Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 29, 1862, Image 4
Butritins Curbs. DAN'L. A. MUNCH, AGENT, tF the Old Wallower Line respectfully' %Jr informs the public that this Old Daily Transports lien Line, (the only Wallower Line now M. existence In this City,)is is in successful operationiAnd prepared to carry freight es low as any other Individual Rue betwe en Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg,' Wil liainsport.,.Tersey Shore, LIME Haven and ail other points ml'the.fforthern Central, Philadelphia and Erie:and Wil lianmpert end Hanna Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. Goods:sent to tiie.,Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, Zell k dinohman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street above BOO,Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. at., will arrive at Hartiabuig, ready fordellvery next morning. - atirBo44myl . B; IT.. BARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer • NO. 112 MARKEY AMEN' HA.BRISBUIIIt • jAS always on hand a full . assortment a of Tin and Japanned Ware, Cooking and Parlor Stoves of the best manutketuries, Giotto. Spouting, Roof ing and Galvanised Iron Cornish, manufactured and Qu t up at reasonable rates. • sa- Repairing promptly attended to. aprBo-dly REMOVED. JOHN B. S MITH ETAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store - AL from the owner of Second and WOW , Assets to NO. 108 MARKET Next, door to Bayne's Agriculturelaste4o4oWendli to keep all kinds of Boots and Shoes,. it, and a large stock of Trunks and everytbiletlALßOlun or bu and will be thankful toreeeieaftliHrgadvaegb of his old customers and the public inatikekitrit_.,kls new place of businres. All kinds of worknitidinter_o the best style and by superior worirmen. Repelling.; done; at short notice. rapr2dlfj • JOHN it; A. C. SMITE, .ATTORNEY-AT-LBW, ,43E THIRD STREETI MARKET ` a 'EIkIRNT IN DENTISTRY. . L ALLA.BAOII,-Biirgeon Den. hat, Maeufaeturar of Mineral Plste Teeth, the only m thod that obviates evet7ebJection to the use of arti ficial teens, embracing partial, half and Whole sets of one piece only, of pure ancthidestructiolo mineral there are, no crevices for the accenannlation (gamin particles of food and therefore, no from the breath, as no me. tat is used In their constrlctlen, there can be no galvanic action or metallic taste. Horne the Individual 3s nut an. noyed ' , rich sore throat. headache, So 011109 4, 1 Norm ~.;(, ) L A street, BR eTiPhilrie . mils. nit THEO. P. ScaarrEß, BOOR AND JOB PRINTER, 110. 18, MARKET STREET, HAIIIIISBURG. Jay-Particular attention paid to Printing, .Ituang and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Polk:ilea, Cheeks, Drafts, &o. CARDS printed at gd, V, $4, and $5 per housand in elegant style, 120 SORIBFFELLN BROTHERS & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, A.ND DEALERS in Fancy Goode, Pet rummy, km. Also agents for Um agile ol Ken tied Petroleum, Illumiliating (Al, superior to any coal Lilt • fernlehed in any quantifies at the lowest market rates 170 and 172 Williams Si' red, a27d6m) NEW YORK. - - PROP. 90014 PH TEL; PSER. WOULD respectfully inform his old patron" and the public geuerallyPihat ho will nentlaue se give instructions roe the PIANO teutill, &AWN, VIOLIN and !also in the bcience of TuosougE , BMA Ide will w'tb pleasura wait upou pupils at taut, homes at any hour desired, or ittegulth will tio given a his residence, Is Third etre. , few doors tiehos German Rearmed' church. de0164 WM. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND • GAB FITTER• Third Street, next door to the Telegraph Printing (OA QTORES, dwellings, churches, public buildings, factories, tc. fitted up with gas, lead and iron pipe In a workman litre manner. Hydrants, Wash lamina, oath Tubs, Lift and Forza Pumps , Water Closed a, Lead &rig Iron Pipe for water, gas and seam. A share of public patronage Is respectfully solicited. All work 1 , attended to. myBo-dam. illisultantutur BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR lvitri'H i aubaoribers having erected a larg e building at the above place, expressly for the purr see above indicated, bog to call the attention or the pith Wiitb:site toll4whiB : . , • Itsavaunthir, ou the dist hoer, with w dining room attached, Is fitted up in first-class style, and it will at all. times be suppled with the best OYSTEFta to be bad Irk' the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, ash, and kinds of game in season. Oysters served op in every' style, and meals to be had at all hours. The' Alex or all . the celebrated breweries In the coantry constantly ou hand. The Ten-pit Alley, or Bowling Saloon, Is in the rear,' and contains t hree 'Ow of modern construction, where the lovers el this healthy exercise can enjoy themselves. Thelidllard Saloon fe upatairs—elegantly lined up, and-tantalite three marble top combination onetnon ta bles, ands l to any made. Harrisburg has long fail the want of a grand combin ntion of this kind, and as the proprietors are determine u to coodnot it in a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything in Mull' power to make it a fashionable resor t they hope to receive a liberal share of public pure . jeLdtr WILLIAM C. aleFADDart it Ott .BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPE,R, ifOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture /tames, onmmenting Ceilings, trimming Gas Pipes and ent so an to hang over strings in the ohliPe 0 I Mari, points, circles or Altoona. tor hale at _ Wel • • SCHllillgßli Dammam.' RAMBO GOODS nbbi) WI; .116 Rubber Watches,. - Rubber Battles, Rubber, Toys generally at BETWEER'S CHEAP BOOKSTOL4., POCKET BIBLES, AFULL assortment "of Pocket- Bibles 1. and Testaments for the soldiers, just re adied at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. taliArod4atty for putting up fruit,: the ILA b rale d le patent, cheap, emits and ef fedasivwarninsed to gilts satisfaction jest received and for Welly MOMS & BOWMAN, Hip Cortter ?mot nun Marnet street. SSPIN of ill kinds, 'whole and ground, warranted fratkand-pare, tor tale low by 141011.014 a BOW Man, Owner Fro ,t and trarnet Watt!. = nIDE.R Vinegar, Warranted ~ - pure, for la eau low, by NEHOL9 iIiBOWMAX, septl2 Oornerkroat . ana Mirka, !net!, §(TGA.RB fbr'lireeeiving; call and exam -the at " W a awa ' BUStIILiN, 97 ' Cernte frout Ind lfarltef strott LEMONS, raisons , _cocoanuts" c:,'-lust received sad fir sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Bor. Front and Market streets D 73 FRESH FISH every Tuesday and Frid ay at JOHN 'Min Store, oorner of Third and Hal. nut. 11104. NOTIONS. --Quite, frivariety of useful LA '414 entertaixiingxrlicl 4 n „=at ' 8t1817R8 , , BOOKBTOIik. . F RESEI Lemons and Raisins, just re anted and for sale low by jel4 MCHOLItia BOWMAN,. Corner:Trout and: Market Ares a. TITARDELL & bEVINESS, piokies_joi V_ -- s> iti roar wra a., spy • •0, t x Ntw 2burtistmtntiir= PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND £flU MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. • THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dailY at 1.15 a. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia a t 6.10 4. m. FAST MIS leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Monday.) at 6.90 a. m., arid arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.45 a. m. • FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (suSellt Sunday) at 1.20 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.24 p. in, ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 a. in., and arrives at Went Phila delphia at 12.26 p. m. HARRIEIBM ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Whim bla, bevel Harrisburg at 4.10 p. . and arrives at Vol Philadelphia at 9.24 p. m. WESTWARD TH:BOIIGRICSPEZEM TRAIN Mares Philadelphia at 10.85 p. m., Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. m. mtarrlvos at Pittsburg at 12.85 p. 2,. tin THAW leaves Philadelphia at 7.16 a.m., and ar rives* Harrisburg atl2.Bop. m.; leaves Ihnlitburg at I.oop. m., Altoona, 7,00 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg M MIS a. in. 'FAST LINE leaves Ptilladelptda at 11.80 a. m., Harris. burg 8.46 p. m., Altoona at 8.20 n. m., and arriving at 'Pittsburg at 1245 a. in. HARRISBURG AOOOIIIIODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. deiphia at 220 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 I MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.10 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 12.40 p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Ran, Div. Panda, Railroad Harrialburg, May R, 1862 —dtl SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. RI Alt LINE NB Bou r ru. IrirlY-' t ,• • ;-:-.L.;,:... -- -- T': ' . ~ ' 13 - BAILY TO''' K ORY, AND , PHIL,ADP,I,VHI A - QN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Passenger Trains will leavo the Phila de phia and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, rya New Torn and Philadelphia, as follows, via • EASTWARD, i EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrliburg at 1.26 a. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad HiprOal Train from the West, arriving in New. Yea. at 8.15 a.m., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. m. A - Sleeping car Is attaohed - to the train through from 'Pittsburg without change. HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.01) Ic in.. arrividg to New York at 520 p. m., and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. M PAP LENRleaves Harrisburg at 1.90 p. ta., on allimil of Pennsylvania Railroad' Fast Mail, arriving In Now York at 9.60 p. in., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. to. 1 WESTWARD, EAST LINE leaves New York at Ba. on., and Philade I. palest 8 a. sa., arriving at Hafrisbarg at 1 p. m. NAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil. adelphia at 8. 15 p. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p in. FRYERS LINN leaves New York at 8 p. m, arri ving at Harrisburg at 3.00.5. In., and roonaottug with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping oar Is also attached to this train . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on 17 Pennsylvania, Northern ntral and Cumberland vaito Railroads, and at R ror Philadelphia, POttlll7lli . , t Wilkeebarte, Allentown, Fitaton, &c. Baggage chocked through. Para between New York and Harrisburg, 45 00 ; between :Harrisburg and Phila. iciphia,..l3 25 hi No. tears, add,/ , 70 in No. 2. 1 Fair ticket. or other iolitrelation apply to ! .7 .4. OLYDR, mytkltf Umbra! Agent, Harrisburg. -- Northern Central Railway' CHANGE . OF SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Mil Mini DAILY TO AND ZION 13 1.1 I 1.1 0 12., M Close Connection made at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW YORK. SLEEPING CARS. RUN UN ALL NIGHT TRAINS. gN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862 the Passenger Train of the Northern Central way will arrive at and depart from. Harrisburg and Baltimorean follows, viz ; GOING SOUTH. MAIL TRAIN arrives at Harrisburg. 1.00 P. M and leaves • 4 1.15 P. M EXPRESS 4 . arrives at 12.55 A. M and leaves " 1.15 A. M GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN lea4ree Baltimore at. . ..... 8.20 A. M. and arrives at 8arrnanirg.....12.45 P. M. • and leaves North at............ 1.15 P.M. IMPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore at .. . ... 9.30 P.M. and arrives at Harrisburg 2.45 4. M. and leaves North at 8.05 A. lit ITARRIRRITIIG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves Harrisburg for Baltimore at ....7.30 A. M. Returning—leaves Baltimore at P. M. The only train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the Harrisburg Aoetimmodstien Trilby South at 7.80 A. M. For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. ' • • • • • Harrisburg, Nay 8, 1882.17 penneplvanio picttig fit ckgrapb, Monk% _,2tftm)on Otptembtr '. 3 ,'-l3titins li rticliilegs SOMETHINGIVIC.THE TIMM orAlarEssrry IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & OROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD . THE IDEIRAPWST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE If the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND * WATER. IT WILL MIND WOOD, IT WILL MEND LEATHER, send your Harness, *rape, Belts, BOO* 60, IT WILL MEND GLAI3B, Ssvo Ma pieces of that expeamtv6 Chit Maas Baths IT WILL MEND IVORY Don't throw away that broken IvorY,/an, It Is easily re rdreP. iT W ILL MEND CHINA, • Your broken Chinq Caps'iutd Simon an be madeese good as new. IT WILL MENDIIARBLE, . . That piece knocked out'iil your Marble Mantle cau be • put on adadivig aa.even. . IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter it that broken Pitcher did not Wet but a ebn• nag, a &tilling saved is a abiliing earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER Mit costly AM/66W V 660 6 broken . jaktfl !you can't match tt,' inetid it, It will nevere4qW - r1161! T4f together. it will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metal& 6.tiy utiele Oeinauted iota enamor biiggirr Giza - will not show where it is monde& . ziTRADTB. ~ .Every Housekeepera enoilld haves of Johns liroaley'a American &main Glue."--11 , 'F. yunes. • oil in 4. convwdest„la have in . tua huass,"—A. P. &Frew. !qt's always ready ; Ulla 00111111f0111 Melt to every itody.!'--fmcgancinatt. HIV° have tried it, and And it is tmetel in our homes as water." Wake Spirit of the - • SW.* Per, year raved in every Wilily by. (,ne Bottle of „AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Very littera iteduetirms to Whokage Buyer.. TERMS CASH. sir For esle by . it! Druggist's, &ad .torelteepers general ly throughout the c ountry. mime & CROSLEY, Oole • Illso,lofiv4ereitifih. 78 STREET, Corner pf , Liberty street. 111 KW Y Important to Farmers. lb cal idiom tMi may concern, and itetonce every ITORNB & CROSLEY'S PIO VS GOTTA P/MCKA . DEMENT. ROOFING, • The ()heapeet and nrat thimble Booting In nee. Important *Rouse Owners. Important tolkilders.,: Important to Rail Road Companies IT DI MR AND WATER, PROOF It eat be applied to Neer and our Keen of e. l iclude eteop or Oat, rrud to Mame Roots witheet removing the Shiniest. Cost is only about this-Third Mater Tim AND cr lil TwicK AS OuRABLE. rhie article btu; been illoreukb y tested lo New Yori City and all other Tads of dud Vatted : StatikVinada; Weal Indies Central and path Ainerlo4 On buildings or all kinde, Beeline .r.oropamo, Fourroinw,CpgriOdle, Rau ROAD DIMS, CARS,IIIIII Pomo' itcooninas generally. Revelailizit Buono:Ina &a., by the' Inhattie• Milldam; ALl:tablets and Others, dodnithePod. kaSYears. proved to - i.e - 'the Cdit,kfltlfr and Itudr ISURABUC one , 11,ht tu every reip6ll ALL-STRAI WAI It WEATHERand : Tfdg rtt.i.KW covering for : o • kpop, lly A1.1:11IND9 Thu is the UNG r material measufattured 1414, Useued States ywhich combines the yery destreble vropertles of Elasticity and DurabDity, which are universally acknow ledged te posMemed by 0072 A PEW:HA AN!) LtyplA BUBBAR. No Heat is required in making apOlioatioti The expense of applying fit. is trifling, az an Ordinary roe ate be covered and fin_lehed the moue doy . Ix can . be 00P4811.b.Y any one, slid when dnished fermi a ; pedantry; nee PkiKelt ear :54.6 with an dual body, 'which eannui be injured by ( .. 01, D, Or STOSMIt &WPM of KW. llama, oar cereal lACtIOILI whatever. LIQUID . GUTTA. PEEtCHA, CEMENT', For Coating Metals of sill Kinds when, exposed to the Action of the Ih r enther, :and .. ~ FOR PRESERVING AND REPEARING METAL BOW'S OF VAILKII6B. Is - lhe siiik'OCWOittiZukkiiiktrii widish; Wllieitc . u4s. fully resint' extreme-Minerva all "ollnistes; foi, any length of time, when appireo MOWS, to which It ad legeellrmlys ?orating a body Auu to coat s of or dio oro costs much less and win il,ABl' THRBE TOM A yowl ; a nd from fiseehestleitt i l s not Mjiiisorhy. the. cOntracion and expatisloh and other - iteQi'ltOok atoaquelit, u d oxi, spook the es of the l kiegiher ••' okra not eadvx. zit caw aa RUN Is Frimit WArAININs AND W4 4l .lVtg, wAdar I ml ay, go ao othegeial Rog% can be readily , Lwow. ediritb GUTTA giat: ORIV, slid preveulles fro* fuyliber oorroSIOD and blikkllds.,; hereby ensurlui4 ; aAN featly sighs roof : of may • yeaik ..• , . 1 . Shia Columns Ite 6 GlArltidititesi for itta iiiiiiel:forka of IRON RAILINGS, MOVES, RANGES, ILAlrikk: AGRii . CIII.,TURAL IMPLESIMS,Aroi t iaIso ler, genera- mom:. reocurers use. --i 4 .., .. , GUPTA. ' f i gtiANlA o.lChtkli r f l . • • • . , For preserving and ropaine. Thread other Medal B ilot ti of Lavery description s from-its...smaa-einebetty, is not Injured tby the contraction and kt tplangun.ed Mews, and will not kracit in:.i., cold or Min 'erh-webtlidr. . ... . r : . .;, .. 2 ,•:,! ~,,,•• i -.,..•_•.:-.., • :: fl t i t ' g rrelt 4re • - x apply l ry iceGUTtg - TKaie l iktr it Zt fragfraikak iiiepariut aeasCita 601VA-RERO:Caif: 1 1 0.4TARAVre44 1 0 1 b 091 4 04 d 1 Wolcak Coif .4ppli• i• in •-• • ;•' - • !with woke,. ,timv, 1 )11111 4.oloksAery arnagemosta !with "topiviastble paTtied wiwvottlAt,,ffirale eatablifb tbenv lietirie in )i'lFdrative' : 3 TEitWik-1WC't.46.6 • l '. !me 4:44 , 0 1 , ' N =blindfike , .ProoPAn all merebdurnk ;41,:ve r . 1 ;:...ii isuptoied Bedithg having, ippliwt :Ahem, to 9Et ..„., 41 liitnisiiiia Rl:kr in'tiolui Vd t ri °ley ado' Vidjui t y: • ""• ..'. ' . t'`, /0010114 *.OrtobLEy.---,• ,-,zsaucataziummmatag a , Whalosa4 ., liVarehottfi7BliviliiintSt.; , .' uoraer vi:t . rpet. "' 1 'r u n vieLiiitivv %itininitire and Prices will tic Conal t ined On appucttlab urms*tor t ,•qi y.. r _ Fa v or; repolv e ed !did , , NiCeol,o . 18Q1N,614„*,. PORT TOL.IO2WRITINGI4IBO: • - weicribie*rilf UAW za t : Ai puiropighiledle, v ja ws , 'ilj,..-131ROMMIIIMletiatal l i.P 14.141 ti:l-1:471"!=,w Save your broken Furniture ECONOMY IS WEALTH. Price 26 polite per . Boitie. Price 25 dente per Bottle Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 dente per Bottle. ?Ace 26 Cente per Bottle. Palm 26 Conte per Bottle. MI fatbital HELMBOLD'S 'GENUINE PREPARATION “HIG'ILY 00NO4MATZIP Specific FLUID EXTRACT MIN, A poaillve and Specific Remedy For Diseases of • the ELADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINKS:. - • This Medicine Increased the power of Digestion, and mitme the ABSORBENTS, Into healthy action, by Which the WATERY OR OMA3AREOU9 depositions, tuid all UN. NATURAL ENLARODIKIINTS 'are reduced, as well as PAIN AND InANIATI9N, and le good.for , WOIM.N OR CHILDREN. HEYPKILvs =awn BUM% ' For Westmont; Arising from Itroonsti Bitted of Muipatkon, Early.ln discretion or A base. ATTENDEDIVITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indistiositkin to /*intim, - Loss of Power Law of. Memory, . . - Difficulty of Braithing, Wiai Narver, Treuthsykg, Horror of /*seamy Wakefulness, Dimness of Vklon, Pall in:the Beek Universal lassitude of the Muscular System,' ; • Mot Hands, . 'lathing of the Beaty Drirleelf or the Shia liireptiOns on the Face. PALLID 001INTIINANON i These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this mad Mho invariably removes soondhliouni IMFCMINOIf, FATIJITY, EPILEPTIC Ma im IN mix 'Ol AMISH THM P ATIENT MAY Who hell lefty th=a g re not freque.tly followed, y those A . DpIRPUL "INSANITY 4ND ' CONSUMFTION.. Shay are the tense of their entering, . ,BUT NOM WILL 00101113111. THE RECORDS OF THE INS4NE ASYLUMS, Agatha Ihtiattehdy Deaths " by Cblussemiion„ 111.111.01P11 WOMBS TO Pal 1111 MI OP PEP ABUIPPION. THE communal.? °NOS AFFIXTMD WITH ORGANIC VirEASSIES, I Setroree the aid of medicine to strengthen and Ithdireeete the System, Mick Elwasom's EXTRACT BUONO invariably doe • TRIAL .WILL COMIC) TM moor slcurnaas. MMIALIE—FEM — EREV—FEMALRE, oLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR OONTEMPLA TINMALLIDUAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Radio Is unequalled by any other remed, ea In Ohloreeta or Retention; Irregularity, Pala&ham, 'or Suppression or Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhow etate.of tho Meru, ,Lanuorhant Trattea, Stern ity, and Lir all etooplalata Incident:to , the sex, whether arising froth Indlecretioddlablia of Dissipation, or In the RICIAINB 011 MAXON OP LUZ' enceroxe mon NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT 1 ( Mt Frg "P"4" . 1171 4 CT BMW curie SECRET DISEASES. in all their Stages, trapenee Little er ao change In Diet ; • No inconvenience; Asa Pip Erpointre. It Cauca a treiptent desire ana,glves drrrOktotrhinate, thereby removing OtattnuAithon._. ereventintiaid ihrrhig igrietinve-ef -brie Urethra /ithiyhtenin.lad Imilammationoro frequent hi the chills datellaelli suit expAling all POmitabia, Durand andtbarriiina =mime oioit Tao Ii HO 91TP72 BEEN 2HE 2702'1118 OP QUACK% and who haw paid' HEAVY WO to , be Cured to It short one, have found they mere deceived, and that the !'POI VW,has, try the ace 'of "rowinvut coracroskre, " been deed up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and ; • - 1 PERELAPB AIMEE 21412121.4812. Use Hindman's Nnaatir Ikon for alt affeetions and diseases of the , OKQANS, , • whether eztsting,i n MALE EE FEMALE, Flom whatever cause originating and no matter c f 110 W LOWS. STANDING. pheesea ait = reingrer theWW aid of DIMS r :0,L131' &1 • • •• : 4 "IR THE GREAT DIUMEI7O, had Is while to have, the desired effect in e.ll Weasel FOR WRICHIT TR 'RIIOOII.IIENDED. 'haw. of Gs mad ratable deed taipmusbie Mengel" Rill accompany the medicos. . osanricaus 'OF CoRUi, . /route be Win Names Crowe to 21)11/111g "aft, . • .8016 NON AND PAWL Price $1 00 per, bogie, or six for $5 00. Delivoredlo any midmos t securely ;acted from °bier DI9=UI SYMIONSIN IU, COMIItWCAT/ONEI. On es ditaarantood I Advlim Grafts I AFFIDAVIT: " rereonally appeared Wore me, an Alderman of ZUto city of Phlladelpbl4 H. T. Hismnow, who being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations contain ne narcotic, no tueronry, or other Milldam] drugs, but are purely 'vege table - • . R. T. HILMBOLD. Sworn and subncribed befit* me, this RIO day of No somber, UK WIL P. RIBMD, Ablaroaan, Ninth IL ihttver ROO% Plans. Address WWI for bitormallott wide - nos lo H. TAIIELMBOLD ; 'Chemist, two% I.olSouttOlentb Ett.,lbol,Gberdnut, Philo, 1110WARADair 001INTAAIRJTJAITS AND DliP contb pagaits; • Who endeavot to 41 Mat imps own , ' mind "min" amens 01 TaIiiirIrLiTIOMMTAINIED Wf goimholtro ett Iloitlit•PrOmrotkes, . Litres,' Rocha, • el VI • g ar i apw a 4 t` " , 4 , ;Improtled Rose Wish. Sold by 13. 8.. tielkw, D. %Arm, Wyetb, 0 A, .Al ALL DRUOIL9it APAJI-Y if E. ' yott muteoups. TALittNo ()dim the•sofittreineat soid send toot, ' AND AVOIDINPOSTPION AND PAPOSORIL FIRE IIR A .. N . 0 E • HE DELAWARE MUTUAL BAYSTI 1N51111,114011 •'COMPANY; IN 0 PRA° R A,PSI) 1836. . Capital Amet5........5869,126 37 • DDIZOTORS.. Martio,!Ednluid A.'flonder, Theciphllui Paulding, JnoK. Penzese,•Jum.o:llavier.las. Traquair , Byre,,ir • James R. Rua, Willlank,.o. Ludwig, Jamph Seal, Nix It.tit. Huston, thaneLaiper. thigh, Craig,. :amilee • Relit, Samuel I& MAN, Pito n, Henry Moan. ildwardlMlllngtm, M. &meg lima; spencer Miltalne, Thema 0. Hand, Rebell Bartonameb P.' Jones, Jeerer B. idTurinud• Joihua.P. pore, lahn N a. Egunple. Otis Mug, T. Nergan,Pitlaburg i _ll. B. Berger, • • MAMMA lburg. - THOMAS O.tHAND, - The Preaidest. HBNRXUlaggli &madam. The undezeigned se agent .for Abe aixme named nom. PEAT, mantes lake" Pite - Make Hamlaburg and ' • jalo:di _ t • 'ValdiaLUE BUEHLER. TORT FOLIOS itirmTho Ammo, ntsimr.alK4 4418; mins; - POBTMORALES, And a genend'innartninrit bf FAN(Tir GOODS have just been received at • • BEIGNEWSINGIar BOOKSTORE. . . . . . SUGAR CI EI.AAIL4 . DRillit Intl* BUG, RA SAUSAGE. buy and fresh stipplyool .r 44 by eb26 w. - poog. Jr &OS BIeCLINTOCHIBUT OILII SYRUP. Irons INVALUABLE tiWiltiF, WHICH Xil 1 entirely yegetalibt he itri"iximlioddon;.has employed with.: Wmiderful success ' for any years in the cure otiiiiiiisee for the Au ASSAM and LUNGS. :-764 - -sny form of the disease such as COMM VOICIThiti o f th e etill MOAT, BPITTING 6 OII I ' BLOOD, - DIM CULT BBEA•I44nt, BOABBPADS3, LOBl3 DP „'irOICE, and BUNOTIO FIViIiBB, rte . use Will the attended with the thappiest results. It is bee of the; beetiisisuLtimfait medichma for • all' korms of JOKMIEUTI6 - 1 and CONBIIMPTIONi Ilya daluituna arllrq/!nigit, of °Pfinn ill air,tharag thi gAi rip„ , i :!;-.,...i PIIII4ISIOO ERR BOBITig. • •••• i I For OW .st -, BIKRONEWS OHBA? -lICKIL' :TORE. •,. i..,1 Y. 'I r.,1: , . t-, ot''l„.e':Vreleon.tb;,.o46**c. ••: 11:, t -I CHOW k ,10111011% • "'.' anew mill • :"‘x. 13 ,. ' B II ;PP IE tr. _AA ifr ° eß lL h isiws and and of Monona lAnda Fnat, inoidved andlca•:,inplitg c., ,''• • • _ WM. DOOR, air. Co,,b IRE"dtatalChy the eheit or :bozo /mt. rell*"ll4Weliteii oat **lv' m e t a nd jos)! ID. ID. g.%ross Set go., D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL: DRUQGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PENN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS *AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all, such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your Mention to the largest and best,selested stock in this my, of DRUGS OILENIOALS & PAINTS. Oils, varnishes nod Glues, Dir•Staire, Glass mind Putty, ArtlitGalors and Tool, Ptitr* Ground Spits. Burning Plaid mild Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and.Plao Oils, BouhiN.Vimas and Leung Globe', Cantle Soaitip; Sponges and Corks, Inc., me., die., me., dic.o4llsa, Bml With a general variety of PERFIFICKRY * TOILET ARTIOLZB, Zi= eeleoted from the beet manufacturers and Pe (amen of Europe and this country. i3eing very Imp( dealers' la ' . PAINT% WRITE _,1341D, LINSEED °IL, VARNIBERII4, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSIEMS IN ILLI 4 I'NEIR VARIETISS, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KIND&, We reepeetforly- hiNite a .call, feeling, emu dent that we can supply the wants of all on tonne to their satiefactlim. TEETH I TEETH II JONES AND WHITEES PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of ell kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifer and Onoentrated Lye Vitioleeale &gaols for Saponifier, which we eel se low as it am be purehaeed to rho cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL I CARBON OIL I Being large purchaser's these, olle, we can offer luducernente to close buyers. COW , Qil La - n/Pa of the most: improved POteraak-vffi. cheap. All. klndp of lamps chant* •kt bur FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who luiva not Avail our gpRE4 AND CAT TLE POWlillitiEl a trial know no thew superiority, and Via aavantage they "are : keeping Horses and Oattli.'healthY'ind i)ixt A cioilditioa• , • Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the inereailni •InikUdiY and . 1 044 of * * 4 / 41 i lap i eeihq the general. .#ealtn and pampa, of Utah Oattle. • _ Our long experience in the business gives tie the advantage of a thorough knowledge of OS to*, And ow the citiewara each that we can in a very Short time s isnleL anything aPperirdning _to oar businses,,con the best of terms. ='" 'Phantrfol for the ILberei patrimege !metope! on our hoente,,pe. hope by tibia ratteuttan to bnetnem, B careful selection Of • ' 1 • PURE DaI GS at lak price, and ttie 44 ' merit a °optimum* of, 111 -P.l€4" tit gng TM*. 'rui "wink: " • " FISHInG TA:O,IELET o AV& .'""'" noWifilbur..and Are lionei,Mrolititode:••• ' • — ..• - Oak 'and lialig - Trolit I, lcikviit'l.o LondonPagent Trout - Untie; er•!- st• - ••. rolitat . palhaa efalS ec heit in: ."1.;; ', i fs. • oen o i • ft 44 46 44 !Plait Linea farmland iilth ' !Bram Multiplying Reel!, 10.k44) Mardi. lot of Choice Trout sunk alk Wornn Oullesinittent ' • ~ " " Wirsa . ~• • • i 41 II T rOgt Bilkiltk ifi rd # 4l) 1 1.4 t a d i tkNi var lig g iv_roa t e flat Trout and River Hooke, Roan% Mugs. slum% Allb•ltAlfritt -gTOIII-' •ip4l% Cl:MMingftl44,_ fresh. t roan, •LW - Popper , Abides, Cumin** . pwiin aid • , . • pr oorogr ,iifeeleL, 111111 . P. kW. C. IrkilXattiNkW ult tw It L soonemittraiidadadt. 4.044 1 4.1 tow no Rain and will up* Mipte) .. Itiublll/M4414 not to dors tqe hands. ' will 111501poirt* s ar land fa , worefo •i re suitable loillioerr pit , ;OW •• • • • •WiL *Vol kA.KG.E and, sue # in and nuiribbituart -0 hoot fit OE ELIXIR P.ROPYLLMENE, TIM NEW REMEDY FUR RHEUMATISM, A NEW 11.111aDY A creaming asmioy, ACUTE RHEUMATISM CHRO , B/SOEIZRAILIM OOW 11715 9 D; RHEUM AMU(' H lEMJBORN No Juilwi H • HOW LO9O Frrakera psopfi,:,444 WIIZ COMBRIIT, WILL CURIE IT, WHAT IT HAS DONE, Tr WILL DO AGAIN. NE BRIT =dl ONT, Bller IHEDICAL AUTHORITY PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. fFkost ()wow Boom!. Rffiroins.J Mar 19, 1860,—Ellea h., en. 'a, single, Dever's/as very strong. Two years ago she had an attack of some theme tiom,trote whit* alma was confined to her bed fog two weeks 'stud auttstigeetty grOm &Mapes far four more. She has been sincelbsit Whist Dater day, while engaged in house felsening, she took cold, had pain in her back, felt cold, tint bed *0 decided chill. Two days later her ankles be , gas so Irwin, which Was foll Owed by swelling of the : knew joints.. and. of the hands. ghe has now dull pain In her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both bands are adhoted , but the right ti most so. This, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or, -M. isnow hshkinably called, rheumatic fever. Ilia a Well remarked typical mac We will carefully watch the case, and from time to timenall your attention to the vari ous24Stwhiui, which present themselves. ify chief object in b her Wire you now, is to call attention to a remedy._ his recently been recommended is the treatment of. rtmtunatie tn. I mean propylimine. Dr. ktretierluai'd fit.' Petersburg, recommends it in the highest term, having darlved great usuat from ite use in AO cues which came under his care. Oarless com. Meinistcry testimoniala respecting 11 have appeared in oaf journals, and I promsa therefore to give It another trial. I most conflate lam always Incredulous as to the wbr~of remedies; which are vaunted as @goatees but Ulla comes to as recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial.— SIMI CASE FOUR DAYS LATER I MAT 93, 1380.—1 Will now exbfbit to you the patient for wbonalpreseribed Pettilylamina, and we a then labor ing under an attach of acute rheumatism. she, has untedlly liken it to doses of three grains every two hours .(inteMatthig WM night-) The day after you saw her, I itimulbir much more cofortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or `more,Judglog from her other attack. (The patient now walked Into the room.) The mproveuteMlmastendffi pregressed, and you cannot -iff Woggle blinked thaw in the appearance of her ,Anie,Aelijah era urn nearly all of their natural sine,— nu fir our experiment would have seemed very so., but y gentlemen, we must wait a little while be ire we can give a decided opinion as to what to to be the result.: Alma* another patient who was placed on the use of ale same medicine on Sunday last ; she has long been angering from a 'mato rheumatiam, and I found her at that Mita with an acute attack supervening upon her the wrists and knuckles wuro mans swollen Jaime. She took the chloridc of Propyla mine in thee grain doses every two hours, and you will perceive that the swelbag of the joints has much dimin tibed. THREE DAYS LATER I I MAY Stt 1880. Thin la the case of acute rheumatism sated with propylamine, the first of those to which I allied your attention at our last clinic. the is still very comfortable, and is now taking three groins thrice daily. In this use it has seemed to be followed by very sat isfactory rush& The second cue to which your mitten that intrealledat our hut 'Mature, has also continued to Owen. I wilt now bring-before you a very character into case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat . foolery; !think, ad good jurymen, Wd shall justly render our verdioLln favor ar l sropylamin He iiii`inatilitn, net. Who was admitted a few days -ego. Hal hag Quasi° rheumatic pains, but not so than Co keep his bed, until eight days mo. The pouts began lit his right Mee t subsequeatly alfeami the left Imes, and later, the joints of the ; upper extreolithU3. Those joints are tar Swollen; tease K tender. His tongue is furred • blookbi r atlircuat ,dry,: though there has been mush' sweating. pules is full and strong, and about 90.- 4le bu now used propybonide for twenty-four hours. .c This r u e n Ja what may hem be called a strictly typical Coo or ante humatism. T was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure Is followed by a feeling of mildness, severe : articular pain, beginning, MB it usually does, in the lower joints. There is fever and the profuse 117:1g, so generally attendant on acute rheumatism. 1114 'bring this patient before you with tae lnteu- Non of giving you a lecture en all the pante doineacted with rheldnitlsm, but in again give a trial to toe silt remedy we are tooting, and to exhibit to you this Vidal Ohms; he I have coiled it, them which third ca hid alai bet Mitre' opportunity • for testing the medicine in location. •We ate, therefore, avokling the Wee of all 'other itedleholis, even anodynes i that there may be no apjaatinzi g e sent ithiett was theetacient remedy, You Shah see the caws of &Adore (Moto. A FAVORABLE VERDICT Jutted, MO.—The next of our convalescents is the ease of acute rheithhitkinfbefore you at our clinic id May 80th, which I than called a typical case, and which it was remarked was a hdr opportunity for te4una the Wirth bt btu' aim was, It' Was therefore steadily . flit i iM e gir NV% dentle every tvro hours for rear days. a n has gat aloes Vary nicely, and is now able to Arehtldialue, Ai you SOO. -I do not hesitate to s-y that :AM* deveS WWI ilin:setrere a peso of acute rumination), 'eh Stem 'restored to' health as this man has been, 11161 wiumoitsiteg preperediodeoldepeeltive oy as to the val ueof the remedy we hare. nod, Mtn bound to state ikai to the ileamite4hich 'we have tried the Chloride eiropylandlla, the eatiepteheve regained their health pinch earner than under the treatment ordinarily pur ougt;.: Issiiith gentlemen, you would yourselves try It, mareportilterashitia C: 3 iron a till repdri of which the above is a eondensed astral, sew the Philadelphia Mediksa and Surgical 80-. voter. It lithe report after, a fair trial by the becloud al authority in thmoonntry, and makes it unitscessary to give nameroiu oettrtkiants from setonlithed doctors riOolleing Patients. • iEPMY OE4I, L OUR. .lu4M:r Mkigc,i4Mll _ _ . rf OM DONE, onitaok & Cirreshaw, a dm well !mown to most medi al men, by salmi the MI; Propylatnine haa been in. traduced, have sold to albs exotiutvo tight !maniac- WO It aeser&syv. io tbtlnal nape, ad we have Pit t ! ) 11/1 . : 01 '4 11 0: sagrattlito am to enable us to seatleet break's:ea Maga Intfreviss A VollEi 'D3 Dourowl U yen meter 10 OW t e lemake isoiedy in auoilmnfaria we Invite par ataaitlon to the PalatalaelLOaD Claaitaa - Pagairmerzo, Pitia Pao/lull"' Lanai; taw MinumanieopaurnunD, ?NA 9 1, 4 1 : 0 ".- 1 4411rugisie , of whiok we ate tassel* maxi ukunarers. firWe olalth uo other Orme for the &Mir Propylaeum irth ththeithied In litre Crystalised Obloride of boor, imam ' IUB Edna Di .IJi iaNtlitiY BE TAKEN i asooautmo TO ottutoriobra, RY Z 13% wpolusxmatArlam 01 ANY HEIM f low P*.tior-gbY • Orden may be addresed te I ' NANirrAgrintiNG 4 . 9ili . ° PtA l raN k, B. W. oor pouttb and annul streets, P 1311146111414 toielther of the follnwint oleede Ageastt • BuLLOOK & =MAW, TAMS, =bum a co.- . - TOM M. 114.11114 &CO., SDI Ininuatax. Eco , PSPAL 0 0 , • 1 zrialast _ Tamalimaismor k 00 ' • ;PliT intbital. DOCTORS MUD DOCTORS 'DUANE DOCTORS TRY It DOCTORS KNOW IT, PATINNIBBNIINVE IT TRIED AND TAUB. Tile RESULT. IN BURY 0411111, WHENNUR MED: IT 'WILL DO AGAIN KORK CONY AND ALWAYS RFAirT NAJNNEDLITit van, at 76 crn . a soma.