9ailp titgr4o. NO cICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Ad vertisements, Bugloss' Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, dro., to secure Insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must Invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu. tar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition Without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Monday Afternoon, September 29, 1862. NOTICE. Ihe following notice has been received by the Postmaster of this city, relating to the sale of postbge stamps to be used as currency in place of small silver chaoge. It will be observed that the Postmaster is prohibited to sell stamps for that purpose. Read the notice, viz : POST °MOH DXPAHTMSNT, Finance Ofice, WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 1862. Sia : Postmasters are instructed not to sell stamps, knowingly for use for currency. The Department is at present unable to supply one half the current demand, by reason of large sales by Postmaster's to the public, to supply the want of small change Respectfully yours, A. N. ZIIVIELY, Third did. P. K Oen. Ciao. BSRGNER, P. IC Harrisburg, Pa. Ex-Gov. REEDER was in the city yesterday, a guest at the Jones House. He looks well, and as ever, is enthusiastic in the cause of right and justice. Gov. Ton, of Ohio, passed through Harris burg to-day, en route for Ohio. We learn from a passenger who was in the car with Gov. Tod, that he (Gov. Tod,) had stated that orders would be issued for the recruiting of an addi tional force of nine months' men. .............. THE PEOPLE'S lIISION EXECUTIVE Committee of the several wards of the city of Harrisburg, are requested to meet at the Park House, at 7i o'clock, P. u,, on Monday, the 29th inst. 2t PETER MEYER, Chairman. GOOD FOR ME ONE HUNDRED LAD TWENTY SEVENTH, COLONEL JENNINGS BEG 0 0 T.—Jehu De Haven, Esq., Supervisor of tie Northern Central Railroad, has just returned from Camp Boas with upwards of three thousand dollars sent home by the soldiers in that regiment to their friends here ; that regiment having just been paid off. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE.—The manager of this favorite institution was again gratified on Saturday night with a densely crowded house- The audience were in estacies with the original comicAli , ies of that sable son of fun, Sam. Sharpley. An enure new programme is pre sented, in which Sharpley appears in the first part as the tam borine minstrel. He also sings a new banjo song—The Keystone Volunteers ; introduces his laughable burlesques—The Soger's Return and Sam in a Storm. Another hill house may be anticipated, hence those de siring seats should go early. HARRISBURG ACADERY.—The fall session of this popular institution commenced to-day.— Under the charge of J. F. Seiler, the Harrisburg Academy now ranks among the best institutions in the State, both in respect to the branches taught, and the excellent discipline preserved. We end 'stand that a few vacancies are yet open for scholars, and we therefore recommend those, both at home and abroad, who desire to send their suns to a school in which improve ment will be soonest reached, at once to place them in the Harrisburg Academy. Moan VICTIMS OT TELE BAILROAD DIEASTER.— Two more victims have been added to the list of the slain in the fearful railroad disaster of Friday last, since our report of the condition of the wounded, printed in Saturday's TELEGRAPH. The colored man, Henry Harris, died on Sat urday morning, after suffering the most India cribable pain. His remains were properly taken care of and buried. If every white and black man in this country can die in the same faith and hope which cheered this poor Maya in his last hours, it will be well for them in the last judgment, where justice will be immutable. Corporal Edwin F Scott, Second Revenue Guards, of Philadelphia, died yesterday morn ing, at the residence of Mr. Henry Kolker.— This makes the tenth victim. His remains will be forwarded to Philadelphia this morning. Corp. Scott had both legs broken, simple frac ture In one and compound in the other, and severely cut in the head and face. There are eighteen of the wounded yet loca ted in the ware room of the Cotton Factory ; with eeveral others to various parts of the city. It is the opinion of those in attendance, that all these will recover. They receive the very beet care, and professionally attended to with great devotion. IMPORTANT TO VOLUNTRAILB.—AB many Volun teers in lieu of the di aft, are now being raised throughout the State, it is proper that the means by which transportation can be provided should be made public. A clause in General Order No. 121, of the War Department.providee as follows : "The Commissioners will accompany the men to camp, taking the control of them, providing for their transportation by railroad or steamboat when practicable, and where it is necessary to march, he may provide a reasona ble amount of transportation for the provisions and baggage of the men. The expenses of transportation will be paid by the Quarter Mas ter's Department of the United States on dupli cate bills certified by the Commissioner." In accordance with the above all applications for railroad transportation of volunteers in lieu of the draft, and men actually drafted, must be made to Major A. K. McClure, at this place, by the Commissioner of the county in which the meta have been raised. The transportation order will be made out in the name of the Commissioner and his certifi cate stating the number of men and points be tween which passed, will be required by rail road officials. Transportation other than that furnished by railroad companies, will be pro- vided bylhiCommlesioner as required by clause of general order above quoted. FOR FORT DRLAWARE —Some seventy-nine secesh prisoners were taken this morning from Camp Curtin' to Fort Delaware. As usual, they were filthy looking objects. They were under the charge of Captain Kreider, of the One hundred and Forty-seventh regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. =I PARSONS having any articles belonging to the 20th regiment Penna. Militia, lost at the late collision, and picked up by those Eksisting in conveying dead and wounded from the scene of disaster, are requested to return them to the Cotton Factory Hospital. B. LLOYD JAMIE, Lt. Col. 20th Regt =I C=l GOOD lON AN OLD HABILIBIBUNGER.—Some of our good people were quite anxious to know how our old friend, Rev. Mr. Zarhariae, (for merly pastor of the German Reformed church here,) fared when "secesh" took possession of Frederick. A number of the rebel officers at tended his church on Sunday, when the Doctor prayed straight out for the President of the United States. The rebels had the good sense to take no steps to punish him for his loyalty. In the evening of the same day, Stonewall Jackson attended the Doctor's church ; but it seems the opiate with which he lulls his conscience, took effect on the outer man, and he slept soundly thr6ugh the services. Some of the Union au dience rather wished that Stonewall could have been fixed off as was the young man who fell asleep under Paul's preaching, and gave the "primitives" a specimen of "ground tumbling." GAITY Music Hatt.—Bob. Edwards' place of amusement is without any exceptions the best place of amusement in the United States. The array of talent at hie establishment consists of the following artists : Mr. Curtis Erwin, the justly renowned tight rope walker, ventrilo quist, contortionist, vaulter and general per former, In which he cannot be excelled. Next comes Dick Berthelon, the champion bone player of the world, in his splendid bone solos. Then here is Bob himself, the unrivaled min strel. The ladies are Miss Julia Edwards, the Harrisburg nightingale ; Miss Mollie Fielding, the soldiers' favorite; Miss Lizzie Francis, dart sues, the Washington pet ; Miss Kate Francis, the Philadelphia star; Miss Kate Archer, late of the old Raval troupe. All of the above are first class artists, and worthy the patronage of the public. Go and judge for yourself. It is the only female troupe in this city. ON A MISSION OF MLSOKUIF. —We learn direct from one of the principal livery stables in this city, that a two horse coach was started from Third street this morning, laden with all sorts of the most mischievous printed matter, (the reprint of the articles which Frank Hughes lately contributed to the tory organ,) the gal lant Gen. Roumfort, (one of the Breckinridge candidates for the Legislature in Dauphin coun ty,) Constitutional Aleck (for such we must here after call our quondam friend Alexander Wat son, Chairman of the Breckioridge County Con vention, on account of his zeal for the Consti tution) and other articles, which the reader can better imagine than we can describe. Truly we can exclaim, that a larger load of Democra tic mailer never left the state capital, and before Constitutional Aleck and the aspiring Gen. Boumfort can spread this load of mischief, we warn the people to be on their guard. We warn the loyal men of the county to close their ears to the appeals which will be made to them by the trio, and we promise the men who have un dertaken this mission a full exposure of their operations before their plans are half executed; Of course, the upper end of the county will be deluged with all sorts of falsehoods, and if the political pilgrims we allude to, namely Constitutional Aleck and the General, succeed in that locality, they may perhaps turn their attention to other quarters.. In the meantime; we ask our friends to be on the alert, to be prepared to meet and refute the roorbacks that went out in the two horse coach, and the mis sion will not pay the hire of the livery team. A DES ERVID COMPLIMINT.-At a meeting of the Commissioned officers of the several com panies, composing the 23rd Regiment, Penna. Volunteer Militia, held at the Headquarters of Company A, on Friday morning Sept 26th Inst.,. Capt. Hughes of Co. E, vas called to the chair, and Capt. Wilson of Co. C, appointed Secretary. On motion, Captains Eldred McAllister and Mc- Farland were appointed a committee to prepare, and report resolutions, who proposed the follow" fag which being considered were unanimously adopted, viz : Resolved, That the thanks of the officers, non commissioned officers and men, of the compa nies comprising this command, are hereby ten dered to Colonel Weistling, for his promptness and efficiency as an officer, and gentlemanly deportment as a citizen, and, whilst we regret that our military association is to be so short it has nevertheless been long enough to impress us with the utmost confidence in his ability as an officer and a leader, and should future occa sion require , it, we shall be most happy to rally again under his command. Received, That we have the fullest confidence In Lieut. Col. Snyder, and deeply regret that ,the delicate state of his health has in some de greee prevented him from assuming active du ties with his regiment. We trust that a per fect recovery will soon enable him to add to the services he bas already rendered his coun try. Resolved, That In Major Brady we recognize a worthy regresentative of the old revolutionary Brady stock. That our brief acquaintance - has Impressed us with his merits as an officer and citizen, and that he has our thanks for the courteous manner in which he has discharged his respective duties. rust) John R. McFatima, Capt. Co. A. Geo. B. Bow ing let Lieut. A. Vowinskle 2nd Win. B. Marshall; lat Lieut. acting Capt. CO. B, J. E. Coulter 2nd Davjil Wition Capt. Co. CJ, J. A. Jacobs Ist Lient.•B. B. Grossman 2nd Wm. Burchfield, Capt. Co. D, Wm. W. Mays Ist Lieut. A. Sample, 2nd. ls W t Li m e - u R t; r i r. es Pr' gagiet'LlE, Adam . George H. N. McAllister, Capt. Co. F, Da niel Ginley Ist Lieut. J. B. Butts 2nd. C. D. Eldred, Capt. Co. G, Wm . S. Bly let Lieut. Win. Vandyke 2nd. T. R. McComb, Capt. Co. H, J. Workist Lieut. J. B. - Hinds 2nd. ,• S. S. Graighead, Capt. Co. I, Alex, Hazleit ?et Lieut. B. T. Anderson 2nd. John Gibson, let Lient acting Capt. Co. K, J. N. Ansley, 2nd. W. B. Hooting, Pres. AO—DAVID WilsoN, So" y. pettnovivania Malty elegraph, Acifttlctp lfterttoon September 29, 1862 %SERV= PROM TRI Rama AltllT.—The re bel army contains a large number of men who were impressed into the service, and who are leaving it as fast as opportunity is offered them to escape. Among a lot of prisoners recently brought to this city, were a number of men thus impressed, who had deserted from therebel ranks, and all of whom, as soldiers, took the oath of allegiance. The following is the form of the oath admin istered by Provo Marshall Cleaner, viz : You do solemnly swear, before Almighty God, that you do entirely renounce and abjure a❑ allegiance to the so-called Confederate States of America, that von will henceforth so long as you may live, bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America, that you will defend them honestly and faithfully, by word and deed, against all their enemies and oppo sers whatsoever ; that you make this your sol emn oath, without any mental reservation or evasion whatever, and that on the sincerity of your intentions, you stake all your hopes of happiness now and hereafter, so help you God. The following are the names of the deserterS, with the regiments to which they were attached in the south, and their former pl ices of resi dence in the loyal states. Nearly all who have thus taken the oath, have also enlisted and joined companies now organizing in Camp Cur- tin : S. W. Mosier, Walker's artillery, New York Patrick Couley, 6th North Carolina, Philadel phis. Frederick Wilson, 11th Virginia, Providence R. I. Stephen Byrnes, 11th Virginia, Providence R. I. John McLaughlin, 7th Virginia, Philadelphia Thomas Mathews, 11th Mississippi, Canada J. F. Zwiefel, 60th Georgia, New York. John Miller, 16th Georgia, Putnam county N. Y. G. W. Lamb, 2d North Carolina, North Car olina. James 0. Day, 16th Georgia, Georgia. John Clews, 27th Virginia, Virginia. Henry Lane, let North Carolina, North Caro na! James McKinney, 3d Louisiana, New Orleans John Mulligan, 7th Louisiana, Pennsylvania Samuel Carr, 7th Louisiana, Pennsylvania. John Griffith, sth Georgia, Savannah, Ga. James McCall, 4th South Carolina, Mass. William Ogden, 6th Georgia, Savannah, Ga Thomas Smith, 4th South Carolina, Massa chusetta. George Hamilton, 12th Virginia, Penna. James Boyle, let North Carolina, Penneylva nia. William Higgins, let North Carolina, Con oecticut. Luther Jones, 45th Virginia, Western Vir ginia. John Ward, 46th Virginia, Western Virginia James Murray, 6th North Carolina, Pennsyl vania. THE "Fzasr CITY TROOP Os Batitaisanno."—At a special business meeting of the Troop, held at the public house of Quartermaster B. G. Peters, Saturday evening, September 27th, Or derly Sergeant C. C: /lawn in the Chair, and Sergeant W. C. Fisher acting as Secretary, the questions of a dissolution of the company and of an adjournment sine die were fully considered, and, on motion of private Bohl, it was finally Resolved, That it is inexpedient to uniform, but that we will, informally, hold ourselves in readi ness, under our present organisation, promptly to respond •to any call of duty that Governor Curtin may make upon us. A committee, consisting of Captain Byers, Lieutenant Boyd, Sergeants Rawn and Fisher, and private L. Simon, was appointed to prepare and publish resolutions, as follows, to wit : Resolved, That the thanks of the company are cordially tendered to Captain Wm. Harris, who, accompanying us during our late tour of duty into Dixie, as honotary Captain of the Troop and aid to Captain Byers, rendered us most valuable instructions and greatly promoted our confidence and gratification, by hie well-earned experience as a trooper, and by his genial manners and disposition as a companion. ResokisiC That the thanks of the company are due to the officers thereof, for their faithful, zealous and courteous fulfilment of their official duties. Resolved, That the thanks of the troop and of the individual members, thereof, .are hereby most cordially presented to the citizens of Ship penaburg, for their truly hospital and flattering attentions in furnishing us ,with dinner and refreshments at their private residences on our arrival there on Sunday, the 15th last. Also, That our thanks are tendered to the citizens of Chambersburg, who so kindly inter ested themselves to procure quarters and the necessary comforts for the troop in that place, upon the evening of the same day ; and espe cially to Mr. John Belly, of the Western Hotel, and to his family, for their successful exertions to quarter our horses and to promote our com forts during our stay in that place. Also, To the citizens of Greencastle, for sim ilar endeavors to minister to the necessary wants of ourselves and our horses; sad especial ly to Messrs. Jacob Smith and Alexander Schof hirt, of that place, for their active exertions under great difficulties to quarter and provide for the troop. Also, TO Jos. W. Stone, of the . Bomgardner House, a member of the company , and to Quar termaster B. G Peters, for their liberal and complimentary entertainments of the troop upon our return to Harrisburg. ROLL OP THI RUT CITY TROOP OP RABRIRPORG. Captain Eby Byers. Captain Win. Harris, (honorary,) aid to Capt. Byers, and instructor . generally. • let Lieutenant J. Brighton Boyd. 2d Frank A. Murray. Quartermaster B. G. Peters. Surgeon Geo. I:kkk. Ist Sergeant Chan: C. Rawn. 2d • " W. C. Fisher. 2d " F. Haebnlen. - 4th . " E. F. Riley. • sth . " John Killinger. • Bugler. Geo- Becker. IstCorporal .Chas. Buehler. 241 " 'Jacob Mish. 8d " • Wm. Steal. , 4th John R Smith. sth , " (lea. Dress. . 6th . " A. Wilhelm. , 7th . " D. Brougher. •_ Bth " Volpert • t • vitivates: ' • John,J. Adams, .Jacob H Okitat; A. GOIII4 fir onl aw& ve r , Dan'l. Bitting, David Boyer, Peter Btu nhart, Joseph F. Stewart, H. W. Bowman, Boyle D. D. Spayd, ; • Samuel Schaeffer, Frank Mahan, George M. Dinger, Henry Fortney; P . osehiger, Henry Becker, Henri Thomas, • Jacob Morning, Hugh Dunlap, 0. A. Davis, Henry Becker, No. '2. D. A. Bolt, Cornelius Bomgardner, Wm. Haehnlen, William Knoche, Christian Cilley, Samuel Robinson, John Freay, John Miller, John A. Haller, William Emixiger, William Gilley,- John Greenawalt, B. Frish, • Jacob Ilimen, G. W. Wilt, "John Mounts, Elba kokei.,' • ' 'Lothar Simon, A. J. Warfel - Id, John Crawford, Adam Hoffman, Walter Crawford, Joe. W. Stone. ---..►--- Card of Thanks. Ilainsztrao, Sept. 29, 1862. Gro. Sznozza, E. :—Will you please insert the following in the Taxzezavn : The ladies of the Union Belief Association acknowledge the receipt of and return thanks for the following hospital stores, viz : I box from the ladies of South Easton, per Rev. Win. C. Catiell. 1 box from the ladies of Sunbury. -- boxes from the ladies of Lebanon. 6 bozee from Pittsburg. 1 box from Mrs. Bell Wallace of Stewart& villa, Westmoreland county. To Mr. William Cowden for chickens. . . _ To Mr. Keller, Bomgardner and all druggists who have contributed medicines, &c., for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers. They would also return -thanks to Dr. Geo. Bailey, Mr. Geo. Garverich and Messrs. Hum mel & Kißinger for the nee of their store rooms. To Mr. J. J. Clyde, of the Lebanon Valley Railroad, for the use of the store room ; and to other gentlemen for their kind assistance in unpacking the boxes.„ To &ire. George Wilt and other's engaged at the State Lunatic Hospital, for contributing and canning tomatoes and peaches. M. L. BEATTY, Prea't. E. A. &snot., Sect'y. LADLE'S UNION Baum SOCILETY.—The ladies named will send to the reception room, Mrs. Dr. Bailey's, Market Street, by o'clock, On Tuesday, Scet. 30.—One pair stewed chickens: Miss Kate Kunkle, Mrs. Peter At' icks, Mrs. Dr. Dock, " J. M. Bryan, " Gilliard Dock, " A. H. Bigler, " David Eyster, Miss Sue. Bucher, " J. O. Young, Mrs. Geo. Beatty, " Geo. Z. Kunkel, "B. Buck, t' J. W. Glover, " Charles Buehler, " Henry Felix, " Ms Beaty, " William Buehler, Miss S. E. Boas, Miss M. L. Bigler, Mrs. Wm. Brady. On Wednesday, Oct. I. Vegetable soup and fruit : Miss Maggie Boas, Mrs. Eliza Bellman, Mrs. Jacob Hoffman, " Geo. W. Stoner, " L. M. Lawrence, " Collins McCurdy, " Patrick Ryan,Miss Odell, Miss Linny Pancae, Mrs. K. Frankum, " Annie Gross, " Geo. Groff, Mrs. Bush, " M. Barringer, Killough, " J. C. Bomgardner, " Theo. Adams. " E. Beringer, Miss. Eliza Bishop, " Boyer. On Thursday, Oct. 2.—A two or three quart rice ridding : Miss S. A. Bryan, Mrs. Sarah Barnitz, Mrs. Francis Bernheisel " Theodore Boyer, " Mary Ball, '' Lavinia Brown, Miss Julia Fishier, " James R. Boyd, " R. Hynicka, Miss Kate Boyd, Mrs. Louisa Crinkle, Mrs. J. H, Berryhill, " King, " Rachel Burnside, " Joseph Kahnweiler, " Mary Bergbaus, " Joseph Black, " N. Brown, " M. Burke, " Dr. Bailey. On Friday, October 3—One pair of stewed chickens Mrs. Geo. W. Buehler, Mrs. E. Byers, " Elizabeth Cook, " J. K. Keller, " Frazer, " Wm. Kirby, Milk, Parker, " Andrew Black, Hrs. Win. Colder, " James Colder, " John Cox, " E. 11. Cornyn, " Joseph, Curzon, " W. Cathcart, " Charles Carson, " Wells Coverly, " Dr. Charlton, Miss M. Ounkle, " Win. Dock, Mrs. T. H. Robinson. On flaturckty, Ckleber. 4—One pound of butter, eggs, cooked tomatoes: Mrs. D. Dougherty, Mrs.'Elizabeth Fox, " J D. Cameron," John John Frazer, " Margaret Elder, Sybil Fabnestock, " Chris. Ehrman, S. David Fleming, Miss Mary Eppley, " R. J. Fleming, Mrs. M. H. Espy, " Mont. Forster, " Dr. Fager, " Maria Groff, " Geo. Felix, " J. A. Garretaon, " Win. Foltz, " Dillard, " Gen. Forster, " Levi Grey. The ladies named will serve On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday : TO TIM ULM CAMP, TO SEM AT TKO ROOM, the. Rachel Burnside, comma ex 9 o'ciam, " &whin Jones, Mize Annie Warford, " Wm. Buehler. " Lizzie Trout. On Thursday, Friday and &durday TO weir TRIO CAKE., TO SERVS AT TIER ROOM, Mrs. Samuel Wilt, Mies Fannie Smith, Cornyn, " A. Shoemaker. " N. Brown, Aim B. H. CORWIN, Secretary Coramitiee Arr. Haraussuao Levi Swam MARLIff for the week ending Sept. 18, 1862.—Total receipts of live stock at Harrisburg Stock Yards during the week, 1,102 Beef cattle, 1,099 Hogs, 978 Horses. The sales this week on Friday were: 3. P. Kendle sold 18 Beef cattle—a $3,60 per 10011) gross. G. Oroseland 17 Beef cattle (i 4 $8,65 per POOtto groee. Hayman & W., 16 Beef cattle (4 $4,20 per 100 lb gross. F4ngland & Webb, 50 Beef cattle, $3,20 per 1001 gross. Making total sales of Beef Cattle, 100 head. 292 hogs were sold (4 $3,50 per 100 lb gross. The following droves of cattle were In market this week Bead. Had. J. P. Kindle, 18 E. Buell, 16 G. Crossland, 17 J. B. French, 16 Hayman, & W., lb W. Marshall, 19 H. W. Smith, 39 J. C. James, 15 Seth Carver, 34 P. Ivory, 16 S. Yingling, 37 Ward & Mayfield, 68 'England &W. 250 Geo. England, 50 John Bayley, 18 W. Tanner, 34 8. Hoffman, 36 W. Richards, 31 Thos. Roe, 37 W. Snyder, 49 Holmes & Peiffer, 99 A. Dewitt, 16 P. McCoy, 16 J. Bybee, lb E. Williams, 75 J. J e n s on, 4b H. Gallaher, 21 . To the Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully in form those who are a ff licted with Rheuma lism, Dyspepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also en hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their won derful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no apprehension in regard to my com petency in administering it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be bad at any time at my residence, in Pine street, be tween Second and Front. Aul3 dim MRS. L BALI,. Mm. Bus :—I take this method of testifying to the efficacy of your valuable medicine. My child had Convulsion of the Bowels, and I heard of your curing children of that disease. I then gave it .a trial,-and my child was restored - to health. When I commenced to use it my child was three week, old. I then used your Infant Cordial until my child was sit months old, and My husband and I believe that your medicine Was the means of asylum our child's life. I live two miles below the city. WE nays received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 75c. up to $2 60. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col lars and sleeves, at all prices. White carabrico, jacconetts, nautucks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky jeans, sattinetts and cassimeres for men and boy's wear. We received 60 dozen suspenders, at 11 prices. 60 dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and small wear. S. Limy. TO TEO YOUNG OR OLD. Male or /bade, If you have been suffering :rota a habit indulged In by the YOUTH OF Bo7:if 8.8.1743, WHICH CAMP, 80 &I NY AL ARMING nYNPftiMS , It mild t them for Marriage, And is lie gre.teet evil welch can befall MAN OR WOMAN. . . . . dee symptom , enumerated in advertisement, and if you are a s-nfferer, tut out the adveniternent, end send for it at once. Delays are dangerous. Auk for ifeimbold's Take no other. Cares , guaranteed. Beware of Cbusterfeits am! imitation & jylik-d2m The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known All others are mere imitations, and ehould be Ovoidal Ryon wish to escape ridicule. MARV, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least Injury to Hair or Skin. FIPTB'IIN 111 , DAILS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to WIC A. BATCHELOR slime 18 9, and over 200,000 applications have been Made to the hair of the patrons of We fatuous Dye. WY. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WAYIENTID not to 'enure in the blast, however long IL may be contin ued, and the DI effects of bad Drew remedied. The hair Is Invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop. arty applied at No. 16 Sand Street New York. • sold ll+ all the cites and towns of the United Stales, by Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers The Genuine has the name " William A Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving : on the four Ride. of each box. MoOldlODea, LEAD & NO. 64 DUAN E STREET, KEEP constantly on hand the !ollowing articles: LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, BUCK SHOT, BAR LEAD, PIG LEAD, DROP SHOT, MINNIE AND ROUND BALLS cf. ell Jzes; all of whkh they c.ffer at the lowest prices. Beetle lm FAMILY FLOUR, WE INVITE the attention of families who BAKE THEIR OWN BREAD, to our stoea of Plow.. We have just received SEVENTY-FIVE BARRELS of the .'hoiceut (White Wheat) St. Louie Flour that the Wett-ru idarAet adonis We guarantee eirly bareekair bag W 4 MAI to be owlet tl superior. Ljao) •wwW &RAM, JR., &00 FOR THE SOLDIERS, A Nag! HEK Ul v i = C B= n o ir:G ( l WRITING CASES. Illapresely manure. Lured for the soldiers. PORE FOLIOS, POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EVERY VARIETY , SOLD AT REDUCED RATES, STRAWBERRIES. 11011LiNTS set out in favorable weather, or If watirsi when dry.) in August, September or ti.tober, will produces fair orop the next Summer, often enough to pa fur the plants and philistine, besides ensuring an abundant yield the following season. All the best vedettes fur sale at the HeystoneiNur sery, 'Harrisburg an29-dif CHEESE. FEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance Of a large consignment, are offered at an unusually low rate to cioeson the lot. To retail dealers there will be an ind ncement offered. Each box sold will be guar anteed esrepresented. Wit. DOCK, JR., & Op. jylB NEW mackerel, in halves, quer tera or kite, Ant received, and for sale low, by Nicaas k BOWMAN, au9.9 Corner Front and Market at ettt. POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORT MONAIES I And a general variety of Leather Goode, just received at BERGNER'S BOOR STORE. VOLUNTEERS, /F. YOU 'WAN T LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING CASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. In the matter of the t-herilre In Dauphin Cb. Com mies of the Real Eaiate of Solo- }mon Nees, Vend. Ex. m on. Lowdensiarer. No. 26, Aug. T,1882. September 8.1862, ordered by thu court that J. W. ElmoutJo be wrinted Auditor to distribute the resi due of the purchase money remaining in the hands of the *huff. Tba undersigned auditor, will attend to the duties of said appal:azimut, at his mace in Harrisburg, on Tuesday the 234 of September, 1882, at 10 A. r . when and where all part* inters:red My t t end . sepWrdolWilic J . W. SIMONTON. FLY PAPER. tatFANCY COLORED Pacer, ready cut, for covering looking Glasses, melee Flames, ee. e ape other new panarns tbr sale at ISPAGNAR'S CHEAP BOOKA9EW EXTENSIVE assortment of glassware, tumblers, jelly glasses, trait dishes, &C., &0., of si kinds, Jos retetved, et , w for sale very low. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Rat Corner Front and Market streets. IGS, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, and all lauds of Nuts, 24J , WOWS Sto'e, ituid m it Pe k :ut. myl 6 000 POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar • Ourtd elate. for sale very low wholesale or tele& Dy WM. DOCK J 3., & 00. MARY E. KAMAN HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! "t" Wm. A. Batch@lor's flair Dye Wbolevale Factory, 81 Barclay St., oci.2-ddrwly. Late 238 Broadway, New York em 2thutrtistments NEW YORK. Au DITOR'S NOTIOE. ffliatellantatur - - - PURIFY THE BLOOD. NOT a few of the wort- t diflorderst that afflict wank' d arise from the corruption that ati cumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none have been tbund which couldequal in elect A tsa r s COMPOUND Lulu= at aumpAZILIA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, irs , stills the vigor of health into theiystem end purges oat the humor which make disea.e. It stimulates the heathy rILLICUOIM of the body and espers the disorders that grow aid ran le In the blood. extraordinary virtues are not yet widely known, but when they are It will no longer to a question what remedy to employ in the great variety of tifillotims disuses that require an alterative rem dy. Sixth a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought On, and now, tor the drat time, . the public have ore con which they can depend Our space beredoes not admit certificates to show its effects. but the trial of a single bott .e will show to the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Sufferers from Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, try it, sod see the rapidity with which it cures. Skits Diseases, Pimples, Postalm, Blotches, Eruptions sic., ere soon cleaned out of the system. St. Antlumy's Fire, Bose or Erysipelas ' Zetter or Salt Rheims, &aid Head, Him/worm, asc., should not be borne while they can be to Speedily cured by arm's SaIkAPAPILLA. Syskidas or Venereal Dieeases is ..spelled from t h . system by the prolonged use of this SALSRAPARMIA, and the patient Is left a- healthy as if be had never bad the Misuse. wale DiSIASCI are caused by scrofula in the blood, sad are generally goon cured by ttle Baxsaer or SLAW, mama. }lice gaper bottle, or 6 bottle' for $6. Nora thaprupories of a family physio; take AYIR's OnlitanZlO Pura, which are everywhere known to be the beat purgative that la offered to the Americas Peo ple Price 96 cents per Box, or 6 boxei Art $l. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY&J: k 00., lowa', Hasa. and Ided by Ilfregglale everywhere. Bold by 0. A.-Bienr.irt; D. W. Gros a & Co , 0. B. Bei wh LutS, Dr. grey, F. Wyetb And dealers every ere. kf OTICE is hereby given that applina- A WEL will be made by tlie sub.Gri 'ere, citizens of Schuylkill county, PenneylvaLki, fora charter of a bank of discount, depi sod eiccul,tion, milder the free banking laws of Penneyivania, w be named the “atiV ERNMENT BANE ," to be located in the boron ti of Pottsville, Schuylkill county, with a capital of fifty thousand dollars and with privilege to increased the same to two hundred thousand dollars. WM. LIUNIZINGEB, DANIEL KlBlllB, W. L HUNIZINGER. E J FEY " H. H. HUNTZLIGN 11, Pottsville, A ugua, 8,1862. HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT lb THE QUESTION. HE Prop ieture of the "PARISIAN BATBNE'I ulr WuNDEBEI, AN knflitY and 10.DI MB', have dote/mined regardless of expanse, to inner friar, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) POUR of their most instr mown and ftereating Lectures on Mar riage and its thaquoidcatious, Nervous Deblilty, Prema ture Decline of manhood, Indigission Welitnere or Do or. scion, LOU cat energy and Yu Paean, the Great So cial Evil, an . those ftal ddes wino% re Litt from youtu ful Engle. , axceirces or Maturity, or Ignorance of Physi ology nun Nature's Law, These invaluable Lectures %ay. , been the means of eulightning and arming thou s wins, Sad will be torwarden free on toe receipt of four stamps, Oy addressing 'AGILE .Y Paltielan warm or &DIATOM AND atinatcam n 63 Broadway, New Tors. 1019-ely " TO CONSUMPTIVES, gWE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple reme - dy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung erection, and that dread disease, lbusurn ption— is anxious to make k own to his fellow-enterers the means of mire. To all who desire it, he will manila 'copy of the per scriptien used Mee of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which tney wilt find cue cure ior consumption, stems', Bsonebble an. the only object of ti e advertiser in sending the per ec iption is to benefit tne affliciud, and spread informa tion which be conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his a emedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Parties wisking the peveription will plums address ztKV. eDWARD B. WLLSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York, sept2o ddrwam JOHN WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Harrisburg, Pa CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LEMONS, PINE APPLES, BANANNAB, FRESH AND SALT FISH, And vitietUbles of all kinds, brought direct from the Eastern Markets, twice a week, and pUrObILSO3 Under my tkreonat supervision, thus euablidg me to sell a better and cheaper article Mau any in the market. sir Orders Mom a distance attended to promptly, and ..Dods delivered to any part of the city free or charge. Mika CANNED FRUITS constantly on band Give me a can. LIME] JOHN WISE. NOTICE. ALL employees of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad company, who may enlist in the service of the United States for the purpose of ambit% the rebellion now threatening the Rheas, of our COOS. try, are hereby assured, that their reirpective situations will be kept open and given them iminfttat ely on their _return; and that the fact of their volunteering to deltoid their o,untry in this emergency, will be consid ered hereafter as greatly in their htvor for promotion to any Initial positions in the service of this CompanY, OHARLR 4 R. SMfiU, President. Phi adelphia, August Bth. 1862. T " UP degrove Lock :Property, Canal grocery and Rwinrille House, shoaled sye miles above Hanisborg, ts now offered for sale. Pee adver tisement in Weekly or apply to aulB-delasesill363 THE largest and most extensive assort, mot of glace in the city, just received, and ter ale very law, by NICHOLs & B Jrr KAN - anti Corner Front and Market Strillata. GLORIOUS NEWS. PICTURES TAKEN AT REDUCED RATES. /VIE undersigned has fitted up a ne w .1 and splendid 'PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE CALLEIT t In Third street, opposite the Patriot and Union OS* where tie will tarnish his patrons with very superior pictures at reduced rate. Call and see for yourselves: sept2o dims A. S. BLACK, Artist. 21 JUST RECEIVED. - 1- 4 - • - - - A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Nay . A. Bibles of different dyke of binding, at * t ill ,24 $1 04 $2, $3, $4, $5 =5lllO. Also PooltesMbiii Or Mt forest styles and prices at SOHEFFER'S BimMegelte. '''-' febls-y CLARET WINE !! ! WF, ar e closing out a VERY SUPERIOR LOr.L /42.1014 n cost. M C°"and coal oil lamps, of all styles and was, for sale, by ?mast s & BOWMAN, ter - Mroat nartacsayet.g. au29 FETRA. family Hoar, a snimitor brand , wbicarwo warrant to give est - action, Jest ro ved sad Par sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, add • Carnes Thud and Market "streets. an&iltwam W. P. HENRY WM. DOCEC, Jr.,* CO