THE TELEGITIV IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE 13ERGNER TERM~:9~er, rho DAzor TELIGIMPEI 1a served to tiubscribens in 111 Uty at mate per• Week.; °VC& subticribani wlll b °barged Si 00'in adinnce. WEEKLY AND Sion Wsztax ratif►ava The Tiaitiaardi Is also published twieeTa sleek, durlm the aeration of the Legislature, and treeklY'during thr remainder of the .year, and furnished to subscribers at the following cub rates, viz: il-'4 Single subscribers per year - ,Seuil t SO ; - T e n id : :.,t a.- .. v et 1 ..1200 Twenty " . ". ti .g ..22 00 tingle subscribers, Weekl y. „.. 1 00 um LAW OF PZWSPAPIES. -. . , .. If Subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until arrearagos are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to -tithe their netVePe' pets from the Aire le which they are .iiirecte t. they' are ree*sisible until they have settled the hills and ordered them disoontinued. Mimilantous NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GA- pt. co 311 Corner Front and Market Streak HARRISBURG, PENN'A. 114 ESPFCTIVELY invite the attention La) the public to their large and wen selected atom of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS. W. now offer for sale Stewarts, Loverings Golden Syrup, White and Brown Sugars of all grades, Green and Black Teas, Coiket, Spioee and Flavoring [Extracts. 4WIO, FLOUR, SALT, . . LARD, HAMS, r &c., &ci. We Writs an examination of our superior NON-EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, lJnqualled In every respect by any in the is arket, .to• gather with all kinds of • LAMPS, • SHADES, BURNERS, • • • CHIMNEYS, &c., &c., &c We have the largest rssortment or GLAOSWARE & QUEENSWARE In tbeolty; also, all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. Oall and examine at our old stand, NICHOLS &t BOWMAN, Corner Frost and Market streets. septl2 EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. NANTITAMORER Or BOOK-BINDERS' RIMING-MAIIINES AND PINS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACHIN= Mt GRINDING CITTIING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Kills and Fodder Cutters, SCROOL EIIIINITCRE, General Nadine Work and Iron and. Brass ASTINGS, WOOD TIIILNONO IN ALL ITS lIRAITCHN4 SCROLL BAiVING,PLAYLITG, RM., RIC., Vir Any blachine of Wood, Iron ; or Brass made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, Sm. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS. 14' sah Laid for Old Copper, Braes, Spelter, STEAM BOILERS, ./tO. PANNSILVANIA ABOVE STATE STREET CELLAR WINDOW GRATES ) Ot various patterns, both stationary slid swinging. Sash Waishts and various other building caistldge, for Ws very cheap at the (my 244.31 11141Lis BOOKS FOR . FAIIIIEBS; wHE attention of agriculturists is. directed .1 to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their. experience : STEPHEN'S 1300 K OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labops of husbandry and the best way teperfarin them. Price.. ? . .6 6O COLEMAN'S. AGRICULTURE and. Real 'Economy .4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, byisq'uvu'. ..1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, try linel .. 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 'engrfivings..2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF ; MANAGING BEES, by Weekl 20 The Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd 100 LEIBIG'S AGRICULMALCHEMISTRY 76 MILCH COWS AND D4llllll . FARMING, and the production 'of otik, butter, cheese, by Mint - ...1 5O GRASSES AND FORAGE MINTS, by Lynch 160 SEXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the • Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., &c.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONANF and Frac brat Fanner, by Dr. Gartiner..' 160 LLE AN'S D 0151123119 ANIMALS - 76 THE taw Boot . OF MANURES, American Muck Book. 1 25 TIM, HORSE AND HIS bISRASES, by Jennings 100 YOUATT ON THE HORSE 1 25 AD'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00 EIOIISEILANSHIP and the Breaking and Trawl* of Horses 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S ()HEAP BOOK STORE. LIFE INBUEANOE. The Girard Life Izumrance, Annuity and 'bust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 OBESTNU7 STREET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND A88E2113 51,643,380 THOMAS RIDGWAY, Prosidvelte JOHN V. JAXLS, actuary, ONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON. Wits on the most reason able terms. hey egg* Executors, Trustees and thutrdiana under last Wills. and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a urge and contetantly increming reserved fund, cars a perfect security to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or quar terly: Ina company add a BONUS periodically to the Insu rances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated In De. camber 1840, the SECOND BONUS in December, 184 0, the THOVIIONIIB in December, laba, and the BOUM BONUS in 1840. Theist addition, are made Without , re quiring any increase n the premiums to 'be pa id to Ula Co mpan The following are a few examples from the Register : Amount of Policy and Burn Bonus or bonus lobe Increased Insured addition by Ware addliikono. - Porg L its No. 89 82600 8 887 50 dl 184' woo i,OOO to /000 9 00 .1 aB3 6000 1,875 00 00 Asent at burg 555 vicall 41044 Vu 1i el . tic es I 'l . v, 'f i t -- . e . .- ! t• - • , .; ' l ' i . ' ..1 ;.: . ' • ~,,,, "...;' ~ .7 4 . - t-r.. 1.. i;,,........., L ~..:. .. , • ,- ' t .. i . . . , . - le ID I : -5. , ,,,---,,.,, , ,,... ,, ......_ ~ th,,,,.....• • .. , , ~. , am. i - - -- - ,,its) - .:.:. ,•., :.• .I 1 I 1 `.... ant d„. lit ---- a -'"' •••r• —ir ~ h .' t. , ( it ft , 'taw :4!, 0.1 • , r u , - ~, . i ; !: ,: , , -:".. '-' I __ '' ' • '''' _ _ ~ i _ :.. ..,, , e --; ' ': 1 ''' ''' ' ' . .:: .1 ' . .:1':: 0 ......,."'"' ' :.:i ri l -1 ..; • -'•,, ii --- ''- -:, - Il h im " , 44 fi :1... - 1. v 1 •=. . - ';' -,,, • VOL XVIUI DR.:. JO S 421.1CierISIMPEL311 LOCI ~• . . LI AS . diecovered the moat certain, epeedy LA de& effetely/1 remedy to the world the DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. No , Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warnuded, or no Charge, In from one . to Two.Daym. Weaknitee 01 Bach or„Limbe, Strictures, adisWons id the bait/eye and Bladder, Involuntary . dischargts Im poionoy, debility; NerVOUIRMO, Dy*Ten Lea. O suor, Low bits, Cattalos of Ideas, Paiwitatiowcif the Heart Timidity, Tremblings, tamale of Sight or Oiddi mess, UMW. of the Had, Throat, Nose or Skin; Afros. tiorke of the Ltrer, Loop,eitpma4L oTwels—ihotel ter rible disorderi straMg erosailterillollta 'flatatis of Tooth — 4 h 01 4 0 AVOWS * l l llo l4 ll r.tPraogicairPOr.4 lota to .the it Arleen:ls thin the sought' :rens to the Mariners of !Me w, blighting theirslailtrrilliant•hopes Or mitkripatiods, renderlsg.matelage, ho.,lmpossible. lOW 'tzgatclally, who 'hire become the victims or Solitary. Veto, that droadforisod dleolfrolvi hibis.whieb alrfluol ly aweepe 10 an, cublmbly grave tbouranda of . YOUns Men of (lie Wee exit talents and' brilliant' intoned, whO might otherwise bavO Otroobtol , Wowing 80403 with tliunibiro of eloqueoce or waked to ecstasy! the tiring .Iyrei;ntay call whit MI °madame. ".= , , Sif . • ' - ' Married fertionii, or Young Men runfanylathzg: Abut : - %tato, being sante or physical irealintisii, mirk debili ty, deforanittesi de., Speedily cured. ;: •• ' who Owe 46 himself under tbe, care ot J *Jay rellgiOunly oindideln bin honor en a gentleman; and don- Silently rely spot his skill.= a Physidan. t Linmeduttely Owed, add full Restored.. i Thu distressing Affections-which renders , de mia4ra ' ble and marriage impossible-4s thepezudty paid by Mie %rialtos,. of improper: indulgences. Young pessein are 100 apt to commit 'eloesees from not being aware of tial, dreadful exemesq: mica that may amts.. , New,: who', that understands the 'deem wilipretemd to deny that the pilw er of proereation bloat sootier by them 'falling into his proper bablle.than by the the: - *sides being de prived the pleasures of healthy °Opting, the moot Se rious and destructive mimpioms to both 'body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Phi:dual nue Mental Funbtldnii Weakened, Loma of Procreative Pewer, NerVious hilitibility, Dyepepid a ffitipitation albs Heart, Indigestion, Gonslitutirms IDe ly, a Winding of the Frame , Clough, Oonsureptlon, 'y' and Death: 'ooe, , He. 7 South h-Frederic& Street.; • Let band side going from Italtimere. street, a. few doer. 'tram the corner. lail hot Us _observe `ni iae and minting Letters DMA be paid and. metals' stony, ," Tim Dec tor,a Diplomas hang in his office., I A Cure Warranted in Tw o: days.. 1 No Mercury or Souse= litmu s I 0 n i : Dti 4 0 10 / 10 /4.... 1 . hilMitier of the Rol al College of sue eons, Loudon;' - z Mite from oue of the Mast endeenteollegen in the Thi Antes . sad the greater. pert of Whose lite luie•biew ape s, in the hatpitals of London, Paris, most eis , where, has effimed some of the most astonishing our 'that were ever Mown -'issaly troubled , - with lining is the head and cm frhen asleep, g reat 11 . 17 " 9411$1 ; 1 2 alarmed at ridden elands , ' be:Minh:ewe with freine t blushing, attended sometimes with der eiagesnelit of were c r_9 l2l6 l olllleh Ti ;.1 s.t - • ' ' ''' '` 'l l ' tidal girt/Mail 10iitidi, . . . Dr. d. addreasee all'thoenwhohimirinfired themselves htlmProPer laduide.Areltdisilitait. hatuintsetitab ittb both body and mind; undtting them foT ttlier ,businesS, Andy, society or marriage. ' " ' -•—• • 1 Those ere gime of the incland:inelancholly Sante lug ducad by early hab i ts . of 'youth, vie: We knees , of leo Heed and Linsba, Mee In the Dead, Diinnesir , -if Sight, Lois of *won* Power, Palpitation of the ; heart, 144 3 pepmr, Nervoite IrratlblEty; 'Derangement eta° Digestiv Functions, General Debffity, Bymptems; of Oonstimpti 10: - • , i : idurfAlLLT,—Th• ceittii eilbets alibis mind are much to RAILROAD, be dreaded—Lou ofgein9ry. ,9911441444 Ideas , Doi 'emboli of Spirits, Evil lorbodhogs, Aversion to Society: Belf Distrust, Love of bolted., Tiliddity, DAN are sonic of the evils produced. j 'knotsiumns of persona of all ages can now judge wile' is the cause of their deaning health, losing .11wdritylgor be c oming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having isinglass appearanos abotit the eyes; eoughitid gym of consumption. 4 ! , _I ' • :4 04 • 41 i f Young MOD , . ~ - Who have injured themselgNliy a'certain Pridtkie WI Milked En:cities Slide, a habit frequently learned from ) evil,compuions, or st school, •Abe *fleets of which are nightly felt, even when &deep, and if named renders l .l marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and . body,i mould apply immediately. il Whet a pity that a young man, the hope of his coun.:l try, the darlinitof his.perents, ehould be , sqatehed, imim i alr plwipati hitdeaPite of Mb; bribe . eimituiginim of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a 1 certain secret habit i noh,PerYapa.ytirspelore contem plating Marring*, rolled that a sound mind and bail ere the moat awes ury requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, 1 1 without these, the journey through lifc becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospeof, honvly earflaps td the view ; the wind become. shadowed with despair deli tilled with the melutehoild nilketion that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our Owe- • i Aegis pf Imprudence. —,—,--,: wtteeik'so,r : • raSgitirleitinglinirudint vetu y oFilealtuAi finds that, he has Imbibed the ends of Cos painful dis ease, It too often hapens that an In-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from elucaton and respectability, oars alone be• m o w him, &Mgt %I: um % ametittatolial !minims on ibis borr d Maass sbs*: ameassoma, inch uul oersted sore throat, ice nocturnal pales in the bead and limbs, dimness of eig ht,deadness, sedge on, the shin bones and Oust,'Woloan iskiltnlifildi fainaNdi extreatillee, progre s s nig-Witlf - filibtfel rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the 'lmes of the nue fall IN and the vial= of 1 11 1 10.0111‘Whimms.:telitirrid object of commiseration, till death pats a period to his dreadful sokaringe, by aendhig hips to . " that .11ndiscoe rered Country from whence no grimier . battirets." It le a raelasckollg feet that thousands fall victim to this turiple disease, owing to the unskilfullness of Igoe cent pretenders, who by the use of that Deadly Potion, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue o tide suerable. 1 . -Straytelk . Trust not your liv es, or haunt, to the mire or thil many Uulaiuned and Worthless Pretenders, dominate Of know ledge, •nsarie or chandler, who cowl,. Johnsen , . slver verthamenth, or style themselves In the newspapers, res phoy wawa physithans incapable or Ouring,they keep yeauldingmonth afrin moath taking their dijny and poisotiouseest compounds, we sat long as thimnallast he am be obtaleed,-and daspairoeave you with ruin. ed health to sigh evemyeuriddillimpdiseppoinithent,.. rir. Johnson is *tweedy Physidea edvartisingi '• lillaeredeintai.ardipionistalwaye hangsth' bda office. • His remedies or treateameare toilsome' to all otiiera i prepared Moen a-lite spent in the great brapitabr of Ea , rope, the lint in the country add a mere extensive Pri vate Practice tom say other Physician id the; Weft.' Indorsement:o the Press. rhe many thousands Mira at this Institution year 711- ter year, and the =norms important Surgical Opera ti= performed by Dr. Johnson, adtmessed by the re porters of the "San e t‘Clipppy yind omany other' pa pers, notices of which Italie a ppeared'again and again before the public, betideithis standing as a gentleman' or charade arokrft*Delhilit4±, a Melons gaarrantee tothe . allitsted..- . • V4o,Dlaeea , .bpoieility . Cured. Bo .",„„plisig should be partleolig• to directing their letters totls Ineso, to the following manner : • JOHN N. JOHNSON, H. D. of the flathooreiaek Hoeidtel, Baltimore, Md PRESS BUTTER AT . MARKET P It IC E WE, RAVING fitted up a line Refrig erator, and:having made centred* With home of our must realeole ferment to furnish ea with fresh and man butter regalarly, wW l,e cabled to enpi43Woar mioman with sweat fresh Ice celd .Ir x g c all tam. . • 88,387 60 4,060 00 1,400 00 6,875 00 SOWN_ 'sugars bf sil ' grades, for *ale II lee, by nouns s; sowisaN, cursor Faint sag lima anew, II N D E ryi.:TN) 0g..,x;:u.1 1 14:LA.,:kiat.;L;: T. fflertfq" HOSPITAL! Rum nr six TO Twain moms. Organic Woui;iam ,:HARitlaßffßG,; NA FRIDAY 441: 1 1t$00N, SXIT,EMIIIER 26, 1862 `IIE 6 I\TOT a fair ! tif the waft t disorders that' 1 afflict mankled arise from the corruption that no cumulates ht ghe :blood. Of all the dlaeoverles - the. here been Made. to. pnrigskit mit, pone' have been found which Could Mad fn OAF& COMPOUFD g.IIZOiLACT. or L'AJOOLPAIULLA. it densities did !ettovates the' blood, in-, shlla the viva of bealthinttithe 4stem aid intges out the hn=er which make dilltars;!.it 11“111OIONS the healthy lunation of the body and eepels the dared:us that grow a, d ranule in the' b100d... i.s extraordinary virtues are no; yet widely , kndita,lettil when they are it nal no Innger:lnt mumdlim what remedy to employ in t gre4t variety of egiothg Oregon that require an. 'alterative Anui ar. fh remedy, that could be relied on; hits long beanie:olost tbrAnd new, for the first time, the subtle have ntdoew .which they can depend. Our sPsols ewe detu. not adteft oestificatee to show lb Abets But the trial of ' a single' . bottet .wgi "how to gee sick that'll has shiner surf:maw anything they, have ever taken. Sufferers , from berbftile, Beelike andigetes i , try it, and 4100 the rapidity with which It: cures: Stet Diseases, ogiutples, Pashas, Blotches, irruptions do., are moon clement oat tg, the system. di. Anthony's .140 e, Rosoor - yaipdafr , '2etter or SO Mere% deed Hecid,• &b., should not be bornoWhi/e ;they can be so •speedily -cured byi Armes . • • '%/Mai or Venereal bateues' le expelled, front the system' by the prolonged use of this • lisassrainue, and the patient la left as healthy as If he had never had the Audi Diseases are camed„ by scrofula Ip the .blood, 'and are generally ANA/ OM by hilt gimer or Bsses• Mous: Pries $1 per brittle' Or S tkitilestni $5. Poi Salt pokposei of a Siznio phYsiol , tile 'Amex Oat Brio ru/t which are ' , Valletta* known .to be the brat 'purge ve that Is offered to the American Peo ple Price kb cent' per Box, or 5 boxes he $l. &YIH k Mass. and W d. by ;Druggiste struprberls,' 'Sold by O. A. Dithisrs,:l3: W. Gross & Co., O. K. Hal ley Mi Lugs; DrAtiley.„lF. Wyeth and dealers every where. , . iptc). TICE, is. hereby give* • that. - sow will : be OA, by the ; eMr&W of oonnty, Pennsylva via, for a Outer dot bank distOunt, dep colt and eiroulstiorh under the free banking laiveof•Pohnsylvatiiii';telbestaiiiiid'the.KElT .lllßNlSENT 14.1NlitAlo be • located In •• the , boron It- or Pottsville, Schnyialll manor,. oath a capita of gay thousand dollars and lrith privilege to Increased the Bailie to tiro Unwired - thou-and gallant. WIL-BUNI4' PH DANIEL, KAMA, i1tR127.1121t , ' • k , IL .'aUxuri[Nesp., • Pot tirdlue,Auga 8, 1862: leutkiitinsua . , HAPPINESS OR MlStritru T H 4 u Er,a2p : of the "PARISIAN - oAtthsti*WONDßHs, ANATOMY. VW mom. * have , degarmlaed rewords of eulpinee,lo. lune (for: We bensfitiefeaucuseing humanity) Nora o f thegiimaticva, And. la ogsigtoir Leisterea riagewild iti, uuddeations ;Prom - liiraVaellizelt intibtal; Inkfunlep %lamas or'. De lorenaloirr otiaiergy Add dal Peters the Greet So.' Wad Xvilmi:JOaCi these IlalidiewwhieeVaeult from youth • ful Mill*.iimeoweapt.lipuhy,wr ;ftieranoe ler Plural oklt .114 d. IlidOre' 43 t-tw , : The,* • Mr ,l u!blei Lectures et a 00111131 he Weiler Or'edigidwtog sod seeing thou wide,' waeip forwarded free ori receipt of four Mamie, 07-04reeelos dliQßETAKY:Pareruaw OaBINIIT A.120/M,WED #l . s.awai„ b 63 Bruedway, TO CONSUMPTIVES, Advertiser, having been restored: to health in a few week., by a very simple resze- , IzuN;l,4lbction, and that•dieed aY, ater : bavil3ll 1 ' , Wald yaw+ -With a livers is miziouil to make - known, to hit fellow-sufferers the mean" or mire. . • TA .I'll whe deeire it, be wlll send a 'copy of the • per seiptlon nred.(beewl chug%) with the direlitlsna fir P' WIA-1/ 6123 .2.** WWI they will 2nd $ awe - 'elite' icor toninialmion, estomiy bionehiiia only 'object trete adierdser hi mending the per bengal the idlhoteVanii Rimed biror ma tfioin which he eoeweivettekebreithublelnd be hopes fraUntiiiii: will try , his teakeflod leW i wi* cost •theso and Why prove a Wain.: • ; 'Porileaswbilizirthe pert&iption rrjLL plinae sddreiy , „. WDWARD B.WILSON, WOlll. M . burgh, County, New Term sel/12.0 disndm . • • . • . , A LL eniplci , yees of the Philadelphia-and iteadinkftlird-ceieiliPU-.soikuwi4olist to the minim of AIM atilfted 'hifstifs for the purpose of mashing I .,s4slineonea itoirtnrssleointais libortmo otionr icouu. O ilg Un g , that tafikr•XesElectiefisinisions in be Stip open and` iven then,baseedakels on their nihusr, . odd that the _4 at - their iMinnosirinn to doimMitheir oninkrin gds:omerrensy, -eorni ored,losoifter se groany. to their favor tie promotion to hof in :the. service of ibis Compiniy. , • MOLES E. SKIT% Preshimit. 1862. gull.dlm . . . . trpdegrove Look Property, Canal A. grocery and itoikville liOieel idtuated ate mites /more Harrkburg, now offered for sale. des adver ileesteat Weekly or apply to alue-dtanianeas ' W. P. HENRY. ' • friIELIC• ktrgest and wool extenaiye : I. luta of ghee In the city, Just , reaivel, sled tor too very kw, by ' NII.IIIOLe .11,16 joteAnti, sub Oorner Front and Market streets. O n ljOrARS of- all 'kinds, *hits witbrown, 17 lower than any house In town, by NICHOLS & WINYAH, lII'S Cornet of Front sod Market street. JOHN lIT;SE'S Oonfeetionery SC Fruit store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, CONFECTIONERY OF ALL RINDS, ORANGES AND LEMOMS, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, EIDER AND SALT FISH, And re.:etables of all triads, brought, direct from the EaStara Markers. twice a week, and purchased under my personal atapeirstkm, thus eaaolldgme to sell a better and cheaper artsde.thau any in the market. • e Orders oot !Balance attended. to promptly, and' y roads dalifored to an Dart. of She city floe of charge. CANNED FRUITI eonslautly on band. Give me. a call. perk] JOHN WISE. Quperior brands .of extra . family flour which we'warrant to give satialketten, for eabs by aICSOLS k BOWMAN, Crapll lbw Front and Market emits PREBERVIK4 jars, fruit cane of isle low ' Ileum 2VA V hialis :+ 2O z Ono: Front szallarluot 4'Na. ktisitAia . niois NOTICig Bart.ililmyl,' Pa • It A- ,t"• • - . . , • • Titz Annzason Catrzzav having .aniph.-; Its work in the Cumberland Valley aud Maryland has returned to Camp Alabama, Carliele,+ fdr permanent organization before going West. There are only about one hundred more men needed for , it, and to the young men of !this state It prestMts, ,advattlaires which belong M Ile o th er cavalry organization In the United States. has done a glosions work in ithe late short but sharp campaign, and has tectiv- Irthe thanks of flov...gortin and Gen. If"- Clellan for the manner In, which its met; acted. Any intelligent and respectable yo • men who wish to join can obtain any Interim tion they wisn, by calling on puma CerpOral' Wlll . O. Keller, at his old, Milne, in Colds stage dike; Market square,; where he , will be . for a few deft.' See advertinement. Pxok , PooLere merbeginnhig to be rather too numerous in - the victility of the railroad dellefe in this city, k i nd unless the different rall i ed conitetbles pay 901110 littifiltiVi to the subjvt, theliaveling public may posidbly ; find se ' other roans td arrive at the dentinal& ustuilly reached Over the. roads' deVerging' fro in tide. Guilty. It is ePrtainly not pleasant for cal to make such a statement, but nevertheless iti is , true, rend the sooner the' different omnpan'les interested protect trivelors who are compelled to wait, the. departure of trains from the depots, the better for the finances of such travelers and the popularity of these roads. We have Mar important rosubrunning into and through this city. The Pennsylvania Central,' Northern Central, Lebanon Valley and the Cumberland' Valley. The reputation of these r.nals sneer every time a pocket is picked- of a wallet con taining a dollar. Therefore it behooves the said companies at once to employ some experi enced and vigilant debestive whose sole burl-' nese it should be to be on, the alert constanq within or withont the different , depots, Tile few hundred deliant which such employ# would cost, would be insignificant in compel, B°llto the good NOtich they eould accomplish, not only In' Lorennning the, pockets of travelers, but..° pr eventing the reP,llietke of the said , coil/mace from injury, Will compankni interestefi act on this, suggestion? *Direteittlete* :- Rekoraceirri4-The . named amid to the reeeption *room, Mai, Dr. Ekdlers, Diktat 'Street, by.Wite'eloat, ifonday,'Elept. 29, Home-made bbread " spread with batter.--- " ' : him Hann . ) , S. Porter Mrs. J. D. Boss -A. 0.; smith;' '" T. W:Bolington; . Henry Antes, ' " Mite Barthobnew " Fumy Awl, " D.• a: Boss, " B. EL Bailey, `. l . Bowman, " 'P. K. Bbyd, " Margaret Bell, " J. Miry Boya. Mies Annie: Meshing, Mrs. Levi' McCormiek,i giers4 " Defter, " garnet,.." B. A. Aldied. . Mies E: Broos, • o n 2 , fies day, &pt. 80.Orie pair :Wad Oickeas: • . :-- Mist Kate Kunkle, Mn, Peter Macke, klui. Dr. Dock, " J. M. Bryan, " Billiard Dock, ' "A. R. Bigler, " David Kyster, Miss Sue. Bucker, " J. O. Young, Mrs. Geo. Beatty, " GOO. Z. Kunkel, . " B. Buck, " J. W. Glover, " Charles Buehler, , " • Henry Fair, " Beliq, " _William Buehler, • Mira S. E. Boss, Miss M . L Bigler, Mrs. Wm. Brady. On Wednesday, O. 1.-- feria* sow and fruit Miss Maggie Boas, Mrs. Bliss Belhnen, Ku. Jacob Bothnia," Geo. W. Stoner, a L. M. Lawrence," CoWus . McCurdy, Patrick Ryan,Miss "Odell; Miss lAnny Panca ke, Mrs. 'K. Frenktun, " Annie Gross, " Goo. Groff, Mrs. Bush, " M...:Berringer, " Sllloagh, " J. C. Botniphrdner, Taco. " eo. - Adam.. " &ringer, litbis. Bible Bishop, " BoYer. • Ox Thursday, Oct. 2. -A two or ' three quert Miss B. A: Bryan, lire. Borah' Barnits„ Mrs. ;Familia Bernheisel " - Theodore Boyer, " Jassy Hall, !' ilatvinia , Brown, Mies ; Jolla Fishier, " 'Jamul lt..Boyd, • • " B. H.lmicka•Mita Affilt LOW*. Cindlle, ars. J: Berryhill, • Mug; " Boatel Buttudde, " Joseph Mrdmweiler, " Mary , Berghaus, " Joseph Black, " N. Amon, • " Burke, Dr, B a il e y. On Ihday, Oekiber 3—One yair of *wed chickens . Mrs. (leo. W. Buehler, Mrs. N. Byers,. " Elisabeth Cook, "J. M. Keller, " Frazer, " Wm. Kirby, Kiss Parker, " Andrew Black, Mrs. Wm. Colder, " James Colder, • 0 John (kw., " E. H. Cornyn, Joseph Corson, li " W. Cathcart, " Mario Carson,. " Wells ()overly, " Dr. Charlton, Miss X. Ointkle " Wm.. Dock, Mrs. T. H. Robinson. On Saturday, Worn 4—; ornatois Ons Pound : of Miff ins, Mrs. D. Dougherty, Mn. Elisabeth Fox, " J. D. Cameron, " John Fraser, 44 Margaret Elder, Mies Sybil Fabnestook, Chris. Elliman, Mn. David Fleming, Mies Mary Eppley, " J. Fleming, Mrs. IL H. Espy, " Mont. Forster, ' 44 Dr. Eager, " Main Groff, " Geo. Felts , " J.. A. Guretson, • " Wm. Foini, " t'• Qeu. Forster, " Levi Grey. The ladies named will eerve On Monday, noddy and Wednesday TO TOOZE TR 04,1 P, TO SEIM AT TIM MOON, Mrs. Bache). Burnside, cow SAT 9 o'moorr., " Joshua Jones, KW. Ands Warlord, 1 ,, Wm. Buehler. " Urals Trout. on nuraq, liiday !sad Munk ro visa TOR OAXP, TO MOTS AT MX WON Mrs. Samuel' Wilt, Min Banniotinlth, " Cornyn, " A. Shownaker. " N. Brown, . Niro. IL N. CXIBNYN, • Miry 4iwalke As. ,TV VAsuiiism:—One of the small silkimeilcan five which adorned the coat of arms of Amu sylvanii over the Speaker's Chair in the Elmo of Representstives, was mined yesterdaji by Mr. John - &null: the clerk hi 'autrge ofl the House. The concludoik is fair, that 'the !flag was puriointd by a member of one of the 4toml panieN which was kindiy permitted to qu4rter in.the Hoiwe and If this Is Coiiii4l'it,H'keedmes the duly of the officers df such CoMpanieit to point out the scamp soldier vio.!:4 be guilty Of such an act;Yrecoineth4 Sag ? , return it to Mr. 13intill and 'have hie thief Pintshed. For the sake of Justice - in this mean : business We ask our cipteinporarlei of the Htite to give this notice an insertion in their "&uniiui, to the end thattbis flag may be recovered. ~..; A Saul) or firmitn• were brought'to thd city lat. night—wounded, way-worn, ragged,•tind Wss.appearance,, eleven, of the moat wretcited looklug.beings we ever •beheld. They were a portion of those • Captured •in Maryland, and cpmposellofmenofalla,gee. Thetviere brought to thia poet to: have their wounds healed, and, we trust, their dispositions changed. But if the lessons !they have •already teamed do not have the effect. of convincing them of • the folly of _their resistance to the national an thority, nothing that loyal men can say ito them will work the desired- change. For the humanity that is ini Memory hint that they will be treated - ssEhuman •beings-.aa creatures deserving Our pity and our relief. Connums purrisa.,--At a. meeting of the Conferees of, the,Flfteenth. Congressional Dis trict, held at Bridgport, the following delegates were present : Kirk Haines, J. H. Devor, J. WisterBd, Wm. M. Watts, T. B. Bryson, Jcis. W. Patton, 0. A. KLinefelter, E. C. Parkhurst, and H. R Mower. On motion, Wm. M. Watts WBB chosen Prod dent, and Henry 8., Mower ; Secretary. The following names were submitted to the Convection : • Dr. C. H. Breeder, of York county. Dr. A. Stewart,, of Cumberland county. Win , A. SPonultlry of Perry county, But after deliberation the following preamble • and resolutions were unanimously adopted: 'gimes", ,The highest interests of the noun try'and the support of 'the Goveniment demand that all loyal and unconditional Union men should heartily co-operate at the ballot boi for the maintenance of the Constitution and per,. petuatien-of-the Union t therefore, Resolved, .That the :Conferees of the ; Fifteenth (Yo district . deeni it to be inexpedient to make a distinctive nomination oto candidate for. Cobipeinvat this tinie r hit would heartily retsismtuind our 'friends to support Hon. Joseph Hesolved, That we roped tbe, , publiogtion of these lin. all the Union papers in thia disttiet; and alstithe Harrisburg'. 4411)3RAP1. WM WATTS, graident. • R. R. Mostutt 1 4actettlaY.. (. TERIIII 0010tir From Gen. M'Clellan's Army PREPARATION POI A GREAT OVEREAT, The Atawitutt says "'Gen,- McClellan is actively engaged in ar ranging his forges to cuuri tenet the movements of the enemy,on the op. r .'te side of the river. where thiy are underit'... to fie wanted. "We.bave= no Intelligence 'tif • Matters in pro gress that it, would Act be proper to make pult. Ile at present. A ; precipitate crossing. of the river In Malice of's() strong a force could. not, but prove Ifisestrous, add: we know that no 'serious attempt at crossing has yet been attempted. "A gentlemen whikcamtv fronileadquarters, yesterday, informed us* imps are in the higheit spirits, acid that their confidence in Gen. Welellan, and his ability to lead them to renewed triumphs, Is unabated:- FROM , FORTREBB MONRO.E, _,~„_ Pommies Motion, Sept. 28. The steamer Thomas Swann strived yesterday afternoon .with seventy _ ; rebel prisoners from New Yerk. They were sent by the flag of truce boat to Aikeit's Landing immediately. The Thomas Swinn'also brought six'Union soldiers under, meat for being absent from their •regi meats. They are to be eent to Washington. It bt understood that all of General Pope's Onions now at flichmond are to come down the river next Saturday for exchange. The flag of truce boat arrived this morning from Aiken's Landing, but brings no news or Papers. 111*:ON:4VIDqtlatZliri:100.1:00410: Wan Rea, N. Y., Sept. 26 There was an experiment in' Projectiles made here to-Say, under the supervision of U. S. Army officers. A shell invented by C. W. Stafford, of Burilngtonjona, was fired through a one hundred pound Parrott gun, and pene trated thicafgh six one-inch iron plates and a solid oak backing. • lens@ the opinion of all who witnessed the experiment that the ball would have gone, through one or two -inches more of iron. 4 ; • Non tabilerttstmento. WILLIAM BATFORD, MhROHANT MILORt S 5 KARIM ST., ELAM{ISBErIiG, 8 now prepared to furnish officer's I military clothing, aceordult to regulations at short soak.: Also& generatageortmeet of Cloths, Ostkinteres, ireettivanci-rewir nude elothing tor civilians. anfo-dim RUBBED, coarse and. a. Ike. :pulverized lower tban any other plaee In towa, Call sad examine, • -IcHul.2lkir:WlLele; irth Corner Brent and Market !streets. NO 2. COALS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ll VlN 4 l 74t ithZC t lTa ' rootof s.B lyoceupiyu.VF I ant enabled to supply the public wttka AksiolitmiENT OF THE DLFFERENT • VARIETY AND SIZES OF CICOALLa. FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. &tern .rospeuftilly solicited—which, If left at As °See, toot of Nottti street, or at ' the ofttoe of Wia , Dook,Jr. & 00. , Will receive proldflil GILLARD DOCK. Jria MHOS 11130011al Wi!lnl Or Delivered any plate ia the city, free of charge TERM, Cash on delivery. jrao WM. DOCK, Jr., ik Co, I.N S IJRANCE. . Mftrilie, Fire awl Inland Tnissportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMEBIC. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794--Charter perpetual Capital and Assets $1,200 000 DIRECTORS. • Arthur G Lbllln , Samuel W. Jones, John A4Drowa, Samuel Y. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John ft; Neff Richard D. Wood, Milian Wallet, William J E. Bowen, ames N. Mason, 9 &orris Wain, John Swett; George L Harrison, Fr mem R. Ova, Ed ward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. Curt IN, Prevalent _ EIGADLO PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for lb; ab name company, the mideridgned ix prepared to take Mire risks in any part of ihe State of Pennsylvania, abhor eanuallycr ,perpet _ ually on Me most favorable terms. Otdoe Third street between Walnut and Sitawbeclii •Uey, Ba, keg . Harrisburg, Pa 1 VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WANT LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPM, WRITING chasm, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at • BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. . . AtiDITOR'S. NOTICE. . 1 In the met*A of the min?' In DattpLia Op; Cen se* of the Real Estate of eolo- mon Ilese, Vend. En g mon Lowdenelater. ' ' No.' 24, Aug. T,.11162. Fiepteuther it, 1862, ordered by 'the omit 'the J. W. &moat io be appointed Auditor to distribute the real due or the purchase money remnining in the bawls or. the &Weir. - The undersigned auditor wilt attend to ihe duties of said appointment, at his office In Harrisburg, On Tuesday the 23d of September, 1562, at /0 IL. m. winos and tenors all partlea Intereeied may attend. septb.cloawaw .7. W. SIMONTON. BALTIMORE!, Sept. 26 STEAM BOILERS, AVING made efficient and perniament rarnogimena fbr the impose, we are now pro-, paw in Makeßilkilli BOMBS of every kind, prompt ly and at reasonable rates. We WWI use Iron mop, by Bailey & Brother, the reputation of which lu wend to twee In the market. Nose but the beet hands employed. Repeuring u rct jyattendedto. Address &lOLA WO • . WW I / Eiwieborg. . • NO , REBELS I—Nicbole & Biwgisal 111.. raclihmthdly toltuma Muir automats MO Mar& Ito war/MIL that it umor Woo will not be ckeed . hereaf ter In fir afternoon, an has been the Dui lane whet. We Matto all to call and purchase as heretofore, is we Lave packed up none of our gouda. Ni.OBQLEt &BOWMAN, Cur. groat and Marks% et; • PRESERVE JARS asn JELLY GLAKSE,I3,. EXTENSIVE assortment of. Gleasware, molding Jelly gleasse, Preserve Nikes, Goblets, Tumbler", So., Ile ., rMt styles., Met remittal ad ter tale tow by ti/OBOLS & Bow.matc iYr Corner Front & Market, streets CAMP WRITING OASES •• PAPER, ENVEU)PES, • PENS AND PENCILS, ;nal the thing to carry in ths ;knapsack. Price Con glide, only 88 cants. For sale at ItARGNEWS CHEAP BOOS FITORIL 1011 RESERVING jars and fruit cane of all kinds And sizes, for woe by li/OHOLS b BOWMAN corner, Front an/ Utrket .itreati MEG/WIN TREES AND SHRUBS. - AA planted byeoinc., experienced Bard r eners in August, September and October, In pre- ce to any other Bosom, aust with greet amen, A fine assortment at the ICs} stone Nursery, asirls burg. 440410 ' TOBACCO, Cavendish, Congress and Twig', For nide Mr by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner 'font and Market streets. _tr. PENS in the world, for 75c, $l. 25 si so, s 2, s 3, and SS, for ogle s 161 OCHZFFEIt'S iktokstme. TIANDELION, Rio and other prepare tbmi of Coffee, for We by MIONOI2 & BOWMAN, gap= Corns Front and Market ktreetii. BLACKING I de WONSON'S"CiLkLUINGE BLACKING. arms. amoor;44. Ikeeejest, rev"' ve¢, ,ind ter e Wholemate prides ; DoCIE,Jr.kOo. gteast trinting ffirs. Haying procured KOZO Power Press_ ,es *emirs Pinar dto -4001064- AM and, Boo; '-PittrITCNG titor every scriPtten; cheaper thin. it tint done . M :illy caw lestablbaluntipt in the colmtry. • - RaTICS or ADVBRITSING. Jilt' Pour lines or less constitute ene•half square. Eight lines or more than four ccestltute a square. Reff . dquare, One d .y SO 26 MO reeve ._.. 110,11 moat. 260 •- threitmontss .. 400 " months 6 00 66 . ohe woo. 10 00 000 84/00reir.onir' -dav ..... ....... 60 me week - 200 " ' bee-month 600 three months • - 10 00 . 16 00 " one•year. 00 Business wilco, inserted in the Local Cohen* or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT CENT'S PER UNB for each hmertion. air Illarrtupts-aud DesUmi-toilea as regular altnentsemente... ' ; • • , _ • Nem littritiiiinteuts CHARTER OAK FAMIi Y FLOUR UNEXCELLED BY . ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRAND . S OFFIiKEL IN PENNSYLVANIA II IS MADE OF .~! 1 . 01 mon