Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 27, 1862, Image 1

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- rs runrerblVr
The DAILY 'faaaWWWN'TI Bepred to snbecrlipeis in th
qty at s cent" per . erne)
_4l; Yearly subscribers will be
charged $4 00 thaOance.
Winair can Sion WINICLY Tnurcutan.
The Tatiantarw.kt also ptibillWAlitis sCwatik during
the session Of the - tegislatueotta weekly during the
remainder of the le4r, /kll4Typnill4kitiet illubstribers at
the following cast !gas wiz, , ,
Rgle:aubscalbsta ireail4bail‘ 60
(1 . ti —l2 00
T wenty • orii •
..n g 1: 1;
atingle subscribers, Weekly 1
13111 LAW Olt,
1114b0Clenkenkitider the ?t their news-
PaP ar ers, tug Publisher may continue to send them until
reatigesitre totid.; • 1, I•
If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa
pers from the office to which they are directed, they are
reepon/elemittil therilwA lettlefithe bills and ordered
them Ihteeminua‘ . • - •
nettliCt o
Gi- C:1 3EI R. ES
Corner Fro*, and 1111441,.Street,Bi
EIREdrIV ELY invite the attention,
1.16 of the public to their iffy" apd wall selected
stool of • - 0.1
we soil! Wet for •
Stewarbs, Ilverlng;a Golden
White and troWn ihigare of all grades,
Green andillaeltTeas,
Gofe& L 'Alitil4m , and Flavoring
SALT, :.
, •
/4 1 !" ,
&c., &o.
We Invite an examination of tm. stmerlor
Unequalled In brit,. respect by "any M the market, Jo.
piker lgtti all , kinds of :
LAMPS, .• : • . ; • •
_ _ _
Buismito t
&c., ate., 8143
We bays ihe leateet oesertmetdof '
In *hooky; slat, ail kinds et
Gan exeigdue afoul. of etnnd ,
•- .Nicaiks & BOWMAN, -
Corns+ FYRAldind Marltat streets.
Harrisburg, .I.'sAusylv . aula.
bIe Cider MIL indPciddertatterg,
Kadin'Work And iron and Brasil .
c A slr I N. 44
or Any Machine 'Of Wood, Iron or Braes
made to order. Gear and Screw 'Gutting, Btc.
for Old:CopPer, Bra s; Brgter, / 0 .
Qi various patterns, both stationary and swinging. Sash
Weights and various other building patine, for sale
very cheap at the [myYkly ] .)1124a.b.,WORKS.
ri , Liltattention of • egticulttirlittE it directed
_L to lielollwring workb,iwilich will enable'
them to incresxe tote ; Iplttity sad value of
their crops by adding . Entwine And the experi
ments of 'Minns tO:their eXkienee,:
tailing all the labors of husbandry and
the beet way Appertain them, Price. .8 60
- • i - 4 00
LANDSCAPE GNlTlikki,- bk Allen— .1 00
TURE, by dohnston...... 50
versa handbook, with 4(lo.engmvings..2 60
BEE, by Weeks „
Ehe Nature laid Treatment' oPillibieeses of
Cattle, by. • - 1 00
and the production of,'Milk butter,
cheese, by Flint' 160
Lynch . . .
SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the
Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, Sm., kk0..1 00
tical• Farmer, by Dr. Gardner -
THE , BOOR. OF • MANUItES,• or ,
American Muck 800 k... . .:.....,:::.•.:.1 25
Jennings , 00
YOUA'PE ON THEHORS/L ti .*. 1 26
HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00
HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and
Trefixft . Pl : 76
;.taidmir Boolift, - MfOoT:Books, 1:1 . 1 every
thing In thi3 Stationery line, at loisitt i)ricea, at
L I P . t 0 E.
The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and
Treat Compfuly if PAiinifidYbiii..
PaPPAL AND Ames . • 41,148,88.
THOMAS RIM WAY, President.
JOHN Y. JAMSZ, actuary,
LIPBS on the most reason stile terms.
ey art as Executer; Trustees end °nudism 4 miler
l agt , wiThtritha - aa Receive's and aseip eae .;i
The ci wi lh atb, eing paid , no and invests*, 2 16(g;!,ttiar with
a 'are and constantly reserved land, offers a
perfect seetirly n lesured.. .
The premiums. m ay tia tam yearly i ttalf yearly or guar.
The company add a' BoginlAtetioditially to the Lieu
ream far life. The 11118EIKONE appropriated in D e .
camber 1144, the IMO' ND BONUS is December, 164 .9
the THIRD BONUS ht December, 1854, and the IfOtiltill
BONUS in taw .T h ese oddinons are Wads will:tont re
quiring any inc r e ase o the pendants to p b id to the
Comp an y
The rohewitig area few.eatamples from the Register :
Amount of Policy mad
Sum I BOMB or I Willis *moodPolicy. Policy. 1 Insured - inidllkm to tyltioull.
No. SD •• • $ $B7 60
.. 122 2000 LOW 0
. 6 109. r 1000 400 00
p#., 2000 /Ms 00
2 000` O FI I*O4 vkruil
faagii "
, - '14,,,-.F., z- .-„eg t ,e"ytit. . ,{'Zls. 'VS?:AilltieiSitt*tVa,,,,N,.ihei
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~ i:i , i.: • - i ``• Ili DE P'ZiN Dt NV
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... _:. . . . . ...
e Cdtgrapt.
The followhi 'is a list of the sick and , wound
enrfrom thelate es in Maryland, as it wee
, , . ,
tnade'up in the Surgeon Generare Department.
Perin= seeking their friends will apply at the
ButgeOn General ' s office,. this s city, where
tley will'e directed to the ezact hospital in
which such;Mends ma be located. •
11, mg' be well to Ode that all these hospitals
are within the city, or not far from the limits
gf'HairLliiir•,- •
hb; llst Will be continued from day , to day ,
until the - names of all the wounded have been
published : •
Captain Simnel K. Brown, co, D, 81st Pa.
reginient ; ixiMPotinkfrtichire of right leg: • •
: Lieut:Cyruilitibler, Co.'lE,llst Pa. regi
ment ; gunshot:wound in spine.- ' • ;
Thomae.hlngratb co. 8., 69th Pa. regiment ;
gunshot wound, in jaw.
Richard Brtirh, to. 'I, 71st Pa. regiment ;
gunshot wound in-thigh. ' •
Poter.T. Philippi, c0..E., 128th Pe. regiment;
grovilikot _wound in,splue and hip.
'Anton Einneinski, co. E. 18th Maas. regi-
Merit ; `gunshot wound in thigh. •
!Annum Broining, CO. CC 27th Ind. regiment;
gunship wound in ankle. - • • .
Peter Garrity, co. D, 7th Michigan; gunshot
wound in leg.,
Thoinaso, co. B, 128th Pa.; gunshot
wound right and left arm.
I. Gettis Barr, co. 8,. 180th Pa. ; gunshot
wound in knee. ....
Sergeant Patrick MTaddin, co. G, 2d N. Y.;
giinstot wound in cheek.
. George W. Slower, on. G, 180th Pa.; gunshot
wound.m thigh..
Jacob Morbie, co. B, 20th N. Y. ; gunshot
wound in left thigh.
Saimel Oyler, co. G. 180th Pa. ; gunshot
wound in forehe ad and hip.
Charles riasland, co. B, 6th Pa. cavalry
bilious fever. •
Charles 8 .. fever....
co..E, 18th Mao. ; bilious
Albert Brown, co. F, 66th'Ohio'; neuralgia.
John M'lhmough, Ist Maryland battery ;
gunshot elbow.
James T. Belly, co. C, 11th Pa. ; gunshot
wound in wrist.. . •
• „Daniel Lougbrey, co. I, 11th Pa. ; gunshot
wound in thigh and shoulder. •
..Sergeant J. S. Serett ,. co. A, 11th Ps. ; coh
mom of ankle. •
Ronl?en. W. Shrum, co. 8., 11th Pe.; ganshOt
wound in knee.
'Rim S. Beal, co. IL, 125th Ps. ; gunelket
wound in left elbow.
George Crone, co. I, 180th Pa. ; gunshot
wound in lettleg.
A. W. Myers+, B, 6th Wisconsin; gunshot
wound in left elbow.
Peter Herrington, co. A 2d Mass. ; gunshot
wound in right elbow.
Daniel R. P. Johnston, co. G, 125th Pa.; gun
shot wound in right shpuldar.
Conrad Shaley, Logan cavalry; diarrhces.
Joseph hherman Logan cavalry; rhematiant.
rcedelick Kur tz,: co. B, 127th N. Y. ; shell
wound in knee.
Samuel A. Miller, co. F, 180th Pa. ; shell
wound in both legs.
Archibald Brown, co. B, 9th N. Y. ; shell
wound hi left , eye:
Elwood G. Boyce, co. E, 9th N. Y.; shell
wound'in neck.
John 0. O'Reilley, co. E, 9th N. Y.; shell
wound In left elbow.
Mut W Stebbins, Co. H, 23d N. Y.; shell
wound irt.inkle.:
Ist 'Lieutenant Alexander M. Marshall, co. 1);
126th Pa.;. hernia.
Florence Sullivan, co. li, 24 U. S. artillery;
gunshot wound in shoulder. . !
Heatsteirlin,'oo. 724ift; gunshot wound
in arm and chest.
Lewisllse, co. G; 12th Pa. cavalry ; gunshot
,*•010re Ok i kotisirrn. •
A. Z. .Stpwel, IE, 7th Mich.; gunshot
wound iniightsrin; severe.
Pumas' Dowle, 09, 0,68 d N. Y.; gunshot'
wound iiiright maw 'mere,
H. D. Brown,.co. 7, 130th Pa.; amputate d left arm.
William E. Ebersole, c . o. 7.; &robot wound
in right hand.
Barney N. Severn, co. 0,42 d N. Y.; gunshot
wound In upper jaw.
Thomas Roger, co. B, 2d Pa.; gunshot *Ound
in leftliand. • '
W. H..-Itsese, H, 180th Pa.; gtinshot
wound in thigh. .
eisiande'l*oh, co. I, 81st Pa.; gunshot wound
a . ,
9, .. 1 :" 11 .7.14 11 *eurtd1te ,r •00.,11, 11th Ps.; gunsh 4: ot
wound in right shoulder.
-John -Oonnollery, 00. H,l2Bth Ps.; iimutho
*bond in right aim. •
'C. Fowler, co. H, 7th Micldgun; gunshot
wound in left hand.
Fayette Wolcott, co. E, Bth Ohio regiment
gunshot wound to 'tight hand.
Patrick Fadden, co. E;2d Pa. regiment ; gun'
stastvontal hi left hawk
John J: Shear, at. C; 2d Has.; gunshot wound
ln`dde. • '
Horace stnadnuin;oo. H, 86th lIUno s ; gun
shot wound In back.
13eymnar 'Bernal); co. 42d Pa.; gunshot
wotind hi head. '
OFen' B. Stone; co. B; gunshot 'woiind
'Henry' Welder, CO. P, 20th N. Ir.; gunshot
wound in right arrn.
James Smith, 00. P, 190th Pa.; rheunatiann.
S. B. it. Spangler, co. A, . 180th Pe.; inter-
, co. E, 180th Pa:; Wouud of left
Jamie Sudtb, co. A, 186th Pa • 'theunils
lc 0. Kane; Co . 'A, 126th 1%.;" .
lobn Stoutliw, 11th Pa.; wounded in
Henry Nesbitt CC 61 12th'Illinole;'debility .
Oliver moirrej; co. DyB2d IL Y.; tielpity
Paul C, 5 . 2 d N. 'l%;
Levis D' N ?.;;'debility.
vr. R. *ma*: cb. Alst dysentery
Michael, co. G, 7th N: Y.; rheumatism ,
Renbeo lreonlnon, co. I, at Pc; wound '6l
John Elliot; 00. B , 14roth-PC.;'ri!of
Henry tether, co. y.„ 1%4 debility.
dmuelldeardekien, filth Pe:; ithriehOt
Wound bx groin. • • '
I B. B. %angler, co. A, 180th Pa.; 'FIionIZIA-
4,060 00
, .
BWgIUUit. , t
I loutgemer7,l49tl► Pa.; debility
Charlea IN
rsfori BuJ
Thomas E.' Ektitill, iiii: :P. Afik ri. ; phi IllSyf l . '
lift so Myers, co. F;ll2d ?a..,i ? dateitY. i .
W. C. Stcodk i. 'o.,e: fglilAlo,; Afddlity , '
Jacob Miller; co.' K,
,1891 k o k .;, wound IF
Anger.' . ', " . • , ~...,,J ,
Murree Crone, co: F, 180th ' Pa.; barn*, ' ' ' ;
John M v y;:l t e r , co. 5:,. 180th Pa,;apimil,dif#Boo;
W. Bm 81,, tte. titTOth 44 'beTip.. -1
Gdb.'MOtidat,,fio': $1; 10tg.r4; 44014 ' .
Alexander eykie; Cif. G, 180th ' Pk; ,rlit Ma
tint. 11 . '••I -, I ' s
F. M. Kir&"o. 14,11S11.; rtieunuaturpH , :
Sergeant Jos'e'ph ' Quinn, Qn 0:0, Sild, Ni . t 4
gunshot Wound of left aril!. _
,_ . i .
SciltoriA. Biyant, co.G, 18th Mpal.;,, gollaligt
wound of left. leg and oak '6. , i ~
'Chairlefill: toilc, - #4?:(1., 1,80 Malik; kranphsx,
wound of right Veg.. ' _ ,. i
Daild Winscir, Co. ./3,•870. N'• ..Y.f flunetiAT' „-
wound of cheek and Mick.
Sergestvaiimundt:EtiliggrW4l-,-hod.Mi. 4,, 683 K. ? 7i 4
Jcign—Fdley, dojoft .
0, 18 th Maas.; l
flunithet ,
wound of right alit.
... I '
'Sergeant Woi. 3 llllllanninh, co. C,'l9ili Ifid.;
gunshot wound otieft arm. t
- flinnty S. HanifliPoi. ii; 15th Idaii4 gun
shot wound ofFlatOsti ,
Charles 11. cam e o). G, 18th Maas.; gunshot
wound 0f.., right arm.
Get . .. S. Wirnier, eq. B, 97 th -; N. 1 " , ;;0 11 4 0 t
wound - of left hand., . ~ • . ~ : ' ,
Janke IV,insep, cio. )3, 97th N. Y. rheitom-..
Wagonnmter, ginnuel Co D, 88th
Pa .• laft arm 11 4 12 PUtOXI: • •
Charles H. Weston, co, ,D,. 184 a : Maws. , gun=
idiot, wound is atm and side. •
David A. gim, 0. 0,, .1101 Pa.; grutebot wound `
in loft. ann. • _ •
Wm. It:Bennett, D, I. Art.; guomfor
wound in left hand; • • . i
. .
Corporal' Oscar F., Hamblea,co. E, 12th :T11;
Albert - F. Fable, Mau.; gunehot
wound in left band. t. • I
ClorpoinV4son Bartlett, xo. I), 2d 31103.;
gunnhot • '
Sergeant Itobt. H. Joye, co. 0,2 d Blass:; gen
shot wound in left hand::- -
Sergeoni Wpi.ll; Pomona, co. 'E, 2.ct Mao.;
gunshot. - *cloud in finger. ! .
• - Jetieinialifi: gall, co. A, ?.4 Mass.; gunsho t
wound In night ann.", ' ' .
Jiihn•Beensi• tiv:' . ll, 180th Pa.; guneited.,wound
in left arm.' ' • •• ' ' ' I
Eben S. Makin, (b. A, '2,4t Bliee.V &Want
wound be left atm.
Wm. F. Ewell, co: E, 18th Nase.; guneh'o,t
welled in - • '
Daniel Oz Alton, co. G, 18th gunehet,
wound in right side. . • •• • • ,
Thos L. Appleton, co. C, 18th Mole.; 'grumhbi
wound in left thigh.
Peter B..Citieudey,. co. F, let Pa, Art.; gyn.,
shot wound in right land.
!Shepherd B. 'Everett, co. 18th:14K,;.1fun
ehotWoundit* right .
'Tames (0. E,
l Ath P•tass'.; , gut . 44t
Wound ini t ift:leg. • -
John Bootheroyd t , co. H t 180th PA;
of stionuteh. , .
Corporal AuguatuS E: 12th .
Pa.; guushOt Wouudizi: .
Ccirporiii Charles Hall, co. I, 81st Pa.; injury
of right shoulder.
Via& - 11 -Zinahatur• cc- Of 13th Mass.; Eui
shot wound in stomach.
Willard Morse, co. H, 13th Mass.; gahshot
wound in left-leg.
Wm. H. Harrison, 182 d Pa. . ; debility.
S. McKee, co, E, 145th Pa.; wound in ankle.
Thomas Weevil., co. G, 140th Pa.; dysentery.
John Hutton, co. G, 12th lE. Cay.; debility.
B.;F. 'WentwOrih, co. 0, 145th Pa.; rheum=
' _
Chas: W. Halstead, co. C, 145th Pa.; gone!.
David Olindeonink, co. 0, 146th
rhcca. • rx • • '
Harrison, co. 0, 187th PC; diarrhoea.
H. °airier, co. (1, 145th Pa.; intermittent
P. A. Rutherford, co. E, 192 d N. Y.; gunshot
wound in linger: _ •
Preston Saitore; co. E, 6th Pa. Cay.; inter=
telttent fever. `"
Have Bitchy, co. D, 9th N. Y.; wound in
R. A:' smith , 00. I, 132. I Pa.; wound shoul
der. • • ,
B. L. Spear,' `co.G, 140th Pa.; dobility.
Millard Briggs, co. G, 46th Pa.; lumbago. '•
Wm. Pemmican, co. A, Ps.;,lraud,ara
' D 130th P • itl eg
Samuel Barger, co. , a., in •
B. o.' Butts, co. A, 130th Pa.; sho in right
S. A..lkicCiitui,` co. A, 180th Pah; shot in arm
and side. . : ..
Tiateer; co. IC; 130th gas.,; shot in rightside.
Wm. Stoey co. At 13014 Rs.. • oentulkin of% I
right Douai . .
Wan. A..' Hum rich, co. A, 18(ith gii.; wound;
in left shoulder. . . '
Wm. A. Corbit, co. G, 180th cOntualon
of abdomen.
Charles ikuslin,' I); 180th Pa.;' !gonad 'hi
'MB,' Boylee, co. A 1110th Pa.; wound In Side.
Abraham Look, co. I, Sth N Y. Oay.; aura
, .
on braid and neck. •
Lewis Sody, co. 0; 145th Pa.; gonorrhoea.
P. Barns, co. sth Maiis wound in , leg: ,
B. M. Davidson, co. 18Ilite Pa'; contusion
of side ,• • •
Fratl Limkiller, co. X, 180th Pa; shot 1i
left ' • .
J. M. Leidig , co. 2, 180th Pa ; shot hi loft
Louts F. None, co. E, 180th Pi ; Shot in left
William Idortoff, co. G. IBOth Pa ; 8110 in
right leg. • • . •
James Iliardiall, co "Et, 146th Pa; litabsgo.
Fitz B. traitor, co. C, 146th Pa ; debility--
-John Vanderwurker, co. C; 4th -Pa °aviary ;
George D, Enilok, co. G, 145th Pall rhen
asolW4llt, oo N, 96th N. Y.; pleurisy.
Wm. Davison, co. D, 6th Wisconsin' ; gun
shot wound in ankle.
Wm. Moore, co: 0, 146th'nephritis.
Frank Brirrows, co. D, 146th Pa.; diarrhoea.
Samuel Blukr, co. E , Bath Pa ; worinfl in
right elde. -
John Mcintgomeri, co. G, 189th ,Pa.; ulcer
of leg..:
John;.B. Enettle, co. E, 180th Pa.; contu-
In ollutast____
ra Mann ; co, H, 146th Pa.; plurogialla.
'John G. Kennedy, co. E, 180th Pa.; gunshot
wound in leg.
JoOnsOn, OP.
,/tb. Pa.; Npitatii.
Rnoldei 46 Mt PA.; 4eit
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AFTE •Lii._ 1,!-.•2 ,• 1..-!, ~t ,• iw... , •), =
I ! 1 RNOON, ,, SEP ,•, , BEilt„. '"i. ; 1862.- —. ... , NO 26 .
. ;,-. ,-, •• ... ; --- - , . .
e;:i;: 94 47. *0(.: -''' 14 4 , 4 FA 4- n_: • liiso, I
• ~: ; .40, :, , 7 . -, 1 5 70 1 - - ,.•,' ' ~...
1. Pa • d: , lity ' ghat map
A • .. '
;14th coon.; riteui
- ' . ,
l" **. '... - 0; 'l* i 4, :kn.; 14u r Y ' of
• • •
14.0 0 0 61 0. h; co. L I), 14 6 th Pa .; Iluiuiria
-4.1 .i. * ,-. * iip ii, p .
• JO . * •,r. C o vey, col 1-1 P s.; ,th en- .
*gthitli• . , . ' ' • . ~ •
0 ; H . igqn, co. P, 1541. , 4filci.; 'w43t9cl , fa
' ll t F. 1:
- . F. Russia!, co, littli, JAW; ... . , ; in;
. ' • lis •• Giladdlng co. iDentan's 131 S'.;
Hilia O. Sherman, 00. D, .6th Wilco , sktk;.
, iink t i 'lynruid,And ulna. .,•
.9 8 •14• 1 4/.. 13 4- *AL; gunphsd'
14 :fil /19 41 iiiiil . rMln.. ' . • • ; '
i nlflkr;l4 ot l;.ttlioN.,i,Y.; gunshot
1 1 &, ••S , u ; :, i - ' 4 "iI4 ',e s • ,rpishot
0t71.1. lit. Si.. , ,__, _ ~: . . ' i t
Ilit u4
~..1.1 0 . , hil ~.. z.,,#.h .0.. 4 am ism; gold*
w,u4 0, r, ~ ~ . . !. . I . .
J' r .. , co. H, 17th. N. .Y.; ! •rheritnikr
1' . 81 094!• 8 4 11 au*s. CO- 0,164 •Pa.;• lad go.
I *a.
Silas I,*erniiv; coib, - 146th Pe:; guuirhot
*mind' Over, eye. . L .• , L •
Hervey Brown, co. ,L, 140th .14.,; interndt
tent'faver. " - •
r il o ttt : i .nl f , ,
Yi4p7tho 4.; ,
? in o nc hlt is,
460p6ionse*.p. Dale, ;co. 0., 61st
e, ;
' - aflrie ILIC _ 4 11 0, cc B l• 7th Ri c h.; Sul
'hot' wound ann.
~.-; •
. 011111,10 nm, cc. li, 7th re.; gutuatotmotind
l' in head , •
1 ' Jorepthil k - Legiii, .co.. ,g, 28th Pad grwebot
, „
through stomach. •
ZymAti. Herrn', co. I, 49th Pa.; intersnit ,
tint foyer. ~ .
'' iftl nifcig, c c. ' 0, 19th Ind.; gunshot wound
bxeill: ~ . ,._,.. 1
John ': . Hams) , CO. D, ls Uta Po.; *to'
P idi #s l l • - • '
Valentine Pitshehner, co. F. 20th N. Y.;
gunshotFonnd in arm.
iik 1
wound Hall, co . D, 108 rd, N. . ;
gun shot
10. hand. ; • A- •
7 Anil Obnessry, ea F,, 108 rd• N. Y.; gun' allot
I wound inside.
!. Oharleillohn, co. I, 21st N. Y.; gun ttlot,
- .
WO .L uud, in arm, ' • • ' . 1'
~ ,Michael Cornelius, co. K, 68rd N. Y.; gun
shot; wcA. rod inside.... • • i
1 War.l3mlth,:oo. X, Attars ; gun shot wound
1 14814 L ...• •
t :Bat.. Ourtitel,,oo. 0, Bard , N. Y.; gun shot
,WPIIIMI ITAAbigh and leg. - 1
Phillpthley, co I, 68rd N.. Y.; gun shot
wousuLlubmist And back. ' .
F,rAncliQuoldneximi co. 11,68 rd N. Y.; gin,.
shot woomi In thou:lee.
co. D, 126th Pa.; ghn
,shat woprisibi I
,rlAeiri.) Matisp, D, 126th Ps.; gun shot
wound; in. ankle. ,
Andrew litims,,co. 125th Pa.; spralnoi bach
Min; B. Riley, co. B, 126th Pa.; sprained
Prank Highland, Co. E, 26th' R. ir.; geheritl
Henry Mille, co. 0, 84th . . R. T.; gun PhO
wound in hip.
jacoli 'Bivenalt, co. 0, 90th Pa.; sprained
back. • _
Corp. Amos Morse, co. 0, 84ty N. Y. ; aptaino
Orin Comstock, c0..0, 84th N. Y.;-gun shot
Joshua bherwood, co. 0, 34th N. Y.: gun
shot wound In finger. •
John, -Keefer,. co. H. 126th Pa.; gun shit
wound in MM. '
HeurviVagner, co. G, 20th N. Y.; gun-shot
wonnd;in,ann. •
00. H. itard N..Y.; gun• elicit
,wound in. lurid.
Thomas: McCann, co. 0,88 rd N. Y.; diarrhout.
Henry liilllo, co. A, 148th thetunaliwn.
F. A..Cutchaw, co, A, 180th Ps.; dianboth. l ,
Ed. B. Cook, •00. Af 1804 Pa.; (Bonham.
Joseph Huhn; co. Ail Both Ps.; rheumatism
Joho 11...8t0ey; 00. Ay 180th Pa.; rheumatism,
Alen ; 00. A, 180ttaik; =rheumatism.
;Wm. Foght, co.-A, 18011tBis.; homptyabo
Pomnel Donde; co. D, 9th r• gun shot
wound in shoulder. - i
Henry Churchill, co. G, let Minn.; gun shot
wound in eye.
John Hart, co. A, 146th Ps.; rheumatism.
Bann 0. Green, co. 0 . 7 th fi nh'; gun 'shot
wound to nook:
gun shut,
wound . - • : • -
John - k - Hearioluh 00. r, 11th Pa.; gun Bhui.
11Y; d-hnrrn.
veid4 ir a*. gun.slaSt ,
wound s iu side.
H. S. Sunhat* co:p",, - .7145th . Pa.; intermit
tent folk*: ,1 . . . •
Corp. Emanuel Duos, 00. 4, 12th Mee.; gun
shOt.w.Q9udeb.o9ett • I- • • - •
'Chukkas r - Piat2; di:ll,l4s th Pa.; tieumn
..01ifriet'Keifies, 441(ki 4' lath' Pr.;•fyp'doiti
- CM* Rolf* go- 0 , ;
,1 1 th. Po.; gull !alp' wouiw i l
in Tight hiuid, , • 4- • " • • •
John Fry, co. 0, llthla.; gun shot wound In
left baud,
crigh co. 11th Po.; FOo likot
rtiwid iii rtßbt araL •
lfm:Ektud, co. B. Bs.; rhicuasjim.
John:64ol* CO .09 18th gun Shot
wound 'in het keg., - . _
JOini:Otiinopp, co .
Nth Ohio VW. bot
;Wonna . ia shoulder
3 °bnQuAlko.• Bth : 90o.; ohot
;woundAga' hand.
"In 3 PP9Mitlivooi eth•ad‘r; eon shot
wirnintin lef
uclul lioyt, cO. D, Bth - 014 o.; gun shOt
:round in right ` hand. .
Irllik#4..9k99tweA.of). O hio ;
, , ,
. . . .
Chtzapbeß, 2 1 , lit Pa. lluaarris
"hell, wound of.lsft leg.
..Tolipileuzunu t .co. 0,88 d N. Y.; lumbago.
gat4cklDohul, cad, 29th Pa.; lumbago.
op. 146th Pe.; fever sore
felt leg.. _
Daniel , ii.c4.)uly, rm. H., 29th Pa.; broken
You' Halaten, co. H, Bth Whaxwaht ; 8 110 laug
ilgbt leg.
-Timm E. McKelvey, co. E, 11th Pa.; gun
-1,0. Dale, co. D, 81st Pa.; gunshot left hip:
Shasta Deorloclori co. Btb Pa.; wounded
Ltetuellll.: Wltterwood,;*o. 14th l Indiana
gtunhet, itmgeretf lett ligusd a t '; •-•-
I Eu 46.10 082 14 0 .6404 px.-1,, 147th PI: ;. Ono
J - .. 14014. Pti,;[
William Mik, co. 11, 7th Michigan, ittnahot,
wound le ft hip. • - .1•- , r.--
ElanrueLD. Porter, co. A, 27ttiladiena ; gun
ehot,woruld right .thlgh. • , ;.; :
Bereurs,llleisher, co. D. f2t,tt Pa . riiLeematism.
Datifel Pa. Osifidrit; gen
era debilitry. ' •
‘Aifted /girt, col.B, 141fitla Pa.; rheumatism.
Lewis,Huff, lgth Illinois Cavalry; pu
ma debility. •' " ,
• Jahil Wiles, co. 'Er, Ilitt Pa.; ituoshot viound
ClatieY, co. $ 20,th Mass.;: gunshot
wound.left arm. .
3 - sines - 1L Bmith, co: G, bilth N. Y.; gunshot
tveurid'iliglirtaidi • • • • •
Ilfain Anbertssitt, 71st - Its.; gunshot wound
Baoltne K. Soule,. co. O Ist Mlnnesotni [gun
shot Sit_diatid' left fora anger. ' •
Daniel Mclntire, 00. F, 69th
tent fever. • . •
~44orge.Wgitz, C, 160th ; hepostr(e do
Chirleff P. Widaham, co. L, lst Wiscoosiu,
match woad' lefteleg, Ithlgh.)
George 1111rchner,so.. P., 62d Pa.; &soma-
P, 4L.#3lTery;
diaitrna; • • • -
«Jacob, Spotts, co. •A, 128th Pa.-; guctithot
wooisdjeft usu. „
Atunee . B. Knabb, co. I, 8d Wisconsio ;, gun
abet wOUnd left'hip. •
Willtain , o:Shearer, B, 72d Pai; finger
amputated. and back injured.
• Sergeantl'hirpaa , H. ThotAberg, co. F, Bth
Ohioi gunshot; tTofind cheek.
Francis Stout; O; Bth O io
.; gunshot.
wound left awn;
Jwiesilicluzioncl, co. F, Bth Olik4 gunshot
wound finger. -
Le*Te Simmons, co. F, Bth Ohio ; gunshot
• •
wound knee.
• Patrick Roach, co. G, Bth Ohio ; gunshot
wound ; mouth. 4 " • •
Samuel F., Ward, co. D, Bth Ohio; guniihot
wound left shoulder.
Cbrporal I. s T)rowell, co. G, Bth Ohio ;
gunshot wound right hand.
Joseph Gardinelii, co. E, 26th N. Y.; gunshot
wound right win-
Marx. Wolf, co. D, 4th N. Y.; gunshot
wound right elbow:
Bunk M. Herrington, co. 0, 77th N. Y.; gun
shot wound left arm.
Augustuu Beigert. co. A 7th N. Y.; gunshot
wound left temple.
Henry. Gaels, on
wound bend ,
Henry Holden, co. E, 20th. N. Y.; gunshot
wound shoulder.
' WM. Gociclgtt; co. E, 20th N. Y.; gunshot
wound hip. '"
Michael Bohsemker, co. E, 20th N. Y.; gun
shot wound temple.
Corporal E.' W. Tyrrell, co. E, 61st N. Y.;
gunshot wound right arm.
John Hagerty, co. U., 20th N. Y.; gunshot
wound right foot.
William White, co. G, 105th N. Y.; injured
in faceand hands.
Michael O'Donnell co. B, 20th N. Y.; gun
shot wound in left throulder.
flergt A. C.Bhan.k, co. B, 106th Pa.; gun shot
wound in left breast. I
Jatheig F, 71st Pa.: gun shot
%round in elbow.
;Aug: Thomas Donahoe, co. A, 68rd Pa.; rheTL
Van Buren Danner, co. B, 130th Pa.; Olen-
A. W. : Moore, co. 8,-180thya.; scrofula and
iitazger Jenciogo, co. K, 130th .Pa.: rheum,-
• Albert a. W. Bartin; co" A, 2nd Pa.; gun shot
in hand and thigh . . •
• Lynian Brubaker, co. 0;180th Pa.; Diarrhoea.
Calvin.Kieater, co. C, 140th Pa.; Diarrheas;
Henry,Goble, co. C, 120th Pa.; rlusumatisni.
Daniel Mclntyre, Co. F, 79th Pa.; intermit
taut fever.' ' '
James Burks, co. F, 27th 'lnd.;
.gun shot
wound right thigh, .
Joseph Asher, co. B, 27th Pa.; lumbago.
Geo. B. Wentz, co, C, 180th Pa.; hipititis.
• Onyler Coates, co. D, Bth N. Y.; hipltitis.
Ed. Morris co. E, 22d N. Y. ; ; , bronchitis.
tij • I .: i :
Arrival of the Governors of the Loyal States.
''WeinictirarON, Sept. 26. '"
The Governors of the following named States
arrived here this morning. from Altoona, iris":
Massachusetts, . 'Rhode Island, Pennsylvania,
Virginia, Ohio ; lowa, idichl
po, Nett Hampshire 'rind Indiana.
~The lest • named. St ate being represented by
Colonel &lee,
13etween twelve and one o'clock they had an
interview of an official character with the Presi
dent, and presented an address expreesing,
-_ Arcadia! personal and official respect
for the President.. • •
'Serend,, A deter m inat ion under all cirounk
shin*, to support and maintain his constitu:
Ilona! authority: . -
The Governors therein speaking for them
;selves, and the people of their respective states.
'Maid, Pledging to him their aid in all meik
cures calculated to bring the war to an early
termination, which should be 'vie:dot:sly prose
cuted to idtimate violet - l A-unless all the rebels
shairveturn to their. Oonstltrilional- duty and
. . .
' - Amara Csonorattgating tl4e Prealdsnt upon
his - emitnoirliiport prociimation, good, aa a mon-.
sure of justice and Sound
Fiittli,llearting to the merits of the soldiers
turholiiave t fooght oltrobattlea.
- Thu *TT's:As WM-courteously and kindly
isceived, Ond"their suggestionlistened to with
oleic dttenElon. "
It is ascertained frOut those who had the best
oPPcetcnitiet for knowing, that there was no
Prollifftion made at , the recent ,conferenee et
itittiOna, nor even a auggeation ventured,
touching the removal of Geo. kl'Clellan, nor
:was any proposition offered or sugisestion made
as to the promotion of Fremont to .the head Of
the army, or to the futaradispoital of that gen
tleman,_ • • • ,
Theaddreas to tie; P,eaidvntai agreed
l ooks by Governor Andre:me at the 10g03241011
of ;the other .Governors present: No counter
p ro potfoo forAmenduiOnt f 9 tbraddress was
sdbinitted , Governor Bradford, of Maryland
. .
-A, - 7th N. Y. ; gunshot
From our.lionlogidition
gtiat — tiiittltr*fts.
Haring procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepay
ed to execute -JOB -and BOOK PRINTING or every
deetselptlon, obeaperitem It ran be done. akine other
establlduirxd ta,the country.. '
iii ADiVorinire.; -
r sir Four linen or-.-hits **Mote- stiedtalt spare.
tlffight lines or more than four tiOnstitute a square.
golcdquare, one diy ........ $0 Mt
One Week.... 190
it one 'Mute . ....... .. ............ 900
4, throe menthe ............. ........ 4 00
" inn months 6 00
•'•-•• onitYcar •
One Square, ens Mir 60
" ante meek It 900
one month f 00
4 * three months .... ............. _lO 00
nix month.. 10 00
" one veer. * 00
igr Bosinees notices inserted in the Local thiosog or
before Marriages and Deaths, DPW mars Pith LINK
for each insertion: •
ila- Marriages and Deaths to be ;lunged LI regular
advertisements.. _
_ _
alone did not sign, expressing . a fear that the
President's. proclamation! /night not .prove as
adva - rdageons as .I.e conferen47l444, "iiid re
garding the mattcr too doubtful tojaslify them
in taking side In its support.
imt , :so4nout" 'MEWL
Lee Said to be Largely Reinforced.
- . , • Fontanso Morino", Sept 26.
The Sag Jboat, Metamora, arrived
here this forenoon lvinAkiten's Landing, bring
ing dOwn 'about 160 passengers, among whom
are 94 °Eters. ' •-' •
dispatch, ;The Richmond Whig, of the 24th says : " A
signed,EL B. Davidson states that the
Federals have crossed, the river at. Shepherds
town with 1 000 men, arid were immediately
attacked bylackson's Corps aad routed. Jack
son,bad recrossed into Maryhtnd.:
"Oondderable reinforcements have reached
Gen. Lee since the battle at3fammasenough
to replace the kaki 'l4 4 the recent battles."
The Tallaintsatie . liaoe' ro announce tihe death
of Gen. Itichard N . All, a distinguished Florl
dlan He last Sunday. —
The yellow fever has appeared at Wiludog
ton, N. C. The dims° is very rnalipant,
saytthetWhigilor iiite• hear of no recoVerfes.—
The telegraph operator has closed his office and
renoyed to Goldaboto'. - '
• -
Colonel, John T.:Thornton,. of Virginia, was
killed in the recent battles. •
The Richmond Dispatch of Septeptber,
says The Yankee'fleet anclriked in front of
Alexandria, had been' ordered off. The Federal,
have ..burned their disabled wagons; and were
removing all their stores $ Weakington. .
The same paper claims a rebel, victory at
litheperchitown on Saturday last, aid fat capture
of over 4,000 of the Federate.
The PisPeish of the. 24th says ; "The •tritin
that is due this evening wlli. bring from Cul
pepper Cola House sixty-aix Yankees, who
have been there since the erigagement near
that place. There are several:officers and the
followingßurgeons ; J. F. Day, 10th Maryland;
R. B. Bissell, bth Connecticut ; A. M. Hefter,
28th New York ; John B;Coover, 48th Penn
sylvania. They will be sent home from Rich
Speaking of their army movements the Die-
Pekh,says : "Only a division or two have been
withdrawn from the other side of the Potomac
to resist the eontempbsted movetneht
gpon our communication It Harpers Fer
ry. 'That Gen. Lee repulsed Aim. McClellan on
the 17th, pursued him on the . 18th, and , defea
ted him on the 19th." (iii)
All the Rebel papers brought down claim vic
tories in all the ,recent battles,
and cau upon
the people of the Confederate States 'lotto be
lieve one word contained in the Northern pa
pers of Northern euceees. That Gen. lifeOlel
' lan's accounts of battles equal Pope for
The Richmond Wig announces the death of
Brig'. Gen; Wm...E. Starke, 2d Louisiana Bri
The rebel Congress hadrgagiuxi a. bill estab
lishing military defenceselong the banks of the
Tennessee and ()timberland rivers to rtisiat the
advances of the army into Tennessee and Ala
bama, and for the construction of .12 gunboats
suitable in else for the protectlen of said dyers
and States.
(Reported for Richmond Enquirer, 24. j
Imre, firms., via Mobile, 22.—A battle took
place on the 21st on Jacinto Roads, one mile
from Inks, between. General Price and General
Roiecrans. Rebel loos two hundred and ,fifty,
inchidhig Generil Little, killed ; Colonels
Whitfield, Gilmore • and Moberly, wounded."
The federal@ received - heavy .ftluforcemerits
during, the night. . ,
_ .
The /noirer of the same date collo upon Con
gress to increase the 'salaries of Government
Clerks, to allow them to live, as they cannot
at the present pay.expenses with wood at VA,
and every other ewoontial article higher in pro
Bartanorm, Sept. 26.
The'Amarietes contains a dispatch from Sharps
burg, which says
"It has been semi-officially stated, that our
loss 011 that, eventtal Wednesday. wall 9,220
killed, "wounded and missing, and that the loss
of•the enemy, judging from the appearance of
the battle-field, and the number of their dead
not burled, must have exceeded 15,00 d.
have reason: to: believe the rebel armrks
in large force only a few miles from Williams
port, On the Other side of the river- , Them*
but littlelionbt in the minds this 'peoPlErin
that vicinity, that another terrible 4 battle
soon to be fought. At 4mys_nite the. campaign
is not ended, and.%) to Mb:issue; •Pi the next
contest the speedy termination , or prolonged
existence of this War - dePends: "Oar army is
even now moving. : • •
iciausws LauesTPRAL
V'LIRE eider vinegar, warranted, for Bale
Y 26 Corner Front and Market streets.
ASMALL, but very superior lot cif
Bologo~ surge an = t readVed. toY
,022 m Rwm. Do, Jr.
CCHEAP Oil for ell kinds ef, machinery,
in unairand large padrauat, roi saki by
• NWHOlig *BOWMAN, - , .;' , t 7 -
jel9 Corner non! , iAd bibuty , s MN*
CALL and Bee thoseninn,And : cnesp. taw. ;
gars for preierving,
Nu Cprner Frset raid. Merice; •
(2 1JR newly replenished stock of, Toilet
ad Taney good! 9 9 1 9 17 11 990/ 91Af may[( and
lee g eolifideht of reitderliirkailidactieeoeie weeetif fres
geetfally tatrifie Area e• _ *:'.e . eIMMLIMB, •
-91 Market street, two doors eat o f fourth street, eotu
l i te A r "a
11 - je gi i :ge *r
. 1 29 Corns tr9nt and nuke, n • -
EWOrYJ.P. ellgara 4 , White: and brown; m
juit ellow!. and for oal• low by
' a .20W1A70 - / /
- Cos ralis sod Naeltat Mid%