Business (garbs. DAN'L. A. MUNCH, AGENT. OF the Old Wallower Line respectfully Informs the public that this Old Daily 'fransporta don Line, (the only Wallower Line now In extstence in HIM in summate' operation, and :prepared to carry freight as low as any other individual line betwe eu Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore; Look Haven and all other Twin I' on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Wil hamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. MUHNOII, Aent. burg,Harris Pa. deedidt MAW Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, thnahmkni:tros 808 and 810 Marital street above Palladetpbm, by 4 o'clock, P. 11., 'War arrive at Erasliburg, ready for delivery next morning. 80441myl B. J. BARRIO, Tin and neat Iron Ware Manniacturer NO. 112 NARSEI SLUM', HARRISBURG. I . AS always on hant a full ansortmout of Tln and Japanned Ware Making and Parlor Roves of Ur beet r!ulaftiotutleg, , Outter Boontlug, Roof- ton, Jas.— =Wadthol-ohyln 'poly obleollow. to the mie of orti Lelal teete , e , balf and whole seta of out piece only, Of Men - trochaic mineral, there aro, no crevices for the eamoculidationof amen wholes of food aial therefore, no offenalYeodoWoo4: the breath, as no Me MI is used in their =sir ticalo4;thare Olien:be no galvanic action or lastallki Mate. &We Illinhatilthisl la not an noyed wink sore toroat, (tee to North Sermat street, HarriaVer.2 - • °env my THEO. F. OCHEFFER, BOOR AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKE7 STREET, HARRISBOTA. aigrPartioular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, Ohe are, Drafts, &n. Cane printed at $2, $3, $4, and $5 per honsand in elegant style. Ike SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, A.ND DEALERS in Fancy Goode, Pet.- famery, dm. Also agents for the sole of Refined Petroleum, illuminating Oil, superior to aay coal oil - furnished in any quautiticasti the lowest. mareet rates 170 and 172 William, Street, a27d6m] NEW YORE. PROF. ApoLett r, TEUPNEK. WOULD respectfully intorin his old patrons and the public' generally; 'that he will continue to give instructions ou the PUN() SORTS., Ails LUDEON, VIOLIN and also in the science 01 1110 ROUGH BASS. Jae will with pleasure wait upon pupils at dish homes at any hour desired, Or tussahs will be given a his residence, in 'fiord atm.t in. finny% below th German Reformed Church. deolb-Lt U Vir Bd. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER• Third - Street, next door to the Telegraph Printing Orem ~,;ITORES, dwellings, churches, public bathiinge,faCtorieS, Au., fitted up with gas, lead and Iron pipe in a workman like manner. Hydrants, Wash basins, Bath Tubs, Lift and Force Pumps, Water Closet s, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas acid steam A share of public patronage is rwpectittily solicited. All work emptly attended to. myBo-d3m. filialgilarttuus UNI.ON it E 3'r .lllNT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARERT STREET, NEAR Flll.ll. f HE subscribers having erected a larg building at the above place, expresaly for tho pur.i o ne sOove indicated, beg to call the attention of the pu b ile to the following : TER litzsrauateT, ou the first floor, with a dicing room attached, Is fitted up in first-class style, and it will at all times be suppled with the best OYBTERS to bo bad hi the Atlantic cities, together 'with terrapw, Oh and all kinds ut game in season. Oysters served up in every style, and meala to be had at all hours. The Alea of all the eelebrated breweries in the country constantly on hand; _ The Alley, 4T .. tilt. klalopp, In the rear, and Contains Milk allejtet ntederei Oonstruodon, where the icarersVithkr exerolie oan'eajoy themselVes The Atillistritllakapta. up-iffatral—elegastPY Wen up, and oostakosthree:inathielop camblitatleh etihhicro bleveipial to any made. Harrlsborghas tong felt the Want of a grand combni. &Nonni thin lind, and ak the proprietors are determined MeelakkOkit in a quiet sad orderly manner, , and do eVe. ryttlins Istria& ...power to make it a fan • - resort they hope la metre a liberal share of F , `tea-dtf - AU M OO. 11144UTLV II L TISSUE. PAPYA I -; covering Looking Gialinek_Pintore or . nog 6011440, triOnoin,OF _PIPos o - • i rto ° T e r toooL itrin oi o lab ill the PVC 0 lit rorr a , Tireit tuiwnilps' ittprorolos. : ..RUBBERtt GOODS ! -Rubbe,4l4„ . , • SUbber ,Roches, • .=,ll . tibbei Mitt*, - • Antiber.Tnye generally it BERGNER% ("gime BooKsTohtt. POCKET' BIBLES. AFULL assortment of Pocket Bibles and Testaments foi the soldiers just re ceived at BEBGNER'S BOOKATOBE. G L ce AS lab S r4 Jars for putting up fruit, the reoluid; warrenl l =l n skt , o c t l io "P jul luille i axi4. for sale by ' /4/01101-811 80:77AV and Jake . Corner Front and Market Are**. QPIM of all kinds, whole and ground, warranted freak and pare, for rale low by NICHOLS Az OOriblAN, Corner Front and Market Biretta. . , CIDER Vinegar, warranted pure, for sata low, by NICHOL 4 & BOWMAN, battik Corner Front and Market Etreets. SUGARS for preserving; call and exam tee at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Wont and Market awes LEMONS, raisons, cocoanuts &c., just A 1 received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. front and Market streets EMI RESH FISH every Tuesday and Friday at JOHN wisrs Blom, corner of Third and Wal la' myls NOTIONB.—Quite a variety of useful - and entertaining , artielea—cheap—ku ATIVITYKR' • ';ill.llhir4 I ii, WIDISH Lemons and Raisins, just re wined end for sale low by b - MMOLS & BOWMAN, ,Jel4 corner itront and Market Area a. trADows, far sal, ag JOHN WI ELL dic LEVINESS, Pickles and y y WWS. mly New %Dvertistments. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD:, SUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND APKBR MONDAY MAY sth, 1862 The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Oompany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRENi TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 1.16 a, m., and arrives at Wed Philadelphia a t 5.10 a. in. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Mendair,) al 6.80 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.45 !RAM leaves Harrisburg daily (except in., and - arrival - at West Philadelphia TION TRAIN, via Haunt Joy, Leaves .00 a. m., and arrives at West Phila ~. m. ADOOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colas sham at 4.10 p. n'.. and arrives at Wan ESTWARD. 'RENt TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at lburg 148.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. m. . iburg at. 12.36 p. m. ves Philadelphia at 7.15 a. m., and sir . at12.30p. m.; leaves Hsrriebtirg at , 7,00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg lea Philadelphia at 11.30 a. m., Harris- Altoona at 8.20 n. m., and arriving :at a. na. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 ACCOMMODATION vla Mount Joy leaves 0.60 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 12.40 SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East, tlv. Penna. Railroad Gatitisbtre May 2, 1882 —dtt SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. NH Alit LING NUS TIM TRAINS DAILY TO NEW TURK, 'AND PHILADELPHIA QN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Passenger Trains will leave the Phila de phis and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, Crt New York and Philadelphia, as follows, via • EASTWARD EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 8.15 a. m., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. m. A sleeping car Is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., arriving In N.2W York at 5.30 p. in., and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m, FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Pennevlvaula Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 0.50 p. tn., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. in. WESTWARD FAZI' LINE leaves New York at Ba. m:, and Philade I phis at 8 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noun, and Phil adelphia at 8. 16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p _ . EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at B p. m., arri ving at Harrisburg at 3.00 a. in., anleOnnecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pit:Ml:my"; . A 'denying car in also attached to thin train . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberlandlley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkeabarre, Allentown, Fasten, km. Baggage checked through. Faro between New York and Harrisburg, $5 00; between Harrisburg and Phila• delphia, ER 75 in N. oars, and g 2 70 in No. 2. For tioketx or nth.or Inforioation apply to J. J. Cl. V DE, my&dtf tleneral Agent, Harrisburg, Northern Central Railway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TRIM TRAINS DILLY 10 &ND PION -13 A r i l IMO IR I ..133 Close Connection made at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW YORE, SLEEPING CARS RUN ON All NIGHT TRAINS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1882, the Passenger Train of the Northern Centreil Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz : GOING SOUTH. MAIL TRAIN arrives at Harrisburg 1.00 P. t. and leaves " 116 P. A. mime arrives at u 12.56 A. M. and leaves " 1.16 A. M. GOING NORTH. ILAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 830 and arrives at Harrisbirg 12.45 P. and lames North at 1.15 p. lEXPRIIBS TRAIN leaves Baltimore at.— . 9.30 P. * and arrives at Harrisburg.... 245 . A. lk and leaves North at... ..: 3.05 A. t HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAU4. Leaves Harrisburg for Baltimore at —.7.30 A. 4. BetUrniug—leaves Baltimore at ......... 800 P. . -- The only train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will by the Harrisburg Acoommodallin Trithi, South at 7.80 A. 4. For father information applratike Office, in Penney! - Tanta ItkilroadDepot. Harrisburg, May 3, 1862-iy 1862. suidatz R 1862. ARRANGEMENT! CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN • • . RAIL ROADS! cRANGE OF HOUREL—On and aftei Monday, May Mb, 1862 Passenger Trains will rail liY, as follows, (Sundays Excepted :); For Chambersburg and Harrisburg A.M. P. Leave Hagerstown 700 2mi 4,5 Greencastle._ ..., I Arrive at •• • — B 7 17 3 4 3 210 36 Chlunbersberg, —.4- 1 . Leave al.._ ...8 30 12 55 Shippeusburg ........9 00 12r " Norville ...... ... .. • ..... ...... 982 209 Carlisle. 10 10 240 " Mechanicsburg 10 42 3 1.94 Arrive at Harrisburg 11 15 340 For Chanibersburg and Hagerstown :I. A. It. p. N. Leave riarr.sluarg ..... • ..... ••. 5 0 5 las " Mechanicsburg 847 215 " Carlisle 927 255 " Newville ....10 02 8 . 29 " Shippensbn - ' ig ...10 88 400 " Chamberaburg . ......Arr Ive:11' 00 4se " Ohambereburg 1.eave...11 10 446 " Greencastle 11 55 536 Arrive at lkingerstown 12 85 816 0. N. LULL, Sup% R. R. 011 e, Cbamberabarg, May 1, 1882..d1y . C RO - & BLACKWELL'S. Celebrate Piano s Atom , p =wow , 4 C . a t 1/41 1 5 eupply of the above, embracing variety, fast' ri- . ve4 Lod for sale by 0101 WY Or; & 00 . . . PentIPVIIMITOI jl,lfiitt egobitg 'metaat 13.eptemba 30. 1862 soIIETHING FOR THE TIXEg t ore NEOITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & OROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD . THE OHM&PEST GLUE IN MN WORLD. THY MOST DI:MARLS GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY REMOLD GLUM IN THE WORLD THE BRIT GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND ; LEkTHER, Mend ion'. games, Siena, Belie, Boots, to. IT WILL MEND GLADE, dive the pieces of that massive Out GlUe BOWS IT WILL MENDIVORY, Don't throw sway that broken* Ivory San, S Is Gully re. paired. • IT WILL MEND CHINA, 'ac brolcea China Ns raid 13ancers can be made:ai ' rodeo non. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piers kaoakod out or jour Marble Mantle IMO be put on as strong an over. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter It that broken Pitcher did not'wet but a and. ling, a ehillhig saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vane s broken and you can't match it, mend It, it will never show when put together. It will Hand Bon, • Coral, Lava i and in fact everythlng-bnt Metals; • Any article Cemented, who AMERMAN CI ENT GLUM not show where It Is Wended. "k-sery Housekeepers should have a Slipply of Johns k Croaleri Amoirloidi Comeht 'nes. "It is so convenient to have in tne house.'' -N. P. &Wren. • It Is always ready ; this nommen& Itself to ever y body."—independont. "We have trieilit, and and It as useful in our homes as water."— Wilke kliertt oft the Tines. 110,00 per year rived in e very 14.; l,ne , BolUe SAMERIOAS CEMENT - • 41,11 E. Price 26 Ceidei Perlickttle. Price 25 Ceuta per Bottle. Price 25 Canto per Bottle. Price 26 Coats per 'BOttiit. Price 26 Canto per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions r 167solseale Buyers. TERMS Okra.. For eaki by la DrUgglute, sad Storekeepers generea ly throughout the oovintric • . _ (Sole Manufacture/14)J • , 78, • WILALA.11111 W IT Ciffile - or VOW- VORA • .. Itipottsuit to Fero. lb`all vluin thio may mica* awl itectowno every body. JOHNS & CROSLEY'I3 GIITTA MORA CEMENT RO . OFING, The i)heapeet and most dniabhi Boding in we. Important to Rm. Mimeo. Important to Railslas.: Important to Bail Rost Ocatpanies. IT IS FIRE. AND WATER PROOF. LI aan be spelled co a/wand eucaouls of all kinds, staep or bit, and to ,Bnsiota Boas without removing: the MINIUM Tan Corti' tonlyie lt.Owe-Thlsdl Mat ot AND IT II ASlOlllllO.llLie - Ms article law beep . thiwitirghly tested In• New - Vet'a QV and all. other partied the • United States- Goads, West Indies Central.. and South America, on buildings of all hinds, such us Famous% Foinawans, OBVICIFIN4 Rcit Roan Dams, GABS, and on . Prisaio Bunciasr generally Goviounnen Bunnoree, An., by the principal linilderri, areniterde and others, during - the. past four years, add bat proved co be inei 011RAElliiirand 110 ST DURAGL,r ROOFING in use; his in every respect A YThA WAIN WEATHER, and MISS F.ROOS Covering for ROOFS tilt ALL KINDS ONLYewkrwi etanufecittraii . *the Ussitto Saki ivhlClVeombiriee the very desirable prOwartleo or ilatioity and Durability, whioh ere ortfireiselly aoYnouv ledged to tie poesoileed by 90721 PERDBLA. AND INDIA RUBBER. No Heat is required iu making applinatinn. The elffolio of apolyys it Ii !r . f_i6ll4, p4I an ordinyr3 roof 41 „., _ 416 be GOV & t end Maned his setae any - It can be applied by Any one, et,' when finished forms's; paiieotly Yin ma our Igoe with an chianti bedy, - whit& (epithet' biinjuniiii by Hate, COLD or Swank Analeettlito of Bobs - Same, nor any et • Sernwl action ahaiyffr. LIQUID GFavrA PERO:EA CEilpirr, For Coating Metall 'tif alljUnda when &wood to tla) AOtiorkof till Wasting , and - - F6ll PRilliffit i Mie AND/110E4111111G mlrr4 Thus Is the only OnonpOssiboa known Ink% will et owest; fully natal, extsrerno . obis:glen of all climates, for unsly length of time, when applied to , wetesla, to which st ed. Wren dimly, ?owning* body opal liolleatir at ordhiarjr paint, noels 1110 4 iaqa, 1 ,1 4 Win .f,Aar. Tam nue ak LONG,; and fro* 11.3 elopyle*y nog,_.ig i j ura t y p donbslon Of Tin nod titer filet l fi c a: te r meiluent ad= suddetit &adze" iirikeiteitiser ' it Ingi camox IN COLD NI Reit' • wARIt wadalage, AND WILL Ntil Wulff Oils.. • • Leak -Tin and enter Motel ROM can be esedity e d w ith GUTTA L PEREIRA OrPlign and prevented '&Net further corrosion and le4king, th ereby alluring par, featly tight roof oh , many! peeve. TWe 031 sate, ytpecillAilt _sir for ita tt acsastoi of IRON RAILINGS; STOVNS, AGRL CULTURAL LILPLIIIIIN'ht, *my Ohio fir generit ands. [adorers use. GUITA PEROHA CEMENT . 15 nuk . Fur koiierTiOg sod repaing and other Kesel Awe ! of every depariegobi frbilo treat (bra by the nontrantidn and elpsosiou of Mets3a, and lir hot crack la or run in warm weather. Thom mmertals are ADAPTED 70 AIL wk In n'eleiedjo suPP!runterafro*Py Nein: , try, at shOrt notice, for GIITTA P :144squA B6o7lWit fd ready filreOkred- tbr %Bei and' : ,T.A,Pliiktfi*.Gt; MINT in barrels, inth fat Pringildirltsudasalor ASA eation. AGENTS WANTED. We will owe Ub r&I and satistastory neranteissata with iespoliftrie Nikki wbo wdnld Vice is establish the es in s tueristlss and permanent. business we e." glYb ,bumbiet . proof et ail we Oahu In moo i el eer.l3llWOVell 110064. bolthig Wiled them to sevorol sbouosoollitoo • is Kew York QV and otbdi j i_ 10113113 dt, QUOTA? sofa momraerwmas, Wholasal Warehouse 78 William *WSW of Lib p Street. maw VORA i troll dieoriptivo eirflolorsap plicati Pron,** bo torolebei orb - d l ) .. _ QODYBiiii - nit, City Crackers .. , kistreceiv: 1J ed imol for smote Nl c HWalla , bertiN. c orner poet rket otramo ; PORT . FOLIO . III 7/1 4 10 Ankfil. l A 0 - antlio new theeiamtfalk tides just aimed at - .1 . “: 1 3.011131P aW4iO4. JohnB & trosltp IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture ECONOMY D 3 WM<IL JOHNS ilk CROBLET, sm)s OF ALL KU uU It TER,Mb•ARIS CASH HELMBOLDIS' GENUINE PREPARATIO , . “ E t T G !LY DONUENTRA . COMPOUND PLUM EXTRACT RV:MU, A Positive mid Specific Remedy. ilOot Diseases of the 'ELADDRE, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPRIOAL SWELLINGS This Medicine increases the Power, of Digestion, and eseitas the , ABSORBENTS intwhealtbi action, by'which theWATERY.OR CIALD REIMS depositions, and ail UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATION, and Is good for MEN, MO,Mpai OR CHILDREN, HRIAIROLD'S EXTRACT BUGHU, For Weaknesses arising from Ricessetyllabits elf Dissipation, Early In discretion Or abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWLIeti SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Esertion; Loss of Power Lou of :iftimoryi - Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, DOOM'S et Pain in the Back Universal Lessitude of tke Muscular System, Hot Mullis, Flushing or Vie Body rawness of the Skin, &uplift; on the PALLID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med 101110 Invariably removes, soon folloWil IMPOOFENOP, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS • IN ONE OF WHICH TIM PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Wbo can lay; that thoy are not !rogue , tly followed by thosi"DIESIFUL DMA. RA? "INSANITY. AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware' of the cause of their suffering, . BUT NONE WILL.OONFM3O. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ABYLIIMS, And Use Melancholy Deaths- by Chnsumptfon, MI Alma wanes TO TKO MYTH 01 rea, ABWITION. THE CONSTITHTION ONCE 'AnECTED. WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Reqairee the aid of medicine to strengthen and . • Invigorate the System, Which HJILICIODLDNI EXTRACT sucaq insert:a* doe • 11011•LVIIVOONVICI bet ill'Ellaii- EXMFEM AT Kg—/EMALES, cLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTE lOLA TING MARRIAGE, -IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES,' the Extract 'Mahn Is Unequalled by any other remedy, as in Ohlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulne es, or Suppress% nor Customary. libracuations, Ulcerated or Solrrhous state of the Uterus, Leucorhcea Whites, Stern ny, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising fr.,,n Indiscretion, Hoban- of- Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. ;II SYMPTOMS ABOVI NO FAMILY SHOULD BE -WITHOUT IT I Tau no KOSII Buxom, 1111017 KI, oR rarruusewrillsol anis wok zninakialer AID DANGIIROUS WILYMOLIPM . E.r7RACT sacral SECRET DISEABES. In all theirstagel, Little or no change In . Diet ; And no Rspasure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby Vernoving-Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra Allaying Pain and Imd I animation, so frequent n the AM Of dieeasat,'and expelling all Poirontan, //wand and worn-out Halter. mmouisre UPON Thomism. WHO HAVE BEJEN IHE 710ZWIS 01 QUACKS, and who have paid. sour pia to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the 44 POI PON" has, by the um of urowstirm •asnimosires, " been dried up in the system, to brasli out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS' AWES MARRL4 Use Ettuininiee itonaor Bcrean for all affection! and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing In MALLS OR FEMALE, From whatever, catts originating and no matter f DOW. - LONG STANDING. Dbleased of thead'Oftem require thii aid of DICED CIO HHLMBOLD'S KITEACT HUMID IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired :effeet.ll4 all Damsels FOR WHICH IT IS RECOXIIENDE . D. llukkace of the most 'reliable oenl reepartlie character will accompany the mediae'. • CERTLYICATSSCIF cußn. From 8 to 20 years+ standing, N.uos meow" so. =WON AND FANS. Price $l.OO per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser cation. DESCRIBE SEAUIDSMIN ALL COMADMICATIONS, Garai' Guarantead Advice Gratis Personally appeared before me, au Alderman of ttho Pnihnielphis, H. T. HSE.3IIIOID, who being duty Sworn, doth say, tits preparations contain no narcotic; no mercary, Or other injurious drugs, bat are purely vege table H. 'P. HHIiMDOID. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 2 1 u day of No Vember, 1854. Wit. P . HIEHERD, A/Sermon, Ninth St. above Race, Phila. Address letteralor information in cimildenoe to H T. LIELKI3OLD, Chemist, INmolig South Tenth St. bel. Chestnut, PhDs, ARE OF colUkTriat.PEFFs 'AND ultPsnietsizo DEALERS, Who endsalror to dispose "or MOIR airs" and , •oress," ARISOIJS ON TEN SIEPPLINION AMID= ST 1101MbOiLl'S Genuine Preparation s, •": " Litriait Ittichu, " ". Sarsaparilla, " . Improved Rose Wash. Sold Sataivart. bt O. 'K. D. W, Grassi, J. Wyatt', 0 1. , AM) ALL .1)1117011813 EVERYWHERE. ASH - SOlkEttlitiouPs. TARE NO OTHER. Oat out the advertleemmt and send for it, AND A.VoitilitPosrrioN AND EXPOSURE. FIRE' INSURANOE. , THE DELAWARE MUTUAL 1111.11 TY INSCILLNOM COMPANY. INCI9R.P.ORA TED 1(95. Capital and Meets $869,126 37 DIRECTOBI3. wirm. Martini - Edmund A. Souder , Th eophiles Paulding, Jae B. Penrose:Jae. C, Davis Jas. Traquair, Wm. Byre , James CL Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, D r. R. Huston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Bel% Bilidelß. Stokes J. P. Peal:Liston, Henry Sloan, Bihirard Darlhigt H.Jones Brooke, Spencer irlitaine, Thomas O. Band, Burton. Jacob P. Jones, James. B. Itlrstriand,..lositua P. Byre, John B. Semple. Pitte beg, D. T. )(organ Piteiliurg., A. B. Berger, Pittsburg.: AMBUIRTM, President. ' TBOMAB O. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBUEN, Secrefaiy. The Undersigned as -agent Peril's above named com pany , continues to take Fire Risks in Harrisburg and . WILLIELM BUEHLER. PORT FOLIOS 1 TurRITING I DIMES, yy TRAVELING BAGS, PURSES, • •PORTMONADDS, And a general assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CRIME' 800 ' •RE SUGAR MAW HAMS. DB= BEEF, SHOULDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. Leiser and fresh supply just received by eb26 WM. DOCK Jr.. & Co IIeCLEITOCIVE PECTORAL SYRUP. [1263 INVALUABLE ZSYRUP, WHICH Ig entirely vegetable in its composition, hail been employed with wonderful success foe. many years in the cure of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the diem such as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFI CULT BIBUTNING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF . VOICE, and HECTIC FEVERS, its use will be attended with the happiest results. It is one of the best and safest medicines for all forms of BRONCHITIS and CONSUMPTION, No haulm= or preparation of Opium in any shape in this aye*. PRICE $lOO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. EIXTENdIVE assortment of glassware . 1 . 74 Fat received, rad for rale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, rnll Oornewleontera • a= t • SALAD OIL. A. arge aupply of fresh Salad Oil, in tags and mask bottise; and of different brandy opt reeoi•.ed itlid fat eel, by WY. DOCK, JR. A CO. WRIFLORIIMEM, by the chest or bor, telt receividlffil Br Bele by - mama& BOWIE/X. Ms Wow Byinkt and *Ault OMB. OKA ~1t~ua1: Al little Bapense No loconvenienoo AFFIDAVIT: ED. iU. rosi (4., I) W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND.RETA IL DRUGGISTS NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEhN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our sawwt.ment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call 'your atentlon to the largest and best Seleoted.stock in this my, of DRUGS OHEMIOALS & PAINTS. Of hi, varnlithes and Glass. Dys.S tuffs, elan and Putty, Artist Coloni and Tools, Plus Ground Spices Burning Fluid and Akahot, Lard, Sperm and PM* Olin, Bottles, Vista and Lang, 0104811, Cloak Soap, SPongse alKd Ow". OM, •ise.,.ddayillie4 With a general variety of;:r, PERFUMERY & TOILET - ART/ • : selected from the beet meuttfacturen ,F 74, turners of Europe end this l oonntty. Being very lett e dealers-hi PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEF ) i tL , VAIMIGMB, WIN DOW GLASS, ABTINT'S COLORS, PAINT AND A5T1.61."8 DRUMM TN ALL THUS VARIET/ES, COLORS AND BBONZEB OF ALL KM*, D F F• We respectfuily Invite call, feeling, coufl dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their eatiehiction. TEETH I TEETH I! JON E'SAND warrors PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RXSTORATIVES Of ell kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Ooneentrated Lye W hOitl9BlB Agents : for Saponifier, which we se ee low as it can be purchased in the cities. BAY ER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL 011, I CARBON OIL Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can oiler Inducements 'to close buyers. Coal Oil Camps of the most Improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burs Coal 011. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not gives our HOME AND OktfTLF. eoviroests a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and:Cattle healthy and In g and condition. thousands can testify to the , profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the Musiness gives .0 the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements In the dem Ire such that we can in a very *Mott time fOrnialk anything appertaining to our Imelness, on 111 beet of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestoWit on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fir prime, and the desire to please toll, to merit a continuance of the favor of a discrito (rutting public. apl6-dly FISHING TA:OHLEI OF ALL KINDS. Three,lfour and live joint Trout Rods. Silk and Hair Trout Lines. from 10 to 50 yards ' London Patent Trout Lines, “ " 61 Twisted Silk Trout Linn, 6 6 64 41 46 China Grass Lines 64 44 46 46 Linen and Cotton LIDO; .... 64 Plant Lingo funnelled With Rooks4Cbrks, ika. Brass Multiplymg Reels, to 10 50 yards. A lot of Choice Trout Pike, Silk Worm Gut Leaders, bottoth lines, Vol feet. 44 44 46 Mud' . " " St k; 00418, ;America Nooks, weet., No. 139 0 Trout Baskets, by Trout and River Heekst_ MX Trout and River Books, .Floaki,_llaske and utak* Cum MUIR% DieltiGAND FANCY 0/ Nuke) . _ YORE Fresh Ground and ' Pepper, Okuliunoo,Rismertand Mace, at NICROIS & BelWitsNits, .t 6 Writer Front iNtdifirkey Hw. 0. TAYLOR I BNIMSOAA • economkal and highly delembre. Mil k", n o Rosin and will Dot mte. It is yarransal um to injure the bands. It will Impart an sgmeable ;odos, and is Mastro sultahhi for every. pampas Tar ale MIL DOM. Jr. aos. tIARGE gad - extenshie ressware, ineleding Teekbbrii, 4 4:k0114; Diane ego sad mutual ier et • I pokear Ilyaki end _ • glthical. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, MB NEW RIMED F FUR RHEUMATISM; 1 COMM ggicipy j woe MIME RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC IGLEUMATISS RfigUALIWIM HOW ST OB inrsity KM; ÜBBORN, No lull= HOW LONG STANDING. PROP rump") WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT Will DO /WAIN. tin Her TiIIiTIMONT,_ BKrf AIITSMITY PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. Mimi MINUS HOISITAL KAMM) Mks 19, 1860,—Ellita S., mt. 213, eines, newer was very amiss. Two years ago she had an attack of acme re eions• Inan,froni which she was confined to herbed log two weeks and Subeeoently from arelapse for four more. Shaine been well since they till lest Bator day, while engaged In house alsaning, toot cold, had pain In her back, felt cold, hot bad no derided chill. Two days later her ankles be gan so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee Joints end' of the buds. She km now dull pain lOW sbasigeg, anikterlontekles are very tender, red and peiltdM 'both hands ire itiscW, but the right is mostecki Thie, th en, is same ofindathemansm, or, es It lit now faihkembly eallekebemeWlevar. It is a wee remarked larpleal dna Ni will 'Welly watch the cuss,sas.tthmelatimecallyoataltiut ,to NA van atabz:Thgliwhieh present themselves. "My chief object ht her benn is e you noir, to dallsittnallan to a remedy w has recently been recommended in the treatment or rlionmalblou mean ' Dr . decennia; Of St. Petersburg, rpooen • the •hlgheit near; laving denied gran Utined lie pee Lik.o o A l , ll which came PAW hi. care. Com eleauesuej lentWOMlUli respecting Ii ha • • ed In oarjounnaliDaridl ZptiMses 4 kiteen(orei'to It another Mal. ne..antfines•Xamalwasit emte the **lit of Mir e s, Whisk ire *a flea ; 00 114010 us recommended so • , that we ors bound to,glvs it a trial. , • - tiAME OARI , I I IXISDAYB TEA I. •• v . • 1880.,—..1 will now isoldlit to yea thiAntient for • • • bed:PropyMmlno, moiling thee labor *. ,Tr '' is 'attackShia has It In dogestettfireergrahle every two hours CL.:L; ' • Mid100: - TitiOdarafter you saw her, I r 7- -. Muqh mere muldintable, better than she ez io Diktat a Ilatir orMoore, judging from her other, anacietalte patient now walked Into the room.) The' mc Ent has steadily programed, and you cancel. :Who** a marked change in the appearance ig her ants,' which are new nearly all of their natural size.— ' lint far oar iszperiment would have seemed very sue lesefal but, gentlemen, we must wait a little while be ars we out give a decided opinion as to whoa in to be the resell. gore le another patient who was placed on the late of —re salnemedlcine on Sunday last ; she has long been sufferingfrome brook rheumatism, and I found her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her alumna 'lnaction. The wrist. and knuckles were much swollen and tease. She tool the chloride of Propyla mine in three grain doese every two boars, and you wiu paradve that the swelling of the joints has much dimio• Med. THREE DAYS LATER I I YaT 26,1800.—This Is the case of acute rheumatism eared' with propylandne, the fret of those to which I ailed your attention at oar last clinic. She is still very comfortable, and is now taking three palm thrice daily. In thisclee It has seemed to be followed by very an - tsfactory results. , T4a second caste to which your attest , lion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to Owen- 1 will how bring before you it very characteo heie case of acute rheurnathan, and if the result be 6atory, I Wary as good juryman, we shalkjustly render oar aadidt in favor of propylamin • He Is seseaman set. 26 who was admitted are w days ego. Rae had ecaaalona&i rheumatic pima, but not so as to keep his bed, emu eight days ego. The pains began hies right' knee, subsequently affected the left knee, and later; the joints of the upper extremities. These lointe are all swollen, tense and tender. His tongue Is furred ' • his akin, at present dry, _though there 04143 been much sweating. His pulse In kW and strong, and about 90. He has now :wed propylatnioe ex twenty-four boars. Ibis gentleman Is what may be called a strictly typical own of mats emunatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is followed by a feeling of °oldie= serer° articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, in the lower joints. There Is fever and the proftwe liw so generally- 'Meadow, on acute rheumatism . Ittrtiet tieing this patient befbre you with Itle Inten tion of giving you & lecture en all the points timeoned with rhemnatiam, but to again give a trial to the new leinesly we are testing, and to exhibit to you thus typical mum, as have cailled 11, than which there co old not beh hiirer Opportunity for testing the medicine in question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of all ether medicines, even anodynes, that Matz may be no misgivings selowhlah was the efficient remedy You Khali see the ease of a Mere clinic. THE MULL A FAVORABLE VERDICT Judie, 1860.—The next of one convalescents Is the am* of acute rheumatism before you at our clinio of May Ulth, which! then .called a typical case, and which it wan remarked wan a fair opportunity for testieg the worth of our new musty, It wan therefore steadily &in be three grain dome every two bolus for four days. The patlenrhas got Mon very °lady, and is now able to walk abOnt, as yew see. Ido not hesitate to I , l' that i have neves seem as severe a oase of acute rheumatism Se soon restored to health as this man tma been, ace withoolbeing prepared to deoide pooh*, by as to the val. att of the remedy we hive used, I feel bound to eta to that in the sues in which we have tried the Chloride o erOpy,4“llligle, the patieute have regained their health much ear/ler thhn under the treatment ordinaruy pat ine& I midi gentlemen, Yon would yourselves try it, and report the roadie. for a full report ol whir& the above is a sondensed extract, see the Philadelphia Afsditat cud &apical Re porter. It Is the report after a Mir trial by the hemmed . =laud/may In this ornmay, and makes It unnecessary twelve umneroun:ourtttleatet . from amenlehed doctors and usay nti on ott onticon aftLT WHAT IT HAS , .sallosk & (Somehow, nano welt known to most ma id laws,l7 Whomtalsa 1111ste Propyiusimei Imis been to. bellaaads bar Igad*kalP thalegaiataelifAi to manutte. Me It isictrft 10 OM 4 01 0 ! 1 l ee ll ei s O W we have wade aCitiostemettiot such magshade as to enable us to NOW is Ipid s ittarint hbolatillY• . . A WOBVIO - DOCUOREI. II yea prefer to en thirinune emedy in auotherpris we invite your attention to the Pisa %TIMIS= OM= Pnornaiese, PM sort; ema beam, Gosonerseren, Pail lon= Paernutota of Which we are the eole man ufitetarera. ,q•We claim an other virtue for the Itnxir Prowlamina Den le contained in Pure thyntalized Tortes of Ptopp• amnia. tin Nana iss AND JUT 88-TA EN _ , iOOORDING TO DIMI7nONS, BY AN Y ONIA By IN TRY ONB WHO HABKHONAHNII 01 ANY RIND. BM 1a Barliabbrig by 76 CMS . • NYITLI Orders way be addressed to PROPYLANINE MA mriaortriuNG 1018oe, Room No. 4, S. W. Car Volute sad Cinema streets, dills, tit io'elther of the following wadeable Aeolis , BULLOCK & ORINSH&W, BBBNCII; X&BABBKIRABDS & 00.• HON .111 L &OD 10:11. WyTSIItBLL Co , • 113110 T 104 B 1 40110 TB, T; &00 ",' . ?mid • l OMM u II ‘"' DOCS RRLD axrTros OR s IXAlion DOCTORS TRY IT. DOCTukIN KNOW er g PATIENTS BELIEVE IT ?RIND AND TRUE. IN limy cos, inialtirta TRIED, 11 WEIPER TRIED. .0 6 11M,T4K) AGAIN KORN OUN V MEW, "D *VW AYs READ? FOR UOINDIATN