ffiusintos (garbs. DAN'Lt A.UENCHJ AGENT. . Old -Wallower Line respectfully 0 Worms the public that this Old Daily Transporta. top Line, (the only Wallower Line now In existence in this City,) Is Is in successful operation, and prepared to carry freight as low as any otherlncUvideal tine betwe en Philadelph Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wil liamsport, .Tersey shore, Look Haven and all other pole is on the Northam central, Philadelphia and Erie and Wil liamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A g ent. A. MIIIINCH,g Harrisburg, Pa. Goodoent.tukhe Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, Zell Ai Madman, Nos 808 and 810 Market street 'Oboe Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'oloek, P.'11.; will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next . witting: • aprgO•rdwyl . B. J. HARRY - . 0; Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 lILIEK.E7 STEM, ICARELLS.I3ITEG. Lj AS always on hand a tall . assortment of Tin and best)apanned Ware Goosing and Parlor Iltoves of the ntanubieturies, 'Gutter Spouting, Rolf leg and Galvanised Iron Cornish, manUfautured and put np at reasonable rate.. . copoiring promptly attended, to. aprBo-dly ...REMOVED. JOHN B. .SMITH • HAS removed his Boot and Shoe' Store from the aortal . of Second 'and Walnut strati to . • NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Hayne's Agriculture Stare, where, he Intends to keep all kinds of Boots a^d Shoos, glaitea, - Bco., and a large stook of Trunks, and everything Wills line of ' bu siness ; and will be thankful to receive the 'patronage of his old customers and the public in general at his new place of busincos. All kinds of work made to order In the best style and by superior workmen. Repairing done at short natio°. . rapr2dtfj 4113 N• B. SMITH. A. SMITEf., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFER THIRD STREETi mylOy) NEAR BIARICET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY: Den -1.! P. R. ALLABAC.H„: Burgeon Den- tisi, slannliteturer of kiinerat Nate Teeth,.the only ethod that obviates every objection •to the tee of drth ibinal teeth, embracing partial, half and whole *3ta of OW piece only, of pure and indestruenele mineral, there are, noorevices for the aecountalation of entail particles of food and therefore, no offensive oder from the breath, as no me tal is used le their construction, there can bo no galvanic sidles , or nieuillio taste. Health the Indio lthial.is not an: noyed with wire throat, heeded:Oa, &o. Moe North Second street, Harrisburg. acitn-dtv THEO. F. bCHEFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER; NO. 18, MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. la-Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Baulks, Manifesto, Policies, Checks; Drafts, &n. Canna printed at $2, $2, $4, and $5 per bousaud in elegant style. ' 120 SOWIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, A ND DEALERS in Fancy 'Goods, Per , fumery, &o. Also agents for the sale of Refined; Petroleum, nluminating (Al, superior to • any coal oil furnished in any quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 amd. 172 William Street, a27d6m]. NEW YORK., . PROF. ADOLPH P. TEL' PSER. ... 00 1,1) respeothally : infon4 ' ' his ' Wit , and the public; geliorallA 'that. hi wili BASS. .Re will W i th pleasure PIANO ORTE, - ...... __,......„ cE housee it way hoer desired, or ;casette will be given a hts ~..eldemoo, its Third streit, 4 few door. below th Seeman Reformed Church. declb.dO M, _A. PA R H JILL PLUMBER GAS FITTER. Third Street, rurt door to the Telegraph Printer+, Orme- !,„,j0.11.88, dwellings, churches, public kj buildings, Isobaric", go., upwith gwlead and iron pipe in ll' women ]lice manner.HydrWsi Wash basins, Beall' tits; Lift inadVorce Pumie, Water Closet s, Lead and Iron ripe for water, gas Ann steam. A share of public patronage le respectfully solicited. All work premptly attended to. wiyBo4Bm. MiscellantiAs UNION &tSP 41.1. J It A.N'r . .1 BILLIARD AND BOWLING !SALOON NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers baying erected a larg e building at the above Place, IntfortillalY for the pure G ees shove Indicated; inig to call the attention of the pub- Ito to the following : , TairlitserAmiarr, on the first fiber; with a 'dining room attached, is fitted up in first-class style, and it will at all times be suppled with: the best .OYSTERS to be lied in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin,,lish, and all kinds of game in season. Oyiters servediAmln every style, and Meals to be had at all hours. The Ales of nil the celebrated breweries in the outintry constantly on hand. The Ten-pin Alley, . 13owling,,Saloon r is in the rear, and contains three alleys Of modern construction, where the lovere of this 'healthy exerelee min enjoy the meelvee The Billiard Saloon is up-stairs—elegantly lifted up, and contains three marble top 'combination °nation la. blot, equal to any made. Harriebdrg has iong fait the want of a grand combin ation Of Vas kind, and as the proprietors are determine to conduct It in a quiet and orderly: manner, and do eve rything in their power to make It a faeldonable re.or they hope to receive a liberal enure of public patro hadti WILLIAM C. hiorADDIN 400. BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPER, - rOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture Prairies, ornamenting Collings, trimming Gas Pipes and cut so as to bang over strings in ether shape o t stars, points, cirolea or festoon& For sale at ' royfil. E.OHEFS if,R , S BOUM° HE. RUBBER GOODS itubbe Baia, Rubber Watches, Rubber Battles, Built= Toys generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKS'rOkit POCKET BIBLES, A FULL assortment` Pocket Biblee A and Testaments for the poldiers, just re ceived at BER G B'S BOOSATORE. GLASS Jars for putting up fruit; the celebrated aliivitia patent, cheap, Ample and oaf cal, warranted to iro adtiaraellon, jest received and for gale by ra & caole BOWalnk, , . jea9 . . . . Corner Iron! and Market stroci- . SPIOES of all kinds, whole and ground - , warranted fresh and 'pure for wile low by NICHOLS & HowmAN, Corner Front and Market street. aeptl2 CIDER Vinegar, warranted pule, for sale low, by NICHOL'S & BOWMAN, sepli2 Corner Front and Market streets. SUGARS for preserving; call ana extun hie at NICHOLS it BOWMAN, 197 Corner Front and Market streets LBMONS, raisons, cocoanuts &13_, just readied and for sale by • NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cow. Front&nd Market stieete UM IRESH FISH ever' Tuesday and. Friday aiJOON yriais Store, corner Of Third ondukyWiyal. OTIONB.--Qaite a variety of useful anlmtertauenz_te:tieleg--caleap—a RH 7.514 R, -'LI) 9H Lemons and Raiiiria:jtuz4re ofted and for wile low by lelildit!pi Corner Iront and Market sues 4. ritixpAL & L - Evarus, Pickles &la t aitglipe, for W. at JOHN WIREV. may Ntw e2tbnatistments. PE ,-..NSYLVANIA ,RAIL..,go AD 1, ED SUMMER TL TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AJTZE MONDAY MAY sth, 1862. The Plummer Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart triim and arrive at Harrinbdri . add Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 1.16 a. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 a. m. PARp WIN leaves Harrisburg daily, (except.liondayil at 5.80 a. m., and arrives at Wed Philadelphia at m. , • WIT MAE MAIN. leaves Harrisburg daily (Amid, Sunday) at 1.29 p. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.25 p. m. . ,ACOOMMORATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, tayls Alarrliburg at :7.00 a. in., and arrives at West delptda at 12.26 p. m. • RARBISBURO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Oultwt his, leaves Harrisburg at '4.10 p. and arrives at Wall Philadelphia at 9 25 p. tn. ' • WESTWARD =ROUGH. UPHAM TRAIN leaves Ildiadelpbta et 10.85 p. m., .Harrisburg at 11.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. ni. nd arrives at Pittsburg at An p. m. HAIL TRAIN leaves Philadolplda at 7.16 A. m., and rives at Harrisburg atl2.Bop. leaves Harrisburg et 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 7,00 p. m., and arrtvee at Pittsburg at 12.16 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. m., Harr* burg 3.45 p. in., Altoona at 3:20 and arriving at Pittsburg at 12.45 a. in. HARRISBURG AOOOIO4ODATION TRAIN leaves PORI Mph% at 2.30 p. In., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.01 P. . . . MOUNT JOY AOCOMIIIODATION via Mount Joy leaSe4 Lancaster at 10.60 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 12.40 p. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Rapt. Rut, Div. Penni. Railroad. Horrieburd, May %late . . tilailp - ddigraph, (I[4lkrsikgp 11.ftq,noon, egitmtber 25, 1862 8011ETEINV nit TO Tams > i ; NEOI24IITY IN EVERY .HOUSEHOL JOHNS & CROSLEY'S I:" I American, Cement 'Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE THE CHRAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MGM DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY 101LIMILMI OLUE IN THE WORLD. . THE BM GLIDE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE L the only article of the kind ever produced which I WILL WITHSTAND WATER IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. WIITLI, MEND IVORY, - Don't throw, ems)! tilt - pram vitr3" It Is easily %v . . ,Your broken. Olga* Caps and , &seers ilea be maitille IT WILL M ATD MARBLE, That piece itnootcod out or ',our 'MAU :Ilisotte. out be put oil ad strong as eyer, IT WILL MENIPPORIJET,A TN I No wetter if that broken Pitcher did not coat bet a WI- line, a ehillingeavedM.iyabilling earned. IT WILL ittiNto ILABAST ER, t• • That ccistly — klabastee Vf d'a'bielcen'eua you, u , l matte mend i 4 It will nevapior when pat tags al.! It will. Mend Boise; Coral', Lava, and its • Tact iiireeithitiff 'but Metals,: •Aurartiow ciaitented NitutqA3ll.lllbAN CIVON't awl win - not show where tide mended." armors, lib taxi-tad-41i "Every a supply & Crosiers Amerloan..oementAue. n —lf. limes. 1 “It he so oonveniennto hiiVe"la tae house."—.N. ii fieeit to every! b° We ' ll 46lPed efeltried4l; *l4. ria as : neeful -*': . 1;:i - Our homes se valor,"—wake ; ECONOMY ' $lO,OO per you 'saye4 in every tamlty by, tam Mill ' ......F.trYX4oo4.l464o6ollllot.Whoksaie Buyers. , '-! I • , •tr..TERMS'OII43EC -J '7' E.' quo 11 4 r FM :. sale Y iiiiDraggfdla,asdStekeapen general . . /Y girOughfitits,the 001Iptry. u • _ JOHNS ik.caosrarr, . . 0 30wm...faiftr e r., 01 4,. ; . 4 Oarger•ordAbeety tAtirku • 1' OEMENT: 100FjNG, The Cheapeet and moat durable Booting in tee. i• meiceet ',dainty about thia-Titird - that of 'Rini ' %ND Ti 18 . 11010,47 S; WO 1E41.11LE., I This r ertiele has tunet thoroughly- tcsited•ln• 'New - Fore L, tyaud all, other parts of, the United. States,Vanadit, cetledies Central and. Rouen Axnerlcaont , beillinge of Elnds, euch i ss rAOrO5ll6, FOlllSSMlNSoCluragilissi - RAU . DlPois, Use, and on Puma, BmLnoino.: sonority [ musenzin,Binuusas. &c., by the plinelpid - Builders, hitesta and, others , during the past lbw years, and la Pr_ oved 0:1,,V: the. WIRAPICRTJand4 MOST ZURABLI , 0011NO,in use; it Is In every respect A FIRE, WA't Es, FATHER end TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF NNlgii. t : 4:. . =• ',. .''' ' , : ' , I .attsoily MS is thE Mir wariest reanufachand in the tinted les which boutbinse Obi *ay deetrable II ropartiee of ' and Durability, which are anlvereoyawato W. edged to. be poeseseed. by avyrA . pightca:4 AN 1 ~ . , . _ DLL iiiloll.llß.- 1 .. `,. , , .t , No Heat require in m aking application. The expense of applying It Is tailing, as an ordinary rodH can be covered and finished the same day. ° It can be •applied by any one, .... O, erbeb t finbnied:Corins a perfeotlyirnen Pinto, sar.a6, th.a4,0 4 4 10 . 1 )047,-Wit ll ,o l 9411u0n. be injured by R ica ,. t . , or gloamoesogsvro of Boor Damn, nor any nil ! , *nno V : Lever., .1 , I ..: . , . . .4 ~•-9,1L . , . Pi , , • UTTA .1 1 412CAA, . CEMENT or Coating Metals of all Kinds Wha t `-'. , , t, to the 4crtioe of the Weather, and : : R PRESERVING AND REPEARENG METAL , s ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. . , • , I Thin is the only-Composition known which will sachem fility resin extreme changes of all climates, for any .1. gth of time, when applied to metals, to width It ad j, firmly, terming a - body equal te coup of orthess i f CORO aninit , lees end, will .LASIII Tilfgarri ma , NO ' Aoki, AIM , its..ebnitifOtY , 4 8 Row heured by i s • tra4o, It rankszPilhalost of Tin and other Metal Rao); ne,dioduAt:utionAndden changes &Hite weather ' I.: iiiili ifot csacs,rty 061X,d1i,Rier IN WARN L EA2HRIL, AND WILL NUCWATIttIpi,, li h - Leaky Tin and ether. Idetalltoafit Mut istreadily repair with GUTTA - PIEROI4.I:4IgENT; Anti prevented front er corrosion anif•leaking, thpropy enduring e er fectly tight roof or many' yeas. ; ~ T his Cement is peculiarly adapted tor th e preservative :ot. IRON liA ILINGS, MOM, BANGIO, Salmi AGRI, CULTURAL IMPLIALIiNTS,'&43., also for general inµolls . , •••• i GFUTTA - 11 1 1 1 e#A, d a .M_ ER I S Jett inure Ufa- '•, _ 1 . k1id1.44 : 144 7 1 fink 4 preserving ‘ ,..0,. Metal Backe el . evpry description s , from its greag a1i5t1.,01.% 4 11 no +Azilitied /by( the ooktraitiou and axpetlatidAtettlytpmovesig not • crick 10 add or ith le i vrar Weather. *-- hese nniticiale are aturrM Ile AIL •CLlNAtlith On& ' " At preParell'io supply orders from alky part of the owe. j i •. t - .. . Ar , et shim unotice , for fIUTIA' PliegOak goons° iti ,x 9 ready • preparedfuries, .add qIITTA Pfaicai A ot„ 41 Tih bort* o, with Mii-Orh.fia airsotioos for pppli Olt. 1 . •', • AGRINIV WANTED ~,... . ' . .', . k .'' ii• oil! make litimall ondisatiefaMory arreeo essie s 4 . 'Alt responsible parties who would Ake se ` na bli gi them. Pk ` ea In a IsersiiTOPlArntinklitibuldilealta ..., ... • i alt•TEßblii Al S Cvigg. • 1 • • • ~we eau give-abandotiitiWo9f - iii lifft&iiiej a li cm 4 et skir . iwipwwwl Rablinetititig ailiihle - IneulAiee rg i i #ichwilid , Roo k in New YorkQllYl4ll.lrlOinit.V: 3 ZOHNB at CROBL Ey ..: , ... BOLE: MAAkiIIOTIIIIRES, holm' Mrigelionse7B William st., , lirlier of- Ltd 70treet. " .ftiii descripiiireAwidarp awlil'ilowi will be furnished t I i" R aPPg° III4O A., __ 10151(a—WRItlNO Pan iv g entire ELM insorttnentvfOttnieriii deka fast Optinei bt _I3IIIEGITKRII Cheap Bookstore, !s!patep IT WILLL MEND LEATHER,, I Baud your Sarum, &mph Belts, Boole, ac. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the plea* of that expertEdve Out bless Bottle ! llouliekbel itifirePallialifENT Cat: - i kotta Prig 15 C : Z; per Bottle. ~1 Moe 26 Ciente Price 2,6 Genic par_ , .13) 'itkie oeith peil3oW 11 • • boort:pit to iliblitts. as whom thir maY trnalW#.llr fir ntrßOPgr~rmeowtoAramr nit= _,MIENNIAr _ Important-to lloiiiffOiniers. r PN ICS O4 t Buildets, ImpEttato toltkil Rota C oinpani IT:I6;IIIPifrAT:2I3.P4p(IF , • . . •., • • 11 Ilan be applied icrearrand - unitoora et ell awn. . stoop or LA, and ul &mut EtoinPii elltieut removing the Shingles. . - IDA Disowt,- gay Craokerediustelyi ed and for ilattby NICOOLS: BOWatkr4,•• j Center Front y... , ,,.;;_irkpt strpe -HELMBOLDIS :GENUINE PREPARATION .111 G I,Y aiNCENTRA ?BD" 41 4 41:1RD sucuo, 4, EhoalltireistSli gigedaeo • . For Oisoaees of tm ItLADDRit,, qu4yith, anoMic.uitWilmmai.; ' This Reda:jun inerseses the. votesc, of,. Digestion, and exeltee.die,A.l3BOß9E2}Teint ; heatterection, by whiCh the WATERY OR•CA.b()Alta.Mßldenesitions, and all OR NATE/BAC ISNIARGIinENTS are reduced, as well al PAIN AND INFI.AfiIATION•, and .18 g - 06d, ,for 1 • ' wog= OR gaiLbw. ~.,._e•lFcriemt ! • ,Iftir• Weelotinsuis : Mibite or 'bissfpetioi, Early lL Ad Oda., ' =ED writ Tux tOLLO'FLN - G SYMPTOMS dudisPeiltion SoMiPittl,. ; .I.mutog Power toim or Meteor'', ' . ' • DAN* of Breathing, Wel* NerrY BB ); .• •1 •. • =Trembliiiii, lierrdeof - Diseeht4 l '' . , w ake ra hma, Manna" cd Pistons • Pain.in the Beek Unliersat dishitMlb of the Muscular System, ,thit'ailidcp , _ if '1 ; drinshbag ot sflii Body Dmile'sa of - Abb"Mt kinptlone on the Face ' • YettitlifDaltlNTEMANME, - 1 . • • itieke 16 go.lia Witch Una P J iO ne 1311. reingl4l2,loonrellifta..*: • a CY. iAIuI,T,Y, EPILEPTIC' NITS. , I bit. ICS THE PATIEN'T EiIaTRE. Who einillay that the ire not &arm tijrlolll,red by ilf!!!4)?fpJfkmt. Irtri, irw; ' . .a t AND CONSIDEPTION,.7 UatiY airA or.fOolvesst of theft; MET NO'NE CO . NYFM. _ . • , .I%ISPB THEINsan - tieYelaneholy Deaths by,gqnsuutsition, , . 1 _tenuntila then& mut nevi. Assindnour: ; UONSTITIITION ONO& AFFECTED WITS • ORGANIC MILKERS:3, • Requires the.aid of medicine to Mrengthen end . •••• I.grati• the'Systent, Mice WILYBOLD'S = MAST BIJC ravarnably doe : • a•TUAL ; 6bi i yt a s Asa! dose ssimimm. . • !FOLVAcegtirLiilLitiliehkiir'' 1)Lo lAR "YOUN4.B.INOLY. NIARRIK.43II,OO4TiChIr_te • • - • - T/Nceme.RRIAGE, = i Di IN R A N T ASTECTICDIS PE DDISAL TO FEBALIdif y • Bt Malibu htieqttalled. by 4ny Oh* rimed . as In Uhlorefis or ktotoullon,liftniarftyy oi; Sappreesio'n or Cush/airy Ilvateretions, Ulcerated or ,sehrhouo. F late of thh Dteros,Lencorhces Whites, EMMA ity; end tor alLootdpliantei incident to the sex, whether firbsta lt iti4lo69oo4o4bliqr.:Dwelpation, of w %tab DECLINE OR CilirANYill 01 'tax , en Mama asovx NU FAMILY 811013,1 , D, .6A wtraouT rr . Tim No sifaul Bunny Moon, astaastunsi OINI FOR ODIPLUSART LLD DRINGIIOIOI DUILIRMS. • • WIL;MBOLLPS SZTRACT"BOOIIO oaaei SECr DISEASES. in all then Stakes; " ' " At little gixpense ; little or no ottangein pet inconvenience; And no .-osttre. . . - causeit alreauerit desire'. end gives 'strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. : 'Preirelitlitend GibilikStrieturie of the Urethra, ' Allaying Pain and Imilamitation, no frequent ln- the abuts of Ammons and expelling. rooonou . g, Dusased i . of Joho. Ti!os wtxllTaoxtsLunis *HO HAVE B.IIZIO IFIE noraits OP.guacsay, and whohave paht-naavv sitin to • be cared In a short' thue,have found they were deceived, and that the "POI IZION"lait, by the use of ilrowstunh . Aanumnarts, " been! drheinp in the 4ystem, ` 10 , break oOb in an aggravated form, and . . . . • " PERHAPS AFTER itAßlitlotag. CrectEnunow i slearnAor Duero for all affections and dinoaneo of [hg':"• . • ; 4 ..1.7.1; . ...viAttx. olifimiS,, • is Whether eiditink in nr.u.e. Esmum.aw :-• • From whateAvor cease °Winding andno.motter f rom - sTeirmtwcW Di sca maregirsu l aikinie MitorDlU/AR I/0 EIETRACT . • A M.KGREAT DIURETIC, And iimeitoin to have the derilida effect in all Dbmatii YOR WHIM IT Id RECOMMENDED. &Mews of the most reliable end responsible charActis illotrinkartrolF gCQR ri `:"t . 1 ' lfr•rsC34No3ooll.l4t il I: '1 cc i 'OO ft ofiaifor $6 00. i l rve t rrarwrkmarimosl9ektPiallitlioi# ol46 w . va on. :2 : • e. t .tt ViAlitialibiliCiditgilli• 1 - 6311 'r.,...-= dA yirf.. ~ ,' -•- Pe rre nkefilki. flOtenlitthf lot !tie f at. 0 - ..sw. . - AlidisoLo,7who being du l y . trillt i t't t i ptrAkiimmtoidouleitheeathii ho be° , r u . oiiii drugs, bin are purely vnge, ‘I III . I #IIIJOU 1 i JOI In 101TUIE ^ll- . 2 iT Anto:ol,l44Acsivtly= .., E. T. 24,664 2.111.1101)0 01 1.3 1 . 4: v nor, 1 It. A .I'lll 1310 0/14 1 1 IX &ad It i M,ll , ' . .4,41 , 6•* lenors or inkrormation in coulldenoe to t I M2bittlieialitY 2 ..;-• Delt r / 04 _ 8 2. 1 abliku St. ,bolienantnut. Ettilln, -- toja 4 Ilfi il ILES ititiinituan) tivirroinuomi,s .. INli..litiavril , polin- , lor" L eni& i l=di•oisia,' I ABSIOUNI•ON Tan JUR:I=ION ArritlNN4 4,X t j ;-i •!:-I• ,': ' : Iletnindidfi Giuntine'Prifarktioniv ,--.tt i •-••'' ' ' - 1 .." , " P•fikol.,,BuOtnip.„l t—. , , ..: .. 1 ~. , i rI, I 2 mu. uit .., ...,_ soipirinN .:t - -:- :-•- ”. , .., ... .1 upp r oyeditese woh.i, • i ~ gcali'bY - 12MKI_Ablaiyti. 4 ,/,Grials; J 'YIYOIO, '0 ' a I , iI ; 40,krii,k15 1 tiittilirrezrzsineffithi.— tiiigitrefigeM a t r ailn x9/40 : : : twa i rlidigt 9 EFFo,, u‘, kitNELAUsusx, i i ii ti .- r ~- v r., r r ill E" I .Vist II It No' • ! i ' i 'Ail 'I*LN:I - Ali : 166TAL . 1(11 ' ' i. , vitsfir 4N - iitil,kji elt." do lij i. A li I L .' 0 I i 1 . 17 rfiiiodiiii - a iiiii ibl 1 1 ' V 3 iq j i ..' i .1 ''' Fapitaltind(Assetti.imi 1 1 .. :::.$889326 37 &w ,,,, N[• 0, Edmund A.. ouderaheoelpui guuldini. . Jolt. Pe,"Jiked Cl.liiiigidiiiirriiddidriliVar.Arrd,ji l. ' 41emea C. Hand,09 . .~7. 144 x%. ibflidirirBenit. Dr , • 4:IU dinatit tuamwanlladpeil ilixitf.erite , dualow amly, damn . E. Vir.elli 11,1, Pawnatpn, Bbnaig Adpiary : . toft. sd)Dindingtfal, 40..lanealtigok6; Speintii - XUtidae4: mes C. Band, socrtAgtork,l49o47P. 4b &Klatt 2.- Sarailina, .tesladil VPHyre, min' B! . de : l'itti ' Itur,g, D I '1 1 : *F l og, fluka4cg, A...13..8er igab*rsi i., jzi f I 7; .1 t...1'-11. 111 Wll.di 31227111, - 1 ' ihiftia ° • ~0 0#.4tgi144A , . , r ijnr,Virt r igtiiNte it-ndiVir" m ' s , e r g and yticinity. ..,,i . 1 0 I W l . r a :Lai 0-41', I: t- I ! •1 . - W41.M.. -10.1 1 PPRII. ' • )810-dlt .. ~ - . ivRITMO 1 Dllit o g ,- -, Plat l O , &OS I TRAVELING 44, • 11:1138E8 = . , • t'OBTMONAThiI, Arid a geufii'asortarkent of i - " FANOTGOODS haie Pat been - raceived.at , • .. • mracauws apraii.iooseroas. 'MAR CURED .11:01W. • = (.== • • DRIED BEM - • ' • SHOULDE.BB;'' - - • BOLGNA SAUSAGE. 14.1argeond free* supply just recelybd• • by • b 21 13 • , WM. DOCK Jr. „ & Co .. ~ I iIeCLINTOCI'S 'PECTORAL SYRUP. . 'Ells DT!ir,iII,LIM3LB 'SYRUP, WHICH 'li entirely vegetable in its composition, has eTyloYOtt with wonderful enema for zo y years in, the cure of dismiss for the: AIR 1 1 ctFift3 and LUNGS. , , For: arty form of the • such as ...GG11.011,. 'TICKLING of the' TIIiOAT, srawnie OF BLOOD, DIFFI-• 011111 BBILiTILING,IHOABSKNESS, LOSS OF• IirCICE, slid' BF.OTIO FEVEIIt3, its use wilt be • Oiended with the happiest _results. It 'IS on. of the, .40 and . safest .medicined 'for all AD , . of BROPTOMVS.Awd:;coNstrturricor.. , 11 7 gatichiana or preparation (4,opitan in any shape •1 • , nbil.. : : i uj i. o Hl_ i_ l:. . o ---- r sale at NIACIN/WS GIMP BOOK ' 'RE. _ . F ry.FiNdIV ft. I ... I 'I: ; JAI recelved,and.tokikikle low by DTICILDIS & BOWMAN, 11 , rket stream. • • , SALlitk it:4l 'cLrice supply of fresh Salad , : (111,- in t cargo and small Wiene r and of different brands ireoeived and for sale ; ... WK. DOCK, Js. & • rtACEIRq 122 , .g..CR, the chest or , 49. X. .lot NAOYed and . farAirjle, ,3. NIOROIS at BOWMAN. yel.4 6 tereer trbnt and Market stream. lutattal ID. DJ. f:.roes $ Co., W. GROSS & CO., WDOLENALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO, 19 MARKET STREET HARRLSBURG, PEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIAITS, STORE. KEEPERS AND ,OUNSUMERS, We are dally adding to our assortment of goCcis all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully ; call your atention to the largest sailboat seleCted stock in this city; of DRUGS OILEMIOALS 'di PAINTS. Wit. varnishP and Gauss; '! Uia 1400'1 a rUit Voters and Tools Prtfrik Otero* Spices Burning "had - mind Alcohol,' I'mr4.dP.rilk iiud Planolln, nottles, Viola and Lomap.Globei, Castile &milk flpougsa and Corks. MCI ;S ' dlso dgo dke With a general variety of PERFIIIIERY & TOILET ARTICLES, seleotedirom the best.mannfaotnrers and Pe tamers of Rurope . nud this . country. ' Being very '194 4 - deniers PAINTS, WHITE , • LINSEED OIL, VARNBRIES, • WINDOWNLASS; 'ARTIST'S ODLOBS PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRDREIBB IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES = OF AIX = KliI , •7' I.K. NO -giit IL , P i F L' We restextituty ; Invite a call, feeliug, coufi daut that we can - supply the wants of , all on tertna to their satisfaction. TEETH I TEETH !I PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES • Of all kinds, direct -from the Proprietors. Saponifier and' Oonoentrated Lye Wholteale Agents for Saponifier, whichiwe ee as low-se It 43!60, be purchased In. theiofties. .. T • . • ICHAYER'S 6160164 L FfARD, EXTRACTS 0 04 L i - dl7 - 09.N 04. !Being large putchatleie hi . ihese'Ql)e, we esii indlicemenla to clops bnyere. WO Oil • • • . , .• 1 1 1ani , Pfi o f tO., most imil,Prud Pet*Pß, very .M -skids 4 1 4=W changed to bun) Peal Oil. FARMERS .ND" GRAZIERS Those of yon who have not given our HOWE N.biD OATSE4 OZIWOrifiS a trial know no !heir superiority, and the• advantage they are I li keeping Horses. and Hattie inialthi and hi kiyad Condition: i Thousands can testify,,, ; ,,, profit they have derived Inn* tip moe of our Catt le P'owdere,lq tie increasing quantity and quality'of milk, liesides improving the-general healthamiap iiearance of their Cattle. Our long experience frith° lit***.glitW us the advantage of a thoroughlunowleulgeOf the *ado, and our afolugeWellta . in 40 citiee,are inch that we caa in a very short , libpe' furnish scything appertaining to our business, on the, ;meet ;... . ; • . frhenlo4l4or,&tetliberel Ipatrinusge' bestowe oa onrhousei , -*e ;hope by 'strict' otteintiesi to 'bigness, e'daiefiiiseiection of • -" • ;. ' A fair prieek.an - the dWI e to please' all, , to eichlt a ociirlre virthe'lavOr of a dhieFliff-. -111 # 1 tIng PP 1 4 10 ... • "PilkAY j . ILL 811 IT A. 411 C I...‘ti gjaii'44*; . lE:c Mks.; . 1 4i4l a riciur Trottillotte. - * awand Thai Tioit linto;frOil 1.0 id 60 yairds,long Ltittdon . • 41 . 'Wald TriXtt Mile; - u. China Gross Listoo,i is .Wiei4 and Cotton' no o, - Stint blultiplywcitotio, io 010 yards. Aibt otCHatoulrOit s, Mie iftirntieutteldoto, tottoto Una,' ktot9 Teat. ' ala Stxsadit. 4 tlnieklik i;toi) Vaal...BMW; "Wit,' Truitt and Moor; 41,Ookit h 'Lluter: , icle out and Elver Elooko,.llouto_ _ t _litooks asti t tjaintjpg . 4 Cups:. I ; DRUGPANR FANQV Rik lay 2„ Lai 91211arteilltrett. 11-PURIC Fresh 41,1 91 1 >;d *441 AV bole. Siiice.„ pepper, About; bin"pamou, ntmego owl Maw, At, " : 7 ci• • , :i ' . 0 0 .51 11 t0r itrolitianditarligetriotooti. t.P. &MAL SAYLOR' NisW 130JU I : is - 41 it economical and.higtdr-Oeterairot lilt sot ne,Biehbi grid will not Waste: It la - warranted .not # S to wit A• .: 14 Nos awmt kat agrailble: odor, V ihiceriiie . salwitiofor; rofOlXNrtanc.) pa ir : stalky.: i...:: Iri.ti , •• . ‘- , IVIIVDERIW, .11.: & Go. ARC - said • , extenisi+e addarlisieSit. t: Tiit uswurpfey .tashisling Toinaingtai&kiitt, `Mahar i • &o and everything oor pr lo & Bowsaweserving at NIM, 9 asses FMK &&& Market stmts. itlital. pLIXIFt PROPYLAMIXF„ THE NEW REMEDY RBEIIISIATISISI, NEW ILJUUDY, & einem REMEDY, I l°2 ACUTE RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, REECOILLIIEN CE EVERY KIND; HOW MITTS TORN, No sumo HOW LANG STANDING, PROPYLAILIJ WHAT IT HAS DONS, WIT DO AGAIN. flot EMT TAIBILAWNY, BEST MRDICIAL AUTHORITY PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL PIM! OFFICIAL Hagerm. Ricrone. ' MeT IS, 1880,--Ellea S., mt. 29, single, Dever war cal' strong. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rhapena lisinhom which she was confined to her bed tor two weeks and enbseqemtly from arelapse far four more. She bits been well since then till last Satur day, while engaged ui bean.- cleaning, she took cold, had pant In her back, tell cold, hot had so decided chill. Two days later her ankles be gan so swell, which was followed by swelling of the • knee joints and or the bands. She has now duvet -pain in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender red and painful ; both hands are affected, but the right is most so. This, then, Is a case of acute rheumallsm, or, se It le now finsidonably called, rheumatic fever. It ts Well remarked tYpical ease We will carefully watch the inse, and from time to time call your attention to the vari ous symptoms which present themselves. My chief object to bringing her before you now, is to call attention to remedy which has recentlyinten recommended In treatment of rheumatism. I mearepropylamtine. Dr awenartus, of St.' Petersburg, recommends It In the highest terms, having derived:great eerie= from be ass in 260 cases which came under his care. Various cots mandatory testimonials respecting it have appeared in our journan, and 1 propose therefore to give It another trial. I must confess lam always Incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted se specifier ; but this comes to os recommended so highly, that we are.bound to give It a trial. SAME' CASE ROUE DAYS LAMB I .11Ar 211,.1860.-1 will now exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propyamine, and we a then labor ing under an attack of acute rheumatism. line het steadily taken it in doses of thite grains every two hour, (intermittnig it at night.) The day after you saw her, i fotuniber much more corefortable,' better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, pidgin from her inner attack. (The patient now walked Into the room.) The limprovement has steadily pregressed, and you cannot nnolinip a marked change In the appearance of her "humNerbleh are new nearly all of their natural size.— . Mir Isar our experiment would have seemed very cue lawful ; but, gentlemen, we moat wait a little while no bre we can give a decided opinion as to what to to be the result: . Hero la another patient who was placed on the use o: —ie same Medicine on ganday last ; Abe has long bees suffering from chronic rheumatism, and I Rand her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon nar chronic affection. The writes and knuckles were mach swollen and loose. She took the chloride of Propybi- Mhil in three grain dams every two Wins, and you will perceive that the swelling of the joints has much ttlakla. abed. . . . THERE - DOS lainThl I / Mar 26 11380.—This Is the MO of acute rheumatism eauedwith.propyhunini, the Brat of those to which l ailed your attention at oar hot clinks. Sho is still very eiluireirteildit; *eta now taking three grains thrice daily, in thla ease 11 1 4mi:teemed to be followed by very sat laikciery retells. The second ewe to which your Men. tlontinke called We& last More; has also continuod to 46'weir I Will sow bring , before you a very character istic case of acute Alnumitisin, and If the reedit be sat.. factory, I.thirth,-:tei good j • IN snail justly render our verdict in favor of propyhmla • Lie la if walnut, mt. 215, who was admitted a few nays ago. Iles hail.cogalonal rheumatic .pams, but not so se ko keep his hed, mtil eight days igo. The pains began Sin his right knee, subsequently affecteitthe left knee, and later, the joints of, the upper ev - treenties. These joints million, tense and tender. His tongue is furred T hin au k , thougn there -has teen lunch iretantw used PropylambieVnagter l e4' Vl* gattleinan in whatnot)/ tie called& strictly typical or acute rlinonsulaw. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is followed by a thelihg or coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it tisuany gees, in the:bitverjoiols.-; There is Amer and the profuse ejeeetfog, so generally atttendant on acute rheumatism. 1 did net bring this patient betbre you with Hie lawn. Um of giving you stlectore en rah the, points connected silth — rheumatikm, bat to again give a trial to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to' yen tins typical cane , as I have called it, than which there co cid not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of sit ether medicines, even anodynes, that there may be no misgivings as to which was the efficient remedy. fon shall see the owe ol a. future cibnc. THE RESULT. FAMAIL I3 / 4 TER24/0T- IMI , J05a9,.1/40.—Ttle nest or liur- convalescents Is the else of acnterheumallsm before you at our clinic of afay 140 i n iwttleh I then called a typical case, and which was remarked was a fair opporfaniti for testing the Onr new remedy, It was therefore steadily I gkvell in three grain doses every two hairs for four days. :The pathmt has got along very nicely, and Is now able to !walk about, es you see_ Ido not hesitate to sty that hare nevea seen as severe a ease of acute rheumatism its soon restored to health. as this man has been, and brithanut being prepared to decide pa hire by as to the val es or theyemedy we have used, I feel bound to state that tithe asses In which we have teed the Chloride a fropylansine, the patients have _regained weir health innaL earlier than under the treatment ordinarily par took ' I wish gantlet:ion, yon would yourselves try n, Old report.the results.' , . • 9or a riatireport of which' the above Is a wallowed eltrartt, see the Philadelphia MAW and Surgical Re liever. It ht the report after a fair trial by the beatmed pat authority In this country, and mattes ft enneraisary 0,3 pe numerous certificates Gem astonished doctors reihfani &WEEDY ams. itprEFFACTUAL GLUM 103E.Riglil BANTU *rta IT RAN l Bullock iithenahnw, n grin wi l hnownsomost Mini, by whom the lZtlbr ProOlaniine has been 1 4- deduced, Cara Bad to ba the ssoliiefre right to menulbs . itseeording to , tho original aim and we bate mangeusente of .aneh - annipilinde ai to enable an ainitior it broaden* amongst suffering humanity. WORR L TO i?OOTOES• you peeler to nee the same (unsay in another : form Xi invite your attention to the Pins Osantanno theouon Pnernaianot 621 PROTT11111" CONCErntanik: loNDNPROPIWID3I4 of which we are the sole manufacturers. , . WWe sham no other virtues!r the Briar Propylannns ban V oontained in Pure Cliyitelised Chloride of hour :oam uLFIII • AI4D NAY GIL cum,. AO:GILDING TO DIRNODONS, Ititkigilibili4nam or Ally KIND Oaklin !WON,/ by • ." ?PPP* • eoenr. . agthViS. lo eAurrtaamvir MaNtIIAGTORING _ lima, ; Baum. No: 1, Oor lbarth thEld Mora Arcola,. . APnlladelphlaS airto•euuer of Via following _ de Alen* BETLOO/CkaoMlla lit FIOD0201:111CHABOO & 00 MORA. WOO AOO 7 ORO - 513E •L CO.. • PETER T. MEOW k Oa. MOLIR & SHITS. T. MORRIS HOW Ou WILL CONQUHRIT WILL CURS IT. DOCTORS REM) DooToßs Dooms TRY nib.k DOINOSS KNOW a., PATIENIS BELIEVE TRUD AND TRUE IN EVERY CARE WHENEVER TRID, vnlionrize T. IT WILL DO AGAIN MORE carivauktrr, A.NDALWKIR READY FOR ➢O®IATR BY Afi Y ONB,' BY W'MY ON),