pailp i'ettgrapq. NO 1 ICE To A DVE aTiSEGS.—AII Ad. vertisements, Business Notices, Mar. riages, Deaths, &G., to secure insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu. far Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition Without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Monday afternoon, September 8,1862, WAZITIID.-All active imtefligint bDy. Apply at this office. Warman.—An indudtrious laboring man. Ap ply at the European Hotel, Harrisburg. eept7•d3to fro. H. BRANT. I=3=l ONE THOUSAND STAND OF AIMS Were forwarded Prom the Arsenal in this city, yesterday, to Gettysburg, for distribution in Adams county. A MEETING OF TEE STATE FUMBLES of the Fourth Ward will be held in the Rotunda of the State Capitol for the election of officers, at 7 o'clock this evening. A PLYASANT residence situated on the corner of Front and Locust streets will be offered at public sale on next Saturday. See adverti,e ment. AITIMTION, YOUNG Marc I—The young men of Harrisburg are requested to meet in of the Court House, at 7/ o'clock this evening, for the purpose of forming an infantry and artillery company. Dews' PANORAMA is drawing crowded houses at Lancaster. When our nei2hbors encourage Davis, they are sure that they are encouraging an artist of ability and a gentleman of accom plishment. =:::=1 CAVALRY COMPANY. —The members of the First City Cavalry will meet to-morrow (Tues day) morning at ten o'clock, at Peters' Hotel, for the purpose of making arrangements for the formation of the company. All persons wishing to join will please attend. Susquntatuis. Towssue.—The citizens of Susquehanna township are requested to meet at the public house of J. W. Stober, in the village of PriLress, on Monday evening, Sept. Bth, at 7} o'clock, to organize a military company in response to the proclamation of the Governor. ATZENTION.—The citizens of the Third ward , exempt from Militia duty, (past forty live years,) are requested to meet at the school house in Walnut street between Front and Second streets, this evening at 7 o'clock, for the purpos- of organizing themselves into a volunteer company. Ws Ban heard that many young men of our city, irrespective of wards, have determined to raise a company similar in organization to the City Zouaves, for the purpose of drill. Alrealy names have been signed to the roll, and others have signified their intention to do so. All young men desirous of enrolling themselves will meet in the State Library at 8 o'clock this afternoon. =EOM BRIO.-GRN. ANDREW 3. PORTER, U. S. Army, is in the city, and was closeted with Gov. Cur tin this morning, for the purpose of consult ing in reference to the situation on our border. Gen. Porter is a soldier, bred to the profession, and has a reputation at once resplendent with noble deeds and daring achievements. His council will be of vast benefit to the authorities the present Juncture of affairs. POULTRY FOR Tax Scu.nrsus.—Three thousand turkies and chickens were carried over the Le banon Valley Railroad, to-day, en route for New York, where they are to be slaughtered for the use of the sick soldiers in the different hospi tals in that dity. They were from the west ; and the fact of thus supplying the hospitals shows how thoroughly the Government is ministering to the wants of the sick and wounded soldiers. THE FORCE OP THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, On Saturday evening, two companies compos ed of the employees in the Round House marched to the Capitol Grounds, and were ad . - dressed by Gov. Curtin, and congratulated on their soldierly appearance. These companies are independent organizations, and are com posed of men from all the wards in the city, who are employed in these works. Tito Lawman GUARDS, (named in honor of the Speaker of the Senate,) arrived here yester day morning In good health and spirits. They were armed and equipped this morning, and present really a fine appearance. The company othoere are, Captain—A. T. Gregg.- First Lieutenant—T. A. Stone. Second Ileutenant—l. F. &mom ABILBSTBD TOR SEDITIOUS lisatotrAos.—John Mann was arrested yesterday, and taken before Mayor Kepner, charged with having uttered seditious and treasonable language. He was held to bail in $5OO, to appear for a bearing this morning. Until that has taken place, we forbear all comment. Mr, Mann had another hearing this morn ing before the Mayor, and after a full examina tion of the facts in the case he was discharged, upon receiving a reprimand and paying the COStS of the proceedings. TIM Aamarcan STANDAIID, printed at Union town, Fayette county, says that the wife of John Sickles, a resident of Wharton township, in order to prevent her husband from enlisting, Out off the two front fingers of his right hand with an axe 1 It is said he had told her he was determined to enlist, which so excited her that she resolved at once to render him incompetent to bear arms, and during the night, while he was in a deep sleep, she drew his band to the bed rail and dropped the as carefully on his fingers, taking them clean cif at the first joint. Such depravity is almost without a parallel and its truth might be reasonable doubted had w: not seen the identical fingers, which were exhibited Is this place on Saturday evening by a gentle man who procured them at the residence of the unfortunate Ylotia. . , SENATOR COWAN passed through the city to day, from Washington, en route for his home In Greensburg. CHABLIS M. Hsu, Deputy Surveyor of the Port of Philadelphia, is in the city. Mr. Hall visits the State capital for the purpose of pro curing arms for a volunteer company in Phila delphia, under the late appeal of the Governor I!==1 IN THB BANKS of one of the companies which were organised by the employees of the Penn sylvania Railroad in this city, we noticed as a private, Samuel D. Young, Superintendent of Motive Power of the Middle Division. This is the spirit which not only "tells" among the people ;hut it is bound to win. •0 0 .---.. Tue election for Trustees of the Pennsylvania Farm High School, took place on the 8d inst., at the College, in Centre county. The election resulted in the choice of the following named gentlemen : Judge Heister, of Dauphin, and Judge Hale, of Centre county, were re-elected. Moses Chess, Req., of Allegheny county, was elected in place of Major Snodgrass. =1 PERSON whO do not hear from their friends in the army should not feel uneasy. In the first place, the soldiers are too busy to write letters now, and in the second plena, for some days the transmission of the mails from the army has been positively forbidden, and con sidering the great activity that characterizes military movements, it is not probable the pro- hibition will be at once removed. WAR /AMMO IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS.-011 last Saturday evening the citizens of Lower Paxton held a war meeting, and were ably ad dressed by Col. A. J. Herr, of this city. To night Col. Herr will address another meeting at tfighopire, and to-morrow evening he goes to Linglestown on a similar missisn. The county is awake to the Importance of properly responding to the appeal of the Governor, and Col. Herr with commendable patriotism, is la boring to give that response a direction which will make it at once practicable and effective. Laying aside, for the moment, the mere busi ness of contesting for office, as a prominent candidate for position on the Union ticket, he is devoting the uses of his oratory to the advo cacy of the cause of his country and the ad• vancement of its interests. By such a course he will inevitably win the support of all truly loyal men. Emu was busy yesterday. Her thousand tongues seemed to be all wagging at the same time, each telling a different story, and all essaying to excel in exaggeration and extrava gance. At one hour of the day Gen. Wool was speeding over the Northern Central Railroad, as fast as steam could convey him from Balti more to Harrisburg. He was coming to fortify the hills around the capital—be was actually in town, according to rumor, in consultation with Gov. Curtin, seriously deliberating wheth er it would be possible for the rebels to cross the Susquehanna, and take possession of Har risburg. Of course Gen. Wool was not in Har risburg, and, of course no such consultation took place. Another story was to the effect that a large train had arrived from Chambers burg, briuging for safety to this city, as many women and children of that region as could be accommodated on that train. Of course no such a train arrived. We might go on enumer ating, bat it would be occupying our space with the rediculous to report these stories. The rebels have neither attempted, nur do they want to get into Pennsylvania. All the ru mors of a march on the capital of the state, are foolish and mischievous, and whenever any of our readers hear any man retailing rumors such as were flying through the streets yester day, let them either regard the retailer as a knave or a fool. ELECTION of OFFICERS —The citizens of the different wards have generally fixed upon this evening for the organization of their companies. The election of officers is the first and para mount task. It is important that the right man should be in the right place, and it may not be amis to name some of the more impor tant qualifications for a commander. In the first place, he should be a man of prompt decision, one who commands respect and can enforce obedience ; one who will lead his men and not be led by them ; one who has sufficient intelli gence to learn the needs of his command and influence enough to have them obeyed. The prevalent idea that they must have a captain, one who has within ten or twenty - years been a member of a company, might as well be die missed from the mind—it is a commander, not a drill master that is to be chosen. A know ledge of tactics would be a merit, but is the least of the qualifications of a captain. Any man of intelligence will .be able to learn the commands as readily as the men can learn to execute them. The tactics are new, and unless the instructor Is fresh front the field, he would succeed as well In training others without a knowledge of the old tactics as with it. We advise the election of the man most likely to have the qualifications named, without his knowledge of tactics, unless he combines this kuowledg with what else is required. Drill masters will not be wanting. There are plenty of regular officers who will gladly uu lertake the instruction of our local companies includ ing officers. A GRAND Common sod Waltz will come off at Independence island, Tuesday, Sept. 9, 1862, commencing at 4 o'clock P. M., and continue during the evening. Admittance 10 mita to be paid at the Ferry. Ladits admitted tree. No improper characters admitted. GEORGE B. COLE. Patriot and Union copy. d 2►! I== Losr on Mrsrain.—An old wallet with two lochs containing nearly two hundred dollars, consisting of several small notes on the Com mercial Bank of Georgetown, D. 0,, and the balance in Treasury notes of the denominations of twenties and fives. The book also contained a bill of sale fur goods purchased in Honesdale, Pa., together with several other papers, which can be properly described. Any pertain finding the same will please leave It at this office or Gilbert's hardware store, and they *hail be liberally rewarded. The money was the proper ty of a wounded soldier. 21 C. STABBIRD. Pennsylvania Wang e &graph,- Jpottban litermtem, September 8, 11362 Dims' UNION Bazar Souncrr.—The ladies named will send to the reception room, Mrs. Dr. Bailey's, Market street— On Tuesday, Sept 9th, each 1 pair of &owed Chickens : Mrs. Young, Mrs. Alex. Sloan, Miss Tracy, Mrs John Berrybill, Mrs. Maglaughlln, Mts. Kirk, Mrs. Burke, Mies Maggie Bose, Mrs. Hallock, Miss Ogilaby, Mrs. Rudolph Kelker, Mrs. Catharine nicer. On Wednesday, Sept. 10, Soup and Fruit : Mrs. Mary Beaty, Mrs. IL' fteytt.)le, Mrs. John Wyeth, Miss M'Williams, Mrs. M. J. Colder, Mrs. Updegrove, Mrs. Wash. Hummel, Miss Mary Boyer, Mrs. Val. Hummel, Miss R. Hiestly, Miss M. Uhler, Mrs. M. Eppley. On Thursday, Sept. 11, Ries Priding: Mrs. Wm. Kerr, Mrs. Margueretta Elder, Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Mrs. R. Hale, Mrs. Wm. Colder, Mrs. itir. Roberts, Mrs. Thos. Buffington, Miss Annie Warlord, Mrs. Antes, Mrs. MacDowell. Mrs. James Boyd. On Ziday, Scot. 12, Stand Pram : Mrs. S. Witman, Miss Byran, Mrs. N. Browu, Mrs. J. Wheeler, Mrs. Byers, Mrs. Espy, Mre. Dr. Seiler, Mrs. W. Shaeffer, Miss Parker, Mrs. Wells Coverly, Miss Mel Fahnestock. On Saturday, Sept.l.3, Bauer and Byys, Vegetables: Mts. David Fleming, Mre. Latroti, Mrs. D. B Porter, Mrs. Verbeke, Mrs. Hildruo, Mrs (leery, Miss Margaret Kunkel, Mrs. John Stahl, Jr. Miss Jane Mowry, Mrs.Eateß trtbolemew, Mrs. A. Inner, Mrs. J. F.,Htimmel. E. H. CORNYN, Sec. Er. Con. HARRISBURG, Sept. 8. Draw forth your red bandannas, And have them ready shaken ; For Frederick city, Maryland, Was by the rebels taken. While we realise full the immense defama tion that must ensue in the event of the rebels visiting Pennsylvania by the way of Hagers town, and marching down the Cumberland Valley to our city, it is to our mind such a foul hardy proposition that we cannot entertain it for a moment. Prudence, however, commends us with our best vigilance to be prepared, and the proprietors of the popular dry goods house corner of Front and Market streets will charge on them as they arrive In the city. d2l tram & BOWMAN. A MODEL Eeramannunre.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock challenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and hsve strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not To the Afflicted; The undersigned would I 'retfully in form those who are &filleted with Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Consumption of Liver - and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseasee arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs ; Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicinal at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their won derful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no apprehension in regard to my com petency in administering it, as I have had it on band for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, be tween Second and Front. Aul3 dim MRS. L. BAIL. Mas. am:—My youngest child was a poor sickly little babe. Every person that saw her thought I would never raise her. Finally, I heard of your medicine, and tried it to the good of my child. She was about three months old when I commenced to use it. She is now two years and six months old, and enjoys good health. I would recommend it to all to give it a trial. I know several who have tried it, and all pronounce it good. My stare is in Filbert street, between Walnut and State. rep 3 Ez,nmssra Wounsons. Wa BAYS received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 7fic. up to $2 60. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and coi ls's and sleeves, at all prices. White cambrics, jacconetts, mattocks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered F rench cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky jeans, sattinetts and cassimeres for men and boy's wear. We received 60 dozen suspenders, at all prices. 60 dozen cotton handkerchief*, with borders, and a great many other notions and small wear. S. Lswv. If you have been sofferins from a botilt Indulged in by the YOUTH OP DOTE SZZA WHIM CAUSE SO if ANY AL (RILING SYMPTOMS, It UMW them for XarrfAipt, Apo Is the gre..ta4 evil Which betall MAN OS WOMAN. See symptoms enumerated in advertisement, and it you area kufferer, Cot out the adveni.ement, And send for It as once, Delays are hangmen. Ask tor welmbold's Take no other, Como suaremtbed. Beware of Counterres and histbattona jylii•cits HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I I Win. A. Batchelor's Bair Dye I The only llarmleni and Relhtble Dyerlinosan All others are mere iMitatiOns. and should be evaded ifyou w eh to escape ridicule. dm, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Blattly withont the least injury to Bair or Fain. FIFTEEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wm. A. nsomsion sitiee.lB:3, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the heir of the palms of his famous Dye. Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAS DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WARINSTID not to injure In the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the 11l effects of bad Dees remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this apl♦odid Dye, which is prop. arty applied at No. 16 Bond Street New York. Sold in all the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggist, and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name "William A. Batchelor," and address neon a steal plate engraving, ea the four *des Of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay S 3, oct2.4lkwly. Uwe 988 Broadway, Now York WATWELL k LEVlNitii, Pickles and Qum% iw MN at JOU IrXIAL 1,13' TO TIM YOUNG OR 01.0. Mile or Pmsate, - item 21bvertigtmtute. INSITRANCE."~~ Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central. Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSORINCH COMPANY OF NORTH AMEBIC. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,2001000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G Collin, &smell W. Jones, John A.:Brown, Samuel V. Smith, C.:tries Taylor, Ambrose White, Joint R Neff, Rictus , D. Wood, Willi Wit lan., E. &men, Janice N. DblMoll ' V. IsOrrii 'Nola, John •iaseit, George L liarritou, Pr_iDeis R. 0 tue, Ed ward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. WY I , President . CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent to th au ive name company, the undertigned' us prepared io take lire risks in any pail of the elate of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the roost favorable terms. office Third street between Walnut and Strawberry ailey, Be ke'a row. tele dly WILLIAM! BUEHLER, Hat nailing, Pa. JOHN 'WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Barnsbung, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LEWD'S, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, And ye:stables of all kinds, brought direct from the Eastern Markets, twice a week, and purchased unaer rscuat supervedon, thee enielidg me to sell a bettei and cheaper extol° 'tutu any in the market. Mir Orders from a distance attended io promptly, and genets de leered to any part of tae oily free or charge. FitE:ll CANNED FRUITI COMMIS tly on hand Give me a call. [je2s] JOHN WEBS. HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION. HE Proprietors of the +PARISIAN L V&B Maul" -WONDB n 6. ANATOMY and DAM OINE have determiaed roordless of sapitse, to I sue free, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) FOUR of their mmt instruedve and Warming' Lemurs; on Mar rage sad its Disquaddcations, Nervosa Debility, Prams. tun, Decline of inanhood, Indigestion Weakness or Do, Loss of energy and Vii.dPeWers, the Orbit Sir cal Evils, afil those Dal Ales whion rent from youte ful excess-4 of Maturity, or Ignorance of Ph val. olo.y and Nature's Lbw, These invaluable Lectures bat , - been the mesas a saigktaial and Owing thou ',oda, sod will be forwarded free on the receipt of four manna, by adlrasing 610.1118 PART Pasta ssi Warm of laden= AND JANDKIINB, 563 Broadway, New York. ja te-nly IaLC:MGM CU/MLA MEROHANT TAILOR. NO. 66 MARKET STREET. NOTICE TO MILITARY OFFICERS. }LAVING on hand an assortment of materuius Of gold, reliable gouty, in prepared to at ...Ai %La, upon short notice and in !ha neat manner, Akira suili.rina. olio flannel shirt and outer anode Flunk for odPers outfit on hand ang7. dim MILITARY CLAIM AGENCY. BACK PAY, BOUNTY, PENSION & SUBSISTENCE EUGENE Snyder,Attorney at Law, once, Third street, :thrrisburg, Pa., wilt atia an k. we collection of mliaary claims , und, r the art co Assembly, of April 18, 1888 Back pay of iumbarged and aecessed soldiers. nounty tinder Act of Congress, July, 22,1861. ?enamels and claim+ for sobalstence, itrc iylollBol GLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST 1 1 1 CALL AND EXAMINE, J, 80 3 WM, DOCK, J 3. &CO POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORT BIONAIES I And a general variety of Leather Goode, suet received at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. HARRIS MANSION FOR SALE. IKIS handsome property recently °con ± pled by the P.ll vNSYLTANIA FEMALE O ALEGI , is titlertid for sale. It le well suited either fora private Residence or a B:raedins Schsel, being supplied with gas, water, bath rooms, heater, range, etc. The grounds contain valuable Fruit Trees and Shrubbery. Tire place will be sold low and possession given Within reasonable time. For terms, lko., apply to. MRS. S. S. WA UGH, or DR. WM. H. iota Executors of Estate of Rev. 11. R. Waugh, dec'd. e2.4-eleadt, FLY PAPER. ANCY COLORED PaEer, ready cut, for cOverlue I opting Glasses, Picture Pumice, &C. most awl ether new remoras for salo at RBBGN MEI CHEAP BOOKSTORE' TELEGRAPH OUT OF TOWN LIST OF REGULAR AGENTS The DAILY MORNING AND EVENING TELEGRAPH is sent every morning and after noon, by the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following REGULAR AGENTS ALTOONA—Theo. B. Patton. ANNVLLLE—G. W. Hooverter. BELL'S MILL'S—John Campbell. BLAIRSVILLE---Wm. Baum. CHAMBERSBURG--George Tuckey. CARLISLE—Wm. H. Cornman. CuLUMBLI.—John J. Sayler. CLEAbFEILD—M. A. Frank, DAUPHlN—Jefferson Clark. EBENSBURG—Ed. James. ELIZABETHTOWN—CharIes Koster. GREENCASTLE —M. D. Ostrich. HUOILMEUTOWN—Cbas. Dipper. BIGHsPIRE—F 0. Aileman. HOLLIDAYSBURG—A. F. Diffsobecker. HAC+ERSTOWN-0. Swingley. INDlAlik—Henry Hall. LOCK HAVEN—J. D. Stratton. LEBANON H. H. Boedel. LEWISBURG—SamueI Slifer. MILTON—Dr. E. Franciscus. McVEYfOWN—J. lIIDDLETOWN--George H. Lentart. MECHANICSBURG—John W. Stout. MECHANICSBURG—J. Swinger. MOUNT JOY--James Dysart, MILLERSBURG--B. G. &sever. M IF e'LLN T 0 WS—Weidman. & Ltitlefield MAPLETON STATION—Dr. Getup,. NEWVILLE—Jos. Laughlin. SHIPPENSBURG—KeIso & Hinkle. SRLINSGROVE—Jeremiah Crouse. SUNBURY—J. Washington. TYRONE CITY—J. R. Morris, Jr. WILLIAMSPORT, Pa.,—Ayers & Lundy. WRIGHTSVILLE—W. Moore. YORK—J. S. Boyer. _ PittiSMAKVINUr jars and fruit cane of all &Ma and dies, for We by MuBOL9 & BOWMAN at el NIVIII•V rnel 4 .1.1,0 GkilLed) Oil ter all lands of maim:ciliary, In sash M AN___, Naha sine alme In* eallillwrigeg maw. Mtn) abuttlistments. PURIFY THE BLOOD. NOT a few of the worst disorders that afflict manki •r 1 arise from the corrupt'on that al cumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries tha' have been made to purge it out, none have been illtund which could equal in eosin • rue's Con:Pomp asorsanr or SsitisaraendA. It eleanom and renova ea the blood, in still; the vigor of Malta into the eyetem and purges out the humor which make dierire. It stinclates tee healthy iunctions of the body and expels the disorders that gow and rancle in the bl ed. i s ettraord inary virtues are not yet widely known, out when trey are it will no longer tea question what 'remedy to emplo: in the greet variety of afflictmg abatises that require an alterative rem. dy. gut b a remedy, that could be relied on, has ten beau sought for, and now, for the Jinx time, the public have OLO on which they can depend. Our spice heredoes not admit Bert doe ea to chow its effects. hut the trial of a single beet e will show to Lie ei. k that it has virtues surpassing any thong they have ever taken. ;Sufferers fro n Seto:Oulu, ecrotuicus Seel fug. and Pores, try it, a d see the rapidity with which cures. iSk n Diseases, Pimples, ratites, Eta dies, Ertl, ions dc., ar• eoou cleaned out of the system. St. Anthony's Fere, Rost or Erysipelas, lever or Salt Rheum, iceld head, Ainyworm, do. , atoo , d not he borne while they can be to speedily cured by Area's Asa anemia 4gpßivas or Venereal Diseases hi expelled from the system by the pr. longed use of dila Saao.P.lB/LLO an the patient to bit ai healthy ao if be had never rid the aheora. Female DireaSeS are caused by scrofula in Ibe blood, and are genera ly soon cured by t , is kvitacr eft SAIO/A. PARILLAL. 1 rice $i per bottle, or 6 bunks furs. Bur all the p 1 0 1 ,01•11 of a family physic, take AYER's OellieHTlO rIUD, will di are everywhere kn wa to be , he bi r purgauve teat I< offal ed to tse American Yea p e Price Y. 6 cents per Boa, or 6 bode., for ;1. Prepared by Dr. J. 4j. AYlda & CO., Low , 1 , , Maio. and so d y Draggle s eyerywtere. add by OL A IS ass,rt, U. W Grose& Co , 0. B. Bei 'er, J. M. Lutz, Dr. •Iwy,.P. Xyloth .red dnuera eve. y- Whorl VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU VITA.NT LEITER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING CASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at BERGNEWS BOOKSTORE. THE MISSES SMITH'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL , 1210 Sprain St., Philadelphia, Will be re-opened on MONDAY, SEPT. EIGHTH. 9 - 1 BE course of study embraces the Latin, Fr lick and Garmaa Tango. we, Knee, Drawing Pentair, together with .he elerneLtaty and bigger branch a o‘ a .noraugh leougatma. The acceutwo +&110111 Kra ef atcaliect character ,and well ca - en ate to empire to the peplti the cold htof a, home. (wog tot a pressure 0 , ttiettmee, a deduction of to per cent will be nude be the ealtatag year. wadi-dim WM. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER aPI/1 GAS FITTER• Third &met, next door to the Telegraph Printing OPAL 4,;,TOKES, dwellings, churches, public VV buildings, factories, Ac., Ailed up with gas, lead G.d mon pipe in a wore man Ince manlier. Hydrants, Wash beams, gam Tor, I th and force Yampa, Writer Ckvets, Lead and Iron Fide for water, zas arm steam. A share of public patronage Is respectfully solicited. All wort pr mptly attended to. InY3t-dBm. Ilia newly replenished stock of ILI and Fancy Goods is =surpassed in this city, and leenng confident of rendering satbdisetiers, we would res ,iectiully invite a cell. ROLLER, 91 Market street, two doors east of fourth street, Beta alde. WANTED. S eirERAL Machinists. A leo a stow boy bt the black. mith ahop. Apply at the jylb-de ICAGLg WORKS. POMADE, LIONGROISE ROIL RUING rag MOUSTACHES. Je6 Itsr.LRR , S • RtrasTARQ NUTIOIii. ALL employees of the Philadelphia and Reading Ba 'rood cempelif, wbo may sal tin the melee of 'b t.bitot runes for tae wisp ,se of crushing the tooeiliou now inreatenies he Hoed es or our ono try, era hereby assured, then titir mope to. lIIGUELL *IA be a l p% and vv.". thllXl WWI da oy on their es urn; Cud th•t the feat of thou- Yellin earns to drum their a UAL p in this emereeney, wilt be confid er= here .fter so grettoy I t mew Gaye , n r prom•.iioa to any snit_b • p3.itiens in tne strviee of due Curntuoy. OHA BLit , e, alttrat, Fremont Phi adelphia, Almost B,h !AN. mail dim Updegrove Lock Property, Canal grimy and kockville Bowe, eduaied tire miles above Hard bani, is uow offer.d f r sale. bas edger- Lumens to Weekly or app y to I!..oejattletlB63 • W. P. WRNWff. 11116 largest and moat exteuNivo ausort j. moot of tl win the city, jut reinaTct, aud ter am very /ow, by littkitn,a & B gab, au6 Olrner and Market streets. SUA/ARS of all kinds - white and brown, lower thence) , noun in town. ny Nl.ll ,e. s 130WWAN, any Come of Front sod Market dreet. Dindelion and other preparations or cones., ire& and pure l i r a -4 , 111; :L AN, spa Corner Fro t no I Mar , et a re. ts. pat. general variety of goods for ad. justlag the "TOILET, tq be found at Keller% is ussurpaasedlin this do , . at Invites street . Or all sizes, patterns and prices, just revarsd and for sale by ela Whf. DOCK, Jr ;A co BREAKFAST BACON I AVery choice lot, equal to the celebra ked (imported) Yorkshire, just received. is kb Vw In. 00 • OCO LOTS FOR SALE. RJ. HALDEMAN will Bell lots on North street and Pennsylvania avenue. tho e di:wring to purchase. Apply corner Erch. t, and Walnut street s . iy3l4 f POCKET BIBLES , AFULL assortment of Pocket Bibles and Teatament4 for the sohli,m, just re reived at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE, TOBACCO, Cavendish, Congress and Taus, for sal* low tr N1C1111.9 & BoiratAN, aa9l Caner fraas and Market steels. ew aDvertisenttnts PUBLIC SALE. 1 - N pursuance of an Order of the 0 - phene. Caurtof Deuphi co iuty, Will be tzposed Co Ale, On Saturday, the 11th Day of October, on the mattiton pren 1. All that mas , mage and tract of land t•iinate in Fast Bar over 1 0WriShiP I:/ Sal I county, bo ad,d b: loads of Jacob Pithy, Henry Fete, t, J cob Rod John LO.• ge , containing one hun.l7td an twelve acre a. be ibe same more or lees, tbereln free el a larg t two story rtone swelling house, and •arge bank , r., wagon stied, cot. aribg, smote nods caber bad ogi. au t • 1 0 one other new two story frame dwalime Loos; with baaemmas •c. There is an oxo4 , e - it awl g Q ne v er f ilibg • star at each of the dam lags, and a goo I • u, op ono at the stone house. Thin prop rty a ito re a eit bal a mile from 'he Harr shut', ant Joms own mad and about toirtsoo miles trim Harrl-burg. yuera ib A good oroWad of nice t.nt trait on al • Twerwaes. awl -.beat ten oar aof good iimbe • lan I. Thii rem der Is La uer a high stat • of alatival m ant renege in goo t e • p ir. itogethe- this is one or the meat tazirab • farms in th ne ghborhood 2. al ..o at t eta ..e tute and give, a <tertian tract of 'and Banat-An Ice tam: toenail., ae Imo ue /ands of William tear C, Jaw walmee, Yana ea Ore k snit • d Hetrick, containing eleven acres, be the same more or •-s Tie burl ic w. 1 timbered aid Is sum ptibio of being mode co 4 farm Inn al. a-low. S. also at tines , me tine and place,* tract or tutin proved lan , rot t. on th e mountain i. the mine township, ado ol,ig lanes had royda and :quantal lin) der, J. hu Ke m , Entail 1 Louie i.d otMr4 roguing tws..ty RC ea, 132.11 or less. ltd: :arid hi welt timbered. Late tree ate of Benjamin Kelm, don. 6.1 e too =nen. e at ten o'rloth A M. Of 11.1 d dQ r when att nuance w.ll tie n and en. d n= of seie made kt.own by L Ma, Adottriiirlic r of FIII4IIIIIiII Flarrltburg z•epr. 2,1=62. ,toew= r Le anon “Demociet" picage copy till salc, awl bend bill to lids nine (tome for (mart no. NI OF 7 43 2. XRISTONE AURSERY, HARRISBURG. IT should not be forgotten that tie ealahn.nraent la nal to Bucue,soul opermtlon, and co , aIIPPIY FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER. RIBS, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE BERRIE4, CURRANTS, BLACK ' RIES, &c., &c., &c., &o. of as good riot OS, mil a , as ressOnahia prices/Ps they are mold et di.t.o. n , rzerle=. THE LOCATION of the nuurry—ekololoing e city -.Ave ft adean'agen for tranarortan n t,l" the county, oad by bur few oaten. Aar al artkhi , , wh n desired, delivered free of cbeqce. is any pest of tLe city. ettliutf JACOB WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ERVTGltaelthsCcal . Yartnt of orsu,sLtsy.upieaayA D. ioar, is enabled to surply the public with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES O CAZIELALM CC1.453.31..a. FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARA NTEED. Orders respectfully solicited—which, If left at the loot of North street, or at the Oho of Wee. Dosk, Jr. & Co., will receive prompt attention. GILLARD DOCK. .429 PUBLIC BALE. VALIIABLIII AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE WILL be offered at publio sale, oa Taureday, the 11th day of September, at 2 o'clock, at arant's nail in the city of - , arrisburg. 'Harty th-spe acres of laud with an exo lent frame ham and barn and outbui/dittAs, situated tartly is the City cf darrisourg and in , watara to *noble. This property is situated on the -ouch of talnlillel* town turnpike, a portion of ..hie h a a thautad 1 cation on a till, direAly facing the city of /awn& burg, to be sold In to. ea acre lo a. Alio a lot or pi coo? ground situated In Market Square. ad outing Jones' lions*, having a front or .41 last and satactung boo( 107,4 feet to So e-6 alley, there,n erected a two story brick house with two at .ry (tack brick ouilding acd haring toe use of a t'wee feet allay on dirket B,uare, being On e of tae motet destraules tuation, fo busmen& ee private mac deuce to tie dty. hpaesalOo giv n Ist of October .eat. lid tows of eats are 10 per coot. of the purchase money to be paid oo the day of s de, Lau balath.e of true one nail' of the purr:Lase money when he title is weds, and the balance in two equal on• nal pay Mlots with tote est, from t e time possession *given. To be secured by bonds and Mortgage, A plan I the tia, cc acre an be seem at the bent and shoe store of A. Hummel, next dam to toe Court House, Barrseurs. Lim attendance Will be given by OIiGE 11173111 n, and ALB, numalL, L • ..13 Executor of David Human , deed. ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS. ALL kiuda of second Band Clothing, boots mid those, bought and o 4 at the estutalt store, beoeue Street next to Cap.tal Haut. rte• tuts, oeia knives and eum MA'AM . a t ram asA. lery MLA, and spore for all ottLar f saw No. In becl oud Street. W. BAR; Lac mtatt , t. • aulti HAREISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT. (,NUR the safety of consumers, we have eatablisned a Coil Oil Depot at the corner of iron gull Market streets. All our oils ate Lined and we posi tively yell none except ~uCh ae prove to be noo-exp/osive, Clear and free from odor as tar as practicable. We oder at present the bellowing justly celebrated b. .inds. Mag. q Its, Ranitanin, Nabroua sod b tot er, lower than can be pureituael elsewhere m this place, either WudicSale or retail. Also an tamsisive assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shades, edaall Cones, daraera, &c. W s will lane change fluid or camphene lamps, so as to be used [or coal oaf. CaLl and satisfy yourselves, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner of From and Abu. ke► Istreet aprll JUST itmliilV ALARGE ASSOItTbIENT of Family Bibles et afferent styles of basting, at SOo, SI Si. all, 3Z, 53 ; $4, 36 andelu, Alto Poeses Hosts of 421 r. terent styles and prams at 3013EFREWE Buussaore. CURL oil and coal oil latilpd, of all dyies and sixes, for time. by MOHO' 8 & BOWitAg, Corner Loot at d mar ec t.e is au29 CEDAR TUBS, BASKET:, IiftUOILS and everything in the him just received in urge buanonea and for sale very low b yp r. A. hWISULL) Ji /116.—A suidil lot of AA Uwe a lebrated Hxwi Just ,ecei ed. r-r9A W.H. DOCK, Jr.. & CO. putik: Cider Vinegar, winch we war ant tO be made ao.ely from cider. just received and Inn low by 04,11 AN, 012 Corner Front awl Mar •at at•opta. rI I OI3ALW and ttegars of all iitucts, for priest mcdot.S zic BOWMAN, t r 2e corner k rout and .1+ print :tropes. CA L. an• examine tilos° new jar for Frail, Ws beat, I.livap -a , and sleld In in suatbat fo , said by ttICtluLS & tiOWDIAa, 3.19 rorn.• Fmn , Markw, uticeme trout /New 1 oak. L/rirasia ± just received and for sale frw by rki HOLS k aowsikpc COMM' Front awl EarwreL streets. DDETERSIVE soae , something better than Harrison'a Household Soap jus , received and for solo by I.ICHuLg & sows', N, le2 Corner Front and M •ri , et street', DANDELION COFFEE. Frt eh and large supply of this CclebsaiZed Cotreei hat receives by WM. 9001 Jr.. & o. qOLD PENS I—The largest soil beat it'tot um to s4.ooll , lollll3ged—tit 11.11AIBE S aXASTORM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers