pailg titgrapq+ NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.--Al 3 Ad vertisements, Business Notice', Mar* "loges, Death", ace., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu. tar Evening Edition are inserted In the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Wednesday afternoon, October 8, 1862 WILD bens.—We learn that partridges and wild pigeons are abundant in some sections of the county this season, and sportsmen represent them to be in fine condition. =:=:: As Wan DIMESTIO, in Scranton, concealed her affianced in an attick room for more than a week, in order that he might escape the enroll ment. The broth of a boy was discovered, however, and he is now in the service. FIRST CITY TROOP, ATTENTION 1--Geo. Dress will open his new saloon to morrow, in Mum ma's building, Third street, where can be found oysters, ale, lager beer, and all the delicacies of the season served up in a recherche style. He invites his friends to call and see him. CLOSING BOMBS AT SANBORD'O.—Last evening was quite an ovation. The house was crowded to excess—the elite of the city were out in num bers—the orchestra was a jam—the parquette and aisle impassable—the gallery was well re presented by Africa, and jammed to comple tion. Such a house and such a performance has never been seen at thi3 establishment be fore. The Governor and some friends were present. The song of "Uncle Andy" (compli ments to the aoveruor) took the house by storm. Mr. S. introducing this was in keeping with his good taste as manager. Mr. Turner's song, "Vive La America," was one of the most soul stirring songs of the evening, and deserves especial mention. The entertainment last evening is one not to be forgotten, and a wel come awaits the Napoleon for a speedy return. .---dO,-,--. DRIED APPLES FOR THE HOSPITALS. —The apple crop this year has never been surpassed, and thousands of bushels will be wasted for want of the means of using them. Now, it should be remembered that the sick and wounded soldiers in the various hospitals would welcome with gratitude apples properly dried. We are sure there are thousands of persons who would be glad to contribute in this way to the comfort of these soldiers of the Union ; and the super: intendents of the hospitals say that they will gratefully receive them in any quantities, and that they should, after paring, cutting and dry ing, be forwarded in barrels, boxes, or in strong hags marked, "To be kept dry." Relief socie ties should at once take this matter into hand, and farmers should furnish the fruit, if they cannot prepare it themselves, to those devoted, patriotic associalions. PRICEENTATION OF A DRUM FOR VALOR ON TES I I BATTLE FIELD.--A well merited compliment was paid to our little drummer boy, Frank Car son Grate, of this city, aged fourteen years, is the presentation to him by his friends, of a handsome and valuable drum for his no ble bearing through seven battles in which be participated ; in all of which he escaped un hurt. But at the second Bull Run fight, he was in such imminent danger, that in order to escape with his life, he had to leave his favor ite drum behind him. The last battles in which he helped our noble army to beat time to the music of the Union, was at South Moun tain and Antietam, where McClellan won new laurels. F. C. Grate is small of stature, but carries with him a brave heart. That Provi dence may shield him from the dangers of war, and that he may enjoy a long life, is the wish of his many friends. =I To PRESERVE Cum.—The Prairie Farmer says the following receipt for preserving cider was tested last fall by a friend, and found to be all that is claimed for it : When the cider in the barrel is in lively fermentation, add as much white sugar as will be equal to a quarter or three quarters of a pound to each gallon of cider, according as the apples are sweet or sour, let the fermentation proceed until the liquid has the taste to suit, then add a quarter of an ounce to each gallon of cider, shake 'well and let it stand three days, and bottle for use. The sulphite should first be dissolved in a quart or so of the cider before introducing it into the barrel of cider. We think that we have already printed this in the TELEGRAPH, this season : but whether so or not, it is worth repeating, inas much as we are assured that: it Is the way to preserve cider for a long time in a drinkable condition. New OMAN.—We are glad to find that the Rev. Mr. Cattell's church are having erected an organ worthy of their beautiful edifice. It is from the well known builders, Jardine & Low, of New York, who have furnished some of the finest organs in this state. It contains two ranks of keys, twenty stops, and pedal pipea running down to the deep C. C. C. It embraces alarge variety of solo, choral and chorus stops, some of which are newly introdu_ oed by Masora. Jardine, among which are the " clariana," an improvement on the reed stop, on account of its greater durability, the melodia, a full ringing quality. The Diapa sons, the groundwork of the whole, are points in which the Messrs. Jardine excel, being the first to introduce into this country the heavy cathedral scale, and which have won for the European organs so much celebrity. Another admirable feature is in the swell running through the entire compass. The action is a beautiful piece of mechanism, and works like a charm, some vary ingenious improvements having been introduced to obviate noise and friction. The case is gothic and beautifully adapted to the church. It is nearly eleven feet wide, twenty feet high, and seven feet deep. It was designed by Mr. eeorge Jardine4Our own people will have an opportunity °Anwar lug it tested on Thursday evening by the maker, and tome of our own musicians, when all are invited. Tam Roam= Tau or um Somali HOBPI TAM —One gets an appalling idea of the sacri fices that have already been made to the Mo loch of Rebellion, by an official return of the Surgeon General at Richmond, who states that up to the present time one hundred thousand sick and wounded soldiers have been received in the hospitals of that city ! From these examples one may form a conception of the enormous havoc that the war has made in the Southern population. ISAAO IL GArra, of Williamsport, Pa., has received a pass to visit the camps of Penn sylvania soldiers, wherever he may find them along the lines of the federal army. Rev. Gates desires us to state that he is not a Chap lain, bat a preacher of the gospel, and if he gets time, after he has ministered to the wants of the soldiers, he intends to summon a congre gation of Chaplains, and preach to them in a manner that may possibly result in their en lightenment. His idea is a good one, and we trust that be may succeed. COMPLADTTI3 AGAINST TIIII MILITARY HOSPITALS —Over forty letters have been received at head quarters, in this city, from different parties in the State, complaining bitterly of the bad treat ment of our noble volunteers In the U. S. Hos pitals in Washington, Annapolis, Philadelphia, Chester, Point Look Out and Providence, all indicating a neglect of the Medical Bureau at Washington in supervising the duties of the Surgeons in charge. It is very evident that the Medical Bureau is unable properly to meet the present exigency, and the people must agitate the question of the proper treatment of our sick and wounded soldiers until the President himself directs better arrangements to be made by the United States Surgeon General. At the late battles at Antietam there was an utter want of foresight, the wounded being left for days on the field uncared for. Being familiar with the total inefficiency of the arrangements made by the Medical Bureau at Washington, Gov. Curtin will leave no means untried to remedy the evil and restore our wounded to the fostering care of their own homes. ...-...41.----. HARRISBURG LIVE STOCK MAMIE, for the week ending October 4, 1862 : Total amount of live stock at Harrisburg stock yards during the week : 1,737 beef cattle, 2,219 hogs, 902 sheep, 1,674 horses, making a total number of head, 6,432. The only sales reported this week were— Philip Carper Bold 80 head beef cattle at $8.20 per 100 lb pose. J. Morgan soli! 85 head beef cattle at $3.35 per 100 Th gross. The following droves of beef cattle were in market this week : HEAD. HEAD. J. W. Lynch, 111 M. M'Cosker, 32 Tool & Slocum, 70 W. Williams, 64 A. DeWitt, 148 E. B. Heath, 81 R. Renshaw, 80 N. B. Edwards, 16 J. Morgan, ' 36 J. M'Cullom, 64 W. Tresdall, 16 Reds & Steel, 110 P. A. Myers, 84 C. Gerard, 68 Philip Carper, 80 ollia Cullen, 17 Thomas Moony, 64 C. Ayersman, 58 Nic. Carr, 38 George Lehman, 17 S. Hamilton, 64 Deysher & Oral!, 108 E. Stone, 86 M. Tudor, 19 D. Fleming, 17 B. Williams, 90 James litcCallister, 88 0. Keyser, 38 J. F. Robinson, 17 N. Shoemaker, 19 S. Houston, 48 CARD OF THANKS HIADQUARTEILt2D RESERVII Bum., Armory co. B, Philadelphia, Sept. 29. We hereby tender our sincere acknowledg ments to Levi Weaver, Esq., Mrs. Verbeke, Mrs. Elizabeth Main, Mrs. John Till, Mrs. Geety, and other good Samaritans whose names we have unfortunately mislaid, for the hand some manner in which they supplied us with refreshments during our stay in Harrisburg on the 14th and 15th inst. The remembrance of the prompt manner in which the citizens of the Capital supplied the needs of so large a force so suddenly brought to them,•will be cherished as alike creditable to their generosity and patriot ism. May their kindness to us be " Iwice blessed— Blessing him that gives, and him that takes." 6Whi. M. MAIN, Capt. HENRY HILL, Ist Lieut. WM. J. . RING, 2d Lieut. - - S. T. &Awes, 0. S A. CARD. CAMP CURTiti, Oct. 4, 1862 Ma. Eorrox :—We were filled with surprise and indignation on seeing a report of the battle near Galitan, Ny., where Gen. Johnson sur rendered to Col. John Morgan on the 21st day of August, 1862, which falsely charges the Pennsylvanians with cowardice and Col. Wyn koop with being a poltroon. We have at last learned the facts relating to this fight from paroled prisoners and other sources, which are these : Three days after we left our regiment to report at Harrisburg, Gen. Johnson was sent from Meldinville on the early morning of the 16th ult., with a force of cavalry, artillery and in fantry, in pursuit of the enemy. For reasons best known by himself, the General left his artillery and infantry at liberty, and pursued, with lees than half the reported strength of Morgan's force, and came upon him in his chosen position, where, instead of attacking vig orously and driving the enemy, formed a line of battle in an open field, suffering Severely from his terrible cross fire ; and when Col. Wynkoop, Capt. May, and Lieuts. Taylor and Greeno were anxious to charge upon the enemy and 'drive him from his hiding place,' they were ordered to retreat; which they did about four miles, where another stand was made, and fine execution doing, when the white flag was raised and we were ordered to cease firing. Col. Wynkoop rode up to Gen. Johnson and asked : " Have you surrendered ?" Johnson replied, " I have." The Colonel turned to his command, saying, "We are not doing t h at kind of business. Boys, fall in I" And made good his retreat ; taking with him many good and true officers, and full six hundred of our best men, horses and equipments. And for this noble act of bravery is he to be published as an arrant coward ? No, verily, this is a ring of the right mettle, and these the kind of officers that we, the soldiers and " common people," delight to honor. And especially should such men be appreciate:tin - these trying times, when officers of high rank With so little resistance marauder large armies and immense stores to the enemy ; and that is when retreat is practicable. Mr. Editor, we have had the honor to be on duty with the Seventh Penn's. Cavalry almost daily since its organisation ; we have seen the Colo nel's fortitude in great hardships and fatigue ; and we have fought by his side under the in trepid Dumont, when steel met steel, and when the clash of arms in hand to band conflicts was the music of the hour ; and when the enemy fled is utter rout and dismay, before our rap idly advancing column ; and we believe we ex press the. opinion of everyman in his command when ,We !ay, braver man never drew the sword` eninVol. Geo. 0. *yukoop. BONIIIM/19 01 7 / 4 15 lea van 7Ta Pa. OAT. IPtutiogluanta Oat! (IT eliegrapti, intbneobap 'Afternoon, October 8, 1862. LADIES' UNION! RIELIU Soorarr.—The ladies named will send to the reception room, Mrs Dr. Bailey's, Market street, by 10} o'clock• On Thursday, October 9—A two or three quart, Rice Miss Liebock, Miss Oglisby, Mrs. Thomas M'Dowell, Mrs. D. it. Porter, " E. M'Oullough, " Dr. Roberts, " James M'Cormick, "J. W. Reily, " Eliza M'Cormick ." E. Rutherford, " 0. C. Wathews, " Alex Roberts, " D. Mumma, " J. F. Seiler, " G. J. Warta, " Mary Stehley, " M'Reynolds, John Staid, jr., " M. E. Orth, " Alex. Sloan. On Friday, Oct. 10—One flair of stewed chickens Mrs. Wm. Shaffer, Miss Annie Warford, " Samuel Singer, Mrs. J. A. Wier, " Dr. Seiler, " W. L. Wallace, Miss Mary Stockton, " S. Whitman, Mrs. Ambrose Taylor, " Thou. Wireman, " Updegrove, " John Wyeth, " Annie M. Unger, " Sarni. Young, E. J. Unger, " Henry Gilbert, " Wm. Verbeke, • " ()has. Bailey, " Thos. Wilson, " Finley. On Saturday, October 11—One pound of butter, eggs, Mrs. James Wheeler, Mrs. Hamilton Alricks, " Gov. Curtin, " J. 0. Kunkel, " Saml. Wilt, Miss Darindo Keifer, Miss Kate Franer, Mrs. Lathrop, Mrs. Martha Roumfort, " John Boyd, Mike E. R. Reny, " J. W. Simonton, Mm. Richard Hummel, " W. R. DeWitt, " E. Brenizer, " M. J. Colder, " Geo. Buehler, " G. H. Small, " Jacob Haldeman, Miss M. Zoilinger, The ladies named will serve On 2hursday, Friday and Saturday. TO VISIT OAXP. gm Jane Bryan, " David Eyater, Ladies will be supplied with onions, for stewing, at the room, on Friday morning be tween 9 and 11 o'clock. Any ladies who are not members of this Association and wish to become, will please send their names to Mrs. Cornyn. A MOM Farantliffunovr.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the •' light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock challenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what eViar to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. To the Afflieted. The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism Dys pepsht, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no ap prehension in regard to my competency to ad minister it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prime, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (aul3-dlm) MRS. L. BALL. Tag wonderful success which hasattended the use of my medicine, has induced me to say a word through the press in its behalf. My medi cines are prepared with great care, expressly for family use, and are admirably calculated to preserve health and remove disease. I can therefore recommend them with the greatest confidence, and am fully peronaded from past experience that they willgive very general if not universal satisfaction. But at the same time Ido not pretend to assert, that they are "cure ans." I have cared Gravel, Dropsey, Scrofula, and have regulated the female system. Reference can be had at any time with the persons, as they feel a delicacy in having their names in the paper. MRS. LUCRETIA BALL. Wa HATiI received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 75c. up to $2 60. A large assort- mint of linen and needlework collars, and col. hue and sleeves, at all prices. White cambrics, jacconette, nantucks,,brilliants, and phdn and , figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest' lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infitat's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky jeans, sattinetts and cassimeres for men and boy's wear. We received 50 dozen suspenders, at all prices. 60 dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and small wear. S. Lawn. Pudding and stewed onions TO SUM AT Tal NOON Mita Maggie Uhler, " Mary Zin n, " S. D. Ingram, Mrs. E. H. CORNYN, Secretary Ea Cora - - •s•- - Ntu) /bwritatiittat* FALL C.:O '62 &SIMONS NIIIIBIBT, 11411111811IIEW. IT should not be forgotten that this establishment is still In successful sperm/Mon, and Cie supply FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER AIRS, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE- BERRIES, CURRANTS, BLACK RIES, &c., &c., &0., &c. of as good qualities and-varieties, and ekes reasons* prices as they are sold at distant nurseries. THE LOCATION or the nursery—adjoining the city—gives it advantages for transportation to ail parts of the . cooutry, possessed by but few others. sr All articles, when desired, delivered free of ch a sm it in any part of the city COAL COAL 1 COAL! TIRE subsoriber is Prepared to deliver to the CRUMB of Harrisburg, pure LIKENS VALLEY AND WILKESBABRE Coals, either by tke oar, boat load, or single ton, at the lowest market prices going. Orders left at my offioe,•9th and Market Will be punctually attended te. DAVID 1101X1RElait. flarrftburg, Sept. §0,1862. WO -dew AUARA JELLY.— buy supply just %.X rsostod by Alt. DOM, AL *OO. Nat) Wintrtistmeuts PENNSYLVANIA SS In the Name and by the Authority OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CURTIN, GOVERNOR OP THE SAID COMONWRILTH. Winans, I have been authentically inform ed that a certain MARY ELIZABETH GERMAN, a child about five years of age, daughter of Emanuel S. German and wife, of the city of Harrisburg, In this Commonwealth, was enticed away from her home and atrociously murdered in the suburbs of said city, near the Cemetery, on the afternoon or evening of Friday, the Third day of October, A. D. 1862, and all efforts for the arrest of the guilty party or parties, whose names are unknown, have up to this time proved ineffectual ; AND WRNIIIAS, The reputation of the Gov ernment—the peace and security of its citizens and the obligations of justice and humanity, require that the perpetrator or perpetrators of this infamous crime should be brought to spee dy and condign punishment : Now, therefore, I, ANDREW G. CURTIN, Gov ernor of the said Commonwealth, feel it in cumbent upon me to lame this, my proclama tion, hereby offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS! to any person or persons who shall apprehend and secure for trial the murderer or murderers of the said child, MARY ELIZA/UM GIBMAN, to be paid upon the conviction of the criminal or criminals ; and I call upon all officers uf jus tice and good citizens everywhere, to be vigi lant and unremitting in their efforts for the ap prehension of the said murderer or murderers, so that they may be brought to punishment under the laws. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. A. G. CRETIN. BY TIM GOVEINOR PENNSYLVANIA, 88 In the Name and by the Authority OF THR COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of the Bald Commonwealth, A. PROCLAMATION. Nva EREAS , By the third section of the act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the twenty-second day of April, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, entitled "Ad Act to establish a Sinking Fund for the payment of the public debt," it it made the duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Auditor General and State Treasurer, Commissioners of the Sink ing Fund, creaed by the mid act of Assem bly, on the first Monday of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and on the same day annually thereafter, to report and certify to the Govemor, the amount re ceived under the said act, the amount of inter est paid and the amount of the debt of the Commonwealth redeemed and held by them : Whereupon the Governor shall direct the certi ficates representlag the same to be cancelled, and on such cancellation issue his Proclamation stating the fact and the extinguishment, and final discharge of so much of the principal of mid debt. AND WHEREAS, By the ninety-eighth section of the act of the General Assembly, passed the nineteenth day of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, entitled " An Act to provide for the ordinary expenses of the government," etc., it is provided that there after the receipts to the Sinking Fond to the amount that may be necessary to cancel the re lief Issues now in circulation under the provis ions of the act of the fourth of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and the re-issues under the act of the tenth of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty nine, shall be applied toward the cancellation of said issues. . AND WM/RUA Eli Slifer, Thomas E. Cochran and Henry D. Moore, ex-officio Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, in obedience to the re quirments of law, report and certify to me, that the debt of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nis, ledeemed and held by them from the first day of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, to the first day of Sep tember, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sizty-two amounts to the sum of Two Hundred and Sesty!two Thousand EOM Hundred and One Dollars and Sixty-sevin Cents—made up se follows: Four and one half per cent. loan of the C.ounnonwealth $BO,OOO 00 Five' per cent. loan of the Corn- monwealth 211,178 74 Interest certificates redeemed 870 41 Domestic creditors certificate 64 62 llellef notes cancelled- 1,188 00 - Total 262,801 67 Now, , Thanyotca, as required by the third section of the act of Assembly aforesaid, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, declaring the payment, cancellation, extinguiehment and final discharge of Tao Hundred and Szty-iwo Thousand Eight Hundred and One Dellare and Sixty seven Gents of the principal of the debt of the Commonwealth, includWg one thousand one hundred anfUeighty-eight 'dollars of the relief issues, which have been cancelled and destroyed as authorized by the ninety-eighth section of the act of the nineteenth day of April, D. A. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this eighth day of Sep tember, in the year of onLord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. BY rua Govanum ELI SLIFER, &eretary of the Cornmonwealth ie26-d&w3w GLORIOUS NEWS PICTURES TAKEN AT REDUCED RATES. THE undersigned has fitted up a new and splendid PHOTOGRAPH AND AIIBROTYPH GALLERY, In Third street, opposite the Patriot and Union office, where he will furnish his patrons with very superior pictures at reamed rates. Call and see for yourselves. sap= dlnrs ' B. BLACK, Artist. JAMB 111130 P lo p() POUNDS Extra Prima angar Oared Halos &role very low wholesale or by • WM. DOCK -AR., 00, , ortillilizei'pitteras and pkices; jut received and for 11140 by mt. DoOK, Jr„N; CO_ A PROCLAMATION Era Sun Secretary of the Commonwealth. Ntw 2lnurtiltnunts. COAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. lIAVING leased thz Coal Yard, foot of North street, lately °coupled by 0. D. Foster, am enabled to supply the public with COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF CMLIZELELDiT C1C10.41167..A. FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respectfully solicited—which, If left at the oft*, foot of North street, or at the „Mice of Win. Dock,Jr. & Co., will receive prompt attention. GILLUM DOCK. HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION. THE Proprietors of the 'PARISIAN CABINET OF WONDERS, ANATOMY and MIDI 1N NE" have determined regardless of expense, to tone free, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) FODlli of their most instructive mod Mere/tins Lectures on Man riage and its Disqualifications, Nervous Debility, Preset lure Decline of Manhood, Indigestion Weakness or Ile premien, Loss of energy and Vital Niters, the Eireat So. cial Evils, an] those Maladies Which result ftom youth ful 'tallies, Excesses of Maturity, or Ignorance of Physi, ology and Nature's Lew, These invaluable Lectures have been the means of enlightning and caving thou sands, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamps, by addressing ssoursstr Patusuat QL.murr or ANATOMY arm Mirotausa, 663 Broadway, New York. jel9-dly Ayer's Cathartic Pills. THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce this best, stoat period purgative which. Is known tomes. Innum erable proofs are shown that there Pi= have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win unpreeedentedly urn the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerfhl to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of Its organs, purify the blood, end expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disorderedorgans Into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day complaints of every body, but also formidable and den. garotte .diseases that have baffled the beet of human skill. While they produco powerful effects, they are at the same time, is diminished doses, the mated and best physic that can be employed for ollaildren. Being sugar coated, they are pleasant to lake; and being purely veg etable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures bave been made which surpass belief were they not substan tiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the susploion of untruth. Many eminent cler gymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability cf our remedies, while others have east me the assurance, t,f their conviction that our Preparations Contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The agents below named are pleated to furnish gratis our American almanao, containing directions for the use and certitirates of their sures, of the following com plaints : Costivness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from a foul stomach, Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, L 0319 01 Appetite, an Die eases which require an essanant medicine. They also, by purifying the blood and allmulating the system, cure many complaints which it would net be imposed they would reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neu• relight and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the liver and Kidneys,tiont, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its fanottons. Do not be put oti by unprinc:p!ed dealers with some other pill they make mere prom on Ask for 11:rsm's Plus, and take nothing else. No other they can give you compares with this in its Intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the beet aid there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & 00., Lowell., Mau, and sold by Druggists everywbere. Price 2b cents per Box, or bborost for $l. Sold by 0. A Ban .vent, D. W. Oroee& 00., O. B. Hel ler, J. M. Luta, Dr. Riley, F. Wyeth end dealers every where. MoOCILLOUGHT LEAD 00., NO. 64 DUANE STREET, NEW WORK. YI EflP constantly on hand the iollowing 136 articles: LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, BUCK SHOT, BAR LEAD, PIG LEAP, DROP SHOT, MINNIE AND ROUND BALLS 01 a I ..a:; It of which they offer at the lowest prim. se ,tl6-1m JOHN W/BEll Confectionery 4SL Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Harrisburg, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LEMOMS, PINE APPLIM, BANANNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, And, vegetables of all kinds, brought direct from the Eastern Markets, twice a week, and purehased under my personal supervision, thug eaanlidg me to sell a better and cheaper article than any la the market. tar Orders from a distance attended to promptly, and goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. FRI R ()ANNE() FROITB Whalen tly on band. Give me a call. JOGNIVLSR. LOTS FOR SALE D J. HALDEMAN will 801 l lots on At North street and Pennsylvania avenue. o those dextrins to purchase. Apply corner Front and Walnut streets. 7yhl•dtf LIIBRICATING Oil for all kinds of ma many, in convenient packages, for sale very low by SIMMS A BOWMAN, Jel9 Cornor Front and Market Wed, FOR RENT.—A house on South street between Se and and Third. &Koko of MKS. SAMUEL M 1 U*AY,Qor. 2d and Pine St. eepte dBt MILE Up • egrove Lock Property, Canal ± grocery and Rockville Howe, situated Zee miles above Harrisburg, is now offered for sale. See adver tisement in Weekly or apply to at 1863 W • 'I it largest and most extensive assort ment of glass In the city, Just resew and for ale very low, by NICHOLS .* BOWMAN, sue Oorner Front and Market streets. JUST RECEIVED. A• LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles et different styles of binding, et 900, $1 26 $1 60, $2, $3, $l, 15 andslo. Mao Pookat Bibles of dlt tenni Ogles and prices at SOMBER'S Bookstore. febßs-e. AA °S, Oranges and Lemons, at PAN WNW. Nun lbertistments. SECOT AND BALLS. 100 TONS MINNIE BALLS OF ALL Government sues. BOUND BALL AND BUCK MOT, A full supply constantly on head, Will be mold low, for rash This company claims no right to patent, and there forestal at less price, warrant their goods inferior to none, goo packed in 100 lb. kegs In wilds sbipping order. NoCULLOUGH'S Lied& Co., eeptl6-Im 04 Duane Street, New York. CLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST ! ! CALL AND EXAMINE, blo Wid DOCK, J■. WO FRESH BUTTER AT MARKET PRICE• WE, HAVING fitted up a large Refrig erator, and having made contracts with some of our most reliable farmers to furnish as with fresh sad west butter regaled , will be enabled to supply oar Woman with sweet freak me cold butter at all times . SB WK. DOCK, Jr. & STRAWBERRIES, PLANTS set out in favorable weather, (or It watered when dry,) ta August, September or October, will produce a fair mop the next Sommer, often enough to pat for the plants and planting, !mate ensuring an abundant yield the following sesaoS. Ali the best varieties fir sale At the Keystone Nur sery, Harrisburg. an2sl.dif S• WARD & 00. AGINTS FOR STEINWAY'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS• Princes Melodeons dc- VIOLINS, GUITARS, FLUTES, FIFES, AC CORDEONS, DRUMS, AND MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, of every kind. HOWE'S SEWING MACHINE PORTRAIT FRAMES Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors. Photograph Frames and Muni, at the New Music Store of S WARD & CO. suBl4•dly No. 14 Market &glare, near relies CHEESE. A FEW Boxes good Cheese, the balsnee of a large consignment, are offered at an unusually low rate to closeout the lot. To retail dealers there will be an ind moment offered. each box sold will be guar anteed aerepresentod. WM. DOCK, TR..,& 00. 1718 FLY PAPER.. NANCY COLORED Parer, ready oat, for coverine looking elasses, Picture Zanies, &c. mon and other new patterns for sale at BETKINNIVEI OHEAP lIVOKSTORII POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES / PORT IvIONELIES, And a general variety - of Leather Goods, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. THE undersigned offers at Private Este that nitrate tavern stand, (now °Mtge( by J. W. Stoker,) situated In the village of Prowess, Dau phin county, Pa., on the Jonestown road, two miles and a half northeast of Harrisburg. This stand has an excellent run of custom. The banding are entirely new and very substantial a well of never failing water near the door, together with a SIN variety of fruit and ornamental tress. The property will be old cheap. For terms &a., address JOHN Progress P. G. P. S. Good stabling attached to the premises. septa-damellse' TO CONSUMPTIVES, tr.H.E Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remw dy, after having tmtrerad several years with a sever* hang affection, and that dread disease, Gonsuniption- 7 , to anions to make known to his fellow•siiterers th means of cure. . To all who desire it, he will send a - copy of the per scription wed (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find • entre cure Mr Consumption, Asthma, Dionribleis do. The only object of the advertiser in sending the per scriptlon is to benefit the afflicted, and spread inibrma non which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his e emedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Par, Ira wishing the peracriptain will please address RSV. EDWARD B. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York. septa) &Savant CHARTER OAK FAMILY UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN Tlig UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRAND S OFF BRED IN PENNSYLVANIA ! I 2 1,9 MADE OF CHOICE MISSOVIII WRITE WHEAT. Dellrered any place la the city, hoe of charge TREES, Cash on delivery. J7BO wit. DOOR, Jr., &Dig, INSURANCE. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the 'Ellin= COMPANY OF NORTH AMEBIC.. OF PHILADELPHIA.. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,200 000 DIRECiTORPb. Arthur G Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Wowp, Samuel P. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose wt., John K. Ned, Richard D. Wood, Wil li am Welsh, William E. Deafen, James N. Dickson, a, Morris Wok, John , amen, George L, Harrison, Francis H. Cope, Sdward Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. corm - , President CHABLIS PLATT, •Secretary. Afi centred talent for. the Above name - company, the undersigned' to prepared to take Fire risks in as i part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually or - perpet tally, on the most favorable terms. Moe Third street between Walnut and Strawberry alley, Barke'a row. WILLIAM BUEHLER, jelo.dly Huron urg, Pa. EIGB, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, and all kinds of Nuts, at JVHN WISVA Store, Th ird and ut. myl ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS, ALL kinds of Second Hand Clothing, boots and shoes, bought and sold at the Auction atom Second Street nest to State Capital Bank. Pis . tols, bowie knives and gum blankets, a Stet rate artil lery bridle and spurs fir an officer for sale, No. 36 Sao. and Street. W. BARE, Auctioneer. aulS.dtt 2000 RIFLES FOR SALE . AT LEMAN'S RIFLE WORKS, LANCASTER, PENN. PRICES FROM $7 50 to $lO 00 EACH I! Address HENRY E. LEM&N, lAnceder, . BOLOGNA . SMALL, but very superior lot ,of Bologna savage just recadvq, by jt. WM. DOCK, Jr. &Co. QUI:MRS, white and brown, of allgrades 11„.1 Ibr isle, law, by BUM{ & BOWMAN, septl2 Oorar Profit and Mazket streets NEW mackerel, in helves, quer tors or tits, juin recelyed, and for male low b 7 =acts t iowstszi, Corner Front and Market drat" auSIV