pailg gettgrapil. NOTICE TO AIME RT Ad. vertisements. 811111111100111 Notice*, Mar riages, Deaths. //e., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regn. ler Evening. Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Saturday Afternoon, September 8,1862, NCOTICIIEI ! THE POST OFFICE Will be closed from three to six o'clock every afternoon, in accordance with the recommenda- tion of Governor Curtin GEO. BERGNER, P. M WANT&D. —An active intelligent boy. Apply at this office ---40.- WeriPon lIIIMNDIATELT.-A good Ambrotype operator—wages $2 60 per day. None need apply but an experienced man. Call at the Ambrotype Car, Camp Curtin, or White Hall Hotel, Harrisburg. H. H. GROVE. MAP I== Da. S. E. Duranerso, of Fulton county, has been nominated for the State Senate, in the dis trict composen of Adams, Franklin and Fulton counties. He is represented as a very able man, intensely loyal, and of a moral integrity to make a highly useful legislator. TEN SALAREE3 of the school teachers of Ly kens township have been increased to $26300 per month, and the schools are to be kept open al: instead of five months. This is a splendid opening for good teachers, and we understand that such are in demand all over the country, as a large number of our ablest and best teach ers have "gone for soldiers." -...-- Mum WaszsAunn,of the Adjutant General's Department, ltft this city to-day for Franklin county, in charge of fifteen hundred stand of arms, for distribution in that res lon. The duty of furnishing arms to the people along the bor der is one which is pressing hard upon the au thorities, and is being discharged with all necessary alacrity and despatch. WARREN Courrr has contributed a fine com pany of men for three years ; this company is commanded by Lieut. C. James, and was re cruited expressly f.r the 116th regiment, now in Camp Chase, Vs. We trust that every fa cility will 13= afforded Capt. James to reach hie regiment, as its full quota waits the arrival of his company for completion. Capt. James is a printer, a fact which always counts in the favor of a man among men. Tam atom or &mass were generally closed yesterday, to afford their employees time and opportunity to participate in the ini tial steps for the organisation of military coon panics in the different wards of the city. The exceptions to those who had closed were very few, and it is to be hoped that after the plan has been put fairly in operation, it will receive the hearty co-operation of all who are able to participate in its active workings. Palma LEAP. —A soldier, who had been arrested yesterday afternoon by the Provost Guard, for drunken and disorderly conduct, was placed in the rooms located in the third story of the Exchange, and occupied by the Guard as a lock•up. After having been confined for a few moments, he concluded that he would ef fect his escape by leaping from the window. Fortunately he alighted on a shed in the yard of the Exchange, and suffered only the slight damage.of a bloody nose and bruised limbs. I=Cl=l Tun Smarms Gamer recently dispatched from Washington city some forty wagons of supplies, suitable for the sick and wounded, but these were seized by the rebels ; and as strange as it may seem, when our surgeons need these supplies, they are accustomed to send requisitions for them to the rebel officers in charge, and the responses are always favorable. This fact is certainly creditable,to onr enemies, and shows that a humane feeling still possesses their breasts, notwithstanding the terrible war now waged between us. I=l Balciummon Comms. —The conferees of the Breckinridge Democrats met at Sunbury yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of nomi nating a candidate for Congress. After waiting main four o'clock in the afternoon, and the con ferees of Northumberland county having not arrived, it was finally resolved to adjourn and travel to Milton for the purpose of hunting up the conferees from that county. We learn that their search for conferees from that county was only partially successful, but that as arrange ment was finally made by which they would re-assemble to-day for the purpose of naming a candidate to be supported by that wing of the party. We presume that Mr. Miller, of this county, will receive the nomination. 1=0::::1 Ws nava recently heard of a lady, who re fuses to attend the church to which she has long been attached, in this city, became the pas tor in charge defends this Black Republican tearagainst the ,Borah f If this is true, it is lamentable and humiliating In every respect in which we can view the conduct of the lady in question. La mentable, that a woman surrounded by the free sentiment of the free north, which teaches nothing but loyalty, should so far forget her duty to the government which protects her. Eiumiliatlng, that a woman professing religion should attempt to disregard great Christian duties, because her prejudices and differences dashed with the noblepatriothin of her pastor. We have no words to express ourscorn for snob conduct. It is alike unwomanly arid unchris tian, and at a moment like this, when liberty and religion are in a life and death struggle with treason and rebellion, if such conduct is persisted in, we shall consider h our duty to upon the party referred to. Jos tee and the reputation of the loyal Christian people of this city, demand the exposure, Con. JAMES D. DOUGIUMR, of this city, has received authority to organize and drill suffi dent men to work a battery. He bee *myth° knowledge of artillery tactics, and will be ena bled, with the proper response from the young men of the city, to organize and prepare a bat tery that might be of great service. SANFORD'S OPZRA Holm —Ssu ford ever on the alert for novelty presents a big thing on ice in which a good skating scene is introduced. The Fifth Avenue Major will put on the skates with his friend Lord Dundreary. A scene by onr townsman Mr. Cruikshank is painted for the occasion, so all those who wish to enjoy the sports of the ice, and see high dutch cut up should be there. The programme that is styled a Saturday night bill is grand, and is as full of meat as an egg, and as Sanford is a good egg. Push your way in to-night. STAFF OFFICEBB OF THE 116TH REGIMENT, PA. —The first in the field accepted for Gen. Cor coran's Brigade, now encamped• on Arlington Heights, opposite Washington. Col. Dennis Heenan, Philadelphia. Lieut. Col. St. Clair A. Mulholland, Phila delphia. Major—Geo. H. Bardwell, Lancaster. Adjutant—A. Robinson Miles, Philadelphia. Quarter Master—David P. Bunnell, Phila delphia. • Surgeon—John R. Aechom, Bedford Co. Assistant Surgeon—John W. Rawlings, Lan caster Co. Assistant Surgeon—Phtil p A. Boyle, Cum berland Co. Chaplain—Edward McKee, Franklin Co. A fine company of one hundred men from Warren county, commanded by Dewit C. James, eon of Gen. James, is here preparing to proceed to join this regiment. Major Bard well superintending. I=l Ws Wen um PSOPLIS to be on their guard, and reject the exaggerated rumors which are daily circulated in our streets, in regard to the operations of our forces, and the character of "the invasion of the north." Oar facilities and arrangements are such as to enable us to lay before the public reliable news of any move ment either on the part of onr own troopsor of the rebels, which the authorities will per • to be published. The news which cannot re the press cannot reach individuals, and there fore the daily reports which are set afloat in our streets, are the meanest and the silliestfabrica• time of those who delight in deceiving the public, exciting their fears and then laughing at their own baseness, and claiming that it was "a gook joke." Let the people of Harrisburg then remember, that any news or Intelligence which is not found on our bulletin board or in the columns of the TRIEGRAPH, and which 1, retailed in the streets as a rumor, may be put down as PAM. Mitarcso OF COMM/Ml.—The Conferees of the Union party of this Congressional district met at Sunbury yesterday (Friday) afternoon, and organized, by the appointment of JAOOD SIAS BOLTZ, of Northumberland county, as President, H. J. Melly, of Dauphin, and John Balsbach, of Juniata county, as Secretaries. The following conferees appeared and were admitted, from the different counties is the district, viz.: Dauphin—J. J. Shoemaker, Dr. J. Shope and H. J. Meiley. Tuniata—D, N. Flickinger, F. M. Mickey and J. Balabach. North* mberiand—Bamnel Bergstrasser, John n'Cormick and Jacob Seasholts. Snyder—John Bilge; J. Gateline and John Y. Shindle. Maim—James Marshall Mark Halfpenny and 0. N. Worden. Several gentlemen contesting the seats of the Conferees from Snyder county, appeared and pre. aented their claims before the meeting, but after an examination of the facts connected with the case the gentlemen above named were admitted from that county. BALLonma—First Baot For Wx. J. Nonunion, of Dauphin county— Messrs. Shoemaker, Dr. Shope and Malley. For Wm. C. LAWSON, of Northumberland county—Meagre. Bergstraner, N'Connick and Seasholtz. For Gm. F. lifuminf- of Union county— Messrs. Marshall, Halfpenny and Worden. For JOICti J. amnions, of Juniata county— Messrs. Flikinger, Mickey, Bahibach i Bilger, Gatelins and Bhindle. One hundred and thirty-nine different ballots were had during the afternoon and evening, during which Mr. Robinson received several times five votes, that of Messrs. Marshall and Bergetresser, in addition to those from Dauphin county. The 140th ballot was had with the following result, via: For JOHN J. Pen SIMON— Mess re. Bergatreaser, Seaaholtz, Flickinger, Mickey, Balbach, Bilger, Outelins and Shindle-8 votes. For Ozo. F. Mans—Messrs. Marshall, Halt penny and Wonien-3. For W. C. Lawton—Mr. M'Cormlek-1. For Wm. 3. ROIUNSON—Masers. Shoemaker Shope and Meiley-3. Joint J. Patrrsasog, of Juniata county, hav ing received a majority of the votes wai de clared the nominee for Congres. Dr. SHOPS, moved that the nomination of Jno. J. Patterson be made unanimous, which was agreed to, Mr. Gnrigarra moved that a committee of three be appointed to inform Mr. Patterson of his nomination, which was agreed to. Messrs. Meily and Gutelins were ap pointed said committee, and retired immediate ly to discharge the duty assigned to them. Shortly after the committee returned accom panied by Col. Patterson. After a cordial greeting Col. Patterson thanked the conferees for the honor bestowed upon him in confiding him with such an important position, and pledged himself to one and all present that the duties of the office should be faithfully die• charged to the beet of his 'Mlles. Ordered that the proceedings be published In all the papers in the district. On motion the Conference adjourned elm die. JACOB SBASHOLTZ, President. Jil. thu; I &crown. esamet, WltuniqOania Wad Cdtgraph; lfterttoon September 6, 1862. TEACHERS' SABBATH.SCHOOL trEION.-A special meeting of the Teachers' Association, for the election of officers, will be helcUin the German Seformed Church to-morrow afternoon, at guar' ter past three o'clock. It is hoped that all the officers and teachers of our city schools will be in attendance. THE OMER of the Adams Express company, is open from 7 o'clock, A. M. until 8. P. M., for the transaction of business. The soldiers at camp and others who are continually calling at all hours of the night, will please bear the above hours in mind and make their calls ac cordingly: Sep. I—dim. R>a•oPENING 07 F 01711711 STRAIT Busse.- The Fourth Street Bethel will be re-opened fr.r di vine service on Sabbath mornli.g, the 7th inst., at 10 o'clock. Elder A. X. Shoemaker, the pas tor, will preach the opening sermon, and Elder E. H. Thomas, of Lancaster, will officiate in the evening. The public are cordially invited to at tend. d-3t SUBQIIVHANNA Home Guaßbs.—The citizens of Susquehsn at and adjoining townships dis posed to unite in forming one or more com panies of home guards, in accordance with the late proclamation of the Governor, are request ed to meet at Hallabach's Tavern, in Susque hanna township, on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, for that purpose. Kum CAVALRY ComPART.—We refer to the adver tisement of Capt. James Gowan, and earnestly urge those who desire to enter the service' in this branch of the army, not to delay enlisting another day. The terms.offered in this adver tisement are very attractive, and we have no hesitation in recommending Capt. Gowan as an officer in every way qualified to take charge of a company of horsemen. Faze BAPITST Cavaco:l.—This congregation, under the pastoral charge of Bev. Jas. Colder, will worship to-morrow morning and afternoon in the house of the First Baptist Church, cor ner Second and Pine Streets. At the conclusion of the morning services several candidates will be baptised ; and after the discourez in the af ternoon the Lord's supper will be adminis tered. In reply, and after receiving the sword, Col. : nipesaid : I can not make a Speech ; it is not my busi ness. With my whole heart I thank you Mr. Lamberton, and through you my other Mends for this magnificent gift. In the past I have fried to do my duty, with God's help I will do it in the future. Let my conduct hereafter prove whether I am worthy of this, to me, in valuable present. With a full heart thank you all' The sword is a splendid , specimen of work manship, and is, altogether a costly and mag nificent present. The scabbard is heavily gold plated, and bears the inscription, Presented to Col. Jaseph F, Irnipe, by his personal friends, as a mark of their _appreciation of his gal ktntry as a soldier and his world= a mm. It any man in the service is worthy of snob recognition, that man is Joseph F. Snipe. Accompanying the svrordiwas a belt, sash and gloves—the whole cost $l6O. - • DMA' PRAYER MINIUM IN THN CHUNCEINE-- - A correspondent asks us to urge the recommen. dation that, during the present period of our country's trial,.the churches in the city should make arrangemente .for.convenient daily prayer meetings, morning or evening.. Out corres pondent adds, "if only io.2swiielOiilci attend; their prayers would be a help and a blessing " That is true. In a good cause the prayers-of Christian women are like swords drawn in 'tit defence. Why could not all our churches bis open every afternoon from three until five o'clock, and the time devoted to prayer, by those who are too old or physically incapaci tated to drill, joined by the women of the city, in the same holy pleadings, that God would bless our cause and grant its success. The spectacle would at once be grand and sublirrie. Our young men, the sturdy and the brave .flt ting themselves for battle, while our women were at the altar, pleading with God for the victory--for the triumph that would end the war and restore the, land to peace ! What church will move first in response to this noble , suggestion SWORD PRRIDINTATION- -- Bowhome Testimonial to . (701. Toeeph F. Knipe,—This morning the friends . of Col. Jos. F. Knipe, of the 48th Pennsylvania Volunteers, assembled in one of .the spacious parlors of the liluropeei Hotel, ';ielleie the cere mony of presenting the.gallant Colonel with a sword took place. • The presentation speech was inside by Mont A lemberton, Esq. Surrounded by.his friends, Cot. Kulp was addressed as follows Cot. lbws :—Your friends cannot permit you to return to your battle-watred regiment without some mark of their appeeciatlon of your character as man and' your well tried bravery as a soldier-. We alt remember when the gallant " 46th," a thousand strong, went , out from our midst, how we believed—how we felt, that wirier your lead they would do their whole duty in behalf of• our Union. Was ouriaith misplaced? What say your two remaining captains and that l ittll band of heroes wh - o awrut your coining? Whit shall we say for , your dead, whose blood conse crates the soil of Virginia? On the road to Prussia, befell and was buried, who had won by acclamation from army and people theiroud title of " The first grenadier of France."— Elenceforth his name remained at the head oi the roll, and when daily it was called, &Isolate! of his regiment stepped forth from the ran Jul and answered—"died upon the field of honor." So answer for your fallen heroes, and for all who under the flag have o ff ered up their lives in defending our governmenift As for yourself, we never doubted , you. Mexico, and since the north uprose upon ,tire fall of Sumter, you have been where -blows were to be given and taken. Thrice wounded, yoor valor is known and priztd. Upon your head that war is more honorable than any wealth we can place there or, than the victor wears. And now to that wounded hand we commit this sword to replace that other which was stricken from your arm grasp when you were borne from the field at Slaughter Moun tain. We know you will wield it well and bravely; may it ever be in victory, and may Re who watches own us in this dark hour or our country's lie, keep you a good 'soldier, faithful in the tamp, valiant in the light, may - Ho return you in safety to your home and friends, this infamous rebellion suppressed, the inealt to our flag avenged, and oh, jovernment vidicated in the sight of G”d and man' God bless you true friend, tried patriot, good =l= E. G. HICSTOi4, Agent = Lames' lisum•Soorrrr.— e llie ladies named will please send to the reception room in Mar ket street, on Monday, Sept. Bth, before 10} A. M., pickles, preserves and home-made bread spread with butter : Mrs. D. D. %as; " Gans, Mrs. Hamilton Alricks, " P. Dougherty, " Geo. L. liaokle, " Chae. Buehler, " Jacob Singer, " Mary Bergbaus, "T. W. Cathcart, Mre. Eliza McCormick. A Monet Esmentensmater.—Among the Limey improvements lately made in our city, to which we can pole t with pride as an evidence of pros perity amiss a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to"reinaie behind the " light honse,'? 'the.. completion of Eby & Ennkle's large brick building at the corner *Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock ch dlenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand , everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have ' strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. To the Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully in form those who are afflicted with Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia , Consumption of Liver and Kidey, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegeyble Medicines at very moderate rates. havi ithio on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. _ Ref tferences can be furnished as to their won derfal efficacy, whenever called upon. Vint need be no apprehension in regard to my com potency in administering it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should bt without them over night. They can be bad at any time at my residence, in Pine street, be tween Second and Front. AulB dlm MRS. L. BALL. Mss. Barn:—My youngest child was a poor sickly little babe. Every person that saw her thought I would never raise her. Finally; 1 heard of your medicine, and tried it to the good of my child. She was about three months old when I commenced to use it. She is now two years and six months old, and enjoys good health. I would recommend it to all to give ii a trial. I know several who have tried it, and all pronounce it good. My treis in Filbert street, between Walnut and State. sep 8 Ezikasrru Womoraita. Wa aava received-a urge assortment of hoop skirts, from 76c. up to $2 60. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col late and sleeves, at all prices. White cambries, jacconetts, nautucks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever broughtle Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. ladies' and gentle men's linen-pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hate, and children'e stockings oralldoscriptionsand prices. Twenty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky jeans, sattitietts and oashimeres for men and boy's wear. We received 60 dozen suspenders, at all prices. 60- dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and it great many other notions and small wear. S. lawr. TO TEV. YOUNI OR OLD JAW or Amato, If you have been Buffering from a habit indulged in by the YOUTH 01 BOTH BZIE9, .WHICH MUSS SO 'MANY ALAMMING SYMPTOMS, Ie Unfits Meet for Marriage, Andia the gredept evil which can befall MAN Ott WOMAN. See symp!omi enumerated In adverUsement., and if you area eufferer, -• • . Cut out the adverdatunant; And send for it at ones. Delays are dattgerouw. Ask for klelmbold's Take no other. Cares gus,raieeed. &ware of ltataterfeite mod beitations. Jyl6-d2to HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I will. A. Batchelor% Hair Dye ! The only:Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known I ell others are mere imitations, and should be avoided ifyop wild' to escape ridicule. DEMI, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN IiEDALS AND : DIPLOMAS have been ewer. dad to Wm. A. BATORILMI stone 111,41, and over 900,000 appficpitiOn , 4 have been made to the hair of the introits of his famous Dye. W. A. BA'fCHELOIVS HAIR DYE redness a eolor not to be distinguished from nature and la WARABIMID not to injure in . the Mast, however long Briley be wade. tied, and the ill edema of bad Lives remedied. The bate is invigorated for life by, this splendid Dye, which Is prop. srly applied at No. 16 pond Street New York. Sold In allthecitea and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Palley Goods Dealers The (411.0110 has the name " WWI= A. Batchelor? and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the fear sides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., 0c.12-d&wly. LAN 23S Broadway, Now York Ntw 21busrtistmtuts. INSURANCE. lathe, ?Ire and Inland Transputation Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCHIORAWf OF NORTH MRERIC . . OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Oharter perpetual Capital and -diets.. DIRECTORS Arthur Q Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. !Brown, Samuel T., Smith, Charles Taylor, drabrole Whits, John it. Neff Richard D. Wood, Walt= welsh, Wllakto. &wren, James N. Dickson, S. mortis Wain, John" Masse, George L., fiertiJou, Frame -R. Cinpg ffidwardli. Tnitter,ffilward S. (Jerk*. r" f r. - A4 13.4444 : ARTHUR fit . : 00 , . Asoeetral st(ppOL Sw, th.rwhows • 'company, the undenigoed' ls prepared to take lire risks in any part of %he gate or Pennsylvania, Miller annually or perpet. nay, on ffie most rayerablelerms. Ofhoe Third street between Walnut and Strawberry Ba . ke's row.. WILLIAM BUEHLER, • Harnaping, Pi jelo4ll JOHN wlewp, Confeetioptry & Fruit Store TB= STRINTOFEAII WALNUT, Pef. CONFW7ONEFIT OF ALL RINDS, PRAIGEB AND LE11 . 1011113, WPME A.P.PLIES, BANANNAI3, MGM AND SALT FISH, . . . Ann veretablea of all lauds, brought direct' froM lb* Eastern Markets, twice a week, sea porcatima ander mg Orstatai supervision - shut oseolidg me toistika betto r aka :cheap* Sabre Ain any the paka. or Orders from aelmaudrauended to promptly, no pods dellivarect.tu itiy p At the city free of charge. IVREA MMOMMY boatman T We mie 0014 ' • • JOHN Willi. NOT a few of the worEt disorders that afflict mankind arise from the correipt;on that ac cumulates in the blood. Of all the diaooveries that have been made to purge it out, none haVe been found which could equal In enact -vas's Cm/2MM =NAM OD ` , MtesPASIMA. It clean-es and tenovasts the blood, lo ans the vigor of bealta into the system and purpaont the humor which make dist sti.e. It stiandatee tee healthy tut/ellens of the body and expels the disorders that gi ow a. d tans le in the bl 4d. I s utraorginery virtues are not yet widely known, but when ttter are it sill no longer be a question what remedy to employ in tb great variety of afflicting diseases that i eqtrite an alterative rem- dy. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought fur, and now, lot the firm time, the tublat have ore on winch they can depend. Our space here poet not admit certificates to show Its effects. But the trial of a single bott e wilt show to the sick that it has virtues outputting anything they have ever taken. Sufferers Iron .ffistofida, terefutuus Swel tugs and Soros, try it, aJd see the rapidity with which it cures. Sihn Diseases, Pietpies, Fostuts, Bloiches, ffroplons de., are woo cleaned out Or the system. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Zrysty' elas, Taw or &:4t Rheum, `card Read, ttingworm, site. , oholid not be borne while they can be so speedily cured by Area's Sea-sranue " John Weft: RyphilLas or Venereal Diseases le expelled from the system by the pramged use of Ibis S_LimAnkaux4L, and the patient le Oft a- healthy as if he had never had the cilseare. Female Diseases are canoed by scrofula in the blood, and are generally soon cured by WS KILTRAOI. ON &elm- PARMA. rice $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. For all the purposes of a family physlo, taY AUK'. ClAlReatio PIUS, wbirh are everywhere knuwa to las ihe Wm purgative that 13 offered to the American Peo ple Price lb cents per Boa, or about fbr $l. Prepared by Dr. J. O. APAR & CO., Lowas, Blass. and so d t y Druggis a everywhere. Bold by C A. Itatvart, D. W. Gross& CO., 0. B. kCel. er, J. B. Das, Dr. xi ey, F. Wyeth and dowers bvery when, VOLUNTEERS IF YOU WANT LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING CASES, POCKET -INK.STANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. THE MISSES SMITH'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, • . 1210 Spruce St,, Philadelphia, Will be reopened an. MONDAY, SEPT. EIGHTH. PliE course of study embraces the Latin, French end German languages Ma me; cawing end Pateurs, together with the cle mentaeyi and higher branch a a a thorough Muslim Education. The 50c0mm0.1140123 era of expellent character s and well calculate # to ensure to the pupils the cossfart 01 • hornet. Owing to the pressure 01 the times, • deduotion of 10 per cent will be 'nide fbr the ensuing year. au21141 at ""OUR GO V ERNMENT "by M. wHion.y,. conning the .omatltution of the United illate