Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 18, 1862, Image 4
laminas (garbs. DENTISTRY. JAK GEO. W. STINE , . gridnato. of ihe ' Baltimore College of Dental Burger;y haying per- Mentally twisted In thirdly of Harrisburg and taken the Mice formerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, minded. Wed between Market and Walnut, respectfully , informs his Wends and the public Mgeneral, that he is p revered to perform all operations In the Dental prormaion, either eargleaJor mechanioal, in a manner that shall not be mulusticd bpoperaten In this or any other city. His mode of Inserting artificial teeth le upon the • latest Im proved scientific principle. from OUG lo• • nal set, mounted ßas on Ina Gold, Blear, spktes or the Vulcanite e. I hike gnu pleilinue in 'recommending the above m amma to my former Mends of liarrieteug and el °Mein and feel (sound:eat Mat be will perform CU M1471‘. qeW to a eitiontino ms niter, from my knowledge orbit ability. it a yg.etej F.J.S. GOBOAk. 8. • DAli'L. A. BEIJENOK I , Afars'', I)F the Old Wallower Line. reigiaot,fully isfbruis the public that tabs Old: EMMY 'franePo.rta• 110 n Eine. (the only Wallowa in existent* 111 gib qty,) is Is to suocessAd operation, andprepared to Vog.fre i gh t low As otherindividaat line between muaelptds, Harrisburg, Ebsubary, Lewisburg, Manisport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and all other'points ea she Northern Cestrai, Philadelphia and Erie and Wil lialitebrt aad Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. KUM; Agent: • . , Harrisburg, Pa. Goads sent to the Ware HOMO of Messrs, Peacock, . zelt a 0 Inctuntm, Nos 808 and 81.0 Market.street, above =I I ., Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. 311., will arrive at burg, ready for delivery neat aprilo-rdmyi B. J. R AL-R RI 8 Tin and Skeet Iron Ware . 11antifatrturer NO. 112 MAW? $2'W7 , EL&RE,113111713,G. HAS always on hand a full assortment II of Tot and Japanned Ware f.looning and. Parlor novae or the beet manniaoturloo, Vutte , boating, Roof. log and Galvanized Iron Oornbsh, manafitature4 And put up at masouable rates. Sa• heparin promptly attended to. 0111041 y REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH u 4S removed his Boot and. Shcie Store I from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Neat door to Bayne % Agriculture fOre, where he intends to keep all kinds of Boots a..d shoos, Gaiters ' dtc., and a large stook of Trunks , and everything in his line of he ehaw's ; and will be thankful to receive the patronage of his old customers and the nubile m general at kis new pla° of buainees. All kinds of work made to order in the best style and by superior workmen. 'repairing dune at 'tort notice. fnpr2dtf] JOHN B. SMITH. A , . C. SMITH, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD -STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET. • IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. flit. P. H. ALLA.BACII, 6urgeon Don tot, alouulacturer ol Minaret elate Teeth, the unly method mat obviates every abjection to the we oC &VA dotal teem, embracing partial, half" and whole seta of one piece only, of outland indestructible mineral, there are, no crevices lur the acecom tutu nof small particles of food and sherafere, no offensive odor from tee breath, ha ou lOC tea ostd in their con.traotion, there eau tie no galVallle action or motattic ineto :Ivaco thu individual is not an noyed with sore throat , headache, dw. Office No , NOMIL. evened street, Harrisburg. : MILITARY CLAIM AGENCY. BACK PAY, BOUNTY, PENSION & SUBSISTENCE *,k o, E Snyder, Atierney at Law, ' Third street, Ittartisburg, Pa., will attend ue gullecuou of ialatary claims, under the act of Aszemoty, ti. April 6, 1862 Back pay of uncharged and fleCoised soldiers. Bounty under Act of Congress, Pensions and claims for subsistence, sic. J3,10-aaw TARO. F. pciarirrna, HOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, NAREE2 STRUT, HARRISBURG. Araj- Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad fibulas, Manifests, Policies, checks, Drafts, Rm. CARDS printed at $2, is, id, and $0 per bousand in elegant stylo. 120 • , • . _ BROTEERS drJ '! GO , WHOLESaLE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy 'Goods, Per-- rumen', am. Aiso agents for tne, sale . 91 nellmet Petroleum, illuminating uil, superior to any coal oil • furnished in any quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 William Street, a27d6m , NEW YORK. PROF. ADOLPII P. TEu PSIK. WOULD reopehOhlly :inform his oio prima and She public generally, that no win Want= to give instruction on the PUN° utsTE, Sta• LODEON, VIOLIN sad also in the science ei THODOliell has. Jai will Win pleasure areal upon pup* at thee homes at any hoar desired, or lessons will oe given s hL reeideace, In Third few doors below lb dermal itetormed Chardb. • -" deolb-d tI ittisullatuuus lON tt ki s C U .tt a. LI :C , BILLIARD AND BOWLING. SALOON, NO. 119 ?a x> STREW, NEAR . MTH. . 'IE subscribers having emoted a.larg e a building at the above place, expressly for the pure o we above indicated, beg to imitate attention of the pub lic to the following flsußoravaaar, on the first floor, with a dining room attached, Is fitted up in Mot-class style, and it will at all times be suppled with the best °YOURS to be had in the. Atlantic cities, together , with terrapin, fish, and all Mods el game In season. Oysters aerved up In every style, and meals to be bad at all hours. The Ales of all the eslebrated breweries in the country constantly on The Ten-pin Alley or Bowling Saloon, le in the re and caste* three a lleys of modern construetion, whire the lovers of this lualtbY exercise can enjoy themeolvee The Billiard Saloon is up-stairs—elegantly fitted up, and contains three marble top combination ouehkin bleu, equal to any made. Harrisburg Ina long felt the want of a pond cambia. atiOn of tlda tad, ludas the proprietors arodetermine d $ conduct it in a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve inrthen power to make It a fashionable ream hope to repave a liberal snare of !well° patio WILLIAM O. IinFADHEN & 00. BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPER, jrR covering Looking Glasses, Picture gum% ornamenting Ceilmge, triMming Gas Men sod eat so an to hang over airmen in the shape o f slats, Oats, clerks or festoons.- For Bale at Rya SCHEFI ER'S ROORSTOSE. MOWER GOODS ! Rubbe Ru Belle, ' bber Witcheo, Rubbd Balboa, Saber:Alß generally at BETIONEIt'S ORIUP A 23 aro or putting up fruit, the G celebrated Mello patent, etwaP, dmplO end d ikter, warranted to give itisfactioh,Aist igoelvod and for salb by • NICHOLS &MIN /LAN, Jan corner:wont and Ifitrkeeitreia, 1:1 West for preserving; call and exam NICHOLS a BOWMAN, 197 Corner heat sod Market street* UrM. raison ,_ 00001111uts & 0., jiMit eoetved and tor sale by in§ mama a BOWMAN, w' 10: 7 j 7 : F : every Tuesday and Fri* MEWS Okay, earner of TIMM and W. nut nig.* brfl6Nll3.---Quite a variety of emit' "at an mouthy wool ,5 • ItMil Lemons and Raietnit, just re saved soldier side low by NIC9OI:9It 90VMM - - or - mac Rea and-Marlug. viraiuntu a Egg; Pickles ind sr sale aiI3CON WIW& sir t Nto .I.bijatistnunts: PENIdYLVANIk RAH;AOAD 1 SlMfillt ,Tpffp TABJJE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY , TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ox ,ern alsz MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. The Pumps Trains of the Penneylvssia Railroad 0 : 1111 Pluk7 will depart tram and arrive at Harrisburg sad Philadelphia as : E A ST WARD. TEmougannizie TRAIN lame Harrisburg daily at 1.16 a. m, and arrives at , TAM Philadelphia at sao a.m. Mr LINE lames Harrisburg dailh (=ell& Monda.74 at 6.80 a. la. arrivei at Wed' Ptillidelpbra at V. • • PAST. NAIL TRAIN leaves Haniabarl daily (exwt Sunday) at. 1.20 p. m., sad arrivio at West rhumitipm at 5.26 p..m. AOOOIIMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leave! Narrlibtrg at 7.00 a. m., and arrive* at "Wort Phila. delphicat 12.25 p. m BARRI6BWRI3 AOOOIIIIODATION TRAIN, via Gomm; his, leaven ltarriebutig at 4.10 p. and snivel at Well Philadelphia at 0.20 p. m. WESTWAILD TILEDIIGH WREilitl TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.185 p. m., Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. ns. ud arrives at - Pittsburg at 12.8 . 1 i p. NAIL TRAIN have& Philadelphia at T.IG azin., and er• &re at Harrisburg 5t12.30p. le.; leaves. Horrisburg at Loop. m., Altoona, T,OO p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 11.15 a. m. PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.80 a. in.; Harrill. pug 8.46 p. tn., Altoona at A. 20 p. m., mad' arriving at Pittsburg at 12.45 a. in. - HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves ThU. delphia at 2.80 p. m., mid arrives at Haffieburg At LOO p. m., MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION MaMount. Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.50 a. m., arrive, at Harrisburg at 12.40 p.m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Butt,.Div, Psona..Bailroad. Harrisburg, May 2, .1182 . . 11162 .7 : . .; : .- s'uAllE)l4l'..7-. :-802.;: OMBLAND;,'. i IfAt4Y" . itirFW4KLIN.I HOURB.-0n - and'y aftsr Mccidayrlity• sth, Paistsighforrathe irElt ran dat l 7, as teem; (histidays OtOpte — d• 01 • - ' ' • For Chnddszburg and raintaburt, r. A.; Ig• ' at .. .• Orimplauitte.... • •••• ••• • • `''''••••" • Chambenthur I Ari•l " 747 a a " 21 4Kemi t 141mh at • burg. • ''' •'• • •—•• 11, 011 1.'7 ' ' ''' • —• •lik 10 40 • aa 12 Lem vs liarr labors • ,1 ft.; . 417;- 2)181 ... ~ 27 '•222 ' . " - X 2121414:. .4 4. 410-02 a ag, ' 4 : V . . . 418 4- oa.. .;f3bsakbersburg... . ........ Arr *sal 00 .4 20 Obsiagisribart ~...... ..Lesvo..ll .10. . green_ tV. . 4AI - 88 4 " 4'Bo •8 4 18 7 7812878 , :r.5ii.;.- 1 . r... .;... ;_ ; _ 'r • - ; _ . Cbamberelburgilpy ' cpuma:k•lmm eVirtTaitym ~ 0 11:1" 'e Iftot l graph, eljtiribok - 1862. 13013TRIMG FOR -THI THUM orA imerican Cement Glue THE STAMM/IST OLDS IN. TEI WORLD. THE SAYS IN GLIM IN THE WORLD. TIM MOST lICIRLBUI oult IN Till wow). THE ONLY RIILIARLHOLUI Di THENORLD TSB HINT GLUE IN THE WORLD. • AMERICAN CEMENT Is the only ihrtiele of the bind ever props!' which WILL WITHSTAND... WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, 112 7 6 gO u r• I P IT WILL : MENVLEATIDA, send ytkit gotneln, Belts, Boots, he, IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that exiitheive Out Glum Bottle WILTILL MEND IVORY, Don't Omni, away that broken.hrory lan, it In easily re. paired. Your broken 01013 caps rand &Wel lan be wade ►e good ea new. IT WILL M,Fgt MARBLE, Thal Piece 'mocked 4 / a or inane as he Puti Fon u strong " 112 ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter if that b l ithest Piteheedid tiot . east hat a shit. shilling saved tea shilling earned, IT 10.1,11: MEND ,ALVIASTEIT„ Twit corni. iiabat;ter Vitae broken awl you can% match it, "met dli;lt will never show when put together. It will _Mend Bone,,Coral, Lava, and in. - fact everythitarobut -Metals. t . . Ant OWN' CleMeitted . witn Alik$,ICAN CEMENT °Luz will not show where it is mended. ~ .Every Housekeepers shoidd have a supply of Johns ag Crosiers American cement r. .qt is so convenient. to have In-tee 11 Is.alwayi ready ; Shim commends beef to every "Wo have tried 1 and And it as neefhl In our homes as later.!'— ifitikt•Eptrit Vale noes. • • ECONOMY IS WEALTH, 410,00 per yeir* gaffed In every fatuity bir::l,44) Bowe . , . • • iatERIM OEM:ENT GLUE. Ptice 25 CenU per Bottle. ,Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Prise 25 Cents per Bottle. Print 26 OMb per Bottle. Pike 25 per Cents Bottls. _ • Price 26 Cents yew Bottle. . Very L go Wholes* BuYas• Liberal Reduction; Asa, 6• gtaera e of sate by • °!11' jogNSA 9)l`. . . ookt Hpu tenfau rer a,}i 78 WILLIAM STREET, cotuer of Liberty street, NNW Y Ott it Importaatilli lb all whom lAw may Mamam, cad at concemm army CEMENT ROOFING, , , The Chespeet end most death Booing in use. Isportant to Heise Owners. Important to Builders. Itiportant to Bail Boad,conipunies. IT DI FIZZ AND WATER PROOF. it can be applied to maw and OLD noon of all kinds, steep or Lit, and to Bannun Bbon without removing the angle,. elm Met is only about One.Thlrd that of Tan AND IT 16 TWICE - AS Olp &ABLE thbi &tide pas been' thoroughly totted New Tors Oily and all ottn' parts of :Um United , States, Canada, Wrist Indies Central andlionth Allman% on butidlasit of tOldl, =his /0•11, tirevs, Mil, and 'on Paid* BIMADFOIi generally GOviiinnunv Butunitn, /So, by the tirinotiol Builders, Madmen and othees,: during the pent: hour Years, and Ng preyed to be the. CLthilghST and allt Dultiat,h Rocurnm tu xuw la in ' every respect A: Ina WAY Bit MrkiITHER and TIKE' PROW, noirering • for 'EOM "'Of SILL /ENDS. • 2 - That it tae DilLrinattriol enunerniured lie /Anent which combines the very disibrable properties of Au s tio*Asidynividollif4tthieli are universally aoSnon. lodged to be possessed byifind PA11034 AND INDIA RUBBER. •• • • • • • • • Heatfo fit' 143 4 1 :Wed . 111 / niliking:applioi (Lou . . orsodylag It i tritliii*, an °Ninon , roof, osu be folrarrOd lind'lpdokied 'the same day isiewlien &ash ad forkoei perfectly - 4in Pioritrici'r 1.36" ilth so nide body; which Gino& be tweed le. men; Dow or emu, Sannico or Moe Bonn :nor hopes: terra) action orbeteyer, LI Qat D . ... .'.. • OUTTA PERCOIA ants= Fox oakum Metaits of su Ude Artuni 4iiposed to the Action:oMo Westbsexend FO PRESEBVINGANDRICP.FAIMNG i soorsoraradatths. - • gThw Y Moe% utty iiisist ektreme changes of Ril _OnikOMIC motiforthititielMm - ASMetIMI:IIO* - -hdr' bores firml y, forming a body equal to mate of ordinary Wm, costs mach lentlutd :will :LAST THEME TIMES AS WWI.; flair .elaidleiq is not Miured by tbe contraction and expansion of Tin and other Metal Roofs, consequent udonnudden changes of the Weather I wail not OE4OIE LLA , 0010 OM RUN IN WARM puursis, AND WILL NOI wAsit iii: e alty Tin aid other Metal Booth can be neap repair; with OUTTA PEEGGELI MEM% and prevented from r corrosion and Malting, thereby ensuring a per. redly tight :oaf or many years. This Coulee 11Cfgeo1iorITOdoPtolkfte thiipropericia Of IKON RAILINGS,' STO, , BANOII3, Raw en. OULTP34, aill4RaaiTall4B9 alaP Ao`,lPOutiyil. mama feditithiromia. ' ' GUTTA • PEROHA Okli.EN-T; iur prisoning g Yip And o th er. gala desailp my Molt ga *rest alataity, pit will Oy the aontraagoa oxpaitafon of itatalbaad mot kapol4 or rm . * warm weather, . ; . Those materiais are mum= wan mam , ba), and *lt prepred,44 rapplyfirdora km VarVer lb? lim y, at attort `OI7TTE PRIMA 11001 P tti' 11 8 , rawly matted for Oft arat4EITTA PiconEta m an. to bows* with Oth Piloted direcalosa for appli.. ' 1 7-wilt ---AGEMIEtiVAWPED. liVa kbliralt rl lifli+yr avaigemetti :iti Velikbiedble,perties . ai id 1 44 breetiblieh twee WA hibtwuvii and Sewiriene e i le . ... , . '-.' ' 'UR. i rlatgakita - itAidti. .-• '. W e can give ebuncleue proof, of all we WWW In liiikiiX 5 0. li : rilli id Illleg haelelelAid: ibbin ... ,te e t y w i r ej Iticagia OU nd!. l . loe Pf#3 l 9r . it A ,,m )YKinity. s .• ciiiirtfai 1 ~ ~- - - soul manivAdvalaw, -. - .. , Wholeasl- Warehouse 78 Witham St=. 1 'cbrtior iit Lib'' y West. INMIW Iroll.ll tell desariptise falweibire =Mee will be funoebeg ` i ' SODA Biscuit, City crackers, jitoreoei v ed and Au ace bylt osmo Su l a a BOWMAN, -40.4hAretatresia— ' nivW 441 it 'Bolmisp BookporkP ip*,**4.o.qt..i JOHNS & ,gri,oBLa's IT WILL,MEND EXTRACT 30EINEI dr. CROBLAIT '8 Impßovial 4uTri nutcail 'lt can be applied by any on4k, filtbitat. - - HELMOOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION' bIEGBLVOSISOINTIBATED" • • • COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BOOED, A Fatly° and SINGMa Remedy For; Meows dr the BLADDER, KIDNEYS; DRAWL, end DROPSICAL 91911.1114G15. . . ThleNredteine Morehead the pOirer of 'Digeetbity end eseltes the ABSORBENTS tale healthy maim, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, end all UN NATURAL ENLARGESENTS Are Teamed, at well me PAIN AND INFLANATION, le.good for KEN, WO=N OR CHILDREN. HELMBOLIYS EXTRACT MERU, • For Weaknesses A or from Strmeems6 Hahne nissimitknii Essig In. Ablute. Amor= WITH TEM FOLLOWING sYMPTotIa 5• indispostek% to litertion, Lose of Power Lose ar lieniory; Diffloulty - of Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Meese, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, - t :Pah: 1a the Universal lassitucle of the WsscuMr, System, . Hot Bands, • - M*hing of lite Body Ulm" or the**llruptiondoz, th oSoke, PALLID DObNIWN 40a, ~„ These symptom - a, if allotted to on; wmeh this med Wine =removes. goon Inflows . . CT, FATUITY, wwf w ITS , IN ONI 011111TICSTIEFPATINNT WAN MIRF.. Who can Bay tluit.the are not &mused, followed by thaIe , "DIRIFUL D ' • " n i A l arK ANP - CONBUIPTION. , ?. . • We lt y are aware of the Wuwebf=erhiy,, stPriton WILL THE RICWRI/H or. TuXAvLIIIII4,,.. • - • Aid gilti tlfeldiftlidY Deaths by Columpf MIRAN AMPEX WITIMAIITO MU TIME MIMI MailifTloll. • • CONtli• i U LION OXON: AFTEM . D WITH ORGAN/0 WRARNXIII; • • Regales the 1 04.0 f 111 •0 431 a.1 0 . 111 noItheniand - Invigorate the B.yetem, Which lizunpoun EXTRACT' BUCHEr ineartable gee • ♦ r&LL WILL CONVICE IFS *Off BILEITICAL. rpTrirTff OLD OR Y.OONG, SINGLE, MARRIOD,,.O.II OONTENP LA TIRO MARRIAGE N MANY AIREGTIONS pEOULIAIa TO Pumas ; :c. the latract Bache is unequalled:by any other remedy, .aa in Ohloran. or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness,' or Guppremio Aot Customary ihractiations, .lllcerated or frdithous slats of the Uterus, Ledcorham Whites, &era ity, raid for all complain incident to theses, whethei priabg from Imilscretion, Habits or Dissipation, or In the - DROLIRN OR ORANGRON LUZ No FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I Tao NO RORIE BILARLII, MICURY, OR 17.1411,119i11T: MIDI CUM MR 9NPLBARANt AND DARGIIROVO DURUM. SEMIBOLD'S EZIKADT BOORS anus SECRET DEBASES:. In all then Stages, - Al Attie Bapeuse ; Little or no'change In Diet ; No Thoonvenlettee; It causes a frequent desire and eves strength to Urinate, therebrremoving . Obstructions, Preventing utd OuringStristures of tne.Urethra, Allaying Pain and Indlammation, so frequent in the ewe of- diseases, and expelling oft • Pan:moil, Amend and worn-out THOOLUNDO 1:1143 THOUPANDO *SO RAM BEEN 111E-vicramolgtrAms, and who have paid =APT nip to be cured In a short time, have found they were deceived, sad that the "PDX. 901 i" has, by the use of "POMP/1M fiIiMOPPMP," been dried up in the valeta, 'to break out be an aggravated ,form, and itAß4u4sur. Use IlimaasiOs licriqarAttrAlgr for all Foot all and 'diseasesi of di@ • OSINARIE. ORGANS, viii " II!' ! "I VAID Olt ‘FERALN., 'Free] whatever cause originating and no matter 1' HOW TANG STANDING. Diseates et Aheee Qrprterequlrefite_etd 9t. BLURB .10 HBLIBBOLD'S, RETRACT BUCHU . • •• 1841124REAT TAIRINTIO ; •Aad Wee:fain to have the_denired effect, to all Moues YOft MULCH IT IS RECOMMENDED: Ilairknotof ihe,usie *liable sad responsible cAarseler will sammipany the mediaes. — CERTIFICATEIVOF CURES, - • • Ansel to 20 yearu standing, Mee Nsime Meows To - - •13011:NOS AND RAM& • I'xice .$1 00 per bottle, cor ijix for $5 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obscr MORI= BYWIONS IN ALL CON:IIIINICATIONS. Owes eipuranteed I Advice Gratis 1 " AFFIDAVIT • Personally appeamd,perore me, an ..alderman of tho 'city of Philadelphia, ELT. amiscua t who being duly 'sworn, dcith say, his preparations contain no nareotic, do mercary, or older Injurious drags, bat are purely rage tab's H. T. HILEBOID. Sworn and subooribednefore ma this Siki *pot No randier, USA ' P. MlDlRD,'Anterain, Ninth St. abase Race, PhD*. • Address tatters for information in elublence to • -It ' Depot, 1,04 South Tenth R.,bel. Uheatnut, Phila, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND IMPPANDIPLID DNALFdiS, Who eadoitior to die Pose "431 TIM owl, and "erns" ;an 01 INS iutrattmos OWNED sr ;Heitabold% Glenuinit Preparation " 4.ltraCil BUC/R4 • " Improved Rase Wash. ' Sold tenor, iv, grou t _I. lirpeth, 0 A. ibsnoart. - 14LL DRITG.Parg inuirwitmes. ASK youpgwicups. TAKE NO,OTHES. .Cat out "the adrertirement and send for .AND Avow 1111Ne1lION AND WOW S/4 novlll4lly FIRI- , 1-NBIIRANGE• ,f4F4AAN.ARE SAVEITY 41111PIPA:NOL130111 1 1N-Y. I , OIV • ' tpri:oll.. A TED taPital $869,136 37 . • DIREOTOIIB,,, Wm. Hard% Ethainid A. Eloudor, TheottatuaPauldi" ' u° a. : Panroso,lino. C. Davis Jam. TitacLuair Win /Ore Autea C. HandeOilliapafi. /*twig. Jose ph IL: Seal, B. IL Huston. Boras a -wk.,. Hugh Craig, abides Kelly, &midi E. blokes, J. 1: Penniman Haney ulcer', •=.DarEgigto RI, Jones Brooker Epeader Witvaine, C., Ibigid.Bobpd Burton, Jacob. R. Aquas. James itiliarliad w irolih* Y. Eyre, Jain B. Sample. 'Pius burg, To: 'Vilna& 'Manua A. B.Berger , Pittaintrg. -.t. 1.1.7. L.; wILWAM ,p ro ot im t. HAND. Act Pr4lNlst: ../Etuadoridgued as agent Sra the above awned sow Poky continues to 441 . 1.r.0 Risks to Harrisburg sad • BUEHLER. jalo.dit • • , .0 . tac t i .1' FOLIOS I WWI 13 G fiaLOS, ' .M.UMQ/iims, And a imam, altarol jy t of bs have jlliti:ig;il 111C141 , 14 . at BER(MiIe 8 OMAR BSO.TESTORM• kIIGAR CURED _RAMO. , !"..1 DRIED BEEF, antiuLDEas; 11OLGINA SAUSAGE, to uaininditiash oupplyJusi ritielvea obWit WILMOM Jr., a to ; ilha 13;ilsntv.INALTtifittif41"14tithitT',11IM3111"0.11 Is. a enthtdilintible in its , composition, has' been .'emplo y 1 with wonderfOl' tutees for Many i Yegil. l , ll4, iketms of diseases for i tlie ; Aili i =l2lloldiind LUNG & For any TOrin of We emir lig scomm, Tyner% of the WiOAT. :8 I; la_ i OF -BLOOD, ; DWI OUT EMI L' I 94, 1 19.01VE55, LOSS OF VOICE, sin - :I°l. 6 CltV § 48 .Vde will pattended with the happiest iefilatS: It is' • of the • beet ;$ l Ol - West medicines for all. onne.orßßolfqms add .:00 40i ttloc wo bdibudarrprirdionce,oiiiiiin say shape in this *IV.' .... PRIOE 4100 PER Dian& -, • ; .. i i F or Bib ; at—BEBONER'S Obi wog. 8/9/DC ,: .. i " _ • • 7 -: ': 7 ...11 amwl ITArrioidlVE , anortmeut .of ,g/as emu& . rem 'lYel gale-1 " bY to 1110i1012 is Alga „.; 1..1 gIoPMFATIA.4Od . 11 Srliek , -SALAD '• • - 1 4 .11.6 61440' off feisiPtabiki Ygage sa4gmakikottase, 'ad ofildiewsnt - tnavka reoshal and sbir po s mir.Llmot, liilFOßAOKtatif flak I Mk .dry]? Tf. .LitlLllNstielei I)1%r::; - :e.ROS$•'..4:Mr" . ., WlffeLssAt.g. AND RICTAIL DRU GGISTS, hIARKF 4 T IURRISBURG, PEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our - assortment of goods' all such 'sties as are desirable, and would :reePectfully call ,your Wilton to the larigeetand beetsoleeted stock in this city, of DRUGS OHEIIIINW3 al PAINTS: viarialeheis and Glues, REBLILII6, 'Burning Plat& and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Olds PERFUMERY TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beet manufacturers and -Pe tamers of Europe and iblif country, Being very . Intl c. dealme In PAINTS, WV ITE LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, WITT AND ABTIsT'S BIZKERB IW &MTH= vaarrucs, ocuirts,AND BRONZE OP, AIL NM*, We tespectfutly Invite a call, Waling, conn cleat that we can supply the wants of all on : terms to Their satisfaction: JONE'B ANC WHITENS PORCELAIN TEETH, PATRINT MEDICINES AND RAM Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors :Saponifier and Oonoentreied Lye Wholesale &gents for Sa'poniticii sitilcii,-we se ;as low as , it can boipnrchasea in the cities. 141 ; ER'S 1 efEDIOAL num EXTBACYPS Being, large ,pm:ehanere in tneae Oils, ,sve can osier inducements ,to ,cloess . . Msyere. 44.. Oil Lampe of the moat..improved patterns, very cheap.. All kinds'of lamps changed to barn ' • '- r BARRIERS AND GRAZDIIRS . Ilioaswf you who bar,. our HQE AND thiTIVE •fiOWDEIIBI ii• trig know no then. enpariority, '4lit the advantage die.) , are koar44 Horsea' and 'Cattle healthy and ie *OO .99 11 : 011 ‘1 6 1 . : • • . rhougands can. tedify_tothe profit they have derived . trOut the is of our Cottle Poiidertrby itheiicreastog quantity and Tudity of mink, '.besides improving the general health and V ipouralioe-of their Oattle. . .. • . Our kui;g experience is the busbless gives MI the adiinhige of a thorough knowledge of the 'trade, and our arrangements in the cities are nub that we.can in a :viir y. short • time furnish, 'Anything appertaining to our business, on the litist of Mulls. " • - !Mania al for tha liberal patronage ,beetoao On our , hotiße, we-hope .by Ark* attention to ';bnehibte,'ii'9arefulaeieetfon of 11.R11 DAV: Gt a . at fair prkee, and .the. desire, to -pkwikall, to , merit as4xurthrtatura of . the favor of aidtacrita kating. FISHING'A ,T-OI,LEI f :;: OP ,A.LL lamps.. . t.hrmr,lfourandavidottatilkouttodu .; J : : • '.) Land Iltdr trod, Lhusr,ftton 10 to 66 yard; lon g . don PateiitlrbiCztatt,. ."- --". -"' " i Silk - TAMS lints,' - - • di , -:=. 4 4 ... '., China Gram Limo, rw... : 6 :f , ,- " Linen and Cotton Linos, . 4 =I == == Bkot Unarttunishint withitooklCOoris,.ll4: Braes Buntplyingßools, IQ az 00.yrigriii. lik 101 or Rnce.TrontAles, : .. 818 Worm GO WAN* !Mint m ites '3 fooS• Bosons, Um:irk& Eginknimari., No. /;to 6 Trout Itatkott, Kirby Trout And River 11e010, Litho' Ink Trout and IttlrerlioOkit TlOtto,litietre •ott& Drinking JEKL4II6IIIIItUG NOD: FA.NQX.tcroßgi • ly2. . .l . ...,aratt. ORKiiEfellillitryttlitd.dnitiWimgxlapAce, Pepper, Abitoo, anaamii_riategp i r it yre, at AIM LI & td, i I 0 .. :- ..,!: • = Igtritor = • li. and ifir • ..„00514,. i: 'a oti ItArrAiliVit43l4l,-WIRAP. i is av aiikadie indlagay 1 thifeispre it o w ~stn‘ ii,VriLitet, wide. , -1311 0triirniatelAtot Injure the bands. It will *MI epaeingitle - odor, at 121 thOrlOre suitable rat even purpose. Swr . - - • Az . .. fl !NW , #.4474.4014 - • *ALE- aadr , : ':* iisatortaunk guldwanbsti,es , .1. • t j I _ Omer ati "4 - and& D. ID: Oran Sr; tga.; NO, 19 urb•Slialti h f l 4as &lift Patty, AzUslCelors and Toolos Pars Ground 'Spire,* Bottles, Vials aad,paoip Cast/le Soat), - Spongss and Corks, &c., &e., With a general variety of TEETH 1 TEETS II RESTORATIVES 09AL OIL I OABBOII OIL 1 ~eDital. ELIXIR PROPYLAIIIINE, 17113 NSW ilinitADY FUR RHEUMATISM: N.WW ABIKEDY & cmgr&u! &swim, I 0 AMR RED UMATISM, CHRONIC. RECEURLATISM, AffitrlL47l3ll OB W Briar STUBBORN KIND; HO, No Mani i t HOW Lusti STANDING, PEOPYLAMIN *HAS De HAS DONE, I - I WILL DO MARL his BEST TikiHNO ,NY • • UHT RXDIOAL AUTHORITY PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. ritom °maul Hamm. nweis.j Mar 19, 1880,—Ellea S., mt. 28, single, never wan very .srong. two years ago she bad mattock of &culla rheum& nam,irom which she was confined to herbed for ewo weeks and sUbieeently from arelapse tar four more. She has beers well since then till last Slater day, while engaged in house oleaning, she look cold, bad pain In her back, felt cold. hot bad so deMded ehM,• Two days later her ankles be koo so swell, which was folkiwed by swelling of the nee joints and of the bands. She has now dull min in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both hands are affected, but the right is moat ie. This, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or s as file now fashionably called, rhiumatic fever. it, is a well remarked typical case We will carefully watch the ilarte, and from time to time call year attention to the vari oeirsymgEwhieb present themselves. My chief object io bite her before you now, is to call attention to a Aimed"' his recently been recommended In the treatment of rheumatism. I nitwit' prupylwaine. Dr. aweinarine,'of St. Petersburg, recommouds it In the highest terms, having derived great benefit from its use in 250 cues which came under his care. Various coon. mandatory testimonials respecting it have appeared in our journals, and I propose therefore to give It another irha I mils& confess Fam always inereduMus as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifies but this comes to fe recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial, SAME; CASE FOUR DAYS LATER 1 Mar 23,1860:—1 will not athibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propylamine, and was then labor mg under an attack of acute rheumatism. She has steadily taken it in dimes of three grains every two hours (ilterm l4 4 l lg it at night) 'lay after you saw her, I iotind her 'mach more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or , store, Judging from her other mum, (The patient now walked into the room.) the raproVement him steadily progressed, and you cannot notigga marked change In the appearance of her uts; sar& are new nearly all of their natural size.— our fur our experiment would have seemed very BOG awful ;-but, gentlemen; we must wait a little while be ore we can give a decided opinion as to what M to be he rani% Here is another patient who was placed on the use of same medicine on Sunday bun ; oho lute long been aufferihg from o hien% rheumatism, and I rimed her at that time with an acute attack- supervening upon her chronic affection. The wrists and knuckles were much swollen mid tease. She took the chloride of Propyla natte in three grain doses every two hours, and you will perceive that the swelling of the joints has much dimin ished. THREE DAYS LAM?. au 20, MO.—This is the case of acute rheumatism - ditto with propylamine, first of these to Which I ailed : your summon as our last Wilda.. zibe is still very oomfottablis, and is now taking three grains thrice daily. In this case it has seemed twbe followed by very sat wintery ranks,. a aecosetiC.+Se to which your atten tion was called at our last lecture,. has also continued to do tech.- 1.4111.n0W brbig , befere you a very character lidlo case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be eat fadteryj think, as good jurymen, we shall justly render our 'verdict in -favor- ef propylamlito Be lea seaman mt. 2n, who was admitted a few days ago. Hasime casslOnal rheumatic pains, but not so as to keep,itie:bed, until aeght days ago, The pains began in his right knee, subsequently affected the left knee, and later, the Mints of the upper extremities. These paints are all swollen,,tense.audtender. His, tongue is furred • his skin, at present dry, though Moro has Dean much ' sweating. His pulse %gall and strong, and about 00.— Helms mankind . prepylamine tbr twenty-four hours. This 'madman la what may be called a strictly typical case of acute rbennallem. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure Is followed by. a feeling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually dose, in the lower joints. There is Teter and the profuse sweating, so generally atttendant on acute rheumatism. I did net bring this patient before you with the inten tion or giving you a lecture en all the Rolm, mooted With 'yhtsunatiam, but to again give a trial . to 'the neauentedy we are lading, and to exhibit to you this typical OM, as I have cured it, than winch there co aid not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in %widen. L We are, therefor., avoiding the use of all other medicines, even anodynes, that then: may be no misgivings as to which was the tandem remedy. You ;hall see the case o; a future clinic. THE. REHULT. A FAVOIiABLE VERDICT, E=l Joas9, ligift—Ths nett of our convalescent' is the dase of agate rheumatism belore you at our clinic at May Sikh, which I then called a typical case, and which it was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy, It was therefore steadily given In three grain doses every two hours for four days. The patient has got along , very nicety, end "show able to walk about, as you. hint Ido not hesitate to. ttiy that I terriiiiivneveee as severe a else of acute ritedmatism aolaeenreetteaUl t . *WM this man hasateen, and without p repared death, positive by as to the val. ariof the rumetly , :we. have used, I feel bound to state that in the eases In which, We have tried the Chloride o rolibindife, the patiente have regained their health much earlier ton a me nder theareatmeat ordinarily pur ified. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it , • 3 and report the molts. ,Pur a full report of which the above tea eendeased e n raa t o we gkip Plaindelibb Medical and &Diked prier. it Is the report after a fair trial by thnbestmed cel etainwity to thisemmtry, and makes it nnueenssary tonics mammon oardloatat nom astonished doctors and reloicing pedants. A 531*EDY CUI, AN EFFNOTUAL CURL ELM anSULT WHAT Tr a DONN, ...iittook Crossbow, 'Arm wall timers to moat mart• oat meh, by whom die liatidr Propyiunina has been In. trodusid, bays sold to loathe ezolutve riga to manufac tuviließlPPAMll to the. IFlgte4o, SWIM, and we have owns assasgements of : such magnitude oa to enable in SO limiter it broadosst amongst auffiring humanity. A WORD TO =lrma , . , . you prefer to use the seine elbledY 111 anOtherifOrna htlite 'year' steelier( to the Pints esientsin thrum= Pauriamors, !FUSIN PROPuitun Lamp, iPtniet Paartwnspeouninamo, [Pim loruns Phonates, : of wit 10 we are the lobe meaultuatuars. . Chin no other virtue tbr tiie Elixir Priipylaudne has la oontained In Pure Crystalised. Chloilde &Tropp- I Mae. • iTEIN EUXIE L :A/04a I BE TAXEN, ♦OODRDING TO DTBZODIONO, • BY ANION - All " BY Ma on, WHO. ELABAUXUNIAII3II OF ANY KIND. Mold in Eisritiburtby • . ET 76 QM. 8 NMI. , . *den may Os addrooroa to . PROPIZAMINE MANU1402V71.180;004 .., c 4, 1 91gciet*30111.111001,, EL W. Om Fou,rlll sad Chesil/n . 4 stml, j toNther Oathe follawing • =!!!!!!!! BMA:XS iftliNgait i ggi4C- 9ftmo ia liostzni k : Moor& coy &laters, WILL OONQUIRIT WILL CUBS IT. &n um naiD, DOCTORS ITASIENiI DOCTORS TRY IT. DOCTORS KNOW IT. PATIENTS BELLEW: II TRIED AND TRDS. tN ,VERY WHENAVE TRIED WHENEVER TRIED! IT WILL DO AGAIN MORK ONV Azar AtIVAYS READY WOE /MXRDLitiI•