II 11 Pailg Ettegaft. PEOPLE'S UNION STATE TICKET. AUDITOR GENERAL: • THOMAS E. 000HE - AL of York County. SURVEYOR GENERAL: WILLIAM S. BOSS, of Luzern° County UNION COUNTY NOMINATIONS couoassa, JOHN J. PATTERSON, of Juniata county Asionierx, . THOMAS G. FOX, of Hummelstown. JAMES FREELAND, of Millersburg. DISTRICT ATTORNYT, A. JACKSON HERR, of Harrisburg. 00IINTY OOKEISSIONKR, JACOB MILLEISEN, of Lower Paxton. DIRECTOR OP TER POOR, DANIEL SHEESELY, of Upper Swaiiira. COUNTY AUDITOR, DANIEL LEHR, of Gratztown. mom: straintron, THOMAS STROHM, of Linglestown. OOROARR, JESSE B. HUMMEL, of Hummelslown AREIBBIIBG, Thursday Afternoon, September 18,1882. THE SITUATION. The reports in reference to the battle of yes terday, in the vicinity of Sharpsburg, at kat glowing with victory, have been some what shorn of their interest, and it now appears that success could not be claimed by either the fed eral or rebel forces. Those on the battle field anticipated a terrible encounter this morning, but intelligence from Hagerstown indicates that no firing had been heard in that'vicinity du ring the morning. A rumor reached Hagerstown late this morn ing, that McClellan had granted the rebels an armistice to bury their disid. If this is "coire i Ct; and the rebels give their dead a decent burial, no battle will be fought to-day, as that time will be required to dispose of their dead, the number having .fallen being reported es enor. mass. THERE is Anarte,telling - the truthie don stantly pronounced an attack upon some of the leaders of that singular combination of fraud and corruption, ycleped the Democratic party. If we announce the postponement of one of its mock attempts at patriotism, or point out the the shameless games of its leaders to purchase and then prostitute the press, we are attacking the Democratic party. By the same rule, the divine who denounces Judas as a hypocrite and betrayer, is guilty of aspersion of the cause of re ligion; or he who has a high regard for truth, and is vigilant in its defence, according to the tory organ, is constantly falling into falsehood—or assailing the Democratic party. This is wonderful. Bat it does not explain how Much money is' to be collected from the Democracy of Dauphin to pay for the publication of Frank Hughes matter in the columns of "the- tory organ. It admits that Mr. Hughes has charge of the tory press of the Commonwealth-4i hutniliates every locofoco editor by confessing that Hughes has charge of the whole • party, and then un blushingly adds that it is all iight.' Demotra cy and journalism have both Caine to a piti ful pass when they are reposed in the keeping of a demagogue of the Frank Hughes school. RETALIATION FOBEpO.PE. If any feeling becomes permanent -after the rebellion has been crushed out and peace is again restored, it will be that which is now being en gendered among the people of troth the rebel and loyal States, toward the governments of Europe. There is no question whatever, that the Interference of those governments, in the quarrels of the States now at issue, must eventually elicit for those thus Mark/ring; the hatred and retaliation of both Parties, simply because the spirit which dictated this Interpo sition was neither kindly to us as a nation, or sympathetic for either party as belligerents. The governments of the old world have long watched with jealous hatred, the groWth and power of the American Union. It has been a question of consultation in every kingly cabinet how to annul this growth and destroy this power, until the wild fury of our people offered the crafty rulers of Europe the opportunity of accomplishing such an achievement. Europe gave the frist fury to treason in this coun try by pleMog to aid rte upholders to 6 guanot th moment the fi rst show of re door made to the Government.— The aim England and Franca were busy in the southern states stimulatingNposition to the Federal Government, with the plea that the southern people were oppressed by the people of the free states. The argument used to sus .,Ull' such pleas always had a reference to the revenue laws of our Government—and present ing these laws in the most unfavorable shape, . . v , . to of the governments in questioft sue .. - • ~, ; _ hin moving the southern manse to ,'',"' , , ii WM. DOOf Sr_ & s. BREAKFAST BACON ! AVery choice lot, equal to the celebra tea (imported) Yorkehlre, *et received. jyld OC iro. °AU and examine those new jar& for Mruh,c 1. best, eheayst and empleat fa to market, for sale by NICooLB k BOWMAN, lal9 Corner Front and Market rtreet. OF all aim, patterns and prices, just recelred and for sale by el 3 WU. DOM Jr.,:di CO LOTS FOR SALE D J. HALDEMAN will sell lots on North divot mut Powaylviata avarice. 10 Uwe tiL=S O Purchase. Apply coiner Front and Walnut jyal dif gOLD PENB The largest and beet stodt, from $l.OO to s4.oo—warranted..at 81111FITSP 8 ROOKSTORL LUI3RIGAT ING 0 for all kinds of ma ._ abloom in paokanee, for oalivel7 low NIGRULS E BOWMAN, Cbrnor Front and Mirka street. gl OR RENT.—A house on South street bettr s itm l ssa m ßeesas and Third. Enquire of NOWAY, Cor. 24 and fine Bl. mad Wit N . ricsoim small lot of those celebrated Hams last received. eras WY. DOM; - riTRE Older Vinegar,- which weArari ant to be made solely from older, Juit reeeired and for nae low by NlCHOlita WOWlfftli, .1012 Corner Wont and *Wet, streets. DANDELION, Rio and other prepare- Um of OA% farad by moms a Bowies, wpm Ceroeriroat see Now Mete 4c., &c., &c Ste., &c., Stc