Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 16, 1862, Image 3
pail g Ctlegr NOtICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Ad vertisements, Buslnes■ Notices, Mar. Riegel', Deaths, to., to secure Insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu. lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARBISBUItG, PA Tuesday Afternoon, September 10, ISO. Ksocrus, the inimitable musician and profes sor of music, le off to the war, so that those who depend upon him for teaching must wait for his return. CAPTAIN JANES GOWAN'S CAVALRY bits gone into Camp. This really splendid company only lacks a few men of being full, and we commend all who desire to serve under a dashing and brave officer to enlist at once in this command. ...........---. We had the pleasure of meeting Daniel S. Dougherty, Esq., today, halhe capitol grounds. Among the bold and eloquent defenders of the Government, he is the equal of the most emi nent. He is en route on professional badness to the north, rn portion of the State Ws am= G. WHARTON HAIIIMBLY of Ger mantown In town to day, as a volunteer in an swer to the call of the Governor for troops to resist the late threatened invasion. He is con nected with the U. S. Quartermasrer Depart ment in Philadelphia, bat could not resist the appeal of the Executive for men to defend the State. Tim PIIMMULPIIIa. Home GUARD, fifteen hun dred strong, reached this city to-day, and after marching through our principal streets, halted in the capitol grounds where their presence cre ated the greatest enthuslaem. They are a splen did body of men, fully armed and equipped for immediate active service. They will reflect credit on the State wherever they are detailed for duty. --...•---..- Oaz Of UM unmans of the camp in the Capitol Grounds, was related to us by a soldier yesterday. When the newsboys reached the ground with the morning papers, and began to cry "Moasnto Tersomon," the soldiers eagerly purchased the paper ; but when the other news boys called with the "Patriot and Union," the soldiers shouted "away with the tory organ"— "get out with the Jar Davie organ"—"send the paper down south," &c., &c. until the in nocent boy who was attempting the sale of the tory organ was actually compelled to leave the camp. We give the incident for what it is worth, as being related to us by a gentleman and a soldier of veracity. Panning, as usual, are prominent in the pre sent great uprising of the people of Pennsylva nia. Yesterday we had a call from Samuel Biddle, of the Pittsburg Gaulle, who brought a splendid company to the State Capital in an swer to the summons of the Governor. He Is as brave as he is accomplished, and will lead his men only where honor and: 'victory are to be found. Charles Wight, of the Pittsburg Chronicle, is a high private in the same company, a position as open to honorable service as the highest grade is the army. We congratulate our cotemporaries, and trust that they may bear with them back to their more peaceful pursuits, when the war is over, honor and fame in the largest sense. Tan GERMANTOWN GRAMM—We noticed a splendid company at the Penna. Depot last eve ning, and upon inquiry learned that it was the Germantown Guards. The following is a list of its officers : Captain—Marks J Biddle. Ist Lieut.—S. P. Grata. 2nd Lieut. —J . C. Jones, Jr The Guards come to Harrisburg prepared for immediate service. They were fully equipped In dark blue blouses, pants, caps and overcoats ; knapsacks, wool and gum blankets, haver sacks, &0., fio., and with five thousand rounds of cartridge. The company is composed of some splendid looking men, and altogether, it came to the State Capital more completely fitted for duty in the field than any of the new levies which have yet arrived . ..--....... TM OATH ADMINISTERED TO NON-IMEWITANTS. —Persons who are conscientious against bearing arms are exempted by the Constitution of this State, but must pay an equivalent for such ser vice. The oath, or affirmation however, which they are compelled to take, is of a searching character. This is it : STATE OF PENN'A, County es: Before me, Commissioner to superintend Drafting for raid county, personally appeared —, who being duly —, did depose and say, that he conscientiously scruples to bear arms, believes it unlawful to do so, whether in leaf -defence or in defence of his country, or oth erwise howsoever ; that the scruples and belief above stated, have not been formed lightly, but carefully, deliberately, and conscientiously, and are now declared and professed not for the purpose of evading the military service of his country in the present exigency, but because he solemnly and religiously maintains them, and In his conFeleace believes that it to his bounden duty to act in accordance with them on all °c essions, and under all circumstances. Tim SIQNB or UNION.—The following extract from a business letter addressed to Messrs. C. 8. Bailey & Brother of this city, is from one of the heaviest business houses in New York city. Su* tenders of aid, speak volumes in an hour like this, and it is on such feeling that we must rely for the strength that is to render the Union hereafter endurable "It makes us sick at heart to realize that rivers of the first blood on the continent has already flowed ; and now the rebel invaders are at our own doors. "But by the grace of God there are yet un called two millions of men, and untold wealth ready to unite with Pennsylvania for her de fines and preservation. "There is a movement here to offer at once to Goy. Curtin, 10,000 returned militia, who are well drilled, armed and equipped for immediate service." We can answer our kind friends that Gov. Curtin now has in the field some fifty thousand armed minds, and therefore not until the dan ger Is greater will we require the aid of New York to delve our borders. Nevertheless we are gadded for the present tender. 0 . liscrue of the Executive Committee of the Ladles Union Belief Association is requested on Wednesday, Sept. 17th, at four o'clock ?. st., in their room at Dr. Bally's. TITS MIDDLITOWN CAVALRY, Captain James Y ming, arrived in this city at B o'clock last eve ning. They are a fine body of men. After re porting themselves at headquarters, they were ordered to return to Middletown to await fur ther orders. Our neighbors in Middletown are awake to the emergency and deserve great credit for their prompt response to the Governor's call. Tax Ray. EDWARD MoKaa, late Catholic pas tor of the united wishes of Chambersburg and Carlisle, bail been appointed by his Excellency, Governor Curtin, Chaplain to the 118th Regi ment. Penn'a Volunteers, attached to General Corcordin's Brigade. We congratulate Colonel Heenan and his command on this appointment, as the Rev. gentleman is highly qualifird for the position both by literary endowments and patriotic devotion to the great cause which has enlisted the sympathies of every friend and well-wisher of the Constitution. &PORTANT AJUIEST.—One of the guard com poeed of the First City Zouaves, :lade a very im portant arrest last evening. Just after sun down a resident in the neighborhood of Oyster Point noticed five suspicious looking individu als making what he supposed a reconnoissance amost too careful for mere casual sight hunters and suspecting that all was not right, he has tened to the camp of the Zouaves and gave in formation of the fact. The guard immediately started on a double quick, keeping it up until they reached the point, (5 miles) when they succeeded in arresting two of the party of five, the other three having fled. The prisoners were brought to this city and confined. It le suspected that they belong to Stonewall Jack son's forces. They will of course be properly disposed of after a fair examination. Annan To Sormass.—A correspondent w rites to the Middleburg &lista, to give to inexpert enceksoldiers some hints for the preservation of health, from what he has learned in the field. After warning the new recruit that the enthu siasm of the first week will soon tone down to stanch realities, which he must meet and face as a man—that be cannot live as carelessly about his health as he can at home, where warm rooms and comfortable beds and well-cooked meals are at his service from day to day, and that he must act the physician for himself, to a great degree, and be watchful against any pre disposition to disease, he prcceeds to give some special directions as follows : "They consist of a programme of articles to be taken by the recruit when he goes into camp, or to be sent to him by his friends, when he shall have reached a point where he can be ad dressed. "Let him have with him two pairs of well knit socks, two Arm woollen shirts, a large crash towel, a piece of Castile soap, to be used as often as possible in bathing the entire body ; a woollen cap, sometimes called a smoking cap ; two large old-faahloned silk pocket band kercetefs, which may be used to hang from the neck, as a protection against a biasing sun, or as a bandage for wounds. He should also have constantly with him a supply of Cayenne pep per, such as Is obtained from the drug stores under the name of 'capsicum.' " The benefits arising from the use of this latter article are incalculable. A single pinch in a glass of fiat warmish water will nullify the effects and the uncomfortable sensation from having drunk too much water during the day, will help the sentinel keep awake at his post at night, by warming and invigorating the whole system. A good pinch eat en at each meal, or when a cup of tea or coffee is drunk, will add digestion, assist in preventing acidity of stomach, and is besides a great antagonist of the diarrhoea, dysentery, Aux, and " loose ness," which are the great ecourgesof the army. A level teaspoonful of the capsicum, taken dai ly in eating or drinking, or both, or two fla gon' full taken two or three times a day, will do more toward warding off the fever and ague than ten times the cost in rum and quinine. There should always be carried in the knapsack a large piece of gate perdu cloth, to spread upon the ground at night for the soldier to spread hie blanket on when be goes to bed. TO these suggestions may be added the injuntioni to eat, as far as possible, regularly, to shun 'tattlers' tents, with their detestable pies and cakes, and their poisonous preserved meats, as one would shun a contact with the leprosy ; to maintain, in short, a perfect system of living just as far as duty in camp will allow. " If my friend who may read this, and who has buckled on his armor for the cause of his country, will treasure the hints I have thrown out, and act upon them, be will add a hundred per cent. to the probabilities of his returning to his father's house, that knew such keen an guish and bitter mourning when he was called to leave it." TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. atm Boss, MUM Pumas, 127th Beg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1862. At a meeting of company D, 127th Regiment, Penn's Vol., Boards Guards of Harrisburg, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Wm's., It boa pleased a kind Providence to remove from our midst one of our brother battlers in the cause of jostle, JAKE A. &La ng, in the full vigor of manhood, and after a few weeks elekness ; and whereas, at the time he was called away by Him who doeth all things well, to render an account of his past actions while upon earth, he was hasardhig his life in• respond to his country, therefore .Readved, That in the death of hums A. Har per this company feels the loss of a kind friend and a true soldier whose memory we cherish. Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sym pathy to the family and Mends of our deceased brother ; but, we must-submit to the kind will of Him who doeth all things well, and to whom we must look for consolation in the hour of affliction. Raolord, at a copy of these resolutions be (printed) sent to the family of our deceased friend and that they be published in the "Tsui GRAPH" and Patriot lir Wm, Harrisburg. Sant. J. R. KEENE, Passissir. 0.8. WM. R. %nue, &ornery. &MT. ben OSNIO, c am. P m; thus. B. liammi HENRY Lao, 3. Or ram" iltunzglintnia Watt etiegrapt, etteobag 7tfitrttoon, September 16, 1882. M. S. BEATY, President SURGEON GEOEXiII L. PONDS hag been detailed for duty in the Twelfth Reserve, P. V., and leavers for his regiment to-day. He is a surgeon of large experience, and we congratulate the Twelfth on the acquisition of so able a gentle man. Surgeon Potter was in North Carolina when our troops occupied that St.tte, and while there won the respect and esteem of all with whom he came in contact. cc:== THS cm still presents a warlike appearance. Notwithstanding fora week past troops have been constantly pouring ever the river, the greets were crowded with them to day. Since yesterday morning the arrival of sharp-shooters from the Interior of the State has been incessant. Great trains were constantly arriving to-day, filled with those eager riflemen from the country. Upon arrival, they are fed organised into regi ments and sent to the various points on the line. The citizens not on military duty are do ing all they can to make the defenders of the city comfortable. The ladies are very active in preparing provisions, lint, bandages, &c. They are fully as zealous and spirited as the men. To the An'toted. The undersigned would respectfully in- form those who are *Meted with Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their won derful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no apprehension in regard to my com petency in administering it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be bad at any time at my residence, in Pine street, be tween Second and Front. Ann dim MRS. L. BALL. Mae. BALL :—I take this method of testifying to the efftcacy of your valuable medicine. My child had Convulsion of the Bowels, and I heard of your curing children of that disease. I then gave it a trial, sud my child was restored to health. When I commenced to use it my child was three weeks old. I then used your Infant Cordial until my child was six months old, and my husband and I believe that your medicine was the means of saving our child's life. 1 live two miles below the city. MARY E. KAHAN. WE mtvi received a large assortment of bop skirts, from 760. up to $2 50. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col lars and sleeves, at all prices. White cambric*, jacconetts, nantncks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered 'French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle men's linen pocket halidkerahle63, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's oni'hiiif hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty jfeces of carpet to be sold cheap . Kentucky eans, sattinetbs and cassimeree for men and boy's wear. We received 69dosen suspenders, at all prices. 60 dosen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and small wear. A. .7.. a OIP Pe KEYSTONE NEWRY, MAREISEKKE. . IT should not be forgotten that this establishment is BUB in euoceestnl enervation, and pa supply TRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER RI 03, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE BERBIEi, CURRANTS, BLACK RIES, 114., Sto., Ac., &C. of as good qualities ankvarieted, and stgg reasonable prices an they are sold at distant nurseries. THE LOCATION of the nursery—adjoining this etty -JOT% it advantage& for transportation to .11 parts of the country, pommeled by but few others. desired,Ali delivered free of charge,any a part of when oily, ma JACOB MM. JUST REOEIVIID. A LARGB ASSORTALFST - of Family Bibles at dlifereut rtylt3 of 'Wading, at 000, /11 26 61 50, St 88, 84, lib and $ lO. Also Peaks!. Whirs of dr• turret .tiles :lad prices at 9OEISVP2R'B Booludore. fel)" , Y OAL oil and goal oil lamps, . of. all C etples and else., for sals, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, su29 Corner Front and Market struts. NOTICE TO BRIDGE •BUILDBRB. THE undersigned Commissioners of Dau phin county, Pa., solicit proposals for the rebuilding of seven bridges across Swabia Creek. One at Lautermich'e Fording. One at Union Depoeite. One at or near Hummehitown, called the Bed bridge. One at Hummeletown—the late Turnpike bridge. One at Jacob Belun's Mills. One near Felix Maley' s, called Island Ford. One at Middletown, being the Turnpike bridge. All the bridges were swept away by the late Bidders will have the advantage. of all the stone now remaining at the piers and abut ments of the old bridges ; all of which will be respectively the property of the contractors All bide must be indorsed on the specifications, which are printed and can be obtained at the office of the County Commissioners at Harris burg as early as the sixth of this month. Let ting to be. done on the 17th day of September instant, at two o'clock, P. M., at the office aforesaid. Two of the spans, with the whole of the flooring of the Leutermilch's bridge, lies near the site and will be the property of the contractor. JACOB BERM, GEOBOK GAIWEBICH, HERBY HOYE% Commissioners. Jammu Mims, Clerk. septa-014mnd JOHN W/13E'Et Confectionery & Fruit Store, Tann STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Hatniinay, Pa. CONY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LEINOW4 PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FRESH AND SALT. FISH, And vegetables of Mt kinds, brought direct from th e Wawa Markets, twice a week,sad purchased under my personal supervision, thus eaabUdg me to sell a better end cheaper article than any in the market. sir orders from a distance attended to promptly, and Roods delivered to any part of the city tree or ohmic 1113:0 CANNED FRUITi eaustantly on hand Give me a call. Dew JOBS MIL JEVEBABEEN MEM AND SII*I7IIB. A RE planted by some experienced gar& seta la Aftad, Ilegtatabar and October, In pro forma, to any other setiga L aad wttb great ealarta.-4 A. mortmant at the isieteske Nargegf A zirgo. A 1;i - gw aDvertistnents Huusuirrias hunonvesie MILITIA, Hartithwy, Sept. 10, 1882 GENERAL ORDER, No. 35. In view of the danger of invasion now threat ening our State, by the enemies of the govern ment, it is deemed necessary to call upon all the able-bodied men of Pennsylvania to organ ise immediately for the defence of the State, and he ready for marching orders, upon one hour's notice, to proceed to such points of ren dezvous as the Governor may direct, It is ordered— First, That Company organisations be made in ac.•ordance with the number required under the laws of the United States, to wit : One Captain, Ist Lieutenant, 2d Lieutenant, 80 privates as the minimum, and 98 privates as the maximum standard of each company. The company officers to be elected by each organisation. &cond, As the call may be sudden, it is desir able that the officers and member or each com pany provide themselves with the beet arms they can secure, with at least sixty rounds of ammunition to suit the kind of arms in posses sion of the soldier. Such persons as cannot secure and bring arms with them, will be fur nished by the government after their arrival at the place of resdesvous. Ihird. Each officer and member of the com pany shall provide himself with good stout clothing, (uniform or otherwise,) boots, blanket and haversack, ready to go into camp when called into service. Extra. Each company organic, Abu to be perfected as soon as possible ' and report the name of o ffi cer in command, the number of teen and the place of its headquarters, to these headquarters, in order that they may be prompt ly notified to move when their services are re quired. Fifth. Organisations, when ordered to move, will be furnished with transportation by the government. Sixth. On arrival at the place of rendeevous, they will be formed into regiments or such other organisations as the Governor, Com mander-in-Chief of Pennsylvania, may direct. Seventh. So far as practicable and as may be found consistent with the Interests of the public service, companies from the same localities will be put together in such larger organisations as may be formed. Eighth. Organisations formed under the re cent proclamation are earnestly requested to adopt without delay such measures as may be necessary to comply with this order. Ninth. Organizations called into the field un der this order will be held for service for such time only as the pressing exigency for state de fence may continue. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and under-in-Cide. A. L. Rueum, Adrt. Gen. Penn. RIAD Qupinis, PlaminvANlA 311 .2 r Hairisburg, 11 1 CiENERA.I4 ORDER - No. 86. By authority of the President of the United States, fifty thousand of the freemen of Penn sylvania are hereby called for immediate ser vice to repel the now imminent danger from invasion by the enemies of the country. Officers in command of company organiza tions as authorised by General Order. No 85, dated Sept. Hp, will at once report by tele graph, the place of their headquarters, so that orders may be issued from these headquarters for transportation to Harrisburg for such com panies as may be ordered to move. Further calls will be made for additional forces as the exigencies of the service may re quire. The formation of Companies under the Gwen al Order of September 10, should continue to be made as rapidly as possible uutil all thb able-bodied loyal men of Pennsylvania are en rolled and ready for service. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Oenunander-in-Ohief. A. L RUMEX, adjutant General Penn's. ASSIGNEE'S SALE, W ILL be sold at public sale; ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1862 On the premises, an ellepult ram situated in Lykene Vp., Dauphin co., tee roadfronr Ilettlessearg to Pottsville, running , hrongh the same. oontaining 106 acres, about 90 acres of with* are dear and the - balance is of the best tlarder. The improvernsuta are a large double STONE MANSION HOUSE, a ,Large bank barn, wagon abed, carriage house and all necessary out building. an apple orchard, besides plumb; peer; to , a lorintsin pump of never moutain water. 'Me lard In all bawd and in a high date or entivat'on. no. 2. about ill acres of land, adjoining the above, about 10 . ores of which are demand the Wainer In timber; !Marron emoted • large done MANSION HOUSE AND TANNERY with about 40 vat; a large Bark noose, Eats House and Currying *bop, mad all taker weameary legs ; the bent tar to run by water Rowe... ;$ is one of the bek t localitian for bait; este could be got ft ors 0 to 800 oord par year. 3. About 11 acres of land, of whieh about one half is clear, all limed and in a good state or cultiva tor, the balance is of the very boat oak and chestunt Umber. No. 4. 39 1101 - 114 of land , adjoining the above, of the best t mbar. • No. b. 2T acres of woodland, adjoining the above, of the best timber of different stools Yo. d. 21 aerie of Unit. , land, adjoining the above, an well timbered. No. 7, Zi oar ea of Umber ILIA adlolning the above, excellent chestnut and oak Umber. No. 8 28 acme, adjoining the above, a well covered with good timber. No. 8. 48 acres, also adjoining gle above traine, well cove red with all Moos of Food timber. The ahoy, property will all be told at the same time and place. The above land Is Ina healthy country and within • abort tatsnoa Of the coat reg eat, ware there is al• ways the but Market la Psonsylvitnia. Pavane wishing to see the above property am do sa ha call nig on John Stone, on the premises, or us the solissribers. Sale to comments at ,1 VoioCit. P. M.^i MILL an„ GEORGIZ BARAN, doMillimio• sept2-diwts FRANK A. MURRAY'S LIVERY STABLES. RAVING this day, September 12, 1862. purrtmes ti. bowies end webictrii attested to tce avers stabler E f Ihank 1 mg ay, and bamint also •bad trenelened to we f.s throat aandpiysmut,tbe sixoncis and wand of the an* the Pak& wit Jo:me take notke teat the uthisses wgi betesther be trenoucted to thy name; all pennon knowing them selves indebted to the th • proprietor, or thou, bavilli Odom dawns the same, will piths* well on the subscri ber ler settlement. .Tbe . .. bu nis dneee co ewl stook of elheatakte well be eondoeted wit as k t i k er t:o t t otore o by =ac e d kept to. Ike ease _or outer d reLmed. septa-wit, WILLIAM F. MURRAY. AUDITOR'S NOTIOE• • Orphans' Court of Dauphin county hatAnDonitaa tat =broths. c oaten& to deadbeat. tttkkkeee balswe is Ike binds "oftoe adadoetmator of tbo i-tateof Omni Ittamrarar, tats of 1 yams Mime P. to itta molar, OA; 0 1 1 tot kat orathoomet of talc Made &awn ins tats at law. o sad crammed and rao aid tor Ms appolotel Wedasioe7. the Ara asy of ,Ctramber nett, it tin Cara kalorrimours. at iaa clock ,be tbreamrs of wady, Ibt the " of lleadit laid oiomati dioradmitm, Moo and • lottrasorad rWOOL 111$14.raraw 51's 4.• Meter. Nan 2ilutrtismatts. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. PURBIYANT to an act of the General An sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled " <l2 Act relating to Elections in this Common wealth," approved the 2d day of July, A. D., one thou sand eight hundred and thirty-nine, 1, JACOB D. BO Sheriff of the county of Dauphin, Fenney.vania, do here• by make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the said county of Dauphin, ON THE SECOND TUESDAY OF OU WOES, d. D., 1862, (being :he 14th de) of uctober,) at which time the State and County Officers, as follows, .r to be ekcied, to wit : no pers)ll repreLeikt th• cowries of No ih mberland, Union, snider and Jun'al a, compos lug tne 14th Consie<sional d strict, In tr ( onireaa of the Unitel Slates. IWO persons to represent the County of Dauphin in the House of Ileprorentatives. One p:rson tor District Attorney for tte ctanty of Dauphin. One person •or (bunts. Commissioner. one person for Director of the Poor and House of ern ployineut. One person for County Auditor. One person for County Suite; or. one person for moos-. I ALSO HERESY HAKE KNOWN AND DIVE NOTICE that the places of holding the aforesaid general election la the several wards, boroughs, districts and townships within the county of Dauphin, are as follows, to wit : Tao election for the First Ward In the City of Harris burg, alkali be held at the Public Scbool House, at toe corner .t Mary's alley and Front street. Tne election in the Second Ward, stunt be held at this School House at the corner of Dewberry allay sad Chestnut at. set. The election for the Third Ward, shall ha held at the School House in Walnut street, between Second and Front street. The election ior the Fourth Ward, shall be held at the Public School Honse in State street, between Second and Third streets. The election for the Fifth Ward, shall be ink: at the house belong to General John Forster, on the State road leading fromtbe reservoir grounds to the Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital. The elcition in the Sixth Ward, a': all be held at the School House n West Harrisburg. For the township of Su quobanna, at Miller's (now NW lers) school house. For the township ef Lower Swatara at the school house No. 1, in Highspire. For the townshship of Swatara at the Locust Grove Inn. For the borough of Middletown at the Brick School house, in Pine street, in said borough. For the township of Londonderry, at the Public House of Joseph Helper, In said township. For the township of West Londonderry, at the house of Christian Neff, in said township For the township of Conewago, erected out of parts of the townships of Londonderry anti Derry, at the house of Christian Foils, (now Jno. S. Foltz,) in said township. For the tovrnstup of Derry, at toe public house Of Dan iel Baum, in Hummelstown, in said township. -For the township of South Hanover, at the public house of George Hooker, in said township. For the township of Bast Hanover at the public house of Maj. shell's, (now Buyer's ,) In mild township. For the township of West Hanover, at the public house of Jacob Rudy, (now Back's) in sold township. For the township of Lower Paxton, at the public house of Robert Gilchrist, (now dweisart's,) In mitt township. For the township of Middle Paxton, at the pub lichouse of Joseph Cockley, in said township. For the township of Rush, at the house belonging to the estate of the bite John McAllister, doc'd now occupied by David lineal in said township. For the township of Jeffersou, at the house of Christian Hoffman. in said township. For the township of du ka I a s at the house now occu pied by John Milder, at aster's mill, in said township. For the township of Halifax, at the North Ward School House, in the town of Halifax. For the township of Read, at the new School House on Duncan% Island, in said township. For the borough of Millersburg, at the Frame School House, on the bank of the Wiconisco creek, in the bor ough aforesatd. For the township of Upper Paxton, at the house of Jacob Buck, now occupied by Samuel Buck, In said township. For the township of MIIDIn, at the public house of ohael Er/towline, (now Bog. Bordner,) in Berrysburg, to said township. For the township of Washington, at the public house now occupied by Matilda Wingert, in said township. For the township of Lykens, at the public house of Sot -0111011 Loudelitibupg, (now &IMO in the borough or Gratz For the borough of Gnu; at the public house or SOle mon Loudenslager, (now Keiser,) in said borough. For the township of Wiconisco, at the School Mouse No. 6, In said township. I also, for the ihformation of the electors of the county of Dauphin, publish the following sections or acts of the General assembly, enacted during the session of 1663 to wit: Mao. motion 1 and 8, page thii, pamphlet laws, ap• proved the 1d day of March, 1867, vic—.That the col :ens of the township of Londonderry, In the county of Dauphin, formerly embniced in the Portsmouth election district, together with such other citizens of said town ship residing west of the public road leading from Port Royal to Nissley's mill, in said township, shall hereafter hold their general and special elections at the house of Christian Neff, in said township." Rm. S. That said district shall hereafter be known as West Londonderry election distriot. BUSH TOWNSHIP—PIan of Ekctwn. Whereas the place of holding the elections in tne town Ship of Rush, Dauphin county,wss by law at School Mouse number three in said township: • and whereas, there is no such School house, therefore—Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Beprewntatives of the Comisson weaah of Pennsylvania in Genera/ Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the general and township elections of Rush Township, Dauphin County, shall be held at the house belonging to the estate of the late John McAllister, deceased, now occupied by David Rineal. Page SS pamphlet laws, 1888. I also make blown and give notice, as in awl by the 18th section of the aforesaid act I am directed, " that every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of this State, or any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned of finer or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agent, who Is or shall be employed under the- legislative, judiciary, or executive department of this Slate or the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress and the State Legislature, and of the select and common council of any city, commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election Cr this Com monwealth, and that no inspector or judge, or other offi cer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office then to be voted for." Also, that in the fourth section of the act of Assembly, entitled "en Act relating to executions, and for other purpoees," approved April 16, 1840, it is enacted that the aforeadd 18th section " shall not be so construed as to prevent any militia driller or borough officer from serv ing as judge, Inspector or clerk at any general or special election in this Commonwealth." Also, that in the 61st section of said act, it is enacted, that every general and special elections shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without Interruption or adjourment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed ,7 The special election shall be held and conducted by the impactors and judges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks appointed as hereinafter provided. No person shall be permitted to vote at the election, as aforesaid, but a white freeman of the age of twenty one years or more, who shall have resided in this State at least one year, and in the election district where he offers to vote at least ten days immediately preceding such election. and within two years paid a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days be fore the election. But a citizen of the United States who has previously been a qualified voter of this State and re moved therefrom and returned, and who chair have re sided In the election district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this that* six months : Provided. That the white freemen, citizens of the United States, between the ages of 21 and 22 years, and have resided in the election district ten days, an aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote , although they shall not have paid taxes. "No person shah be admitted to vote whose name is not metalled In the lt.t of taxable inhabitants furnished by the commissioners unless: First, he produces a receipt for the payment within two years,,of a state or county tax, assessed agreeably to the con stitution, and give satis factory evidence, either on his own oath or affirmation, or the oath or affirmation of another, that he has paid such a tax, or on failure to produce a receipt, shall make oath et the payment thereof ; or, Second, if he claim a vote by being an elector between the ages of 21 and ffil years, he shall depose an oath or Miro:eaten that he has resided in the State at least one year before his application, and make such proof of his residence in the district as is required by this act, and that he does verily believe ftom the ac counts given him that he is of the age aforesaid, and glv nob other evidence as is required by this act, whereupon the name of the person so admitted to vote, shall be Loser ted in the alphabetical list by the inspect= and a nes made opposite thereto by writing the word 'tax,' if be shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid Vita ,or the word 'age,' if he shall beadmitted to vote by reason of such smt, and abed be called mit to the clerks, who shall make the like rethieliseiththst of voters kept by them. "In all cases where the mile of the person claiming to vote is not found on the lint famished by the commission ers and uffillitge, or hie. right to vote, whether found 041610 n or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall bothitcluty of the inspectors to examine Bach per, sea on oath. es to lite.mmiltheations, and if he claims to have resided within the State tar ehd you shalt bern e quail by at least we competent witneol I ° the district for elector, that he has resided withal' immediately preceding said than tea days nestthat hisAM bins • aogisoau oleo himself swear i te g i h mer ip wow= of hsolaarbil =Slog is within the mad Wachs did net remove into nail district for the slarsosiof Teak, therein. t . eerson . guallied es aforesaid. and who and pmt aria amt. rwiArt al l biS fieffillinen and pep tot asstmasa so efOrseekt, be admitted to vote in th e tewsibip, ward, or distrke la which he stall rad& is if my perms Shall prersat, attempt to prevent Ntto 2lbutrtisemnits. - - - any officer of any election ender this act from holding such election, or use or threaten any violence to any such om cer,. or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the akeenkloll of his duty, or shall block up the win dow or avenue to any window where the same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such elec tion, or shall use or practice intimidating threats, force or violence, with a design to Maumee unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such a person, on conviction, snail be lined in any sum not exceeding live hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any time not less than one month nor more than twelve months, and if It shall be shown to the ' Court where the trial of such offence shall be had, that the person so offending was not a resident of the city, ward, or district, or township where the said offence was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then, on con viction, he shall be sentenced to pay a tine of not leo than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand and be imprisoned not lees than six months or more than two years. In case the peon who shall have received the second highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on the day of election, then the person who shall have re ceived the next highest number of votes for judge at the spring election shall act as inspector in his place.— And in case the person who shall have received the high- Mit number of votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place, and in case the person elected shall not attend, thee the inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge in his place, or if any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour alter the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward, or district for which said officer shall have been elected, present at the place of election, shall select one of their number to fill such vacancy. It shall be the duty of the several assessors, respec tively to attend at the place of holding every general, special or township election, during the time said electios is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and judges when called on, in relation to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at such elections, or such other matters in relation to the anises meat of voters as the said Inspectors, or either of them, ■hall from time to time require." RIMING OF RETURN Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 78th section of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid dim trlot shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of the election of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one judge from each die trict, at the borough of Harrisburg, on the third day after the day of the election, being t?itIDAY tea rah of October, then and there to do and perform the duties required by law of said judges. also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable ac cident, is unable to attend such meeting of judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken chira l of by one of the inspectors or clerks of the electio said district, who shall do and perform the duties req of said judges unable to attend. Given under my band, in my °Moe in Harrisburg, the 12th day of eepwmbor el. D., 186!.. .140 GB D. B Woolf of Dauphin Gb. Simaav's Orium, Harrisburg, Sepunaber 11th,1862. semll-dawte THE NEW EDITION PURDO N'S DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISHED, PRICE 85 00 AN EN aim new edition of this aell known Law Book has just been leaned. It is now distinguished by toe following superadded , features : The laws contained in the various annual Digests published since the date of ink eighth edition (1853) have been incorporated in the cody of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited ; the report of the revisors of the Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of Congress for the Anihentination of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyances, with full and elaborate notes of the decisions exolanatory of them. 'the work has been prepared by the learned editor, Mr. 881GH2141, and its freshness and permanent value will be preserved by the continuation of the annual Digests, which have given so touch satisfaction. For sale at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. FAMILY F.LoUlt. ' , UTE INVITE the attention of families y v who BARE THEIB OWN BREAD, to our stoca of Flour. K e have Just reeeived SEVENTY-FIVE BARBELS ot the aaroest (White Wheat) St Louis Roar Mat the We•t ru Mar,et affords We gtouzatea ev.iry barrel or bag we Cult to 130 striet iy seuermr. Dal Wsf. Ihve.lC, JR., & 00. FOR THE SOLDIERS. NualEll?er3 o r tterg b t opene d A atoN4azl3g of WRITING CASES. Lapressly manufactured for the soldiers. POR P FOLIOS, POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND • WRITING MATERIALS 04 EV.ERY VARIETY, SOLD AT REDUCED RATES, STRAW BERRIES, 11114L4N'118 set out in favorable weather s (or if watered when drp,) in August, September or Oetober, will produces fair crop the next Etinmer, often enough to pa, for the plants and p lantins, braidee ensuring an abundant y told the following season. Alt the beet varieties ter sale at the Heysione,Nar eery, Harrisburg. au29-dtf CHEESE. AFEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance of a large oonalgnment, are offered at an unwsuady low rate to close out the lot. lo retail dealers there will be an ind umlaut offered. ll:tush box Bold WM be guar anteed errepreee.nted. WM. DOCK, JR., k CO. .13,18 NEW mackerel, in halves, guar ters or kits, just received, and for sale low, by NICHOLS • bOwSiala, Corner Front and Market et etas. &n 29 POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSED, PORT bIONAIBB, And a general variety of Leather Goods, Pint received at BERGNER'S BOOK STOW. • FLY PAPER. FANCY COLORED Pager, ready cut, for covering 1 wiring Maws, Miura 7.arnes, &C. VanCro aril other new pattaral for sal, at BEtIGNI41:8 CHAP B aDgz,Toqta EXTENI-AVE assoriment of glassware, tumblers, jelly easels, fr u t dishes, ec., k 0.,, of A 1 ret eiVvi t a 'a for sale very low. NICliOl., R COWMAN, Corner Fruut and Market -treats. au2.l FIGS, Dates, Prunes ' Raisri,s, and ali . kinkindsof onto, at. WISE Store, Third and Walnut. out 6.000 POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar Oardd dams for Bele very wer whokeele JR., & 00. or retell by A SMALL lot of &mice Dried Fruit, at mums & fed Qorner Fria and Market street. JLERS.EY HAM. !—T.-n tierces of thege judiy cdsbrated sugar cured haulm received sae or so oho largo or email Quantities. CRAB CiDER.--Lona toady on h an d a t very superior article of RIT,i• OMB COMIL 111714. INMTfS I. k 00. 13kUMS Cheese Irmo New York Dairies just reoolved aud ler We k.w ry al ROMs BOWS N. jil t 0:01 41 1m Prom awl Maratekstrieel* pll7.ltakilVE BOAP, som tt ething beeit tban almimmietauusebold Baty, just roc:tired wad 4w sale by N/CHLMB Si BOWMAN, 3d Coiner Aunt sod Market stream WM...DOCK, k