Business Zarlia.- ... DAN'L. A. MUENCH I AGENT. A IF the Old Wallower Line respectfully ‘1„, j informs the public that this Old Daily Transporta tion Line, (the only Wallower Line now in elinatenoe In this City,) is is in successful operation and prepared to p e st Garry fret ht as low as any other individual line betwe en. e l ' Harriaburt Look a vert LewiliirMW• W'l.', 14 Jersey Shore, took avert and all other pointy on t o thorn Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Wil iketwor!, snd_Elnithwltalroada. ,I ent. * __.: -- -- - - ' .ROL. A.:llljareiCll; Ag - gortsburg, Pa. Oxkbrile x ig hikW te l, House of Messrs, Peacock, vs*ii osiusandsingarnetstreeta be v e Mahe, Phirade A t, by 4 o'clock, r. x., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. aprailordmyl • B, 3. BARR/8, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKE7 82M2, HARRISBURCh • lAs always on , hand a full assortment of Tin and Japanned Ware Goosing and Parlor groves of the beet manufaernries, Vilna* Spouting, Roof ing and Galvanized Iron Cornish, manufactured and put op at reasonable rates. air Repairing promptly attended to. spidO-dly REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Hayne's Agriculture Stet e, where he intends to 'trepan kinds of Booth aPd Shoes, Halters, &0., and a large stook of Trunks, and everything in his line of t0n..., alms ; and will be thankful to receive the patronage ol his old customers and the pub& in general at his new place of business. All kinds of work made to order in the best style and by superior workmen. Repairing done a: short notice. Inpr2dtfl JOHN H. SMITH. C. SMITS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET• IMPROV.EMENT IN DENTISTRY. DR. P. H. ALLABAUfI, Surgeon Don. tot, Manufacturer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the nab method Mat obviates'every objeot ion to the use of arts delal teem, embracing partial, half and whole seta of one piece only, of pure and indestroctie le mineral, there are, no crevices for the acccumulattou a/3=W particles of food and therefore, noel:lenitive oder t}dm the breath, as name tat me aced in their construction, there can be no galvanic action or metallic taste. Hence the hafilV Muni Is not an. noyed with Om throat, headaehe, &XI Mee *4n, North ilecond street ; Harrishure. acir2- d I y THEO. F. iSOHEFFER, BOOR AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKS? STREET, HARRISBURG. -Particular attention paid to Muting, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifesto, Policies, Cheeks, Drafts, *cc. UM printed at $2, 1.8, $4, and $b .per housaud In elegant style, SORIEFFELIN BROTHERS 6c CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND TELLERS in Fancy Goods, Per. lumery, Ste. Also ageufs for the sale ollitled Petroleum, Illuminating superior to any coal oil • furnished Many quantities at the lowest maricet rates. 170 and 172 William Street, NEW YORK. PROF. ADOLPII P, TELIPSEft . urouLD respectfully inform his tec - patrons and the public generallyt:that Itie *Pi Opntinte to give instructions on the PLAN Suitt's, ldb LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science, of •CLIOP,OLVE BASS. He will Will pleasure wait upon pupils ai,-.1.40. bOMm at any uour desired, it iessons will be 074 Ns residence, to Third atrea , W rinUre ;1010w :t Herman Aelormed March. WM. A. PARKHVIAL, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER• Third area, nat door to the Telegraph Printing i,,,,ITORES, dwellings, churches, public 1,7 buildings, factorial', to., fitted up with gas, lead and Iron pipe In a workman like manner , Hydrants, Wash basins, Bath Tabs, LID and Form Pumps, Water Closet p, Lead and Iron Pipe for water, gas and steam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All work smpaly Wandad to. my3o.dSm.; aliottitantuus UNION LI,E3C BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR blii`Tß4 ffIRE, subscribers having erected a larg e ,1„ building at the above place, expressly for the par t , o. led above Indicated, beg to call the attention of the pnbt lie to the following, : Tut itestionsire, on the first floor, with a dining room attached, to fitted up in first-class style, and it will at all times be suppled with the best OYdTERS to be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, Ash, and all Rinds ol game In season. Oysters served up In every style, and meals to be had at all hours. The Ales of nil the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on hand. The Tetkpin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear; and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthy exercise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is up-stairs—eh/waif fitted upi and contains three marble top combination cushion ta bles, equal to any mado. Harrisburg has tong felt the want of a grand combing ation of this kind, and as the proprietors are dalmatian 4 to conduct it in a quiet and orderly manner, and do eirei rythlag in their power to make it a fasuionable reser they hope to receive a liberal share of public palm tad dti WPAGIAM O McFADDIai & 00. BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPt.R YOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture Irreales, ornamenting Ceilings, trimming Gas Pipes . ana cut so as to bang over strings in the shape aims, points, stoles or festoons. Par sale at my6l SOMMER'S BOGICSIGRE. , RUBBER GOODS 1. itubbe Balls, Rubber Watt)bee, Rubber Battles, Rubber. Ter generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTOIig. POCKET BIBLES. APULL assortment of Pooket Bibles and Testaments for the soldiers, just re (*dyed at BERGNEB'S BOOKSTORE. GLAssJars for putting up fruit, the celebrated patent, cheap ) simple and ef west, warranted to give alostketiododat received and for salozby . NIOHOLB & BOWMAN, iol9 Corner Pront and Market Street. SPICES of.all kinds, whole and ground, warranted freak and pureeor rale low by - ' NICROLI & HOW - MAN, .Corner Front and-Market streets. CIDER Vinegar, warranted 'pure,' for skle low, by NILHOM & EOWFIAIf 4 sopti2 . Oornor Front and Market streets. §IIGARS for preserving; Call and exani foe at NIOROIS Wit/4A y 7 Corner Front and lAnKnet streets LEMONS, raisons, cocoanuts itc. just received sod ior sale by 1110H01.1 a WYMAN, Coe. front and Mersa streets. UM (4 1 RESH FISH every Tuesday and Friday tv at JOHN NVLIO3 Store, corner of 'Mira end Wal• myly NOTIONS.--Quite a variety 01 useful 01 and nntoll3,4looft 411101(1Y.—CtleaP—Lit 111141911612•. MUELESH Lemons and Raisin, just re revel and for Kale low by NICHOLS di BOWMAN, 7e141- Corner Front 11/141 Market - Area B. WARD.ELL & LEVINESS, Pickles and .copipx, ter Nab at JOHN mars, nay birnu 'Advertistintntsf-- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL WWI' FROM .3SI.:44;DRLPHI.A.. 011 AHD AIM • ' MONDAY MAY sth, 1862. The' Passenger Probst or the Pennsplysitia Railroad! Oompany:wilf delpart won and arrive-at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPERS9 TRAIN' Inv= Harrisburg 411 GT: at a. my and arrival at 'West PlathalsiPita • t .10 11. M. I FAST LINK teases Harrisburg daily, (except lionday,) ' t 5.30 a. la., and arrives at West rhiladelphis at t 9.45 FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily ( in ethegt Sunday) at 1.20 p. ~ and snivel, at West /Wade is _ '-`ll:tottinotaiATlON italic via Mount Joy, la i st it ar Harrisburg at . 7.00 a. m., and : arrives at West , I .., delphla at 12.25 p. in. HARRISBURG AOCOMMODATION TRAIN, its On*. bla, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10'1 , . In.'. and anises lii Philadelphia at 826 p. ni, I is - WESTWARD. i ' tl TROUGH EXPREItt TRAM leaves Phibutelpblii a -10,861). m., Harrisburg &ISA* a. m., Altoona 8.16, ti. Pe, nd arrives at Pittsburg at /2.85 p. m..: : f MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 s. tn., en are Assent Harrisburg atl2,llop. m.; )6111709 Hama atin 1.00 p. ~ Altoona, 7,00 p. in., and arrives at s at 12.15 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Philatielptda at 11.80 a: tn., Ha is., bars 8.45 p. re., - Attoohit it 8.20 p, m., and &Milli. .4 Pittsburg at 12.45 a. m. . . . . EIATIRRIBURG ACOONNORATIVIN TRAIN les . yes Palk) delphis AL 7.30 p, m, and arrival' at flarriatnesi at e.OO . P. in..; ' .. MOUNT JOY AOOOIIIIODAIMON 'la Mount Joy lotto Laniiistbr at 10.10 a. ta., arrives at Hirriaburg st 1 .40 p. m_ Li SAMITIL D. YOONO,i Nup4. Nast, My. Penns. Asthma . Iliullsburg, Nay 2, 12162 —dti SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ^ll t 1• • 1 ' _ - - • • TRIMMIMS DAILY ITIP KW Mit, P H - ‘ l ' vl4-1.1. phIQN AM) AIFtEitIONDAY, MAY 5 1862, the Paaseam - 126166 1W re ghe P 6 de a and Reeding -Ridirdla Dept; at .tiarriaburß, Now York and Philadelphia, at follows, via • EASTWARD. KIPRASS UNE leaves Ha . rrieburg at 1.26 a. m., on Mal of Permeylvaala llMlrcadrliapreaChaM from Peet; arrtylegin NewilOrk statt.l6 a. nn, and at. 4.11 d4Ws at 9.00 a. m. A elepelitng car to attached to tram through from ?Mammy vitharfehange.. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sarrigburg al 8.00 s. m., erlit In New York at 620 p. in., and Phibtdolphia at 1.26 p. FAST LINE learns Harrisburg at 1.40 P. in., on arri of renturrivania Railroad Fast arriving In N York at 9.60 p. m., and PbOadolpbta at 8.40 p. WESTWARD YAM LlNEkkatree New York at Ba. m.. and Philad I. pair. at a. ut 2 . arriving at Harriaintrg atl p. m. } RAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Pbtl. adelphia at 8.16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 840 p • - - - • EXPRESS UNE leavei New York at 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg at 3.00 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A aleepsngi . ear is also attached to this train . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on tho Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottavilß) Wllltsabarre, Allentown, Easton do. l Baggage cheokrei hrough. fare between New YOO . and Harribburg, 00 CO ; between Harrisburg and Phi delphia, IS 20 in No, loan, ands 2 70 le No. 2. 1 Per tickets or other reormatiotropply to i J. J. OL lt DA ..., general Agent, Harrisburg. m)s•tltf Northern Central R,allwayi CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. StriIENE.BB ABBANGRALIINT, • 'Mil !RAW WWI Tb AIM El A.. I_, %I 1 M 0 IR, EI Close Connection made at Harrtabaxs TO AND FROM NEW YORK. 1 ,- • . 1 SLEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL NIGHT : PAINS raN AND AFTER lifOltiAt, MAY lith aVw= th gr:r r adi l rerar i erto:k ll7 .=rit a Baltimore all follows, viz : ' • •. ' 1 G 0111 0' T p 4. MAIL TRAM arrives at Remisburg and leaves * • ' EXPREIII3 arrival at " and leaves " ... . . GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAM leaves Baltimore at..,....... 11.20 A. and entree at Harriabarg .....12.45 P. AI and leaver North at. 1.16 P. FIEPRIO39 TRAIN leaves Baltimore I. 2.511 P. and arrliree at Barriabm.... 2.45 and travels North at &OA A. Jij HARRTSBUIIG AL67I3IIODATTION TRAINJ Leave. Harrisburg for Ballipore at., „,..., 7.60,A.15. Betuntleid—tlitaTepillmitra • , i.stoqp.4. •• • The War tram leaving Harrinbarg aet liundity !vitt ti • the HarriebargAteotemodailulaTiihi r genth at MO A. Y 1 For farther information apply at the Mee, la Pelpiti mule 1141rqadDepit4 / . • • i• - • . ' tfarrisburg, May 8,186247 CRLBLACKWgLiViii Celebiated PregrAVUM, 1 1 111MBRVIIS, Sam he. large , supply ot the • ve, cabled,/ Puy variety, just pa-- Need end ter isle by Eitonesvm. DOMar., 00. pennogloattio Map eelegrapb q fiaturbup afternoon September 27, _1862 - 7;62 4i5 c; in: -_ 8 WirriMlEG - 11$ 2 1111510 t. ! 0116 D • f it ; .I. i . F a . ~.E U; 4 Se ras r s ! Amertslant gewold Rain ..,ii,,-_, ..; .t ~.. - • , , THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD THE orwpinfr 1161 IN THEWwp 1 I rot glair gaitimi4iiiiikrftWinuski 1 -,..„..T4ll2arifficlAN4Wriktlitniii*Rial 17,.!ti TEN li Mitibli ', 1". 4 : [ i Allttr * 2I .q# PIW kA T %AM t ' t r .; , w) .114_.;Li l th ......._. ,•'-i --. L. , - - i . 1 1 the. only °, • r a -rritTlPlll9 l 6 ill'hirt IV ta c k fq4A s i ) I S i4TAR• --.I .: „ . • i l l r : • J iLf .. i .„ .01! A. rEPP°P,#) , % , .:I - , iii,divii, brakediiii;itiii.. Tr , t.. , 141; if T ' :-iirlitalfL k 16.34 . 304111,,iiii ,14,,%„i,! ~ I llitirglieviikuYoutisia.,';;l : 34 :t e ike.PliKlei o,l43oismioWnurnitisnotne ' VPiiltid new., awl 'PM iggpirr liiimi wrigii re- i.l c. , ... • 1. • • I •61 '34" OilliP MINTI I MI4-11 1 :1' 1 1l ; . .00or brlieses glass Illy end airie limidi Lai . * iii4e 'as 1 : :thit pieiii kaftsiwit 04Ltiaitio1(iNaa -6.. to :. ;'. - . i - : ; ; 1 idilli m ant l fr Sittialf? i :-.) ;; • ;. ; , 1 !i W IT + .149411PAW#401,5 44,Yiniiier it Vahiiolien liteliiiid not tient IMt q i niet. ling, a shilling saved is s shilling maid. , i.. : PriAr44o{llFP.ltilitiliAlFallit, ! ....—...i. That e ri filraffierint== lOC ir.oti i met me... • eld it,lt ._ haulm' tortAusr. I li Aviit-iiininili Bililici 4icalA , 'lliif4, 'lid: in - , ; :; . z -40. elrliaijKagtkibtetWlELl It'' .: - Aiti, Artioki-opyi wium. voitsmis, `444i.US ---1 ,- - }— .snow-1444re Itli ...Lee ' - :174.1-;tilikaiiiiiii,lo lEEE •- ' ! ~,.% v 617 ' "la rrtie rer f f il4 11 1 14 0' . "r'" _ Crosiers Ani Oem a:" —N. . imet. an la P ( '! (4) FrO g . ° 4oPi 1 Mi**.OP.llligieN ! k.t.10 . l. Arras: • _ L. ..,, . I' i "It is slows read" -,, , :stiiiti,eiAsiss‘ . Jim* , is i'ACIP 7 sedy."—lndeendassi. ' 4 .lVe lave Irked; mid Odd. it es in 0 as listen"— Miktripard Th om mobi l qtai _ , • BUS woo per. yeer ,eaVedlake of AnillOLN OEM NT GLUE:, Price 261)enta pet Boith. Pete 25 °Melia Prke - 25 , 0ente Per sAtl6. Prike26 bents* to Prisii2s 'dents per Birtire. Price 25 Centff*Botife. r ; Very Lihend kitistaeigile TERMB VASIL. arlibr laiwby all Drtigglirta, call II I oreliaiiiii6' generid IY *IMO* laka vadat*. : .:.; ;• • • ; - .10/1118 & CROI3LEY -1 • I Corner etE, Importkuitto , Parairrejl - 2b oil aihoniMis ifity ooscaii, swarm sooty body. QUa Aki Onostaxtviii t : i ;triiiittivexammiraßizu • - , ' 0 alitirait i l l I 114 V? 1/ 1 N 11 S' i ' .The PriPelittadvioitiatliblkilikOftliiiiiii. i) 011641 li - I 1111444tudi ttk Retie . (-, - i ';..4i111110taill tiltatillikaediiiibitni6 .. - etiNilltic citihs Ctri t iOlakif.. i ' .i :It de:t.iii, aligtlika '244 1 414%1 4140 GC.' - ait l 4 . lli4, i i '.lBrillBJsl== 513°43101i 1 . riliistauCKelkla sksili afiniiiifis is sidefte.liis l il_ .i , AND I.l' Ia . MAR 4., /A f) 6 -LA i. 7.. ii ! , 1 t tilii Aleiftlaitliklir • .) 1 2; 15 % . Vittt i ka l = • 4 • 0 lon ' X - r Ilk 0 12. X. • tilngs7l=l4l=FOCi: _ ' A ji=l l l l o2t g il iiiir tt i le laa44l l Zadlittebt UOE: _itt f tPrtyltal jbi ( sa y o solle, an - iWtil .. 1 -2=al,,?illiVPPN. Tr :OMar a ,A) 1 hitt ciihNa # 4 44l 4 74t atiVird i tiliVik iii i e f ifiP I A tfe I , l7lVn* rewntversa aosnew . . retwitrAfriffrAFt tY 6 1n4`40. 61 4144.; 4..,,g • . D - B : ! 4331 • -I ' • - iitil Lti.l - 41 ill 1441ui atakliiiiiii ao4i 1 : ri ,}o - 4 0t= n litg h erti w aV e l . r _iu if im ,..zl. 4 . [f -- f ua l ~6 . ., 1 1. 1 ., ._•i.;t.r-T . 1.:10`-,f 1 r , : mi .- 1116. ! ,. ! v i,7. ri l ' ia, . 11 411 7,9neA, „!. i 41464 liahlk a pin•atiy ligili4a4.Y.4 1 idrp=bail i , u 411:1,, , ,m , d, „ y.: co o oo f mins, um- any 4oit fZ. 1111:#1484.61110.9"i 9ii 0 e....i•i4- , ,Fi Li t ' ii`t tloi - 0 0.i?.e1:4414;17.ti1A ::: Lif, wi , I 9.,•,g-Fi. tili t ArNAß4. ,:944741=!44 tigFT' col; jetabogOA iiiiku ) , , ~, , : f f..:,,)!• Ili Oildebritbrip • - i ii; - , • nia*CffigrntelADlAtlM ~ .P I ql,l biwooksw 4414sniuts. To 11. Vtrit'ar=WArri Itit'llo, ...-t 10404.0 f ti z zli gzufA l soi, 1...1. 0 . 4 , jo u lietei.m.7l eilat_wegiwor oidhiary t rolit c " ° . .172i2151.141,1tar b a y v i } emanation and expansion of Tin and other Mei& K ~ Oonseql3olllhdOti sudden chrism er the weather losia4dot ',{min INtOULitea l litik i lir - 4.iszu ,W ; . 41ST. Fg4 , :Awl -FO4 PA k,, -- . - -", ' 1:i i i kitil ' 451(14110F iletiiiil4)ol * i)01144117. r . . eitiiimGIUMPEROILv CEMSNT, 'and 'peeViiiiiid fro farther nortAnnt. fin_ , _ _d 4` 1 .4 1 6. - 040.9 :2niniin a " la ' tinti3 l FAtitl oo f 'or many genre. . . . .. . , P er . : • 1.00 p. 11, '1.16 P. 16 12.56 A.. 1.15 WI Cemea! 10 TAie 'peoultersdapted Tok the preaerTaitea et IRON RAI/RUA .8/VV" AGRI- CljaligAL Be., also ror attientl: Manna. use. • L ' • • - ourriv PE.SCIM" OBBIJOT ropaing - Thz anii Wine ga i t Aiba„ of every description, from its green inasheity; .argpt, Wined by thitenntnotien and CIFRIII4OII of Iletidsiono war net era& hotter run in warm weather. these midariabo are Alum To 44 atingldk and We & 11, PrtTeref LI O IM PAY intern fraliat i grt Of the oniui op at.stitOrt PPOPP, Ic X Egftr‘ e A. lioonma 1147 • ro Ami A ly preptesd use; and G A 'Pao-14 OIL mitrourbarrejaj with. fdll, .printad direattourlor. npplt .oasion. - - ' weNTED. • 'we will aline :Iberia and aaktantotory airangatitentß ananoopqnnilOojuWAosiwbo would 3tita ostablisb them salve, hi tuciattvo and pennon,. onatame. `TERW OUR - ARIL, cAtiff. . . , thid ow, abundant mot q 1 all we clam 191 , Zatbnefflred Ronibightviaa wnOttad Glom to aevorti itolllll4Ad Rob JIINeW 1 4 0 * 9tY1• 111 44 iiiethati• •;• • • - ; 41c MOSLEY MAD MANUFACTURERS, T WhOieSal St„ !mom 11,44,45.2 .1 ' I : .421 7 ).1 1 4 . 10 k it 411 . 131:6441 1 0:6 ;, • . ' -014 1 -lus • : Q 61 4. IL, 611'110' fit r Incirm'a wide . ;.;;;.; ;;;:. ,;;; ; .. . _ - Vatew-migcs•---- ! - ;;O:V-Trf? • komislutood i s AleirwspoittauriL 5" ,Ls, A ! ,.te MN Eqmsart I (sou) iikashotorwai t • 78 WILLIAM 1 8T1342T; F~."'~~ ;I: ; r. RI NEWBOLD'S GENUINE =PREPARATIyON eaISOLY coNOLWrite COI p .crtio nate Exas,:ter Bpatu, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseseni of the IDLADDER; • KIDNEYS, axavisti and DROPSICAL 01111LINGel.; . This Setif:hie hterishat the power of . Digestten, end mottos the AIMOSILIETB healthy a n d vehiab the WATERY OR OALOAREOUS depositions, all UN NATURAL ISINLAR;It oim IiIINTS OR are miz rad io:s hoal : 10 . Well le PAIN A ND unumNoo44,-and good:for . r EuratiloUn IDITRACT SUMO, For Weakness, Miming frcan ihmennes,. Sabi* of - Dissipation, linkh discretion or Abnite...,„_ ATTRIIDED WITH ME FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS - IndispoellticmAm *Kornai, i ; • ' Lean of Power, Loss of Memory . , .Difihnitty . of , -Weak-Norma, - 'hem ling, HorrDunii edor of.Dleasse.,, - • - ;• W i a Viaoi,•. Psin in site , Untveraslaaseintde of -the ihnonisillyintab; Hot Hands, Sod" Diatoms of the Skin Sruptions online Face. PALLID cotairmeNoik , , - Thaw oilman's, if allowed to go on, /Melt thin tam! Mine ir=rinnotfett,_' seon'Yolkins • • ' CY, FATUITY. EFILEITIO: i ' ' 1N ONE 'OF witles Tag Pierawr SIAY Who can say theAdhey are;nottrequfttly !biter /id by those "DIREFUL D i-MEAgn: .. - ticiANrrir AND ND Many are aware of thmeanse of their suffering, SOT NONE VILCOSESSIL • THE ROXIMOM OF THE ItitHANE ASYLUMS, 4114 AlYdnpakaiy Dolby .by (lowsosVion, . . . IOLAB AIMS Image TO TIT MOTH or Isj :THROONSTIIIMON °NOR AIGISIXRD III = I ' ORGANIC wiLumusa, Reqvirve the aid of medicine to terrine:hen mid ; • in ti Wq *Writ ituftitdAi e kfißecr tra re4— sr " m ' SUCH invariably dtte ran S~o.gym: i.:111 4.i • :• . ; , nALALI3-..FRALLLES-,2llllalAlk ! WA/ OR YOUW% WWl* MARRIRD,,OR CIONTRILtIA TING PLARRIAMX t IN MANY ASTECIIONS nouisei TO , rinieus, the Mzliact ht uaequalled'hy any other reme dy, as in Chkerosis or Retentkm,bvetrularity,Yelnfulness, or mappression of Customary !Rvicuations, Ukerate4 or Scirrhour state or the Uterus, Leucorhom Whites, Ity, and for A complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising tram Iselscretion, Habits of Dissipation,. oS in DIiCLINS OR MAMIE OF LIFE. i au irnerroxii Also_ve Na Faxrcir s 110141) HZ WITHOUT IT I ' TANI so rossitwas, Nun; 0 toolausAmeigin ono 101 03111,1116111 T AID DANGEMNIMII MUM WILMBOLDW IifLtACT BOOR] 13100.111E'T DISEA9ES. to ail their Stages, , At lltGa giPease DON or no obangelsrDiet; = • Ito Inconvealeace; And Ise Vie, It we" a frequent &sire antlglyes strength to Minato, thereby' removing Obetritetions. Preventing and Oaring Strictures of inn Urethra ~:ailaying Pain linctlmilanamatlon, solrequent In ins &as of diseases, ant, all Poinwhousi Daradoed o .4 l fernlo 'Yalta%• : • • - • • • -Titoinhiti6i .• ititOit fackripinti _ If HO HAVII BEAN IHlPprorats QI/404C4 and who have paid MOM nu to be cured In a abort tivasihave fonnd titer wereideeetred,:and that the @ON" line, bi the nee of arelrlatlilL Agrinnealll2, " beim' dried up in tbe system, to hreair out in an Aggravated and P3RII4PB 41.1721 R 114111111641. Oie gill/MOLD'S lirnuat Steep ter. alt istootions ind . . disuses of the _ _ . - thei/NARY GROANS , whether alusLufig in NAL*,II4I FSBIALIS. Prom whatever eaiiee Ittuitint !old no matter • t • , . HOW:140 G STANDING. Obeasee 01 11xesa Or require the ettl of DI OKA t' IQ - EXLMBOLIPSECTRACNINICNIT .1. .1• IT3 TSB GiAllatT DIDENCIO, And h eierWn to have the desired. adept In all Dewiest* WOR WHIM 1130011011KNIMM: • let WNE i the pod reliable.epd. reepeiht bk charade' will aechie y the TIFICATES MIRE& - ZIEII7I i!co.k Bl e 2o Ya.lina Aledi Wmi NAirietiotimr • 'AM& Film, $l - 00 per bottle, or otx for $6 ,00. • Deltraieit to illy eddies!, seou!ely Picked from ober! D SYMPTOMS ALL COMMUNICATIONS. OliaMiremlniamempli - 'Adifee• ear.eia . • AFFIDAVIT: Perimally appeared before ma, an -Alderman or NM layer PhibidoWe, EL T. limmems, who being duly warn, dolt. any,.hle preparations contain no iambi; no ble sorcery, or other lujurtui?a jtrage, but are purely yege. ta - • ' ' " • H.'l'. aguisoia.: Strut mid subscribed before me this S3d day of Np •diditbar,4lW4. • 'IIIIL P. IIIINIKED; Ardour/in, • Ninth St, above Ihic,l6 Phila. 4.dmitis Lifter toe hgo ton rac e to ..T. LAD A .__ - 0414140, ada r lo4 South Tenth M. vuestinft. Aux os , ooukTeatirsorvio AND TJAPBOOPIZD IMUKEek Who enocayor to dhipose "ow want arm : so ANZCLIN ea run WIPVTAISON Amain sr " • - • &Imhof*" GleautotwE'referfiliow • •• " Htichu • " Improved Rose Wltah. , Sold by' O. S. &idler, Grids, J. Wyetti, 0 A. Wwilirurd. ARP ALL DREIGIIBTJ BirglaWlLlUl.B. • ASK FOR HELIIHOLDPS. WEN N° OWES. Oat out the odyntilement lucid smut, ' AND AVOID DIE'WHON AND FEEPOSURS. I N 8 A.ll - THE • DELAWARE — l[DritAi 311171: 13 filf .COMPAR , LWOOEP,ORATED 1136. Capital and Asseti-- • • •••••••15869,126 87 DIRECTOR& gWm. klartio,'Edinund A. Ponder, TheoPnilim Pcolding; Jno B. Penriee.lno. C. Davis - Jaa. Trattoair, Wm. *vie, Jr Awes 0. Hand, Wiltisan„o. 4,ndviy, Joseph 11. iikal,De Baotou, George LaMar,' Hugh Craig, Maxim geily, Samuel IL cleikeei , J. X. Peaniaton, Rana Wean, Ildward Darlington, K. Jettealkvilimi, tizielwer ITlitinMEC. Hand; Robert Button, Jacob P. AMY, Jame Wymiend, Jeghua ltyre,Jebn ilemple.F :pima ; burg, D. T. limmaite r tiabin rik i A. B. Ber=burfi • THOMAS ran ' • WINRY •s iers kai s4244 . 4 11014 " The undersigned as spat-for the , abet% Mimed eeel: 1 piny ,continue/ to take ytre Blake in _Harrisburg and •. • • WILUA.II" MN= PORT FOLIOS 1 ,yrysiTrbiG9)=l3, . vv 'FBAWG,I,44I-§, , PoitTittONAERIB; ' And a genatakamortutont of FAN:PTROQIX I five ,lust beaufni:avec/. ' ' BICHOSEir OMAT IVORgroRE. Ttaeit: curb r -DBIBUBIEIP , . • 811011LBEIRIEI, , BOWNA BAIJSAGE. fA large and fresh inzpplyinsersealred by eb26 • •WM.r DOCK Jr.. *Co geciairocrs PRCIORSII 'SYRUP. sr rtri r 4 1 2rAtiLE ° MT* W - mog entiieWir*titole in its citipoilllon, has lbw =Ploy e(' with Wtontlerfo sown for r4lsy. years i n the awe, of diseussior the , A*GNS and , LUNGS. FIN soy forth of th e such OOUGH, TICXtafO of the SPITTING - OP. 'BLOOD, 'Ulna lizamijßaneautaG, Routsulass, Loss OP its nee: will altood with AMIILOPPIsst reiniits• It- is of the liet and 'Whet medioities for all of iBROMEETTIS and CONSUMPTION: aVoksoissol otpreparation of Opisiavia any shape in WI siffsr.„; • • - 7 J.. 1. PruCE SIOCI PPM BOTTILE. - . for stile- 44V-I,NRONNIpS CSltair Ka: I , %YEN nt I t of g l ianwara ifts eece:ved,.•nd for zsala low by • CR° irbiAN, . rot ••• 4; . ' ''.. SALAD 'OIL. i` l / 4 tire BiLPTI y of 'fresh : Salad: Oil, ,in girgs-anit intik biiiteii,' tisid di di ffe rent l twilit& reottird 284 kir MOM) .bj.v. i -:: •.., , 4 , - j~j IRE CRACiEitB by the cheat ; or hoxv alik e ottfAL,ll. —94Pir.ftonoompostrusw ~ i~7 4::!~::::h .f IME ME 11104tak07f ir 1) W. GUOSS, & CO., ArirD RETAIL DEV - 0 . G.18-T-$..,., NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEAN'A... , tiktUGGLSTS . PHYMCIA.NB STORE KEEPEIffiI AND OUNETNtRI3, , • we aril' daily adding to our assortment of foods such .articles as are desirable, and would reepeotf&l4 oall your atentiou to the ,largeet and:bestaideetol stook in dim coy, 'a DRUGS 'onattous & pun& Alfas; vimitaliss bind Gimps, Ort-Stuife,iitiun and Putty, artist Collor* sod Teals, Puri" eivoina Snide Warning Pliad and ,1114 Litri, - Spam"' 114141131 Oils, . Bottle* :Vials and Louttp Globes, coloste•Soisp, Sip°Egos End Corks, ' W., die, do, dtc. , dte„tdie, &et W.#4a 04 0 #* 1 TitchitYi of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARIZOLIA tiolootod from 'the beet 'aitiouritaturoris and re rowers- of ilturopi and tgla. (*marg. Mob* Very !ems t dealers- In PAINTS, WHITHLEAD, LINEfEgp OH, VARNISHES, WINDOW GWEI, ARTIOTB COLORB, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRURH TN ALL THEIR VAiNETDiii, 00I4)103 AND . BRDNiffB OF ALL UNDO, We_roopeotf! feeling, coati dent that. we caw ogqll3atbe wants of 'all; on terms to their eatiofekdoit.i; =t=l JONWBAND WHITZWB PORpIUIN TESTA, PATENT MEDICIINES AND H RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, (roOs tike Proprietors. • • • sapoip er 00iciimoi.ted Lye Who Weak Apc ! for tiapoillfler; rehloisora as lowo it ccur be Kroliest4 Iu qo I CHAT gli'S 111101.04.1 ,g;2II,.A.CITS COAL OIL! CARBON OIL! Being large purchasers In thaw Ms, we can oiler induoetietktil to olow 113uyera Ooal 00 tamps of taniorsit ImproyeA paiturps, very obeap. 4 11' k 1 04 of: *KIP: Chi it , WWI Coal Oil. - FARMERS' "21,NTO' GiliA211111g; "noise of You who have not gives our AQIIIIIB ecnirDiCRISI a trial lulow their superiority, and the advantage they are lo heaping' and dattt e healihy and hi _ . loud condition. • Thousands au testify . to the . piont they have derived fron the nee of our !Jetta; fowdere by the inoreeel o g quanlity: and _4 1 04: Pt 13 46: *tido .4 1 1PITIRIAP Ifaftetal and-efoi pemince.of their Cottle. • 7 , Ourlol4 4 / 6 achTi of the advantage, of • thDruegiA heowledge of the : trade, anti AT. 940NNI418ente in the elites are mach that 76 061! In a very short thee Jinni& awifthir4 ay witiOning to our busineet, - bist a terns: Tbookfal for ibe patronage beeto we on••on hoboe, , we hope by Arid attention . to a 'attain' seleettiiii of P: :Et P. 4 at fait prices,. and the: desire'• to please all, to merit a oolitithusiei , of the fairor of a cliserlsa inating public. 11141 H KIL,Fri 1 clAir Erg - - -z, iTtilicti,"tiiir and . ye joint Troop Roo k _ dilk and flair Triad .I=roiit.lo to if yards :long . Undo' Patent Tnint ' if : : c, , i . ; Saistod'llik - Trims Dints," • I , •' it ii 018anattata Ltoosi • ! ; _i . Sr ' a _ ~ , .. . W itni Cotton Linos lit it gam railhinati wit )zooks, , sioris,'io, - of m i tP4Altai AO OM Tads. clot a'? foe Triiit no, illtorattihd Loadtioi'botUntt hoes; tio 9 root. ° 0 ,, 0 , &rand*. ~..' : ,:• • .t ei .41.: 1 14 t.• ' ani**;l4lll4llok 11004amet, No. Ito 8 1 . TrottB/1 Stew and 1 / a ott: k itoi- Trout and 3 lk~6F £N D - rANCIir MI, 1 -- 11 R E , preah, Arocumtittu • 1 l'aPpen Arsi4 o4 o3Tawarin i t i r ' 7 corner nom 144:140S6fterai P. 4 ;W:. O. TAIYLOIVISNIAV SOAP. wooklfßilla. land 44114 6114fae xt . 0% ., Saws no Bomb and Inn 'skit fide IS o:4 l jur ) Vandll•:"Th Tit 41 49/ 4 1- I Pls I Hof; ma IR,Atab swam 4.4! . Alia ' s t ud extqnsive wortane it `: 4 :lii Ghissimboncathillig VaiteibrieftbliiiCtliiiiii difir.n 1 ' t 1 s', ~s tild l!==1 MMM=3 ELIXIR PROPYLAIkfINE, 1 4. NSW 1111111 EDY I L 011RTiorasither, j, 101 . ACM IaNUILATaII, s l u.muu i tuoi calur r o wimaterimc HIND • BOW STUBBORN pßcuortagy G STANDING, WHATJNEAS DONS, wiLL DO AGAIN. tilE MST TISTEMONY, bIEMO4, AOTHOFUTY PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL Fiat 15,1550,—E11en S., sit. 28, angle, never waii very areas. Two years ago she had an attack amine rheum e lient,from Whiohishewas congaed to her bed for two weeks and subsopintly from a relapse air four more. Shellac been well since then till last Bator day, while engaged in house cleaning, ahe took cold, had pain in bar back, fat hin tad no derided cbW . Two in biter her ankles hcold, e ti", wen. which was followed by swelling of the knee 'joints and of Oa hands. She has now dull pain In her stuallderifind her knuckles are very tender, red and g*lifW ; both Wads are aft.cW; bathe right le maim. ; This, then, la a cane of actite rheumatism, or, tte Strome fashionably callorhimmatio fever. It is wolf normetta typical ems • C ra will avefully watch the case, and from time to time call your attention to.the vart onatrbkdspresent themselvel. My obrftt in b her b efore yea now, ie to call attention to a remedy. best, reesattly been recommended In te e treatment of ,rheumatlem. I mean propylemau. Dr awensrlir, bt Et, Petersburg, recomistable it the *Mk blit 1 . 1 91 1 41 derived grost , aniefit from its ue. r ill wee - wmcn IMMO under his care. Vladimis con usendithetly etetintonado respecting it have appeared ourjournals, and I propose therefore to give it =other trtil. Ism{ cianfaSialdWa +always incredulous as to the worm.of kaew.ronamplog i ,,whictaare vaunted as spode.; but thin waft 'to - int 'reciiihmended it highly, that wt gteisits taint.- . • '131410 ; 143E Mil DAYS LATER I Hit?sa; 11180.-4. will . now exhibit to you the patient Jot ertemakiwontitihed , Preeeplidnine, and we a then labor lug under an speak- acute rheumatism. She has Meadlly taken It 14 dflieeePtairpodp*lns sooty two hours (IntermlUblS It nlgh), Ple day !tiler you maw her, i roundhormnett more , fteeNriable; bitter 'thee Shit ex Weed le be Lora week Or .tore, Judglng Ave her Niles Cnki }Welt ikOlt Into the room.) The egllt.ffiterneet Mestomilly: progressed, and. you cannot soisolise a marked ohmage in the appearance of bee iinWeirtdeerrwenree neekly all or their natural size apt tar oar jlpll4lollDalid. would have Bawd very en leestot but; ifteitiateen, we west watt a llttla while bt• Cm! wilicatvgiv• 41..4*We:1..opinion al to what is to to the result. . Herb himaitiottiatient who was placed on the us,: of algae medicine on litanchty last; • ilhe itaslong beau suffering fr om o finnan, rhetuostinta, and 1 found her at Wag time with. an'elite attack anportounag upon tier Mumaitionbetion. - . The wrists and knuckles were much swollen and, tante: ; Sho took the chloride of Propyla mlae in three grain doses every two hours, awl you win Wodee WOO. awelhng of the joints has much Malin . • • Oar 24 , 11160.--This la the class of 'acute rbeematbm sated with propplanneb, the Ansi of thaw to which I ailed your attimnon at our last ado. She Is still v ery ‘ obuifortable, and Is now taking three geeing thrice deny is this owe it has seemadta be followed by, vary eat tatatikey reerilts. The esoond owe to which your attea tio_n was called at our li st lecture, bait also continued to do'well... I winnow brim; before you.fle very character- Mc cane of iteubs rhoumallarti, and if the result In sac .fsetam,4 aday,..s good Juryman, w, shell justly render our verdict in favor ef.propylannu liiiienisumin; set VI who was admitted a few days sgo,. assibar/ enlyndUnd rheum* paws, but not so se Mob bbitlxlloll6l days igo. Tito pains began id blip TlightNatrek lubelegiintly tamed the left knee, &ILI Wert t . 4011900.0 tlll4l. upper extremities. These pints are an swollen, tedee Ind tender. Hie tongue is furred ; his skiniat present dzyithaugtvthere has -brain mach sweating. #l O Rubs Is nmil.lo 4 ItrOnirs and about K— ai haw OW non pinpyismian fDr twenty-four hours. This giltudeman is what may be called a stricUY typical ow of aerate rheamatilana —There was exposure to Gold and wet,iand ailPallure AbilbWed Or * fading 0 1 eolibiem,' salute ertienfar pall, beginning, as it usually .60* if fins lower joints. . :Tame is fever and the profuse mseldlng, so generally 'Attendant on acute rheumatism , I did wit bring thi Patient bsline Yon with the Inters. sipaer glow ton ;tincture en an the points cainuactod with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to tlei new ratnekftweewn testing, and to exhibit to' yon this • . 1111 1 1 bleell. oallsd it, than widen there ce old not &enterppbrttinlty fOr testing the medicine ni elatatint. , %ir. , Wenre, therefore, evading the use of all ober . mailligj" evan.anodynte, that then, may De no iningiaings aatinWeiedr*it the'efikient remedy you shall rite the pee Pt! t liners Onto; ; . Aurae, 1000.—The next of our- convalescents is tie 00180 of anoterheumatiam before you at our °bolo ot May 90th, which I Wen called a typical ease, and which it was remarked was a hdr opportpaity for testing the worth ot our new remedy, It was therefore steadily elen>s thrangraka doom every two hours forfour days. The =him 4pqg very obtelyould is sow able hi • *rah ' IdO 111% hesitate to a 4 , that kora bete% ,,seniere,a owe of acute rheumatism 0 madrisiored to health as title roan tias. been, and ariihbutbehl.'prepared tti decide perateel4 - ea to the rat. .asof Abs rengaiy, pre have used,,,l. feel rbound to mate shit to the easeeln'Whloti we have tried the Chloride o fropylambsty-the patient& hare regained. th'eltr 'health meth earlier than der the treatment ordinarily ;pur tt+ed. i Whir Would* yourselves try it, Mid report the reinfilii.!. • ; • . • For a full report of which, the above to a eondeneed "Ma; pee W F* l o. 3l phmiz±lialkladfid.,aurgiozi Re porter. hla the'reFftrt , afte r s fair trial by the bessuleo• cal autheritita this opuntry, sokiaithes it anneoeseary to We toutieiniia Ruaa klatotilehed ;factors and eatohdagpitleata t . I ; ; also - rouni • - 4N.i , _ . 11.11.L I At. as. eat same WHAT 1T H Dorm, •daiieelt m brambea, "a Ins well keowik to mote ithei eel mem, by wham the RUN Propeamike lumbeen tuMmed, lemeeetd to, as Me tughtotve eight Mamma°. tam tl mocallog to Um 'peal . recipe, and we have Of Mob riaelbade as tq enable es heamottY, Yea Prah' to USG the IMO eraedy m anothoriform int invite your itteeotlontlat the Fuse Oininiome ONMAKIn PsorsrAnos, • • Plan. Omer®, r an r finiiinesU *ALA* fi Winkel tie Oe *olen:non afactareee. maim no other Time far the Elixir Peofroodoo 401 . 4 okulitinext to Pare Caseated Chloride of Propy. +W# ll 5 /. I#4#3# 'Atoms , " ; AOODB,DING 111REUMNS, , Soli bLßanistrorr by "11 oe Othkomed . PEOPrLitithi Ma ArciihitfflON/PG .611(4. Boom . No. 4, 8. W, Oor "warm ano Cboonot. grow l Pulladelpl a, 11 Weigher 4r . ihsiolbt~le[ "1113 i ASO BULLOCK t ORINSHAW. FRENCH., RICHARDS & 90. JOHN 11. MARIS &CO o vninontaL 4 co., pz-ru. T. HEIM& .00., MILO 103 RIOS MOT &QS . MASINIU4I, IM!E=II3EI Orbited. t. • 12M NEW 11.1011IDP RJR 1/ 4 111- ETTMATIBM, WILL CONQUIR:IT, WELL CU6I IT, OO READ DOCTORS HAMINk DOCTORS TRY IT. DOUralki KNOW IT, PAIDENTS =AVE Pi 71r,,E1 AND TRIM. (rlOll OMPICILLL BONPITII. THREE' DAY§ LATER t 11=21 FA 1 70441144 MOM IrE MEV CASA IMINGIVEW TRIED, WHENEVER TRIED. n WILL DO .ted,Di A WORD TO' DOCTORS REtlrt FOR Jlt MAUI USA SY AST Obiii, BY ISVSZY ON", -0241.1111 UNA rIBN OF ANY KIND, • al6 an a earn/. 19!IME EMI ERIE