Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 18, 1862, Image 3
Celtgraph FO i ICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AL Ad. vertiseinents, Husiness Notices, Mop tinges, Deaths, dm., to Beene, inoertioi in the TELEGRAPH, =net ifiviirlably be accompanied with the CABIL Advertisements ordered in the regu . lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Afternoon, September IS, 188 a. WANTED.-A young man who can write a rapid and fair hand, to assist at copying manuscripts. Address, JAMI4B, Harrisburg P. O. sepl9-dtf Was Tan.-21 white girl to do general house work. None need apply who cannot produce recommendations. Good wages will be paid. Apply at this office. A filosnans Colman, by- the name of Samuel Bush, of Chester, recently cut two of his lingers off to escape the draft, and when told that would not exempt him, he hung himself. The world Is well rid of such men. Tn Freer Crrr Zotrevcs did not get off yeater day, as we reported, with the prisoners in their charge, owing to the arrival, of other' captured secesh, They left (or were to have left,) this morning at 11 o'clock, with a large number of prisoners in charge for Fort Delaware. The full company of Zouaves left in charge with these prisoners, THE Houma for the oil in the Venting() region of Pennsylvania'frequently strike veins of salt water. About three weeks since, Messrs. Phil. lips, Frew & Co., of Oil City, when boring near their wharf, struck a wall which flowed some five barrels daily, and has since increased to fif teen barrels of salt water, so strong, it is said, as to crystalize as it flows from the vat. This is auspicious of the day when the salines of the Venango will rival those o Onondaga and Ka navrha. CoL, DANIEL Lsezons, of the 100th regiment, was at the United States Hotel last evening, and was en route for home, New Castle, having left this afternoon. Col. Leasure was in the terrible three days' fighting before Richmond, in which he bore bim4elf with great gallantry until he was wounded and compelled to retire from the field. He expects to be able to take the field in a very short time at the head of his regiment, although he received a ball in his leg. We trust that his expectations , will be speedily realized, because he is a gallant (dicer. Tim KIITIVIONE Gomm of Girard, Erie county, of ninety men, arrived last evening, after being detaintd twelve hours on the road, by a freight train off the track on the Williamsport and Elmyra road. This company was recruited in less than a day. The officers are as follows Captain—A. W. Couse. First Lieutenant—J. C. Rockwell. Second Lieutenant—C. D. Pickett. Lieutenant Pickett was the Sergeant-at-Arms of the last SOO6B, and if he makes as good an officer in the field as be did in that body, neither his followers or his county will have cause to complain. Tex Oraurr.—The management is continual ly bringing fin and new performers, and each member of this company is procured regardless of expense. The singing and dancing of the females receive the most enthusiastic applause. Miss Julia Edwards, modest and attractive as ever, is a sweet singer, and her new song, "The Clarion now sounds to the fidd," is received night ly with rapturous applause. One song from the charming Miss Julia Edwards is worth more than the admission fee. Mr. Edwards has been fortunate in the selection of his troupe, all of whom possess talent and attractions of a supe rior order. I= Ax IT= sort Boys. —We see it noticed that on a neighboring railroad' recently, a boy appar ently under twelve years of age, traveling with a grown person, lit a cigar and happened to be smoking it when the conductor came round for tickets. As the one held by the boy was a half price ticket, the conductor remarked that the directors considered all smokers as men, and and required the boy to pay full price. The el der traveler was accordingly obliged to pay thS other half of the price for his young companion. The fast youths in this and other places will take notice, or they may be caught in a similar trap. THZ NZORO COLONIZATION SOKOZOL-WO have as yet heard of no movement in this city, on the part of those interested in the colonisation scheme of the President. In almost every other locality of importance, the subject is engaging the attention of the colored people. The expe dition will sail about the sth of October, and will be composed of about five hundred negroes. The expedition will land at Chiriqui, on the Isthmus, two hundred miles north of Aspinwall and the Panama railroad. If no objection Is made by the Chiriqui Government on arrival, a landing will be made in Chiriqui Lagoon. If objection is made, or if the mining and agricul tural prospects are not good,the colony will go elsewhere and settle ; in the language of the paper of permission from this Government, "at any point within the tropics." SenatOr Pome roy has a letter from the President charging him to "maintain the honor of the Republic abroad The expedition will be well supplied with provisions furnished by the Government, which will be dealt out as rations during the voyage, and thereafter until the first crop shall have been gathered. It is the intention to make the colony speedily self-supporting. The Government will give each adult unmar ried man twenty acres, to every faintly of five persons forty acres, to of over five persons eighty acres. Coal crops out in places, andinceprove most valuable, as the article ie now carried in large quantities to Aspinwall from Pennsylvania. The country is well adapted to-cotton, corn, cocoa, rice, settee, and fruits, and potatoes grow wild. getuitor Pomeroy has received more than one thutspuld letters, from all parts of the North, written by persons making inquiries or offering to Its the expedition. •14 i4"C.'l"i I • a envoi ur t - lettiljart 4 September. 181061 • 1, =2 m.--At one o'clock : -this morning we dsomely serenaded by the Hummel& i, which was duly appreciated. err AGO, while the junior i wlitor o .....inbtirg (Union county) Friss Wad at New Berlin, he discovered two bine cranes in Penns creek, and shot one, which measured, from tip to tip of wings, six, feet, and from the toes to the bill five feet end one inch. Tea Rooms of the Ladies' Belief Association will be open every afternoon at four o'clock, for the reception of lint, bandages, bags, &c. A new requisition has been made upon the so= clay for these articles for the relief of wounded soldiers now lying at or near Hagerstortn. It is hoped that the society will meet with prompt encouragement --- • Eau }lnman—We learn that Capte. Hun ter and Elsenhauer, and their companies, have already had ,a taste of, the hardships of war, the poor fellows having been marched to the Jones House, in Harriebnrg, wheat they were com pelted to eat a eplendid supper on the evening of their• snivel. What barbarity.--Reading SECOND COMPANY REVINIIIII quAlum.—The sec ond company Revenue Guards arrived in this city last evening. This organization was fully clothed, armed and equipped, at the expense of the Collector of the port, who commands the First Company in person. The following are the names of the officers of the Second'Compa ny : Captain, Wm. 4 Steel ; Firstlieut., Geo. Phillips; Second-Lieut., J. J. Bnohey. Samoan's Omits Efousa.—Sanford is drawing large audiences The town being tall of stran gers, seek out nightly, and tho scene presented them is just in accordance with the times. The new song, The Praise of;_McClellan, as sung by Mr. Batchelor, demands a repetition nightly; while the songs and Jokes by the other members are highly appreciated. The Countryman's visit will be repeated, togeth er with the Troubles of the Poetoffice, to-night. Visitors attending would do the managers a favor by securing the ready change for their tickets, thus avoiding the rush at the doors. .~.___ IT Is A. qIIINTION with some of our plain people, who make their loyalty a test in every thing that relates to the crushing out of rebel lion, whether it is in order for an o ffi cer,in the United States army, to devote his leisure time to feting rebel prisoners, carrying thew around from one saloon to another, and making as !much " fuss" with them, as if their blades 'were never at the throateof loyal men When a rebel officer is paroled, 110--ftiould depart or 'he should swear allegiance:in:a government he has attempted to destroy. When he fails to do ;this, those who brought him, subject themselves to a suspicion which should never attach to loyal men. DXATH ON a Somma---Jacob H. Books, a private In the 9th Peonsylvania Cavalry, Com pany 0, Capt. Harris, under Col. E. C. Wil- flied in a hospital at Louisville, Ken tucky, September, 1862, aged 29 years. The deceased was a resident of Port Royal, Dau phin county. His body arrived at Middletown on Monday afternoon, and was committed to ita last resting place on Tuesday. The deceas ed was a brave man, and a short time before his death, saved the life of Col. Williams, and 'for brave deeds on the field of battle, he was loved and respected by all, but more particular ly by the Colonel, who had his remains placed in a handsome metallic coffin and forwarded home at his own expense. His funeral ser mon was preached by the Rev. D. A. L. Laver ty, of Middletown. Ecc. /3 : B—" There is no discharge in that war. • A PRIBIENTATION.—The' First City Zomtves, Co. A, 127th Regiment P. V., Capt. F. Asbury Awl, made a street parade yesterday, and went through their evolutiona before the thousands of new troops, encamped on Capitol Hill.. Their perfect discipline and soldierly bearing excited univereal applause. The gallant young captain knows how to instruct men, and has brought his company to such a state of discipl,kne and soldierly knowledge as will make them the peers of regulais. They have duriUg the past six weeks performed the delicate duties of Provost Guard, at once with decision and courtesy. After the, drill as the Capitol grounds, yes 'terday, Captain Awl was presented with an de: gent sword, through private Geo. W. Fenn, in &short speech on behalf of the company, which was as modestly received as becomes a soldier. The Zonavee are of Harrisburg's best war =ile ajai, and we shall watch their movements with pride. It is understood they will twit be vellevetchere to join their reginient, already ;engaged with the enemy in M'Clellan's Army. IN TEI mixer ow TEI TOYER= Or Wan, the ,following =plait. lines will find a response in many &heart. How many little cheeks are pressed on the window panes, wishing the labeent ones home again, who WI never rdurn, , :toho have made a am:rifles of thanesivestkatthei; chit ken may inherit tie Mesabi of thirty Whin men and women have crowned their years: Three little forme in the twilight gray, Scanning the shadows across the way ; Rix little ages four black and tyro blue t "Briinfitrof love analuipPinesi too, .. Witchingforsa. May with her Oleg sed-thou'ghtful brow, Gentle face beaming withamiks Just now; Willie, the rogue, so loWingand gay,. • - Stealing sly kisses from door May; , Watching for pa. Nellie, with the. ringletcof smany, tine, Cosily nestled between the-two, Pressing her cheek to the window-pane; Wishing the 'absent one ' Widchlicitior pa. iow ihni,giane at the passers_by I " He's corning atlasti'f they gaily cry ; " Try again, my peta I" exclaims mama:mi. And Nellie adds, "There's the twilight Aar? Watching for ' ' • Jaelt node and emdte..llll.idith buly-feet He lights the lamps o th e ir _pot "'Ts That sweet little penile latetrti-PuJZa May, and Willie, and.golden.haired4e - Watching for pa. Soon joyous ehon_tefrcnit the window-seams -. ..! And %ger ;tatter of childish** ; Gayantuneal ring ..t4ro„gh,the ha A manly roles responds*, the all, = Wagons liapie, --Tim libnrth Ward .131tiaide ploise this evening at seven o'clock, at Alderman kralaughlin's office. • • - `, ATTENTION I HORILLEINING OREM/ (MENIIPTE.)— You are hereby notified that in obedienest with the resolutions: passed at our last drill, the com pany will meet is the lower markdt house on Thurs:!ay evening, the 18th 4ast.,•at 7 o'clock, for drill, when other imPortaut businetis will he disposed of. It is desirable Out every member be punctually present,- :Exempts from militia duty residing in other" wards, who have not cormeoted4hemselvtle with any military orgrin ization, ameerdially invited to attend and unite with us.' Irsisranta Efumisk Jg . , Capta'm DAPT. Cliosos A. Bnoows.—A report reached this city to-dfivth .the (debt chit Capt. George A. Brooks,' company D, Forty-sigth . P. V., wse killed. His body will sills* liere:this afternoon. Capt. Broolte weep ptiltete . in Capt. M'Cor mick's compaiy, the Leihiri dreis, hi the three months iseridee; and immediately , after, his re• turn, recruited * company, the VeOeke Rifles, attached it t*C4,)railite'sl'OitiNditit regiment, in which potaton he servedt 'iota, he met his death. .He was 'with his coMpany in , all the important liAties in w hi* regiment en gaged—participated hi the first=ateutult at Win cliSMter—wati at Front Royal to repel the' at tack of Jackson, and ... ,(04red 'the rear of General Banks' masterly retreat through the Shenandoah Vanity. tAlter that retreat he again marched.over the. valley to Culpepper Court House, and at tbe battle of Slaughter idountain, in consequence albs) abeence of his Filet j.i`eilieliatit on other duty, and• the illomp of his sebond, Capt. Brooks himself left a tick bed, to lead his men into the field, -resolved that they should ittit_gb Without, s tile direction of an officer with whom they were acquainted. In this hloijai.incounter, the field officers tof the 46th were all disabled, when the command of the regiment fell_ upon Capt. Brooke—in fact he found' himself in command of 'the entire right wing, in which position, by the coolness of his direction and the gallantry , of tiis,daring, he won the applause of all who followed his leading. in this engagement he was himself wounded, while only sixteen of his company escaped with their lives, the others having all fallen into the jaws of Reath. , In this enoneSftoll, It It not out of 'Place 'to mention that Capt. Brooks, from time to. time, corresponded With the.Titiinuaii: His letters from the:army were always read with *tenet, and as a writer, (with the advantage of being a practical printer,), was:very populex with ottr leaders. Just two weeks ago Captain Brooks left his home,, his wife saidlikionly child, and Listened forward to the head •:)f his shattered yet nn , daunted command. Be had scarcely recovered from his wounds—he was yet weak and weary from the effects of the brunt of battle, but with a mind glowiog with ardor and a heart fall of hope; he hurried from his precious loved Ones to join his gallant oUrnpanions, and once more bear his arm in the glorious fight for liberty, for law; and for government. In that'fight he fell—in the defence of liberty he perished—and while liberty survives_ may his name be remem bered with-gratitude:- - LaDID Mum ROW SMELT. —The ladies named will send to the reception room, Mrs. 'Dr. Bailey's, Market greet, by 104 o'clock, On Friday, Sept. 19-4 Rice Pudding. ktre. Daniel Yoder, Mre, Jim. B. Thomson, " W. Zeek, " Wm. Tarhattoa; " Joseph Barbra, Mire Ameba-Shutt, " M. Foray, Jane Richardson " Q. W. 13691, " William gileg, On Soturday, Sept. 20th —One pound Butter; one• hat/ dune Eggs, one peck .2bniatoes, , Mrs. R. J. Ron, Mrs. Dr. Patterson, • " Alex. Roberts, " Dr. Porter; " Jos. Royal, " C. J. Reese, K M. Pollock, " Jane-Obieny " PO*, D4vi W.4 11 4111er• `Oa Mow*, Rept.-22d—Otutirltelfilionibielide Bread &In Oxillitir__ fii# 4l l Miss Alice House:, sirs.,Wooclall, " Royer; " - Mary -Pass, " Fannie Holman, .' l .l Jane Swartz, " Agnes Bowan, " On Tuesday, ,Saps. 28d—Oas Pair , of Sneed r ldro..William Wykoff, lire. Daniel. Urdoh,.. " Ddalel Willson, Jolin'yfailo,goV 4s John Wilsoik; "'"".. Joh*Akilric, H. A. Thoinioon, • " id . .. SheaBley " J. Stewart. '-Er• 'ecyligituo Sayford, On Wednesday, Sept.- 2t —Soap,. One. Westennellen . . fiffriLATAffkidluitb. 4111- Levi " Nancy J. Porter, " L. Griffith, • " Maria Groff," _Henry Handahew , ' " 0;32141e], " H. M. Graydon. ;"#*Vii . V.Vilikriu:: On 2huraday, 80. 26th-41.8rsad'LPuddiag. Mre. E. Cunkle, Mra.. " Dr. Charlton, • • .hilialiNkti z " J. C. Kunkel, 1- " 1 -N. N. MOISCII " John Kinnard, Mrs. John Ilhtithil' " A. -Kelkei. " Dr. Miles: On Friday, Sept. 211alletsed - Ohickena' Mrs. J. Murphy, Asa., Atria Nolen, • " Mary Molts, , * j j iAllisty Jones, Thos, MulliSa; , Win. Jennings, 1 " Sa ra h E. '" J.O. Boingardner, 1 " SamnelJ. Jayne: " William Brady. SatF44NAPAIRRi7 - 0. • tAIf4TV,44r, _' . ~av°d'" . A Aar,A O PRIPT , 4 0 ,561 1 4 0 4*, ; * RIP, , m! , "1 . la ilgre;"6...tkinigger• TheefollowitltcomOlitteeldg ewe ae Oated• • M , ° 1 4 ( tY p ; i 1 4: * WOld *r ' obi*" ova okibA *o.'/J; Hf Thottholothevr, :- /thstiLirrEpply, " — .ll c• ' l ' ' Agie‘licriialt. - ' • ' Wittieigray; Thuraiy •iia'l444: I ,tdrs. Dr. Charlton, : 'Unto,. a lrl cks, ' Xstpkle, • Becky, Foater. figeaftei each Paw: 1 .1 81 *...9. 11 Friday; will stain &abet of nostributorei-ar , tits foliiny, ' g we!& 3 4.P.40.M1C5. 1 4 hake Whindsh4. -come contributftMends" who h a ve ' lwt . called nponi mill , please - send in their .49 *1h.. 1 4 11 1.F... EL, Oorpyll, 4 1 *Nlt are-several baskets. and.liielmarea , tits .. : ,. 7 -ladiee r tnireingiheits will idease • • ioiive4iike.hakiiesnalstreet.% 3t„,11,1:X=17 - "*.,;b 7 :0.1%.* ' , Ailey. Scarilk IC CARD. HIADOULTISS GIARDS, Harrisburg, Sept. 17th, 1862. j liesokmd,,,That we, theollicers miters of the first company Revenue Guards, Capt. Wm. 8. - Thoistas, of-the - city of Philadelphia, do most hilly appreciate the generous canduct of Mrs. Oliver "Mimeo It proildln i e, for us a dinner this day l ,Ised the handsome manner fns which she, ha dtinifit. And oiir thanks are hereby cor dially extended to her for the iamb. Resulted, Teat . the manory'df- her' kindness, coming, from one with whom note one of us . was acquaintedieltall go withal. in the day of b it tle, and help us .in the conflict; that n thing we can do shall be left. tunpne to keep the homes'of such meothers in htrael free bora the desecrating tread of the invader forever. Resolved, That the officers of this company be requested. to 'furnish Hrs. Oliver Bello/an whit a copy of these resolutions and the roll of this company. Private H. RYLAND WANININ, " Jams BABILVIT, W. H. B. Comma, ' D. EL Houma, " G. H. Aran, " W. J. CAULIPPI, " J. H. BALLINGTON, Committee. ktmuutoutnia, Sept. 17, 1861. Mu. Etozrolf:--The foll Owing electioneering puff ' , clip from the " Patriot and• Union" of the 16th: A Corner Y' 11011 MILLYILIBLIIKI.—Ottr Demo credo candidate kir District Attorney, Mr. Auch muty, brought a company to this city yesterday from Millersburg for the defence of ' the State. It was a fine looking corps, and is commanded by a "gentleman, a scholar and &soldier." Mr. Auchmuty, In oonsequence of his taking the field, will not be AWE if it is the intention of the' State authorities -to 'hold the miiitia any length - on time; to stump the county. His friends will not forgethiw he canted assured, and giving his3serviofew the cause of his dis tracted country will be duly appreciated by them. Comment on the above article would be use less, had that " model" paper no other circula tion ' than in klilliersburg. But as it is, it is due to Bev. 0. W. Ayers, Capt. of the "Millers burg Company" to say, that the article is a wicked febriadion of fabiehood, and misrepre sentston. . Mr. Auchmuty, (now major) I have charity enough to believe, is too much of a "gentle mean, scbobir andholdier" ''to indict such un just 'bombes!, having, two days previous to the maretins 'of the company, declared the organi zation a "grand fizzle"it, been thrown intoe4l4ll/3101 by'it pir(eof dhisatidatmesi,end mostly' those of the Major's political friends" But nothing undaunted, the "Patdot Preacher," by the most incessant labor, succeeded in re cruiting some fifty men at and with those who "steer ,fronathis46sce, presented the company, to the Governor for. service. Nothing can be 'litii‘ritgittist Auchumuty, in this matteirtlie did lie- duty, •Mid deserves his share of praise: Bat had it not been • for Capt. Ayers, the company would not now be in the field; other gentlemen, likewise, deserve much credit, butt have not time nor space to particularize. As to the motives ottdie "load" of the Pa6iot` '-erisi risers I viki '&IR-hie' public to judge, and will onlysay e that the facts above stated can be fully subetaptiated. Tomo &o To the 'Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully in form those who are afflicted with Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia,Consumption of Liver and Xidney, Gough', Feverso `and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish lffrs. Weistheven's German Vegetablelleleaciget . .at very iffoderete rates. have alißt 0n., - henrit guantiiii of invaluable Salves foe Bore , Frew& Feet and ,References ,cttn be ,friLnisked as toAheir won- Oerful efficacy, whenever called upon.= There need be no tegard,to my corn , s petency in administering it, as I have had it on - hand for- the - past six 'years. As they are now- etold redueetif Kip* no family should be :withont theta over night. They can be had at any time #!,,.my s. sesidence," Pine street, be tween Second and Pront. I AulB dlu Mae. Maxi :—I lake this method of testlfyiug ao the efficacy of your valuable medicine. My hild had Convulsion of tbeßowels, and I heard of your curing children of that disease. I then have it a trial, and my child was restored to ?sealth. When I. commenced to use it my child was three weeks old. I then used your Infant Cordial until nig child was six months old, and my husband and 1 believe that your medicine )ivas the means of savinit our child's life. I live two miles beloii the city. , ~. i Wm neva received a large assortment o f hoop Skirts . , limn 75c. up "tos2 50. ' 'A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and cob lam and'illeeves, at all prices. White cambric'', jaomnettei,iaantuclut, brilliants, and plain and fig,ured bwitte muslin, at all prices. The finest of of:ibubroidared French cambric brands ever rought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we . keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle- Men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock- OW t E gt4ltt,eMs one half, hose, and children's pocifingerbe:attlescriptioni and prices. TWenty pieces pf , carpet to be Sold cheapi Kentucky jeans, sattinetts Laud osealmered --for men and boy's wear....WeleoeivadliOAktantenspenders,- St all prices. fob: down .cetttm l immiltercbiefs, With borders, and agmat - anany, o th er notions and saimll Wwit. .; . - . '': B.'Lwrm, -Zino Xnurtiontents. _JUST 11,' ECKIVED. A LARUE ."ASEIO4TifENT' 'of Family Bibles ut iihrotint styles of bilittiug, it 900, WIL 26* .541, Also Pocket inks of W ien= style tiott , prices 801161116 WE Bookstnre. - . FILL ..UP. THE. OLP Rf.GIMENTB I .. . • .. .. riTRIOTIC and able bodied young men who would a void tieing drafted, and who whit to one of tim ablest regiments .M. the gad, and be oommanded by a captain of Ahem months service, who csistains the . highest reputation se a brays, temperate ondelnistian Whoa, shoukt a moo eater co. it., Capt. W. A. Robinson of the gallant birventrreventh Kegi. neat, P.N., now nerving to the pant army of Major fillnena lioelip..fli4neasse. , BOUNTY - sl7l—slo2 IN ADVANCE. I Apply to W. U. ;inner, Paper and military Ewe, ma ke& street, or to . Foy. T. ii. Robinson, Troia stn et alio lisrket. augg•citi P. __ . IHE nndereigned. Offers at (Private Bale that .. , . _ _ . II thus tavern stead, (now oomph 4 by 3. . Weber.) 'Jammed la the . - adage of PrelP ooo l Dau phin. county, Pa., on the Jonestcrion road, two salter and a half northeast of iirexisburg. This stand ha an excellent run of custom. ,` The' boildinip ars entirely new and very substantiaL a well of never failing water near AO door, todothof With a flue.variety of fiat and ornamental tress. The ?roFg ' , lithe Midalisip. -• i for rb terms ep., Odeon JOSH EMRICH, Progress P. 0. Y. I, 00(4 *Wag atitalanidnYhe liTstinoln.• septikifswew 9lin' US newly 'replenished- stock of Toilet aid Fano, Gawk es wierPlowd in this city y and Mike& of reweesesatedeetea, we wouiell roe WNW/ 12Weelaell. , , , . ir,EWia t , e. ' el Warkeeretemitleortiewieret otreete . l !Mee, me tii XTRAzfiiiiny fotitii superickr - Mind; vat iwurhint is gy• 11 dif,,,, Just Iv ifialibriidirlit ' ---- ' • '' ' --- 1i146111001 Ono PIO NEO gitilleble stresta.` EiJ PIIRSUANT to an act of the General Ae sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled "• n Act relating to Elections in this Common wealthr approved th e 24 day of July, A. D. one thou aind eight hndred and thirty-nlne, I, JACOB D. BOAS, Sheriff of the 'county of Dauphin, Permayivania, do here by make known and• give notice to the electors of the scanty aforesaid,lbit an electiOn will be bald in the said county of Dauphin, ON THE SECOND TUESDAY OF omosEit, A. D., 1862, (tieing the 14th day of Odober,) at which time theAtant and County Ottloers, as fellows, W Cr to be sleeted; ien : nevem= to represent thl counties of Da Thin, blo, rb mberland, Onion, &nyder and Juniata, compos tug the 14th Consremional d strict, in the Congress of the Unitel MAUS: • two persona to represent the County of Dauphin in {he House of ftepronintatives. 'One pinion for District Attorney for the acuity of Dauphin. One person for NILRif 001MIWISkill.r. one person Poi' Metter of the Poor and Howe of em ployment. One once ler County Auditor. ~.• One person for County Surveyor. ne.person fur Comae , . I ALSO IMIREBT MAKI KNOWN AND GIVE NOTICE Sunlit° places or holding the aforesaid general election to the several wards, boroughs, districts and townships Willem the county of Dauphin are as fame's, to wit : The election for the First Ward In the city of Barrie burg, shall be held at- the Public School Rouse, at tee corner of Mary's alley and Front street. . The election in the Second Ward, shall be held at the School House at the corner of Dewberry alley sad Chestnut st r eet. his 4dectlon for the Third Ward shall be held at the School House in Walnut Street, between Second and Front street. Toe election lor.thwYeurtb,Ward, shill fk held at the Public School House in State street, between Second and Third streets: IfhieMotion for O. Fifth Ward, shall be W.: at the bees belong to General John Forster, on the State road leading Deaths resonate gromods to the Penlasylvania State. Laotian Hospital. Toe election in the sixth ward, shall be held at the School House n west Harrisburg. For the towmddp of Sn. Tiebacks; at 111ller's (now Nis ley's) school house. For the township of Lower Swatara at the school house No. 1, in Highspire. For the tewoshohiP of Swetera at the LOGOS% Grove Inn. For the birmigh of Middletown at the Brick School house, in Pine street, in said borough. ' For the township of Londonderry, at the Pnblio House of Joseph Ketper, in said township. For the township of West Londonderry, at the house of Christian Neff, in said township For the township of Conewago, erected out of parts of the townships of Londonderry and Derry at the house of Christian Foils, (now" In said hataililp . : For thatownship of. Darn, at the public bodge of Dan iel Baum, in Hummelstown, in said township. For the township of South Hanover, at the public homm of George HOcker in said township. per the township of East Hiuover, at the public house of Maj. Shell's, (now Boyer's,) in said township. For the township of West Hanover, at the public house of Jacob Rudy, (now Buck's,) in said township. For the township of Lower Paxton, at the public house of Robert Glicinist, (nowallweigartl,) in geld township. For.the township of INlddle'Faxton, at,the pub Hammel of JosephOookley; in 'said townittfp. For the township of Bush, at the house belonging to the unite of the late John McAllister, dec'd now occupied by David Rineal in said township. For the township of Jefferson,. at the house of Christian Hoffman, In said township. For the township of Jac n, at the house now teen John Inkier, at Blxier's Milli in said township. • For the township of.Hanfax, at the North Ward School' House, in the town ,of. Halifax. ! For the township of Bead, at the new School House on Duncan's Island, In said township. . For the borough of Millersburg, ia the Frame School House, on the bank of the Wiconisco creek, in the bor °ugh aforesaid: For the township of Upper Fasten, at the house of Jacob Buck, note occupied by Samuel Buck, in said towns For hip. the township of =Ma, at the publio,house of Ml chain Interline, (now Benj. Bordner,) in Berrysburg, in said township. . . For the township of Washington at the public house now occupied by Matilda Wingert , in said township. For the township of Lykes; at the public house of Sol omon Londenslager,(MacKeitier) in thetiorough of Grate For the borough of Gratz, at the public house of. Solo mon Loudensiager, (now Keiser ) ) inlaid borough. For the township of Wiconisco, at the School House No.' 5, In said township. paiso, for the information of the electors of the county of Dauphin, publish the following sections of ants of the General Assembly, enacted during the session of 1865 to wit: JUSTICE WIZT LONDONDERRY—PIan of Election. also. sections 1 and 8, page 104, pamphlet laws, ap proved the 18th day of March, 1867, vim—"Thatthe mm lens of the township of Londonderry, in the county of pauphin, Ramerly enbmoimi in the Portsmouth election together with such other citizens of said town ihip residing west of the public road leading from Port Royal to leasley's mill, in said township, shall hereafter hold their general and special elections at the house of Christian Neff, in said township." Sec. 8. That said district shall hereafter be anowala Weei-Londeadsrryalectlon•distriot. - Whereas the place of holding the elections in the town ship of Rush, Dauphin county,was by law at School House ninnber three in said township: and whereas, there is no such School house, therelbre—Section 1. Be d enacted by the Senate and Howe of agerseigagost of the Omission. sseuthof PenisayitendiefetAblenerilb Ateasbly met, and it it hereby . ' itiontei by -Me tot Lenity *rale same, - Mit = the general and township ekotionsof Rush Township, Dauphin County shali be hbldist the houie 'besieging MA. estate Of the late John McAllister, deceased, now occupied by David DiagaL, , P age 88 pamphlet laws, asss, a • I also maxertiown'imd jets notice, 'as In and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I ant directed, " that every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of prollt or trust under the government of the United' States, or if this State, or any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned of dcer or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agent, who Is or shall be employed under thelttgislative, judiciary, or Executive department Of this State or the 'United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and ale{ that every member of Couplets and. the State Legislature, and of flu select and common council of any city, commissioners of any incorporated district, is law incapable of holding or exercising at the santefime the office or appointment Of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Com monwealth, and that uts,i*pec . , tor %Judge, or other offi cer of any suctrelehtinb, - lhall be eligible to any office then to be voted for. tt _ • -' - Mll6. L.. BALL MAST E. 11WiUN Also, that in the fourth section of the act of Assembly, entitled q‘An Act relating to executions,' and for other purposes," approved April 15, 18401 it is enacted that the aforesaid lath section " shall not, be so construed as to prevent any militia Aker orlwirdugh °Skier from sera , tag as, judge, inspector or thick *Ow general or mixdal election in this Commonvreath.," ~ Also, thatin the nit faction of iiditel. it is enacted, that every general and sinikirdelectituththail be opened betiretm the hours of eight lipid ten In ,the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjourmenfuntil seven o'clock in the evening, whin the polls shall be closed " , , , , • Th e spacial election sbahlui hold and Oxidated - by the Inspectors and judges elected as aide:aid, and by clerks apponited as hereinafter provided: - No person shall be permitted to vote at the election, as aforesaid, but a white freeman of the an of twenty one years or more , who shall have resided-th this Math it led& one year, 'and -hi Choi:deaden district where he ewers to vote at loot ten days immediately preceding such election, and within two yew( paid a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least tea days be fore thosionion. But a odd= of the United States who haa4neelously been a qualified voter of this State-and re moved therefrom and returned, and who shall have re sided lathe eiaCtiOn Wilfrici and paid taxes ilia aforesaid, shall bet entitled' to , - vote after residing in this six months : Provided, That the white freemen, citizens of the United.liathes, between ilia ages of 21 and ZI years, and ,have - resided in the election district ten days, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vete, although they shall not lave paid taxes. "No person shall be admitted to vote wince name is not contained, in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the cenamindiniem Was; rust, be produces a receipt for the..laWileat, Youti*.,-.. tltolindra, of A ..state or county fax, assesse d agreeably to the constitution, and gins sad:- factory evidence, either AN,his own oath oretarmation, or the oath or affirmation dr, wither, that he has paid such a tax, or on failure to produce a receipt, shall make oath, of the payment thereof; or, Second, if he Glenna vote by being an elector between the ages of 21 an 22 years, he shall depose an cath or affirmation that he has. =Mot in the State at *Won ear before hisappllothon,,andoialre Mich prelif- 'et , ante in the district • is' s renTred WOO act,,and that he does verily believe from the ac Omits given him that he is of the age of and giv- Itch ether evidence as is required by this act, w beeeupon . the name of the personae admitted to vote, Mall be inser ted in the alphabetical list by the inspectors and a note nada opposite thereto,by writing „the ward 'tax,' if he thall be admitted to vote by rams ofilaving paid tax ,or the word lige,' If he shall beadmitted to vote by reason of such aga, and shall be called out to the clerks, who shall onMeMelike notes in the li st of voters kept by Mem. "small asserwhere the name of the person chiming te vote is sot found'on tbe list furnished by the commission erstadmisksworr Aoki Mei right to vote, whether found rorStoll,,is objected to by any qualified citizen, it be the ditty of the impactors to examine such per, fir ostbqo te its qualifications, and if he clam to lat redlati:Witidikthe State for one year or more its will benutficient proof thereoc but, shall _ a pr Test Masten* emnpreent winless, *he Wen so 9 f • elector, that be has resided within th e of said marathon tin days next hmediatill T i r ing Ad. *OM, and shah also himself swear is within in pursuance of Ida lawful coiling =sad withe did not remove Into said dintkit for the I ii= lis persoe quidided as armessid, and who-shell ludo dee proof, ir roisa2 5 bit Madame am/ My. *sit pt taxa us eforamideOlotbe adOlittat tO TOM - la the_ thwerhiP, 'W O,Ol ' dilMg Alo obit relbrAl.,o T -4 /q l 4 P. 02 16 4 1 4, : -'; 44.1 .4 14 00 19 Areet, Ntm 2thatlslUents. ELECTION 13110CLOWTION. RUSH TOWNSHIP-r-Place of boa No) 2beatioements. any officer of any election tinder this act from holding sash election, or use or threaten any violence to any such oil Car t or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him id the execution of his duty, or shall block up the dew or avenue to any window where the same may lig lOU*, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such eke: . don, or shall use or practice intimidating threats, force or violence, with &design to Influence unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from voting, or to restrala the freedote of Choice, such a person, on conviction, snail be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisoned_for any time not leas than one month nor more th an twelve months, and if ft shall be shown to the Court where the trial of such offence shall be had, that the person so offending was not a resident of the city, ward, or district, or township where the said offence was committed, and not entitled to_vote therein, then, on eon "lotion, he shall be sentenced to pay a hue of not less than one hundred dolhirs or more than,one thousand dol lars, and be iniprisOned not lees than six months or more than two years. In case the person who shall have remised the second highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on the day of election, then the person who shad have re ceived the next highest number of ,votes for. Judge laths spring election shall act as inspector in his place.— And in case the person who shall have rowboat the high estuumber of votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an-.inspector-In his place, and in case the person elected shall not Mimic then he impactor who received the highest number of Tees; shall appoint a judge in his place, or U any vacancy abilib continue in the board for the apace of one hour after the time Axed by law for the opening of the election; the qualified voters of the township, ward, or Idr which said officer shall have been elected, present at the place of election, shall select one of their number to ell such vacancy. It shall be the duty of the several assessors, respec tively to attend at the place of holding every general, special or township election, during the time said election is kept open er for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and judges when called on, in relation to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at suck elections, or such other matters in relation to the apices meat et veleta as the said inspe c tors, or either of- them . shall from time to time require.' NIZIIXO 07 SKTUIN JUDGE. Pursuant to the previsions contained in the 76th section of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid tits teat shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of the election of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one judge front each dis Wet, at the borough of Harrisburg, on the third day after the day of the election, being FWD& Y the 17th of October, then and there to do and perform th e &it. ice required by law of said judges. also, that where ajudge bysicknese or unavoidable ac cident, is unable to attend such meeting of judges, then the certificate or return afbresaid shall be taken charge of by one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said district, who shall do and perform the duties required of said judges unable to attend. _ . Given winter my Itand i in my office in Harrisburg, the 12th day or epteniber ' D•, 1562. JACOB D. Mtn,' Sheriff of Dauphin Co. Sintainla 0141014 Harrisburg, Sets.eteber I Ith, 1862. • septll•dawte THE NEW EDITION PUJEtDON'S DIGEST HAS_JUBT BEEN PUBL,ISA:ED,_ .E 1 B, C kk 00 AN ENTIRE new edition of this %ell knows.' Law Book has - just been issued. It hint* distinguished by the following superadded features : The laws contained in the various annual Digests published since the date of the eighth edition (1853) have been incorporated la the body of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited ; the repqrt of the revisors of the Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and_ the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of Congress for the Authentication of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyances, with full and elaborate- notesof •ther dedslOtia einlitiatory of them. The wore been prepared by the learned_ editor„-,Mxj, BRIGHTLY, and its fradinese and permanent value wllrbe preserved by The 'continuation of the annual Digests, which hatte given so tench satisfaction. For sale at je2B BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. FAMILY FLOUtt. NNEE- IN-VITE the ettentiee--of--feetilies who BAKE TRElli OWN BREAD, to °Or siOck of noir. te hay e Jukrikalved - SEVENTIC-FIVE BARRELS bf the Cheeses% (White Wheat) Bt. Louis flour than the Western Marra affords. We meanie° every barrel or bag we sell to be Strict ly IllPlieor• [Phil WM. DLICK,JR., & 00. FOR THE A N . ,° ..7 1 / 1 1,tg.Tr th ri , r,grtc oPenge:il WRITING nianotai tared for the 801104 . : ' POR FOLIOS, , - POCKET INK STANDS' - PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EVERY VARIETY _, SOLD AT REDUCED RATES; STRAWBERRIES. PLANTB set out in favorable weather, (or If waters] what dry,) in August, September or obtobea r will produce a fair crop the next. Faultier; often enough to , pa 3 for the plants and pluming, beside. *Murk% an abundant yield the following sateen. All the best valistleafer sale at the_ HeyetoneiNur eery, Harrisburg :' • au29-dtt CHEESE. FEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance ,LIL of a large couslipiment, are offered at an nuturnally low rate to owe out the lot. lo retail dealers there will be an and uownent offered. Each box wad will be guar anteed esrepresented. WM. DOCK, JE., lk CO. NEW mackerel, in halves, quarters or kilo, just received, and for oalo low by. NICHOLS NICHOLS it Aowatax, Corner Front and /market stmts. EI3 POCKET BOOKS, BIICKEKIN PIIRSEEI i PORT MONAllitei Aka a geperal variety of Leather Goods, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. FLY PAFER. ANCY COLORED racer, ready cut, for covering Looking Glasses, Pidure P.amee, C. won and other new patterns for sale as BIRGNIMB CHEAP HOOK 6-70" F i XTENSTVIC assortment of glassware, tamblent,jeny glas fr I, alt dishes, ito., otr, tads, just received, sae for aide very low. NICHOL 3 & sow.tuti, Corner Front and Market streets. an2t F'"'Dates, Prunes , Raisins, and all tad. or . Nuta, WISE'S State, Third and Walnut, 12319 6 Prime Sugu, • 000 ( I,9lTNiisms for sat Bl v : ery low wholcwile WM: DUOlC'pti Or reran by A SMALL lot of 'choice .. Dr ied_ .cams&eowwilti,. Corner ?runt and NK . . JERSEYlei{,!—Ten tierces justly lialebrarad sugar aura hams, or as • in large akamall imaititaaa. tlitAß CaDER.--(konsbuitly . eery - superior snide or-esese cuss PKIME Choose from New York "Didrias jut received and for saiirtovr by NlCan (kproer halt itrs4l. WM p STERSIVE BOAP, 8 , , - ', - . . beam ' Man alrirriviMa; '•'..-\ - 4 -- ', ' ;iiik bt - ice:, , '‘..."- ' , a rniallaler