THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER TERMS.—Suwon Eltnt!uglenow The DAILY TAIGRAPH 111110V/0d 10 subscribers In the City at 6 centil per *reek. Yearly subscribers will be charged 14 00 in 'drapes. 'lirEsicor min Beau WIICSIT TZLIOILIPII. The TIMOR/Pa 18 also published Nice a week during the 8811111011 of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder 01 the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following cash rahs, via: Single übscribera per year 60 Ten ct oo .22 00 1 00 Twenty Si IS SI Single subscribers, Weekly.. =2 kr subscribers order the discontinuance of their news paper!, the publisher may continue to send them until arrearages are paid. Ft subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are directel, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. inisullothut 'EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, MANOPAOTIOIPR or BOOK-BINDERS' RULING-EIRINES AND PENS, STANDING. PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND KAMM 1911 GRINDING CUTIING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGS, WOOD TURNINI3 IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, ETV., ETC., lir Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, Ste. HICIKOK'S PA rEal WOODEN SCREW CUTTINCI TOOLS ~.14 for Old Copper, Brim, Opelter, dito. TEAM BOILERS, &C. P.6.N/V.SI LVANLA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, tit velem patterns, both atattonAry and awingin. Sass Weights anti various other building castings, for sale very cheap at the (nty2A-ly) BORA WORKS. INSURANCE. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AXERIC OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,200 000 DIRECTOIIB. Arthur El Collin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. 'Brown, Samuel P. Smith, Cowles Taylor, Ambrose White, John IL Nail, Richard D. Wood, Wil li am Welsh, William E. amen ' James N. Dickson, S taorrls Wain, JOho Mason, George L. Harrison, Francis R. Dope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. CuPoIN, Prasfdent Cualtuo ?log?, *rosary. librpo 414.1 agent for the above 11.1.L11.3 company, the eltigtledje prepared to' ake Piro 'risks is siv part Of the Staten! pontisyluimia, either aaMmily or perpet iil4, on the moat favorable terms. ' Mee Thfrd street. between Walnut and Strawberry ttley, Bu ke's row. 1113111IXII, dly : Ihirriab big, Pa. FOR FA RMERSI Il.gE attention of agriculturists is directed to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the expert manta of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF ,"1113E FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the beet way toperfonn them. Price.... 3 60 COLEMAN'S AGRIOULTURE and Beal Economy 4 00 L4NDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE PARMEWS COMPANION, by &nal _ 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 engravinge..2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEES, by Weeks . 2O rho Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Pattie, by Ladd 100 I.IIIIIG'S AGRICU LTURAL CHEMISTRY 76 hiLL(7H COWS'AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint • 1, 60 GRARRE AND FORAGE PLANTS, by a n a 'S J14.N4-13oa, conliainktg the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, htte., 4..1 00 Tl Foliwt'S DICTIONARY and Prac tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner 1 60 'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 76 HE FIELD Boo.s OF MANURES, or American Mack Book 1 26 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings • 1 00 yoilm . • ...1 25 gINOPSTARRIERY and STUD 74411.....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Training•of Horses 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationerline at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S BOOK. STORE. IVIADE tram choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by ua to betarrletly pure, e 1341 WIC DOOR & HONpftPltiE Eli tango Thu MOUSTACHES. Jcyl, HALLER'S Lltlllitatißli. A PPI ES, Oranges and. Lemma, atJll3 - N jak, WILLIAM SAYFORD, MERCHANT TAILOR, 86 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, "Wprepared to furnish officer's military' clothing, according to regtdattona at short nods.. Also a general assortment of Cloths, Cainimeres, Vistinga and ready made clothing for civillw„ /IRE:SERVE JARS AIID JELLY GLAS_SE IS , XTENSIVE assortment of Glass w are, lnoluding Jelly glasses Preserve Dishes, Goblets, blots, ke., ka., or nil styles, 081 received and for sale loar by aleGulA a BOWMAN, MT earner moot & . Market streets IsgiORRIS MANSION FOR SALE. IS handsome property reCently OcCU pled by the PS NNSYLVANIA PENALI oaIa,VGE red for sale. It is well Baited either far a piIVALO ewe or a Bearding School, being supplied with gas. water, . batli roman, heater, range, etc. Tee grounds contain valuable Fruit Tree. and Shrubbery. The piece will be rod low and possession given Within reasonable the. law term, do., apply t 0... MR8.8.8. WaI3REI, or DR. WM. H. RUE Execs .rot Estate 01 Rev. B. R. Waugh, des'a • GLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST ! I ! Qua. 4ND EXAMINE, WO WM. DOCK, Js. &CO iMIRED, coarse and fine pulverized mar, lows.' thin any other place ht town. QM igazaadue, • M& BOW MAN Jplis Comer Rent ins om Marketstreit. ,• VI :: : .t, , . , m o n , t i f : . VOL XVIIII. illiattllatuons. PURIFY. THE BLOOD. NOT a few of the worF t disorders that afflict mankind arise from the corruption that ac cumulates in the blood. Of all the dimoveries that: have been made to purge It out, none have been found which could equal in effect, AFRO% COMPOUND ErrseOr or Senasreartse. It cleanses and renovates the blood, id stile the vigor of health into the system and purges out the humor which make digest°. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body and expels the ilhanders' that grow mod rankle In the blood. La extraordinary virtues are not yet widely known, but when they are it will no longer be a question what remedy to employ in the great variety of afflicting diseases that require an alterative remedy. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space heredoes not admit certificates to show its effects. But theists' of a single bottle will show to the sick that it has virtues surmising anything they have ever taken. Sufferers from Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, try it, and me the rapidity with which it cares. Alan Diwtses, Pimples, Porhdn , Mathes, Eruptions ac., are won cleaned out of the system. St. Anthony's Ffre, Rose or Erysipelas, Idler or Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringsassin, asc.; should not be borne while they can be so speedily cured by AMOS Seatereame. . - , Ey OW= or Venereal. 'Diseases is expelled from the system by the prolonged use of this SAILUPARILLA, and the patient is left as healthy as If be had never bad the • Pollak Di:teaks are caused by scrofula In the blood, and are general , soon oared by this Mariam. or Sarnia- Pam:MA. Price 11per bottle, or 6 bottles forth. lox alltheOnrposes of a family physic, take Area's ONDIARTIO Pima, which are everywhere known to be the beet purgative that is Offered to the American Peo ple Price 26 cents per Box, or 5 boxes fbr $l. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYR & 00., Lowell, Mass. and so'd by Druggists everywhere. Sold by 0. - A.Banvart, D. W. Grose & Co., C. K. Kel ler, J. hi. Luta, pr. Riley, F. Wyeth end dealers every where. • L4.OTICE is hereby given that applica tion will be made by tee subscribers, citizen of uylicill county, Petuutylvatia, for a charter of a bank of distend, deposit and circulation, under the hoe banking laws of Pennsylvania, to be named the “QOV IIREILENT DANE ," lo be located In the borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill county, with a capital of fifty thousand dollars and with privilege to increased the same to two hundred thalami donors. ' - ' " Wld. BUNIZINGEN, DANIEL KREBS, W. P. HONIZINGER, E J FRP, Et, U. nuNTZltique. Pottsville, August 8, 1862. aulbiltwem FRANK A. _MURRAY'S LIVERY STABLES. 'LEAVING this day, September 12, 1862, ,AJII„, purchased the home and vehicles attached to toe livery stables of Frank A. Murray, and having also had t ranslerred to me for collection and payment, the accounts and payment of the same, the public will please take notice that the cosiness will hereafter be transacted in my name; all penmen knowing them selves indebted to the la e proprietor, or those baying claims against the same, will please call on the toilascri be; ter settlement. The baldness and stock or timetable will be eonduoiei with the ume courtesy Lod kept in the ssnieor order as heretofore, by the undersigned. ' ' ' septHeirat WILLIAM F. MURRAY. TO CONSUMPTIVES, 1E Advertiser, having been restored . to health in 11 few weelta, pj a very Simple reme dy,after.havingsuffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread •iiseasa, Consum ption— is anxious to make known to his fellow•sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will sends copy of the per scription cared (hee of cherish) with the direetions for preparing and using the mum, which they will And a cure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Itioncbitle only object of the advertiser in sending the per ear iption is to benefit the tainted, and speed informa tion which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the perteripPon will please address kDWARD B. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York. sept2o detwSin NOTICE. ALL employees of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad . compeny,,who may enlist in the service of the United States for tile purpose of crushing the rebellion now threatening the liberties of our coun try,. Eir• tletebiusnitur, that 'their respective 'situations will be kept open and given them immediately on their return; and that the fact of their volunteering to defend their country in this emergency, will be cons d ared hereafter as greatly in their favor for promotion to any suitable positions In the service of this Company. Phi CHARLES R. Shllla, President. ;lphia A : list Bth. 1862. THE Updegrove Look Property, ,panal ErOneri and Rockville Ems°, situated five miles above Harrisburg is now offered for sale. See adver 'Wawa in Week ly or appty to anlii•degutlguggg W. P. HENRY. 911 HE largest and most extensive assort ". mot of ghee In the city, just receive; and for ale very len, by Nnti3OLl t IldefeleN, WA Corner Front and Market thecae, SUGARS of all kinds, white and brown, lower then soy house in town, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, au l 3 Cornet or Front and Martel street. 'TORN W/I3E'B Oonfeotionery & Fruit Store =BD STREW, NEAR WALNUT, liarririnay, Pa. ....• CONFECT:DNB= OF ALL BINDS, . ORANGES AND LEMOKS, • PINE APPLE, BANANNAS, FMB AND SALT FISH, And veaelables of all Ueda, brought direct from t • Eastern Markets, twice a weehodle lidlic k la s e t t "4" my Personal ImPervtaion, thus enablidg me to sell a better and cheaper article than any In the market. • Kr Orders from a distance attended 10 promptly, and goods delivered to any_part of the city free of =aril.. FRE:AI CANNED IrltUIT3 constantly On hand. Give me a call. .. pew " 301 IN WEB. S uperior brands of extra family flour which we warrant to ON* eatistaction for sale by wII'NICHOL* a soirman, - COreer hoe; and Market streets PRESERVING jara, .frnit cans of all kinds, ibilide low, • BORMAN; • Y 29 corner Front aaaaartia la vets. "INDEPW.NYNNT tHINGS---NRITTRAII 11 isTI)NE H.AIIIIISRURG, PA.. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 24, 1862 NO. 23. WHotteAtell 1l D:. ; • .... ..• ; :i .; , RE TAIL. iemed 11/z egal tad, foot North sirs** oSoupied by b. D. Pouter, I Sin eambled to supply the public with a ' TA RINTT A'ND :FULL WEIGET ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders 'pepactfiilljt eollaited—prhich, If left at the office, loot of !iorth. etreet, or at the office of Wm. pock, Jr. & Co. will receive prOmpt attention. GIUGALUD DOCK. TN Rureuance of an Order of the L Orphans' Wafter Dauphia county, will be exposed to sale, On Saturday, the 11th Day of October, on the mansion promisee— 1. All that manage and tract of land situate ingest Hanover township to said wordy, bounded by lands of Jacob Pedly,Henry Eckert, Jacob Yorty and John Lin. gle, containing one hundred and twelve acres, be the Caine more or less, thereon created a large two 'hey stone dwelling hone", and large bank bere t wagon shed, corneribi, man* Moe* and other buildings, and also One biker new two Mori frame deelling halite, with basements cc. There- is an excellent spring or never falling eater at each of the dwellings, and a good pump also at the stone house. This property is Situate about half a mile from the Harrisburg slid Joneetown road, and about thirteen miles from Harrisburg. There is a good orchard of excellent fruit' oa the premises, and about ten acres of good timber lan t. The remainder to un der a high state of cultivation and fences fu good re. pair. Altogether this is one of the most desirable arms in the neighborhood 2. Also at the same time and place, a certain tract of land, situate lu the sage township, adjoining lands of William Marts John Widmer, Manada Creek and Adam Hetrick, containing eleven agree, be the same more or 'ess. • This land is well timbered and ie susceptible of being made good term land, or meadow. 8. Also at the same time and place, a tract of unim proved land„ situate on the second mountain In the same township, adjoining lands of Michael Snyder and Famnel Snyder, John Helm, Samuel Lingle and others ..tontaining twenty acre., more or less. Thit land is well timbered. Late the estate of BeOjamln tidal, deed. Bale to commence at ten o'clock A, 11. of geld day, when attendance will be given and conditions of male made known by JOHN LINGLE, Adsulnlatrator of Benjamin/Ulm, deo'd• Harrisburg, Sept. 2,1862. doawatirtr Lebanon “Democrat” please copy till *alp, and lend bill to this oaks immediately for collection. ..ECONOMY WEALTH OURS 110131 001101 FOR 01111 DINE. Tho BP= and CHEAPEST Household HElkile pY in the World. • madame ZADOC PORTER'S GREAT COUGH REMEDY 1 MA DAME ZADOC PORTER'S Curative Balsam is warranted If used according to the di rections, to cure in ail cases, Coughs, Colde, whooping Cough, whom, and all affections of the Throat and Lunge. Mad'r ZeDOC PORTER'S Balsam is prepared with all the requisite care and skill, from a combination of the best remedies the vegetable kingdom Words Its reined• ial qualities are based on its , power to assist the healthy and .vigorous dironlatlon (gibe blood, through the lungs It le not a violent remedy, but emolltentif-snutmlog, searching and effective : cau be , taken by the oldest: per son or youngint child. . Made Z oC PORTER'S Balsam has been used by the publiC for offer 18 years, and has squired Its present sale simply by belsg recommended by those who have used it to their aillleted friends and others. IfrOnT Ott PORTANT.-Mattame ZaDOC PORTERS Curative Balsam is sold at a price which brings it In the reach of every one to keep it convenient ter use. The timely use of a single bottle will prove to be worth 100 times its coat. NOTICE.—Save your Money I—Do not be persuaded to purchase articles at 411. to IL. which do not contain the virtues of a Dime Bottle of Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, the cost of manufacturing which Is as great as that of almost any other medicine ; ; and tne very low price at which It Is sold, makes the proilt tot e sell r ap parently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometime* recommend other medicines on which thew prollts are larger, unless the customers insist upon having Madame Porter's and none other. Ask for Madame Porter's On. ratios Balsam, price 10 cents, and in large bottles at 20 cis. and take no other. if you cannot get it at one store you can at another. , ' Wgold by all Druggists and Storekeepers at 10 cis and in larger bottles at 20 Oa. HALL & RUCHEL, Proprietors. Wholeaale Druggists, 218 Greenwich St., NEW TORE Geo. W. Neill. Agent, Market Spam Harrisburg. ji y 20. wy PUBLIC SALE. W sold on the premises, on Saturday, the 25th day of October , VAS • • At pUblic vendee. the undivided half Part of a farm or tract of improved land situate in Bast Hanover town ship, Dauphin county, adjoining "lauds Forauce,landa of BanielMoada, Levi Tittle, Danied'Ungle and others—; containing in the whole about one hundred rand fifty aores, having thereon erected A TWO !STORY LOG WEATHER BOARDED DWELLING HOW% large New Prime Bank Barn, a tenant lupe and other out baddlige. Nearly every old has stress to running water. There are about wenty-Ave acres of the farm in gooA Umber, the reed= n a high state of cultivation, _mush of it having been lately limed. I ate the estate of Margaret Thome, deo'd. Attendance will be given and conditions, of sale made known by JAMBS HAUB, ABRAHAM[ BALSB AUGH, sentn.w3ts Bzecukirs. VOLUNTEERS, IF TON WANT LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING CASES, • POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at BERGNIR'S BOOKSTORE. AUDITOR'S NOTIC E . fn the matter of the Sherin'il In Dauphin Co. Com- • tale of The Real Fatale lot Solo- mon Pleas. Tend. Fa. No. 2/11, Aug. T,J1162. m on.Lowdettelsger- September 11.1110; ordered by the court that .1. W. Simonton be appointed Auditor to aistaibute the resi due of the pnase money remaining in the banal of the' Biwa. ' • The linderlNCOA wintdiel4 to the Mattes of said ,eppehamant, at his Mileet . On ilarriebers,, on Tu eediy the Wid of September, nB2; at 10 A. te.. whoa and where all parties interested May Wend. septft-doleate J. W. SIMONTON. it litOua. t ; C,COALLA COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF TILE DIFTWBENT ratio' BALE. . _ , titutuutis The Cheapest and Ileahhies! Beverage in Wee. RYE MILLS PREPARED RYFJ C, CiMPN".IIEI =3; L. 8. HOYT, Exclusive Wholesale Agent, Depot, 194 Water Street, New York, (Adjoining United States Hotel.) None genuine unless signed N. DAVIS & CO Hovered accordtng to the A ct of Octogrese. in e goer 1861 to Chirt'a Office of the District Court fir the South ereDistriet of New York. This QOM ime been retailed extecove4 for months in this city, with a day Increasing 'demand.— a trial of It wen latitily . the most inmedtelotui that it is a wholesome, palatable, and cheap 'thinnest° for any coffee heretofore Offered In this market. Put up in ens pound repent, nattly labelled, sad parked In boxes eontaining Ave dozen or 60 lb., each, (we keep well in any eilmata,) and sold at a price to make It worthy the attention of aU who bay or use Coto). A Bharat tUseouut will be slide to dealers. TRY ITt PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Just received, st BKRGNER'S BOOK STORE, a fall supply of • PROTOGBAPHIC ALBUMS, EmbnuAng all the new Styles and Sizes ALBUMS FOR 12 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 20 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 24 PHOTOGRAPHS A.LBIYMB FOR 80 PHOTOGIUPHS 'ALBUMS FOR 40 PHOTOGRAPHS.. ''ALIRTMEMR-00H- Prices from Seventy-awe Cents To. Twenty-five Dollars. BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH CLASP. BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO, WITH CLASP. BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH TWO - CLASPS. _ - , - - BOUND 1W IItAILEY IdOIIOCCO, WITIT f:ANNILED SIDES. . BOUNI) IN vErarsr,—vEY RICH. , BOUND WIT4' iMAVY, motiNiums i ot4sm. PICUMES 611'110WitikellIC ALEIOOB. POitTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED MEN. PORTRAfTS OF DISTINGUIHSED WOMEN. corm OE RARE ENGRAVINGS COPIES OF: . pitopop. P.&1111INGS. Any aide do Vilkiei4h4ehect in the country will be furnbibedAsk order, PiiOTOGRAPITIO ALBUMS, Clf,,tu4y gze but tht) ettutdaird .styles ; will be MildetoOrdelF*. . • • • BERGFAX-EitV ' Ch eop oo lciitore • AN ENT;ILE..NEW 1374).01E . . GOLOVAE : I4 : SHE beet and largest aarrtment of Gold Pone _ken jut been opeAed st ' 8811,4i48W6 Ofi - BAP BOOK i '±O.Bit, These Penil ere tneanfactured by C. F. Newton. & Go:, of New York; and: warranted to •give full sotisfactichl ; . 'Athol will' eitisfy One. any Eximme the prices below • , : • : Gold Pen and Silver Holder fur $1 25. Gold Pen and Silver Holder .for $1 50.. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 75. Gold, Pen and Silver Holder for $2 25. Gold Pea and Silver Holder for $2 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76. Gold Penland Silver Holderlor:sB 25. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 76. Gold Pea and Silver Holder for $4 26. Gold Pen and Pencil, With Rubber Header $5 00. Gold2eu and Pencil with littibber Holder, $7 00. FRESH BUTTER MARKET P RICE. NsTE, HAVING fitted up a large Rettig orator, and baying made contact. Isla stoma of our mast rellsobellumara te• tignadi am wita idap ‘aue wen butler usieftu_ me cold oar astoismia !Maw me cold Ina& at all ea. mybit ' ' - 11.111. DOCK, N. a CO. 111 HE general variety of g ood so for ad _ julthzg the to be 41111741': 91 Motel street. Bank 2pplitatians. NOTICE TS hereby given that , an application will & be made to the Legie latare of Pennsylvania at the* next setwion for a renewal of the oharterof the YORK COUNTY BANE., the said bank being located In York, Pennsylvania. By order of the Board of Directors iya-dltwem . W. WAGN.A.It, Cashier. NOTIOE. Fannie Ravi or LANCASTI2I, • Lawaszeut, June 26,1862. I . MBE President. and Directors of the 11 FARM FRS BANN OF LANCASTER, intend making application to the Legialature of the Commonwealth of Penns v Ivan ia, at their nestle:men far a renewal of their char ter, with its present location . and authorized cage; MI or 000,0 tO, and with all the rights and privilege! new enjoyed. EDWIN H. MOWN, 1 Cashier of the Farmers Hanir. if Lancaster je2edltwl3m XeN pursuance of the 25th Section, First; Article of the amended ionsiltutton of the State of n reylvania, and the Wet Section of the Act of the , General titsombly„ passed the first arty of Jane,11339,': notice is hereby given that application will be made to', the Legislature of said State, at its text session, CoMM: mem et ng the first Tuesday of January, LBW, for the: char ter of a bank, to be )ocated in the borough of Mil-i lush org, in the county of Dauphin, and State aforesaid,' to be called the LYEENS VALLEY BANK; the dpitah stock thereof to be Twenty Thousand Dollars, with toel privilege of Increasing the same to Filly Thousand Dol.-1 liars, and the specifics object for which the proposed; corporation is to be chartered is to transact the usual; and legitimate business of a bank of issues, discount! deposit and exchange .o2s dltwBm. .. HOMDALI Bees , I Hordarturs, PA , June 28, 182. j WOTICE is hereby given, that the jr now3DALE BANK Intend to pply to the neat Legiodature for a renewal of ha dialer. By order o the Board of 1 irectora B. 8. SEELY, Je2B-dlt wem President. I..Bhereby given that ap , application will be made to the leds'ature of Pennsylvania at their next session, for • renewal cf the chatter of Tila BANK UP 1/111: 1.. 011TilaRN LIBERTIES, the trld Bank being located in the city of Pillizdetihia with an authorized capital of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. By order of the Board, W. GUNIMPRIC, jat-mtim cashier. septA-etood BANK NOTICE. TN pursuance of the 25tb Eection, Firs Article of the amended OonstituVon ot the State. of Pennsylvania, and the Milt Section of the Act of the • General Assembly, p.assed the: drat day of Juno,. ;the undersigned citizens of the cc nunonstealth or Penn sylvania, hereby give notice that they intend to make aPPliretbth to the IV/dative of sal d State, at its next session, commencingthellrst 'fuerday of January, 180, for the charter of a bank, to be located i n the borough of Huntingdon, 112 the county of Huntingdon,and State Mermaid, to be oiled the "BROAD TOP B ANE ;" the i capital stork thereof to be One Huncred Thousand Dot i lars, and the specific object for which the proposed poration is to be chattered is to transact the usual and legitimate business or a bank of taeue, discount, dein - sit •T 1 BLat J. GEORGE JULYS, Watt J: LA BMA WILLIAM LEWIS, tn. 8. -WIGTON, ALEXANDER PlItT, MORT. HARE I`OWNLI, JOHN R. HUNTER, iJAMMI MAGUIRE, ' Or 'RCM EBY, !DAVID MINN, I A. R. STEWART, jele-want . 1. It. CUNDIGHAIL ITN Pursuance of the 25th Be°flan,-first LA,, article of the amended Constitution of the Blatt of ire.uusylvaila, and the first section of the Act of the general Assembly, paned the first day of June, 1839, the undersigned citizens of the Commonwealth of Penner Ira- Ma hereby give notice that they intend to make spoil.' cation to the Legislature of said tate, at its next session, commencing the first Tuesday of January, 11303, for the Charter of aMank to be , loca•ed to the borough of Belle fonte, le the county of Centre, and State aforasaid, to be called "Tall BELLI:Patin BANK," the capital stock thereof to i.e one hundred thousand dollars with the privilege of incressieg it to Two, Hundred Thoumad Dollars. And the epecille object fbrwhlan the' proposed corpora Coals to be chartered is to transiot the 'usual and legitimate business oi a bank of lane, discount, de posit and exchange. H. Brockerholl; C. T. Alexander, Wm. P. Wilson, John Irwin, Jr., fidmiand Blanchard, W. P. Reynolds, b. G. Bush, A If ll'or, D. M. Wagner, May J. Loeb, Meat W. Jackson, Wm, A. Thomas, B. H. Duncan, Boger. Brothers, Samuel Strohecker, McCoy, Linn 8 A. B. Barlow, Thompson, Lima Co, ea., Harvey Mann, Mantel nails, F. P. Bur:that, ileorge Boal John P. Barris, C. J. J. Curtin, Valentines A Co. je23-dent. ,NOTICE is hereby given, that the under signed citizens and residents of Fenvermants, have associated themselves together in partnership, and ,prepared a certificate fir the pprpoie of establishing a tank of discount, deposit and circulation or issue, under and in pursuance of the provisions of an act of the Gen eral Assembly of the Commonweahh of Pennsylvania, approved the Slat day of May, A. n. 1861, entitled "a sppplement to An Act to establish a system of Free .14Making in Pennsylvania, and • to secure the public Against loss from insolvent banks, approved March a llist, 1800," and any other law or laws of said Co/monwealth 'applicable to end bearing on the subject. The raid pro posed Bank to be called THE HUNTINGDON COUNTY •• • to be located In the borough of Huntlegilon, in the county of Huntingdon and State of Pennsylvania, With s capital stock of One hundred and Sixty Thousamd iDellars, in shares of fifty dollars each, with the right nitd privilege of increasing the same to any amouot not esceedi , g three hundred thousand dollars. William P. Orbison, James N. Bell, John Scott, ' James Gwln, William Dorris, Jr., Thomas Fisher, jr23-dit teem George W. Garrettoon. WHEREAS letters of administration o n the estate of John Bower., late of Halifax 40liniship, Dauphin minty, derAl., have been granted to The subseriber. All persons indebted to said estate are ,requested to make Immediate payment and those having 'eledms ageing to la lame will present them duly anthem. heated to JOHN BOWERS GEO. W. BOWER?, jyls-dltwet Administxators. BOLOGNA, A SMALL, but very superior lot o Bologna snows just received, by T 724 WM. DOCK, Jr. & CO. CHEAP Oil for all kinds of In small and large packages, for sale by NICHOLB & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market west. ClALL'and see those nice and cheap tin gars in preserving, &a., at NERIOLS I BOWMAN, tamer Front and Marton streets. R newly replenished stook of Toilet Nand Panay Goods is unsurpassed in this city, and j confident of rendering satiefactlon, Ire wool g 4 3. pectAlly Invite:* oat. 91 Market. street two 000r11 east ofyourth street, meth side. 4ROWN sugars of all grades for Bale 10w, by ractrois & BOWMAN, Corner Fromand et, streets. T - 08AM) and aegara of-all kinds, for p y NIOMOLB t. BOWMAN, Comp Front and Motet needs. VEW Orleans linproi white and . brown, pet received and for ealelow by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cot. Front and Market Streets. BANK NOTICE. NOTICE. NOTICE BANK NOTICE. BANK NOTICE. Legal Notitto. NOTICE giant Stinting flfftts, Saving procured sew Power PretejliArkarterwww opit 49 execute AK and DIM PUNTING : BYwWw7 'deeattiok, cheaper th an It cot be done at alaralbta eats antra the country. RaTEEI OF ADVIIIRTFSING. gar Four lines or Wu constitute ene4otif square. ret a pnell or more than four constitute a square. Settaro, We lily $0 26 a one week 125 44 one month . . ...... ......... 200 ..... • three months . 4 00 14 at: months ....6 00 one y(ar ....10 00 One Square, one day....... GO onnyrs ek 200 .. one month 5 00 ..., three months 10 00 14 iii MOUttlA . 16 00 “ one year 20 00 Gig- Buenas notices howled in the Local Munn, or before Marriages end Deaths. EIGHT OINT2 PHR LDI2 for each Insertion. ail" Marriages and Dea t hs to be charged as regular advertisements. BY TELE From our Morning Hilton Later News from Europe. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP SCOTIA Interesting Political and Commercial Intelligence. New Yeas, Sept. 23. The steamship Scotia, from Liverpool, Sept, 13th, and Queenstown, Sept. 14th, arrived here this morning. She brings 168 passengers, in cluding Chevalier Rulsemann, Austrian Minis ter. The Scotia passed the Europa going into Liverpool, on the evening of the 13th inst. It is asserted that a general amnesty to Gar ibaldi and his followers is all but determined upon. Consols closed on Friday at 931Q1931 The Manchester market is firm. The bullion in the Bank of England has de creased £213,500, instead of £67,000 as sta ted per Nova Scotian. GREAT BRITAIN The London Daily News has an article in de fence of American heroism and patriotism, and condemns the sophistry of those who find fault that the Americans are not sufficiently despondent. The Liverpool Post advocates mediation, and argues that England is the power to mediate and Lord Palmerston the man. The Index, the London organ of the Oonfede rs.tes, says, that. George N. Sanders brought no Communication whatever from the Confederate Government to the Eiropean Commissioners. The London Tinier Paris correspondent gives a version of Gen. Butler's difficulty with the French Consul at New Orleans, very unfavora ble to Gen. Butler. Important discoveries are said *to have been made to enable jute to be used to a great ox tent as a substitute for cotton. The article had advanced nearly fifteen per cent. since the first of the month, and the market was greatly ex cited. Hemp Is also considerably higher. Serious disturbances had occurred at Press nits, Moravia owing to the stoppage of the cot ton factories. the riots continued three days, when they were stopped by the military. It is stated that the Queen of England has formally demanded the hand of the Print:ens Alexandra, of Denmark, for the Prince of Wales. FRANCE The returns of the Bank of France show a 'decrease in cash of 14,600,000 francs. The Bonne La declining. Renter; 69f. 46c. • The Prince of Wales and his bride elect leave Brunk; early next week, to join the Queen in kiermany. ITALY Rumors of plots and threats by the Italian revolatkonhes prevail, very similar to those in the Orsini affair. It is reported that Victor Emmanuel will soon visit Paris. A distinguished English physician has been sent to Chuibaldi. It is rumored that Itatessi will not force the Italian Parliament. A new session is announced for November. THE LATEST LITIRPOOL, Saturday, Sept. 18:—The Euretso news, via Queenstown, transpired about r►oon 10-day, and caused a great sensation. It la generally regarded as disastrous and most &a Couraging for the North. • Loiuon, Sept: 12.—The London 2rtmer to = day has an article on the justifications which are now being put forth in the North for the war, and says, this symptom is a hopeful one, for if reason is to be the arbitor, it is certain the war policy can never be sustained. It refutes the arguments of Edward Everett and others. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. Liviasoor., September 13.—Cotton irregular but firmer ; sales of 7,000 bales, all qualities being considerably higher. Speculators and exporters took 4,000. Breadstuffir quiet, but steady. Provisions heavy. Loewe; ' Sept. 13.—American securities be came dull under the advicee per Europa. Erie Railroad 301•344 ; Illinois Central 61050 i discount. Consols 931a931 for money. LrvzsPoon, Sept. 13.—Flour easier ; wheat steady ; corn firmer. Beef dull and nominal. Pork nominal ; bacon tending downward ; lard quiet and steady ; ashes firm, pots 22s ; rosin dull, common 2886d®,90; spirits turpentine quiet at 12E04126a ; sugar steady ; coffee firm and quiet ; rice steady ; linseed flat and 6d lower ; linseed oil tending upwards and is quo ted at 42s 64443 s ; cod oil quiet and steady. Hemp has advanced £3@4, and Jute 849 per ton. ACTING REAR ADMIRALS APPOINTED - - WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. The following officers hare been appointed Acting Boar Admirals on their respective sta tions : Commodore, Charles H. Bell, commanding Pacific Squadron. Commodore Charles Wilkes, commanding Special West India Squadron. Cominodore J. L. Lardner, commanding Plisitern. Gulf Blockading Squadron. Commodore Charles Henry Davis, command ing Naval Mississippi Flotilla. Captain Samuel Philips Lee, commanding North Atlantic Blockading Squadron. FROM BEAUFORT AND PORT ROYAL New Yeas, Sept. 23 The steamer Star of the South, from Beaufort, brings fifty-seven rebel prisoners, taken in the battle at Washington, N. C. The bark Alarm, from Port Royal, brings discharged musicians, including the band of the Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania. COLLISION ON THE CUMBERLAND VAL LEY RAILROAD. Sionsmrsatma, Sept. 23. Atrain of ears °onto:dr:dug the Findßegiment, bound for Barriaburg, came into collision near this place thin =ruing, with a freight train. Both engines were demolished, and_several cars were shattered ; but happily no °tie was inju red. • . • STATE roLrilasl laaarromiat, Sept. 23.: The DenloPlitte Convention of the counties of Xahigh and Montgomery met at Fort Wash-. Ington yesterday, and unanimously nominated Hon. John D. Sides for re•eleotion to Congrese.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers