pailg (ititgrizp4. NOIICH TO ADVERTISERS.-4111 Ka. vertimencents, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, Bo.; to mauve Insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the C ASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Saluda) Memo% September it, 1862. LIGHT, the Lebanon balloonist, is eugaged in Maryland, making ascensions for the edification of the Marylanders. Gu'riau SHORTER.—The days are getting per ceptibly shorter, and the nights of course longer. The latter are delightful, and we have not re tired a eight within a week past without bless ing the man that invented sleep. I=l A LADY NOMINATION. —The Republicans of the county of Segadehoo, Maine, have nominated Jane R. Shaw fg Register of Deeds. Miss Olive Rose some years ago held the same office in Lin coln county, Ohio. In New York State, in 1860, a lady was chosen In Genesee county, Diet k of the Board of Supervisors. ANOTHBR Nsw COUNTRaFirr.—A dangerous counterfeit note of the denomination of $5.00 on the Mechanics' Bank of Pittsburg was in circu lation in this city this morning. It can be easily detected by the word five on the face of the note being printed in green, while the genuine is printed in red. Tan Pass SYSTEM, as it was established by Mayor Kepner, is working to good effect, al though some few individuals have been put to a slight inconvenience. These passes are only issued to those non-residents who visit the city on business, or in extreme cases to those who are compelled to leave the city on the most urgent private or public business. Ilnuozons.—By au arrangement between the pastors of several of the churches of our city, the usual services will be suspended in their churches tomorrow evening and a Union prayer meeting in be:talf of the soldiers and the coun try will be held in the Methodist church in Lo cust street, at half past seven o'clock. IMPORTANT TO SMALL DEALIIII9I.—The impres sion very generally prevails that under the new Tax Law all confectioners, grocers, &0., will be required to take out a license.—This is errone ous. Section 66th provides that " when the annual gross receipts or sales of any apotheca ries, confectioners, eating houses, tobacconists or retail dealers shall not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars, such apothecaries, con fectioners, eating houses and retail dealers shall not be required to take out and pay for licenses, anything in this act to the contrary notwith standing." &ATI Fara.—The next State Fair will take place at Norristown, Sept. 80th, Oct. let, 2nd and 3rd. The most liberal arrangements are being made with railroad Companies, and some of the most important roads have agreed to carry freight free. Excursion tickets will be issued at reduced rates. The Railroad rates will shortly be published. the premium list is very large, and the locality accessible by the Norristown and Philadelphia Railroad, and la so by the Reading Railroad. Quite a number of article have already been entered by exhibit era. From present indications the Fair will be one of the largest ever held in the State. IMPORTANT TO SOLDIERS. —Every soldiar should keep in hie knapsack a card, upon which should be plainly inscribed his full name and address, with his company and regiment. Last week two cases oocurred in which soldiers were brought to Washington, from the battle field— one UI and the other wounded--both too low to ascertain those particulars from them. They died, and the hospital authorities were deprived of the opportunity of apprising distant rela tives or friends of their decease. In another instance—a fine lad killed in battle—all hope of tracing his relatives was gone, when, by mere accicent, a little Bible, presented to him by his mother, was found between the cloth and lining of his old coat. That little volume disclosed the name of the boy. .........-... CANTONS? CANTEMS I—The militia of the City, now under arms to march have not been furnished with canteens. We understand it is not the intention of the military authori ties to supply them with this necessary article. At moat of the camps water is a scarce article, and as the citiren•soldiers have no means to keep a supply on hand, there has been and is, especially during the hot hours of the day, very much suffering in consequence. It has already produced some sickness, and should the troops be subjected to activity, might prove serious. The militia should at once be supplied with canteens to some extent at least. As the military authorities will not supply them, we suggest to our readers, that if they have a relative and friend doing duty over the river, and wish to do him a service, that will be gratefully remembered all hie life, send him a canteen. -..- CAPIAIN GOWAN'S CAYALRY.—We are pleased to learn that Captain James Gowau's cavalry company is so nearly full that there le no doubt of its being filled to-day to the maximum num ber. The Captain has made it a point to receive none into the corps but hale, hearty, athletic wen, good riders, accustomed to the care and handling of horses. Captain G. himself has bad large experience in this line, and also in the care' and management of large bodies of men, as a contractor for many years on various public Works, a school which is sure to develops a man's qualities as a manager. His invariable success demonstrates his fitness for the duties to which he proposes to devote himself. We predict that the service--volunteer or regular willhave few better commanders and no better company. That they will acquit themselves well In service we confidently anticipate. There may be yet a chance for a few more recruits. Today is the last opportunity to secure the IT Raman last night, just sufficient ti) cool the atmosphere, and give us a splendid breeze to day. The weather now, if not favorable for agricultural pursuits, is at least in fine cundition for military operations. PROF. A. D. TRUPSRB, who has been teaching a class on the piano torte in this city, has left for the locality of danger, to do what he can in repelling the enemy. His pupils must wait for further instructions until he returns from the war. Tits CITIZENS OP DAUPHIN are actively engaged in forming a militia company, which is to be commanded by Rev. Alexander D. Moore, Pres byterian minister. From what we have heard of this company, we are convinced that it will be among the most efficient in the service A WOlllO7 called at a grocery store, in one of our neighboring villages recently, and in pay ing for some articles purchased was offered some postage stamps for change. She declined taking them, saying : "I don't want any more stamps, for I got some yesterday, and, to keep them from being load, stuck them on the side of the house, but the devil of a one could I get off this morning. I===l A FIGHTING F.umx.—Capt. Wm. Blakely, of Kittanning, District Attorney for Armstrong county, is raising a company called the Arm strong County Dragoons. Capt. Blakely leaves a large and remunerative practice for the sterner duties-of the field. He is the last of six brothers who have entered the martial arena—all of whom are alive and in actual service—fighting for the Stars and Stripes. WIDOW OF Ex-PIM:DINT TYLIER..—Mrs. Julia Gardner Tyler, widow of the late Re-President John Tyler, has arrived at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, en route for the North. Mrs. Tyler is a Northern lady, daughter of the late Colone 1 Gardner, of Long Island, owner of the island known by his name. Miss Gardner, at the time of her marriage with President Tyler was one of the belles of New York fashionable life, and her marriage with the then President of the Malted States created a great sensation at the time. She now returns a widow, with six small chil dren, to the scenes of her childhood. SANFORD', Orme Mon.—The evening is set apart for the benefit of Mr. Sanford. A huge bill is presented in which the Beneficence will represent many parte, appearing in comedy, tra gedy and opera. The friends of Mr. S. must avail themselves of the opportunity of witness ing the entertainments here, or the season may terminate in a few nights, as the entire com pany have enroled as a military body and have preferred to respond to the call when immediate action is required. Mr. S. has been tendered the captaincy of several of our volunteer coin. panies, also a Quartermastershlp, but be prefers remaining a private, retaining his whole com pany ete the same. This will be a musical com pany, and the soul-stirring airs which will be sung by this choir will be inspiring to the brave volunteers when en the field of duty. LADIES' Maori 11,masr Somerr.—The ladies named will send to the reception room, Mrs. Dr. Bailey's, Market street, by 101 o'clock, On Monday, Scpt.l6—Homemade Bread and Butter. Mary Bell, Mrs. Joseph Curzon, Mrs. F.Bernheisel, " Peter Attieks, " T. A. Aldred, " C. Beatty, " Fanny Awl, " E. Brenizer, " Mary Ball, 6 ' Eliza Bishop. On Tuesday, 16th —One Pair of Stewed Chickens will be sent by Mrs. Barnitz, Third at. Mrs. James Colder, Rachel Burnsides, " Wm. Dock, " Elizab'h Bowman, " Elizabeth For, " Emma Bailey, " J. J. Shoemaker, " E. H. Oornyn, " I. M. Kelker, " H. Crisswell, Miss On Wednesday, Sept. 11—Soup and Fruits. Mrs. Wash. Harris, Mrs, William Foltz, " John Boyd, I I Fry, " Joseph Black, " T. H. Garretson, " M. Dougherty, " Martha Bonmfort, " W. B. DeWitt, " Richard Hummel, " Christ. Ehrman, " Henry Gilbert, On ?intraday, Sept. 18—Stewed Chickens. Mrs. R. A. Lamberton, Mrs. C. J. Reese, " G. H. Small, " Jane Wagner, " George W. Felix, " Dr. Wiestling, " Richard Nolen, " Mrs. Davis, " J. G. Marts, Miss Darindo Keefer, TAN CONGBASSIONAL CONY/AWOL—The follow ing resolutions were passed at the Congression al Conference of this district, and ordered to be published in the TRAORAPH. They breathe the right spirit, and need no comment at our hands to render the same acceptable to the loyal men of the district : Resolved, That the war for the preservation of the Union, the enforcement of the laws, and putting down of rebellion, is one in which all loyal men are interested, and which demands our moat zealous and steadfast support. That we will spend our last dollar and abed our last drop of blood, before it shall cease without having accomplished the restoration of the na tional authority and the establishment of the national peat* and power. Resolved, That the administration of Abraham Lincoln has been firm, wise and patriotic, and is eminently worthy of our confidence and sup port ; that he has faithfully struggled for the enforcement of the laws, and in all his actions never departed from the Constitution. Poster ity will do him full credit, when peace again blesses the land. Resolved, That in Andrew G. Curtin, Gover nor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we have a servant who has faltered in the dis charge of no duty which contemplates the pro motion of the prosperity of the people. His course In contributing to the • support of the National Government in its efforts to crush re bellion, is universally acknowlged to have giv en the Government its main strength, and to the rebellion its sturdiest blows. As a portion of the people of this great State we delight to honor our Governor, alike for his personal qual ities and official integrity. Resolved, That the nomination of John J. Patterson as the Union candidate for Congress in this district, be commended to the consid eration of the people as one deserving their approval and support. As a bystander, he has shown his ability by the faithfulness with which he has discharged the legislative trusts hereto fore reposed in him, and therefore we have faith that, in the more extensive sphere to which his election will call him, he will increase his claim to onr confidence by the increased im portance of his services, and his fidelity in all things relating to his trust. That we individ ually pledge ourselves to leave no honorable effort untried to secure the election of our Con gressional candidate. Pasacame m nui Foram Szazer BIZEML.— Bov. A. X. Shoemaker will preach in the Fourth Street Bethel to-morrow morning and evening. Pennogloania IDatig /telegraph, Batnrbap afternoon, September 13, 1862. A • Simons Bumoa.—We heard it seriously declared by a gentleman of respectability, in one of our hotels yesterday evening, that a story was afloat to the effect of a certain family in this city having a secession flag in readiness to hang from their dwelling should the rebels make their appearance in Harrisburg, for the purpose not only of securing the protection of their proyeriy, BUT TO LIBIOATZ THBIR TIM; SBITIXENTS AND SIBLINGS ! We have no comment to make on this declara tion. Let the -people be on, the alert, and if possible discover the nest of traitors ! ANOTHER SPY Cam:Tsp.—Last night about 10 o'clock, two gentleman of Dauphin brought to this city a man who gave his name as Charles Oold6mith, who had been circulating in the neighborhood of Dauphin during yesterday, taking a general tour over the mountains, and views of the river and canal in that locality. On being questioned as to his residence and business in that region, he gave very unsatis factory answers, which caused suspicion among the citizens. He was captured on the Narrows, about one and a half miles below Dauphin, go ing on a double quick. He was brought to this city in a wagon, in custody of a Mr. Young and another gentleman whose name we did not learn, and placed in the lock-up for safe keep ing. The undersigned would respectfully in- form those who are afflicted with Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their won derful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no apprehension in regard to my com petency in administering it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without.them over night. They can be bad at any time at my residence, in Pine street, be tween Second and Front. Aula dim MRS. L. BALL. Mae. BALL :—I take this method of testifying to the efficacy of your valuable medicine. My child.had Convulsion of the Bowels, and I heard of your curing children of that disease. I then gave it a trial, and my child was restored to health. When I commenced to use it my ohild was three weeks old. I then used your Infant Cordial until my child was six weeks old, and my husband and I believe that your medicine was the means of gamine our child's life. I live two miles below the city. We BAITS received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 75c. up to $2 50. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col lars and sleeves, at all prices. White caaabrics, jacconetts, nantucks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock. inge, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky Jeans, sattinette and °animates for men and boy's wear. We received 50 dozen suspenders, at all prices. 50 dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and small wear. S. LIMY. ELEOTION PROCLAMATION. PURSUANT to an act of the General Ala sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled '"en Act relating to Elections in this Common wealth," approved the 2d day of July, A. D., one thou sand eight hundred and thirty-nine, I, JACOB D. BOAS, Sheriff of the county of Daupldn, Pennsylvania, do here by make known and give notice to the, electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the said county of Dauphin, ON THE SECOND TUESDAY OF DOWSER, A. D., 1862, (being the 14th day of Uctober,) at which time the State and County Moen, as lollows, aro to be elected, to wit : t.neperson to represent the counties of Delphi n, North •mberland, Union, Snyder and Juniata, comps lag the 14th Con_reesional &strict, in the Congress of the Unite 1 States. Two persons o repredent the County of Dauphin in he House of Representatives. • One person for District Attorney for the cout.ty of Dauphin. One person tor Couo Commissioner. One person for Director of the Poor and Howie eY em ployment. One person lb County Auditor. One person for County surveyor. Gne person forCcrtone-. I ALSO BMW MAKE KNOWN AND GIVE NOTLCE that the places of holding the aforesaid general election in the several wards, boroughs, districts and townships within the county of Dauphin, are as follows, to wit : The election for the First Ward in the City of Harris burg, shall be held at the Public &Moo! Mouse, at tne corner of Mary's alley and Front street. The election in the Second Ward, shall be held at the Sebool House at the corner of Dewberry alley and Chestnut street The election for the Third Ward, shall be held at the School House in Walnut street, between Second and Front street. The election tor the Fourth Ward, shah be held at the Public School Bongo In State street, between Second and Third streets. The election for the Fifth Ward, shall tie hot.; at the house belong to General John Forster, on the State road leading fromthe reservoir grounds to the Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital. The election in•the Sixth Ward, all be held at the School HouHe a Weal Harrisburg. For the township of SuAuetianita, at Miller's (now Nis lers) school house. For the township of Lower Swatara at the school house No. 1, in Bighspire. For the townshsinp of Swatara at the Locust Grove Inn. For the borough of Middletown at the Brick School house, in Pine street, in said borough. For the township of Londonderry, at the Public House of Joseph Keiper, in said township. For the township of West Londonderry, at the house of Christian Neff, in said township For the township or Coniswago, erected out of parts of the townships of Londonderry and Derry, at the house of Christian Foltz, (now Juo. S. Foltz,) in said township. For the township of Derry, at the public house of Dan. lel Baum, in Hummelstown, in said township. For the township of South Hanover, at the public house of George Hooker, in said township. For the township of Esst Hanover, at the public house of Maj. Shell% (now Boyers ) in said i township. For the township of West Hanover, at the public house of Jacob Rudy, (now Buck's,) in said township. For the township of Lower Poston at the public house of Robert Gilchrist, (now Sweigart'ss In said township. For the township of Middle Paxton, at the publichouse of Joseph Cockley, in said township. For the township of Rush, at the house belonging to the estate of the late John McAllister, dec'd now occupied by David Bluest in said township. For the township of Jefferson, at the house of Christian Hoffman, in said township. For the township of Jac &ECU, at the house notroocu pled by John Birder, at Ettiler's mill, in said township. For the township of Halifax, at the North Ward School House, in the town of Halifax. For the township of Reed, at the new School House on DunceVs Island, in said township. For the borough of Millersburg, at the Frame School House, on the bank of the Wiconlaco creek, in the bor ough afiresaid. For the township of Upper Paxton, at the house or Jacob Buck, now occupied by Samuel Buck, in said toWnahlp. For the township of Mifflin, at the public house of MI ohael }interline, (now Beoj. Bordner,) in Berrysburg, in said township. For the township of Washington, at the public house now occupied by Matilda Wingert, in said township. For the township of Lykens, at the public house of Sol omon Loudenslager, (now Heiser) in the borough of Gratz For the borough of Orals at the public house of Solo mon Loudenslager, (now Keiser,) in said borough. For the township of Wiconisoo, at the School House No. 6, in said township. I also, for the information of the electors of the county of publish the following sections of acts of the Gen Dauphin, (General assembly, enacted during the session of 1853 SO wit: LONDONDERRY—PIace of Ration. 4.1t0 sections 1 end fk, Page 104, pamph l e t i mni , sp • meet the 18th day of mu_ lee; Tie:—.Thet the elti rate t hy tonal? g lAndOnder/7, to Ike gulf of __....---, To the Alelated. MARY E. MAHAN 12!NIE Nta Winatismcnts Dauphin, formerly embraced in the Portsmouth election district, together with such other citizens of said town ship residing west of the public road leading from Port Royal to Wiseley's mill, in said township, shall hereafter bold their general and special elections at the house of Christian Neff, In said township.” Szo. S. That said district shall hereafter be known as West Londonderry election district. RUSH TOWNSHIP—PIace of Heelzoo Whereas the place of holding the elections in tne town ship of Rush, Dauphin county,was by law at School House nnmber three in said township: and whereas, there is no such School house, therefore—Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Centrum wea‘th of Penntyinania in General dumbly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the general and township elections or Rush Township, Dauphin County, shah be held at the house belonging to the estate of the late John 2dcallister, deceased, now occupied by David lineal. Page 83 pamphlet laws, 1858. I also make known and give notice, as In and by the 13tn section of the aforesaid act I am directed, "that every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any Office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of this State, or any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned of ficer or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, judiciary, or executive department of this State or the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress and the State Legislature and of the select and common council of any city, commissioners of any Incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election ef this Com monwealth, and that no inspector or judge, or other offi cer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office then to be voted for.,' Also, that in the fourth section of the act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to executions, and for other purposes," approved April 16, 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 18th Section " shall not be so construed as to prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serv ing as judge, inspector or clerk at any general or special election in this Commonwealth), Also, that in the 61st sectieu of said act, it is enacted, that every general and special elections shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or attourment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed " The special election shall be held and conducted by the inspectors and judges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks appointed as hereinafter provided. No person shall be permitted to vote at the election, as aforesaid, but a white freeman of the age of twenty one years or more, who shall have resteledlin this State at least one year, and in the election district where he offers to vote at least ten days immediately preceding such election, and within two years paid a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days be fore the election. But a citizen of the United States who has previously been a qualified voter of this State and re moved therefrom and returned, and who shall have re sided in the election district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this State six months : Preoided. That the white freemeri, citizens of the United States, Between the ages of 21 and 22 years, and have resided in the election district ten days, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall not have paid taxes. "No person shall be admitted to vote whose name is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the commissibners, unless: First, he produces a receipt for the payment within two years, ,of a state or county tax, assessed agreeably to the constitution, and give satis factory evidence, either on his own oath or affirmation, or the oath or affirmation of another, that he has paid such a tax, or on failure to produce a receipt, shall make oath of the payment thereof ; or, Second, if he claim a vote by being an elector between the ages of 21 and 22 years, he shall depose an oath or affirmation that he has resided in the State at least one year before his application, and make such proof of his residence In the district as is required by this act, and that he does verily believe from the ao counts given him that he is of the age aforesaid, and Vv. uch other evidence as is required by this act, whereupon the name of the person so admitted to vote, shall be inser ted In the alphabetical list by the inspectors and a not* made opposite thereto by writing the word 'tax,' if lie shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax ,or the word 'age,' if he stall be admitted, to vote by reason of such age, and shall be called out to the clerks, who shall make the like notes in the list of voters kept by them, In all cases where the name ef the person claiming to vote is not found on the list furnished by the commission ers and assessor, or hls right to vote, whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of the inspectors to examine such per son on oath as to Its qualifications, and if he claims to have resided within the State for one year or more his oath will be sufficient proof thereof, but khan make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall be a quail fled elector, that he has resided within the district for more then ten days next immediately preceding said election, and shall also himself swear that his bons fide residence in pursuance of his lawful calling Is within the district, and that he did not remove into said district for the purpose of voting therein. "Every person qualified as aderesaid, and who shall make due proof, if required, of his reeidlome and pay ment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote m •-••••• , 'W whieh he shell reside. "If any person shall prevent, or attempt to prevent any officer of any election under this act from holding such election, or use or threaten any violence to any such oil cer, or shall interrupt or Improperly interfere with him in the execution of his duty, or shall block up the win dow or avenue to any window where the same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such elec tion, or shall use or practice intimidating threats, force or violence, with a design to inductee unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such a person, on conviction, snail be fined in any sum not exceeding live hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any time not less than one month nor more than twelve months, and if it shall be shown to the Court where the trial of such offence shall be had, that the person so offending was not a resident of the city, ward, or district, or township where the said offence was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then, on con viction, he shall be sentenced to pay a Mae of not less than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand dol lars, and be imprisoned not less than six months or more than two years. " In case the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on the day of election, then the person who shall have re calved the next highest number of votes for judge at the spring election shall act as inspector in his place.— And in case the person who shall have received the high est number of votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint au inspector in his place, and in case the person elected shall not attend, then the inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge in his place, or if any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of One hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward, or district for which said officer shall have been elected, present at the place of election, shall sebiet one of their number to fill such vacancy. "It shall be the duty of the several assessors, respec tively to attend at the place of holding every general, special or township election, during the time said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and judges when called on, in relation to the tight of any person assessed by them to vote at such elections, or such other matters in relation to the assess ment of voters as the said inspectors, or either of them, shall from time to time require." lailING UP SATURN JUDGE Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 76th section of the act first aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid dis trict shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of the election of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one judge from each dis trio; at the borough of Harrisburg, on the third day after the day of the election, being FRIDAY the 17th of October, then and there to do s and perform the duties required by law of said judges. Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable ac cident, is unable to attend such meeting of judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said district, who shall do and perform the duties required of said judges unable to attend. Given under, my hand, in my office in Harrisburg, the 12th day of September, 4. D., 1862. JACOB D. BOAS, Shoiff of Dauphin 00. Smounoe Onion, Harrisburg, September 11th, 1862. septli-dewte POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORT IdONA/BS, And a general variety of Leather Goode, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. FLY PAPER. FANCY COLORED Parer, ready cat, for Coven,. 1 ooking Glasses, Picture Limes, &o. Union and other new pattern for sale at BOOKaTORI .INIKTENIVE assortment of glassware, tumblers, jelly glasses, fruit dishes, azo., ac., or alnds, received, and for ode very WIC. NICHOLI & AMMAN, anal Corner Front and Market streets. illllB, Dates Primal', Raiewa, and ali kinds or Nuts, at JOHNI Wlt3E'd atom Third and inui. myl 6•900 Oure Name POyNDEl fo U ros tra w ve l: y ri l in ow e wh itgaT e or rella i by PIK. [WOK JR.. & 00. SMALL lot of of oice Dried Fruit, at ICHOLS k BO vMAN, Omar front sad Market Street. JERSEY HAM I—Ten tierces of these iuguy celebrated sager oared hams, received alio or MI in largo gurogitiox WM,flooll,f r ORAB OlDER.—Conatontly on hand id 16.0 Test superior snide Of iMen‘ CMS OEM. WIC BOOK, Ja, a Out New Ilwatisetrunts. PURIFY THE BLOOD. NOT a few of the worst disorders that All allot manklA arise from the corruption Qatari cumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge It out, none have been Amid which couldrqual in elect AMR% Column Erlitanr OP SAimPARILI4 It cleanses and renovates the blood, in. Mills The vigor of health into the system and purges out the humor which make disease. /t stimulates the healthy lunations of the body and expels the distirders that g. ow d male in the blood. Its extraordinary virtues are not yet widely known, but when they are it will no longer to a question what remedy to employ in the great variety of afflicting diseases that require an alterative rem•dy. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, bee long been sought for, and Bow, for the first time, um public have me on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit certificates to show its effects. dut the trial of a single bed h will show to the sick tba' it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Sufferers from Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, try it, and see the rapidity with which it cures. Skin Diseases, Pimples, Pustules, Bleches, Eruptions dk., are soon cleaned out of the system. St. Anthony's Mrs . , Bare or Erysipelas, Vetter or Bait Rheum, Em/d Head, Ringworm, ho., should not be borne while they can be so speedily cured by Armes Saasarminia ffypitillas or Venereal Diseacet is expelled from the system by the prolonged use of this Ssassrssmi.a, and the patient Is lift a• healthy as If he had never tad the disease. Female Diseases are caused by scrofula in the blood, endue generally soon eared by this Errator or BARU. PARKLA. Price slper bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. For all the purposes of a family physic, take Arse's Miasma rum, which are everywhere known to be the lust purgative that is Mimed to the Americau Leo. p!e Price 26 cents per Boa, or b boxes far $l. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYBR t CO., Low.ll, Alive. and so d by Draggling everywhere. 5.41 by C. A. Banvart, D. W. Grose& CO, C. K. Sal ter,J. 51 . Lutz, Dr. Riley, F. Wyeth and dealers eve . y where VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WAN T LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, KNVKLOPBS, WRITING CASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will dud the largest assortment at BERGNER'S 1300KSTORE. THE MISSES SMITH'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 1210 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Will be reopened on MONDAY, SEPT. EIGHTH. ritiE course of study embraces the Latin, Freud, and German languages, Music, raying and Painting, together with the elementary and bigner baldish:it of a inormagh English Education. The aceolnumeations are or eteelient character i ssid well eateumusa aosourciaftriet . tta home. Owing to tee of CO per MI will be .de for the ensuing ' year. au21.83 W M. A. PARKEI/LL, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. Third Street, next door to the Telegroph Primus, Office. dwellings, churches, public hultd:ugs„tactores, Au., titled up with gas, letri and Mau pliatti s worsuran manner. Hydrants, Wash basins, (Lath Tubs, Llfi and Vora) i'onms„ Water Oloset s, Lead an' Iron e. for waver, gas sad eterm. .t share of public patronage is respectfully solioited. Ali work premptly attended to. royfteigim. kllft uowly replenished stook of Toilet anti Fanny Ono& is unauntaastal in Win city, anti lending sainildeut of rendering natialsollon, wn would rein peellully areile a oall. 91 Mersa street, twu Awns east ol.Vaurth street, south side. WANTED. VERAL Maohinists. Also a stou boy In the olaet otlth shop Apply at the jyls-dir tLAGLE 'JONAS. POMADE HONGROISE POE FIXING THY MOUSTACHES. BELLE 'S L.BIJOSTOktri NOTICE ALL employees of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, who may enlist in the Service of the United states for the purpose of crushing the rebellion now threatening the liberties of our coun try are hereby asaured, that Weir respective situations will be kept open and given them imm:d ate:) , on their return; and that the fact of their volunteering to deltoid their c.nntry in this emergency, will be eonsi d erail headier as greatly is their favor tor promotion to a ny mita] e pnginienn in the service of this Company. - °MARLS.. SMITH, President. Philadelphia, August Bth. 1662. sull-dlm HE Updegrove Look Property, Canal 1 graesty sun Rockville House, situated eve miles aoove Harri.burA, us now offered fur mile. See adver tisement W Weekly or app'y to • aullt-dejeulatlB6B W. P. HENRY. tlik, largest and most extensive assort ment of glees In the city, just received, and for ale very low, by lllcaoLt # BJW MAN, and Clo . rner Front and Yawn streets. SUGARS of all kinds, white and brown, lower thanaay house la town, by liKauLl a BOWMAN, au4 Cornet or Front and Market street. RIO, Dandelion and other preparations of core., fresh and pure Ow tale low, by NICHOLS & BOWsLiN, an 29 Corner Fro..t and Marltet streets. flifiE general variety of goods for ad Paging the TOILET, to be found at Keller's, is nusurpailseditn this city. ire 91 Market street . ghF all sizes, patterns and prices, just IL" received red for sale by elB WM. DOCK, Jr. s it CO BREAKFAST BACON! 4tVery choice lot, equal to the eelebra ea (t pawl Udall:dr% Ast received. 8 WM. - 00 , SCO LOTS FOR SALE. J. HALDEMAN will sell lots on North strait and PearurOranta Ames 10 &Max to pnrchaeo. Apply corner Front and Walnut streets. ben el an d POOKET BIBLES. A FULL assortment of Pocket Bibles A and Testaments for the soldiers, just ra reived at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. rINJBAOOO, Gsvendisb, Conrail and JL, fie, for salt by ITICIIOI,II a BOWMAN, Omar Frost mad Mad strew. Ntzu Mvertitenuitts - - PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of an Order of the w O il rphans' Court of Dauphin county, will be exposed to Onthe 11th Day of October, on them l. . Ail 'nage and tract of land situate injFast Hat over township in said county, be j a d e d by I go & o f Jacob Peffiy, Henry Eckert, 4. cob Forty and John Lin gle, containing one hundred ant twelve acres be the same more or less, trie• NI tree el a largo two stem stone eweuing house, and large tank bare, wagon abed, corncribs, smoke beano and other buildinge, and one other new two story frame dwelling house, with basements So. There Is an exoelext sprig or neve r fAiling water at each 01 the dwe tinge, and a good Maw MAO at the atone house. This property is situ tte about ha f a mile from the Harrisburg ant Auleteowa read, and about thirteen miles from Harrisburg. There to a good orchard of excellent fruit on the premises. end' about ten norm of good timber lan I. Th. imolai 'der is tut • der a high state of cultivallm en t fences In good re• pair. Altogether this is one or the meat desirable farms in the neighborhood 2. Almat the sane time and place, a certain tract of land, situate in the same township, adjoining lands of William Martz, John Weimer, Manly% Oreek and Adam Hetrick, containing eleven acres, be the some more or sea This land is licit timbered std is susceptible of being made good farm lant, or meadow. 8. Also at the same time and place, a tract of unim proved lawt, studs on the second mountain In the same township, adjoining lancs,oi Michael Snyder and Samuel Snyder, John Seim, Samuel Lingle ad others centatuing twenty aces, more or leas. Thi land Is well timbered. Late the estate of Benjamin beim, dec'd. Bale to commence at ten o'cloydc A M. o said day, when attendance will be g iv- n and condition, of sale made known by JuHN LINGLB. Adailnistratbr of Benjandn Reim, deed. Harrisburg, Hept. 2,1662. Maw,. wt, Lebanon "Democrat" please oopy till sale, and send bill to this office immediately for collect'on. FALL 4 1:2) 7 6 .121 NIJRBII4Y, HARRISBURG IT ahould not be forgotten that this establishment 39 mil in successful opereatlon, and can supply FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER RIES, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE BKRRIE4, CURRANTS, BLACK RIES, &c., &c., &c., &c. of as good qualities and.varietlea, and atas reasonable prices as they are sold at distant nurseries. THE LOCATION or the ours try—adjoining tbecity,,gives it advantages for transportation to ski parts of the country, possessed by but few others. Eir All articles, when desired, delivered free Of charge, in any part of the city. want( Jaffult COAL• WHOLEdALE AND RETAIL. HAN.V.I.North 2r - t l et a L f tly d thzocouCzlbyYtia.rp foot Fueter, of Ima enabled to supply the publle with e COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERICkir VARIETY AND SIZES OF ozamaita - COAL. F UIL L WEI GUI T ALWAYS GUARANTEED. . Orders irespsetfally whetted—which, if left at the Oa*, toot of North street., or at the Aloe of Wm . Dook, Jr. It 00., wilt roaeive prompt attention. ir29 GILLARD DO€K. LI A141.6.81111PU8. A 9 1) RABLE REAL BOTATE WILL be offered at public sale, on Thursday, the tllth day of Septangni, it 2 o'clock, at Bnuit's Etall in the airy of liarrisbiug. Thirty-three awes of lend with an excellent aun* home and barn and outbuildings, idruhreh - Peetly te. the City of Harrisburg mud partly in sustain to tradllp. This property is situated on the South of Elniontele town turnpike, • portion of whio'a hta a bauUtilitil location on a bill, directly facing the city of Harris burg, to be sold in three acre lots. Also slot or pime ofgronnd 'Malted io Market Scum •' adjoining lone& Home, having a front of 117 feet and extending bans 15734 fret to dl ;om all e y, th ere o n erected s two story brick house with two story back brick building and stable, having the use of s three that allay on Market &piers, being one of the moat desirable situations for business er private tecdenee in the city. Possession given in let of October _ext. Conditions of sales are to per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, the balance of the one half of the purchase money when the title La made, and the balance in two equal 4110 ma papillats with interest, from tea time possession isgiven. 'robe secured by bonds and mortgago, • A plan . f the th , i e acre leis ian 1. , tree at the boot and big,e store of A. Hummel, next door to tie Couit House, Harrisburg. ue attendance will be given by GEORGE ktIIMMtI. and ALI3kRT HUMMEL, kxecutor of David Hummer, decl, jy2b-d a ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS. ALL kinds of tfecond Band Clothing, boots and shoes, bought and sold at the Auotloa store, Second Street neat to Mate Capital Bank. Pla tabs, rode knives and gcm blanket?, a ilr.t rate artil - lery bridle and spivs Ibr an officer for sale, No. Sti Bee and West. W. BARB, Auctioneer. aule•dtf HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT VOR the safety of consumers, we have A: established a Wit Oil Depot at the corner of Frou ime Market streets. All our oils are kited and we posi tively sell none except both as prove to be nou-exploalve, clear and free from odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the following justly celebrated bi ands. Yap• mita, Rolinson, Nabrona and lowlier, lower than can be Make elsewhere in this place, either wholesale or retail. Also an olleilitlYB assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shades, Glass °Cones, Bunion, &O. We will alio change fluid or camphene lamps, so as to be used for coal oat. Call and satisfy yourselves, at NiCHOLS St bo Oi max, Corner of Front and Market street. aprll JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles 01 different styles of binding, at 900, $1 1:0 $1 00, :8,14, 10 and $lO. Also Pocket &bras of et. tenet styles and prices at BOBATBERIS Bookstore. feblo-y COAL oil and coat oil lamps, of all styles and Mies, for sale, by imams & BOWMAN, Oorner front and Market streets. au29 C EDAR TUBS, BASKETS, BROOM) and everything In the line, jam received in large tuantities and air tale very low by Wel. DOCK. dr., & NEWBOLD HAMS.—A small lot of these et lebraed Mom just received. era' , Wit. DOCK, Jr., A C.O. PUKE Cider inegar, which we warrant to be made Solely from cider, jostreeeleed and t or sale low by hilt7l3ol'Se COWMAN, 3012 rant tatter. , TOBACCO and segars of all kinds, flu x sale by NIOHOLS & BOWMAN, Oorner /rout and Market Streets: examine those new Jars ter . inn beet, ohearat and n'mploat in in narkni; C A Lt, allt he. mama is EQWIII4,bI, fo r stile by 1,19 career Front and Mark* PIMA. li/MBi uhaeee irom Now X or. just received and for sale low by &IMOLA & BOWMAN Corner Front and Maraca acrym6„. MD D BOAP, sonaathing beita thou Hui Wee Household Soap. jug recolead aai for sale by N/CHULS# BOWMAN, Owner host and 111 , ellet, +trial rvIN DELION COFFEB I—A Fresh sad large WAY of We allebtezed Cogeel ma Emma WY. DOCIF Jr., k rch. g o OLD PENS I—Ahe Lageot and bast stook, from SAO to gallfting i poourcas. UZ:=