Pa Ettegraplj. PEOPLE'S ' I - • :4 AUDITOR GENERAL: THOMAS E, COCHRAN, of York County SURVEYOR GENERAL: WIL.LI : AM S. ROSS," of Luzern County UNION COUNTY NOMINATIONS CONORBSO, JOHN J. PATTERSON, of Juniata county ASSEMBLY, THOMAS G. FOX, of HumaneMown JAMES FREELAND, of Millersburg. bummer ARTORNIT, A. JACKSON HEU%, of Harrisburg. COUNTY COMILISIONZIL, JACOB MILLEISEN, of Lower Paxton Dp 'ROTOR OF THI POOR, DANIEL MUMMY, of Upper Swataia COUNTY AUDITOR, DANIEL LEHR, of Gratztown. COUNTY SURVEYOR, THOMAS STROHM, of Linglestown oosomme, JESSE B. HUMMEL, of Hummelstown HARRISBURG, PA Saturday Afternoon, September 21,1562. SPIRIT OF THE TORY ORGAN-AN ELM, T 10NERLIVG TRICK The tory organ has not, it seems, passed a night in reflection, or if ithas, the result is a complete "crusher," iu the way of treasonable language and sympathy, this morning. That is, it postpones its usual rehash of treason, for the purpose of making political capital out of the draft. By doing so, it questions the loyal ty of the people, and hopes, in an underhanded manner, to create a feeling that the military authorities are oppressing the masses—forcing them into servica by means of the draft. This is a sly dodge, and on account of its originality, we must give credit to Frank Hughes for the matter. On the same subject of the draft, while alluding to the rumor that the President in tends to order an additional draft of 800,000 men, the tory organ insists that "the abolition ists should be compelled to furnish the whole number." We can assure the tory van that every abolitionist in the service has faithfully performed his duty, not like some people we wot of, ever absent when battles were to he fought. Aside from these low flings, the organ, this morning, is stale, flat, and unprofitable. TEE SOLDIER HOST VOTE. Those who Battle for the Defence Have a Right to Vote for the Control of the Government. The law of Pennsylvania clearly gives the soldier who is absent in the defence of the corn. tnonwealth the right to vote for those who are to administer its government. This law is still on the statute books. Its provisions have never been pronounced unconstitutional—its justice has never been questioned except by those who are indirectly parties to the rebellion for the overthrow of the government and the destruc tion of the Union. We believe that it is the duty of the Gov ernor to issue his proclamation, providing for such election to be held in the orations camps throughout the country, which contain compa nies or. regiments organized by citizens of Penn sylvania. If this duty is neglected, it will be the virtual disfranchisement of those who, above all others, have a sacred right to vote. The soldier, when he entered the ranks, did not dream of yielding a single political right which he exercised before—his enlistment was not made in the faith that his disfranchisement would follow. Those who seek to give this construction to the law, we care not whether it is by legal reasoning or judicial theorising, do so for the purpose of counteracting the senti ment which seeks expression in favor of the government, and thus insure the success of the traitor cause. The men who are absent from the state, are commanded by officers commissioned by the Go. veroor—are on a service to fulfill the obligation which the state owes to the Natiofial Govern ment—have gone forth with full expectation of returning to Pennsylvania, because their fami lies reside within its limits, and all their btu:fi nessed interests are centered here. On the ac tion of legislation, as we have before main tained, such bualneat in part depends'for Bocce*. On the result of an election, that legislation may be controlled against the interests of those who are absent, armed and battling for the de fence of the state. Shall these men be deprived of their voice in a choice of such legislators ? Shall their local interests be bartered away by local demagogrtesaud office-hunters, while they are in the ranks of the army ? The very ques tion is preposterous—the very idea revolting. Therefore, let Gov. Curtin issue his proclamation that each election be held in every camp where there is a Pennsylvanian. Let the state assure her eons that wherever they go in her ser vice, the protection of her laws, the franchises of her gov ernment, and the prestige of her name fol low—follow in their full grandeur and glory—so that our brother may feel that while his arm is bared for the fight, his voice and his vote are as potential in the government of his dear old Commonwealth, as if he was at home, combat ting the corrupt demagogues who are now so desperately plotting for political power. We, repeat, again, let the soldier vote. Let progir4iptice be at once Made to hold such elections in the different camps. Let the ' Goveriistitisime his proclamation to that effect— and our political victories will be made as splen did by tbe VO* of the soldier, as our martial triumphs' are made complete and glorions by his valor. WHICH FURNISH THE FIGHTING MR N? With a class of brawlers etch as are now leading the forlorn squads of the Breckhoridge ' factions in the loyal states, it is a comulOn boast that, "the Democracy are doing the batiliv of this war." Of course this is idle boast, and if the boast did not do any more harm than stain the , lips and pollute the hearts of those who make it, with its falsification, we could afford to pass it by with contempt. But as these lies have been adopted as a portion of the system of electioneering inaugurated by Prank Hughes in the matter which he is now' furnishing to the. Democratic (God save l t he mark) press of the state, it becomes the lover of t the truth to meet and explode all such dastardif yet peculiar Locofoco tricks. A writer for the Philadelphia Press contributes to this expostir in a very few words, and insists that it mils, be plain to every mind, if the Democrats re form three-fourths of the rank and file of t army, (he enrolment will show that a greater par centage of the fighting population have en listed in the Democratic than in the Republi can districts of the state. Now, the enrolinent shows the very reverse of this, for from it' it appears that a far greater per centage of the fighting population of the Republican districts have gone to war than from the Deinodratic districts. The Democratic county of Nor.: thaw ptou has sent less men to war thau; the Republican county of Blair, and yet Blair polls but little More than one-half the vote of Nor thampton. The Republican county of llicifeari has sent more men to war than the Democratic ~aritymf Monroe, and yet Monroe polls fifty per cent. more votes than McKean. The fighting Quakers of Republican Chester county have sent within five per cent. as many men to war as Democratic Berko, and yet the vote of Berke is thirty per cent. more thee Chester's. I , The combined vote of the Republioatt.counties of Letwrence, Union, Clinton and Blair, at'the last Presidential election, was fourteen thou sand fohundred and MY-three, and the com bined'-'le of the Democratic counties, of Barks, Northampton and Monroe, at the EMS election, was twenty-seven thousand three hundred and thirty-three; yet the Republican counties named have sent to the war over three hundred more mentia - n the Democratic counties they are contrasted with, although they polled hardly mole than half the number of votes. We boldly assert that, if the Marshal's re turns from all the loyal states were made pub lic, the same exhibit would be presented as that which is exhibited in the returns from Pennsyl vania. If all the returns from all the countlei in the state could be fairly laid before the p* ple, these Breekinridge brawlers would be coin pelted, by very shame and chagrin (if such an impulse as shame is left in their natures,) to cease their boastings. The fact would be reveal ed that the men who are fighting our battles, are not those who have been accustomed to eat dirt at the feet of the men who make slavery of more importance and value than Liberty and Union. It would be revealed that a large portion of the masses of the once power ful Democratic party bad turned their hacks on their old, corrupt and cowardly leaders, that , they were standing shoulder to shoulder with the gr,- at masses of the Republican party, offer ing their blood and sacrificing their lives in defence of a government that Breckinridge Democracy has rushed to the brink of ruin. Let us, then, hear no more'of these questions, Where are your Wide-Awakes ? Where are your .Reineblicaus? TREY ARE IN TEEN UNION ARMIES OR THEY ABS IN THEIR GRAVES SLAIN BY SLAVERY, THE SACRIFICES OF TREASON BROUGHT ABOUT BY BRECKINRIDGE DEMOCRACY ! THE BAGGING or Me BMW in Maryland was unexpected, it now seems, on the part of the public, too great to be realized by 'our army. Such a result would have been inexpressibly gratifying; but such an achievement was well. nigh morally impossible. A garrison may be captured; a few thousand men may be surroun ded by overwhelming numbers and made to surrender. But one army can hardly capture another nearly if not its own size. Indeed the "great victories" of history nearly all fall short of this. Harmon almost invariably whipped hie enemies; but he seldom nabbed them. The battle of Waterloo was decisive against the "dark brewed man of Austerlitz," but the French army was .beaks, not bagged. As has been well observed, "Witmenrces won the bat tle, but BLUCHER reaped the fields of victory." It was by following up and harreseing the rear , of the flying foe, that the work of disaster was arespleial. So it will be in the present instance. The Rebels were defeated in Maryland. It may be possible to convert that defeat into a rout; to follow them up so closely as to break them In to fragments. If this is done, the war is virtu ally ended; if not, no vital advantage has been gained. We have repulsed an insolent foe; but we have not beaten out his brains. He will "still live" to vex and worry us; "still live" to fight other battles—possibly to achieve other successes. SISVIRY is.the cause of a Re hellion which has cost us Millions of Treieure and Hecatombs of Lives. This Rebellion against a Government which protested and cherished alike the rights and interests of all the States, has neither justification or excuse. The forfeiture of Slaves will be a light penalty for so great a crime. . . Fuca( ALL Acconwrs, given to us by officers and privates who me respected at horde for their courtesy and their veracity, Gen. Reynolds did not elevate himself by his conduct towards' the militia of Pennsylvania, during their late demonstration on the border. We have the assurances of several gentlemen, that his eon duct was outrageous. So much so, that_ at one time a revolt was actually threatened by some of the men. When will the officers of the reg ular army learn that the people are their mas ters, and that when they rouse in their might, as they did in this state a week ago, it is not to be treated as serfs or dogs. TRH DRAD Or nER RAILROAD CATASTROPEOL - The men who were killed in the collision on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, were placed in coffins by Messrs. Boyd & illoan,'who Emporia-. to:sided the shipment of the bodies to itemciiiii; Pottsville and Philadelphia. ESE Iptintoglnania etttarctpt), fiatoroap 'Afternoon, September 27, 1862 From eArmy of the Potomao ftecial ,Coliespgticlence of the TIO38:-APH Within'tlittrost ten daYir,"ffirentehitre crow ded thiely,.iteni us." Thittelegrahf hit( in-., formed you of the battles At Sout h •Storintain and Sharpsburg—and the retreat of tbe rebel army into the Old Dominion. The raid of Jack acues.artnyinto9llWrylandiriurits-lcirtunate for our forces as it, was unfortunate and destructive to the former. The flower of that army suffer ed teor the chivalry have left their dyad a 'I ff tided oil many a field. The con flictlt esday; was the most desperately `fought battle of the war. The "Army of the Rottlinac:LilaVe•Achisared.asrenown -which will carry a thrill-of pride to the breast of every 1111 American. • The enemy fought'desperate ,' and' it bod their ground hrairely, as the heaps ' f dead fully testify, but they could not with . land.the gallantly and destructive fire , of the Union troops. Viewed from &distance the suc cessive Charges of our men were brilliant as they were . terribly effective. Every'soldier seemed to vie with the other ln - retrieVing the honor of our arms—and everyshot told—while the enemy ' s ranks grew thinner and' thinner. Night-fall closed ,the struggle, and 'early in the day, the rebels sent in 'a' flag of .truce to bury their dead. This sal honorably granted, but how faithless they - were to it, was subse quently shown Out on the battle field, our deed .and -dying lie , fiting4ed ' together. The sight, was sad, aye sickening. Here and there we met the face of some brave heart whom we knew when living---now ainartyr to the cause of his country. We weteliitiqr with the even ' ded, binding up their in sad removing them - in 'anibulancea tit'ihe nearest. points, Keedysville and Boonsboro;Aihere eirery prepa ration was-made to receivetnera. With the rebel surgeons, some of whenti'we knew, the best ftmdinginevalled, and wheit l they were scarce' of lint and bandages we filet)) , supplied them :from our store. , ,1 •.' At the top of the hill above the stone bridge over Antietam' creek left of Sharpaburg, the enemy's dead ley in winrows. The vast ma jority were shot either in . the - head Or breast, showing not only the destructrie fire they sus tained,,but the effectiveness of'thie aim of our brave soldiers. Here Gen..Wrigl4 ol the Pal metto State lay dead, 'herr° - Hill was wounded. The rebels renitiveLthefr wownled to the barns and houses t rear towards Sheppardstown,' and eve re for miles could be seen the red flag. • Our loss has been heavy, brit' theirs ig treble in numbers. Dr. Halsey, of ,North Carolina, Brigade Surgeon under Hill, statedlo us that their loss was frightful; addlilthnugh thou sands remained in'the vielitWof the battle field under trees and sheds,,Outhouses and barns; and as many More slightl 6 leaded have recrossed the Potomac. The wilole day of Thursday was occupied in buryinglike dead and administering to the wounded; but;, when nightfall came many were still midi& for. During the night the enemy reiYtalsed the river sl2 ford below SheppardatoWn; the bridge at theilatter place having been destroyed. The rear guard of the rebels was onivarvshour in advance of our forces. Our suppif of muni tion being small,•it was not deethed: expedient to follow the "butternuts," as otir soldiers gen erally term them; across the river. They left many of their dead upon the fieldsoret as a general thing, their wounded were as•arell pro vided for as circumstances would permit. , A detail of our men MEW employed to bury their dead—but the heat of the, ain't:nosing decom position, some, were put out of 'the way in a method not hardly proper. ' Of this we shall not speak 'further, only sremarking, had the rebels treated our dead: in the manner alluded to, there would:have been a terrible , " hue and cry" about it. Their dead are not yet, at the present writing, all buried, owing to the extent of the battle-ground—through corn fields and thickets—although search isibeing energetically made. The horses killed in the action have been burned. Our detail found on Friday a place where a number of broken caisous and cannon carriages were strewn, but . the cannon were missing. In the vicinity were a number of new made graves. Thisbeing suspicious, one was opened, when it -NU found to contain a brass field' piece, of English manufacture. Fourteen can non were thus exhumed. For miles, remains of the battle can be seen. Arms, knapsacks and clothing lie scattered in all directions. Among the latter were found a large number of letters, several of which were sent you. One letter, taken from the pocket of a dead rebel; was frota a young lady in Al abama, who earnestly desired. her lover to "send her the shin-bone of a dead Yankee to make a blow horn of." W hat would that young lady think, should we, acting. upon her suggestion, send her the shin-bone of her lover. Many. incidents.of Wednesday's battle have come,to our knowledge; which, had we time, should write you.c It is not known yet what will be: the destination of this army—but bear in remembrance one 'thing, that wherever it goes in the future,•victory•will follow it—and when. this rebellion :is crushed out forever, there will bo."no higher honor than to belong to the army of thaPotomac." E. t I ••-• " • ( S -y From Port Royal and 'the Gulf. Daring Exploit el the Gunboat Winona UNION PEELING IN TEXAS THE ESCAPE OF COLONEL JIM HAMILTON, Nsw Yoax, Sept. 26. The 'United Stabil gunboat' Connecticut . ar rived at this port this afternoon froni 'ihe It/Off of Mexico via Port Royal. Lient: Walker, of the gunboat Winona, is among the'passengers, together with twenty-five officers and two hue dred and three seani o n, invalids and discharged, six prisoners and seven refugees. ' The'general health of our squadrons in 'the Gulf is good. • . . , - Naval. expeditions are being fitted nut at Pen sacola and Port Royal. The public 'all proba bly hear of an important achievement by the former in a week or two. On the 13th-inst., they. S. gunboat Winona, Lieutenant Commanding Thornton, ran under the fire of Fort Morgan,. below Mobile, and Opened fire on a rebel steamer which was lying maide, driving Off-ber .crew and thuliaging her greatly by the explosion-of an eleven-inch shell in her bow. Fort liforgat opened a heavy fire on the Winona, but she escaped unhurt. The.Conneoticut captured the English schoon er rambler, laden with cotton, which had es caped the blockade at Sabine Pews. Instructions were found aboard of her to sell her cargo at Havana, purchase powder, medicines; and army shoes, and return by the Sabine Pass. She"was Island,. Cal, Jack Hamilton;:formerly a milabet of Congress from Texas, had succeeded in making :his escape. from that State,and arriving at.the Simthwest Pass. Heihad been3tecreted in the prnntaine twenty:ona; clays;-and :was aocotit ied by six friends. He represents that there exists a strong Union feeling in the western part of the State of Tease. rr, &OLT OF THE POTOXACI Sept, 2 4 1862' IMPORTANi NAVAL lIPIDIIIONS. = The Latest ,from Louisville. MOVEMENT® OF BRAGG'S Reported Evacuation of Lexingtan ----...----. Lotrisvrus Sept., 26. The story oflirig.llen DitniOa being - Under arrest for falling back without orders, is untrue, nor has he teen arre-t€4l ; but, on the contrary, he has been assigned , to the command of a divi sion. Cap*ln Morkisi of the Clinton county Home Guards, attacked Champ Fergnson's guerilla band, a few.days since, —Fergusonlttolleg and fifteen others. Bragg's picketd ,are 'at Middletown, twelve miles from here. 'lt ii'stated" that they with; drew 'on the'approitcli of our pickets. Bregg's rain body of troops is repotted to be moving toteards*SpTingfield. -AdViceirfrOni Frankfort ititte that, there Fare no rebelsiliere,' except 'a feW sick ones, , and those in Lexington are supposed to be evitcrk . ilidriight --Louisville es quiet, but the streets leave been blocked'uti all day with Buell's forces phasing through to the camp grounds in the vi . The hotels and boarding houses areerammed -to'overflowing, with the market ;almost bare of the necessities of life, in consequence of the producers and market men being kept back by the rigid spite= of passes. Business has' become quite 'active, but no liquor is allowed to be - sold. - The refugees are, rapidly returning„ having .recovered trout their , alarm. LATER FitOM EUROPE Arrival of the Steamer Aeglo Saxon The Rebels Building Steamers in England. Qum Rem, Sept. 27 The • steamer Anglo Saxon, with Liverpool dates of the 18th and Londonderry of the 19th, passed Cape Eace at 3 o'clock this morning, and was boarded by the news patch. The Hibernian' arrived out on the 16th, and the City of Washington mite 17th. The- rnmdrs relating to the recognition of & the South, do nOt.gain and. ,ft is reported that thn confederates are buying and building numerous steamers in England, and building a ram on the Mersey. Commeacria.---Breadstuffe were steady at Tuesday's prices, but closed quiet and irregular on Friday. Flour has a declining tendency. Provisions quiet but firm. LONDON, Sept. 19—Consols closed at 931® 931 for money. American securities quiet but steady. Lard advanced I®2 shillings on Tues day. • MAINE'S QUOTA FULL. BOSTON, Sept. 27 The quota of troops under -both calls of the President have been filled by the State of Maine by' volutiteering, and all have been in camp since the 15th inst. They will be ready to move as' soon as uniformed and equipped. ARRIVAL OF A FRENCH FRIGATE. Haw Yong, Sept.'27. The French frigate Firisterre arrived at this port:to-day. New York Money Market. Niew TUX, Sept. 27 Stocks lower--Dhicilgo and Rock Island 74 Illinois Central Ralirocul 72 ; Cumberland Coal 9i ; Illinois Central bond 104; Michigan South ern 70 ; New York Central 94 ; Reading 661 . ; Missouri 6's 66 ; American gold 1211'; war loan 991 ; Demand notes 11711 U. S. Trea sury 7 8 10 104.1 • CouponslBBl New 2bigaistmtuts WANTED.—A NURSE to take charge of an invalid. Apply to • It 4 /USER, • Chestnut street, below Third. for further . particulars. 807 e3t.• AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE underaigued • appointed auditor by the Orphans , reurt of Dauphin County, to make dish !button of the balance In the hands of George Y . Drol•aiter, acting executor of Jacob Mille-, la te of Wino rdion townibip, deceased, among creditors, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the Cutlet of said appoint ment at him office in Harrisburg, on Wednesday the 16th d iy of October next, at 10i:o'clock A. 11., when and where all persons interested May appear. tre27-ditatir3l ' W. W. HAYS, Auditor. NOTICE. All[Thereas by General order N 0.37 issued V V by the Governor of Pennsylvania, dated SeptembeqBrd, A. D. 1862, it is thuic,ontaitied, via : " The Commissioners of.the several coun: ties will fix a time at some convenient point in their respective counties to hear applications for exemption of persons Now ut navies of the State, and who have Nor arainenr had an op,. portunitylo attend such 'appeal." Therefore notice is hereby given lo all such persons, who were recently inAlle service of the State under the call of the Governor, that an opportunity will be afferded them to present their claims for ezeinption from military duty on Thursday, the 2nd day of October A. D. 1862, at 9 o'clock A. the Court House, in the city ofHarris JOHN H. BEIWS, Commissioner burg. Sept. 26th,18132 NOTICE TO VOLUNTEERS. SEA GOA-ST ARTILLERY. MAJOR JOSEPH ROBERTS, of the 4th ITJL Regiment U. S. Artillery, who has been commanding officer of Fort Monroe, Va., during the hist eleven months, has received authority from the Secretary of War and Gov. Curtin to raise In Pennsylvania art Independent Battailion of Sea Coast Artillery for service at Fort Mon roe, for three years or during the war. This Battalion will be organized and officered ae 011101' volunteer organizations. • Recruiting will commence at once. Officers able and willing to raise men for the Battalion, will make application immediately to Major J. Roberts, U. S. A., Philadelphia. BBIBIONOES.—A. L. Russell Adjutant General of Pennsylvania ; Captain Dodge, Superintend . ent Recruiting Service, Harrisburg, Pa. sep26-dlweod ANDERSON..CAVALRY. _ office for rigunits for this organization has been re opened at the old place, Col der's Stage Offios,,Market Square. Any persons of good character who may deere to enlist, or obtain information as to the duties of the Troop, will please call before the 3d Monday of Octo ber. WILL. C. BELLES, sep26-d 1 w Lance Corporal. FOR RENT. i t TWO STORY, basement .with large kitchen. situ to Third shoat, near Market, ,itiat fitted up for a r. ataurant with soaking range, holler and ali other necessary oa ventencieg also twO 'large second story rooms in the memo building. Pas imam. given immediately. Apply to the subscriber, at 14a oaks, Third atreet DAVLD MDMMA. • eept26•dSt THE FALL SESRION OF 111,01440111tlitp ACADEMY ! • Will Commence Monday next, Sept. 29. sePt2 s.4B t J. F. STELEB, Principal. qkihnrilidente. PENNSYLVAIfIa, SS: _ln thilisiturandloy the Authority OF IMF COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA; G. ai l ltTlN, Governor of the sold Commonwealth; A PROCLAMATION WU ERE AS, By the third section of the set of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the t*eitly-second day of April, A. D., one thousand eight hundred mad fifty-eight, entitled "Ad Act to establish, a ng rtind for the payment of the public debt," it is made the duty of the Secretary of the Commonweafth o theAtiditor ,General and State Treasurer, Commissionenrof the Sink ing',Fund, create& by the. ail act of Assem bly, on the first - Monday of September, A. D. one thougantl'eighehandredand fifty-nine, and on "the same day attain* thereafter, tq report and certify to the, 'Governor, the' amount re beived undei the said act; the amount of Inter est-paid and 'the amount of the debt of the Commonwealth redeemed and held by them : Whereupon the Governor shall direct the certi ficate's replicating the satire to - be " cancelled, and On' such cancellation issue his Proclatiation stating the fact and the extingnisliMent, and final discharge of so much of the principal of , . • saidNdebt. • AND Wawa. S, By the ninety-eighth . section of the act of the General Assembly; passed the nineteenth, daY D. one thousand eight hundred and ftftptbree, entitled "An Act to provide for the ordinary expensiis of the government," etc., it . is provided that there after the receipts to ,the Sinking Fund to the amount that marbe necessary to cancel the re lief issues now, in circulation under the, provis ions of the act Of the'fourth of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred atolforty-one, and' the re-issues under the act o' the'tenth of April, A. D. one thousand 'eight hundred and forty nine, shall be applied toward the cancellation of said issues: . • • AND WELISZAS, Eli Slifer, Thomas E. Cochran and Henry D. Moore, ex-offieio' Ciannodesioners of the SiLking Fund, in obedience to the re quirments of law, repert and•certify to me, that the debt of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, redeemed aad held by them from the first day of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, to the first day of Sep tember, 4. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, amounts to the sum of Two Hundred and Brxty two Thousand Eight Bundred and Om Dollars and Sixty-seven Cenia—made up as follows: Four and one half per cent: loati-of the Commonwealth. • $60,000 00 Five per cent. loan of the Com- ' monwealth 211,178 74 Interest certificates redeemed ' 870 41 Domestic creditors. ceatificate..... 64 62 Relief notes .cancelled - ' 1,188 00 Total 262,801 67 Now Tuesarona, as required "by the third section of the act of Assembly aforesaid, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, declaring the payment, cancellation, eattogniehment and final discharge of Two Hundred and Sixty-two Thousand Eight Hundred and One Po!lois and Sixty seven Cents of the principal of the debt of the Commonwealth, including one thousand one hundred and eighty-eight dollars of the relief issues, which have been cancelled and destroyed as authorised by the ninety-eighth section of the act ,of the nineteenth day of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this eighth day of Sep tember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-raventh. BY THB OOVERNOR, ELI BLURB, &oratory of the Commontotallh se26-dewBw PENNSYLVANIA SS : In the Name and by the Authority OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ANDREW' G. CURTI*, GOVERNOR OF THE SAID COMMONWEALTH A PEOCLAILATION WHEIETAS, The threatened invasion of Penn sylvania by the rebel army him been created, by the prompt and patriotic reeponse of loyal men of the State, and the signal victory achieved by Gen. M'Ciellan'a army. on the An tietam. • . . ...., . / And whams, The &LAC :wit h .which the `people in every section e t . t r ihmmonweelth rushed to the rescue. of 44 4. 4 Vams on, the l a Cumberland Valley , bordeicel',. •