THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 13v GEORGE: BERGNER IERUS.--Sisoui Samaranom The Dirty Tatianalra Is sensed to aoh6wrltietif li4 the city at 0 read Pei Wok. 'Orly Stibairiliclri-Will :by charged S 4 00 in advance. WEININ AND EOM WanixT.TinAoRAPR. The ISLIGRAPII IS also piiblished twice' Week during the Session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder of the year, add - thrilistald to subscriber? r the fobowing cash rates, via: Finale tubseribers per year Bemt-Weeltiy. An 60 Ten 46 46 Et 44 .12 00 Twenty " '; " , 0 ... ' ..22 00 single subscribers, Weekly ..., 1 00 .1111 LAW OP rrawsperzas. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until arreftreses aro pap. • . , If subscribers neglect or refute to take their newspa• pens from the Mee to which they are direct° I. they are responsible until they have settled the bills said ordered them discontinued. filiztellantens EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania. HANOI/MUM or BOOK-BINDERS' RULING-LIEINES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACHINES YOU GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron .and Braes C AST INGS, WWI/ 'TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANOILE4 SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, BM, EIC„ ktr' Any Machine. of Wood,- Iron . or Bran made to order. Gear and Screw Gutting, &c. HICIIO-K'S PAI'KN > WuODEN' SCREW - CUTTING TOOLS. , hid for Old Copper, Braze, Spelter, &c. ;;TEAM BOILERS, &,O. P ILVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW 'GRATES; Of various patterns; both siatiouiry and swinging, Sash Wei x his as et: various other Wilding castings, for sale very rh.ap at the pay2l-ly) .14 :sine. WORKS. INSURAN.C.E. .• Marine Fire. and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg,.Pa., of the • INSURANCE COMPANY OF NOalli AMEBIC . OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,2001000 • DIRECTORS. • • Arthur 0 Coffin, Simnel iV, Jonev, John A. ,Brown, &salmi P, Smitn, Cuartes Taylor, Ambrosio White, John ti. Neil, Richard D. Wool, William Welsh, William: R. Bewen, James N. Dickson, S. amnia Waln, Jot= mason, George L. Harrison, Frsue.s R. Hip°, Ed ward H, Trotter, Edward S. Ularke. ARTHUR G. COFrI, President. DELO-GAB PLATT . , Seeretary, As &karat ageut for tus sedve uame • company, the under:Ageed is prepared to take Fire risks in any part of i tie mute or Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ou the most favorab le terms. Game Third street between Walnut and Strawberry alley, So re's row. WILLIAM BUEHLER, 010 d ly Harnsourg, Pa. BOOKS FOR FARMERS, rHE attention of agriculturiets is directed to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their ,creps by adding science and the experi mente of others to their experience , : STEPHEN'S BOOK' OF THE 'FARM, de tailing ail the labors of husband", and the best way to perfarm them. Price. .3 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy 400 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Bust.. 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston. : 50 THE AMMAN FARMER'S new and lid venial handbook, with 400 engravings.. 2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEES, by Weeks 20 .rhe Nature and Treatment of ,Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd 1 00 LEIBIG'S AGRIOOLTUEALCHEMISTBY 76 ZILCH COWS. AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 160 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lpach 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, Sta., ke..l 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Frac rloal Farmer, by Dr. Gardner 1 50 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 26 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOUATT ON 'THE HORSE 1 26 HIND'S FARRIERY and FEUD 800K...'.1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and 'training of Horses 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing In the stationery line at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S CHEA P , BOOK am. - HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUE . ST.I.OI4. rvEtE, .Proprietors of the ITA*BIAN OaRINST vs WONDERS, ANATOME-lind 'MUM OWE" have determined re -ardless of expense, to fume frae,.(for the benelit.of ealfering„ humanity) POUR of their most instructive and interesting Lectures on Mar riage and no Disgualtaciatiods, Nortiosa Debility, Prema tnre Decline of !manhood, Indigestion, Weakness or De prossion, Loss of euersz and ifitat Ferrara, the farad So- Mal Evils, and those iialtles which result from Youth ful roilleVEXCuilles of Maturity, or Ignorance of physi ology and Nature's 'law, These, Invaluable Lectures have been the means of enlightning and saving thou sands, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamps, by addressing SECREPARY Palmas Canner or A l umna aro Micoloixa, 683 Broadway, New York. jel9-uly. . • STEAM BOILERS, AVING made efficient and permament arrampunente few the purpose, we are now pre ps- ep to mate S MAN BOILEKS of every kind, prompt. 13 , and at, reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by Bailey & Brother, the reputation of which is second to note in the market. None but the best bends employed. Repairing prompt. iyidtended to. Addict RAOUL 1f OR my22,ly Harrisburg. Pa. PRESERVE JARS . JELLY GLASSES; - UXTEXSIVE assortment Of' 01 . 01atvate:i Au windbag Jelly glasses, Preserve Diebek btOleiei Tumtreni, dc., of all styles, Suet received and for sale icor by ructiols & Bowsiabt, • Corner Front & Market streets HARRIS MANSION FOR SALE. rpHlSAandsome property recently 000 n• pied by the PENNSYLVANIA MULE CoLLEGR fs ollered Is well suited either for a titivate Residence or a Boarding School, being supplied With go, Water, bath rooms, heater, range, eto. The grounds contain valnable Triirt Treiw and Shrubbery. The place will be eold Joy and posseaskrn given Within reasonable time. For t e rm,, Ace., apply to. MRS. S. S. WAUGN, or DR. WM. R. BELE • Rieetnors of Betate of Rev. B. R. Waugh, dee'd. 024.000du CLASS FRUIT . JARS 11 SELF SEALING.. - BEST AND CHEAPEST L CALL AND ZXADIrIiE; wx, nooa Jskai'- • if- - 4 \ N3 h r t • . - ')7 o,lft/ . ,!, • • • • . . 1.1 ' • • f • • . . f , . j t4:1 11 he • • at • - • VOL XVIIII gieb . rg DR. JOHNSON 3343LETIIKCINLMI LOCK HOSPITAL! HA S discovered the most certain, speedy and effetoual remedy la the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. ILIUM IN TWENVB BOMB. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Tiro Daya. Weakness of the Back or,Lhnbs, Siricturee, ®ions of the kidneys and Bladder ,Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debility, Nersouanem, Dyspepey, Lan guor, Low Spirits, Omfasion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling', IDlmness of Right or Giddi ness, D 1 same of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affec tions of theilltres, Lp, Stomakh or Bowels...thus ter rible disksi•diali~trod the Sblitary Habit/ of youth those flossy apd aqttit7 praotloakmore fitil to their vlbilnis than tHe unirot tyfbrilio Marioete of Ulys see, blighting their moat. tir#l . ant , hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, • lispeCially, who bnio'Xouv betoicme the 'victim of Solitary Vice; that dreadful and destructive habit which annual• ly sweeps twin untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and . . brilliant Intellect, whit might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. • 'tarring,. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplathig mar riage, being aware of physkal weakness, organic debili ty, deformities, &c., speedily cured. Re who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and 00n fklently rely upon biz still as a Physician. Organic Weakneu mmediately Cured, and full vigor Restored This distressing Affection—which renders I lie misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper Indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful constspencea that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into im proper habits than by tine prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most, se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervious Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the H ea rt, Indigestion, Constitution...l Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. Mee t No. 7 South Frederick Street. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door. tram the corner. Fail not to observe Demo and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc. tor's Diplomas hang in his office. A Cure Waxrexted in Two Days. No Mercury or MUNN:OW Drags, Dr. Johnson, hien/Ler of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most eminent ()alleges ut the United States, sad the, greater pert of whose lite has bean spent In the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else - where, has effected some of the mast astonishing sores that were ever known • many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, - being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. Take Particular Notice Mr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulge.. co and solitary babas, whinh ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business study, society or marriage. Thum are some of the sad and melanchelly sabots pro. duosd by early habits of youth, via: Weaknees of tue Back and Limbs, Paine hi the Heed. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitatiod of the heart, Dye popsy Nervo u s Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Comitimption, Mitarawl.—The fearful effects on the mind are inuob W' be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas •• I.le prestion of Spirits, Evil Forbodnigs, Avers'en to PoketYi Self Distrust, Love of tiolitude, & 0., are some of the eine produced. Tnothatinis of persons of all ages can now Adige what is the cause of thear declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pals, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, wash - and symptoms of eonsumption. . • • . . • • Young Ken - Mid have iiUUred themsehai bj certain practice In dolged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, er at Whoa, the sheets of :Which' are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if stet'curiscl renders marriage hanosidlde, - find dititroys both - mind and . body . should apply jonselhael . y. Whit ailLy that a piing Man, the'lhope of his coun try, the dor* of his parents, shouicrbit taittchid from ail Prue penki and eVernenin of Bib, by the conaetueno of deviating from the path of nature and toddler* • certain' secret habit. Such persons 111794 before contem plating maw" • reflect that a sound milif=mdWsze the most noes- eery requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, w ithout these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to ths view the mind becomes shadowed with despair and Shad with the melancholly reflection that the happiness of stunner becomes blighted - with our owtr, Bikini) of Imprudence. When the inisionded and Imprudenli votary of pleasure finds that he bat imbibed the meads of this - painful dis• cane, It too oftehhapens that an tit-tinted ISOM of shame or dotad of discovery, detroMi Obi from applying to Wpm who, from eitottion and respectability, can alene. It+ friemi him, delay - lug till the wooMmittonal sYmptoms on Ws burr d MMus make thele.appeartiono, such as ul canted sore throat, diseiled nom. nocturnX) . palee in Cho jpote autt.lbMs, diguleei of sitht;,deeMotis, Mee/lon tbeahin,honmond vino, blotches on the had, face, em extremities, progressing with fright % rapidity, mu at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of.the mite fill in, and the victim of ibis awful disease bectime a horrid object or commisetritlan, till death 4atO o period to his dreadful antrerirdp, by sending him to "that Ur discov verod Country from whence ao traveler returns." • It la a whine/ugly fact that thousands fall victims to this Mcrible diastase, owing to the unskilfaliness of Om mint pretandies,z who by tbe One Of that Deadly POI/001, Mercury, rola theconstitutkin and make the reshltus o life miserable. . Tres not your live lstranii s, or beads, t w o the cars of tha.many Unlearned and Worthless Pretendensofystitute of . know. sedge, name or chewier, who. copy Dr, 's elmace sever-, ve rsiessenta, or eye t hemselves is the lieWSPIIPells regslati4liducited - Physiclani inhapibles of Curing, they tilling Month after meek taking' their:' they • 110Walt$11 compounds, or as long as the smallest 'be obtainid,luid debar, leave you with ren irkealitfle sigh over your galling disappointment. • Dr.'Jotiosson is the only Physician advertising. His oredeneal or diplonsis always binge In hos ease. His =needles or treatment are unknown to all Caere,. Prepared from a life spent In the gr eat hospitals nt . fin rope, the tint in the country and es more extensive Pri vate Practice than; iny , eker Maiden in the World. , Indorsissegtqf the Preis. The many thousands =edit this institution ,year at- Aewyer, and the numerous Important -durghsal- Dpers tons performed by Dr. Johnson, asteaseed by the ro• porters of the "Bun," uClitter,"lllll many 'other pa pews, notices of which have appeared again and again 'before the . publio, besides his standing as a gentlemen ,of 'Ghazal:44 and responsibility,' is a anig n ient guarrantee Withrianketed. skin- Vilikums speedily Cured. _ Persons writing sbeald be pnrneuler In dlrectin g their litters to. his Institution, in the %liming meaner : JOSH- 714 JOHNSON, M. D. WILLIAM BAY:FORA MERCHANT TAITJORII 85 =BIM ST., BABRISBIJBG, I S now prepared: to furnish officer's tlifulag, according to resatatioas at abort Vol l .tivfaldag ne dytr ia " Qt dotbi .g elttertra" 111164thli CLARET WINE J! ! - - )5r 4 00 0 0 1 411 out`a VERY 4IIPERIoR W 14.4114 1 ". wz Don, ir.:* "I N D i E P.E..N : I) V1,KT. : , 4 4 . 4,,, 1 114:- : ,.1'..)if:1NT.,*' , 5': ,, -N: A' UTR.A.L SIN . NUNE." HARRISBURG, PA_. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 18, 1862 HOWARD & ROPE MORT i_OR-'... 'MUTE NEW VOItK. Goods' Ordered in the Morning Returned the same night. Leave New York at 7} P. M., by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in 11arrisburg at 8 A. At. WITHOUT CHANG OF ' OARS. Order Goode marked . - via HOPE EXPRESS 00., • General Office, I:62.Broadway, New York For , further informaidowerordre of • GEO. BEEGNER, Agent Baurusairao, Aug. 1861.-dtf coA m rai W.NOLEISAI4E AND RETAIL. triviNGleividthz - foot . of Al North streets Weir occupied by 0. D. Eqater,, Ism enabled to supply the public with* - - COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT' VARIETY. AND 1311.103 OF 0.t...31181V" ..F 1:14 L . NV E UCH . ALWAYS QUARANTNED, Orders Irespeotfully solicited—which, if -left at the (Coe, toot of North street, or at the 418941 of Wet. Dock Jr. 4 Co., will receive prompt attention. OILLARD DOCK. LIFE INBUBANCE. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of . Philadelphia. CAPITAL AND ASSETS • ' SI,ASS,SENI 'THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN Y. JAMES, Actuary, C MDT C" , PE to make 110IIRANOE ON LIVES illoitu'remonable_terms. They aet a 9 Executor., Trustee. and Guardians under last Wills. and as Receivers:sad. allignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly incresaing reserved fund, offers a perfect security to the insured. The premiums May be paid yearly, halt yearly or guar. terly. The company add a BONUS periodleally to the Insu rances for WO. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in De+ cemberlB4ll, the SECOND BONUS in December t, the T th D BONUS in December, 1884 , and the NOURTEL BONUS In 1869. These additions are made without re -4;l'lo4aq Increase n the premiums to be pa id to the Compsny. . . The following are a rew examples from the Register : Amount of Policy and Stunl Bonus or I bonus to be increased Polley. I lammed ad& ton by lutitre additions. No. 89 usoo $.687.60 $8,887 N. ' .., 132 8000 . 1,060 (0 4,060 00 i , " 199 ' ' 1913) 600 OW : ' 2,400 00 .. 338 , 6009 I,1116:13) 6,676 00 . Agentai riabUrg*lik4to)ols9., WILIAM ilifEklekt: vas WEST CHESTER ACADEMY 1. AND MILITAY INSITITITE, AT WEST . CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA, will commence She winter term of five calendar months on the IA of hiovembernext. The connwotindrustion is thorough and extemireolminatikaildientOlied to prepare bill luid.7 4 Wlnf *AA fOr WOO. • The PanoiPal , who dimmed him time to the interests of hie school tad its pegs, Is nelitated by eight of ablbtf And experience. The Oman, French and Spas4sei lauyntges are taught by native resident teachers, a , imvantage which will be readily- appreciated -by -the patrons of the inetltution. The Military Department la under the champ of ilalor . G. Eckendorif, of Philadelphia, whose qualincatkona for the position We eitelielveAr _known. Its duties and requirements do not, in any way in'erfere with the literary departments, while eurobteKartiong 044 carpi is fereeptiocili.' " • • For estolongekc„ !maple ; repilwecaftm WM. P. Wrgill3, A, M., Principal. fLOWSBURG GOAL OIL DEPOT., VOR the safety of onnsumere, we have. totehltelnxta 0 0k1Of1Appot et sm:oorner of Frost erti Market streets. all our oils are tatted and we pad tively.aellnene except , iteett se warm he neekozplostve, clear and free frem alor as far as practliable. We offer at present the lellowiNglpelly Oeleltrated brands. Mad dens u , Roklnson, Nabroua and Lunar, lower than can be t uraßel 414"Whate tb* P l ank : eet h et erbelosale or eiaii an este/Wye assortuuud of Laullid, ehica • &eye, Shades, Glen Cones, -Harness; Ire. We •wlll also elnunge th aid or complicate- lamps, so as to he used ler &at col Call and pie ! yourselves at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, april comp 4.'lFront and. Market street. _ VOLIFIiTEIRS. A LL kinds of Second Hand-Olottittg, bootsandsloss, totinkt sat Cold at 'the 'OW" store, Second Street cent to Mao Capital. Bank.- PIS:: job Xeitto_knis__MdAnin.inanksaintairatiartzta;- sry fiddle and spurs fin an Moor for sale. No. ad Bac end Ekon. W. BARR, Auctioneer. aule-dtf e, ?dd. , _ . riRIISELED, weave and fine pulverized k) sugar, ,lowst4 u,113r Ober plugsstn Scrim . fall jact esainUne;IGIWIS 6 sowitax 1.6 • _-. Corner groat sp and Multeistrestri. tiORICSERNING .jaro; fruit cans of 'sit L kb*, low Neu low, by NICHO/ l _ s BOWMAN, Omar host Waal" si.esti.. 0 o : tiperior—brandse wig& we warnat 10 girt —ef— extnr-tate firth ..ftreWen. for zais 9 num" a DMUS: I n u , Aminrlfiroot and Whet" , illiiicillattiou*:, FREIGHT REDUCED ;1 EXPRESS 00,'S TO AND FROM c • 1 OFIICI NO. 408 OBEST'NL7 MEET. (OILATITM timPicruAL.) e o.dly WM Ilisallautons APPOINTAINNTB OF ASBL B TANT ABBBB- SOBS. —The undersigned Assessor of taxes, under the act approved jai/ 1, 1862, entitled. "An act to provide Internal revenue to support the (kiNieriallient, and' to pay interest - on - the ,publietiebt,' toe the fourteenth collection dia. tract; has appointed the following as his amis. tante, viz : . No,l and / Dauphin county—Benjamin F. Sen*, MiddletOwn P. O. • No. 8. :Ntorthumberland county—Jacob Seas bolts, Sunbury. F. 0. No. 4. Thomas 8. Mackey, Milton P. O. No. b. Snyder oounty—John Eiger, Se linsgrove P. O.' , • NO. 6. Union county—Charles Schietner, hillitinburg P. Q; No. 7. Juniata, county—E. C. Stewart, Mit' din P. 0. MIDDLItOWN, Sept. 11. 1882.. • tionbary Gazette, Mitilinburg thaws, Mins-, grove Post and Juniata &Wiwi, Miglintown 'publish three times and send bill to Dew !Kama, Middletown, Dauphin: county, Pa. 808 EDWARDS, GAIETY RUBIO HALL. Walnut Street between 2d and 8d• ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY IMIENREc. SUCCESS 1 First week of the Beautiful AMERICAN DANSBUBB MISS ELIZA FLORENCE, In connection with the GREAT GAIETY TROUPE, MISS KATE FRANCIS, MISS LIZZIE FRANCIS MISS MOLLT FIELDING, MISS SATE AROBER,i ~.:)MISS JULIA EDWAIIIIS; i. : Dick Berthelon, J. H. Hollis, D. H. Hyde, Bob Edwards and Weber's Beautiful Orchestra . , • ildrahlion 26 =cants • ' "MB El>344o4.:BlacPrletcr. PURIFY T4E BLOOD. IVOT a Teiv' -of the wori-1. *orders that IA afflict maniddit arise '46124 Corruption that ac cumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none have been found which Couldeqral in elect studs CcettioUSD &Tee= or Sassakiiirtia. It desires and renoVateetlie blood; in stals the vigor of health into the system and purges out .the humor which make .disease. It stimulates to. healthy iunctions Of the body' and tipels ' the disorders' that grow etd rantle in the blood. i.e ettritardlnary virtues are not yet widely known, but when they are it 'will no longer he a question what remedy to employ in rthe great variety of afflicting diseases that require an &Iterative rern.dy. Such a remedy, that could be relied ;on, hes long been sought Sir, and now, for the Hest time, have.enei on which they an depend. Our apace boredom; not admit oertineates to show Its diets. silt the trial of% mingle hint le , wi/l to the mist 'that It has vistas" surpa ssin g snythzu they have mot Mken. - &Weems Menu .I§Mdfnla, screfolona ,and dorm; tryiand ewe the rapidity with which It 'sires. dies Diseases, .Ptmplar, /wages, Moichai, Eruptions tic., are soon clesnedout of the system. St. Anthotsesjiin, Erysipelat, leer er Atilt .Rheum,, Eoold Head, Itingtoores, arc., should not be , borne *bile they can be E 0 vesdily cured by snarls saIVAPARLtut. Nyphillas or Venereal Disowns is expelled from the system by the prolonged USN of this SABBAPABILLA, and ;the patient to left as Maltby as If be had /sever bad the disease. i ' , mak Diseasa envenomed' by scrofula in' the blood,. ;'and are generally soon cured by tide Exvesor or Deese lecanue, Moe Slyer bottle, or 6 bottler for $5. For all the purposes of a hmi/y phyalo, take 41'11101 O•inento Pup, which are everywhere known to be the best pfirgetive that le Wined . to Abe ' American Peo ple Price 'A bents per Box, or 6boxes for $l. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY= 00., Lowell, Mass. and so d by Druggists m 1710401- Sold by O. A. Bei:mart; Gross& 00., O. K. &el ilerd. M. put; Dr. Mien F. liryeth and design! fuer . :where s IV LI 11. E, • IF 1r4703V - A. T 4 1 1tWtdX. ittoTA . ? AP:Pt. 111 4 1 1 /ELOPREI,- 0 4 , 8E 8 1 POplicHr- rtfIESTAIIDS,' ' • *Kris Abu) ROLDB2IB _ . • Of 'ataxy ilesaigtiwn and you will find the largest awartment at •" iiiiiceizirs_Booktrroicz. • t' BUSSES lislaTlElNg BOARDING 'AND. DAY SOHOOL I - .12T0 kiladdrihia l TA be reopened - ' ; Kona", 0.17,1:10/1TIL corirse of Wady embraces • the Lti:Laat; French md, Amami. . t hapoigesi Mole, /trol'AM end Pliollo6, Solgy i nk ciellloollllll7 and nignot tnanobEn of Alocation. ; The o:datoonitalitima Oa Unit . chsraeser g tataicieMbi tokOsinelo Ow polite tho,iknfort Cl' 140 paeans or, Ike Unme t a deduct i " 10 pqrootatx9llie made!!; 001000117Wi • " 0.01-411ar Wiad. A. PAIRICHILL . .P fL.I3. - NI 13 E - 1Z • i LIDS' i ti t &pig, Mt *Or ou 7•414.4 /Waif Ogaga, le bußiflotortes, km; suet ai tr i t o dlika i talo r wain siwork ma /1 k 10Elidoir" nr, 14 Wrens su ar.ll l 7- M al lo *rem* to. • .1; 17 •• 'lOO/041/0,,,, tije Ctlepp4, THE SITUATION. A Savoie Battle - Night Yesterday' Geo. Longidrees Wounded and a Prisoner. A. ViciOry. Achieved. MURAL HOOKER WOUNDED SLIGHTLY. DANIEL KENDIG A severobattle was fought in Maryland to-day. Our• right wing rested on the Sharpsburg pike, two miles this side of Sharpsburg, an] our left this side of Antitum creek near Portenstown.-- The rebels are ftGling back to Harper's Ferry and dispirited. The wounded are arriving at Hagerstown. Surgeon General Smith dispatched 'a 'special train to Hagerstown at three O'clOck this morn ing with surgeons to attend to the Founded. The bridge reported to have been destroyed. by the Federal forces was the canal; bridge at or near Williamsport. The destruction of this bridge is considered of great importi . nce, as it impedes the rebels from bringing up supplies. Seventy-two thousand men have thus far re sponded to the Governor's:'calf for troops : for the defence of the State. The reports throughout the west that the ,Pennsylvania Central Railroad is obstructed by the transportation of troops sod Government supplies, or that it has been in•danger of rebel invasion, are entirely without foundation. The road is entirely unmolested, and is doing its usual . heavy .transportation trade without de tention or hindrance, and is prepared for any amount of trade that may be thrown upon it, either east bound or west bound. rirt the hour of going to press it is impoodble to give any (*Liable partimdms of the . great :events of yesterday. ' ' Diapafehee,receifed . at Quarteais from Hagerstown up to late. last evening aey : We have achieved a glorious victory. Gen Longetreet is wounded and a prisoner in our hands. Gen. Hooker Is wounded in the foot. - We have no further results' of the fight ex cept that gen. .11'Ciellau'a headquarters were at Sharpaburg-faat-evening. BY FI11iI1&i 'B. The 4urrender efii.liaiperra Gen. MOW Loos In the Conflict Less than One Hundred. on. au . 46 111 CANIAND OP VI: WOlllB. Its Elimination by Jackson's Forces. Thee first day's Aatile at Sharps burg, Md. WABIIIIIOTOIII, Sept. 17. (den. Miles' loin before:his Ear per!s; Ferry is , believed to have been. less Mow a hundred. Glen% A. F. Bill of the rebels was left in command there to gather up the spoils. At 6 o'clock yesterday Jackson marched a large partof his force out of Harper's Ferry on the Winchester mud. It is credited here that e bxttlifixeumenced yesterday afternoon in the vicliiNief Sharps burg, Md., continuing until eleven o'clock . . Oor army rated for the night where the last of yeetardaje fighting left 'them, and expected to renew the engagement at daylight this morn in_g.. The above facto are gathered from non sources. Terrible Exproaisa_ at Pittibtirg. OVER EIGHTY LIVES LOST. prrinne, Sept. 17. A-frightful - explosion occurred attbe United States Arsenal , big Afternoon-at two o'clock In ;Argo fame boildingknownsstholaboratory. About 176 boys and girls were employed in the building at the time of the disaster, 76 or 110 of whom were tilled.. - • • • The explosion was followed by another until the entire building vas &strayed. '• • Those who ..00ntd.imt _swipe in time,were burned up, thitimensrwirtntatipokag—dead bodies ; Vera lying kJ:Amps-Sit they had fallen, 1.14 164 1 k ' " •Itilkologskiarit the heat was intense 091 M be nen through taw in odor places WIPP soma e 7 ., h were table. • Up to thi_present time afaty.threo bake havie been taken from the Tim masa the WWl= JR not known, but it is adin;t• by alto knio bean accidental. = innaloo o 1 ou. mo. - • 1101114214 Aept. li The funeral of Gen. 'Senor *hole mobs iy &T . zooid &stow liiiltikeploosioa !rift_ ifk.14404. NottVomoftpitaik, From our Morning Union LATER. Ferry. gtsami tiding atm Having procured Steens Power Preens, we are Omer ed execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of weer desedPigon, cheaper than It can. be done et / any taw entabliglintent in stit OW:7y. • • : • RATES OF ADVERTISING: liar Four lines or tees constitute ene.balf square. kht lines or more th an four constitute a square. alf . Sguare, one d 1 y ... SO 25 . one wee , it one mooth . „ . ..... . ... . 0 1 60 26 4 three months •"•• • • • 4 00 id etc months 6 00 .. one year 10 00 One . Square, one day ............ ...... , ...... 50 one in ek 20 0 .. one month 6 00 fir three months 10 00 .. Mx month' 15 00 " one year 20 00 , igir Business notices inserted In the Local ns or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT GENTS PGatio ER LDIS for eaoh insertion. _ _ Sfir Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. • - • •. • A, , 4 NO. 18. FROM HARPER'S PERRY, The Works Be-occupied by United States Forces, ki :4 Ail dO:ilk0 WO :4 Di :):4 MEIN THOVSIND PRISONKIS MEN Great Numbers of our Forces not The American's Frederick correspondent says : At the time of the departure of the cars this afternoon it is very generally asserted here that Harper's Ferry fell into our possession again en Tuesday evening at seven o'clock, and was occupied by a portion of Gen'i. Burnside's force before the rear of Gen'l. Division had all crossed the river, who to the extent of 1,800 were taken prisoners. : I have conversed with some members of the New York Twelfth, who were not paroled by the enemy, their haste being so great that they could not spare time to attend to them, who inform me that there is no doubt that the place is now in our possession. i They say it was four o'clock on Tuesday af ternoon before an opportunity was given them to cross the bridge, and that they had not Marched a mile before they met the advance of Our column moving on. They say .the rebels did nos undertake to told the place, but merely made a hasty pas sage through, not even taking time to secure their plunder, much of which, for want of transportation, they destroyed. The rumor of retaking of the Ferry this evening says, that nearly all the guns and arms were recaptured, and that so sudden was the descent made ou them, that they did not succeed in destroying the railroad bridge, three Spans of which had just been completed. The whole number killed during the siege Was fOrty-three, and woanded about' one him dred and fifty. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. Invostment of Charleston, S• Naval Attack on Fort Sumter. Serious Damage Done to the Fort t The reported investment of Charleston by our gunboats has some confirmation by a letter received in this city from on board the U.S. stew •er Bibb which says that Furt Sumter has al ready received a preliminary dose of shall which resulted In serious damage. CHESTER COUNTY POLITICS The Chester County Democratic Convention assembled here this morning and nominated the following 4/chat : for Congress, Gang.. George A. McCall by acclamation ; for keens bly, Jonee McClees, Hibbard Evans and James Hays ; for District Attorney, Col. H. M. Mcln tire ;for Sheriff, Ralph Marsh. The MBM3 meet-• lug celebrating the anniversary of the formation of the constitution is attended by a large num ber of people, Joseph Hemphill, Esq., presidhig. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. PEUlAlmisPills., Sept. 17. lii.eadstutrs doll; prices dnx'Ple3; little 8/11P- Ping demand for flour, small ; sales of superfine at $6 ; extra $5 26435 50 ; exira Strunk $5 76 06 25 ; rye sour dull at $3 50 ;. corn meal et a 12}; wheat meets a very limited inquiry ; Sales of 5 000 bushs—red at $1 2Sial 30-1 000 bush. new rye sold at 65 ots.—corn is very dull, small salesyellow at 6Ercti ; oats in fair re quest at 85437 for new Delaware, and 58@60 Os for old Pennsylvania ; provisions held firmly; Sides of mess pork at $l2 ; and 150 lilids. shoul ders in salt at $5 ; lard firm at 9 , 1 in bbls. and 10 ots. in kegs ; clover seed at $5 ; timothy $2; and flaxseed $1 90 ; 500 bbls. whiskey sold et 83 ctn. Maw YORK, Sept. 17. Flour firm. Sales of 11,6000 bble. at 5 10® 6 25 for state, 5 80@5 90 for Ohio, and 5 65 , 36 foc Southern.' Wheat advanced Ic. Sales 120,-. 000 bus. at 1 08(41 15 ; for Chicago Spring 110 @1 16 for Milwaukie club, 1 22(41 26 for red western; corn Jinn Bales of 60.000 Bus.-690.60: Beef quiet ; pork quiet. ' Lard steady at 900. 90}; whiskey dull at 820.84. Receipts 'cot Flour 9,877 lib's. Wheat 144 062.8u5h.--Cosa 76,188 Bus.—Stocks better. Chicago and Bock Island 6911 ; Michigan Southem.96l ; Reading' ; Virginia "68 ; ; Amer ican gold 116*; Treasury 7 3-10s--104 U. S. es Confront and registered 1001. BALZIXORIN Sept. 17. Flour dull and declining. Wheat quiet ; white $1 68a1 68, red $1 88@1.89. Corn quiet - and scarce- ' white 67@70, yellow 66(468. Whisky dull at 82*. Provisions Inlet. JOHN WIRE' Confectionery & Fruit'Store, MIEFERKET, NBA . WALNUT, tic f risbum, Pcr- CONFECTIONXBY OF ALL EDTDS, ORANGES AND LIMAS, FM APPLES, BANANNAB, FRIDSO AND SALt Fl Lid veg e tables of all Wads, brought direst the &Meta Market*, Woe a week, aaa purcU aaed r . patens' supervadon, thin °Rabbi% me to ' fad chasm article than any to the market:. r_ ar orders team a Ottawa attended th 4-aad rods dedvered to any pan of tha city freee- _ - Irsitrc GASIFIED nuns eoitiganuy eiiiitin . --- ~ aa a " . [N A].: ' I.: - POCKET )3IBLES, FULL auoitment of POoket and' Testaments for the kale" j. relvad at BESGNERT BOOKSTO rrioaAcco, ilo 'cia4rese a n d A. , Twist, itbi sW ty - • • 1Q1C11151.5A BOWMAN, @mai Front and Maria wens. ice' iOES of a ll kindoi.whole and ground, warranted trail sad pure ter tau low by imams a ' !Jo gs ' 0 40114 - 10ixt sad Xarketotirotli, 1=1:=0 Paroled. .. , —..5.......... BALTIMORE, 17, 1862 BOSTON, Sept. 17, 1862 WEST Cmieres, Sept 17, 1862