13 unintso Qtarbs. DAN'L. L MITENCH I AGENT. (IF the Old Wallower Line respectfully 'Ur. informs the public that this Old Daily Transporta tion Use, (the only Wallower. Line now in exist,nee in this City,) is is In successful operation, and prepared to carry freight ea low as any other Individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, .911abury, Lewisburg, Wil - Han/sport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and W il- Damspert and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. MIIHNHarC Agent. r H, isburg, Pa. • .. . _ .eoodi(gent to the Ware noose of Messra. Peacock, Zell & ninchmsik, Noa 808 and 810 Market street so ove Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. M., will arrive st lilairiabnrg, ready for delivery next morning. aprBo-rdmyl B 1 Z. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 3f4111CE7 =WM, HARRISBURG. NAS always on hand a full assortment Of Tin and Japanned Ware, Cooking and Parlor Stoves of the best manufacturing, Grate , Spouting, Roof ing and Galvanized Iron Cornish, manufactured and pa t rip at reasonable rates. agg- Repairing promptly attended to. apr3O-dly REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed his Root and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET'STREET, Next door to - Rayne's Agriculture Stern, where he Intends to keep all hinds of Boots w.d. Shoes, Gaiters, dm., and a large, stock of Trunks, and everything in Ma line of bu siness ; and will 'be thankful to receive the patronage of his Old customers and the puha,' in genend at his new plains of businees. All kinds of work made to order is the beat style and by superior workmen. Repairing done al short notice. rapr2dti] JOHN G. SMITH. A. C. 13.111/TEL, ATTOBNEY:AT-LAW OFFICE THIRD . STREET; mylOy) NUR W=ET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. I.)R. P. H. A.LLA.BACH, durgeon Den tist, Manulachireiot Mieeral Plate Teeth, the only method that obviates; every objection to the use of arti. finial teeter, embracing partial, half and whole sets of one piece only, of pure and iudestrucliole mineral, there are, ttnurevietia ler the act:cumulation of mall particles or feed and therefore, no intensive odes from the breath, as no me tal is health their construntion; there can be infgalvanlc action or metallic taste. • Hellol3 iho indiv Ideal is cot JUL noyed with sore throat. handnata, ke. OOoe No. 43 North 6oe.ond street, ilarrlebure howl .111. . THEO. F. tiCHEFFER, BOOR AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, AQLEKET STREET, HARRISBURG age Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Minding of Railroad: Blank's, Manifests, Petioles, Oho eke, Drafts, km CARDS printed st $2, $2, $4, snd $6 per houssud to elegant style. 120 SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO , WHOLESALE DI.IUGQISTS , AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per famery, Ste. Also agents for the sale el Ituflne.i Petroleum, Illuminating till, superior to any coal oil furnished Many quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 William Street, a27d6ml • NEW YORE.. PROF. ADOLPH P. TELI PSER. %Art./OLD tespectfully inform hie 010 IT patrons and the public generailyrtnat ho vib Continuo in give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, MI: LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOICQUAB BA.. de will w•th pleasure Wait upon pupils at then heaves at any hour desired, or lessens will be gives his residence, is Third slyest, = few doors below th Germs., deformed Church_ deel6•dtl WM. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND, GAS FITTER• Third - Street, nezt door to the Telegraph Fringing Offece. STORES, dwellings, churches, public buildings, factories, As., fitted up with gas, lead and iron pipe in a workman like manner. Hydrants, Wash basins, Bath Tubs, Lift and Fortis Pump?, Water Ci 0304 Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas sad steam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. • All work promptly attended to. myBD4l3in. elistzllaniuus UNION it ES f tt N , Dri.T.TA • D AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 111.6.11KET STENET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a larg e building at the above place, expressly fur the p&p 0• sea above indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub. lie to the following : Tss Itsurauxasr, on the first flour, with a dining room attached, is fitted up in Arst-class style, and it will at all times be suppled with the best OYSTERd to r be had In the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, thait, and all kinds of game in season. Oysters served op in every style, and meals to be had at all hours. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on band. The Teu-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, in the rear, mad contatimiXbree • alleys of modern construction; where the lovers of this healthy exercise can enjoy Meineel VO6. The. Billiard Saloon is upstairs—elegantly titled up, end mutable three marble top combination cushion ta bles, equal to any made. Marrieburg has Long felt the:want of a grand combin. atlon of this kind, and as the proprietors are determine d to conduct it In a quiet and orderly manner, and . do eve rything in their power to make It a lastionable recur i they hope to receive a liberal shard of public patro jab-dtf WILLIAM C. McFADDIiN &00. BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAP r_R ) fOA covering Looking Glasses, Picture , Viruses, ornamenting Celltugs, trimming Gas PlPec and out so as to bang over strings in the shape, o 1 Mara, points, circles or festoons. Por sale at MY6I. SCHEFF ER'S soossroßE. RUBBER, GOODS Rubbe Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, „„- Rubber,j(iye generally 8t 'BERGNER'S CFIRAT POCKET BIBLES, A FULL assortment of Pocket Bibles .110111- and Testaments, for the soldiers, just re ceived at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. LASS :dare for .putting up fruit, 'the coiebrated 1111vIlle patent ) cheap, simple and et• forsaal, w‘rranted to give saustaocion, pot received and for Saks by NICHOLS & BiIW,SE&N, jele Corner sront'and Market S treet. SPICFS of all kinds, whole and ground, warranted freab and pure, for tale log by NICHOLS MarkALIN, Corner Front and t street& LEM CIDER Vinegar, warranted pure, for sale low, by NICHOL'S & BOWMA:, septl2 Clornq pont and Market stree ts. §UUARS for preserving; call and exam Me at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 31 Corner Front and Market. EMP. et, p iONS , raisons, c - aciannie &C., j u s t 1 , - readied and for kale by - =now & BOWMAN, ,Cur. Front and Market streets.:__ UM - IGlRf;sn - FISH every Tuesday and Friday 1 . 7 at „Rum wmg, , ,. 3 Store, corner of Third and• Walk ant. • myly MOTIONS:L . -Quite a variety of useful vjd swertaining urtietes—cbeal..—at . ` h 13/41eSTR.R ., , jRESH Lemons 'and - Raisins just ie calved and for iale low by .01.4 NICHOLS& BOWMAN, Cbrnor Front and Market. atree a. WARDELL & LEVINESS, Pickles and Catsup', for Bala at JOHN - IDIY ' Ntw e2tbvtrtistmtnts PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I SUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND LITER MONDAY MAY sth, 1862 The Pasaenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart nom and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. PEEROUGIELEXPEESS TRAIN . leaves Hanimbrail dal/7 at 1.16 a. m, and arrives at Prost Philadelphia at 6.10 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except . Mondays) at 5.30 a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9. PAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.20 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.25 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives, at West Phila delphia at 12.25 p. m. HARRISIII7IO3 ACCOMMODATION mini, via COlam• bia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m.. and arrives at Mat Philadelphia at 9.25:p. m. WESTWARD THROUGH EXPRRBii TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.35 p. m., Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m,, Altoona 8.10, a; in. nd arrives at Pitiaburg at 12.85 p.. m. ,• MAIL TRAIN leave. Philadelphia at 7.15 a, m., and ar *rival at Harrisburg a412,80p. in..; leaves Harrisburg at I.OOP. m., Altoona, 7.00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.15 a. in. PASTIME 11511•4319 Philadelp hia at 11.80 a. m., fiarrle burg 8.45 p. m ., Altoona at 8.20 Tz, m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 12.45 a. in. HARRIEBLIIG ACOOtiIIuDATION THAW leaves Pail. delpitia at 2.80 p. and arrives at Harrisburg at. 8.00 p. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION. via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.56 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 12.40 p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East, litv. Penns. Sid Woad Harrliburg, May 2, is 22 —dtf SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. in AIR LINE MUM . . ... - - - - .. • • lail : . .. . 41 1 1V1Y: ' - 7. : . , - - 'r., •'. .:-: ..- :::., r . ,•[.... , "1:-. -- , , ,, , . - •‘.7: - .T: - .1.77...,.. ; ~ -.....= , ,_... TIRED TRAINS.DAILY TO DEW YORK, AND PHILADF,I".,PHIA 9 p N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Passenger Trains will 'eau° the Phila. d hla and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New Tort'' and Philadelphia, as follows, via • EASTWARD. =PRIME LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Rxpreea Train from the West, arriving in New York. at 8.16 a.m., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. nt. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without otrango. MAIL TRAIN leavesllarrisburg at 8.00 a. m., arriving in New York at 5.30 p. m., and Philadelphia p. Ip. WART LINE leaven Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m. on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Faat Mail, arriving in Now Tarty at 9.60 p. m., and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. m, WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaven New York at Ba, m., and Philade 1- phis at Ba. m, arriving at Harrisburg at I,p. m. . MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil. adelphia at 3. 16 p. arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10. EXPRESS JJNB leaves New York at 8 p. m. are-. ving at Harrisburg at 3.00 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittabarg. A sleeping oar is also attached to thia train . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains , en the Pennsylvania, „Northern Centralandtletamberlaad Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pease'lla, Wilkimbarre, Allentown, Anton, &c. Baggage checked through. Faro between New York End Harrisburg, $6 00; between Harrisburg and Phila. delphia, $5 25 in No. I cars, and $2 . 70 in No. 2. For tickets or ether Information apply to J. J. (X V DB, myB-dtf General Agent, Harrisburg, Northern Central Railway CHANGE OP , SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TANEN TRAINS DAILY TO AND PION Close Connection 'made at liarrieburg TO AND FROM NEW YORK. • • SLEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL' NIGHT TRANS. . () i ll' AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, kir 1862, the Passenger Tram of the Northern Central Railway will arrive't and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz GOING SOUTH. MAU, TRAIN 'arrives at Harrisburg • ' 1.00 P. M. and leaves " 1.15 P. M. =TRESS " arrives at " 1155 A. M. • and leaves " 1.15 A. M. GOING NORTH. • HAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 8.20 A. M. and arrives at Harrisbbrg 11.45 P. M. and leaves North at.. - 1.15 P., IL IMPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore at........ 9.80 P. H. . and arrives at Harrisburg.... 146 A. M. and leaves Nortb at 3.0 A. II FIARRISRITIIa ACCOMMODATION 'MAIN. Leaves Harrisburg for Baltimore at ....T A N A. IC Returning—leaves Baltimore at ........ ...... 3.00 P. M. . Theonly train leaving Harrhiburg on Rundny will be the Harrisburg acoommodattin Train, South at 7-30 A. IL For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. Harrißiffirg, May 8,1862,1 y 1862. summE R 1862. ARRANGE4ENTI CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN ~ . -- _ ~ C~ ~.. _l. ~'-_____ .__ RAIL ROADS I CHAI'GS OF HOURS.--Ou and after Monday, MAY sth, 1882, Passenger Trains will fun daily, as follows, (Sundays Excepted For Ohombersburg and Harrisburt A. K. IN it Leave,Hagerstown 700 230 . " Greencastle:::.. ... —....7 87 385 . - Arrive at. ' 817 420 Chamberaburg, - - , +-- Leave at.. ..,8.. -30 1.2 56 " Satplie •-.lnsburg , . 900 127 " Newville 982 200 ~ c o m e - 10 10 240 Steelawkart • 10 42 3 12 Arrive at H g be 11 16 8 1 40 For Chamber berg and - ilfitaxorstomm I r• 114 LOIVO narri.btrrg ...a' 05 1 86 a Mechanicsbur g .. .. 47 216 • „ ea Carlisle - . 27 .2 66 . Newville 10 02 - . 400 8 29 ‘f Shippeneburg. %....... .10 .lO 88 Chambersburg ..... , ..... „Arrive.ll. 00 420 tt Ohambereburg . .......... .Inave.. 11 10 • ' ' 4 40 o Grevneastle .............. ..... . 55 7 ' 680 Arrive at Higerstown .12 85 8 10 O. . LOLL, peg R. It. 010 e, Citambereburg May 1 , 1882.:diy & BLA.CKWELLS Celebrated YI SA UM: MEW S% 1 4,1 &c. *large suPoly , orlttp.alloyliopinbradag. everY variedn just re- Oved s#Cfor NaYeby (40) WM. MX I KFIr4 & peamiettiania Waite etle g raph-,, „irtbap 'Afternoon October 3, 1862 Johns & erostrps SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES I I WA NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & OROSLEY'S American. Cethent Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD THE CHEAPEST GIBE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEET GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL•MEND LEATHER, - Mend your Harness, Str i pe, Babe, Boots, 80. IT WILL MEND GLABS, Save the pieces or that etpeneive Cut Gloss Bottle IT WILL MEND IVORY, Doa't troww away that broken Ivory Pan, It la easily re paired. IT WILL MEND CELINA, Your broken China Cups and Saucers can be madelag good Si new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, , That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever. IT WILL MENU PORC.NILAIN No matter it that broken Pitcher did not mit but a shit. ling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That wetly Alabaster Vase a broken and you we match It, mend It, It will never show when put together. It will &tend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in , fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented WWI AMERICAN CIMENT GLOB will not 1140 w !titiwe It is ;clouded RXTRAOTti. "Every Housekeepers should haven supply or Johns It OrOehtra American Cement Gitte.". , 4l 7 . T. lister. "It is tut convenient to have In tae house."—N. Y. "ft is giros ready ; this omntnetids itself to every. body."—lndimenciant. "We have tried IL and And It so useful la our names as water."— Was' dpirit of rile 2111Itts ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO,OO per year saved In every faze It! by, Cate Bottle of AMERICAN OEMENT GLUE. Price -25 Cleats per Bottle. Price . 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. - Price 26 Gents per Bottle. Vn liberal,Red lgegiPal Wh.Okfald Buyers. TERMS CASH. -For rile by all.Druggtele, told Storekeeper. general /3' throughput, the country: . JOHNS & ONOSLEY, • (Sole llanabicter or ea, . . . 78, WILLIAM STREET Corner. of Liberty street. . ..NSW Y. OHS /IPPitaiit to Farmer. 75 all whom this may content, and ikooarerne every . 11 94 ZOEMEI & VROSLEY'I3 - xsettonin tatrria Pads CEMENT ROO'FING. The Cheapest and most durable 'Boding in use. Important to House Owen, ers. Important to Builders.: Important to Rail * Road 'Companies • IT IS FIR AIM WATIC4 PROOF. It eftn be Ilp pl led to New and OLD soon of aU kinds, steep or tint, and . to thusain Room without removing the Mingles. • Tits Cost is only anoint Ono-Third thug or 17111 AND IN TWICE 'AS IfIVEABLE This arthste bag been thoroughly tested to New Yore city and air other parts of 'the United States, Quads, Westlndiee Central and South America, on buildings of All kinds, such as norm's, FOUNDInti, Ottusonss, Rea Bann Dams, Omni, and on . Yasuo Bowmen generaty Sovavanteut Elvainteas, sre., by We principal Builders, architects and others, during 11K past four years, and flee proved to be the CHEAP= and lIDST DURABLE BOOFINO m nse; it Is In , every respect A FIRE, WA 'I Rd, WEATHER and TELE PROOF covering lbr ROOF? OF ALL KINDS This is the ONLY material oussucracturod in the thsited Mates which somblnes the very desirable properties of Elasticity and Durability, which are universally ae l caaw . lifted to be mamma by 6U724 PERUELA AND LIWL4 BOBBER. NU Heat in required in making application. The expense of applying it is hiding, u an ordinary roof can be covered and finished the Mile day . It can be applied by any one, and when finished forma a perfectly ruts Mos sinr face with an elehtto body, *doh cannot be injured by Baas, Coln or Stoma, hlutimincs of Itom BOARDI3, nor any ex ternal action wh.tever. GOTTA PERCHA CEMENT, Ror Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and F,013 PRESKRYING AND 13XPEARENG METAL BOOZZailltips. . ~, ... - - g r.f L I itualat only tAwarbidtityntiat o i s e•. fully resist extreme CallingeS of all climates for say length of time, when applied to:Metals, to which It ad biros firmly, tormin,g a body equal to tummof ordinary = este much le* eta will Acl2_ T:THRBE TIMIS AS Kt ; end from lts elasticit y a net .Injured by the on anfaxitinaion of .7*.xed. other. Nola I Roofs, consequent udon sutblenchititiei alike weather • • .110111 not . CRACK IN ,COLD 1921 -RUN IN WARN IrEAIWIR,AND WILL NOT - d,o o ny . .Thi and other Metal Rooth eturbe readily repeat., with'GUTTA PEECHA OZIONT, and imputed from therjorrinetsi Ind lOaklat ihecehy edifirlag u , p. Flatly tight roof" erinisyesza: - Xitta Cernesit to intenharly t adafeed.for the Preservation of IRON RAMONA STOyilliti BAN6II9,,SAFBe, AGRI MAMMAL IMPLEMERN,Ae., ithle •fer-genaral.. mans. [cabmen' flee. . GUTTA PERCELA: CEMENT'''. For preferring arta repawa Tin and other Metal Mateo( every description, from its great elasticity, is not WM* hi the contractioh and eapanslou or Metala,.and 'will 'not crack in cold (Irian 1n Warmi ileael t r. • 1 , •• .1 "i; • piste roolerisis aro Amnia} 10:41.1, Asaueewholed we are PreWOO OAPPlrOrders from:any psir of the w ee _ trj, et obOr,t notice; for GOTTA .PER f& ROOFING' In rolls,-ready ProPeced. for .4644. anctrALPITATIERGRA to:NT to burets, wish fall printed Aireotioas for Appli 11010012, r,• 1r2,- r. AG-NM:B ,WANTD: Na will mike lib-- and"eatief d ctSrp wish rasponaible patties who would like to elitsbliab than. trim 1 ..01JR-TtßAltik-ARE .041311. OYe ordi,give abinibintAkOor el au.r rmpToved I LX - fin !.,_ "4" 0 1 10 several thijuxiip BRO 13114.471r:01ir s jilty SXl4oslinity. • joaNl3_lk 0.7408 LET • . - sofa lieraweurirms, Wholesal Vititalikse7B Wilnam Si. • 90;ner of Lib y wtrae*.. r MOW yoft!‘ RIO dosaiiintve amanita and Prices Wili'be 4 3- al ' on application • . ODA Biscuit, City Crackers, JustreoOir' ed and for awe b'y PriCHOW: • CormeT.Fgollt,-.2!:1 • eirstreat& , 1 PORT "FOLIPB--WRITING fT entire new assortment of these useful ar t d e j t- p e e d - a t BBBIRIBB'S Muni Bookstore, LIQUID Ottbital HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION .13.10 LY CONOWITRA rm." OCM.Yi .UND FLUID EXTRACT BMW), A Positive and Specific Remedy For Messes of the ItLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, end DROPSICAL SWELLING'S. ' This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and enciteethe ABSORBENTS Int , healthy action, by which bo WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS • are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATION, and Is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HELLIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Por Weaknesses Arising from &ceases, Habits of Dissipation, Early In dieicretion or Abuse. AMENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, LOBS of Power ass Of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves,Trembling, Bonier of Disase, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain to the Beek Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing c on the Body Ihwness of the Skin, Eruptions Cril the Face PALLID IMUNTENANOE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med Wine invariably removes, soon Pillows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS IN ONE orwmoa THE PATIENT MAY ENTIRE. Who eitt,say that they are not frequently followed by these "DIREFUL DISEASES,. "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT. NONE WILL CONFESS. TEE RECONDS.OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, Ant thelklansfieZy Deaths by OnsstaaptioN, ma moss Wrandtb TO rda rams or um aserwrion. TEEN CONnitrixtlON ONCS AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEARNNSV, Restdres.the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which Ramonsailt RETRACT SUMO ineariebif doe • TRIAL wtu, dolmas T®MORT lIILIPTIOAL. FENALD3-'-FEISIILES-7EwAY tiLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR OONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE; . i -IN MANY APFECTIONg PECULIAR TO F.RMALES, ttmlistracallochn imequalled by' any other reme dy, as in Oldorans or Retentlon; Irregularity; Painfulness, or Suppressio it or Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Solrrhous slate of the Uterus, Letwortuna Whites, littera ity, sad tor sit complaints incident to the sex, whether arising froM Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in DlLOLifile OR CHANGE OF LT E. BENEVXMIiII ABOVE • MOLD BF4IIEEtqct yr I • - akin; iiii-tumaisanTelian _ i MB FOB trinzawrr IID DAMMAM DIMES& WAMBOLD'S EMBALT 800877 SECRET DISEASES: : In all their Stages, • At little Bxponie ; Ilttle of no changed ne Oiet,; piposure: • No looopvenlenoe; • • k • • • nd • - Buttes* a,freoent do:Oreend gives at* 01t to Ittinste,. therebyleinovlng-Matrbetions; log and Outing fltrieturea of time Urethra frequent66l n the (/118 = 61 ,4 1"; an4-140 11 Ing 9.4 Didtetes and Naito'. • r. ":„ taousaansmon-tanneinie ; ' • • *SO Idyll BEI& VprncrimsaPQUAVlCh , a nd ir r n* lr P:Pa idiß lßl r PHC O. be merest IDA adlort Mit Nave Ibulidlhlty were deceived, and that the... POI 210N bin,,dv:thc use of "pompon. :stim ;"' been dried Upin the system, to braes out In an aggravated form; and “L.: • • • rizaray* Arndt MdiNIAOR: • • • • - Use ibiLreoiniiiirnAor Brown fir all ntrootions and disowns mute.: • - - • whounonnistine - • - • • MALE, OR FrotiALE., From votettuao.orudlng-and do matter • I HOW LON G STANDING. • • Mimes el litOtailirpea InSidiWiliiaid Of DIORRI 1.0 Eplihil3OLD'S Arnim' swab - - . • Mtn= eifzetsntium.o; And is nernsin to have the desired etteet in all Ihnsales. lON MUCH svsscomint. bso. • &Maw of pse man reliable and ropmaie e#gracter WS' anachittlanftlep - • OBNIZErIciaNSSAFJ3II3IES, • , ; ; : : ; ts 20 "rearm itestviinp, :Wan Ramat. pow, " ' ' • = . , SartiNtriito Wine $l,OO-11er bottle i -pr slx,6n. $6 90, snriddrein, Securely imbed from obser. ration. . : DISISU33R, SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS, kditOs Grtnits I p >)4EFIPAYIT: ersimetl - isaied foi t V4e, Alderman (the eity_tAlls4ophts, H. wixo 3xOng : duly worn, loth ady; Idepre tate no nitivotio, ru turhAllornOT,Variouo dalgo, kat, i pttrefr. vile ; - f - :H. T, HRLAROLD. Sworn and subscribed before ni,ir this 23d ' day cd No vemlber, 1854: WN,P. HIBINORD - 4idersuseyi • • -Is Ninth St. abov hate, 4 460 4 le ta qrs•Aerin-Agulidlnicello' T. I l `'W• r a r p '14011) , I South vendit;B4.list ~4biikantt ,,' Phllßy -: MBA OF COUNTEIR.F.SITS AND lINPRINOIP.S.IIII7DIADIRS; • ' Who endeavor to dispose "op rams owe" and “arnen" among on Tim nertmertos Amnon BY Heimbold's Oeonina PrOplratiCHl di Lxtreef Bnohn, a miwa, " Improved Rose Wish.. Sold• -by K. duller, W, Gross, .T.- - Wyeih, 0 At, Ihuluvatt. , A ND" ALL DRUGALST3 EVARYWILERIC ASE FOR BRIABOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. • tlat ont the advestiPentent and send tor . it, • AND "AVOID IMPOSITION AND'IMPOSInig. f I 11-E I N KANOE• THE DELAWARE MUTUAL. SAFETY INSIIRANCE COMPANY. INOORP,ORd.TBD 1886. Capital and hoots . $369,126 37 DIRECTORS. maxiitynaund A. Sender, Theophilus Paulding, Penroes,No. O. Davis Jas. Traquair, Wm. Byre, jr ;axes C. Hadd,..William.o. Ludwig Joseph H. Seal,llr- Ft;JL Huston, George OL • Leiper, High Craig, Charles Kelly, Samuel R. Stokes, J. P. Penni/nen, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jenne Breaks, Spencer Thomas O. Hand, Robert Burtmi; Jacob P. Jones; Jimea B. BilisriandilasinurP. - Bpte, John. Pitts burg, D. T..66o..lVidthskurg;'.6.. D. :Berger, Pittsburg. Ali HARM, President. TAMILS O. HAND," Vice President. agNRY thIBUEN, Secretary. The undersigned 'se agent for the above named com pany , continues to take Fire ' Risks in Harrisburg and ' - • TG . i ti'Mapp,gi 1 m - trittl DMIKS, • - W TIM.VICLINGILAGS, - - I!ITASES,. ; "tOirrlifOitilElS • And a generalikektaxLentiof , QY.GOODB hav6ji reed at 1- S PGAR O.UNZEVRA-143.. • • DittEED BiOrk,-• - • • • ' 6HOULDERBi., , • BOG ITA rehatoiiiii!kl*yeappl3ritiat , received:by: , I..s!g• WY- & co ; -10CLINTOWS PECTRAIcgor. INVALUABLE {SYRUP, WMICH, Is entirely itgetablifiu , its ciiiiiposttinn, has bgeaikl employe d i v lrowierfvripwcwor; for. rainy yeas in me i -cure of discuses .fo; the Ara Po6loESAiult;UNGS.lrliii any tokm'ofihe `d "se such a e. COUGH , DTI 4. of the TMAT,, VITTThaf. 'OF i:BrooD, CULT Baullmet, HOMESINESS;LOSS vOND, *Ad IMMO' FEVEBSi .its use :will ati en gerNithlhiChlipkiest ieisdts. It is odef orAhe mediMieiPfoitid foiToKof 43401N11418 and CONSUMPTION. Mo Tai ar Pnt itr. 1g1 " 'a l "( . . ) P. ri , g4i7 i in any 44 6 in - MIS 4yrop. 1.1 ; , • , .44 2 . s lo4_F-EAPOITnE. • • ariki t 'ithle - `IIETKinft'S CHEAP BOOK- 1.31Ei, • : TAW -.:1 1 tooks _ ware • 1 iicolved, and for sole low by . • . • _ ? SVMAS, • j 1 4‘ Argo 0 i 1%4 fresh SAO •Oil ,, in flarseiins mast tolgties, , disfenniv thindir Y 3 08 1 1434 and fPF-PIP. I V- - • • .7 ' ; 14 , 11t. DOM, jo.-4 naf eaft4OXF44V - 4.11434111eitt : or IX4- - . • just. reectiedsold i lopiik by f . ) , ' / / 'NIO/10/81iBOWIIA.N.' • • 4 ., 4 ~/..2 13 :1 11 .I' l 7 ll ,P l i ad r lB4 - . ID. tU. ~ .ross $ Igo., i) W. GROSS & CO., - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET BARRISBURG, PEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND OUNBIJMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in tlna.mty, of DRUGS CHEMICALS & PAINTS. 01.1 s, varnishes and Glues. Dys.Stutts, Glum and Putty, Artist Calais and Tool*, Piare Ground Spices Banking Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pins Oils, itostiss, Vials and Lamp Globes, Quinn: Soap, Sponges and Corker est., are., &c., lkc. , ike.,sitre., &a With a general variety of PREECE:CRY do TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beet manufacturers and Pe 'tumors of Europe and this country. " Being very latvt dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSMII ;11, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR Fiala - 11E3, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, 0. , R;Co ; A..0,•- 2 We respectfully invite a call, feeling, cone . dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction.' TEETH I TEETH II JONE" 8 AND NUMN'S PORCIZIAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES. AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Oon oentrated Lye Wholesale Ajgents for.Saponifier; which ewe se as low as It can be purchased In the , cities. THAYER'S BIEDICA.L .:FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL I CARBON OIL Being large purctitu*s these Oils, we...cen. after Inducements to close buyeni. Coal'oll Lampe of the most improved patterns, very Cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal FARMEitS AND r aB,AziERB, Those of you who have not given . our 1101183 4ND OA t PEA PO WDBREi ; :a trial know their superiority, and the advantage they - are , in keeping Etorees and Gatti° healthy and in . g. AA condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our °stile Poirdera by the ktereasing quantity and quality of milk, kesides improving the general health and ,ap• `Llearance of their aattle. Our liing usperfence in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the . . trade, and our arrangements in the cities are sac that we can in a very short time fur4iak anything appertaining to our business, on the 'Vest of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage beitowe ,on our hone, we hope by strict attention to baldness, a careful selectioA of PURE DRUGS at fair pricelyand the desire to please all, to ,merit a continuance of the favor of Otato. FISHIN`G TAOKLE! •i OP ALA K INDS.: . . 41i.tna,ifoir and sve joint Trout Rode. ar..anii Hair Trout Lines.lroni 10 to 60 yardiglont laindon Patent Trout Lines, " " Tilt* Silk Trout Lines, " atroee &ow .6t SS Si en and Cotton A im • 14 a. a. ac IPlbat Linea furnished with EhooksAlkirtm, Shun multiplymg Reels, 10 to 50 ISM. - 2Sot of Choice Treat Hiles, Silk Worm Gut Leaders,hottinalines, 8„to:9 feet. 1 " " ,Strands. "snoods, Limarickilooks, wet., No. 1 - to treat Bates, Btrby Trod, and Slyer - Hooks, Lila , lok Trout and River Lftoo, Floats, Plaints. All4_inking RWILRIFB DRUG AND FANCY s,_DrToRW, • i %)72 01 Nukes Stre.t. 111111URE Fresh Ground and Whole spice, . Pepper, , AliT oo3 , - • - NlumuLS IIOWNAWS, le . corner granA "Rd pfairketr stmts. , ' • : P. 8c W.,th TA ,Rl5 NEW BOAP. . •it is soonomicid:and mealy detersive. It con ' no BOHin and will not waste. It is warranted not '# to Jure the hands. It ISM Dalian en agreeable odor, 'g ul l is werefere Imitable for every purppe. Ito :ale 6 ~ - ' : • LWt DOCK, ;Jr. ,6 Co. • ARG • and = extensive - assortment of elbufswgre, Onbledni Midis , ''..waLa • an and everything Jor 14113Har4 .114- ' 2 Oornsr had and liaiket tiebitat. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, INE NEW REVEDY Pull RHEUMATISM, t 4EW RIKKOY 1 & CIIRTAIN B.IIIIIDY, I P" AOUT RGEOBIATThm, CHRONIC NHEENATIEV, 11111.ZUKLUSIV ag EVZRY KIND; HOW STOBBOR. L v, No mom HOW LONG SLOSHING, PROPYLAILEJ WHAT IT HAS DONE, Will DO AGAIN. rtuc MST INIT/MONT, Blk4T MAMMAL AtI'IIIORITY PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL (Facile Ornauu Hosinda• lizroam MAT 19, 1860,—Ellea S., ad. td, single, Dever au v ery strong. Two yea ago she had au attack of acute ruroy 6 - ten4friten which she was eentineal to her bed for tau womb and subseeently trom a relapse fer Fehr more. She has b e , welt since then MUM. Senn day ! while engaged in Louse eleiningiithe tank cold, had pain In her back, Felt mod hot had no decided chill Two days later tier ankle. be! gain Bf 3 swell 6 Which was followed by swelling to th,, knee joints — and or the hands. She has now dull pain in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender. red and painful tboth hands are affected, but the right Inmost so. This, is a cede of acute rheumtism, or, as it is now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. Ito a well remarked typical ease We will carefully watch th e ease, and from time to time call your attention to t h e vari ous symptoms which present themselves. My chief object in bringing her before you now, is to mall attention to - remedy which has recently been recommended to t he treatment of rheumatism. I mote propyfaidne. Dr. awenartua, iof St. Petersburg, recommends it is ! h a hightail terms, hawing derived great beueliit from int Use in SO 'mum *Meth tame under hie care. Various tom mendatory',Wstimoutelit respecting it have appeared In our:kernels, ind I propose therefore to give it anoth er trial. I must confess lam always Incredulous se to Mr worth of new remedies; *hien are vaunted as specifie s ; but this comes to um recommended so highly, that we ate bound to give ita SANE OAST FOUR DAYS LATHE I Mar 23,1850.—1 wilt now exhibit to you the patient ter whom I prescribed Propylamibe, and wee then labor ing under an attack of acute rheumatism. She hes steadily taken it In doses of three grains every two hours (intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, I found her meat more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, judging from her other attack. (The patient now walked into the room.) the mprovement bas steadily progressed, and yen a111.2.6t dt~to.nooyic a marked change in the appearance of her antecurbich are new nearly all of their natural atm.— /Me far our experiment would have seemed very sue wad ; but, gentlemen, we must wait a little while be. Ore we can give a decided opinion as to what ha to be he result. Here Is another patient who was placed on the tuo of —fa same medicine on Sunday feel; the has long been suffering frout o timid° rheuaistiam, and I found her at that Unto with - an acute attack supervening upon her duet& nifeolicut. The wrists and knuesties were much SWOilen and tense. She took the chloride of PropyLa whiff in three grain dog every two wart, and you istli paroalva that dm swelhng of the joints has much Moth, hhad. THREE DAYS LATER II MAY 18430.—Thls Is the case of acute rheumatism fisted Mtb. propylamlne, the first of those to which ailed your attention at oar last clinic. mie is still very comtbriable, and is now taking three grains thrice daily. In this Cage it has seemed to be followed by very ad- Isfactory resell& The second coin to which your atten tion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do Welk d will now bring before you a very character istic case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat history, I think, as good Jurymen, we shall justly render our verdict in favor of propylamin Re lit& seaman sit. 2n, who was admitted a few days ago. Hu bad ociaiusional rheumatic pains, but not so as Co keep his bed, until eight days ago. The pains began anlitit right Use; subsequently affonedtbeleik knee, and later, the joints of the upper extremities, these tome ninon swollen, torte and tender. His tongue is tarred ; .eta, at present dry, ails there has been mach liWeating. His pulse tenni and strong, and about 90.-- iHeldistiow used propeamine Or tweedy-fear hours. This gentlemanis what may be called a strictly typical onts of ante rheainitism. There was exposure to cold WA wet and this exposure 'is followed by a feelhig of coldness, severe articular pain, beginaingois it usually dens, in the lower joints. There is fever and the profane itwepting, so generally atUendent on acute rheumatism. I did not bring this patient beibre you with the inten tion of giving you aleedure on all the points connected !oath rheumatism,. :but to tigeht give a -trial to it. new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you ton thdcal cite% as there called it, than Which shore co eld hot be &fairer Opportunity • for testing the medicine te question. We ate, therefore, avoiding the use of all Sneer medicines, even anodynes, that there may be ce Misgivings as to which was the efficient remedy, You Wall see the cue to a future clinic. THE REEELT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT. Jun 11, 18110.—The next of our convalescents is tae ease or acute rheumatism before you at out clinic of May huh, which I then called a typical case, tad 'Mich it oral remarked Was it fair opportunity for tooting tax worth el our new remedy, It was therefore steadily &en in three grain doses every two hours for four daps. The patient 'has get along very nicely, and is now able to Walk about, as you see. I do_not hesitate to tr.y that i lava neves seen as severe a case of acute rheneratism 4o soon restored -to health as this man has been, and without being prepared to decideposltive by es to the va ne of the remedy "we have used, I feel bound to state that in the saws in which we have tried the Chlonde gropy:autine, the, patients have regained their health much either than under Ike treattliellt ordinarily Pur ft. KA. wishgentlemen, you would yourselves try 0, And report the result& - For a full report of whiett ;bellboys is a earatensed attract, see the Philadelphia MOW and &twat Re.- !jerks. It is the report after aUr trial by the host med . nal authority to this country, and mates it unnteateary Vines numerous certificates from asa,aished doctors sad rifioicing patients. A SPEW OURS, ALNEMIIMAI, MIRE 101K8LIEllSEJLT WHAT TT HAS DONS, onllock & Crenshaw, a' Iris well imown to moat meth old Mon, by whont the gflxlr Propytamine'haa been in• troduced, hairs sold to us the eichadve lied to moortfac. tare lt Moordind to the Menai recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable ns to scatter it broadisest amongst sulfertug humanity. A WORD TO DOOTOBI3. it you prefer to Use the same entedy in anothergorel mit invite your attention to the Phu thuritiumuoi PssoTwass, Pass PIifirTLAIFINZ lmum, PROPTLIII 1111Commerammo, - POnnionion - Pitorsnumsr, of which ireltre the sole man afacturere. Allip-We claim no other virtue for the Elixir Propyiatutue bin ia contained in Pare Crystalised . Ohloride of Prow thillbOt =IR is ANI; MAY BE T ACit'ORDING TOMTIONS, BY ANY OHIO BY WENT al, WHO HASAHHIIMATISM OF ANY 112 M. Sold to Harridan by LT 76 013. A 10121 A. Orden may, be addressed to ,pßopritAiaNs garrowerrnzure am, lOgise, Boom No. 4, S. W. Ger berth and Memel' drat; • : to'enber of the %Vowing itbolegate Agesta. 13 7 114. it RI OBBliall&V. . CHAIWO & CM: ;NAM &CO, :D, IF & SMIOLL CO . ':&WEUST 4k. CO, =max *AMA - r. NORM MOT a 00 WILL cum' rr. ' Doctou grub DOCTORS IxA i m mmiRS TRY IT. DOL'TOKS KNOW IT PATIENTS BILIEvi! ' TRIED AND 'mug. BYEKY CASB, =TERM =MN TREED. IT WILL DO AGAIN MORE OONV Staff, AND _ALW Ars MDT FOR M OM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers