THE TELEGRAPH LS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER TERMS.--Onnint BMWs=en. The U&iL lillialtAPß Is Served to subscribers In thi City at 8 Gents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged it 09 it advance.. L WINELY '4WD kw 39111126' 71111161/APAI. The TELVARAPH Is also published twice a week - durtujg the seesion Of the Legisiature, sad Weekly during ,tht remainder oi the year, and furnished to subscribers the following cash rates, via: Single lubsoribers per year Semi-Weekly a 10 Ten 46 44 14 ,1$ .39 00 Twenty It u .4 ..23 00 Single subscribers, Weakly.. ......... 1 00 I= LAW Or lIIIWAPAIWEIL If subscribers' order the discontinuance of their sews papers, the publisher may continue to stud them until arrearagee are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. !futsullunwu. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL cir R. Co a la XIL Sly Corner Front. and 'Market Streeta, HARRISBURG, PENWA. RESPECTIVELY invite the attention or the public to their large awl wall Wooled MOCK of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO• !GESTIC FRUITS. We now offer for sale' Stewarts, Loverings Golden Syrup, White and Brown Supra of all grades, Green and Black Teas, Coffee, Spices and Flavoring [Extracts. ALSO, 110IIR, FISH, SALT, LARD, HAMS, &L, &O We invite an examination of our superior NON-EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, Unequalled in every rested by any In the motet, to tether withal kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BVRNEES, CHIMNEYS, &0., &a., &a We have the largest assortment of GLASSWARE & QUILENSWARR In the city; also, all kinda of CEDAR A.NEr WILLOW WARE. WI and examine at our old stand, NICHOLS It BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Aired& Septl2 EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. NAMILLOTInIia of BOOK-BINDERS' RULING-1111HRES AND PENA, STANDING} PRESSES, SAWING MAOHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND YOB GRINDING LOTTING--MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Nadine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGIS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL MI BRANOKNO, SOBOLL SAWING, PLANING, MV., RIO., ar Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brain made to order. Gear. and Screw Cutting, Bto. HICKOK'S PikTENT WOODEN SCREW 01:1011ING TOMB. !.:aali paid tot Old Wpm, Brass, SOW; &o. STEAM •BOILERS, &C. PARNSJLYANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Qf various patterns, both stationary and swinging. /bah Weights and various other banding eastlnga, for sale very cheap at the [] AMA WORK& BOOKS FOB FARMERS, rr'BE attention of agriculturists is directed 1 to the following won* which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science, and the expert - mate of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the beet way toperform them. Price. —.B 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Baal Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Bust.. 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 etgravings..2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGLN4 EMS, by Week 5.............., . , :, ,... 20 The Nature and Treatmen t of of Cattle, by Dadd 100 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 76 MILCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese by Flint 160 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, sm, tko—/ 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prac tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner • ... 160 ALLEN'S' DoriEwricr Alurittua 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book. • 1 25 THE HORSE AND HIS MUM, by Jennings 1 00 yousrr ON THE HORSE 126 BIND'S FARRIERY and f3TIIIJ NOIME.— .1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Ilirtmidng and Training of Horses .......*. ... 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationery line at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S 011E11 1 BOOK STORE. LIFE The Girard Lite Warsaw, Annuity and Trait ."Comuany of Philadelphia. OFFICE 110; 408 CHESTNUT STREET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ABUTS—. I , tp.,648,888 THOMAS PJUD4WA 4 4 President. JOHN V. JAMES, Actuary, ONTINUE to Make INSURANCE ON LIVIId on the most reason able tame. . Sig& amnditsetcelieri note e 1414 Ultaralau. 11. eee The capital being Paid 11 9 and Invested, together with st large and constantly inotirttlig reserved laud, efferija perfect 130EINIty to the insured. The premiutni may be paid yearly,balfyeailfor guar. •i i u c ompany add a BONDS perkstinelip to the( bum raneei for life. The MIST BONUS appropriated In Dr ambe rlNEl_i 1844, the SECOND BONUS in - Oesember 184 9 the RD BONUS in December, /864, and th e p:z o in tri i ONUS In 1868. Theo additions are made without re. mi t ring any r increase n the premiums to be pa id to the Toe ab mewing are a few example 4 from, the. Reenter. 1 .. , I _.: IiXIOW* 0 ' • lioy and Sum ' BMUS or boron to be Increased Policy, lamed add , ' km by future sddidona. L 610,1 y -426b0 4l 887. 64187 60 " tai 8000 1,060 10 .. i : ‘,060 00 4. In loop ,-' 400'00 - 1,400 00 "Mt bOOO 1,876 00 - ~- , , OATS 00 AIM la burseand vks --'-'"' juiji B 1 :,: t 4' , 411041,7 _ 1 - .. • - N - 1 .........,. 15 A ..v.i.t, t ,.. liii • ~ -.... ...- 111 1 1 # , 0,f45 .; ',C IIII IO II/ Le . .....' 4". '"."" 1 .....--- .. "•-.2-,... L ft .....::;. 4‘ iT___--.- - - • - . --..,.-.= .. - - - ,- .1. , ... ,' . .o. - "•ti '''' "T..."--. ' 4 VOL XVIILI. ~lucd autoua. FREIGHT REDUCED I HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO .'s SHORT & QUICK ROUTE TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night• Leave New York at 71 P. M., by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. H. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS, Order Goode marked via ROPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 162 Broadway, New York For further information esquire of GEO. BERGNER. Agent liammuuns, Aug. 1861.-dtf STEAM BOILERS, lIASING made efficient and permament arrangements for the purpose, we are now pre prep to mate armor BOILMIin of every kind, prompt ly and et reasonable rates. We shall nse iron made by Bailey ik Brother, the reputation of which Is second to none in the market. None bathe best hands employed. Repairinglimpt iy,attended to. Address NAG WO 149224 Ha Ll rrisburg, a. NO REBELS I—Nichols & Bow man tripes tally Infer= their customers and the pub. de generally, that t lew store will not be closed hereaf ter in the afternoon, u hes been tie asse last week: We loYlte all to call sad purchase as heretofore, se we have picked up none of our goods. NiOtiOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Brent and Market St. PRESERVE JA RS Ant JELLY GLASSES, p•uni i XTENSIVE assortment of Glaieware, Inalading Jelly glesses, Preserve Dishes, Goblets, bters, £O., .0( @ALMA" pat troCeiVia and for sale low by 1410110Lt3 & BOWMAN, jy7 Corner Front & Market streets CAMP WRITING OASES, PAPER, ENVELOPES, PENS AND PENCILS. • Just the thing to carry In the !knapsack. Price com plete, only 38 cent& For sale at tutaGNSR'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. EVERGREEN TREES AND SD:RUBS. A. BE plapted byname experienced gard. anerabt August, ileptember and October, to pre Wince to any other eempOn, and with great eueassa. A dile assortment at the Keystone Nursery, Harris burg. auflo-dtf DREf3ERVING jars and fruit oana of all kinds sad atm, for We by DI/4=U & BOWMAN an2l corms, Frout and. .11.ritet street-. . . 'TOBACCO, Cavendish, Congress and Ji,„ Twat, for Nilo low by tIIOECKA & BOWMAN, sal Clivmar Front and Marnot Meow. BIM PENS in the world, for 750, $1 25 si 5 12, SI, sad *l, for glair at tabli4 BOHIFFER'S Bookitore. DANDRLION, Rio and other prepare toes orCollim Lbr male by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, septl2 Corner Front and Market tirade. BLACKING 1 itir AEON'S "011ALLINGE IG. 1 AMIOO Grope, ostorted iriam,jtost rroeirod, and for Me at Wholesale pricied, dell WY., 1:10011,Jr. & Co. WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESERVING PURPOSES. 4 3 VERY superior article, (pure,) just ft:dyed and Or sale by WK. Dom, JR., & co HEMS from the celebrated Hamburg goAditalmt just received and for wwTTee by bilOaula & BOWMAN, wad Garner Front and Mum crests. VANILLA- BEANS. WE are offering for sale a splendid quality of Beau at low prices, by the pound, once.or Olagly. REWIRE DRUG STORE, 91 Market Street. CFMAR TUBS, BASKETS BROOMS lug werythbog in the Itqe, just received in large braddies and for aide very low by WM. OCCL Jr RIO Dandelion and other preparations or cone, freehand pure, fur este low, by NICHOLi & Ann Corner Front Ind Marini streets. BYTaAII 109BBIa. sugar (Refined war d ived War be dat the /owe@ market prices. .M2 O WM DUCK, & 00. • ThANALION COFFEB I—A Fronich and J." iropßly_ of tads CalatZlcolreid nat. received br (P S ] ' .DOOF Jr., a co. BREAKFAST BACON 4Very choice lot, opal to the oelebra ted . (heixoted) Terkel** pug received. WM. OCh• e 0). CALL and examine those new jars for vrtat,ka bot, cheapest indfloplata in in market, *r ide tar nrcnora k BOWMAN, Jel9 Corner Frain and Market street. ANIIWBOLD, HAMS.--A small lot of tams oxlsimMal Hams just receive& eptsti• • wig. Dom, jr„ k CO. ELLERVDRINi R S [e' the rastii akb4Aliket Miodidais. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE" HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 14, 1862 DR. JOHNSON LOCK HOSPITAL! HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effetenal remedy in the world for No Moron or NOXiIYOM Drum A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, la from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Sack or;Limbe, Btrictera AttestCUM of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debi li ty, Nervousness, Dysp.epsy, Lan guor, Low spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Pa 'platten of the Heart. Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddi ness, Di seas. 01 the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Mho. Goss of the Liver, Longs, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those moan and solitary practices snore fatal to their victims than the song of ryrene to the Mariners of Ulys see, blighting their most brilliant hopei tbr anticipations, rendering marriage, all, impossible. • Young Ken • Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destractive habit which annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Man of the meet exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persons. or Young Men oontemphiting mar riage, being aware of Oleic& weakness, orgaelo debili ty, deformities, he., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a ll'hyitician. Organic Weakness Immediately Cored, and ball vigor Restored. This distressing Atikotionwhich renders tile misera ble and marriage impossible—ls the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensile. New, who that understands the lidded will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner by those Ming Into im proper habits than by the prudent ; Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy tillepring,' the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body: and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the ; Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nerviaus Dyspepsia, Palpitation'of the Heart, Indigestion, Oonalitatkotsl Debility, a Wieling of the Frame, Clough, Consumption, Decay and Death. Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street. Left hand side going from Baltimore dreg, a law door. tram the corner. Pail not to observe name and number. Letters mat be paid and coidala a stamp. Tbsi Doe tor's Diplomas hang in his office. A Cure Warranted in Two -Days. N &worry or Nauseous Drops, . Dr. Johnson, . Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Leiden, Grad uate from oue of themost readmit Colleges in the United Stated, mad the greater part of whose Ste has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where,Lhas effected some of the most astonishing cures that ware ever known • many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bardadnees, with freqnont blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were oared immediately. • Take Particular - Notice. Dr. J. addresses all those who have inhered es by improper indulge..eo end solitary habits, wbiotE rein both.body and mind, unfriding . , them for either business, • study, society or Marriage. These are some of the sad and melanchofly abets pro duced by early habits of youth, viz Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Paine in thellead, Dimness of Sight, Loss of muscular Power, t:N Palpitation of the' heart, Dys pepsy Nervous Irratibibty, Derangement of thaominee Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, kor thiIIITALLY.—The fearful erecti on the mind tare much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Contagion aldose De pression of Spirits, Evil Forbodinipi, Aversion to nool o ty Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, AG, are some oi the evils produced. THOVISANDB of persona of all ages can `now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nerves'ss and emarlided, having a singular appearanaa about the eyes, cough mid elympleens, of eonsumption. Young Mon Who have injured themsely,ks by a certain practice in dodged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, Or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even wheuseleep, and if not cured -renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immedintely. What a pity that a young man, thehope of. his coun try, the darling of his parents, should` be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of 1111), by the annimpience of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons arm, before ilOntala plating . reflect that a sound mind and body me. the most noes_ eery requiaites to promote eolumbill hippthees. Indeed, without these, the journey through lifc becomes • weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes; shadowed with despair and tilled with the melancholly reflection that the happinees of another becomes blighted with our own. . Disease of Imprudence, When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure Ands that he has Imbibed the semis of this palatial dio cese, it too often havens that an til-timed eensmof shame or dread of discovery, deters him from apply* to those who, from elm:aeon and respectability, ean-faitnits be friend him, delaying ell.the oonsetutional symptoms on this horr d disease make their appearance, such as . l a oersted sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains In the head and limbs, Moues of sight, deadness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, Nee and' extremities, progressing with MIAMI rapidity; till at last the palate of the mouth or the banes of the nose all in, and the victim of this sterol disease beconie3 i horrid object of commiseration, till death pall a petiel i tliie dreadful sufferings, by sendinthim to " that U , awed Country from whence no traveler returAs. l ! It is a strianchelly Art that thousand' fall *sales to this terrible disease, owing to the unakilltilinclas it. igno: rant pretenders, who by the.use orthat Dearly Paton, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue o life miserable, • - Stniagerik Trust not your lives, or imaith, to thermal, the teeth Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or character, who 'thpy Dr. Johisson's adver earthmen*, or style themielves to the neWBPaPeols regularly Iducated Physicians incapable of therhig, they keep you trilling month after month taking .theiri nithy and pobionousness ow, /pounds, or as long o the miudleet lbe can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh over your disappoithmeni. Dr. Johnson is the only Physician advertlilig.l His oredenthti or diplomas always Image WNW labia His remedies or treatment are unktrawn WWI Others, prepared from a life spent in the gr sit ,hospifilt otiEu. rope, the Ina in the country and more elikeilive 'Pri vate Practice than any other Pluidelen is therwoltid. Indorsement of the Neu. The many thousands cared at this hat{ tattaoear ar bor year, and the numeroun important Mrotl Opera tions performed by Dr. Johnson, annotated by the re , porters of the mean I, olipper," and many other pi ped', notices of whiat have appeared agn -and ~ mptitt before the public, besides his standing 11 5 gentleman of character and rispossibUity, is a safitelent "mmtlantee lathe Skin Means Speedily Cured. Persona writing should be particular in directing their glen to his Inatttuticn, in the Mowing manner : COAL Oil Lamp Shades, Wicks Ohim neye, for sale low by NICHOLS& BOWMAN; - °dB Corner Front -end biarketetrente. (VCR newly replenished stack of Toilet %.,,/ and Fancy Goods is unsurpanssd in this city and mum coalidtmt or rendering sanidactien, we weal roe pectia)ly. invite a call. SlVltarket street, two doers eat oftoiutih Ctraeti nth side. NtlithAß Flea every _ Tuesday awl ,Fr4a,y at JOHN WAN Store, center of T ied and WI- ffieNtai XtEI.ZaTIIMECIN3.3EI DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. zs BIX TO TWEET" 80028. Marriage. JOHN M. JOHNSON, X. DS the BaltimareLoek Rapala, Baltimore, fur. qt gtitgrapij. DINAWID POITAGI STAMPS.—The third A 866- taut Postinaster General has authorized the statement to be made that it is not the inten— tion of the Government to refuse to redeem the soiled or defaced postage stamps which have been used as a currency, though they will not be used on letters for the payment of postage. All such stamps must be unsoiled. Measures for the redemption of defaced postage stamps will be taken in a few days—the Department requiring some time to arrange this new branch of its business. [From the Louisville Journal.] Brutal Outrage—Three Union La- dieit Violated. The Nashville Union has been informed, on unimpeachable authority, of one of the most horrible and revolting crimes ever perpetrated on the soil of Tennessee. A party of guerillas, five in number, belonging to Dick McCann's command, It is said, went on last Tuesday night to the house of a highly respectable citizen, about eight miles from Nashville, on the Nub bin Ridge road, and violated the persons of his wife and daughter in the most brutal manner. The ruffians, whose lust and revenge were still unsatiated, having this scene of heirror, went to the house of a highly estimable widow in the vicinity and treated her in the - same fiendish manner. These families are both represented in. Col. Stokes' cavalry, and the rebels, unable to revenge themselves on the men, slaked it to the uttermost on the persons of helpless fe males, their wives and daughters. The atro cious crime was committed almost in sight of the Capital of Tennessee. The Union says a few weeks ago it recorded a similar outrage committed by the' guerillas on the person of a respectable young woman the daughter of an aged and loyal citizen, and again it says its pages me are blackened by the record ,of rebel sha. The heart sickens at the recital of such acts which disgrace humanity itself, and the cheek of the stoutest turns pale at the thought that the unchained passions of men, revealing in the breaking up of Ia! find order `consequent on this decidable rebellion, may soon make the chastity of women as ittle regarded as the lives of their husbands, brothers and sons are. These &kohl are but the vanguard of a train of sins as black as those of the pit, which will certainly invade us and make our section the most wretched of all countries, un less our armies sweep their authors from exist ence. We most not slumber nor be idle a mo ment when lawless men are so insolent and defiant. The only way to restore security and re-establish the wholesome restraints of the law over the lawless, is to crush ont the rebel lion, which is the parent and nurse of all that is villainoutteind infamous. le t t every father, every mother, every man and woman who have the welfare of their kind and country at heart, unite at once earnestly in the work of destroy ing that treason, whose overshadowing wing affords a shelter for every phase of human vil lainy. We are rejoiced to learn that these infamous wretches were caught by a force sent out by Gen. Negley. Forty, including Col. Bennett, were killed. Bennett and Barksdale, two of the scoundrels, were members of the Legisla ture that carried Tennessee out of the Union. The Union gives the following list of prisoners taken belonging to Bennett's guerrilla regi ment. In God's name, is there no hemp in Tennessee that their sentence and execution may come to us with the terrible narration of their crimes ? J. T. Thompson, James 11. lienneses, S. W. Morris, T. Y. Harris, W. O'Neal, W. B Briggs, N. Hullery, H. S. Dobbs, W. M. Durham, W. J.. Limiter, Jas. Carter, N. Floyd, S. T. Fever, T. Stafford, W. Bruce, W. R. Stanley, W. H. Harrison; W. Pelkiner, P. L. Stower, J. Hardin, J. A. Cunningham, T. J. Warmack, N. S. Ha bey, H. R. Johnson, L V. Lawrence R. A. Bennett, T. Black, Captain W. H. S..M. Corley, Filet Sergeant R. H. Lewis, B. J. Lewis; J. W. Phillips, Dr. J. B. Kirkpatrick, W.ldoodworth, D. Reed, D. W. Crank, A. J. Hinkle, R. H. Riaw, J. W. Brno; A. Sivol, J. K. Marshall; Corpinal N. Skives, W. R. Jen kins. • . BY TELE ' From our Morning Edition. Later From Kentucky. The Rebel Generals Bragg and Cheatham Reported Killed. • I • , WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. tlt isiundentkod; that a dispatch from Gen. Boyle, dated Louisville 10 o'clock last even ing, says it-war generally believed that the rebel Generals Bragg, and Oheatluun were both :killed, engagement of `'Weclnesday last near Bardstown. Our bee in killed, wounded and missing was between - 1,600 and 2,000, while that of the enemy, was larger. We:: held the field' on that night, and skir mished with them in their reboot the next morning. . When this amok& left Louisville a courier from our forces wee expected to *Ave in the course of the night, beinging details of the :pursuit and the battle which was probably fought yesterdity. - • Oren. Boyle expressers his belief in the truth of the. account of the killing of Bragg and Oheatiuun in the action of Wednesday'. TENNESSEM• REBEL OAMP SURPRISED. Canto, Oct. 18. Hon. Thome A. Wilson, of Tennessee, who leis hitherto remained neutral, has published an address condemning In strong terms Prod dentiancoln'S proclamation to emancipate the slaves. The expedltlon sent from Memphisoa Sunday Uraelt,. to Molt river a few ranee beyond Ger. .nuoktotna t returned on. Tuesday, barks . s auk prieed agebeLeampluarklitadiikag , inekinelni ding a napiain, wounded fourteen and captured fiftiltqlsther wAth *maw dkiNAN and vane. Capture of Important Papers from the Rebels, PLANS OF MILIfARY °MATIONS Great Rebel Calculations. Camp Hospital and Ambulance Corps to be Established. WeszaNaToN, Oct. 18 Important papers were sometime ago captur ed by Gen. Buell, while being transmitted for file to Brigadier General Thomas Jordan, Assis tant Adjutant General of the rebel, army at Chatanooga Tenn. These papers include con fidential let ters from Gen. Beauregard, both to the Adjutant General, and Inspector Cooper and Gen. Bragg, specifically laying down plans for military operations in the west and south west, by which our forces were effectually con centrated to meet the demonstrations recently made in pursuance of it. According to Beauregard's programme, the offensive points of the, rebels are first Louisville and then Cincinnati, and he was particular in stating how he could best reach them from Chatanooga. With Buell at IfuntsVille, it was his opinion that a detachment could take Lou isville, while the main body would be march ing to Cincinnati. He contemplated the construction of a work at the former city for the command of the Ohio and the destruction of the canal as soon as possible, so completely that future travelers would hardly know where it was; to keep the command of Cincinnati, he would construct a strong work heavily armed at Covington. Copies of these important letters will soon be furnished to the country through the press. It will be gratifying to the public to know that arrangements for the organisation of the camp hospital and ambulance corps of the well matured and systematic plan of Mi. H. N. Pierce, will be completed in a few days. Only the best material will be received into this important body. It will consist of at least 12,000 men, and each member will have to give testimonials of good moral character, and sound mind and body. Mr. Pierce will be happy to receive any sug gestions and facts concerning the wants, mate rial and organisation of his corps until the 25th inst., at No. 487 Fifth avenue, New York. His manual for the instruction and drill of those entering the service will form a part of General Halleck's new literary work on the 11. 8. Army, now about ready for press. GUERILLA BANDS BROKEN UP. CAPTAIN TOE KIRK KILLED. RE-CAPTURE OF COL. NoCOWEN. Eliomas, Mo., Oot. 13 The Sixth Missouri State Militia, Col. Oath erwood, have, in_several scouting expeditions within the last few days, broken up several bands of guerillas, killing the notoriouls Capt. Joe Kirk, who has murdered so many , private citizens ; Capt. Louden, 80th Miss.• ' Lieut. Al exander, 8d Miss., and some fifty bushwhack ere. They also brought into camp this morn ing Col. Wm. H. McGowan, C. S. A., who es caped from the St. Louis military prison some time ago by blackening himself and then pas sing a sentinel. They have also captured large correspondence of interest. LATER FROM NEW ORLEANS. General Butler's Orders. NO Among the incidents called forth by the per tinacious determination of Gen. Butler to thor oughly sift the wheat from the chaff , of this population, is' the following correspondence. It must be premised that Dr. Mercer is probably one of the righest planters of Mississippi, origi nally from Pennsylvania. Very many years ago be came to the South as a surgeon in the Uni ted States Army. As eventually married, and by a comae of good fortune he has amassed his present wealth. For many years he has had his winter residence in New Orleans. At his house Mr. Olay was always a guest when in the city, and Dr. Mercer, throughout this rebellion, has always , been known as, at least, a quasi Union man. When Gen. Butler first arrived here the Doo tor was a great deal at headquarters • Int, I presume, that the spirit that dictated his letter of the 26th, gradually made him feel that he did not possess the influence or command the welcome sufficient to make his intimacy alto gether agreeable, and I noticed that Dr. Mer cer gradually ceased his.visits. What course the Doctor would pursue has often been discuss ed, and I have not the least doubt but he ex pected to escape the penalty that was held over other people. Conceding that the Doctor could at any mo ment draw his check, on London for any mum ber of pounds Sterling, and sell it here for spe cie to aqy of the English cornmission merdhants or banks, his allusion to the three thousand dol lars in gold, reserved for an emergency, is quite ridiculous. There are also some : _anti- I:liberal:in minds who cannot understand how the Doctor has escaped giving in the account of the money in his " faithful return," as he advertised the fact , to the four corners of the earth. I should, perhaps, say that the last paragraph of the Doctor's letter contains the gist of the argument of every man here who desises to escape a public identification with the. Union cause, and I think the reply ; of Gen. Butler to the specious presentation of 'conceded indiffer ence if not enmity to the Federal Government, is one of the happiest things that has yet Char acterised his -nervous style displayed in his searching, rnardy,, soldierly: letters and orders No. 141 Cartel-mum, Sept. 26, 1862. Sir: You have probably inferred from our various conversations that I have not taken an oath of allegiance to the 'Confederate States, or have been a member of any society or public body in New Orleans or elsewhere in the Con federacy ; and that, since your arrival here, I I have natuntainni a strict neutrality. In pursuance of your order No. 76, I will make a faithful return, substantially, if not Minutely accurate, of ail my property here, =- Celli &hint ss,oo oq, the greater Part w 14013. its ingold; that lhave resin for an emergency, I mention thlaild J l .Xt j now to iid44 , 808447Ett - Union. Pam tinting Ofita. Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are PrePar ed to execute JOB and BOOK MMHG of every description, cheaper than 16 can be done at any other establishment In the country. - - RATE. OF aDtaRTISIN6. Si- Four lines or less constitute ens-half guars. Sight knee or more than four constitute a square. Half u Square„ one day.... ~,, One Week.• • . 126 aOne month ........ ............... 2 60 three monins •600 i St Ms mouths 600 on* year ....10 00 Oneli , qUare, one day..., ......... •• • • ...... I. one week 2 00 .. one month 6 00 ~ three months.... 10 a .6 I nix Mouths 10 00 “ one year 00 00 sir Business notices inserted in the Legal or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT OENTS PERYL X for each Imiertion. W Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. NO. 39. Your order referred to exempts those only who have taken the oath of allegiance, but I cannot think you intend to include those in my situation, as claiming to be enemies of the United States." Such an Interpretation le, In my opinion, at variance with the act of Con gress, as well as the proclamation of President Lincoln. I have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servant, W. NEWTON NEWEL To Major General Butler, U. S. V., command ing, &o. R&M/QUARTERS DRPARTMENT OF THE GULF, Raw Cemmens, Sept. 27, 1882. Snt : I have your note of the 26th Septem r. In my judgment, there can be no such thing as neutrality by a citizen of the United States in this contest .for the life of the Government. As an officer, I certainly cannot recognize such neutrality. "He that is not for us is against us.,. All good citizens are called upon talent' their influence to the United States ; all that do not do so are the enemies of the United States ; the line is to be distinctly and broadly drawn.— Every citizen must find himself on the one side or other of that line, and can claim no other position than that of a friend or an enemy of the United States. While I am sorry to be obliged to differ from you in your construction of the act of Congress and the proclamation of the President, I cannot permit any reservation of property from the list, or exemption of person from the require ment of Order No. 76. It may be, and I trot is, quite true, that by no act of yours have yon rendered yourself liable to the confiscation of your property under the act and proclamation, but that is for the military or other courts to decide. You, however, will advise yourself with your usual care and caution, what may be the effect, now that you are solemnly called upon to de clare yourself in favor of the Government, of contumaciously refusing to renew your allegi ance to it, thereby inducing, by your example, others of your fellow-citizens to remain in the same opposition. lam glad to acknowledge your long and upright life as a man, your for mer services as an officer of the Government, and the high respect I entertain for your per sonal character and moral worth ,but I am dealing with your duty as a citizen of the . United States. All these noble qualities, as well as your high social position, render yorir example all the more influential and pernicious, and I grieve to add, in my opinion, more dew gerous to the interests of the United States than if, a younger man, you had shouldered your musket and marched to the field in the army of the rebellion. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, BENT. F. BUTLER, Major Gen. Commanding. Dr. W. Nzwvos Manoaa, Canal street. The propeller Tonandult, of the Western transportation Hue, on going out of the harbor yesterday ran on an obstruction, causing her to leak badly. and obliging her to put back. She was loaded and bound for Chicago. The dam age to the cargo is said to have been about thirty thousand dollars. The Bank Statement for the week ending on Saturday, indicates an increase of loans of 617,- 896 dollars. Increase of specie, 987,496 dol lars; increase of deposits, 60,227,498 dollars. A decrease of circulation, 20,082 dollars. NEw Yonx, Oat. 18. The steamers New York and Holum have ar rived below, and w 11l be up at 8.80 this evening. The steamer Hibernian arrived at Quebec this evening. ALLOWED MARKETS BY TELEGRAM:C -PR:ow:mm[ly Oct. 11. Breadstuffs quiet, but firm. Sales-16,000 bbls. at 6®.6121 for Extra, and 6 2506 76 for Extra Family. Rye Flour is Karoo. 800 bbls. corn meal at 81i ; wheat scarce and firm. 10;- 000 bus, sold at 140@1 45.f0r red, and 1 550 165 for white. Cora is in limited demand. Prime yellow held at 71 att. Provisions un changed. Whiskey firm over 600 bbls. sold at 86 cts. Nsw Yosx, Oct. la. Cotton firmer and sales of 4,000 bales at 583 , 59; flour advanced and 27,000 bbls sold at $6 5008 75 ; wheat firm and sales of 800,000 bushels at $1 4641 60 for white; corn ad vanced and 188,000 bushels sold at 63®660; pork buoyant at $l2 Trials ; lard steady ; whisky firm at 85(485}. BALTIXOSE. Oct. 18. Flour scarce, and had an advancing tendency. Wheat active and advancing. Corn 'quiet; white 74®75c. Whisky steady at No. Pro visions dull. FOR THE SOLDIERS. A NOTHER new ase HEAP ll i r o t o n l 2 r t a j i lt ., s ou t n opene! WRITING CASES. Expressly manufsztured Air the soldiers. PORT FOLIOS, POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EVERY VARIETY, SOLD AT REIDIICED RATES; STRAWBERRIES 4 PLANTS set ont in fayorabletweather, (or If Waters/ when dry,) in August, ber or (Maher, will produces fair crop the nett Hemmer, often enough to pay for the pints sod p lenihur,:beeides ensuring an a handout yield the following Name, All the beet varieties for e a / a at the , N..eyetone Nur sery, Harrisburg. suffl-dtf CHEESE. -' . FEW "Boxes goodChease, the balanceA. of is largo cosortimmetici re tared at au . ollottlaliT low rate to olose oat the lot. To Wail dealers there wit • W 4 aSdat oriati: - Mot box sold will biumr rant;ed WirePremenWd. WY. DOCK, ZB. , a 00. F Arn A. PROPELLER DAMAGED Bump.), Oot. 18 NEW YORK BANKS. Nzw Yogi, dot. lit ARRIVAL OF STEAMERS Ntm 2linurtistments.