pailg geltgrao. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Ad vertisements, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, Ac., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, mast invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered In the regu lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Editiosi without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Tuesday Afternoon, October 7, 1862 Amami . Boys.—Scholars belonging to room No. 5, North Ward, are hereby notified, that a room has been provided for their accommoda tion, In the Citizen Engine House, Fourth St. above Walnut, and that they are expected to report themselves to-morrow morning (Wednes day Oct. 8,) at 9 o'clock. 0. EDWARDS, Teacher. MELTING TO Avom THE DRAFT IN SUSQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP.-All the citizens of Susquehanna Township subject to the draft are requested to meet at Nissley's School House on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of raising the volunteer quota of the township and avoid lug the draft All citizens not subject to the draft are also invited to attend. =I PROCLAMATION OF THE GOVERNOR.-It will be seen in another column that Goy. CURTIN has issued a proclamation, offering ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS reward for the detection of the mur derer or murderers of Mary Elisabeth German. This is right and proper, and we hope that it may lead to the detection of the perpetrator of this atrocious murder. ......... SERIOUS ACOIDENT.—On Saturday last, a very severe accident happened to Henry, son of Urn stead Wells, Esq., of Pottstown. He had been gunning in the forenoon, and while crossing a fence upon returning, near home, rested his left hand upon the muzzle of the gnu, which by some means was discharged, sending the whole load clearthrough the hand. The wound is a very severe and serious one, but it is believed that amputation can be avoided. Joan F. Wirmams, publishes a card in another column of this afternoon's TIELEGRAPH, in which he annonnces his retirement from business, and the disposal of his shops, respec tively, to Charles H. Vance and Samuel Taylor. For seventeen years J lin F. Williams has been known in this city, as a business man always true to all his obligations, and faithful in every engag ment he ever made, so that it is not writing more than the honest truth to claim that he has earned the title of an honest man. He will carry with him, wherever he goes, the best wishes of our best people, that prosperity may attend ell his effort. JUST RECSINED.-S. Ward & CO., No. 14 Mar ket square, have just received a new and en larged edition of the "Patriotic Song Book," hav ing ninety-six pages of songs, duetts and cho ruses, sacred and secular, including fourteen pages of prayers for sick and dying soldiers, and the soldiers' scripture manual, price 16 cents. Also, the following musical tracts : " Shall we Ned beyond the River," " Rein " There is a Land of Love," " Don't you hear the Angels arm ing," "There is a Beautiful World," "Freedom, Truth and Right," " Where Liberty dwells, there is my Country," " We are coming Father Abram, six hundred thousand more." Price five cents each. -..,---. DESERVING OF PROMOTION.—We understand that the companies recruited for the Anderson Troop, are to be officered by men selected from the original troop. Valentine Hummel, of this city, who received special notice from General Buell, for meritorious conduct at the battle of Shiloh, is one whom we desire to see promoted to the command of one of these new companies. No better officer could be selected ; besides be ing a good soldier, he is a gentleman in every sense of the word. He has two brothers In the service. George, the youngest, scarcely 20 years of age, is now Captain of a cavalry company in Illinois, and Harry, still younger than Valen tine, is Captain of the Boas Guards of this city. We hope to see Valentine Hummel, at least, as high in rank as his brothers. INTIIRVITINO SWORD PRESENTATION.-At dress parade on the last day of Capt. Hunt's com mand of Camp Curtin, the officers stationed at that post took occasion to present him with a handsome sword and belt, as a token of their high appreciation of his qualities as a com mander and a man. The presentation was made by Lieut. Z. P. Boyer, of the 96th Regi ment, P. V., the Adjutant of the post, in a very neat speech. He complimented Captain Hunt upon the great change which he had effected in the condition of the Camp, in bring ing order out of chaos, and promoting the com fort of both officers and men. He closed by ex pressing hie regret, and said he spoke on the behalf of the whole camp, at the necessity for their official separation. Capt. Hunt received the sword in an appropriate speech, upon the conclusion of which the whole line gave three hearty cheers for their late commander. SANFORD'S OPERA House.—Last Night of the Beason, and Benefit of Mr. Flake, alias Brudder Bones.— A great bill is present , d, in which Miss Bowers, a celebrity from the New York thea tres, appears in several popular songs. Mr. Flake, one of the working performers of San ford's troupe, is really deserving of a bumper, and from the host of friends Mr. F. has made since his sojourn among us, there is no doubt but what there will be a crowded house. Mr. Turner will re-appear and sing some of his best selections. This gentleman, we learn, is to be a prominent member of Sanford's troupe, being engaged as the leading artist for Philadelphia, where Mr. Sanford opens on the 20th instant, when his comphny will be augmented with several more stars. His season there will con tinue until after the holidays, when the com pany will be transferred again to the Opera Rouse, and continue with us during the session of the Legislature. In the meantime Signor Bllts and other entertainments will perform at sanford's. ARREST or A ROBBBIL—A LO.III giving his name as George White was arrested this mor ning on the charge of having robbed Mr. S. P. Filbert, who roomed with White at Peters' Ho tel, in this city. White paid his boarding this morning with a five-dollar bill, which had been marked for especial reasons by Mr. Filbert, which fixes the crime on White. He had made his escape to Bridgeport, where be bad exhib ited the money, and was arguiug whether it was good. At the time of his arrest he bad no money with him. Mr. Filbert offers a reward in another column for the recovery of the pocket book and papers it contained. ====l IMPORTANT DECISIONS UNDER THE TAX LAW. Each particular article of manufacture is taxed for its value, though materials in its production have already been taxed in another form. Telegrams.—Messages transmitted by telegraph and railroad companies over their own wires, on their own business, for which they receive no pay, are not taxable. Legal Documents. —Every paper is equally valid issued before January Ist, 180, without stamp as with it. If the unstamped instru ment should be needed as evidence in court, the party using would be subjected to an expense of $5. Congress will probably give relief in this par ticular. This decision refers to the 95th section of the Revenue Law. It is proper to add here that penalties will not be enforced under this law until the stamps are issued. I=l LARGE FUNERAL.—The funeral of D. Jerome Buck, who was accidentally killed at camp Boas, near the city of Washington, took place on Sunday morning from the residence of his father in West Hanover township, and was at tended by an immense concourse of people from various parts of the country. The body of the unfortunate young man, which had been embalmed at Washington, was in a good state of preservation, and was gazed upon with deep emotion by hundreds who knew him before his departure to fight the battles of his country, was deposited in the family burying ground near the Mount Zion church, after which a so lemn and impressive sermon was delivered by the Rev. G. J. Martz, of this city. During the delivery of the discourse, the church was crowd ed to its utmost capacity, whilst an equal num ber were crowding around the house, at doors and windows wherever the voice of the speaker could be heard. Mr. Buck, though a young man, was highly esteemed in the community in which he lived, and in his company and reg iment in the army, he was universally beloved by his associates. He was a consistent member of the German Reformed church, and main tained in camp the character of a christian. He was instantly killed while reposing in his tent, by the discharge of a pistol, caused by the fall ing of a rifle upon it, which had been leaned. securely, as was supposed, against the side of the tent. How true is it that "in the midst of life we are, in death." AN INDEPENDENT MARRIAGE.—It has been written, and we believe truly, that "God never made an independent man ;" but the following marriage notice, which we have received, shows that there are men and women who claim to be very independent. llAssuan, on the 16th ult., in Chester county, OPaoN S. MURRAY, of Warren county, Ohio, and LYDIA P. JACOBS, of the former place. The ceremony consisted principally of the follow ing announcements, made by the parties con cerned, in the presence of congratulating friends assembled on that occasion : "We, Orson S. Murray and Lydia P. Jacobs, make known to these our friends that we have chosen each other for conjugal companionship —in prosperity arid in adversity, in life and till death. We ask no license. We sub mit to no dictation. We bow to no authority. We recognize no God nor Almighty power to guide or to guard us. Our promises are to ourselves and each other, and not to others. Our trust is not in others, but in ourselves and each other." Mr. Murray, who thus makes a declaration of independence of everything generally re garded as sacred in civilization, was once a Baptist clergyman and editor of the State or gan of that denomination at Brandon, Vt.— His views have been radically changed since that time, as all who read the above notice will readily perceive. I=l THE Commune or LADIES, in charge at Hum melstown, fo collecting contributions for the relief of the sick and wounded in hospitals of the army, beg to acknowledge the receipt of the following articles from the persons named : Mrs. Dr. Sprogle, 2 coverlids and linen ; Mrs. George Books, feathers and calico ; Mrs. J. T: Fox, muslin ; Mrs. Amos Keller, cherries and linen ; Mrs. D. Major, linen ; Mrs. D. H. E. Laßos, 6 yards calico ; Mrs. J. M. Fox, calico ; Mrs. F. Greenawalt, 6 yards calico and linen ; Mrs. George Zeller, 1 sheet and linen ; Mrs. J. Kipler, calico patches ; Miss Hummels, calico patches ; Mrs. S. Henderson, calico patches ; Mrs. D. J. Hummel, delaine quilts and cotton ; Mrs. 11. Strickler, linen ; Mrs. Dr. Thomas G. Fox, 2 sheets and 3 pillow slips ; Mrs. Mary W. Clark, calicoes ; Mrs. Ellen Spayd, 1 pair slip pers ; Mrs. Orth, 2 comforts and linen ; V. Blessing, quilt and dried fruit ; Miss Esther Shearer, muslin for bandages ; Mr. Richard Fox, 10 yards muslin ; Mrs. S. Greemiwalt, 4 feather cushions ; Mrs. George Wheeler, linen and calico ; Mrs. Mary Boyle, ticking ; Mr. Ja cob Heckaman, calico ; Mrs. S. Weimer, de lemma and 6 pillows ; Mrs. Widow Hershey, sheet and lint ; Mrs. J. J. Nissley, 2 quilts, de laine and ticking ; Mrs. 1). Earnest, 1 sheet, ticking and linen ; Mrd. Dr. John A. Stehley, 1 quilt, 2 pillow slips and sheet ; Mrs. T. Jack, linen ; Mrs. P. Hefelfinger, linen ; Mrs. J. Balsbaugh, linen ; Mr. Adam Landis, cash 26c ; Mr. Abner Cassel, cash $1 00 ; Mr. Absalom Landis, cash 60c ; Mr. Jacob Strickler, cash $1 00 ; Mrs. L. Sweigert, 1 quilt and dried fruit ; Mrs. J. Foreman, linen and dried fruit ; Mrs. Missimer, linen and fruit ; Miss Mary Heckman, lint ; Mrs. Strickler, (widow) 1 sheet and linen; Mrs. J. B. Hummel, linen and calico; Mrs. Nancy Nisaley,linen delaines, feathers,fruit and soap ; Mrs. C. Gingrie, linen and fruit ; Mrs. Joseph Nissley, 1 double wrapper ; Mrs. Christian Hershey, linen and calico ; Mrs. John Balsbaugh, linen and muslin ; Mrs. Martin Hecker, calico, muslin and feathers; Mrs. Mar tha Hecker, sr., linen and dried fruit ; Mrs. Ja cob Mocker, dried fruit and linen ; Mrs. Sarah Kaufman, 1 quilt and muslin ; Mrs. John Lutz, dried fruits; Mrs. C. H. Hershey, dried fruit and muslin ; Mrs. Susan Henry, calico ; Mrs. P. Swanger, linen, muslin and soap; Mrs. Martin L. Nisedey, 1 sheet and linen ; Mrs. J. Beret, linen; Mrs. John Meckley, dried fruit. Mrs. JOHN A. STEHLY, 4 . JOHN 3. Nissrzy, Comm i ttee. HINIIIMITOWN, Oct. 6, 1862. Pennsylvania Wait Celt**, it ittobctp antrum, &Whet . 7, 1882. LAM? lima Ex= Socrerr.—The ladies named will send to the reception room, Mrs Dr. Bailey's, Market street, by 10} o'clock. On Wednesday, Oct. 8— Vegetabte Soup and Fruit: Mrs. G. M. Belly, Miss Bella Hays, " Wm. Wolff, 'Mrs. Samuel Ingrain, " D. Gans, " A. lanes, " Wm. Geety, " E. J. Jones, 44 Wash. Hummel, " Joshua Jones, " Val. Hummel, " lindloph Kelker, W. T. Hildroup, " J. M. Kelker, " Wash Harris, " Mary L. Kepple, Wm. Hallock, " Kirk, " R. Hale, " Wm. Kerr, On Thursday, October 9—A two or three quart Rice Pudding: Miss Liebock, Miss Oglisby, Mrs. Thomas M'Dowell, Mrs. D. R. Porter, " E. M'Cullough, " Dr. Roberts, " James M'Cormick, "J. W. Reily, " Eliza M'Cormick " E. Rutherford, " C. C. Wathews, " Alex. Roberts, " D. Mumma, " J. F. Seiler, " G. J. Warts, " Mary Stehley, " M'Reynolds, " John Stakl, jr., " M. E. Orth, " Alex. Sloan. On Friday, Oct 10—One pair of stewed chickens : Mrs. Wm. Shaffer, Miss Annie Warlord, " Samuel Singer, Mrs. J. A. Wier, " Dr. Seiler, " W. L. Wallace, Miss Mary Stockton, " S. Whitman, Mrs. Ambrose Taylor, " Thos. Wireman, " Updegrove, " John Wyeth, " Annie M. Unger, " Saml. Young, " E. J. Unger, " Henry Gilbert, " Wm. Verbeke, " Ohas. Bailey, " Thos. Wilson, " Finley. On Saturday, October 11—One pound of butter, eggs, and stewed onions. Airs. James Wheeler, Mrs. Hamilton Alricks, " Gov. Curtin, " J. C. Kunkel, " Saml. Wilt, Miss Darindo Keifer, Misa Kate Franer, Mrs. Lathrop, Mrs. Martha Roumfort, " John Boyd, Miss E. R. Belly, " J. W..Simonton, Mrs. Richard Hummel, " W. R. DeWitt, " E. Brenizer, " M. J. Colder, " Geo. Buehler, " G. H. Small, " Jacob Haldeman, Miss M. Zollinger, The ladies named will serve On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday TO VISIT THE CAMP, TO SERVE AT THE ROOM, Mrs. F. Wyeth, COMING AT 9 o'cLoca, " V. Hummel, Miss Olsen, " Verbeke, " Carrie Denning, On Ihursday, Friday and Saturday TO VISIT CAMP. TO SERVE AT THE ROOM Mrs. Jane Bryan, Miss Maggie Uhler, " David Eyster, " Mary Zinn, " S. D. Ingram, Ladies will be supplied with onions, for stewing, at the room, on Friday morning be tween 9 and 11 o'clock. Any ladies who are not members of this Association and wish to become, will please send their names to Mrs. Cornyn. WE KNEW THEM FROM THEIR APPEARANOE. There are occasions when the most careless of us poor, offending mortals feel better from pay ing attention to our outward appearance. We respectfully invite all those who have a dispo. sition to improve their appearance, and provide against the winter's cold, to call at the cheap dry goods house of Ulrich & Bowman, and ex amine our new stock of fall and winter goods. The special attention of the ladies is invited to our stock of cloth cloaks and dress goods. oct6-d2t The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be UP ap prehension in regard to my competency to ad minister it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (aul3•dlm) MRS. L. BALL. THE *onderful success which has attended the use of my medicine, has induced me to say a word through the press in its behalf. My medi cines are prepared with great care, expressly for family use, and are admirably calculated to preserve health and remove disease. I -can therefore recommend them with the greatest confidence, and am fully persuaded from past experience that they will give very general if not universal satisfaction. But at the same time Ido not pretend to assert, that they are "cure ails." I have cured Gravel, Dropsey, Scrofula, and have regulated the female system. Reference can be had at any time with the persons, as they feel a delicacy in having their, names in the paper. MRS. LUCRETIA BALL GLORIOUS NEWS. PICTURES TAKEN AT REDUCED RATES. r HE undersigned Juts. 4(00 up a new A. and Splendid PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY, In Third street, opposite the Patriot and Union office, where he will furnish his patrons with very superior pictures at reduced rates. Cali and see for yourselves. sept2o dim* A. S. BLACK, Artist. W v . . 90 S. KEYSTONE NURSERY, tiLitti!SBURG. IT should not be forgotten that this establishment is still lu successful opereation, and, can supply FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER RIES, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE BERRIES, CURRANTS, BLACK." RIES, &c., &c., &C., &o: of as good qualities and,varietles, and atas reasonable prices as they are sold at distant nurseries. , THE LOCATION ~. of the nursery—adjoining the city—gives it advantages for transportation to all parts of the country, possessed by but few others. //ir All articles, when desired, delivered ,free of charge, in any part of the city. auStitf JACOB 'MM. • COAL ! COAL ! COAL ! rpflE subscriber is prepared to deliver to ± the citizens of Harrisburg, pure LYKENS VALLEY AND WILKESBARRE Coals, either by the car, boat load, or single ton, at the lowest market prices going. Orders left at my oboe, 4th and Market, will be punctually attended to. DAVID McOORMIOH. Harrisburg, Sept. 30,1882. se3o-d6w 6000 POUNDS. Extra /time sugar . . Cured Lime for sale very low ii . itplesale or retail by , - WM. 000 g. JR., .b 00. OF all sizee, patterns and prioepi jute received and for sale by .18 WM. DCKX, dr.Zar. 93.1 Mrs. E. H. CORNYN, Secretary Ex. Com To the Afßioted. New '2lbDtrtistments New `2overtistmtuto PENNS i r LVANIA SS In the Name and by the Authority OF THE OMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CURTIN, MANOR OF THE SAID COMMONWEALTH, A PROCLAMATION WHERIAS, I have been authentically inform- ed that a certain MARY ELIZABETH GERMAN, a child about five years of age, daughter of Emanuel S. German and wife, of the city of Harrisburg, in this Commonwealth, was enticed away from her home and atrociously murdered in the suburbs of said city, near the Cemetery, on the afternoon or evening of Friday, the Third day of October, A. D. 1862, and all efforts for the arrest of the guilty party or parties, whose names are unknown, have up to this timo proved ineffectual ; AND WHEREAS, The reputation of the Gov- ernment—the peace and security of its citizens and the obligations of justice and humanity, require that the perpetrator or perpetrators of this infamous crime should be brought to spee dy and condign punishment : Now, therefore, 1, ANDIMW G. CURTIN, Gov ernor of the said Commonwealth, feel it in- cumbent upon me to issue this, my proclama- tion, hereby offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS! to any person or persons who shall apprehend and secure for trial the murderer or murderers of the said child, MARY ELIZABETH GERMAN, to be paid upon the conviction , of the criminal or criminals ; and I call upon all officers of jus tice and good citizens everywhere, to be vigi lant and unremitting in their efforts for the ap prehension of the said murderer or murderers, so that they may be brought to punishment under the laws. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the State,'at Harrisburg, this sixth day of October, in the year of ~ our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. BY THE GOVERNOR ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth PENNSYLVANIA, SS: ft the Name and by the Authority , OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, • ANDREW Cf. CURTIN, Governor of the said Commonwealth, A PROCLAMATION. la - T ERE AS, By the third section of V the act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the twenty-second day of April, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, entitled "Ad Act to establish a Sinking Fund for the payment of the public debt," it is made the duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Auditor General and State. Treasurer, Commissioners of the Sink ing Fund, created by the said act of Assem bly, on the first Monday of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and on the same day annually thereafter, to report and certify to the Governor, the amount re ceived under the said act, the amount of inter est paid and the amount of the debt of the Commonwealth redeemed and held by them : Whereupon the Governor shall direct the certi ficates representing the same to be cancelled, and on such cancellation issue his Proclamation stating the fact and the extinguishment, and final discharge of so much of the principal of said debt. AND WHEREAS, By the ninety-eighth section of the act of the General Assembly, passed the nineteenth day of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, entitled "An Act to provide for the ordinary expenses of the government," etc., it is provided that there-, after the receipts to the Sinking Fend to the amount that may be necessary to cancel the re lief issues now in circulation under the provis ions of the act of the fourth of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and the re-issues under the act of the tenth of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty nine, shall be applied toward the cancellation of said issues. AND WHEREAS, Eli Slifer, Thomas E. Cochran and Henry D. Moore, ex-officio Commisslonere Of the Sinking Fund, in obedience to the re quirmente of law,report and certify to me, that the debt of the ommonwealth of Pennsylva nia, redeemed and held by them from the first day of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, to the first day of Sep tember, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixtptwo, amounts to the sum of Two Hundred andAlly;twO Thriusand Eight Hundred and One Dollen and Sixty-seven Cents—made up as follows Four and one half per cent. loan of the Commonwealth Five per cent. loan of the Com monwealth 211,178 74 Interest certificates redeemed 370 41 Domestic creditors certificate 64 52 Relief notes cancelled 1,188 00 Total 262,801 67 Now THEREFOR", as required by the third section of the act of Assembly aforesaid, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, declaring the payment, cancellation, extinguishment and final discharge of Aso ndrei and Sixty-two Thousand Eight Hundred and One Dollars and Sixty seven Cents of the principal of the debt of the Commonwealth, including one thousand one hundred.and eighty-eight dollars of the relief issues, which have been cancelled and destroyed as authorized by the ninety-eighth section of the act of the nineteenth day of April, D. A. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this eighth day of Sep tember, in the year of onLord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. BY THE CtOVEBNOR. • ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Oomtnenweatth 6.26-d4wBw C WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HAVilltalttbzCoalYd,folt of Northtee urieabyfDFos, lam enabled to supply tho public with.a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF Orain.A.M . FULL WEIZIHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respectfully solicited—which, if left at the office, toot of North street, or at the .office of Wm. bock ,Jr. a Co., will receive prompt attention. GILLARD DOCK. iy29 HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS T , HE QUESTION. IHE Proprietors of the "PARISIAN L CABINET OF WONDERS, ANATOMY and MEDI CINE', have determined regardless of expense, to issue free, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) HOUR of their most instructive and interesting Lectures on Mar riage and Its Disqualifications, Nervous Debility, Prema ture Decline of Manhood, Indigestion, Weakness or De pression, Loss of energy and Yds] Powers, the Great So• dal Evils, and thole Maladies which result from youth ful follies, Excesses of Maturity, or Ignorance of phial ology and Nature's Law; These invaluable Lectures have been the means of enlightning and saving thou sands, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamps, by addressing SECRETARY Peanitew Camara or ANATOMY AND MRDIOWN, 663 Broadway, New jel9-oly Ayer's Cathartic Pills. /11HE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine 1 have been taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative which is known to man. Innum erable proofs are shown that these PILLB have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win unprecedentodly upon the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs Into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dan gerous diseases that have baffled •the best of human skill. While they prolucc powerful effects, they are at the same time ; In dtdlinished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar coated, they are pleasant to take; and being purely veg suable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not substan tiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent cler gymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability of our remedies, while others have sent me the assurance cf their conviction that our Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis our American Alumnae, containing directions for the use and certificates of their cures, of the following com plaints : Cosiivness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from a foul stomach, Nan- Bea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arldrig therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Dia ease, which require an evacuant medicine. They also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which it would not be supposed they would react , , such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neu ralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the liver and Kidneys, Gout., and other kindred complaints arising from a luw state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put off by unprinc.pted dealsrs with soma other pill they make wire profit on. dsk for ATER'S Pius, and take nothing else. Pio other they can give you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the best aid thare is for them, and they should have it. A. G. CURTIN Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYP.II & CO., Lowell, Mass. and sold by Druggists everywhere. Price 26 cents per Box, or 6 boxe3 for $l. Sold by C. A. Banorart, D. W. Dross & Co., C. K. Kel ler, J. M. Lutz, Dr. Riley, F. Wyeth and dealers every where. MoCCILLOUGE'S LEAD 00., NO, 64 DUANE STREET, KEEP constantly on hand the following articles: LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, BUCK SHOT, BAR LEAD, PIG LEAD, DROP SHOT, MINNIE AND ROUND BALLS at a I ~z ; . 1 iof which they offer at the lowest prices. septls-1m • JOHN W113E43 Confectionery & Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Barriaburg, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LEMOMS, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, And vatetables of all kinds, brought direct from the Eastern Markets, twice a week t end purchased under my personal supervision, thus euablidg me to sell a better and cheaper article than any in the market. Sir Orders from a distance attended to promptly, and goods delivered to any part of the city free or charge. FRG..-H CANNED FROAA3 constantly on hand. Give me a call. Ue2.6] JOHN WISE. $50,000 00 D J. HALDEMAN will sell lots on XII North street and Pennsylvania avenue. 7o those desiring to purchase. Apply corner Front and Walnut streets. jy3lAltf LIIBRICA.TING Oil for all kinds of ma °binary, in convenient packages, for ewe very low by . NIOUOLS BOWMAN, jel9 Cornor Front and Market street. FOR RENT.—A house on South street between Second and Third. Enquire of YRd. SARAH MURRAY, Cor. 2d and Fine St. Eepta dat TBE Updegrove Lock Property Canal jg. grocery and Rockville House, situated ire miles above Harrisburg, Is now offered for sale. see adver tisement in Weekly or apply to • allows w .1: • . - -- . r 1111 h largest and most extensive assort i_ ment of glass in the city, just received, and for ale very low, by NI(1110LS & BOWMAN, an 6 Corner Front and Market streets. ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Biwa; of diderent styles binding, at 90e, $1 26 $1 60, 62, $ 3 , lat 66 and6lo. alsoyonaet 'woe dlr. went styles and prices at SCIHRTVER'S Bookstore. febl6-y APPLES, branges and Lemons,,atJlll-N WLSEI. taw 2thntrtistnunts. NEW YORK. LOTS FOR SALE JUST RECEIVED. New Muntistments. SHOT AND BALLS. 100 TONS MINNIE BALLS OF ALL Government sizes. BOUND BALL AND BUCK SHOT, A fall supply constantly on hand, will be sold low, for cash This company claim no right to patent, and there foresail at less price, whrrant their goods inferior Co none, Balls packed In 100 lb. kegs in prime shipping order. idt*TILLOUGEPS I,IIAD septl6-1m 64 Duane Street, New York. CLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST ! I CALL AND EXAMINE. .19 30 WY DOCK, Ja. MCO FREES BUTTER AT MARKET PRICE. WE, HAVING fitted up a large Refrig erator, and baying made contracts with some of our most reliable farmers to furnish us with freak !sad weet butter regular) will be enabled to supply air Women' with sweet Crash ice cold butter at alt times. my 29 WY. DOCK, Jr. & CO. STRAWBERRIES, PLANTS set out in favorable weather, (or If watered when dry,) in August, lilepteacber or October, will produce a fair crop the next Summer, often enough to pay for the plants and p hutting, besides enaurtog an abundant yield the following season. All the best vailetles for sate at the Keystone Nur sery, Harrisburg• au29.4ltr S. WARD & 00. AGINTS FOR STEINWAY'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS. Princes Melodeons &o. VIOLINS, &TITANS, FLUTES, FIFES, AC- CORDEONS, DRUMS, AND MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, of every kind. HOWE'S SEWING WACILINESE PORTRAIT FRAMES Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors. Photograph Frames and Albums, at the New Muhl Store of 9 WARD & CO. anlll44lly No. 14 Market 94uare, near F•llz'a CHEESE. A FEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance Li of a large consignment, are offered at an unusually low rate to closeout the lot. To retail dealers there will be an ind ucement offered. Each box sold will be guar anteed aerepresented. WK. DOCR, JR., & 00. .oqB FLY PAPER tlFANnio CY COLORED Pager, ready out, for covering Looking Glasses, Picture &eines, So. n and other new patterns for Bale at BiIIONSR'S OHXAP BOOKSTORS POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, POET IIiONASISS, And a general variety of Leather Goods, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. rJrBE undersigned offers at Private Sale that valuable tavern stand, (now occupied ,by J. W. Stober,) attested in the village of Progress, Dan phin county, Pa., on the Jonestown road, two miles and a half nffltheast of Haniaburg. This stand has an excellent run of custom. The buildings are entirely new and very subelantial. a well of never falling water near the door, together with a flue variety of fruit and ornamental trees. The property will be sold cheap. terms &a., address JIiHN EAMON, Progress P. O P. 8 . tlood stabling attached to the premises. _ TO CONSUMPTIVES, MILE Advertiser, baying been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple reams dy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption— le anxious to make known to his fellow•sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will sand a 'copy of the par ser iption used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis ac. The only object of the advertiser in sending the per ecription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread informa tion which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his r emedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. ?miles wishing the permription will please address REV. EDWARD B. WILSON, Wllliamsburgb, Kings County, New York. sept2o d&w3m CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANOY BRAND S OFF lARED IN PENNSYLVANIA IS MADE OF . CHOICE MISSOURI - WHITE WHEAT. sa- Delivered any place in the city, free of cbsrge TERMS, Cash on delivery. jySO WM. BOOS, Jr., &Co, INSURANCE, Marine, File and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMEBIC OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual:. Capital and Assets $1,200 000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A.tErown, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor Ambroae White, John R. Nell, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. *orris Wahl, John Masan, George L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward B. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR Q. COFFIN, President CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for the above name company, the undersigned' in prepared to take Aire risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually or-perpet ually, on the most tavorab le terms. Office Third street between Walnut and Strawberry alley, Burke's row. lain B = jelo4ly Ilarrisb urg: Pa. tIGEI, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, and all axiut klnds . of Nuts, at JOHN97/SE'S Store, Tar.ityaind ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS. ALL kinds of Second Hand Clothing, boots and shoes, bought and sold at the Auction store, Second Street next to State Capital Bank. pis tols, bowie knives and gum blankets, a first rate artil lery bridle and spurs for an officer for sale, N0..86 . Soo and Street. W. BARR, MAR:ow. ains.stt 2000 RIFLES FOR BALE' AT LEMAN'S RIFLE WORKS, "LANCASTER, PENN. PRICES FROM $7 60 to $lO 00 EACH 1 Addrets HENRY E. MIRAN, Litnealrter. BOLOGNA A SMALL, but very superior lot of B o l ogna' stamp loop received, by WM, DOCK, Jr Jig Co. SIIGARS, white and brown, of all grades fOr nate 1 by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, septl2 Corner Front and Market Weals NEW mackerel, in halves, quarters or kite, just received, and for age low. by - NICHOLS a Bostllll4, cum prom and Narkotratrealla •use eept3-d&w6w