ustrass (garbs, DENTISTRY. DA: GEO. W. STINE, gridistr ii of the _lar Baltimore College of Dental Burge ' 'ring per manently located In the city of Barrlabu . , taken the race formerly ocempled by Dr. Gorges, On Ird street between Market and Walnut, respectfully Informs his made clad the public in general, that he is prepared to perform all operations in the Dental profession, either sinks km meapiciti,,in a manner that shall not be =by operators in this or any ether city. His triiiserting artificial teeth Is upon the latest im proved scientific principle. Teeth j firom one to a full set, mounted on line Gold, O k "r, Mani% plates or the Vulcanite BRAM . . • I iske great pleasure to recommending the abyss gen tleman to all my former friends of Harrisburg and that confident that he will perform all opera than in a scientific Winner, from my knotriedge of his ability. iutyB Of] F:.l. 8. GIHRGAn. H. DB. DAN'L. L IdUENOH, AGENT. (I F the Old Wallower Line respectfully • a. j inform the pnblio that this Old Daily. Transports yon Line, (the only Wallower Line now In existence in 'this City,) is le in successful operation,, and prepared to carry freight as any otherindividual line octoroon Philadelphia, Harrbburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wil l/S=lpar*, Jersey Shore, Look Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia end Erie and Wit- Ibutuipert and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. MUNICH,' Agent. Harrisburg Pa. ' Hoods sent to the Ways House of Messrs. Peacock, Zell &Nos 808 and 810 Market street above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, F. is;, will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. aprBo.rdmyl B, J. H.A.RRII3, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 -.MARKET MEM , • • HARRISBURG. lIAS always on hand a full assortmen of Tin and Japanned Ware, Owning and Parlor stoves or the bast manalaosuries, Guns , spouting, Roof ing and Galvanised Iron awash, manataatured and pu t up at reasonable rater air Repairing promptly attended to. aprld-dly • REMOVED. JOHN B. SKI / TIE HAS removed ids Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next-door to Haynes Agriculture Shire, where he intends to keep all Inn& of Boots a.d Shoes, Halters, Am., and a insge . sfdarorTrunks, guideverything in his - line of Wi riness ; and will be thansful to receive the patronage ol his old customers and the public in general at hie new place of business. 'All kinds of work made to order in the beet style and by superior workmen. Repairing done at abort notice. rapr2dtfj JOHN B. SMITH. A. C. 13M/TB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. /IR. P. H. r 811Tgeen Den- Itist, Manufacturer oi Melva Plate Teeth, the Obly: rthOd that obviates every objection to the use of are. Octal teeth, embracing partial, halt and whole sets of on(' piece fatly, of pure and indestructio in mineral, there are,' no crevices for the acconmulation of small particles of food and therefore, uo offensive oder from the breath, as no me tal is usedln their construction, there can be no galvanic action or metallic taste, fleneu the infliv Waal Is not noyed with sore tnroat, headset*, dm. (Mee North Second street, Harrisburg. notll dly MILITARY CLAIM AGENCY. BACK PAY, BOUNTY, PENSION & SUBSISTENCE JUGENE Snyder, Attorney at Law, U office, Third street, Harrisburg, Pa., will attend to we collection of military claims, under the act of Assembly, of April 18, 1882 Bach pay of discharged and deceased soldiers. Bounty under Act of Congress, Jut, 22,1861. Pensions and claim; for subsistence. St;: jylo.d3m. THEO. F. BCHEFFER, • BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKEY BTREET, HARRISBURG. arrarticular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and. Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, Checks, Drafts, Sic. CARDS printed at $2, $3, $4, and $6 per housand in elegant style. 120 SCRIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ) A ND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per fluttery, Sm. Also agents for the sale ot Refine/ Petroleum, Illuminating superior to any coat oil • fernhthed in any quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 Willidat 'Street, a27d6ni] NEW TOM. . PROF. 'ADOLPH P. TEL; PAIR. WOtiLD respectfully inform. his oto patrons and the public generally, that he Nth °online° to give tnatruellons op the. •PLLNU. VtdtrY,, Mit LODEON,_ VIOLIN and also in the sob:ince of 'THOROUVEI BASS. He will with pleasure watt upon pupils at theft homes at any hew desired, or lessons will he given his residence, in Third strao, r few doors below lit German Reformed Church. . ' ittinttiantuus UNION Li E (J a& N , BiLTJARI) AND BOWLING SALOON, No. 119 MARKET STEED, NEAR leiteni. THE subscribers having erected a larg e building at the above place, expressly for the purp o gee above indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub lic to the following : Tas Baereunairr, on theilna floor, wills a dining room attached, is fitted up inbnitclass style, and It will at all Um ebe suppled with the best OYBTER.9 to be had In It. Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish, and all Weds of game In season. Oysters served up in every etybl, and meals to be had at all hours. The Ales of ail the 'celebrated' breweries in the 'country constantly on hand: The Tenpin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, whet! the killers of this healthy exercise can enjoy themselvde, The Billiard Saloon is iv-stairs—elegantly fitted up; and contain, three marble top combination cethion ta bles,- equal to any made. Harrisburg has long felt the want of a grand comb's. Mien of this kind, and as the proprietors are determine d to conduct It In a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve• rythhlg in their power to make it a fashionable reaor they hope to receive a liberal share of nubile patro PaPlif WILLIAM Cl. McFADDIEN tt 00. BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPER ) riit covering Looking Glasses, Picture .m mts. o r n anie nii ng Ceilings, trimming Gas Pipes slid tint 80 as to hang over etringe in the ebspe 0 I stars, aints, drain; or festoons. Yor sale at Wei SCHEFIEWS 800 a t K.E. ,_ • RUBBER GOODS ! Rub belinabilbtr atclott, "" Rubiiet Battles, Babes lby y al REM:NEWS alietF r 800-6)141.11ra18470ttq Jars for putting up fruit, the G j d i oelebrate twanal, warranted to ilve i t te L u cheap, s t tletic, t le n tusi rweiv a e: and for Me by NICHOL/3 & BOWMAN, .1•19 earner Brant and Market street. §UGARB for preserving; call 'and exavi Ina st NICHOIS & BOWMAN, 17 Corner Front and Barnet atreeta . LENION•, , :en:, ea i.a, its I received and tor sale by NIOHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market mamma IMI FRESH FISH every Tuesday and Friday at JOHN WIBE'S Rom, corned of Third and Wal• nut myly piOTlON l 3.—Quite a variety of uttettt, ' and entertaining nrilnia.—ehoap—at ith if Lemon and Raisins; juat ; ra# 'Wind - and for sale low by ' : COrnerCria7 Market iM et;es s. TETARDELL & LEVINESS, Pickles anal v wow,' for solo at JOHN WIBTir3. may New Wipationnents. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL , ROAD I BUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA.. ON M AMA MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. . The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company wlll depart tram 'and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH ICEPRESTTIMIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 1.15 a.. m.. and airteas at Wee. Philadelphia at . 5,10 , FAST LINE leaves Harrieburg (except Monday,) at 6.20 a. m,, and arrives at Weat Philadelphia at 9.46 a. in, PAST MAIL TRAIN. leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.20 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.20 p. m. ACOOMMODATION TRAIN, via Henn Joy, [ewe Harrisburg at 7.00 a. M.,. and arrives at West Phila delphia at 12,25 p, m. ' HARRISBURG '4OIIOMBIGDATiON TRAIN, via Coluiti bia, leaves Harrishari At 4.10 u. tn.. sag arrives at Waal Philadelphia at 9.25 .:' WESTWARD THROUGH MORON TRAIN leaves Phtladelphia At 10.35 p. m., Harrlsburg at 13.00 a. m,, Attomia 5.10, a. m. nd arrives; at Pitteburg',4l2.2s p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaved Philadelphia at 7.16 a. m. ' , and ar rives at Harrisburg at 12.30 p. m.; leaves Hirrisbarg at 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 7,00 p in., and arrival at Pittsburg at 12.16 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.80 a. m.,llarris burg 8.46 p. m., Altoona it 8.20 P. na., and arriving at IPitteburg at 12.46 a. tn. . HARRISBURG AIIEVOILKADATION TRAIN leaves , Phil. dolphin at 930 and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 p. MOUNT JOY ACCONIMEMATIOITvIe Monet Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.60 a. mi, strives at Harrisburg at 12.40 p.m. • . , SAMUEL O. YOUNG, Supt. East, Div. Panna. Railroad Harrisburg, May 2, —dtf SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. NEw AIR u Nll ROUTE. hotil . . • TIERS TRAINS DAILY TO. NEW TURK, AND PH ILADELPHI gN AND' AFTER MONDAY, MAY' 501, 1862, thePassenger,.Tralns will leave the Phila. ins and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, via • EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. na4 on lir. , rival of Pennsylvania:Railroad Express Train Aram the. West, arriving in Nevi York at 8.16 a. m. „and at Phila.: deiphis at 9.00 a. In. A sleeping car Le attached to the train through from Pittsburg withoutuhango. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., arriving' In New York at 6EO p. na., 'and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1:40 p. m.,ollarrivid • of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast mail. arriving ib Noir York at 940 p.-nt.,and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. i WESTWARD FART LINE loaves New York at 6.a. in,, And Philade I. phis at BA. in. arriving at Harrisburg atl. RAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil.' adelphia at 8. 15 p. in., arriving at •Mirrtsburs at 6.10 P in. EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. in. arm. sing at HarlitsburgsnB.oo Ea:, and connecting w ith the. Pennsylvania Expreds , Train for Pittabnrg. .A steeping ear la also attached to this Irwin ~ • . ' Connections are made at Harrisburg' with trains 'ea the, Pewthrylvania, Northern Dentralend Cumberland Valley' Railroads, and at Reading • for 'Philadelphia; Pottsville, • Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, Asa. Baggage checked through.,Faro between New York end Harrisbnri,lls 00; betwen Harrisburg and . Phiia delphia, 13 lO in No:1 cars, and 52 10 in No. 2. • For tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, my3-dtf Deneral Agent, Harrisburg. _ --- - - ROBB Si: _ BLA.CttW4I443 Achakkwattid karma AVM, PRESERVIS, am.l-41 6, A large c err n il an -or a th fo e r !hove, e iy emb oi rifit oi , In . varisty r , jrxr:. g i titnotthillnit ird _eSratiliAlonbcw afttmoon, StSettibtr" ls, 1862 SOMETHING SR THE TINES! ark NEcEssrrir IN EVERY RouMellow JOIIiTS CROSI;EY'i American 'Cement Glue THE STRONGEST UL E iN THE WORLD . THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST'DIMARLII GLUE IN THE. WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MT GLUE IN THE WORLD. _ AMERICA-N . CEMENT GLFLE In tee only article of the kind ever produced whick WILL WITHSTAND WATER. Don't times' Way. lbat.broken Ivory pan, it le easily re paired. . • SEND CHIN A. Tnur brnsen COO and Saucers oan be aids as gOO4 as new. rF WILL MEND MARBLE, 'rust ! item. owls ont of your Marble Mantle Gan be put op MI !Itrong U ever. T WILL MEND PORUSLAIN, No clatter it 'hitt hiolieh Pitcher did not icon buts etin. 1T WiLLgAND ALA.BATb.;R, That wetly Alabasted• Vise n broken rod _you can't match It, mend it, It will never chow when. put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented ; witu AMhIUOAN QIIn4Np (}UM will riot Wei Where it in untuded. • raTRAOTS. "Every klousekesourmhould have a ,supply of JotinA & Croidey's Amerlean Cepreut salue."—/ . •qt is gio convenienCtoAlave In tae hones.'—N . Y. &Vest bo nll4 is alwazs g rearly.; Pis commends Weir eoN everY dy."—adaret. • .- nWe have tried th and and it as useful in our hornei as water."— Was' Sprit oif Vie rinser.' " • EOONCHET - .IS WEALTH. ilO,OO per year saved *every family by. Goo. 80 4 1 0 of AMERICAN , CEMENT GLUE. vric e Ar):o 9 nts per Bottle. Filge4.4s:oinits per Bottle. • Price 26 Cents per Bottle. PAce 26 Cents per Bottle. Prine 20 Petits per Bottle. Price 26 Oente.per Bottle. 44-ifbr gale by bit Druggibta, and Storettpipt;ts Aeueral .ly throughout the country. .. JOHNS rik-.CROSLEY"- Oaf Der of Liberty street,; Important to Farmers. 76 al/ whom this may coyarn, and strentwerns every DEMENT ROOFINO.:. The Cheapest and in4durable Reding in use.. Important tooaee Owners. Important to • Important;to Rail Road Com:Pikes: IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It oan be aPPlied to iini and oza mire of nil kinde r steep or Sat ; and, Hi Sento= Boon without rentoting the Shingles. - • . . . The Cost is gni* About tionalklird thator AND 11. DI TWICE As DURABLE. This article has beiniboroughly tested in' Ben YOrk City and all Other parts:or the - United BMW, Canaille, Amt Indies Central and Bough America, ori buildings ofi all hinds, such as Facto:is*, FOUNDRIIIe, Ram Bonn Dams, Gaits,'and on Pomo BUILDINGS tOIIOIIIII4 Gkimituotan Bun mum, An by the principtl Benders, Architects and others, dur ing the past iburyearS, and boo proved to be the OIRAFEST and mow DIIRARLS. ROOFING in use; is every respect A FratictliNti); WEATHER and TIER' PROOF covering for„ irs ' ' ' This ft the ONLY'suiterfai manufactived to the flesifest Stoics which combines she • very desirable properties at• Siararily arid Durebafty,which are universally aiskoomi 'edged to be possessed by OUZIA PBRONA. 4/►tD INDIA RUBBER. No Heat is xequir64 i n making application. -- The expense oV applybigit IS tilling, as lISCOGGillarr tafit ' Gall be covered apok Hnished the saute day. It can be applied by any ' 444 and when Ardshed-Yorms a , perfectly Figs Psoos marina : a with an elastic body, which cannot be ildurcal byuts; COLD or Stoma, Siatuacintelif Moe Beams, nor ,an y a* - ternol action wh,teseri. r ,6 • I gib D ". GFUTTII, PERCRA , For Coating ridatabt at ill Hinds wherraxporea to that/V*l4nel the Weather, mid ' . FOR PIASERVINtrA NDREPEMN. 9 1 474 i xiMtaf r iLL KINDEL Thee is the only-Qom= hhOWII Whleh lath mummai i !sully raid entrants of all elinuttea b for any, !length of time, when applied to metals,s" to' it tat Iberia Ilrmty, terming* body equal to coats of Ordinal t, costs much less sad Len TERM TIMM' and from its elasklaity ;,la not injured by. , the lcontraction and apeman ed Tin and other *Mal Roofe„,, !consequent mien suddin'ebhuges of the weather /twat not ORAdff-inilLD Run' .14r.L.411: iwEA.THER, 42ND. WILL 0.7 W4BllOll. Leaky Tin and othO?.M al Rooth can be rehunty ra g e ad with GUPTA PIERCIIAMENT, and prevented in_ YurtherOnneiOn Wad ,/afifittigi UliarabY ensuring a Per- Feats t i ght roof ', or many peon. t This Cement le peculiarly adapted for the preatramloo Of IRON RAILINI.I4 groxit RAMIJ, &MN AGRIF porruaer, rermartzvar,lao., rise for general mane. acumen one. . . GUTTA 1 :1 140111 A (31241.101 T • - , • , , ~. I T, ur vritstirving and re_PidliEliu and other hietstitotSvoi: very datoription,,lVonsitstiseat elasticity, isnet.injnitd; .a..,,, catitnictionanifelphindoirof Metals, Sao will . wit. auk In cold or ran - W.lmM 'weather. , - - --• t r • These materials are likAtriD to ML CIISMATIed,AiidL: air, e prepared to impply.milioti from any part of itelxiiiik- Y, at short igit*.s li?r fil7lla PERMS. ROOVING , iii " roils, ready prviured tor use, and . -ttUr.el PEROIi a IX ,itxxr in burrelf, With mil printed . 1 1rcetioue for . eivii.. t i on . ~ Li ;11..... . AEINNLYS: VIN'I'ED. . . , . • - ._. • I we will mike lateral- •4:liatioraolorY wzrauSisistiti.i Won raaporenble pittiaa qwao Would thre to eatabilab item. t i vela in e lunrativa nad.:peilimanent busiii eas . 2 .. :, i OUR THRMS'ARE °ASH. . ,we Can give abuniiiiiis p of all we claim iu etstr! e our linproved Roolirnifita app li ed them in several! , un b e nd Roo ,In ,New T o t , ty and vicinity. '- • ._ zaitara*vitoiriar, . ..., :. 1 1. I - HdOLS )IiaIiiIIPSONIREIia, . ' . : _ ,;-• ": ' PT holesal Witte: liaise 78 William ;81,i,f . i nier of y iitrelit ~i>: . NEM ..volait 7 . , . fill descriptive Awhile . Juscl , Priose will be nirniebedi , • ea appiaguon. a.. a-dly , * ODA Biscuit, CitYierackers, juotriacifteiri ) ed and ferakio ibc":::=Bitin ses aisotiligAx. , sgittord ndfterldat p400..1 ~ ..., POET FOL,IOBLtz . ', I, 121130 D ID" - -,, _. A' entiiiiheio -- V .,, , ,, f -•t of thsw , , . :`' 4 1 1 1 titles just . , • , ~.). ...• ~.... • 4 . q-r .: :lb; • 4: . • 8 Cheap Boalitore„ -' lobo 10 trosteps. Ix wiu, MOM WOOD, Save your broken lrurniturrii . IT WILL MEND I,4EA.TOR. Mend Your 13asn . a4e 1 Stram ikolta..Hoc4s, Ac IT WILL MEND GLABP, Save the Pieces er that ellalualve Cut eilitas INisti - Wil i rLL MEND IVORY, ling, a alilllingsaved la a 'billing eiumed Very Liberia &deadline to Wholesale Mayers. TFRSS CASH.' (SoleStinufactureyea 78 WILLIAM STREET, MI ZOBNI3 & CROBLEY'S rurßovili• OUTRA. PRlata INEN HELMBOLD , S- PREPARATION :GENUINE CONCANTlisytros'.; taro"; r FLUID kinAcr nom, A Positive and Specific Remedy , For DlattaSts rot ,the BLADDER; KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine inetwthett the Power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS Intl healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depoeitiona, and all UN NATURAL ENIARGEMBETS are soffits/id, as well as PAIN AND I:NFU-NATION, and is good for HEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. =num Buan t For Wttennesses Arising Dom Emullesee, Habits of Diseitnthin, Early In. discretion or Abuse.- ATIIINDED WITH THR FOLLOWING symProms.... Indisposition to 'Exertion, :Loss OF Fewer . Um of Memory, Difficul t y of lEireatidlig, Weak Novvelq' . Trembling, 'Horror of Met* • Wakefeblitss, Dimness , cf_ Pain in the Beek Universal limpitude of the . Muscular System, _ Rot Banda . . Flushing of t he WAY Dryness Of the Skin' = Eruptions °nth.° Face. PALLID COUNTENANCE, - • These symptoms, It &armed to go on, which this med bale int Y. removeli_soon follows IMPOTENCY, ITY EPILEPTIC NTS IN on OF WILICHTHE PATIENT *AY MARE, . Who can say thatthey are not frequently followed. by lime "DISHFUL DISBASES" "INSANITY. AND ' CONSOMPTION." Many are Ware &the' Mese of their suffering, BDT NotikwiLL coma,. THE. RECORDS OF.TMICINSANE ASYLUMS; . And - iSriMelainsfuily Maas QmstanyMon, man imPta Wremaii46 Tall TIMM or TO Amon. TIM CONSTITUTION ONOI AFFIVTID WITH' .ORGANIC MIMOSA • Requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and Invigorate he System, Which limuMinis mortitACT BIICHU at doe A view, wux ocnivws tea um marnauL, . . FEM4I,INAIALES—PENALIS, OLD OR YOUNHiSINOLII. MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA I'INGAWARILLAGE, 1.0 meNrianarioN't PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Boobs is unequalled by any other remedy, ai in Chknosis or Retention, Irregalarity,Pidnfelness, or Suppressio n or Oustoioary Evacuations, Ulcerated . of Scirrhowi ,tate of the Uterus, Lencerhast Whites, &aril Ay, and for An aomplainit incident to thi) sex, whether arising from ' Indiscretion, Habits or Dissipation, or in the , • • D/WILLICE 4114N011 OP MIX. grim= mays NO FAMILY MOULD BE WITHOUT IF I 'LW so 11013 BLAILUOINCCRT, in UNPLEASANT y . MID ma lost mmaisimg AND itmeneus mum. HELMBOLTP,S'EXIBACT 800HU smug DISUSEB. .. in a Moir Stapp, • ; f'' , At little .111xpenie i Little or no change* Diet ; No Inconvenience; thi It Games a fregment dist" re and gives strength to Urinate, . . thereby removing Obstriktions. Preventing and CmingStrictures of the Urethra, ' Allaying - Pain and Inillammation, Bo fregnesiLin the class of-disearon, and expelling all Pawnees, Area aid and wiern•out &alter: , t t reomannetron Thomann-, RHO H4T7I BEM 2HE nano ca quatur4 . and who have paid Murk' rue to be Mired in a short time haveOmmithey were deceived, and that the "P0:1i SON" has, by the use 'of urowtotrot aaritortuans, a been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and -- PIMELLPS AMIR MARRIAGE. One HammyOaarnuo: MHO for all atm:Mons arta illaeanea of the 7 -. • ORGANS, 11111ALWOR FR &LB, whether anis tram whatever caoneerimlnathie and no noitter ROW WING STANDING. Diseases at these Organs require the aid of DIURI ID EUILMBOLIVSIB E TBAOT BUCHU - H 3 THE GREAT DIURETIC, And Is certain te have the desired effect In all Dimeatten FOR WHICH ll' InIICOIOOINDED. &Mow of the relksbie and respartolde character will accompany Sas medians. OKRTlnankitOF CURES, „„ ; bone to2o yearn standing, Was Noinotillavowiroo SMIRCH AND FAME. Price $l.OO pertbottle, or six for $0 00. Delivered to aby Wangle, securely picked-from bbeer tuition. DEWED" SYRIM pl ALL COMMUNICATIONS ; Cures GaiminS444l.d Advice Bruns MAW Y Personally apPeiradliefere me, an Aldeimairor the city of PhiladelphLt,..lL T.'=Bsusnoin, who being duly sworn, doth say, hie umparatigns contain ne.narootio r no mercury, mother injurious drugs, but arsrpnrely vege- table B. T. HELM:BOLD. Sworn and subwiribedlifore me, this WM day of No vember, _WIC P.:WIRD, A/demean, Ninth St. above Race, Phila. • Address letters ler InVorMaUon in =Adana to - H. I'. BELE:BOLD, Cwt,. Depot, Depot, ioa sonth tafith St., bel. Chestsmt, Phi* XOUNTE REMITS ' AND UNPRINCGPLED CELLOS, Who endeavor to dispose "op Taws own" and "mu" AITIOLIS ON MI INPOTAININNINWNID NY Helmbold's Genuine Preparation I, u Magni, 4 4 B irsim in a, , " • - Tinpreved Bose Wash. Sold by 'O. K. Kellar, D. W, Gross, J. W.Yetti a A.' Baahvark ANDLALL DRUO.FLIT3 IVERYWHERR. ASEXPR HELEROWS. TAKE NO OTHER, Out out thendinsttseassat 'and send for It, . AND AVOID lUPOBITION AND EXPOSURE. nov18411y; FIRE Ili:11IIRA:NOE'• THE DELAWARE MUTUAL tunivirlisultiraz COMPANY. INCeOIti , ,CI4.IITED 1836. . Capital and $869,120.31 Wm. mob ; Maki*" Fonder, Theophilas Paulding, juu R. Penrons:Jus. C. /*yin Jas. Traquair, , Wn. Byre Jr. James 0. Band, Ittiilinat_frl. Joseph Beal, PA B. IL linstoa,fiarOlte ..ol soirir. auBh MOM Kelly, Samuel B. Stokes, dJ Z. Penniston, Henry 'ninon; EdwardDarlington,:6l, Janis Brooke, Elpeassalirlisaine, Thomas O. Band, Bebt ,Barton, Jacob P. Joao, Jame, B. WiarlatidiJoakiii -- #: 'gyre, John B. Achple. burg, D. T. Morgaug= A. B. Berger, Flashing.; Prsadent. • - • T T 119114 O. RAND, ' 76:0 Plyddent...% HUSBY LILBOBN,Brervga- The undersigned'ts igint for the above named. anal. Pair , continues to take TirS Risks in Harriabarg and vicinity. : WILLIAM BUEHLER. PORT 'FOLIOS 1 irr arrificfillEam vy TRAVEUMB k AGS, 193%3 ' 1;1 Anis, ,And a generatikortilaint of • i rai.otr Gloms have put boravrediiiiiiPat 13$10} 112 0 . : : 1 ' • • BOOKSTORE. SUGAR 13IIREP 'HAMS. • fa DMA BEEF, 8110IILDEBS, I , . • BOLGNA SAUSAGE. 1 Wargo and frindivpidillan received by , .02.4 . I.: Wt/. DOCK Jr.: &au a I . Ris ilel v - LlN AL TO tr ell auc k P.EClV rsn ßAL up, si war itip c , ll Is i ,atirely iregitAble'in its composition, has ... emploYea With wonderful success for any yeas in Biel' " of of diseases for the MB ' ASSAM'S and LU NGS. For any fork of the' such Us C OH, TICKLING of, thA HBOAT, - OFITTING:' OF _BLOOD, DIM= i T BREATIIINCie HOARSENEES, LOSS. OF . ' OICE, and' HOMO -FEVERS, its use NW . attended with'the happiest. resifts: It is ne of the best aid safest medicines for all , mks of BRONCIMIR,And CONSUMPTION. o lade= srProP64llllon I of °Pim n_ - any this syrup. • PRICE SAO MB. BOTTLE. For sale 4 1 - Bs t , EWS CHEAP t00.E.:,. RE. - ' '!. __ IxTviNsrv4 wortment of glassware- I PA rlceiYed, !PA!l . flor Bala low by * t CHOU & BOWMAN, aull . Offoliet trout sad Mara et'atraeok ` 4 1 4,D. OM. • T • 'vrge BupOly=.o' Cfresh Salad o*,_ lar reos g ea stl:7 si t u . battiri y i , , and of dliteitt•biran:cM i. . WY. DOOKaa.A.Wi iiaelßE 045agli3,.iby bY 4he thee* lir • I*. j u st PincgigoLa sowstaw,i, iivwfroaSilnd /WIN_ 6.11M0tti... 1410 - u - arl AFFIDAVrr. AD: . :11). .T:' , : , riiii tO eaf, U W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DRUGGISTS, \ NO, 19 MARKET STREET BARRISBURG, PENN'A DRUGGISTS; PHYSICIANS; STORE- KEEPERS AND OONSUMBRS, We are daily adding td our assortment of cods all such artiCles as are desirable, and ;:ould respectfully call youi atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS OILEALIOALEI & PAINTS- 01la vartitailias and Wass Dv*Stuffs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors sad Tools, Par4s Gfrovind Sp tew Surfklng Meld and Alcohol, Lard, .Sperns. and - dimities. Vials and Litasp Globes, Castile Soap,dionges and Cori.. &c.,•&c., are With a general•variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beet manufacturers and Pe tamers of Europa and this country. Being very kill • deahire in PAINTS, WH ITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, AETD4r . . • . OOLORS,PAIN .! A.2.1J ARTLSrIS BRUSHES _ IN"ALLTHEIB VAILIEM3I3, ooLotts AND BRONZES , . „ O; AIL KIND?, ii i . S --. L' '....---------- ' a . t P . - 1.1 iiiti . ..i.t. , .j . . 0 at 0 ' 3 V A • i 4 .1116 - - . . We respectful:) , invite a call, feeling, confl: dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their Satlsfacilen. TEETH L TEETH I JONE' SAND WElCres . s PORCELAIN TEETH; PATENT: MEDICINES• =AND RAIR RESTORATIVES Of, all kinds, direct from the Proprietor?. Sapimifiei and Onnoentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, siniche we se as low as it can be purchased in the cities. fRAYEB's lIIEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL atkvali am! Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil tampe of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to bum CoaL Oil. FARMERS AND 'GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our 'HOMO AND OAHU POWDERS . a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Roman and Cattle healthy and in good condition. rhouiande ' Can testify tothe profit they hive ihniveti - ir4th the * of onrOattle Pnvidere by the inoriveiing quantity and quality of milk; besides improving the general health-and ap peerance of their Cattle. . . Our J O 4O e 7 4 l . B 4encejn. 4 1 e L!ia*YalO gives as the advantage .of a thorough knowledge of the trade; and our arrangements hi the oithw ore such that'We'rtrwin a very short time furniah anything appertaining to our baelnese, on the beet of Mims. 'Thankfal for the liberal patronage bestows On our hOnse, we 'hope 'by strict attention to liaelnass, : icarefulaeleetifie of . otr El Darr GEI at fair prime, and the desire to please till, to merit 'a contfunanee of the favor of a dlsorita tutting public. aplO-dly : t : OF ALL KIND res,Veur aud live joint Trout Rods. lo to oo yards long. unie 6 1 66 64 it •6 •• •• ran togiL. Si 6 64 asa Cotten Lime, A. L. L. toet.Ltaee fandatied with Hooka, Ckirka, Re. ass laulPaPag 440* }0 la 6 0 Yards. Tot of Ovid) Trout Rliea, ik Worn- tut Lestery-hottem Rues, a to '9 feet e IN 61 Strands , " " &numb; Ihnericir Nooks, adt., No. Ito B Trout Bakal; Kirby Trout and River Kooks, Lamar ck Trout and River Hooke, Floats /basks and Drinking i• KIELLIMI DRUG AND TAROT STORM, ni72 93tMarket 1 IRS Fresh t mend and-," hob epiciet Pepper, Maples, elsaan Munialay and Maoe, at ICI 0148 BOWMAN JB 'S, corner likiny and Markey eteeta - 116ffirthfriliAgar - waste. II IS warranted it , tolr a r erek hast et It V e t Var e t y ttn =able g odor 1- ke7 --; e r i MIL Bum Mir": I it4oviig, • 1 0 1 "X#Anstri9'z tlikoeitt. o Euximoire, iskefaitc" x Wrltontieit" ti , kr_PVi‘wffrthi 1146.1-444, thibital. FLISIR PROPYLAMINE, TIM NEW REMEDY PrJR RHEUMATISM, a NEW REMEDY, I rot CERTAIN REMBLIM, • AOOTR-RREDMATISII MOM RHATIBUTAN, zsgamiusit OE EVERY KIND; ITOW `7 , TIMORN, No NAmo BOW LONG STANDING, PEOPFLAMINII W HAT IT HAS DONS, WILL DO AGAIN. ttlE IllSiiiitONT mar MEDICAL &UTHOitriT PENNSYLV ANIA HOSPITAL. OSINBAL HUIPECAL Moss.] Mar IS, 1860.—SIles S., mt. 28, single, never wae very tong. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rheunia iisre,tront Which she was confined to herbed for two week s and subseeently from a relapse fer four more. Slie has been well since then MI last Satur day, while engaged in house cleaning, she took cold, had pain in her back, felt cold, not had so , decided chill Two days atm her ankles be gan so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints .and of the hands. She has now dull pale in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and palatal ; both hands are affected, but the right is most so. This, then, is a case of acute rhsomatient, or, Mt It is now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. Ws a well remarked typical cam We will carefully watch the nase,and front time to time callyonr attentionto the vari ous symp t o ms lii which present themselves. iffy chief object b her before you now, Is to call attentlen to a remedy w ch has recently been recommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I mean propylareine. Dr. kwenarius, ofSt. Petersburg, recommends it in the highest terms, 'hating derived vest benefit Rom its use .11 260 cases which came under hie care. Various com mendatory tortittiordabi 'resreitthig It have appeared In our journals, and I propose therefore to give it another trial. I must, confess /am always incredulous as to the worth Of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifies Out.this comes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it s trial. MME OASE FOUR DAYS LATEII-1 MAT 23, 1360.—1 will now exhibit to yam the patimufor whom I prescribed Fropylantine, and WA a then labor :tag under an attack of acute rheumatism. Me ; has Smialliy taken It in doses of three grains every teed hours (Intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, i tumid her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, judging from her other attack. (lhe patient now walked Into the room.) the mr o ovement Ms steadily progressed, and you cannot d .*. a marked change In the appearance of her iotaVT*li, are new nearly all of their natural sine.— our far our experiment would have seemed very sue emigui ; ; but, gentlemen, we must waft a little while be ore we can give a decided opinion as to what is to be he result. Here is mintier patient who was placed on the me of same medicine on Sunday last ; she has long been suffering from c hronic rheumatism, and I found her at Marline with an acute attack supervening uprui her . ohronic affection. The wrists and knuckles were inorstt . swollen 'and teem. She took the chloride of Propyla mini') in three'grain doses every two hours, and you MS perceive that the swelling of the joints has mach dimin ished. THEE DAYS LATER I I flay 26, 1880.—Thla is; the case of acute rheumatism Matta with proyylamine, the Hest of those to 'Which I ailed your attention at oar last clinic, She Is still very comfortable, and is now taking three grains thrice daily. In thisoase it lum seemed to be followed by very eat olfactory results. The second cape to which your atten tion was called at our last lecture, has also coMisitiOd to do we'? I will now bring before you a very character istic case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be eat, thotory,l fhb*, as good jurymen, we shall Justly render oar verdict In favor of propylamin He is a seaman, alt. 213, who was admitted a few days ago. Has had ocaasionsl rheumatic pane, but not so as 'to keep hie bed, until eight days ago. The paint began his right knee, mihsenuently affected the left knee, and later, the joints of the upper extrethities. These joints are all Swollen, tense luta tender; His tongue 18 fared ; his skin, at pressen dry, though there has been. numb 'sweating. His pulite is frill and strong, and about. 90. as uatinew, used propylandnetke houre This gentleman is what may he called a strictly typical `ease of acute rtuatunathme. There was exposure to cold sad wet, and this 13 followed by a holing of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it imeally does, in b* loner joint.. There ie fever and the profuse meeting, so generally attiendant on acute rheumatism. ipa.not bring this patenitlieftire yolk with the I Men tion or giving you a teatime en all the points connected Wltb rheumatism,- but again give• a trial to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to yea this typical ease, as I have called it, than which there co aid : net be a fairer opportunity for testing the rime:rine in question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of ail ether medicines, even anodynes, that them may be no misgivings as to which was the efficient remedy. You shall use the care of a future clinic. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDIOT =I Ann 9,1980.—The next of our convalescents Is the case of sante rheumatism before you at our undo of May 98th, which I then called a typical case, and which it was remarked tens- a fair opportunity for testing the woslt et our new remedy. It was therefore steadily giVen in three grab doses every two hours for four. days. asp:tient tuts got along very nicely, and is now able to walk about, as you see.. Ido not imitate to icy that I have naves keen es severe aeale it acute rheamanam at) aeon restored.* he .ae this ben, and without being prepared to decade positive by as to the vet. esuf the remedy we haVe used, I feel bound to "state that in the eases in which we have tried the Mudd* a t'ropylamine, the patients hive rev/Bust their health much earlier than under the treatment ordinarily per med. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try It, and rellete the reelths' Por s fall report of which the shove is s mildewed ilairmitt i see the Philadelphia Madded sad Siepical Ed; *o ar:. ft iirthe report alter a fair trial by the bestined sal tidsconstry, ‘.ad makes it unneoessimp to Ore numerates Gertilleates from astonished doctors emit rejoicing patients. ASPEKDYI24, ANINTIOTUAL CURS It%X SAME 114IILT WHAT IT BAB DONS, aullook & Crenshaw, Arm well Imam to most met cal men, by whosi the MIMI' leiopylamise has been in. Matured, bays sold to as the ecohuive right to manufac ture it aocording to the original recipe, and we haws made arrange Ments of itch macaws as to enable us to scatter it broadcast ambnist lantsriuti brailaldiY• A WORD TO DOCTORS. a yea prides to use the lame woody In anothertform ilia Invite your attenUork to the IPM.9l4itkunis Clam= Plorrirmics, it'ottellbaftwom LAM. . _ . iPuittßuorummaufflurrutrio, liPtoUtloutull ALOPIWIINN 'of Ulrich we are the sole thanuiketurers. isrwe claim SO other virtue for-the 84k Propyhuhoae bait le tweitained in Pure Crystallised fihiotide of Pew sisine, THE ELLSIII 'itill MAY Be TAIMI 4.OOOiIDENG.IO DIRK 4nONS, BY ANY ON/ BY BVF:BY ONL Y vino BAB,BILBUNAraIit OF ANY KIND. ibis la Harrisburg by AT 7b Cu.s A gurus. isuidt be addressed to PROPYLIAINI NANUIACTURLIN Boom No. Oor Found Rad Mewed drools, PllMldelphts. • w Weimer of the tollowleg - - Maulegate Aiebw BULLOCK MERCK, 14CHAR.Di & CO . matine. Brims: a 00 GEM). WETHERML PETER T. 14= 4 T # 00. 1 ZEICLES MORB3O PE=stiEl WILL CONQUIR 'IT WILL CURB IT, 000TOR8 RSAiI, DOCTORS MARINE DOCTORS TRY IT. DONORS KNOW iT, PATD:NTS BJLIEV r. TEND AND TRUE. IN RUBY WM, WHININVINt WHINITER USW IT WELL DO MORE coNve.in__ r AND ALWAYS .NLADY FOR INYEDLATI DSI,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers