith. ME RISE or ins ROTEICHILDS.—When Ciao. 111 came to the throne there was a little boy at Frankfort wno did not dream of ever hav ing anything to do, personally, with the soy signs of Europe. He was in the, that stages of training for the Jewish priesthood. Hie name was Meyer Aneelem Rothchild. For some rea son or other he was placed in a counting-houee at Hanover, and he soon discovered what he was fit for. He began numbly as an exchange broker, and went on to be banker of the Land grave of Heim, whose private fortune be saved by his shrewdness, when Napoleon overran Ger many. How he left a large fortune and a com mercial character of the highest order, and how his five sons settled in five great cities of Eu rope, and have had more authority over war and peace, and the destinies of nations, than the sovereigns themselves, the world pretty well knows. Despotic monarchs must be de pendent on money-lenders, unless they are free from debt, and can command unlimited reve nues for untold purposes, which is neve true of despotic sovereigns. SINGULAR SURGICAL OPERATION.—A child was taken the other day to the Civil Hospital of this town to have a leech removed, which had embedded itself under the skin behind the an gle of the jaw, where, at the time it was being applied with others for a remedial purpose, it had made a very small aperture, scarcely large enough to admit the head of an ordinary sized pin. It was not without much hesitation that the surgeon laid open the tract with a bistottry, and then succeeded in removing a well-gorged leech, greatly to the relief of the little sufferer and joy of the parents. Had the operation been neglected, it is not improbable the child would have lost its life, from the close prox imity of the leech to the corotid artery and jugular vein, which were in danger of being wounded by its bite.—Gibralter Chronicle. A New brrensan Maturnts, claimed to be ad equate for the destruction of iron-clad vessels, Is undergoing Government tests in the Royal dockyard of Copenhagen. The apparatus, which is extremely simple, and costs but little, consists of a glass reservoir Ailed with powder, floating at a certain depth, where, by very sim ple chemical means, it produces an explosion. In the first experi ment, when loaded with a very small charge, the effect was amazing.— The framework of the gunboat used was shat tered, and some of toe planks thrown to a height of eighty or one hundred feet. On a second trial the explosion threw up a colu mn of water one hundred feet high, and the shock was felt at a considerable distance. A BOY, nine years old, Billeted with a mono. mania for incendiarism, has been arrested is an Austrian town in the act of commencioghia.! tenth fire. At his examination, he said that at certain hours of the day he felt snobs desiro• to set fire to something that hb3 "heart burned. in his body until he had done so." In one of these fits, on the 16th of June last, he attempt..- el three times to set on fire the residence olthis step-father, but without BMWs, ; he, however, effected his purpose on the following, .day, when tkirty.sii houses and a synagogue Were destroyed. TUN PRIM ASSOCIATION or CANADA. -1110 Hon. Mr. Foley has taken into consideration the ad visability of the abolition:4)f the obnoziobs post in Canada, viz :_postage maerspapent The result is an assurance to the press that he le shaping his course to restore the boon 110 long denied. DAUPHIN BOROUGH BOROUGH OP GRATZ. George Osman UPPER PAXTON TOWNSHIP MISCELLANEOUS