paik Ettegrap4. PEOPLE'S UNION STATE TICKET. AUDITOR GENERAL: THOMAS E. COCHRAN, of York County SURVEYOR GENERAL: WILLIAM S. ROSS, of Lucerne County UNION COUNTY NOMINATIONS CONCIRM, JOHN J. pArrEsso N, of Juniata county AINUMY, THOMAS G. FOX, of Hummelstown JAMES FREELAND, of Millersburg. DISTRICT' ATTORNEY, A. JACKSON HERR, of Harrisburg. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JACOB KIELLEISMT, of lowa Pftxton DIRECTOR OF, THE POOR, DANIEL SEEMLY, of tipper Swatara COUNTY AUDITOR, ` . DANIEL DANJXL LEHR, of Gratitown. COUNTY SURVEYOR, THOMAS STROHM, of Linglestown CORONER, JESSE B. HUMMEL, of Hummelatown HARRISBURG. PA kiatarday Afternoon, Octoker 4, , 1862 THE CENTRE COIVGRESSIOIV AL DISTRICT. The declination of William F. Reynolds, as the Democratic (4) candidate for Congress in the district composed of Centre, Clinton, Lycoming and Tioga counties, only convinces us of the "43nSiiiracy in that loCality to .defeat .Mr. Arm strZing. We now appeal to "men of that district to, spurn the bait which is held out to them, and to reject the treasonable plots which have been concocted to defeat Nr. Arm strong. Judge Hales' personal friends may seek to bolster up his claims as they please, but we can only see in tbese proceedings, so far as he is concerned, the politician's movements to gratify personal ambition and hold on to place and power at the sacrifice of every principle of manly honor and political integrity. Again we appeal to the loyal men of that district to support Mr. Armstrong. He is honorable, loyal and generous. He has ability of the first order admitted to be a legislator of rare powers and statesmanship, so that in voting for him and sending him to CongreEs, the people will. be scouring a man who will never resort to any mean hypocrisy or trickery to confuse their organization in a time when we may again need hatniony, with the sickly plea that personal claims outweigh all other loyal and patriotic considerations. Let the word then ring through the Centre' Congressional district, for the:Union, for manly integrity, for Armstrong and for victory. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS In the last State Senate, Dr. E. D. Crawford' was regarded as among its ablest members, and while he was ,in the • opposition to the great principles whiCh are now rePresented by the state 'and national admioisitations, he never forgot for a moment that he owed a duty to his , country, from the discharge of which no party mandate or caucuadictatiou could intimi date or restrain him. When the resolution instructing our 4J. S. Senators to vote 'for the expulsion of the miserable, spy, informer and .tyuitor,. Jesse ; l:). 2Eright,,wes_before the State Senate, Dr. Crawfotd urged, and voted for, its Pinking°. This incensed Whippere-in for his district, and on account of this Dr. Crawford Was rejected, when he was actually the choice oiltwo-thirds of his party' , fOr re-nomination. His sin was' too great for forgiveness. He had voted for the hamiliation and disgrace of 'a traitor, and that was an insult—an outrage to Democracy. Hence his rejection: - --George H. Bucher is the candidate nond w4ed over pr. Crawford. Bucher was opPosed to the expulsion of Bright. Hence his nomina tion. This is a Bitter pill for the independent men of OumberlandiTerry, Juniata and:Yr/Min' to swallow. Of _course , the , attempt will, be made to adminiiter it: 1 ;1E1A- Haines, who is the lival Union candidate, and who is 7ithal a man of sterling good parts and excellent quail &mations, will be made the Senator, frpm this district. , : 2 kftg The tory organ of yesterday makes a lams reply to our, article exposing its shameful de ception in seeking to Screen " southern brethren," and plaCtithe blame of commencing the war upon the Republicans. Congress declared the -war was forceicl • upon ,the country by the . distMionists of the south.: The tory organ insists it • was forced upon its disunion "southern brethren" by the aggresn Bien of the north. This is in perfect keeping with its uniform course since our national troubles began. It always findS occasion to extenuate the heinous crimes—the _t ong ,: mai perjury of its sOuthern antis. It says the war was occasioned by the rejec tion of the Crittenden comnrainise, Granting this only for argument i 's sake we ask who caused: its rejection ? Andy 'Jblinson, of Ten `nelitee, alife-long Denincrat,-saYs "southern trai tors, as • wag said-in the speech of the Senator from' California'. Day did it. They wanted no compromise., They, accomplished their object by withholding - their votes. It was not cox mouse that the leaders wanted; they wanted row= ; THEY WANTED TO DESTROY THIS GOVERNMENT!" T !" And this is just what- the vile eiders and abettors of the southern conspirators here in the north now seek They have lost pis "lottves amLfedies," and, if iteeiliiiaiyin- . ,regain them,. they are ready and willing to assist in destroy ing the government of our forefathers. They were good Unionists as long as they were in office, but when they were turned out they be came traitors to regain their lost power. Why don't the "tory organ offer some com ments on Frank Hughes' treasonable resolu tion? What's the matter with the Chairman of the Democratic' State Central Committee Has the tory organ not yet received a copy of the resolution ? We can furnish it one. Will it publish it? Give the people light. "Tell the truth and shame the devil." You can't deceive the intelligent people. They know the cause of the rebellion, and the designs of its instigators, as well as you do; and all your efforts to misrepresent and mystify the matter, will only sink you deeper and deeper in incon sistency and baseness, and consign you more certainly to that contempt and ignominy you seem to court and justly merit. A FABRICATION OF TEE' NRY ORGAN E2PLODED A writer in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin has lately been paying some attention to titel tory organ in this city, and successfully ex plodes the falsehoods with which that sheet dailytteems. In a recent attempt at one of those base fabrications for which the tory or gan has become so celebrated, its editors assert that the national debt is over $2,000,000,000, and then goes on to say "The tax which every assessed man and wo man must pay after the election, is to pay the interest on a portion of the $2,000,000,000 debt, every farthing of which was contracted,by a Republican administration, to carry on a war brought upon the country by the refusal of a Republican majority in Congress to accede to the Crittenden compromise." To this the writer in the Bulletin replies that, independent of the lie in reference to , the amount of the debt-(for everyone knows that the debt is not half the amount stated) let us call, attention to the other lie which has been so often repeated by • these Breckenridge jour nals thiough the course of this rebellion, v,z "that this war Was brought on b'y , the Republicans re- fusing to adopt the Ori tknden Onspromise." Is it not astonishing that they will persist, in such infamous misrepresentations, when it is well known that the Democrats had possession of both Houses of Congress at that time, and that the Crittenden Compromise failed in the Senate, because six southern Democratic Senators refused to vote on it ? Bat don't take our word for it ; let us tee what a Democtatic Senator says on the subject. We believe no one will deny the De- r mocracy of Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, as true and honest a Democrat as ever lived. In a speech he made some time since at Nashville, he said : "Tariff was the pretext for disunion in 1862, and the slavery or, negro' question is the pre text now. How do the facts stand when we coma to examine them? Let us go back to, the proceedings of the last Congress. What was the true phase of the times? A compro mise, you remember—the Crittenden proposi tion—was introduced. The Southern Senators, including' Benjamin, Toombs, Iverson, and a list of others, pretended 'that if the measure passed' the South would be satisfied; but they desired everything bat compromise. - Senator Clark offered an amendment which he believed would be acceptable to the South. I had criti cally kept pace with these pretenders. Their protest was only to disguise their real inten tions. When the vote was put on Clark's amendment—mark well—only 55 ballots were recorded. The amendment was adopted by two votes, thus defeating the original compro , mise. Whols responsible for this work of de struction ? Six Southern senators standing there and refuednuto record • their votes. If the Crittenden compromise had' been adopted, they would have been deprived of a pretext for their treason. Judah Benjamin', a sneaking thief and perjurer, and an unconscionable trai tor, was sitting near me while the vote was being taken. I told him it was his duty to come to the relief of the country by voting on this important proposition. He sneeringly an swered that 'when he wanted my advice he would make the request.' I said, you are a Senator, and I demand that your vote be record ed. With six othere, he contrived to defeat the measure by slipping out. They wanted no cowpromiee." Now, we ask, is it not alarming that when the nation is struggling for its very ex istence, a party should be so base as to attempt to cripple the government and get into politi cal power through such a system. of infamous lies and misrepresentations ? Can any honest and true patriot sippor, such a party? THE NEW YORK HERALD AND THE VA. LOR OF FEN.NSYLVANIA. •In one sense it may not be worth. while to resent an insult offered by the 4rew•York Herald, because those connected with;tßateheet;from the old knave Bennet, down to-hisclittieet Penny* liner, , have been kioked, 'horsewhipped, snub bed and spit upon to Often; that they are' be yowl all hope of reform or influences of 're proach. And yet, we cannot refrain from re seating theinsult which was lately offered , to the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps by that sheet It was an insult coupled witha falsehood as black as Bennett own heart,or at least that portion of it which he has i not, Pledged at some:ahrine of lucre or of lust. The Herald accuses the Reserve Corps of cowardice—of he ving shrunk from the enemy and fled in terror from his. reach. Of course we can make not 'other - reply tb this, than to declare that -thi Heraicilias—lies knowingly and deliberately, but for what purpose, whether for money ; for the gratification of malice,. of,comae we are unable to decide. - t• • . Th l eTerds4lvahia Reserve Corps has earned for itself a fame which will liVe and shine in splendor while tke _history of the valor devo ted to the overthrow of this rebellion is print' ed,_read and admired. No nobler body of Men ever obeyed a Word of command. No more pa triotic soldiers ever marched into battle. No people, of a like number, combining itiltheir or ganization the representatives of all business interests, of all departments of industry, of every profession and of all' stations in society, ever, displayed a greater amount of ''patriotism or an equal degree of devotion to the govern ment under which they-lived. It is ungrateful, rmy, it , is cowardly and dastardly to deny such men their just weed of Praise. It seems Oat this denial, too, should be reserved t o fill - the measure of infamy for which the Nero York irer aid has so long been striving. When will the' Herald's,day of retribution come ? Soon, very soon. Penneigtrania Ma%) gelegvaply eaturbap Afternoon, October 4, 1862. ABOLITION! ABOLITION!! ABOLITION!!! The ceaseless stereotyped cry of the Brecken ridge press of this State, led on and controlled by that arch demagogue secessionist and traitor, Frank Hughes, is solely intended to mislead and deceive the honest, well meaning, but legs informed portion of the people, who yet adhere to what their leaders facetiously style the demo cratic party.! _They hope by the clamor they keep up about abolition, to divert the atten tion of their dupes from the atrocious conduct of the southern dealers in human souls, in plunging the people of the nation into all the bloodshed and devastation of this most cause less civil war. _They hope by this and other kindred and unfounded charges, to mislead the people into the choice of members of our next legislature, in order that the rebel Hughes may be elected to a seat in the Senate of the United States, the object, aim and end of all his actions, and the mainspring of his political villainy. And also to elect members of Congress who will •oppoie and cripple the administration of Fred- I dent Lincoln, -by voting against all necedsary measures to suppress . this infamous rebellion, sustain the government and protect the pee plekin their inestimable rights of life, liberty mid' property. This unfounded clamor was set on foot and is persistently kept up by an unprincipled fac tion under the garb of deniocracy. By a trai torous clique, who imbluahingly call themselves democrats ! Falsely claiming to be the only true, pure and consistent advocates and sup porters of democratic principles i I In support of theirvile and unfounded cry of abolition, they point to the action of the present llepuhli can Congress; in enacting at the late session a law, approved by President Lincoln, edolideeng District of Colurnb(a. And this, the only measure of that Congress, or of the Re publican, party, savoring the least in - any respect of abolition, is held fortli by these traitorous demagogues as the unpardonable sin. against democracy and democratic principles. And yet these worthies carefully conceal from their dupes, the unoontroverted and incontrovertible fact, that a precisely similar measure was recog nized and admitted to be true democratic doc trine and scund derieocratic principle, in those daya when democracy, really, had a meaning attached to it, and the democratic party had well defined and well established principles governing its political and legislative actiona. A reference to the Legislative record of the State exhibits the undeniable fact that an in tensely democratic legislature of this State passed a resolution, which was approved of by that- undoubted, uncompromising democratic Governor, Rohn Andrew . Shultze, on the twenty third day of.fauuarY, 1829, "relative to the abolieh fag of slavery in the Astrid of aleanbia," by which it was enacted :. , " That the Senatori 'of this State, in the Senate of the United States; be and they are hereby instructed, and the Re'preisintaiives of this State, in Convoke, be and 'they are hereby Minot ed to Procure, if practicable, the passage of a law to abolish slavery in the District of in such manner as they may ponsidec consistent ; with the rights of individuals and the Constk tntion of the United States." If it be true ~ that democracy is based upon principles, that Breckenridge democracy is the only true, pure • democracy;-that the mantle of, the genuine democratic party has falleh upon their shoulders, and ihey are the only reliable raardians , of democrstic priaciples, and of the honor and consistency of• that party—how does it happen that they denounce as ivrong,and treason to the prinCiples of deniomacY, the pro visions of an Act, precisely similar to that which au honest,' upright, loyal legislature and Gover nor of that party, earnestly recommended the passage of in 1829. Upon nu other reason can. this be accounted for, than upon the well es tablished fact, that in the rampancy of their traitorous propensities, they have no hesitation in proclaiming , the grossest misrepresentations and= faisehoodr4 circulated •as they hope and in tend, to distract and divide the people of the loyal States, in order, that rebellion may flour , lab, the Union be prostrated,and they sharethe, power and patronage of thatgovernment; which they secretly hope'and pray will be administer ed by Jeff. Dasrii and his myrmidons, those ac complished thievesand-traitors FLOYD, Coen and Other democrats of their stripe and fashion. The people see in this attempt to deceive them with their senseless cry of aholltion, what reliance is to be placedln ... those worthies, now so industri ously engaged. in , prow . lhig through this and Other coitlitie - s of . th‘e Statif'bEillolving forth the unfounded cry , .of " abolition," " nigger war' ,and Other standard falsehoods. kr mop that Genertd Sitiks has for years been•deitofii lf to study of military 'matters, in anticipation of the, Present crisis He has paid: sPecial .attention to the artillery service, and understands it i thopogirly: At the last battle bf as kr; the -enemy were rapidly acivanolUg in , superior Aumbere, be dis mounted on the field of battle,;:in face of the galling fire, and,personally assisted in plaeingA , • certain battery in positio n: In several instances he: sighted the guns himself, haricUibg the piecestlik.ean old artillerist, to "make asSurarice doubly surci" • ‘! To , ma. Woman Elowsza,--It you would like to atop 'mid rest at Elmira, [N: Y. you can do so without' any cost. to you. Tell the' conductor. of this train that you want to atop. Re will let up know. you are coming, and friendaWill ,nieet you at the depot and take care ot you. By order of the •relief association of Elmira." • The above intandbill tertn,.is - dittrL. buted through...soh train :on the several roads ligaiiiigiinto :;No person Can read it without feeib#4''gfatitude, izoleetiitig the glxidoile„of.Einilia for. their ithicint" to the poor sink and wounded soldier. Tire steamer WiriCM' has anlyed at New York 'frO' Orkiehi with $.62 (60 Gen. Butler was,deiermined to make ail the in habitants, male and fe male, take the 'oath of alleglincii;Yalid ha orlsOn • theta' and confiscate their property should they refuse. TEE flag of traceloat idetamora i leonougews Landing, 'esports that the ISIS] Congress have rOOlved in fitar to hoist: the black:4n, and give no quartile to tftdols,psidione. • ho had repo' itedly bro Trrkrebel.Prlieneilkw' Wadi by our 'en their oaths . :after- beh!g- • r • ' ati f k orces o : a ' t in i Llilie n c rit ty tid: Ruso Lon' parole; w r erli i leuert Y iii ( .f` /7)/p l .- i „ 1 ,)„ - From Washington. WASHINGTON, Oct. 4, 1862 Col. H. F. Sanders, 19th Wisconsin Volun teers, having marched with a detachment of his regiment, in April last, from Racine to Prarie Redden, without having his commissariat duly provided, arid having contracted for the suites Woes of his men at an extravagant price without due regard to the interests of the Government, has by direction of the President, been dismissed faim the service of the United States. The Military Commission, of which General Hunter is president, is understood to be haves tigating all the circumstances relating to the surrender of Harper's Ferry, and bas summon jxt. a large number of-witnesses in the case. - Major A. Schwa, a, of the Second Illinois - Light Artillery, is dischargo from theaervice of the United Mates, In order to enable - him to accept the appointment of Chief of Artillery to Gen. Seigel's Corps d' Arm-e. From the Army 'Of the Potomac. Grand Review of the Troops by the President and General McClellan HIiADQII&RTRBS ARMY OP THE POTORRO, October 3, 1862. The President, accompanied by. Gen. McClel lan, has to-day reviewed the several corps of the Antiy of the Potomac, beginning with Gen. Burnside 's which is located near the mouth of the Antieram..and concluding with that of Gen. Franklin at Bakersville, and embracing those of:Porter and Reynolds. At each point the people collected in large numbers, and manifested the greatest enthuse awn towards 'With 'the President and General McClellan. The „prevailing spirit of loyalty was clearly indicated 'by the greetings which on every, hand was shewend awn these dis tinglidslied personages. - ' The President, after visiting Gen. Richard son, who lies wounded near by,. in the morn ing, will be escorted to Frederick, where he will:take a speciaL tridn for Washington. • The War in Kentucky. :General Engagement at Hand. Lorusvats, October 8. The order which has been enforced for the past two weeks against the sale of liquors has been rescinded, and all kinds of business have resumed their ackuatomed channels. Geo. Bragg has issued a proclamation threat ening an immediate and vigorous enforcement of the Confederate conscription act in all parts of Kentucky under the control of the rebels. This afternoon, on the approach of General Crittenden's division of United States troops to Mount Washington, a large rebel force retreat ed one and a half miles • from there. Critten den's force was then drawn up in line of battle on the Ohio, and a battery was being placed in position. Simultaneously General Roseau's command commenced surrounding the enemy. Soon after volleys of musketry were fired, and 4tt e litesnmed that a•general engagement took Mr. Markland, agent of the Post Office De partment, has arrived, with two wagon loads of mails from Nashville, up to the 10th ult. The van of General Buell's wagon train, con shitintof 1800 wagons; has' just reached Louis ville,,the rear resting on Salt , river, twenty-two miles dititant, and coming iwispidly. Refugees from the interior of Kentucky are returning homeward in the rear of our army. • The cars of the Louisville and Frankford Fox:tided, et'few .mileat beyond Le grangerto day. , No rebel force was encounter ed; It is supposed` . that, the cars will commence running regularly next Monday. Thcreports of.the burning, bridge*, over the Kentucky river, near Frankfort, - are though it ls thought they will. be destroyed as our troops approach them. • • - The rebels threaten to burn Lexington and Frankfort, if they are compelled to - eVicirate those places: fibi3 southern telegraph line has been open.: ed, aedls working to Bowling Green this evening. FROM NEW YORK. Capture of t a ypluable Prize. Nkiv YoAK, October 4 The prize steamer Sunbeam, from New Inlet, N. 0., was brought., here this morning. .flbe was captured while running the blookade at Wilmington; N. C., with a cargo of brandy,and ounpovider. The prize is valued at a quarter of a million. .The steamer was,built at Birken head, and measures 200 tons. The' Captain repress* that she , was from Liverpool, bound for Mexico, 'Rating in for Coal. SAFETY OF CAPTAIN SARGENT, OF THE STEAMER PHAN COM. . •- telegram-from San Francisco, states that Capt. Sargent, of the ship Phantoni, who Was repoitedmidrowned when his,ship was yet on Prates Shoals, has been picked up with his specie, amounting to $500,000, and arrived at Shanghai. - MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH, ftIW)ELPHIA, October 8 Flour is held firmly, but there is not much here to operate on. Small sales of superfine at sb, and extra family at $6.25®6.75. Rye flour is firm At 0.62/ and corn meal is dull at $8.12. Good demand for wheat and prices advanced 2 cents ; sales of 6,000 bushels Red at $1.52a1..04, and . White at, $1,.40@1.60. Rye has advanced to 14 cents Corn In good de. mand, and 6,000 bushels, Yellow, sold at 70 cents. Oats in active demand and 5,000 bushele Delaware, sold, at 42443 cents Coffee, Sugar and Molasses firm. In provision's no change.-- Whiskey-held at 34111(486zents. Flour advanced. Sales 13,600 bbls. at an id - wince of 10c. •Slate, 6.36@5 60; Ohio, 6® 670 ; Southern, 6®6 60. Wheat dull, and one bt. loiver; - 70;000 bus Sold at 1- 08®115 for Olticago Spring; 1 14®1 18 for Milwaukie club, and 1 26, 3 1.29'f0r Red. Corn unchanged.- 60,000 bus. sold. Pork steady. Lard firm. Whiskey doll, at 831®33i ets. Cotton deli ning. BALTIMORE. October 4 Flour firm ; Howard street $6.76. .W heat Wheat quiet ; white $1.60®1.66'; red southe r n ' $1.42 41.43. Coin quiet, at 72@78c. Oats steady ; Pennsylvania 66(468c. Whisky steady, at 86c. Coffee steady. Provisions very dull. AliTLy FLOUR, - a choice lot ' of Itstra Fondly Flour. all warranted by bbl., or sac I list received and for sale low by NICHOLS & HOWUN, Jen caner Front WA lifarket atria*, Do the 4th inst., Emenirris H., wife of Jo seph Lewis. The funeral will take place to-morrow (Sun day) afternoon at three o'clock, from the resi dence of her husband, corner of Second street and Hammond's lane. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend without further notice. d lt. On October 3d, ELIZABITH G. SCR:REINER, in fant daughter of James B. and Jennie Schreiner, age seven months and twenty-two days. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from the residence of her Grand father, Wm. Geety, in North street, near Third. NOTICE TO VOLUNTEERS. N office to recruit for MAJ. - ROBERTS' .CIA. BATALLTON of HEAVY ARTILLERY hat been opened on Third west, near • Market, Harrisburg. Aa this LP the only one authorized to recruit tbr FORT MON- RoP, those' desiring to enlist will do well to apply at Once to GEO. K. BOWEN, oet24lw Recruiting Officer, Battery THE office for -recruits for this: organization bee been re-opened at the old place, Col der's Stage Office, Market square. Any persons of good character Who may desre to enlist, or obtain information as to the duties of the Troop, will please call on or address WILL. C. SELLER, oct2-dlw Lance Corporal. in POUNDS Extra Prima Sugar 6.0,,„ Curl Ramo for Bale very low *hot, sai, or recoil ag 1 4 M. U CK JR , & Si PL ENDID assOriment of Coal Oil Lamps, ►J of Gist; Brass and Itu, for sale lotr ky NICt-OLS 130WMAN, oo.S Corner Pt oat and Market streets. riALL and Examine our Superior Noo k) Exploxive Coal 11, for We low by NWHOLEI & EOWILLW, ocl3 Corner Front end Market streets r(tiAL (it 1 imp Shidea," Wicks, 0kim ,4„,,,. pays, POr aatnioW:bY HOLE & B oir,u 6N, oct3 ("0, F runt and Market streets. SUPERIOR G r Black I ead, fer sale by NICHOLS & F.O *MAN, . .0312 career : ?rani and Mars at street... THERE is no branch of the service which of fers so many inducements to the volunteers, as ,tbat of heavy artillery for sea coast fortifica tions. Being in all cases placed. under the command of regular and competenf - army officers, the in struction and drill are of themselves no light con siderations, added to which Is the care and pro vision made for the comfort of the men. Good weather-proof quarters, well cooked and plen tifully provided food, clothing well ordered and provided, every carepossible taken to retain the health and comfort of the men, and they are freed from the anxieties and privations in separable from all service of undrilled, undisci plined corps. They soon become warmly at tached to their positions, and when exposed to service, go out with the confidence and courage of men who fully understand their business, and mean to do it. Fortress Monroe has for a long time been a Echc o 1 for artillery, and since the breaking out of this rebellion, has been point of peculiar interest to the whole country; and from Ara, yell , prominent pNition,.affards every advantage of seeing and knowing all tbat may interest and instruct. ' The War Depart ment and Gorverre r Curtin have autho ized Ma jor Roberts, of the regular army, and late of Fortress Monroe ' turecruit a battalion of heavy artillery for that Rost for three years or the war ;' and it is .designed to make the same a complete schoid for the soldier—fitting men at the expiration of their enlistment to take any position in either or any branch of the service. None but able bodied, sober, men need.apply. Men arribitidus and desiring to raise themselves to positions of honor, will find.this the finest chance` yet offered. An office' for Battery C has been, opened on Third street, near Market, Harrisburg; by' • GEO. SBO WEN, Late of the 17th Regt. P. V. . . • Alen •wiLl'ur all 'cases, be received Oh account of, the quotas of the counties they enlist from. , PPPINTAIIINTS OF • ASSISTANT ASSE.3- a SOBS.—The undersigned Assessor of taxes, under the act approved Suly -1, 1862 / entitled. " An act to provide internal revenue to support the Governnietit, 'and to fray haterest . on the public debt, for the fourteenth collection dis trict, has appointed the following as his assis tants., viz : O. 1.• Dauphliz county—Benjamin F. Ken dig, . Middletown P. 0. . _ 2: Dauphin county William H. Oaelove, Hairielmirg, P. 0: No. 3.,Northumberland county—Jacob Seas 'holtz, Sanford? O. No. 4.' Thomas-S. Mackey, Milton P. 0. 6. 'Bnyder - county—Tohn Bilger, Mid dleburg _P. 0. . . , . No. 6. "thiton cdtioty - ='-tharles t3chretner, Alifilinburg P. 0. No. 7. Junilata county—E. C. Stewart, blif fiNP. O. , , . . . DANIEL' iikiblG. M.towLivrowe,Sept. 23, 1862. ~,.: , • . . MUSIC.., MB. HEGMAN reFpectfuily informs the public that sbe is now ready to receive scholars en the Piano and Melodeon, either at her reel. cense oe 'Mitt ol ber • Applicants please address at either of the music stores. MR. HEGMAN will giie private lee - sonata the French, German and' Latin languages. octliw Bonos, Oct: :4 - - .FOIE ATWO-STORY Inane House,- situated in abort street. Inquire of .se3o-Atf . ; ,WM. K. VERREKK. JONES HOTTOE CORN= OF . MARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, _ Harrisbarg Pa • • TOSEPH'F. McOLELLAN,_Tiopiietor ; u recently conducted by Wens Coverly. This Is a lust Glasalfotel, led located 1n the' central part or the city. It is kept In the beet manner, and tta patrons will find every accommoJation to be met with In the best lioueea Id thoconatry.• - etka_dif - COAL . ! :;COOL! COAL! 7011 E subscriber is prepared to deliver to the citizens et Harrisburg, pure LYKENS VALLEY AND WILKESBARRE Copia, either by the ear, boat load, or otoglo ton,:at the lowest market pricidgoing. Ordere left at my ;ghee, 4th and Marius; will be punctually attended te, •• • • , • • • DAVID •McCORMIOK. Harrisburg, Sept. 30,1882. se3o-dew : Npw Yong, Oct. 4 FAMILY FLOUR. W.E. INVITE the attention of faiiiilies who .BABE TEELR OWN. BB E.A D, to our stook of Flour. We have just received SEVENTY- - FIFE BARRELS of the Cheielet (White Wheat) St. Louis Flour tha n the Western Meet affords. WliiSuarantes .every, barrel or bag.wa sett to he strict ly !warier: [jag WM. WOK, JR., & co. BAKER'S Cocoa and _.Sweet Chocolate JOHIMSBS as wino Elicb. botrtismnits ANDERSON CAVALRY VOLUNTEERS! amusements. SANFORD'S OPERA hlit Third street, Below Market, HOUSES OROWDED TO EXCESS To witness the inimitable SANFORD'S TROUPE. CONTINUED ENGAGEMENT OF SAM Who will appear in his great Banjo Solo Acts, Songs, &c. WE ARE COXING, UNCLE ANDy, 50,000 STRONG. SCENES FROM THE DRAMA, by SANFORD &SHARPLEY. To conclude with HANDY ANDY Sanford. I Grimes, Andy, Admission, 25 Cts. Gallery, I 5 Cts. Orchestra seats, 40 " Private Boxesso ~1 r Gent & two ladies 51 00 Entire Box 14 Doors open at 7 o ' clock; Performances commence at 808 EDWARDS' GAIETY MUSIC HALL. Walnut Steet, below state Capital Hotel. Best Regulated and Cheapest Place of Amuse ment in the World. Never has more been CONCENTRATED, such a blight array of FIRST CLASS ARTISTS, .. f auy Establishment of the kind, either in EUROPE OR AMERICA. Determined to keep up the GREAT REPU TATION already acquired for this Mammonth Place of Amusement, we feel a just pride in announcing fur thin week, commencing September 29th, the Greatest Living Gymnast In the Country, CURTIS IRWIN, In connection with the BEST DANS EUS ES on the American Stage, MISS KATE FRANCIS, MISS LIME FRANCIS, and MISS KATE ARCHER; and the American Nightingales MISS MOLLIE FIELDING, and MISS JULIA. EDWARDS ; also DICK BERTHELON, The Champion Bone Player of the World, and WEBER'S SPLENDID ORCHEsTRA. To conclude every evening with the great FEMALE. SCENE OF RINSTRELSEY. ADMISSION Doora open at 7 o'clock 808 EDWARIP,BoIa Leiane and Manager UNCLE TO 'Mr, .•ingottne Backtails, Superinteodot sir TOM BRO KFTELD, the Great Ettaopean 01,e- Man of the d.y, will appear oa Wednesday night. New 12thrtrtistmtitts. NOTICE TO VOLUNTEERS. SEA COAST ARTILLERY kir AJOR JOSEPH ROBERTS, of the 4th ILL Regiment U. S. Artillery, who has been commanding officer of Fort Monroe, Va., during the last elevei months, has received authority from, the secretary of War and Gov. Curtin to raise in Pennsylvania an Independent Bar tailia of Sea Coast Artillery for service at Fort Mon roe, for three years or during the war. This Battalion will be organized and officered as other volunteer organizations. Recruiting will commence at once. ()Mai able and willing to raise men for the Battalion, will make application immediately to Major J. Roberta, U. S. A., Philadelphia. RISIMENCYII.-A. L. Russell Adjutant General of Pennsylvania; Captain Dodge, Superintend. ent Recruiting Service, Harrisburg, Pa. sep2B4llweoci Mnringer's Patent Beef Tea A SOLID Concentrated Extract of Beet and Vegetables, Convertible immediately hto a nourishing and delicious Soup or Beef Tea. Highly approved by • numoer or oar Phystmani an: use it in our hospitals for the smitenance wounded. DIBIORONS FOR USE.—Out up oue.dtth part ,4 a Cake of the extract, pour on boiling water, about a pint, more or less, according to the strength dealred is a few minutes It will be entirely assumed, This admirable article condenses into a oom form, all the substantial and nutritive properties or large bulk ot meat and vegetables. The reaotuess sus which it dissolves into a rich and paleable Raul) or Lls which would require hours of prepata•ion, ace.rdlyi to amuse& method, la an advantage in many eituad oflife to obvious to need ncelog. For sale by WM. DUCK, Jr., A RARE CHANCE FOR A BUSINESS Al lIIHE canal grocery store and Rockvllie House,•known as the Updegrove Lock situated Ave miles above Harrisburg, fronting earl the Pennsylvania Canal and west on the Serequelot: i river road, will be 130!Ld if applies' for seen. The grocery store, if not the very best stand en tine of the canal; is only equaled by one other. A 4's' new barn and stable has recently been built, to that eva . boat team can be locked op separately. also plea? eheda, hay houses,corn cr:b, two store houses for pa, ice house, hay elen, and indeed every COLVaIdeV a that is necessary for carrying on the business. t place is within' three hundred yards of the ROaiip depot, on the Pennsylvania railroad, and Deeplyrt IT I Bch uylldlt railroad also. Persons wishing to purcite2 ,3 please apply on the premises, to artlB—wtjaalstlB63 m. P. HENRY HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEIVI .VOR the safety of consumers, Wo Katie L established a Coil Oil Depot at the coraat of trta ant Market ['treats. All our oils are tested said we ustlP tlvedy sell none except such as prove to be non-expleatve , stair and free from odor as far as praedivable. W. at present the following Justly celebrated brood , 5i4 .Aolia, Robinson, Nabroaa and Lucifer, lower thaa ls pnramedebsewhere in this place, either abates:de retail.. Also an extensive assortment of Leaps, (21 W' nays, Shades, Masa Cones, Burners, Am Wu via change fluid or eampheoe lamps, .2.u. as to be u-ed coal oak. Call and satisfy yourselves, et NICHOLS' la 80W51,0, aprll Corner of Front and Mirka utrea FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale on reason . • able terms, two very doe 'Young Dedazo , " GA. one two, and the other three years old nAat se29-dtt GEW4v, W. PintiV, FOR SALE. 3.OOOBUSHELS prime Yellow Cam 600 basbeb barley malt, first quiet'. 200 bushels rye. 60 barrels whisky, Kral quality. Enquire ort HOGELAND, *l . ' 1 tf Washington "ellllO, MEE general variety of goods for ad . JL hiding the TOIL ET, be retied at Keller' Is a rp a %mean citY t^ les 01 Market :-.treat. itESH invoice of emons, Frunes, F Nuts he., Or sale low by NICHOLS a BOWMAN, aslallfrorit and Market tura". 'Bs' Orafeis and Lemons, at/10 Haven - 0 cent COMECIellea La, 7h'.