uzutess 'garbs. DENTISTRY. R. GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the _IV 'Baltimore College of Dental thargery, having per .manefitly loomed In thenity op.Eeunisburgand taken the effraelbrolertl °counted by Dr. fkorigest,MaThird street rreen.kiarket and „Walnut ; gguptio.fully: , informs hie Venda And the pow In general, that he is prepared W jpgribrin ell °perm:into:ill the Dental profession, either ouritgloa •tor mechanical in a manner that shall not be = oohed by, operatore in this or any other city. Ht aas Inserting antugual g o at, te upon the latest im provedaMentillo principle. Teetyroin one to full set, mounted on tine Gold, • .6.,___ elathro plates or the Vulcanite Bass. / take grunt pleasure in recommending the above gen• Haman to slimy former friends of Harrisburg and vi• dingy, and feel confident the% he will perforai all opera- Anna in a ainsanaa mintier, from my knowledge of his feiy3 dtfj •F.J. E. GOUGits. B. Ds. DAN'L. A. kiIIENCJI 11F the Old Wallowa' : Lino ke,apeatinlly IL/ informs We publics inn this Old pally rransporta non .Lizie, (We oiny Wallow it Line nour. in exint•nno fa tble City,) v. is In successful operation, and - prepared to carry insight es low as any other individual line oetwe en Ptiladelphis, .Harrisonrg, Ennoary, 'Lewisburg, Wil iisnieport, Jersey Shore, Lock Hav9n and all Other points as the Northern Central, Pridadelplain and Erie and Wlt• ilarosport and Elmira tttliroada. DANL; A. IJUEINCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. Goods sent So the Wars House of Messrs. Pesooet, Zell es oinehmsu, NO3 808 and 810 Manse street SO eye Eighth, Pbacieiphis, by 4 o'clook,r:x, will ,arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morxil4g. • • • aprilio-ramyl B, J. HAR,RIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manutactiver NO. 112 NARirgy num, 11A8R15817.40. HAS always on hand a full assortment or Tin and Japanned Ware, Clooalnit and Parlor *Me of the beat manusacrtudes, Gutte* apoettng; Roof ing and Galvanised Iron (Jorniatt, inattllthaturet! and put itratreehonable rates. • ' ' • ' . Jar kepatrLog promptly attended to. apr3O-dIY REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH CFAS removed hie Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut . streets to itte . NO. 108 .MARKET STREET Next door to Rayne?. Agriculture Store, where he intends to keep ali kinds of Boots a^d Shoes,. Geltels, &u., and a large stook of Trunks, and everything In his line of Mi stimes ;• and will be thanufttl to receive the patronage ol his old customers and the public in general .at his new place of businets. All kinds of work made to order In the beet style and by superior workmen. ReMdring done at 'tort notice. [spend] JOHN B. 11111TH. A. C. SMITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREETi mylOy) NEAR MARKET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. riR. P. H. ALLABACH, Stirgeon Dew jar list, Manufacturer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the only 1 method that obviates every objection to the use of arti ficial teeth, embracing partial, half and whole sets of one piece only, of pure and Indestructiele mineral, there are, 41 aoorevicea for the acccumnlation of small particles of food and therefore, no offensive oder Prom the breath, an no me tal is media their construction, there can bo no Wyo.* action or metallic taste. Hence the itchy ideal it not all 'toyed with sore tnroat, headache, &c. Office No. dB North Second street., Harrisburg. MILITARY CLAIM AGENCY. BACK PAY, BOMITY, PENSION & SUBSISTENCE VIIGENE Snyder, Attorney at Law, offioe, Turd street, liarrLeburg, Pa, wilt attend W we oolleotion of miatary claims ' under the see 01 Miserably, of April 6, 1.582 Baca pay .of disabused and amassed soldiers. noway under Aot of Congress. Jo*, 71,1661. rellfliOilli slut elaand for subsistence, Sip. jylo-08m ; TELEO. F. bC.ELEFFER, HOOK AND JOB PRINTED, JVC). 18, litelitirE2 STREET', NARRTSBUIIG. srPartionlar attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, PellGin, Cheekl, Draw, &o. CA= printed ,at gn,143, $4, and $5 per 'houland in elegant style. igo SORLEFFELIN . BROTHERS & 00. ; WHOLESALE PRUGG.ISTS, ' ' - - . ••• t I • . . A;re NO - DEALER'S in 'Palmy ,Goode, Per , turnery, &c. Also agent/ for ttie sale of Relined learn, illuminating t..i11, superior to any coal oil • A:welshed In any quantities at the lowest market rates. . 170 and 172 William street, : a27d6m] NEW YORK: PROF. Al)OLP!" I', TRU PSEIt, WOULD respectfully inform Iris oh patrons and stie'pnblie generatly,'that as will continue w give instructions on the PIANO stain., NE; LOIRON, VIOLIN: and also in the science 01 rraoacumf BASEL lie will w 4 th 'pleasure wait' upon pupils at theli Stinnes at any nour desired, or lessons will be &Eine his residence, in Third street s a few doors below German Wooled Church. derafks if • Illisctilantuus UNION ttES • =WARD AND .BOWLING SALOON ; NO. 119 MARKET STREET CAB FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a larg e buildin g at the above place, expressly for the purp 9.' ON above Indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub.: soothe following YES Itstraiman, ou the End floor, with a dieing room attached, Is fined up in brat-class style, and it will at all times be 'toppled with the best OYSTERS to be had In Adan cities, together with terrapin, Ask and ail I oil game In season. Oyster! served np in every } Vie, sad meals to tie had at all hours. The Alivvel ab the celebrated breweries.% the oenntrY constantly en head. • . Theta-pin Alley, or Bowling haloon , is In the rear, and contains three alloys of modern contraction, where the lettere of this healthy exercise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is up.stattn —elegantly litted.AP, and ocuandns three marble top combination oushioti bi ble% equal to any made. Barriaburg has long felt the want of a grand combin. anon of this kind, end as the proprietors are determine d to conduct it In a quiet and orderty manner, and do eve ttrln their power to make It a fasoionable rawer .gpe to receive a liberal !Ware of public .patro legi 4 tr WILLIAM C. 111cFADDEN At CO. BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPER, randcovering Looking Ghettos, Picture grantekornamenting Ceilings, trimming Gee Pipes ea t eo as to pima over livings in the shape o f IlUiri,rits, choke or festoons, Per sale at rig sCHEFIEWS BOOKSTOi:E. RUBBER GOODS I - nubbe Balls; • rap Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber lbys.geuerally ec BERGHER'S CHEAP BOORSTokte.. GLASt3 ars for putting up fruit, the - celebrated Milviile patent, cheap, simple and ef banal, warranted to give altiareetion, putt received and tor , wile by NIOEIOLB dt .IWW/inw, 111 9 Corner Front and Market street. §WARS for preserving; call and exam las at NICHuLS & BOWMAN, 7 7 Corner Front and Market !streets. h'lll I NB, raisons, cocoanuts &0.,• just ' received and tor sale by NIGHOLS k BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market streets. UV _ FISH every Tuesday and Frida) at JOHN WISE'S Store, corner of Third an d Wat. a myly 4 0 0T10N8.--quite a variety of useful and entertaining articles—obeat FIDEPTER% 7i1)(1,, 141fitili Lemons and Raisin._ just re Mend soden ode low by • baCTIOLB & .IIUMIAN, Corner Prant and Xrairet 'tree a. LI , & LEVINFB3,-Plokles And Wpo m p, for sa4 at JOHN WII/VS. mly New lbvertietmatts. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Minna Tillt TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND sate MONDAY MAY sth 0 1862. The Pamenger Trains of the Penusylvasia Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows EANTWA.RD. THROUGH WRNS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg Sally at 1.16 a. ea, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg dailyaexcept Holiday.) at 5.90 a. sa., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.45 11. M. PAST MAIL TRAM leaves Harrisburg , daily (except Sunday) at 130 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.25 p. m. AOOOKKODATION TRAIN, via Mount Soy, leaves Harrisburg at 'l.OO a. m., and IMMO at West PhDs delpitht at 12.26 p. in. HABELSBURG ACOOHHODATION PRAM, via Comm. bin 'leaves lbirrietung at 4.10 th ra.. and arrives at Vat Philadelphia - RA 9.26 p. m. WESTWARD THROWS EIIEPREI3B TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.86 p. m., Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. m. nd arrives at Pittsburg at 12.106 NAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 a. m. mod ar rives at Harrisburg atl2.Bop. m.; leaves Harri sburg at 1.00 p. m., Altoona, .7,00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 13.16:F, 03. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. in., Harris burg 8.45 p. m., Altoona at 8.20 p. tn., eel arriving a Pittsburg at 12.45 s. In. HARRISRURO AOOOIOIODATION TRAIN Waves; PhD. delphla at 2.80 p. and arrive' at IlarriabluT at 8.00 MOUNT JOY 41100MMODATION via Mount Joy leaves baneaster at m., arrival. it Harrisburg at 12.40 p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Harrisburg, May 2, lea gapt. Had, Mo. Fauna. Railroad —dsf Northern Central Railway SUMMER AIIRANGEMPFT. .TIMINTRAIIII DART tolitrimisr -A.:l=l -1 1 1 nitt IR; 353 Close Connection made rIW • 11arrpilmr• . TO -I ND 001t' NEW SLEEPING CARS 11111V:' . ON 'ALL ltiGilt !,TRAINS O. 'AND AFTERVONDA.riairrt thi lees,, Oka /*OW of ihi-rarittern coastal! ;iiiryqa.prrlymiAt addepycs Qba. Rusiitromvamii Vl2* aoia • 0 . uip , . , MAIL IRAnvarriva ItEtOidiusg..7, Dm •-' • mithismox , l6 P 1,1 4 ESPIOIES a wives ' :" 12.65 A. 34, and leaves " .... .1.15 at. 00/5 0 10.1 SAS/ TRAIN loaves Baltimore at.: .430 A 11. sad-arrives at Itarrisidiri... .12:96 _ _sad lasvapNorth INPRISS =AIN lowa, Balthus" at.' . ` Q :YO P and arrlvel at ...Barrisbi;ri... • 23W. lad leans NoTtluat. 3. • HARRISBURG 41000MMODA.TION Thant. R*r . ;lebnrg for Damon R.ll. Returning leaves Baltimore at.... „.. 11.00. P. The 01 0 ende/ 0101 4 BreTriAln 4opAllY.:atilL be the Harrisburg Aceontincoti,tkb,'Frain, Soutb el 7,301; M. For farther thformatioiepplz %Roe: Fiquiliel - ran% Bitaroad NM. - • _ . „ Har.libint MIT 4; 4 8152 1 Y, , • . CrAtOitit 436-I :ebr. f **k YI g ••1 L - Rio: :•r i AAA/ WA:: , • n' be IT_ . Slt , Ci;WV:4 d:;LT p, fttt e Ip r anq I#t on fiepttniOtt 16 1862 1301EXTHINIIIFOR TR,,M9181 1 A NICCESEVtiii EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS dr, °ROBLEY'S American Cement Glue EITRONGEBT GLUE IN THE WORLD, TUN CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. TER HOST DURABLE GLUE DI THE WORLD, THE ONLY RELIABLE Gum IN Tar WORLD. THE BRIT cfpg IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only snide of the Med ever produss& which WILL WITEISTAINT WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, &we raw broken "mature. IT WILL MENDLEATHER, Rend your Harness, &ram Mite, Boots, Ite. IT. WILL MEND GLA‘BB, save the pieces of that expensive Cat Glass Cottle i/OP 170.11 X, Don't throw away that broken leery Pan, It fa easily re paired-. 'tour broken , Chins Cups and Sowers isa be made so • good an seiv, , ; • IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of your Nitride 'Ysu to oau be Fit OILIR strong as LT WILL 'MEND POWALAIN No matter If that broken PitolUer did not 'oast but a shit. That googly Alabieter • Vane e :broken ' and you can't match It, atone It, It yrtll neverehow when pug together. It will Mend Irene; War; Libve - ,' and in • fact everything but Metals. ! Any amok) osiiiented whit AIIIIIIOAN O.IIIIENT gilLo/1 will not gliow grbeatalt In mended, • ,llXlSkerla . ..ssary Housekeeper sliOuld have a supply ut Johns Crosiers Americas Cement fi1a5, , ,—.111,. Y. lima. •'l't le to convehieid . to hairs. M toe house,"--N. r. • &Oa& - • "It is always ready ; this oodimends Itself to ever y body."—bultpeldant. - “We,bave tried' it, had Is atvieful In oar homes in witer.”— wake 46* qf hlw Mash • • . ZOONIAIIr . W WEALTH. • 1110,90 per ytirsay.4l ovary. risky by, t,ue Bottle of AMERICAN ORKENT 'GLUE. Priob 25 Cents per Bottle. • • Prioe 126 Ciliate per Bottle. Prici 00 4 41 . Pin i Bottle'. ' NCO Cents pa its. . . Prbie 26 Cleats per. Bottle. Price as Oeidi peF. Battle. Very Liberal .Rectietkos : litgeiek Btatiera. TERMS Cam:.. mirror asle by all Driiggbila, and Sberekeepeis general , ly thrW gheatahe e ooeairl• : %mot of Utoirty..o4.l.ett.. tt9 Fanner& „ ir oeomoNva g „a laY 6 11 /.. • fb w ZCIFOre 1 71 1 0.!WErr's TXPBOYSD 0101T4. PARMA OEMENT. ROOFING, The Ch*cet akktt [4OO - ate: usei, iambus to uogst*sigiii• • • • to Baden ./ 7 /9 1 44 4 to AO Riad o°BiPani" IT 18 FDIEr AND - WATER PROOF.' it uan be applied to itotr mot ox Boon of all kWh, steep or Aid, indict' Smola Ratio without' Th• cod idtsp,t Orin, •AND rr'TWICE AS 1517111,411410. • liddinilole - his nein inritinitili'idriediii, Ifew T or t OAF =tall • other -parth of SheLtinfted glues, Onnadsj Weal Wien Cowl. And *Mau Adelica,•da(bellibigw 4 a Wu b x l i a isA,Blo,° g4,giviumg,ig k C ee P t _ R M a . , 2—=ins .1 ROAADuon Cne,k er 4tiGovne Bunianovidh Pr . Architects and others,Aanotthel phi- fOnrysars l inii has proved to bo the CREAPAST and ISMILid;UBL ROOFING in pie r _ __• it is is *very respect A FIRE, WAIRAI WEATHER' and FINE :MU covering for ROOFS OR ALLKENDB, - At...1=4,.. , :,, ia '4l,:‘:•-•.::. J ! rhi 6644 Sister width - combines the' Wiry desirable properties or Blertiody est Voirtgalirwwltleicars atirtivreally aoknow.' lodged to be V. -1 1111'siiiiiit by 01/1 . 2 PaittWil 4/1 4 1 :11 InirdidAt .817414412 t, - No Heat is required in making applioaiie n ui Tbe est•enve ot triplogoiliiiii Wl:kiwi 'root stn bg yeredan d pWi dAkke 'Mike - ! Ito be 4 1 14filit bY i r ol ll lc "• • ' 1 and 'wow iligsgwil Amnia pailbou, PAW Plod sieface i With4Ai tilaeWa body, Srt:" l 'isi iniurel Cif Hair ;., lana;teeailolo:. deViilllNl or slow amok nor any e:. , GOTTA ,PEROELL •,a,, . . COPP IP I I .....41 For Coethig iletele °LAU Kinds *keit eiptrft . dl , • :to the &dowel- Wehthtir,'ltpd - -.. i FOR PRIXIKE; OIF RAILTALI .. - ... • B. M e t xilizwit ... . ..• ; -... ' Ibis la ths'only Ootigkeittokireowe vetch itiketteekii: . R 4 6. fully resist eutoniur bilkers of al) ' .1..... r say length or illneV , Stireavappilsdrto insiali; ft la., hares firmly, terming a body equal 'to, adh ,„,,,. paint: rests noel l ee aid , will LM[ zwisai LONG' : she train z itfelatoleiir hOlge :1 1 7 it ooneecholiasta reperton of Thfitia oth r . metal 441) # ceueguent non pilaw change' et tee weather , it tat not matte Llr I:Mb - ea - lex a wAjue WESIHII.I4 AZIO WILL 1101 WASH 041, ,- , Leaky Tin and other Motel Rookaral be railliik rss i r -. ; od with OVITARRAHA ORKIENT, and • , further corrosion end leaking, thereby i i i hotly iight - rekt ~ .Ormiteiz YAM •- • - ' 7 . - • This Cement is poonharly, seaptedlorilte_ preeereeme or IRON IiAIIaN=ICIVM, RANGESIOIANIS., MERL CULTURAL DO Roe Also foiltflertil Pam foogrearewsieo i . ' • 0. I • .GUTTA CEMEll't For mooning and.repalng,, int‘mppauditacii - . 4 4 eirempr, troin.ibi,trptt y, no Wand by tfin on and enpagalinn of and 'Ed , creek ,mltinrinn wititiocteidner, • • . . Thus 12114111111 NC IliellIal%)01p , Ullitail; ;ad we aril prepared to anipply'erdora maim" bay t &the WWI- try, at abort. notion, tor' tiOrpit:p Ammo ro th 4 ready pre for mice; And OUTTA FFSCHAILic• MUM -11 1 th i tt irra - dirtritlorm - ( appp eakeykirn Ai , 41; —. • • - AG*RI .. ,W.4II:IIND. , w. wilt make 4bitral and dadstaadory arrangemi+ni witireapoilsible partial 100 drduld like to Mobilo ftdvds, but Imorattfre an& peneddi,..4o.ine w TE M I P LA t Ii t bOtigt " We ddargtve dbudddat.qpiddir olFilly*Matifin lu'.llo o euxna , ',waged sodftihavilltrolledF isiartid thouund.lll64k4ll,ll °or, 'l7 '„AniatitAti tatbB/111iT _ . . I di tA PINIMRk Whobias triiiehius7B.lplim 8 Unmet of Lib - t P rullAlcitptivearaiii - Ua ' Pelea.-1,01.;;;; R144 oca4l -I°l9l-0°1141P2, L .1?"'""` • . • rtet,lL ":1 • -"' YVA;Mileßar ,W.WICK,WaPJUSATOOOI4' Lekasid fee Mue -gam dko*-ao ;, H •;.,",•Lamileart"Piti ' stitift.! ' told • 0 DikilLaw, e 4 , 6sua t aliti*.ttw t. jitz.bit,:ta zi..-16br.n 04; %raft, ihOhabille • • ,:Uri f. BEE Oa 40bits -83 &osier: IT vp:4_l4loo-114iAb. ling ' a saved a eminearned, IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, 'TORN'S& CRCN3LET, 78: 'tteziCiagitarkiii*An Virf I :Pit BMW NEWBOLD'S GENUINE. PREPARATION 4 .8 . le 03NCItiTR4 12G" • COWES CND PLLIID EXTRACT SUCH% A Positive and Smalls Remedy • • . • • • Ifor'Diseasei of the - 11LADDES., KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS • - This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and atones the ABSORBENTS hit , ) healthy action, by which the:WATERY OR.CALCAREOUS depoeitlons, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLANATION, and is good for ' MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. nutualra lansAcr Amu, , • —; For Weaknousee Arising from &eases, Habits of Dissipatkat, Early In. .01€11red00 Or Abuse: ' ' • : ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWINGWAIPTONS Exertion, Loss of Power Loeser Hetnorjr., • • • • • DiAltadby of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of latetwi„ ' Wakefulness, Dimness of Eldon,, Pain in the Bast Univisisal tassltude of the Muscular System, Het Hands, • Flrishlng of mummy Dryness : of the NMI, Breptlons On.thegace: PALLID 00 ANC, Them symptoms, If allowed to go on, which this mess loins in i r l aremoves,_soon CY; FATUITY 'ICIT 'LIMO SUS IN ou Joy muCH TIIK PkruNr MAY ESPIBIE.' Who Mut gay . that Stymy are not !regnant", followed by those "D IMAM " "INSANITY ANDOONSUMPTION." lieu, art ritarishe Mame of thehniefferloy, ,• . ISNONN WILL tIONFESS. THE SHOONDS OP THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And thoMetaneholy Deaths by Consumption, AMPLII ITOMITOTTO Till MOTH OT TOM ATTIRTION. THE 00MIMMION NTO W A 029tht OISCTZD WITH VEGA Hewes the aid of medidne to strengthen and Inyigorate the System Which Hamm a% IMITIAOT BITORII tuvariabiy doe A TRIAL WILL 001111,103 MEM NOR sizrisan. OLD OR YOlllOl, anceiug, MARRIED, OR 00141E1IPLA TING MARRIAGE, . . 2.1 N MANY APFEGTIONS PECULIAR' TO PRIMALitn, ate lixtractßoatints unequalled by any other' remedy, es m Calorosti or Retention, Irregularity, Painfehmis, or Woppression of Oustottutry Mewed or peirrhous state of the Menai, Leneorhota Whites, Stern ity, and for all complaints incident to the Sex„ Whether wish* from Indiscretion, Rabbis , of Dissipation, or 'in the NO FANILYNHOITLD INC WITHOUT IT I sro keit %Awl, Missurs, ea tramasaster ; - 0151 /01 =PUMA= AND DAIRIEROUR MUM. HBLMBOLD'S RZTRACT DOOHU OVILIM . . SECRET DISEASE& la all their Stages, ;A4 URie itxpeuse ; Little or no charter in Diet ;_ imainvaalescle; . • • And' Ito -. .Leresere. , Itveasess framed desire antlevert strength to - Urinate, thereby rensoylaggnstinollosis. Preventing andkluringStrietanve of the Urethra. -' ;allaying Pali arid Thillaminatlon, so frequent in ''the alms of distils* Nal expelling 'tdi PoiejnoucPssers sal andwomat ifigter. • ' - saorasSats aroil.Thotrutiess • • ISHO B.II.IrE_BIRIC vzorim 3 o/ QUA an& Who have paid- =MIT rims to be cared In a alert thee, have fined they Were deceived,' andthat the d!P".4- SON" kw, by the use of-,urowssnia saranatans," bean dried up in the ikyatear;io break out in an aggravated form; and' PERIEUPS API= MARRIAGE. • Oee Bititimb's Name' *loan for all affection' aid 'diseases of the '" ' ' ' - : URINARY ORGANS, Met IC FEMALE, whether exi sting in „ riamilliufever inotanortginating and no matter f • ROWDONG STANDING. Disemses' of than Organs mitre the aid cif I 0 ,RIRMBOLDIS IFDRAOT SUOMI . .. IT THE.GREAT TIMM; And In Oettnin to hairs the desired effect In all Dlcconns Mt WHIM IT IT . RICOMNITITDED; .11**nt0pf the nod nitabietand reepo,gale charts:lir, apcoplalky themedklai. - -: • • la lIIC.,i . IIIIrOF 'course, '•-/J ..:•• • • *mB to 20 yearu . skinding, Wail Nam avow :To - - •• • • • • • 1011111 W V mutt • .• swam AND FAKE. s. ; $1,09 per 'NAVA, or ..tdx for $6 06. • . Deuveires to any address, eacurely pecked,ftetwobsev .ABSOMIiM SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS; .. crs AFIDAVIT. r leri ally appeared biters me, an or - the city Etecitsoia,. who helm"- duly ratoplnitliklii Centablte Went* us meroviryoretr iniuvious drill?, hat ;cr,e,ptlrely vase - • • H. T. RILVMOIR Sworn and subscribed before_ _ _me this 22d day. Fir,No vumber,. Wit. lIIBBERD, . Ninth St. above Bane, Phila. ,A4dreisi Liters ter inform* sin confidence; to, • H. T.LD, Chemist, Depoti 104 Amit 4A ti Tenth, bel. Obestnut„ PhDs, BEWARE OF COUNTICALWEITS JRD ONIBEROIPLIta DEALERS, Who endeavor to 41410130. "or mums own" and "masa" Ammo win totricranoi•anaum HT Beimboldes fleauinefreparation s, " :street Bache a. " SarsaplNila, " " OnsprOvel Rank Wash. 5014 by O. B. W, Gross, 7...Wysth, C A - AND ALL - Dr/DONSIN ASK FOR HELefficupd. TANN NO oxuskt . . 3 •Oat one the lidvernsement arid Send ler it, , AND A.yolDniPosilloti AND EXPOMIN. I .10A18411Y: FIRE 'INBtritANOE THE. DELAWARE MUTUAL . t SANITY INSIIKANOZ COMPANY 4 INCORP,ORA TED 18811. Qapital iM Assets $569,126 DIRECTOR& • Win brargn,`EdmundA. llonder, Theophilus Paulding, 3.0 L PenresiOno. C. DayieJas. Treanair, Writ. Byre,g Jialisk G. Hunk Walton Xadvig,i **opt Hi tied, Dr. LTC Hilthn, George G. Leper, Hugh Craig, %arks hamW. E. :dotes,- JUP.;.Penitistott, (• Henry :saw, Ndwiltd parlia/P9 1 4 Wiwi% SPoseee wiyake, moue C. Iganddloblin - Burtun,.Jacob P. Jonas, l lamas wriviand.,! Joshua P. Byre, Jelin B. Semple: - ilebe burg, D. T. MorgeudilAtubarg A. B. Berger, Pittsburg: ~/Ixerlriel. • T11° ' 144 • 14 `) 1 4 11 9 , VIC 4 tic HURT LYLIGIBN, desitigirjr. ' The imitersigued est agesiV Tee the atioev minted dem , puny, continues to take fire Rieke in Harrisburg mad -"111‘17‘ littillsElt. Jelo4lll .PORT ' POLICIES I - WRITING DEWS, • TEAVKLING BAGS, - PORTNONADIB, And II general assortment of • FANCY GOODS Lars just been received - at • —NEIRGNEN'S 0111 U P BOONSIONN. ME . tr 1 .3 ,44 , 01 40 ILU4 8. , . . • • " ' 'DRIED BEEF, 0 110 1.A.DER8, ' BOLGNA SAUSAGE. • • . _ to and fresh sapplypWrocelved byy - Doc% Jr.. & Co; . IIIeCLETOCri PEGTORIL-MBUP. - _ rilms niIitiesmAPPTISYRUP, WHICH I§ • indirelyilageedoteAn Its composition, has been emploideV:with -. wonderful success for , many years. the cure of diseases for the PABRAGES and LVRQS: intrforin "Of "the ;diseise such as. COUGH, TICKLING of the ; THROAT, tiPrrimeg- OF BLOOD, DIFFI CULT BBEATEUNG, HOARBENW, LOS§ OF "virAGgiindij iDICITIM NitYlialfii .use will lie attende d . with the happiest results. It la one of the beat and ,safest medicines .for all forms of BRONCHITIS. and CONSUMPTION. No laudricia ar PrePardian-ge-thinwa in any Mars Pi OE 00 PEit 130Thil. For sale at BRIIGNEB'S • OBLIP BOOK- = EXTENdIVE assortNent of glassware iiiserficeived, eind for Mile low by ~c , NAOHOLB k - eat • , • e „ „ , • - SALAD 'OIL A ~_l 4l.lX e L ell Pl a rof frith Salad Oil, In Alai • 'arse . a " Emu bat*, and of different . brands nital,flad the lab by uglitg*ll.ltßil'by th 4 olieigtlor * bog, N'ttkiltrilmwedslitzibrsiae•by • - 4 ' P.JI. NNICROLViI BOWSAW. ' = • Omer 1101•14624*IFIrat 1;L," _ cDua~. ~~ FRIUf.aII:I-17AlEtWili--7EMAJJEfi i DECLINE OR CHANGE gl T..g.'o„/.._ W. GROSS &0o.; • • ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS_, NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEAN'Ai DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- EWERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to oar assortment of goyim all snob rattles as are desirable,' and would 'respectfully' mill your ateotion to the • largest and best Welded stock in tins cu y, of DRUGS CHEMICALS & PAINTS. . 011; vaurnlshes iptd Wass, fihy..BtiilK Lilas ind P tty; mina Pin" iirolio *picas Blivaing Fluid, and I .ileake& I law* Sperm. Global * 61114i1044.9 me., age, agc, With & general variety of PERFEKERT a -TOILET selected from the 'beet morinfacturera and Po kinierinf Europe aid tiltsionfitiry. Being yeti , 'ewe disloia to PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, . 16 / l i B 4 ll * VA * I4 4 I3, . WINDOW GLASS, ,Asters COLDER, PAINT ANC ARTIST'S BRUSH/Pi • IN A4L'Al*****l*___ OOLIORA AND WORM OF ALL SUM ' 'tespeetindy , feeling cou fi dent that we can supply the wants of all tin term twthalr satisfaction. • 'TEETH! TRETIE i 1 .JONWSAiDIigiMWSPOMiUU:NMI:IM4 PATENT 00014446' AND HAIR MTO,R4nVES Of ail kit* s direot l titan' th; Proprietors, Saponifier and 'Ocitiondrited Lye . Wholesale Agents for we NA as low aa it can be rairohseed-in the cities. BEWEEPeO .148131CMi PUETRAGTO 609 L• Oil) Being large .purebalers to ,thogi 011 a, -we= esa Mari hrdirceeiroirbs !fa Alfas, 001,11.4 LAmps of the eliritt• of riiiipe" clanged to 60 0 ( m 4 • • . FAUMFRS= AND ORAZIERS, Thase.ot ycd w 6 'adt ghllif our HOBini alriptyrio:ediviiiio atrial now d theiFPuP.;49o_th 4nd 0.4 AiiviaXigf kaTtlar , limes :and Osillia haudiky- and 'hi 'goal condition. - • Thatsande 4*n testify to theP haie derided From the um! of 01 1X; 6 ,0* Rfii 14 .4 1 1 1 , 1 4 ho balreaebig ::q aotity and .qoality_ of milk,: tbesidee improving thii;-' general "health sod &p.; veanw i le cy rithi d i.-t hath il ; . , Our long. eroakeice . the betimes glees ea . the advantage:of _o-thorough hboidedge of .thO trade, and ••Obr anuigemadte hi tha:Ohleeari such - that WO eab 4hOtit fthibh. . • r.”..• • •• .;• • .• . ; anyihirig app , d ning lo'our On theo ,beet of lonia- = . . _ Thankful' for the libered • pstrodagb bastes* On our hoCied, we hope by - etilot litieittlea likedi l / 2 a cariiial eel : action of " • 17q1, 1 , .4 a • t 4 C -98" all, to wee Of the favor of a diserfm. wa 2 ih4l&'i:,l P- I 8-11- EV- T I rE - 1 01? ALL HINDS. Tere.mour ind , five n • . . Bilk sadasir.Troat War. tibia to to 60.plidi:1011t: thadqn IhitAktr}rout •444,11 T ., TiktiladWWVOlS,4loB.„ • " • $4 Chittalltdia • • I. r if" I n t • 4. ' • Lima satOolacior • •• . ft '44 K IfkatiLipiaurnishedidth BOo4',Aorta, BIM/0:to Altit atholce TrOlit RU 1111k1111k WbriVeilitfisteric % C mein l uo,, kta.lo " " J.A...:lliriouw-.. • _.••• ••. ••• AlliPublaihnertakSoOki, aiieri, No. *oil • ' 144114 Trog ahl id Inver .40 1 4 1 1 4hatitt Treints , iut Sly* litakci Mutt IDEVGti-113111110111AL 11. r, ;-Trl• 2 • kbrilik H I T -Free t round And= no • l ob e PePPi n i on lint and Mar Amok . , Tr P. &W. C. TAYLOR'S NI.W-04rp. EA . .: it, la aramoadtallidut laglity:- dedaiim,;:sip Een . alciat. WWI. WaSada4P4A4l.llolVaL6ft: Ws . *at fag, to WOW gimasand/ft =PO tfl ovi r . oat Is 14,ietelire":11rAtil ~ ..r , _ I t. ale b y 1 . ._. 'il: _ ~11., . ...... , trft.,... 1 1 IM F , •••• r. & ..... RAGS l 0 4; ''' r - olat • Of GLaswordwa. w 41 1 7 5 1ailifi ja r; _,:•'' - , ''''',r- .n.,,A ~,,,, : donor lima aadL Wijiggio*ip h • ' .w..t. r-,‘, FEB ELIXIR PROPYLAMENE, 11111 , SIIINDY • roa A OIRIPAINJUEI6DY • j ,-1 -..-, - - ROUTS REIEUM/LITEM. CHRONRI RHEUMATISM - - - RHINNATLIM ON zrzar ZINN; so.jui:l2l .: HOW. STUBBORN. , - HOW LONG MINDING. PROPY GHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO . AGAIN. rex UST. TIETLIONT. Siff NEDIO , 4I, ADINIORffT. eocroes KNOW as, PATIENDEI HUM VI nun AND TRUK PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL prim Ormata. Hoerr= ROOM] WM 19,1860,—E11en $., mt. 191, ekiglps, never eat very strong. Two years ago she had snattadr dente Melina timmiront whichshe was confined to her bed Reims week, and enbetwentty from &relapse far lbw more. Sheets been well WM then till Last Sear daY, while engaged In hem - dean*, she book meld, had paha in ter book; felt cold, hot had le deeded &M., Two days later her ankles be ' gtenti More - 11, which - was followed by swelling of the knee joints amid of:ha han‘W She has now dull pain In her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both hands a ff licted, but the right InAa keel This, then, is a use of acute theirnation, or, as It la new rishionably called., rheumatic fever. It Is a well remarked typical ease . *swill Garold', watch the essnand from time to time call your attention to the vini -901374766:1110/19019041thelwat4en chief object yn b before "yon now, 11 to Cell attention to a remedy' lien recently been recommended In the midtown of rheumatism. I mean pundamins. Dr. itwe atilt' of fit. Peteltsburg, recommends It Im the .hlities; tents, having derived great benefit from its use in AO eases which Caine under his care. Various com • niteddleytestimeidele respecting it have appeared In , our *use* and I propose therefbre to give It another : our 1 add melee T nut aldays incredulous ss to the worth of wermemedies, widoltasevamitied as Hendee „ but this comes to WI recommended el) highly, that we are bound to give It a trial. SAKE DAECE ARTA DAYS LATER I . Mar A 11160.-1 will now exhibit to you the patient for wham/ prescribed Propytunlne, and was then labor ing : under an attack of acute rhesumatarm.. Pe luta stendlly taken% fir daserof three grams every two hours (bdermillint as night.). The day alter you saw her, i trend her . mach more comfortable, better than she ex- Pacts/Who for a week or more, Judging from herbther etacX. (The patient now walked into the nona,) the - nipresementims prograned, and you cannot lkLiatiAatcicarked change in the appearance of her Ariti, - erniess are new nearly all of their natural Mir tar our experiment would have seemed very inn mead ; but, tenth:awn. We m st%et wait a little while he i weans give I decided *ldol silo what in to be Heirs is another Patient who was placed on the use or num mains on Sunday last;.eh° has long been offering from If bronle rectunatlem, and I &dad her at thilithise with al acute attack supervening upon her einueleellitetion. The wrists And loulorkies wale much asibllenruid twee. She took the chloride of Propyla. thine Maras train doses every two howl, and Isar will perseire that the swelling of the Joints has aka* 'limps. Mar S. MO.-4h* is the Gass of acute rheumatism ' sited with profylamine, the 'Ann of those to which I alled your atienti - mtat oar bat clinic She I. still very lionkrombitts and is now UAW threw paints thrice daily. laths cane* tin setchedffii be: Mowed by very tut atfartoffirresmla. The woad etas to winch your atten tion was called at our La lecture, has 'also continued to doeuriar ' I will now brifigiuttfere you a very character istic case of acute rhetnattas% and if the : result be Lit fiatory I think, an goodjerimen, wc stall justly render our verdict in favor Of pregybunin. Ise seaman s .intt SI, who wee admitted siren days icgo. hue bad ocaulorial rheumatic cam% but not ao as ie , *.teti hie hale until:Akin day. ego.. The Pahl' began suit* net hoe% stOlmetretir iiireeted tho IA knee, and the joints of the wiper =routines, These join* itionistWoLlowtodkrffint as Olive 18 furred ; ; 411 , m ,M14,0 1 " 411 dtft kir& thOre has beim : much .• mai phew* mn strong, and about - 90:— ffit ImagffisetwertinffiTuitrainn laimity-four hours. _UM glaticanan in what ma y be called a turfelly typical twat'oPhaWe Mare snit *cinema to cold '"m ttil l7. oo. # o4l gfra *Arai :Ity, a *ging . o t wild . attme'uffitcdlir pain, remonmg, ILB 11; viodtakti ; kihrjolidi:LAintra fever and thM process sweating, so generagy etitelldint en acute rt. . did bring th is patientbetty you With the 1h Ain 9r . y ou leetarejsa . all : she. point/ connected 'with but to again give a trial to his .Mutitentedrimitite mow" oaCtoortims to you this gad capes .a - I.have kilt= which there co aid be nffilrai opyortualty LOT testing 'the • ituultsitte to lilatte%;ffienollne;:avuttling the use of all *ler audia4ip, even anodyne% that *hero may be. Ito Mittevlitgb main which Was the efficient 'tumefy. Yoa shall see the use of a teture Gado. BENI Jun% 1800.—Tha mat of our convalescents is the ease of aerate rhausaatilan.tiefore you at manilla otilial which I then oalled typical case, mi.- able* it, wax remained was a filropportiaity for bagels the wi no or oar new role*, It *AI tharldDra; 6141Sdily gina la three grahadesaa !Miry two boors ferrous days. [hi ailliallisirtoilatial Tetralogy, kid 16 now ible to Tido notimaltatotosaystiat I vase ;seen as severe a case of agate ,rheumatism wesotilleorei4o hilatarla lea *ate els thee; and 'tTeat belaggpregaretto decide posibilve by sato the i a rtheWilll4 mad; I feel bound state o the Adage kir) regained Ask ilatil — tWaVtbillii Akan? illitisatmeat ordfaisrffir MAL - Mildd;_,Yourx*ectry it, lierepoirtue reialie MEM .Itor Men !VOA willak,the shove tea easimmed Wadi se• the P hi ll idelPhib-40004 ififfewirdt Hs forks. It it the report &Reis Mir Mel by the best med - o.llsiktho.r.P e iroas et fft*,.4 he tith, nitthOitskii mails astonialea doom Aim* AN anonual. GORE _ • T tiFSAAUR Mint WHAT IT NM DONE, Aloe& al Ororant4Olv Oro/ koili Rion 111"41)Yw11441"' txtr Pr°l7huitoe Vul been le. ~M.Yt591 4 tu U exelleie Agit t 9 ifiunow tare *o:l°o24to the OlanariNg4P•l old we "aye voOlikriviggiatb a . 4 Apa g otwe au to enable zi Vu!} 11 bi.ol44 e"* ol 4it ounbrion beleell#7. II yen prefer to me meaty in anothsrifortn ere Unite joitr: ettention l ici the namcine, V0i1..*M 611 004 4 10. . firkA1 4 :0 4 4 6 043 0 0" • Pose rceits Pawnl=l, . et which we are the sole menehoeurere. hirdie ohdul op other v ir6e ." 111 ,... ?Montagne bill coutaked Pen *rileheed Chloride et Ptopy wellto: NUX/Ii ablIV-d* AiND MAYI tOCORDING TO DMIINIONS, - - tyr ANY ONlk_ ET ONA, WHO HAtkiLESUltillail OF ANT KIND. hi. Hatilsbturt by : " it TB INC • 1/71YLI. Orden insty be &Mining 1 . •:1 - iu.suA.ormaNii 00 . . 011iekitotat . . • • - io ;•5!..... uit to'elther of the flOmig Wholesale Agana =A CRIINSakig, RICHARDS k EIU 4 • kills-lElr *Soo warinmaooft Mwrt 'MUM CO., kW(WaI/itkiklal* illtbizd. Till NSW IZIMICDY FOB RHEUMATISM; WILL CONQUIDIJIT WILL CURE a, ' DOODALS READ DOCTORS RlAlatiS DOCTORS TRY IT. THEE DAYS LATER I I THE -RESULT. A FAVORABLE -y➢ISDIUT. ME IN Mgt 424A . _ Wainonntgß =MD, Falgtimat _ Irina Dilikam WORD TO %crofts. MOAN WNW ' , MINT ANDALWAITIcatiT Volt tiocEDlats r , B. W. Oar !Wt' rid Clbadii4 , . ,:..;,;;zc:r.