THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER 'rEltklB.--Sisons finirtvcturneu. The DAIL'S TELIGHAPH is served to subscribers. in the City at C cents per wick. Yearly subscribers will be charged 64 00 in advance. WEEKLY AGO Assn WEEBLY 'fiILiGRAPB. The TELEGRAPH iS also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder ni the year and 1,1111611 Ni to subscribers at the foliowing Cash reties, "viz: Fingle übserlbers per year Semi Weekty..6l 60 Ten if it (I ..12 00 Twenty a it ..22 00 Single subserihers, Weekly _ 1 00 In LAW OP NEWSAPERS. . . . It subs, ribers order the discontinuance of their cows papers, the publisher may continue to send them until arrearagos are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are directoi. they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. ettantous ii6IIO.LS Sr, BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 40r- XX Co M WI. a, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENIVA. ESP r CTIV ELY invite the attention .1.111) of the pubho to their large and well selected etoe• of GROCERIES PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND 00 MESTIG :FRETS. We now offer for sale' Stewarts, Laveritigs Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, lateen and*Blach. Teas, Coffee, Spices. and ,Flavoring [Extracts. _ _ ALSO, FLOUR b~ISH, SALT, LARD, • HAMS, We inv,te an examination ef our superior , 'NON-EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, Unsquolled in ever v respect by. any la the market, to gether wm, all kind; of iiimi..§, SHADES, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, " , Ste We have itioyargest a ssorttnera of • •. GLASSWARE 8a QUEENSWARE la .the city also, a I kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. Call and eau - mine at our old stand,. • • • NICH - OLS & BOWSIAN, Corziel'Frout and. Murket streets, Eepti2 EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, UANUFAOTURER or BOOE-BINDERS' 11111,ING-MAIEINES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACHINES FOR GRINDING OUTIING-MACH;INE KNIVES. Fortattle Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, • General Machine Work and Iron and Brass C AST INOS, WOOD TURNIN9 fN ALL Ira BRANOHD:Is SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, E2V., ETC., Any Machine .of Wood; Iron or Brass made to order. Gear. and . Screw Cutting, &c. H.IUKOK'S. PATENT WOODEN SOBEW curruplTOQLS: Air a . t•id for Uld.Uopper, , Bra-s, apelter, &c: • ,i'N.A V 1 BOILERS, PI.,NNS 1 L PAR IA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR. W cd various patterns, bcoth_ station,ry_ ancl, awingint. Sash Weiebls and vanoui olher C 0.3 pugs, for sale viers cbrao $u ' [r424 . .1yr ',WORKS. 0011 FOR FARMERS , HR attention of agriculTurists is directed to the following Works,Which - Will enable Meal Mermen the , iiirantity . end 'value of their crops by adding science 'anti - the expert . ,ments . of,others thein_expertence : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF' TICE FARM, de 'tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best way to .rm them'. Price: —3 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICCLTURE snit Beal Economy. 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING , by * Alien: 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Bnel .. 75' ' ON TUBE, by Johnaton...... 50 THE AMERICAN FA.RMER4neW and uni versal handbook, with 400 engiavings..2 50 4.N2 EAST METHOD OF 7MANAGING REES, Ly Weeks, . 20 The Nature and 'l'reatment of Diseases • Cattle, by Dadd . ' • .1 00 LEISIG'S AGRlool,liJiiitUaßiliiliklY 75 firi.,Cll. COWS AND DAIRY =FARMING, and the .production of milky, I:utter, cheese, brFlint.. 1 59 GRASSES AND FORAGE. PLANTS,i by - Lynch .2 .. I's. .1 60 SAXTON'S"' HAtip_i3ij,s4d6oiaotig the Horie,-the'cniv, th'e ezz..l 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONAItYandRrac-,. tieal Farmer, by Dr: Gardner:; .`. 1;:60. ALEN'S TX.JMES'IIO ANIMALS . , ,-16 TILE FIRLP. BOOK OF ..11tANDRESJ or American. Muck-Book.:::.:.::.: . ..1 25. 'THE' HORSE Arrp 3Tr,s DTSEA - SES, by ' • J.... • 100 • YOUATT,Ort Tar...l 25 EuND'S FARRIERY and 5T111;800K . ....1. p o, HOItSt_MOSIII.P and the - Breakint and - Whining of Horses.. ......... .. 75 Standard BOoks, School Boas, arid' every thing in the stationery line, atlaWest prices, at BERGNEK's 0/IKAP BOOK STORE. LIFE INSIVE.ANO - E. The Girard Lite Insuraice, , .Annuity and Mast Compao9 of Philadelphia. OFIIOI NO. 408 L I LESTITUVS7BEE2I. (CHARTER PERPETUAL) CAPITAL AND ASSETS. ....... • . ...... ...$1,548;38d - THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN 5 . , -- ‘JAMES, actuary, c.aLiTIN,U E make 1-NBUEANCE ON .LIVEtou the most re480)3, libje tering. 'hey set as Executors, Trusteee and .Guardians under last Wills. and as Receivers and Assignee& - The capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly inoreasbag reserved fund, offers a perfect•'mow ty to th insured. The premiums may be'paid yearki,lyaf yearly or guar. teriy. LY Li the company add a. BONUS periodically to the, Tam rawer, for Lie.- The FIRST BONUS 'appropriated in De nember 1844,-the SECOND BONUS in December, 184 9, the Mili:BONltB4. Doeember, 1854, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1889.. These additions are made without re- (miring arty *grease It the premiums to be pit id to the CompanY. A The following ale a few example from'tbe,Register I 1 tt Amouut of Policy and __ Sulu " Bonus or bonus to be increased K 41199., losurfid addilign, Liquis_udditions. No. E3l $2500 ~I . G 332 60 ' I • 2 3 M41 60 " 182 3000 . ,?3,000: l 4): 00 °. 00 "..190 . 1000 400 00 1,400 00 .4 .e.sszt I. 1 u 1 6000 - 1, 870 00 . v 6,875 00.... Agant - at ‘llBb3rg tad lio!Fity:,• - •,I; , .... wlLLia.e.t • 010411 y titisDita VOL XVIIII FRIENDS OF THE SOLDIER, IMAD! FAT1,1ER5.,' , 101t....--THAT - HRAVE SONS: - .1.1*.i:31if ..,.-,'•:-.•:....,.. ... 'ARMY,.:4EAD.I.::---R.AD-1.,-.H,-.'":„,.-.".-,.:......::::: BROTHERS, YOU THAT HAVE:BROTHERS FIGHTVG FOR YOUR COUNTRY READ I READ l READ! At a period when the hot shot and bombs *ere 'falling thick and fast around the gallant band who were defending their country's. honor in Fort Sumter, Gov. Curtin had sent into the Legislature of the State, then in session, a message suggesting the better or ganization of the militia, and asking for an appropriation of five hundred thousand dollars to place the state on a war footing.. When the bill proposing to make this' appropriation 'came 'before !the Legislature, Dr. Heck voted against it, and thus practically de clared his disregard'of all that aimed' at the defence of our homes and the preservation of our liberties. = • " ' The bill as it paised, can be found in the last year's vOlume of the laws of the state, page 229 ~.and the :proceedings ,attending: its -..„ t passage in the House, in the 'Journal of 1861,.page 957. We c*- tract the yeas and nays as they appear on the-Journal of the House : &C., &O , . YEAS-Messrs. ' Abbott, Acker, Alexander, Anderson, Arrnstrong, &shorn, Austin, Barnsley, , Bartholomew, Else, Baler, Blair, Blanchard, 131183, Byer, Bressler, Brewster, ilurns, ButleF, (Crawford,)Byrne, Cliuk, Cowan, Craig, Douglass, Duncan, Ellenberger; !Elliott, Fr t azier, Gibboney, Goehring, Gordon, Graharn, Rapper, Harvey, Hayes,- Hillman, HoOd, ,Hofiva; Huhn, Irvin, Koch, Lawrence, Lelsenring, LOWther, PEGOnigal, Marshall; , Moore,- put, OaterhoPatterion, Pleree;*Treeton, Ptighe, Reily, Ridgway, Robinsonßoller, Seltzer, ttc Shafer, Sheppard, Smith, (Berke,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Stehman, Strang; TaYkri;• l •Teller, Thomas, Trady,'Waler, White, :trildey, Williams, Wilson and Davis; Speaker-76.. Wars—Messrs. Brodhead, Butler, (Carlscia,) Caldwell, Cope, Dieinaut, 'Mythic pulley,: Duf- Lfield,.Durilap, Gaskill; . • - _ 30. Hill, Kline, Lichtenwaliner, kr.Ponough,' Manifold, Morrison, Myers, 'Blida% Seis? and Rhoads-2i'. ' - ' •-• • , Freemen of Dauphin county ! Soldiers! who marched at the first call of danger to the defence of the /capital of your eOuntry'and who still - rest upon your arms night and day ,around the limits of that capital, are you ready to vote for a man who so ilightlY es 'tima,ted the honor of yoar country and the lives of its defendera ? Dr. Heck is one of the old Breckenridge Democrats who sympathized and still sympathize with and confide in the course of , the traitor BreCkenridge, and showed his attachment for those who are at the head of this rebellion by refnsing to make an appropriation to . arm the great state of Pennsylvania to aid their overthrow am). its .suppression. This man is again before you', and again solicitP your vote that he may again disgrace the' hails of legislation with his presence and his conduct 'He desirdiqo be returned aths,:t he may aid in embarrassing the future efforts of our noble old onn monwealth in assisting to redeem the land from rebellion by enf?ic ing the laws and vindicating the federal authority. No patriot, no brave,, loyal lover of his country can , vote for Dr Heck Freemen, ; remember that thisis the re,Oord of Dr. Heck - whilst he-was inthe `Le gislature. Let us now examine hiC action at a later period.- , . On the 7th day of August, 1862, the Democratic County 6fiventioi met fit :the Court House,kin this city, for the purpose of nominating a ticket. Dr. LEWIS HECK was a delegate to that Convention; and assisted in nominating. , thimself -,45 ; 4 candidate ;'for the Legislature. We copy the following from the Pairioi. , a4d of August 8, 1862, viz • • " Dr. HECK moved that the resolutions passed by the ,Demoeratic Staie COnien ion on, the 4th of July be ,adopted by this Convention "The reading of the resolutions was• called for, , and .after, reading of which "they • were adopted 'amid applause.'' • -- The resolutions and nominations of that Convention haii - thud been' fairly= and openly, approved_ by Dr HECK, and.we give, him all due , credit for his• 'action in. having . them adopted. He stands-therefore squaiely: up to the , plittfcirra-- , obickthe friends of the traitor 'John C:.Brebkeriiidge advocated in. this , Statd. The candidatS4 nominated by that convention are alsd the avoWed, enemies of the country. Isaac Slenker arupames P. Barr, for Auditor";antl::Surveyor•Oenerak• are .t( it: • both on- : the record as- the abettors of 'rebelßon. Blenker seconded the Art?, ,of, Buchanan (to - steal of purehatieCaba---And'l2e was l alsol-in , favor and would now es tablish, ,he had 'the'pewer, the llave trade :in every,,port of-the`pniofii: Barr is •known to have so far defended treason as,:to have incurred the gefof :a :baiter at Pittsburg. Such is the record , and such the company in which we find Dr. Heck First, We find him Toting against arming the• State, Second, We disnver him in'a Convention ` called to endorse the proceedings ; of those who openly oppose the National Government. 11 Third, He refused to vote money to pay those ,who, to , defend the .4.. • " 44 4 x.L ho or and glory of the Commonwealth. , = 4,-44 =4:, • • - stieh Alan ob - Oilliy ti-oeat in the •Legiolature MS "INDEPENDENT IN ALL HARRISBURG, PA. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 4, 1862 eill . lltirgtali c h4 ..411TT 13, Le 'I 'g gONR: . , ' From oitr NoriAl!ig FRONIIIVASHING:TOA. S'I'RI.NGENT A-RMY ORDERS, IdzO • •-• .• • Wastfurarrotr,• The Solicitor of the Treating has given a second opinion concerning,the removal of goods from their paenufactory, i ,prior, to the drit.of. September, and by this ()pinion all koods eetti removed from the prettifies where mane• frictrited,: ate exempt-from taxation. • .By the word: premises is ; meant not onli , the building which the manufacture is car . riedOn, hut also the storehousescenneeted there*ltli, or us: d for the parfaits(' orateting the mardifii . d7 tures. The opinion -: will ;be.printed and orlistri; huted immediately. _ The consultation.of . .,a committee of, whole sale liquor dealers - frOm New York yester s day, with tlie'corntrii.4iieri on internal revetine. was for' the% purpOse • of - fuming .regulations .;litab lished, will. facilitate t.40,410v134 and sellinkotspiritain hond for ,exptiort. . Several propositions been submitted, but as! yet, no conclusions haverbeen-teachld. . Au - the The ecintract lorithefaupply_of .statione" Washington Navy Yard, has beeh aw rded to Philips 81, Solmons, of this city . Ceiverkter'Lle,onara , Wentworth,lT: S.. 414, Wholwas bidered to the' Jamestown, cannot' be found., ;'. • A.l t ..... 't .. .. I ''. .. . .k. .. ..' 4.9 0 rding tp an act Pf:Q/Pgress of:JOy!likst, the western gunboat , fleellas just' been Mane (erred-front the 'War tti the Navy `Depirtiiient. , All the•veitsels , now- under construction re pair by:atithority:of the War ; DePartPen ,!are to be completed and paid for under the aqthor , ity that. Department fromaiipropriati4s for that ptirpese:' - • . The War Department informed that cer:i tain_Generallotlicers of ,the volunteer servile, on, being relieved from their commands or karin-, ferred from - citie command to 'another ihave occasionally carried off with theta = the , soldiers employed as clerks or. orderlies at. their ,fdrriter headquarters.,. : A. recent , general order Fibs not only,hadthey no right and should) , itiire known better' thin to do so, hutiit'sVas 'wrong inithelr imperiorsincommaint to • permit it, nor, willt it again be permitted. All: soldiers, , enlitapre iickto.ttironai their 171g!Ments, will be immediate-. Axreturnedfo,thein t ,findiihii cOmrnandleg offi; cep of : ill re*iments from, whiOl men _are; irr,egularlY olotaaied;sbitil; giiotretitrdiwith— aretteonahle erne,. promptly repoitltlie I &etre to the Adjritantlgeneral'eoffirt:.l:l4:tbe ta 0 4 6 ... ; „ ;. 6 ,..? " 1,.t4iP9Ratri 6 1it ' fl 41-.9.rkwgrt9. army. i otdere just issued,: no officer will:, hereafter be : 'ffern.his commend and 'Bede. report' in this' city, 'Lvitith-, out` - the authority of the War Departinent. Wheret;•subordinite -j•-officers--dre.•-guil,ty • ;of :military: offenftes,f,or are _negligent .or, tricorn, patent,, it: i 3 the . dirty of, the, .opmrnander: to havethem tried for "their . offences or examined: in -rdgard''tn - their incompetency 'by -proper counter commigidon, and this duty • cannotlbe evade,dly sending pktgrito Washlngten, !dere: after, ,officers so sent to headquarters, will immediately . °riled back, - and those who ,senti them-Wilfbe (kerne& guilty of disobedience of orders. - • , No person shall be mustered tutu the services of tile United : States a r member of the ?corps of sharpshooters' onlese . 'he - shill . produte. the: certificate of-tscomo-Persori:lduly authoriend by the-Governor the. State in. which -the! com, patty, is.raised, that he has in five .consebutive. shots at ten hundred yards', at rest," Made a string riot'over'twenty,fiveinehes, or the same string off hand at-one hundred yards. ; The certificatelto.he_written ondle,target, ASed. at the test. . . , . , The'State, prisoners to be eiclianged I ..eft ;here affernoon;iinder' the' superintendence of kiej. , fichenck4kir. , ,Woddewho >has charge of the,old.,Capitolprison o accompanied..,thimi . to tmotiate i the e]rcharige. ,A gentleman who witnessed a ,skirmiSh :be tween our.„pipkets and . those .of, the enemy,states that : Our c , tvalry pickets in Isle of Wight Were acr'ess'the . Blackwater; at 'Frank lin Sotullangiton county, on. Tursday last_-- COL' Marshall was in• command of our force on this . side of the river, and the bridge was kuaxd-, ed. by a 32-pouiidei of Riehai4ion's Jams City Artillery; which opened in reply to the enemy's pieces. -'lhefuer4rom this gun was well aimed, sand.the khati,ex_plodhio . ,_ among the ;enemy • capr i d. them -to. retreot. .Ul) . on crossing the railroattShull fiCiiii • araitber 32-pounder of the t • . same battery,: under command of _Lieut. plater, PanAinifirria, Oct. 8• WAIL the,m h ist of:the enemy and em tikd sev.- Flour lid here_ IM is a O e e n- oral se dies. Their 'foss was three killed . and quity_ibuth,for shipmentand home coßsuintition. seVerttrarouride , according to inform .iop of ,Sales of 20,000 bbls. at 54512"8: superfltuVaitizeneresidbiglin that vicinity. Jul his fetreiit, and 6'254,6'50 for j ekVe'faltibr.' - Receiptsi and, therinemy_litrat bridge to prevent • itlrsuit. atticka light4-"yeilour-Or T 0.49 are „suppogedto . have ,numberecli meal., and "40 believed - they designed'a 'laid! Milk*? 50,W0 bus.. were,dispmed ,at $1 ; 50 for - red, road between Petersburg strid'Weldon.- . and I 5 . 9qA 60 for , - ,White. change in rye , PROGRESS OF TIM YELLOW PEP= AT WILMINGTON, cornlll - 0154 d z einand, l iwid 2;2oo'hus. - or,yellow. .. ••*- • imam mu L oyi. NA " • . • sold:at 70 "eta Oatmati3-icane - p-salei-,off, . - Advices•from.Wilmington, N. C., are plater em at AloCta.d Coffee„: sugar and : .mulatiseei r are than Thursday, (the telegraph office dehat firm. • ;,009 E lot s-b • ed w er . e .t ak f m 115 Y the 't h vin . 14 F government on PriVateternis.' .SI e e our •ths • - • , , . occurrea on Wednesday night • and two new fifmly at; i 3 . !te: ' •••• • ' -,r of 'fever (weaned on Thursday. A large TA, ot 7' number of families lave fled to the coriutrylto " Oottoh varicedise..l. ! Sales of reponl2l.l4ths ‘ epidemic dies.ont. The Pro -15,000 bliols. at $5 3045 45-fer. State ;, $6 950, voit, Marshal's biTice has been`` closed' it'fid the 6 10 - for - Ohio-V.5-.99@81*. Southern. 'gbafd'dispeased withl The - physicians of the heavy.lBides of.• 189,000 , city were very-niuoli exhausted! Thei Mayor at $1 09®,t 17 for ~ Chicagol.Spring ; '4l . 3 0 51 g. .of_Wilniington had sent Aluilnilowing Message 1 19 fora and $l.. 23a1,. 9 for hfayor Macbeth, of Charleston South Cam • rad. Cora dull; ' Sales of 50;000114 at:sBg • 600 • Pork iiteadk,i at. Vali 65a11 ,75ifoiv • "The yellow feiler is'epidemio•here; incress-• ateadyit . rOof- big rapidly; and our physicians, are nearly ex tee buOyant..' 1400 bagatif Rio igild at 280230. hausted. Some of them are already aick. Can ßeceipts of flour, 150,0 0011 hb 18 .-; you send us some experienced assistants for the 104,000!bu5..; COTII,'-60,000 , ba5“ .!! • • '. -Bike of humanity P . . . 1- .'Nliar =lions; Oct. ac—The public Aisle of' teas TaiTiiit:ass kt - daYc ,, Were s well attentiad,andKpr4es were obtained. yae,wpolmarket was very dull,.and the . Prinis' for both doifatitic and'foreignihmer, _MONDAY, gept. —Mr: Semmes; of La., Wars seeming t o W a ri z e. - , alibluitted - the 'foll'oWitig joint*olutioil : tßisotvid,-13y•the Congress!of. the ,Confederate , • , • -DaFßcl, 04. The_ - Union Statec.onvention_whicti intet — nt Jackson yestettlay„nominated WrOn Git Stout for dtpietnOi; *kid's; full" Statelicket. I!=cgr's BY MtoWs. ; -Bemzuoitz,.. Ocil i • FlourSkrixt; . l , 4l4lo if4ifiay cfgn quiet; white: ,71®,78e ;, yejlow 69®,'700 whisky firm t'afier provisions dulr;"dbffee steady. - Market , YoMi Oct: "- Stocks are-beiter: Sterling *Ytchange d till at , 86 perraMt: , premium ; Chibsgor and , ;Bock Island 04„4 Qupp,, Cal 11* ;,.111inois Central Nailroad; Illinois Central - Batts ipsi ; , Michigan t Scitithetu 7q; New' York denirid . / 08 i 'Pennsylvittkie coal. 10_8 ; =Reading'' wily; MiEll3oAti 66. 4 -il'ennessee sixe s 55 ; Demand' per'notes: T9k cficirpritidriM ; Tilted ,Pkates Tretwilrypbtoi Silcs - A94s;' 31 4qil of.lBBl LATE NEWS FROM THE SOUTH• RICHMOND PAPERS OP SEPT. 30 The Rebel Congem on President lahoolo's, Proclamation. . havereceived Richmond paPeis of Sept 29t1Vand - SOthi from - which we-take the follow in 4 . ' [From the Riot=Ond Whig of Sept. 80.] GENZERAL LEE'S Aitarzi. We had an interview hut night with' Mr. Crocker, Chief of ...the. Army Intelligence Office, who had just arrived trim General. Lee's army. He hint 'Succeeded in olitairib* 'caibpletri = lists of casualties in the battles at and near Manassas, mad also.eoelPleto lists of the casualties of all i the,engagerrienta - in Maryland, except iii the Aulgades,of Anderson and Jenkins, with which expects to_he ,supplieri few days. Our ,entire, hoes in,llie.Maian,sas battles do not ex ceed and flow in the engage ~ ,Ptlaryland.imagn . between .fivU and seven thousand. TiustilusSes, heavy.abd pain ful as they are, are muc h lighter than the; putP beeti'-`led to' believe.' Beyond doubt, they-are lets than une-fourth of those sustained, Aly the enemy. Mr. Crocker,• who wan_preseut,- ,p,r.onounces the hatile of . Sharpsbnrg a k:1 Car arid incontestable victory. the MiemY'back While the; fight baited; and :slept upon the-field,i holdingAt for-twenty-lour hours', ' and; then allandoningA voinntsrily,and with out moltstatiota.. Mr. Crocker rays our. army is in fine ready 'renew the ;fight whennieilthelr great leader may give the Word., -They are, in tt-new..position,,the precise locality of which need not kis designated, • , =MI • -Thee folloviing4s;the. official .aiiiicouticepielit glon. : Xleacisegarl ,hla .assuitiptioa of the tpmraaticl.of,thedepayttue4t Scmth Cat'olina; -• HICAn4'ItB DKPAILTitaiNT S. C. and GA. ..:. t ;" Sept: 24, 1862. ; f ." Disdain° command.of the deparlinent; pur suant•to paragraphXV,,Bpecial Ordertf NO. 202,,Adjut a nt ,and Inspector General's Cface, ItictimonkAugnst 29, 1862. AirexiSting 'orildni will remain in fore& until otherwise directed from these headquartets. In, entszhig,npou my ditties, which may in yelve esrlY, 41,1. - Y'the cdefence of thU most hupcirtant cities _in the - Confederate 'Btates, ,a,gal4f.:the, most . formidable efforts of our powerful e.,nejny. rely on the &dent patriotittnpe inie:llfgetit and .unconquerable spirit of_ the officers and Men under my com mand, hiabstain me ittectarsiiinlif. But to main nnr with credit to our criunitiy and Ao; 9,131 own honor, and: to. avoid irremediable 'disaster if hi — essential that 'all shall yield im :pllcikokiiience, to any orders emanating from supeiior anthoilty. Baia4l4 General Thomas Jordan'is announ ced haSsljutent ina,lnspector General-in-Chief of"Staif of thepePartinent . . ' (Sikned), U. T. BgAIfIIEGARD - -Genera! Comnianding. 'Official; 'Timm4s; Joans,n„ Chief of Staff and e Our _information, -from. a reliable. source, .says the Grenada Appeal, is that, a magnificent being. organized Neat 01, the fillifistoEiPPii ,to. contentt,with.the Federal invaders. Or its .extenta,ud unnecessary to speak, suffice say. that It is sufficient to rid the _country of.the vandals that have so .10og de vastated it. Every report frqm the Itrans- Mississippi department is encouraging. • • . " RUNNING 'TM& BLOCKADE.' 7 On th l ir . scray, n fog last 'tie_ steamer . . gate i O blockade, ard'anglipred near SrottOvd , r the Ca. .6 Tear: 'She started it, the , ; mouth of,, r ,„- for Vnittkingtoki TUB ENEMY IN SOUTHAMPTON COUNTri ....,--.._ . _ ~.. ..,_ Ettites,fflud, the Troolin l o9 ll of .4bnkhitin , Lin. coin, President of the United Stat4s of I,ilon' ex i.. a, liana at tha city of Waghirigta' a-,. on th' a 22d day Of •September, - -in the year df 1862, wherein he declares:: "ihanon .the tirsti day of January, in OieleF of .Our Lord, 1868 ,; all Per 11911s held as slaves wit hin any'State; or, desig ntAted-part. 'of ' - a' State;= - the ., . people ihereof shall 'be nt , rebelliow against the i United States; shall be thenceforward.and forelimr free- — r is levelled agsinst the citizens of the'Confed qate gilded,: and'as 'siich is a gross violation' of civilized Wirt's* . an 'outrage on'the rights of Vibrate' property, and an invitation its an .atro clone and servile year, and,thereforo„,shoald be heldv„up to; the execration of manitind, and tersceeif by slid sovdi6 iitaliitlity ' mea sues din the judgment of OA , Piesidint may OEMS NO. 31. --,~•, ==l &Bdi:• 44311.1711EGARD FROM mucAlisis grtsam tinting .trase. Raring Procured Steam Power Preares, we are proper ed to execute JOB end BOON PRINTING oT every deaCrlption, cheaper th.n It, ran be done at any other eatablistunerit In the 0)=47. - &- . . RATES OF WIC/111'0Q. sir Four . lines or lees constnnte ene-half square. Right lines or more than four constitute a square. Half Square, one illy SO 25 St one week 125 .. one mo,,th ............... ........ 2 50 " three 2110111113 4 00 six months 6 00 ~ one y., ar . 10 00 One Square t one day ..... ... Lc one sr,* it one month .. tt three me:Atli. " six mooch. "one year . . thisenoss notices inserted In the Local Goininn, or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT DENTS PER LINE for each insertion. Itir Marriage. and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements be beet calculated to secure ib3 withdrawal or arre-t of executiou. Mr. Clark of Mo., moved that. the resolu. tions be referred to the Committee of Foreign Affairs. Ile was in favor of declaring every citiwn of the Confederacy a soldier, authorized to put to death every man caught on oar a 11 in arms against the Government. Mr Semmes said the resolution had not been drawn without reflection. The question of re latiagton was - exdusively an. executive one, to be regulated by circumstances, but it was pro per that the legislative department of the gov ernment should express its approval of the re taliation contemplated by the resolution. Mr. Henry, of Tenn., said the resolution did not go far enough. He tivored the passage of a law providing that upon any attempt to exe cute the proclamation of Abraham Lincoln, we would hoist the black flag - and proclaim a war of extermination against all invaders of our soil. Mr. Phelan, of Min.; said be bad always been in fever of conducting the war under the black flag. If that 114 g mid been raisel at Ma nassas a year ago this war would have been ended ere now. Mr. Yancey, of Ma , moved that the pend ing resolution, together with the E,Tolutions submitted by him some time since, relative to retaliation, !etc etc. be referred to a select committee of dime, and be made the special order of the day for Wednesday next. putnett, of lientncky,_ . _moved that all the said resolutOis be referred to the -Commit tee of the Judiciary. After remarks by several members, the motion was agreed to. cat lOntrketintuts. Ali ENTIRE NEW STOOL OF GOLD PENS ! HE hest and largest assortment of Gold Pais I bas just been opened at BERGNER'S ()HEAP BOOK STORE. Thalia Pena are manufactured by C. F. Newton & Co., of New. York, and warranted to give all eatiefaction. A trial will satisfy one. any Examine the prices below Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 26 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 50 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 76 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 26 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76. Gold Pea and Silver Holder for $8 26 Gold Pen'and Silver Holder for $3 76 Gold Pea and Silver Holcl!r for $4 26 Gold Pau and Pawn, with Rubber Holder $6 00 Gold Pen and Pencil , with Rubber Holder, $7 00. . S. WARD & CO. AGENTS FOR STEINWAY'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS. Prizces Melodeou (to• VIOLINS, GUITARS, FLUTES,, FIFES, AG CORDEONS, _DRUMS, AND MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, of: eorery kind. HOWE'S SEWING MACHINES •• PO.RT.RAIT "FRAM:ES: Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors. 'Photograph Primes anifillillins, at the New musk Store of S WARD & att2l44lly No. 14 Market aware, near ens's. • 011A13, T.ER . O.A FAMILY FLOUR, UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY -FANoY BRAND OFF HEED IN PENNSYLVANIA /7 IS . MADE OP CROWS MISSOIMI WRITE vor-Deaverotany.pwe in the aq, free.of charge TRlPPliqktsh on delivery jyBo ~ WM. DOCIIOi., &Co, ...i. .1 N ,S,.U. It A. N.O E . . . . . , ~ , Marine, Tire - and . Inland. Transportation, Central Agfzasy,at Harrisburg, Pa:, of the INSMINCH'COMPANY-OP NOR-TH LNBILIC. - -.'-' OF' PHILADELPHIA: . . . Incorporated 1794—Charter Perpetual Oapital .. - - • Oa Assets .. $l4OO. 000 ' " ' • and - DIRECTORS. '' ' • ''' '-' Arthur G Coffin, Sattfuel W.4diferilithii A..'.Brown, Samuel F. Smith,: Dhearies,Jaylf4,-: Ombtoati White, John it. Nell, Richard D. Wool, Willitaff Welsh, Wililam 1.• Bowen James Ni' Minim; $' , kortis , 'Wain, Jima dasan„ Georde.D.Alartipon,Ft:altma, L Cope, Di ...ant H. firtitter„EdtVard S. Clarke. "" •• • • - - .' ' -' ' ;• • ~-; .• :;• & IMAM G. COF,IN; President. CHARLES PLATT, Simian,. As central agent tar th above name company, the underaigeed ievrepared to, lake Fire .na m in any part of ;he t.,bile cot reituayivania, either annually or -perpet ually; on the moat favonsb le terms- - • Office nard,iiireet between iVe4i l j,if and ,Str &wherry illey; Bu-liiil row: -' - - - .'. ' wILLIADI BUEILLEB,, ielo-dly Durriabiug Pa. : • /GS, Dates, Pranee,.. Raisins and all I L l a nd . a Nam, at JOHN' V,ClSpillord, Third and alma: <, ' ' ' - ' '• ' ' .-- i' - flirt IF 2000 RIMS TOR . SALE AT LEMAWS RIFLE WORKS, TaliciAsTEß, PBX.OES ...$7 50 IQ $10 ; 00 BADS I I _ Addled's HENRY B. LEMAN ; Lancaster, Ps. f. i P URE c id er wit' Jpgar t a t ifor r im io A r .s sale low by 1725 Corner' Flout Marker streets. OULOGNA SMALL, but very superior lot of mogna saulyp fait received, no . 200 . 5 00 .10 00 .10 00 .20 00