Ettegrap. NO ICE: TO ADVERTISERI6—AII Ad vertisements, Business Notices, Blair • riages, Deaths, Lo., to secure insertion hi the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the OASH. Advertisements ordered in the regit. lax Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Tuesday Afternoon, October 14,1869 to Voters I remember the Polls close at 7 o'clock this evening. MCCORMICK GUARD, kITIOIT/ON !—A meeting of this company will be held at Wagner's Ho tel to-morrow, (Wednesday) evening, and not this evening, as was announced at the last meeting. Every member is requested to be punotual in attendance. By order. I== Ray. I. R. GATES will address the soldiers of Camps Curtin and Simmons, alternately, every evening this week, at 7 o'clock. He will be assisted by other ministers in this labor.— The work of these pastors is entirely voluntary, and we trust that much good may grow oat of their efforts. ........... Tam Mmiosoma. &MUM. —The people of almost every city In the loyal states are doing something to relieve the sufferers by the late bloody outbreaks of the Indiana in northern Minnesota. This is well deserved aid, and we trust that the late home and birth-place of Gov. Ramsey, Harrisburg, will also contribute a share of this aid. Gov. Ramsey, we know, would highly appreciate such an offering, com ing from the friends and companions of his earlier manhood. Who will make a movement in this direction Cm. W. W. JENNINGS, of the Dauphin Coun ty Regiment, (127th,) honored us with a call this morning. He came from his regiment yesterday, on purely official business, and leaves for his post again this evening. He reports his men in excellent health and discipline. Col. Jennings looks well, a little bronzed with ser vice, and in every particular bearing himself like a true soldier, which he Is. Dauphin county is proud of her Colonel and Regiment. MUTING or SYNOD.—The Synod of Baltimore , with which the Old School Presbyterian church of Harrisburg is connected, will meet in this city on Tuesday evening the 21st instant. This Synod comprises tue five Presbyteries of Balti more, Carlisle, Winchester, Lewes and Potomac, with upwards of a hundred ministers and about 132 churches. A number of these churches, lying within the bounds of three of the Presby teries, are now on rebel soil. Part of them have probably joined the Southern Assembly, while others, still loyal, will find it impossible to be represented at this meeting of Synod in conse quence of the proximity of the rebel army. For this and other reasons the attendance will no doubt be much smaller than . usual. A full Synod would number upwards of 200 ministers and elders. It is expected that the opening service will be preached by the Bev. Dr. Dick son of Baltimore. .5....111............ Tna SICS AND Worninen.—We were lately permitted to read a letter to one of the Surgeons in charge of a certain hospital in this city, writ ten by a soldier who had been an inmate of that hospital, and who had eieaped to his home. The writer disavows all intention to cheat the ser vice of his presence, and is earnest in his pro. testations that he had no design, while thus es caping, to act dishonorably. Ule only purpose was to regain hie health. That, he was certain, would never be accomplished in the hospital; and as long as he remained a helpless inmate in , that department he would be, of course, a use less burden to the Government. He felt this, and, therefore, he was convinced that in esH typing to his home, where he could derive all the advantage there was in careful, professional, attendance and affectionate nursing, he was do lug his duty, not only to himself bat to his country, in hastening the recovery of one man, sad fitting him once more for active service. There is a force and an argument in this soldier-patient's letter, which it would be well for the efficiency of the army and the am mo of our cause, if Its sentiment and hon orable protestation of devotion to the country, could be understood and appreciated by those in power: The rights of individuals in the army, have been too much disregarded, in thievery particular. It is too much like ty ranny to force a man, when sick, maimed, per haps fatally, to remain in a - locality at once repugnant to all his feelings ; and where there is no possibility of his recovery as long as he remains. If it is possible for such a man to go to his home, for nursing and medical atten dance, it is a most barbarous policy which in terposes to prevent him. It neither adds to the safety of the service or the good feeling of the men who are expected to stand the brunt of battle. In nine cases out of ten it chafes the patient and prolongs his disease, by thus ty rannically forcing him to remain where he is well convinced he will never recover his health. We have seen the effect of this rule, until our very heart bled for those who were made to suffer by it. Protest was useless, because the Surgeon appealed to seemed to increase the rigor and augment the discipline after every ap peal, until out of mercy for the patient we were compelled to desist from our disinterested labor to assist him to relief. From the letter before us, we are well con. vinced that the most salutary reform is needed! in the medical department of the army. B. discipline is fast becoming a bore to the patients and a disgrace to the government. We wain the reform which will either allow a patient to go, or permit his friends to carry him, home; because by so doing his health will be the more speedily restored, and the service of course benefitted by his recovery. Any policy or rule whiob objects to or forbids this, is unjust, and What say those in anthorl f A Darr Busmsss.—A certain handbill, set ting forth in unmistakable language, the true purposes of the Democratic leaders, having been circulated during last night, or early WI morning, the Tory Organ immediately issued another handbill, to the effect that the bill in question was printed at the Tatiana% office. This foul, unprovoked and unfounded charge was at once noticed by Mr. Bergner, by prose cuting the proprietors of the Tory. Organ for libel. ~Like the plots against some of their own candidates, this game of attack on their own party, as practiced by the handbill in question, may be considered as the last card of the tory sympathisers, to delude and deceive the people. '43 fought them all with the truth, openly, 'airly and fearlessly, during the campaign, and to-day, with the truth, openly and fearlessly, they will be defeated. Tas Zeros.—Very little excitement, up to the moment of writing this paragraph, has attended the election in the different wards of the city. We have heard of no difficulty, and trust that none will occur. The franchise is too sacred a right to be interfered with, either by mob violence or rude partisan competition. The man entitled to vote is presumed to have judgment, and on this judgment the Union men of the times rely for success. —We notice that the Breckenridgers are sullen, reserved and freesingly silent. This portends no good for their bad cause, because If they had but a shadow of victory, they would be jubilant and intemperate in speech and ac tion. However, these desperate men while silent are none the less active. They are fight ing like the rebels, with death staring them in the face. It is their last chance. If defea ted to-day, to-morrow will see their utter ex tinction throughout the land, while every rebel banner will be lowered in despair at the result. Ins REBEL RAID ON CHANBIERSBOM —The Val ley Spirit and Times of this morning sums up its account of the rebel raid on that town in very brief language. It says that on Friday evening last, our citizens were much surprised and con siderably excited by reports of the advance of a large force of rebel cavalry by way of Mercers burg. Men arrived on horseback who bad been hotly pursued by them to within three or four miles of town. About 7 o'clock a company of them appeared in the public square carrying a flag of truce and demanding a surrender of the place. No mili tary force being here, able to resist, the town was surrendered on the t-rms that private prop erty would be respected and citizens be unmo lested. They then took full possession of the place, and on the next morning took their de parture in the direction of Gettysburg, leaving a guard to fire the,depot buildings. The depot house, the machine shops and warehouses of the Messrs. Wunderlich and Need were entirely consumed with a considerable amount of Gov ernment stores and other property. The rebel force numbered about 1,600 cavalry and artil lery, under Generals Stuart and Hampton.— They have stolen about 1,000 horses in this county, but from lest reports and the prepara tions made for their capture, we feel confident that the whole force will be captured and the stolen property recovered. We are hurried in getting to press, and can give no extended notice of this humiliating rebel invasion of Pennsylvania soil. —The above is all that a Breckinridge organ could utter ~ in reference to the outrages of the rebels in Chambersburg, while it devotee a whole page of the same number to the abuse of the loyal government now struggling to put down rebellion. Not one word against traitors, but columns of abuse against the national gov ernment. Comment Is unnecessary. A CARD A paragraph appears in the Patriot and Union this morning, in reference to the robbing of a man in McCrum's restaurant, which seeks to shift the responsibility of that transaction en tirely to my shoulders. " The fellow Duncan" was employed ae much with the authority of McCruw as my own. I knew no more about Duncan than did McCrum, but employed him with the full knowledge and consent of McCrum, and at the time of the rob bery I had no connection with the restaurant, having retired from it four days before.. Mc- Crum having thewhole charge of the establish ment, receiving all the profits during that time, and of course being fully responsible for all that then occurred in that establishment. The public will be able, thus, to see that in stead of my being responsible in this matter, I am entirely relieved by my withdrawal from the business, and that if there is a responsibili ty In the robbery, hicOrnm must bear it. A Him= EXPLAINCD.—Amid the destruc tion incident to this wicked rebellion the minds of a community to some extent become accus tomed to hearing of death and the spilling of blood, bat when an occurence of an unusual and mysterious nature happens immediately in our midst, as was related to us by a friend on Saturday evening last, the mind naturally seeks to develop° it. Our friend came rushing into our presence, his countenance and gestures in dicative of a disposition to communicate some thing frightful, the subject, of which, in brief, was as follows : He bad met on the street a well dressed lady, whose manner and gestures were singular, and who occasionally gave voice to disconnected sentences, "as that was the circum stances of the case," and so on. We upon sub sequent reflection concluded it must be the lady that had seen those beautiful dress goods at Urich & Bowman's, and was but giving voice to her admiration and delight. A Norm Feratrustutawr.—Among the many Improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock challenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept In a grocery store, (liquors 'excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building. and exam ine the extensive stook, whether they purchase Olt sok Pennegluanta Wang ttlegraph, tuestrap lftentoon, (Dacha 14, 1662. THE LADIES NAKED will send to the Union Be lief Association room, Dr. Bailey's, racket street, by 10} o'clock. Punctuality greatly desired : On Wednesday, Oct. 15-8 quarts of soup; apples. Miss Mary Jones, Mrs. X. Miller, Mrs. J. Stewart, " Richard Nolen, " Sarah M.Sheasley, " Margaret Murray, " John Smith, " Joshua Royal, " Jane Swartz, " John Shanklin, On Zhursday, Oct. 16—A large baked rice pudding• Mrs. H. M. Graydon, Mrs. Thos. Mullin, " A. Hummel, " Mary Molty, " Henry Hendshew, a' Sarah E. Mitchel, " Saud. J. Myles, " Jane Murphy, " John Martin, Miss Agnes Rowers, "S. E. Morech, Mrs. Mary S. Beatty, On Friday, Oct. 17-1 pair of stewed chickens. Mrs. R. J. Ross, Mrs. E. M. Pollock, " Dr. Miles. •' Dr. J. Wiestling, " Dr. Nichols, " W. S. Wood, " Dr. Patterson, " Daniel Yoder, " Dr. Porter, " William P• Sieg. " John Murray, On Saturday, Oct. 18—Butter; eggs; 7 peck of awed potatoes. Miss Reamehart, Mrs. J. J. Shoemaker, " Mary Uhler, " Jane Wagner, Mrs. Jane Olsen, " John Wallower, " Maria Nolen, " John T. Wilson, " William Wykoff, " Mrs. Woodall, " Jas. B. Thompson, " Samuel Wilt. TO VISIT TIM 110SPITAIS. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat Mrs. Eliza Hellman, Mrs. H. A. Thompson, " Kate Reilly, " E. O. Mathews, " Hunt, Miss B. M. Rutherford, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ' Miss Hoffman and Miss Lousia Houser will wait at the reception room to receive prepared food, send back dishes, and see that those re turned in the afternoon are wiped dry by from 91. to 11 o'clock A. M., and a short time after dinner. Mrs. E. H. CORNYN.- The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be uo ap prehension in regard to my competency to ad minister it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (aulB-dlm) MRS. L. BALL. Tux wonderful success which has attended the use of my medicine, has induced me to say a word through the press in its behalf. My medi cines are prepared with great care, expressly for family use, and are admirably calculated to preserve health and remove disease. I can therefore recommend them with the greatest confidence, and am fully perbuaded from past experience that they will give very general if not universal saliefaceion. But at the same time Ido not pretend to assert, that they are "sere alb." I have cured Gravel, Dropsey, Scrofula, and have regulated the female system. Reference can be had at any time with the persons, as they feel a delicacy in having their names in the paper. MRS. LUCRETIA BALL. Wa HANN received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 750. up to $2 50. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col lars and sleeves, at all prices. White cambric*, jacconetts, nantucka, brithants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky jeans, sattinetts and cassimeres for men and boy's wear. We received 60 dozen suspenders, at all prices. 50 dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and small wear. S. Lnwv. TELEGRAPH OUT OP TOWN, LIST OF REGULAR AGENTS. The DAILY MORNING AND EVENING TELEGRAPH is sent every morning and after noon, by the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following ALTOONA—Theo. B. Patton. ANNVILLE—G. W. 'bonder. BELL'S MILLS—John Campbell. BLAIRSVILLE—M. J. Shannon. CHAMBERSBITRG—George Tuckey. CARLISLE—Wm. H. Common. CLEABFIELD—M. A. Frank. DAUPHlN—Jefferson Clark. EBENSBURG—S. H. Davis. ELIZABETHTOWN—CharIes Hooter. GREENCASTLE—W. F. Kunkle. HUMMELSTOWN—CharIes Dipper. HIGHSPIRE—F. 0. Alleman. HOLLIDA.YSBURG—A. F. Diffenbecker HAGERSTOWN-0. Swingley. INDIANA—Henry Hall. LOCK HAVEN—J: D. Stratton. LEBANON—H. U. Roedel. . LEWISBURG—SamueI Slifer. MILTON—Dr. E. Francleona. MOTEYTOWN—J. Orisswell. MIDDLETOWN—Geo. IL Lenhart. MECHANICSBURG—John W. Stout, MECHANICSBURG—J. Bolinger. MOUNT JOY—James Dysart. MILLERSBURG—B. G. Steever. MAPLETON STATION—Dr. Getty". NEWVILLE—Jos. Laughlin. • • SHIPPENSBURG—KeIso & Hinkle. SELLNSGROVE—Jeremiah Crouse. SUNBURY—J. Washington. TYRONE CITY—J. R. Morris, Jr. WILLIAMSPORT—Ayers & Lundy. WRIGHTSVILLE.--.W. Moore. YORK—J. S. Boyer. PARKTON, MD.—E. J. Teackle. DAYW BAiIHOD2 FOR SALE. 3.00 °BUSHELS prime tallow Corn 600 bushels barley malt, first quell,. 200 bushels rye. 60 barrels whisky, first quality. Enquire of RICHARD 11.0GELAND, se22-dif Washington Avenue, Harrlseurg. SODA Biscuit, City Craokers, justreceiv ed and fir „Awe by NICHOLS &BO WILAtd, Corner Front nctsßiarket Create. PORT FOLIOS--WRITING DENO. .t 1 entire new assortment of these useful ar tides just opened at 1 1FIRGISRP'S' Masi) Roolotart BROWN gagers pf all grades, for sale low, by NICHOLS k BOWMAN, Je2s Garner Front and Market Meets. SIIGAR cured hams, just received and for sale, by NXllioLs & BOWMAN, map 17 Cor. Front and Market street. LLY WA6IIING BLUE, an ezosl• lent substitute for Indigo, for sale et the wholesale retail grocery store of NWIIOIIII BOWMAN, emir of Front WI NOW sheets: ) " C. J. Reese, " 4 Joseph Sayford To the Afflicted. REGULAR AGENTS dew t2thertigtments Al ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOLD PENS ! ~`HE best and largest assortment of Gold Pens I has just been opened at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. These Pens are manufactured by C. F. Newton & Co. , of New York, and warranted to give full satisfaction. A trial will satisfy any one. Examine the prices below : Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 N. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 75. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 76. Gold Pea and Silver Holder for $4 25. Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $6 00. Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Just received, at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, a full supply of PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Embracing all the new Styles and Sizes. ALBUMS FOR 12 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 20 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 24 PHOTOGRAPHS l!r P ;IW I e ALBUMS FOR 40 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOB 50 PHOTOGRATES Prices from Seventy-live Cents To Twenty-11re Dollars BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH CLASP. BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO, WITH CLASP. BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH TWO CLASPS. BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH PANELLED SIDES. BOUNDINVELVET,MTDICIARM-VERY RICH. BOUND IN MOROCCO, WITH HEAVY MOUNTINGS AND CLASPS. PICTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED MEN. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGITIHSED WOMEN. COPIES OF RA= ENGRAVINGS. COPIES OF CHOICE PAINTINGS. Any Ors& de rtsitis published in the country will be furnished to order. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Of any size not in the standard styles will be made to ceder. BERGNBWS Cheap Bookstore. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Barrisburg, Pa., DEALER EA I : 6 IA IikTEW EtOSEWOOD PIANOS, from the beat 11 makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEON THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRUm KENT% FROM $46 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Aceordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar atringa and musi cal merchandise In general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATENT PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music soul by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES, Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on band. A fine assortment of beet plated LOOKING GLASSE 8 From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. febl9-wawl) PRIVATE SALE THE subseriber offers at private sale his FARM, situated on the public road leading from Ilarrisba , g to Lingleatown, about one mite from the latter place. The improvements are a large TWOBTORY WEATHER BOARDED HOUSE, large' BANK BARN t with all necessary out-buildings, a Good Young Orchard, with Arai rate railing water near the buildings. The land is well fenced and In a high state of cultivation. Danis reasonable. OBRISTIAN LENTZ. Pent= wanting turonnstion, can cad on David Humus, Jr., Harrisburg se22-8443w POMADE HONGROISE Mt num Tsui MOUSTACHES, fee MUM'S liittlOSlXag. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. .OW is the time to have your Houses N Papered. On to Henry G. Sharer* No. 12 Market street, near the bridge, Wall Paper anal Window P halle Store. Paper banging Forestall,' nawded to. An wor k warranted. ootewitr. ROLD PENS I—The largest and best stock, from SIM to s4.oo—warranted—at SHOTIR S BOOKSTORIL B AIL ' "S Cocoa and Sweet Chocolate, sw ado at JOIIN %us" Third and Walnut myl LEMONS, reasons, wools:Luta & 0., just received and for safe by NNW= & BOWMAN, Cor. /Ant and Market streets. UM 440TION80.4tatta a variety of useful sad eiddeithemg ardelsp.abalw—iit - , lIESMWS Doedrates. IVOTIOE is hereby given that "THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA" in tend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their Bev session for a renewai of their charter. Bad Bank is located in the city of Philadeltihia, with an authorized capital el One Million of Dogma, a renewal of which will be asked for, with the usual banking privileges. By or er of the board, S. C. PALMER, je2B-doaw6m Cashier. APPLicATioN will be made to the next Legislature (session of 1863.) for an Act to Incor porate a Bank of ' i:slie, deposit, discount and other gen eral banking privileges, with a capital of Two Hunored Thousand DoDivs. and *Who'll to increase the came to Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand DoHare ; to be located in Scranton, Lucerne county, to be called the SCRAN TON BANK. GEO. SANDERSON, W. W. WiNioN, BIII,TON KIN:BURRY, BANK OF CHESTER COUNT , NOTICE is hereby given that tt e RANK OF CHESIEB COCNTY, intends to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their neat session for a renewal of its charter. said Bank is located in the borough of West Chester, with an authorized capital of Two Hundred and Twenty .five Thousand Dollars, a re. newel of which will be asked for wlth the usual banking rivileges. By order of the Board, je2b.tilt-w6ln FA)IIKER3' BANK aF BUCKS Couszv,} Baurroz, Ea., June 24,1882. NOTICE is hereby given, that an appli cation will be made to the Legislature of Pentisyl. vania at their next melon, for &renewal of the charter of the PatillEES' BANK of Bucks county. The sal Bank being located in the borough of Bris'ol, Pennsyl vania, with an authorized capital of Two Hundred Thou sand dollars, with the usual bunting privileges. By or der of the Board, B. C. BEAD ie2s-dlt-wBm Cashier. NOTICE. FrißE President, Directors ai.d Company of the BANK OF =AV« ARE courrr„ Intend to make application to the next Legislature et this corn monwctoth, for the rmewal of their Charter with bank ing and discounting privileges as heretofore, under the same name or title, at the present location and with the a ante capital, two bombed thousand dollars, with the right to increase it to three hundred thousand debars. Je2d-wena. W. TAYL./R, Cishier. BANK NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Presi det t and Directors of the LEBANON BANK located I e borough of Lebanon, Lebanon county, intend to make application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their nest session, or a renewal of the charter ant an eaten if on of the plvileges of the said Bank now enjoyed, with the same name, title, location and capital of $2OO - By order N. A. UHLER, jeltnalt-w Om Ca: bier. fIpHK MINOR'S BANK of Pottsville, ill 1. the county of Schuylkill, hereby give notice that they intend to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at their next session, for a renewal of theie charter. eabl Bank is located in the bon ough of Pottsville ' in the county of Paw lkid. with an authorized capital of Five Hundred Th usand Dollars a renewal of which will be naked without any extension of privileges. By order of the Beard. Ciiettl.l3 LOO.-sER, j. 14 Cashier. Bess or radAIBBREBURG., June 12th, 1862. „( NOTICE is hereby given of the intend ed application at the next meeting of the Legisla ture for a renewal of the cbw ter of the BANK tiF Cd.A6l. WER.5.813t , G, with the present name and style, location and specific obieci, with priviirge to increase the capital stock from $256,858 30 to $260,000. Br order of. the board G. R. 10BSSEGSMITH, tel4-dltw6m Cashier. NOTICE is hereby given that the Presi dent and Directors of the LANCASTER COUNTY BANK Intend to make application to the Legidature of the Commonsvealh of Pennsylvania at their next session, for a renewal of the charter, and an extension of the privileges of the said Bank, with all the rights and privileges now enjoyed, for s term of twenty years Crum the etpiration of the present charter, with the same name, title, lora tion and capital of $300,000. By order NOTICE is hereby given that the Wy ming Bank at Wilkes. Barre will apply to the Legislature of the State of Pentsylrania, at its next ses sion, for an erten:ion of the charter of said Bank, and also for authority to increase the capital of said Bank Y: om one hundred siud Buy thousand dollars to two hun dred thousand dollars. The name and style, the loca tion, and the powers and privileges o said Bank to re main the same as at present, awing and excepting only the increase of the capital aforesaid. G. M. BOLLEBACK, President. EDWARD B. LOOP, Cashier. my3o-dlt-w(im NOTICE is hereby given, that an asso ciation has been formed and a certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a bank of discount, deposit and circulation under the provisions of the act, entitled, Nan act to establish a system of free banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against lea from insol vent bank.,,' , approved March 3lst, 1861. Said bank to be called "VSNANGIO BASH," V) be located at the bor ough of Franklin in the county of venango, with a capital of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS to be divided into two thousand shares Of fifty dollars each, and it is oontemplatea to increase the same to three hundred thousand dollars, or to six thousand shares of fifty dol lars each. mar2B w6m NOTICE. 1 - OTICE, is hereby given that application will be made at the next annual meeting of the gidature of Pennsylvania Pm a r« , newal of the charter of the =CHANGE BANK. OF PIFTSBDRG, with its present name, location, privileges and capital of One Million dollars. By order of tbe Board or Directors, B. M. IfUnRA.Y, jyl•dlt-wtm Caatder. N OTICE. HEREBY given, that application will be made at the next annual session of the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, for a renewal of the charter of the HARRI.S.BUBO BANK, with Its 'resent name and style, location, pi "%dispel and capital of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. By order of the Board of Dit actors, J. W. WEIR, ja2B.4ll4wem Cashier. NOTICE is hereby given, that an appli cation will be made for the charter of a bang to be called the CI kRION BANK OF ELIT COUNTY, capi tal $lOO,OOO with rigatto go into op; ration when $40.. 000 shall have been paid in. Jeso-dlt W6lO. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street. NOTICE is hereby given, that the BANK 01 DANVILLE, a Bank of Issue, discount and deposit, located in the borough of Danville, Montour county, with a capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dol lars, intends making application at the next regular m elon of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for a renewal of its charter and extension of its present privileges, fur a term of twenty years trom the expiration of its present charter, with the same name, title, location and capital. By order of the Board of Directors, DaVID CLARK, 1e27-dlt-w6m Cashier. Bank 2ppluatians. NOTICE Je2l3-dlt-w6no BANK NOTICE NOTICE. NOTICE. BANK. NOTICE. W. L. PElRlint, JOS-Mt-warn Cashier of Lancaster County Bank NOTICE BANK NOTICE. BANK NOTICE BANS NOTICE. EXTENSION OF CHARTER. TOTICE is hereby given that THE FARMERS , AND MECHANICS' BANK OF FAS a Bask of discount and deposit located in the bor ough of Easton, Northampton county, Pennsylvania, hav- ing a capital of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars, will ap ply so the next legislature of Pennsylvania for a renewal of its charter for ruteen years from the expiration of its present charter, with its present capital stock, powers and privileges, and without any alteration in or increase of the same. J. STISWAR r,Proe't- M. E. FORMAN, Cashier BANK NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the un dersigned citizens of kennsylvanla have formed sUnuandatiOn and prepared a certificate for the purpose of establishing a Bank of issue, discount and deposit, un der the provisions of On act., entitled a "supplement to an act to establah a system of h., a banking in rennavl van's, and to secure the public against loss from insol •ent banks" approved the Bret day of May, a. 0., 1861, the said bank to be called BLAIR COUNnf BANK., to be loeated in the borough of Hollidaysburg and county or Blair , to consist of a capital stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars hi shares orleitty Dollars each, with the :privi leges of incromini the Eallle to any amount not ossieed.. in all Twofrandredlhomand dollars. a ND= JOMIS_TON, . JOHN GEO. BUM, l izik WON 108.8MWID, . JAMS GARDNZR, niSolitlitha 1 1 / 4 11.. RYAN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Hleaeed thz Coal Yard, foot of North street, lately occupied by 0. D. Faster, ant enabled to supply the public wit* VARIETY AND SIZES OF CMilif.a.N CZICIALi a . FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orden respectfully solicited—which, if left at the office, root of North street, or at the iollloe of Win. Dock,Jr. k Co., will receive prompt attention. GILLUM DOCK. flyer's Cathartic PiUs. Wbf. W. JkIfFERIi, Cosh'er THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce thin best, most periect purgative which is known comae. innum erable proofs are shown that these ram have mains which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win unpreciifientettly nein the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerfel to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulat a the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of lie organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish ur disordered orgaus mu their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dan gerous diseases that have baffled the best of human skill. While they mince powerful effects, they are at the same time, in diminished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar coated, they are pietist/it to take; and being purely veg, etable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures bare been made which tifirpass belief were they not substan tiated by men of such exalted position and. character as to forbid the suspicion of uetruth. Many eminent cler gymen and physicians have lent their names to,certlfy to the public the reliability if our remedies, while others have seat me the assurance if their oonviotton that our Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The agents below named are pleased to lon/lab gratis our American Almanao, containing directions for the use and certificates of their cures, of the following oom plaints : Costivnesa, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising fro a a f u I stomach, Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbid inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Lcem of Appetite, all Die. eases which require an et secant medicine. They ale el by purifying the blood and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which it woutd not be supplied they would reach, ouch as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neu ralgia and Nervous Derangements of the fiver and Kidney 5, Gout, and other, kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstructioo of its fanotons. 110 not be put off by unprinc'pled dealers with some other pill they make m ire profit on AAK for ATER'S Prim, and take nothing else. No Cotner they can give sou compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the best aid Cure is for them, and they should have it. . _ _ Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYBR & CO., Lowell, Mass. and sold by Druggisla everywhere. Price 26 cents per Boa. or 5 butes for $l. hold by O. A. Ban .vart, D. W. Gross & CO, 0. K. Kel ler, J. B. Lute, Dr. Riley, F. Wyeth and dealers every where. MoCULLODGR'S LEAD 00., N 0.64 DUAN E STREET, KEEP constantly on hand the following articles: LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, BUCK SHOT, BAR LEAD, PIG LEAD, DROP SHOT, MINNIE AND ROUND BALLS q 1 17,_ • JOHN WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Harrisburg, Pa. CONFICOTIONEItY OF ALL BINDS, ORANGES AND LEHOMS, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, And lreeetables of all kinds, brought direct from the Eastern Markets, twice a week, and purchased under my personal supervision, thus enablidg me to sell a better and cheaper article than any in the market. gfir Orders from a distance attended to promptly', and sleds delivered to any pert of the city free of charge. FEEAI CANNED FRUITS' constantly on hand. Give me a call. Ue26] JOHN WISH. HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION. r x Proprietors of the "PARISIAN CABINET Or WONDERS, ANATOMY and MtD/- GINE* have determined regardless of expense, to b ens free, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) POUR of their moat instructive and interesting Lectures on Nor rings and its Disqualifications, Nervotui Debility, Prema ture Decline of Manhood, Indigestion Weakness or De pression, Loss of energy and Vital Poirers, the:Great So cial Evil°, and those Mal. dies which result from youth ful follies, Eateries oi)daturity, or Ignorance of Physi ology and Nature's Law. These invaluable Lecture. have been the means of enlightning and saving thou sands, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamps, by addressing SECRETARY PARISIAN CABIN= OF Arcaroxi awn minnows, 663 Broadway, New York. jel9-dly lIBRIOATING Oil for all kinds of ma chinery, in convenient packages, for sale very low NICHOLS dr. BOWMAN, Cantor Front and Market stmt. by jOl9 CIDER Vinegar, warranted pure, for Bale low, by NICHOLS dBOWMA N septI2 Corner From and Market greets. rvitE Updegrove Look Property, Canal grocery and Rockville House, situated lye miles above flarrlaburg, is now offered for sale. See adyer. iisement in Weekly or amily to autB.dejanlatlB63 largest and most extensive assort , mot of gists in the city just received, and for i ale very low, by NI /10LS BOWeleN, see Corner Froot and Market streets. jr2-dlt-vr6ra A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family 11. Bibles 91 different styles of binding, at No, ei el SO, g 2, SS, St, S 8 and 110. Also Pocket Bibles Graf. orent styles and prices at SOHEFFER'S Bookstore. febis-y r 6.000 rUNDSforEttayitlynzwb:z or retail by WM. DOCK JR., co. IF all sizes, patterns and prima, j u st lJ reoehred and for sale by 418 WY. DOOR, Jr,Zik CO ja,A 11141$, Oranges and Lemons, Irma% Npz abrartistments. COAL COMPLETE ASSORTMENT O . F THE DIFFERENT NEW TORS.. EiMaliF2MI JUST RECEIVED. W. P. MENRY,