Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 01, 1862, Image 1

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TERMI3.--.Sixoa • Eulidd!!hloN
The Dana Tztaaaava la served to stibacribeis in the
City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be.
°barged $4 00 In advance. •
WRICICLIr Artil titecouen.
The 'factotum Is also published twice a week during
the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the
remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at
the following cash rata, viz:
?Ingle .übsoribers per year Bomi.Week, 50
Ten ‘itg ..12 00
.22 00
1 00
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tilngle enbseribere, Weekly
If subScribers order the discontinuance of their news
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If Subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa
pers from the office to which they are directed, they are
responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered
them discontinued.
tifirrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters,
General Machine Work and Iron and Bran
or Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brass
made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c.
. x,u , nid tor Old Copper, Brass, Spelter, Aro.
•FAN4V , S- 1 1 , Y.41V1A RAILROAD,
Ut various patterns, both station.ry and swinging. Sash
Weichti and various other building oastinge, for sale
very cheap at the [my2t•ly] WOEKS.
IHE attention of agriculturists Is directed
to the following works, which will enable
them to increase the quantity and value of
their crops by adding 'science and the experi
ments of others to their experience :
tailing all the labors of husbandry and
the best way toped , .rtu them. Price.... 3 60
Economy 4 00
TURE, by Johnston - 60
sibook, with 400 2 60
thiaita the stationery line, at lowest prices, at
The Girard Lite Insuranoe, Annuity and
Trust Company at Philadelphia.
OAPITAL AND ASSETS ..................... $1,548,885
THOMAS RITaaWAy, President,
JOHN F. JAMB, Actuary,
LIVES on the 111011, reasonable terms.
They set as Executors, Trustees and, Guardians tinder
last Willa. and as Receivers asd Assignees.
The capita being paid up and invested, together with
• large and constantly Wore - thing reserved iund, offers a
perfect seeurty to tit,. Insured.
The premiums may be paid yearly, halt yearly or gnat..
Thu company add a BONUS periodically to the luau
ranee, for life . The FIRST BONUS appropriated in De.
camberlB44, th e SECOND BONDS In December, 184 9,
the THIRD auNue to December, and the PODRTN
BONUS In 1859. These additions are made without re
quiring any inorease n the premiums to be pa IS to the
The following are a few example, from the Register
Amount of Polley and
I ;loom or bonus to be Increased
apopay. I Looored ddoloo. by tutors additiopO.
L oa
:, 132 14500 $ 1,0 88 6 j f.O O
',: 2 tiroBooo 1,01: :0°
Agent et burg lied .lona
an S d discovered r e
i e n m t
h o e a y
i t
o c t e t
d r t f
o a r i n , speedy
A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one
to Two Days.
:Weakness of the Back or,Llnabs, Strictures, AttestiOns
attllgtiai idneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, lin
potenty,',Eleneral itebility t Nervouaneiss, fiyapepsy, I an.
gnat Low. Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the
Meartlhaddlty, Trembling's, Dimness of night or (Addl.
, iceasi , 2lX .l ease of the Head, Threat, Nose or Skin, ethic-
War' Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels — those ter.
rißledidgadess arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth
'744140101601 , 31 and solitary pract , cas more fatal to their
the King of ;•yrens to the Mariners of Lily's
,g their most brilliant hopes or anticipations,
Marriage, ire., imposaltile,
Young Men
A ..Aally, who have become the victims of Solitary
• •°. ,that dreadful and destructive habit whin h annual.
- ceps to an untimely grave thousands of Young
aitof the meet exalted talents and brilliant intellect,
-Who might otherwise have entranced listening Senate's
with the thunders of eloquence-or waked to ecstasy ihe
living lyre, may call with full cenildence.
Married ?arsons, or Young Men contemplating mar
riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debid
ty, deformities, &e., speedily cured.
Be Who places himself under the eire'of Dr. J. may
religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and cou
fidentiy rely upon Ws skill as a Physician.
imeuediatcly Cured, and full vigor Restored.
This distressing Atlection•—which renders ite misera
ble and marriage impossible—le the penalty paid by the
victims of improper indulgences; 's oung persons are too
apt to commit excesses from not being aware of tno
dreadful censer emcee that may ensue. New, who that
understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow
er of procreation le lest sooner by those falling into Im
proper habits than by the prudent 11.1sicles being de.
pnvcd the pleasures of healthy olfspring, the Most se
rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind
arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and
Mental F u nction. Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power,
Nervlous lrratibility, Dyspepsia,. Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitution., 1 Debility, a Wasting of the
Frame, Clough, Consumption, Decay and Death.
Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street.
Left band side going from Baltimore street, a low door.
tram the corner. Fall not to observe name and nuniber.
Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. 7be Doc
tor's Diplomas bang in tits
A Cure Warranted in Two Days.
No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs,
Dr. Johnson,
Member otthe Royal College of Burgeons, London, Grad
uate from one of the most eminent °encase in the United
gates, and the greater part of whose life has been spent
in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else
where, has effected Borne of the most astonishing oures
that were ever known • many troubled with ringing iu
the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being
alarmed at , sudden sounds, haanfulneee, with groom*
hushing. attended immensities with derangement of mind
were cured immediately.
Dr. J. addresses alt those who have injured themselves
by improper indulge ce and solitary habits, winch ruin
both body and mind, unfitting - them for either business,
study, society or marriage.
These are some of the sad end melancholly effects pro
duced by early habits af youth, viz : Witalutess of the
Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness Sight,
Loss of MusCular Power Palpitation of the heart, Lys.
pepsy, Nervous Irratibility, Derangement of the Digestive
Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption,
mIitTALLT.—The fearful effects on the mind are much
fio be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas , De•
premien of Spirits, Evil Forbodings, Aver Son to Society,
Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity , Sc., are some of
the 0044 produced.
THOUSANDS of persons of all ages can now incise what
Is the rattan of their declinng health, losing their vigor,
becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a
singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms
of consumption.
Young Men
Wlio have injured themseligp by a donate practice In
dulged In When alone, a 14611 frequently learned from
evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are
nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders
marriage impostable, and destroys both mind and body,
should apply IMmectiately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope or he coun
try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from
all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence
of deviating from the path of nature and Indulging in a
certain secret habit. ' Such persona moor, before content
• ' • Marriage, • • •
reflect that a sound mind and looMy are the moat neces
eery requititea So promote connubial happiness. Indeed,
without these, the journey through life becomes a weary
loilgritnage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ;
the mind bcomes shadowed with despair and tilled with
the melancholly relkotion that the happiness of another
becomes blighted 'with our
When the miegulded and iniprodent votary of pleasure
Inds that he has imbibe* the seeds of this painful die.
woo, it too, often hapens that an ill-timed sense of shame
or 'dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those
eltitilition and rettpeCtability,. can alone be.
*Wed Wm, delaying tar the constitutional symptoms on
Vhstiborr &disease make their appearance, such is al
eiratersorclhrost, diseased nose, nocturnal _pains in
'AO hat had baths, 'dimness of eight, deafness, potter' on
thelaldalMeetind arms, blotches on the head, face and
nitreudtielaitogristeng with frithiltil rapids y , till at
last the palatomfAtie mouth or, the bones of the 'nose fall
,414111Ke'vidgm ot chio avifel disease become a horrid
ohjbatif cidnibitseratiOn; tai death puts a period to his
&mite Stir/rings, by sending hini to " that Undiscov
' viissipollistry from : whence no traveler returns."
It is a maancisolly fad that thousands fit' victims to
relmlble - disesse, owing to the unskilfuliness of igno-
Atinitenders, who byttie use Of that Deadly Poiscm,
Annul, ruin the constitution and make the residue o
life miserable.
Sang • •
Trust not your lives, or neon
ti ers.-
]; Fo the care of the many
Unlearned Mid Worthing' Pretenders, destitute of know
ledge, name or character, Who Copy Dr. Johnson's &dyer
verthiements, or style themselves in the newspapers,
regularly Bducated Physicians incapable of Curing, they
keep you trilling month after.moath taking their filthy
and poisonousness compounds, or as long as the
fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave , you .with ruin
ed health to sigh over ythir.gaiting disappointment, '
Dr. Johnson is the only Physician advertising.
Bia credential or diplomas always Ming' M hie office.
ale remedies or treatMent itre ophnown to all 'Ahem,
prepared from ■ life spout itrthe gr eat liCepliala of Eu
rope, the &stip the country and a more Ostensive Pri
vate Practice than any' other Physic* in the. orld.
Indorsement of the Press.
The nirmY iltelnisone mired et this institution year at.
ber.,_ear, and the irelnerOUß iraPOitlint 3orgicdi Opeit
glow perraymed by lb. Johnson, whammed by the re.
prince . of We 'qua,, ' 4 ciipper ". and many other pa
pers, Roth . * of which have a ppeared again arid again
before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman or
character and responsibility, is a sufficient guarrantee
lathe adulated,. ,r
9kin Billeallell bpeedily Qurod.
Persons writing should be 'llitlicting their
letters to his Instutien, in the following manner
lAlift-newly replenished stock of Toilet
and Fancy Goods is unsurpagrast in this nay, and
looting conddenVor rendering satistardieri, We W 4414 MI
PsidAull.9 invite a call. KILLER,
Si Markin street, two doors east oryouridi street, swab
)00414.300 and sews of all kinds ; for
kale by „
$8 '."l 50
4,050 00 ,
1,400 00
0,875 00
EW (Meals Stigar e• -, white and brown ,
jetstreebteedlof far itlitioir B'y
.134 5 Coe. Front sad Market streets,
No Mercury or Noxious Drugs.
Organic Weakness
Take Particular Notice
Diocese of Imprudence.
Of the Baltimore Look Hospital, - Baltimore, H 4
The 18th Regiment Pa. Militia
This has been a high day for this regiment.
Organized on the 18th inst , it started at once
on its destination, Col. Ralph L. Manley com
manding. After vexatious and most annoying
delays it reached Chambersburg about 8 o'clock
next morning, having been in the cars nineteen
hours, including the whole night. At Chain
bersburg the regiment was ordered' to proceed
to Hagerstown, which it did without disem
barking. Swiftly as the train mu this part of
the journey, though through a tine eouutry and
eulivened by almost constant cheers along the
line, was still tedious. Thence it marched
somewhat more than a mile out the road to
Williamsport, within short supporting distance
of the extreme advance lines of the Penn's.
On Saturday afternoon orders were received
to return, our duties there being ended. Obe
diently, though reluctantly, the 18th took up
the line of march to Greencastle. Here, with
admirable and soldier-like patience, it awaited
transportation from Sunday morning till Thurs
day evening. On Wednesday, however, it be
came obvious that it would soon move. After
a most delightful and refreshing prayer meet
ing, conducted by Major John Crawford Brown,
notice was given of a meeting of the regiment
at headquarters. Almost every oue not on duty
was quickly assembled.
The meeting was organized by appointing
the following officers
President—Shick Benthy, Company 0, of
Washington, Pa.
Vice Presidents—J. J. Zercher, Company A ;
H. J. Rena, Company B ; Freeman Jones,
Company C ; Daniel Gremberlio, Company D ;
Samuel Hells, Company E ; Albert Thompson,
Company F ; 0. 0. Hawse, Company G ; A. J.
Linn, Company H ; James Irwin, Company I ;
Jerome Thompson, Company K.
Secretaries—Wm. J. Thompson, Company F ;
E. T. Kohback, Company F ; John Templeton,
Company H.
The President, with his peculiar earnestness,
brevity, perspcuity and power, at once awaken
ed the deepest interest in the regiment, in the
objects of the meeting.
lion. George V. Lawrence, of Company G,
read the following :
The call which the Governor of Pennsylvania
made for the organization of the militia of the
State, has accomplished its purpose. The State
has not been invaded, the vile hosts have Loin
defeated by the Union army in a desperate' bat
tle on ground chosen by themselves ; and the
soil of Maryland is not now polluted by a single
armed traitor ; therefore,
Resolved, That as we responded cheerfully to
the call for defence, we as.willingly lay down
our arms and return to our peaceful pursuits,
cherishing the associations here formed under
such important circumstances es among the
most interesting of our lives.
Baykal, That the superior and subordinate
officers of the regiment are entitled to our
hearty thanks for their gentlemanly and sol
dierlike bearing to us all, and we tender them
our congratulations in the separation.
Resolved, That the prompt action of Gov .
Curtin in calling-for aid in defending the State
from invasion meets our hearty approval.
On motion of C. B. Miller, Company D, froni
Snyder county, these resolutions were unani
mously adopted. ,
In response to the 2nd resolution, short ad
dresses were made by the following officers :
Col. B. S. Maclay,•modest, straightforward,;
brief and buldierly ; Maj. S. C. Brown, clear,
refined, touching and eloquent ; Capt. Simpson'
Company D, earnest, strong, broad and lofty;
Capt. Morton, Company B, enthusiastic, power
ful, humorous end, upon two of the biggest,
fattest, heartiest, strongest men of, his company
(and the only ones in the whole regiment) who
skedaddled because the regiment waisordered to
Maryland, most withering ; Capt. Xendig,
Company A, direct, earnest and manly ; Capt.
Hutchison, Company C, vigorous, godly and
zealous ; Capt. Alexander, brusque, sturdy and
martial. Further responses were also made by
Limits. S. C. Swallow, Company E, and Wm.
Anvil of Company h..
Major Brown offered a resolution•.unanimously
adopted by the officers, commending the men
for their cheerful alacrity in obeying, •patience
in enduring, cheerfullnesa in marching, atten
tion in drilling, and especially both in general
and inpartionlar, for noble, manly and &Asti=
The National song "America" was then sung.
The President's - proclamation war then read by
Major J. C. Brown. Ike- President then read
the following : :
Resolved, That the proclamation of the Presi
dent, this day published, declaring it to be his
purpose to proclaim emancipation to the slaves
in every state, or pelt of state,. where rebellion
shall exist on the Ist of January, 1863, meets
our hearty approval, and we hail it as the pre
sage of early and anbetantial peace, by removing
the cause and the powerful auxiliary of rebel
Hon. Geo. T. I.4awrence was loudly and ea
gerly called for. He spoke with perhaps more
than his usual fervor and zeal. Hlaread.9l flu
ent tongue ccinld"not give full expression to his
burning thoughts. After speaking a few mi
nutee,on the officers and the beventh Regiment,
he spoke diredtly of the resolution, and with
such convincing power and persuasive eloquence
that . when he closed, no one was found in all
the regiment to say a single word on the other
side, though called for from the chair. His.
remarks were followed by loud cheering.
The resolution was then adopted unaninwusly,
and followed by the heartiest cheers for Gov
ernor Curtin, fot the State Of Pennsylvania, for
the proclamation, for President Lincoln, and
for the Union. Henry K. Ritter, as soon as
silence could, be restored, made a short address,
congratulating the yeoman militia on the state
of the country, and the unanimity with which
the Eighteenth Regiment adopted the last reso
Resolved, That the report of this meeting be
published in the Harrisburg_ TBILIGHAPII, w ith
the request that the county tapers of the seve
ral counties sepsesented in the Eighteendillegi
meet; Pennsylvtuala Militia, copy the risme:-
After a very few pithy, pungent and most
stirring Words from the President, the meeting
„. Neit dtg 2fith inst.; the Eight,eenth:briike
'panags:at_Vo'clock; Y.% M., and took carp for Har
Malin*, •where-they arrived 'about_i o:clock;
Xi to be sent home. t -
of Milroy, Pa.
Irttgtp c b.
V NUT a A I.; IN N
To the . People of Pennsylvania.
[From the Miner's Journal, Sept. 27, 18620
The Democratic State Central Committee
having authorized their chairman, Frances W.
Hughes, to place before the people of the State
of Pennsylvania such matter as that committee
think the people ought to reflect upon at this
time, and Hughes having undertaken to' O so,
it is the duty of such persons as know Hughes
well, to give the people such facts as will ens.
ble them to determine for themselves, -whether
Hughes is laboring to serve the North or, the
South, whether he is trying to have the IJpion
restored or to have the rebels succeed, the States
divided, and a Southern Confederacy establish
ed. To ()cable the people to judge for them
selves and act as they think right, I give the
evidence following. C. LOFSER.
Pottsville, 24th September, 1862.
At a public political meeting, held in ; the
court house in Pottsville, Schuylkill county,
in February, 1861, John T. Werner, who was
sheriff of Schuylkill county from 1846 to 1849,
was present, and be heard Francis W. Hughes
say, when speaking about the amount of cotton
that was exported from the United States,
"Cotton is king, and I thank God for it."
Mr. Werner read the above this morning and
says it is correct. C. LOESER.
Porrsviths, 17th Sept. 1862.
DONALDSON, Schuylkill county, Pa.,
• September 13, 1862.
a Tower, Esq., PottMlle, Pa. :
DEAR Sm. : In the winter of 1861 I was in
the cars, going to Philadelphia, and while be
tween Pottsville and Reading, I was sitting on
the left-hand side of the car, and Francis W.
Hughes, of Pottsville, was in the same car,
sitting on the right hand side of the car, and
two seats ahead of me. I think there was not
anybody sitting on the same seat of the car with
him ; I know there was not with me. He was
conversing with a gentleman, who sat right
opposite him, and the second seat ahead of me,
on the same side with me. I heard Francis W.
Hughes, then and there, say to that gentleman,
"I am a delegate to the Democratic State Con
don at Harrisburg, and I am going over to
attend the Convention, and when there, s I
intend offering a resolution lu-fore that Conven
tion, that Pennsylvania seced. from the Union,
and join herself with the South, and leave
Rhode Island, and Connecticut, and Massachu
setts, and them d-.d little petty States, to
subsist on their codfish and Plymouth rock."
You are at liberty to make any use of this
statement you may think , proper, and I shall
be ready to verify it by my oath, at any time,
when required to do so.
Very respectfully,
Parramap, Sept. 8, 1862
C. Town, Bill--Dear Sir:- -I have duly con
siderea the importance of your inqpiry relative
to my personal knowledge of the attempt made
some eighteen months ago by F. W. Hughes,
Esq., to "switch" the State of Pennsylvania
out of the Union, in nearly the same manner,
and by the same unholy means that were em
ployed to carry Tennessee, Missouri, Louisiana,
and other States out ; and in compliance with
your request, will endeavor to give a plain, un
varnished statement of such facts as I may be
possessed of, confining myself as strictly as pos
sible to the precise language used at the time.
A. day or two prior to the assembling of the
Democratic State Convention at Harrisburg, in
February, 1861, I heard it bruited about that
Mr. Hughes, (who was a delegate to that Con
vention,) designed to introduce into that body
a resolution, the object of which was to carry
Pennsylvania out of the Union, and to join the
so called Southern Confederacy.
The report notwithstanding my knowledge
of Mr. Hughes' sympathy for the South, (he
having previously told me in conversation with,
him, that the only mistake in Mr Buchanan's.
Administration was that " he did not receive .
Messrs. Ellett A. Co., of South Carolina, as Com
tnissiours , instead of `distinguished citizens,'
and treat with them upon the subject of their
mission ;") the report, I say, struck me es be
ing so manifestly absurd as to be scaroely wor
thy of notce.
On the evening of the day of the Convention,
(I think the 22d of the month,) while on my
way home, I fell in company with his nephew,
John Hughes, Esq., (law , partner of F. W.
Hughes,) and as we walked a considerable dis
tance in the same direction, I took occasion to
mention 'to him the reports I had heard in re
gard to Frank's secession resolution. He ra
•"Yes I think that Frank is doing wrong
in that matter." I asked him If it were really
true then, that he designed to offer such a reso
lution? He answered, "Yes—he took such a
resolution with him—l read it myself several
times; and advised him not to offer it." I need
hcarcely say, that what - I - was disposed to re
gard before4e, .idle rumor tad now become
a stern reality. On my return from tea, I stop
ped to see the Judge Regina, and commu
nicated what John Hughes told me. The
Judge grilled and said i t "Why, Frank showed
Me that resoltition before he left, and asked my
opinion of it. I advised him for God's sake,
,not to offer it, as it ;would kill him politically,
forever." I anxiously awaited the published
proceedings of the Convention, and was grati
fiedio see that the resolution in question was
not among them. Thus matters rested until
some time, I think, in April or May following,
lithen, on the way to my , place ,of business, I
met Mr. James Blowart, of Harrisburg, an old
friend and acqOaintance. The war having been
aellunly commenced, our conversation natural
ly turned upon that subject. Some pretty se
here strictures were made by myself on what : I
crsidered this mistakes of Mr. Buchanan's ad
:ministration, and as being . in my opinion the
direct cause of all our troubles. My friend,
on the other hand, defended Mr. Buch
lhan's policy. While thus engaged, we were
joined by Gen. J. Y. Jamee, of Warren, a mo
tile' friend and acquaintance of both 'of us. Mr.
James enstained my views on the question, and
,the "talk" became somewhat animated, in the
.course of '1%116'1 mentioned the effort attempt
ed to be made by Mr. Hughes in the late Dem
ocratic State Convention to " switch" Pennsyl
vania out of the Union, when I was interrupted
by Mr. James, who said: Why, wasn't lin
that Convention ; and on the committee to draft
resolutions t And didn't Mr. Hughes come to
me in,the committeeloom and ask me to sup=
port his d—d, treasonable resolution ?" He
continued "After I had read it I got so d--d
mad that shook my fast and swore that if he
attempted to offer that. resolution, either in
committee or Convention , that I would pitch
him and his resolution heLlforemost out of the
window." "I. don't . , know," continued the
General,'" whether it Nea my threat or what,
but I neithei;`,beird i hor saw anything more of
*et resolutjcit The material points of Mr.
es" itateihent were subsequently admitted
by him to Mr. L. F. Whitney, of this borough,
in my presence.
This is scimitar'
lation to your qut
not precisely, tht
time. It has been
are at liberty to
may think prOpei
If ntawary, I
or affirmation.
At the time of
Harrisburg, in
Hughes was a del
to that Conventit
the Hon. Mark
Pott, Regina said
himself,' that to
resolutions he (Lb
at that C,onventh
joining the Southe
he gave him a hell
Mr. Pott read '"
says it is comet.
Pottsville, 9th
In the latter pr
Francis W. Hugl
the office of Willi
law of the same
the year 1860 to
of Hughes.
Lloyd's Railroad
was hanging ay.'
open. Hughes
cane, and explains
thought would be
that the Western
the South, as tht
that the New En
New York, Pennsylvania, L New Jersey, and he
may have included Ohio. Ohio would be all
that would remain of these United States, and
that they would have to bear all the expenses
or burden of this war ; end that would be, sa l
he thought, the result of this rebellion, and
the disgrace of repudiation would finally be
the result ; that he (Hughes) did not want to
live in such a country. He said if he could fixl
his matters to suit him—Or languige to that
effect—he would go to some other country or
place; Wells does not remember which. Wells
then asked Hughes where he would go. He'
replied, "to Sandy Bottom, as Natty Mills used
to say." Wells said, " Hughes, you come to
these conclusions upon the basis that this re
bellion cannot be put down." Hughes replied,l
"yes." Wells then asked him what conclusion
he would come to, upon the supposition that
this rebellion could and would be put dower.-1
He said, "Of course, then, I should come to a
quite different conclusion ;" but said, at the
same time, that he believed it could not be put
down. Wells reiterated that he firmly believed
that it could and would be put down. Hughes
to this replied, that he wished he could see or
believe as Wells did ; but he could not or would
The foregoing was - lead by Wells, and he
says it is correct. He says Hughes gave reasons
for his belief, the chief of which was the bad
feeling between the North and South, relating
to the negro. Hughes justifies holding the
negro in slavery. C. LOESER.
Porrsvma, Sept. 8, 1862.
In July last, about two weeks after the fune
ral of the Hon. Charles W. 119 gins, which was
on the 4th of July, John P. Hobart, late Sheriff
of Schuylkill county, and his wife, were at Sun
bury, and while there called upon Mrs Donnell,
the widow of the late Judge Donnell, of Sun.
bury, and the sister of Judge Hegira, on a visit
of friendship. In the course of conversation
Mrs. Donnell said, "Mr. Hobart, you know my
brother was a patriot in every sense of the word;
and for some time before his death the state of
his country troubled him very much. A short
time before his death he called me to his bed,
and said overtures had been made to him by a
prominent politician of your plaoi, of Schuyl
kill county (I mention no names,) to join with
them, which he declined doing. And he then
said, the course the Democratic party were now
pursuing was the greatest fraud ever practised
upon the country." Mrs. Donnellthen said, "I
authorize you to tell this in -- -
By Mrs. Donnell's states
his wife were both satisfies
had named to his sister thk
of Pottsville, Schuylkill col
Mr. and Airs. Hirbm
morning, and say it is
Pottsville, Sept. 9,
mi s o
From oar Mond
Dismissal of ADO
from the
• Wassul
The dismissal by the Presi
Key, additional aid-de
Halleck's staff for, the
lOal sentiments, . is regarded
example in high quarteriripik
ed that it may be follow - - -*-
stall be thoroughly pure '9l it
sti frequently offend.
rowans MoratoE, Supt. 29
The steamer Canankus arrived here this
morning, bringing the 148th New York regi•
went, a fine body of men.
Three hundred patients left the • Chisapeake
Hospital to-day for New York.
The flag of truce boat returned from Aiken's
Landing to-day without the Union prisoners
expected there. Some 800 were on their way
thither when she left, and 700 more are at
Richmond ready to come forward as soon as the
required documents are pressented.
be " C 444 4011 Mercury Of the 25th, says.
that there are grounds for bidieiing that the
enemy are sending heavy reinforcements' to
Hilton Head and along the shores of Broad river.
Pinckney Island is now occupied by a large
body of troops.
guant tiding Btu.
Raying procured Steam Power Presses, we are preps:
ed to esecute JO3 and BOOK PRINTING of every
description, cheaper than It can be done at any other
establishment in the country.
.........,,,,,,,,w,.. **
ggr Four lines or less constitute ene•half square.
Might tines or more than four constitute a square.
Nalfequare, one Cy" $0 20
one weer 1 $5
" sine mouth . , ......
... 2 AO
e three months •• • ..
..... 4
" OO
St six months 0 00
at one year 10 00
Onlquare, one day • —.. 60
one week 2 00
.. one month 6 00
6., three months 10 00
sti mouth , . 15 00
a one year 20 00
Mir fluidness notices laser ted In the LOCalor
before Marriages and Death., EIGHT GENTS FIR INNS
for each insertion.
advertiMasement s. rriages and MUMS to be charged as regular
NO 28.
cago spring $1 1801 21, Milwaukee club
$1 17(0,1 28, red Si 28@1 88. Corn un
changed-142,000 bus. sold. Pork steady,
mess unchanged, prime $lO 18 1 1410 26. Lard
firm. Whisky firm, at 884@887. Sugar firm,
at 91;4,14. Coffee firm. Molasses firmer, Or
leans 4.4448. Freight steady.
HE beet and largest assortment of Gold Pens
has just been opened at
These Pens are manufactured by C. F. Newton
& Co., of New York, and warranted to give
full satisfaction. A trial will satisfy one. any
Examine the owes below :
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 26.
Goll Pen and Silver Holder for $1 60.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 75.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for 32 25.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 60.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 75.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 26.
Gold Pen and Sliver Holder for $3 76.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4 26.
Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $5 00.
Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00.
Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors.
Photograph Frames and dlbams t
at the New Music Store of S WARD
noir F & 00.
su alcdly No. 14 Market allure, Flails,
ALL kinds of second Hand Clothing,
boots and shoes : bought and sold et the Maim
store, Second Street next to State Capital Bank,
tots, trade knives and gem blankets, a first rate artil
lery bridle and,spors for an officer for sale, No. 36 So.
and Street. • W. BARR, Ay:Cooper,
. CIDER 111 ATINEG.4I II 1 .. : .'
- - .
VIURE cider vinegar, warranted, for sale
low by r Il i Z o CH: sa Llat 1307 0 1111,N, .
A SMALL, but Very .supeFior lot of
442. aoiogia sauna. Just roirroa,, by
ni.929 Int..boc.K, Jr.
SARS, white-indbraiwii, of all
ado luw, by NICM9LB k BOWMAN,
412 Ozner Front and Market Arens
qOLD PENS I—Tbe largest and best
Moat, from WOO to SLol64ararrin
swim • mourn=
"Stu) 2ibutrtistmtrits.