ustruss DENTISTRY. R. GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the DBaltimore College of Dental g raduate' hating per mtmently located la the city‘Of Smrishartand taken the aline formerly oesopied by Dr. Gorgai, onThird ate eet between ht4rhet and Walnut,- respectfully informi hie *lauds and the publie in general,' that he is prepared to perform all operations in . the Dental prOROXICIR either Burgles for mechanical; la I. manner the; shal l not be surpassed by operators in this or any other city. Hie mode of inserting ltradelal teeth le upon the latest im proved scientific prineiple. Teeth, from tine no a fall set, mounted on fine Gold, Savor, Platina platen or the Vulcanite Base. I take peat pleasure in recommending the shove gew. *man to all my former friends Ilawrisburg end vi deity, sad feel eandilibit Mit he' will peeve; all opere tta= ie a eolentifle wiener, from My' knewledge qt. hie ability. isay3 dt.(l F. J. 8, 808055. D . D 5. , . , DAN'LI A. WENCH ) AGENT. O' the Old Wallower Lieri respectfully worms the public the tbh Old' Daily 'transports tiOn Lbw. One only Wallow ir Liao now in intist.nce Ole Lityd I. le 111. SINCIIISaId Operation, and prepared to hen height as noT as any otter Individuelline eetwe en Philadeipola, Narrisunrc tinneary,” Leirleourg, Wil dmaseori, Jersey Shore, Look thine and all ether points OR the DiOrikern. teenrek, Philadelphia and Erie and WU- Weapon tad Mahn Sailreada. • DANL. A. NIDINCIi, Agent. Ellirriaburd, Pa. • Goods seat le the Ware House of Measin Peacock, Hod t inctinaan, Nos 808 and 810 Market street atp ova gi g hth, Pbglasoiphia, by 4 reran*, P. Y., wil write at Harrisburg, ready lot delivery next morning. aprBu-rdmyl B e 3, B .At R Et• / Tin and Sheet lion Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 iA RK •IL&RRISBUB,G.. • IAS always on hand-a tuLL assortment . ofies..tapanned Wank • Goofing not Yarlor dime of tile boat naanuotenries, Gutto-,gpoutuag, Hoof. Inn and Galiaotted Iron tJorniab, nitanudanfinad and pot Up at raw,. amble rates. - go- twining% rontptly attended to. aprathdly REBORED. JOHN B..BNITH prASiemoved hie Boot and. Shoe Store Ay from the corner of second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 *AR KA'T. STREET, Nest door to Bat no's agriculture tare, where tieinteiths to keeps& kinds of bum a.`d dbeee, Waisers, &0., and it Urge E1M.111 . 01 Trunks, anti everything to his Hoe of be. ainees ; and wni no &omen' to receive the patronage dt Ws old customers and the public in general at Me sew place of b usinuts. all . kinds of work made to order in the beet byte nod by superior 11131k111011. repairing done at short notice. JOHDI B. SWUM. • A. 0. 82d/TEL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFIOE THIRD STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET. 11111"ItUVEDIENT IN DENTISTRY. DP. R. ALIABAOH, surgeon Den tist, Manufacturer et Mineral Plate Teeth, the only maned that obviates every objection to the use of arti ficial teem, embracing partial, half and whole vets of one piano only, of pure and uidestructi le mineral, there arc; nu urevicealor the *Accumulation of small particles of food and therefore, no offensive oder from the breath, se no mu tat ui media their conmaction, there can he no &vault action or u..eiallic taste, tience tho indiv ldual Is net an noyed with duns lnroat, headache, ito- mum No. 41 . N orto secona street, liarrlfibutir • mitt- a Is MILITARY CLAIM AGENCY. BACK PAY, BOUNTY, PENSION & SUBSISTENCE 1 4 1 WANE Snyder, Attorney at Law; ,12„4 Sine , Third Street, Harrisburg, pa., will attend duneonon of mistary claims, under this Rd Oi, 0. April .6, 186 d BacK pay or liscbarged and ones used soldiers. county under Act of Congress; Jain, 1801. reauddna and clam, for subsistence, sus.' jylo.dBoi • TELEO. F. isCREFFER, ROOK AND JOB PRINTER, Na 18, HA NYC STRIDifi, 11A RR sintllG. sarParticular attentiou paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Ruliroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, checks, Drafts, &a. °ARM printed at $2, $3, 14, ands per housand is elegant style. 120 SCHIEMLIN $130;1111118 & , CO WHOLESALE! DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goode, Per fumery, &c. Also agents itou Um mile of Kennel leum, Illamhnituag Utt,. supisrlof to any coal oil • fernlened In any quantitlea al the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 William Street, a27d6m] : NEW YORK Pitt ABOLPII TEtiPSER. oULL) respectfully intern) hid old patrons and tae public generallpi 'that he will coulniae to give instructions on the PIANO r MK VIOLDI and also in dui science of THOlt01:1143 R&M. tie will w'th pleasure wait upon pups at their 110.112110 at any tour desired, or .essons •be givens his residence, is Third swist, 4 few doors b9WW German deformed lltitirch- declb-d tf Itliscrliatumus UNION U A. Nf, BILLIARD AND .BOWLING SALOON; NO. 119 MARKET moan, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers baying erected a larg `bausui is the above place, expressly for the purp o. itts above indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub. lie to Use following : Tag RTAVWT, on the aria door, with a dining room attached, is hued op in Orst-claas style, and it will at all times be suppled with the best otersits to be had in the Miasmic cities, together with terrapin, Bah, and all kinds in game In season. Oysters served' - yip in every style, and meals to be had at all hours. TIM-Mee of all the midebrated breweries in the imantly constantly on bud. : • The Tel-ptiAllop. Or Bowling &ducat; Is In Use rear, - ' and contains three alloys of modern coustrnchnn, wbeie the lovers of ibis Dalithy exorcise can enjoy themselves. Thellilliard Saloon le up.etaire —elegantly fitted up, and eonuslas throe marble top combination cushion ta u*, equal to say made. aiunaburg bats Long tea the want of a grand cambia. *lion of this kind, end as the proprietors arudeteratine d to conduct IS in a quiet and Orderly reduinerornd do eve ',Meg in trier power to make its foe lonablo reeor they MVO to reeeilui a 'lberia Beare of public pair° jaB-dlt WILLIAM C. MeraDDIIN & 00. BEAUTIFUL TitiSUE PAPeE / •r R covering Looking Glasses, Picture Frame , orearoeuting enthuse, truamaig OAS Pipes asoi eau es se to Haug over InnOga In the soap:. o 1 Oliate, riots, elh4oB or fveloOne, For eeie et MR reHErt liall BOOKSTO':E. RUBBER GOODS Fionbbe 13alla, Bobber Watehes, Rubber. Battles, Rubber TOya generally at BERGNER's CHEAP 130olislOng. Gsra for putting up irait,. takbra ted patent, cheap, simple and et news , w dimmed to give 4ceraosion,joet received and Ike ie.* by NICHOLS & &MAAS, Sel 9 Corner front and Marmot street._ UGARS for preserving; call and exam b kne at meatus do BOWMAN,. I. 7 Corner Front and Market etriete L, raison , cocoanuts &0., jut; received and lor sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Oar. hoot and Maraca, streets ETZ3 Lilt = t t every needay and Friday mama main Item corner of Third and Wel. au OTIONE).-4.,/nite a variety of mein' and eatertatntng neliciee--cheap—t4 Anvoleßig eooKelear. itlititt Lemons and Raisins, just re waned and for aide low by NI( WILE & Remus, j a 4. , Gnmar Pont and Marten sin's. TrTARDELL & LEVINEBB, ricklas arid' vv pump" tbr ode at JOHN wigs's. WY No) Wintitiseanth: PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AMR . , • MONDAY MAY sth; 1861 The Passenger Train' of the Pennsylvania lialfread Oompany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows EASTWARD. THROUGH NORM TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 1.15 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia a t 5:10 a.m. FART LINE leaves Harriaberrdidly, (except llonday,) at 5.30 a. za., and arrives at - Weal Philadelphia at US a. in. • PART NAM TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily Omen Sunday) at 1.20 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.35 p. in. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Meant Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and wino at West •Phis delphia at 12.25. p. m. !LaMantia ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colton bin, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 P. to.. sad arrives at Wan Philadelphia at 0 25 p. to. WEBTW. A . • THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.35 p. m., Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. m. nd arrives at Pittsburg at 12.86 p. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 746 a. m., and alf4 rives at Harrisburg at 12.80 p. leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 7,00 p. in., and arrives at Pittablag at 12.15 a. to. PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.80 a. MirriC burg 8.45 p. ro., Altoona at 8.20 p. m.i.and arriving at Pitleburg at 12.45 a. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leans Phil. delphia at 2.80 p. 111., and 1011,014 at Harrisburg at 8.00 p.m;• IdOUNTJOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves fAtcaeter at 10:50 a. arrives at Hurialparg at 12.40 p.m. _ SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Batt seat, lily Palllll4 Railroad Harriatalft. May 4, ISO e°B6;ls BLACKWELVS Ceekttoo a ' lm t z i ullettesultwk o ACcioar MZd tab bj . P,l—g littgrap4 afternoon fitptember SOMETHING FOR THE'Tngn t grA NEMIEWItIer E:totY ithiisikorz• JOHNSA onosprs American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN TEE WORLD, THE MOST MARIA GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BIM GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT OLIIE Is the only article or the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER.: 'save the piece. er Abet expeilelve Cut Mass Bout. WIITLI. . lOID TW . AY, Dahl throw away that,twoken Ivory Pan, It to away re . Paired. . • Year broken China Cups and Saucers can barnacle as Tbat piece knocked ont, of lour Marble Multi. can be pui on as Wong as ever. IT WILL MEND, PORCELAIN, No matter if that broken' Pitcher did not cost but ling, a shilling weed is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaker Vase s braked' and • yon meet match it, mend It, tt will never show when put together, It will, tlaral,:Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented Who AYKREJAN CEMENT. GLUE will not show where It Is mended, EXTRACTS. "Every Housekeepers should have's' supply of iott.t. & Grosley's Amerlcan.Cement Mess. "It is SP convenient to have in toe house."—N Y. "It is always ready ; this commends itself w twerp body.”--indcbsed "We..huve pied anti and It as useful In oar homes as water.;'— Was' Spirit of the Thum — ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO,OO per year awed fn every reutitr by Goo Botha AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 26 Gents per Bottle. • Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cent! per Botge. • Price 26 Cents pyrlllotUe. Price 26 Cents pergottan. - • Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very .Werai Reduotierts, ie Whols;ale Buyers. TERMS CASH; ffm-For sold by all-Ilruggtonijfind'Storelreillife' ..;enerai ly throughout :the country. JOHNSA-CROSLEIT, owe ganuractui: oo ,)! • --,7PLSVIEJAAII STREET, - • Corner of Liberty street. IZW Y Important to Fanners. 2b aU whom this may , soisterk mid it Wry be*. • - CEMENT ROOFING, The`CtLeamit and moat durable' Roofing in we. hivortantlo HOU° Ownino. ImpOrtait to itilders. Important to Rail Rom' Companies IT Is rxruc Arnilrkimanoor. It oan be applied to new and ma MOONS Of kinds, steep or flat, and to Sum= Roots without removing the Shingles. - The Coat te only about Ona•Thfieithat og Ttie AND IT iN TIVICR AS DURABLE. Thies article has been thoroughly- tested In Wei- ink City and all other parts of the United caned., West ladled Central aid South tin buildings of ell kinds, INCA as FAOTORIIB, Ifeasnams, Onnsonne, ; ELM ItiLID NA* CAge t and an Pogue Nonanecis generaty GOVIENNEit BIIILDIIIOB. All, by the Principal Builders, Architects sod others, during the past four : years, and has proved to be the CHEAP= and MORT DURABLE ROOFING in use; itta In every respect A PIM A ' NADIR, WEATHER end.TINE PROWS covering for ROOFS: o ALL KINDS Tku is the ONLY material manuractured is the United Mates which eombines the very desirable properties of Mashlcily and Durability, which are universally acknow ledged to be paisessed by 00724 PERCHA AND IN, RUBBER. No Heat is required in inakinipapplioation. The airmail of applying it'is trifling, •an ordinary roof can be . overed and finished the owe day. .It KM be applied by any, ono, - when Ihdehed foinan a perfectly Fru 01100/ lint cane th an elastic body, which cannot be injured by HIM, LB or 3soars . bra of Loop Boenne, nor any ex al notion whatever. LIQUID GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, Pot Coating Metals of all Skids when expcosed to the Action of the Weather, and PREURVDTG AND UNCARING MEDAL irgthTula to Las ordy Ocerpoeinoa known _which will gnome, lly reSat eranine .001144* of all "clineatea, nar,any 'of Lime, ; , when *Oiled to metals , to which It ad es Orm!y„lbrinies a body *Pia .ta coats of ordinary *id, co ati much lest aid will La s t TattliE Tins AS WK ; ',and from its- idaalksity le' cot' towed by th e (4:stractlon and expaision of Tin ant other Meta I Hoofs,wappient ndon sudden changes of-the Weather - alumna cluck IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM tow:lmm, AND war. MI WASH 01 ff, i Leaky Tin and other Metal RON; can be readily repair. .MI with UINTA PERORA CSIIENT, and , preoented from r op er corrosion and „leaaltl& thereby muntiMg a per- . den roof or many years. .-. . . , This Cement le peculiarly adapted for the preserration ' IRON RAILINGS, Stifillg, Wait; Whltt, A. 1111LTURAL-INPLEGENTO, & c.; 4130 for general Maria Gßl ; tile turerirose. GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT .For preserving and rerdng Tin and other Metal Moons of b er Je d o eecr ontr iP a g oZorand a .;.,. " 7... t .i. e . h rtilit - a: . „„% i gr: 4 o in cold or run in warm weather. • ' . Th ose materials are ADAPTIID TO am GLIII111" and we •• prepared la supply orders from any part talks co n e_ itry, at short notice, for time PEALTaA ROOFING in 4 .th 1.18 ready prepared for sae, and ROM ?OCRs, (A in barrels, with fdll •printrill'itintraions for appli. # .-' We will make liberal And satisfactory arrease Mer it e : r 0 raponsta.teparbes Wballftillii like le establish &baw we in a! ,1 naiad" And IRMU,:sidrittrylitines. '-71- 4./(4 2- tgitirfill - K - tjABB . 1 at'ii,u . ek ~,, a iaiiiiiir; pitior of elritO claim to Miroit ; idiom' itrilirovedlt.*t ir lithOlt 11 . 1 11 Plied them to severed thintowt Roo , *New ork.ellynity.- .:• JOHNS a cafx3unr, .: ..*,! , .. 3 0.wii *Airuncitri unts , ... . ~ 11Tholesal Warehouse 78 'William Bt.; Po!'"gl?! bib.. YWeilq. . •: ; mow yeast 1 ,,,,, die , rr i p u ve oragura Andrfrioes will be furnteined -. Replication . :, 8-41 y: 0 juittoeiv -1O e4 aziO, &paw,* by.74ILS & BOWALIN iq -4 • - P ,o llk Martrei , iPORT FOLIOB.=-*l TIM: Mogi. ff entire new 1111501taeitt °Mese lidul iir , • NitirB Map Booludam tabniC i. lo iltrostevs IT WILL MEND WOOD; Bays IT WILL MEND LEA.THM, Wend your Norms, t3traps, Delta, Hoots, Aro IT WILIPMEND GLASS, IT W ILL MEND CHINA, good as new. IT WIL1 4 ,I4END MARBLE ZORN'S VEtpardilre :-.4)IPROVED CRITTA: ROOFS OF ALL KINDS AGENTS WANTRD Os app) itteb4aL BELMOOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "EDGILY CONCIENTRA TED" COMP CND FLUID EXTRACT BUM; A positive and Smile Remedy For Diseases of the MADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAYIIL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. . , • This Medicine itioniansa the - Power' of Digestion, and mites the ABSORBENTS law healthy motion, by Which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all, qv. NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are nociseed,"air well an PAIN AND INFLANATION, o ORs Nod for . • OR CHILDREN. HELMBOLDI EXTRACT BMW, • ' For Weatinerses Arising from Excesses, Habfts of Dkidpatlon, Early In discretion or Abram. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS -- Indispoeltion to Facertion, Ices of Power Loss of Memory, Et W o ea rro k fofervrisemeasis. akef _ Dilitaulty Wulness, .Dimnessof Vision, • ' PIM In the Halt Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, • - Hot Elands, Flushing of Mkt Body Dryness of !the Skim • • " Eruptions on the Pace, PALLID COUNTENANCE, • These spmptonis, If alkninnt to p on, which this med invariably. removes, soon Billows DROTINOT, FATUITY EPILEPTIC FITS IN ONE or WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE; Who wet say that they are not &aqua tly followed by those ~D INDIVL DISNASU:," "INSANITY AND OONSUIPTION." Many are aware of the Mlle of the* auftering, .; • • AT NONE WII.VOONITS/1. TB RECO BOSON THIE INSANEASYLIINA Ana the YetuteAdy Deellis by Oonwevelon, HAM AMR I►ITNIIBBIO TBi 131.17 TH OP TIM ABIIIIIIIIOA. THE CONSTITUTION ONO it ,AITICTID WITH ORGANIC WBARS!WEI, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and' Invigorate the spoon, Which lisMartto's IiTRACT MMHG - invariably doe ♦ TIL4L.WILL 00119103 IBM MOM morna&t. ,• - FEVIALION.FiIikI2I3IEI6II:S2I, OLD O 1 YOUNG, SINOL&, DURUM, Olt OONTrittPLA TING MARRIAGE, I.IN MANY ANFEUTIONs PEOULLiR TO illitALEs,. the Attract Buobu le unequaled by any other remedy, as in Uhlerasis or Retention, Irregularity. Painfulness, or suppressio n or ACtiatomary avitooatkuia,' Uloinnexi . br suirrhous state °Utile Uterus, betcorhes Whites, /April lty, bad for all eihapiallete Incident to the sex, whether vision froni Indiscretion, Hahne of Dissipation, or hi DZOLIPTE OR MUM, OP LEM • 111 EMMONS ADM . NO FAMILY SHOULD BE wrmaur rr I Tann MO Min BLASAM, 111nO0R7, On ____ Mil TOR InannananreerD DanninnULDlalanna. lISLJUJOLD'S ZAIRACT BOCRU 10011E1 SECRET DISEASEIi In all then' Magee, At DINO Ivens: , Little: or no change In illar; '; I No Inoonvenience; , And ju, ilaposnra ; ' • ; • It teneee4..frequent ihietre and ghee strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obatinetiona. Preventing and Coring Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying:POO and finpumnatiolli, no frequent in the elan of thatotten,, anti °knelling 0 Poisonons, Dina ted end ttort-out Natter. . . . . . : Thorturartmrtifouumme *SO HAVASSEN 2H:E•VIOTIMS of Q7.740 . 1CH, and who have paid ULM MI to be oared In ai EWA time, have found they were deceived, and that the.f. , PD.fp POSP'has;bj the nos of nweinuton. knnuttlino, 7 bee. dried up in the system, to break out-tn an .aggravated form, and .• •:tr ezzuLtpainza Use IbludobliVe . lbmuizikaw toy all affections ans, dimness of the , URINARY ORGABAL • whether existing in MAL,'OR FEMALE,.. lerem whatever cameo Originating skid' No matter r r . , • 110WZONG-STANDING.• Dingle, at these Organ' require the alit of DIIJIti t IO EiIitLIKSOLD'S EXTR.WI 111701111 • • , THEWMFAT Druidism, And is 060ain b trio the desirtd Offen In all 'Munoz IPQR WHICa IT Id ,RIIIXIIIIISODEDI .; • • latderee of the nu* reliable imod• rap /3We character win aocoattlY the nielikm• • • • • • •=t 11FICATES OF CUM Iran 8 to 20 years' etandiag, W 11 11 4 4.41 111 0. 13 1 010 10 "," ' - • •786EENDII AND FANS. Pride:St:o94ler Utle, or six for $5 00. addriiriklurely . Flaked from °bur DaGRIBB SYMPTOWIN ALL 0011111NIOATIONB. Cares aumantINMILL AdirLce Gratis AFFIDAVIT. Pan Madly appealed tigratn tne;llA :Afiderlollll of - tho till of :Plalladnlplibt o H. T. , linianioLo; *no being duly swore, dot,4 say, tda,preparations sontaln no ; nnecotin, no mercury, or otheeinjurlonej drags; 4 1but, aye pproly Teta tibia -• • • -; B. W.IIIILMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before_ Atoithle WM '44Y of No Wontier;lSM. - r. Rlll6W it Aldwattna_ Ninth St: abOve PbUa. • • Address letters tor Inibratitgai oonlidtinoe to ' a : ; ELT.IREIMBOLD, Depo_td.Oft South Tenth; St: South That, 14 1 WARIL OF 00WIDELIPMITS AND TINTRINCELPLW:D.DaAII it s, Who endeavor to diorama *Sartain Own ' And “ontin ri ewnotne os au sarevatwertationnovr • Helmbold'i Gewthke Preparation s,• • ' " I.:trust Snohn, p iniptimed'ilinge Wish. Sold by 0. K. Seller, D. W. Gress, J. Wyetlt, 0 L Bannvart. •• : . . AND Arz, DRUOPL.42T3 IFIRYWEIER.II. ASKTORIDILMBOLD'S. TARE NO OTNEE. Oat oat the adverthemeat AnA seed for AND AVOID IitpOSUIONAND EXPOSURE. novl3-41jr ~1 • FIRE INIP_ RA.IIO.E• • THE DELAWARE • MUTUAL - 8/111T1 ititit AN CI. COMPANY.. INOORP,DIA TED 1836. • Capital and lists • - $389,126 37 ••• - tagicoToaa; . Wm. Hargniitimued A. 'douipiryThcophilus Paulding, peticese,7tio. James 0. Band; William.O. 'Ludwig, Joseph HAW, Dr B. U. Huston, George G. Leiper,'Hugh (Wig, Obarleir Samuel F...,titokee, J. P. Penalidon, Heuer Main, Idirard ibutugion, H., Jena Brooke, Spencer Wllvaine, Thomas O. Band, Babitet Burton; Jacob P. Joust, Jams B. liffariand, fJoabiut P. Eyre, John 111 liemple. Pitts burg, D. T. Morpes i n=ll g 8; Berpr, Pittsburg. Presidesg • * THODAS, O. amp, rice Prea4,4 HENRY LTLIIIIIIN,'Beenidep. The undersignectaa Agent :bribe aboie niniad'oontr , - POLY ;Minnow to take Fire: Wats in Harrisburg and_ ylobtity.' 1 jaio.dit • POSTAI! 01.108 VtHYLITIG DESKS, : , TRAVELING SAGIES ' , PURSES, POSTKONADNI, And a general assorttnent'cif FANCY GOODS , have just, been received at, itizg(mpit CHM) DX4STONE. lIGAR OURKD HAMS. rpardi ß"E MA GE. • IrA kne and frosh supply just, s le d A ' 4 .11, 1 q_ .. ‘0 • 11° Jr?: Ik.cci.., • IeCLINTOrki PEGT DIU IYlllri • lER-ErrvALILOII4 - 1K11171", 'MIMS I entirely vegetable in Its annixwithxy. has ; i'dialikTitt ~ w#4 ,- ; **awful, swum At! Y yearn Ili MO * Me of diseases . for the Au% PO:I4M Aid TAMS: 'l 4 '6r mu j form of the I , dtbeilt euelt':ee 9 31 ;r0ff, - . 1 1 0 =14l .ef the. TgfrioAT, 'SPITTING± - 01r. 'BLOOD, DOTI- Cria PlardilliPtit %ARBES/o*M* OF VOICE, aid rugsflo - IEYITES, its, use will lie Attended - Witiellie iiiiposio, , r ean # 6. i t j a ode of Wet - mkt "'aka `*didlativfig ial forniz'of BRONCEIJ4.,II) 04 - ,o9N,strAttnom. pis *ma" 0., or p r of 90"; 14 , a PY 44 11 14 *ll driesiituo. - ~ • PRICE 'MO Pm: Ratui: :.-. V& : Bal e at . EE*90 3.8 SRoall' icibi- - MEL - : .. TEN- ' $ a wa of g Outwore justjleC,Med, 4 , 41 tar 1111 1 939.1r:bY ....: L t. •.. ulf • : .t: 1210.. 111 4AN E - " Alan , IltAltr•gie. uwm. . 84.W).0u. • • , • • 1 ' 4 % 41 ' . rt 4: 00111 - Sti r i4C4l l . .lll. larei " MAW bottlee void of t wow, jWllcr Mier . Od t 8 4 . 2.11,4, ritVettut *filariiglitigßS-1411(446W1L j reeetrial i 4 . 6 14f OLlemwragari• 14 f Maur rrbat alai Market Oriel, jtl.:,.ULt. i:ross. Sa,.--eo. D W. GaOSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS; MARKET STREET HARR.IBI3VRO," FiEINN' A DRUGGISTS,' PHYSICIANS , STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all each &Aides as are desirable, and would reepestfelly call your, Mention to the largest rend best seleated stook in this city, of DRUGS ORRiaCiAD3 di PAINTS- 0111 s, Ghee, DY•Ataa., ehuill And Putty , Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Groirnd spices Burning Fuld and ; UTti , .lllfirm.A li4pp , jo.l!h and Lamp globes, and Gorki, Jinx, dx.,drie., • With a general variety of PERFUMERY` a TOT IVIc ARTICLE,I3. UM eeleetedfroin the beat' 'inairafecturere and Fig thinert ofEurope , and this conntry. Being very tarp* dealers . PADITS; WHITE LEAD ; AL; VARNIEBIE, WINDOW GLAS!3,- ARTIST'S „ COLORS, PAINT AND ABT ti BRUMES DT ALL TE= VA TIER, P;BONZES OF ALL [UNIX, We FeVedtfuAly Ynvite s mil, faeling coal' dent that we cats appply , the wants of all op term #loll' satisfaction... • TEWItiL 1 'WIRTH 1 iONNtiAND:wHrrzws poixonALN•vErra; PATENT NiEDICJINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of &M Litt* &vet froutiii'iftoinietors: . Saponifier oohoentiated Lye wh.AOBO. Ageixt , .t6P9114.,r, Whichi we ee aa low ea it can be purchased la the cities. nUYFR'S 11 - FtkOAL FLUID EXTRACTS 'COAL OIL I CARBON otr. Being large varchasers. In.. these Ms, we can offer -0101Ie buyers. Coal Oil Lampe Of the most ImproVed patterns, very cheap. All kinds of Lampe changed to burn FARMERS= A. 11.1) CRAZLIORS, Those ofwh° h a ve .FiC°lg i Q e a.gnzl3o,s &ND QACIPC PQ)VDEBB s kid know no •theirauperlority,. and the advantage they are in keephig Horses and Cattle healthy and in ,g,xid condition. rhotwands eon testify to the profit they have derived•from the use of our nettle Powders by the inereashig gnintity 'end quality of milk besides improving ibe general health and ap. pokarice of iheir aside: Otur bug =potence Intim tedUOSII elle la the oulviuitigh-of u:thorough knowledge of the Wide, and our arrangements injhe - Cithei are 11 4 t4 1 476.P 41 1.4t a TarY short time furnish anything epperatining• to our business. on the beet Of terms. Tnece49l for the liberal patronage beetowe en On bowie, we kw by ; strict attention to bushels, amarefalseleotion of - , —PATRE • DRITGB: **irjticit*arid the aeshe to please all, to giant a : f. the favor of ; s, diecrim 41 1 011trikabliq•il:, J t • • I 1" ADZ &Ll' -111.11 DEL • .• TOMME r tpvtloi*omt Raw: :• . • . Mk and Mai. trout 10 to 60 yarla,%9B. TtrAmool tipt_irpatiLtum . gg • " tiani ' • "'' St ' ti CC moon inx-topice Ltssa, • _ " 'PIM JAHN nlnlibikild With Milatkliqfkk 81/6. llokitylog Itittils, 10 to 60 yards , Clotof cpoicolesaigUsta, - • flat Worni trintiadisrs, Ixpiteit reit. : gs • s! ts • y ' • • "IP_ltet/Nftirigtit ittoksp, cu. xuby Favor .r ookliUutuaguir ,l Trouts* ithiiraosits, =lam MUG AND F lURN reah . roan. and. .0 . I , loe, Yapper, AlR**, o.4.. v ez i tir ro x...„ at • . - KarketiliANA:' E . , P. 'dc W-; C. TAYI:OR'BI4I.II;W'sOAp.' i •rt Is ociabondairand *NT idej.r To:184 Radlikßoi, waate. J$ warrolvi not WO hods. win as * ea:B4 4 idor, num nos* sver i wurpase: I* 124 sat `o44oYlof , t .41 it am and averyta c rizres er r ifit *Xi Corm bad data Vailiel oriel& NO, 19 t ~_ ~ltDical: ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, TBB. R;ill. r../AVILIDY Asa ItHEtrldie.TlSM, sgsf Gagritili I AMR ERVUMATILII CBRONIO REIRWEATIIIN, RHEOMAIIEM HOW 03 /VENT KIND ; STUBBO, No sums BOW LONG SRN TANDING, PROP PILAW/ WHAT IT HAS DPI% WILL DO AGAIN. nix BIM` VRENTKONY,___ EMT MEDICAL ADTHONITr. • DOGTOBR KNOW IT, PATIENIB BILIEVB n • • - TRIED AND TRUE, PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL (Eton OrME* ROM= RZPOIM,I Mar le; 11160,—Ellen S., mt. 28, single, never was very -tong Two years ago she had an attack - of acute rheunia. rism,troris which she was confined to her bed for two weeks cud stibseqeatiy from a relapse far four more. ate has been • well Morn then an Let Saturday, - while engaged to house cleaning, she took cold,. had pain ht her back, felt cold, hot had so decided chM.... Two days later Her ankles be gan so swell, which wee followed by swelling of the hues Joints and of the' " She has now dull pain In her ehotildent, sad tier knuckke are very tender, red end palnfld ; both hands are sac but the right is most so. This, then, is a case of r m, or, es It is now fashionably Called rheumaticfever. LW a well remarked typical ease We will carefully watch the case,and from time to time call year attention to the vari- Aias sympham which present themselves. My chief object ,in b her before you now, is to mil attention to a remedy has recently been recommended In the umpiret of rheumatism. I mesa prong sanne. Dr. dwenarins, of St. Petersburg, recommends it in the highest terms, having derived great toseent from its use aMe mere which came under his care. Various cern- Menthitory testimonials irespecting ft • been appeared In our Journals, and I propose therefore to give it another trial: I most moffees I am - always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifies but thin tomes to us recommended so highly, that we arnbound to give it a trial. RAMIE OAST FOUR DAYS LATER I Mar 211,11160.-4 will now eihadt to you the patient ter . ark= I eresmibel Propylainne, saA was then labor mg hider an attack cd acute rheumatism. she has steadily takes* let dams of• threagraine :every two boars (Intennathag %at night.) The day after you saw her, I found her mach more oonsfbrtable, better than she et -pentad to be for a week or-snore, judging from her other ,tract~. (The patient now walked tato the room.) The 'Mprusennnt Us sandal: progressed, and you nankin Al to Wine a ;narked change in the appearance or her Ants, whlah are new nearly ail of their natural sae.— nue far our espertmerd..would have Seemed very euc eeefnl giurilemen, we must wait a little while be 3re give a dellicial opinion as to wind is to be be retain. Nero is another patient who was placed on the use of same medicine on Sunday last ; she has long been sWheing Primo Monk rhasonathily and I found her at that Wine with MK acute attack supervening upon her ehronie illitotion. The wrists and twinkles were much swollen and .teese. She wok the chloride of Propyla ode In three grain doses every two hours, and you wilt perceive thatiha swelling of inspirits has much dimin ished. TIME DAYS LATER II HAT go, 4860„—This is the case of acute rheumatism came with propylambie, the arm of those to which I ailed•your *gentled Onr clinic he is' still very euniortable, and is now tekaur three grians thrice daily. "In this Use It hes seemed to be followed by very eat telactorysesalts. The second was to watch your atten tion was called at.our last _lecture, has also cautioned to hil'wele I will dOw bring before you a very chiaracter igue ease of acute rheumatism, and if the result be set ae:tory, I think, ea good jurymen, snail justly render our-verdkat in favor of propyia He is agesiman, set. 26, who was admitted a few dais Ago. Has had oceadonal rheumado pains, but not so as so imegibis bad, =Mt eaglithdays ego. The pains began in his right ttnee,subsogututtly affeoted the left sues and hiterobe items of the - *leer eXtreultles. These Ants tlSOlthewoken4 Sane 1111144012der.: Ills tongue Is furred Ids *hi, at present dry, thougn there luta been much sweating. Zia pulsate and strong, and about 90. He has now used propylarolhe for twenty-four hours. Tana pentlethgn is what may be caned a strirelr typical 1:18110 of Was ItIOWIIOIISO. There was exposure to ootd and wetland thbi exposare la-followed by a feeling of .eoldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as It usually dee', the lower Join*. -There ts fever end the profuse loppapag, rams*, artleadantas acute rheumatism. I did net bring this patient before you wittitee talon- Ada of you a lecture en • ail the pain*" concocted !suo eat no again give a -trial to the new remedywe are testing, and to exhibit to you this viplast eau,. a I have atiled It, than watch there oo uld not he s Parer opportunity fOr taming the medicine in question:We are,' therefore, avoiding the use of all Aber.madMines, even attodynes, that 'Wei . may be no misgivings as to which was the efficient remedy. You shall see the case oh a Mare clinic. i'th RESULT. A FAVOWLE VICAJNOT. Jesse, MO.—The nut of our •ontealetments is the dais of matte theumatiim before you at oar clinic of May 36th, which& then milled a %piked case, and which it was remarked wasa fair opportunity for testing the eeritilitionr - new remedy, It was therefore steadily emakie three grain doses every two hours for four days. The patient has got along very mealy, and to now able to walkitbdat, earyou donot hesitate to' sty that I twee neTea pen as. severe 4 Gale of acute rheumatism so seen restored to health as this man has been, and willioilrbehig prepared to deidde positive by gm to the vii. tie of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to eta to that in the taws to which we have tried the Chlorideo feopylamine, the-patitues have .regained their he alth much earlier than under the treatuseut Ordinarily per med. • I wish gentleman, you would yolumelves try it, and report the results. for a full report al which the Moors is a eondensed attract, See flip PalialielPhia / 1 4404 and Soppiest se., Osier. At is the repertitter a rah trial by the best med. cal authority in thistle:nanny, &ad makes it unasesesery t o o, suossres cestdcates from astonished doctor' aio4,!°Mc.44 Li.ERZKOT 013118 66ut. EFFNOTUAI, iSE RAMS 11,031:11.T I DI WR /VERT TRIO. :WHAT IT HIN DONN, e appek Alarewlimi t e iirns well known to omit wadi- Pm by whom the PrPP7lvafte hiss Von to' irathiisde biro otili to, vs the evolukirs right to manatee. erri it sinowdlag .to the 'original recipe, and we have Pain emaapeutemis aG each magnitude en to enable as matter ft broadcast anwapt saikeing boasudtY• A WORD TO DCKITOB9. U y;ettigftlp 'ups litio ewe coeds in anothertforni lire invite your attention be - tie • ins annum= osioams Pawn Annex, rxwiliwanmenik 'go= Pronwrilni comournativ, _ at IMO WC are the Bole m an ntaetarare. , .We alalenaoothervirtuetoettiet Ptopraidue =inn is eonte4ied in Pare Crrltall. o4 GRIMM* at Props tides Tilg NUM - , AND YAM BS TARNS AMIORDINGI TO DERICarKeI, BY MIT ON WHO BY Amy on, BARESIDIATIRN OF A NY KiED. :Mk iluilfi*Nr As 75 an. A /pow* Orden limy be Marmot! so .POZOPYLAWNWN MAITUPACIFORING pike, Boom No. dy 8. W. Cbr Yobrib sad Chesnut WOW, Plll/116101* Ut tifettier of,the foliowttii Wiudesale .tvems HHILOOK afORINNHAR, TRENCH,.. I 4COAHHO a co., • - JOHN M. MaDita.oo • OHO; D.VINEKRIELLI a 3,, PETER T WHMOT & 00., Mai a WM, T. MOIRRHI Plgri;ino4Ho ISM 0 ME El kJ ROI WILL CONQLIIII.7IT, WILL CTIRII IT, DOCTORS BEAD MIBEM& myTHYT. rr witz Do mils MORE CONV,NDZIff, AND ALWAYS KEA POR DairintATß