THE TELEGRAPH IS pIIBLLSIIED EVERY DAY, GEORGE BERGNER F.rozeaßrrnopt The Rim . 7 / 1 1GRAPH is Served 'to subserlbeas tO the city at 6 cents per w. ek. Yeailk subscribers will be charged a 4 co in advance.' WEIRIT AX" SOU WZMillf TILITGRAPIL The latthaara h also published. twice a week during , the SeßelOta of the Legislature, and weekly during the remaluder of the year, and furulahed to' eubecribere al the Wowing cub rates, viz: angle -übsoribers per year Beini•Weekty..2l 60 Ten ~ 44 46 " .. 12 00 Twenty A, 44 44 " .. 22 00 Single enbacriNws. Weekly. .. 1 00 Ins LAW Or MIWSPAPSAIL TI ilUbirrlbers order the discontinuance of their MM. poen, the publisher may continue to tend them tint! arreeragee are pall. Ir subscribers nedect or refuse to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are directel. they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered (UM] discontinued. iniatellazuous NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Gt. Xt. Co CD 133 IS, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. D ESP ECT I V ELY invite the attention or the public' to their large and Well selected Etfarti GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS. We now oiler for wild Stawarts, Loverings Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, Green and Black Teae, • Coffee, Spices and Flavoring [Extracts. ALSO, FLOTIS, FISH, SALT, LARD, HAMS, We Invite an esamination of Or superior NON-EXPLOSIVE COAL 0/L, Un=quaPed In every respect by any is the neutral, to• gather with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, We hate the targest 665011M0Dt of GLASSWARE & QUEENBWARE In the city ; also, a I nda nY CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. Clall and *amide at our old stand, tacnoo &BOWMAN, eopti2 Comer Frout a Market street*. EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. LiNtrIACTUBJII Of BOOI•DINDERS' RlLly1;•JIAQINBI AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING hdAORINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACHINES FOR GRINDING Qui I'ING-111ACRINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, isuBOOL FURNITURE, General Muchine Work and Iron and Brass C AST INGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BUNCH/Cep SCROLL BA WING, PLANING, EIC., MC.,, or Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brace made to order. Gear and craw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLE' sir ash aid for Old Copper, Bra: a, Spatter, &o STEAM BOILERS, &C. PLNNSI LVAIti IA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. OELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Qt various patterns, both siatioesry and swinging. Sash Weights ass varame other building 'maltase, for sale very ch. ap at the (cuy'4 l -Iyl GL^ WORKS. BOOKS FOR FARMERS. If gE attention of agriculturists is directed j to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : • STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing &U the labors of husbandry and the beet way toped rw them. Price....B 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy 4.00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buel.. 75 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN k ARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 engravings, .2 50 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING 8.D.2:1, 14 Weeks 20 The Nature and "Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dodd 1 00 LEIBIG'S AG RIC LTUR AL CHEMISTRY 76 MIWH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint I. 50 GRASSO AND FORAGE PLANTS,. by Lynch 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., &c.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prac tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner 1 60 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 76 THE Fur,LD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 26 THE HORSE AND HIS WS/WE% by '- Jennings 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE I 26 WND'S FARRIERY . and STUD 800K....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Taming of Horses • • 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationery line, at loweet prices, at BERGNER'S OIIKAP BOOK STORE. ..... • LIFE iIIt3UBAIN.QE. The ciirard Lite Iwolmo, AIIIMity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. 0.1710 S NO. 408 CRESTNUZ SIRRET. .• (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) 1 11APIIAL AND Again% ...... ..... ....... .. gi,648,386 1 . 13001.18 RIDGWAY, President. jail( T. J AIM, Actuary, ccunNuir, t, make INSURANCE ON trirk 4 011 th e most mad, able terms. last iiv al aft s. "mato= truil era 4oiLa i t e g e rrditillii =der The capital being Paid ho ao i Oneete(l, a urge and etitistaaily Mere •biag together with puted war ty to s.b: awned.. reserved fund. Were 111 The preimumo may be paid yeariy,haflya as k y , or gear. Ia °outlaw add a HON 17.1 perlodtmuy to the, Ina . moos tor Tfe. The FIRST BONlia app ro pnatc t u : , camber 1844, the IacOND It 141J8 la D , wainher, 1618 , the THICIrD a: ?NUS le Deramber,lB 6 4, sad the BOURTII BONUS in ISMD. These additions are made Without re. ritriogao, increase n the premiums to he pi td to do Vampany. The 'allowing are a few example • from the Register infoOult of 'oda, and SIMI Bonus or bonus lobe increasso Inaured addVloo by !store additions. =I be be Sibot, • bat bu $3,807 6 0 " 104 isooo 1,000 i 0 4,060 00 .. VA 1000 400 00 MOO- t* II 838 8000 1,1476 00 _ 6,1114.00 It 1 411.0 aililaburg bud. Tic city, 10151 WILLIAN BUZILLER, 14 II titnsDll) DR. JORNSON LOCK HOSPITAL! LI AS discovered the most certain, speedy Ll and ablate lentedy in the world for A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, Ix from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or . Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the b Move and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervousneas, Dyspepey , , Lan e uor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Pa ipitatien of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling', Dimness of Sight or Giddi ness, DI sease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, /Glee dons of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising frtim the Solitary Habits of Youth —those imam and sollUitry practms more total to their victims than the song ' :yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their Most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, ate., impossible. Young Men fowlslly, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreedful and Milgrim:4We habit wide h annual ly sweeps 16 an untimely grave thogpands of Young Men of the most exalted talenti and brilliant intellect, wbo might otherwise have. entranced listening Senates with the thunders of ekquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Marriage. 40., &c., &c. Married Perilous, or Young Men contemplating mar• riege, being aware or physical weakness, organic debiii. tY il l n ef whoirg= ti . gself unde pefdby r red. care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in Ada honor as a gentleman, and con• thiently rely upon bis skill as a Physician. . 01=MICYS, &0., &0., acc immediately Cared, and full vigor Restored.. This distressing Unction—which renders I tie misera ble and marriage impossible— in the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulkences.. t oung persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may. ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procr:stion is lest sooner ey Mona falling into it proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy cawing, the most 'te nons and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weatened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervibus Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation or the Heart, Indigestion, Clutuitituilon.. l Debility, a Warring of the Frame, Dough, Consumption, Decay and Death. Office, No. 7 south Frederick Street. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a law door. from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number, Lettere must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doe. tar's Diplomas bang in his office. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury or Sanwa Drape, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College of surgeons, London, Grad tulle from oue of the most eminent Uolleges 1n the United States, sad the greater part of whose hie has been spent us the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing dares that were ever known • many troubled with ringing In the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing. attended coma:nes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. addresses ail those who have tutored themselves by improper indulge. es and @showy imbue, which rola bulb body and mind, unfitting than for etthor business, study, society or MEMO are some Or ral• sad and inelanehollyeithots pro. duesd by early habits of youth, vis Weakness of Me Beek and Limbs, Palos to the plead, Dimness f Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the hearty llys popsy, Nervous Irrattbilty, Derangement of theragestive Functions, (lateral Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, ess„ iIEI TALLT.-4'he fearful afresh, on the mind are much to be dreeded—Loss of Memory, Oontwdoe of Ideas , De premium of Sptrita t Bvit For boding's, Avers on to Society, Lied Distrust, Love of eolitude, Timidity, .to., ere some of the edits produced. TM - M:4MM of persona of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming WOOS, pale, nervous and emanated, having • singular appearance scout the ey es, cough and sy =Noma of a:assumption. Young Mon Who have injured themaelvyta by a certain practice in dulged in when I,lona, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage Impossible, and defter! both mind and body, 'should apply immediately. What a pity that a young men, the hope of his coon. try, the darling of his parents, stioald be snatched trom end eltictlmegit P 1; by, 64"3unfinthAO. of deviedas team thepathar miter* and indulging yin ' a certain secret habit, Such persona ma, before content. plating • . • rem= that a sound Mind andlaely Marriage, are tits most neCee. Ary requisites 10.1810MObb eonaubial bandana. Indeed, Without these, the joarney throngh life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; Me prospect hourly darkens to the v i ew . die mind bcomes shadowed with despair and tilled wdlt: the menuabolly relPoll4ol/ that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. Diseskse of Imprudence. . • When' the misguided and imprudent vot a ry of pleasure m i d i , that he has imbibed the seeds of this painfUl dis miss, it too often hapena that an di-tinted sense of shame or dread of discovery, cleters biro from applying to Moo who, from chiwition stiff respectability', can alone be friend him, delaying i di tiainjXnlantAtingial symptoms on this borr d disease make their appearance, snoh as ul oersted sore throat, diseased nosa, nocturnal poem in the bead and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, socks; on the alibi bones and crud, blotches on the Ipad, fate and extremities, progressing with umiak' rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the beam of the nose fall is and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid object or oomotheration, pll death puts a period to his dreadfu I mineringa, bx sending him to that tirdboor eared Catnip , from whence no traveler imams." It is a ladancludly feet that tbottearids fall sictlma to miltereibie disease, owing to the unaktlfullnese of igno mat pretenders, who by the use of that Deadly Potion, Mercury, ruin the constitution and matte the residue 9 life miserable. Strangers. Trost not your Here, or Ovule, tot two of the many Unlearned mid ,Werthives Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or ;Moronism, Alio copy Dr. Johnson's Myer vernaementa, or Style themselves in the newspapers, regularly lldmated Physicians incapable ot Curing, they keep yovi month after moan taking their filthy tad Poisonouswas cot ipoinuia, or as long as the Struineat fee can be iddoicticl, and In despair, leave you with ruin , ed health to sigh over year gaping disappoinnimut Dr. Johnson is the only Physician alvertiskig. HM credential or diplorau always hangs tn his office. Bit remedies or treatment are mammal.* all others, Prepared from life spent In the gr eat heradtals of Mt. rope, the arm in the country and a more extensive Fri. irate Practice • than any ether Physician in the Indorseraent of the Press. • The many thoosauda cured at thin Madutton year all bee year, and the numerous important Opera. Lions performed by Ile; Johargin, Iclinesased by the re. porters of the "Sum," '!Clipper," and many other pa. pars, notices of Which have appeared again and again before the public, beeldee his standing as a gentleman ol character sad resposnbtlity, Is a sollkient gtazrantee lathe aillicted. Skin Die a+ b peedily Cured. Pekoes writ*, Would be particular - in •itiiileitu theta -otters to his bulatuticit, 1* the. following manner • • 0 • onioloa, ..stock of .Toitet Ft4icy Roodi _PIROP4 044..daY, . and wan tot:l6lNa or teader " N . r w uis...u.ow. Can,' • ' KALTAR Viarkecogeet, two doors out ofiiimittotreet:solith l.)13,t01)0 and segrirei ail klittiii.; - for ask br hICEIOLS 81 i 721, Corner treat antblarketiliiiiitil. XEM'loth§ tilMsr.ti. white sud brown; reiiitietaskyie !Alba pi t • " '" MitolB sowitax, $731 Sorg/Was eat mattiketrese. "INDEPENDENT 1N ALL TH(N I,4, S --- BEUTRAL IN NONE VOL XVIHL HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON,• OCTOBER 11, 1862 B Ai. lATIAIC:O3EL3EI DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE BMW. No Maroon , or Noxious Drugs. Organic Weaknees Jam* IL JOHNSON, X. D. is the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, 114 FRIENDS OF THE SOLDIER, READ! FATHERS, YOU THAT HAVE SONS IN THE ARMY, READ! READ! BROTHERS, YOU THAT HAVE BROTHERS FIGHTING FOR YOUR COUNTRY, READ I READ I READ I At a period when the hot shot and bombs were falling thick and fast around the gallant band who were defending their country's honor in Fort Sumter, Gov. Curtin had sent into the Legislature of the State, then in session, a message suggesting the better or ganization of the militia, and asking for an appropriation of five hundred thousand dollars to place the state on a war footing. When the bill proposing to make this appropriation came before the Legislature, Dr. Heck voted against it, and thus practically de clared his disregard of all that aimed at the defence of our homes and the preservation of our liberties. The bill as it passed, can be found in the last year's volume of the laws of the state, page 229—and the proceedings attending its passage in the House, in the Journal of 1861, page 957. We ex tract the yeas and nays as they appear substantially on the Journal of the House ; Yses —ktessre. Abbott, Acker, Alexander,. Anderson, Armstrong, Ashoom, Austin, Ball, Barnsley, Bartholomew, Bisel, Bider, Blair, Blanchard, Blies, Boyer, Bressler, Brewster, Burns, Butler, (Orawford,) Byrne, Clark,Dowsn, Craig, Douglass, Daman, Ellenberger, Elliott, Frasier, Gibboney, Cloaking, Gordon, Graham, Happer,lfervey, Hayes, Hillman, Hood, Haus, Hahrt r Irvin, Koch, Lawrence, Lelsearing, Lowther, AVGkhdgal, Marshall, Moore, Mullin, Ober, Osterhout, Patterson, .Pierce, Preston, Pugh°, Belly, Ridgway, Robinson, Boller, Sensor, Shafer, Sheppard, Smith, (Barks,) Smith , (Philadelphia,) Stehman, Strang, Taylor, Teller, Thomas, Tracy, Walker, White, Wildey, Williams, Wilson and Davisajpethr—T6. Mette—lifeeas. Brodhead, Butler, (Oarbon,) Dahlman, Cope, Dismant, Divine, Donley, De? . field, Dunlap, Gasklll, DR. ZAMINATIS; 3E3CMCIME., Hill, Kline, Liohteuwaliner, WDotiongh, Manifold, Morrison, Myers, Randall, Reiff and Hlaoads-21. Freemen of Dauphin county ! Soldiers! who marched at the first call of danger to the defence of the capital of your country, and who still rest upon your arms might and day around the limits of that capital, are you ready to vote for a man who so lightly es timated the honor of your country and the lives.of its defenders? Dr. Heck is one of , the old Breckenridge Democrats who sympathized and still sympathize with and confide in the course of the traitor Breckenridge, and showed his attachment for those who are at the head of this rebellion by refnsing to make an appropriation to arm the great state of Peniasylvania to aid , their overthrow and its suppression. This man is again, before you, and again solicits your vote that he may again disgrace the halls of legislation with his presence and his conduct. He desires to be returned that he may aid in embarrassing the future efforts of our noble old com monwealth in assisting to redeem the land from rebellion ,by enforc ing the laws and vindicating the federal authority. No patriot, no brave, loyal lover of his country Gan vote for Dr. Heck. Freemen, remember that this is the reobrd of Dr. Heck whilst he was in the Le gislature. Let us now examine his action at a later period. . On the 7th day of August, 1862, the Democratic County Convention met at the Court Houle, in this city, for the purpose of nominating a ticket. Dr. LEWIS lIECIK was a delegate to that Convention, and assisted in nominating himself as a candidate for the Legislature. We copy the following from. the Patriot and Onion of August 8, 1862, via " Dr. SECS moved that the resolutions passed by the Damooratio State Conven tion on tho 4th ofJuly be adopted by this Convention. " The reading of the resolutions was sailed for, and after reading of whioh they were adopted amid applause." The remolutions and nominations of that ()mention have thus been fairly and openly approved by . Dr.. HECK., and we give him all due credit for his action in having them adopted. Re stands therefore squarely up to the platform which the friends of the traitor John 0. Breokenridge advocated in the State. The candidate. nominated by that convention are also the avowed enemies of the country. Isaac Blanker and Jame' P. Barr, for Auditor and Surveyor General, are both on the record as the abettors of rebellion. Bleaker seconded the efforts of Buchanan to steal or purcbsae Cuba—and he was also in favor and would now es• tablish, if he bad the power, the slave trade ia every pert of the-Union. -Barr is known to have so far defended treason as to,have incurred the wrath and run the dan ger of a h a lter at Pittsburg. • anch is the record and an& the oompentin *high we 64 Dr. gook. .F:irst, We find hint voting against arming the state. Vromm, We discover him in a Convention waled to endorse the preoewitinge of those who openly oppose the National Government. Third; vHe refused to vote moneytopay 4 1 0110 who men te- , &had the honer and glory of the Oomutonwesiti.. - Is soh a etan 111 to men a seat in the ,Legielnton Iritetapb. BY TELEG Pll. From our Morning Edition HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. PENNSYLVANIA INVADED 'I Meroeraburg and Chambersburg Clo oapied, Ousatagasutrau Oct. 10,11- o'clock. Gov. Curtin has just received the followhig dispatch from Col. McClure at Chambersimrg : Merceraburg was occupied by Stewart's Sabel Cavalry to-day, and they are now marching on Chamberaburg. They took home and all other property they wanted at Mereersburg, offering rebel scrip for it. They did no injury to individnals that I have heard of.- The force is estimated at 3,000. The rebels are certainly advancing upon Obam bersburg. They have cut the Bedford wire. They are reported as being near St. Thomas, about seven miles from here. There is no doubt whatever of their being hi Mercersburg. They will certainly give us a call to-night. We had the rumor at 4 o'clock, but it was not credited. We can make no resistance, as it would oaly exasperate and cause wanton de struction of property and life. EIGHT O'Cloox.—About fifteen men on horse back are in town, armed with carbines, and bear a flag of truce. They asked to see the principal men of the town. They have a large force about one mile from_town, and will enter In about one hour. LATER. Col. McClure and the Provost blarshaillEhn mid, have gone about two miles out of town to meet the rebel commander. Nothing can be done except surrender. We look for the whole force in halt an hour. They crossed the Potomac and came over the country to the Pittsburg pike. The deposits of the Chambersbarg Bank bad not been returned from New York atom the late raid. VERY LATE FROM THE . SOUTH. Richmond Dates or October Stk. We have received a copy , of the Richmond illannincrof Wedneaday, October Bth. We have only time to snake toe following extracts : 1120 M 2111 Ann - Or nonnunur ViRGINLt. There were a number of arrivals yesterday direct from the . army under pen. Lee, but the intelligence brought by them ie of no special interest. The main body of our forces had moved forward from Bunker Hill to the vicin ity of Dial - Limburg. It was reported and believed at Winchester that frelllehaa's iruope. were so utterly demor alized, he feared to attempt any movement, either advance or retrogade. The Yankees, except the force behind the en trencbruente at Harper'. Ferry, still remained quiet and without indication of a movement, on the northern bank of toe Potomac. BROX 00f1INTE. Much uneasiness was felt in this community yesterday, regardiug the result of the battle Corinth on the Bcl The unsatbnaotory tetegram received at a late hour last night, and winch will be found in another column of this paper, is not °demis ted to allay that anxiety. Gen. Van Dorn enjoys bare bat a slender reputation for ability, and the universal appre hension, front the moment of the receipt of this dispatch, has been that he was premature in cry of "all glorious." TSB BATTLE AT 00TaTII. Moms, Sept. 7.—A special despatch to the AdverMar and &vilifier dated i upelo, 6th, P. IL, Egye Nothing reliable from Giorinth since Tan Darren deapatch. A courier arrived to-day soya that on the 4th our troops drove the enemy from and ocoupkil their entrenchments, but afterwards were forced to fall back from the town. :Heim cannonading was heard yesterday from pants above here. The tlgttt must have been moat bloody. A courier is hourly aspect ed from the scene of csinfliat. Central B maid Price, an exchanged prison er, sou of General Sterling Price, arrived here .taclay from Idemphis,'which plate Se left on the let. Ile represents the enemy forty thoti aand Aron& wish seventy pieces of artillery, strongly:posted at Corinth. They were fully posted all to our movements, and anticipated an attack from Vau Dorn and Price. Sherri/en,. at Iferopoie, knew their exact whereabouts. TLLLOW FEVER AT Nruagurazox, at. There appears to be no abatement of the yid , low fiver at Wilmington, N. C, During the 'week ending on Friday evening last, Oct. 8d, 2 '287 new eases and 82 deaths are reported: Naval Orders. Lieut. Commander John G. Walker has been ordered to the Mitaisaippi 'Nuadion. Acting Master S. N. Freeman bag been or dered to the command ;of the V. IL mortar schooner O. F, Williams. Acting Hamer B. O. Deane has bei ordered to the commend of the V. B. Moitor schower Dan tignitb. Aiding. Mader W. G. Wright ham been ordered to the o f command the IL Amelia. -mortar Owner , _Chief teigioeeiG. It. Loring hiebeen detaeli ed - from the 'Minnesota, and' 'ordered to ()mein tiatitck superintend the sinietructkin of Govern went, machinery. • • Chief Engineer W. W. Dungan has been R. d ffiel ft. the " Minnesota." first Aeastant Bogineer N. B Littig;leoorid kNieurit H. W. &dale, end Third eteeleterits. W. A. Dripps and Jimegti tfoom Ativele brim ordered to the iron-OW shaiiner ! Passaic. Allitte. - A. IS; Madkinielis 'l4 Tepee datiniek from ord il uanoe duty, d u an ad oro rdered to the South OW* eckedie s Sqn, gitalit Id:dig VMS. %Laving proceed Steam Pewee Preersee ,, we airs tepar ed to execute d(III and ROOK PRI iNfroP:erery deeuriptica, cheaper than It iae hi done at wa ether establithatent` in the cone try. Rellitti OF A DVICRITSING. Sir Four lines or lea constitute ene.balf square. 81 1 1 1 1 91 , e4 Or more than four comtnute a square. nof .Souare, one Cy SO 26 oue week.... ........ 1 IS one month ....... ............... 200 e three months.. ............ ....... 4 GO ti elic mould vs 000 61 one yar ..... . - 10 00 One Square, one da9..„ ". II one week. SO •! 09 ** one month . ... 0 00 . three mouths . 10 04 tt six months... ~ .......... . .... ...IS 00 “ One year. en 00 sfir Bordner. notion inserted In the Leen! Oknee l lar before Marriages sod Deaths, SIGHT GENTS Flll3 for each Werth*. -.. Sir Marriages - and Deaths to be °bargee as regular advertisements. NO 37. The Issue of Postage Stamps. Daring the last quarter ending with Septem ber, the Post Office Department' issued to poste waster one hundred and three millions, nine hundred and three thousand, four hundred and twenty-five postage stamps, as is shown by the bill of the National Bank Note Company. These stamps represent the aggregate amount of $8.116,078; or more then 81,849,418 foe the quarter ending with the thirtieth of Sane. A large proportion of the last lane is yet in the hands of postmasters, unsold, though, nn doubt half a million of dollars' worth of stamps are in circulation as currency. The National Bank Note Company have furnished postage stimps, as well as Treasury, note currency, far in ad vance of the contraot, and are constantly en tending their facilities for increased d.dly sup plies. A foreigner has filed his application (with specimens) for a patent for various uses made of maize shucks. The varieties include yarn, maize cloth, paper of beautiful qualities (white and colored,) from ails to parchment texture ; maize flour, ate. In view of the extraordinary discoveries of gold in the several United States territories, and considering the increased necevaides of the Gov ernment, Congress will, at the session, be asked to enact some measure by which a considerable part of the treasure may, through miners, -be secured for public uses. Appointments and Promotions. Brigadier General James B. McPherson, to be Major General at Volunteers. De Witt Clinton, to be Aide•de-camp, with the rank of Captain. Revs. Win. A. Hitchcock, of Connecticut, and James A, Coleman, of Pennsylvania, to be Chaplains in the Navy. Lieut. Commanders J. C. Febiger and B. S. Newcomb have been promoted to Commanders in the Navy. Writs. Abner Read, Leßoy Fitch, and T. R. Eastman have been promoted to Lieutenant Commanders. Beoond Lieut. Wm. B. Brown has been pro moted to a Eirst Lieutenant in the Marine Corps. Thomas MoEdwell has been appointed an Acting Ensign, and ordered to the Mississippi squadron. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Cotton held firmly, sake middling, upland at 6se. Cloverseed commands snis 25. Fla* seed has advanced to $2 06. Flour held Maly, with sales of superfine at 65 25 ; animist $6'76, and, extra family at $6 25(66 76. Rye fluor is mares, and Arm at $4. torn meal dull, at $8 12} for Poinaylvanis, and $8 70 for Brandy wine. Wheat is active at a further advance of Bc.-12,006 bus. red sold at $1 8731 40, sad white at $1 603.1 60. Rye steady at 700. Yellow corn at 70c. Oats active at 480. No charge in provisions. Coffee advancing-609 nags Rio sold at 281(p4c. 1,000 bbls. Ohio 1 Whisky sold at 850. Naw Toss, Oct. 10. _ The- flour market le unsettled and excited, with an advance of 60100. on state; saks of 14,000 bhls., at 6.60®5 76 for.etate ; $6 40 46.60 for Ohio, and $6.4036.96 for isoutnern. Wheat is excited, and advanced 2.30. ; skies of 160,000 bushels at 41.16(41.28 zur Chicago Fpriog ; $12001.26 for Alilwanitie club; $1.83®1.88 fur red western. Corn firth 80,000 bus. sold at 60®64c. Beef quiet. Polk dim; 2,000 bhls. at $12.60 fur mess. Lard firm, at 9101.010. Whisky steady at 850. Stocks lower. Sterling exchange &Met. Michigan southern 77f ; New York Central 108 j; Pennsylvania coal 106,.Beading 74 ; Treahnry 7 810 1051; Amelican gold 124.. A RARE CELANCR FOR.A BUSINESS M • AN. THE canal grocery afore and Rockville Horse. known as the Ilpderove Look ?roper% situated are mites abase Hat ieblarp, frouttai east on thLi nutty !isms. ain't and writ on ha to.--quelasatia river road, will be sO d if moutonn f r wee. The iroAry store, ti not the very t stand on tbe tine of the %sal' i only equaled by one o her. &Iwo Dow barn and stable bat ieoenuy been built, so that rash boat team can be locked up separately. e lan ei theds, buy houses, corn er.b, two store basset Oar loe house, bay aealea, and indeed two , oosventene• that is neettaitary wr oarryluir on the hinsweas. Thy pia a Is sittaitn' three hundred ya do at the Itirulrvitte ,depot, on the :Pennsylvania railroad, and D. 11411111 and re:obuylkiti railroad also. Persona wiabmg to Imam% phone apply on the orstrilses, to a lit-wtjantrtta6ll W. P. HMI. THE NEW EDITION PIJR,DON'S DIGEST HAS JUST BBBN PUBLISHED, AN Emma new edition of this well known law Book hes just been issued, It is now distinguished by the following soperadded features : The laws contained in the 'varlets annual Digests published since the date of the eighth Sdition (1868) have been incorporated in the body of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited ; the report of the revisors of the Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of Cougnee for the Authentication of Beaords, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con-. Veyances, with full and elaborate notes of the decision. explanatory of them. The work his been prepaied by , the learned editor, Ms. ihusartit, - and its freshness and permanent pales.' will be preserved by the continuation qt the annual Digests, which have given so Ma& satisfaction.. For sale at je2S BEBONEWS BOOKSTOBL TEE subscriber offers at privatesslehis nits , k uatod an Sae pubtio road leadinit 14 , 11 i barriabu• g to loo4eataan, about anu mt,p p ea 41.. [attar Oar*. The intprovemente ern a hire TWO STORY WEATTIZR BOARDED HOME; Laflget RINK HABN t Wits aIL WWI Lry oat-building% gt goon young 0/011tql, RDA Ji late rug yiliterampg, lha baud aia. The Lana te wdl Aiwoh.i. sod I¢'a kai k a otikte af. Taticittiop,- Tema reasonable. • otasISTIAN WTI, i Wawa wasting Iriforsosaoa, Can iad oa Davit . Idwasms, Jr„ 13 arrlsbrux . • ocemlbadur XTRA FAMILY FLOUR' iio.4ofae let OI Eiths gaudy iholu. wortwotottbi MI% Vy 000lt.t ostrioetwed owl for solo low by 4 - MUCKS t ittOttlf; mo. r %Nut tftartidt stroolit. ..WAIITED Vkl; Maolainiato. Also A Stoo be 7 the at eh* Apply tbdi W • VrAutrNaros, Oat. 9 PII/LADELMIA, October 10. glisutlaucons. PRICE IA 00. PRIVATE SALE